8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MONDAY , OCTOBER 17 , 1887. All WELL THAT ENDS WELL An Aphorism Which Rov. A. W. Lnmnr Believes IB Wrong. GOD'S OVERRULING PROVIDENCE. Number of Wesson * Hrnvrn Prom the Cnnvcrnlon of OncHliitiiH hi Homo For the Comforter or I'arcntH. f ho Conversion of n Ilunnwny Slave. Yesterday was the lant Sunday on which preaching service will bo Held In the body of the First Uaptist church. The roof and ceiling are in need of re pairs and unsafe , and hereafter the ser- riccs will bo held in the vestry. Yesler- lay morning Rev. A. W. Lnmnr jreached on "The Conversion of a Ilun- iwny Slave , " taking the text , "For per haps ho was therefore parted from theo 'or ' a season that thou bhoultlst have him lor over ; no longer as a servant , but more than a servant , a brother beloved. " Selfishness , said the preacher , is the greatest i-ourco of evil-to the human family blighting more than half of hu man happiness , and marring more than half of human character. In any di rection of human pursuit this statement is true. Anything which can subdue this evil ought to commend itself to the consideration of every thinking man. Wonderfully does grace subdue selfish ness , for no man can bo possessed of BolftshnesH and be a Christian. Ho that boasts that he cares for no ody is the reverse of a Christian. The man who can pray "God bless mo and my wife , my son John and his wife , us four and no more is a stranger to grace , because when grace enters the heart it mellows , softens and makes it tender and loving. What a great hearted man Paul was after ho gave himself to Christ. Hero lie is a prisoner. Besides having on his heart the care of all the churches , ho has to preach the gospel and support himself with his own hands , yet ho finds time to lake an interest in a runaway slave. Onesimus had gone to hear Paul preach imd was converted , and Paul takes the trouble to write this letter with his own hands in his behalf. From the convor- eion of this young man wo learn some valuable leshons : First , how wonder fully sovereign grace can bo displayed to a sinner. Ho was a slave. The con dition of such in those days was pitiful beyond all description. They wore ignorant , degraded , immoral and treated as beasts.v This very treatment was calculated to lower them. Possibly , Philemon had tried to do something to elevate this fellow for ho was a trusted servant , and moreover Philemon was a Christian and it was likely that Onesimus got tired of all the singing and praying that ho heard in his master's home , for the church met there. Ho made up his mind to run away and before he went ho robbed his master. Ho goes to the great eitv thinking that there ho would be hid , but an eye followed him and looked out Of Ifeaven upon him. One would think that there were honorable people enough in Rome without God's taking notice of thin scapegrace. Ho had gotten down to where ho was among the very dregs of society. But it is an old way of the Lord's to take notice of such people when there is n chance to save them , and so God displays his grace to him , that ho might show what Ho can do for a sinner. From a human point such a case seemed hopeless. Is it possible that light can ever shine into him ? And that grace can over reign in a heart that has been full of thieving ? He goes to the barracks and hears Paul preach and is converted and becomes a new creature. From being untractahlo ho becomes gentle and teachable and hon est and helpful and loving. He had his whole nature changed for the better , so that Paul could trust him fully and com mend him to the consideration of others. Second , Wo see how wonderfully God can overrule sin. That it was wicked in Onesimus to rob his master , none can gainsay. Yet God overrules his sin so that good comes to him. His sin drove him to Rome where Paul was preaching and that was his salvation. Paul inti mates this when ho says , "Perhaps ho departed for a season , etc. " He docs not approve of nor excuse the fellow's wickedness , for sin is sin in spite of God's overruling it for good. Men are saved by the death of Jesus , yet it was with wicked hands that the Jews put him to death. Joseph's being sold into Egypt saved his family in time of 'fam ine , yet his brothers sinned in selling him. Remember , it is not the result that determines the clumicter of an act. "All is well that ends well"isan aphor ism that in not true. If that bo true then it matters not what wo do , so it ro- eults well. Observe , a man employed at a railroad yard to { juurd the switches carelessly leaves a switch open the on- pineor of the rapidlynpproaohingtrain , BCCS it and stops his engine ; the train if not ditched and no one is hurt. But the switchman is guilty all the same. Now Onesimus could have heard the gospel at homo , his master was a Chris tian , and Archipus , his son , was 11 preacher. But this follow is bent on mischief , and so ho runs away. He might have been killed in Rome in OIK of the gangs of thieves and robbers , bulGed God over-ruled it. Only Paul can touch the heart of Onesimus , and U Rome ho must go , so the devil tempts him to steal , and to Homo IK goes. Ho doubtless fell into much biul company and got very low down. Ii : his idle wanderings he found himself ii the military barracks. He sees a crowd there and sees some one .speaking t ( them. Ho discovers that It in Paul whom ho has seen at his master's house in ColloshO. Ho says , "I guess I'll heat what ho has to bay.1' So he listens am lie becomes interested , and after the service ho goes to Paul and has a tall with him , and becomes a believer ii Christ. Lot mo speak to Christian parents whoso sons are wild and recklesi. Yoi have lost all heart about that boy o yours over being saved. Perhaps IK lias run away from homo and yoi don't know where ho is , and if yoi know how very low down ho is thi night , you would ho utterly mif-erahlo hut maybe the Lord lot the devil temp him to run away , that ho might brin ; him under the very iiiHuenco that is ti save his soul. He may yet come hoim to you a saved man. I was once holding a meeting when i mother , who had an only son , came t mo and said , "My heart is broken , hoped thia revival was going t save my son , but . ho wiy ho is not going to stay around her where there is a revival meeting , but i going oil to have a frolic till the * mecoings are over. Ho has kept hi threat and gone. A few days afterward ho suddenly came homo. This was hi ttory : ' ! determined I would not b converted , uo some of the other b < \ \ and I ran off ; wo wont , to Churlentui wo hired a boat and wont.out ta , T > OI ; ; -htorm struck us'iuulpur.boat 'wn.s'up-oj none of. us could .swim ; we .wore ulo * by n buoy , which wo succeeded in read ) uud there wo held 6u lor twolv hours. I prayed to God that if ho would' spare mo that I would go home and give my heart to Jesus. That prayer was answered , and I have come back to keep my word. " Ho became an active and useful member of the church. Lot all parents and wives whoso loved ones are not converted take heart , forGed God can bring the wanderers back. O , young mnn far away from homo and God. you have come in hero to night , after nil your twists and turns God brought you hero to-night. Listen to mo , us Ho pleads for thy soul and turn unto Him and live. Let not the fact that you are a great sinner keep you away. Jesus is a great Savior for great sinners. Venture on Him , venture wholly. Let no other trust Intiudu ; Mono but Jesus can Do helpless sinners pood. IIAKllIH-MOSS. A 1'lcnsnnt and largely Attended WctldhiK Iini l KveiiliiR. The nuptials of Mr. Jacob II. Harris , of Cheyenne , and Miss Ray Moss , of Now York City , wore celebrated at Gcr- mania hall last evening. The groom is the son of J. Harris , a well known resi dent of this city , and the bride is a charming young lady. The ceremony was performed in the quaint and inter esting riles of the orthodox Jewish church , and was wifnessed by about ° . . > 0 friends. At 7:15 : p. m. Nathan Ginsberg , Isaac Harris , Casper Horwich and Ahram Harris ap peared on the platform bearing the silken canopy under which the cere mony was to take place. The groqm approached preached from the loft of the platform , accompanied by J. Harris , his father , and Charles Shaw. The bride appeared from the left , attended by Mrs. J. Har ris and Mrs. Charles Shaw and two little flower girls. Meeting under the canopy , Rabbi Benson pronounced them man and wife , the ceremony ending- with the usual symbolic breaking of the glass. All stood with covered heads. After the ceremony followed a bounti ful supper , at which congratulations were read from distant friends. After supper followed the usual dance. On Wednesday the newly married couple leave for Cheyenne , taking with them to their new homo a magnificent array of costly presents. IlrcvitlcH. Miss Rosa Ernstoin , 1012 Jackson street , entertained a number of her friends last evening. A pleasant even ing was enjoyed by everybody present. Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpatrick. wife of A. Kirkpatrick , the contractor , died at the Occidental hotel yesterday morning. Her remains are to bo taken to Man chester , la. , to-day. The remains of W. A. Rico , who was killed by the cars at South Omaha Fri day evening , are to be sent to Shenandoah - doah , la. , to-day , for interment. The body of William Wickmeycr , the other victim of the accident , was tent to Doano , la. The old veterans of the Omaha fire department hold a meeting to-night at 8 o clock at the ollice of Chief Gallngan ; for the purpose of organizing an old vet erans' association and to hear a report of the finance committee of the New York reception. The nuptials of Samuel W. Goldwater , of San Francisco , Cal. , to Miss Sophia Stone , of this city , are announced for Wednesday evening , Oct. 19. The wedding will take place at the resi dence of the bride , atliU'J Pacific street. An Indian After Blood. Robert Obrau , a young and muscular Indian , created quite a sensation on Farnam street yesterday. Ho had been drinking and wildly flourished a lather's hatchet which he had in his possession , declaring that ho would brain anybody who interfered with him. lie was given a wide berth by everybody , and for a time it looked as if an Indian massacre was imminent on the principal street of Omaha. Otlicer Cullcn , however , laid in ambush and surprised the red man , and succeeded in marching him to the central police station , where ho was locked up. Obrau is a lather and is well known to the police , being very troublesome when under the influence of liquor. _ Girls Thoroughly Depraved. Cora Hartman and Nellie Roth , the young girls whoso arroat a month ago as runaways from home caused a num ber of charitable people to intercut themselves in the case , were again oc cupants of the central police station last night. They were arrested yesterday on the charge of street walking , and their vile epithets and loud profanity evidenced that they are thoroughly de praved despite their tender years. Both will appear before Judge Berka this morning and the probabilities are that they will be sent to the reform school. Club Meeting- A meeting of the Seventh ward re publican club will bo held Tuesday evening , October 18 , corner Twenty- seventh and , Pacific streets. All mem bers are requested to attend. A meeting of the Sixth ward republi can club will bo held at headquarters on Saunders street between Sewnrd and Clark streets , Monday evening , Octo ber 17 , at 8 o'clock. All republicans are earnestly requested to attend , as biihiuess of importance will bo trans acted. Crushed Ity Fulling Kiirtli. About noon Saturday N. T. Kundson , a laborer employed at the steam shovel on the Missouri Paeilio railway , was crushed by an embankment falling on him. Ho was taken to his homo at Thirty-fifth and Decatur streets and at tended by a physician , but his injuries were fatal and ho died at 7 o'clock yes terday morning. Ho was fifty-six years of ago , married and the father of a large family. The coroner will hold an in quest over the remains to-day. Tom Murny Victimized. Somebody evidently played a trick on Tom Murray last night. That individual left his horpo tied in front of his build ing on Fourteenth street , and when IK came for it in about an hour ho fount ] the halter cut and horse and buggj misning. It must have been a joke oil the old mnn , for no sane being woult have stolen the outfit. Fast Driver * * Arrested. W. W. Douglas and W. Hudson , two salesmen , wore arrested yesterday after noon by otHcor Pulnski for fast driving They were released , however , when u friend nut up the nece&sary collatera for their appearance this morning. Samuel Burns invites the ladies tocnl to-day and meet Haviland's iigontjuu inspect the largest line of samples o now China over shown in Omaha. J call will cost nothing , whether wishinj to purchase or not. Two young mon of Garden , Plain Kan. , fought with sluiigshots in ehurcl o determine \vhich _ , should escort t ruing woman to her homo. Ono o them hul : h'is skull frncture < ? and In vlied. . The minister and .his w\fo \ suj fcrod SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. The city council meets to-night. The ball and game supper to bo given by the gun club takes place on Wednes day evening. Marshal Rico was much hotter yester day.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pierce , of Knoxvllle , 111. , who were visiting I. B. Gault have returned home. Yatcs & Groves have bold out * their saloon on the "Row" to a party from Omaha named Hcnncrsv. A dozen car loads of twelve-inch pipe in which the water will bo conveyed from the pinup house to Swift's packing house have arrived. The men employed on the Armour and Swift packing houses wore com pelled to work Sunday to have the con tracts completed at the stated time. City Attorney Grii'e was relieved of a line o'vcrcoat Saturday night by an un known thief. Invitations have been issued for a ball to bo given by the Nonpareil social club on Wednesday , the "flth inst. Mrs. J. F. Kuhen , of Omaha , was visiting Mrs. Judge Reuther yesterday. George Webb anil Clayton Hare , of Auburn , were visiting friends in South Omaha. The South Omaha gun club held a shoot on their grounds yesterday after noon which resulted in the following score : Gorman 18 , French l/ > , Marrow 14 , Arnold 14. Miller III , McBeth 1 ! ! , Magnoll 11 and Cudner 10. Mr. Fisher , of Atlantic , la. , was in the city yesterday falling on friends and former acquaintances. The Presbyterian Sunday school held their services in the First ward school house yesterday afternoon. Police Officer Fox is attending to the marshal's duties while the latter is con fined to his room by recent injuries. The coining week will see more busi ness going on and more merchants in South Omaha than over during its rapid growth. In round numbers there arc about 1,000 extra men employed on the various establishments and public works. Mrs. Dug Johnson , the keeper of a bagnio , has been making herself quite notorious by attempting to inveigle re spectable young girls into her house. Yesterday she approached a couple of girls who were visiting the city and mndo an infamous proposal which terri fied them. They at once notified friends who will take steps to preven\ \ a repeti tion of the act. KNGIjANIVS FIKST CITIZKX. Interest Ins Pen IMutitru of Mr. Gluil- stync at Home. Correspondence New York Sun : Hn- wnrdon is happily out of the way of the tourist. The railway station is recog nized only by the slowest of accommo dation trains , for the village is one of profound indifference to the excite ments of the political and commercial world. The home of the Gladstones is notonly a trying distance fi'om the sta tion , hut so isolated that only very strong limbs , coupled with intense curi osity , can carry there any unhidden guest. It is still more remote from the bustling town of Chester , to whose stream of trade it is a modest tributary. The distance from Chester to the lodge of the duke of Westminster is a good two-mile trudge over a turnpike not al ways in the best condition for either man or beast , and the journey to the Gladstone couso is still farther , with no resting place between. Nevertheless , t > o intense is the per sonal feeling which Gladstone inspires , and which has greatly increased in the five years , that c.xeursitm parties nor formed not only in England hut in Scotland to visit Ilawar- en for the solo purpose of ending up volle.vs of cheers from the awn around the simple but stately country house. Hundreds walk from , ho Hawarden station , or all the way rom Chester , thinking nothing of 'atiguo , and gather in mass mooting < n the driveway , waiting as meekly s cattle in the fields for the thrill- ng tones of the throat that has pokon England's highest thought in tatesinanship. and gone down with tatutcs of emancipation among the owliest of her millions. Working away n his library , the old man is tohl that a irowd is outside and would ho pleased o see him. He drops his pen or book is i-oou as mental convenience will ad- nit , dons an old hat , seeks Mrs. Glnd- > toiie , who throws some light wrap ever icr shoulders , and a vail of black lace jr silk netting over her very gray hair , : ind out they go together like boy and 'irl.Tho The lawn terrace is eight feet higher , hnn the roadway , and is reached by A'oodun stairs descending' from a nar row platform. Standing on this plnt- 'orm the two Gladstones greet the people , who cheer and cheer and wave liats and handkerchiefs and umbrellas. Then , if the old man bo hoarse or not in mood for talk , Mrs. Gladstone , leaning over the edge of the platform , tells the ; ieople in a silvery , clear voice , that Mr. Gladstone is delighted to see them , and is thankful for the cordial feeling which brought them so far , but that , as ho is not well , they will kindly excuse him from speaking. Cheers are mingled with expressions of sympathy , and if there bo not too many of them Mrs. Gladstone invites them up to the plat form , where a patient scene of hand shaking is gone through , with smiles tin the old man's face and happiness shin ing out of his glorious old eyes. It iw not unusual for the excursionists to bring little olTering.s with them of game or fruit or flowers , and the most grace ful acknowledgements always follow their presentation. Jonquil ) Miller' * Sou in Jail. Nevada CitA" Transcript : The case ol Hal Miller , who is confined in UK county jail to await his trial for horse- stealing , is a peculiar one , considerinn the intelligence of the young man and the national reputation achieved by hit father. The name of Jonpuin Miller it known wherever the English language is spoken. There is pretty clear prool of the young man's guilt. He was caught with the horse. . He seems H have been knocked around from pillai to post without the influences of a homo. . His brother , who is himself almost i boy , is now almost a boy and seenu deeply alllicted over the misfortune , The Transcript editor had an interview with the brother yesterday , and ho gave the historv of Hal's life in about tin following language : Hal Miller was bori : at Elk river , Curry county , Or. on the 25th day of July , 1809. A yeai after his birth his father , Joaquin Mil ler , removed to Canyon City , Grant county , whore ho located a mine , whicl ho afterward sold , and in 1871 went tt Lnno county , where ho established i printing office. Hal was at thattlnu five years old. His mother and fathoi then separated , his mother taking tht three children. His father wont east where ho has been until the nast fev years. His mother afterward left Lam county and came to San Francisco whore she delivered lectures and wrote for the papers , trying to earn monoj enough to give her children an cduca tion. IIul was the youngest child. H < got very liitle schooling in San Fran cisco. When they had been in Sai Francisco a little over a year Mrs toUed jtji j to ° V trip to the east , sending Hal to live with his aunt at Coos Bay , Ore. His undo mnd aunt , Mr. and Mrs. Hibborn , lived on a farm three miles from the town of Marshfield. Ho stayed with them rtwo years , going to school in the winter. The school was three miles from the farm , and so ho well earned the little teaching ho re ceived. At the end of two years his mother returned from the east and took him to Portland , Ore. , where she again undertook to earm a living by writing for the press. She ntrugglcti through life until her second marriage. Unfor tunately she married a mnn who proved to bo a worthless drunkard. Being a woman who was devoted to her children she became worried over her destitute condition and took a second trip to the east , again sending Hal to live with his aunt at Coos bay. Ho remained with her until the past year. His brother says he is a boy with a very good dispo sition , and has always heretofore been regarded as an honest and "square" lad. Devices or I'lekpookctN. Philadelphia News : "How can I get that man arrested ? " asked a women wearing a plain black suit and a black hat , over which was drawn a blue veil , to a Philadelphia gentleman as he hur ried by the lamp-post at southeast corner of Eleventh and Marble streets last evening. As she spoKe she pointed to the retreating figure of a man who was limping down toward Tenth street. "What has ho done ? " "Ho picked my pocket not a second ngo. " The gcnllcmuu lost not a moment , and an instant later ho had grasped the man by the arm. The latter turned as ho felt the touch on the arm , arid asked with a slight foreign accent , "What is the matter ? " "This lady says you picked her pocket , " replied the eitiyen-polieomnn , indicating the lady , who end meanwhile come up with the pair. "Sir ! " the came indignant exclama tion. Then a moment of pause , later a sneering smile , and then the words : "You are at liberty to search mo , sir. " There was something in the smile that was not quite Frank , and an inves tigation was made. The alleged thief held up his hands and facilitated the examination of his pockets with the ut most coolness. As the gentleman reached the trousers pocket he noticed , in feeling for the lost wallet , that the man had a wooden leg. Immediately he was led though this time ho showed light to the steps at the rear of the theater. While the gentleman held him the woman examined the wooden Ing. At the first tap it was found to be hollow. Out came the pocket knife and the straps which held on the leg were cut. A small door at the bottom was opened and a diamond ring , a small watch with the monogiam "A. K. C. , ' ' and the missing tloclcetbook rolled out. "You watch him ; " said the gentle man , and he went oil for a iKiliccman. He had not notijKiil that the excite ment had caused itilio woman who sat near by to faint. He turned at the corner of Marble -street to look back and noticed that tlie thief had left the door open. Hurrying back , ht > found that the follow hadihopped out of sight. The leg , which was k-lt behind him , was examined whan ho had restored the fainting woman , and it was found to he tweiity-soveiLiinelies long , made of maple wood , securely braced at inter vals with steel bands. At Ih-J toji was aislit largo enough to admit any small packages. It was lined with chamois ami ; : : < ddcd with cotton. The pickpocket was dressed in at all black sill : hat. a line frock coat and light pnntnlontrs. He wore patent leather shoes , at. the one on the wooden kg showed. Nineteen years ago Mrs. Annie Tom- lin. of Mauricotown , N. J. , had iiid stolen from her while sick on a schooner at Boston. A few days ago she received a letter from Philadelphia with a $110- bill enclosed ; snj ing that that amount had been taken from her poekotbook at the time and place above mentioned. In the City of Mexico everybody liven over a shop , if the house be two stories , or uses the lower floor for stabling horses , quartering the sorvnnlH , etc. Uven the millionaires often rent the ground floor of their bwell i esi- deuces for business purposes. AbsoELately Pure. Tills iimvilet tun el Mill- \ii.aml of pull- ty , stKUKth Mid \ > iionxin 11,1 M Mi'c 111,11- , omlealthanlh oiilinmy kimlx ami ( ii-iuntbu hold In ( oinp < titiiiii with tin imilltiiilo of low costshoit wu'feM u nut 01 ) ' ' . ) plutlt ] i'n\ilors. Slllll Olll } ilKUlls | [ | | > M , 11 I KIM. I'OWIII.lK ( ) . , 10(1 ( Wall-st , N. \ CHICERIO , KNA Vose&Sons Instruments exchanged , rented and sold on Easy Payments , below FACTORY PRICES. Instruments slightly used at GREAT BARGAINS Max Meyer & Bio , , Omaha , Neb. N. T. llALHHWdt ) , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon , Onicc , Cor. 1Mb and Fnrrmm Sts. Ilesl < lence,2t2 : I'arnum St. lloura. U to 11 a. in. , X to Ii p. in. RICHARD NUNN , M , D. , ( DUBLIN ) . . ] Occulist and Aurist , THERE NEVER WAS Placed before the public such a stock of boys' and children's clothing as we are showing this season. More than one-half of our second floor is devoted to their display and the prices we have marked them at were never known in the history of the trade. We are showing boys' suits , at $1.60 that our competitors say are cheap at $3.00. They are strong and nice winter suits , plaited and well gotten up. For $2.25 we have a splendid fancy cheviot suit , elegantly made up , which would be cheap at $4.50. > But the greatest of all bargains is our all wool cassimere suit at } $2.50. This is beyond a doubt as good a suit as was ever offered ar. double this price. We placed 25O of them on our counters last weei ; and had to telegraph for more. We have again all sizes. In finer grades we show a large variety of silk mixed cassimere chev iots and worsteds elegantly trimmed and made. Boys' overcoats we offer from $1.35 for as good a coat as you caul buy elsewhere for $3.00 up to the finest grades of chinchillas and casi- meres , which , in style and make , are the product of the most skillful and artistic cutters and tailors. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Clothing Co. , Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. OMAHA N. W. Corner of 13th and Dodge Strcels. FOIl Till : TKIIATMK.Vr OK AI.Ij CHRONIC and SURGICAL DISEASES , Braces. . Appliances for DeformlHe ; and Trusses , ti'st fr.'iM' ' ? " . | i | > nnituH itml ri'ini'illcs for ill trt'iiliiicril m " "rj limn of < lcu-u ! l Mi'OUul orMtruUul * . . . . _ ! I'nrt ) now room * fm | miu < nt ; l > ct hospital ucconi- niKtutlniis In tin * \\i t. \viim , louCim ci.AKM cm Dcfcmnltlrs and nru < - : , 'lull K > ul , Cumiturn of the ( -pliio , I'lli"Tumor * , 'niiccr , Ciitimli , UrnmhllK Inlia.allon , iii ; > ctil < it ) , ' .mily li , l''l | ! ( l > - > . Klilnoy. Hl.iclilor , Iis ! I.uitkln uiul llloml , anil nit MiKli al Opi'iiiUmis. DNciixc * ( if Women 11 HOOK ON DI-IAMS : : orVO.MIN : Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAMMl A M'ICMIiTV OK PRIVATE DISEASES. All HlniHt DI-TO-OI * u o fully trcatoil , S > plillltl ( ! > 'i > l-on rouioiod riniii the "ji-Km without inoreury. So lto ti > riitlro'lmitim'iit lorl.n-s of Vital I'owur. IVr-onx uimhlo lol > lt 11mny l > i > imilcil at liomo , > v inriiopiiiHli'mu. All iomimiiiluttloM ( onll < lHntlul. Ucillclnv * or liiitrninonts runt hj mull nr i'Xpri- " < , M'curcl ) imikoil , no inaikx to Initliatii tontom * or oruliT. Ouu poi-omil lnU'nlo piolorioil Cullaiiil oiiMill UH , ni Mini hlhtnry ol join ( . . ! > , and u nil ! tend In plain \\iappor , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! I'pon I'rlvtilo , bpiiLilaml Xonoiis | ) | MMI O , f-cmhiiU \\uikm * , ( pori.iatorrhira liupoti'iiuy.plills , iniiiirrluui , ( Httt.and Viirlc.ocolc. Adiliu i > , Omnliii Medical ami Surgical Institute , or Dr , McMcnainy , Cor , 13tli&Doflge Streets , OMAHA , Nii : ! . Owlnn to the rapid triontli ot Oiualia anil nnrsuc * Li' > ln itloctlntf ( lire * , our | IU > | IIOHH lias Lt roinu t > o law Unit the old Modlial Institute on bth itivul and 'npltol tt\onuo , could nut ationitiioilatu all coming : o us lor truitnient.u ) a\u tlioit'luru niovoil Into mr ni-w brick ImlldlNi ! , Nortli i' t I'oriiur of lltlianil Doilirohtieul"nno hlock Muitli of llm old Instllutu iulldlni : , and IIUM ) now thi > Hn-'OM and 1110110111- pluttMi'ilka ! Institute or hospital In Ihu nest , Hirty noKly fiirnlrhrd , nvll urine.I and vuntlUU'd rooms lor iMtk'iitP. thrill xklllod phKlcliiii alnas In thu hiilldliiK. Al | kind * of iflM'asi.'s treated In thu muni 8ientlllu ! manner , \\onianiilactiiru Mirultnl llnicon for Deformities , Tnn-K' " , MipportorH , iiectrual : lliilti'rlu" , uiul eau fni'ply pliyhutiiiiH or puilenlH any uppllanoe , rrniody , or Instrument ki own. Call and ( onMilt msornrlto for circulars upon nil MibJcUs , wltli IKts ilf questloni lor patient to answer. 'IhmiMimls treated HIUCOMI- fully by forrtciiondencu. We have. Miperlor advan tages and facllltlLs tor tri'MliiK UlM'Mces , porlormlni : KiirKlcul operations and mtr-lnu patients which com bined nltli our ac'kimwlcdiiid alilllt ) , oxpcrleme , ret > poii > iblllt > and reputation should nnikuthu Omahu Medical and Mirtikal Institute thu tlrtuchoke. ( Jrni'r. PflPOltHTKIlMASTfcll , } TOUT 1) . A. ltU-sKi.i ! < , WVOMINO , > September a ) . IWi" . \ SKAIiKD I'loposul" . lu triplicate , snbjecton . - the usual condition" , will bo iccehet at Millie.u until U o'clo ( k , noon , on Thur-day , . . .tobfi IJfl , II-ST , at which tlnio anil phicesthev will ho. opened In thu piesemei of attendltiK bid- lleis , for tin * construct inn of tliti following bihk buildlupsat this po-it. vU : " h , ts of fleld olll- ccis ( ( lulric'ls. 4 hltmlu hets of olllccrs'luaiteis. liiiinuny | , bftirucks , 1 ( ( iiaitdmaster h btoiu- hcillM' . 1 Kllb-ii > .iiilC ( ! stillelioiiio. Also for 1 f i nine ( oal KJied , and for thei comoi.slon of two HtnMlioii'-M lnloeoniliili\ ban ticks. I'roosils ( w'll be ( onslileted tor furnishing both tnateihil ni'l liiboi nece > .saiy to ciiniilc'Ui | the \\ork , mill fm eai -I'lMltltdy. . I'lefelencu nl\en tn aitl- desof donifille iirodncturu and manufacture , conditions of pilot and quality betui ; ( Miual , and MIC h iiiofticncH bc'iiiK Kivfii to articles of Ainer- lean ( iioducthin and manufacture' produced on the I'acllle coast , to thu fAtcnt of thu consump tion i ( ' ( [ tilled thfif. Plans , hpecltlcatlons and estimate ot material requited can be seen at the ollueof the Chief Oinirterinaster , Department of ( ho 1'latte , Omaha , Nebraska , mill at thl.s olllif. Tmelope ) . contnlnliiK proposals to bo maikrd "l'topoals for llmstructlon of Ilnlld- lm.s , " and addressed to tlm undersigned at Kurt 1) . A. HusM'll. WjomliiK. Tliu United States lu bc'iM-s the llubt toieject any or all bids. ii\v.\ui : ) ) nlv.NowKTir. 1st I.lent. & Q It. 51. , lith Itifantrj , J'ost Quar- tei master. J. B. HAYNES , -OITIUI.U. STENOGRAPHER , Third Jmllclaini'tilct , 37 ( 'II.\MHIU : OF co.M > iiiici : : . SteekPiano Hemarlcablfc for powerful nympiv- tlietlc tone , pliably action and ul- Bolute durability , .to years record , the best Ruaranteo of the eiceU Fence of these Instruments. WOOD EWE BROS , Display at their warerooms , 1SO5 and 1SO7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY FISCHER , , PIANOS LYON&HEALY ORGANS B * ° * "B Prices , quality an'd durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their moat liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , I30S A 1307 FARNAM " c. s. RAYMOND" "Fine Walclies Diamond Merchant SterliiiESilyer - ii I.AS AND PRIVATE DISEASES Hloorl nolffon , iencre l taint , Rlect Blrlcture , pemlnul emis sions , loss of fciusl power , wmkne 9 o f tliu final or- pain , wunt of dcilre In mala or female , v < lather from Imprudent h n b 11 s of youii" nr fex- unl nihlU In 1 mature ream , . or any cnuio Unit debilitates the sexual function ! " , Kpiullly and permanently cured. Toneultatlon free and strictly conlldentUI. Mudlclne luut frco from < ihper\atlun tn all parti of the UnlUd SUtcn. Correspondence receive * prompt attention. No letters tuuwued nnloji accompanied by four cents In etarnpn. Send ten cenU in stamps for pamphlet and list of imcttlont. 'lt'ins lrlctlj cc.di. Call on or addrens OK 1'OWKICI , HKKVKS , No 314 South laib St. Onmlut Keb Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH 13 TAUQHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Send for College Journal. S K Cor 10th and Cnpltul Ave , THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. Tim bi-tt known nnd most popular Hotel In tlm Unto. Uieutlcin central , iipnolntineiitii llr > tl.ixn. . Headquarter * for commercial men and all political -ml publicuutherlnK. . , . . . „ _ , , „ „ „ „ , , .rolrotor. | WILDOR'S COMPOUND OP PURE COD LIVERl OIL AND LIME. coi'diiH , roum. ASTHMA. iiiiDN AM ) Al.l. K'UOrllLOt'S Hl'jIOHS. ' ToCOM.'MIMlVKi.Muny lime been luim.y to flvo ttielr toUlinonjT In fuvoru ! the tire ol "Wilbur' " I'uru Cocl-I.lver Oil nnil Mine , " Kiperleiun hai proviillt to be a wonderful remedy tor Contiiiuptlon , Atllinm , Diphtheria , and nil dln-aiemr thu llirout anil lunui , Manufactured only by A. II , Wli.uun , ciiaiolm , Hut ton , boia by all ilruKultti. FOUNTAIN CUT AND F LUQ. THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Omaha , Council B iiffs And Chicago , The only re mil to take for l > r * Mollies , Marlulltnwn , Cellar ItunlcK Clinton , Iliion , CliUiiuo , .MIIWBUkei ) n nil all iiolulii ea < t. To the people/ .Setirnika , Cole , riulo , Wyoinlnir , Illnh , Iilalio , .Neraila , ( ) iet"n , Warn * InKton anil California , It oiler * Buiuulur ailvunta c'9 n , t popslalo hy an ) other Hue. Amoni ! u few of the niiiiieiou point" of mipertorlty cnjoyeil hy tlio patron * ot thin rouil hetniin Omaha ami Chicago , are lti two trains a ilii ) ol MAOACIi * ii : , which aru Hie Hne t Hint human alt ami liiKeniil. tyuill create UK I'AI.ACK M.KKI'IMJ I AllH. wlilch lire moilel-ol ccpinloit ami el.vilnie. . It * I'AltUHl IIIIAWI.M ! ROOM ( 'Alls , unKuriiinoeil b > any , ami UK nlilely leli liraleil I'AI.A'I IAI. lil.NIMi CARH , tlm eiinal of nlilcli cannot liu fouml cd-ewhere. At Conn. (11 HlutT the train * ( it tlm Union I'tultlii Itallttay , con nect In union ilcpot with thovu ol Hie Clilcuuo.l NorllmcMtrn It ) In Chicago Iliu trulim oC tliU llnu iiiake. clo o connection wllli thimi of all oilier eiiili ru lines. lor llctrolt , ( "olinnliu" . lnill.imiiolli | > , Cimliinall , M L'.irn Kalli. , Iliinalo. I'lnxiinrtf , 'loroiilo , Muntieiil , lloslo , , \w Vork , I'lilliuloliilila , ll.iltlmore , WHI.II- InKton , niitt all ( mints In thutun , n k lorn ticket > ! the "NORTHWESTERN. " If jcui wish the beMiirioiii..11.Union . All ticket UKCi pell llikellii thli-lliiu. II. lllKilll'IT. K I'.WII.MI.V , ( ii'iil. iMutineer. ( ( ! ! ! I'um'r AKent Chlcauo , III ) W M.IIAHCOCK , I. It 11(11,1.rw. ( \Vcstirn Anent Cll ) l'a r AKent. Uninlia , > eliraika. S , S , FELKER , OMAHA , NEB , H i X nth Slit ft ITUK C.U.IIOItN'IA ul , , . ' ( ( . . a from our Uiie.uucl llnllnr , ( .nlcili I t ImutH , Poll , Micillcn , ft * . ! ( " \ilillH Moxcnth , lllKlltli , H.itl hahuilui U IIUi : Mi.t ! Jose , ( 'ullrilUIH. K * K rrt : UNDEVELOPED rRifs ot t& < tody cularfed am ! tttrnetbrnul 1 nil laillo- nl ri ( Mlcd > tltt. KUU Uli : ) . CO. , BUBlIc , ti.Jf.