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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1887)
' " ' \ . * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20 , 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Docldodly Stronger and a Good DusinosB Done. CORN TAKES AN UPWARD TURN. Very Mil le NCWN Onf Mite oftlie IMt to Influence the Market OntH Mod * crntcly Active Provisions Disappointingly Blow. CHICAGO PUODUCK MAIIKKT. CHICAGO , Oct. 19. [ Special Telegram to llio HKK.I December wheat oiicucil tills morning at 72-Vfe , n fraction ubove last night's closing , and May wheat ut 77J/C , or at * c nliovc ycstenluy'H top figure. A sag to 7'J ! ( SJ c for December anil to 77J < @ 77 > < e for May was the first movement , but the ilecllno wiis short-lived , there being good buying by Milinltie , lloilnmn fi Co. anil by Hutchlnsoii , and the up turn was greatly usslsted by the covering of local HhortB. There nppeuied to bo moro outside orders to be executed thiiu of Into , though there Is still room for Im provement in that respect. There was a fair amount of bushiest done nil morning , the highest iKiint touched being tHfc } for " Decem ber and ,8' ' o for May. This closing w"is llrm ut this , thi ) highest point for December anil nt 78X" for May , showing a fnilu ovor.vestor- day's close of JiTi/'Yc and of 4c for thu two months respectively. The strength in wheat was reflected some what In tin1 corn pit , hut not to the same o.\ ' tent , Hit ! iidvauco scored for corn being but > Vc. lighter receipts hero and still lighter riveipts expected were strength- cnlng features , but besides this there was neither news or circumstances outside of the pit to inllucnru values either way. Cables guvu spot corn llrm with moderate do limnd and unchanged prices. Lvor ! | > eel limited this October delivery lower , but No vember and December higher. ilutchinson was also a liberal buyer , both of cash corn the futures , and the market felt the inlluence of the purchase. The opening wiis about 'hc ' above yesterday's closing quotations for No- 4 , vombcr and December at 41c and nt 44c for I ; Mny , which was yesterday's close. Thu f close was llrm at thu highest point touched ? f 41)fe for November and December and lee f I for May. Oats in the speculative market were only W moderately active nnd nt times trade was i' . jxsltiveiy dull. During the ih-st hour consid erable weakness was shown and it was not until wheat nnd corn rallied that there was any strength developed. Prom 'JO 'i1 at thu opening May improved to 2 > jfc , which was bid at 1 o'clock. December sold sparingly at ! ! 5X ( ! " d November closed at ! ilc bid , after selling from 2.1J < at the opening oil to 'J. > . % ( < yfiJSfo on the spot. In provisions trading was disappointingly slow. Yesterday's activity led to the gen eral belief that the dull period had termi nated and Unit from this time forward a fairly act I vo market at least might bo ex pected. Hence , when business to-day , after n brief spurt in the morning , fell back into its old slow rut , traders promptly changed their tactics and n hesitating feeling assumed con trol. Products , huwrver , were quito strongly held , and as compared with last night's clos ings , .lanuar.v pork was advanced fie and November and December lard , as well as October and January short ribs , 2 fti' . Octo ber and .lanuary lard ruled stronger , though not quotably higher , .limitary , the leading future , sold at grj.O C" IU.07l < ; for pork , $ < l.ltij ( j2i.l7 ( for lard and &ii. ( > i > $ C' ' ( < ! .l-i ! for short ribs. Kor the same month pork clbtcd lit l2.l)7M ! ) , lard nt $0.1.1 and short rilis at Ki.10. I-or October laid rinsed at * l.15 ! bid and November and December at ? ii II ) . Octo ber short ribs ranged at jr.O7.10 ! ' , and rested at * 7.07'- ' . ApiniiNoo.v Sr.shioN Wheat llrm ; Octo ber "HJffo Novcmbfr 7l c , December 7tJtc. ; Corn steady. Oats steady. I'ork sold and closed for .lanuary nt $12.Ci ( ia.07K. Liml " strong ; October closed at iii.n'j , an ad vance of 'JJ o ; November and December sold and closed at $11.10. January at and May ut $0.45. Short ribs for October wi > ro steady at J'.lHK T.l J , Jnnuarv hold and closed at $0.10. CIIICAfiO MVK STOCK. CIIIOAOO , Oct. 1 ! ) . [ Special Telegram to the UEK. ] CATTI.ITr.ulo dull and drag ging with n down turn , us compared with Monday er the close of hint week , of ll@25c , with ] M > rhnps more than that on big heavy steers that do not seem to bo wanted at any price. The dccllnu covers all classes of na tives , lllg heavy steers that arrived ycster- IS day stood in the pens all day and went over 1 ' * into to-day's crowded market. Texans and rangers had to stand their share of the de- decline. Native butcheis' stock was neg lected. The stacker and feeder trade , which was beginning to show signs of revival , received u set-back on account of tlio decline and dullness In fat cattle. Shipping steers , lil.10 to 1500 Ibs , $4.00@4.00 ; 120U to UK ) Ibs , l.lJ < K < ? i.6l ) : ' 050 to mi Ibs , vj.75Si.75 ( : ; stackers and'feed- ers , $ l.t'u(7t. ( : J5. Cows , bulls and mixed , * 1.5 © ' . ' .75. Textins , J-J.lOfti'J.SO. Indians , f..K ) @ B.20. Cows , $ l.r KfJ2.10. Western r.ingcrsi 15 2.10 lower. Natives nnd hnlf-breeds , $ > AO ( < ? . ' 1.4l ; cows , $2.00 ( < i2.2.V ) wintered Texans , Hoiis Trade was brisk nnd prices nbrmt the sumo as at tlio close yesterday. A few lots of fiiiu-y and butuhur weights sold at M' mixed and pai-liinj , ' sorts , f5 ! : ! ( jM.45coiiiiiioii ; , fl.'J.'XiT'-t.itO ' ; li lit sorts , in- eluding Yorkers , l.4Ui ( : < .50. A few singeing P'fe's ' nnulo f I.S5. . IjIVK 81'OCK. Union Ktock Yarils , CliieiiKo , Oct. 19. Tliu Drovers' Journnl reports : Cuttlo Receipts , H.IKX ) ; pcnorally 100i > 0o lower ; fancy , * r > .ir > ( ii.r > .40' shipping steers , i rJ.7r > @ 4.HI ! ; Rtockcra unil feeders , fl.l @ : t.t > 5 ; cows , bulls mill mixed , $ l.'J.'i ( ( ? J.T.'i ' ; Texas eat- tle , Jl.MC'i-.M ) ; western rungcrs , f > .00Ki.40. ( : Hogs Receipts , 2 l,0Xi ( ) about stoudy ; mixed , * 4.15@4.40 ; lieavy , M.'JO@4.55 ; light. tt.tlXg-Un ; skips , ? : { . ( XiT4.K ) ( ) . Slieep-Ueceipts , 10XX1 , ( ; closed lOe lower ; natives , * ; ) ) ; western , W.lOjii.r ( ; > V Toxuns , f.4 ( < T.40 : ) ; luiutis , fI.1 < S5.B. ! National Stock VanlH. l nst St , liOiilH , Oct. HI. Cuttlo Receipts , H.WK ) ; shipments , WX ) : nlow ; choice heavy natives , t4.iilKy4.7fl ; fair to good , ? 3.71K < ? 4.-.V butoh- ors1 steers , inedinin to choice , ft,10iy.SO ; ( ; rangers , fJ.10ilM.7l ( ) . Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; shipments , .150 ; nctivo but lower ; choice heavy and butchers' ' selections , fi. | : ' > @ 4.r > .1) ; packing and York- urs , medium to iirime , (4.0tKfTmO ; pigs , common to good , $ ; i.t'pO@4.00. Kansas Cily , Oct. ID.-Cattlo Ucccipts 4IX)0 ) ; shipments , : itK , ! ( ) ; choice , f.o lower ; common , llto lower : stockers and feeder ? steady ; good to choice corn-fed , * l UOyM 75 : common to medium , lir > ( < N.H ( > ; stoclicrs ta.XKji-.WlJ ( feeders , . ' .WKVin.'Jo : cows , * l.5i : ( < 2.40. 2.40.Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , none lOc lower ; common to choice , ? 4.00if ( 1 40 skips and pigs , J.OO@.75. ; ( FI.VANCIAIj. NK\V YOIIK , Oct. It ) . [ Special TclcRram t ( the UKR. ] STOCKS The market presented i moro stublo appeuranco and these who ex peeled largo action were disappointed. Flue tuatloiiH on active proK | > rties were narrowci than for several days past ami eonfinei mainly to 1 per cent on Oregon railway which advanced two points , with only a fev trades. The opening was easy with sales a n fractional decline. There was a good de mand for stocks In the loan crowd and pay incnt nt 1-U ! to K per cent premium had i bcncfloiul effect and induced the shorts ti cover. The bulls also took hold moderatel ; and a bolter feeling soon developed am prices reactcil to 1 i > er cent. The reductioi of freight rales in the west was used by th bears lo depress prices on the theory thu earnings would full off. These reported fo the second week In October , however , shov fuir pains over the same tlino last year. The , had litllo offecl , as the imirket remained stuV born and resisted the efforts lo force price down to any extent. The weakest proiwrtic on the list were Northern Paoltlo proferrei which after rolling ) f , proko 1 > on rumor that another transconttncnlal line hud bee mapped ou. ! . . Cotton oils were also weak an di-ojipVi ] ) f per cent. .It In aiU that John \ Lewis ; the futher of the Cottou oil trust , ha been HueceeOed In the prcsldom'v by Flaglor , the Standard oil man. Lewi * ' f rlrnds. * ny his health has boon miserable for uvcr a year , anil for six months past he liHsbecn unable to attend to business. Should the Standard oil people take hold of cotton oil in earnest , cer tificates will undoubtedly bo brared up after the Insiders have shaken out the few weak holders remaining nnd thru mark thu price up. They have been a football In Wall street for six months nnd big money has been lost in them. A decided change noted dur ing the closing hour. Stocks rumi1 out freely nnd the greater part of the morning's ' appre ciation dl.sapicarcd | , last calcs being eloso to the bottom nnd recorded declines of 'j ' , toft \ per cent. The only advances were J { per cent on transcontinental. & per cent on New England , % per cent on Western L'nlon , The total sales were 317liKI , shale- , against 1UO,218 shares yesterduy. GOVKIIXMI.NT : < ! Government/ bonds wore dull and heavy. QfOTATION' . U. S. 4 * coupon IS ! C. AN. w inrt IT. H. 4i'n ! coupon , liw tin prcfuru'd in 1'nrlflcirsnf | rl..ia ) N. V. r lifi Cunaila Southern K ! O. H. N M < 4 Central I'm I fir. . n. C'hlrago.V Alton. n.I'arlllc Mull ni ' ' ' Kill i' . , n. & i : ii'u ' R..M.A.V. .7' . . ; I'nlliniiiil'alui-cl'arH'i I ) . , l.ieW U'4'i HcnilliiK . . "IH Klif -M Vt. I , . A S. I' . . . U do pri'Tcricil lU'n ' iln pictVriid i'i Illinois ( Vutial. . . 1I.V , 0. , > l. API. Paul .I' , ' 1. , II. \ W. . . . l.l'i1 ' tloprffrnrd. . . Ill K..VT . . . . ! M' St.1' , .YO . . . : M l.ulitiSIioit ! II1UI do pn'fi'iii'il. . . . IIS ! I. . .V N . . . . ft ! ; , Texiis Parlilc . . . . S.1 Mlchlgnil Central . C4 il'iilon I'urlllr . . . . 4 > 'i Missouri I'aclllc.8 ( , W. . St. I , . A P tf.'i JllsHoitil Paclllc.II i tin piofi'iivd . . " 7"j do jirrfiTri'd. . . 4U'5 ' W. ( ' . 'IVli Ki-njih . 75'4 ' Movnv On call easy ut : ! ( iitU : percent. last loan at It per cent , cloncif olfeiod nt 3 lior cent. 1'iiiMi : Mitic\XTii.n : I'.vrn : - OyS per cent. STKHI.I.VC KxniANni : Dull > mt steady nt for CiO-day bills , and M.s.'i for demand. J'JtODUCK 31 Oct. 11) ) . Followlni'iirctlic' , : ao closing priced : Klour Quiet with no quotnble I'hiingo. Wlieiit Opened u sliudo Hi mer tlntn yes- tcrdu.v's closing unil advanced ' ' ( " 'Jh1'- ' clos ing J < ( > above yesterduy ; ca-ih , ii' ' c ; Novem ber , 7l < c ; May , ThJ c. Corn Opened a shade higher thiin yester day and closed ? ( ) .je higher ; i-it'-li , 4le ; No vember , 41j.Ce ; May , 4r > e. Outs Showed a tendency to decline early. but near the close became flim mid lecovered early losses ; cash , 'J.VJo ; NovcnitiorTie ; May , ' . " .IJ c. Rye 50c. Hurley Quiet at r OOc. I'rimo Timothy * a.U Flaxseed1.0 j. Whisky10. ! . I'ork Dull , with llnctuations slight ; Jan uary , tli.OS. } Lard-Dull but steady ; c.ish , * 0.ij No vember , ttl.10 ; May , * li.4r. . . Dry Salted Meats Short libs. * 7.07. ' ; shoulders , K.WIrfr ( > .70 ; short clenr , * 7.4i ( ( ! $ 7. 15. 15.Huttcr Huttcr Eu.sipr ; creamery , I'.if'i-Ti' ' ; c ; dniry , Cheese Inactive : full cream r ( ? illc ; Huts , UlJitollJ e ; young . \meri.-as , 11 KgfTH-Firmnt l Hides Easier ; heavy green .alted , 7c ; light , do. , 7J < c ; .salted bull , tic : grec-n valted calf , S ; dry Hint. l uMMo ; dry calf , iL'Mlile ; dry salted , 10e ; deacons , each , JMli- . Tallnw Finn ; No. 1 country , 4 ( l'c ; No. 2 , We ; cakes , l'4c. Receit | . Shipments. Flour , bbls . II7.IKKI ill , 0(10 ( Wheat , bu . I''O.dOO 8MK ) Corn , bu . 4i.M'ii ; : ( ' H'.I.WHI O.ils , bu . IH.Vimil 101 , ( K ) K\e , bu . t'.diio LIKIO 1 Jiuloy , bu . S'JHK ( ( i/.OOO . MlniieaiiollH , Oct. HI. Whout-Lloscd strong and n trillo higher ; No. 1 hard , Oc tober and November , ij4i' ( ) ; December , Tll o ; May , 77' e ; No. 1 northern , October and November , ( > 7 { c ; December. ' ' . ; May , 74H < " , No. ' . ' , northern , October and No vember. WH'c ; December , ( U' c ; May , 70' c. On track : No. 1 hard , 71,1ifC"7 i' ; No. 1 noi th em. lisXjilKii ! ; No. a northern. ( HJ ( i.'n' . Flour Finn ; patents , $4.15i l.'i ; bakers' , Receipts Wheat , 210,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 1,0,000 bn ; Hour , SD.OOO bbls. bbls.Now Now York , Oct. 10. Wheat Receipts , 1)1XX ! ) ( ) ; exports , 20.000 ; options ruled very strong during Iho entire scs.sion , duo to cov ering of sliorts ; prices advanced ( iiHc , clos ing linn ut or near the highest ; spot lots J ( iJ > le better , with increased business ; ungraded red , b''CSb'Je ; No. 1 red , nominal ut Sic ; No. " red , Niffisjl ( : o in store , hwle in elevator , IkdiWJi'o delivered , November closing nt - , Com Receipts , 180,000 ; exports , 42 , : X1 ; IMSl.Hcbigher as affected by the rise in wheat , closing linn ; ungraded , 514 ( ! < 5'J' c ; No. a , 51c Hi store. fia ( $ 5a > 4Vi5' ( o deliv ered , November cloiing at 51J40. Oats Receipts , 101,000 ; exports , 2,000 ; XS'-fc ' better but rather quiet ; mixed west ern , M'if/liMc ; white western , : ! . " > ( < ? lOo. Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , nominal at $19.00 ; options ao i.'U ) points lower , but active ; sales , n , 'M bugs ; October , * l(5.U ( : > @ 17.0.V No vember , * Kl.5r. ! ( l7.10 : December , $17.00 $ ? ; January , $1 < ! . ' .W < > 17.15 ; February , $17.00 @ 17.15Mareh , * ll.t ( @ 17 15. IVtroleum Firm ; United , 74e. Eggs In moderate demand ; western , 12 ( a'Jle. Pork Unsier and in light demand ; quoted nt til ) . 75 for old and $14.50(215.00 ( for new. Lurd Moderate business and higher ; western steam , spot , $ li.i5Vi.tjy. ( ( ( ; ; Huttcr Quiet and weak ; western , 13@ 25c : western creamery , 1UJ42.V. ( Chceso Dull and ettblur ; western , St. Iiotils , Oct. 10. Wheat Higher ; TUJnGi'l e ; November , Tlko. Corn Firm ; casli , y.iXdtllc ; November , 874 c. Outs Steady ; cash , - 4)aNovember \ , 24 ? 'o. Whisky-Steady at * 1.03. I'ork Irregular ut * 14.00. Huttcr Quiut ; creamery , 24(227c ( ; dairy , lfX 22c. Arrnuxoox Ilovuii Wheat Active and strong ; December , 7UXlJ7io ( : ; May , 7fl ) < @ 7HJfc. Corn l-'lrmOctober ; , 40 < uAluy ; , 41c. Oats Steady ; Mny , 2SJ o. . Milwaukee , Oct. V.I. Wheat Strong ; cash , 70150 ; November , Tic ; Muy , 7sac. Corn Stcadv ; No. it , 40c. Oats-Quiet ; No. a white , 27 > a'c. Hye Strong ; No. 1 , 50c. H.irloy Higher ; No. a , ftl'ifo. Provisions Firm ; pork , October , flitWQ 14.1HI. KaiiHiis City , Oct. 10 , Wheat Stcadj but dull1 No. a soft , cash , ( He bid , ink asked ; May , 7-lc bid , 74 'c asked. Corn-Strong er but dull ; No. 2 , cash JVicbid ; October , ! I5 chid ; November , :5.Vi : ( bid ; May , ! te ? e bid , iMfr * usked. Oats Higher ; No. a , cash , aa e bid , 22) ) i asked ; May , 27c bid , 27 ? c asked. Iiivcrpool , Oct. 111. Wheat Quiet bu steady with fair dcniaud ; holders oiler mod crately. Corn Firm ; demand fair ; new nilxei western , 4sg4s > 8)41 ! per cental. Cincinnati , Oct. 1'J. Wheat Dull ; No 2 red , 7a > ie. Corn I'asler ; No. 2 mixed , 43'fc. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 2SjC. Hyo Steady ; No. 2 , 5Uo. I'ork Quiet at $1:1.75. : Lard Mnsiur nt$0.15. Wlilsky Firm nt $1.05. New Orleans , Oct. 10. Corn Easter mixed , 55o ; white nnd yellow , .MJc. Outs Steady ; No. 2 , yaojiWiiC. Corumcal Firmer ; Hogl'roduets Dull but loxvor ; pork , f 14.03 lard , $7.12 , . Hulk Meats Fairdcmnnd but lower ; shou ] dcrs , * 5,1U ; Ion ? clear and clear rib , $7.25. OMAHA IjIVK STOCK. Wednesday , Oct. 19. Cntrlc. There was u heavy falling oft in the r < ccipts of cattle to-day , the fresh arrival numbering only twenty-five cars as ngalns ono hundred and seven curs yesterduy. Th market was fairly nctivo nt about stead prices. The local packers were liberal buj ers of native corn-fed cattle und they als took several bunches of run go stcen Hutchers' stools was very slow and there wu comparatively nothing of that descriptio selling. The number of feeders sold wa small , although there was considerable it qulry. ' . Hogs. The market opened with twenty four loads of fresh arrivals ns against thirty-eight yes terduy. The market was about steady , with yesterday's close , the range of prices belnir M.HVri4 ( 15. The main feature of the market wus the tendency to pay one price for every thing. Of lute there bus not been so much difference between the prices paid for com mon and good hogs as usual , but to-day the range of prices wus still narrower. Com mon loads of hogs in nome Instuncea went nt * 4. 10 unil the buyers were very slow to bid more than that for the best. Only three loads brought more than that price. The de mand was fair and the market quite active. Everything was taken at an curly hour and the pens cleared. There was nothing doing in the market. OMIclal HccclptH. Cattle . f > .V > Hogs . . . . . 1574 Sill I'M IJXTS. Cattle . 25 cars , Chicago. I'rrvnllltiK Price * . Showing the prwulllng prices paid for live stock on this markol : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 tl.s . 4.-.ViI4.l > 5 Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 lt > . 4. Wfi4.'i'i Fat little steers , ! IOO to 10.V ) ll.s . 'U.lftll.Si Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 3.sVTH.3n Good to choice corn-fed cows . 2.50t : iOO Common to medium cows . ] .50i2,00 ( C.oud to choice bulls . 1.50M2.00 (5ood rungi ) feeders . 2.40i ( < 2.75 Good native feeders , ( too His and up wards . 2.762.y > Fair to medium native feedei s , ' .HX1 Ihs : ind ilpwaids . ' -.5niT2.r ( > Stockers , Hi ) to 7(10 ( 1l s . 2.KHifJ. ( 10 1 'i line fat sheep . ! t.25Mi.50 : Fuir to medium sheep . 2.5Haa.K ( ( ) Common sheep . 1 , 50 ( 2.25 Light and medium hogs . ! UW < 4.00 Oooil to choice heavy hogs . -t.ll.Vil V.15 Good to choice mixed hogs . 4. 01 % ! . 10 llcpi-chcntndvc SnlcH. xnvis : COHV run. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. Cl. . . .1157 H.S5 l'.l..11'J4 4.KO 20..10.V1 4.IKI H.i..l3Mi 4.05 20. . . . 1102 4.20 XIIIII\ : < VVTIVES coitx 1TD. 2or..l240 4.25 IHX11K STKIJUs OIU IIM.IIV. 2. . . . 1205 2.75"i 2.K ! ) IUNIII : srnmts xiw : iivMi-xiiiuu c. co. 75. . . . 1212 2.75. xniTiiinx : rKUDEiis. 60. . . . 7.2 2.W XVTIVB HKDIIIS. : 1..1005 3.00 2t..lftll 3.15 MOOS. No. Av. Shk. I'r. No. Ar. Slilr. Pr. Iil..a5n 200 ROO ( H..2J2 W ) 4.10 CM. . . . 23' ) 2hO 4.00 fw..2s8 2bO 4.10 till. . . . 277 120 4.05 < ! 3.,274 200 4.10 70. . . . 218 M ) 4.05 73..2IX ) 1(50 ( 4.10 ( ' . ' . ! . . 215 SO 4.07K C9..23S 120 4.10 tM1..2H : IfiO 4.07J , ; 3./ > a 250 4.10 fii..asb ! iiio 4.10 fi3..aio ! y ) 4.10 4 ! ! . . . . 335 IfiO 4.10 ( i7..25 ( ) 240 4.10 5S..270 124) ) 4.10 72. . . . 239 M ) 4.15 till. . . . 257 2M ) 4.10 75..201 120 4.15 7I..2.V.I 120 4.10 03 , . . ,2sl 200 4.15 Ol. . . . ' > 9 300 4.10 IJvo Stock Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market to day : OATrr.n. O. H. Hammond &Co . 505 Local . 20 Lobtnan it H . 57 1'Veders . IfsS Total . 770 1IOOM. O. H. Hammond ACe . 431 Anglo-American Packing Co . 1244 Total 1075 All sales of stock in this market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stuted. Demi hogs sell at Viji- per Ib. for nil weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs. no value. Piegnant sows in-e docked 40 Ibs. and stugs ill Ibs. by the public inspector. Iiive Slock Notes. Hofis all sold. Cattle steady. A light run of cattle. Hogs steady ut Tuesday's closing prices. Ed Swan came in with fourteen loads of cattle. Samuel Dalton , Hillsdalc , was in with a load of hogs , Mr. Hunt , of Fairmont , Neb. , was in look ing over the market. Mr. Glover , of the firm of Adams & Glover , was in with nine loads of cattle. Adam Graham , Springfield , came down from his ranch In Dukotu with u train of cat tle. tle.C. ' C. L. Hart , of'thc firm of Reynolds & Co. , Central City , was ut the yards mid marketed a load of cattle. Charlie Gorhum , the genial stock agent of the Rock Island , has returned from an ex tended western trip. Amos , DeGruff & Acker , Is the style of n new lirni of commission merchants which has Just opened up ut the yards. L. W. Smith , of the firm of I3lack& Smith , nnd Will Hluek , Lowell , were in with ten loads of cattle which sold in the market. The bunch of sixty-four corn-fed natives which were bought here on Saturday's mar ket nt $5.X ( > sold in Chicago on Monday at 5.15. The shrink was thirty pounds. OMAHA AVIIOLKSAIjK MAHKKTH. Wednesday , Oct. 19. Produce , Fruits , Ktc. Tlic fiiUowlnij tire the prices at which roitm ? lt > tn of produce arc foh7 on thlx Fruits w tithrr lines nfIHH.V / / re- Krtrii Itilior of ] icl > lnii ranniit < il- ie Kitiiillcd } on iiiitxlili ! orders ut the mime t > rlecK chttriicd the lot-ill tntde : Turnips , parsnips , carrots and rutabagas are being shipited from all portions of the state , but principally from llio nearest local ities. Game is moro abundant but the sup- lily Is not largo enough to reduce the prices. To-day the market was fairly active. There was no change in prices. was demoralized. Notwithstanding the low quotations sentout , the shipments continued , i\nd consequently the market is glutted and no sales can bo mudo at reasonable prices. Several cur loads of potatoes were icceived and the price is stiffening. There is no radical change , though cgps arc lower. Eun&T-Tho market is fuir , good stock brings lSif ( 111 cents. liL'TTEii Creamery , West Point , ! )0c ) ; other , 22 ( 24cpor jiound ; choice dairy , 1S@ 20c ; medium grades , 13 ( < (15c ; ordinurj , 9@10e. Ciir.EsE Market fair. Fancy full cream , cheddurs , single 13c ; full cieum twins , lite ; young Americas , ii'ie : ; brick cheese , UK ) Ibs in cuso , 15o ; Limbcrger , 100 Ibs in case , 14o ; Saurs' funcy Ohio , lllc. POU.THY Fair market ; spring chickens $1.7.X'I2.00 ; old fowls , fj.iHittJ.ftO : ducks i2.25rf,2.75 ( ; geese , i.fiOpcr doz ; turkeys , in very light request , 70 < 7jicper Ib. f Join Receipts ligfit ; pruirio chickens , t3.XK ( < i3.2.V mallard ducks , * l.5d@1.75. Quail , SJ.2501.W ) ; teal and mixed ducks , * 1.1K1.75 ; snipe , 75c ( * l.lH ) ; Jack rabbits , 40 ( < t45c each ; Jack snipe , $1.00 per doz ; venison , lllc per Ib. OIMT.IH Shell ; fJ.OO per hundred ; bulk $1.35 per hundred , .selects , 1220 a gallon ; Cans , New York counts , 45c ; selects , 85t40c ; htundard , 27iJ30c ( ; Royal , 40c ; Jerome bays. 40o ; Tiger , 25c. POT\TOIS : The market Is well supplied. Utah and Colorado stock sells at MKySV- ; Ne braska and Iowa stock 55ii70e. ( pur bushel. CAULin.ow EH $2.00 per doz. SWUET POTATOES The mai ket is well sup plied with home grown ut 05 ( < C75i : per bushel ; Virginia stock 3c per Ib. EGO PUNT Slow sale at 00(3 ( 75c per doz for choice stock. ONIONS Choice largo California onions are offered en the market ut UOe per bushel The demand is light. iictxs Hand-picked navy , ? 2.50 per bushel nnd other grades down us low as $1.25. Call fornla stock. f2.40 | icr bushel. CKLEIIV The receipts are larger ami the stock better. Good stock brings 80ij35o ( i bunch. CIIIKU Choice Michigan cider , ffl.OOtgiUO per bbl. of 32 gul. COCOAS UTS Good stock , $5.00. CiuNiiEiiiiiES The market is fairly wel it supplied with good stock. Hell & Cherry 13.00 ; Heil&Hugle , tfUX ) ; Capo Cods , $10.00 LKMONS Messina , f5.50QO.00 ; Mnlora $7.00 ; Sorronto , t > 7.00. MAPLE SUOAH Choice Ohio stock , lOo per Ib. POPCOHX Choice rlco corn , 3c per Ib ; othe kinds , 2 ( 2 > jfo per Ib. Honey Choice , In 1 Ib frames , 21c. OIUXHES Messina out of the market Louisiana , $9,00 per bbl , $5.00 per box ; Ja malea , 110.00 per bbl , | 5.M ) per bo * . Arnr : Choice Michigan apples , home grown. | : i.OOii3.riOi ( JoiluthoiiR. JJI.NK < 7.75. : ) CiunArri.KS Choice Siberian , | 3.00tT3.6 ( ( ) per bbl. OiiApfc" Home-grown Mock Is In llbenil supply unit Is moving freely at 4VjC per | x > uml ; Culifornlii , Tokny , * 2.50 | 'r crate ; Muscats , f. ' . ; > 0 ; New York , 10-lb baskets , 3Tia45c. ( rHS .VAS The mnrkt't Is well suppled with ban unit ? nt J2 00 < ( f3.X ( ) per bunch. Ni'Tc New crop ; Ohio chestnuts , lU'ilVf ' 15c pcrlh : peunutR , 7' ' < c , mw ; Hrarll nuts , l.'lc ; almonds , Tarragona , ! Wo ; English walnuts , lie ; filberts , 12o. _ Flour unil Feed. Tfii'/iilliwliit/ / the jolilitnu price * : Minnesota patents , $2.50 per cwt ; Mlnne- fotu linkers1 straight , $2.20 percwtj Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.450 $ 2.1)0 ) ; Nebraska patents , $2.250(2.35 ; rye tlour , $1.75il.lK ) per cwt ; rye , Graham , ft. 40 per cwt : wheat , Graham , $1.75 | > er cwt ; corn meal , yellow , We per cwt ; corn meal , white , $1.00 per cwt : chopped food , tU.UOoiMlUN ) per ton ; bran , $12.00if ( 13.00 per ton ; scicenmgs , $ ' .I.OKf' ( I'-.HO i > er ton. HAA' Upland prairie , $7.50018.00 ; common coal so , $0.50a'7.00. ( ' Grocer's Ijlst. COITKE. Ordlimry grades , 203 @ 2lc ; fair , 21 } 0i22c ; prime , 22o2.c ? ! ; funcy green and yellow , 23u25c ; old government. Juvii , 2. * ® : V ; interior Juvn , 25 ( < (2Si' ; Mocha , 28ii : 0c ; Arbuckle's , roasted , 20 > .e ; McLnughlin's XXXX , 2tii4c ; Dilworth's 20o ; Red Cross , Sll'/c. ' HKFIXF.II Lutn. Tierce , 7e : 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , T i * ; 20-lb round , 7/e ; 10-lb palls , 7'c ; Mb pulls , 7,3 o ; 3-lb palls , 7 4'c.SuiiAit. SuiiAit. Granulated , ( WOT'iJi'c ' ; conf. A , oy < % c ; white extru C , ilJ4C' W ! i ut . Ot'Oi'kC : yellow C , 5ljc ; cut loaf , 7 , ' < ; pow dered , 7l.fc. PICKLES Medium , In bbls , $ 'i.50 ; do In half bbls , $ . ' 1.75 ; small , In bbls , $7.50 ; do In half bbls , $4.25 ; ge/klns , in bbls , $8.50 ; do In half bbls , $4.75. WooiiKNWAtin Two-hoop pulls , tier doz , $1.45 , 3-hooii pulls , tl.70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ; No. 2 tub. K'.5 ( ) ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; washboards - boards , $1.75 : assorted bowls. $2.25 ; No. 1 churns , ? y ; No. 2 churns , $ S ; No. 3 churns , $7. TOIIAITO Lorlllurd's Climax , 4lc ; Splen did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 4lc ; Leggett , t Meyer's Star , 41e ; Cornerstone , 34e ; Drum- mond' Horse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , 37 ; Sorg's , Spearhead , 44c. HIIOOMS Extra 4-tie , ? 2.X ( ) ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 : heavy stable , $4.00. CtNiiv-Mixod ; S O'llc ; stick , 8 @ 9J < fc. CiucKmts Gurneau's soda , butter and picnic , Co ; creams , Sc ; ginger snaps , 8c ; city soda , 7c. TEAS Japan , 20(3 ( 55c ; gunpowder , 20@ COJfo ; Young Hyson , 25@55c ; Oolong , 2005 COc. COc.JEM.IUS JEM.IUS 30-lb pails , $2.X ( ) . 1'novisiovs Hums , lliftJMIJ o ; breakfast bacon , Il frfl2fo ( ; bacon sides , OOT'-'J ' ; < lry salt , 8)rf ( 8c ; shoulders , 70 7/c ; dried beef hams , foonio ; dried beef regular , 9 @ 10) e ; hams picnic , 7J @Sc. DIIIRII FIUJITS Apples , now , J/'s , Oc ; evn porated , 50-lb ring , lO OSlOJfe ; raspberries evaporated , 29c ; blackberries , ovnporated JfOflOo ; pitted cherries , peaches , new ' ( e ; evaporated peeled peaches,2SOV29cevup- ruted , unpured , lht ( ll'c ' ; new currants , 74f- ! i7 c ; prunes , 5@5'ic ' ; citron , 25c ; raisins , Condon layers , $2.10 ( 2.15 ; California loose nuscutels , $1.5Kn2.00 ) ( ; new Vulonchui , 8 > { @ he. he.Hoi'K Seven-sixteenths inch. 12 ( l2' c. Svitt'i1 No. 70 , 4-gullon kegs , $1.4501.50 ; Ccw Orleans , jicr gallon. ! 180 4 < io ; maple yrup , half Ibbs , "old tlnie , " jior gallon , Mo ) ; -gallon cans , per d6r , $10.50 ; hulf-gullon tins , | ier do ? , $ (1.25 ( ; quart cans , $3.25. STAKCII Mirror gloss , fi fc ; Graves' corn , 'jc ' : Oswego gloss , 7e ; Oswego corn , 7c. CNNIII Goons Oysters , standard , per use , ? 3 10073.15 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case. 3 00(113. ( /aspberries ; , 2-lb , per case , $3.00@ 1.10 : Calif/rnia pears , per case , $ -4.70@4.SO ; ipricotsor wise , 4.10014.25 ; peaches , per ase , $ .Vf.X 5.85 ; whild cherries , per case , $0.00 ; plums , jier case , * ; i.b0073..H ) ; blueber- ies , per ease , $2.300(2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , > er case. $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , < Jl.20Crf5.73 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $2.00(5:2.05 ( : ; J-lb gooseberries , per case , $ Jt.250I3.35' ; 2-lb string beans , per cuso , $1.75 ; 2-lb limu beuus , ) ercuse , $1.XI ( ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50(19 ( J.OO ; 2-lb early June peas , per case , $ "i.75 ; 3-lb omatoes. 2.40C t2.5 ( ) ; 2-lb corn , $2.JtOyI2.40. HOLLAND IIiuiiixns : b5c per keg. Dry Goods. COTTON FUNNELS 10 per cent trade dis count LL , ( iV ; CC , 7 .je : SS. 8 > fe ; Numcless , 5' e ; No. 5 , ( le ; EE , Okc ; GG , O'ic ; XX , 12c ; OO , 14e ; NN , lto ( ; RX , So R 20c No. 10. 8 40 00 Ik. Vs ; It , * r\l\s ; Al * .F * U ) e ; , lOJ c ; , 123 0 ; bO , 15c ; M. council , 10e50 ; , colored ; 12e : 70 , coloied , 15c ; Bristol , 13fc } : Union Pacific , ISc. CUIIT.T WAIIP Bibb white , 18o ; col ored , 20c. BTrs Standnrd.So ; Gem , lie ; Beauty , 12 'c ; Boonc , 14o ; B , cased , $0 50. PuiNTs Coi.oiis Atlanta 5Kc ; Sla ter 5e ; Berlin Oil OKc ; Garner Oil Cg ( > 7. PINK ANII KUIIKS Hichmond lie ; Allen lie ; ilivcrpoint 5e : Steel Hiverlio ; Hichmond do ; i'uclfip ( ! > jc. Isnioo BI.UI : Washington Oc ; American H c ; Arnold like ; Arnold Bile ; Arnold A 12o ; Arnold Goldscal lOUc. DIIESS Charter Oak 4J je ; Hamapo ! % ; Lodi4e ; ; Allen 5 } < e : Hichmond 5Kc : Windsor tie ; EddystoneSc ; Pacific lie. GINGHAM Plunkett checks 7c ; Whit- enton 7'4c ; Yarn 7J.JO ; iSorinandi Dress 8 } < fc ; Calcutta Dress 8Kc ; Whittcnton Dress Jo : Henfrew Dress0(212 ( } c. CAMIIIIICS Slater4 } c ; Woods 4Kc ; Stan dard 4 } c ; Peacock 4c. Concur JHVNS Anuroscoggin 7 ! c ; Kcar- sago 7'4"c ; Hoi-kport ti' c ; Conehtoga ft'/c. ' TICKS Lewiston ISO in. , liikjc ; Lewiston.TJ In. , VA\tc\ \ \ York ! in. , 14o-r Swift Hiver o\ \ riiorndiko O O , 84c ; Thorndike E F , 8c ; Tliorndike lao , ll' ' c ; Thorndiko XXX , 15c ; Cordis No. 5 , 0 } c ; Cordis No. 4 , lie. DKVIMS Ainoskeng 0 oz. , Hie ; Everett 7 oz. , Klc : York 7 oz. , 13e ; Haymaker SWfc : Jnff- reyXX , ll'.jc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12' < Jc ; Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Bea ver Creek CC , lOc. KKNTUCKV .Ti\xs Memorial 15c ; Canton ISc ; Durham 27 } c ; Hercules ISc ; Leaming ton 22 } < u ; Cottswold 25e. CHASII Stevens' B lie ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Ko ; bleached 8 } c ; Stevens' P8Uc ; bleached 0 } e ; Stevens' N Oj. c ; bleached "l e ; Stevens' S H T 12Kc. Misriii.Axr.ot' : Table oil cloth $2.8.1 ; plain Holland Sl 'c to Oc ; Dndo Holland 1-j.Ji ; . FLANNELS Plaid Haftsmen 2 c ; Goslien ! ' < c ; Clear Lake ICk'c ; Mniilo City 3fi c. White G. H. No. 2 , % , 2lc ; G. H. No. 1 , Jf , 27ife } ; B. H. No. 2 , J { , )2 } < e ; B. H. No. 1 , A , 80c ; Quecheo No. 1 , ? 4 , 42c ; Quechee No. 2 , K > 87J c ; Quecheo No. 'i , 5f , Ji'J'Je ; Anawau it : c ; Windsor 22Kc. Hed-C , 24 inch , 15 go ; E , 24inch,21e ; GG , 24 inch , ISc ; H. A. F. , Jf , 25o : J. H. K , 2 , 27Kc ; G. , K. 5c. CoMroitinus $0.iiOiMCi.M ( ) . Bi.iXKKTs White , $1.00Vi7.50 ( ; colored.10 ! (2S.OO. ( lii.mciiKi ) SunnTivo Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 0' ' < o ; Best Yet , 4-4 , O' ' e. butter cloth OO , 4'4c ' ; C.ibot , 7Vtfu ; Farwell , Sc ; fruit of Loom , bjfc ; Greene G , lie ; Hope , 7 } c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , ll'ic ; Lons- dale , (5' ( < je : New York mills , lOj c ; Pepperell , 42 inch , 10Hc ; Pepperell , 40 inch , ll'tfc ; Pei- ) perell , 0-4 , l.r > c ; Peppoix-ll , 8-4 , ISc ; Pepperell , ' .M , 20V ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22'.a'c ' ; Canton , 4-1 , 841' ; Canton , 4-4 , 0 } o ; Triumph , lie ; Warn- sutta , lie ; Valley , 5c. Bitowx SIIKIITINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7'4'e ; A Bunt io H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OUc ; At lantic P , 4-4 , 5Jfo ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 54o ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4 > ic ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OVfc , Hoosier LL , 4-t , 5 c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , "Vc ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 55c ( ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5'jc ; Pepperoll H , 4-4 , li > , c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 ( io ; Pepperell , b-4 , lOc ; Pepperell , 0-4 , Ibc ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 20c ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4c ; Wu- chusctt. 4-4 , 7c , Aurora K , 4-4 , 0 } c , Aurora B , 4-4 , Oc. Di'i-K West Point 21) ) In , S oz , lO c ; West Polntao in , 10 01 , 12) ) < o ; West Point 2il in , 12 oz , l.lo ; West Point 4V in , U < > z , Hi" . Checks Caledonia X , OJ 'c ; Caledonia XX , 10 } o ; Economy , 0 ( 'J > j'e ; Otis , 0ii'.t ( > .jC. General .M SI-HUTS Cologne Ririts ] , 1SS jiroof , $1 10 ; do 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do IfeS proof , 51.09. Alcohol. 1 > > S proof , $2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , 1.000il.50. Gin blended , $1 50@ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00 < n0.o < ) ; Ken tucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $2.000(0.50 , Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd ryowhiskies$1.5l ( OiJI.OO. Brandies , imported , W.OOQio.SO ; do- niebtie , $1.30w3.00. ( ilns , Imiiorted , $4.5002 0.00 ; domestic , jl.253.lXJ , Champagnes , im ported , per case , $2b.00o ( 33.00 ; American , per case , $10.00/ 10.00. HKAVV HutiiWAHi : Iron , rate , $ ' )70 ) ; plow steel , special east , 4l c ; crucible steel , O'fc ; cast tools , do , 12 ( 15o ; wagon sjiokes , per set , $2.000(5.50 ; hubs , | > er set , $1.5(1 ( ; fel lees , sawed dry , $1.00 ; tongues , each , boo ; uxles. each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , G/13c ( ; coil chain , i > cr Ib , 0 } 0113 ; malleable , 8 ( lOo ; Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Oo ; burrow teeth , } < e ; spring stool , 4@5o ; Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $5,75 ; barbed Wire , iucar lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , rates , 10 to W ) , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. HIDES Green butchers' , SJfe ; green cured. Tot dry flint , lOc ; dry salt , 8ej green calf skins , T'-fc ; dumnged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow Ji'4c. ' Grease Prime white , 3c ; yel low , 3e ; brown. lj e. ShecpjicUs , 25o40c. COAL Egg , $10.X ( ) : nut , $10.00 ; range , $10.00 ; walnut block , $ -1.50 ; lo lump , $3. . ' * ; lown nut , $2.75) ) Illinois , $4.25@4.75. Dry Iititnbcr. IIIMKNSIOXS AND TIMIir.ll ! < , ri.OOKINIl. A 0 In. Whlto I'lnu flir.f > 0 C , u " " " : D , sux ) FIN'lilllXn. Inland 'Jnil , clear , 1 , 1 ! Inch , s. 2 s.t.'i0.riO 3il , clear , 1 Incli , s. a s. , . 4.1. ( X ) " " Uif , 1' ' ,2lu . 4II.W A select , 1 Inch , . 'J s. , . 40.1H ) " " IJ * ' , Utf2 In . 44.K ( ) U " 1 inch , 8.2s , , . ! U.00 ) " " 1'fi ' ! , ' { , ' -In . JIT.OO roiM.AU utMnen. Clear Popular , Hx. Hils. ; < in. , s. 2 s. . . .fUS.flO ' , " > < , In. Panel , B. 2 a . U7.1X ) 11 " Corrugated Celling , AT. . . 1HTTUN.K , tt 1:1.1 : , TUM.NO , 1MCKKTS. O. G. Units , 'Ji < ; In . . tX.T5 * ) " JiXiJIll , 8. 1 S . tXMfl a lii Well Tubinc , D Si M and Uov . 2IUK ) Pickets , D A : H , Flat . 20.RO " " Square . 21.00 No. 1 coin , sis J18.X ( ) No. 2 , com , sis $17.00 No. U 15.60 No. 4 , iy.00 SIIIIMI. A , 12 , H uiul 10 ft. $21.60 C , $16.60 H. " " " 20.60 D. 12.60 FKNUINII. No. 1 , 4 ft 0 ill , 12 & 14 It , roHKh . * l .r > 0 No. 1 , " " 1(1 ( " " . 111.60 No. ' . ' , " " 12&14" " . 10.00 No. 2 , " " 10 " " . 17.60 CUII.IXO A.VII PIHTITIOX. 1st com , / in White Pine Ceiling . RH.OO ! > nd " " " " . ! > 8.K ( ) , H' In. Norway " " . 10.00 2nd com.8' ! In. " " " . 14.00 STOCK no oint. AlSlnph s. Is . $46.60 No. 1 , com. 12 s. 1 s , 12 ft . 20.60 " " " " 14 ft . IIUXI " " " " 10 ft . 18.60 No. 3. " " " . 1 . ( X ) " " ' " 10 ft . 17.60 Inch Grooved Hoofing. ? 1.00 per M moro than 12-inch Stock Hoards same length. SHIXUI.KS , LATH. XX clear . * UO lixtru * A . $2.00 * A * Standard. . . . a.75 A * H H & U. . . . 2.6T 0 in. clear , No. 1. . 1.60 Lath . 2.05 POSTS. White cedar , 0 in. , % R. , 12o ; 0 in. qrs. , lie ; 8 in. qrs. , lOc ; 4 in. round , 15c ; Tcnnessco Hed Cedar , Split , 16e ; Split Oak , 12o. 1.1ME , ETC. Qutncy white limo ( best ) , SHc ) ; Akron ce ment. $1.75 ; hair 30c ; plaster , t2. < 5 ; tar board , $1.75 ; sash 40o per ct. ; doors , 40c | > er ct. ; blinds , 40c i > er ct. ; mouldings , 40c per ct. ; Uir felt , per cwt. , $2.75 ; straw board , $1.75. SOUTlir.HX TE1.I.OW P1XK. Com. 4 & 0in. lloorinf . $17.60 Star " " . 21.60 Clear % in Ceiling . 21.50 Clear ? C in Partition . 25.00 Clear finished. 1 & I/ In s 2s . 2U.OO Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 in . 27.00 Yellow pine casing anil base . 20.00 A Victim ofSim Dried Itrlck. Nnw YOKK , Oct. 1U Hev. Father Kirncr , who was injured in the ruins of the school house on 116th street Monday , died this morning. Prosperity ot'tlic 1lu1)re\vo. Brooklyn Kaglo : "NothiiiK1 has im pressed mo so much. " suid one of the prominent dry Roods rnerehmits the other day , "as the way in which the " .lobrows have multiplied and prospered n this country. Not further hack than H 1815 there were only o,000 ( ) Hohrows hero. To-day there are nearly 750,000. So _ you will sco that while the populn- ion of the country has increased threo- 'old in forty years it was UO.IHM IHK ) in 1885 the Ilohrow ] > opulation has in- ireiihcd in a very much larger proportion. Of course there are moro Hebrews in Russia , Austria 11 nd Germany than thorn are in Amor- 'ca hut wo como next. If the figures ivhich I have given may ho taken as a basis for estimating the future growth of the race , it will not bo long before , his country is in the lead. " I asked ny friend to what ho attributed the suc cess of the Hebrew , and ho said : "His thrift is proverbial , but I huvo yet to meet a man who will deny that ho is mblio spirited and generous in the sup- > ort of benevolent and worthy institu- , ions generally. Certainly ho is law iibiding. " A Mule Up a Tree. A mule can do a good many things , but it may bo doubted whether ho cau climb a tree , The Mobile Register , however , tolls of a mule that climbed into a tree and died there standing. It was during the great Hoods in the Ala bama and the high waters in Anril , ISS-I. The mule probably did not climb the tree , as the Register suggested at the time , but rather , as Mr. Dobardcle- ben says , was drowned on some of the plantations along the river and floated with the tide and lodged in the branches of an oak tree near the O'Noil Smith landing. When the waters wont down the mule was left lodged in the tree. Of course in the process of tiuie the dead mule's body decayed , and the bones and skin , dried out by the wind and sunshine are there yet. The form doesn't seem very much changed except on close inspection , and at a distance looks exactly like a real live mule hang ing in the tree. miO IK rKiCQUAIXTID WITH THR OIOaBirilT OT TRII CaUNIET W1U , BBE BY IXAUWLNQ Illll HAT THAT TUC CHICAGO.ROCKISLAND&PACIFICRAILWAY . 117 r * ion of Its central potltloa clojc relation to linn l.ait of Chicago , anil conlliu.nil hatl at terminal rolnti Wctt , Korth eit and Hajtbwtit , U the true middle link In that tranfconttnentai fiyatem which InTltri ami farllltateg travel anil truffle between the Atlantic and Pacific , The Hock Inland main line and branches Include Chi cago. Jallct , Ottawa , ijiBallc , feorla , Oeneiea , Mollne and liock Iiland , la Illlnoli ; Davenport , Muicatlne , Washington , Falrfleld , Ottumwa.OsViluofa , W it Llb- crtj , lena CltxlnUulne > , Indlanola.Wlntenet , AtUn. tic , KnoiTlllc , AuJubon , Marian , Outhrlo Centra and Council lllliffl , In lowai Onllatln , Trenlun , St. f , r , Cameron and Kamaa City , In ilUsourli Leaf iwortb and Atchlion , In Kanian Albert Lea , Minneapolis and ( t. Taut , In Minnesota ; Watertown and Sluux Uakota , and hundrvdsof Intermediate cities and towns. ' . 'The Great Rook Island Route" Guaranties ipeed , comfort , certalntr and afotr. Its pernmnent war Is dlstlnrol'hed for Its rirellenre. Its fcrldcei are of stone and Iron. Its track Is of solid UelIts rolllnicitockperfect. ItsraiicnKereiulpiumit fcasallthesateljappllanristhateipcrlrncehaiprorvl oifful , and for luiurlous accommodatlori Is unsar- paneiL Its Kspress Trains consUi of euperlor Ua7 Coaches , elegant l'ullm n I'alace Titrlorand Blespliif Cars , snperb Dining- Cars , provMlnr delicious meals and ( between Chicago and St. Joiir.h , Atchlson an. : Kansas City ) rritful necllnlnc Chnlr Can. It man- Cement 1 conservative , IU dliclpllne eiactlng "The Famous Albert Lea Roi'.re" Hetween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. I'a. Is Hie favorite. Over this Una BolM Fait Eipreis Trains run dallv to attractive retorts for tourists In Io a and lllnntiota , and , via WaUrtovin and Sioux Falls , lotha rich wheat and grailne lands of Interior Dakota. Via Seneca and Kankakw , the Hock Island offers superior Inducements to traveler * belween Claclnnall , India * apolls , Lafajelte and Council llluffi. St. Joieph , Atcbl- sen , Leavenworth , Kan as City , Ht. Tan ) , and Interme diate points. All patrons ( especially Udles and call drtnrreelveprotectloncourtesy and klndljr attention I'or tickets , maps , folders , copies of Weitem Trail , or any desired Information , apply to principal offices la the Vnlted States and Canada , or address , at Chicago 1.1. CASK , t. IT. JOHN , I. A. HtllKOOt iMlOeslKtMsM. iia.nitrxs.AiV Agricultural Implements. CHURCHiuTpARKER. Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons. Carriages and HuidM. Junes Slroot. Hetwovn Mh nj loth , Omaha , Nobnm . "LINTNOER & . METCAL'F'CO Agricnltnral Implements , WagonsCarriages , ' , Ktc. Wholonle , Omaha , Ntbrnslm. , , Wtioltute Itoalrrs In AjTicnltnrallfflDlements , Wagons & B ies 90I.1K1 , > 5 nit WJ.ionrs lreel , Omaha. p. 'P. M AST" * ccT lannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills. Sectors , WINONA" IMPLEMENT CO. , Whole-sale Agricultural Implements , Wapns &Buggies Corner Uth nnd Nicholas Artists' MaterlBle. " " ' " A.'HOSPE. Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , till Douglon Street , Omaha , N bra X . Boots and Shoes. W. V. MORSE St. CO. , Jobbers of Boots anil Shoes , ill Fnrnam St. , Uinnhii , Nvh. Manufactory , Summer Street , lloston. KIRKErTBALLTJONES & CO. , ( hunwuon to lleeil , Jonon A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Agents for llontnn Kuhner Hhoc Co.ttt. \ \ . 1101 \ 1106 llurntty St. , OniHlm , Nubrn kn. Coffees , Splqos , Etc. CLARKE Onulm ColTi'o anil Slc | Mllln. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring KitmcK Ijuimlry Illiip , | nk , Ktc. 1411 lilt llnrnor Slrt-c-l , Onialia. NcbrnKkn. 3korya _ w.'u. Agent fur the Manulai'lurcri anil Impnrtpr * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys. Ktc. OBlci3178. . Hill &t. , OniHlm , Ncbrimka. Commission and Storngo. D. A. HURLEY. Commission and Jobbing , Bntter.KKKt nnd I'rnduce. Coni > lvnnii-nl JOllcllcd Ileadquarlurn fur Hlonnwnro , HcrrT llnim aiitl _ Orape lluikcll. 1414 DoduB at. . Onmliii. R1DDELL& RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants. WIEDEMAN Si CO. . Produce Commission Merchants , Poultrj , Butter , linmo , Krultn , Ktc. KU South Illh St. , Dmaha , Nebraska. " " GEO. SCH"ROED"ER & co. . ( KucceiHirs to McShane A Hchroeitor. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Oniahft , Nebraska. _ OMAHA COAL COKE" & LIME co. . mm of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 15th Street , Omaha , Nebruaka. ' J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And phlppi'r * of Coal , Coke , Cement , I'lantor. 1,1 me , Drain Tile Hint Sewer I'lpii. OBIco , rantnn Hotel , KariiHin St. , Omuha , Neb. Tuli'i'Iicme ' 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 214 South 13th St. , Omahn , Neb. Coodsjand Notlojis. M. E/SMI'TH i co. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1102 and lUUDouiilai , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY COC-DS Co Importersand Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotlons , 3ents' Kurnlihlnn ( li > od , ( 'ornprltth and llaruejr BU. , Omaha , Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karnam Street , Omaha , Nebranka. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors , Ktc. 12X1,1X6 and 1311) ) Pnrnnm Street , Omaha. Crooorloa. PAXTON. GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 706,707 , TOO Htirt 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Nub. McCORD. BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , IJth and I.eaTcnwortli Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. D. M. STEELE & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , 1119 , IX ! and IK'S llarney Street , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and 1116 llarney PtrccC , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE , FRIED * CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , TinwareSheet IronKtc. Clients for IIowu Scales.nnd Miami 1'owdnr Co. , Omahn , Nub. HIMEBAUGH * TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic1 Tools nnd Buffalo Scales. 1105 Uouilas-st. Oiuaba , Nebraska , RECTOR 4 WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lOtli itn < l ITnrney htw. , Omaha , Neb. Wcclern Aircnta fur Aiiiliu 1'owder ( Jo. , Jcni/rnon Steul Niil , rnir- b.iiiks tUamlard htuluh. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , \Vunon Slork , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1'J/J and Ull limner Struct.Omaha. EDNEY & GIBBON. Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carrlntie Wood Stock , Heavy Hnrdnraro. Ktc. 1:17 and I'll'i ' Leareunorth St. , Ouiaha , Neb. Hats , caps , Etc. W. L. PARROTTE A CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 11U7 llarney Street , Omaha , Neb , Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER .V CO. , Importers & Jobbers of FineWines & Liprs Knit India Hitters and I > omestlc Liquor" , 1112 llarney Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 15th Street nod Union I'acltlo Track , Oinnha. LOUIS BRADFORD. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , etc. Yards Corner 7th and Duuiilas , Corner 'Jill aud Douglas. C. N. DE1TZ. Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , 13th and California fill. , Omaha , Neb. " " FRED W. GRAY. Lumber Lime Cement Eld Etc , , , , , , Corner f th and DouiUs Bis. , Omaha. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , . To Dealers Only , v-i Office , liH rvoiu euui , OmibU' J Lumber. " " " " CHAS. . LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpet * and rarqntl Ktoorint. lh and DouilM Streets , Omaha. * JOHN A. WA KEPIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , ; Import * ) and American rorlland ( ' merit. Flute S | nl for Milwaukee Ilrdraullo Cemvut and Oulncy \V II Um . , JMIIIInery ajcMMotlon * . I OQERFELDER St CO Imnorters & Jokers of Millinery & Notions JOB. J10 and 211 South llth ( ntl. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods n and 4OJ South loth Street , Omaha. VINYARD dTsCHNEIDERJ * Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 11 % llarney Street , Omaha. 4 Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO.i Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , All * ( Irrain , etc. , Omaha. A. H. Hl'hop , M Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , I Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry n nice MiKk of printing , wrnpi'ltitt ami nrltlnfl paper , SptclHl allrntUm f ITCH to oiir limil utilen. Printers' MotorlnlB. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , Dealer ! In Ijpr. profit anil in-lnlrrv' Mippllr * . Ml Soulb Illh Mr ft , Oiiuilm. Goods. RunDor . . . r----- - - - OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Riter Goods Oil Clothing Kml U'litlu-rlMtliiB , K H riirnnm Slri'ot ' , Hoam Fittings , J umps , _ A. L. STRANd CO.T Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Stpom , walrr , railway ami minlnit miiplli | > , tic. M \ V.'unil Wt Vuruiiui Sliuul , iiiiinlm. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Puinns , Pipe , Fittings , blonm nnil Wi ti-p SutipllK , llpnilquurlvri for Mml , Kooit A Co's guoil . llll nrnniiiMnOninli * . U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , ll lll < l r Wind Mills , mSaml Mll'nrnam bl. , OnmhB , U. K Uii , AUUDt MmmmT. ' BROWNELL & CO. , Engines. Boilers and General Machinery , Sheet Iron Work , Steam l'iiiii | , S * .Mill * . H1M21I lA'Ktyii > rorlli Slrrft , Oinnlm , Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds I anil VII .1 oni" . SI , Ilinalm Storage , Foryvardlng jComrnlatj\on \ ARMSTRONG , PETTIS Si CO. , Storage. Forwarding and Connuission , Ilrnnrh htuiiicof tinHCMIII'T lluuirr Co. lluiiil ) > < i n | wliuletnlu Hiul ri'lrtll I > K1 llll nnd 1II. Iriinl Slrcel , Omahn. Tvlcphonu No ; , ' < ) . Tons nnd Cigars. WM. A. WILSON & C O. , Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars , Bpkes Ilitktntc INiwdur. HHuiul ) Ub llnr * 't , Utuului. OMAHA EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice. John Ki'i'neter , Proprietor. IRQ Doder nrt lUlknd 103 North 10th Slreel , Smoketacks , " ' " "H.'K. SAWYER , Maunfacturiiig Dealer in Smoke Stacks , , T nk unil lenenUloll ! r Ktipulrlui. 1115 idgo blreut , OnlHbn , Npt > . Irpn jVorks. _ > . PAXTON 4 VIERLINGi r | Wrought and Cast Iron Building fort , , Knelrir * , llrnss work , Ki'nernl toundrjr , nmihtnc nnA blacktuiltli work , ontie anrt works , U. P. Kj. unU , lith Street , Oinalm. _ j | ' OMAHA WIREiTTRo'N WORKS.J Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Dttk ralli , window iriiHrdi , flower atanils , wire ilk'nt ; etc. , lil Korlh 16lh hi. , Omaha. . OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKSj Man'frs ' of FireS Burglar Proof Safes ! Vuultn , Jail work. Iron unit wire retiring , ilenn. elo. O. Andreen , 1'iop'r. Cor , Kill aniUncknon St > . MEAGHER * SPROAT. General Agent * for DIpboM Sufu It lxck Co. ' * Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locks. Vault ! and Jail Work , 1415 Farnum Strccl , Ornnha. OvoraHa. _ _ _ > 1 CANIELD MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeani 1'uiits , blilrU , Kto. 11V ! and 1104 Douglas Slrcet , ' Omaha. Noli. _ , Sa sh. Doors , Etc. M7 A. D'ISBR OW & co * . , Wholesale Manufacturer * of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Ilranch ( mice , 12lh and Hard Streets , Omuha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldltiKK , Stair Work anil Inicrlor llnnl Wood Kln < lilt. N. K. Corm i Hth and iH'nvenworlli Slrebli , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , And Illml ! , Tnnilnit , Slalr-work , Hank and Oltlctf Mllliit ! . Hull and I'oppluton AviMinu. Brewers. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1W1 Nurlh Kltilitcuntli Street , Onmlin , Ni'h. Oil , C. 11.1 > AI.MEII. .V IMIICHMAV PALMER , RICHMAN St CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Office lloom 24 , Oppnslta Kinliauge Building , Union Stock Yards , houtli Oiuaba , Nub. McCOY BROS. . Live Stock Comuiission Mcrcbants , Market fiirnlslnxl free on applluallnn , Htocker * an4 feeders furuUhcil on aixnl terui" . ltulHri'iice Oiiiai lm Nftllonal Hank and huulb OinabaMaUonal , Uulunl Ktock Vaidi , houlli Onmlm. LORIMER. WESTERFIELD & MALEY Live Stock Commissiou , lloora I& , Kxchanirn IlulldlnK , Union MUCk Yard * . buutU Omaba , Neb , HORN A SHARPE , ' Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Iloflni Zl , KirlianfHi llulldluir , t'nlnn Slock Vili , It , dmnlia. llelrrpncrs' Union Nm'l Hunk , Omiili * . Unlunt-liHk Yxnls Hank , H. Oinaua , K. b. lluxlep l're . Am. Hank A Tru l Co. , Onisliit " * ' ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , lloom , c | > [ iosltfl Kirtiungo IlulMInK , Union BtwU Yards , Houlh Omah , Nub , _ D"N"ib N ST O C K Y A R D S CO. , ' Of Omaha , Limited , Jotra r" . BojdHup rint nd nt. , _