Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1887, Image 1

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    " 1 TtKT
The President Clasps Hands With
Atlanta's Heroes.
Native * Camping IIH Htlll HH I'lles On
the Hold HtalrwayH A Visit
to the 1'xpoHltloii
The I'rcNldcnt In Atlanta.
ATHNTA , G.i , Oct. Ib The piesidentlnl
puity did not tetlro until 'J o'tlock this morn
ing , It having been found impossible to get
their baggage to their rooms thionghtho
crowds , which early this morning could bo
neon Bleeping on the floors mid stall wajs of1
the hotel.
At 11 tills morning Piesldent Collins mid
Vice Pnsldcnt Gnulv , of the cxpotl-
tion , tailed at the piisidont's looms and
f storied the piosldont , Mis Cleveland
mid Postmaster General to the etipitol ,
vv hoi o they vvi t o receive d by Gov ei not Gor
don. The visiting governors , snpicme eonit
of the state , members of the governoi's stuff ,
United St.ites officials , municipal mithmities
and membeis of the logislatuio weiopio-
sentc'd to the citv's guests This ceicmony
over the visitois , est 01 ted by Semitois
Hrown and Colqultt , and accompanied bv the
visiting goveinois and muny othet people of
dlstimtion , piotoeded to the exposition
grounds A national salute was filed as the
pi oi esslon entered the gates and pioccctlcd
to thtspeukeis stund. The foimulities of
welcome to the president began with prajer ,
aftir which Vice-Pi esident Gtuily , of the
exposition , in a bnef but eloquent speech ,
extended welcome to the president
The president in reply gave a bnef skctth
of Atlanta's early histoiy and its i.ipid
growth and t rtiblo ilestitii tion dm ing the
war of the icbellion Ho said : "I have lately
seen evidences of the activity and peisevei-
um o of the. people of the United States in the
creation of piosperous and bustling titles ,
ami in oveiioming difficulties whii h aio in
separable fiom new settlements and the
glow th of new cities Hut It seems to mo
that an element of heroism Is added by the
people who view without drspan the do
Hit m tion of all they have wi might , vv ho be-gin
again to build then waste plat es , mid \ \ ho in
ttpito of tliu gieat est tllsiomagemcnts , evmie
n dolei initiation to ic.icli their ilcstinv.
In twentv two years a second Atlanta
has bitn built , incompnably larger , mnio
pros ] > ertms and fuller than the destioveil
Atlanta Her place as lltst among the cities
of u grt at state Her constuntlv im rcasing
business and her lingo manuf.uluiing in
terests are evidences of the1 1 emnigo and en-
teipiisoof her people The } nmv well bo
pi oud of the woik of their hands. Nor shall
the gloi v of tin-it iiihlevements be left to
their solo giatith ation All thoit county-
men may congratulate themselves that what
has In 10 been donii is the result of Aineilian
coinage and Ami iii an cnteipiiso "
Aftei the president com luded thoto weie
calls for Goveinm Gordon , w ho spoUi bncllj
Ilia public tet option ut the fan giouuds was
n pleasant affair.
Fiom the spMlun/ stand the piesidentiul
pntv was condmted to mnliineiy hill ,
inwhlih they turned half .in hour. The
main hall was so t lowded that the visit theio
was abandoned Tliopublio teception at the
exposition gionnds was a pleasant affair.
Lunt h was served at the club house of the
Gentlemen's dtivmg club and fiom theio the
patty went to the hotel , wheio they icmamed
until 4 o'clock. Thogcntlcmi n of the patty
dined with Gov ei nor Goidon this even
ing , and at the same hour
Mrs. Cleveland and Mis. Vitas
woio entertained at dmiiei b.\ Mrs R H.
Porter. Tiis | evening the entire patty at
tended n teception by the Capital Citj' club
from ' , ) till li o'clock. Fiom starting out this
morning till midnight the president and wife
have been the ici ipliints of n continued ova
tion. Notwithstanding their pleasant ox-
poilemeb theie are indications at everj" hand
that Atlanta has undeitiikcn inoio than she
tun in editthlyi.n ry out. Abed to night is
woith a pimco's lansom mil man } and many
men mid women find it diflliult to meet the
present demands of hunger.
A local paper Is anthoiity for the state
ment that u tonledeiato flag is among the
decoiatiimsof the town It says : "At No.
12 Wheat bluet tloatb once more to the
btecjo the led , white and led , with thiiteen
Ht.its , that emblem of the dead confcdciacv.
Some kind hand deeotatcd the pii turn of the
gttnt thieftain , Hon Jofteison Davis , with
the confedeiato colois Old soldieis , v\hen
they passb } , take oil then hats , and in their
beaits all sontheineih do him reverence. "
Last night , not long after the auival of the
president ut his loom hi the hotel , a feitii ions
personage npjnoachod the door , and , being
denied admission by the sentinel placed there
b } ' Goveinor Gotdon's ouleis , said in a tone
nppuioiitly intended to bo hcnid by the presi
dent : " 1 wish v on would mfoim Mr. Cleveland -
land that if Geoigiuns uro to bo bailed out
fiom shaking bends with the ptesldont
of the United States bj' sabres
nt his chamber door , bv God ,
sir , ho hud bolter go back to Washington.
JcfT Davis will bo hero next week , sir , and
there will bo no subies between him and
gentlemen of Geotgiii " If an affiont was
intended the purpose failed , for the pi esident
did not hear it. The stoiy got nbioad today
mid the utteiunco Is geucially c-oiidcinned.
Mrs. Cleveland'H AH.sallnnt Fined.
Sr. Lotiih , Oct. IS. Mis. Annie Lnchs , thr
woman who threw the pancake Into the lap of
Mis Cleveland thednj' the picsldcntial party
weio at the fair giounds in this eitj , wa
lined f.O In the pollco court to day. Tin
woman disclaimed any disicspect lor Mm
Cleveland mid Mid she thiew the cake in r
spiiit of fun. The testimony was again-- )
her and the touit thought her fun woitli $ C > 0
The woman took an appeal.
Itnilal ol' the Gallant Cavnlij Le.ulei
at A\'t > t Point.
i Nr.w YIJIIK , Oct. Ib This morning the re
mains oi the late General Kilpatiick wen
icmoved from the city hall to the Wtbtbhoit
iitilmud for West Point.
Wl.bT POINT , Oct. 18 The train bcaiinp
the icmains of Geneial Kilpatiick attivic
ut 1 o'clock this aftei noon. U was met by i
detachment of cavulty and a iiowd of pee
pie. The coffin was fiom the baggage
car'by six soldiers and placed on a diapoc
run tin lingo duiwn by six blaik hoises
Mrs. ilcK rode In a caniugo with Gen
tral Shot man. The pall-beareis weio Gen
eialAlhen , Geneuil W. T. Jewett , Join
Loomis , Geneial John Hammond , ex Scnatoi
Hobiut , Goneiul Slocum , Goncial Melntosl
and Gonentl Hasbrouclt.
The funeral procession was escorted to the
cemetery by cnvaliy nnil a battalion of eighl
tompanies of cadets. The body was inteitei !
in "Heios Row " The department com
muniler of the New .lersoj G. A. R read i
prayer and Father Huike , of AVest Point
t cad the burial service of the Catholic e-hui ch
Three vollovs nred over his grave by tin
cadets concluded the eeiemony ,
Jf | Piotoslant KpUcopal CoiiKiehs.
LOUISVII.I.B , Oct. Ib. The eleventh niinmi
Cession of the congtess of the Piotestan
Episcopal church of the I'nitetl Stut "
opened at Christ chinch this moining
Hishop Petcilvin , of Wcbt Vliglnlu , delivetti
a bctmon. In the aftei noon Hibhop Dudle ;
Qallvi'icd the imuts'ural addi-oss and win
followed by Dr. Wildes , general sreietmy
nith a mcinoilal on divcabed membcri
Kllletl at a Crossing. , Pa. , Oct. Ib. Mi's. Jaeol
Btoltjfiis and Mrs. Hat burn Steltzfus , vvhlli
nut riding to dnv , woio sti uck b } a Pciinsj 1
\uniit tiiiin and iiiHtnntly killed.
HiuikffUaw son's Condition.
Cine voo , Oct. 18. Young Lee , who bho
Hunker RavvbOn , Sunday , was uriaiKned ii
the couit this moining and held without bai
to await the result of the bhootlug. ' The doc
tors now think thcio U a possibility tlu
i may recover , ' ,
The Itidlaiinpolls Journal and Senti
nel Hojcotted.
MINSKU'oi.iOtt. . 18. In the executive
session of the general assembly of the
Knights of Labor this morning Whcnd , of
Iowa , offered a resolution that the assembly
adjourn at the close of to-mot row morning's
session , which was carried. A section of
the constitution was amended In the sense
that all local assemblies must attath them
selves to either the state , distrlt t or national
assembly. Mileage was fixed at 4 cents.
Mr. Hany , of the goiionil assembly , pre
sented Mr. Powdorly , for his wife , vvlth.i
huge pot trait of himself.
At the aftei noon session of the Knights of
Labor permission was gi anted the locked out
bums woikets , of New Yoik citv , to appeal
to the order at huge for assistance. The
plan of establishing a depaitment of women's
work was adopted , Fuither action taken
makes It compulsory on the ex
ecutive boat d to Isiuo chatters for national
trade assemblies , when locals desiiing it
comply with the law instead of having ad
vise ) ! y IMIWor , as now Another lecominen-
datlon adopted was to the efloet that a ti.ido
local attached to u state or mixed district us-
"ombly may , on p i\ment of all dues and us
scssments , w Ithdiaw and Join a national ills-
tiict of its tiade and also ictiie In the same
mannei , provided it retutncd to the body
to which It foimeilj belenigid Individuals
who ] oin mixed locals and aftei wards take a
tiansfci to tiade lexals can bo compelled to
pay the difference , If tiny , in in ill ition fees
\mongotltci amendments weie ono fixing
ho minimum limit of an initiation fee at $1 ,
he maximum lemalnlng the sumo ;
nembeis in uiie'.its six months bo dioppcd
'rom the lolls , and making maintenance of
in assistance fund optional instead of com-
tulsoij' .
An inteitsting episode in the moinlng ses-
felon was occasioned by the intioduetion of u
reiommciidatlon to the effect that the gen-
eial hcerctuiy bo empowered to employ or
Use hinge employes In tlto geneial ofllco for
cause , subject to the appioval of the geneial
executive boaid Hairy and Hiiley con-
sideicd this another stab at them mid an ex
cited debate followed. Llti hman s.iid it was
10 more than fair and Just that ho bo
given the power asked. Ono of the
-barges btought against him by Hailey mid
Uairj that ho had dlsehaiged a m in em-
ilovecl by the ofllco without authoiity. Ho
did so because the emplovo was a continued
It unkind and unlit for dutv He tilbo stuttd
that the cmplojes in this ollleo had given out
seeict mid other mutter that hud
most mvsteiiouslv leaked out during the past
jear The genet al ofliceis weio at themeuy
of tin so fellows They weio tctalned bo-
nise Ham and H.nley would not vote to
list hargo them. ' 1 he motion to adopt was
est It w us icsolved to boj i ott two Indian-
ipolis i ) ipei s the Join nal and Sentinel for
Hiving disch.iigc'd all emplo\es connected
witli the Knights of Labor and Typographical
union and letusing to take them back when
c quested.
Convention nf'Hmplo.v Ing I'l inlet s.
due uio , Oct IS Delegates to the con
vention of employing ptinlets began a sc- > -
iion hcio to daj. Committees weio appointed
ind Chan mail Smith addicssed the meeting
upon the necessitj fin foi miiig a national
ijpothotao C II HlulxCle.v icid an addiess ,
m which , after outlining the ic ison for call
ing the convention , he said : "It sits not as
nn onctnv to labor , but believes in the ptinu-
| ile that the labener is woitliy of his hire.
When , how c vet , ho strives to place the pi no
of lus labot at a ligute or enact laws bent on
crushing capital , ho must not complain if
capital lesolves to piotttt itself fiom posi
tive annihilation "
Stilt Against Ihcni ly Holders nt'
Kaiis. IN Pacillc Stocks.
Nn\v YOIIK , Oct. Ib As the outgrowth of
the investigation of the Pacific railioad com
mission a petition has been prepaid ! bjf
icpresontutives of holdeis of consolidated
bonds of the Kansas Pacific railway company
and suit will bo immediately Instituted
agnmst Jay Gould and Ritbsell Sago as
tinstces of the consolidated moitgago. The
suit will bo biought in the supicmo comt
of New Yoik and plaintiffs * pt.iy foi
thotemovalof Gould and Sago fiom the they bo adjudged to ac
count for the block of the Union Pacific
issued in exchange for the stock of the Den
ver Pacillc juilw ay and telcgiaph company ;
Unit they account for all dividends on sun !
block and foi all premiums which they have
obtained on the same and nil intcicst 10-
eeivablo upon the ptoceeds of baiil stock anil
its dividends and picmiums and nil othei
inoiemonts for which they aio
cquitablj' accountable as tiustees :
that piopoi pel sons bo appomtei
in the stead of Gould and Sage ns tiustees ;
that the couit make an oidoi for Uiopaj men :
to the new tiustees of any funds m the bunds
of the companj's tic.isuiei ; thut a icccivei
be appointed to take possession of the tins
Minns mid to administer the tiust until the
final deci cc In the suit and the appointmon
of new tiustees ; that pending ioi
Gould and Sage bo enjoined fiom Intel fermi
with the tiust , and that such other relief bt
granted as mav bo just.
TUo nominal plaintiffs arc Adinln Stoa ]
and J. O , W Re-no , two \vestcin bankeis
The } usscit that the1 bung then complaint
in behalf of all the owntis and holders o
Kansas Paeillo onsolidited bonds who nm
unite in the piocecdmgb
West Virginia
CIIAHI L , ro\\x , W. Va , Oct. 18 Since the
mm dor of Rev. Thomus Ryan in Rout
t imnt jf and Uio subsequent Ijnching of the
tobbeis , mentioned in these dispatches , i
bus been learned thut an oigamzed band o
ugulatois , numbei ing over a thousand , nne
including farmcib and other residents o
J.ukbon , Roan , Kanawha , Clay ana Gilme
counties , has existed for over si\ months
The organization was foimed for the puipob
of self piotcttiim against the oignnlzed band
ot tobbors and muideieis who hnvo tun rio
in those counties The lesult of the
ullaii so fur has been the aiiest of two am
the l.viichiiig of tlueo of the gang. Ofllccr'
me after otlu is Gieat tioublo is expettei
us the affair progi esbcs , as the uv.ilfaitiou
have taken up the light.
Steamship Arrivals.
Ni \ \ YOUK , Oct Ib [ Spcvial Telegiam te
the Hnr ] Arrived The Nevada , fiom Liv
cipool ; the Queen , fiom Liyeipool.
MOVIU.E , Oct. 18 Ainved ThoDevonia
from New Yoik for Glasgow.
Oui cxirow v , Oct is Ainved The Ohie
and Kg } pt , fiom Now Yoik.
PiMoiTii ; Oct Ib Attlved The HcJgcn
hind , ftom New Yoik for Antweip.
Helensed On Hull.
WvsniNoroN , Ott IS In the United State
biipiomo couit Chief JiibticoWuitoannouncci
that the mgument upon the questions raiset
In the habeas cot pus eases of Attoiney Gen
it al Ajtes and other impoitant state office !
ot Vuginia will be set foi the second Monda.
in November mid that the pilsoncrb will b
bet at libel t } on their own iccogniAintcs it
tl.o bum offlXH ( ) each to answer the summon
of tlis court.
HusiiM'sb Tumble- * .
CHICAGO , Oot IS The liabilities of th
Sheboygan Manufacturing company , wide !
failed vestoulay , mo about SiyilH)0 ) ; nsact
about fiW.OOO.
Nvsnvn.ti : , Tenn , Oct. IS Timotlo
Hrothers , diy goods , assigned to day. Lia
bilities about Ci. > oiXiO , ; assets ciuinot } ctb
G i oi ci i r it , Muss , Oct 18. The schoonc
Herman Raiibon arrived fiom Gi and Hank
to d ly , and her caplain reports that on Scj
tember 13 ho fell in with the Fiench llshlni
hloop St. Pieiie , off St. Pieiie , wateilogged
He bontded her and found ten mtn drowned
Tin we.Uhev belnu veiy lough , ho was. un
nblotodo anthing with her or recover tin
A Young Girl Dies at Ponca Under
Strange Circumstances.
The Kiunlly AVIicrc tin ; Oil I Wan Sick
AircHted lint
Jtelenscd-Sulc uf a
1'aukliiK House.
A MjBtprlous Dcnlli.
Pose k , Neb , Oct. 16. [ Si ecial Telegram
o the UKP . ] A jounglady by the name of
Williams died ntii'er ' very mjstorlous cir-
cmnstanct a at the home of one Searls , near
Maitlnsbmp , this county , jestetduy. She
vns sick of typhoid fe\er and waited upon by
Jr. Hcatger of that place. U ] > oii coining to
see her jesteiday moinlng she was dead and
ncpaied for but ml The doctor noticed
) lood issuing from the nosti 11s and became
suspicions that all was not light. Her arms
w cue folded over hoi bieast. Ho unloosed
hem and npon fnither investigation found
sexeral bandages mound her body up to
ward the m in pits These bandages weio
iloody and the doctor found an incision or
wound ono inch long and quite deep under
ono of bet arms. He concluded she wiis mur
dered and had the entlio family with whom
she was stopping , and to whom she was re-
ated , ariested. The girl was heir to novel al
: housiiiid dolhus and upon her death the
Family \ \ ith whom she was stopping and who
\\oronnested for her murder , would be en
titled to it.
The Searls say she had an abscess under
: hu miiipit , which she never lovealed , and
: hat ono of those suspected of using foul
nciins lanced the abscess. People cannot
see why theic should bo sucn npiofusionof
jlood fiom such cause , as to almost entiiely
satuiate her clothing iftul bedclothes and
, oa\oabg ! pool on the tloor. Gi eat excite
ment pievails Several fiom Ponca have
gone to the place. The coionei's Juiy ex-
Diioiatod the parties accused of all blame and
oiidoi so their assertions In icgaid to the ab-
sccbs and the lam ing.
HCIMIUI nr , Neb , Oct. 17. [ Conespondeneo
of the Hi r. ] On Satin day last the remains
of Miss Gertie Pi ice were laid to icst it the
cemetciy near her home in this county. She
is the joung lady who was dragged under the
cms and had her feet ciushed at Gibbon two
weeks ago She was the daughter of Hon.
Gt 01 go W. Price of this county , and was n
teacher who gave promise of gieat useful
ness Her death was caused by lockjaw 10-
sultmg fiom the wound.
Mi. William Momson , an aged fanner
near Loomis , was found in an insensible con
dition near the railioad wliuli luns through
his fatm last Fiid.iy night. His head was
fcai fully beaten or crushed , and ho died on
Sundaj moinmg Tlioimlioad mer appeal
to bo ignoiant of the affair , and it seems pos
sible Unit the man was imudercd. Ho was a
hard working , Inoffensive , intelligent man ,
and owned a section of land. It is ] issible
that the case will bo investigated. The 10-
mams will be mtciicd In the Holdiego come-
tciy to day.
A Strong Ticket.
WUNF , Neb , Oct. IS [ Special to the
Bi n ] At the lepublican county convention
held j esterday , the following nominations
wcto made :
County cleik , D. L Shickhmd ; county
tieasuier , W. A Love ; sheiiff , A. S Aliner ;
county judge , E Mat tin ; county supciin-
tendent , W. 13 Howard ; county survejoi ,
John E licnnett ; coioner , .T. S Gaeitner.
A icsolution demanding that the legisla-
tuioilxa late on inilioads not cxceedmtj
two thiids of the piesent local fi eight lates ,
was unanimously adopted. The ticket is n
fationg one , and is bound to bo elected.
A IVntorVoikh TcHt.
NKIIII ISK \ Ci ri , Neb , Oct 18 [ Special Tel
cgiam to the Hi r ] 'Iho water winks com
pany to day tinned the water into the mams
Gieat picpaiations aie being made for the
public test next week. An elaboiato am ]
extensive progiammo has been aiianged ,
Invitations will be sent to all fiio companies ,
ma.vois , councils , etc , in the state. It it
jnoposed to boar nil the expenses of the
invited guests The loineistono for the
Chicago , lUnlington & Qniniy budge wil
bo hud the same day witli attiactuo coie
momcb _
A lUnst In a Taint Shop.
PIATTSMOUTII , Neb , Oct. IS The p.unl
depaitmcntof the U iv. M ! . shops was th (
scene of an unaccountable explosion lute yes
tcrday .if tci noon. A tank of hot w ater ex
jiloded , blowing out a twenty foot section o
the floor above , and n laigo section of tin
loof , The windows m the building weio al
smashed and the varnish loom wicckcd
Theioweroa number of woikmcn in tin
building nt the time , but none of them , for
Innately , weio hint. The concussion win
sulllcicnt to bliako the cntne building.
Nebraska Odd Follows.
LINCOLN , Neb , Oct. IS [ Special Telegian
to the Huh ] The pi and encampment I. O
O. K has been in session in tins city to day
with some sixty repiesontntives in attend
mice. To monow the grand lodge of tin
hamo oigimbation commences a tlueo dajs
session and theio will bo bomo four hundiei
delegates fiom all sections of the state in at
tendance. A huge numberof the icpiesenta
lives aimed fiom the west to day.
A ltcccllon | to lllhlin ] ) O'Coiuicll.
I'LATTK Ci NTrii , Neb , Oct. 18 , [ Siiccin
Tclegiam to the lii r. ] liishop O'Connell
cscoited to heio fiom Hninphiojs by i
comet band and 100 of St. Mary's cougiega
titn mounted , was given u ICH option thi
evening at the icsidcnco of Hon. J. A
Died cil' Heart Disease.
Tut LUHTO.N , Neb , Oil. IS. [ Special to th
HFE ] Mis Daniel Clother , of Columbu
died hcio Sunday night , of hemt disease
The icmains will bo taken to Columbu
wheio fuucial seivlces will ho held to mot
tow. _
Tlio Trntih-MlnMiiii I Sold.
Nrmivskv CITI , Neb , Oct. 18. [ Spcel.i
Telegiam to the Hn ] The sale of th
Tians Missomi picking house at this city t
Chailts Ij Hnt < hinson , of Chicago , is an
nonnced. Considctation , $1TO,000.
Struck Hy an Ilnglne.
GIHNT , Nob. , Oct. IS. [ Special Telegiau
to the Hue ] A deaf and dumb man by tin
name of Oliver Littleton , of Imperial , v\a
btiuek by an east-bound Height engine heii
to day , indicting seiious injuries.
DisMoixrs , In , , Oct. IS [ Special Tele
giam to the Urn ] To day was thollibtda ;
for the reglstiation of voters pi cpaiatoiy t
the btato election next month. The liibpecl
01 s who have chaigo of the tegistiy books o
the Hist picclnct of the Thlid ward were sui
piisedthis afternoon when a number of ladle
entered the enjlno house headed by Mr >
Mary J. Coggeshall , editor of the Woman'
Standard , who announced her intention o
leglstermg. The other ladies lived In othe
winds and precincts and were waiting fo
some ono to inako the first plunge. Th
ladies wcro comtoously received and Mi
Perkins , ono of the inspectois , said ho woul
taUo great plcasuio in leglstermg the huly i
iiutiun | if she satisf aetoi ily aiisucied a !
< i ics'.Ious. The first asked was :
I "At c Mju uiiualifiedoterl" Mis. Copgc
blmll bald bho wa4 not a crimlnul ; that th
btatuto did not extnessly foibl
womeu votiDg , but dually guv. o
Kstlvo ) ! reply , and took the required
oath by nftlrmation according to the ( Junker
ustom , after which oho answered the usual
[ uestlons and signed the reootd. The record
tow reads : "No. US Coppcshall , M. J. ;
\hlte ; lived In state uhd county eighteen
ears ; nativity , Indlamt ; previous lesldenee ,
Wav no county , IniUnna. " Following was the
iluikv v\Oman'sslpnaturoin ubold.freelmnd.
klrs Coppeshall was complimented an ap
> laiided and llrcd bv her example , the other
adies stinted for their respective piecliiuts.
Several more advanced women suffiaplsts of
his state insist that their is nothing in the
onstitutlon to prevent them from voting and
hey pioposo to make n Ust of their alleged
right by registering and offering their ballots
it the approaching election.
Grand Kncainpineiit I. O. O. V.
DBS MntM 4 , In , Oct. IS [ Special Tele
gram to the Hi K. ] The grand encampment
of Odd Tellow s for lown held Its annual
session here to day with 100 delegates in nt-
endnnce. The day was passed In exemplifi
cations of the various seciet ordeisandln
inditing repot ts and the election of the foi-
owing olllceis for the ensuing year : Grand
utiiaieh , H L Tilton. Ottumwa ; giand
ilgh priest , W. H. Temple , Atlantic ; giand
senior watden , Louis StultDCS Moines ;
jiand junior win den , .T.C.Koonz , Hulling ton.
Supreme Court Decisions.
Drs Moisi.sla , Oct. IS [ Special Tele-
pi am to the Hi i. ] The snpiemo comt filed
ho following decisions hero to-day : J. C.
fohnston , appellant , vs 1E. . Moser ct ul ,
Jubumiedistuet. Afllruicd.
L D. McDonald M. W. Motion , nppcl-
ant , Cicston supeiior. & | odUlcdandnflhuted.
John Auclnimpaueh , appellant , vs Christian
Schmidt , Uuchanan district. Heverscd.
Mary A. Dutch , appellant , vs W. E. May-
van , Johnson distuct. Afllrmed.
John A. Swad vs Huillngton , Cedar Hnpids
Noithein inili-oad , iQ > i > ellant , Louis dib-
i ict. Aftlrmed.
Wurfeld , Howell & 3o , appellants , vs
Marshall County Ciinnitl 'company , Mat shall
disti ict , action in equity , Afllrmod.
Samuel Wmiatt. nppel mt , vs W. F. Stair ,
Washington district. R veiscd.
Josie C Maben vs C. x Muben , appellant ,
Cerio Gordo distuct. ll versed.
T. H Cinwfoid vs P. V. Wolnn , sheriff ,
ind Ledeiei , Sti.mss i 'o ' , appellants , Palo
\ltodibtiict. ABirmed.
) nht KatCN.
Dtnujui : , la , Oct. 18. -Special [ Telegiam
to tinHi - r ] The execti Ivocommittee of the
Iowa Jobbeis and Mannf.icturing association
is in session hcic today for the puiposo of
ciiuabziug fieight iates\vest fiom Iowa job
bing points , albo to prbpiro arguments in
favor of the retention 6f car load lates and
deteimine v\hat lailioad mid linaneial legisla
tion is uecessaiy in lovvu this winter. The
members piesent from nbioad weio A. H.
Gcoige , Cedai Rapids ; George C Haker ,
DCS Moines , and Robert Donohue , Hinling-
ton. W. II Tot bcrt , of Dubuipje , vv ith Mr.
Gi'orge and Mr. Hiker , weio appointed n
committee to sit Washington and appear
befoio the mtei-Htato c'ommeico commission
November 1 , to aiguo the retention of the car
load i ate. _
To Discuss Cat * Ijoad Hates.
DisMoisis , la , Oct 18 [ Special Tele
giam to the Hi i ] Governor Lairabeo has
leuuested thoboaid of railroad commission-
eis to icpiesent lown at the meeting of the
Intel-state commei co commission nt Washing
ton , Nov ember 1 , when the special car load
into question will again be considcicd. It is
piob.iblo that ono or inoio of the comniibsion-
eis will attend the meeting.
Nominated FoSenator. .
Koiir , In , Oct. 18. [ Special Telegram to
the Hi r. ] At the icpubliean senatorial con
vention held hero to day , A. O. Garlock , of
Poeahontas. was nominated on the twenty-
seventh ballot for senator from this distuct
vhich eompi ises Hnmboldt , Poeahontas and
Huena Vibta counties.
He Claims to Own an Opera House
in Omaha.
DIM ITH , Minn , Oct. 18 [ Special Tele
gram to the Un1 ] James E Carney , of
Omaha , has armed in the city and was
Intel viewed as to the object of his visit. Ho
said ho was piopuetor of the Omaha opeia
house , but if the indications lesulted favor
ably ho would sell his Omaha interests and
engage in the same business hero. Cainoy is
the owner of lots in West Duluth in the busi
ness centei of that poillon of the city and
veiy suitably located rpr the erection of a
building to bo used its an opera house.
Finally ho admitted to a tepoitor ho had
teitam proportions to fnuke to the business
men interested it ? the giowth of
A ranadlaii.SeiiHatioii.
Orrvw A , Ont , Oct. 18 [ Seciul ] Telegian
to the Hi u. ] A gieat'sensution hus beci
caused in t-ociety en tiles heio by Uio 10
poited elopement of the wife of Mr. Willian
Middleton , a nephew of Sir Fiedeiick Mid
dleton , commandoi of the militia foices o
Canada , with Mr. Fenwick William Humil
ton , u godson of the late Sir Fenwiek Wil
Hams , of Kins , and until recently cmplojti
ns a cleik in the Hank of Montiealheio. Mm
Middleton was only married about a } eai
ago , and her muriiul life is said to have beoi
a veij happy one. Hamilton was nn ndmirei
of her'sbefoio her marriage , mid nftciwuit
became vei } intimate with the hiibb.iml , the
three being seen very frequently together
On account of their connection w ith the gen
eial she and her husband moved m the high
e st society heio , mid her desertion of her hus
band has caused u prodigious scandal.
A Kicking Ci editor.
Cute ujo , Ott. 18 Newton Hall , a cieditor
of the International military entampmen
company for neinlj1 $1,2UO , hus tiled a petitioi
in the supreme couit usking thut the suit foi
a i eceiv or bo referred to u master in chancery
to take an account of the assets uml liabilities
of Uio company. Ho sn } s that not more thai
10 per cent of the stock subscribed bus beei Chetlum , Gcneia
Hentle-.v , Geneial Hevendge mid other stock
holdeis who pioeuttd the leceivei's appoint
incut uio among those who have not full }
AVcnthci- Indication * .
For Nebiaska : Wormcr , followed bj
cooler , fair weather , light to fiesh soulheil ;
winds , vcciingto northwestoily
For Iowa : Warmer , fair w outlier , f i esh to
busk houthwesteily winds
For Eustcin and Central Dakota Rain
win mer , fiesh to busk southcily winds
The 1'ho Hcroid.
Cvini E , Pa , Oct Ib. A most dcstiuctivc
Ibo is.ragiiif , ' along the noithein lidgo of the
Hluo mountains Much valuable timber has
been destiocd and the loss will bo ver }
heavy A ping of men at o at vv oik , but nl
efforts at staying the ptogtessof the lite
thus fur hnvo been unnvulling.
The Chicago Hoodlor- .
Ciitcvoo , Oct. 18 Aiginnenta on the mo
tion for anew tiial in the gieat omnibu ?
boodle case were concluded befoio Judge
Jumieson to day , and decision iCbOivtd untl
London Shopkoopora to Tnko the
Law Into Tholr Own Hands.
Lnvvle sH GniiKH to Ho Sntidned It } a
Hody of Hpoclal Constables
London Gossip Other
Anaiclilstiu DotnonstratloiiH.
Losnov , Oct. 1 . [ Now York Hei aid Cable
Special to the Hi c ] The tradesmen of
London mo pieiiaiing to take cnetgotie steps
.o put a stop to the demolish aliens of the
lawless pangs now Infesting the stieets.
Husiness is almost suspondc'd inseveiallm-
> oitiint tliotoughfnres. People nro afraid to
jo about. Shopkeepers , who me paving
icnvy rents and taxes , Insist on their tights
to protection. The fact is the polite me half
ifiald to do their duty in consequence of
Gladstone's attacks upon them and the cor.
lespondlngcnc'ouiagement of the disordeily
classes. Ariangements mo being made
for the o'lpanl/ation of bodies of special con
stables , the public being tints com
pelled to take mcasuies for the piesor-
v ation of law in their own hands.
The police me ne.nlyworn out with inces
sant woik night and day. Evct.vbody per
ceives the solicits nature of the crisis. If the
politicians natal } 70 the police force Judge
U nch will soon set up his lonit heio , and
wo shall Inivo berloiis trouble. Genuine
wet king men have no sympathy with the
present agitation , led by despeiadoos from
: ho purleus of London. The homo seeietary
is inueli complained of without icason , hav
ing done all ho could. After Iho approach
ing meeting of the cabinet mote eneigetio
steps will bo taken , the govci nment i ecognb-
ing that itsfiist duty is to pieservo law and
older. Only 1(5,000 ( mctiopolitan police all told
In a population of four and a
half millions , if not bucked up by
public opinion , cannot protect propeity or
llfo. The goveinment has piobably thought
it best to cri on the side of leniency nt 111 st ,
but it must now use a fit m hand , or nmueliy
will obtain the masteiy mid u storm of indig
nation will fall suddenly upon the minlstiy
In the course of the next ilvo dajs Loid
Randolph will deliver three speeches of gieat
impoitanee , m which his entile policy will bo
disclosed m the piesent cmcigeney. He will
doubtless endeavor to stiengthen the hands
of the government , in which ho is genet ally
expected to resume his foimer place shoitly.
No onenot , excepting Gladstone , diaws such
immense audiences in places wheio an
nounced to appear. The i esei veil seats have
already been applied for tlneo or four times
over. Hotli political p.uties seem equally
ciuious to hear him , his popularity , being
much gi cater than Disiaoh ever enjoved till
the closing join b of his llfo nt New Castle.
Satuiday ho is expected to dclivet an addiess
dealing iv ith the entire political situation.
This probably will iufiibo new animation
thioughout his putty. Gladstone w ill do the
same for the liberals at Nottingham. This
consequently must rank as the most eventful
week of the recess. Chamberlain will also
Hie a parting shot into his numerous assail
ants before setting off on the arduous enter
prise of settling the fisheries dispute
Many inquiries are made at Mailboro
house us to the health of the Pimcesses
Maud and Louise. The answets given aio
that the attack of measles is light and nil is
going w ell. The pi nice , kept informed thrice
daily , does not think it necessiry to biealc
the engagement of long standing , Punccbs
Louise1 , not in sti eng health for some time
past , is suffcimg somewhat fiom anaemia ,
but neither in her case nor her sibloi's is any
anxiety felt.
bir William Gullwell , known to many
Amei leans , can scarcely bo expected to over
resume his piofcssional labois. This attack
is uudoubtcdly pai.iljsis , brought on by ovei-
woik. Such a malady in his seventy liist
jear cannot fail to be sniions , but fi lends an
ticipate his recoveiy. His lobs will bo much
felt by a veiy w ido cu clo.
Miss Ivnto Monroe , who died Monday , is n
daughter of Dr. Lester , of Uiookljn. She
had many fiicuds heio and was ono of the
most popular singeis m eomio opcia of the
I undet stand that the newloid major ol
London is overwhelmed with letters of con-
gtatulation and advice enough to give con
stant employment to two pnvuto sect claries.
I am glad to recoid that even the most bi
goted of Protestants have nothing to say
against the first Catholic loid major since the
teformation. Remonstrances como from co-
leligiomsts on his not having appointed 11
Catholic chaplain , but Do koysor holds that
ho Is bound to pay l ogurd to the established
religion of his adopted countty and therefore
will appoint Rev. H. lilunt , rector of St.
Andrews , Holboin , near De kojsei's hotel
This vv ill offend some Catholics , but the new
major has his own ideas of what ho ovvestc
his ofllco.
For the coming number the Quaitcrly Re
view will contain ft somewhat important
ni ticles on theSueze anal and Hntish inlet est ir
the refusal of the sultan to latify the conven
tion of May 22. Consideung the relations o :
the Quaitcily with the ministry the niticlo
when published , is likely to give use tomucl
discussion A MiMiinn 01- PAIILIMLST. .
lor rtrcad.
LONDON , Oct. 18. The dlstuibanco creatct
bj the uiicmploj ed poisons who fiequeni
Trafalgar square still continues. A numbei
of unemployed vvoikmen met in Hjdoparl
to dav for the purpose of making a demon
st rat ion. A squad of mounted police rod (
along the ciowd and u collision occurred Tin
mob , after a sol ions conflict , diovo the polici
bat k Sov oral an ests w ei o made
After homo furthei lighting the tiowd wn1
dlspet si d , inonj' being thrown down nm
tiamplcd upon Soveial uncsts wticnuide
Germany anil Russia.
LCojij/i / fyli ( 1SS7lyJciwf * (7oril < /fcmirft ]
Hi m iv , Oct Ib [ Now Yoik Herald Cabli
Special to the HiF ] There is not tin
slightest truth in the io | > orts concerning tin
proposed meeting of the ezar of Russia am
the kniser of Germany So fin fiom ttuo an
these Illinois that the piesent week will , ii
all piobabilitj , bin Rnssia'b lelations wit )
Gci many 11101 o stunned than ut any timi
this } car. lam informed on excellent uu
thoiity , which is continued fiom high llnan
cial sources , that within the next lew daji
thcio willbo , on thopaitof the bomionicia
Geiimin picas , nnothei boiies of attacks 01
Russian securities moioiiulentnnd prob
ably more t ffettivo than the piovious oues o
n similar natute. In the face of buch attack :
fiom the well known oipuns of Geiman gov
eminent , it ib the highest degree Impiob
able that the czar would visit the kaiser
Well infoimcd Herlin ciules huvo heaidm
hint of such intuition on the part of the czar
and rcgaid such rumoisas set afloat fo
bourse pui poses holely. At piesent Heilh
opinion is bitterly and increasingly nnti
Russian The abuse of Germans in the Hal
tlo provinces of Russia , combined with Uu
i evolutions of the grand dnko's fitcame
speech rcgntding the objects of the rapid dls
placciauut ol Gcmuii oUlciul * la th. ° U
ervlco , prodtited such profound disgust of
lie Russian policy that It Is even considered
onbtfiil whether the visit of the c/ar would
be well tecolved by the Geiimin nutloti.
Gladstone Cordially Greeted.
London , Oct. Is. Mr. Gladstone met with
n enthusiastic teccptlon nt Manchester this
nornlng. He also made a speech at Slit flleld
oday , in whlth he said that ho did not doubt
lint Iho mind of the people was iiipldly
nurshullltig itself in favor of contenting
i eland and nstoiing the fioedout of the
fllciency of paillament and the honor of
'ngland , which has been so gilovously tar-
ilsheil by past mlscondtut In Iieland. Mr.
Imdstone siKko later nt Stocki > ott. Ho said
hat toeielon was directed , not against
iluio but against the people of Ireland , com-
lining to pi c-seivo their Intel ests. If such a
combination showed a tendency tow aid ei into
ho liberals would not gho it the smallest
ountenance. The events of the last few
veeks in It eland would not have been toler-
ited In England. Ho condemned the action
of thoauthoiities at Mltchcllstown He nd-
nltteil having used the words , "Remember
tlitchellstown " Tlmtnflali must and would
io lemembeied. The wen's ! fcatnio of the
Mitihellstown incident was th it the action of
ho nuthmitlcs thete had become' a model and
mttein for the whole of It eland.
The , Ftt'iicli Scandal.
PMIIS , Oct. lt > i Le Pails net uses Wilson ,
icsident Giev.v's son In-lavv , of using pies
sine to obtain iepa\mont toMessis Dreyfus ,
he bankets , of lf > 0,000 fumes , the amount of
luty pajment which was enfoued by the
coutts in the famous Pciuvlan guano case.
Geneial Honlanper bus t evolved thousands
of missives fiom all pints of Fiance expiess-
ng sj inpiitliy for him. A demonstiatlon in
: iis favor was made in Nlmes on the occasion
of the opening of the college theio
The Gaulois sav s the judicial inquiry proved
hat General Catfarol was not gulltj' of the
ehmge of tiulnclting in dec'orations The
I'ctit ilmn nal demands that Piesldent Gievy
'mmcdi itelj Intctveno in the Wllbon utTaii.
, Oct. IS At a meeting of sod ilists
icld heie , lesolutions weio adopted piotcst-
ng against the execution of the condemned
Jhleago .unit chlsts and dec lai ing that if theit
sentence ib can led out it would be a Judicial
tmn dct.
Under Hrltlsli Contiol.
LIPMIOV , Oct Ib It isoflleiallj announced
that the Niger distiictb of Wcstcin Afiica
no mulct Hntish pioteetion
The Death Itcconl.
PMIIS , Oct is Alfied Anmibto Cuviliei-
Fleuij , the antlioi , Is dead.
A Missom \Voniaii I Givc-J P.litli to Two
L\Tiiioi' : , Mo , Oct Ib [ Special Tile
giant to the HI.I ] A week ngo jcsteulav
theie was botn to the w if oof Audi ew Li ties ,
afinmei liv ing about lomtcen miles south
east of this citj' , two of the most flight fill
monstiositlns ever iccoided. About a month
ago Mrs Lettes was out in the g.udcn with
her son. Two snakes were notiied lighting
and she told her son to kill them. Taking
the hoe he mashed both of their heads , Mrs
Lettes intently watching him till the time
Yesteidav week twins weio born to bet.
The heads of both weio Hut and icsembled a
snake , while their tongues uio licking out
continually. No attempt has been made to
clothe the monstrosities uml thej1 have been
kept m sepai ute bouxi. Tha-jiiouient they
nro put together they commence to light and
liek out their tongues In the most disgusting
manner. They are at this time alivn mid wecl ,
but the family have attempted to Keep the
facts m the ease fiom the newspapeis.
The Immense AVooIrn Mills at Middle
town , O. , on fire.
DWTOV , O , Oct IS At 1.30 n. m. It Is
learned that the immense paper mills at
Middletovvn , O. , aio binning and the town Is
greatly alarmed.
Siiivcusr , N. Y , Oct IS Fito tonight
destioved the iinllinuiy house of Haincy
Lampley & Co , the drj goods house of
Geigo C. Young x. Hio , and the handsome
slot o of Emerson & Co. The losses will aggregate
gregato ov ei ? JUO,000 , with mi iiibuninco of
about half.
Kcai no } Squelched.
Niv YOIIK , Oct 18. [ Special Telegram to
the HIT 1 Agitator Dennis ICeainoy is much
exoicised ovei the fact tint ho is piohibittd
fiom distiilmting in this city n cnciilar con
taining the following : "Tho undei signed de
sires to in oiibo the woikinginen of the east
upon the impoitant question of how to effec
tually stop Chinese competition. Since the
passage of the pi ohibition bill the agents of
the Chinese six companies have seemed n
practical nullification of the act. Ourtomts
on the Pacific coast have vhtuallj' set aside
the intent of congress in passing the law
against Chinese immigration , and I am heio
to lenevv the ciusado against the Chinese
Awake , therefore , to your true interest and
bo nt Cooper Institute this Tuesdaj' evening ,
wheio [ shall illusti ate Chinese civilization
and what j on tan expect if the Mitchell bill
is not passed by the next congicss. Millions
of Clnncbo will bo hero in five j eats. "
Another Cholera
Nrw YoitK , Oct. 18 The Fiench steam
ship Hiitannia , w hie-h m rived hero on the
1Hli ! inst. fiom Mniseilles mid Naples , was
this moinmg sent down to the lown quaian-
tine , four eases of choleia having been Jound
aboard of her.
Health Olllc or Smith is verj' reticent re-
pauling the cases on Iho Hritannia Ho SUJ'H
the vessel was ent to the Tower Hay foi1
better isolation fiom pel ions who wished to
communicate with fiiends on boaid. The
boatmen about upper quuiantine bay four
cases of choleia have developed on the Ilut-
annia , and hint that Smith ibtijmg to keep
the facts fiom the public. Dr Smith snjs , thoio ate no cases
of choleia on boaid the Hiitannia , that she
was sent below for obsctvatlon onlj' .
The World to mouow will aj that a boy ,
tlueo men and two women who wcro pas-
sengeis on the steamer Iliitannii were re-
mov ed to Sw incbui no Island. They wei o all
sick with sjinptoms similar to choleia. but
Deputy Health Oflli or Smith would not suj
it was choleia.
General Monde's Statue Unveiled.
PIIII.AIII i.i'iiiA , Oct. IS In the picsence oi
a large concern so of people and with liupos
Ing ceremonies the In ouzo equestrian Htatuc
of Mcndo was to day unveiled in Fair-
mount pail ; . Thomilitaty patado was one
of the flnist ever seen in this city. Majoi
General .lobn Gibbons , U. S. A. , dellveiccl
thooiatlon. Many distinguished gentlemen
woto present In the evening the Faiimonl
Paik art association gave a bmquct at the
Union league club to the distinguished vis !
tens and Gcoigo G Meade I'ost No 1 , G A
R , gave a banquet at St. George Wall.
Hard Coal rioljjht Hates Itrducod
Cnitnoo , Oct. IS. The Rock Island tall
load led need the tate to d.iy on hiutl
coal fiom Chicago to Council Hlnfff
and Omaha , fiom &t 2i to f. ) per ton. All o ;
the competing lines met the now i ate.
Death ol' an Kditor.
Lousvinr , Ott IS C W. Hmlev , sale
to bo editor of the Houston ( Texas ) Dallj
Post , died on the Loulsvilloix. Nashvllli
tiain en louto to this city fiom Cinclnnat
lust night His death lesulted from a vloluv
Church or the
IN \NAI-OLIS , Ott. IS The twelfth
ciiil coilve-ntion of the Chinch of
met In this oity to-day with 500 delegate
Sheriff Mntson Postpones Work On
the Anarchist Gallows.
The Condemned 3Ion tYcllnjj lllghljr
IMntod Otei- KnllHtmrnt
) ! ' GrilCIUl lllltlt * ! ' Ill
Their Hchnlt' .
Scaffold HnlhlliiK DolViroit.
Cntrusti , Oil. 1b-Special [ Tolegium to
the Hi r.l Shoilft Matron has not com
menced to make picpatutions for the
execution of the seven condemned unmchlsts
uml will not ilo so until something futthor U
hcaiil fioni the Unltod States MIIHIHO | eomt.
The nimichlsts thonisohts aio fooling inoio
hopeful now than thoj huvo boon at any
thno sluio the dei Ision of the stuto supiomo
com t wits tendcied The } wote feeling par-
tloulailj good to ilaj ontiecountof thouilvlccs
the } hud tecelvtil fiom their toniisol in the
ease tliutGonciul Hen Hutlcrlmdundri taken
to Join In pitsshig tlioli iiisonnthu uttontlon
of the Unltoil States supiemo umrt. They
hu\o now a fotmliliililo miav of counsel to
tuko ehuigo of their o iso Anothei dispatch
fioni Washington to . thi'in that
.1 list lie lliul.ui hail agieod to meet tlulr
counsel Thmsilav moining In tefoieneo
to the pioposed appliiation for iv
wilt of on or. Gonciuls Hutlor nnil Pi } or
will do the talking bofoio him anil Captain
litaok ami Mr Solomon will do the advising.
The } piofoss to bo satisfied with .Tnstiio
Italian anil snv that ho Is a putty sepmio
man nnil they full } imtu ip.ito that ho w ill
issue a wilt of supei edoas until the \\holo
IMSO can lie nigued liefoio the supicmo couit.
The gt cut point Unilepoml on is their al
legation that the juiylavv of the state of
Illinois It in illtret violation of thoionstitu-
tion of the Uniteil States.
"I Inue born notilleil officially , " said
Joseph liiiilinnim , cditoi of the Lnltoi Kit-
quiior , to il.ij , "that Genoial Hutler hus con
sented to tal.o hilil in the npplliatlon of the
multilists for a \\iit of enor and supor-
sedoas lit futo the United States snpicmu
loiut 'I his is not a iitmot I logaid it as
an itHsmod fail Hitheilo he has not hail
the time to looU Into the matti t anil study
the tiansciipt , but to mcoituin Knowledge )
'no has \iinuiMl the tiansiiipt anil
lias taken the case \\ith the btiong expcetn-
; ion of winning. The titso is Mt for a heal
ing ThuiMlav , 01 ] iossiblrtuliiy , liefoio
ilnstieo llailan , who hus Chiiago in bin dint -
t in t , MII know Ilaihin's a piettv Mpiaio
man mid I think ho will iriogni/u the Justiio
if giving these men a fall tiial. no mittor
wliutthoii opiiiinns mav bo The deft nso
law\vis will then be Htttlrr , Pi } or and Run-
dolph Tucket to make the aigumonts and
Captain Him k and Solomon , who will keep
In ei tliLin postLiI on the icioid in the euso.
Solomon ( IcseiMS giLilt iicdllfot iiiisingtho
question of the ionstttuti ( > iiulltof the stat-
nto which allows a man a soiviio as Jut en In
a uiso vvheio ho has ilctlated himself to hu\o
foimed an opinion fioin ncnvspajiei .u counts.
It is siniplj lank tji.imiv to tiy u man us
these men weio tiled , with u Jut v of twelve
men , ten of whom hiivo do-
elaieil themselves prejudiced , anil
this , too , when Uailitt Rico said that he hail
had churgo of the jury list and hud selected
the venire with the Intention of loicmgtha
defense to oxhauat their ptiomptoiy eliul-
ledges It isn't ' i ight Hy the way , 1 clipped
from the pa puts at the time the oxpiessed
opinion of eaeh of the juiois whenthojoio
examined , mid 1 think Just about now would
bo a Rood time to punt them. "
"What will bo the grounds on which the
application for a wntof eiioi and mipor- will bo inguedl"
"Oil , the same old stand. You'io familiar
with it"
"Doou think n stay of execution will bo
gi anted I"
"I'm pi cUv sin oof It. I think a mujoiity
of the Uniti d fatates supicmo court \\oulil
votofoiastay until the m.iUci Lould bo
heaid. the outlook foi the
bo > & is a Kood deal biibhlei than it has bton
an\ time befote "
"Ih.uo no doubt , " said Geneial .T. H.
Lc.iltc , oUnltcil States distiitt attoiney ,
when asKed bj a tepoi ter if the ipliL'iition ]
to the United States snpiemo inuit foi n. In the unniihist ease would hava
to bo m.ulo before the fnd eonit , it being now
in hession , 01 if one of the limtiios
could giant it on his own anthoiitj , "Iliaxo
no doubt that any justice h is full power
at any time , whether the court
is in stssion or not , to Mip < rsedo
and his supersede as will net as a staof any
pie\ons ! order made in the i asp. Jnniaso
of this Impoitancn the Justice befoio whom
the application is made might lofei the ease
to the lull ( oui I , 01 ho might act on it him
self. Ho has full disi ictlon and power in the
matter. If the apjiluatiim woio made beforu
the full com I they might infoi it to homo emu
justice for aition , or they might issue the
supcisedeas wheio the locoul is so long ami
the time bofoic the excintion isbOHhoitwith
out an.iiujuiiy into Iheineiits of the case
at all , in order that they might have time to
look into it nt leisuie. lint any justice has at
all times full powui to act in the picmibCB.
Should one judge lefuso and application ha
made to another , ho would hoery apt to 10-
fnso to hear the application if ho knew of thoj
pievious npplit.ition. They pnv that much
icspctt to each othei'K opinion , lint ntill the
second Justice would have power to u < t , noU
withstanding the lefusal of the imcl
thcio aio cases \\licio it has bttn done. "
A Mother1' . Sad Mistake.
Si Jo-nil , Mo , Oct. 18 [ Sped ilTola *
gram to the Hir ] A mother'H mistal.o In
aiimmiHtLimg medii ino hist night will remilfc
in the death of the youngest child of Alder *
man J IJ Hegnn , of South Sixteenth Bticet.
Two piesciiptions woie left at the house by
the family phjhiciun ono biomido of pot as-
stum for n baby uml the other tnibolio acnl
for an older child. Dm mg the night the bottles
tles became inteu hanged ami the mother ad-
mmlsteied a teasponful of the cmbollo atiil
in place of the biomido to the younger child ,
It was nnlv a few moments befoio the mis
take was diseovei cd and the pluHician w.H
called. The mother , neaily li.uitio with
giief , saw hcrhu child wiUiinahulf houi turn
neai ly bl.ii k and sutTi i Ing untold agony All
Kinds of lemedies were guenand the chilli
was forahllo jelimtd , but rc < x > . 'oiy \\U [
bo impossible.
A Ijclpslo 1'nllnrc.
Gnu \ao , Oct Ifa A dlspatth ftmn New
Yoik H.IVS it is lopoitod that the Lelpslc Dls-
( onnt company of Lelpslc , Geunany , hai
failed for nine million marks , mid that th < j
diieetois have lied It Is believed , however.
that the company w ill be ublu to meet all oj
its obbgntlons
A Lockout of d
I'liii.viHii.i'iiu , Oct. IS. A lockout , iuvolv-
ing about thousand Imnds , was innugnr *
.itcd this moining by mPiiibeis of the I foot )
mid Shoe Munufi'ctuiPis' association of this
nty The nsbofiation Inclndis the largchtj
llims In Philadelphia. The tioublo IB o\tr li
demand foi an aihanco in wages. *
Tim Ilinplo.N IIIK Hi luk M'akcrn.
CiiifAoo , Oil IS. The National Employing1'
Jiiek ) Malic 1 1 > ' association opened Its bccond
annual ( oincntlon this aftcinoon. Two bun
dled and llfti delegates fiom all lai go cities
of the union are pitbcnt. The
will lust tin ce da s.
Till ! KdlOOt HOIIM ! Co
Ni.w Yom > , Oct. IS. 'Iho polite aio still at- '
woilr In 'ho ruins of the fallen school IIOUHQ *
on until Html. A Swede cai penter Is mls -
Ktng and his body is supposed lo be In tho/
IUIIJK Pather Kleinun cannot intovtr ,
iui toi ! > Kay ,