Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisement * under this hond , ID cents per
line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent In crtlon , find ILW line per month.
Nondvcrtlscment taken for lees than 'Si wnts
for the first Insertion. Kevin words will bo
countail to the line ; they mint run conspcu-
lively nnd must be paid In ndvunre. All ad-
vertfrementa must 1 > e handed In before lw :
o'clock p , tn.i and under no clrcmnMnnce * will
tlmy bo taken or discontinued by telephone
Parties Dcrtlslng In these columns and hav
ing Iho answers addressed In care nf the lleo.
wllljvlcain ask for a check to enable them to
get luelr letters , nsiiona will be delivered ex
cept on presentation or check. AH nnswers to
ndvfrt.tsctiipntH should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In thf e columns urn pub-
IIMiM In both morning and evening editions ot
Uio Hc . thn 'circulation of wlilcli aggregates
moro tlmn H.fW ) dully , and rives the ad
vertisers the bpucllt , not only of the city i Ircu-
lAtlonof thoHce , but nlso of Council IHtHli.
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout
this purl of the nest.
M IDLAND fluaranteo and Trust Co. . 1MV5
I'arnniM street Complete abstracts fur
nished , ami titles to real estate examined , per-
fee ted ami guaranteed. 210
II. U. Hall & Co. , 111 n IMh st. ir,4
FOH SALE-Ono of the best paying hotels lu
I.lnrolii , Neb. Address II. 15. Hied. Lin-
coin. Null. 14-15 *
T7U ) li 3A"L"L Kestiiiiriuit. tloing good business ,
J. mid In good louitloii. ITesent proprietor H
desirous of going east. Address II yi , llee.
ICC ) 15JB
T710H KXt'HANUE-llotuintt mill 50 miles
1 ? south of Lincoln. Ooodv nter jiovver , : i run
stone , 7 nci PS land. Tratknge In good running
order. Pa > liutproperty cliar of Incumbrance.
Will oxchaugo for desirable residence or other
Rood city piopeity. Price J13XW. ( E. r. Soavcr ,
IGOM'i Faruam street. HtVlH
> -A partner Inn good paying bus |
TT ness , object , to enlni go the same , capital
required to f..WJO. For particulars ad
diess II SI , llee oflico. ' U74 17
FH SALE ASno acre stock farm , InSirpy
lounty.just " " > in lies from Omaha , with a
line quairy on It , only J21 per acre. A. F.
Mayne , N. W. i or. 10th and I'utuiiiii. Kll
rpo exchnnpo for westein land , new hotel ,
II J leiitsfoi il.OUO ycaily. H. E. Cole , 310 So.
5 ' . . " - _
I A good opt nine ill the state of Callfoinla for a
f Ji. light manufiictiirlng business. A small
capital requited nnd tin prolltsaielurgn. Chance
seldom ollei d. Pal t Iciiliirs at A. F. Slii > ne' ,
N. W. cor. Pith and 1'ainnm , 111
FOH THADE-fl.UH ) anes of cliolco west cut
land to i'\i Jmiige for geneiul nieiclmndibc.
Jno. F. Toft , ; t.'l N. Pith st. 8U
SALE- News , statloneiy nnd notion
stand. Apply HIS So. IMh. 1)77 )
BUSINESS ( 'IIAN'E'C'la\en ! customer for
stock gluts' fmnlshlng goods , with lease
of storeroom If centrally located , r. L. Cli
ory. ; t.Mao.)511i | ) ht. 172
N DEALEKS-Send for our lllus-
tinted calnloKiui of fancy goods , toys and
notions. 1'ilte giiaiantetd. liny near home
and save freU-hts. Hedhead , Noitoli , Lathi op
4 Co , Jobbeis , books , statlouei ) , i'tr , Des
Mollies , In. lxS-2l ( )
BUSINESS Cluinco Utf-lroiiB of ivlirlni ; from
busline , we will rell thn baliincotif our
Morkof dry goods , etc. , with tlncit jcais leiio
and rixtiirfi of Moro by Jtumuiy or Aliirth
next. .Men hunts mi < anliiK to piirrlia'-t1 address
John 11. P. l.Lhmann \ Co , MliMil" I'm mini
UI nn
1710H HALE Hestniirant and lodging house In
JU center of illy. $ Ki ( ) . or } AM will taku n re
liable partner that enn bolelt Itnliurgo : owner
must UuiXorlty. Co-operative Lund fe Lot Co. ,
BOS N. lUtl | hi. 1,11 17
IQUSALK-"rV ii-lli > tel. Will sell or rent
tin % Comineiclal hotel ut Yolk. Neb , on good
and easy tei ins. Hut must-ell the furniture 11
wo rent the house. . II. Crabb , administrator of
8. A. Ciabb , dec'd , ll'l 19 *
BUS1NESS Chancf There Is a Hue opening
fora confectioner , iistnuiiint nud b'iker
right near the entrant o of Ham-coin park
NO\T storeroom , cheap lint. 1' . L. Gieirorv. 32 <
S. ith st. nil
FO1LSAI.E A olio-half Interest In nn estnb-
llsjltd good paying business , moderate
umntuit of cnpltnl it'iiulied of a good man. For
pattluilars nudie s II ! 51 lleoofllcp. 5174 17
WANTED A p.utncr with a few hundred
dollars to stnrt a got il pa > Ing enterprise
1'or particulars uddiCbS 11 ! > ! Ike. U74 17
MAN with experience In the drygoodsor
jjlinrdwnin business ran make It wlnbv
placing a stock of goods In the I'ltrh bloik , I'aik
avii and Woolworth s > t. 1' . L. ( Iregoiy , ; tWS.
15th st. & .W
FOH SAI I ! < V tiade a No. 1 hotel ptoperty ,
dolnggood ttade , in onu of the bet towns
in Nebraska. S. S. Campbell and G. W. Hei \ ey ,
810 Chamber jf Commerce. 4iS7
O A stuck of grot erles andppnem
nubo , for city lutH paid for. C. J.Conan
TilOlt SALE A complete sttam laundrv hav
JU tnr , twenty horse power engine. J. S. lien
Iiett. Snundeis und Claik bts. KM
BUSINI'SS CHANCE- atcount ot sickness
not being able to tend to the business tin
restaurant aud lunch counter , will rent tlu.
Mime to Mime guod nnd lehponslblo parties.
Apply to John A. King , iBI : ! Douglas st. 501
TjlO H SALE or exchange , gi aln elevator , west
luerchandlse. address box 2W ) , Central Citv Neb
5A2oct1U *
MILS. DUHANT Clarlvoj ant from llostonis
reliable In nil allalrs of life , unttc-s hepar-
iitedlovtis. 32.'N. loth ht. , loom 1. 7Mii : ; *
US. HATnELD-TrniKe business mullum"
'Hie past present and fiitineievealed. sick
healed , lost toiintl , homes made happy , sittings
hilly at 4J1 S. lite ht. 412oli >
T\U. NANNIE V. Wauen , ilnlrvo\ant. Med-
A.J leal business and tent intdliim. Ollico 111) )
Nolth IBthstleet ; room * 2 \ it , Telephone W4.
\\rANTED-A man lu Omaha and every
T T county lu the state to c imv ass nud manage
cnnvansseih- for the Incaiidet-reut Metallic Pe
troleum Lamp. For professional men , parlor ,
desk or Mole It has no eiiual. It Isuitilvalent lu
light power to Ml hpeim candles Tin ; light In
Meady and brilliant. U lo-t the ojesnud Is hii-
prrlor to either gas or eltcilclly for those who
either lead or vv lite at night. Outers hollrlted
for single lamp. A r.nv cliam e to make money ,
t , Adilresh J. II , l lng , Hiidhon , O. 1 111 IS *
| v Tl\r ANTED-TumTiB \\Itnmn & SeoTlTle'a
I' 1 310 N. 1Mb. H72 II
1 TXrANTED A llrst-tIwn tinvellug Hale man
I TT by a benne In peiUhablo line , old house ,
\vpllcstabllshed , Must have lefcrences. State
eahu ) ' expectid. Ansvver 11. ! iO , lleo Olllce.
HIT. 15 * .
\\rANTHI-Kxpeilonc .d lulii In all SepaTt"
TT meiits. Apply l > a m. to tip. it llejTnnn
& Dolehes , Mls-1.120 Inrnam St. ins , 15
WANTKD-.1 JOUIIB U.oiitoleaingiis tilting.
nlso2e\pfile.C.dgasltlert ; ( < , hiboiers In
city.2.1 men for rrtlhoad woik. westein Nibias-
KU , fi per < Irty ; teamster , * . per month nnd
iMiaul. t'CAUdinavlan Emp. lluican.Kiln Fainam
ftt. . p..rte door. Itti 15
. m . . stump , active IM > ) ac-
r qualnteil In tlty , vlth i-efen-mrs. llelln
& Thompson. BITS 16th. 1C. 15
"WANTED-Slx oo < l men with lefeu-nce to
TT sell goods ou Installments. ON N. IMh
Btreef. , 1"18 *
LMNTI'.U En and boy. Hees Pi luting Co ,
100-11. south Fourteenth St. 17U
IfANTKD Agents to canvass for Hunkers
7 Life Insurunco Co , Lincoln , Nel > , None
< ft , experleiU'eil inen neetl apply. .Id
\\rANTED-Agent In Nebraska for ( ! en.
Tt John A. Lupins last work , "Volunteer
Poldler , " Just published. Address J. Ji. French
& Co , Omaha , Neb. SB
IVANTED Men for railroad woik. Al-
TV brlght'a Labor Agency , 1MI 11111111111. FOI
"lllfANTED Five traveling salesmen , salniy
and expenses ; no experlenco nececsaiy.
.ddress wlthbtamp , Palmer \ Co. , LaCio se
Wls . W8S1'
\ \ rANTUD-2.1 men for nillroad woik In lllln-
oU. Albrisht' Labor Agency , 1120 Fai-
nam. 1U (
WANTED Young man to Instruct In liook-
keeping , bltuatlon soon as competent. J-
JI.JBuiltuJau ChlcagObt. lia 17 * _
\\7ANTF.D-10 lathers. ApiilJ- T. F. Foster ,
T T 13 and O bta. . Llnloln. Nub. 110-15 *
\\/"ANTEn-Sev enil gi > od carpenter * and CA' ' -
f > Hietmaker. 1).Mead , W8.10thht.
. 7 < J 15.
WANTKD Titty day boarders nt liie Dayton
House. ni2 Douglas st. P4 17
WANTED 1(0 ( turn of coed nppenrnnceto
try our lie meals at Norrls restaurant , nil
und 313 South lltb street , ( old Lire and Let
Lire. ) C'Jl
WANTED- for railroad work. Colorado
lino. Wa p * for teamsters , f ! 0 per month
nnd lioard. Albright's Labor Agency , 1131 I'nr-
nam street. 1)15 )
WANTED Agents In every county In U. S. :
t7f > per month nnd expcn es : sold by sam
ple ; outtlts nnrt stock freo. Allworth Mfg. Co. ,
llutherford , N. J. 4CU 17 *
"V\TANTED ftn ncents ; go < x1 snlnr > ' or commission -
mission ; rnre chnnco. Address with stnmp
for terms , Weaver Mfr. , 31 N. Mate Bt. ,
WANTED-3 moro men to represent New
York house , t7T > to f 100 nalnry , ton nnd
collce salesmen , genernl store silesmen , 0 plum
bers , gas fltu-rs , BteamntterM , fl to J4 day ; men
to represent St. ( 'lair Purch nsso , Jt to $10 dny :
snlesmen ou books.fJ nnd 40 per cent a dny : gen
eral agents , 2 experienced salesladies , dry goods
nnd notions ; W ) girls for housew ork , nil these
openings gunranteed : no business people , but
poor people we got In work mo our rcfeieuccs.
1 1 catUiuarterg , 1VJ3 Farnam bt. , room . UIO 15 *
WANTED Several good , carpenters nnd
cabinet makers. F. D. Mead.WJ 8. Ifith st.
7S'i 15
" \\TANTED First-class Cook ; also man to
TV watt on table and work around house.
Man and wife preferred , without family. No.
110 and 118 North Ninth St. luj , 15
W'ANTED 15 Mono cutters. Apply Tom
liamllu , 15th street Park av c. 790 15'
W ANTED 4 German bins to carry papers.
fcU7-M)9 , ) ti. 12th St. , up-stulrs. < * 0
W ANTKD-A dining room gill. 212 8. 10th
street. 1117-33 *
W ANTED A girl nt dental rooms , 1007 Doug
las st. in 17
ANTED A good girl for general housework -
work , washing and lionlug. 634 S. 17th.
WANTED A middle-aged woman as cookfor
and general housework , wages- ) per
\veek. Apply bot. 0 and 13 at lOuu California st.
1)71 )
IfANTED Ladles can make HO per week ,
T work at home. Call ou Star Novelty Co. ,
418 bo. 15th bt , 2d tloor. Don't ring.
U75SO *
W ANTED Fur sew ers , only tlrst class hands
need apply , ut Klditcr's , 1333 Farnam bt.
143 15
\\fANTED- Waist - makeis , skirt - makeis ,
TT drapers , cloak-woikcrs. tailors , talloresnes ,
nd plain sowing girls. Apply a. m. to 8
> . m. Hcymau 4 , Delches , 151tcJ120 Parnam st.
ViS 1.1
WANTED Two good gills , one dining room
and onn cook at U. S. hotel , corner 10th
iind Douglas sts. ; German piefcrrcd. WW 15
\\fANTED-blx ( list-class waist litters ; good
wages to right parties. Apply U a. m. to 8
p. m. lleymau& . Delches , 151S-1530 FaniHin st.
HIS 15
TKn Experienced saleswomen for la-
tiles' misses , and children's cloaks and
.ults . ; good wanes to light patties. Apply H n.
u totTp. m. Heiinan A , Delches , 1518-li3i ) Far-
um st. 1148 15
J''l't' ' ' < ' 'llss ' cook , one competent
to take entire charge for family of six ;
lilghest wages paid to competent woman. Apply
SMBoutu Ibth Bt. 101
WANTP.D-Gltl at ISM South 10th st , nearSt
Mary'save. IW
AV T'ANTED Sdlnliijs room glils andoiiedlsh'
washerat 1(101 ( N.ltith bt. bUl
\ \yANTKI ) ladles to try ourlfMi meals at
Isorrls' iestaurautold { Live and Let J.l\e ) ,
ill 1 and.-II IB. Nth st. UU
17"ANTEIA good girl at 610 S. llth street
> Imincdlalely. 4UI
" \\r.\NTr.K-TalIoiess on custom coats and
> M-.sts , UOIM ! w.iKes and steady woik tt
Ight pally , apply at once , WO S. 10th st.
in Cook and laundicss. Dr. Coir-
man cur fat. Jl l'sa\e and 27th st. 5TiS
\\7ANTriD-S dlnliiRioom clrls 1 dishwasher.
i None but competent girls need apply. HKt )
N. Kitustieet. It-'s
\\rANTni ) Two j-lils to woik In kitchen at
> > Dtiroti house , -liJ S. Ibth ht. near St.
Maiy'sa\e. 43
irANTED Dining room glil at the Emmett
house. KKJ
W IANTHI ) Gill for kitchen work. Geimali
piefened. Apply Sill I'liinnin. KB
LfiPT-Oold rlnir , ir , or near the U. P. depot.
Kaino Ir. idn Iteliirn to H. (1. Dunn A Co .
Oninlsa National Hank building , and receive 10-
Ward. tt M. llta-h. 14-17 *
" TltAYlIO-rroiiiS. . lor-Hnmeyand 2f > th.
_ one bald-fated loan horse , glass tiyt' . Will
pay llbeiallj for his utiini. James NeHie. .
l'H-18 *
LOT , 3 Auatle jilace , I1 J blks south of Leaven-
woith ht , i'ast finnt on.'wh st. Owner
must hell. Ask tor pike. 1' . L. Gregoiy. , UO
So. 11th ht. lK
IOST On Park nve. anil rarnam st. car , Oct.
1 1- , a dark blown , squaie woolen shawl ;
also Oct 11 , bet , Park ave. bams and St. Paul
depot , a lady's laige t ameo brenst plu bet In a
large band of gold. Mrs .1. W. 1 tooth , cor. itl :
and Woolworth a > o. Omaha. 10U-17
IOfeT Hiown Melton cutaway coat , leave at
JKrank J. itamgo's , Hamgc block , and receive
rew ai d. " 75
Tl' the lady that called at thn feed stole about
the house for lent of 1MJ Shcimun me ,
w 111 please t all again at the feed f-toro 101115
\\7'ANTii : > Ijidles w'ho are desirous of ob
f T tnlnlng thoroughly competent , reliable
and well trained hen ants of all nationalities , to
1111 every requited position of household duties ,
to rend theli oideiti to tin * Cltv Intelligence of-
lice. No fee until places uio tilled. City Intelli
gence olllce , Crelghtim block , telephone No 8h8.
\X7"ANTKD-Horsemen and owners of block to
know that Standard Stock Liniment will
cure mange , all kinds of hpialns , scratches aud
reduce hwelllngs , cure soie tin oat : In short , tt Is
a ) H'ilict llnltueut , For bale by druggists gen-
eiully. 11)7 17
IrANTED Stocks of meichandlso to ex-
thango for unencumbered Omaha prop
erty. 'Also Oiniiha piojieily to exchange for
land. II It. Hall \ Co . III N. Kith ht. 170
Laud to exchange foi merrhaud-
l e aud Ouinlja piopuity. 11 , H. Hall A.
Co. 1 1.1 N.I 10 HI. Vn
TO Hr.NT-Small btoreioom located
T on Katnnm street , or on Fifteenth or
Douglas sUet'tH. Must bocential F. L. ( Jieg-
oi.v.JOISo. 1.1th street. 172
-Tobuy the furuHuK * of a small
' nr huge house cent > -.lly located , Co-onera-
tlv e Land \ Lot Co. , S3 N Kith st. IM
" \\7"ANTiD : T\vo ton of sour Horn for foundiy
> T purpose. Paxtou & , Vlerllng Iron works ,
17th and U. 1' Hack. ji.Vi
" \X7ANTSn-To adopt n bahv ntmut two or
' ' tnreo nionllis old. bv a family mnirled ten
voars nnd hav lug no ihlhluii. Addies-j , 11.2 ,
llee Olliie. IC-'l li. !
\\rANTED-Foim lauds In exchange for
stocks of meichandli-e. St. John \ Ely ,
Hoom 11 , l'i enzer block , or p. P. O lu )
" \\rANTEU I'm m lands In evchnnge for city
> ' pioperfy. M. John \ Ely , Hoom n , I'reu-
zer block. lk7 !
Vlf'.VNTF.D-Tluve tnble boaidors a 2118 Hurt
ht , 6I7 !
\\TANTED-1 want to buy a family coach
team. N. Merrlam. aw
$ litiiiil to loan from three totlvo jears on Im
proved piopeity ; moneyon hand. Address , llee ollico. I'.HIB '
oncy on baud to loan ou improved property.
J A. Helstaud. Arlington block. ( fen5
$1.0rtlOilO to loan. H. E. Cole , 310 S. llth. Ilrst
moi tgage notes bought. 370
U .iO.tiiii ) to loan at 0 per cent. Ltnahan A. MaP -
P honey , lam Kurnuni. 227
$ NWl > X ) to loan in any amount at low est rate of
iuu-robt. H. H. hey. lYenzer block. 213
MONEY loaned on fmnlture , planm. organs ,
horhcs , etc , low intes. J. J. Wilkinson i
Co. , 1.321 I'm nam , ovtr Huillngtou ticket oltlce.
MONEY to loan to parties wishing to build.
S. 8. Campbell , U10S ICthst. , Chamber of
Commerce. 214
M ONEY to loan. Notes and H. H. tickets
bought ahd bold. A. Formnn , II j S 13th bt.
SHOUT time loans made on any available
security , lu ienhoimble amount * . Secured
notes bought. Bold or exchanged. ( leneral
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and talrly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. IMh and Har
tley U. . ovei Mhio National baud. Coiln-tt ,
, . liJ !
M' ONKV ' to Txan O. r. Tarl < Co , real eitnte
and loan agents. lUf , Fnrnani
1'KU CUNT Money.
Patterson A Fawrell liith and lltnicy. 3
MONKV to loan on Improv ed real estates oj
commission charged. I.euvltt lluniham ,
room 1 , Crclghton block. 1
MONEY liiMimsof I.VUand over to load at
low rates. Hussell Jc llatritt , 312 S IMh st.
UJf.00.aii > To loan on Omaha city property at 6
P percent. 0. W. Day , B. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
fl O LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m-
JL proved real estate tn city or county for
New F.ngland Ixiau i Tru t Co. , by Douglas
County bank. IMli and Chicago sts. 2lti
MONEY To loan. lowest rates. No delay.
J. Ii. Itlce & Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank 218
MONEY to loan on city propertv. Will buy
peed notes. Eea\er * Whltcomb , iroJli
I'anuim. 77J
MONKV to I.onn lly the iiiiilpn-lRtipd , who
has thn onlv properlv organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $1WJ madu on
furniture , pianos , orRims , horses , wrcons , tna-
thlnery , itc. , without remouil. No delays. All
business strictly loulldcntlal. Ix > ans ( to madu
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro tata. Alliance ?
made on line watches and diamonds. 1'ersons
Mitmld carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns arc dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
* co me. W. II , Croft , room 1 Wlthnell building ,
15th and Hartley. 4
LOAN8-A private party
V-/ has money to loan on pianos and household
furniture , warthouse receipts at rates that
honest people can Hllonl to pay. No publicity ,
htrlctly confidential. Address Cash , care lock
box 714 , city. 1.K 17
MONKY to Loan On Improved city property
at lowest rates of Intetest. No commis
sion charged. Bholes & Crumb , room 1 , Darker
block , cor. 15th and I'arnatu sin. "HI
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co.'s Ix > an
Onite. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
leihonal property of all kinds , and all other ar-
.Iclesof lalue without remo\al. 318 8. 13th.
j\cr lllnglmm's commission store. All busl-
iess strictly conlHleutlal. SM
$300.000 to loan , special lates on farm pronetty.
Sobotker & Perrlgo , 1K { 1'amam st. - > 1
MONKY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. , T.
W. and K. L. Squire , 141J Farnaui st. 1'ax-
on hotel building. 2 i
W'ANTKD All persons out of employment or
wishing to make a change will llnd It to
heir Interest to leavu their applications at the
: ity Intelligence OHlce , Urelghton block , as It Is
.he largest and most reliable agency In the city ,
doing a largo business and furnishing the better
ilass of employers. AH our applications re-
.elvoeiery attention and are placed as rapidly
is possibly to llnd suitable positions. Weel -
omo all calling for iiifoijuatlon or making In-
julty respecting our new and original methods ,
or which we make no charge , lleferences ,
lolm L. McCague , president McCaguo llros' .
milk ; D.ixter I. . Thomas , cashier Nebraska
Savings bank ; Hon. J. II. McCulloch , county
'udgo. 185
THAA'Kacar load of tholco ficsh cows for
.L s.iloat Futay's barn , on Cumlug St. J. W.
'cnny. IHX ) . in
\\7ANTED-GOOyoung people to learn shorthand -
hand bv mall. 1 will give the tlrbt ten les
sons free. Meii'-e WTlte for tlrst lesson , and be
gin the study at once. Addtess , W. T. Lull-
noie , Western Noimal College , Shenandoah ,
own. 170-au *
1TIUKE to Employers The City Intelligence
J-1 Ollice , Crelshtou Illock. has the conll-
ilonce and patronage of a largo number of
ho city's leading business4 houses. Why ?
Hecauso wo do our best to merit it , tak-
ng great care to supply them with competent
assistants from porter to business managers.
When In want of help of any kind , bend us your
ordeis. Telephone , tf > 8. References : Jphn L.
McCague , President of McCugue Hros. ' Hunk ;
Dexter L. Thomas , Cashier of Nebraska Savings
lank ; Hon. .1. II. McCulloch , County Judge. 1W
LNY one wanting employment should call
w Ithout delay on II. .lenklnson , cmploj metit
ireau , Iblll rnumin , room 0. 7511 17 *
o KXCIIANn-ror ! cattle. I have 040 acres
of good western land to trade for cattle.
and a good house and lot near the capital ; will
xchange tor cattle. Address 8. O. Uryan. Ash
and. Noli. * J
o KXniANOK 1'or other ptoperty , con
tiact tor filO acres uillrimd land lu Cher-
enno county , Neb. , two miles from rallroau ;
also two U hCLtlons lu Lincoln county , nearrftll-
load. McCulloch and Co , , cor 101U arrflTarnam
sts. 320
GABH DBli tor second-hand books at the
_ ATif.ciuailan. 3U < N. Ibtli bt. 723 o ! ! l *
ANnLO-AMIZKIOAN Mortgage and Invest
Co , ollico 2te ) Fatnam bt. John Cully ,
manager. 088 oct 31 *
FOll 11KNT Oigaus , $3 per montb. Hospe ,
151J Douglas. J8
Ol C House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or Installment ; low est prices at J. lion-
ncr , 1 II"i Douglas Ht. W
FOH ItENT Square piano , M monthly. A.
Hospe. 151J Douglas. giSA.
Dlt. CHASE'S new Receipt Oook and House
hold riiyskian , the "Memorial Edition" of
over 800 pages. The "Crowning Llfo Work" of
the greatest author and benefactor that over
lived. Just out. Agents making Immense
sales. Hlg terms. Address F. II. Dlckerson is
Co. , Dettolt , Mich. Mention this paper.
SI4nov4 *
F 1011 KENT Snuare Piano 13 monthly. A ,
Hospe. Ill , ) Douglas. 234
TDEHSONAL Want a permanent home fora
JL boy 8 yearn old. Address H. 41 , llec. _
PEUSONAL Private homo for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential , infanta
adopted. Address E 42 liee olllce. 1C7 u 8 *
TEHSONAL Pug dogs for sale , fine English
JL pug and 1 tnllan gro > liound puppies for gale.
1'or price aud description , address box 2m , To-
pek , Kan. OO'J 18
PEHSONAL Tlio best Iward for the money
can bo found at the Dayton House , 1.1 U
Douglas st. ' " 1-meal ticket only M ; 5-meal ticket
tl. W7417
> EHSONAL-To the ladles of Omaha. If you
want good tellable help , call at the Omaha
Emploj meiit buieau. Urn oldest employment
olliie lu the elty.lllt N. Ibth bt. , H. E. White , pro-
prletor. 114 2U
IEHSNAL Horseowners Standard Hor-
and Cattle fond is the best. Cures all dl
eases of the blood nnd digestive organs. Seven
Ibs. for f 1IW , guaranteed. For sale by the drug
tiade generally. IB ! 17
& - < OH SALE-Good boarding busings. 212 S.
10th stieet. W7-22 *
FOH SALE A net of liar Ilxtures , nt 11107 S.
Main htreet , to ? cash or w 111 trade for good
horse. M. (5.0 Connor. 107-20
$ AW Vlll buy funilturo and lease of 8-room
1 house two blocks Hoiith 1'anorama. Apply
. Kith or ( K2 So. IMth. U77
FOH SALE-A livery of thirteen horses
eleven carriages , hack , etc. , or trade. Lai go
bain forrent. Address , M. D , Alvotd , Keniney ,
Neb. 17H 22 *
FOH SALE-.lust received a fresh lot of woik
and driving horsey that we will sell cheap.
Cnnflrld .V Wilbur , corner of Eighth and Far-
nnm streets. - 183-17
FOH SALE 4 hives of bera In good condition ,
N E cor , in hand Hickory. ll'l 17J
T7VW SALE-Oood nice nnd gentle family
J-1 horse , as 1 wish to leave the city for the
w Inter. Address H a1) ) , lleo ollico. Lii 17 *
"I7IOH SAI.E-Atasacrlllceuntll Nov. 1st.
-L lu quantities to Milt the buyer.
Nine thousand dollars worth of
Miscellaneous Hooks which 1 desire to close
out prev lous to my early removal to east hide of
Hith st. north of Nicholas St. . where I will cairy
the largest variety of buggies , phaetons , car
riages nnd wagons to be found at any one place
in the city. W , T. Seaman ,
Now at Karnam and llth Kts.
Agent for Studebukor. CUoct20 !
FOH SALE Duraetto church organ , cost $200 ;
parties will sell for 175. A bargan to any
church w anting an organ. Edholm X Akin.
k DUO 15
SALE 1 self heater , lledlnghouse No.
1 cook stove , Htver.slde No. 8. AUo n lot of
furnltitie. Partlubgoing oust. Call at K0 ! S.
Ibth st. U21 15'
H SALE Milk cows cheap. 3 gallons per
day. Apply 120 Douglas bt. tea 15.
FOH SALE A llrst-class family horse , car
rlag < % buggy , double and blnglo harneii , llrown , 2.101 Farnam. t > * 4 15 *
FpTtlHTV-ONE flee diamonds will bo traded
-L for a nlc looking , kind family horse. Ad
dress W. It. V. , 2218 Leav cnw orth street , U1MO
FOH SALE-See these before you buy. A call
costs nothing. Wec4iu fcuve vou tliU to
on a ] iauo. | Elegant upright pfanos , tteautiful
good at less than cost of material. Como nnd
he for yourselves ; nil at a great sacrifice and on
lung time. 1'tjrjjubou Sto e Co. , 710 N. l h n.
FOIl SAT.Tv Twcnty-IU-s i driving , draft and
middle horxrs. Vf. TT teaman. lluggleR ,
w neons , idiaetous , etc. , cost-side ICth St. , north
of Nichola't. > ja C'J7
_ _
ITlOHSALE-Tenm. harlAw * . wacon , 1150. Mrs.
JU E. C. llnrr.S 13th stAblts from st cnr track.
SSS nov S
TJ1OH BAI.E-1 feed mllUWln. Trench burrs.
.JD 1 Victor shcllcr , 7.1 bn Jirr hour.
1 bolt for buckwheat orJnqal.
40 ft. 2 In. shafting , fl hfengprs. elevator belt.
etc. Address > 8 2Cth fit. , Omaha , Neb. ; C1 n 1 *
FOH HENT 6-room hoilVc , gtxid locality , MO
n mouth , llrenuau \ Co , chamber of com
merce. ! Jl Mo 1.1
OH HENT 8-room liotfsp. HO. on 17th bet
Chicago nnd Cass. I'lirnlture > X ) ; JI'iO cash
balance Kf > per mouth. Co-opcratlva Laud &
Lot Co. . an N. Wth. 13 15
F IOU KENT A bran new 8-room brick rosl-
dcnre. In Council Illutfs. Hath room , gas ,
water , electric bells , speaking tubes , etc. Three
minutes walk from dummy. See Odell Ilros.
T71OU ItKNT-Small cottngo : rent J10 ; furnl-
J ? turc for sale , HO. N. w.cor. S. Huh and Martha
sts. l 7 15 *
TT1OK KENT 9 room hmise , 3 large banis.large
1J Jard , well and clsteiu water , WO , * 1WO :
worth of funiltut o , iOO. 5 room house , f 10 , fur
niture f.lX ) , K cash , II room boarding house on
17th near Webster J70 , furniture Km ) , Hcash ;
H loom boarding house H block from 1 * . O. HO
lent , furniture flV ) , fciV ) cash , lial I O-Miiper
month ; m room boarding house near exposition
building Klfi , furniture nt your own puce ; res-
tan unit and lodging house U blocks southwest of
1 * . O. J-100 or will take a partner In for fM } ; 8
room house on 17th between Chicago and Cass ,
140 , furniture WOO. inp cosh , 1ml to suit ; elegant
10 room boarding house near court house , party
must bell furniture on account of a death In
family , 0 loom Hat , brick , on loth near Chicago ,
Btcam heat , water and nil modern Im
provements , ( TiLM ) , furniture M7i > . KOO eash ,
balance to suit ; 0-rootu bilck Hat , S.W , furniture
JIW ; 30-room tint In the center of city , ISB , furni
ture and lease for 3 years , for sale reasonable.
w 111 trade for real estate or horses , or anything
where double price Is not asked ; Fi-room house ,
rent 135 , funiltuteKIV ) ; brick building , suitable
for a commission house , rent $7i > , 5 years' lease
for sale , tiiM ; 7-room house on Dodge , near llth ,
W > , I year's lease , furulturo new , new piano and
organ Included , * 1,000 , tenns reasonable ; houses
and lots for rent or sale In all parts of the city.
Co-Operatl\e Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. Kith st.
13U 17
1JAOH KENT 2 BON en room houses , WO per
Jmonth. .
2 seven room houses , $35 per month.
1 nine room house , t4" > per month.
All have clt > wnter and nil modern conveni
ences. Tw o blocks w est Hanscom park.
1 six room house ntNo.'JTT-l Miami st , 185 per
1 live room house at No. 1013 North 27th , $18
ier month.
Five room cottage on lot 3blk 15 , Omaha
View , HM per month.
1'otter Jc Cobb , 1001 Farnam Bt , Board of
Tiade building. 143 17
FOlt KENT A new four room cottage , $13 per
mouth. Enquire 1511 ledge St. , room 3tf.
FOll KENT In new house. In desirable loca
tion , two lai go furnished rooms , single or
_ n suit , one-half block from car Hue , 417 South
lUth St. S > , 18 *
FOR KENT 3 Hats and furniture for sale , all
on lUth. A. F. Mayiie , N. W. cor. 10th and
Fni nam. 091
HENT 11 room house on Sherman ave.
A. F. Mayne , N. W. cor. 10th aud Farnam.
FOH KENT 10-room , hp.u e , all Improve-
incuts. O. E. Thoinpsqn U S. 15th bt. WI8
FOR KENT Furnlshcdidwelllng house , gas ,
city water , clsteins .md furnace. No.CT (
Willow avenue. Council IlmtTs , Iowa. Enquire
on the premises or of J.Ijiuin , Council llfutls.
71OH RENT 3-story hoiHn , all furnished , con-
- talus all modern conmilcnces ut Uth and
Dodge st. . „ 1W
FOR KENT Store , 12lO'ifarnam. Apply to
Chas. Chllds , corner Hth and Lcauuw orth.
1ST your houses for re vtwith H. E. Cole , 311 !
JS 15th , can rent 50 now. , . . 500
POR RENT A hall , size 3.-.x rfi feet , at 1013
Faruam st. . over Continental Clothing Co.
"i .
FOR KENT 3nd and SrtilTiMirs at 1417 Douglas
st. , wlthle so of thiuO ; yeara. Kennedy A ;
Ulbbins , 1'iui Douglas st. z 707
POH KENT House ot 7 rooms , $35. Inquire
1319 S. 10th. ' 070
F I OH ItENT fi to 10 loom houses. Good loca-
tlon. H. E. Cole 310 S. 1,1th. 410
FOH HUNT 310-ioom houses on 18th st. , at
$43 aud BO per month each ; all new. U room
house on S. 18th st. at BO per mouth. Pholes &
Crumb , loom 1 , llarker block. 1-6 17
OH KENT H the onieo SttlVj 8 Ifith St. . nfter
the inth of this month. Apply early.
Charles C. Spotswood , 305K 8 15th bt. AGO
niOK KENT Store room on Ifith st near St
J3 Mary's nve. Inqulrol JSlfthst. 117
F OH HENT If you wish to rent ahoiifio cal
ou llenawn & . Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O.
FOH HENT House B rooms In Hanscom Place
to agood party. S. 8. Campbell aud Q. W ,
Ilervey , 310 810th bt. , Chamber of Commerce.
E OH HENT A flat. 1017 Howard street. In
quire at Leo & Nichols' livery stable , 28th
and Leavonworth , telephone 840. 4J1
POK HENT Small pleasant room , 17(10 ( Chica
go st. 780 17
FUHNI8HEIJ rooms with board. 1MB Tar-
nam. 780nlO *
"plOH HENT Furnished room. 191 Farnam.
T710K HENT Large front room suitable for 2
Jj gentlemen , moderu conveniences , 010 N 17th
Bt. 2111
" 1T1OH HENT Elegantly furnished room on
-I ? first llooi , with modern Improvements , 1UI7
Cass. 085
" \X/'E have from 3 to 0 unfurnished rooms sult-
T > able for housekeeping in all pifrtsof the
city. If in need of a house give us a call at 3111
8 15th st. . Jlrst Hoer ; we w 111 glvo you a free ride
in n carriage to show \ ou the houses. Ol'J '
'l/lOH KENT To ono or two gentlemen , nicely
J-1 furnished loom ; gas , bath , etc. ; & 12 per
month. 200HDavenport. 7JO
F OU HENT Furnished room with bath for
gentleman ; , llllil Capitol ave. HH18
SUITE of three olllce rooms , with carpet , cur
tains , desk and chairs ; second Hoer , on 1,1th
st. Hcnt low and furniture for sale cheap , ( 'nil
nt once. E. C. Wood , 320 8. 15th St. 75U
"jfJlOH HKFT ? 3 looms , ' iuulslie'd"1"6F"i l t Up
JL1 nlshed. within fi minutes of postolllce , $ U
Address , "H , 41 , " Ueo oilice. 1U2-17 *
FOH HENT Newly furnished looms , with or
without board. 1US.2411I. 201-17 *
FOH HENT Furnished i coins. 1U13 Fainam.
741 sJ ; *
FOH HENT-bmall pleabant room , 17011 Chi
cage st. 780 17
"T7VH KENT Furnished iVoms.l'OS Douglas st.
JU ' r liwi 2uj
1710H HENT-Large furulshed loom. 712 N.
JU lllth st. 757 17 *
T71OH HENT-Hoom-Veiy desirable furnished
Jloom for 2 gentlemen , all conveniences ou
f iimo Hoor. Apply nt 1712 Capital nv e
POH HENT 3 nicely furnlbhed rooms , 2020 St.
Mary's ave. r 5.11
FOH HENT Large souili front room , bay
window , grate and modern conveniences.
l'J2l ' Fuiiiam st. 'I WW
FOH HENT Furnished idoms. C07 N. 17th bt.
' 1000 17 *
FOH HENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping , parties without children. 2521
Caldvvell. ' 6.14
T710H HENT Furnished room , 2I1.J Capitol ave.
JJ - h2tl 18 *
T710H HENT Nicely furnished room sultablo
JU for 2 gentlemen , ln < iulru 2011 St. Mary's ave.
T710H HENT Pleasant rooms , furnished ,
JU southvv est corner 20th anil Webster. 313
TJIOU HEXT-One large pleasant room , south
JU fiont , bilck Hat , suitable for 2 or 4 gentle
men , lllfl Chit ago bt. 2hS
FOIt ItENT Nicely furnished rooms to ladles
or gentlemen. Price * leaaon&ble. 311 North
U'tli , Wi 18J
OH HENT Furnished rooms In Oieunlgblk ,
cor. l.lth and Dodge sts , Inaulru of Uio. H.
Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 2:11 :
FOH HENT Nicely furnished room , with
heat , in nice cottage , 17 per month. 4i ) Wil
liam bt. 8 minute * wall southeast U , P. depot.
"IJ1OH HENT Nicely furnished rooms. One
J-1 with alcove. Hath , gun elty water. Rteatn
heat , etc 2319 Douglas t. frW 1'JJ '
Foil UKNT-Large furnUhed front room. Ills
N 17th. lu W
T710TI TIENT Two or throe nice roonn , unfur-
X1 nlshed. modem conveniences , ( 0 S Sith nve ,
j Pleasant tt ) . _ 114 17 *
" 1I1OH HENT Large parlor or unlto of rooms ,
JU furnished or untut nlshed , reasonable , at S.
E. Cor. 20th und Chlcngo. 123
171OH HENT Nicely furnUhed front room for
JU single gentleman ; gas , bath , llent fin , lixxi
Dodge Mtrcct. nil l ?
F * 7)irHENT-l'urtil hed room , JS tot.l'per
month. 1707 Cass st. 120 21
"I71O11 HENT Nice large furnlsnod front room ,
JU B w cir 18th and Jackson , f 14 per month. HO
FOIt HENT fi elegant furnished rooms for 2
or 4 gentlemen. 150U Faruam , room 2S. opp.
Merchant's hotel. 123 20 *
FOH HENT Furnished rooms for gentlemen
nt ' . ' 435 Dodge st. . 121) ) 21 *
1710H HUNT Furnished front room. Apply
JU 222:1 : California st. 10S-15 *
F IOH HENT-nirnlshed front room with
board , 17J1 Douglas st. 7W ; 15 *
F IOH HENT Furnished room. 708 N. inth.
0711 1.1 *
T710H HENT Good room and board for gent
JU nnd wife or single gent , at 2010 rnllfoinla
street. Ml 15J
T710H HENT Six room house with nil conven-
JU leuccs , Sixth and Poppleton ave. M.
Abrahams. Kill 15j
T7KH HENT For light housekeeping 2 room' ,
JU 1 funilshcd. 812 N. 17lh st. 1U7 15 *
Faft HENT 1'nrntshed room w Ith board , suit-
able for 2 gentlemen. 1724 Cassst. 14H 15 *
FOR KENT Front bedioom , 1113 Douglas st.
lilt ir.J
T71U OR KENT Fu nil shed rooms Mltli modern
-U Ijnprovements , at tfil S. mil st. 157 17 *
T710H KENT Tn o good olllces , rent reasonable.
J Co-operatl\ Land & Lot Co , 305 N IMh st.
101 17
_ _ _ _
FOK KENT Two furnished rooms , nil con
veniences , 110 and $13 per month , single or
double , man to sleep lu front parlor , .No. 307 S
81th st. IM 17 *
FOR HENT-onico room , first tloor , nt 31(18. (
15th st. 415
" \V"ANTEI > Situation as housekeeper by n
TT Canadian widow of cheerful and happy
disposition. Is an excellent cook and luundiess ,
and thoroughly com ersant w 1th household oco-
uomy ; addiess Mis. W. , box 75-1 , city. US3 15 *
WANTED-Bituatlonby joung Scotthman 21
years old. fi j ears experience In handling
horses in private families , ( lootl appeal mice ,
able and willing to work ; no ollicofee. Canadian
Emp. olllce , Mrs. llrega is Son , U1U S. F > . Tel. hH4.
303-17 *
\\7ANTED Situation as bookkeeper , expert-
> T euced and competent. Address II 31. llee
oOlcc. PU ) 30'
WANTED Charge of elevator to buy gialn ,
Ac. , by u thorough grain man , hlngle , well
known In Neb. satisfaction or no pay. Address
"Oiuln , " box IK , Stromsburg , Neb. 1X ( ) 38
AYOUNO lady , fully competent milliner
and ti limner , lately from the east , thor
oughly posted in all latest st j les , desires a posi
tion with u local house. Can glo % ory best iof-
ereuces. Addicts Miss O. , lock box ; 711.
13.1 17
WANTED-Slliintlon by ( ex-
pel icncedt di aiighl sman , or to learn some
practical blanch of building tinde , small salary
accepted ; testimonials and refeleiices. Ad-
tlress A. Heck , C34 S 31st st. 141 17 *
STORAGE for carriages ut Omaha fairgrounds
by A. Thomson. 173-N. 15 *
storage at 110 N , Uth st.
STORAGE Furniture , boxed goods , ttc.terms
leusonuble , 714 I'uclllc. > l
SIXTY by one hundred and fifty business
piopcityVt blk f i om South Omaha post-
olllce. W.100 ; 1-3 cash. F. L. Gregory , 330 ! ? o. bt. 1W
A HA Iti ; Clinnre to buy a home. 'A new house
Just llnlshed of seven rooms , lai fje bay w In
dews , nas , city water and jooil clttein , slies
lais inn bv the door. If talvun at once will sell
for t-lftM , * la l cash , the rest In easy monthly
payments. 1'arty owning house Is going to
lea\etown. Addiess 11 Si , llee ollice. IKI913J
FOH SAM ! Nice east iront lot , 1x127 ! . } , on
street car Him and In good neighborhood.
1'rlcu % ! , " , G , $ .V > cash , bahince fci per month ,
Cnll nt residence 401 N. IMh st. 1)1111 )
Sl'l.r.NDll ) oppoitunlty to secure a homo ,
house built to hull jtiu. Smull cash pay
ment , balance monthly ; It will pay you to look
LOOK at this corner In Kountz Place. &K124 ,
price iM.ndO , cash .VU ; snap. Uarker k llurr ,
LIST your houses for rent w 1th n. K. Cole , 310
S 15th ; can rent 50 now. GO' )
FOK SALE or trade Good city property
for Improved or unlmpitiM'd Iowa or Ne
braska farms. II. IJ. liey , Itoom VI Frenzer
Illock , Omaha , Nob. 1
FOK SALK Finest location for a homo In
WestDmaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrkvndall , Coe , lliady , Diissou and others.
Nothing Unor lu thu city. Can sell ISSxIbT or
less ; for pikes aud terms see 8 , A. Slomsu , 1.XJ1
1'urnnm bt. TW
LIST your property , for sale or exchange
with II. K. Colu. l 8. inth. room 1. GtB
BAHOA1N Corner In Prospect I'lare , MX
1 4SJ , Just on giade. 31st street. 11,1X10 , easy
terms. i'.L Gregory. 3A ) South ISthbt. UtO
SNA1' Corner In Thornburg Place , 1 block
from Leavenworth street , lUOxlJO , for
lbOO. i'.L. Gregory , 3M South 15th et. 10
T 1ST your property with S. 8. Campbell nnd
-Uo. W. Ilervey , 810 Chamber of Commeice.
Special attention given to the exchange of all
kinds of propeity. Improved and unimproved
city property , farms , horses , cattle , stocks of
goods , etc. sod
F OH BALK An elegant new Mono I'J-room
residence on 100 teet east front lot on 10th
St. . opposite llrowncll hall ; price , fcSi.U
l'\ aiLs i. lllackbuni , hole agents , 1MO Uodge.
SOUTH OMAHA I have payments past duo
on several tine lots in South Omaha syndi
cate , and will sell two or more below last
winter's prices to meet payments on balance.
Address 11. 47 , life ollico. I'.ll ' 18
FjlHlfKiflots In llrown park , 4 blocks from
-i- depot and packing houses , and one block
fiom motor line ; * < > < > each If sold this week. If
j on want choice South Omaha propeity : ) per
cent , under the maiket Inveitigato this. Ad-
dieas 11. 4U , lieu ollice. 1U118
A M point : to California November 1 , and will
-TX. sell mv lots lu South Omaha syndicate ,
Jetteis addition , Hiown paik , etc . at n sucrlllce.
Write foi one week to H. 41 , llee ollice. I'.ll ' 18
FOH SAMI Good 7-room house , tellar and
well , small coiner lotMiuares fiom Scar
lines. lentedKO month ; only K-.dUO ; about W75
ciibli , balance ea&y teims.v. . UHG Lake St.WHS
rpo exchange Some money and choice land
-L for tlrht class lmpio\cd Inshlu property.
11. i : . Cole. 31bSHIh. 411
171011 SAIn-lly M. A. Upton & Co , real estate
-1 : biokeis , WiS. IMh street , opposite iliani-
ber of commerce , i\tra-liargalns : : bouth and
east front lot In Onk Chatham , opposite tlepot
grounds , n room house ; only t-.wij If told at
once , &HJU cash. This property Is worth i.l.rxil ;
xl.t ! rarnam and K-'ud streets , } 0UIO , cheapest
property on the sttnet , will bo worth ! Uion ( in
three yearn fiom now. 741
FON sAl.K-12lxlOO ft cor. Howard nnd 31th
fcts , next block to Kasson , Itrady K Mar
tins houses , I7ri00. Address K. XI Ueo ofllce. bbO
FOH SALE Elegant 10 room house , all mod
ern conveniences , only I.VJO cash lenulred.
H. E. Colo. : ilO B. 15th. lilii
TIO EXCIIANUK-KqultJl In 4 , 6 and 10 room
houses amKJots for paid up lots. II. U. Cole ,
310 S. IMh. 410
rnilOMI'SON. 311 8.15th St. , buys and Bells real
-L estate , loans money , purchases ocuritlo ;
has a good list of property for sale and wants
more. Notary public. 854
LIST your property for sain or exchange with
11. i ; . Cole , 31B 815th. room 1. 6 > C
FOK SALK-Orexchange , in Walnut hllj , two
blocks west of Lowe ave on Mercer ave. one
lot facing south , GOxIV ) foot on grade. Will ox-
diange lor Mnaller lot nearer postollicu aud
south of location. Addiess room 13 , Exchange
building. South Omaha. M.1
ATKW more lots left at * 11D ; easy terms.
Money In this. Investigate. H , E. Cole ,
310811111. MJ
KKW more lots left at 1150 ; easy terms.
Money in this. Im cstlcate. H. K. Cole. 318
B 15th. ma
T 1ST your property with B. S. Campbell and
JJu. w. llcney If you w ant to telf or exchange.
310 Chamber of Commerce. W/7
OH TllADIi-The equity Infi South Omaha
Byiiillcute lots , near park , for house nnd lot
all or nearly paid up ; Qr Iota well located and
paid for. C.U. SpoUwooO , ! M > U & . \
FOU8AM-AtK < , lioH OBnd Jot , rented nt
111 | wr month , on small rash imymunU , ImV-
uco monthly or tiuarterly , or all cash at bet
ter price ami wnrrantfd deed. 1) . U.Smcaton.ltxxi
Dodge st. 113
rpwo houses in Hniiscom place rcntlna for
J$70 per month to i > xelmiiKe for pnod ln ld
rarantproperty. S. S. Campbell and O.W. ller-
Tey.Slua. loth si , , Chamber uf Cuminurco. IM
BIO IIAHOAtN-m-Ktory hou o for Kale In
Walnut Hill. 8 roonn. gtxxl collar , bay w In-
dow. norcli. homo l.SxiU'xHfixfl. . Ilarn UxlS
ft , slfitl 1 lOxlfl ft , nil tor J.l.WKi , IWi ) dow n. bnl.
ojenr at Uper cent lnteip < t. inquire of K. 0.
Mcirlllcor. llrcw'terniid Klktu. 127i ! *
T 1ST your property for snln or exchange w 1th
Jii. . if. Cole , am B nth , room i. fK-a
1ST your homes for rent with H. C. Cole. 310
3 IMli ! ranjyntR ) now. ua
I10H BALII-Spvcinl iioucs nnd lots on
small pament < . ahu some houo < nnd
lots to trade ; suvoial fuims for sale or Undo for
Omaha property 01 for stoik. A. 1' , Majne , N.
W. cor 10th and t-'nrnnm. iwl
LIST jour pioporty for sale with Charles C.
gpoNwood. 'UCi'S Slflth bt. _ 013 _
AVKW moro lots lift at HM ; easy terms.
Money In this , linestlgato. 11. i : . Cole. ; ilil
s isth. r :
FOH SAM-lxt 4S , lluiT Oak , $1,100 ,
bal S yeais.
Lot 47 , llurr Oak. )1VV ( ) . $ lf l cash , bnl easy.
Lot IR. bltH-k 17. Placo. tf.lVli ) .
L to. block n , J. 1. Hedlck's sub. tl.\M. \
Lot1 . bloik K , Hillside No. 1 , t-.SKI , $1,100
cash , bal : i jvnrf" " .
Lotfl. block 7 , Hillside No. 1 , WJMO , JI.OiW cash ,
bal 3 } ears.
Lots 17 , 3i aud 3.1 , Sunnyhldp. KKX ) each.
Irfit 4 , block SUi ! , city , } Jdtxxi , rents J17.1 per
l itO. block 71. city , J-N.OOO , l-ents JlWpor mo.
Lot II. block SlJ't , JHMXXl. lents Jtai per mo.
iSvodeven room hounes with all model n con
veniences two blocks WC.-4 of llanscom park ,
&I.41X ) each , t ( mis easy.
Lot HI I'nli mont Place , w 1th flo room cottage
RXW ( , tetmsensy.
Lots tn Potter & Cobb's addition to South
Omaha from $ .175 up.
lluslnosM lots lu South Omaha on N. < ) . 24th.
2.1thtlth and L'7th stieets Improved or uiilui-
uovcd for sale cheap
Acre property nt-ai South Omaha from R.W to
KWOpernue , or will trndo fur inside piopmty.
Potter X Cobb , lull I'ainiiiii st.
143 17 Hoaid of Trade HiilMlng.
FOIt SALE-Or exchange , farms In low a ,
Kansas and Nebiaska lor Omaha houses
and lots ; w 111 assume mortgages on houses and
give clear deeds to farms ; will also exchange
: lty lots for rood farms , well located and as
sume small mortgages on fnims and give clear
lecd to city lots. 1 arms wnnted In No-
iraska. A. P. Tukey , 1 tJ4 Farnam st. 140
SNAP Lots Hand 10 , block 2 , West Side , east
flouts , one block fiom I.ea > enwoith street ,
(750 earn , M cn'h. come qulik If vou want a
barnain. K. L. Gregory. JfcO South f.lth stieet.
T7VW SALE-One of the finest lots on Orchard
1 ? st. : this lot may bo hold at t.100
ess than Its valnu If bought In a few tlnjs.
Charles C. Spotswood , : m > y S. lllth st. MO
An I0\-Ciiniluoloroii
Louisville Courior-.limrnnl : Will you
ioi'init an ox-conduolor of ton yonr's.
extiorlcnco to bay u word ruliti\o ! to
mlway accidents ; " Within the past
two years strikes liavo been opiiluinie ;
fee ha\'o railway iicuidontH. The reason
is obvious. An boon as the rejjulnr
crows leave the trains new , ine\-
porionccd and utterly
men , pit-Iced up tinj an'd everywhere ,
take tlioir jilaco-s. Jjifo and pioperly
arc thus often placed in the hands of
tramps. The law should demand
that no train shall lea\e a terminal
Uition except manned by a competent
crew ; no man should bo permitti'd to
hc-rve as a trainman until ho has passed
a .satisfactory examination bhtnvin that
ho could rmi a train by the timo-tablo ;
that ho knows what trains are to moot
him ; what trains are following him.
and when and where they moot and
pass , lie .should bo compelled to carry
a watch , and it should mark Uio correct
time. Ho should know just how far he
is ahead of a train following and how
far behind the train'i lini" ahead of
him. The law should require always
ten minutes between trains , and every
innn on the train should bo held liable
for any encroachment on this rule.
Tuesday night's lion or ( gloss it over
as money and influence may ) was , the
result of gross , criminal earolot-snoss.
A passenger train , loaded with human
beings , hauled by an engine with a
broken eccentric , and less than throe
minutes in her rear a heavy freight
thundering down a grade thirty miles
an hour in a fog , not a trainman out ,
not a break set. The wonder is , not
that the accident happened , but that it
was not oven moro disastrous. The
freight train that mangled and killed
and wounded over a score of men ,
women nnd children , should huvo boon
ten minutes behind the passenger , and
have come down that grade with every
trainman out on top and the train under
control. As trains arc run now , all
people who travel can do is to make
their wills , buy an accident ticket , and
start prepared to moot their end.
Perfection is attained in Dr. Sago's
Cataarh Remedy.
A SofnclouH
San Fran cisco Call : Captain Williams
of the ship St. Paul , lying at Green
street whan , is the possessor of a valU'
able setter. The dog has lived with the
captain's family in the cast for BOIUU
years , and is a most intelligent animal.
IJeing detected in some sheep-worrying
operations back east , the dog fell into
disgrace , and as a punishment was sent
to sea on the St. Paul. The ciiplainjiat
a nice house built for him on the deck
abaft the mainmast. Since arriving ii
port , every night the dog has been fas
tencd in his kennel with a collar at
tached to a chain. "Every evening 01
going on board it has boon Captain
Williams' habit to go to the kennel ami
pat the dog before going to his
berth. A few nights ago on going
to the konncl , as usual , the
found that a dog was there as usual , hu
it did not feel to the touch like the
family setter and had no collar. Or
procuring a light ho found that a
fitrango dog occupied the house. Tie
left the dog there and retired. Next
morning ho found his own dog in the
Ifcnnol as usual with its collar on , look
ing as innocent as if it had been there
all night. In the evening the captain
kept watch , and shortly after nightfall
the strange dog came on board again
and went to the kennel , the hotter , with
its paws , slipped oil its collar and
scooted over the gangplank for a run
ashore , the strange dog taking
his place. lie returned next morning at
daybreak , slipped on his collar and was
all ready to bo patted when the skipper
came outforhisearly colloo. Cujit. Will
iams then cinched an extra hole in the
collar and awaited developments. Just
when the electric light watt lit
on Telegraph hill the strange dog
came on board again and , going to the
kennel prepared to take his place as
usual. The setter could not got his
collar oil and had to remain. The dogs.
who wore watched , had an animated
conversation in canine , Volapuk , or
homo other language , and then the setter -
tor retired' to rest , while the strange
dog wended its way on shore , ponder
ing on man's inhumanity to dogs and
sorry that its nowlv made friend could
not go and "run down tlio rag" In the
company of the select coterie of dogs
that nightly gather on the seawall and
adjacent wharves.
For fear of losing u day's work , many
persons put off taking physio until Sat
urday. The bolter plan is not to delay
but take it as fcoou as needed , it may
have you n hard spell of sickness. If
vou want the most benefit from the
\castamountofphysio \ without causing
you any inconvenience , ID-.S of appotlto
or rest , , take St. Patrick's Pills. Their
action on the liver and liowols ufo
thorough , they give a freshiW ! , tonu
and vigor to the whole system and Laut
in' harmony with uaturo.
A Wlfb Who Dcncrtcil Her Ilu.ilmnd
for tlie. ApiiroeliUlto West.
From the Now York World : Mr.
Francis Htivler Onxmmor , n painter ,
living on Uartlett street , Urooklyn , was
married in Trinity church , on Septem
ber 8 , 1884 , to Augusta Parton. Mr.
Grammar was and in still a sober , indus
trious man , earning good wages , and hta
wife , a young woman of twenty-four , la
of a masculine kind ot beauty. Affairs
wont on smoothly and happily for a few
months , when Mr. Ctrammor discovered
that his \ \ ifo had developed a paxsiomito
fondness for beer , and In his ab enco
the growler was p.m.sod rapldlv and eou-
tlnuousily. Ho remonstrated , nut affairs
grow worse Instead of bettor , nnd it
often eappened that when ho came homo
he could get nothing to eat.
They had n baby , but that did not pro-
vcnl Mrs. ( Irnmmer going to Now York
twice or three times a week with otto
JoMph Pfaendor , and to Coney island ,
and enjoying herself generally at the
expense of her husband. After this ,
perhaps , Mr. ( Trammer was less ur-
prised than delighted when ho hail
como homo from work ouo evening tuul
learned that his wife had gone oil with
Pfaeader altogether , although she luul
taken with her all the money he had
saved-during the summer and loft him
the six months old baby with nothing
to eat.
Three months after this ho received n
lotUir f i oin Augushi , dated Dot roll , in
which she informed him that Pfaendor
had loft her when all the money \\us
spent and taken up with another woman.
She wrote :
Still , dour Frank , 1 nni not dtscourugvd. I
ma stiongand lieiuty and IMH ruin my own
living. I hope you will talto i-iu o of the baby
ami give her plenty oT food from the bottle.
The hoer In Uetiolt Is mnoli U'tter tlmn w hut
thpy soil in Urooltlyn , and lighter. Women ,
too , nro moro thought of.
Rho wrote him , from time to time , six
letters in all , expressing in one she sent
fiom St. Paul deep sortow for the baby "a
death , but consoling hoi > elf with the
thought that she would meet her in
"iieavon , "where , " as she beautifully ex
pressed it , "thoro is always rest for the
rt'oary. "
Her fourth letter was dated Walla
Walla , W. T. , and in this as in the oth
ers she speaks in glowing terms of the
rich vegetation in that favored region ,
anil di'd not forgot to assure him that
women were highly appreciated thoro.
Appended is a free translation of the
last loiter Mrs. U rammer wrote to her
iiishaiid :
Hour. CITV , Idaho , Sept. 2. 1SS7 Dear
iiuslmml : I left Washington territory last
month with a piutyof hunters We killed
lots of deer , niitt'lopo nnd ImlTulo , uml after
u wcc-U untoicd Id.ibo lotiitiny , whcie noino
of our people went prospecting for gold while
others continued the ehuso 1 elected to east
my lot with the liuiiliMs Oil , whnt u glori
ous lifo 11 is , tiding alter the gigantic bUon
on the boundless pt.ilncl What music tliuio
Is in the shoit , shut p cuick of u i lllemul how
sxveut 'tis to ill ink ill Uio "if of fiei-iloni Ull-
r.immelcil by sUhts or bustlc.s Wo uro nil
tico licit ) ; wo dross alike , smoke the name
tohucfo , nnd wommi is considered the equal
of man in evmy icspoct. Indued alia is su-
lenur , asour soIs no scarce that wo uro
.onked upon us angels Tln-ru mo i lskshow-
c\ciimll ! mot \\ith mi accident mid im
acHcntuto uvuntlj almost ended my
Queer. While mounted on my mus
tang in pursuit of u lieul of buffalo , in hand ( I wanted to capluif a
liso bison ) , the hoisn stumbled mid lolled
over upon me , breaking mv left leg 1 lay
Hide gtounmg in ugonviiida : p.uty of Snultti
Indians foun'l nut and can-led me to their
camp , wheie I must sa.\ they tieateU mo
well. Alter iiwhile. thei ilHcovoretl I was u
\YO ! , n , nnd tlio chief's sou made sneh strong
love to me that 1 had to consent to innrry
him. The Snnkes took mo west , but nftor
living with them u fo\v wcoks 1 got disgusted
and escaped They did not iipprtvinlij Indies
as well as thn i owboys , who aio dashing ,
tli'.ring i av.iliors. 1 am now in lio.uo City ,
but sliull leave hero soon on another hunting
excursion. That eomtemptiblo cur , I'faen-
der , promised ouo time to got mo u eattlo
ranch In the West , but I now sen my WHJ to
gutting ono iiij self. Your loving wife ,
Al ( lUaFA till A MM Kll.
After having road this romarknhly
cool letter , Mr. Grammcr thought a
limit had been reached and , going to
the ollico of his lawyer , .Tulos Klanko ,
Np. 44 Court street , ho instructed him
to sue for a divorce , bringing in Pf.ion-
dcr and others as co-respondents.
"Isn't it necessary to servo papers on
Mrs. G rammer i" ' asked a World re
porter of Mr. Klanko.
"No ; I guess not. It would bo rather
diflleult to servo papers in the Snake
country. The unit will go by default ,
and Mr. Grammor will obtain his di
vorce in a few days without dilllculty. "
Terrible arc tlio ROVCIIRCH
Upon the bystem inllictcd by diseases of
the kidneys and bladdor. They wreck
the constitution moro speedily in some
cases than consumption and other mal
adies of a fatal pulmonary typo. As you
value your lifo , arrest a. tendency to'do-
bility , and consequent inactivity of the
rontil organs should you experience any
such. Infuse vigor and activity into
the vitally important Bocrotivo action of
the kidneys with that salutary diurccic ,
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. The pro
per degree of stimulation is imparted by
it to the bladder also , when the organ
is sluggish. With this timely chock
Bright'disease , diabotis , catarrh of the
bladder , and other kindred disorders ,
may bo prevented. Liver complaint ,
constipation , nervous ailments and rheu
matism are likewise conquorabjo with
this soverign household remedy.
Against the otlects of oxx > siiro in damper
or otherwise inclement weather , it is a 11
benign safeguard , and revives strength
after undue fatigue.
Sharks Not Dangerous. \
A southern sailor tolls the following : -j
"Tho greatest danger to bo feared in
the presence of a shark is the paralysis
of fear. Sharks , unless very hungry ,
will not attack u man while in motion.
They swim around with longing eyes
waiting for ono moment when their
victims shall remain quiet , and then
make their onslaught. On the coast of
of Africa the natives fight sharks fear
lessly. They enter the ocean naked ,
having first oiled their bodies that they
may slide through the water easily.
Their only weapon is a stout stick
about two foot in length , sharp
ened at both ends. The water
is so clear that they can fcco for
hundreds of foot around. When a shark
swims toward thorn they wait until the
moment ho turns on his back , and us ho
opens his jaws to soi/.o them they thrust
the flick croaswiso in his mouth and
swim off. The shark's mouth bolng
held opan by the stick , ho is BOOH
drowned , when the natives tow him
oshoro and feast upon his flesh.
For my part I do notbohovo that sharks
are native to American waters. I have
hoard old seamen Bay that they came
from Africajollowing into the wako of
the Hrst slavers that came to this coun
try. These vosbols were always to
overcrowded that many died on the
voyage , and were thrown overboard.
The sharks fed upon their dead bodies
until they readied this side of the
ocean. "
When will the average cltt/.on utop
spending his hard earnings on cigars
and tobacco ? GivoitupV Well , when
ho finds he can do without tobacco and
cigars , but not without Ur. Bull's Co gh
Salvation Oil , the greatest pain-euro
on earth , Is compounded ot purest
drugs. It is guaranteed to contain
nothing of a poisonous character , Only
li-5 cents a bottle , . . >