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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1887)
' on wit i iTitip itintrpTo m SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Three Consecutive Days of Strength Witnessed In Wheat CORN STEADY ALL SESSION Future Dollvrrlc-n of Onti Hrcclvc IncrcABCMl At trill Inn 1'rovUloiiH Stronger - Demand For Cattle Act l i * QiinlnfluiiM. CHICAGO IMtOItL'CB MAUKKT. Cntctnn , Oct. 2) ) . [ Special Telegram to the Bne.1 This Is the third consecutive day of acknowledged strength In the wheat market , and the predictions of those who htive all along maintained 'that speculators were ready to do business us soon us they could see such nil active market an would warrant the no\to \ for a profit were in part realized. It Is true thnt local traders were the chief ones , hut commission men wore receiving a fair amount of orders and the situation from their point of view has materially improved within the paht fi w days. Receipts at primary markets wore f)0-lKK ( ) hnshels and of this Minneapolis and Dultith received 317,1100 , hushels. Clear ances of wheat from the seaboard were bet ter than of late loi,0HJ : ( bushels but the chief Interest in this connection was the ex traordinary shipments of flour reiwtcd from New York , the figures being 10,220 barrels and 47,930 sacks. The receipts hero were 124 cars , of which 80 were spring , and of tlicso II cars graded No. 2. The mar ket opuncd atTl jo for November , 73Q 73i'o } for December , and lit Tfc o for May. The only tlcvllm ! from these figures was soon after the oienlng ) and was but slight , De cember reaching WJ < T ( < | Wo , and May 78 @ 78e , from which | > olnt prices advanced almost stoadlly to lil c for December , and to THjSTO e for May. Tlicso prices were not maintained , however , but the decline was slight and there appeared to bo no great dls- iMisltlon to hammer the market , such as has been previously witnessed on uvery drop of We. The close was strong at 78& ( < 4rJ > fc for December and 78J ° for May. The corn market was steady all through the bCJslon , with but slight fluctuations and no great amount of trading after the first hour. The chief trading In the i > eeulativo market was In May delivery. The opening was exactly at yesterday's closing prices , or lit 41c for December and Mg44Xu ( for May. The last named future sold early tit -MJ e , but In December the opening was the low point for the session , llutchlnson again bought a liberal quantity. Luck of vessel room still limits the dcmund for shipment and the speculative market lucks support from that cause. The close to-day was firm at 41(241) ( 0. for December and 45u for May. Future deliveries of oats attracted in creased attention to-day , simulation being on a more liberal scale. Near futures were weaker , under increased offerings , but there was very good buying of May and the market displayed increased strength. That future sold from -tlJife at the opening up to y.\e \ sparingly ut the outside and closed at 1 o'clock at 29Jfe. October closed at 25J.Cc , November ut 2. > , ' 4c nni' ' December at 2. > J c. The provision trade was considerably stronger. The falling off in the receipts of hogs rather restricted the desire shown re cently by the packers and general specula tive element to sell the winter made product , and with lighter offerings prices ruled higher , though the advancing movement was ac companied by only a limited business. Trad ing. In fact , was slow and without particular feature. Based on yesterday's closings Jan uary | H > rk sustained an Improvement of 15e , the different deliveries of lard 6j7ifc. ( ( Oc tober short ribs aj u and January short ribs fie. January the leading delivery sold at $12.Kttl2.12 ( ) ( > s' for pork , fci.UKCrtll.iMU for lard and $ < UOa ( < U2Jf for short ribs. Pork for the same month closed at * 12.12 > < , lard ut $0.20 and short ribs ut $ U.12i. ; . For October delivery lard closed at $ (1.27 ( > ; , for November and December at $6.1 3 and for May at tO.50. October short ribs were quoted at 1 o'clock at $7.02 } and January short ribs at KU2 } < ? . AFTERNOON SESSION Wheat easier ; Octo ber 71 } c , November 71J < c. December 78J4' @ 78 0. Corn steady. Oats easier : October 25 cMuy 29fc , bid. Pork for January 12.07)1. Lard was quiet und unchanged. Short ribs were advanced 2j o for October , which closed at $7.1)3 ) ; January was quoted ut CHICAGO MVE.STOCK. CIIICAUO , Oct. 21. [ Special Telegram to .the BEE. ] CATTI.B The demand was more active than yesterday , with sales made more readily. Good and useful natives were scarce , not more than 4,000 of all sorts out of the 9,000 fresh cattle. As to prices , there seemed little or no change. Some salesmen , however , claimed they were getting a slight advance on nice handy steers , but buyers generally held that they were buying fully as cheap us yesterday. The substantial fact was that more stock was wanted and that alone is as good as n slight advance. Salesmen who had largo lots of rangers and Texans claimed an advance of at least lOo and u good demand for their class , of stock. Native butchers' stock was selling as low as at any time. There was a fair business In stockcrs and feeders. The buy ers , however , were mainly yard speculators , yet they seemed to have faith in the near future and look for a better market next week. Shipping siecrs , 1350 to 1501) ) Ibs , $4,00@4.85 ; 120010 ii50 : Ibs , $3.50 ( < ? 4.4 ( ) ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , $2.05@3.C > 5. Stockers and feeders dull and 19c lower at ft.7IXaU.00' ; cows , bulls und mixed , $1.23(32.70. ( Texas steers , $2.10@ if 8.B5 ; cows , $ l.COffi'2.00. Western r.uigcrs steady ; natives and halfbrccdti , $2.45(23.75. ( Wintered Texans , J2.4lKaa.OO. Hoas Business was brisk , with an up turn of a good Bo in some divisions. A few lots of fancy butcher weights sold at $4.B5g4.BO ( ; mixed anil packing sorts , $4.30@4.45 ; com mon. $ .25 ( < ? 4.0 : ! ; light sorts , including York ers , $4.45(44.55. A few singeing pigs made 14.00. FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , Oet. 21.- [ Social Telegram to the BEE. ] STOCKS The stock market took another spurt and higher prices were re corded on all the leading properties. Trading was spasmodic , but reached a liberal aggro- gate. Foreigners bought fairly. Belter buying was also noted by local traders who have held off for t > omo time. The executive committees of eastern trunk lines were re ported to have decided to restore rates at their meeting yesterday to the highest point reached in mouths. Gould's friends are said to have bought heavily the past four days on the pointers from the latter. His exact posi tion on the market , however , remains us much of a mystery as ever , some claiming that he has been a heavy buyer through brokers that ho has not used for several years. The bears held a conference last night , but had little to say about their plans , but admitted that prices might bo advanced still further , but believed the market would fcoon bo of good sale. The" Northern Pacillc- Orcgon Hallway and Navigation deal has been settled. By the terms of the deal the Oregon Navigation company's lines arc cut in two at Snake Hivcr Junction. The North ern Paclllo leases and operates all cast of that point , Including the Palouso branch. The Union Pacific operates all west of Snake Uiver. Northern Pacific through business to Portland is prorated on the mileage basis for that portion of the road between Snake Ulvcr and Portland. Vlllard Is to become president of the Oregon Transcontinental 1 1a and a settlement is arranged between the Northern Pacific and Oregon Transcontl iicntal by which the latter withdraws Its claims for $3,000,000 , the Northern Pacifl c vice versa. All the lawsuits between UK two companies are also to be withdrawn i. i.I Prices for Oregon Hallway ft Navigation ad I- vuneed ) i and Oregon Transcontinental ) { but broke J { per cent , the effect of the dca a having evidently been discounted. Grangers > Coalers and Vandorbllta were strong and ad Vanced # ( gl > { points. New England deval iped lurprislng strength ami Juuip d up I } , per cent. The rcct of the list was firm with gains extending to 1 ' 4 points. A decided change took place in the last hour. Holders began realizing on their early puichascs. The buying was Insufficient to support the advance and a sharp decline resulted , last sales being at nearly the lowest prices of the day , with the advance about all lost. The total sales \vere ftU,42 < ! shares , npatiist38Sl , < yesterday. GOVEIINMF.NTS Government bonds were dull but firm. QVOTATtONff. I7.S. 4s coupon. . . lai 4'C ' AN.W Iffl I'.S. 4''n ' coupon HIH I ilo pri'feiU'd HO I'arlHcit's of' . , . . .121 IN. V.IJ ll"i Canada Southern. ttl .O. . K. N W LVntral 1'arlllc. , . ill'i'O.T ' ' J ' < Oilragn.V Alton. . UB'i ' Pacific Mall ! BJj do preferred. . . Id ) 1' . , I ) . A U 3 > 't C. . II. &g. lai , Pullman I'alaceCnrHK'S n. , ii. & w r.'n iicaiUni ; r.iu n.&H.U -jy Hork Islnml HI1 * Krle S7 , St. ] , . & M. K IB ilo preferred itl'tl ilo preferred H"U llllimlHOntrul. . . . llil'i f. . M. & St. I'.iul. . . Tll'i 1. , II & \V 14141 do preferred Ill' * 1C. AT : = ! St.I'&O in * I.HHP Short ) W.'ll d < > preferred . . . .104 J..A.-N M'jlTexBK 1'BClHo 84 4 Michigan Central. M Union I.'uclflc 48)4 ) l I'iKlllc. . . HI W. . St. L. 4.1' . . . . . . 1C4 ! MIxxmiril'Hcllle. . . . ilii tmifpried domefcritil . 4 l.i\V. ? IT. Telegraph. . . 77U Moxr.v On call easy at ! J > { @A | > erccnt. last loan ut 5 per cent , closed offered at 4 per cent. PIIIMB MEUCAXTII.I : I'Ai'tii C@8 per cent. STKIIUXO ExciiANoi : Dull and unchanged. PHODUGK MAUKKTS. Oct. 21. Following are the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Steady and unchanged. Wheat Advanced about % u und closed J { ( ifnC above yesterday ; cash , 71'tc ; Decem ber , 7itfo : ; ; May , 81 iMiie. Corn Steady and less doing ; opened nt about yesterday's close , fluctuated within \i \ ( u : } ( c range and closed } < ® Jf < ! higher ; cash , 40Xc ; December , 41c ; May , 45c. Oats Dull and weaker ; futures firm ; fluctuated within H'PVC ( range and market closed } ? i.fc above yesterday ; cash , 25-0'5J ' December , 2T o ; May , 2'JJ/e. Hye Finn ut SOj Cxfilc. Hurley Firm at 70c. Prime Timothy f.18rtZ2.10. Flax-seed gl.US ) ; . Whiskv-l,10. Pork Moderately active und steady ; Jan uary , fl2.07).f.- ) Lurd Kxhlbitcd the same strength , ad vancing 5i7 ( ? cundcloslngllrm ; cushtC.27 > if ; December , * t > .15 ; May. W M. Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , $5.40 3.00 ; short clear , * Butter Quiet und dull ; creamery , IS&Ooe ; dairy , lli2lc. ( Cheese Dull and quiet ; full cream chcd- darHl ( > ; c@llc ; flats , 1 lea ) I l } e ; young Amer icas , HJ 12c. Kggs-l4K@I5e. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green Raited. 7e ; light , do. , 7)ij'o ; salted bull , lie : green salted calf , 8 ; dry Hint , 12fiiiio : ; dry calf , 12@13o ; dry salted , lOc ; deacons , each , 30c. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4@ 4)s'c ; No. 2 , : io ; cukes , 44'e. ' UecelptA Shipments. Flour , bbls . IIUKX ) 13,000 Wheat , bu . .17,000 132,000 Corn , bu . i82KK ( ) 22T > , ( X)0 ) Oats , bu . 147,000 , IHS.OOO Uye , bu . 4 , < XH ) 1KX > Ba.iley , bu . 150,000 JIO.OOO Ht. lAiulH. Oct. 21. Wheat Higher : cash , 71 > ' (272e ( ; December and May , Corn Firm and higher ; cash , November , 48 > ' < c. Oats Steady ; cash , 24'-Jo ; November , * Pork Firm ; October , $13.50. Lurd-tti.20. Whlsky1.05. . Butter Dull and quiet ; crcumnry , 23A2.c ( ; dairy , IB@21c. AFTHIIMION BOAIIII. Wheat Barely steady ; Miiy , 79J4'ii bid. Corn Steady. Oats Dull ; October , 24c bid ; May , 28SJ'c ( , and nominal. Mllwnnkcc , Oct. 21. Wheat , Firm ; cash , lO'-rfo ; November , 71c ; Miiy , 78c. Corn Dull ; No. II , : ! 9) ) < Jc. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 28c. Rye Firm ; No. 1 , M a. Barley Higher ; No. 2 , liSU'c. Provisions Quiet ; pork , October , $13.50@ 14.00. ClnclniiHtl , Oct. 21. Wheat Firm ; No. 8 red , 74c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 44c. Outs-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , Kye Quiet ; No. 2. 6Bo. Pork Dull at $13.50. Lard Strong at $0.20. Whisky Firm at $1.05. Minneapolis , Oct. 21. Wheat Strong and active ; No. 1 hard , October and Novem ber , 71c ; December , 72o ; May , 77c ; No. 1 northern , October und November , 08e ; De- fcmbcr.C9c ; May , 74 0 ; No. 2 , northern , October and November , 63c ; December , 64c ; May , (17c. ( Flour Patents , $4.15@4.25 ; bakers' , $3.25 "iicceipts Wheat , 28,100 bu. Shipments Wheat , 40,000 bu ; flour , 23,500 bbls. bbls.New New York , Oct. 21. Wheat Receipts , B.OOO ; exjiorts , 99,000 ; options ruled steady at the outset , later strengthened and advanced } ( @ } fa cloning u shade off from the best ; spot grades a tritlo higher and moderately active ; ungraded red , 82i ( SSSUc ; No. 2 red , KKgS-l&c in elevutor , 84 > ? @ 84c delivered , Klc. f. o. b. ; No. 1 rednominal ut 88 > jO ; No vember closed ut 83VC" Corn Receipts , 97,000 ; exports , 17,000 ; closed at 52 > < o. . Outs Receipts , 79,000 : exports , 700 ; market # @ } 4C lower ; mixed western , 32 ® 34e ; white western , 5ft40c. ( Coffee Si > ot , fair ; Itio , dull at. W.M asked ; options 20a.0 points lower and fairly active ; sales , fti.&OU bags ; October , flG.iM ) ; November , * 10.8 : > @ 17.00 ; December , $17.05 ( r 17.25 ; January , $17.00@17.20 ; February , $17.00@17.15. Petroleum Firm ; United , 74 ? o. Eggs Quiet ; western , 12g21e. ( Pork Unchanged. Lard Fairly active and higher ; western steam. six > t , $0.00 < ii0.70 , clo-lng at $0.70. Butter Quiet ; western , 15@25o ; western creamery , I0v25c. ( Cheese Dull and unchanged ; western , KantmBCIty , Oct. 21. Wheat Dull but steady ; No. 2 soft , cash , C4Xc bid. CCJi'c asked ; October , ( Ke bid ; May , 7. > o bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , October , fKj c. bid , ne asked ; November , SftJ e bid , 30e asked ; O. ts-Firiner ; No. 2 , cash , 22 c bid , 23o asked Ijivcrpool , Oct. 21. Wheat-Firm und demand fall- ; holders offer moderately. Corn Ssteady und demand firm. New Orleans , Oct. 21. Corn Quiet ; mixed , B5j5Sc ( ( ; white und yellow , NV. Outs Strong and higher ; No. 2 , S .Tic. Cornmcal Quiet but steady ut $2.32l @ 2.35. 2.35.Hog Products Dull and drooping ; pork , $14.00 : lard , $475. Hulk Meats Shoulders , $5.10 ; long clear und clour rib f . , ,12 > a. LIVE STOCK. Union Slock YartU , Chicago , Oct. 21. The Drovers' Journal reiwrts : Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; market steady ; fancy , $5.25 ; shipping steers , $2.tty5:4.b5 : ; stoekcrsuiul feeders , $1.75ii3.00 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.2.- > @ 2.0 ; ; Texas cattle , $1.00 (32.rt5 ( ; western rangers , $2.4003.75. Hens Heceipts , 19,000 ; market strong and 5o higher ; mixed , $4.20 ( 4.45 ; heavy. $4.2.V.J4.C5 ; light , $4.20(34.50 ( ; skips , $3.00 ® 4.20. Sheen Receipts , 0,500 ; market slow ; na- lives , $2.35@4.X ( ) ; western , $3.00@3.50 : Texans - ans , $2.50@3.50 ; lambs , $4.20@5.50. National Stock YnrtU. East St. Oct. 21. Cattle Receipts , 430 ; shipments , l,400marketstrongchoico ; ; heavy natives steers , 14.25(34.75 ( : fair to good , $3.00 04.30 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , $3.00 @ 3.70 ; rangers , $2.10013.60. Hogs Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; market active and higher ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $4.5034.05 ; packIng - Ing and Yorkers , medium to prime , $4.15 01.45 ; pigs , common to good , $3.70@4.10. . City , Oct. ai. Cattla Receipts 3,000 ; shipments , 2,500 , ; the market was - strong and active on all classes of good , fat , cattle ; stockcrs and feeders tlrm ; good to choice corn-fed , $4,0004.75 ; common to me , dium , $3.30@3.U5 ; grass rnogo steers , $1.00 < a i- 8.00 ; natlvo cows , $1.SV$2.45 ( ; feeders , $2.75 ® 8.20 ; stockcrs , $2.10a2.tU ( ; cauncrs , $1.75@ 1.80. Hcg Receipts , 9,000 ; shipments , 000 ; quality pootl ; market stcHily.nnd ta hlRhcr ; gooU to choice "hipping , tM.4KS4.HT.i ( ; pack- cr , M.20 ( < ? 4.85j llglit plgs , 3. ! 5i l.lf.i market closed weak. OMAHA MVK STOCK. Friday , Oct. . Cattle. There wn n stlitht fulling off In the receipt * of cattle to-dny , there hclnff twenty-six loads received against thirty-one loads yesterday. The few cattle that were here were mostly rangers and there were very few good fat cattle here. The market was about steady on all grades. There was n llttlo more Inquiry for feeders , but there were not many on the market and the number sold was small. HOR * . Thcro was ulso a slight decrease In the re ceipts of hogs , there being only twenty loads In as compared with twenty-live loads yester day. The quality of the hogs was n little bet ter than yesterday. The market ojiencd fairly active at prices u llttlo stronger than yesterday's close , and the pens were eon cleared. Two loads reached E4.25. Sheep. There was very little doing In the market. Official ItecelpU. Cattle 834 Hogs 1443 Sheep 110 SHIPMENTS. Cattle 11 cam , Chicago. Cattle Scars , local. Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers , l.TOO to 1.100 M.S W.OT .flS Choice steers , 111)0 ) to 18(10 ( U.s 4,0i4.'J5 ( ) ( Fat little steers , WX ) to 10.V ) tts 8.7G@3.Mi Corn-fed range steers , V.1X ) to 1500 3.85 ( 4.30 Good to choice corn-fed cows U.GO ( < t3.00 Common to medium cows l.HOm'J.OO Goodtocholca bulls l.KOQi3.00 Good range feeders 2.40.J.75 ( Good native feeders , ( KW Ibs and up wards 2.75(32.83 ( Fair to medium native feeders , 900 If > s and upwards'i Stockers , 400 to 700 tts 2.00C W.40 Prime /at sheep 3.25 ( < f 3.50 Fair to medium sheep 2.50@3.00 Common sheep 1.502.2.ri Light und medium hogs > Good to choice heavy hogs 4.15@4.25 Good to choice mixed hogs 4.10f4.'JO ( ! Representative Snlos. NATIVES COJIN FEU. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 15..10SO * 3. G 37..HlOd 14.35 NATIVKFREIIRII1) . 8. . . . SM ) 2.50 51. . . . 031 2.N5 2y. . . . 7 < J4 2.CT. 2a..l034 2.1K ) 2'J. ' . . . 770 2.05 2.05OHASS OHASS STKEIIS. 21..1235 * 3.50. 1HSOK STEKI13 SWAX LAND CO. 13. . . . 1134 $2.50 75. . . . 1125 2.fl5 4..1185 2.50 100..1210 3.00 2..11K5 2.50 IIAKOESTEEHS 1I > . SWAN. 22..1070 2.15 CALVES. 3. . . . 410 3.30 2..250 5.50 1. . . . 200 5.00 DEIinilNEn TEXAS STEEIIS. 2 . . . . OfiO 2.25 SHEEP. 33. . . . 71 2.25 noas. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 04..234 200 RIO t ! . . .208 80 $4.20 07..2 * * 200 4.12K 65. . .280 ICO 4.20 77..212 120 4.12) ( .7. . .254 120 4.20 77. . .217 KM ) 4.15 7. . .275 40 4.20 82. . .2(11 ( 80 4.15 01. . .231 200 4.20 01. . .193 4.15 ( it ! . . .303 200 4.20 > . . .284 80 4.15 M. . .209 UK ) 4.20 5U. . .298 40 4.15 03. . .21HI 120 4.20 75. . .217 400 4.15 fio. . .254 80 4.20 70..224 80 4.17K 03. , .2MJ ! 280 4.25 C4..25 ! ) Ml 4.17 00. . .29'J 80 4.25 liive Stock Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. G. H. Hammond & Co . 73 .ocal . 89 Feeders . 12 Total . 289 HOGS. G. H. Hammond < kCo . 671 Anglo-American Packing Co . 800 Total . 1471 8IIEKP. Local . 131 All sales of stock In this market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.- Dt-art hogs sell at % c per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs. aud stags 80 Ibs. by the public inspector. Live Stock Note * . Hogs higher. Cut tie steady. Light receipts. Hogs reached $4.25. John Lcmkc , Milliard , was in with load of hogs. L. M. Gallup , Etiyart , Mo. , was In looking over the yards. J. M. Young sold a load of bog , from Nick' erson , at fl.20. John Hall. West Union , la. , was in and sold two loads of cuttlo. Hogs averaged sixty-five to the car yester day and sixty-seven on Thursday. J. Askwig , Oakland , Neb. , marketed a load of 295-lb hogs at the top of the market. John O'Leary , Defiance , was here with a load of hogs which sold on the market. MorrisHon & Morris , Fullcrton , Neb. , mar keted n load of good hogs at the top price. James Cummins , Talmage.was at the yards with two loads of cuttlo which sold on the market. Michael Tex , of the firm of F. A. Shane & Co. . Elgin , Neb. , was here and marketed a load of hogs at ft.20. L. A. Hall , Avoca , wat hero and bonght two loads of stock cattle. John Nutzman was also hero and bought one load. Mr. Parsons , the genial hog buyer for Squires & Co. , who went from hero to Sioux City a few days ago to buy hogs , hun re turned. Says he caught a glimpse of 0110 load of hogs as it went by headed for Omaha. C. II. Hradriek , stock agent of the North western , celebrated his birthday yesterday. His admiring friends covered his desk with a sroio or moro of presents , among wich old shoes , picture cards , old buttons , a box of huy , etc. , formed the greater part. OMAHA WHOLKHALK MARKETS. Friday , Oct. 21. Produce , Fi-nitf ) , ICto. The following are the prices < it which jrmml lots of pro Jure are sold on this market. Fruits or other Illicit of goods re- tpilrlim extra Inbor of pucfcftip cannot nl- wihe | / oiipplfccl on nntslile order * fit the i > aine prices charged the local trade : To-day's receipts were one car of California fruit and several curs of apples and potatoes. A cur of oranges is expected to-morrow. Eggs are again higher. Uuttcr is moro plentiful. Eoos The market is fair , good stock brings UUTTRII Creamery , West Point , 30c ; other , 22@24cper ) xniiicl ; choice dairy , 18@ 20o ; medium grades , ia@15n ; ordinary , 0@10c. CHEESE Itfarket fair. Fancy full cream , chcddurs , single 13c ; full cream twins , 13u ; young ; Americas , 13 } c j brick cheese , 100 Ibs In case , 15c ; Llmbergcr , lOOlbs In case , 14c ; Saurs1 fancy Ohio , lOc. POULTKT Fair market ; spring chickens $1.75@2.00 ; old fowls , $3.00@ti50 ; ducks 2.252.75 ; geese , $ J.60 per doz : turkeys , in very light request , KRI c per Ib. GAME Uccelpts light ; prairie chickens , $3.00@3.S5 ; mallard ducks , $1.50 < tt2.50. Quail. 1.50@1.75 : teal and mixed ducks , * 1.001.75 ; snipe , 75c@fl.UO ; Jack rabbits , 40@45c each ; Jack snipe , 1 1.00 per doz ; venison , ICopcr Ib. OHTRHH Shell ; f.i.00 per hundred ; bulk $1.85 per hundred , selects , $2.20 a gallon ; Cans , New York counts , 45c ; selects , 35 < S40c ; standard , 270300 : Uoyul , 40o ; Jeiomo bays. 40o ; Tiger , 25c. POTATOES The mailtet is well supplied. Utah and Colorado stock sells at 80 < g$5c : Ne braska and Iowa stock 55g70c ( per bushel. SWEET POTATOES The market is well sup plied with homo grown at ( W75o per bushel ; Virginia stock So per Ib. Eoo PLANT Slow sale at C0@75c per doz for choice stock. ONIONS Choice large California onions are offered on the market ut Wo per bushel. Home grown. ( Wc@tl.00. CAULICLO WEH $3.50 per doz. The market U 'fairly wel supplied with peed stock. Bell A Cherry , $7.50 ; Hell ft Bugle , $ S.H1 ; Cape Cods. $9.00. BBAXS Hand-picked navy , $ ii.50 per bushel , and other gnules down as low as $1,23. Cali fornia stock , $2.40 per bushel. Cr. i.nn Th receipts are larger ant'i , stock better. Good stbok brings 80cg35is a bunch. CiDKH-Cholce Michigan elder , W.OOQ0.50 per bbl. of M gal. COCOANUTS Good stock , $5.00. LKMOSS Messina , $0.50 ( 0.00 ; Malora , $7.X ( ) ; Sorronto , $7.00. MAPLE SI'OAK Choice Ohio stock , lOo pcrlb. PorcoiiN Choice rice corn , 3e per Ib ; other kinds , 2a2Vc ( per Ib , Honey Cnoico , in 1 Ib frames , 21c. OKANUES Messina out of the market ; Louisiana , $9.00 per bbl , $5.00 per box ; Ja maica , $10.00 per bbl , $5.50 per box. AprLits Choice Michigan apples , home grown , $ : U)0g3.50 ) ( : Jonuthons , $3.50 3.75. CuiB APPLEs-Cholco Siberian , $3.00(43.50 ] > cr bbl. GHAPES Home-grown stock is In liberal supply und Is moving freely at 4Kc i > cr pound ; California , Tokay , $2.50 per crat ; Muscats , $2.50 ; New York , 10-lb baskets , 85S45c. ( QuixcES-New York stock $7.60i8.00nbbl. ( UANANAS The market is well suppled with bananas at $2.00 ( > | 3.00 per bunch. NUTS Now crop ; Ohio chestnuts , 12t (3 ( > 15c pcrlb ; peanuts , 7Kc , raw ; Brazil nuta , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 20c ; English walnuts , 18c ; filberts , 12c. Flour and Feed. The following arc thcjoliblim price * : Minnesota patents , $2.60 pcrc\vt ; Minnesota seta Bakers'straight , $2.20 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.45 ® 2.00 ; Nebraska patents , $2.25 < fi 2.35 ; r.vo flour , $1.7fl@1.90 per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per cwtt wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; corn HUM ! , yellow , POe t > cr cwt ; corn meal , white , $1.00 IH.T cwt ; chopped feed , $14.00@10.00 per ton ; bran , $12.00 13.00 per ton ; screenings , $9.00i$12.00 ( per ton. HAY Upland prairie , $7.50(38.00 ( ; common course , $0.50@7.H ( ) . Grocer's Ijlst. COFFER. Ordinary grades , 20) ) @ 21c ; fair. 21J < @ 22c ; prime , 22@2S ; fancy green and yellow , 23ii25c ( ; old government Java , 28@ 30o ; interior Java , 25(328c ( ; Mocha , WrtlHOo ; Arbuckle's , roasted , 2CVc ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 20tfe ; Dllworth's 20o ; Hod Cross , 20/c. HEFINED LAUD. Tierce , 7e ; 40-lb square cans , 7e ; 60-lb round , 7 c ; 20-lb round , 7l/o , ; 10-lb pails , 7 c ; 5-lb pails , 7 e ; 3 Ib palls , PICKI.HS Medium. In bbls , $0.50 ; do In half bbls , $3.75 ; small , in bbls , $7.50 ; do In half bbls , $4.25 ; gcrklns , in bbls , $8.50 ; do In half bbls , $4.75. WOODKNWAIIE Two-hoop pails , per doz , $1.45. 8-hoop pails , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ; No. 2 tub. $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; wash boards , $1.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No. 1 churns , $9 ; No. 2 churns , $8 ; No. 3 churns. $7. TOBACCO Lorillard's Climax , 44u ; Splen did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggett & Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum- nond1 Horse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , 87 ; Sorg's , Spearhead , 44c. HuooMs-Extra 4-tie , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. CANDV-Mixed , 8 > failc ( ; stick , 8H@9) ) < c. CKACKKHS Gurneau's soda , butter and jilcnlc , 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , So ; city soda , 7c. TEAS Japan , 20@.V > c ; gunpowder , 2lffi ) ( Jfc ; Young Hyson , 25@ ! > 5c ; Oolong , C0@ OOc. OOc.JKI.LIES 30-lb pails , $2.00. PKOVIHIONH Hunis)11Jf@llJ c ; breakfast bacon , 113x@l2Ke ; bacon sides , 9@9 c ; dry salt , 8 > ( S ! > Jfc ; shoulders , 7@7J'c ; dried beef lams , KKjillc ; dried beef regular , 9 > tf@10 > ; c ; iioms picnic , 7J-/8c. , DIIIED FUUITS Apples , now , J 's , Co ; eva poratcd , 50-lb ring , 10 @ 10J c ; raspberries vaporated , 29e ; blackberries , evaporated % ( ( J10c ; pitted cherries , peaches , new 7Jc } ; evaporated peeled i > euehes,28@29ccvap- , orated , unparcd , 18@19c ; new currants , 7)- .i7Koi prunes , 5@5Vc ; citron , 25o ; raisins , London layers , $2.10@2.15 ; California loose muscatels , $1.90@2.00 ; new Valcncias , . HOPE Seven-sixteenths inch. 12@12 } < fc. Sriiui1 No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.451. 50 ; New Orleans , per gallon. 38@4Uc ; maple syrup , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , 80c ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half-gallon cans , per doz , $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.25. STAitcn Mirror gloss , 5c ; Graves' corn , 4 c ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , * per case , $3.10@3.15 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $ : ) .00S3.10 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.00 ® 3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ; apricots , per case , $4.10@4.25 ; peaches , per case , $5.75@5.85 ; white cherries , per case , $0.00 ; plums , per case , $3.80@3.90 ; blueber ries , per case , $2.30@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per cose , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per cose , $3.20@5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , $2.00@2.05 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per cose , $3.25@3.35 ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.75 : 2-lb lima beans , per case , $1.00 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas. $2.50@ 2.80 ; 2-lb early June peas , per case , $2.75 ; 3-lb tomatoes , 2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30@2.40. HOLLAND HEKUINOS 85c per keg. Dry Goods. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis- count-LL , ofc ; CO , 7Kc ; SS , Nameless , 5' < o ; No. 6 , 6c ; EE , 9Uc ; GG , lO c ; XX , 12c ; OO , 14e ; NN , Irtu ; HX , 18c : R , 20c ; No. 10. 8 } < c ; 40 , 10' c ; 00 , 12Ke ; 80 , 15o ; 30. colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13 > c ; Union Pacific , 18c. CAIIPET WARP Bibb white , 18) ) c ; col ored , 20) ) c. BATTS Standard.Sc ; Gem , lie ; Beauty , 2Wc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , tfl.50. PRINTS SOLID COLOIIS Atlanta BWc ; Sla ter 5c ; Berlin Oil 6 > < o ; Garner Oil 6@7. PINK AND KOHES Richmond Cc ; Allen 6c ; RivcrpointSo ; Steel River 6c ; Richmond Be ; Pacific OKc. INDIOO BLUK Washington Co ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc ; American fijtfc ; Arnold OJ/c ; Arnold Bile ; Arnold A lie ; Arnold Goldscal lOKc. DUES ; Charter Oak 4K ; Kamaiw 3J/o ; Lodi4Kcs Allen 6) ) < c ; Rfchmond b o ; Windsor 6c ; Eddystono ( ks ; Pacific Cc. GINOIIAM Plunkett checks 7c ; Whit- teuton 7)40 ) ; YOI-K 7ifc ; Normandi Dress 8 } c ; Calcutta Dress SJfc ; Whittcnton Dress lie : Renfrew Dress 0@12)c. CAMHIUCS Slater 4 , ' < o ; woods 4J c ; Stan dard 4J c ; Peacock Wtc. COHSET JEANS Androscoggin 7) c ; Kear- sage 7 , 0 ; Ilockixirt 0 > c ; Conestogu 6J c. TICKS Lcwiston 80 in.'Mo ; Lowiston32 in. , ISKc ; York 32 in. , 14c ; Swift River 7 } c ; Thorndike O O , 8 > fo ; Thorndiko E F , 8J < c ; Thorndiko 120. 9 > Je ; Thorndiko XXX , I5c Cordls No. 5 , 9 > tfc ; Cordis No. 4 , He. DKNIMH Amoskeag 9 oz. , lOc ; Everett 7 07. . , 13c ; York 7 oz. , 13o ; Haymaker 8i e ; Jaff- rey XX , 11K ! Juffrey XXX , 12 > c ; Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ; Bea ver Creek CC , lOc. KENTUCKY JE NS Memorial 15e : Canton 18c ; Durlium 27) ) c ; Hercules 18c ; Lc.unlng- ton 22Kc ; Cottswold 25c. CIIASII Stevens' B ( to ; bleached 7c ; Ste vcns' A bleached Stevens' PSV 7Kc ; 8Kc : o ; bleached 9Uc ; Stevens' N 9kTc ; bleached lOVc ; Stevens' S H T 12 < 'c. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth $2.85 ; plain Holland 8 ! e to 9o ; Dude Holland 12 > c. FI.ANNKI.S Plaid Raftsmen 2 c : Goshen 82Ku ; Clear Lake 32 c ; Maple City 30A ; . White-G. H. No. 2 , Jf , Sic ; G. H. No. 1 , / , ; ,25o ; J. R. F. , Jf , 27Ko ; G , COMFOHTKHS $0.00(335.00. ( ULANKKTS-Whitc , $1.00@7.50 ; colorpd$1.10 @ 8.00. BLEACHED SIIEETINO Berkeley cambric , No. ( JO , 9Ko ; Best Yet , 4-4 , tltfc. butter cloth OO , 4 > 4'c ; Cabot , 7 > fo ; Farwell , So ; fruit of Loom , BJi'c : Giccne G , Bo ; Hope , 7 c ; King Phillip cambric , He : Lonsdulc , llj/c ; Lons- dale , 8 > io ; New York mills , 10 > i'c ; Pepperell , 42 inch , lO c ; Pcppcroll , 4(1 ( inch , lltyj ; Pep- nerell , 8-4 , 15c ; Peppcreli , 8-4 , 18c ; Peppcrcll , 0-4 , 20c ; Peppcrcll , 10-4 , 22 o ; Canton , 4-4 , Stfc i'Canton , 4fi c ; Triumph , Co ; Wam- suttu , lie ; Valley , 56. BHOWN SUEETINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 c ; A Bantlc H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0o ; At lantic P , 4-4 , 534-0 ; Aui-or.1 LL , 4-4 , 5u ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4) ) ) ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , ( Me Hoosier LL , 4-4 , BJfo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7)/c ) Lawrence LL , 4-4 , SJ/o ; Old Dominion , 4-4 BJ o ; Pepporell U , 4-4 , 0 > $ c ; Pepi rell O , 4- ( ks ; Pepporoll , 8-4 , lOo ; Pepperell 9-4 , 18c Pcpporoll , 10-4 , 20o ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4jc ; Wu chusett. 4-4 , 7c , Auroiii R. 4-4 , GXC , Aurora B.4-4 , ( to. DUCK West Point 29 In , 8 oz , lOj o ; Wes Point 29 in , 10 oz , 12 > < o ; West Point 29 In , 1' oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , ItV. Checks Caledonia X , 0 > fc ; Caledonia XX , Economy , 9@9 > fc ; Otis , General' Market * . ' SPIRITS Cologne spirits , 1S3 prMl , f UO do 101 proof , $1.13 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do 18S proof , $1.09. Alcohol. 188 proof , $3.10 per wine cullon. Redistilled whiskies , t.NXgl.BO. Gin blended , $ l.f < 3 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $3.00@0.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.PO@O.AO : Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies. $1.50 < g3.00. Brandies , Imported , $5.00rf8.fiO ( ; do- ncstlc , $ Gins , Imixjrted , 94. 0.00 ; domestic , $1.2503.00. Champagnes , Imported - ported , per case , $2MKH333.00j American , per case , $10.00 ® 10.00. HE < VT HAnnwAiiE Iron , rate , $2.70 ; plow tecl. special cost , 4Jtfc ; crucible steel , O.tic ; cast tools , do , 12@15c ; wagon spokes , pcrtct , 2.00(35.50 ( ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; fel- oes , sawed dry , $1.BO ; " tongues , each , 80o ; axles , each , 76e ; square nuts , pcrlb , 0 ( < H8o ; cell chain , iwrlb , OJM13 ; malleable , sSlOo ; ron wedges , Be ; crowbars , lie ; harrow teeth , Vc ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse ihocs , $4.79 ; Burden's nuilo shoes , $3.75 ; ) ar bed wire , In car lots , $4.00 i > er 100 Ibs ; ron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. Tallow Aic. } Grease Prime white. 8c ; yel- ow , 3c ; brown. IKc. Siiecppelts , 25 ( < f40c. CoAL-Egg , $10.00 ; nut , $10.W ; range , lO.X ( ) ; walnut block , $3.50 ; Iowa lump , $3.Ml ; owa nut , $2.75 ; Illinois. $4.25@4.75. Dry Ijuinbcr. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIKItS. FLOORING. A 0 in. White Pine $35.50 C , $29.50 B " " " 33.50 D , 21.00 FINISHING. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , l } ( inch , s. 2 s.$50.50 3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50 A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 40.00 " " W , 1& 2in 44.00 B " llnch , s.2s. , 30.00 " " W , Wi2ln . . " . . . 37.00 I'Ol'l.AU LrVllEll. Clear Popular , Bx. Bds. X in. , s. 2s. . . . $35.50 ' " . Puncl . 2 27.00 , \i i. , s. s " " Corrugated Celling , ; < . . . 28.50 BATTENS , WELL TU1IINO , I'ICKETS. O. G. Butts , 2' In tOO.75 " J < x3 in , s. 1 s 1)0.45 ) 3 In Well Tubing. D & M and Bcv. 23.00 Pickets , D & H , Flut 20.50 " " Square 21.00 luuuns. No. 1 com. sis $18.00 No. 2 , com , sis $17.00 No. 3 15.50 No. 4 , 13.00 H1DINO. A , 12,14 and 10 ft. $21.50 C , $15.50 B. " . " " 20.50 D. 12.50 FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & 6in , 12 & 14 ft , rough $19.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " " 19.50 No.2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00 No.2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 CEILING ANO PARTITION. 1st com , * i in White Pine Ceiling $34.00 2nd " " " " 28.00 Clear , g in. Norway " " 10.00 2nd com. g in. " " " 14.00 STOCK noAitns. A 12 inch s. 1 s $45.50 No. 1 , com. 12 s. 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 " " " " 14 ft 19.00 11 " " " 10 ft 18.50 No.2 , " " " 19.00 11 " " " 10 ft 17.50 Inch Grooved Roofing , $1.00 per M more than 12-inch Stock Boards same length. LATH. XX clear $3.10 Extra * A * $2.UO * A * Standard. . . . 2.75 AHB& B. . . . 2.55 0 in. clear , No. 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.05 I'OsTS. White cedar , C In. , } s. , 1'Jc ; 0 in. qrs. , lie ; 8 in. qrs. , 10c : 4 in. round , 15o ; Tennessee Ued Cedar , Split , 15o ; Split Oak , 12c. LIME , ETC. Qulncy white lime ( best ) , 90c ; Akron ce ment , $1.75 ; hair 30c ; plaster , $2.75 ; tar board , $1.75 ; sash 40o per ct. ; doors , 40o per ct. ; blinds , 40c per ct. ; mouldings , 40c per ct. ; tar felt , per cwt. , $3.75 ; straw board , rl.75. 80UT1IEUN YELLOW PISE. Com. 4&0in. flooring. $17.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % in Cellinp 21.50 Clear { in Partition 25.00 Clear finished , I&l'4xins2s ' 29.00 Clear corrugated ceiling. 4 in 27.00 Yellow pine casing und base 20.00 Valuelews Politic-Inn * ) . Puck : The people of this country nt- tnch too much importance , by fur , to the doings and sayings of a parcel of men who make a business of politics , and live by jobbery in ofllce. It is too often the voice of these men that speaks in our daily press. When you hear that Mr. John Johnson is the choice of the Nineteenth district for congressman , it generally means that the assemblage of "roughs" which is called a primary has managed to make an arrangement with Mr. Johnson by which , in the event of his election , they are to receive n share of the offices or appointments which may bo at his disposal. If , for instance , ho is able to got an appropria tion for a so-called improvement in a navigable creek of the Nineteenth dis trict , why , the contract is to be given to the leader of the "roughs , " and he is to employ the minor "roughs" as clerks or laborers. Of course , such men will not do their work well , but that is noth ing to Mr. Johiibon. Ho gets his elec tion and they get the government'B money. Now wo maintain.that it is of no real importantance to the nation what these men want or think or feel. They are not old war-horses , or faithful servants of the public , or any of the various names that their enthusiastic trade pa pers call them. They are of no more use to the community than the coolie dealers on the Pacific coast or the "run ners" for sailor boarding houses in Now York. It is a bad thing for the country that the papers make much of such men ; echo their opinions , comment on their prognostications , and treat them gener ally aHnspresentath sofUiopeoplo. WHO If rXiCdCilXTID WITH TIB SIOOBlnT CT Tltt cocxiar WILL tit BI KXAJUIIXO t u IUP mil THI CHICA60ROCKISLAND&PACFICRAILWAY ! By reaien ef lie central poMtlon U'.OM relatlea to linn Eail of Chicago , and eontlnuiu * Unte at Urmlnil point ! Weit , Morthwrit and Boathwut. U the true middle link In that transcontinental lyittm whlrh iDTltii and facilitate ! trarel and traBa between the Atlantic andPaclfle. The Rock Island main line and branchel Inclode Chi cago. Jollet. Ottawa , La Balle , r orla , Oene o , Mullne and Itock lilaad , la Illlnolii UaTrnport , Muicatlne VTaihlagton , ralrfleld , OttuatwaO kalooia , WeitLlb- erty , Iowa City , Uti Moln i , Indlanola.WlnUrnt , Atltu tic , Knoirllle , Audubon , H rl n , Quthrle Centre and Council Dluffi , In lawai Q ll lln , Trenton. Bt. . 'jiefh Cameron and Kaniai City , In MlJieurli L l."lwortl and AUhlion , In Kaniaii Albert L , Minneapolis aad ltl'aulln > llnntiotai Watertown and lloux ralli.lg Dakota , and hundredi of Intermediate cIllM and to wm t''The Great Reek Island Route" Guarantee ! ipeed , comfort , certainty and Mfttr. Ill pennanent war li dlitUgulik d fer It * eicellence. Ill Bridge ! are of itone and Iron. Ill track It of inllJ Iteel.lti rolll/iritock perfect. Hi paiieagereijulpm nl hai all the latetj appliance * that eipertisce hai pr re4 mtful , and for luiurioui accommodation li BIU.US patted. It ! Cipmi Tralni coniltt of mperler Oty Coachel , eliganl rulm ! B raltce Parlor and Sleeping Carl , luperb Dining Ctrl , prorldlng d llclou > raetlt and ( between Chicago and St. Jonfh , Atchlsoa em Kaniai Cltj ) reitful Recllnlntr Chair Oari. Iu man agement li comerratlre , IU dliclpllne eiactlag "The Famous Albert Lea Roi'.re" IKIween Chicago and MlnnrapolU and It. Pa. * * li the faTortte. Otor thli line Solid Fait Eipreu Tralai rua dallr to attractive re'orti fur tonrlili In Iowa aud Mlnneiota , and , via Watcrtowo and Sloui falli , to the rich wheat and grating land ! of Interior Dakota. Via ftntca and Kankakte , tlieltockltUndcfferaiupcrler Uducrmeati to traMltn between Cincinnati , ladlan poll , . Lafayette and Council BlulTe , Eb Joieeh , AUkt- on , Learenworth , Kama ! City , St. Paul , and latera * dlate polata. All patroni ( eiuecUllr ladlM and ekll dreareceltepretectlencourte ) y and kindly atteatlen fur tlcketi. m pi , folden , coplu ef VTeitent Trail , 117 Oilred laformatlon , apply to principal efflcei la U * Vetted Ktatel aad Canada , r a44ren , at ChUage 1.1. CAIK , I. IT. JlMI , I. A. MIUIQII Mtn * ( a1laeM * . AM ajallhaeiM. . _ feent41 fta * Agricultural Implements. r CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implementsaeons , Carrlai and Hunli > . Joni mr t. Between Mb anj lOtn , Omaha , Ncbratka. tTmNaER & METCALF"co7t Ajiricnltnral Implements , Waions.Carriages . . " " ' * Ktc. Whole late , Omaha , Nfbraika. ' ' ' 'VARLIN.'OR'ENDORF . Wholeial * IMralrn In I ' 801.TO.B and W7.Jon i Strtet , Omaha. * Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drilis , Seeders , Ooltlf atort , Hay Kakf . ClAer Mllli and I.uban Pul- Terliera. Cor. llth and Nicholas Strecti. WINONA IMPLEMENT COT Wholenale "I Cornrr Kill and Nlcholai Hlr U. ArtlBts' Materials. * " * " " "A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 Douglit Btrrcl , Omaha , Ntbratka. Boots and Shoes. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1U1 Farnam St. , Omaha. Neh. Manufactory , Bamm r fttect , Ho lon. KIRKENDALL , JONES it CO. , ( Surcciiori to n d , Jonrs A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Agrnti for Ilotton Rubber Htaon Co. lira , UN A 1100 llirntr St. . Omaha. N brn ka. Coffees , Spices , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO Omaha Coffee and Spice Mllli. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , Crockery and Glassware. W. L. WRIOHT , Apent for the Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. Office , 317 S. 13th 1St. , Omaha , Nrbrmka. ' Commission and Storage. D. A. HUrTLEYi Commission and Jobhing , Batter , Kgo and Produce. Con l nment solicited. JIeadquartera for Btoncwuro , Herrr Doxri aud Orape Baateli. KI4 Dodge St. , Omah * . RIDDELL Si RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , BpeclaUlei-Iluttar , Kggi , Cherfe , IViultry. ( itmt , Ojtttrt , ICtr. , Etc. Ill South lllh titrett. WIEDEMAN Si CO. . Prodnce Commission Merchants , Ponltrr , Butter , flame , fruits , Ktc. 220 South Wh St. , Omaha , Nebraska. GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Succesiors to McStmne A ( iuhroedar. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha , Nrbraika. Coat , Coke and Lime. OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 1.1th street , Omaha , Nabranka. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , Ajid hlpnrrl of Coal , Coke , Cement , I'laster , Llm , Iraln Tile and Sewer I'lpe. OlDre. raiton Hotel , Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 611. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 2U South 13th ft. , Omaha , Neb. JOryM. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1103 and llMDouglaa , Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co ImportersandJoohers in Dry GoodsNotions QCBtt' Furnliblnc Goodi.Corner llth and llaraej St * . , Omaha , Ntbrataa , Furniture. DEWEY St STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Famam Street , Omaha , Nebraika. CHARLES SHIVERICK. Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors , Eto. 1K6 , in ) and 1210 Faraam Street , Omaha. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 706,707,708 and 711 8.10th Bfc. Omaha , Neb. MoCORD. BRADY It CO. . Wholesale Grocers , litu and Learcnworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 111V , 1221 and 12U Uarnejr Street , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1111 and 1116 Barney Street , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE , PRIED * CO. . Joohers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnware,8h et Iron.Kto. Agents for How * Bcalci.and Miami I'owder.Co. , Omaha , Neb. HIMEBAUGH * TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' Tooli and Buffalo Scalei. Ittfi Douglat-it. Omaha , Nebraika. RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Ilarner BU. , Omaha , ; Neb. Weitern Age nti lot Auttln Powder Co. , JefTenun Steel Nulls , I wr- banki Standard Scalei. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Spring * , \V L-on Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1309 and Hit Harner Street. Omaha. EDNEY & GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Hear ? Hardware , Etc. 1217 and U\t \ I arenwortti St. , Omaha , Neb. Hats , caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE * CO. . Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 HaraeT Street. Omaha. Neb. Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER & CO. , Importers&JobbersofFineWines&Linuors Bait India Dlttera and Domeitlt Uquon. Ill ) Harner Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER-CO. , Ail kinds of Building Material at Wholesale lllh Street and Union faclOe Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , DOOM , etc. Yardi-Corner 1th and bouglai ; Corner lib andUouglai. ' C. N. DEITZ. Dealer in all Kinds of Lite 13lh and California Hti. , Omaha , Neb. - FRED w. GRAY ] Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner Cthaodlomla 8t . .Omalia. t " T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , f ; To Dealers OlAHAJOBBERPniT Lumber. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Tooa C rp t ( nil l' rqnH flooring Btt oU. O i h . JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lnralier , Etc , ' rarorlril ni1 Aiu rlc n Porllin * C nt. Ft U Menl ( or Ml | * uk ( lljijniuljc CVmenl ind Qulncj MIHInery iruHf tlorui * I. ODERFELDER A CO. , MDorters & Jokers of Millinery & Notion ! ffi , no nd til ! outh llth StrteC. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Oooil n nd v South 1Mb Btr t. Omtha. * V I NY AR D ASCHNEIDEn. Hotions and Gent's ' Furnishing Qoods. 1106 Bira r Hlrrct. Om li . CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. . Wholesale Refined and Lubricating ; Oils , Lile Off tc , tic. . Om ha. A. II. Blihop. M i i r. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Tittynlre rtork of printingwrupplnr od wrltlnf piper , tfpfcl l ltntlon | | T II to car load oitltri. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Aniiliary Publishers , Dealer ! In tjpr , preu l and printer * ' inppliei. Mi Pouth 1KU Eiraet , Omaha. HupDojrJpoods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods Oil Clothing and Leather Belting. 108 Karnnm Street. [ steam FUtlngs , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRAND CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Bteatn , watrr , rail war and mlnlnii Bui'pll" , etc. KO , \Kl \ and Rl Karaam Mreet , Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps. Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Watrr Hurpllen. Headquarter * for Matt , Kooit ACO'IJOMI. llll Farnam St. . Omnha. ; U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. Steam and Water Supplies , IlalllJaj Wind Mills. (18 and WO Karnam Bt. , Omaha , O. H. Itoii , Acting Manager. BROWN ELL & CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Bheet Iron Work , Btcam I'liinpn. Paw Mllli. I eaTe worlh Strf et , Omnha. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 811 and 813 Jonen St. . Omaha AT s f oTJaTpE Tfsirco Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Brunch home f the Ilenaer Huggy Cii. BugglM I wholeiale and retail. iJw.lDlO and lil'i Uard Street , Omaha. Telephone No. 780. Teas and Cigars. Jl WM. A. WILSON Si CO. . Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars , Bplcet and Ualij Baking Powder , lilfi and 1IU Uar- e7 Street , Omaha. 01 Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , < , Manufacture Galranized Iron and Cornice , John Kpeneter , Proprietor. 100 Dodge and 103 and 105 North fab Street , OmaBa. : Smoke litaoke , oilers , Eto. 1 H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks , Brltenlngi , Tank * and ( ieneral Boiler Repairing. Hit Dodge Street , Omaha , Nab. Iren Works. PAXTON * VIERLINQ. l Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort , EnglneB , Brain work , general foundrr , machine an4 blackimlth work. Office aid worka , U. P. Ky. an4 17th Street , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE& IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Pcik ralli , window guardi , flower itandi , wire ilgna. etc. , 1Z ) North ICth St. , Omaba. , OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKSi Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vaulti , jail work. Iron and wire tenting , algni. etc. 0. ' Andreen , I'rop'r. Cor. 14th and Jackiou Hti. MEAGHER & SPROAT , General AgonU ( or Ulebold Kafe & I < ock Co.'i Fire and Bnrglar Proof SafesTime , Locks. Vaulta and Jail Work , 1415 Karnarn ( Street , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeani Panic , ShlrU , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Douglai Street. Omaha , Neb. Saah , Deere , Eto. M."A. DISBROW i cb. . Wholenale Mauufacturcri of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch Office , llth and Iiard Street ! , Omaha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ! , flair Work and Interior Hard Wood Kln lib. N. K. Corner 8th and ! * av uwurtb blreeta , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , Aad Blind * . Tnmlni , Htalr-wnrk. Bank and Offlc t'lttlngi. JUtli and I'oppleton Arenue. Brewers. STORZ& ILER. Lager Beer Brewers , liJl North ICIghteenth Street. Omaha , Nob. N.P. niCIIMAK. J , B. nt.ANCIIAIUJ , PALMER , RICHMAN Si CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchants , . b MoCOY BROS. . Live Stock Commission Merchants , Market furnlihwl frre on application. 8to keri andl feederi furnlnhed on good term * . Itererfmcest ima ha National Hank ana South Omaha National , Union Block YarOi , Mouth Omaha. LOR1MER , WESTERFIELD & MA LEY Lire Stock Commission , Room IS , Exchange Ilulldlng , Union Stock YarJa. Bouth Omaha. Neb. J HORNlTaHARPE , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Room 23 , Eichaago UulMtng , Union Block Ydi , N. ( ) m > aha. Ilalrrvncei : Union Nat'l Bank , Omaba. UnlnaKtock Yardi Uank , R. Omaha , K. S. Howlep I'rci. Am. llaak & Truit Co. , Omah * . * ALEXANDER * FITCH , Commission Dealers in Lire Stock , Room n , ocpoilM KicbiDit Uulldlor , Union Stock Yardi. Bouth Omaha. Nat. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , " * Of Omaha , Limited , Joan r. lord , HnperiBtad at.