Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1887, Image 1

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A Chicago Millionaire Ruthlessly
Shot Down at a Church Door.
\Vllllnm Ijrc Puts Five Rulleln Into
the Hod y of Hanker Ruwson to
Avenge the * Dishonor of
Ills Mother.
Scandal and Iltoodslicd.
UMICUIO , Oct 10 In u throng of people ut
the church door of one of thu most fushlonu-
blo congregations in Chicago , u grnj'-hnlicd
millionaire bunk president was remorselessly
shot down to day by his stepson to nvcngo or
shield u woman charged with continued
udultcry. The woman was no less a person
than Mrs Mccklo linw son , w ife of the bunker
shot , and the mother of the assailant. The
banker Is Stephen W. Uawson , piesident of
the Union TniHt company of Chicago. Will
lum Lee , aged seventeen , Is his stepson.
Bunker Haw son , with five bullets in his
body and in an apparently dj ing condition ,
was hastily pli kcd off the blood sputtered
curb , bundled into ono of u MOIC of car
riages that had been waiting for the wealthy
worshippcis and taken home.
Young Lcc , with his empty and still smok
ing revolver in his hand , was us huiricdlj'
thrown Into u pntiol wagon.
All around on the streets and sidewalk1
gutted the horror-stricken attendants of the
live gi cat churches in the vicinity just pour
ing out. Young Lee had been seen for a half
hour pluvious pacing the stone
sidewalk on Ashland avenue , near Madison
fronting the Third Piesbytcrlan church
This is the church of which Dr. Wltlnow ,
rccentlj' from Boston , ia pastor , nnl vvhicli
became widely known us the charge of Dr ,
Kittiidgc , now located in Now .York. Of
this church Bunker Raw son had long been a
leading light , and was still mi honored mem
ber notwithstanding bo hud been charged by
his wife with j > crjurj' and other offenses
enough to make him , if true , u veritable
whitcd scpulchic. Ho , on the other hand ,
alleges that she , although prominent in soci
ety and a beautiful woman In appeal anco ,
was i cully a dlsieputublc , blasphemous ,
devilish-tcmpeied udventuiess who coveted
only his money. For a j ear or moi e the two
have been lighting each other in the divoicc
courts and within a week the banker has
filed against her additional chaiges of adul
tery. Little attention was paid to joung
Leo as bo walked backward and foi waul. Ho
was lost in the ciowd when the congregation
began to como out. Mi. Haw son was about
to step to his can iago when there came the
sharp ciuck of a revolver , followed bj' a
deep gioan. An earthquake could
scarcclj * have .produced moio confusion
at the moment. Among the throngs of gen
tlemen , ladies and ehildicn and long tiers of
carriages and i ouchinen that lined the side-
walklnevcij' direction , Leo was seen to
steady his pistol with his left hand while
with his right ho again and again pulled the
With the stilled cry "I'm killed 1" the aged
millionaire fell prostrate ou the stone flags
upturnlnghis agonized white face ut the cold ,
set countenance of his step son.
Not till the lust of the five chambcis had
been emptied into the old man's bodj' did Lee
seem to breathe. The crowd seemed
rooted to the stones in horror
ror , helpless , till u policeman
came running to the scene. Then began u
wild clamor mid Lee , turning to the ofllcer ,
bonisclj wlnspeied , "Take mu to the jail ,
quick. "
When the dj-ing banker reached his homo
nix phjsieiuns had been called. They probed
for the bullets , and found all had lodged In
bis legs or arms save ono that hud entcicd
near the small of tno back and ns ncuily as
could bo Judged , had plunged through his
abdomen. If his life was saved it would belittle
little short of n miracle.
A lepoiter called on Mis Haw son , who
lived atjtho Continental hotel , mid informed
her of the tragedy. She told the lepoiter
bhu was glad of it , that Kawson deserved it.
"What was it done forl" she said , "because
Kawsoii bus made me out 011 the stiects to be
a public pi ostituto. I will stand by the boy.
Hu did no mote than any boj- would do. Ho
is the son of his mother. "
Then she began to pace to and ho over thu
heavily cm peted floor.
"I intended to do It myself. " shoexelaimod ,
suddenly stopping in the middle of the room
'Did jour son know of vour intention ! "
She said sharply , "I do not know. Ho
might have known it. He suiely knew ho
deserved it. "
Then she inquiicd for more details vvheie
Kawson w us shot , ete.
' 'I am glad of it , " she exclaimed. "In front
of the church it was just the place. Tlio
old hypocritol In front of the church , pah "
Again she asked about the details. "Did
nil the shots hit him ! "
"Yes , I believe they did. "
"I am glad of it. Hodeseived nil ho got. "
At this junctuio Mis. Haw son's lawjer
arrived mid the lepoiter was promptly ex
When joung Leo was seen nt the police
elation he said the act was wholly his own
and that the mother knew ubsolutclj- noth
ing about it , ,
"You know well whet has been in the pal -
l > crs , " snid ho. "Hawson tiled to piovo my
mother mi udulVei ess and an adventuress.
Now ho wanted to make out my sister u
bustard , und thut is nil I will suy. "
The career of Mrs. Itawson is in mnnyie-
spects remarkable. She has been mariicd
several times , oneo divorced , nnd as a do-
pal tinont clot k in Washington is mulct stood
to have been conccinedin somu sensational
incidents. It was us the possessor of consid
erable real citato in Chicago that she first
bceumo acquainted with Haw sou and their
inairiago soon followed. That was about live
or six jems ago. Whatever the cause of their
disputes , the matter finally went to the
courts , and on September 2U , 1SSO , Mrs. Uaw-
son's bill for legal separation was filed. Thu
case has been a veiy unsaioty one and has
dragged at length in the courts since thu
tiling. ,
At 4 o'clock this afternoon Mr. Hawson had
an attorney called in and made his will. At
midnight the wounded man's condition wa
unchanged , but there is very little hope oi
hid recoveij- . General I. N , Stiles , who bus
been acting us Mi s. Kawson's uttoi ney in the
divorce cnse , says ho is not prcpuied to state
as jet whether ho will defend joung Leo.
Ho suj s , however , ho will stand bj Mrs ,
1 JAW son , us ho believes her to have bcei :
grossly ubused nnd wronged.
CitlzciiH Km QUO , Ijjnch Another mill
Ca | iMPo Five.
r , V tSTOVi w > Vn ' Qit1C ; ruiiy M
cl , i sturted out j esterday Coining uftei
thtj robbers who murdeied Mr. K M. ncai
Wultou , Koan countj- , lust Thursday niRiit
The officers and citizens inn Into the robbeis
thirteen in number , last night atGeoig <
DufTs residence eight miles from Slsbonville
this county , mid were warned to keep off b ;
the robbers w ho had tnkon refuge in tin
house , fitted port holes and mode other ut
rungcments for protection. The muiderer
were fired upon nnd Geoi go Duff , jr. , killed
Juke Coon w as captured and Ij nched. Fi v
of the officers nnd citizens In thu battle wcr
wounded. The infoimution received is ver ,
meagre. There are nbout twenty robbers ii
the gang vvho huvo been cuirj'lng on nt
high rate. M. Duff , George Diako am
Frank Shambling mo prisoners nnd await tli
plcusuio of thu vigllunco committee fo
further disposal. It is believed u full con
fcBslon will bo made and tlio whole gun
German'H Future Emperor HrcukH
His NUIPP'H Apron String *
[ roju/i / / VifSSTIiy / Jtimrx t Ionia
LONDON , Oct. 10 [ New York Herald
Cubic Si cl il to the HUE. ] In court circles
there Is nothing more lmi > ortnnt than n rebel
lion on the part of the futuio emperor. This
joungster has now , ho thinks , reached n
period when n boy Is displaced 1 > y being tied
to n nurse's apion strings. Appeals to bis
father mid grandfather were fruitless , so n
petition w us fiually drawn up to the highest
authority the German empltc. Old Emperor
William lead the petition , so the story goes ,
and was so well pleased with the boj's
spirit that ho issued n formal order banish-
liiiJ the nurses , at the same time detailing a
soldier to attend his great grandson. When
tlio joungster goes out walking , Berlin Is in
clined to think the small boy , though scarcely
out of dress , is fully capable of keeping his
Ixxlj' guuid In older , pet haps even at times
opptesslvclj' in subjection.
Another American girl will soon cnrij' off
a title. Miss Luekmuvcr , of Kuttcr , Luck-
majer & Co , the New York silk importers ,
will November 14 bo married in the English
i Impel at Berlin to Count Joliann von Berns-
dorf , son of n foimer German cmbassador to
London. The gloom's family is distin
guished both in court circles und for philan
thropy. One brother is a very influential
worker In thu Young Men's Christian asso
ciation , and another isanoiango grower In
Florida. The hi ido and groom have both
lived In London nnd Purls almost as much
as at home. To-morrow the bans nro to be
given out for the lust time in the English
chapel , us the bride chooses to bo married in
Berlin , owing to the groom's army duties ,
which make Pails impossible and London
and New Yoik inconvenient.
The ocean is coveicd with German singers
bound for America. Nlemann with tioupo
sailed Wednesday , nnd still other minor
actors and singers sail to duy. It is
cm ions that a reaction has already begun at
the conceit house. The music by the Balti
more composei , Osgar Hammerick , was .well
icceived this week. An Ameiican violinist
is giving successful co1 ccits In Berlin , and
I hear of a joung Aincucun singer being
tried for the Berlin Hojnl operahouse. . Be-
jondthls there is nothing except perhaps
that a Berlin cab driver this week cole-
biated the fiftieth nnnlveis.irj' of his nssum-
iu the reins. Ho is poor fts well as old , and
subscriptions have been stalled for this relic
of early Berlin.
The Iturlnl OlisequleH of the Author of
"John Halifax , Gentleman. "
[ r < i ] > if7it ( ISffi tin Jiunr * ( Siinlun Hcmicft.l
LONDONOct. . 10 ] New York Herald Cable
Special to the lit * ] I have just returned
from the funeral of Mis Ciaik , best known
as Miss Mulock. Her inoitahty rests m the
coiner angle of Keston chuiih jard and not
far uwaj' from the grave of Daiwin , When
the fumllj' cortege left the prettj- villa , built
of led tile and gothic in stjlo and vine cm-
bow eied , where she had so long lived with
hci husband , a paitner in Macmillan & Co ,
there was btilliant sunshine , but when the
bier , borne upon the shouldeis of six gentle
men friends of the family , enteicd the old-
fashioned church a shower of
rain gently fell , to again be
followed bj-sunshine at the end of the ser
vice which the vic.u pcrfoimcd. The grave
pi esented n picturesque appearance , its sides
mid bottom being in a puio white chalky
soil , looking like u piece of sculpture und
surrounded with exquisite flowers from
wicnths sent bj' order of the queen and from
Loid Tennjson , and other floral designs
sent by i clatioua nnd friends to modest gifts
of w ild Jlovvoi s from Siindnj'school children
and ruial neighbors Theio was a luigo at
tendance some who came to honor them
selves by paj ing icspeits to the memory of
the novelist poetess and essayist mid of the
others in throngs of noighbois who chieflj'
lecognUed in her a good friend and benevo
lent ladj' , whom nil the parish has learned to
love Among the niouineis weio the
brother of MacMillan and the family of John
Morlej' , statesman nnd author ; Holman
Hunt , H A , mid wife ; Sir Gcoigo Giove ,
the gieat musical cntio ; J. Noiman Lockjer ,
the poet ; Hcmy Cram , C B , and fainilj' ;
Fredeuck Greenwood , the journalist , and
Maiy Anderson , who placed upon the
eoftln a basket of exquisite exotics. I must
not foiget Mrs. Crain's adopted daughter ,
whose bans weio only read in church last
Sunday in the picsenco of Mrs. Craik.
During a hedge side w alk j ears ago the
authoi ess hud found u bubo that had been
abandoned. Its innocent smiles and coquet
tish wajs had immediately won the heart of
her future mother. Tlio village choir , as the
cofiln was lowered , sang a hvmn which it
was said Miss Mulock had written , one vciso
of which I give :
Earth to caith and dust to dust ,
Calmlj' now thy wouls wo say ,
Left behind wo wait in tiust ,
For the icsuirection daj' .
Father , in thj' gi aces keeping
Leav o mo now thy sei vant sleeping.
1 leained ns the ilicumstnnccs of her
death that Dr. Phillips , of Hiomlej' , u village
adjacent to Shoitlnnds , where she lived , had
been in attendance upon Mrs Cuiik for some
time , although her health had not been so
bad as to occasion her friends sciious
nlaim , but theio is leason to
believe she hciself suspected .in
effeetion of the heart. About a quaitcr
to 5 on Wedncsdaj' aftei noon last she was
tiiUen suddenly ill in her bed room nnd fell
down to die in a few minutes The vicar , in
a brief address , seems to have well summed
up Mrs Ciaik's mental characteristics when
ho said that "To exquisite chuitn of stjle , in
genuity of plot mid original power of humor
nnd pathos she added a keen insight into the
walkings of tlio human heait and n quick
conception of the high ideas of life and des
tiny. "
A Row With Anarc'hlKtH.
[ Copi/ifflM 1SS7 I > V James flonlun llcnnett. ]
PARIS , Oct. 17. 2.15 u. m. [ New YotJ
Heiald Cable Special to the Ben. ] A livclj
little scummaigo faho occuned in Bellcvilk
qumterus an anarchist meeting thut Inu
been harangued bj- Louise Michel was goinj
homo two sergeants de Villes were slightlj
wounded by kicks in tlio stomach. Thret
arrests were made and Louise Michel lan of
unpiccelved. Two or three faint cues o
"Vivo Bouluuger 1" w ere heard and the oulj
siM'lllcunco of this bogmro is its evldenco o
% s waning | > opulai ity.
McDonald to Ief ud the Mormons.
SVLTLVKK , Utah , Oct. 15 [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Ex Senator _ J. E. Me
Donald , of Indiana , an ivcd hero lust nlcli
ono day behind Judge James O. Brodhead
ofMIssouii. These distinguished lawjer
hove been retained , bj'tho Mounon churel
to defend the suits Instituted by the govern
mcnt for the devolution of the Church un <
Immigration association , and the winding u ;
oftlw nffuits of these corporations. Th
first hearing 1n court will occur Monday
when u iccclver for the ehuich property is ti
bo appointed. .It is evident thnt the Moi
moiis are-going to make a legal UgUt.
Powdorly Denies That Ho Ever Pre
pared His Resignation.
the Membership of the Ex
ecutive Hoard From FUc to
Seven the Cause or All
the Trouble.
A Red-Hot Row.
MivxnroM , Oct. 10 [ Special Telegram
to the BFI : . ] A publication npiwarcd .yester
day of a well-defined rumor that Master
Workman Powderly , feeling disgusted nnd
discouraged over the discord among the mem
bers of the executive board , had written his
resignation. Mr. Powderly denies thnt ho
prepared anj * such document. However , his
denial docs not change the face of the re
turns. He simply sajs thut ho did not tell
un j bed j'thut ho wioto it. It is believed
among the best infoimcd delegates that Mr.
Powderly , while ho might not have written
his resignation , was torribl.v worked up over
the state which things hud nssuincd. The
row which followed a peiiod of
unexpected harmony really opened
Fiiday evening. It was started
by the introduction bj' the luvv committee of
un apparently harmless resolution , providing
that hereafter the executive board shall con
sist of live members , Including the master
workman , who wants the appointing power.
The present membership of the board is
seven. There are two factions on the bourd.
Bariy and Balleythc minorltj' , ore in opposi
tion to tbo udministiation of the older us run
by Mr. Pow dei ly. This element of trouble
dates buck from the Chicago stock jards
strike. It might bo called u radical minority
nnd u conservative mnjoiity. It is now re
ported that Mr. Powdcily bus decided to push
the fight against the minority nnd have , if
possible , a harmonious executive boaid. This
resolution was not enough for the anti-Paw-
derly faction. Mr. Bariy and some others of
his kind undcitook to denounce the resolu
tion as ono which plainly had for its real ob
ject the removal of Bairy mid Bnlley from
the board. The denounce the proceeding ns a
cowardly conspiiacv on the part of Powderly
und his imm > hate followers to get rid of men
whom thc'j' pel sonally disliked. Mr Burry
said thut ho hud beard that Delegate A. M.
Dowcj' , of Detroit , had said thut there were
two men on the executive board who would
have to go. Mr. Bany demanded that Mr.
Dew ey come before the convention and ex
plain if ho said so , and if he did , his reason.
Mr. Dewej' frankly admitted that h * had
made such a retnaik and said that it would
bo for the gi cat good of the older if Barry
and ' icmoved. The
Bailej'weio press com
mittee had nothing to give the rcporteis last
night. Tliei e had been a circus Just the same
mid the liveliest kind of a one. The feeling
between the two has not been stiricd to such
u pitch. It was piobably the most exciting
session in thu bistorj- the order. Many of
the delegates spent two or thice dajs in
Chicago on their way to this citj- . The plans
for tbo picscnt battle weie then mapped out
Yesterday , in secret session , Mr. Barry
with much feeling , arose and made a speech
which occupied about two boms'timo Ho
made charges right und left. The principal
object of his wrath was Secictaiy Hayes , of
the executive board. Ho charged Huj'es ns
having gene through New Jersey making
speeches und culling him ( Bariy ) un anarch
ist. Huj cs got up mid said thut ho hud said
it once , und now repeated it. Mr. Barry snid
thnt no man could say it outside. Barry
charged thnt the female emploj es of the gen
eral office at Philadelphia were known to
huvo been pioposcd for membership in the
order , balloted upon , admitted nnd initiated
in ono night , contrui j' to the law. Ho also
claimed thut a strike among tlio cmploj cs in
the geneial office wns only prevented bj' him
self nnd Mi. Bailey. The intended stukc ,
Mr. Barry said , w as on account of Mr. Litch-
mun's dictatorial manner. Mr. Barry pre
sented a lengthy affidavit from the female
emploj cs to the effect that ceitain members
of the boaid combined to get up n conspiracy
to down him.
Mr. Hajes admitted that Mr. Powderly
and himself had como near tcslgning ,
ifthoj'did the older would have gone to
Messis Litchmnn and Ajlcsworth weio
the principal other speakei s The talking
seems to have been done principally by the
unti administration men. Amid wild calls
for n vote the discussion was adjourned until
next Monday moi ning.
Last night the "unlis" held n secret meet
ing. Theio was quite a largo attendance.
It was the sentiment of the delegates picscnt
that if the convention on Monday saw fit to
pass the resolution reducing the cxecutiv o
bourd to five members thejw ould secede
from the order mid cull u nntlonal conven
tion. After tbo meeting there were earnest
discussions in the hotel eomdors and nt
secluded points on the streets. Notwith
standing this demolish ation on the part of
the "antis , " the Powdeily men chum that the
administration will bo sustained by a vote of
three to ono.
The Discontent Grow Inp.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10 It is alleged that the ac
tion of the general assembly of the Knights
of Labor at Minneapolis in sustaining
Powderly in his action declaring tbo great
stock jurds strike off and ordering the
strikers to return to work has given con
siderable impetus to the movement in Dis-
ti let Assembly No. 57 , which includes in its
membei ship all the stock jaid emploj es , to
go out of the knights altogether and reorgan-
i/o as a central union of labor oiganizations.
A leading member of the Bairelmakcrs' as
sembly of the Knights of Labor expresses
the opinion that the bairclmakcis would
secede from the Knights of Labor in the
veij1 near futuio and become an independent
Must Learn to Speak United States.
SIIVMOMV , Pa , Oct. 1C. The Union Coal
company 1ms issued oulcrs to its mine fore
men to remove all persons working in their
mines who mo unable to speak and under
stand thu English langungc. Through tnc
Inability of tlio men undcistnnding English
ordeismu frequently misunderstood , cuus-
ing serious accidents and endangering the
lives of all. Hungauuns and Poles will
suffer the most.
O. II. Smith Paralyzed in Two RouiuU
Ry the "Ithaca Giant. "
ASIIMM > , Wis , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the UFE. ] A piizo fight took plnc <
ut the Ashland theater last night betweet
MikoConlej- this citj- , known ns th <
"Itliuca Giant. " nnd O H. Smith , the heavy
weight champion of Nebraska , resulting ii
the defeat of the Omaha man. About fivi
hundred people witnessed tbo fight. Tin
conditions of tbo fight weio that Conloy waite
to knock Smith out in six lounds. Smith wai
knocked out in two louuds. Time five uiin
Mitchell Kiifjatjed.
Oct. 10 [ Special Tclegran
to the Bin ] . Among the lumored engage
mcnts of the present season is that of Mis
Muttio Mitchell , daughter of the Oregoi
senator , to Mr. Taj lor , u wealthy Chicagoai
who has been attentive to her for sovera
jears past , und who , if that same rumor is ti
bo eiedited , is now in Europe , having foi
lowed her abroad in the early summei.
Steamship Arrivals.
NLW YOIIK , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram ti
the BEEi ] Arrived The Lessing , fror
Hamburg ; the Auranla , from Liverpool ; th
Circassia , from Glasgow.
Lo.suov , Oct. 10 The Servia , from Nov
York for Liverpool , passed Fastnct to-day.
They Pass a Quiet. Day of Hcut at
NASHVIUD , Tctin. , Oct. 10. The president
and Mrs. Cleveland passed a vcrj0 quiet day ,
going out In the morning for a stioll over the
great Deer paik and the famous Belle Mcudo
breeding farm.
After lunch Prcsldcn and Mrs , Clev eland ,
escorted by General Jackson , drove into
Nashville to pay their respects to Mrs. Polk.
The affair was made us informal as
possible , It was designed merely as an inter
change of courtesies between the lady of tlio
white house of forty j-cars ago nnd the lady
of to-daj' . ' " The Polk mansion was sur
rounded bjf u gi eat throng of peoplo. The
visltois were received nt the Church sttreet
entrance , Governor Taj lor offering his aim
to the president and Mrs. Cleveland taking
that of Mr. George W. Fall. Governor Tay
lor made the presentation of the president to
Mis Polk. The latter extended her hand
and said : "Mr. President , I nm indeed de
lighted to meet jou. "
"Audi to meet jou , Mrs Polk , " replied
the president. " 1 have looked forwmd to
this visit with most pleasant anticipations"
Mrs. Cleveland was presented , mid tlio two
ladles conversed cordially for n few minutes
The other gentlemen were then presented
to the president nnd Mrs. Cleveland , after
which the eonvcisutlon became general , the
president devoting himself almost constantly
during the brief remainder of
his stay to Mrs. Polk. Their
conversation turned principally upon
the white house and Washington. The
lady was an Interested questioner and the
president u willing informant. Mrs. Cleve
land was the object of marked attention
from all the trcntlemcn present. Mrs. Polk
presented Mrs. Cleveland a boquct of
marcchalncil roses in the name of her grand
niece , Miss Sadie Fall , who sailed jcsterduy
from LiveriTOol lor America. She
then invited the partj' to refresh
ments , nt which each guest was served
with u glass of sherry soventjMlvo j cars old.
The guests , afrer visiting the tomb of Presi
dent Polk , returned to Belle Meado.
Mrs. Vims is quite exhausted bj' the fa
tigues and excitement of the journey from
Madison nnd has been confined to her room
neurlj' all day. It Is reported to night us
doubtful whether she will bo able to proceed
to moi row.
A Rebel Canard.
NAsnvn.T.r , Tenn. , Oct. 10 Somebody
started the canard this evening that u rebel
fiag was floating in the breeze at one of the
pi incipal corners in the city. An investiga
tion was immedlatelj' made , but no founda
tion could bo gathered.
What a Member of the Dominion Cabi
net Ha to Say.
OTTAWA , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
the Bci : J Through one of its niembcts ,
Hon. J. A. Chaplcau , secretary of state , the
govcinment has nt lost defined its position in
regard to the agitation now going on in con
nection with the commercial union move
ment. In the course of his remarks at u pub-
lie banquet tendered him , at Montreal on his
return from Fiance , Mr. Chaplcau , on be
half of the government , said : "Commei clal
union is an idea which can never prevail in
Canada. It is impossible hi its present pi o-
niiit me state. It started in the biain of a
gentleman who , having made a largo fortune
in the states , has now sought notoriety as the
futlie" of the movement. It could not suc
ceed , bccuuso it would destroy our Canadian
industries and our Canadian nationality. It
hold out delusive hopes 4o tlio agricultutulist ,
and while I believe &o Canadians do not
deslro it , I feel satisfleiUthat the Americans
will not have it. " No doubt among the
Amcilcan people there were these who
looked with longing ej-es on the Dominion ,
but he could say that the best minds of the
United States were not rabid for annexation.
There was nobody in the United States who
would embrace the idea of commercial union
unless they thought it meant political union
as well. Such n political union would wipe
out foi ever all the hopes and aspirations of
the people for u Canadian iiationulity and
would depnvo thorn of all the blessings they
now cnjoj' . There was no political party in
the Dominion , ho believed , unpatriotic
enough to take up the question of commercial
union. There were , however , a largo num
ber of people ou both sides of the interna
tional boundary line who wished to see
recipiocal trade relations established between
the two countries' regards national piod-
ucts Mr. Chapleau is the fiist member of
the Dominion cabinet who has sjwken in pub-
lie on the question of coinmci cial union , and
in doing so ho has reflected the sentiments of
the whole cabinet. While the liberal press
of the Dominion nro supporting the move
ment , the leaders of the liberal paitj' in pai-
Iminent have us j'ct been very non committal ,
refusing to define their policy nt piescnt , butte
to wait for fuither developments.
A Crooked Omaha Merchant Cap
tured In Chicago.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. [ Special Telcgiam to
the BEP. ] The Chicago Times sajs : Louis
P. Bergoff , who established himself in
Omaha recently , and opened a store theie ,
gladdened the heart of every ( hummer that
came his waj' by giving orders without stint.
So package after package of goods an ived ut
his store , and trade ought to have been good ;
for , in spite of the fact that over fOO.OOO
worth of invoices were acknowledged in ono
month , when Mr. Bergoft took "a business
trip" nt the end of it , there was not $500
worth of remnants on the shelves In fact ,
tiado was good , but it was all at Centcrville ,
Duk. , to which i place Mr. Beigoft
shipped his goods as , fast ns received in
Omaha , and us they cost him nothing , buj--
ingou "veiy shoit time , " ho was willing to
sell them to any cash customer who would
pay u fair advance ovpr the railway charges.
So Mr. Bergoff made n verj- fair thing of it
and ever since his departure fiom Omaha his
confiding eastern creditors have been anx
iously looking for him. Lust Monday the
Pinkerton ngenej' gathered him in in Chicago
cage , Just as he was landing from a Michigan
Cential train , and last evening an Omaha
detcctlv o took him in charge and put him
ubouid the west-bound train.
The Retiring Hen Question.
[ Copj/rfy/it / lSS7lty Jiimrn Ganlon nennett , }
LOXDOV , Oct. 10. [ New York Herald
cable Special to THE Hrr. ] To daj's Ob
server , tlio editor of which Mr. Dickey is
close to the confidence of the ministers , thus
states what is i eally the government views
of the Alaska question that Is coming up
with much diplomatic im | > ortancc. Mr. See
rctaij'Baj'ard may say that the Bcluing set
question has no connection with the cami
flbhenes dispute but lie will find it different
to pcrsuado : my reasonable being that it has
not. For two pears pu t indeed at intei voh
n for the last fiftj'j ears the Atrfbrieuns huvi
o been working themselves into u bellicose hu
o mor because the British Noith Ameiican pie
s vinces claim Jurisdiction * over ceitnm baj-s
s which are wider than six miles at the mouth
Yet now wo find that they thcmselvei
claim jurisdiction over wateis in tin
north Pacific more o.tonsivo than the gul
of St. Lawrence , the-North RCU und the Bal
tic all put together. Tlio state department n
Washington has pointed out that the Brills ]
government bug never raised the question o
the right of the United Stutes to excrcisi
Jurisdiction over the vvuters of Behring sea
but surely our foreign olllco would have bcci
acting indiscreetly In raising such a questioi
before it was not claimed but equally excr
eiscd. The last republican president , Gen
cral Arthur , suggested in a mesidential mes
sape thnt tbo question of scaling in Bchrini
sea should be dc alt w ith by an intcrnat'ca'i
o commission. This shows that the prescn
exeicUu of n shadowy ilalm to exclusive
jurisdiction Is quite an n.ftci thought on th
part ol the Washington go ejiuueut.
Stocks Feverish and Unsettled
Throughout the Day.
Union t'nclllc Securities Suffer ( he
Jlost Decline An Inerenscil lc-
luutul I'roin linnkN For Gov
ernment Fours.
u. A Feverish Six Dnjs.
Nrw YOIIK , Oct. 10 [ Special Telegram to
tht HUE. ] Tlio week has been a very fever
ish and unsettled ono in the stock market ,
and , taken altogether , thu advantagu has
been with the bears , who exhibited great
boldness mul frequently sold the list with u
freedom that looked llko recklessness. They
made the utmost possible use of the material
that came to their hands in thu shape of
either fact or meio minor. Tlio lailroad
situation at the west favored them ,
as did also for n time the re
ports which piovcd to be unfounded
namely , that Gould was sick and Vlllard
had resigned from the Noithein Pacific
board. The Depew interview , which turned
out to bo exaggerated , was also made a handle
to depress the nmikfctjust when It showed an
improving tendency. Under the piospectlvo
settlement with Heading first series fis , and
the payment of some past duo coupons by the
Jersey Central receivers , and the favorable
traflle statement by the company , there were
some sharp nfllies on the coveiingof shorts ,
but these were , in most instances , quickly
followed by renewed depression. At the
lowest point u majority of the leading shares
showed declines ranging from 2 to 09 points.
Union PacUlc suffered the most mm was fol
lowed by Uuluth , Louisville < fc Nashville
San Francisco pi eferred , New England , the
Grangers , the Vmiderbilts , the Northein Pa-
cifle group and the Gould stocks. Then
business was more in live and thedallv trans
actions got up to 6JO,000 shares , Heading
nguln ilguilng for a very laigo peucntago of
the total sales. The movements In railroad
bonds were not of an important character , in
fact the only approach to activity was in n
few Issues , notably Erie seconds , Northern
Pacific seconds and Texas Pacific. Govern
ments have been Hi in foi the 4s , whiih ad
vanced 1J points. There was on increased
dojuand for these bonds from banks , which
have been availing themselves of the olTer of
the secretary in regmd to enlarged deposits
of government money. This movement has
absorbed the floating supply of the -Is to such
an extent that they became positively scarce.
On the other hand , 4) 8 remained almost
stationary and if tno gov crnnient were to
start In to buy again it would no doubt bo
able to get a considerable quantity of this
issue. Some of the dealers incline to the
belief that this is exactly the position into
which Mr. Fairchild wished to bring the
market , and it Is well known that ho would
rather pmehaso 4) ) s than 4s Foreign ex
changes were strong thioughoiit , with a
steady ndvam e in lutes until the close , when
the posted ligures of the leading bankers
were up to ? 4 bJW4 ( 8JK for sixty dajs and
$4 ! M > @ 4 b < lj for demand. The ictuni of
stocks horn the other sida brought arbitrage
houses into the maiket as iieavy bu.vers and
simultaneously thcio was a fair in
quiry for remittances fiom mer
chants and some demand to cover
maturing settlements and imports of
gold. The supply of cotton bills , which kcuL
gold down to the gold importing point fofT
time after London ceased to buy and actually
sold stocks , pioved insufficient to do this any
longer , when the demand assumed the large
pioportions of the past few dajs. The fact
that the Bank of England diicctors did not
advance the rate of discount on Thuisday
and the inci eased case In money on the open
market at London since then , made long ster
ling relatively cheaper than shoit and caused
very active inquiry for sixty day bills. The
receipts of gold from Kuropo dm ing the week
reached nearly Jr , > 00lK)0 ) , but when the
amount now ou the way comes to hand the
movement will bo over , at least until some
thing Intel venes to depress exchange , the
cuirent lates for which ate consideiably
above the importing point.
Oinalia Palmes Several Cities in Her
Uim aril Mnrch.
HOSTOV , Mass , Oct. 10 [ Special Telo-
giam to the BPF ] The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading cleai ing houses
of the United States shows the gross ex
changes for the week ending October 15,1SS7 ,
with the rates per cent of increase or de
crease as compared with the amounts for the
coiiesponding week in 188(1 ( :
Visiting the Pope.
' . , 1SS7 , buJamt * ( lonbm litnnttt. ' }
HOME , Oct. 10. [ Now Yoik Herali
Cable Special to the BEK , ] The largo bed ;
of French pilgrims , amounting to some 111
teen bundled , who uriived hero Friday las
were received bj' tbo pope to daj' after offei
ing through the jierson of their leader , Comt
Albert do Mun , their congratulations to hi
holiness on his approaching jubilee. The
were addiessed by the pope In a kind !
speech. His holiness dealt with the ii
dustnal question speaking favorably of stut
socialism and insisting that government
should make tbo matcilal intciests of th
woiking class of the population their CUK
At-tho same time ho urged his listeners t
tin n a deaf ear to revolutionary Incitement !
any jieldlng to which could only result 1
bitter deceptions , The pope purposel
avoided making any allusion to the Homa
question so as not to give offense to th
Italian government.
Weather Indications.
For Ncbiaska : Warmcr , fair wcathei
light to fresh variable winds , bccomln
For Iowa : Warmcr , fair weather , light t
fresh , southwesterly winds :
For Dakota : Warmer , fair weather , llgl
to fresh southerly vvluda.
Ilia Views on Annexation Did Not
Suit the Mexican * * .
Nrvv YOIIK , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegiain to
the HLE. | George Washington Gibbons saj s
that Thomas C. Manning , United States min
ister to Mexico , who died nt the Fifth Avenue
hotel last week , came on to this city from his
home in Louisiana , pilnclpalLy to attend aud
address the meeting of the council of the
Amci lean Annexation league. The object of
his visit had been announced to bo to attend
n meeting of the Peabodj' fund trustees.
George Washington Gibbons snjs the league ,
whlcli ho sujs Is a secret association , with a
largo number of ii'c.ubcrs not only
In this country out In Canada and
Mexico , arranged for the meet Ing
when It became known to them that Mr.
Manning's pronounced views on the subject
of annexation weie causing him tioublc. Mr.
Gibbons dcclmcs that the govcinment party
in Mexico hud icported to Washington that
Mr. Manning would no longer bo recognlrcd
ns Amci lea's representative in Mexico on ac
count of bis bids in favor of annexation and
his affiliation with the ihurch puitj' ; that
Minister Manning was Infoimed by our state
dcpaitment that ho must icslgn or be re
moved , mid ho resigned.
Ficuch Canadian Society All Tout Up
Over the Paris Scandal.
MOVTIIK vi. , Oct. 10 [ Speciul Telegram to
the Bui : . ] Quito a flutter of excitement ex
ists among the haute monde in Fiench Can
adian society over the decoiations in France.
Tills is owing to the fact innny Fiench Can
adian statesmen , politician1 * , law vcrs and pio-
fessional men gcnciall.v wear ribbons of the
decorations in question. Senator Sencnl ,
who was buried j'cstcrdaj' , wore the Legion
of Honor , which , it was openly chut god , hud
been bought by him fiom friends of General
Boulunger. A Pmlsiun named Tranchant
some months ago petitioned the French gov
ernment to inqulio Into the matter , and it is
said hero that this had something to do w 1th
the present expose. Numerous other
Canadians are known to have put chased tbo
decorations thej' wear and mo said to have
paid 20 fracs each for the Older of the Nif-
hmn Ifitakar of Tunis , SIX ) francs for the
Order du Education mid BOO finnis for thu
Legion of Honor. It is said the French con
sul genet ul is looking into the mutter.
A PucllMlu F//le. !
fSciinttt. ]
PAWS , Oct. 10 [ Now Yoik Heiuld Cable
Speciul to the lift. ] Quito a tempest
in a teapot lust night at Chatham hotel still
causes a upplo of excitement Sunday. A
scandal in tbo American colony affair almost
camotou duel between two well known Amer
ican gentleman , Mr-Delnnej- Vliginlu ,
and Mi. Bui bank , of Kentucky. A discussion
arose between the gentleman from Viigima
mid the gentleman from Kentucky ,
which was not rcstucted to
purliamcntaij' language and teiminatcd
bj' Mi. Bin bank slapping Mr. Dolancj's face.
A Stirling scene followed. Mr. Delaney
foithwith challenged Mr. Buibank Seconds
weio at once named , dueling pistols obtained ,
and the patty drove to Boise Boulogne where
four bulls weio to be exchanged at twentj--
fivopaies. Meanwhile one of the seconds ,
Mr. William Nair , of St. Louis , quietly un
loaded the pistols and thicw away all the
ammunition. When the ground was i cached
into ono
to the
meeting aud drove off lupidly and the two
principals stood facing each other in
the early morning light. Whcnnthcy dis
covered that the pistols weio unloaded they
decided to drive back to Pm is for more balls
and moie powder , but as there was only ono
cab left , they were obliged to rctuiiiiiiit
Dining the long diivo in the fiostj-ruoining
air they had time to become reconciled to
each other and tbo affair ended amicably. As
the people came out of the Amci lean chui eh
on the Avenue Alma today , this Quixotic
adventure was the subject of geneial con
versation nnd the majority of the fashionable
congregation pialscd in glowing teims the
tact mid udiiot discretion of the seconds.
The National Debt Refunding Scheme.
WASHINGTON , Oet 10 [ Special Telegram
to the Brn. ] At the eloso of the last con-
giess thcio weie oil the calendars and before
the committees of both houses bills
looking to the refunding of the national debt.
All of these bills died with thocongiess nnd
as n consequence any financial legislntion
which maj' bo proposed during the coming
winter will go thiough all the new processes
of new legislation Just as if the subject of the
national debt hud never been considered
since the original bonds were nuthon/cd.
The plan for tno refunding of all tbo un-
matured bonds outstanding , which has been
advocated by Hon. John Jay Knox during
the past five years and which
ho explained again to the bankers'
convention in Pittsburg last week , has
n great many supporters in each house , anil
a bill cmbiacing the salient features of that
plan will w ithout doubt bo introduced intc
both branches among the first that UK
offered. A member of the house vvho takes
u great deal of interest In financial Icgislu
tlon said that unless someone gets ahead ol
him ho will introduce u bill which will bo de
signed to cnnj' out the ideas of the ex coinp
ti oiler of the cunency. This gentlemar
sajs that hu is confident that thcio will be i
bettei feeling towards the national banks ii
the house this winter than thcio was dining
the Foi tj'-nmth congress and that ho is in
dined to think that the proposition looking
to a refunding of the bonds will be uiucl
more llkclj to pans the house.
YOU iiF/r'H nun AT RICORI > .
The KaiihiiH City Horse Paccu a Mil <
In 2:01) : I-- .
KASS Cm , Mo , Oct. 10 [ Special to tin
Bi n. ] The little brown gelding , You Bet
with a tunning mate paced n milo hero jcs
tciday in the icmarkably fust time of U.oyj
and bad the running mate been able to bca
its part of the woik it is sufo to sajf that .0
would have been reached. Tobo Ihoderlcl
was the driver and the effort advertised wa
to pace a milo in better than 2:10. : Afte
scoring once ho brought them la the wir
with You Bet pacing .level and nodded fo
the word. They i cached the quarter in . ' 1
seconds , the half was reached in 1.01 , th
seiond quarU-r having been paced in III sec
ends. You Bet jmted the tliiid qumtcr i
! ) > seconds , u a OJ gwit , the three-quurte
| wlo having been reached iu. 1 IHJ . Dow
the stietch the tunning mate , as ou the pit
vious trials , quit , und the fouith quarter w'u
putod In HI seconds , the wuUh stopping Q
Mltklowlc/ ' Concessions Cancelled.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 10 [ Special Telegrar
to the BI.I : . ] Count Mitkinwlcz laughs t
scorn nil attempts to belittle the importanc
of his concessions obtained from the Chines
government , but the Sunday Capital , with a
air of authority , to-day sajseditorinlly : "W
nro ublo to state on very high uuthority the
the so called concessldn by the Chinese go\ \
eanmentto Mitkicvvicz and his associates 1m
been cancelled. Tbo United States govcri
ment could not bo drawn Into the suppoit c
u schema which was in all i cspcets ii i cgulu
und unpromising. "
Lost Oteiboard.
Lo M U.IIIH , Mo. , Oct. 10 During the voyng
of the bchooner McMIchuel from Bostoi
it I Captain Libbey , and two seamen vvcio Ioi
I ovcrboaid.
Iowa's Democratic Candidate Fotf
Governor In a Now Rolo.
A Sudd n Change Alter a
rlod of Free TrnuHitottatlon
A Sensible Kiillwaj Coin
A n > thing For Ollluc.
DKsMotNi-s , lu , Oct. HI [ Special totna
HKE. ] Cvcry campaign dev elopes its humor
ous feutuies , niul this year thu dctnqcrntlo
candidate for goveinor Is furnishing thu fun.
The JoUo w 111 bo uppi eclutcil w hen It is know u
that ho is posing us an unti monopolist on tin
initl monopolist platform. Hut since his
nomination it was discovered thut ho hml
boon n rulhoiul nttoincyfor neatly twenty
jcuis , and his connection with thu Hoik
Isluud load In that enpiuiU only ceased by
his tempoi my i omoal ftom the state. Slneo
his return his paitner has boon attending to
the railroad business , vv hilu he rode on u pnsn
on thu st length of piu\lous sc-ivlco. Hut tlio
fun of It was that last .Innuniy , aftei his
annual for IbbO hud explied , ho pot on the
cms ono day , and when the conductor emno
round , ho said : "Oh , that's all right. I
huvn't ' got my new puis for iNsTjet , but !
am expecting It e\eiy day. " The conductor ,
knowing that hu used to liuve u pims , sup
posed that it would bo continued , mid so let
the pi out iiiitl-niuiiopolist lido free. Hut
like the letter that never cuiue , the pass has
failed to appear , and the Hot k Inland Is out
ono fare. The whole state Is having a good
laugh at the immwho , claiming to bo an
antl-iailroad , and mitt luonopolj candidate ,
not only rode on passes for twenty jours , hut
ilnally woikcd in ono trip on an "anticipated
pass" that nc\cr cumo.
Some people call Commissioner Coflln , of
thoiailway conimlssloii , 11 uank , but it ne in
It is of a humane and kindlv older. Ho has
two hobbles which ho is actively liding. Ono
in In icgard to running Sunday tiains , and hu
has addicsscd public meetings and wiltten
innunieiablo aiticles , and succeeded In arous
ing a good deal of sentiment in fas or of his
well meant plan foi icspectlug the Sabbath
and giing uillioad emploj cs ono day of rest.
The other is in i cgard to the use of some foit
ofs.ifcty Louploi on freight ttnint ) . He has
piobably lead moiu | and books , anil
wiitten nioie articles , on the subject of auto
matic coupling , and attended moiu tests ol
louplcis than any man In the conntiy. Ho
BIIJ s ho has made it his mission \\oikfoi4
the adoption by all roads of sonio dovu o foe
coupling cars in safety. He has complli d n
staitling anav of flguics , show ing tno num
ber of legs and hands and he.ids that have
been taken oft by the deadly couplet , and it
is lather appalling. Hut hois now tno hap
piest man mound thu capital. Hu has bctu
infoimcd that the Mastei Car Hnildeis' asso-
eiation have ngieedln locoinnionding to all
railwaj sac crtaln sv Klein of automatic coup
ling. All that is ie < iuited now , bo thinks , is
H little legislation wheie lulboads mo neb
willing to muko the change without , and then
uniform couplet scan be lined un all trulnd
and the bloodj suci illce to thu old bund ! < - , t V
coujiler thut bus been required no long w 11 $ (
boesciiped. He will undoubtedly picas upou.
thu next legislature u bill compelling all i all-
roads operating in this state to use only auto
matic touplcrs upon their cais , and when
that is done , he thinks he can retiie in peace ,
having accomplished the greatest work of
his life.
IOWA'S QUOTH at CAMI-UUS ntivrnu * .
Iowa is doing a good deal foi New Yoik '
icpublicuns this jear , having given them j >
Senator Allison , and now Hon. John Hi en-
nan. The latter has decided to go at the
in gent request of the chaii man of the New
York state centinl committee and help out
the campaign in that state Ho is a veiy
effective speakei one of the best in Iowa
and ho is especially stiong with the Iiish anil
workingmen. Ho has all of thu wit of thu ,
native Iiishman , with the sound logic of the
Anglo Saxon , mid ho makes a tattling speech.
Ho spoke a nunibei of times thiough tbo cast )
( lining the picsidential ( ampalgn of lt > H4 , ami
was icceived eveijwlieio with gieTit enthus
iasm. Ho is so well rememboied that the )
icquest from Now Yoik foi him to como irt
veij' uigent. Hu will leavu to duj' or to *
moi row , and spend the gieutei pait of the
time jet lemuinlng in the campaign in New
York. Senator Allison w ill also do the New
York icpublicans much good , and ho may
find that bis tup tlieio will do him a gicut
deal of good too. Tlio feeling in New York
state und New England is veiy loidlal to
ward him , us un available ! candidate for the
piesidcney. Ho is so strong with the IniHl-
ncsH Intelests , that in case ho weio nomi
nated , there would bo veiy geneial confi
dence among business men , in his Illness for
the position , mid a veij'coidial desire to see
him elected. Ho is moi oovei populm in both
cast and west , and has no opposition what
ever within the patty , being the friend o *
both stttlwurt and hulfbieed.
liAIIHOUl 1UTE THOimi 1 S.
The action of the Minnesota & Northwest *
crn tailioud in giving notice of its intendeo )
withdrawal from the Westcin association ,
and its intended reduction In passenger rates ,
has thrown the other loads Into constcrnu- '
tlon. It foi bodes u geneial hi caking up off
lates , and a i eduction to u leasonablo ban it.
This load has pioved itself u good stronrt )
friend to Iowa , und has led 01 lather foneij f
the other loads to make better freight rate-J j
for Iowa cities It has giun Dos Ainines the )
advantage of competing iiitcx that it wonU |
not have bad but lor it. Now it pioposes toj
sell thousand milo tn kots foi fr.X ) , which will
bo a gieat boon to the tiavullng public. One ]
of the Hock Island officials when asked whato
his load would do , icplied that It would prolw
ably meet the cut , though it might begin by
selling 'J.IXXJ milo tlikets foi t-ll ( Hut it iq
likely thut if the Minnesota & Noithwestcru
leads off with u JO into foi 1,000 milo tickets ,
the other lines will huvu to como to It , mid it
two cent late will become general on all
tiunk loads , foi those who do much tiuvelf' ,
TIIF iioitsi/ts' M-ST mtiuuii' in uviov. J
The reunion of thu Hoi nets' Nest brigade !
of this illy the past week , brought togotherf
some of the best of Iowa soldieis. Thu five *
legimcnts composing this brigade had not !
met together slm o they mot on the bloody
field of bhlloh. This urigadu was commanded
by Geneial Tuttle , t'lid iiu was elected piewi
dent of the brigade association. After Ma
piomlnenco In the mutter of Cleveland's visit
to the giand army encampment in St. Louis ,
there wus natural ! } much Intel est in ttecint *
how the old soldiuiH would ticut him heiet.
Hu has been most cruelj' ! slandered und ma
ligned by the demociutio papers , but ho hai
boi no it all silently , satisfied thut the olcl
soldieis believed in him and ttusUd him. AG
this bligado reunion ho hud u cbunco to sec ]
how muih Ills old comrades thought of him.
They hung around him lilto brothers ami
demonstrated on every occasion their uffecV
tion for their old commander. Ho was ono ofi
the ueioes of history ut Donelsoii and
Shiloh , nnil Ills biavo Iowa tioops proved
vvorthj of sucii a leader.
WIMI : MI.NK rMJifr.ATiov
1 ho last legislature uiuiiiJ a w iso i bongo it *
substituting for ono state mule -hiKpcctorj
with Juiisdletlon over the cntiiu stute , fcQV- * ,
eial inspectois with limited districts. Thejr
nro inablcd tocovcrthoit dIMrlits better uncl
secuio better results than have over been oW
talncd before. It Isdaimed that the niincsj
of Iowa arc in u better sunitury condition
und uro better provided with nppllunces foif
the protection of those who woik within
them than over bofoio. An Instance of tlila
w as seen in the rj > oit of Mine Inspeetoif
Smith. His dlsti let includes the largest outV
jmt of coal of any in the stato. In fuit neaily
half the coal mined In low a comes from hii
distrietj jet during the past j ear und hnlf butt
six persons have been killed in any of tlio )
minis of liisdistiiots , ThUtlHii remuikublu
showing for the effcetivuness of the laws fouj ,
wlnci s us they uro now euf orcul , , '