Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1887, Page 10, Image 10

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    [ ft.1 , * " * t f
Advertisements under this head , 10 cents per
line for the flrst Insertion , 7 cents for each ub-
Hnquent insertion , nnd $1.60 a line per month.
Mo ndvortlsoment taken for less than 25 cents
for the tint Insertion. Keren words will bo
counted to the line ; they must run consecu
tively and must be paid In advance. All ad *
Vertfremcnta must bo handed. In before 1:30 :
k'clock p. m. , and under no circumstances will
they IM taken or discontinued by telephone.
I Parties advertising In these columns and hav
ing the unsworn addressed lu euro of the Dee.
Will plcasn ask for n check to enable them to
feet their letters , us none will bo delivered ex
cept on presentation of check. All answers to
KavnrtlsGments should be enclosed In envelopes ,
All advertisement * In these columns are pub
lished In lK > th morning and evening editions of
the Bee , the circulation of which aggregates
Wore than 14.000 papers dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the Iwnertt , not only of the city circu
lation of the Bee , but also of Council BIulTs ,
Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout
piis part of the went.
A _
1DLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 1505
, Farnam street Complete abstracts fur *
tilshod , and titles to real estate examined , perfected -
fected and guaranteed. " 10
'ANTED-A stock of drugs worth $3,6(10 ( to
$3ono"ln exchange for Omaha property.
Will pay difference In cash. Stork must fin lo
cated In southern Nebraska or northern Kansas.
II. . U. Ball & Co. , 113 n 18th st. 184
) R EXCHANGE-Flourlng mill 60 miles
south of Lincoln. Good Water power , 3 run
tfttone , 7 acres land. Trackngo In good running
order. I'aylngproperty clear of Incumbranco.
Will exchange for deslrublo residence or other
Rood city property. 1'rlco $13,000. E. F. Seaver ,
FflOD'4 Faniam street. 195-18
A partner Inn good paying bust *
ness , object , to enlarge the same , capital
required from $ . * iHO to $3WJO. For particulars ad
dress H 33. Ileo olllce. U74 17
"IIKJR SALE A 300 acre stock farm , lu Sarpy
JJ county , just 25 miles from Omaha , with n
flue quarry on It , only $25 p r acre. A. F.
Wayne , N. W. cor. 10th and Farnam. Bill
fllO exchange for western land , new hotel ,
JL runts for $1,000 yearly , II. E. Cole. 310 So.
15th st. inO-30
good opening In the state of California for a
A light manufacturing business. A small
Capital requiredundthupiolltsarolarge. Chunco
flewom offered. Particulars at A. F. Mayno's ,
K. W. cor. 10th und Farnam. 931
TflOH TRADE 0.000 acres pf choice western
JL' laud to exchange for general merchandise.
3no. F. Toft. j34 N. 15th st. 813
ill BALE News , stationery and notion
staud. Apply 608 So. 18th. 077
T > UBINE83 CHANCr.8-Huvoa customer for
JJ stock gents' furnishing goods , with lease
of storeroom If centrally loutted. F. L. Greg-
bry. 330 so. nth st. K2
N DEALEItS-Seml for our iliUH-
IT T trilled catalogue of fancy goojls , toys and
rotlons. 1'rlco guaranteed. Huy nenr home
. nd save freights. Krdheud , Norton , Lathrop
I * Co. , Jobbers , books , stationery , etc. , Des
Molnes. la. 680-29
i To buy apart Interest In a retail
'T shoe , hardware or furniture store. H37 ,
e ofllre. 115 10 *
S Chauco Desirous of retiring from
business , we will sell the balance of our
fltock of dry goods , etc. , with three years lease
ml fixtures of store by January or March
next. Merchants meaning to purchase address
flolm II. F. Lehmann Ic Co. , 1310-1312 Farnam st.
1 _ 601 n 6
/Z7HH BALE Restaurant and lodclng house In
f center of city , $100 , or * 2ilOwill take a re-
Jlable partner that can be left In clmrue ; owner
uftt leave city. Co-oiwratlve Laud te. Iot Co ,
N.Jcth st. I 151 17
_ _
8ALE Or rent-Hotel. Will soil orTont
. the Commercial hotel at York , Nob. , on good
And easy terms , lint must sull the furniture If
pro rent the house. II. Crabb , administrator of
jB. A. Crabb , deo'd. 14 19 *
Chance There Is H fine opening
for a confectioner , restaurant and baker
fight near the entrance of Hunscom park.
SNevr storeroom , cheap rent. F. L. Gregory , 330
P. 15th St. KM
flTUUl BALE A one-half Interest In an oatab-
J.1 llshcd good paying business , moderate
amount of capital required of a good man. For
particulars address 11 3:1 : Ileo olllco. P74 17
ftraTANTED A partner with H few hundred
tr T dollars to start n good paying enterprise.
for particulars address H 33 Hee. B74 17
VjiUK HAIiK Ur trade , nicely improved farm ,
J- fixtures and lease ( running 5 j oars ) oi one
Df the best paying hotels In Omaha. ActUo
Jleal Estate & Property Exchange , 1624 Dodge st.
104 IB
MAN with experience in the "dry goods oi
hardware business ran make It win by
ilaclng a stock of goods In the Fitch block , ParK
_ , ve and Woolworth st. F. L. Gregory , H30B ,
jBth at. _ 630
JH SALE-OrtradooNo. 1 hotel property ,
doliiR good trade , in one of the best towns
in Nebraska. 8. 8. Campbell and O. W. Hervey ,
f 10 Chamber of Commerce. 487
TANTED A stock of groceries and general
nidse , for city lots paid for , C. J. Canan
fi/iOH SALE A complete steam laundry Imv
M ? luu twenty horse power engine. J. H. lien
gelt. Biumdera nnd Clark sts. _ 620
fouSINBSS CIIANCE-On account of sickness
ff not being able to tend to the business tin
( restaurant and lunch counter , will rent tut
Bume to Homo good ami responsible parties
Vlpply ) to John A , King , 1303 Douglas st. 501
teoi SALE or exchange , grain elevator , west
f orn Iowa , for land in central Neb. , 01
merchandise , address box 2M ) , Central City Neb
T rja < vtiii
IVTHS. DUHANT-Clartvoyant from Uoston li
A I tollable In all affairs ot life , unites xepar
fcti'd lovors. ttii N. 16th Bt. . room 1. 761) ) 24
TIT HS. HATF1 ELD Trance business medium
Ail- The past present nnd future revealed , slcl
healed , lost found , homes made happy , sitting
dally at 421 H. lite St. _ 462ol9 *
fill. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
JLleal business and ti-ht medium. Ollicell
fiorth 10th btreet ; rooms f 4:3 : , Telephone WH
WANTED Six good men with reference t
sell goods on Installments , ( ton N. lOtl
Btreet. 199-lb *
WANTED Immediately a good registerei
pharmacist. Work light and ctuty. Ad
{ Ut'SH with rufervuco and terms , H 48 , Hee.
187-16 *
_ _ _
WANTED A young man for stenographe
and bill clerk , umuha Rubber Co. , 100
yarimm st. 175-ltt
' _
ANTED-1 cook for city : 1 for Iowa , far
paid ; 1 girl for hotel , city ; 4 girls for pr :
Vnte fumllled. City Intelligence Olllco , Crelyhto
\V ANTED-A 'ilver. 217 S. 12th St. . nt Hosei
T > Hteln'.s llsh inurkut. 180-10
ANTED-Krrand boy. Rocs Printing Co
100-113 south Fourteenth Bt. . 17
BUSINESS men please note I have no1
ready for immediate engagements , firs
class liookkecper , double or single entry ; ossl
taut bookkeeper , or any place of trust where a\ \
tilUatlon and Industry w 111 bo appreciated ; prai
Ilcrtl engineer certified ; man as porter In wnoli
pale house or store ; colored man us coachman.c
nny work In hotel ; good man , age 3. used t
livery stable , $30 month ; bartender , city expo
tence. All the ul > eve have good reference. 1
Denklnson. Employment bureau , 1610 Farnui
Bt. . room 6. 105 18 *
"VVANTED Agents to canvnss for llankei
TT Life Insnranco Co. , Lincoln , Neb , Nor
tint experienced men need apply. 301
T\rANTKI-Agents In Nebraska for Ge
V > John A. Logan's last work , "Yoluutei
poldter. " Just publish , . Address J. M. Krone
ft Co , Omaha , Neb. 23U
W ANTED Men for railroad work. A
brlght's Labor Agency , 113) Farnam. 604
WANTED Five traveling salesmen , salni
and expenses ; no experience necossar
Address w Ith stamp , 1'almer & Co. , La Crest
Svu. I'M ' 23 *
_ _ _
ANTED-25 men for railroad work In 1111
ols. Albright's Labor Agency. 1120 Fa
_ _ _
'tV'ANTED Youns man to Instruct In boo
1 V Weeping , situation soon as competent.
P. Smith. 101J Chicago st. 163 17 *
" _
ANTE l > Experienced lloor l ) ers toll
3U.OUO square fuel of four luch flooring
ft price per square. W. T , Seaman , East SK
lblh St. north or Mcholaa St , 801.14
WANTED Porter for store , good referen
required ; man to drive express , mil
fnmUhMcutlty ; combination cook for8ldn <
ic\tw * pldameu dlahwuher * . 3 to help
ftltcbcn. f good carpenter * . CMUtdUui Emj\ <
ce , Mr * . Urrg * * on , 318 8. lith , tel. 8M.
WANTEO-Flfty day boarders at UM- Dayton
House , 1313 Douglas st. VH 17
WANTED 100 men of good appearance to
fry our 16c meals at Norrts restaurant , 311
nnd 313 South llth street , ( old Live and Let
Live. ) CM
- for railroad work , Colorado
line. Wages for teamsters. SW per month
nnrtlmard. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Far *
until street. U15
) men for railroad work. I ) . C.
WANTIJW , Employment Agency , ! W 8. llth
Bt. IW > 16 *
WANTED 10 carpenter * , good wages , team *
Ktors for Illinois , tai per month , teamsters
for western Neb. , $30 per month. Scandln *
avlan I'.mp. liurcau , 1010 I'arnam Bt , sldn door.
w PANTED-A solicitor. Apply to Omaha
Tow el Co , 211 S. llth St. 123 10
W "ANTED-A " bread baker at once , 6KI Main
t. , Council Uluffs. 16.J 18
WANTED Traveling salesman : general
store clerk , J10 month ; window shntl
maker , WO month ; plnte glass cutter , must
know paint and oil trade ; more coffee and tea
salesmen : plumbers , gns titters , steam titters ,
$ n and t4 a day. 1 leadimartersf 1509 Furnnm St. ,
room . 131 10 *
First-class ladcrman , steady
WANTED year round , for good pay. H10 N.
Ifith Ht. 119 IB *
A few solicitors for the coun
WANTED Salary $75 ; must own good
clothes and willing to work earnestly. Address
II 33 , lice olHco. OU318 *
WANTED Agents In every county In U.S. ;
$75 per month nnd expenses ; sold by sam
ple ; outllts and stock free. Allworth Mfg. Co. ,
Itutherford , N. J. 4 < iU17 *
WANTED 500 agents ; good salary or com
mission ; rare chnnco. Address with stamp
for terms , Weaver Jlfr. , 34 N. Btate St. , Chicago ,
111. KBnUi *
WANTED 4 Oerman boys to carry papers.
. up-stafrs. 080
rtn-Ha 8.12th St. , -
'ANTED ' A dining room girl , Z\Z \ 8. 10th
street. 187-23 *
WANTED Experienced crotchers , at Mrs.
M. K. Mitchell's , 1K3 Douglas. llring
samples of work. 189-18 *
WANTED A coed girl for general house
work ; must also be a good laundress.
Enquire tlrst house cast Dr. Grnddy llntn , St.
Mary's ave. 166 18 *
W - girl at dental rooms , 1007 Doug
las st. 145 17'
WANTED Lady for light ofllce work , one
able to miimigu others and good conversa
tionalist. Speak Qcrmau prefeired. 1W ) Far-
nnm , room 9. 133 16 *
W ANTED A good girl for general houso-
w ork , washing and Ironing. 024 8. 17th.
TXT ANTED Man and wife for Papllllon , one
f for Norfolk , 2 dlntiigroom girls for Idaho ,
$30 , fares paid. A nice compnnlonnble woman
to cure for an Invalid lady and board In first-class
hotel ; 2 chambermaids In city. $15 ; 10 dining-
room rlils , 0 women cooks , $ . > to $ H per week ;
4 Klrls for South Oniuhu , $ t to $5 ; girls lor house
work In all parts of the city , nnd for neighborIng -
Ing tow us , wages SI to > per week. Several
second Ktrls , must have ruf. , 6 young girls to as.-
slit In house work , lots of places , COIIIB and take
your choice. Mrs. Dreua & Sou , Canadian Enip.
olllce , 310 S. 15th. Tel. 884. 168 16 *
WANTED A good nurse girl at once. Apply
nt 3 p. m. Sunday at Room 63 , Cozeiis
house. 118 16
WANTED A middle-aged woman as cook for
and general housework , wacoso per
week. Apply bet. 0 aud K at 1W California st.
ANTED Ladles can make $10 per week ,
work at home. Call on Star Novelty Co. ,
418 So. 15th st , 2d floor. Don't ring.
97530 *
WANTED First-class cook , one competent
to take entire charge for family of six ;
highest w aces paid to competent w otnan. Apply
Kit South 1Mb st. 101
Two ladles to solicit , must be of
Kood address and willing to work earnestly.
Salary JW per mouth. Call at Hoom 118 , Paxton
house. OU216 *
"MfANTED-Olrl at 028 South 19th st , near St.
TV Mary'save. 963
WANTED 2 dining room girls and one dish-
w asher at 1U04 N. 18th at. 891
ANTED-Oirls for all kinds of work , good
girl to go to Iowa on a farm , good wages.
Scandinavian Emp. Uureau , 1810 Farnam street ,
side door. 830 18
60 Rdlos to try our5e meals at
N orris' restaurant ( old Live and Let Live ) ,
311 and 313 8.14th St. 094
W ANTED-A good girl nt 610 S. llth street
Immediately. 491
Tutloress on custom coats nnd
vests , good wages and steady work to
right party , apply at once , HX S. 10th st.
ANTED Cook and laundress. Dr. CBff-
W man cor. St. Mary's ave and 27th st. 658
WANTED 2 dlntngroom girls , 1 dishwasher.
None but competent girls need apply. 1004
N. 10th street. 028
"ITir ANTED Two girls to work In kitchen at
VV Doron house , 423 S. 18th st. near St.
Mary's ave. 420
"fiyANTED Dining room girl at the Ernmett
- kitchen work. 'German
preferred. Apply 2215 Farnam. 833
- 8. W. corHarney nnd 20th.
one bald-faced roan horse , glass eye. Will
'pay liberally for his return. James Neville.
194-18 *
LOT , 3 Arcade place , l'i blks south of Leaven
worth st , east front on38th st. Owner
must hell. Ask for price. F. L. Gregory. 33C
So. 15th st. 173
LOST A Dublin watch , last Monday. Dross ,
return to Hee otllce. 125 16 *
LOST On 1'urk ave. and Farnam bt. car , Oct
12 , a dark brown , square woolen shawl ;
ulso Oct. 13 , bet. Park ave. barns and St. I'an
depot , a lady's large cameo breast pin set In n
largn hand of gold. Mrs. J. W. Booth , cor. SOU
and \Vool orth avo. Omaha. 109-17
OST liny brown marc pony , cut on near for
J ward foot. Return to 1821 , No. 10. 97016' '
LOST Between Woolworth avenue and Doug
lass street , a plush hand bag. Return t <
1621 Douglass street , ( third floors. ) and gut reward
ward , 1 > 79,10 *
LOST Drown Melton cutaway coat , leave a' '
Frank J.Hamgo's , llamgu block , and woivi
reward. 275
Ladles who ore desirous of oh
WANTED thoroughly competent , rellabli
and well trained servants of all nationalities , t <
fill every required position of household duties
to send tholr ordnro to the City Intelligence ot
Jlco. No fee until places are tilled. City Intelll
genet olllce , Crelghtou block , telephone No ,
WANTED Horsemen and owners of stock ti
know that Standard Stock Liniment wll
cure mange , nil kinds of sprains , scratches am
reduce swellings , care sore throat ; In short , U1
a perfect liniment. For sale by druggists gee
orally. 167 17
Stocks of merchandise to ex
change for unencumbered Omaha proji
firty. Also Omaha property to exchange fo
land. II. H. Hall XCo. . . IM N. ICth st. 170
" \X7ANTED-Land to exchange for merchant !
Ise and Omaha property. U.K. Hall ;
CO. , 113 N. 116 bt , 1C9
1XTANT TO KENT Small storeroom locate <
TT on Farnam street , or on Fifteenth o
Douglas streets. Must bo central. F. L. Groj
ory. 3M So. 15th street. 178
ANTEO-FortwolnfamUy. two or thre
furuUhed rooms , for light houKekeeplnj
or rooms and board , nt reasonable price. Wl
give references. Address H 40 , Bee OIHce. 174-H
ANTED-Some one to adopt n baby boone
ono month old , blonde , healthy and o
good parentage , address Box 764 city. 15S li
Y " \XrANTKD To buy the furniture of a sma
T > or large home centrally located , Co-open
live Lund 4 ; Lot Co. , afi N Kith st. 1,13
' \X7'ANTEI > A good home for a gill of B and
boy of 5 years. Addles * stating term
etc. . H 38. Bee office. 117 ID
'WfANTF.D Tw o ton of sour flour for foundr
> purpose. 1'aMon li Vlerling Iron world
17th und U. I * , track. U'B
NICE looking , kind rider and driver. Ai
draws W. R. Y2310 Leavtmworth street.
To adopt a baby about two c
WANTED * old , by a family married te
years and having no children. Addrexa , H , 2
Bee Office. 934 ID.
WANTRD A club of centlemen to boari
Will give good saUflfuctlon. Situated c
I IGth fit. , near Fnmam. Address H 90 , C re Be
"WANTED F rm lands In rxch ng for
? T stocks of merchandise. St. John A Ely ,
Hoom 13'Frcnzcr block , opp. P.O. l _
Farm lands In exchange for city
property. Bt. John & Ely , Hoom 13 , Frei :
zer block. K17
\\rANTED-Tlireo table boarders nt2118 Hurt
st. 6U7
TirANTEO I want to buy a family conch
YVteam. N. Merrlam. KB
, to loan from three to live years on Improved
proved property ; inoneyou hand. Address
11.44. Ileo olllce. 1 118
on hand to loan on Improved property.
J. A. Helstand , Arlington block. 625n5
, . to loan. II. R. Cole , 018 8.15th. First
mortgage notes bought. 370
$ ; 760,000 to loan at 6 per cent , Llnahau & Mahoney -
honey , 1509 Farnam. 227
_ 500.000 to loan In any nmount nt lowest rate of
$ Interest. II. II. Irey , Frcnzcr block. 213
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos organs ,
hordes , etc , low rates , j. J , Wllkmson&
Co. , 1334 Faniam , over Burlington ticket oltire.
to loan to parties wishing to build.
MONEY . Campbell , 310 810th st. , Chamber of
Commeice. 214
to loan. Notes and II. It. tickets
MONEY ahd sold. A. Formau , 213 S l.ith st.
time loans made on any available
SHOUT , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind „ transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Har
ney sts. , overstate National band. Corbett ,
manager. 137
ONEY to Loan-O. F. DivlsCo. . real estate
and loan agents , 1605 Farnam st. 220
1'atterhon i Fnwcctt 15th nnd Harnoy. 223
MONEY to lonn on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Lcavltt Durnhani ,
room 1. Crelghton block. 231
In sums of $500 and over to load at
low rates. Russell & Harrctt , 312 S Kith st.
U&OO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 0
P portent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Bid.
TIO LOAN Money Loans placed on im
proved real estate In city or county for
New linglaml Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , IGth and Chicago sts. " 1U
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay.
J. L. lllce & Co. , over Commercial Na-
Monal bank 218
MONEY to loan on city property. Will buy
good notes. Seaver & whltcomb , 1G09JS
Furnam. 7-
MONEY to Loan Hy the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
igency in Omnha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on
'urulture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgous , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
nislness strictly confidential. Loans so made
lint any part can be paid nt any time , each pay-
nunt reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
undo on tlnu watches nnd diamonds. Persons
thould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns nro dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
ieo me. W. 11. Croft , room 4 Wltlmell building ,
5th nnd Harney. 234
has monev to loan on pianos and household
furniture. Warehouse lecelpts at rates that
honest people can ulToril to pay. No publicity.
Strictly confidential. Address Cash , care lock
box 714 , city. 13517
MONEY to Loan On Improved city property
at lowest rates of Interest. No commis
sion charged. Sholes & Crumb , room 1 , Darker
block , cor. 15th and Farnain sts. 210
ONEY LOANED at C. F. Heed Ic Co.'s Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and nil other ar
ticles of value without removal. 318 8. 13th ,
over Illncham's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 230
$300.000 to loan , special rates on farm property.
Sobotker & Porrlgo , 1521 Farnam st. 251
MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J.
W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnara st. Fax
on hotel building. 225. .
\\TANTED All persons out of employment oi
IT wishing to make n change will find It tc
' : helr Interest to leave their applications at the
Jlty Intelligence Ofllce , Crelghton block , as it is
.h largest and most reliable agency In the cltf ,
doing a Urge business and furnishing the bettet
class of employers. All our applications re
ceive every intention nnd are placed ns rapidly
as possibly to find suitable positions. We wel <
come all calling for Information or making In
qulry respecting our now and original methods ,
for which we make no charge. References ,
John L. McCague , 'president McCague Uros' ,
bank ; Daxter L. Thomas , cashier Nebraska
Savings bank ; Hon. J. II. McCulIoch , count }
judge. 185
"ISTANTED 600 young people t learn nhoit
TV hand by mail. I will give the tirst ten les
sons free. Please write for tlrst lesson , and be
gin the study at once. Address , W. T. Larl
more , Western Normal College , Shenandoah
Iowa. 17WO (
TjillEE to Employers The City Intelligence
JC Office , Crelghton Illock , boa the confl
rtence and patronage of a large number ol
the city's lending business houses. Why !
Itecruise. we do our best to merit It , tak
Ing great care to supply them with competent
assistants from porter to business managers
When In want ot help of any kind , send us yoni
orders. Telephone , 888. References : John L
McCague , President of McCague Bros. ' Dank
Dexter L. Thomas. Cashier of Nebraska Saving !
Hunk ; Hon. J. H. McCulIoch. County Judge. W
BAKERY Having opened n flrst-class
bakery at 731 Phil Sheridan street , neai
Leavenworth , am prepared to bake- home made
bread , pies , cake , etc. , wedding parties , social !
supplied with pastry at short notice. Annie M
Foloy. 09916 *
one wanting employment should cul
ANY delay on 11. Jenklnson , omploymeu
bureau , 16101'amam , room 0. 759 17 *
mo EXCHANGE For cattle. I have 640 acrei
X of good western land to trade for cattle
nnd a good house nud lot near the capital ; wll
exchange for cattle. Address S. U. Bryan , Ash
land. Neb. 239
EXCHANGE For other property , con
tract for 010 acres railroad land in Cliuy
cune county , Neb. , two miles from railroad
also two V sections In Lincoln county , near rail
road. McCulIoch and Co. , cor 15th nnd Faninn
sts. 930
paid for second-hand books at tin
CASH . 308 N. 16th bt. 723 o 31
- Mortgage and Invest
manager. 088 oct 81 *
TJUMl IlENT Organs , $3 per month. Hospe
-D 1513 Douglas. 128
C House furnishing goods , all kinds
cash or Installment ; lowest prices at J. lion
ner , 1315 Douglas st. 230
FOR RENT Square piano , $1 monthly. A
Hospe. r > U Douglas. 233
. CHASE'S new Receipt Hook and House
DR. hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" o
over BOO pages. The "Crowning Life Work" o
the greatest author and benefactor that eve
lived. Just out. Agents making Immens
miles. Dig terms. Address F. It. Dlckvn > on J
Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper.
344nov4 *
F IOH HKNT-Square Piano $3 monthly.
Hotpc. 1513 Douglas. 238
All the elegant new novelties 1
Fancy Work and Materials. Also Importe
zephyrs and saxony , at Mis. M. K. Mitchell' ;
1623 Douglas. 1SS-18 *
PERSONAL Ladles , if you wish any kind o
fancy work done or the materials to do I
with , you should call on Miss Kate Kennedy'
Fancy Goods Store , 121 N. 15th bt. * , where yo
w 111 nnd a full supply and the best > arlety in th
city. Remember l-'l N. 15th t > t. KM 15
TJKRSONAL-JVe the new Goblin Tapestr
X warn nt Moody's china btorc , 303 N. 1Mb s
168 16
_ _ _
i > EHSONAL-Chlna decorators will find a fu
block of white Trench china at Moody' '
china store. Many new novelties Just receivec
Hemt'inbor the pluco , IKtiN.lblh. st. W ID
Wnntn permanent home for
boy 8 J ears old. Addiess 11.41 , Hee. _
pEHSONAL-rrlvntohomo for ludles durin
X confinement , btrktlconfidential. . Infant
adopted. Address K U Ileo oltlce. 107 uh *
TIEUSONAL Pug dogj for cale , fine EnglU
pug and Italian uroj hound puppies for bal
For price nnd description , address box 2hO. Ti
pukn. Kan. _ ial8 _ * _
I > F.HSONAI Tl b"t > al boartllFur iliewou *
can bo found at the Dayton House. Ml
Douglas st. 21-mral ticket only $4 ; 5-mealtlck (
II. 974 17
BHSONAL-To the lurtlea of Omaha. If yo
want good reliable help , call at the Omar
Employment bureau , the oldest employmet
ottlco lu the cltyU N. leth St. , II. K. Whit * , pin
prietor , . 114
PERSONAL IIorp wners Standard Horse
nnd Cattle food Is the bpst. Cures all ills-
asos of the blood and dlgwstlve organs. Seven
bs. for $1.VO , KUarantood. 1'or sale by the drug
rado genernlly. 10817
buslue s 22
10th street. 197-22
IJ1OH SALE A good home , wagon and harness.
JL1 Price tn. Also 1 scale for l,2UOIbs114 ; s llth st
if tw cen Douglas and Dodge. 170-10 *
FOH SALE Organs at Immense sacrifice , $37 ,
$17. $57. up ; $ J , $5 monthly ; less than one *
inlf value to pay storage charges. Must bo
old Monday. Call Furgerson's Storage Co.,71" > N
8th it. ' " 1J4 10
FOU SALE A set of bar fixtures , at 1007 8.
Main street , for cash or will trade for good
lorse. M. G. O'Connor , r 107-20
JMOO will buy fnnilturejvnd lease of 8-room
Pi house two blocks Houtlr Panorama. Apply
608 So. 16th or 822 So. 18th. l/J.
WILL sell or trade ( for unlncumbered real
estnto or a good horse ) a lot of house furnl-
ure , sets , cnrpets , etc. Address W. R. V. . 2210
xuvenworth street. 051-18
FOH SALE A livery of thirteen horses
eleven carriages , hack , etc. , or trade. Large
> arn for rent. Address , M. D. Alvord , Kearney ,
Neb. 178-23 *
FOR SALE Just received n fresh lot of work
and driving horses that wo will sell cheap.
Canflcld & Wilbur , corner of Eighth and Far-
mm streets. 183-17
C10H SALE 4 hives of bees in good condition ,
JD NE cor. llth and Hickory. 159 17J
FOH SALE Good nice and centle family
horse , us I wish to leave the city for the
Tintcr. Address II39 , Boo olllce. 12417 *
FOR SALE-$600for$285 ; $15 per month. Mag-
nlflcent 7H octave , richly carved triple
string , French repeating action. Worth $ tiuo.
only used ono month. Gteatest bargain over
offered. Call early Monday. Furgerson's Stor-
ige Co. , 715 N 10th St. 134 16
DIOR SALE At a sacrifice until Nov. 1st.
JJ In quantities to suit the buyer.
Nine thousand dollars worth of
Miscellaneous Books which I desire to close
> ut previous to my early removal to cast sldo of
6th st. north of Nicholas st. , where I will carry
ho largest variety of buggies , phaetons , car-
lagcs and wagons to be found nt any ono place
n the city. W. T. Seaman ,
Now at Farnam and llth sts.
Agent for Studebaker. G03oct20
miIIRTY-ONE line diamonds will be traded
X for a nice looking , kind family horse. Ad-
Iross W. H. V. , 2316 Leavenworth street. 951-16
F IOH SALE or trade ; an Acorn , cheap. Ad
dress , H. 31 , Dee. B73 16 *
FOH SALE 1'lanos and organs , one-half
value. Ten buautlful organs and pianos
nust be sold Monday at your own price. Easy
myments taken. Cull early. Fuigersou Storage
Jo. . 715 N 16th bt. 134 10
FOH SALE A four-seated full leather top
carriage , large and roomy ; only used one
year ; price f350. Apply to C. Oskamp , 2215 Web-
, terst. 78116 *
FOH SALE See these before you buy. A call
costs nothing. We can save you 1100 to $300
on a piano. Elegant upright pianos , beautiful
; oods at less than cost of material. Come and
< eo for yourselves ; all at a great sacrifice and on
long time. Ferguson Storage Co. , 710 N. Utth st.
FOK SALE Twenty-live driving , draft and
saddle horses , w. T. Seaman. Uuggles ,
w neons , phaetons , etc. , cast side 10th St. , north
of Nicholas. 097
" 1T1OH SALE Team , harness , wagon , $150. Mrs.
-C E.7C. Barr.S 13th st,3 blks from t car truck.
388 nov 2
FOH SALE 1 feed mill , 24 In. French burrs.
1 Victor sheller , 76 bu ! per hour.
1 bolt for buckwheat or meal.
40 ft. 2 In. shafting , 0 hangers , elevator belt ,
etc. Address aw 8 2otfi st * Omaha , Neb. 33T > n 1 *
FOU KENT 9 room house , 2 largo barns.large
yard , well and clutini water , $00. $1S : > 0
worth of furniture , $500. * ffroom house , $18 , fur
niture KOO , Vi cash. ' room boarding house on
17th near Webster t'O , furniture $ C09. y cash ;
9 room boarding house > Ji block from P. O. $40
rent , furniture t450 , $350 cash , bal $20.B3Kper
month ; 13 room boarding house near exposition
building $65 , furniture at your own price ; res
taurant and lodging house 3 blocks south * est of
P. O. $400 or will take a partner in for $200 ; G
room house on 17th batween Chicago and Cnss ,
$40 , furniture $300. $100 cash , bal to suit ; ulrgunt
10 room boarding house near court house , party
must sell furniture on account of a death In
family , 6 room ilat , brlcKpn Ifith near Chicago ,
steam heat , water ana all modern Im
provements , $61.60 , furniture $376 , $300 cash ,
balance to suit ; 0-room brick flat , $ JO , furniture
$4. > 0 ; 20-room flat in the center of city , $85 , furni
ture and lease for 3 years , for sale reasonable ,
will trade for real estate or horses , or anything
where double price Is not asked ; 5-room nouse ,
rent $25 , furniture $250 ; brick building , suitable
for a commission house , rent $75,6 years' lease
for sale , $600 ; 7-room house on Dodge , near llth ,
$46,1 year's lease , furniture new , new piano nnd
organ included , $1,01)0 ) , terms reasonable ; houses
and lots for rent or sale hi all parts of the city ,
Co-OpcraUvo Land aud Lot Co. , 206 N. 16th st.
139 17
FOB KENT 3 seven room houses , $30 poi
S seven room houses , $35 per month.
1 nine room house , $45 per month.
All have city water and all modern convent
ences. Two blocks west Hans > com p rk.
1 six room house at No , 2724 Miami st , $35 pel
1 five room house at No. 1912 North 27th , $1 !
per month.
Five room cottage on lot 3blk 1C , Omaha
View , $30 per mouth.
Potter * Cobb , 1001 Farnam st , Hoard oi
Trade building. 143 17
T710H RENT New 5-room cottage , 24th and
J ? Bancroft stM first door west of shot tower ;
well , cistern , $14 per month. 98110 *
FOH KENT 5-room house , new carpets foi
sale cheap. 1668 N. 18th street , or room 25 ,
Arlington. 883 16 *
TCIOH KENT A new four room cottage , $13 pel
-C mouth. Enquire 1511 Dodge St. , room 26.
F IOH KENT In new house , In desirable loca
tion , two largo furnished rooms , single ot
in Milt , one-half block from car line , 417 Soutli
19th St. B80,18 *
TTIOH RENT Flat of six rooms , furniture forD
-D sale. Six beds , live stoves. Price $350. En
quire No. 810 North loth St. , third floor. Seaver
878 , 16 *
TmOH RENT 3 flats and furniture for sale , al
JD on 18th. A. F. Mayne , N. W. cor. 16th anc
Farnain. 991
F I OR HENT 11 room house on Sherman ave
A. F. Mayne , N. W. cor. 10th and Farnam
F I OR RENT 10-room house , all improve
mcnts. a , E. Thompson,314 8.15th st. BUS
FOR HENT Furnished dwelling house , gas
city water , cisterns and furnace. No. 021
Willow avenue , Council Bluffs. Iowa. Enquln
on the premises or of J. Lyman , Council HinfTs
FOR HENT 3-story house , all furnished , con
tains all modern convenlonces ut 9th am
Dodge bt. 967
T710K HENT A largo barn , everything com
X1 plete , 1933 Dodge. OttJIO
" 1710H HENT 8 room cottage , inquire of Cun
X' nlnghnra & Her , Rooms 0 and 7 , Arllngtoi
block , Dodge st. B05 16
MOH IlENT Slate. lM6 : Farnam. Apply t <
1 Clias. Chllds , comer 18th and Lcavenw orth
, 121
LIST your houses for reht with II. E. Cole , 31
S 15th , can rent 50 now , DfiO
OR HENT A h U. size 25x08 feet , nt 101 ;
Famuui st. , over Continental Clothing Co
TT10R RENT-Store building , 30x50. two story
X' on 29 and R streets , .letters addition
South Omaha , nine rooms In second story. Non
but those who mean business need apply. I'ot
rick lloctor. , ur * ) . 18 *
TJIOR HENT Eighty acres near city , with gooi
JJ Improvements , "for farm or gardening
Bohleslnger Bros. , 014 8c ith 10th St. 902,16
RENT-2nd and 3d floors at 1417 Dougla
FOR . w Ith lease of three years. Kennedy J
lllbbins , l. W Douglas st. 707
TT1O11 HENT House of 7 rooms. $25. Innulr
X1 1319 S. lUth. fa70
1J10H HENT 5 to lO.loom houses. Good loto
1 ? lion. 11. E. Cole 310 S. 15th. 410
"ITlOlt RENT 310-room houses on ISth fct. , n
J3 W5 and ) per month each ; all new. Urooii
house on 8. Kith st. nt V ) per mouth , fiholes J
Crumb , room 1 , Barker block. 13 17
T310H RENT VS the olllce .TftHJ b leth St. , aft
Jj the l th of this mouth. Apply earl )
Charles C. Bpotuwooil. ! Wi S 15th t. 6CQ
TTIOH IlENT Store room on 16th st near SI
X' Mary's ave. Inquire 4 ' 3 IHth ht. 117
TJ10H RENT If you wish to rent a house ca
X1 on Bonawa 4 Co. , IJth t. , oppoilto I' , O.
TT10R KENT House Brooms in Hausconi I'lac
X1 to agood party. B. 8. Campbell nrulO. V
Hervny , 310 8 16th bt. , Chamber of Commerce.
, 167
TTIOH RENT-A flat , 1 17 Howard street. Ii
X' quire At Lee * Nichols' livery stable. 2St
and t * v uworUi , telephone 840. , 131
moil RENT Small pleasant room , 17M chic *
- * - go st. 7S1 17
miJHNlSHEO rooms with board. IWi ) Far-
* nam. 7 ( < OnlO *
A PRIVATE family have furnished looms
nnd board for n raw jouttg men desirous of
lomo comforts. 1703 N 17th. W7 lu *
DIOR RENT Furnished room. IBlj Fnrnam.
JJ re , ?
C1011 KENT Larao front room suitable for 2
- gentlemen , modern conveniences , 010 N 17th
t. yifl
171011 HUNT Elegantly furnUhcd room on
--first lloor , with modern Improvements. UH"
'nss. ens
WE have from 3 to 0 unfurnished rooms suit
able for housekeeping In all parts of the
city. If In need of a housj give us n call at Bin
! loth st. , Iliht tloor ; wo will give you a free ride
n a carriage to show vou thu houses. C49
lt JtKNV Toone or two Keutlcmen. nicely
furnished room ; gas , bath , etc. ; 113 per
noiith. 3000 Davenport. KO
T71011 KENT rurnlshcd front room , $10 per
-E month. 1120 n 17th. 177-10 *
T71OK HRNT Five rooms , 2nd floorfnew
J building ; so. cor. 16th and California stx. In
quire Otto Slemssen , 615 n l th st. 17MO *
T71OU ItKNT l milshed room with bnth for
JJ gentleman , 1B10 Capitol ave. 1 118
r UITK of three olllco rooms , with carpet , cur
tains , desk nnd chairs ; second tloor , on Ifith
st. Kent low and furniture for sale cheap. Cull
at once. K. C. Wood , 3 * S. 16th st. 750
IOH Hhvr u rooniH , furnished or iinfnr-
JU' nlshed , within 5 minutes of postofflce. $20.
Address , "H. 43 , " Ileo olllce. 103-17 *
"C1OU IlENT Furnished rooms , 1913 t'nrnam ,
Foil KENT Small pleasant room , 170ft Chi
cage st. 7N ) 17
"K10H KEl T-Furnlshed rooms,1708 Douglas st
U WENT Largo furnished room. 712 N.
19th st. 757 17 *
THOU furnished
RENT-lloom-Very desirable
JL ? room for 2 gentlemen , all conveniences on
same lloor. Apply at 1712 Capital ave
10R RENT 3 nicely furnished rooms , 2020 St.
Mary's avo. 630
T71OH KENT Large south front room , bay
A ; window , grate and modem conveniences ,
ltd Farnam st. BUO
"plOH IlENT Fuinlshed rooms. 007 N. 17th st.
1000 17 *
T710R RENT Nicely furnished room at 010 S.
JJ 15th. 100 Ii (
T71OH IlENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for
-1 ? housekeeping , parties without children.2M1
Caldwell. 634
T710K KENT-Fui nlshed room , 2443 Capitol nve.
-C 83018 *
FOH HENT Nicely furnished loom suitable
for 2 gentlemen , Inquire 2011 St. Mary's ave.
TjlOH HENT Pleasant rooms , f mulshed ,
JL southw est corner 20ih and Webster. 318
FOH HENT One largo pleasant room , south
front , brick flat , suitable for 2 or 4 gentle
men , 1416 Chicago st. 2fc8
T7IOH HENT Nicely furnished south front
JU room for a gentleman. $12 n month. 21st
and Harney , No. 2034. ! M3 16 *
1OH HENT Nicely furnished looms to ladles
or gentlemen. Trices reasonable. 311 North
12th. 895 18J
TflOlt HENT Furnished rooms in Greunig blk ,
-tJ cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. R.
Davis , Mlllord hotel billiard room. 231
T710H IlENT Nicely furnished room , with
JU lieat , In nice cottage , $7 per month. 400 Wil
liam st. 8 minutes walk southeast U. P. depot.
FOH RENT Nicely furnished rooms. One
with alcove. Until , gas , city water , steam
heat , etc. 231U Douglas st. 898 19J
POH HENT Largo furnished front room. 1115
.N 17th. 113 2U *
TjlOK HENT Two or three nice rooms , unfur-
K nlshcd , modern conveniences , 628 Sitli ave ,
( Pleasant st ) . 114 17 *
FOH HENT Large parlor or suite of rooms ,
furnished or unfurnished , reasonable , at S.
E. Cor. 20th and Chicago. 123
FOH RRNT Klcely furnished front room for
single gentleman ; gas , bath. Hent $10.1005
Dodge stieei. 29117 *
FOH RENT Furnished rooms , $3 to $25 per
month. 1707 CasS st. 120 21
"C1OH HENT Nice large furnlsned front room.
JJ s w cor 18th and Jackson , $14 per month. 148
T710R RENT Furnished parlor and bed room
-I ? with closet. In nice cottnge In private family.
$15 , with or without board , 1W13 Izard st. 14716 *
T710R HENT R elegant furnished rooms lor 2
-H or 4 gentlemen. 1509 Farnam , room 28. opp.
Merchant's hotel. 128 20 *
Clou RENT-3 or 4 rooms , 2210 Mason st.
130 18 *
FOH HENT Furnished rooms for gentlemen
at 2425 Dodge St. 129 21 *
T710H RENT Furnished rooms with modern
-C Improvements , at 021 S. 19th st. 15717 *
T710H HENT Two good offices , rent reasonable.
X ? Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 16th st.
181 17
T71OK HENT Two furnished roams , all con-
X1 veuleuces , $10 and $12 per month , single or
double , man to sleep in front pr.rlor , No. 207 S
24th st. 154 17 *
FOH HENT Office room , flrst lloor , at 310 S.
15th st. 446
WANTED Situation by young Scotchman 31
years old , 5 years experience in handling
horses in private families. Good appearance ,
itblo and willing to work ; no olllce fee. Canadian
Emp. olllce , Mrs. Brega & Son , 316 S. 15. Tel. 884.
808-17 *
WANTED Hy a woman , work in a private
family , washing and Ironing or cleaning
house. Cull or address , 1412 S. 13th St. 190-16 *
WANTED Situations 1 salesman ( for city
or road ) , 1 draughtsman , both have city
references ; 1 stable man , 1 driver , 2 dry goods
salesmen , 1 grocery clerk , | 1 book-keeper , till for
city ; also dry goods , grocery nnd drug clerks ,
book-keeper , cashier , liousekeeper , for city or
country. All of these can furnish good refer
ences. For particulars call on or address City
Intelligence Office , Crelghton block. 184 16
WANTEO-Bituatlon by a stationary en
gineer of over 20 years' experience. Wm'
Me Lain , 1903 Paul st. 141 16J
" \77"ANTED Situation as bookkeeper , expert-
VV cnced aud competent. Address 11 : il , Ileo
ofllco. 900 20 *
WANTED Situation by young man to work
morning and evening for his board ; is at
tending school ; no ofllce fee. Canadian Em
ployment ottlce , Mrs. liroga & Son , 316 S. 15. tele
phone. 884. 158 10 *
" 1X7"ANTED Situations for coachmen , yard-
Vf men , porters. Janitors , etc. We fill your
orders tree and have men waiting to accept
places who have good references and are willing
to work. Canadian Employment ofllce , Mrs ,
Brcga If Son , 316 S. 15tb , telephone 884.1M1C
1M1C *
WANTED Charge of elevator to buy grain.
Ac. , by a thorough grain man , single , well
known In Neb , satisfaction or no pay. Address
" 0 rain , " box Jtt , Stromsburg , Nub. 160 28
A YOUNG lady , fully competent milliner
and trimmer , lately from the east , thor
oughly posted In all latest styles , desires a posi
tion with a local house. Can give very beat rot-
eiences. Address Miss G. , lock box 714.
WANTKD-Pltuatlon by architectural ( ex-
poriencedf draughtsman , or to learn some
prartlcal brauch of building trade , small salary
accepted ; testimonials and references. Ad
dress A. Beck , 831 S 21st St. 141 17 *
Situation as clerk In hotel by man
V > with good ruf rences. Addrebo H U. Bee
olllce. Council Blulla. tY10 .
ATrANTED-Sltuattons for 20 girls at houso-
T > w ork , our ollice is full of nice girls , come
nnd get one. Mrs. llrcga 4. SOU'B Canadian
Emp. Olllce 318 S. 15th , tel. 884. 3H 16 *
. carriages ut Omaha fnlrgnmndl
by A. Thomson. 17U-N. 15 *
"I IHST-CLAfcS storage at 110 N. 13th st.
Furniture , boxed goodsetc.terms
STORAGE , 7li I'aciflo. . SCI
by one hundred and fifty buslnesf
SIXTY M blk from South Omaha pont-
office. $4,100 ; 1-3 cash. F. L. Gregory , 320 Bo
15th Bt. IB
1ST your houses for rent with U.K. Cole. 31
a 15th ; can rout to now. < Ut
rilO LEASR-For nve years 132 feet by 103 feet.
X vacant northwest comer of Nicholas nnd
Twenty-second streets for buMneas purposes.
Address J. L. Curtis , No. 200 North Nineteenth
ftrect. 1H1-16 *
T71OR SALE or trade Good city property
JJ for Improved or unimproved lown or Ne
braska fauns. II. 11. irey , Room 1 ? Frenzer
illuck , Omnlia. Neb. pa
T710II SALE-Finost location for n homo In
JWest Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrketnlall , roe , Brady , Ensson nnd others.
Nothing liner In thn city. Can sell H)5\1H7 ) or
less ; for prices nud tetms see S. A. Sloiniin. I.W1
Farnain st. rn
I 1ST jour priipcrty. for x.ilo or exchange ,
t with H. li. Cole , niil 3.15111. room 1. 6.S2
BAHGAlN-Corner In 1'rospect Place , 5lx
124'4 , Just on grade , 31st street , H.IHW , easy
term * . F.L. Gregory. 330 South 15th st. 1110
SNA1' Corner In Thornburg 1'lace , 1 block
from Lenveiiworth street , 100x130 , for
M.H30. F. L. Gregory , M South 15th t. BIO
T 1ST your property with S. 8. Campbell and
J-il. w. Hervey , 310 Chamber of Commerce.
Special attention given to the vxchango of all
kinds of property. Improved ami unimproved
city property , farms , homes , cattle , stocks of
goods , etc. NW
WILL trade equity In Faruam street lots for
a large residence or choice building lot un
encumbered. Must not bo more than one-half
mlle from the postolllco. xVddress W. H. V. . 2210
Leavenworth. lVil-10
FOR SALE An elegant pew stone 12-room
residence on 100 feet east front lot on 10th
st. , opposite Brownell hall ; ptlre , $30WJO.
Evans i Blackbum , solo agents , 1610 Dodge ,
7W 17
SOUTH OMAHA-I have payments past duo
on several tine lots lu South Omaha syndi
cate , and will sell two or more below last
winter's prices to payments on balance.
Address II. 47 , Bee olllco. 11U 18
lots in Ilronu park , 4 blocks from
depot and parking houses , and ono block
from motor line ; $ 00 each If sold this week. If
you want choice South Onmha property 30 per
cent , under the market Investigate this. Ad
dress H. 48 , Bee olllco. ] 'J118
AM going to California November 1 , nnd will
sell my lots in South Omaha syndicate ,
Jotters addition. Brown park , etc. , nt n sacrifice.
Write for ono week to II. 45 , Bee olllce. Mil 18
T71OH SALE Good 7-ioom house , cellar and
JL' well , small corner lot , 2 squares from 2 cnr
lines , rented $30month ; only $3,000 ; about $375
cash , balance easy terms. W. 3110 Lake St.HW18
HW-18 *
T71OUH room house , bnrn and out buildings , In
JJ Prospect plnco , for $3iOO : ; easy terms.
Six room house und splendid lot in Full-mount
place , for $3,300 ; small cush and balance
Six eight room housesin southwest paitof
city , for $ . ) ,500 euch ; monthly payments.
A flue double corner lot , Itt ! feet east front on
Lowe avenue , for $ .lh50 ; one-third cnsh. This
property will sell for $5,000 In ono ycarfiom
( Into. Look It up If you nro after a bargain. 1' .
K. Darling , 410 South 15th .sti eot. 20010
° " "
7f"f"THE Expositlon Monday morning we cnu
J-i. offer a nice 0-room house and lot , 2 miles
from Postolllco , on monthly payments , $1,000.
Several houses und lots olferod near titioot
car Hues on very easy pnyments-Jl.HX ) ,
$ -,000. U.OOO. $ .1.400. $4,600 , $4.700. Elegnnt
homo on Se urd street , $3,500. Choice
east front lot , 54x160 , Hniiscom Plate , only $2,000.
We want n carpenter to build on a choice east
front lot ; will bell the lot and lumber on install
ments. We wunt uptuno , n span of mares , n
single driver In exchange for Omaha property ,
nnd u list of. any propurtv for Undo or sale.
John M. Wolshans & Co. , Hoom 3 Exposition
Building. 1W-1U *
11 O exchange Some money and choice land
JL for flrst class Improved liisldo pioperty.
H. B. Colo. 310 S 16th. 411
"fjlOR SALE By M. A. Upton & Co. , real estate
JU brokois , 3UOS. lllth Btreet , opposite cham
ber of commerce. Extra bargains : South and
oust front lot In Oak Chatham , opposite depot
grounds , ll room house ; only $2W)0 ) If sold nt
once. $ N)0 ) cash. This property Is worth $ .1,600 ;
23x1,13 Fnrnam and 22ud streets , $0,000 , cheapest
property on the street , will bo worth $20,000 in
three yours from now. 741
FON 8ALE-124xlOO ft cor. Howard and
sts. , next block to Easson , Brady & Mar
tins houses. $7,600. Address E. 33 Bee ofllce. ObO
TJIOR SALE Elegant 10 room house , all mod *
JU ern conveniences , only $500 cash required.
H. E. Cole , 318 S. 15th. 812
TO EXCHANGE-Equlty ] in 4.0 and 10 room
houses and lots for paid up lots. II. E. Cole ,
3103.15th. 410
mHOMPSON , 814 8.15th St. , buys and sells real
JL estate , loans money , purchases securities ;
has a good list of property for sale and wants
more. Notary public. 854
T 1ST your property for sale or exchange with
JU II. K. Cole. 3US Ifith , room 1. 683
FOR SALE Or exchange. In Walnut hill , two
blocks west of Lowe ave on Mercer ave , one
lot facing south , 60x160 feet on grade. Will ex
change for smaller lot nearer postofllcoand
south of location. Address room 13 , Exchange
building. South Omaha. 695
A FEW more lots left nt 8150 ; easy terms.
Money In this. Investigate. H. E. Cole ,
310 815th. 683
A FEW more lots left at $160 ; easy terms.
Money In this. Investigate. II. E. Cole , 318
B15th. 583
FOR SALE-At $800 , house and lot , rented at
$11 per month , on small cash ifuyiuentH , bal
ance monthly or quarterly , or all cash at n bet
ter price and warranted deed. D. D.Biucaton,1003
Dodge st. 11J
TWO houses in Hanscom place renting for
$70 per month to exchange for good Inside
vacantproperty. 8. 8. Campbell and G.W. Her
vey ,310 B. 18th st. , Chamber of Commerce. 152
BIG BARGAIN lV5-story house for sale In
Walnut Hill , 8 rooms , good collar , bay win
dow , porch , house 18x28-12x14-5x9. Barn 14x18
ft , shod 10x10 ft , all for $ .1,600 , $800 down. bal.
r > years at 0 per cent Interest. Inquiie of E. G.
Moirill cor. Brewster and Elk fits. 127 23 *
LIST your property with 8.8. Campbell and
G. W. Hen oy if you w ant to sell or exchange.
310 Chamber of Commerce. S07
TjlOH TRADE The equity in 5 South Omaha
JJ Syndicate lots , near park , for house and lot
all or nearly paid up ; or lots well located and
paid for. C. 0. Spotswood , 305i' S. luth st. 081
1ST your property for sale or exchange with
J H. B. Cole , 31(1 ( S 15th , room 1. 683
LIST your houses for rent with II. E. Cole , 316
S 15th ; can rent 60 now. 60 ! )
FOR SALE Several houses and lots on
small payments , also some houses and
lots to trade ; several farms for stile or trade for
Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mayne , N.
W. cor 10th and Farnam. iwi
T .1ST your property for halo with Charles C.
JUSpotsw ood. : K > V/i 3 IHth St. 043
A FEW more lots left at $150 ; easy terms.
Money In this. Investigate. H. E. Coloj 318
FOR SALE-Lot 45 , Burr Oak , $1,100 , $500 cosh ,
bal 2 years.
Lot 47 , Burr Oak. $1,050 , $400 cash , bnl easy.
Lot 16 , block 17 , Hanscom I'laco , $3,600.
Lt 5. block 5 , J. I. Hedlck's sub. $7.100.
Lot 10 , block B , Hillside No. 1 , 13,800 , 1,100
cash , bal 3 years.
Lot 6 , block 7 , Hillside No. 1 , $3,600 , $1,000 cash ,
bal 3 years.
Lots 17 , 33 and 35 , Sunnysldo. $ :3,600 : each.
Lot 4 , block 313J-J , city , $ .53,000 , routs $175 per
Lot 8 , block 71 , jclty. $30,000 , rents $100 per mo.
Lot 3. block 2l2tf , ll'J.OUli. rents 120 per mo.
Two seven room houses with all modern con
veniences t o blocks west of Hanscom paik ,
$ .1,400 each , terms easy.
Lot 05 Fairmont Place , with live room cottage
$3.0(10 ( , tei ins easy.
Lots In Potter ACobb's addition to South
Omaha fiom M75 up.
Business lots In South Omaha on N. Q , 24th ,
25th 2 > > th nnd 27th htreet Improved or unim
proved for sale cheap.
Acre property near South Omaha from $300 to
$ .HX ) per ncie , or will trade for inside property ,
I'ottur & , Cobb. lt/11 Furnam t.
143 17 Board of Trade Building.
EXCHANOE-What have you In Omaha ,
FOR or real estate , to trade for first-class
1CW acres unimproved land three miles from sta
tion. Box 6li , Osceola , Neb. 150 1(1 ( *
SALE Or exchange , farms In Iowa ,
FOR nnd Nebraska for Omaha houses
nnd lots ; will assume mortgages on houses and
give clear deeds to farms ; will ulso exchange
tit y lots for good farms , well located und ns-
HumeMiiull mortgages on farms and give cleur
deed to city lots. Farms w uiitod in Contra ! No-
brusku. A. 1 * . Tukoy , 1.C4 Farnuni bt. 140
Lots 9 nnd 10 , block 2 , West Side , east
SNAP , one block from Leavenworth street ,
1760 each. M cnsh , como quick if you wunt u
bargain , F. L. Gregory , 330 South 16th street.
j1OH BALE One of the Dnest lots on Orchard
F st. : ; this lot may be sold at two
loss than Its vnluo If bought In a f w davs.
Charles C. Spotuw oed , 305i ! 8.10th bt. Kb
Permits to Wed.
Judge McCulIoch issued the following marriage -
riago licenses yesterday ;
Name and rcsldcnco. Ago.
William Spechtcr , Omaha 27
Julia Logasa , Omaha 20
Henry Soronzen , Omaha 23
Emma Warwack , Omuha 25
William It. Smith , Omaha 24
Kclllu Nelson , Omaha , , ' . , . . . .22
Charlus O , Fell * , Omaha 2T
Holgca Olson.'Omaha' . , 21
Jacob H. HarrU. Chovonne , Wyo..29
ICay Moss , 13rooklyn , N..Y . . , . , . .
Items of Interest to the Members of
the Various Secret Societies.
Doings of tlio S. M. A. A. The O. IV
C. II. of Ii. K.-CJoncrnl
I'jrlhlnti Mown Sub
[ IIO8II Gossip.
.Tho Knlghtfl of Pytlilns.
The session oftlio , grand ledge 1C. of P. ,
with Its attendant exercises , nro lit nn end.
The result I'unnot but bo satisfactory to nil
Interested In this young nud growing order.
From the ulplm to the ouiogu tlio progriimmu
was ono of which the Nebraska knights may
well bo proud. The tributes paid them ou nil
hands arc well deserved , and it would bo
superfluous to ndd anything to the compli
ments already tendered them.
TIIK A. O. H. band Intends giving a.
scries of winter parties the to
take place Wednesday , October 10. The
flrst i > arty \vlll ho at Cunningham hall ,
and the 13. & M. band of Plattsmouth ,
Noh. , will bo present and give concert
music. The string-music will bo fur
nished by Hoffman's orchestra. The
members of the bund desire to state
that any of its friends who have not re
ceived an invitation should notify some
member of the organization as early us
TlIK MEETINGS Of lodge No.ll.S.M.A.
A. will hereafter bo hold at Forest hall ,
Sixth and Pierce streets.
HARRY GILMORK division No. 120.
0.11. C. , has decided to give a ball and
banquet lu November. Tlio following
committee was appointed to got figures
and estimates on a grand ball and ban
quet to bo given by that division in No
vember : F. J. Fail-brass , Frank Wiu-
klomau , John T. Wulsumn , M. P.
Suitor and Ed Hambright.
ON NOVKMHEH 11 the members of
ledge No. 11 , Switchmens' Mutual Aid
association of North America , will give
their second annual ball at Exposition
hall in this city.
Mr. J. F. Scullou , delegate to the an
nual meeting of the S , M. A. A. from
Lodge1 No. 11 of this city , has returned
from Indianapolis.
The members of Overland Ledge No.
12o , Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men , have decided to hold their fourth
annual ball on November 17 , at Exposi
tion hall.
"BircK" KKLLY of the Mobcrly Mon
itor , organi/od in one short hour over
fifty dilloront societies and started thorn
on a trip to Kansas City to see Mr. aud
Mrs. Cleveland.
Henry G. Bishop , of Geneva , ( N. Y. )
ledge , No. Sill , who has boon located at
East Saginaw , Michigan for some time
past , says the Pythian Knight , passed
through Rochester on Juno IGth to join
his wife at Now York , whom ho was ex
pecting homo from n visit to England.
Mr. Bishop has been traveling exten
sively out west and speaks in the high
est terms of praise of the lodges at
Omaha , and Lcavonworth , Kansas.
In the former place ho at
tended a convention when a report was
made concerning aktiightwho had been
taken ill. Ho was.a stranger and the
brother reporting the case said it was
doubtful whether ho was oven in good
standing in the oj-der. But the man
was sick and in distress. The chancel
lor commander being satisfied on that
pojnt , imirediatoly declared an inter
mission , bnyiug : "Btothprs , do the
usual thing , " put'his hand in his pocket
and Hnrted ! a donation , which in a few
minutes was dwelled to over fifty dollars ,
_ * #
ing been elevated to the highest andmost
exalted position in the ledge , says the
Boston Globe , should in turn show his
appreciation of the compliment so
heartily bestowed on him by a strict at
tention to the duties of his high olllce ,
not alone as a presiding olllcor , but also
should so perfect himself in the written
and unwritten work so as to bo able to
lay aside the ritual entirely. Ho should
so carry himself as to win the respect
of the entire membership of his lodge
and the community in which ho lives.
IK RETDiixixa to their homes tlio repre
sentatives to the grand ledge of Nebraska ,
K. of P. , must not forget that it I.s their ex
plicit duty to mnko n written report , to the
BUlwrdinato ledge which elected them , of ull
the Important proceedings of the grand
ledge ,
* *
THIS KNTEitTAiNMuxr coiiimltta of the 1C. of
P. will meet nt the olllco of Clark & French
Tuesday night for the purpose of closing up
the affairs of the late Pythian exercises.
* #
THUHSIUT KVEXIXO Senator Charles F ,
Mandcrson bccumo an Elk.
GKXKIIAI , JAMBS U. CAnxAiux returned
from Lincoln yesterday morning , nnd last
night left for his homo in Indianapolis.
* *
Tun LAST act of Grand Chancellor John
Morrison was to 'approve the petition for a
new ledge nt Hooper , l > edge county , Neb.
The now ledge will bo numbered S'J and lias
twenty-llvo charter members.
Matters in tlio Court * .
Andrew Henry , doing business as the Hank
of Omaha , filed a suit in the district court
yesterday against the Consolidated Tunic
Line company for $1,075.25 for oils claimed to
bo sold to thorn August 1 , 1897.
The jury in the case of Ed. II. Cannon
against Walter S. Tucker and Isaac Adams
brought in a verdict yesterday for343.53.
This case was hoard before Judge Croft and
was an action based on the grounds of ma
licious prosscutlon by being falsely charged
with embezzlement in the police court.
The Jury in the case of John LIndcrhohn
against Peter Wlgg , hoard by Judge Hoj > o-
well. brought in a verdict of ttOOA.5 ! for the
plaint ! IT.
Judge McCulIoch rendered two verdicts in
the county court yesterday hi promissory nnto
cases. Uoth were in favor of the plaintiffs.
In the case of Halph E. Gavlord vs. II. H.
Groy , the Judgment was $26000 , and In the
case of Marsh , Smith & Company vs John II.
Itapp ct al , the Judgment was ? C3.
Judge Navillo removed the case of the
Merchant's National bank and A. Polack , In
regard to a receiver , to the United States cir
cuit court yesterday upou application of a
non-resident defendant.
Tommy Miller Knocked Out.
Tommy Miller , the champion feather
weight of Nebraska , was knocked out in the
first round yesterday In an Impromptu mill In
a bagnio on the corner of Twelfth street and
Capitol avenue. His combatants wcro a
couple of burly brick-moulders , and the con
test was over a strawberry blonde living In
Hang's block. Tommy made a gallant Bland
but was getting badly worsted when Olllcer
Pulaski appeared on the sreno. All the con-
tostunts were badly bruised , but 'Jommy
fared by far the worst. Ho made a desperate
attempt to oscnpo from the [ Killco , but failed.
All three of the pugilists wcro put behind the
bare at the central iiolico statL.i , but Miller
was shortly thereafter released.
Tlirco Outlaws Shot.
LJ.TTLE KOCK , Ark. , Oct. 15.-U Is roportc *
here that throe outlaws , who burned and
robbed the village of OaV * , in the Indian tee
tltory lost week , were shot there yostord y , .