THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , OCTOBER 17. 1887. THE STAGE-COACH TRAGEDY , A Thrilling Tnlo of Early Days in Colorado. TOWNSEND'S LIFE AND DEATH. Cuptnln A Double 1,1 fc A Voutlil'iil Kntlfmnry Trluinpli of Ijyncli. Ten ycnrs ngo the excitement of the ilny in Denver reached its' climiix when Cuptnln Bill Cummings drove the Lcnd- vlllo conch out of the stnbloynrd nnd pulled up in front of the United Stntca hotel. In anticipation of the grout daily event rv crowd always hegan to gather an hour or two heforo the time net for the Hinge's departure. Topasstho time pleasantly , the crowd , all of whom wore big slouch hats and carried pistols , spcculntcd on the clumecs of the stngo getting to its dcslination , and told wild stories of the last time Captain Dill had been "held up , " and how much the ex press had lout when the highwaymen hnd broken open the box , nfter kilting the messenger. A short time ago , while in Denver , I was taken to the stable and shown the old stage. It Is not much to look nt now. The paint has worn off the sides , nnd the lenther curtains , which used to be neatly rolled up , now hang down and mournfully Hnp in the wind. While I stood looking at the old stage nnd try ing to imagine home of the scenes through which it had parsed , the'stable door opened and an old mnn entered. After I hnd cn the look of affection which ho cast nt the old stage , 1 was not surprised when my friend intro duced him an Captain Hill Cuininings , the famous driver. At first Cumniiiigs seemed disinclined to talk , and ap- jKsnrcd to think that my questions wore prompted solely by idle curiosity , but after a while he relented. He climbed up to his old place on the box , where he had passed through so many dnngerH , and nfter politely waving my friend nnd myself to a couple of empty barrels , which stood in one corner of the stable , ho began to talk. "Yes , " ho said , "this old stage has scon many a light and been through lots of dangersjbut the toughest time it over had was In ' 70 and ' 77. In those days the hills between hero nnd Leadvillo wore infested by the worstgangof stage robbers that were ever known in this region. It wns not that they were any worst ) than other gangs , but they were under the leadership of a man whoso devilish cunning was such that it seemed impossible to corner him or even to find out exactly who ho was. He tried it on once too often , however , nnd when his identity was made known nfter his death , it turned the whole city of Denver upside down for a week. There was at that time n business house on Larimer street , where all the miner- went to got their supplies. The head ol it was one of our most enterprising citi- /ens , and was generally respected anil looked up to. His name was Amos V , TowiiHend. It had been reported that some of the stage robbers had been henrd to call their lender Amos , but nt one over dreamt of connecting the fain- ous desperado nnd the respected mer chant together. One night just before the stage was to leave Denver , ] was taken aside by a friend ant wns told to tnko pnrtieulnr care , as OIK of my passengers was going to Lead- villo to purchase some mining proper ties and hnd a small fortune in his belt , The would-be mine owner wns ] Kintc ( ] out tu mo. He wns a young fellow with a quiet , determined nppearanco , wht seemed well able to take euro of him self. Besides him there wns only one other inside passenger , whom I took ti bo n tenderfoot , from his nervous man ner nnd the absence of any weapom ubovt him. The two express guardi nnd myself were the only ones outside An wo were driving down Lnrumie street I happened to sco Mr. Townsont standing near the stove , and I saw hin nod to some one inside , but I took it t ( be a passing farewell to the young mar who was going to buy the mines. I line not much to bay to my passengers , and ' . took them to bo about as unsociable i lot as I had over carried. Each scenici to attend strictly to his own business and it was only nt long Intervals that henrd their voices as they talked t < each other. "On the evening of the second day wi had got well into the mountains am when wo drove up to Banks' station where wo took supper and changci homes , I began to lliiiik that we wouli got through safelv. Both passenger got out to eat , anil I noticed that th manner of the young mnn I hnd rankei ns iv tenderfoot was oven moro norvou than it had been when wo left Denver nnd I sized him up as being unlit forth 'country into whicli ho was going. W staled at the station about half an hou nnd then I saw my two passengers pnfel , inside and climbed on tno box. Just n I was gathering up the lines old Bunk came out and told me he had seen n mm drive by with a led horse just bofor dark mm I had better bo careful not t run over him. At , this I saw my tendci foot stick his head out of the window but ho quickly pulled it in again and drove on. "Just as daylight wns beginning t , appear over the top of the high mount ains I drove up to the last station be fore reaching Lcadvilloand disniounte from the box with a sigh of relief , as felt that now all danger was over. Bu when I put my head into the stage doc to arouse my passengers I drew it hue with a yell of surprise and horror. I the dim light I could plainly sco th1 ; there was only one man inside , an from his strange position I knew SOUK thing was wrong. When I throw ope the door 1 found the only occupant < the stage was the man who was goin i to buy the D'ines. Ho wns stone dea nnd cold. ' His throat had been cut froi car to oar ; There was no doubt tin my tenderfoot wns the murderer , an nfter killing his fellow traveler an scouring his bolt with the money , li hnd ernwled through the rear windo of the stage and dropped elY into tli roud. He had evidently taken tli journey with the sole purpose of con milling the murder nnd taking thoplui dor. When wo carried thodendnmn ini the station wo found Captain Rawlii of thr "Vmvcr mounted police , and Urn of h .on who wore out hunting f ( dospt , . floes. They immediately ga > up all other business and started in pu suit of the murderer. The result of tl hunt I heard from the captain hlmsol Half way between the two stations 1 found by the rondsido n place whore camp tire had been built nnd where tv horses had evidently been tied to a tre By the side of the fire was the mu dorod man's empty bolt. For four da the captain nnd his three men follow the trail of the murderer nnd his coi panion through the mountains. At hi one night , before dark , they ciirao ujx the desperadoes in n mountain gorg Both men were boated on the groun Cautiously the captain and his mi cront up to the unconscio ruffians. Each officer broug his gun to boar on ono of the men ui then Chjitnln IlawHns culled upon theme : o surrender. Without an Instant's lieHltntlou eneh man Drubbed bin UUH ind 11 red on the oHluurtJ. At the first dtecharjjo from the olllccrs the mnn who had committed the murder foil and n moment Inter Ida companion lay Htrciohed on the ground busiilo him. On examining thorn Captain Hawlins found that the younger man who hnd boon in the singe , wns not quitu dead. Toward morning the young mnn re vived Hulllciently to talk. Ho refused to give his name and it was nuvor known. Ho wild , however , that AIIIOH V. TowiiKend WHS the leader of the KIWI i , ' and had planned the murder and had commissioned him to execute it. On the other man pupertt wore found which proved Ixjyona qucHtlon that Townscnd was indeed the villain which the dying murderer said he was. "Captain Rawllns waited until his prisoner died , and then 'hastened to Denver to arrest Towntvud. Ho found the old murderer in his shop , and quickly put him under arrest. " Here tno old man stretched himself and slowly descended from his neat. "But , " mild I , "what becnmu of Town- Bond ? " Captain Bill walked to the stable door and threw it open. Said ho : "Stranger , you see that tree down the street ? well , the night Townscnd was arrested a lot of masked men took him out of jail without much trouble , and the next morning ho was found hanging from that big limb there. He also had twenty-bevcn bullets in his body. " An Odd Kind of Millionaire. London Daily Telegraph : A French millionaire cuts but a very indifferent figure in comparison with an English one. The Gallic variety has but the trilling sum of 1,000,000. , or 40,000 , placed to his account when his country men one and all accord him the title. A real substantial millionaire from the English point of view has , however , been discovered in the person of M. Arnaud Oyarcnbal. who bus just re turned from South America to his native town of St. Palais , in the Basque prov inces , where in his youth ho helped his father to sell goats'milk. From his own countrymen's traint of view the success ful goatherd is thirty times a million aire , for he possesses 3,000,000f. ( ) , or lj : < X,0 < )0 ) sterling. Fifty years ago Arnaud Oyarcabal wont out to Buenos Ayres with his father. For a long time the two Basque peasants found the Ar gentine republic anything but an El Do rado , where , as In the imngination of many a i > oor emigrant , men pick up gold in the streets. They suffered so much hardship and misery that the older man died , and his son became a servant in the hou o of a wealthy landowner who lived in the outskirts of Buenos Ayres. The landowner had no family , and ho was so thankful for the devoted atten dance of his Basque servant that ho made Oyarcabal his solo legatee. On the death of his master the ex-goat herd purchased several lots of land be tween the Paraguay and the Salado , and these they bold in a few years at ton times their original value. M. Gym-ca bal's return to his native town of St. Palais , has , of course made a great sen sation in that rather primitive locality , and ho is the wonder of the day all over the department ot the lower Pyrenees. Far from dissipating his doubloons amid the distractions and temptations of Paris , where ho might have a Renais sance villa in one of the Bois do Bou logne avenues , a stud of racers , a box at the opera , and bo chronicled diurnally , like many of the millionaires from the new world , as the giver of Lucullus-like dinners and the cultivator of expensive exotics , ho prefers to spend the evening of his days in the shadow of his native hills and to do good to the people among whom his early life was pat&cu. A Novel Souvenir. An Oil City Pa. , letter says : Mr. II. J. Bookhanuner , a well-known citizen of that city has in his possession n unique souvenir , given him by .John Drew , the old actor. When Mr. Drew was manager of the Arch Street theater , Philadelphia , Mr. Bookhammer relates this interesting incident : "About forty years ago when I was a young man about Philadelphia I saved Mr. Drew's life. One night myseli and a few friends were out swim' ming off the 'Turtle Rocks , ' in the Schuylkill , a short distance from the city. While wo were there a party ol gentlemen came out in a boat and alsc wont in bathing. 1 was a frequent at tendant at the Arch Street theater and I at once recognized the party as Mr. Drew , Mr. Thaycr , and other mem bers of the stock company of thai theater. After the gentlemen bar been in the water a few minutes , one ol them exclaimed : 'MyGodl where'sDrew' He can't swim ! ' The moon was hhinin { . brightly and I saw air bubbles rising 01 the water not far from the rocks. With ! oui stopping to ask any questions : dived to the bottom at that spot am came up with Mr. Drew. Ho was al most gone' but by extraordinary effort ! his friends succeeded in resuscitating him. A few days after I received i note from Air. Drew asking mo to cal and bee him at his residence , Mi brother and I wont around and won mot nt the door by Mrs. Drew , win showed us into her husband's room. H had not yet fully recovered. Mr. Drew re ceivcd us very cordially , and expressed his gratitude in a very feeling manner Ho proposed a money recompense fo : what I had done , but I declined. Goinf to a desk ho wrote something on a pleci [ of paper , and , handing it to mo , said : could at least accept that. It was n pnsi 3 for mybolf and my friends to the Arc ! street theatre as long as he or any o his friendb should control it. I acecptet it gladly , and , although it was given t mo forty years ago , 1 btill have it in in ; How SI noli a Muii Eats. Richard A. Proctor in the Octobc Cosmopolitan : It has been calculatei that on the average , each man that at tains the ago of three score and tci consumes during the course of his lit twenty wagon-loads of food , solid am liquid. At four tons to the wagon , thl would con-errand to an average o about a hundred ounces of food pordaj or say some one hundred and twent , ounces per day during adult life , an about eighty ounces during infancy an youth. Most modern doctors agree i regarding one hundred and twent ounces of food per day , corresponding t live or blx half-pints of liquid food , an seven or eight pounds of solid foodas I excess of the real daily requirements ( a healthy man or women. Yet probably most of us take mpr thaii this , in one way or another , durin the day. Dr. Lankebter , from an oxter stvo analysis of the dietary of soldier bailers , prisoners , and the better pal classes of artisans and professional me in London , found the average dull quantity of solid and liquid food to 1 : one hundred and forty-three ounce : Doubtless many take much less ; but ui questionably many take much moi than this. When borne one mentione before Sydney Smith the twenty wagoi loads of food calculated for each man allowance , he turned to Lord Durban who like himself was corpulent ( and IK without sufficient reason ) , with tli quaint remark , "I think our wagon Durham , must be four-horsed ones , There are members of the London co poratlon , to seek no further , whose \vii | ons must be six-homed 'onei , uud we loaded at that. ACTUAL LIFE WJHE FAR WEST. _ _ How n Young Callfornlnn Mndc Ids Hwccthcnrt Wnsli Off tlie Kongo. San Francisco Chronicle : A grown up man , a man of mature voars , would not have done It. He would have put his arm around her and said gently : "Dear , I don't like your jmlnting and powdering. It doesn't make you look nice. " And she would have told hlmthatsho thought she did , and of ho didn't like it ho could go and got another girl , or something like that. At the best she wouldn't have taken any notice of the remonstrance. But ho was n young man , and that was not his way. Ho was going to take her to the theater , and , knowing her peculiarity , he put a powder puff and a box of rogue in his pocket. When she came down stairs He saw she was decorated ns usual. Ho immediately pulled out his rogue and powder and painted himself up. "What are you doing ? " "Only making myself handsome. " "I will not go out with you like that. " "Why not'r "It would mortify mo to death. " "Well , but you're just like that. ' ' "That's a different thing. " "Well , I'll make a bargain. If you will wash off yours I will wash off mine. " "Wo don't go out , then ? " "All right. ' "But she thought better of It and she accepted his bargain. She was very pretty after that. OMAHA MVK STOCK. Saturday , Oct. 15. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were liberal for the close of the week. As compared with yester day there wns a heavy falling off , there bciiitf only seventy cars to-day anil lift ) on the day before. The market wns only moderately ac tive and the number of cattle tluit changed hands was not lar c. The main feature In the market wns the sale of a very prime bunch of corn-fed natives at S.VtX ) , being the top paid for cattle so far this season , as it was also the best bunch seen here. There were a few bunches of wosteia and Toxua cattle sold for feeders and also one bunch of natives. Only a few odds and ends of butchers' stock were sold. Values on all grades of cuttle remain about the same. The shipments were un usually heavy , ninety-one loads bcintr for warded to Chicago. The receipts of hops show n slight fulling off , there being thirty-three cars of fresh re ceipts to-day anil forty cars yesterday. In addition to the fresh receipts there were four teen stale loads , making the total offerings forty-seven loads. The total offering on Fri day's market were sixty loads. The market opened fairly active at prices a shade to fie lower than yesterday. The hogs were all taken and the market closed steady with the opening. _ Sliccp There : were no fresh receipts , but one load that had been held over wns sold on the nmr- kct. _ onioiul ItceciptN. Cattle . 1417 Hogs . -JliVJ bllll-MUNTi ) . Cattle , 91 cars . Chicago Cattle , 4 cars . Ciaig Prevailing Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers , 1SOO to IftOO Ids . * 4.15 < ff4.lif > Choice steers , lUKIto i : X ) ll.s . 4. < Xi ) < 4.15 Fat littlu steers , MX ) to W.O . HJS . ; i.7r > ( y ; t.b . Corn-fed range steers , 1'JOO to IfiUO : i.s.Xu.4.i : < ) Good to choice corn-fed cows . ' _ ' . .V ) ( < r : ; , ( > ( ) Common to medium cows . l.fiOQi'J.iH ) Good to choice bulls . l.W ) ( 3.Kl ( Good range feeders . U.4Ht-.T5 ( ! Good native feeders , SKH ) Iks and up wards . S.i.Vic i.85 Fair to medium native feeders , WO Ibs and upwards . 2.r > 0@'J.M ( Stackers , 400 to TOO Ibs . ) S.-IU Prime fat sheep . H.'J.X" :1W : Fair to medium sheep . y.WIOcIUH ) Common sheep . i.iO ( 'J.U.'i Light and medium hogs . 4.0. > ( it 4.15 Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.1.V < ? ' 4. ' i Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.1ttf ! ( 4.30 Representative Sales. NATIVE STECIIS COIIN YK.O. No. Av. Pr. 64. . . . 1710 5.00 HANOI ; STKEHS w. 11. i. . * c. co. 2. . . . 1010 2.50 100. . . . 1274 2.75 WESTERN STKEIIS Al. . HOWIE. 44..10'0 2.50 TKXAS STEI'.lfi 1IHOWX , ILKFF tt CO. 87. . . . 1103 2.50 KKKDEIIS NEIIIUSKA NATIVES. 115. . . . DIM it.OO YHUIUKf ! STF.CIIS. 12. . . . 800 8.70 STARS. 4. . . . 1KB 1.50 1. . . . 040 1.50 NATIVE COWS. 11. . . . 020 2.10 2. . . .1050 2.10 2. . . . 1050 2.10 4. . . . 1143 2.25 NATIVI : iiuu.s. 3. . . . 1013 1.25 TEXIS HUI.I.S. 57. . . . 1113 1.15 MILCH cows. 7 $30.00 per head. SIIKEl' . 104. . . . 81 3.00 noc.s. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 1HJ..190 hO * 4.1l ( 4tt05 ) : 120 4.20 81. . . . 202 260 4.10 20. . . . SIM KM ) 4.20 59. . . . 254 bl ) 4.10 ( Mi. . . . 274 240 4.20 73. . . . 191 bO 4.10 08. . . . 250 1IM ) 4.20 f4..204 320 4.10 CU..2IW 1W ) 4.20 79. . . . 229 120 4.12) ) < ? 71. . . . 245 200 4.20 05. . . . 232 bO 4.15 74. . . . 242 320 4.20 fi0..255 40 4.15 B4..230 40 4.20 75. . . .223 120 4.15 79. . . .247 KH ) 4.20 12. . . . 222 200 4.15 (50..274 ( IfiO 4.22 U 09. . . .245 200 4.15 IH..2.S5 120 4.25 t > i..273 200 4.15 70. . . . 254 200 4.25 7(1. ( . . . 237 400 4.15 (10. ( . . . 258 40 4.2. " > 70. . . . 285 240 4.20 48. . . . 311 hO 4.25 74. . . . 250 40 4.20 I18..279 120 4.25 89. . . . 239 4.20 70. . . . 203 240 4.25 (10. ( . . . 259 200 4.20 (15. ( . . . 244 40 4.25 > . . . . 272 120 4.20 ) . . . . 27fi KX ) 4.25 99. . . . 282 240 4.20 (17. ( . . . 254 40 4.25 43. . . . 309 bO 4.20 ( M. . . .319 120 4.25 . . . . 291 320 4,20 53 , . . . 25(1 ( 80 4.25 ( . . . . 2(10 ( 280 4.20 (12. ( . . . 308 120 4,25 fil. . . . 287 120 4.20 59. . . . 299 M ) 4.25 54. . . . 240 40 4.20 O1..23 SO 4.25 _ AVeekly KccelptR. Showing the official receipts for each daj of the past week : Cattle. Hogs Monday . 1,819 3U Tuesday . M > 5 1,011 Wednesday . 191 lsl ( Thursday . 392 2.3)1. : ) Friday . 2'Jilt 2,5V. Saturday . 1,417 2.15' Total . 7,003 10,2.7. Total week before . 5,325 10,19' Mve Stock Sold. Showing the number of head of stock soli on the market to-day : CATTLE. G. H. Hammond &Co Feeders . 22 ! Shipiicrs . 71 Lobman& Hothchild . 10 : Local . 7 ! Total 04 ! HOUS. G. H. Hammond &Co 32 Anglo-American Packing Co 2,9t : : Total 3,25- 1 Slicni' . * Local l& All sales of stock In this market are inadi per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated Dead hogs sell at Xo per Ib. for nil weights "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs J no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Iba 1 and slugs 80 Ibs. by the public Inspector. ( OMAHA WIIObKSAIjE MAUKKTS „ a Saturday , Oct. 15. 1 Produce , Fruits , Etc- . 77ic following < irc the prices cit irhlcl , ; round lots of produce nro sold on thl iiuirJitt. Fruits ur other linen ofood ( / * n extra labor of jmcltlny cvuuiot a\ \ u\iys le supplied on outside orders at th 11 same prices cliaracd the local trade : Tbere l a noticeable improvement la th potato innrkct , both the rccclirts nnd demand being on the Increase. The city dealers arc commencing to wit in their winter stocks nnd nre mostly paying tiOfeffl-Vj for good homo grown stook. Thu re ceipts of iKHiltry to-iliyl were nithcr heavy. An occnslonlnl package of dres ed poultry is arriving , but It \ still to early to hniullo It to any advantage. The egg nuirkct Is n little weak , although , prices nro nom inally the sumo. Apples arc Voming In very freely , especially Iowa homo grown. Kno The market Is peed and the supply light , the bulk was goihg at IU cents , but some sales were made at 20 ji HUTTKII Creamery , 'West Point , JlOo ; other , 21-i2-c ( ( per pound'enolco ; dairy. IS © i0i ! ; medium prndes , lt@lfc ! : ordinary , IKtflOe. CIIKROK Mnrkel fair. Fancy full cream , Cheddars , single lite ; full cream twins , 1tc ! ; young American , 13 } < c ; brick cheese , UXI Ibs in case , lf > c ; Limbcrgcr , ItX ) Ibs In case , He ; Saurs' fancy Ohio , lUc. I'ot't.TiiT Faly market : spring chickens J2.00a2.r > ( l ; old fowls , SW.MKaM.lK ) ; ducks $2.2.Vrf2.7fi ; geese , tO.M ) per doz ; turkeys , In very light request , "ftiijjcpcr Ib. GAMI' Keccipts light ; prairie chickens . , . * , , , . . , - - " - ' - A f./rr f l.r.1 juck snlc | , fl.uopcr doz ; venison , Hie per Ib. O sTtiis : Shell ; J2.00 per hundred ; bulk fl.IISprr hundred , selects , SJ.'JU a gallon ; Cans , New York counts. 45c ; selects , : i.V < MUc ; standard , 27iiiOc : ; Koynl , 40c ; Jerome buys , 40e ; Tiger , We. POTATOI. & The market Is well supplied. Utah and Colorado stock sells atiOilN"c ( : Ne braska and Iowa stoek 5-Vfit il'i1 ' per bushel. Sw BUT POTATOES The miirUrt U well sup plied with home grown at ( M ( 7f > o per bushel ; Virginia stock ! tc per Ib. End PLANT Slow sale at l'pK ( < < . " > e per dor. for choice stock. ONIONS Choice large Callforntaonlons nro offered on the market at Whs per bushel The demand is light. HIIANS Hand-picked navy , M.fiO per bushel , nnd oilier grades down an low as M.2i. Cull- fornlii stock. f'l.W per bushrl. Ciu.Kin Thu receipts uro larger nnd the stock better. Good stock brings ; ! 0iii5c ( ! u bunch. CiltEit Choice Michigan elder , $ ii.tHlaCi.f 0 per bbl. of ; tf CocoAXt'Ts Good stock , ! f"i.lH ) . CitASiip.iiHiEs The market is fairly well supplied with good stoek. Hell & Cherry , SS.IKJ ; Hell k Hugle , * 1).IX ) ) : Capo Coils. S1IUK ) . Lr.MONs Messina , l.lHUiili.W ) ; Miiioru , S7.IK ) ; Sorronto , $7dtl. I'oi'CoitN Choice rice corn , ncper Ib ; other Imls , 2 ( 2) ) , < c per Ib. Honey Choice , In 1 Ib fniiiiis , 21e. OitANtiEs Messina nut of the market ; Louisiana , t'.UiU ' per bbl , &YIX ) per box ; Ju- naica , f 10.HU per bbl , { . " . .Ml per box. Ari'i.iw Choice Michigim apples , home ; rown , ( 'i.txi ) ( ) : < . & ( ) : Jomitlions. 't.fidK ? ! ! . ? , " ) . Ciun Ai-i'LUi Choice Siberian , $ : t.lKI ( : ) .fU ) ler bbl. GitU'Es Home-grown stock is in liberal upply ami is moving f recl.v al 4 jC per pound ; California , Tokay , M.fill per crate ; Muscats , 2.fni ; New York , Id-lb biiskets , ! irii'l'r ( > C' IlANXAk Tliu market is well Mipplcd with iiniaiias nt * 2.H ( > o/i.K : ( ) per hunch. NI'TS New crop : Ohio chest nuts , 12 } ( j lf > c icr Hi : pi-nnuls. ' , raw ; Hraxil nuts , l.'ic ; Imoiiiif ; Tnrriigona'Co ; Knglish walnuts , Sc ; lilbcrts , 12c. Flour iinil K 'c l. Thcfollnirlnij mr thcjnlililnu i > rtret : Minnetota patents. s-U.fiO per cwt ; Minne- lOtn Hakeis' straight , W.20 per cwt ; Kansas mil Missouri winter lanc.v patents. M.-f-Xro J.CiO ; Nebraska patents , i. ' iiti2 ! ! . " > ; r\c , Hour , " l.liVul.Wi per cwt ; ( irulinin , J-1.4H per wt : wheat , ( irahain , 1.7.1 per cwt ; corn ' cal , yellow , 1KV per cwl ; corn meiil , white , 1.00 per cwt ; chnppvd feed , ? 1 l.OOCdHO.OO per on ; bran , M'J.H. ( ) ( Ul.iX ) per tun ; ' creenmgs , Ml ( ) ( ) ( ( (12.IMI per ton. HAI Upland prairie , 7'.filii'i.(1 ! ( ( ( ) ; eomir.nn joarse , $ l ) . . " > IK"7. < X ) . Grocer's Ijisl. Corrnn. Ordinary tn'ailes , 2UJi721c ( ; fair. JlUC 2Jc : primu , 22 < .a'c : ! : fancy"grt'n mul \ullow , 2itn2.r ( > c ; old gdVcriiinent .Inv.i. 2W ) "c ; interior .lava , 2.1rt2Sc ( ; Mochn. y iH.liHT ; Arbucklo's , loasteil , 2ii14c ; McLnughlln's XXXX , L'Ojjc ; Dihvorth's 20o ; Red Cros-s , . KiriNiu : LAID. : Ticrco , 7c : cans , 1c ; lu-lb louml , 7' ' < - ; "d-lb round , 7'4c ' ; Kl-lb ) ) .iils , 7)ic ; 5-lb pails , 7 o ; H-lb palls , 7-J-iO. rinn. CJr.niulateil , Ci jTtiif.Jj'c ; conf. A , C < "UnL' ? while extra C , ( 1)4 ) (11y ( ( \ * c ; extra C , tl'iii-S.VollowC ' , fiJu'c ; cut loaf , 7 , ; pow- lU'retl , 7' c. Pit KI.C' ' Medium , in libls , Sii.r > tl ; do in half bbls , 3.ri ; small , in bbls , $ .7..r.O ; do in half bbls , W.'J.ri ; gerkiiis , in bbls. W.60 ; do in WOOIIX\VAHI : : Two-hoop pails , per doz , .4r ) , Il-hoop pails , ii.70 ; No. t tub , fii.Wl ; No. Stub. $ T > r > 0 ; No. 3 tub , ) ; wasli- boards , SI.7B : assorted bowls. W.-i.V No. t churns , ill ; No , 2 churns , &S ; No. . ' ! churns , 47. TOIHITO Lorillard's Climtix , 44c ; Splen did , 4le ; Mechanic's Ueliht > , 4le ; Lepuctt & Meyer's Star , 41e ; Cornerstone , ! t4c ; Drum- tnond' Hurse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , U7 ; Sorg's , Spearhead , 4lc. HiiooMsHxtru 4-tie , $ < ) : No. 1 , W.IH ) ; No. - ' , SI 7 ! > ; heavy stable , M.OO. C\M i Mixed , S > ' ' ( * ; stick , 8 @SIVfi ! . Cim-KCit ! " Garnc.iu's soda , butter and picnic , r > c ; i reams , be ; ginger snaps , be ; city soda , 7c. TKAS Japan. " ( HJfSTitpunpowdcr ; , 20 ® YOUIII ; Pl.vson , L'S Mu ; Oolong , 'J0rg ( . JF.I.MI : HO-lb pails , $2.00. PnovisioNs-llnms , \ \ & \ \ breakfast \ bacon , ? ( ,12l4c ; bacon sides , ' .Hji'.i e ; dry salt , SJ4iis ( 4c ; htiouldcrs , 7(74'e ( ( ] ; ilrlinl beef hams , UKiillc ; dried beef regular , ' . ' ) < i@l < ljo ; hams pienic , 7i''Sc. ( ln i Li ) FRUITS Apples , new , J4's , fie ; ova | > orated , WMb rinj.- , iul4@lijfo ( ; raspberries evaporated , 2'i ) ; ; blackberries , evaiiorated ' 'JffeH'e ' ' ; pitted cherries , peaches , new 7'4u ; evaporated peeled peaehes,2 > ( rt2'.icevai- orated , impared , l C'i't''c ' ' ' ; now curnuits , 7'4- ( R7J4C- prunes , rKiir e ; citron , 25c ; raisins , London layers , 42.1l ) ( ; California loose muscatels , Sl.Wlfe2.00 ; new Valencias , SJ4' @ ' . ' . ' 40. 40.Hoi'i : Sovcii-sixteonths inch. l-2Jiajfc. ( S Ki'i1 No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , i1.4.'i ( 1l. : > U ; New Orleans , per gallon , : < > Qi4Uc ; maple syrup , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , fcilc ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.r > ( l ; half-gallon cans , per do/ . fli.-J.'i ; ( mart cans , ? 't.2.'i. STAHUI Mirror gloss , ri c ; Graves' corn , fi4c ' : Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. CANNIID Goons Oysters , standard , per ca-so , : > ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , KMKUO ) : ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $ 'l.00@ it.HI ; Call fern in pears , per case , * > l.70@4.bO ; ries , per case , f2. ! iS,2.4l ( ( ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case. 2.5(1 ( ; piueapjilcsJlb , iier case , W.30Qt3.i5 ; Mb salmon , per doz , fS.lKKil'J.Ofi ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , I.L'AbiU.ICi ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.7f > ; 2-lb lima beans , per case , SI , GO ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.riO@ 2.00 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per ease , J2,7flb ; : ! tomatoes , 2 4d@2.WI : 2-lb corn , * 2. : ) @ 2.40. HOI.I.ANII HiniitiNns got- per keg. Dry ( looilN. COTTON FI\XXII : * 10 per cent trade dis count LL , tlc : CC , 7 c : SS , 8' c ; Nameless , r. ' c ; No. 5 , Oe ; ER , JiJ e ; GG , KIKe ; XX , l-.V ; OO. 14o ; NN , Hie ; KX , 18o ; U , 20c ; No. 10 , 8e ; 40 , lllj c ; M , 12o ; bO , l.V ; 80 , colored , lOc ; M ) , colored , 12 j ; 70 , colored , Ifxj ; Hristol , 13' < fc ; Union Pacille , Ibc. CAitrKT WAHP Hibb white , IS' c ; col ored , 'Mc. HATTS Standard. Sc : Gem , lie ; Heauty , 12 ! c ; Hoono , 14e : 1J , eased , Hi.N ) . PKINTX SIIMII COLOIIS Atlanta fiUo ; Sla ter Bo ; Herlin Oil tli u ; Garner Oil ( > @ 'i. PINK AND HOURS Kiuhmoml lie ; Allen tic ; Hiverpointfic ; SteeHiiv.rtie ; : Richmond fie ; Pacitlo II ) Jc. INIIIOO HI.UK Washington Oo ; American ll'tfe ; Arnold O' c ; Arnold Hllc ; Arnold A 12o ; Arnold Goklseal lOUfo. DIIUSS Charter Oak 4Ku ; Hamapo : % a : LodU u ; Allen 5 > < e : Hichmond S ) < Tc ; Windsor tie ; EddystouoBo ; Pacific ( to. GINOIIAM Pluiikctt checks Ttfc ; Whlt- tcnton 7 } c ; York ; Normandi Dress S > . ; o ; Calcutta Dress bj c ; Whittentou Dress t c ; Henfrow Dress Ii@i2'p. CAMIIIUCS Slater 4Mc ; Woods 4fc } ; Stan. dard 4 > fo ; Peacock 4 o. COKSET JEANS Amlroscoggln 7 0 ; Kcar- oz. , rey ' " " Creek AA'l"2o ; Ueaver Creek HU" , Ho ; Hea ver Creek CC , lOc. KESTUCKT JEANS Memorial IPc ; Cantor 18o ; Durham 27Xo ; Hercules ISc ; Learning ton 22.K ! CotUwoldSSc. Ciusu Stevens' B lie ; bleached 7c ; Ste yens' A Ttfc ; bleached 8Jie ; Stevens' bleached O o ; Stevens' N Oifc ; bleached ItH.'e ; Stevens' S It T laife. MiscRM.AXEot-9 Tnblo oil cloth $3.85 s plain Holland KUe to SV ; Dndo Holl.iud 12 > , u. FLANNELS Plaid Hnftsmen 20o : Goshcn nloClty UIANKCTS White , I1.00g7.50i ( coloredfl. 10 @s.oo. HLRACIIRII Snr.r.TiNO Hcrkeley cnmbrle , No. CO , He ; Host Yet , 4-4 , Oi4e. butter cloth OO , 44'c ; Cabot , 7Uo ; Farwell , 80 ; fruit of Loom , bjfe : Orecno G , ( k1 ; Hope , 7 > c ; King Phillip ciimbric , He ; Lonsdalc , ll ! < e ; Lons- dale , b' c : New York mills , 10'tfc ; Peppercll , 42 Inch , 10jn ; Peppercll. 40 inch , 11)40 ) ; Pcp- perell. t-l. ! ir > ; Pcpjvrcll. 8-1 , ISo ; Pepperell , 1M , 20o : Pejipercll , 10-4 , 22l , c ; Cnutoii. 4-4 , S' c ; Canton , 4-4 , tl'iej ' Triumph , tio. ; Wum- sutta , lie ; Valley , ftc. BKOWN SiiKKTiNd Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7'/o ; A Hantlc H , 4-4. 7e ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , He ; At lantic P , 4-4 , hjfc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , B o ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4Kc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , > tfc , Hoosler LL. 4-4 , f > Jfc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7'e ' ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , fiji'o ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , fijfe : Pepperell H , 4-4 , t ) ) c ; Pepi > erell O. 4-i ( V ; Pepperell , 8-4 , l o ; Pepperell , ! M , 18c ; Peppcrell , IIV4.HK.UtlcaC ; , 4-4. 4 > 4'c ; Wa < ohusott , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora U , 4-4 , CJJo , Aurora U. 4-4 , ( V. DI-CK West Point 20 In , 8 oz. 10 } < ci West Point 2 ! ) In , Hloz. I'c ; West Point 2(1 ( In , 12 oz , Uc : West Point 40 in , 11 oz , Hie. Cheeks Caledonia X , UJ e : Caledonia XX , lO o ; Kconomy'J@d c ; Otis , U ( < ttiJ < Ic. Ururrnl MnrkrtH. SriuiT.s Cologne sjilrits , 1SS proof , $1.10 ; do 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do tbb proof , $1.011. Alcohol. Ib8 proof , $2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , * I.OOV ( l.r.O. Gill blended , $1..W@ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00(50.1X1 ( ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $ ! . ( KKVHI.r > 0 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskles.Jl.M ) ( : UH > . Hramlles , imported , $0.00(88.50 ( ; do mestic , $ l.iOai.OO. ! ( : Gins , imported , $4fiOi ( ; i.tlO ; domestic , $1.2. > ( < ? : UH ) . Champagnes , im- IKirted , per case , $2S.lX ) ( ; t3.00 ; American , per case , . 10.00@lll.X ( ) . Hutvi H\uiWAin ) : Iron , rate , $2.70 ; plow steel , special cast. 4sc } ; crucible steel , ti/c ' ; cast tools , do , I''fHlfic ; wagon spokes , pyr set , f2.0Xiir.NI ; liubs , per set , fl.BO ; fel lees , sawed dry , 81.00 ; tongues , each , Nc ; axles , each , 7r > i ! ; square nuts , per Ib , ( K < ilo ! ) ; coil chain , | > crlb , H-J ( 111 ; malleable , b'UO.e ; iron wedges , tic ; crowbars , tic ; harrow teeth , \ &cspring \ steel , 4S ( , " > c ; Hurden's horse shoes , $1.75 ; Hurden's mule shoes , Ki.75 ; barbed wire , In car lots , * 4.HI ( per UK ) Ibs ; iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.41) ) ; steel nails , 52.50. limns Green butchers' , 5J < f(20o ( ; preen cured , 7e ; dry Hint , 10nUc ; dry salt , t'o ' ; green calf skins , 7J < ; 'c ; damaged bides , two- thirds price. Tallow ! le. Grease Prime whit n , ! te ; yellow , Ho ; brown , lj c. Sheep pclUs , 2(40c. ( ( . Cou. Egg , $10.00 ; nut , $10.00 ; range , tHMMi ; walnut block , . t.50 ; Iowa lump , fl.M ) ; Iowa nut , $2.75 ; Illinois , $4.2.U4.75. ( Dry laiinlicr. 1IIMKNSIONS ANK TIMIIKIIS. t' . ' . HA.- ! i i t ft. I8ft.jaift.sjft. | ai.fi02i.rflai.f > n . . .i .a.v I' ' . .1HM KI.OOHIVd. A li in. White Pine XfiM C , H " " " 3U.M ) 1) , 21.10 FIN1MIINO. 1st ami 2nd , clear , 1 , 1 > 4 inch , s.2 s.5050 Id. clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 4.1.W ) " " IK , ' - . - 4II..10 A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , -1IMK ) " " IU , I12 in 44.IK ) H " 1 inch , s. 2s. . HO. ! * ) " " W , ' . ; , - : i7.00 I'ori.AK i.f\uuii. : Clear Popular , Hx. Hds. % in. , s. 2s.C : .5 ( ) , " } , in. Panel , s. 2 K 27.00 " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . . 23.50 HATTUNSri.l , It'lUND , I'lUKET.-i. O. G. Halts , 2J < J In * 00.75 " \-i\\\ \ \ ill , s. 1 s 00.45 : i In Well Tubing. D & M and Hev 23.00 Pickets , Dfi H , Flat 20.50 " " Bimaie 21.00 IIOAHIIS. No. 1 ioin. s 1 s Sl.H.OO No. 2 , com , sis $17.1X1 No. 3 15.50 No. 4 , 13.00 A , 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft. S2I.5U C , $15.50 U. " " " 20.50 D. 12.50 Fl'.NCINO. No. l,4&in ( ! , 12 At 14 ft , rough $10.50 No. 1 , " " 1(1 ( " " 10.50 No. 2 , " " 12 & 14 " " Hi.lKI No. 2 , " " II ! " " 17.50 CUIl.INO AND PARTITION. 1st com , % in White Pine Coiling $34.00 2nd " " " " 28.1X ) Clear , % in. Norway " " 10.X ( ) ' a in. " " " 14.00 com.V . STOCK IIO llll ) . A 12 inch s. 1 s $45.50 No. 1 , com. 12 s. 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 ' " " " 14 fl 1'J.OO ' 1 " " " 111 ft 18.50 No. 2 , " " " l'J.H ' ( ) " " " " 10 ft 17.50 Inch Grooved Hooting , M.X ( ) ] tcr M moro than 12-inch Stock Hoards sumo length. sniNdi.r.s , I.ATII. XX clear 1.10 Extra * A * * 2.X ! ) * Standard. . . . 2.7.1 A H H & H. . . . 2.55 0 in. , No. 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.115 1'ovrs. White cedar , fi in. , J s. , 12c ; 9 in. qrs. , lie ; 8 in. irs. | , lOo ; 4 in. round , 15e ; Tennessee Ked Cedar , Split , 15c ; Split Oak , 12c. 1.1 MB , ETC. Qnincy white lime ( besl ) . We ; Akron ce ment , tl.75 ; hair ! IOc ; ( Master , fU.75 ; tar board , (1.75 ; sash 40e per et. ; doors , 40c per et. ' * , blinds , 40c pur et , ; mouldings , 4o ( ) jier ct. ; tar felt , per cwt. , fc.7. ! > ; straw board , $1.75. SOUTIIKIIX YEI.I.OW IMNC. Com. 4 & 0 in. flooring $17.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % in Ceiling 21.50 Clear % in Partition 25.00 Clearllnishcd , 1 & U-f in s2s 2'J.OO Clear corrugated ceiling. 4 in 27.00 Yellow pine casing and b.iso 20.00 ITHO 13 CX1CQCAHTKD WITU THR OIOGnirilV Or TIIII covmar wiu , > IB BT tXAHixwa THIS tur TIIAI TUI CHIGAGOROCKISLAND&P ! FICRAILWAY Itrcuon of III central poiitlon. c'.Oie rclallon lo linn ] bit of Chtcaco , and contlnj ui l.acs at lermln&l point ! TVf > t , Northwcit and Sojth tit. li the true middle link In that tranicontlncntu pjitcm which InTltcs ami factlltatea trarul and trafdc between the Atlantic and I'aclflc. The Rock Iiland main line and bianchei Include Ctl cafO.Jollet , Ottawa , La hallo , Feorla , Qenrfno , llollne end Ilock Iiland , In Illlnolii Pivcnport , tluicatlne \YalhlDEton , ralrfleld , Ottumira , OtValooia , Weil LIU- erly.Iow cltjDci > lolnuiIndl nol , WlnUriel , Allan Uc , KnoiTllle , Aodubon , Harlan , ( luthrle Centre and Council Illuffi , In Iowa ; Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. .oiepn Cameroa and Kan * * * Cltj , In Itlsiourlt ! .eav worll and Atcblion , In Kaiiian ; Albert Lea , tllnneapolli and Bt.TatilIn Mlnneiotai Watertown anil Slouz Falli,10 Dakota , and hundred * of Intermediate cltlei and to wni ' . 'The Great Rock Island Route" Onarantcei iperd , comfort , certainty and aafetf. Ill permanent war lidliUovuiihedforIteexcellence. Ite LrUefi are ot itone and Iron. IU track It ot lolk teel.lttrolllJiKitock perfect. Itipanencereqnlpmenl hai all the lafel/appllancei that eiperlence bajpnreJ nifful , and for luinrlout accommodallore li uiuar- paiied. Ill Eipren Tralni conilit of taperler Day Coachei , elegant I'ullman falaca Parlor and Sleeplag Can , luperb Vlnlaf Can , prorldlnj dellcloni meili and ( between Chlcaco and St. Joieph , Atcblion ant Kaniai Cltj ) reitful Recllnlnr Cbalr Can. It * maa gement U couerratlTe , IU dltelpUa * eiaotlng "The Famous Albert Lea Rome" Between Chicago and MInncapolli and St. Pa. ' U the farorite. Oyer thli tin * Solid rait Kipreie Tralai run dally to ftUraetlre reiorte for tourlita In Iowa and Ulcnuota , and , Tla. Watertown and Sloni Falli , to the rich wheat and graclnc Undt of Interior Dakota. Tla leneca and Xankakee , the Ilock Iiland olfen tcperior Inducemintt to traretcni between Cincinnati , Indian acolli. LafayetU and Council Blnffi. Et. Joiepb , Atcbl on , L Tenworth. Kaniae City. Bt. Paul , and Interme diate pelnti. All patroni ( eipeclallr ladlei and cbll dren ) receive protection , courUij and kindly attention For tlckete , mape , f olden , cople * of VTeitern Trail , or any deilred Information , apply to principal otlcei In tt * Vailed BUlei aid Canada , or addreu , at Cklcago R. I. CAIlt , I. ST. JIM , | . A. HIUIOII - ' - ' 0 _ . . Agrloylttjral Irnplomonts. CHURCHILL PARKER , lealer in Aericnlteral Implements , W agons , CrrUgtt od lln i v Jorfo Ptrcel. llclwccn h nj 10th , Omtlm , Nfbr ki . LlNINOER & METCALF CCC Agricultural Implements , Wapns.Carriages . Bugglci , Etc. Wbntf ! , Om h , " ' PA"RUN.6nENDORF & MARTIN . . Whol lf Dvftltra In Agncnltnrallniplemenis.Waps . & Bnggies Wl , Ml , W6 ami nn , Jones 8lr cl , P. . Manufacturers of Bnckoye Drills. Seeders , CullUttora. H y IUke . C1ilr Mllln and l.Hh n Pal' Ttrlifra. Cor. 14tii nud Nicholas flrctls. WINb'NA'lMPLEMENTTco Wholent * Agricultural Implements , ! agons &BUEJCS Corner tub unit NMchoUi Ktrrtli. " Artlts' , * A.HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 151.1 Hondas Btrccl , Omaha , Nebraika. Boots and Shoes. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jolite of Boots and Shoes. (11 Kurnam St.Omnlm , Neh. .Manufactory , Rammer Hlreel , notion. KIRKENDALL. JONES A CO. , ( PucccMors io Herd , Jonci A ( \ < . ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Accnta ( or llotton llnbhcr Shoe ( -o. llfU. 1104 A11M lUmej HI. , Omaha , Nrhraiik. Coffees , Spices , Eto. CLARKE COPFEE CO. , Om h Coffee nnd Ppleo Mill ! . Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , Crockery and Classwaro. W. L. WRIGHT. Agcnl for the Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery. Glassware. Lamps , Chimneys. Ktc. Office. 317 8.13th fit. , Omaha , Nebranka. ' Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY. Commission and Ming. BnlterlC c nnd lrodure. Con liinmcrit noUrltrd. lleiuluuarlcr * for Stoneware , Herri llnxM nnd Orope HaJkHs. KM Dodxe St. , Oiuitha. RIDDELL & RIDDEUC Storage and Commission Merchants. BpeclnlUen Butter , KKK'I ( 'liproc , I'oiiltrj , Game. OjstsriKtc. . , KUIl2 South Itth stref I. WIEDEMAN Si CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. I'oullry , llutter , Uamc. Kriillt. Ktc. KO South llth SI. , Oinnlia , Nvbrankn. CEO. SCHROEDER & , CO. . ( buccwon to McSliHne A Suhrooilcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , ( inmlui , Nehrmaa. ConlJ3oko andJLImo. " " " " DM AH"A"COAL , "COKE & "LTME co. . Jotte of Hard and Soft Coal. 2TO youth l.lth Mroi't , Onmha , Ncbrn'ka. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And hltipcr of Coal , Coke , Oinent , I'la'tcr , Lime , Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe. OHIce , rnxton Hotel , Knrrmm St. , Omaha , Neh. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke. 211 South 11th ft. , Omaha , Nob. , Dry Co d8jindJMotlojT8. SMITH Si CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1102 nnd HIMDouglas , Cor. llth HI. , Omaha , Nob. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importersand Johbers in Dry Goofls.Mons . 'urnliihlnKfiOods.CortierlUb nnd llarncy Sli. , Omaha , Nebraika. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Karnam Btrret , Omalia , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors , Ktc. 1301,1W and 1210 Karnatu Street , Omaha. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 7M > , 707 , TOU nnd 711 H. lOtb St. , Omaba , Neb. McqpRD. BRADY & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , llth and Leatenworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 1119,1M1 and 1223 Harnej Street , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and 1I1H llarney Street , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE. FRIED & CO. . Johhcrs of Hardware and Nails. TinwareHhPft IronKtc. Agenll for Howe Kca1ei.and Miami Powder Co. , Omaha , Neb. HIMEBAUQH & TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scalei. IMft Douilaa-it. Omaha , Nebraska. RECTOR & WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. 10th and Ilarney St , Omaha , ; N b. Western ABC nt lor Austin Powdei Co. , Jearrmm Stuel Nullh , talr * banks Standard Scale * . Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel. BprlncsVagon Hlock , llanlwaru Lumber , etc. andlSll llarney Hlreet , OniHha. EDNEY 4 GIBBON. Wholesale Iron and Steel. Wapnn ami Carilaitn Wood Stock , Hearr Itardwar I''l ? and ni'J lA-aTenworlli m. , Omahu , Neb. Hats , Caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE i CO. . Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods. 1107 Hamer Ktr t , Omaha. Neb. Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER It CO. , Importers & Jobbers of FineWines &Liprs Kast India miters and Ikjmeitlc M'juors. ill ] IlnniBy Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All kinds of Bnilfling Material at Wholcsals IHIi Street and Union pacific Track , Om lm. LOUIS BRADFORD. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , DooraCIO. Yardt Corner Ilh and Uouglai ; Kotaer'M tnd Uouglai. C. N. DEITZ , Dealer In all Kinds of Lumber , lh and California Sti. , Omaha , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner tthaxidlXmilnBti. . Omaha. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. . To Dealers Only , omce , 1 H r TDa BU l , Omaha , . - Dealer In Hirdwoei Limber,7 , * Wood CarpMn and Parquet Vloorinf. Wk ai4 DoatlM BlrreU. Om a . * JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. ' Wholesale Lumber , Etc , ' Imported n < 1 American Portland Cnnl. BtaU _ , for Milwaukee llrdraullo reveal tut gulnej Millinery and Notion . * * rf WVA - * * * * * - * ' - VwV V rt * " ' * * ? * I. OBERFELDER A CO. , Importers & Joboers of Millinery & MIDI K , no and til Sooth llth Itrttt. Notion * , J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions ani Fnrnishioi Qioil _ M3 and 4t South IPlh 8lr l.Oma . VI NYARD & SCHNEIDER , T Motions and Gent's ' FiimisninE Gwii 1106 Harnty Slr * l. Omaha. ua. _ _ "f ANK i LNsftf CO. , Wholesale Refined and LnbricatiiuOils , Lilt Ur a , tic. . Omaha. A. U. BUho . Papar. CARPENTER PA > ER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , . tarry a Die * stock of printing , wrapplnf aa4 wflUM yap r. Special atuntloa lt n to car laa < l rd ri. [ PrintorB' Materials. . , WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. 1 Aniiliary Pnblisners , Dtalfn InlTpi. prtMra aad nrtnUr * ' lupillM. Hft _ foulh mh ytretl. Omaha. _ _ _ R u njaerjBopd s . ' OMAHA RUBBER CO. , | Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Good * Oil Clothing and leather lloltlnc. 1008 CarnamBtNUi Steam FUtlnge , Pumps , Eto. L A. L.'STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , ' bleam , wat < > r. railway and utlnlni tuppllei , tic. % ga nlVMV rn > iiiSlr el.Om h . [ CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pnraps , Pipe , Fittings , ' Blrtm .ml Walrr Kiipplli" . KoulqukMcrt tor Uuk Fuotl A Cu'i ( ooili. 1111 Knrnnu SI. , Ointh * . J U.S. WIND ENGINE ft PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , HalllcUy Wind Mlll . DIB unit KO K rn ra 81. , U. F. ! ( < > , Actlnit Mnniticr. BROWNELL & CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machine W. : bhrct Iron Work , Steam rumps , Haw Mllli. 1J13- lunvt'iiwnrtb Slrcel , Croatia. 3 Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , Wnolesale Farm , Field and Garden Seedl Oil and 'M Jones SI. , Om ti [ Storage , Forwarding A ComrnlBBlor ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , , Ilninch hutue of the lleoner BuigT Co. Bntl | * k wholcule and retail. 1JW.UIO soil 1312 Uard Hired , ' Omaha. Ttltpbone No. 7U ) . ' Toaa and dlgara. J WM. A. WILSON & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Oil Spices and Dalny linking Powder , 1116 and 1418 llara nej blreel , Omaha , , Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Ail Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice Job 11 Kpulicttr , Proprietor. KO Dodia and 1U3 and 10 Njrth IlHh Blretl. Om h . ; jmoke Stacks , Boilers , Eto. H. K. SAWYER , Mannfacturins Dealer in Smoke Stacks' BrllcIiliiKi.TiinkianddeDeralDnlUr Repairing. Mil ] Uodge Slrtel , Omth. , Ntb. ] Iron Worka. / PAXTON 4 VIERLINO. ] Wronght and Cast Iron Building Worlr1 Enclnc . Hr i work , iieneral fouudrr. mnchln * mil blaukirullh work , ( mice Mid worki , U. 1 * . UT. aud 17th Strctt , Om ln. OMAHA WIRE& IRON WORKS. Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing ) Ic k ritlli , window iin rd , floweralandiwire lgni etc. , 123 North ICtli Kt. , Oiuaba. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes VHiilti , Jill work. Iron and wlra fentlnK. ilvnii , etc. O } Anilretn , I-rop'r. Cor. llth nd Jackion U. MEAGHER & SPROAT , , Of ntrnl Agunts for Dlebold tfuto k Ix > ck Co.'i I Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTime , Locks. ! Vaults and Jail Work , U15 Karnam street , Onmha.n CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO * Mannfacturers of Overalls , t Jeani Tanla , Slilrts , Ktc. 1103 and 1104 DoUKlusIteeV ( Omaha , Neb. f Sash , Deere , Eto. M. A. DISBROW & CO. . Wholesale Manufaclurera of ' Sasn , Doors , Blinds and Moaldings , I Branch OBIce , Uth and Iiartl Htrccti , Oraalia , Nub BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds , Moulding , Htalr Work and Inlerlor llurd Wood MM lih. K. E. Comer Bih ant ) I < eur ufforlh Utreoln. Omaha , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Mannfacturers of Monldings , Sash , And llllndi. Turning , Stair-work. Dank and Odlci Kltllngn. Still and I'upplclon Avenue. \ Brewers. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , i 1M1 North KlghtHcnlb Btreet , Omahu , Neb. PALMER , RICHMAN Si CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , ] Offlce-lloom 24 , OppoHUo Kichange llulldlnn , Unlo * hli > ck Yardi , Mouth Onmha , Ncli. McCOY BROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Markft furnlited free on appllcutlon , Slutkere aualf fecdcra furnliheil on goocl torniH. llcrcrfncen : OaieJ lia National Hank and Soutb Omaba Nallonul , Ulilorf Htock Varrti , bonth OrimhB , JTORIMER , WESTERFIELD & MALEV Live Stock Commission , lloom IS , Bicbaiiiio Dulldlng , Union Stock Vard % yuutli Onulm , .Scli , HORN .t SHARPE ! * Commission Dealers in Live Stock , / lloom 21 , Kiehangr HulMIng , Union htnck Vdi. flk Omeha. Ilererriuui Union Nat'l Hunk , OmMiaJ Unldii itork Vnnl * Hank H. ( Muulia , K. U. Ituwluy1 I'rei. Am. Hank & TruH Co. , Oinohu. ALEXANDER S FITCH. Commission Dealers in Live Stoclf , Iluom J5 , oppotlto UictuniKp llulldlug , 1'iiluii S-locJf Yanlii , r > oulli uraitlia , Ncu. UN ION"STOCK" YARDS co7 , ' " * Of Omaha , Limitcil , John f. Uo/d , Siipcrlutendent. /