SfcEOtAI , NOTICES. Advertisements under this head , 10 cent * per line for tlin tlrat Insertion , Tcentu for each Biib- pfqttcnt Insertion , nml I ffl a line per month. No advertisement taken for less ttmn 25 ccnti for the first Insertion. Bet en words ill bo counted to the line ; they mustrun consecti- lively and must be paid In adviinro. All ad vertisements must bo handed In before 1:30 : o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances will they bn taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'artlcfl RdvcrtlslnK In these columns and hav- Iniftho answers addressed In care of th lice , will please ask for a check to enable them to Ret their letters , as none Mill bo delivered ex- cent on presentation nf chick. All answers to advertisements should be < tulosed In envelopes. All advertisements In tin so columns aru pub- Hulled In both morning and evening editions ot the Ile > , thn circulation of which aggregates mow than 14.UII papers dally , anil elves the ad vertiser * the lionellt , not only of the city rlrcu * Intl6n of thn lleo , 'but also of Count II HliilM , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout thlsrpnrt of the went. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1MW Karnam street Complete abstracts fur- tiUhcd , and titles to mil estate examined , per fected and Kimnintoed. 210 BUSINESS CHANCES. BUHINKSS Clmnco2.000 cash. An esUb- llshed and pujltifrotllcc business for sale ; owner going aw ay. having other business that requires his attention. J. L. Hlco & Co. 2ii ! "I \\rANTKD Huslne s man with home capital T/T , w ants good paving biiBlnesH or partner- Bhlji In onowltliseivlccslnolllce. II III lleanlllcu. Hill It ) * BHSINKSS Chanco-Wholoorlmlf Interest In establlMhed and pa ) Ing business located In Omahaand DenverCol. : llvomcil with capital will dcj well to Investigate this i hancc. Call or address J. I , . lllcu > V Co. , over Commercial bank. 2C'J 21 W'ANTKD A partner thoroughly torn iT with gents furnishing business , outside of city. Adilress II in , llee. 3-JH-l ! ) * \VANTKD-Astockofiliugs worth W.fO ) to TT Klnuo. In oxihango for Omaha property. Will pay dlirorciuolnciish. Stotk must be lo- ratoit in southern Ntbroxka or northern Kansas. it.itnail.v ! Co.inniuhht. mi rpo SPKCl < JATOH3-Wliathavoyoul.o trade J for 200 slimes eleetllc light Block at Suit Lake City , pur vitluu J-U Acldicss H ( II , fare 1 lee. 34321 * _ flit ) THADK Two Improved faims In lima for -L Omaha pi opertv or Nebraska lands. Me- Cullodh & Cii. , cor ; li'ilh and I'.iinam. I2S ! FOll HALK Hestmirant and fixtures. rot 8. 181 li t. 210 2-i * _ A STOCK of boots and shoes , worth from ? ! , ( Hi to $ . > . ( w to exchange for Omaha or South Omaha propcitv. Also H stock of gonoial merchandise of fiom 47.0IX ) to fH.UKl. to e.xclmnge for Omaha pi 0)11 ) 1 tv or low a or Nebraska landM. ( loc.d opportunity If taken quirk. K. T. ( lailil St Son. : i 0 21 _ _ _ _ FOIt HAMI rineco.il mine , peed condition. oxcolluut business , railroad contracts ; huge local ti'ade , Htoni and retail yard , no stilkcs , Splendid opi nlng Tor onoigetle man. Owing to pool health will hell cheap and on easy terms. Will take some good clear leal estate. Addicss IIIT / , this olllie. 22023 _ | " Oil ' $ . \ LKHotel "thi-KixiiTw 111 and furnl- tuie. llest paIUK small hotel In Omaliu , Jl.SfKl cash gt tH It. Pull of legnhir bomders and clearing } nil pel month. Addioss II W ! llee. 3isM * DlltHl STOCK and llxturps of a peed drug business for sain or trade at Dow City , Iowa , will lnvotcutl.Uiitofl.iim. 11iln placet * on main linn C. .V N.V. . It. It. , and two miles from Hell Station on Soulx City bramh C. . M. \ SI I' . 1 ( . It. 1'or teims addicss , M It. Lewis. Dow City , Crawford county , Iowa , : WM * FH ) SAI.K or n-xehnnne firocei lei or hind- ware prefi'i redIliiuso of Iho rooms lot , well , barn ; In a normal n < liool town In western Iowa. It. M. Coulter , Walnut , Iowa. : m 13 * oil 8AL1' Good bilik business property : W E Kreatest baialn | and easiest teims in this city ; but little cash leiiulied. Addiess J. II. Woolley , attorney at law , Urikuil Inland , Neb. FOH SALK-Klist-class two-story bilck hotel doing exiellent business ; lentsfor Iff , per month ; ownei going out to Oil. Address H. S. Lilly , Hiokcn I Ion , Neb. 22(1 ( n III S.ALK.IHI wire sloik fmm. InS.upy 'county , Just 2,1 miles fiom Omaha , with a linn quarrv on It , only f-i'i per aeie. A. F. Mn ) no , N. W. ( or. Ifith and rarnam. Mil W ANTED Stoelc of hoots and ulioes In ex- rliauge. for Inside Omaha property , Ad- eKx Patterson & > looielii2 ; I'unium ht , Onin'.a ' , 212 _ _ BUSlNI'rSS Chnnce2,203 or l7JibT Kstal- llshed livery and frtd liarn on paved stieet wlth'Mtock and outfit complete a line opening to right man ; riiby terms. .1.1. Him & Co. am 21 TPO exchnnstn for western land , now hotel , JLrentHforifl.OOO ) early. H. K. Cole. 310 So. 16th st. 1110-21) FOH SAI.i ; ( Jroceiy store on eor , of pith st. , doing u tlrsu-lu s business , fiesh clean Btoc'kof Hi st-cluss goods with teas. Addiess II fill llee. _ 24 1 22J 17IOU SAI.K A meat market In l > e t location. Jrood ( liuylness. 1'or nearer Information address - dress 117 , lieu olBco. _ 02023 * A go-id openliiK In the state of California for a light manufacturing business. A small capital leimlred and the pi otlts me large. Chance neldom ottered. Particulars at A. F. Mavne's , N. W. cor. 1Mb and Kaniam. 11)1 ) T71OH THADK-fl.OOti acres of cnolcu western JL land to iixchanpi for geneial merchandise. Jno.'l' . Toft , . ' ! 24 N. 15th st. HU ) H SALK-Nows , stationery and notion stand. Apply 508 So. Kith. U77 TG10H SALE Two elovatorK mid established J ? gialn biiKlness ; will take pun in Omaha leal estate. Ternm very easy. This vv111 bear Investigation. H. K. Cole. 310 S. 1,1th. 2222(1 ( TjVW SALK In best town In North 1'latto J ? country , stock of books , stationery and musical goods. No competition. Invoice about ttf. ( lU. Will sell or rent building : other business compels the sale , llurgaln for some one. W. W. Lttdd. Albion. Neb. 22823 \\7KSTKHN DKALKHS-Send for 0111 Illus. TT tiated catalogue ot fancy goods , toys and notions. 1'rUe guaranteed liny near home nnd suve freights. Itcdhead. Norton , Lathi op & Co , lobbus , books , statloneiy , etc. , Des Mollies , la. KVI2U BU SI N KS9 Chmuo- Desirous of letlrlngfioni i business , wo will sell the balaiico of our Ktock of tlty goods , etc. , with thten yeais U-iso and IKtuies of s-toie by .Immaiv or Mauh next. MOM bants meaning to putiliaso addiess John H , r. l.thmmin A. Co. , IJIO-I.IU rarnam st. fji.l n 5 SALK-Or rentHotel. . Will sell or it nt Foil Commerc'lal hotel at Vork. Neb , on good and easy terms. Hut must sell thn furnltuio If wo iVht the liou-c' . H , Crabb , administrator of S. A. Crabb , dec'd. ll'i I'l ' * BlfSINI'.SS Chiinco-There Is a line oiienlng fora confoctloner , lestamunt and baker light near the entrance of Hans-coin park. New storeroom , cheap rout , K. L ( Jregoi y , 320 B. Kith , io lilOIl SALK -Or trade a No. I hotel propeity , JL ? i doing goo,1 trade. In one of the bo t towns In Nebraska. S. S. Campbell and ( i. W. Heney , U10 Chamber of Commerce. 4s7 \\rANTKD-A stock of groceries mid general TT uidse , for city lots paid foi , ( ' . .I. Cumin , 1M Foil SAI.Ei-A complete stemn laundry bav- lun twenty hoise power eiiHlne. J. S. Hen , lu'tt , Saunders and Clark sts. ti-'O US1NKSS CHANCK-On account of sickness not being able to tend to the business tin restaurant and lunch counter , will rent thi1 fciuuo to some good and lesiMinslble parties , Apply to John A. King , I.K.I Douglas st. Ml Foil SALK or exchange , grain elevator , west , em Iowa , for land In cent nil Neb. , 01 uieichandlae. addrcus box I'M , Ceutral City Neb. MSoctllf CLAIHVOYANT. MHS. DIMlANT-Clarlvoyant from llosMm 1- reliable In all atfalrH of life , unites separ atcd lov crs. 32. N. IDtli st. , room 1 , 7UU niu1 TVf HS. 1IATKIELD- Trance business medium J.T1 Tlio past prot > eiit and future levealed , slcl healed , lost found , numes made happy , sitting- dully at til S. lllo et. 4'Jtilu * D It. NAN NIK V. Warren , clalrvoj ant. Mini lc l business and test inedlnm. Ollleo 11 ! North loth strict ; rooms 2 4(3 , Telephone tw WANTiib--NIALE HELP. _ i A bread baker at once ; 523 Mali Btreet , Council lllutls. 3S7 ITANTKD Tv\o good coat makers at olice a > bUI N 10th fit. 2011 * Wi ANTKU Men for rullrond woik. Al bright's Labor Ageney , 1120 farunin. M W ANTKU 3 roatmakeiK , also one punt maker , good wages , comu at once. Ma Vise , ttt Noitu 10th bt. 31V 21j Accntu In NebrtinVft for Oen. WANTUn . Ixipan'n lost work , "Volunteer Boldtcr , " just pubushod/ Address J. M , French & Co. , Omaha , Nob. 230 W ANTHD A good waimnmakrr on general Xork at Muldoou's shop , 14th anil Jones " \\rANThO-AKents to canvass for Ilankers TT Life Insurance Co. , Lincoln , Neb. None but experienced men need apply. 301 WANTKD I'lvo traveling salesmen , salary and expenses ; no experience necessary , Address w 1th stomp , Palmer & Co. , La Crosse , WIs. t > 'J2i : * rirst-class brrad and cake baker. City bakery , 130 llroadvvay , Counitl llluirs. \\TAN1KD Hey In north part of city to do TT chores morning and evening for hu Imard ; 2licll Ixiys. 3 farm bands. Canadian Kmp. onice , 310 H. 15th. Sm Hi * m WANTKD Teamsters and laborof's foi fiio western part of the state. American Km- ployment bureau. 1010 I'anium St. , rooniO- Omaha. Neb. 37H 1 * TV'ANTl.O-lfiinon for city II.M perdav , 1 T T teamster 120 per month , 10 shovclers $1.75 per day , 3 farm hands , Wiper mo. , 1 dishwasher for city , 2 rooks , 1 s-i i end cook , 25 men for Weep Ing-Water , fl.no to $1.75 per day , no ollleo fee. Omaha Kmp bureau , 11U N ICtli st. 373 11) ) WANTKI-Ooodad\ertlslng solicitors. Call uncrni > on at room A , 322 N loth st. 375 20- \\7"ANT12I-lliiynt ) llee Mall room for early T r morning work. Apply bet. U and 11 a. m. 370 ANTI2D-M H. H. men. wages JM2 50 : r , messenger boys , 11,1 ; I boy frtr printing ollleo. Z traveling salesmen. 3111 a 11th. 31 2 WANT1ID Kxperlenced collector with good reference ; also man to poll'h and set up stoves. Omaha KurnlturuCo. 1.M2 Karnam. ! Ui'J ' ID * WANTKD A good coat-maker , a good panta loon-maker ; plenty of wotk : good prlies ; pleasant work-shop. Address Miller AVetlte , 'The Tailors , " Hastings , Neb. 2M 20 * " \\7"ANTK1 > A good coachman , IO to 150 per TT month and loom. 10U7 I'liniam street. T\rANTKD-Ilarber , lumilro A. Vlney. llli S. > otli st. ; b ) lit * " \\rANTI2I ) Man and w Ife for fat m near eltv , T nice place , steady woi k. Canadian limp , olllce , Mrs. Hrega A. Son , 31B S 15th. 321 1HJ WANTKO-N ) men for city work , fl.71per dayfi ; good carpenters , M ; porter for store , American , must hiiM > good lefeiemes ; man mid wife for ranch ; 2nun dishwashers mid 2 good rooks. Canadian limp , olllce , Mrs. Iliega A. son , 310 s iith , tel. mi. : i inj WANTI2I-r , miui for ralhoad work In Illln- ols. Albilght's I.ubor Ageney. 11- ' ' 'ar um. 103 WANTii : > Carpenteis. llrst-cl iss tilnuners ; best wages to good men. United States National bank. 2151 ! > ) 10 caiponters at Scandinavian limp. Ilmcuil , lliIO I'arnum St. , side door. an 10 "IVTANTKII ion men of good appe.uancc to TT tivoiir r.c meals ut Nouis iest.iui.intlll niKlDSouth Ilth stuet. ( old I.ho mid Let " \\rANTUD 2 tinners bv Lincoln Hardware Co , 2M ! Sllth lit , Lincoln , Neb. lluik. Ware \ Mackey. y 20 \VANTII-A : baker , Iminlrolsin St. .Mary's l > ave. 327 lltj WANT12D-A sober. Industrious blacksmith to w oik In roimtt y town or lent shop.uill at on N Iflth st. yi i 2 lJ \\7"ANTr.D Tlnee good i oat makers and two TT pints makeis. Win.-Meldrum. Ill H'.u- nun. 31520 ) A iloov tiov ami casn gills at 'IhoiupHou , Helden \ Co. 3IM I'l \\r.\NTI2I ) -A man to rut wood and take the TT wood for pajmeiit. . ( ! eo. N. Hicks , 215 Smith 15th street. 31 J 111 .D Men for inilro.id wotk , Colorado Hue Wages for temnsti is , * . ) per month andboaul. Albright's l.aliui Agencj , ll-M I'm- imn street. IMj _ _ "V\TANTiD ; WO agentH ; good sal'iiy or com- TT mission ; nue thmue. Addtess with stump ' 01 teims , Wea\ci Mil. , 34. N. State St. , nilcago , 17"ANTKI ) I Herman IHIJS to carry papeis. T M)7-1i ) S. 12th St. . up-stalrs. KMI WANTED--FEMALE HELP. " \\rANTI2D-A llrst-clo s second lootl : also Tf one good waiter. Alleu'b Nuiopeau lestail- ant. Main St. . 'Vmucll lllulls. \7 ANTKO Female ; 3 cooks for city , 2 cooks t mid 1 dlnlngioom gill foi Sewiuil , l > din ing loom girls , 1 housekeeper , aVslstant in iliessinakliig shop , girl for candy store > , 4 chain- bennalds , and \arlous female help. Gate City Kmployment olheo , 31B S loth. ! l l 22 W 'ANTRD A good girl ser general house- w 01 k , SVU Capital ave , US ) 21 " \\7ANTnD-agirls ) geiierul lieu e\unk , Odlu- ' ' Ing loom gills , 1 chambermaid , 3 dish washers , 2 cooks for boarding house , $ tf pr week 1st and 2d gills , for private family , 1 bookkeep- ei.l glil for Port Omaha til per week , 1 for west side , 2 for Walnut hill. Omaha Ump bureau , I I'l N Ulth Ht. 373 III ANTKD TvMi tlrst class dining room girls at the Planters house , 1(110 ( Dodge st. 3,1022 -At the Fair , 13th and Howard , heiidtilmuier In millinery department , expei leiiced man In blanket and comforter de- paitmcnt. Also man or woman to make altera tions In cloaks and clothing , also u porter and two stout bojii. 347 1'ij ' \\rANTKD-Olil under 18 yeais of age to take TT charge of child tin eo years old. must be able to mend and to new a little. 315 S. 1.1th t , O rnnltn block , room'J. 3I.J 21 * " \XrANTKD Woman rook for Salem , Kd ; TT one for Ciete. 11 ; one for Sev.ard. KWj2 dInlm ? room girls for Crete ; all experienced 2nd girl for Council muffs ; man and wife for farm near I'uplIIIon. Itielty : ( llrls for housewoik In all partH $1 to M ; 3 chambermaids. lOdlnlngioom Bills some of the nicest places In the city , 2 gooil second girls , must have ref. ; head laundress , jc > : competent middle aged woman to do second work mid sewing , good wages ; 2 second cooks , J.Wbeveialglil- ; assist In housekvvork. Cana dian limp , olllce , Mrs. Iliega & Son , 3111 S. Uth , tel.K > l. 2.V > I'lj \\7"ANTKI ) Saleswoman foi the cloak dep.iit- TT ment. Must have expeilenco. Apply at onio toO'Donahoe .VSherf ) , Ilth stieet , nest to the postottice. USl.l'.i "V\TANTin-A : gltl to woik with tailor on TT custom coats , HUN Hith st. 2UJ 111 * \\7"AN"Tii-\iro : ) \ e in"nec'd of lltst-dass help TT tan bu supplied with gills who lm\n the best of letereiHo. Tints and imuhes imi be supplied oil shoit notli eat thellld Hi liable Km- plcj meiit ollleo , 211 N IMh st. .24' ' ) l'.l irANTP.D-A dining room girl , 21J S. 10th T stieot. V.17-22 * "l\7AXTIJI A middle aged woman as cook for TT and genenil housework , waces l per week. Apply bet. timid 1. at iwiu CallforuU ht. WANTI'.D-Ladles ran iimKe J10 per week , woik at home Cull ou Star Novelty Co , HSSo 1.1th st , 2d lloor. Don't iltiif. JI7.1 20 * \\T"ANTiD- : ( Jlrls for all kinds of work In cltv ; TT good girl for Valley , Neti. ; good wages. Scandinavian Kmp. llmeau , liiiormnaui -"II 111 " \\7"AM'ii : > Lady or gent In oveiy town to TT ell our goods ; used In every family. A profitable business. Addiess for full Informix- lion , b. C , Chase. 2.1 Winter st. , llostou , Mass. " \\rANTKD Kti st-class cook , one competent TT to tuko tntliochuigw for family of six ; highest w ages paid to competent womiin. Apply Kl South Ifthjit. 101 Vi r.\NTKn-01il at ceil South 1'lthst ' , near St. .Mary's ave. Wi3 \\rANTKD-W ) ladles to try our lie niuuls at T Noirls'restaurant ( old LlvouudLet Live ) , 311 and 31.1 S. 14th st. 6114 \\TANTKD-A good girl t sio s. nth streei Inniieil lutuly. 41U \\rANTKD-Tulloress on custom coats anil TTest.s , gixid wages mid steady work tc right pm ty , unp y at once , MM S. lutli fct. TANTKD-Cook and laundii'ss. Dr. Colt man cor. St. Mary's no mid 27th st. MS " r.\NTKD Dltilngroom at Occidental Imme T > diately. 22-J " \\rANTKD-2dlnIugroom glrh , 1 dishwasher , T T None but compoteut girls need apply. 1001 N. lUh stieet. U2d \VANTIU-CHrl for kitchen work. ( Jermar T T preferred. Apply I5 Kimam. Ml FOUND. rpAKKN I'l'-KrldnyOct. 14 , one sorrel horse 1- about tw elvo yem old , ono w hlte front foot white fac > * , MH eon shoulder. Owner can Imvi 11) nilHng.it the lear ot 1115 1'k'ico bt.lii llemell S07 M\AKK.V I'l'- ' , ' large bay horse mules. J. M 4- Jester , ou 13th t > t , * ouw cllv liuilU , MSi , LOST. ' " " " " ' "JL "wood add. 311 TtK' * rT)8T ) Largo red , miily cow , white spot on JLJ side. Leave Information at 2UUH 8 Idth st , and get reward. 257 13 * * Pay mare In open buggy , medium size , dark bay , large hind ankles , about 12 years old , good traveler , buggy old , new shafts not painted. T. Murray , Murray hotel. 2.VJ LOST On Cummlngs street , little brown dog , white spots. Hew ard for return or Infer mation. A. C. , 151010th ave. Council Hinds. 02f > 21 * ' OST-On Karnam st-between JMli nudU. 1 * . headquarters , a single stone diamond ring. Under will bo suitably rewmded by leaving name at Max Meyers. 2fH 1BJ OT , it Arcade place , 1'i blks Bouth of Leaven- worth st. , east front on 30th st. On nor must sell. Ask for price. F. L. Gregory. 320 So. 15th st. 172 TOST Ilrown Melton cutaway coat , leave at Jl'rank J , Hamge's Hamge block , and receive rew ard. 275 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. IT A NTKD Tw o or three bom del s a private T boarding house at No. Wl S. Uth st. _ _ _ _ \ \ rA J < Tii-lood : family lioue rn"exchango > for lot , McCulloth & Co. , cor 16th and \\rANTP.I ) A into II loom house within ton vv minutes walk of postolllto. Jlondeni Im provements. r. V. rieeman , 10M Karnnm. art-iii * _ - fiom 2 to 4 unfurnished WANTKD-Toient looms for light housekeeping ; must be less than $12 per mouth. Address 1' . o. , Ho222. . 2S2 IB * _ \\rANTlMl-2 or 3 fuinlslipd oritnfiirnlshnl T T rooms for light housekeeping. Address II fillee. . _ 2M 1 J _ WANTED-StocKs of meichandlse to ex change for unencumliiied Omaha prop- eity. Also Omiiha piopeity to exchange for land. 11. II. Hull A Co . tl.l N. loth t. 170 " \\7ANTI'.I ) Land to exchange for merchand- > > ISD nnd Omaha piopoity. II. It. Hall S. Co. . 11.1 N.I HI st. IffJ _ I'.AIj estate wanted A lot In 1'ntilik's , Park- er's , or Shlnn's addition rheap ; gl\e price and teims. Addiess II M , Iteeollico. 211 ] ( ) * _ WANTIID Ladles \\honre desirous of off- talulng thoioughlv iiimpeteiit , rellalile and well trained sen ants of all mtlonalltles. to till exery leimlred position of household duties , to send their orders to the Cllv Intelligence of- lice. No fee until places are tilled. City Intelli gence olllce , Creiglltoii block , telephone No. SM. iMirpTi to kiunv that Stiimlard > Mock I.lnlment Is giiaiantecd forspiains , binlses , cuts , b.irb-wlio wounds and all other external Injuiles ; a specltic for rhoum'itlsm. Mamifiutuied by I' . 12. Snnbuill \ Co. , 17 ( ( ! St. Mmy'sa\e. 1'or sale uvuiynheie. 2I7 ! 1 ! ) \V"ANTin-To : buy the fumlturo of a small T T or largo house ccntrnllylocated. Co-opera- th o Iaml \ Lot Co . aOT. N Uth st. 1 IS " \\rANTI2D To adopt a brtby about two or tin eo months old. by a family man-led ten } onis mid lm\ing uo children. Addtess , H.-Js llee Olllce. lUt liit \\7ANTI2D I'm m lands In e.xchmiee for Tt stocks of meichaudl'O , St. John & lily , llooiu VI , rrener block , opp. I'.O H.W \\TANTI21) I'lirm lands In ex-chunge for city T > piopeil > . HI .lohii .V Kly , llooiii 11 , 11011- m block. IC17 le lionrdeis at 211H llurt MONEY TO LOAN , I ouey on hand to loitn on Improv cd property. I.I. A , Helstand , Alllngton block. rii" > n5 UlOllOf ) to loan. II. I' Cole , 31B S. IMh. Hist T nuutgiige notes louiht. J7il H7MI.W.O to loan ntilper cent. Lhialian .VMa- luiney , 1H I KmhHin. 227 $ : .W.XH ( ) to loan In any mnount at lowest late of Interest. II. II. liey. Kienzcr block. 211 MONEY lonueil on finnttim * . plauns , organs , hiiices , etc. low lull's .1 .1 Willvln nn\ : o. , , ; ; rmnam. o\er Iliiillngton ticket oillte. MONTY to loan to pm ties \\lslilnc to build. S. S. Campbell , : I10 S II th st . Cliambei ol Commeice. 214 'ONI2Y to loan Notes ard H It tlikets M bought ahd .sold. A. Pot man. 2n S ISth st. " time loans mnde ou auv available SHOUT Mcurltv , In leisonable amount i. Seemed notes boititlit , sold or e\ih.inged. ( lenei.il llnmiclnl business of air , kind liotisadod iiiomptlv. quletlv and tulil ) at the Omiih i fi nancial i ; v Imuw. N. W coi. Uth and Ilia- ney Ms , overstate National band. Corbel t , manager 1J7 [ TTNKY to Loan O I' . DavlsCo , leal entato L nnd loan agents , I.Vkl I'm mm st. 220 1'KH CKNT Money. 1'attoison i I'awcett 15th mid llarney. ' 122 MONKV to UMIIOII liupnnod leal o-tate ; no commission ihaiged. I.em lit llurnhmii , loom 1 , Cielghtou block. 2il M ONIJV 111 siimsol WOmid o\ei to londnt low.nate-j. Itussill \ llJttett , oU'Sliithbt. . 21,1 , To loaA on Omaha dty piopeity tit ( i percent. (1. W. Day , S K. cor. IX. 1IU1U 1O LOAN Mouev Loans placed on 1m- JL proved real estate In city or county for Now Kngland Loan \ 'I'rust Co , by Douglas County bunk , IMh mid Chicago sts. 21'i MtNiY ) : Tolo.in. Ixiwest itttes. No delny. J. li. Itlce \ Co. , over Comnieiclal Na tional bank 218 MONKV to loan on city propel tv. Will buy good notes. Beaver At Whltcomb , 1609V4 rarnam. 77 J MONIIV to loan ou city piopeity. and also faims In N'ebniska ami low a Odell liro-i. .V Co , loan , l till estate and Insurance agents , 103 I'eiul street. Council lllulTs , la. ; ir.Sl Tainani htieet , Omaha. 203 MONKVto Loan lly the undersigned , who lius the only properly orRiimzed loan agency In Omiiha. Loans of $10 to jlOOmadeon furniture , pianos , orguns , hoi so * , , wrgons , ma- chlneiy , etc. , wlthou * lemoval. Noclelujs. AH business utiictly totilldcntlnl Loans i > o made that any ) > ait can be paid at any time , each pay ment leduiIng the cost mo i.ita. Advances made on Hue watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider v\Uo they are dealing with , as many new-onceins are dully coming Into existent u. Should > ou need money call ami e me. W. H. Crolt , loom 1 Withnell liulldlug , IMh and llarney. 221 MONKV to Loan On Improved cltv propeity at lowest rates of Interest. No commis sion charged. Sholes & C'nimb , room 1 , Barker block , cor. 15th and rainam MS. -ID 1\f ONIIV LOANHI ) at C. 1' . Heed At Co.'b Loan i.'l Olllce. on fmnlture. ptanoc , hoises , wagons , pel sonal piopeity of all kinds , and all othei m- tides of value v\lthout iimovul. rilh S lth ! , over Illngham's lommlsslon store. All luiil- ness strictly conlldi ntlal. 220 $ .imi.liiU to loan , special rates on f.uni propeity. Sobotker A. I'eiilgo , 1.12I Tainani st. 2.M MONIJV to loan , cash on hand , no delii ) J. W. and r. . L. Suulie , 1IIJ rainam ht. 1'ax- ton hotel building. 22.1 MISCELLANEOUS. JNSTHUtrnON-IlanJo. . mandolin , x > lo- phone. 1'iof. J. U. Duruiit , 322 N. lUh.ltoom 1. ! KS 2IJ your horse iun down ? Has lie a poor appetite tite/ Does he look lonesome ? Does he look as If ho hud been out all night ? If so , buy a box of Standard Horse and Cattle 1'ood ; It w 111 make him look like a new horse ; we guarantee. 7 pounds of food for II no. Manufactured by V. K. banborn A. Co , 17UI fat. Mary's avo. Tor sale everywhere. 2iHI 111 TKASINd Love Letters read two ways , lOc Grab them quick , llo.U , Haltimoio. .Mil 2UO n 17 * WANT" ! ) All persons out ot emplo ) ment or wishing to inuko a change TV ill IIml It to their Inteiest to lea\e their applications at the City Intelligence Oltice , Cielghton him k , as It Is the largest mid most lellablo agency In the city , doing H large business and furnishing the better ot employers. All our applicants re- celvoovery attention and are placed as rapidly as It Is possible to nnd suitable positions. Wo wel come all calling for information or making In quiry respectlugour new mid original methods , for which wa make no chaigo. Hcfeieuces , John L. McCague. piesldeut McCaguo Hros' . bank ; Dexter L. Thomas , cashier Nebraska Savings bank ; lion. J , II , McCulloch , county Jii _ d go. iy FpO KXCHANOE A valuable Invention for JL which thura Is a large and steady demand , 11. K. Cole , 31li S. 15th st. 207 27 ASHING and Ironing done to Older. Call ut N. W , cor. 1ftli and Ma on. 270 2 ( * Foil HKNT-One Mathercheck gland square piiuio. Inquire Jul.Thlele , opp , Hee olllce , | , 819 1UJ 17UIKK to Kmployers The City Intelligence JU Olllce , Crelghton lllock , has the conll- donee and patronage of a large number of the city's leading bu lne * houses. Why't Hecauso we do our best to merit It , tak ing great euro to supply them with competent assistants from porter to business managers. \ > hen In w ant of help of any kind , send us ) our orders. Telephone , SHS. Heferences : John L. McCague , President of McCague llro . ' Hank ; Dexter L. Thomas , Cashier of Nebraska Savings Hank ; Hon. J. H. McCulloch , County Judge. 14 CASH paid for second-hand boolcd at the AjjU < junmaX ; fl.lOtU t , 7-MoSi A NOLO-AMEIUCAN Mortgnco snd Inve t- - - - Co. , office 2423 Fatnahi st. John Cully , managnr. ' ' i CSBoct" ! ' TORXCHANOB-VorcJitUo. I have 640 acres of coed western mtid t < i trade for rattle , nnd a good house and lot near the capital ; will exchangn for cattlo. Address 8. 0. Hrjan , Ash land , Neb. a."j MISS Clara lloulby lian moved her shop to S. W. corner of SOth and Webster. Where she Is now ready to accommodate her old patron * . Klr t-cla .s work , stylish dresses , and perfect lit guaranteed. I'rlcoa moderate. 245 20 * "XVTANTKD WO young people to learn ohort- T V hand by mall. 1 w lllglv o tlm Ilrxt ten lev ( < otigfreo. I'leuse write for tlrst leaMin. and l i- Kln the study at once. Address , W. T. Larl- more , Western Normal College , Shenandoah , Iowa. J 1704B * FOH IlKNT Organs , $3 per month. Hospe. 1.M3 Douglas. 2 * Ol C House furnishing goods , all kinds ; ca h or Installment ; lowest prices at J. lion- ncr , 1.11'j Douglas st , 30 FOIt HKNT Sqinro piano , tl monthly. A. llojpe , 1513 Douglas. _ &S _ Dll. ClIASK'Snewllecelpt Hook and Household - hold l'hslcan. ! the "Memorial Kdltlon" of overNnipnges. The "Crovvnliii ; Life Work" of the greatest author and beuef.ictor that ever lived. Just out. Agents making limnense oalesHlg terms. Address r. II. Dlcken > on A ; Co. , Detroit , \llch. Mention this paper. 214nov4 F Oll HKNT-Sauare 1'lano M Ho pe. 1511 Douglas. PERSONAL. I > r.ltSONAI - Wanted by young lady a room mate. address H CO llee. 271 18 * PKKSONAL Scholars In all branches of art work , painting , embroidery and fancy w ork , can llud a competent teacher by applying to Mrs. Carlisle , room M , Cozr.ens hotel.2M 2M 20 PKHSONAI/ Want a iiertnnnent home fora boy 8 years old. Addro s H. 41 , lleo. 171-21 * pIlHSONAIy-I'ilvatehomp for ladles during JL. contluement , stilctly conlldentlal. Infants adopted. Address K 42 lleo olllce. 107 nM TJKHSONA I To the ladles of OninhZ if'yon JL want good tellable help , call at the Omaha Kmplojimnt liuieau. the oldest cmplojmeiit oltlco In the clty.119 N. IMh St. , H H. Nlilte. pio- prletor. 1142U SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. _ "T710H SALK Clieaptheateis. . 1 gasolfne'stoTel J ? I bed room set. Tatty la going east , K > OS Ibth st. SKJ-I. "T710H SALK 2 Recd horises , 1 Mngle harness I and u wagon. Inquire at stove , 2nth and Decatui Ktieets. 2IOJJ1 * rp\VO hundiod and llfty thousand bilck forsalo J InOichmil Hill. Cli.irles O Vangiees.Cum- Ing and 25th ueiiuo. . * ' Alieatitlful lot on Weit stieet. Kouutze Place. foi sale for KV50 lessthinaitu.il value to-day If taken within 10 iliivs. 'llili Is a big bargain. Tor fin tlurpartlculms call at No. ITtfi Dodise , : ; xr ) , _ _ _ 'ir SAI.TT-2U1 toi of we'll saved hay 7m J ? Mitchell's fai m at Viillej , Neb. 3JI.2.1 * IP1OH SAI KA gentle pony , good under sad dle nml In haiin'ss. Iniiulto ID Hi Douglas. 311 21 * FOH SALK A net of bar llxtures. atnti S Main s-tieet. for cash or wlll'tiade for good horse. M. (1. O'Connor , Council Illuirs , Iowa. I JOIiSK < at Auction Oii-Jfaturdav aftmio.in I JL , lo clot k. at I lemlng.x Oveiholt's stable , cor of " ( Ih .mil Miami sliertv , hoises , buggies , lull ness , tobes &c . pail les having nil ) thing1 tn > ell i mi etitei tor this s.iU > nj ) to lu o'clock Sntui- duy iniimliii ; at 0111 olllce. HIDUII > \ Cielghton , inn tlournrs ' " 3'Ji „ ' ! "TJVll ) SALK C.ooil fmuljy horse and buggy. A. Imiulie of \ \ right \ Liiibmy iindei 1'iv ton hotel ' ' 3V1 21 FOH SALK 'Iwo hoise fiocery wiijrim mid haintss , uppl ) to 2317 Douglas st. ,111 2 i * TJIOHHALK 1 stoves , Imllilimd mid Miftto.i , all In M > od iiilltiixJiiiiiln' ) ( ! north si de I.i'-mnwoith , between Ktluind 1'thsts. 2st-3 ) _ _ , , , _ _ _ _ _ _ .J. FOIt SAI.II-ii-jearold hoiso. Inqulro up- stalls , 2211 Cimilni ; . , t 27S I'.i * "IJ1OH si.\LK-Chrnp. 3 or 4 good llre Tuiof i f.ifiM liiqulio I'hil'iCiaiutsou. An. nk' hotel. Oiniilm \ _ ,11121 * 1/inH "Al.ILnrge -tioiifr hor'n suitable for ( Hiring' ' or ilelheiy wagon. Imiulro at ouciMil ( leo. N. Illcky , 21 1 South r.th SI. 310 l'.l J Hll ) SA LK or tiado Two Ntunimi I'm paitlclilais , iuhlic"-sC , W.Kmllrk , Ida Grove , Iowa. : iw j'i > Tj > O It SALK-dood boaullug business , 2U S. JP lOlh street. 1'i7-22 * 1(10 ( will buy furniture mid lease of s. mom i house two l > locl. < south I'anoiauiti. Aliplv U So. IMh or ( W l-o. I th. U77 ITtOll SALK A llverv of thiiteeli hor-es eloveu calll.iges. hack , ite , < n trad' ' J.ai o bm u tin lent. Addtess , M 1) , Alviiul , Keaincj , Neb. 17S-22 * I71OU SALK Atiixacittlceuntil Nov. 1st ] X1 In qunntltK's to Milt the buyer Nine thousand dollars woith of Miscellaneous Hooks which I deslie tocloso out previous I n rnv em ly lemoval to east siileof Ifilhst not th of Nicholas st , wheie I will cany the largest vailety of buggies , phat tons , eai- ilapos and wagons to be found at auv one place in the city. W. T. Seaman , Now at rainam mid Ilth sts Agent for Stutleb ikei. IWloctJ ) ! rvTir sT\"l.i : r eiity-llve'driving. saddle horses. W. T Se.imiin Iliigglcs , WIIEOIIS , phaetons , etc. , east side lull st , , north ( if .Nicholas b97 ilOIt SAI H Team , lim ness. wii'on , JIM I. Mis. K. L. llan.S 1,1th st.3bll.s fium st iirti.uk. ! ft > ) liov 2 Oil SALi-l : feed mill. 21 In Kieic 1 Victor sheller , 75 bu per hour. I bolt for buckwheat or meal W ft. 2 In shafting. hangers , elevator belt. etc. Address 2U > S 2i th st. , Omaha , Neb ; K1 n 1 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. TH U IlKNT Itnin , loom lor 7 horws , IlS. J1 II.Mle I , 12th and Iliirm-j. 312 21 I1OII Itr.NT-C-ioom bouse , .till Miami stieet , 1 JIK ; h mom house , 211.1 1'oppleton a\e. , t" ; S-iooin house. Cass hi , , In Sunnyslde , f . fleo. I. ( Jllbeit , Withnell buildlnt ; . 21 1 2- ; " | 71fH HUNT fl houses , fiom 4 to fi I ( Minis each , 1 will lent fiom Jill toi.'l pel month , .los. Stockdale. 11.1 Noi th H.th st. 23:1 : Si FOllHK.ST-3lliitsaiwfuinlture forsale , nil oulbth. A. I' . Mttyne , N. W , coi. li.lh mid I'm num. I'M FOH HUNT 11 loom house on Mieimmuive. A , 1' . Mayne , N , W. coi. loth and rarnam. ! " 1 FOH Itr.NT A pint of an elegant giound lloor olllie with vault on I'uinam near luthst. Apply 1UH raiiiam'st. 270 22 "Ij HHNT-B loom house. Apply 2211 Cum- X1 Ing. up stairs. 277 1 ! > * TTIOH IIKNT-Stoie. l.'li ! rmnam Apply to 1 ? Chits. ( hllds , corner ISth mid Lea\en\vorth. L 1ST your houses for rent w Ith JL K. Cole. 310 S Uth , can rent 5(1 ( now. Mi ) Olf ltr.NT-2nd anil 3d noois"at 1417 Douglas st. , with lease of threisjjfears. Kenuedv < .V Illblilns. 1.IIM Doualas st. { jg 7U7 FOll HENT House of fcjoonis , fa. Innulru 1,119 S. 10th. JF Ii70 POll HKNT-BtnlOioonV'noiises. ( ioixl loca- tloil. U.K. Cole illll X'tli. 410 171OH IlKNT > J the omcu Vii ! S Kith si. , after J.1 th I'lth of this miMith Apply e.uly. Charles C. Spotsvvood , WVi't-h . 15th st. ttu ' . _ _ - _ * l i _ _ TTHHl HKNTI A brick stahlp with rixim for 4 I ? horses and carriage , lixiulle on premises , I'JlftDoURlas bt. yi'l ' 21 EOH IlKNT House K rooms , all conveniences , haul and soft water. Apply , 2d : ! mid ( ir.u e. IMI 21 * _ EOH IlKNT 2 8-rifini hnii-es In Hi nlse'i , nd - dttiuii , } 10 pur month. 'K.vaus. \ HI ickbuin. EOH IlKNT If ) ou wish to lent a house call on Hunuvvii & . Co. , 1,1th M. , opposite 1' . O. | 7il "fjlOIl HUNT HOUHO 8 nxims In Ilnnscom I'laoi JJ to Bgixxl party. 8. S. Campbell andd. W. Ilen-ey , 310 S Itith st. , Chamber of Comiuei c . 1C7 TJ1OH IlKNT A nice cottasa of live rooms and .1. a bitsement kltclicu , good w ell and cistern , Ono block south of Leavcnworth on Virginia avenue. Apply on the prunlses. lAti2o * fffOHllKNT-rurnUhed homo , new Hut oft ! J ? rooms , newly furnished , will lent for3 months to goud responsible paity , water , gnu , Hteam heat and ou street car line 10 blocks from pontolllco , address H U > llee ofllce. Onl 2IJ ! EOll HUNT Severa new 7 room houses 1 blix k from street car , ready for occupancy No\ ember 1 , U. ! ' . Harrison , 418 S. 15th xt. 8 , > 1 TT10II HK\T-Ijirg.o oltlce on Karuani st. docx ] J- place fur cigar store or tailor bjiop. U. r , Buavur , 100y > { Farnaiu at , ; W FOH HUNT fl elegant tnodern Improved houses , new , H , , 10 roomn. WrBt-clms locality. 1'aved street. Heferences required. Apply M. Elgutter , 1P01 Farnain t. 853 25 _ TjlOH IIHNT R-rooin rottngo on Convent st. J Inquire Ifgl Jackson st ' HOI 21 * _ FOH HENT Tito elegant brick residence cor ner 24lh and Farnam etreetn. Can Rlvo 1m- medlato posscdklou. Uuiiulre Ueo. N , Hicks , 215 H Ifith street. 311 Hi FOR RENT-ROOMS. FOR KENT Cheap , business room In old city hull , comer Pith and Farnam ; al o hall , 40 xiiO ft. can bo titled for lodging. Inquire at 310 , chamber ot commerce. 3b3 "nUMt HKNT lloqnis , single and double , every- -L thing new and llrst-class , steam heat , 1721 Davenport. 371 ill * FOlt HUNT Newly furnished room with gas , bath and heat , to gentlemen , with rotor- cnces. 170D Dodge. 3S5-27 * FOIt IlKNT Itooms , parlor and bed chamber on llrst lloor ; referuices lequlied. Call from 7 to 8 p. m. 2010 llarnoy st. 3o8 lu * THOU HKNT Two north front rooms In house A ? with modern conveniences ; nenreoincrSiltli and llarney , furnished or unfuinlshed ; no chil dren lu house ; quiet , comfortable homo ; bat ho * lorof lellned taste pieferred ; must give lefor- ences. Address Westllcher Courier ollli e. n _ TpOH HKNT n room , furnished or unfiir- J ? nlshed , B4S H. 23rd. i Vs-21 * " 1JHOH HKNT I'mnlMied room,7)5 ) Leav enw01 th , -I ? between 7th and Mh streets. : t 10.20 * "IT'OllHKNT ' Nlcel ) furnished roomsH > lli Dodge FOIl IlKNT Klegunt sulto of rooms nicely fui nibbed , brick Hat , south front , 1110 Chi cago. 357 | 7H > H HKNT Largo parlor fuintshed or unfiir- JL ? nlshed , at S. K. Cor. 20th and Chicago. 357 TlKNT lM7nlllied roonis7 ( ib7 N. ITtifst ! loyo 22 * " F" UHNISIIKO looms with board. Wtt Far nam. 7H > nlO * HKNT Nicely furnished south front loom fora gent Ionian. 112 a month. 21st mid llainey , No. 2U24. t)4J ) 111 * | 71OH HKNT Two nicely furnished front JL1 looms , 2022 St. Mal's a\e. 23810 * F I OH HKNT 3 unfuinlshed rooms suitable for housekeeping , 711JJ 1'aclllc. 218 FF01,1 F01,1 HKNT I'urnlshod looms and lioard 4 blocks , , south of I'ttMon at 14011 Jones. 24(1 ( 21 * FOH KllNT-Ncatly furnished loom , 2012 . in * 17VH HKNT Hoom Voiy desirable JL' mom lei 2 gentlemen , all conveniences on s imo lloor. Apply tit 1712 Capital ave TTIOH HUNT Lai.ro front room suitable for2 J ? geiitlomcn , modern couvi nlences , tllO N 17th st. 21(1 ( TIM Ml HUNT r.legantlv furnished room on JL1-tlrst lloor , with model n Impiovementx. 1V17 Cuss fiM " \\7T. huvo fiom 3 to ( i unfuiiiNhed looms suit- TT able for house keeping in all putts of the city. If in need of uhnu , i gl\e lisa ciillatlllO S nth st . hist tlooi ; we will give jou a free ride in a caulage to show von the houses. ( Mil FOll HUNT To one or two gentlemen , nicely luinislied loom ; gas , bath , etc. ; JU ptr mouth. 2m'i ! la\enport. ) 72il "Y\riimvo3to ; unfurnished looms suitable TT tin housekeeping in all pm Is of the clt > . It In need ot a house ghe us a tall at 310 S IMh M. , Ill-it I'.ooi. Oll ! FOH HKNT A largo fiont loom , fuinlslied , llfiJ Dodge. 2Sf > 20 IjlOIl IM'NT ruinlshed fiont pallor suitable JL tor 2 or moie. fll pel month , fin unco heat , jtas mid bath , noith slilo Leiivcnvvorth between 17th mid 1Mb. 2H7 20J 171011 HKM'-riirnlshc'd ioom,170.S Douglas st. i1 IMI 2l'j ' HKNT ruinlshed looms. I'.il'l ' Kiirimm. 7412,1 * HKNT-3 nli cly fuinlslied looms , LWO St. Mai 5'save. KB } 71OH HI2NT Laige soulh fiont room , bay window , giate mid modem coiuenlences. lit'4 I'mnam > t . xi FOll HUNT-3 nnfmnlshed rooms suitable foi housekeeping , patties without chlldieniil Caldwell. 551 FOIt HlINT-Nlfelv fmiiMieil room suitable lei J gentlemen , Imiuliutilll St Mmy'Havu. r,4S Kilt HKNT riea nnt moms , fuinlshed , southwest comu 20th and Webstei. 318 HKNT Nice fuinlshed rooms cheap. 5011 until bill stic'Ot , upstuhs. 211 22 * F I OH HKNT ruinlshed rooms with Ixmrd If deslied. lull rainmnst. 217 23 * FOll HKNT A veiy dosli able f mulshed front loom. 1811 Capitol ave. 209 1 * FOll IUNT : Nicely furnished largo fiont room In best location for one or two gentlemen ; uNo loom for otlice In real of cigar stoie. Apply at Ul'i Douglas mid Ml I I'.tinam nt. git 20 TTlOlt HUNT -until 1 fiont room and closet. 1 JL1 small wet t loom ; both f mulshed. I'll Cali fornia Ht. SIS I'l ' JNT Kurnlshea looms in ( Ireunigblk. cor. I.Itli and Dodge sts. Inquire of ( Jeo. H. Daxls , MIlhiKl hotel billlmd room. 231 Foil HUNT Nicely furnished looms. One with alcove. Hath , pas , city water , steam heat. etc. SMI'.l Douglas st. S w ] UJ TTVMl IMINT- Large finnUhecl fiont room , 1115 JL ? N 17th. 11,1 2il 1710H H12NT VurnNhPil looms , 88 to $2.1 per I1 month. 1707 C.iss st. 12021 FOll Ul'.XT-Nke lingo ftniilsiieil fiont loom , s wcor Ibth and Jackson , fit pel month. HH FOll HENT ft elegant fuinlslied rooms for 2 or 4 gentlemen. IKK ) rmnam , room 2s1 , opp. Merih.iup4 hotel. 128 20 * F OH Itr.NT ruinlshed looms forgentlemen at 2)2.1 Dodge st. 12-1 21 * FOIt Itr.NT-Ollicoioom , ( list lloor , at 3lf. S. Uth st. 411 SITUATIONS WANTED. \\r.\NTKD Situation for yoiniR Irishman In TT private fmnllv as couihman , uioom , eto. llest of city icfoicuies. Thoiougnly under stands the woik. No ollleo feu. Canadian I'.mp. Office. Mrs. Iliegair Son , 3UI S. IMh. Telephone ( -81. Ml 20 * "XXfAN'l ED Ladies who are looking for re- TT liable help leave your onlei-s at our ollleo and we will send you Just suih help asyou wish , us we me seleitlng our help with the greatest caie. Cull at ( late City Kmploincut olllce. 310 b 15th t. up stairs , loom 1 , ! ( S1 22 " \\rANTKD - Hy a ) oung man attending school TT a place wheto he can work morning and evening for his boaid. Noollicofee. Cauudhin Kmp. Ollleo. Mrs. Iliega A. Sou , 31B S Uth. 'Tel. SSI. 3M .V "t\7"ANTin > - Situation for.'twomen wlthbiibles aaed 2 months , ( I months and 1 year. All are good tellable women , and will work lor small wages ; also , want some one to board a baby In their own house , Chargesmust boiea- sonable. Canadian employment Olllce , 31(1 ( S. 15th. Upstairs , 'lei. UKI. : .t > 4 20 * "WANTl'.D-Sltuation as housekeeper In TT bom tlltiiT house or In private lamlly. Ail- dress H (12 ( , He * . 344 23 * * TT man with good leferences. Address 11 11 , Hee olllce , Council Hluirs. 1154 20 - looking for competent help to cull at ourolhco any time betweenff a. m. mid op m. mid they will tlnd a loom full of nliogliU to chose from. 1 have ou hand 2 llrst i lass glils from Chicago.aro fair cooks and laun dresses , 2 Swede girls who mo good workers but din't speak Kngllih , 3 Norwegians , 4 nice Irish girls and any amount of tlrst class glils. Como mid see for yourself. Canadian Kmp. Olllce , Mrj.lliega & Son. 31U S Uth. tele t-Kl. ! B11 J \\7"ANTKD-Sltuatlon by a young man In prl- TT vato famllj ; Is willing to make himself useful ; will work for small wages ; apply to or address Scamltuuv Ian Kmp buieau , 1U1U rarnam 30420 \\7ANTKD Situation by a young man Just TT ui rived f i oni old countiylns. grocery or any place wliero he can leutti to talk Kngllsh ; wages no object ; apply Scandinavian Kmp bu reau , 1U1U rainam. 30520 "I'lT'ANTKIPosition by expeilenccd nurse. Apply 2010 I'oppleton ove. 237 23 * " \\rANT15D "sTtuatTim as foreman stereotyper T T morning or ovenliiK paper. Address "Stcro , " care of Lord & Thomus , Chicago , 111. V\7AN'l KD ' 1 he liuiles of Omaha to know our ollicels full tlrst class girls that want places to work can give you your choice , come and see for yourselvoa. Omaha Kmp bureau , llUNltitlistt - = 3 | I742U Wi ANTED-A youns manof about the age o twenty or older , who Mould like to learn the photographing business. Apply at Oraut Central gmlory , 217 N lutli at. 37721 _ "WfANTBD-Posltlon ai coachman In prlvat T T family , aUo position as coachman or porter ter In hotel by colored man , American Ilmploy ment Ilureau , 1010 Furnam St. , room 6 , Omaha. Neb. . 318 It' Situation M hreftil and cake baker In small town. Aildres-t ItfiO , lleo. M lit * L\7ANTIIH Situation as bookkeeper , expert- T T t-nccil and competent. Address It HI , lleo _ fflce. ttw arj UrANTKD-A llRht set of bmiks to keep by a younimanhohxs ( ! three or four hours o spare e\elntfs. Itefercuccs required. Addresa j MMhlsoIllco. 275WJ [ \ T A N T K lT situatlon as housekeeper" TJy a ' T Scotch Canadian of i and a Ucrman- \merlcnn of 21 , are peed cooks and laundresses ud thoroughly understand houi-ekeeplnK.w rite r apply toMrs. . llrega & Bon , B1U S. 13. Tel. tkM. JC.M IPj L\rANTii : ) Charpo of elevator to tiny prnln. ? Ac. , by a thorough praln man , simile , well tnown In Neb , satisfaction or no pay. Address Clraln. " box M. Stromsbiirg. Neb. luu 2S STORAGE. [ JIIHST-CiaSS storage at 110 N. 13th St. K furniture , boxed goods , ctc.terms reasonable , 71t 1'aclflc , 23:1 : FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. 21XTV by ono hundred and llfty IniBlness C5 propetty ! 4 blk from South Omaha tKist- Ullce. * ll Jj l-3cu h. r. I/ . Gregory , : t > 1 So. Mh hi. yq IIIOH SAM ! At NIO , hotisoand lot , routvil at I- } ll per month , on Hiuall cash payment ! ! , bal- mce monthly or quarteilv , or all catli at a bet- er lit Ice and warianted deed. 1) ) . D.Siueatou.tmn ) oilKQ st. 112 VTlcr. llttln home , comer lot , ! Wxl2il , 4-room - house , cement cellir , filinare , well , etc. , me block west of SaunderH st and tiear street ars , only H.6 i , VJ cash. : w.\12ilon IturdettOKt , wlth2-rbom house , ono iloek from S.iuuders st , % ery cheap at Jl.tWO , } j ash , lle.iutlfnl home , 0-room new house , Inldlo \llde addition , H block from st cars , be.iutl- ully tlnlnhul ; let us show > ou this , only i-\Ml KlxlCu feet near Saundeis and I.ako xts , URRl , INX ) cash. Iteailtiful residence site , corner. In Isaac & Selden's fiHxlil , fJXm. ( Mitchell & . Io.\nniiii\rcl , , Mil DudKe st. ! iXI 111 I 1STour houses for rent with 11 , K. Cole , 31(1 ( J3 l.'irti ; can rent AO now. finu niOlt SAM' or trade Oood city property JJ for Improved or unliupio\ed Iowa or Ni > - iraska farms. II. II. Irey , Hoom W 1'renrer Hock , Omaha , Neb. 1.S2 T. M TAI\lgn : beautiful south front lot In Washington Square. IBS teet oil Sherman avenue ; $ l,7riii cash , balance ono and tw o j eais ; xll.i baijtaln. J , IItlcu & Co. , frolo apents. 2011 21 [ T1OH SAM ! I'lnest locution for a homo In L1 West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes if Klikcitdall. Coe , llindy , llasson and otheis. sothlns liner In the cltj. Can tell UlTixIHT or ess ; foi pikes and teims s-eu S. A. Sloiuan. 1 ! 01 'iirnnm st. Tit LIST > oiir pioperty. for sale or exclmni'o , with II. l : . Coh ijjs. nth. loom 1. f < t 11ST j our pioperty with S. H. Campbell and A ! . \ \ \ llu\ey , JllO ClKimboi of Commene. special attention Ren | to the OMlmtlKti of all kinds of piopeity , lmpro\i il and unlinpioved tlty mopeit ) , lainis , hoi&es , cattle , stocks of Roods , etc. KKS $ in l WII.Ii makii you the owner of a new oil-room hoiisu. w 1th all modern flttlnps , list fiont , coiner alley , lotCI\1 : III. on car Hue ; * J , ( Xl cash , balanie one , two and tlnee sears. .1 , I , . Hire \ Co , Mile agents. . Stri 21 rpo i > M.lmUKe Some money and cholm land -1 for llrst class Impiou'd Inside pioperty. 1.11. Cole , ilUiHlMh. 411 FOIt SAl.r Ilv > I. A. Uptou A , Co. , icnl estate brokers , iiin.S. Ifith street , opposite eliam- ler of commerce Kxtra liaipalnH : South and ast trout lot In Oak Chatham , opposite depot Kiounds , II rvmi hoiisu : oiilv teN l If sold at mie. ? SKIcash 'llilspropeity Isoith * l.ri ( ) j ' \1K rarimm and nd stiet-ts , } ilraill , cheapest nopeity on the street , will bo ninth i.U ( l In hiee jeais fiom now , 711 $ Uim n > U a fine resldem e lot , opposlto Konnl/.o place ; east ft out : coveied with nine maple tlees ; 3IH ( ) lanh , balaneu ouo and wojeais. , T. f. . Itlie \ Co , bole neentR _ _ J | 2'i ( . 21 FON SAMJ-UMxKWftcor. Ilowaid and : rth st * . , next lilock to Ilasvnn , lliady it Mm- Ins houses , ifT/jlX ) . Address II ; CI llee ollleo. liH' Foil SAI.IJ OrtiniU1 , n ntie In Washington Mill , chenp. Addit-ss H ill , Uee. "l I't ' * BI ( ! IIAIUIAIN 1'-stoiy house for sale In Walnut Hill , S moms , need eellai. bay win- low , poiiIt. homo IS\2S U > \ | "i\H. r.iitn ItxlH Tt. shed Itlxlilft , all tor jlniin , * . - ) down. 1ml. "i j ems tit U per cent Inteiest. Iniiuhe < if \ ' . O. ileirill cor. Iliewsteriiudlllkwts. ] J7 tor sale or t\vlmiipuulth ! Jll. 1 ? . Cole , ill ! . S IMh. room 1. fiSJ LIST your houses for rent with II. K. Cole. Illli J.S 1'itli ; can lent Ml now. Will Fill SAMI Several houses nnd lots on hinall payments , also some houses and lots to trade ; smeial faims for mle or trade for Omaha propertj or for stock. A. 1' , Majne , N. W. cor Itith and Karnam , I'.il $ " > , riOn WIMi Imv anew seven-loom modern lesldeiice , soutUiind east liout , on coiner ; stiuit cms by the door ; W.liii ) cash , balance one , two and three ' \earb ! special bargain. J. It. Itlce \ Co , sole api'i'its. aw 21 ] ISTMiurprnpprly for snlo with ChailesC. JSpoth\Miod , : U5 > | S Ibth t. K12 AI'BW moio lots left at JIVi ; easy teims. Money In this. luvosUuiite. 11. U Colo. : iltt S ir.th. 5S2 o K.VCIIANC.n-Coiner lot with ! ) house for farm M miles of Omaha , nline farm2nmiles liom Omaha for house and lot InOmulm. 2 lots and Ill-loom house for land and cash , llil ) nue tin m In Kansas lice of encumbiances , for house and lot In Omaha or S to 20auc9 near Omaha. lime puichaser for acio pioperty near Omaha 5 to 40 in 11 s. \ \ anted , II comer lots In South Omaha. Chas. U. Woollev. TI 2:1 : 418 South nth st. IJ1OII SAI.K-Cottatro and barn cheap. Must C be moed Immediately. M. Klputtor , 1UU1 rainimiht. JBI25 TTtOIl SALK A good lot < ai feet ) on I'aik av- 4 ? enue. low pili ult sold soon. McCulloih & Co , cor 1.1th mid Turnum , Ml f1O TitADK Inside property for Rood house , -L vlpht or nine looms , and full lot. MiCul- loch \ Co. , cor 16th and I'm num. .t."J FOll 8AMJ r.leKiint 10 riKim house , all mod ern conveniences , only tJOO cash ic-qulii'd. II. K. Cole , ail ) S. IMh. B12 rOT 3 Arcade 1'lace , U { blocks south of * I.cavenwoith M. , east fiont on : > th st. owner must sell. Askforpilce. V. Ii. Oiiuory , iBU So. 15th st. 24 ! T OirKXC"ilANilCity : property forTowa iir 1 Nebuiska lands. I. . 11Uitts , N , 1' . Col. llitli mid St. Slury's uve. 2:11 : 8 I'HCrAI , IIAItUAINB of Crum k llishop-5- ioom hoiiho , pooil bam. well , cl.stein , etc. , ' -block fiom stieet car. ! .om , ' 4 cash , very ciienp. rrooni house , 1 block fiom 2 car lines , r-.KX ) , WHI cash , a bargain. New 4-room hoiisu mid lull lot , * ' .K l. $ .Vii ) cash , a simp. Call on Crum X Illshop , lilt. S. 15th st. 2:15 : rpo r.XCHANOlC llqultv in 4,0 and ID room X houses and lots foi paid up lots. II. i : Cole , nin s. IMh. 410 AVKW moio lots left at JIV ) ; tnsy terms. Money In this. In\cstlgate. H. 1 ! . Cole , y111 Sllth. 6 $ \"M \ Two olepnnt lots , frontltiK on the Itouln- Mild , CrelKliton Heights addition ; half cash ; poslthn bargain ; ouner goluijawiiy. J. L. Itlce & Co. , sole agents. 2ffi > 21 N , 311 S. IMh St. . buys and sells real - estate , loans money , purchases secmltles ; has a good list of property for hulo and wants mote. Notary puillc. 851 1 0HTIlAIr-Thoo < iulty infi South Omaha X ? Syndicate lots , ne.ir tiaik , for house and lei all or nearly paid up ; or lots well located am paid for. 0. C. Bpotsw oed , D05J4 K. Kith st. 081 T710U SAMJ Or exchange. faiiiH In Iowa 1 Kansas and Nebraska for Omaha house' and lots ; w 111 assume mortgages on houses nnd glvu clear deeds to farms ; will nUo exchange city lots for good farms , well located and assume sumo small mortgages on farms and give i lear deed to tlty lots. Farms wanted 111 Central Ne braska. A. P.'IMkey , Itil rarnam st. HO TTIOll SAIjn-Oneof tlm lineal lotsonOrchan JL1 st. ; this lot may bo Hold at ! OU less than Its \Miie if bought In a fuw days Charles C. Bpotsw oed : ! 05V4 3. inth at. 650 TTTOH HALII A Z5.UUO homo on Colfaxhtieet Ju east front ; a Iw.ixii ) homo on I'aik u\enuo an HmjU , east front home , largo lot. Him 2-stoi ; house ; a ilU.UUil south front house on 1'opplutoi iivciiuo ; a } r , ( n J residence on I'aik u\eiiuni : $24UUU place on Twcntv-Hlxth street ; a l'ilo ! property , \ery tine , on Tenth strewt , I'roneity Improved and unlmproveil In nil parts of the city , i\mis : A , Illackbuin , I'M Dodge. 378 22 T 1ST your property for sale or exchange will U 11.1 ! . Cole. 31H S IMh. room 1. f > h-i 1J1OH SAM-llest : bargain In'South Omaha J's > ndltatn. Lot In block W for fiW. U. U Thompson , 311 H. 15th bt. 2iU AFHW more lots loft at 1150 : easy tcnnB Money In this. Investigate. II. K. Cole 3iu 8 Kith. IK : $2,750 I'oiir room house , peed barn , well am clHteru ; full lot , on Hamilton street , ou grade , onfy one-and one-half miles from jiost oUtce ; half caili. J. L. Ulco A ; Co , TWO homos In Hnn com pltvcp rentlnfr fo tTOpnr month to oxrhanbA for pee < ltn4it4 acantnropetty. 8. B. Campbell and O.VT. Her cyUQS. ! 10th st. . Clifttnbor ot Commerce. 153 WlMi receive bids for my house , N. W. corner I ner of Calfouila and 21st street ! ) , where 1 wilt A dully from 9 to 4 , until 1 dispose ot the entire impel ty. The lot M eighty (80) ( ) liy ono hundred and hlrty-twolCfeet. ( ) The house Is frame ot ten (10) ( ) rooms and la ; oed repair , The lot facing 21st Is well calculated for ilock of residences , and the locution Ima uo ujierlor In the city. 'J ho sewer U ono of the largest In the city. Two ( ' - ' ) street railroads are running on 2iHb treot , vhlch Is better Uiati If they weroruu- Ing on 21st street. The terms are j cash , liManco on long time. It urtlos w Ish It , at 7 per cent IntereM per annum , m > abhi at the Omaha National Hank. 1 will sell the furniture nt prUato. sale , among \ hlch Is a piano and soinu > cry old rosewood ml mahogany sets. There are also sonic flue Navajo and old Met- can IttankcU. . ol'ittt Froposals for the Construction of the Sapor structure of tha City Hall Building. SKAI.Kl ) Proposals will bo received by the iindeislgned unlit 1:30 : o'clock p. m , Nov. 4. IW.forthe construction of the superstructure lit the city hall building in accordance with tha plans and specifications on tile In the ollleo ot tha board of public works. Ilitts to i MI made upon printed blanks furnished by the board , and to bo accomponlod with u cer tified check In the sum of one thousand dollars , as an evidence of good faith. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive defeets. ST. A. D. HAT.COM1U ? . ' Chairman Hoard ot 1'ubllo Winks , Omaha , Neb , Oct. 14.1887. os.'jo-2H-3inl | Notiw to Contractors , SRATjKI ) Proposals will bo received at th > ollleo of the county clerk up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday , October 22nd , A , D. 1ss7 , for uradtug about 4,000ymds of earth at crossing ot rremout , Missouri Viilleviind Klkhoni Hallway , in Soitloit 21 , Township 10 , Hango 12. Thoilght Isiesoived toieject any and all bids. A deposit of RSI m w 111 bo toqutrod w 1th each bid. Ilv order of the Hoard. 017-111-21 ( ) . ! ' . NliK.D1IAM. County Clerk. Dissolution Nctleo. rplIK undersigned , lining business under the JL Him name ot Schmidt \ Mueller , doing a grocoiy business at Hlh and Leavenvvorth streets , have Hits day dissolved my mutual eon * sent , Henry Moeller will continue the buslnesi and pay all bills and collect all outstanding debts. IIKHMANN SCHMIDT. 1IKNHV MOELLKH. Omaha. Oct. 10th , IMfT. ollM It' Notice to Contractors , SKALKD lllds will bo received at the ollleo of the ( utility cleik uti to noon of Satiuday , October 22d , A. D. 1887 , for grading extension ot Leavenwoitli street thiough Section 24 , Town * ship 15 , Haugo U , fiom it.OUO to 8knl ( yards , moro or less. The light Is reserved to i eject any ami all bids. A deposit of fc5 ! M required with each bid , lly order of the hoard , 017-10' C. 1' . NKKDHAM , County Clerk. THE RAILWAY TI1IE TABLES , OMAHA. A JIUM.MV TIIAINH. Itunnlnc Hetween Council HlutTs and South ) maha. In addition to the stations inrntlonuL lulns stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourtU stieets , mid at the Summit In Omaha. WoHtwartl. Hi o.id- Trausfei Omaha. bheoly's , Stock way. Vmds. 11:11 : B.27 n:40 : 0:47 : 7:05 : 7:17 : 7:2.1 : 7:40 : 7:17 : H.lfi H:17 : 8:2.1 : H:40 : 8:47 : II. ( 0:17 : 11:25 : 11:40 : ti47 ; 10.0.1 10:17 : 10.2.1 10:40 : 10:47 : 11:05 : 11:17 : 11:2.1 : 11:40 : 11:47 : 12OTi 12:17 : 12-2.1 12:40 : 1J:47 : 1 : ( X1 1:17 : 1:25 : 1:40 : 1:47 : s.ai 2:17 : 2:35 : 2:10 : 2:17 : 3.Vi ( 3:17 : 3:2.1 : 3:10 : 3.47 4 . ( VI 4:17 : 4:2,1 : 4:50 : 4:57 : 5:11 : ft:22 : 5.3J 5:41 : 0:11 : fl.22 li.lt ! II.Ill ) 7.00 7ll ; 7l : 7.JCJ 10.01) 10:12 : IO:2D : niiTs ti:11 : IIUSS 10 : . t ; 11:20 : 1:33 : 11:10 11:41 : 11:52 : 1J:01 : I'2astwartl. block bheulj'.s Omaha. Transfer. Ilroad- Yin ds. way. 0:15 : 0:58 : 7:15 : 7:28 : 7:3 1-M 7:58 : 8:15 : 8:28 : 8:33 : 8r : ) HM : 1M15 0:28 : 0:3S : tl.5U ! I:5S : 10:15 : 10:28 : in.w ; io.i5 : IO:4H : 11:00 : 11:1.1 : 11:20 : 11:50 : 11:5S : 12:11 : 1J:2S : 12:35 : 12:50 : ] 2:5S : 1:15 : 1:28 : 1:35 : 1:50 : 1M : 2:15 : 2.28 2:3.1 : 2:50 : 2 : 1H 3:15 : 3:28 : 3:3.1 : 3:50 : 3:58 : 4:15 : 4:28 : 4:50 : 4W : 5:15 : 5:28 : .1:40 : 5:47 : 0:05 : 0:18 : :2Ti : i:40 ! : flJ7 : 7:00 : 7:13 : 7:30 : 7:21 : 7.W : 8ir ; S:2 : 8:3Tt : 10oo ; 10:1.1 : 10.2A 10:30 : 11:20 : 11:32 : 11:19 : 11:4.1 : 11:1.1 : 12:05 : ' KH. Arrlvo CONNECTING LINKS , 'IVuiihfer Transfer depot. depot. C. , It. I. & ! ' . : 0:40 : a. m. ) :15 : a. in. All trains run Dally. G:40 : p. m. 7:00 : p. m. ll.lt N. W. : ' ) ; 40 n. m. 0:15 : a. m. All tialns inn Daily. (1:10 ( : p. m. 7:00 : p. m. C. , H. & Q. : n. m. 0:11 : a. in. All trains run Dally. O.ai p. m , 7.00 p. m. 0. , M. A. St. I' . : u. m. 1 a. m. All trains run Dully. HMO p' m.m. . 7:00 : p. m. Sioux City. 1.31 p. m.m. . 12.00 m. K. 0. , St.J.XO. H : 11:2.1 : u. m. 0:33 : a. m. All tialns rnn Dally. 0:11 : p. m , 'J:18 : p. m. W. , St. I , . & .V. : All trains run Dally. ' 2:15 : p. m. 13:15 : p.m. H. C. & I1. : U:40 : a. m. 8:55 : a. in. All trains run Dally , 7:00 : p. m. 7.00 p. m. QUEER PHASES OF LIFE IN OILDOM A TeaniHtni-'H laiuk in Oil and Hud Ijiick In I2l ] ilianl9. "Sco that old follow on the wagonV" asked Curt Ttohinsou yesterday , ot The Oil City Don-id ; . "Thut is 'Sandy' Williamson. Ho is driving team now for u living , nnd back in ' 00 ho win worth $200 , < XU. ) Got hia mnnoy in a queer way , too , Uo was hauling for an oil company that was operating near the mouth of Cherry Run. The company was in hard luck and givvo Sandy uu eighth in n well they were drilling for six months' wages they owed him. Sandy was hard up for the money , but ho thought that was ti prott.v goou gamble - blo and accepted the in'onositVon. The well hud ti long liiiHhing job , and Sandy ollorod his intcrcfat in it to mo and othurri for $100 , hut wo didn't liuvu the nerve to take it. The well came in big and ho bold his eighth for $150,001) , ) cash , after Boiling his share of the pro duction for a monio or six weeks for $10 a barrel. Sandy wont to Dublin to visit his parents , fixed the old folks up in n nice little bubinoss and continued on : i tour around the world. At Hombay ho bought an elephant without having any iiso for the boast , and it died next day , Sandy said , of colic. From that day ho had no luck. When he came homo ho wont to speculating in stocks , nnd was cleaned out in six months. Ho wont bade to driving team and ho is still at It. \Villlatnhon firmly believes that the elephant phant 'hoodooed' ' him and that if hn hadn't bought it ho would bo u rich mua to-duy , " t. ,