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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 , 1887. ME THREE MYSTIC LIES. of the Grand Lodge of Odd Follows at Lincoln. GOOD SHOWING FOR THE LODGE. I'roimrnllonn VHP the Grand Parade Xo-dny New Grand llncnitiit- incut Olllecrs Irlnh Members ol'Parllnmctit frnoji run urn's LINCOLN n The grand ledge , I. O. O. F. , met at JO a. m , yesterday at Odd Fellow's hall , with all the oDlcora , with ono exception , in attendance andbotwccn two hundred nnd fifty and thrco hundred delegates present. Grand Master Adnra Forgu- Hon , of North Platte , presided , with 1) . A. Clinc , Lincoln , bccrotary. Hut little was done in the morning bourn Itoyond organizing for work , which promises to fully occupy the coming two days. The grand master's report \VIIH presented and showed a very credi table growth of the order during the year pant. The statistics in the grand Keorctnry's report show : Number of working ImlKui last icport. . . 137 K tun her organized during i car . 11 Total . 148 Number Riirrcmlinu ehurteis . 1 Number consolldaUni ; . 2 Leaving a total oflodRcs . 1-15 The membership report is its follows : Number members at last report . r > W >' . 015 Admitted by cutd . ! Wt 1 teinstnled . 07 Leaving a total of . O.VU From this should bo deducted the | following : j Number withdrawn by cm J . Sit J NumlMH-Hiisiieaded . 410 * KxiKillcd . 14 ) ) eeeased . ill Otliur causes . 10 Making a loss of . ( to'J This , deducted from the foregoing total , leaves a total active membership nt date of 6,875 , a gain of ! 575 in inom- l > ei whip during the year. The total amount of relief extended during the year is figured at $ ( , : W2.8B. The conditions of the subordinate | lodges are shown by the following lig- I tires to be in a very Haltering condi tion : receipts of subordinate lodges . $ fiOriG7 , 79 Expenses of Hlibordlnato lodged. ' . . a > ,47 ( ! 71 Kxeest of iccclptt over expenses. . ! ! ( ) ,10t ! (18 ( Total assets of snbuullnato lodges. 'Jlll.uai 01 The grand lodge receipts and balance for the past year was $1(1,182.52 ( ; the ox- ] ) onbcs , same time , $4tti.85 ! : thus leav ing a balance in the treasury of 80,147.08. In his loport the grand master speaks of the consolidation of the ledge at JRrownvillo with the lodge at Auburn. This ledge at Urownvillo was organi/ed in the jour 18.17 and h ld forth for thirty yoaiSj furnishing the grand ledge in its time thrco grand masters. To-day will bo devoted to the grand ledge work and the annual parade that a' takes place in the afternoon nt2 o'clock. 91 The Cadet band will head this pro- f- " cewdoii , which will form with the fol lowing organizations and follow the line of march bet forth below : The procession will form at the comer of Eleventh and L stieeta In the following or der : Music ; Ford Canton No. S uniformed patriarchs ; Lincoln ledge No. It3 ! , I. O. O. 1 < \ ; Gorninnia ledge No. 67 ; Lancaster ledge No. H9 ; Capitol ledge No. 11 : Clmrity lodge , daughters of Kcbceea ; Suliuo encampment No. 4 ; Giand encampment of Nebraska ; Grand ledge of Nebraska. The line of march will bo north on Eleventh to O street , west on O street to Tenth , north on Tenth to Q , cast on Q to Twelfth , nniith on Twelfth to P , east on P to Fifteenth , south on Fifteenth to O , west on O to Thirteenth , south on Thirteenth to M , \vont on M to Eleventh , south on Eleventh to hall. The procession will bo In charge of Grand Maishal C. F. Williams. Till : GUANO KNUAMI'MKNT closed its labors Tuesday evening. Their reports show that the camp has been highly prospered the past year and that the number in the state has been largely increased. The following olli- cors of the encampment .woro elected for the ensuing year : J. 'S. Hoaglnnd , North Platte , G. P. ; L. J. Byors , Lin coln , G. H. P. ; C. 1) . Ayers , Kearney , G. S. "W. ; J. P. Gage , Fremont , G. J. W. ; D. A. Glino , Lincoln , G. S. ; S. Mc- Clay , Lincoln , G. T. The newly elected olllcors were installed jubt prior to ad journment. I'JtOMINENT VISITORS COMING. Hon. John P. Sutton , secretary of the Irish National league in America re turned ycotorday from an extended trij in the east , including visits to Now York , Philadelphia and Boston. Mr , Button's trip was in the interest of the league and no pronounces the organi zation in the east in a very prosperous condition. Mr. Sutton was , while cast much of the time in the company o ! Messrs. Esmond and O'Connor , the twc nationalist members of parliament now on a visit to this country. These gen tlemen will go to the Pacilic coast in November and will bo in Lincoln on November 1. The local branch of the league has secured Funko's opera .house for that evening , at which time a public meeting and a reception with speaking will bo held. As those gentlemen wil bo in Lincoln two or three days it luu boon suggested by a number of { iroini- nont citi/ons that n banquet in tboii honor would bo a very proper way t < rocogni/o their visit and give all citi y.ons an opportunity to tender their goot will and wishes to the eminent Irish' men. STATK HOUSK ITKMS. Govorno'r Thayer has gone to Crane Island to attend the laying of the cornoi stone of the now boldiors' homo at tha place. Articles of the pressed brick manu fnoturing company bf Omaha were llle ( with the becrotnry of btato yesterday. Attorney General Leeso arrived homi yesterday from Washington , where hi has been looking after cases in tin United States supreme court. In the supreme court yesterday tin following cnbos were called : Roads v Ehtabrook , continued. The following cases were argued and submitted : Drib call vs Troughton , Johnson vs Steele Omaha Medical College VB Rush , Estn brook vs Hateroth , Council vs Chambers bors , Carroll vs Patrick. Perfection is attained in Dr. Sago' Cutnnrh Remedy. Criminal Canon. The case of John Gleason , chargei with burglary , cnrao up before Judg Groff yesterday morning , and was con tinned until the next term of thodistrie court. The case of Low Hawk'ins , charge with burglary , cnmo up in thonftornoo : before Judge Groff. Police Court Notes. Charles Stanley and John Francii both vagrants , were given fifteen duyi the first and last five on broad an water. Tom Hart , another vagrant , wn given twenty days , but the sentence wti Suspended on his promibo to leave towi noimon. Latest Stops Tnkcn lo Discover Fttrn- cvnl , the rultcrtou Murderer. Gcorgo D. Moiklojohn , of Fullerton , Nnnco county , was In town ycstcnlny morning nftor the mooting of thorcpul- ) Hcnn stnto central committee Tucsilny night. Ho Bnltl thnt his county , under the law which ho hnd umondcil at the last session of the Icplslaturo , had placed on record n , reward of $1,000 for the conviction of the murderer or mur derers of the Percival family in that county thrco yearn ago. It will bo re membered that In poino mysterious manner five people- lost their lives and iv man named Furnoval , who was sus pected of the crime , buddcnly disap peared. The law before the amendment in question provided for a rownrd of but $200 in every murder coso , no matter how many persons might lese their lives by the deed. As has been stated , five persons lost their lives in this cruel deed , and under the law the maximum of fee of $200 for each victim has been announced nnd re corded. This law waa amended by Senator Molklojohn with this Nnnco horror in viow. The governor has also issued an additional reward of $1,000 and bones thnt local and state author ities will bo on the alert to oimblo the perpetrator of this deed to bo brought to justice. The senator says that parties are now closely watching West British America and Alaska for Furnc- vnl. Information concerning the crime may bo obtained from Hoy. G. C. Tan ner , Fnirbault , Minn. , and S. II. Pcnnoy , Fullcrton , Neb. METHODIST EPISCOPAL UNION. The Oinaliu CliuruIicN IMnko a Mine For United Action. A very important as well as a very in- ercsting meeting was hold on Tuesday voning at the First Methodist church or the purpose of forming a Methodist Ipiscopal Union in this city. Quito a oodly number were in attendance , 'eprefconting the different Methodist ihurches of Omnlnv and South Omaha.- The mooting was opened by singing 'All ' Hall the Power of Jesus' Name , " ftor which Rev. Mr. Hayncs offered > rajcr. The presiding elder , Rev. J. V. Phclps , in a short speech slated the bjeet of the meeting and outlined the character of work done by such unions. IIo urged the necessity for such a union 'rom ' the fact that the members were curcoly acquainted with each other hrougbout the different cburchcs , and hat by organization it would bo very : uuch better for all in that respect. Then again , that by this union n , great deal more work could bo done than if ach worked separately. Sucb an or- 'aniyiilion was very much needed bo- juuso it was very hard for dilloront ihurehcs to locate church buildings in lie places vhoro they would do the nest good. IIo hoped that soon tlio Methodist people of thlh city would go 'nto those parts of the city where there H not much , if any , evangelical work douo and do something for that class of ; ) ooplo who do not attend church , and Especially got their children into Sun day school. Uov. T. M. House said that the ihurehcs could do very much more work i > y being organi'/ed. That while indi vidual effort may bo directed to good ends yet with organization the same number of individuals could do a great ileal more. He thought it was God's , ) lun that in evangelical work there should bo organization and concerted action ; that together the churches might > lan nnd arrange for the salvation of nen ; that all Methodists ought to look , o the strengthening of all Methodist churches , and that they should not bo sollish nor local in their views. If Meth odists made ono church weak all felt it ivnd all were weak ; and if ono church was made- strong all were strengthened. IIo hoped that nil the churches would work together for ono common end , and not try to build up ono at the expense ol mother. A. T. Rector fonid that there ought to bo a great deal of warmth in all Metho dist churches ; that a great many churches did not do their work as they ought to do it , and that if business men did their work as the churches some times do they would soon be closed out. IIo did not think that there would bo and churches closed out hero. Rev. T. ( J. Clondenning said that ho was glad that the founders of the church organi/.od a "Methodist Episcopal church. " Ho wanted all the Methodist churches called "Methodist Episcopal churches. " Ho wanted the church tc bo broad in its feelings and actions. He thought that the churches were entirely too narrow in theii thoughts and sympathies ; that the South Tenth street Methodist churcl did not have the fooling for the othoi Methodist churches in this city thai they ought to have ; that his people did not know very much about the othoi Methodist churches and did not care very much for them , and in that rospocl the other Methodist churches of the city were like their own. Ho urged the necessity of holding fast to princi ples and doctrines ; that the churches that were built in the suburbs of the city were only for those living there but that they were our churches as well. well.A A constitution was then adopted am the name of the organization was callct "Omaha Methodist Episcopal union. ' A. T. Rector was elected president o the union and the following vice prcsl dents were elected from the various churches : First Methodist Episcopal C. F. Brcokonridgo ; Seward Street Gould P. Deets ; South Tenth , J Phippsroo ; Haiibcom Park , John Dale South Omaha , E. M. Richardson Trinity , L. A. Harmon ; Cabtollar Joseph Hughes ; Omaha Circuit , J. C Roberts ; Danish , Thomas Erickbon Swedihh , C. O. Lobcck ; German , to b < elected. W. L. Wright was electee secretary and A. A. McFuddon troas uror. uror.About thirty-six names were signoi to the constitution , which makes a von fair beginning. The next mooting wil bo hold in the South Tenth Mothodis Episcopal church on the evening of tin second Tuesday of November , at 7:3i : o'clock , and it is earnestly desired tha there bo a largo attendance on the par of Methodists and their friends. Permit * toVcrt. . Judge McCulloch issued the followinj inarriago licenses yesterday : Name and UesUleneo . Apr Simeon Gold water , Londvllla - Sophia Stone , Oinului - Charles K. Guylonl , Gentry Co. , Mo1 Mary C. Johnson , Omuliu - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Haby was sick , wo gave ber Castoria. When the IT&I a Child , abe cried for Castorla , When she becama Mlao , the clune to Castoria , AVhen she had ChllJren , she gave them Castor U , Itcnl Estaio Transfors. W n Wood to Horoli WUnmnn , ct nl , store bullJItiR No D on lot 2 , blh ! ) , Parker's add , Icnso for C years , ( SCO Jtimci M 1C St John nndt to Scwartl T St John , lot SO In blk 0 la Hnus- comPluco\v il 7,000 John H Webster tint ! wf to William H Oiluioro. ct ul , Iot3 , blkl , In Pat ter's rum. to West Oniuhn , wd 1,800 Nrlllo K Webster nnd hus to Chnrles Flnlcy , the o' < of lot a In blk 15 In "Credit Ponclur" udd d , w 1,500 Morris Blotter and wf to Hobcrt L Ottrllclia , lots 1 und U In blk 7 , nnd lots 1U and 11 In blk 13 , of Lhvight nnd Loymim's ndd , w d 2,400 Bcsslo A Wnss to Chnrlcs M Dlns- inoro , the undlv K InUjrest iu wJ of lot 11 nnd o 5 ft of lot 10 In Key's div of lot 0 In Capital mid , q o d 5,000 , Clmrlci Houmcr to George A. Joplin , lots 1 nnd S In blk S in Hunscom Place , \v d 4,000 Charles M. Dlnsmoro nndvf to Alfred Millard , the undiv K of vitf of lot 11 nnd undiv M of o G ft of lot 10 , in Ley's Division of n part of lot 9 In Capital mid , w d 4COO Hermnn Kountzo nndvta \ to H. II. Nott , lot'J , lu blk'2ln KountzoPluoo , W d 2,000 , HIIRO II. Lucbbcn to John H. Williams , lot 05 in Falrmount Place , w d 2,200 , Hugo H. Lucbbcn to John H. Williams , lot ] , in Ludwlck Plnco , wd COO Nnhun 1' . Fail to Joseph Williams , lot 4 , in HurdetU ) Court , w d 475 Clmrles H. Kount70 nnd wlfo to Adnl- plms Husch , lot 14 , blk 12 , iu KouuUo Place , wd 2,400 Jacob Kendls nnd wlfo to Diivid L. Carpenter - pentor , lot 11 , blk a , Arbor Pinto , w d 2,000 , Martin Chitk and wife to John 1' . Wil liams , lots 10 and 11 iu Ludwick Place , wd 1,200 Mary J. Bcutty tu Frederick H. Miller , lotsl. 2 , 3 , 4 mid C , in blk IS , in Hoyd'sadd ' , wd 3,500 ohn L MtCaRiio and wife to John F McHride , lota 0 and 7 blk 5 iu West CnmliiK add , w d 000 iVilllntn F SinitH trustco to Oeor o Warren Smith , lots ! ) and 4 in blk l'J3 City of Omiihii , w d 29,000 oseph H Kobcitn to Nornh Lctine. lot 8 in blk 3 in Rush & Selby's add to South Omnlig , w d 450 2dith Ostler to Jane Wan en , the n J4 of swW of 8007-10-11 , w d 2 Egbert E French and wife to Samuel Finlay.son ct ul , the o J < f of lots U and 10 blk 8 of Central park , w d 700 The Soutli Omaha Land Co to the Con vent of Mary , lots 5 aud 0 blk 3SI iu South Omaha , wd Ifi75 ohn A Norlmeh and wf to James V Sweeney , lot 4 , blk 5 , in Norbaoh's 2dadd. wd. . . . 0,250 HuRhG Claikundwf etal , to Will iam H Homon , lots 4 , f > , 0 of Clark's sub dlv of lot 31 , of Mllliird & Cald- woll'H ndd. w d 6,250 S II II Clark , trustco to Caroline An- tiercs , lot U nnd 4 , in blk 12 , of west side , wd 050 William J Paul to Esbeit E French , lot II , blk 5 , nnd lot 21 , blk 0 , in Maynes' add. wd 1,800 Harvey M Sampson nnd wf to E E French , lot 3 , blk 1C , iu Central park. wd. . . . I ! . . . . 1,200 Hugh G Clark and wf to E E French , lot 7 to 24 , inclusive , iu blk 2 , of Lake View , v o d 10,000 Hugh G Clark nnd wf to E E French , lot * 14 nnd Ifi , block 2 , In Pruyn's sub div of blk 2 , in Hyde park , w d. . 750 James A Hawley and wife to W F Al len , blk S in Hauscoiu place add , wd 0,500 Sarah F Axford to John T Murphy , lot 12 In Axfoid's add , q c d 1 W. T Ponnington Wood nnd wife to J T Robinson , lots 3 and 9 in blk 6 nnd lots U and 12 blk 5 iu Riverside ndd , w d COO J C Winn to Egbert E French otiU , lot 12 in blk 10 , Central park , w d. . 1,200 DoWitt C. Hryant et al to Mrs. S. M. Scott Slauson , lot 1 in Washington square , w d 4,000 George E Herker and wife to Joseph licrkcr , o } of no M of no } of so } f of sco 14-1.V12 , nod 1 C E Yost and wife to Peter Smith , lot (5 ( blk 3 , Lake ndd , qed 1 S O L Co to Jacob Fnwcctt , lots 9 and 10 blk 32 , South Omalm 1,050 , Jacob Fawcctt to John Col rcll , lots 9 and 10 , blk 32 , South Omaha 1IU5 , William S Robcrtsiro und wife to Anna 1C Pruyn. lot 2 of Lotcvo's sub div of south 2-11 feet of sub div lot 14 in lot 4 in Rngan's udd , w d $ 2,750 Augustus Kountzo nnd wife to John F Malstrom , the n X Of lot 13 , blk U in Kount/o's third add , w d C39 George W Boerstler to Mrs S M Scott Slauson. the middle X of lots 1 und a , blk 2 in Omaha View , w d 1,350 , George W Hoorstler to Mrs S M Scott Slauson , the n X of lots 1 und 2 , blk 2 in Omaha View , w d 1,550 The United States to Richard Moore , o yt of s o } { of o V of n o } of sco 31 , 10 , 13 , patent. . . David R Archer and wf to II AMooro , lot 0 blk 3 in Catnor & Archer's odd to South Omaha , w d 500 Samuel E Rogers and wf to John O'Donohoo , tlio S K of lot 3 blk 13 in F E Rogers ndd , w d 800 Emily J lioycr to Clara A' noycr , the E K of lot in Tuttle's sub div of s w K of n o X of soc 5-15-18 , q o d 1,000 G W Loom is et al George W Ames lot 5 in Arlington , w d 450 George W Wilborn to J H L Williams lot U blk 3 iu Kirkwood add , w d. . . . 1,500 Samuel E Rogers and wf to Muthias Dobcn , the o of n X of lot 3 blk 9 in the Improvement nssoclatlon , w d 300 Julia E Vundorcork and hus to Daniel S Lees , lot 4 blk 2 in Vnndorcork torr.ieo. w d 1,100 John F Rnushar and wife to Nolo P Drayo , lots 1 and 2 blk D iu Dcor park , wd 2,000 Julia E Vaudcrcook and husband to Daniel J Lcccs , lot 8 blk 2 in Van- dercook's terrace , wd 1,000 Edwin S Rood nnd wife to Emilia Nowmnn. the o 3-5 of lot 20 blk 10 in Albright's annex to South Omaha , wd 01 John S Inncs to Augustus J Hoscl- man. lot 4 blk 23 in Omaha View ex tension , w d 1,100 William Cob.urn , sheriff nnd master commissioner , to James P English , muster's deed , lot 4 and o 10 of lot 5 blk 4 In subdivision of lot 5 in Capi tal add 6.70C J R Welllmkio and wife to Jacob Kon- dis , lots Hand 12 blk 2 , Rush & Selby's ndd to South Omaha , w d. . 85 ( Total , $ i32,93 < Itiiilding 1'ormlts. The following building permits wore issued by Superintendent Whitlock : N. Seirvo , Jwo ono story frame cot tages , Jones and Thirty-Hirst , to cost 00 ( John Soicnson , ono story frame cot tage , northwest corner of Charles and Twentieth streets , to cost 601 North Side Huilding association , ono nnd ono-half tttory frame cottage. Twenty-eighth , between Pratt and Piuknoy , tocost 1,25 ( John Powers , two storv frame cooper shop , Jones , betwccd Fifth and Sixth , tocost 2,501 Emma Hystrom , ono story frnmo addi tion to dwelling , Walnut , between Fourth and Fifth streets , to cost. . . . 20 < A. Joseph and E. Hull , one story f ramo cottage , Grand avenue nnd Crown Point uvonuo , to cost 20 ( Essio Walla , ono story frame cottage , Hurdutte , near Thirtieth , to cost. . . . 501 John Dimmer , ono story addition to store , rear 1312 Furimm , to cost . . . 201 Charles A. Dloinborg , ono story frame cottage , 802 North Thlity-tirst avenue , to cost 40 ( J. J. Gibson , two story frame resi dence nnd barn , Wirt , between Twenty-Unit and Twenty-second , to cost 4,30i William Anderson , addition to dwell ing , iif Sowai d , to cost 15i A. H. ISobsolman , ono story frame cot tage , Ohio , between Thirty-first nnd Thh ty-secoml. to cost 701 Two story double dwi lllng , Twenty- third and Maple , tocost | 3,50i G. W. Hurk , ono nnd one-half story frame barn , Hickory between Twenty-eighth nnd Twenty-ninth , to cost ir Emma Hill , ono story frame oottugo , Sixteenth and Ohio , to cost 1,12 H. G. Stalder , ono and ono-half story frame barn , Twenty-ninth and Shir ley , tocost 22 Thomas F. Hall , two story frauo THE NEW YORK AND OMAHA CLOTHING CO. Are very busy this week unpacking new winter goods , and placing them before their custo mers , who are confident of getting the best when purchased at THE NEW YORK AND OMAHA. They are having a great run on their NOBBY CHEVIOT SUITS AT $10 to 016.50 , These suits have no equal either in style or price in this city. You can buy a good WORSTED OVERCOAT FOR $6.50 , or an EXTRA FINE ONE FOR $15 to $25. i As to UNDERWEAR , you can get a suit all the way from $1 to $3.50 , and higher , including the very best importations. If your boy needs a hat 25c will buy one at the NEW YORK AND OMAHA , and 100 other styles ranging in price from 50c up to $5. 18O8 Farnam Street : dwelling , Eighteenth hclween Lake nnd Ohio , to cost 11,000 J. Millig.ui , two one and one-half story fr.imo dwellings , Twenty-sev enth near St. Mary's avenue , to cost 2,500 , Paul Waaclc , addition to store and change roof to itat roof , Soutti Twenty-foul th near boulevard , to cost 450 LSo.ird of education , ono story school , Thirty-eighth and Daven port , to cost 1,311 Board of education , ono story frame school house , Nineteenth and Spruce , to cost 1,314 Board of education , ono story school house , Fifth and Hickory , to cost 1,344 Mrs. Henrietta Swaysland , two story brick dwelling , 1313 Davenport , to cost 3,000 , John Field , ono and one-half story barn , Covert nnd Nicholas , to cost. . 800 Twenty-four permits aggregating.29,582 TURNING UP BONKS. The Graders Uncovering llcmnins Near tlic Old Site of the Hospital. For some months past Stuht & Hamol have had at work grading on Eleventh nnd neighboring streets the largest force of men and teams over employed in that business in thib city. Yesterday a part of the gang extended excavating into the alloy in the rear of the old silo of the Omaha Medical college. This institution , it will bo remembered , was moved but a short time ago to the corner of Eleventh and Pacific streets where it now standsl' ' The change was not mndo , however , until the attention of the people was directed to several ir regularities which were discovered in its treatment of the remains of subjects which it secured both while on the table and when being disposed of. That the lot on which the college stood and the alloy in the roar of it was made the ' buri'nl ground of thebo fragments of mortality was attested by the finding of scores of bones by the workmen who were making the excavation. Some of these bones were scon by the BEE reporter who was also informed that if the lot were to bo dug up , the number of mortal skeletons which would be there found would bo not far from thirty. This man had witnessed the burial ol the same on many a dark night , when every neigh bor was quietly resting in his homo. Some of these may yet bo brought to the surface. Sherman Tliurston's Last Visit. The remains of Sherman Thurfaton , the well-known sporting man , passed through this city yesterday morning and were forwarded to Fremont , where they will bo placed beside the remains of his parents. They were accompanied from Chicago byV. . D. Long , and mot at the transfer by Patsy Fallow , Billy Hawley and Low Hibbin , who attended the removal from the Northwestern train to the Union Pacific. Mortgages Foreclosed. Joseph Had field and Charles Wil liams filed a petition in the district court yesterday for the foreclosure of a mortgage on lots 0 to 10 , inclusive , in block No. 2 , Weiss' subdivision. The mortgages wore taken to secure prom issory notes now amounting to $1,259.45 , and given by Edward A. Shaw. CREAM BAKING Its superior excellence proven In millions ot homos for more tliuu u quarter of it cimtnry. It is lined by the United Rimes ( lovernment. r.u- dorsml liv the heads of the great uuhersltles. ttH-tlHi Mi oncost , 1'urost and Most lleatlitnl. Dr. l'rlre'8 tliu only linking 1'owdtr that does not contuln Ammonia , Lime or Alum. Sold only In cans. cans.I'UICE BAKING I'OWDKU CO. , New Yolk. Chlcueo. St. LouU. LOTOS FACE POWDER Ladies valuing their comnlezion ibonld lecnrea J SAMPLE BOX ( ORATISi ) of the latest Imported ondunonimomly acknowi- edyud us Uio lic t FACE POWDER. Ouarant cd to bo perfectly liarmlosi , ( mper- leptible , durable mid invisible. 1 or Halo avury- . ruBKior. eo 600 i > er Iluz. 'IraUo BUiiplled by BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , OMAHA , NEB. _ J. F. UOVO tco CHICAGO Sole Igiportafi. LOTOS ! FACE POWDER The Theatrical Profciilon. Korlt will win and rocetro public recognition And pr&lio. Facts , vrhlch art the outcome of general or parlance , growing through years of critical and prottlcal text , become ai rootoj and Immorable ai tliorockof Gibraltar lupublla oplulon , and benco. forth need no further guaran * o a * to their gen * Inencti. The Indisputable fact that Swift's Spu lflo la the beat blood purifier in the world , Is one of those Immorablo Gibraltar nick facts of which we hare pokenand ur.rUny's experience roots thin con viction deeper and deeper lu public opinion. Ktery bus of our people In Anurlca and In Europe , eiory trade , cnUlng and profession. Including tha medical profession , IISTO bnrue voluntary testi mony to the remarkable virtues or S. 8. S. and Its Infallible tminor m curing all diseases of tlid blood. Ihese testimonials arnou flle by the thou- liaiids , nnd open to tlio tiiKpectlonof all. Nowcomo. unsolicited , two dUtlURUiiOiei ! im tubers of thu theat rical profusion.who gratefully testify to the wonder ful curative qualities of the Specific | , , their Inrtl- vlilual oases. Their testimonials are lieronltb sub mitted to the publle without further comm.nt let them speak for themselves. The lady Is n member of tbo famous Thalia Theatre Company , of New York , and formerly ot tl.o Residence Theatre , Berlin , Ger many , nnd of McVlcker's block Company , of Chlcano. The gentleman U a well known memtrar of the New York Thalia 1 Iteatre Company. Ikith are well known la theatrical < -rcUs | lu this country aud In Europe. Charlotte Rnndorr'i Testimony. NEW YORK , May 3 , 1537. Sn If t Specific Company , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen Having been armored with pimples , eruptions nnd roughness of thu skin , from bad con- illtlou of my blood , for more than a year , I used a leading preparation of saraaimllla and other ndvur- tlsed remedies to no urTect. Then I consulted a prom inent physician , and from his treatment received no benefit. I then concluded to try the S. S. S. rem edy for the blood , and rive or six package * , by a thorough eradication of my trouble anil restoring smouthness to my tklu , havemadnmo happy , and I cheerfully give you this testimonial for such use and publicity a ) you wish to make of It. CnMtLOTTK 1UMDOW , 152 Howery , near Canal Btrost , Hugo Haaikcrl's ) Testimony. The Swlf t Specific Company , Atlanta. Go. : Gentlemen For two yi ars I hnd n severe case of ctema. I used tcr soapi , sulphur nonps.and various other remedies , and was prtscrlbed for by numbers of phTslclani , but found norullef At last I ill tor- inlned to try thu H. S. S. remedy , and ucven or eight bonus liave thoroughly relieved me , and } ou can uio this certUlcato lu any manner ; mi v lali. Huoo HIS&KEHL. . , _ . , Hciubor ofTtlaUa Tbeatra Now York , May 3,1M7. Treatise on Blood aud Skin Diseases mailed frea. Tux SWIFT Srccino Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. Embody the Mghtit exetUen- flr.iitnli < ilirUnra > , cot fort and durability nitd are ttitrtigning favoritttlnfuiMonabkielrcl' : . Our name is I J.4T.COUSI NS , cry sole. ) NEW YORK. For Sale by H award Brothers. WM. M'lXTOHII. B. r. HODWKLI/ BODWELL A. MclNTOSH , Real Estate Dealers , 140 South Spring Street , Los Angeles , . . . California. Dealers in city and country property of all de scriptions. General Information to newcomers ers freely Riven. J. B. HAYNES , - OFFICIAL - STENOGRAPHER , . Third Judicial District , .17 CHAMHHU OF COMMERCE. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John G. Jacobs. ) Ondertiite and Embalm At the old Btand , HOT 1'arnam St. Orders by tele graph solicited nnd promptly attendad to. Teleleplione No. - 2 > . WEAK Prruialur * Itrrll.i , ttr.rMuttfiifffium lndl cretlonior ICMR I rurwd vllh.MlHl.iMrh M JIclM . .bjr th CHEAT B1AUSTON TltEATAlKNT. 8rale4 bowk m mt fr * * Should b read by Falhrr. . .jpiictd I Ih. Undi o th.lrM , . . Rtpl.l. with Information of r lue to .11 mm. MARSTON REMEDY CO. l Park PUot.Ntw York. SCIENTIFIC GLUCK &WILKINSON. ROORNG. G.W.ROGERS Composition and O ravel nooBng , Agent for Warren's Natural Asphalt Roofing. Mttdal Uraud 2 and 3 plr HeKlr Itr > oUn | { . IWSMatoa Ktrtict , Oaiaha , hcb , Who li WEAK , NKIlVOim. DKIIIMTA. hni TRIFI.KO nwny his VKJOIt of 1IO1 Y. MINI * anil MANHOOD. canting cxunuitlna drains upon the FOUNTAINS of I. IKK. 1IKA AOIIE , I1ACKACIIK , Drpndml Urcams , WEAKNESS of Memory. HASH- NOCIETV. IMMl'.EH upon the FACE , and all tlio EFFECTN Ipndlneto EAItliY I > ECAY nnd perhaps CO > .SVm > . TION or INSANITY , nhould consult nt once the CEI.EnitATEII Dr. Clarke , KXnlilliihod 1H5I. Dr. C'larko ban made NEHVOUN 1IE < 11IMTY. C1IHOMV nnd nil Ulieases of the UENITO IIItlNAItY Orenns n Mfo Study. It makes NO dlircrence WHAT you have token or WHO tins failed to euro yon. * ' EH A I.ESsuflerltiK from diseases pecu liar to their cx can consult with tha assurance of spocdy relief Hnd cure. Scud 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. 4ST9cnd 4 cents postage for Celebrated WorUn on Chronic. Nrrionn nnil Itell * rate Ditense * . Contultntloii , pereonnlly or by letter , froo. Consult tlio old Itorlor. i fryrwl. Oilier * and | > nrlor private. * 3tose contcniplatltiR Matrlngo send for Dr. CliK-ke'H celebrated guldo Hnlo and Feiiiule. each 15c. , both ' -5c. ! ( stamps ) . Before confldlni ; your COFO , consult Dr. CI.AUKK. A friendly letter or call may cave future sullerlngnnd shame , and ndd coldcn years to life. * S-Book "I.lfe'n ( Secret ) Er. rorn , " COc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and wrltltiRS ecnt everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays. 0 to li Addrens , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. 180 So. Clark St , CHICAGO , ILL. 1707 Olho Street , St. Louis , Mo. OC the Missouri State Museum of Anntomy , St. Louis , Mo , Unlveislty ColU'KO Hospital , Lon- .Ion , Olohcu , ( Ji'imuny und Now York. Having dovotcil their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. Moio especially those ixrlbltif ; from Inipru- donco , 1m Ite nllso suirerliiK to correspond 1th- out delay. DlseasoH of Infection nnd contagion cuied Biifely and ppeudlly without USD of iliiu- ratlunts Mhnsa cases ! ina IHMIII neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incur able , blioulil not fall to virlto us conioruhu ; their Hymptoms. AH letteis ruccl\ immediate utten- JUST PUIILISIILD. And will bo mailed FHEK to any address on re ceipt of one 3-cent Htainp. "I'jnctlcal Observa tions on Noivons Duulllty and Plnsleal Kxlians- tlon , " to hlch is added nn "llssay on Mar- rl KO , " with important chapters on diseases of the Koprodnctive Organs , tlioholo forming n \ uluume medical treatise which should bo lead by all ) oung men. Addi ess DRS , S. & D , DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St. . St. Lonls , Me. _ Neb , National Bank U. S. DErOSITOBY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOo Surplus , - 42BOO H. W. YATFS , President. LKVtis S. ItKkD , Vlce-Presldent. A. K. TODZAI.IN , 2d Vico-Prealdcnt. W. H. S. HUGHES , CaslUor DIULCTOIta. W. V. MORSE , JOHN S. COLLINS , It. W. YATKS , LKWIH S. UKED , A. K. TOUKALIN. IJauklng OIHce THE IRON BANK. Cor. IBth nnd Tornam Sts. A General Banking Ilusluess Transacted. SteckPiano Hemarkalilo for powoitnl sympa thetic tone , pliable action unil absolute - solute durability. 'M years record , tlio beat Kimrantco of tliu uxciil- of the liuttriiineuta. WOODBRIDGEBROS. Five New NovclH for 15 Cents. S NEW NOVELS 5 All complete in the NOVKMHEH NiiMiiuuof the FAMILY MUItAKY ITIOIMTIILY. ONLY 15 CENTS , or All newsdealers , or THE INTEUNATIONAL NEWS CO. , Now York. FOR PLANTING TIMBER CLAIMS , Illack WalnutH , linll on , t. o. b liOc per 1m lllnckVuhuitn , liulU oil , " tl > per bu IIox elder Scud , lUc per Hi Aah Seeil , lOc per ib Ilont-y Locust Seed , & > a per Ib Russian Mulbeiry hoed , II Ul per Ib Catalpa Seed , 1 J per Ib Alboall kinds of Fruit and Forest Trees for Bale. Address , Shonandonh Nursery , I > B. LAKi : . 1'ronrletor , fallKNANDOAH. 1A. LEAKY ROOFING TIN OR IRON , REPAIRED And painted nnd guaranteed tight for numlmr of yean ) . I'alnts never blister. OKAVKIj ItOOl'lNO manufarturod and tepalted. Ilro 1'roof I'alnt applied to shingles. Flftcou years' experience. WM. II. CUItHAN & SON. 2111 S. 13th St. . lietneen Arbor and Vlnton. Xbllltllldthfi * iidu rtlluni or tliaoui. mll > uolbliit cnrrtnu of . - . , . Ht liroifi all wtik ptrtit..tor- UUM ; pf * * r-li > bt IU .a Ynurouiln.ilgih. Il col ennui A v-f.ltmiunllr or forfiiiiuxi In ciih. GrMUilInpreieaiuKottrilliilhtrktlli . ip.r > riu nll/ir.dJnUr. , , > r.DUi { tlt ! < Ihlliadia CltctrioCo. I6 LUillc ! . . Chie fl THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Tlio only roml to tnko for Dps Mnlncs , Mnrlnlltnwn , Ccdnr ItniililH , Clinton , IMxuii , Oilmen , Mtlnaukuj nml all imlnts vant. Tu tint pnnplo of NVhrnika , Colorado rado , VVyoinlnK , Utah , Idiiho , uvaila , Ort'k'on , Wanh < Initton Hiul Callforiiln , It nirura puinulor mlvantaxui nr 1 piiHMuln by any other llnu. Ainonii n few of the numerous polntn of supiTlorlly cnJrtyiMl by the patrons of till * mail liptwpon Onmlm nnil ( 'lilriwo , am UK two ttHlnn n ilay of DAY < X > AO11 KH , which are lli nnottt tlmt hinniui nrt tind InKtintil * ty pun Prrntn. H 1'AI.ACK HI.KKI'IM ! OAKS , nhlrli iirmuodpla of pointort uuil tiloKanio. lla l'Alll < OH DUAWINC UOOM CAHM. unnurpiiK'cil tiy anr , Hint Its wlililyopl brnU l I'Al.ATIAI. DIMM ) CAILH , tlio piiiutl of which rnnniit lie found p | u liprn At Coun cil Illuffn the trains nftlio thilou I'liclllc Hallway , con. nuct In utiliiii ilupnt with Ilioso of the CliUiiKiiA Nortliwcitcrti Hy. In riilpnitn the trnlin of tlil line nmko clOHO unitiuttlon with those of nil other uantoru II Ill'S. l'i > r pptroll , Cnlnmbns , Inillnnnpoll. . Cincinnati , NlaEiirn I ll' . llullulo. l'ltt nurt' , Tuninto , Montreal , llo'ton , NPW ork , I'ntliuUlplilH , Hiiltlnioru , WiiAh * liiKton , mill ull points In tliuvust , link for a ticket via "NORTHWESTERN. " If yon l h the host nrtoniinoJKtlon. All ticket aKOIitl FPll tlpkflmln this llnu. H. luidiirrr , K i . WII.HON , ( ienl. MuiiuKcr , ( lonl. I'ass'r Auont W.M. IIAIICOCK. UU.1WM.KS. Western Anent City 1'uns'r. Axunt. AnentUmaha Umaha , Nobratka. -THK OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , The lr ! > t Uouln from Onmlia nnd Council ItlulTs ( o - = = THE EAST = - TWO TUA1NS DAILY 11KTWKKN OMAHA AND CXJUNC11 , Chicago , . . .AM ) Mllnnnkco , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cellar Itnplds , Hock Island , Freeport , Itockford , Clinton , Dnbiiiiiie , Davenport Elgin , Madison , Jnnestllle , Bclolt Winona , Ln Crosse , And nil other Important poInU Must , Nurtboait and rkutliciint. For thronuli tlrkpts call on the tlcknt nicpnt nt 1401 Farnam street , lu 1'axton lloUil , or at Union 1'acltlo llepot- rullman Hlpopcrs nnil tlio flni'nt DlnlnKCnrn In tha world aru run oil the nitiln line of thuClilcii o , Mil- wankco A Ht. I'aut llntlwiiy.iiiiil every attention II paid to pauoiiKera liy courteuua employes of th comimny. It.Slir.l.Hll.ncncrnl Mannvpr. J.KTUCKKIt , A l tnntii ( > ncriil Managnr. A. V. U. OAHl'KNTKH , Uonoral l'ai > ciiRcr an Tlcktit Aitcnt. OKI ) . K.1IKAKKOUI ) , AeMstiiut General I'uesonKOf and Tlpket Aiipnt. J.T. CIiAUK , Uonoral Superintendent. ik yonr rrtaller for the . . JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE or the JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE , uecoidlnB to jrour ncodi. CAUTION I I'oilllvtly none genuine union ottr rimennd prlc apprirpliilnlynnthe mlei. Hem dealeri , In order til unke a larger profit , will rcconiinend the lufcrl'if Rtxidi with which the inirket IIi flooded. .IAMKSMKANHV4 1 i HIIUK li llcht nml lOllili. U nti IlknnatmkliiK HIM ! ItK > JtUKK.S NO " liltKAK. SO JN. " iK'Ing pirfcctly tay ttieflrkttlniellliwiirii. It will natltfy the uioit astlillou > ailtlsliie\ei7 vital niprct equal to the liiuil-itKed which Art for thf .T mn Hi .lSHPE , ujf lilth'c'r" ' llcauj$2Shocfurlo ! > tfj fgjjf | , ( .fn rc. lulled al STnrtA , TAMF.HMRAN < : 3KIIOK Is Ihrorlpl- nnl $ .1 shoo unit li ahuolulrljr the unly > ltu4 < of IU prlra which hai cvi r hrcn plncnl rxti niUily nn the markrt In uhlch durahllity U considered hrfori * more outward appearance 'I li te iliw urn told br th l > e > t rttillrri throughout the fulled Mule t , and wo will iilaco tliota eAHlIjr within your reach In any itnte or territory If you will tend in a puilal rard , mtiitlonlni ; thli paper vaiiiev JleaiiB fi Co. , 41 Lluculn Ml , llutton , llau. rtill line of the ahovoHhouH for sain In OMAHA. by (1.V. . Cook , 1 ! F.inmm Htreet ; (1. ( B. Mlllnr. 812 North ItitliHlriet ; lluywnrd llron. , 4J7 Houtll KithHtreot. In COUNCIL IlLumi by Burgunt * ) , 412 Ilroudwuy. Proprietor Omaha flus/ncss / College , IN WHICH 13 TAUGHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Send lor College Journal. S. E. Cor. 10th and Capital Avo. THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The bp.t knuvrn anil rno t popular Hotel In the tutu. Ixicallun mitral , u | > i > olntiii ntii nr > t-Lla.a. lloartquurUtii fur ciMnibtirclul niuii and all pulltlcat I'roprlotor.