RF THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; BATUBPAY. OCTOBER 15. 1887. THE GRAND IODCE ADJOURNS. And the Pythlnns Festivities tire Drought to a Oloso. DEPARTURE OF THE KNIGHTS. I'rot-nitHtIdii to P.O. C. , John MorrI * BOII of Lincoln Appropriations For tin : Coming Ycnr or Myrtle. Tlio Prr At 8:30 : o'clock yesterday morning the grand lodge o [ > oncd in due form , fifty- two lodges represented , and the pro- feeding of yesterday were read and ap proved. On recommendation of the finance committee the reports of the G. K. of II. and S. and the G. M. of E. wore ap proved. On motion all btibordlnato lodged in debted to the grand lodge were ordered to pay tip at once. At 10 o'clock the lodge went into se cret session , and the ritual work was ex emplified by , T. S. Shrophire. A Hpeeial allowance of $ ! WO was made to 1' . G C. , John Morribon , for extra expenses during his term as G. C. On motion of HeprcfcenlativoKdwards n vote of thanks was tendered J. S. Shropshire for his edifying exemplifica tion of the ritual work. On motion it was decided to hold a Npccial session immediately after the adjournment of the regular session for the purpose of incorporating the grand lodge under the laws of the state. Tlio following appropriations were made for the coming year. TruvoliiiKexpenses of G. C ; . . . . tfi < Kt 00 Biiliiry of 1C. of U. mid S 600 ( K ) Postage and expenses 150 ( H ) Hep. tux to Supreme Lodge NX ) 00 Printing 400 00 Supplies from Supreme Lodfjo NK ) 00 Manufacture of supplies "DO 00 Mili'ijo ! ( anil pur diem for present ses sion i 2ilS : . - , Onico for G. K. of U. ami S 160 00 Tot nl f-V-'lW < > . " > The G. C. appointed as committee on necrology , .1. S. Shrophiro , . ) . K. Smith and .1. Q. Gosd. Resolutions of thanks were extended to 1' . G. G. John Morrison ; to the knights of Ornahn for their fulfillment of every pledge made , and to G. K. of K. and S. , K. E. French for his indefati gable energy and zeal in the discharge of his duties. Tho. following standing committees for the coming year wore elected : Law J. S. Shrophiro , Omaha ; W. S. Hamilton , Lincoln ; J. Q. ( loss , Bollo- vuo. vuo.State of Order W. K. Copeland , Omaha : W. L. Dayton , Lincoln ; Dr. E. W. Cook. Plattsiiiouth. Credentials W. C. Lane , Lincoln ; W. L. Henderson , Croighton ; J. F. Hallinger , Hastings , i Appeals J. Q. Goss , of Tk'llovue : II. M. liushuell , Lincoln ; A. F. Uorden , Omaha. Foreign correspondence J. W. Lounsbury , Omaha ; J. G. Jones , Toeum- boh ; II. F. Downs , Lincoln. Finance E. S. Oppenheiiner , Grand Inland ; F. W. Race , Omaha ; E. T. Roberts , Lincoln. Special committee on revision and laws J. S. Shropshire , E. E. French , John J. Moncll. At IS ! o'clock the lodge took a recess until S ! o'clock. At the latter hour the session was called to order but little business being transacted. At ! ! : . ' ! ( ) o'clock John Q. Goss , of Bellevue , as the representative of the members of the grand lodge , in a neat little speech presented P. G. C. , John Morrison , of Lincoln , with a mag nificent gold headed cane. Mr. Mor risen accepted the gift with an expres sion of his gratitude. The lodge was closed in duo form , the gavel of the G. C. fell and the twenty-third session of the Nebraska grand lodge was at an end. Im n. Cake'H Poem. The poem read by Miss Mead , Thurs day night which will bo fully apprecia ted by every knight , is as follows : TIIU KNHHITS Of 1'lTllllS. ( /II//.H II. On/if / , C'lj'i/i'uhfnl I'll ' tlir Author. ) In the vtorlt's told of thu knights ufolil , \Vlth their armor bright uml their hearts so Ixild ; . With thuhworil mid lancu anil the song ami tlanec. Anil the hulU'tt fair of the.su brnvo gallants ; Uf tliililluiy btveils anil their iliirlnu ; ileeili. Anil their mottoes taken Horn Clulstlan crceils ; Of thu thallciiKo KO\O ! that they throw to prove K illicitly honor tiuo , or a gaugu In love : Of tla-lr halo of.Mong , uiul their nfemUhlp strong , How they ever helpeil those. In need aloiiL' ; Ho the buuu hard wilt us. uiicl thuorld ih.llu.htH . lu the btoikil fumu uf thu gnuul old knights. Though the knights of yoio rldo the list nu more. And the armors rust that they proudly wore , Thiii-o Is knighthood still , and chlvulrlo thrill , And thu suord and lanee , but they do not kill. Jn the leul rites of the I'ythlan Knights , IN thu olden eharm that thu bard leeltes ; And thu inybtlu tin und Its beauties llu Hid In principles Unit can never dlu. lliivu you heard It told ? "Its u btory old , liroulng Inlghter , gr.iuder as > ears have rolled , In tlio Grecian rllme , und 'twas In.tho tlmo Of King Ulonj-hlttH , king of eilme , When his \\lly art \\trn thu henutu's heait With republic , llbeity to pait. And them boning down under freedom t > frown , To vote Ulimys'us u kingly crow n ; When noun dated oppose , then bold Onmourose , Thu olio patriot , braving fieedom's foes , ' "Though I stand alone , eiu tliou take the thione , DUmjsus , tliou fcliiilt bo rightly known. Herul tell thee , king , though thu word dot ) ; Stllltf , Thou ait that heartless , most dreaded thing , " Jtoyttl Tjiimt "lliiltll" died thu nobles old , All illMiw ) til by thu hero's \sonls K > Itold , DUmysniH urn ed. Then thu angry cloud KushlUK o'er his blow , burst In thunders loud "Srlze and bind him , slaAcal 'Tls u traltoi raves Iv At the joyal power ho madly braves. " Bwlftly Damon Mining , and his dagger hang. At * U sought thu king , and tiienluAu bhli'ldsrang Overcome , then bound , with the guaids aroum Toro the king bravo Damon wai imlikly round Dlony'sns opuku : "Haste , ye giiaidniuen. Taki Him to Instant death. Let the CK > S yo niiiko lie for iiiilu and w oo. ] 'orard ; let us go Unto wnero a man-Iteo soon shall grow. " Damon proudly smiled. "Since yo Juilgo s < mild , I may beg three hours for wife and child ? K'en u tiger , \\orst of ull brutes , will llrst Let the victim play ere bho slaku her thirst. " "Not B moment. Onl" " 1 will give a puwn And u life make hostagu w hlle 1 am gonu. " Hut , all pica In vain , llku a fuu'rul train. They went forth to thu uuclllxlon plain. As they neared the end , lo ! the gods did bend V'ulthtul 1' } thlas , Damon's boDom friend. "Hcarmu uow , O. ktug , and when tlmo thai bring The dread mes enger w 1th tlio noiseless w Ing , To thy royal bed ; eru tliou join the dead , It will ease th ) MW ! If It then ho said Thou hast merry bhowu. iru : the span ha tlown Hear thu plea that one day shall bo thine on. . Sot the ptls'ner Ireo. I w 111 hoitage be , I And 'tin but fnar hours 1 usk of thee. Let him go hU way to his home and say I The fiiruwell ot love , that must be for ayw. And when tliou shall learn that the hourly urn Has run four , unit Damon doth not return , Then no court thall try : no uppeiil w 111 I , Hut for Pauior , I'ythlas tlieu shall die. " "It doth pleats me itM , When the urn shall tel 'K'en six hours , for theollu-U' ' heaven or hell. I.lko n bird 'Alien freed , on the swiftest stecil , To hh wife and child did brave Damon sjieed. Hut two hours were lost ere the rein was tossn To his wond'rlut ; slave , uud the threshol crossed Oh , that paitlng scene 1 with their babe hetweei So embraced they sintered the sorrow keen , \VhiU their bossoms btlrred , and the falt'rlu word. Only iingeh naW , only nngels heard. Kpowwe ou'iy thltf , tliat u llng'rlng kiss HushedtUe bwcvt uube's cry ; thatlU-rllpMr.- * Ills . spirits clung , and their hearts u.-t - And life's saddest word , sorrow , stilled the tongue. Tlio fourth hour died , ind. w Ith haMy Ft rldo , He mailed forth to make the returning ride. Hut l.nrulluV hate , to Innke Damon lute , Killed the horse , to have death and disgrace his fate. Hut n tniv'ler throUKh rtxle R MM 1ft Meed , too ; And this Damon seized , und w ny he Hew , How the shades did run from the yetting Html Could he yet return ere the hours were done ? Firm and white his face , Time and Honor nice , And ho opurs his cteod to u whirlwind pace. For the life nt stake ; for his honor's cake ; As ho rides tlie rece.dlng earth doth shake. On the echoing height unities the sunshine bright , I.Ike n fun'rnl pall draw Ing o'er , li night. And the good steed thrills with tlio thought that tills Its doomed rider's heart , anil It dings the hllU And the vales behind ; llkn the hunter's hind ; As the mountain toiients leap and wind , On UK courxu It ran. It Is mure than man , 'Tls the gods to sa\e him If they can. On his . tralnlns eyes like a parndl e , Syracuse" fair temples before him tl e , And upon thu plain winds thu solemn train To the crucifixion cross again. Now It wavers , stands. Now a prls'ner's bands Are unloo-ed ; a cioss ilses o'er the sands , Comes the victim near. Damon pules with fear , As hu sees 'tis Pythias. Can they hear ? All In vain his try , for Hip leaves low sigh , And a mocking echo , iiluue reply , He devours the way ; will the gods delay The dread sacrificeAy , the soldier1 * stay Vor the tyrant's word. Not i < hand Is stirred. HarkI Among the hills a far sound Is heard ! Then a ringing shout like a battlu rout ; To the level plain w Hilly rushes out A foam coveied steed ; and the sweat drops bead His grim rider's face. Will they hear and heed II Is appealing cry ? "Hoi hold ! hold ! 'tis I , It Is Damon ! 1'jthlas shall not diet" Keel they turn , they hear ! And they raise a theei'j From tlie cross they take him they now revere. As joy pints the tluong Damon speeds along , I'ntll minor's arms enfold lilendshlp strong. "Live the ft lends , " Is cried us the tears ate dried ; And. "his horse henceforth only god's shall ride. " The king asks the cause of the wild applause , And lo ! e'en from him faithful friendship draws A teletitlng mood , " "llete let none Intrude. Ilrlng the prisoners now. H'en when woman's weed I.OVO was ne'er more true , that the world e'er knew. Ah , for love like this , what would man not do ? " "Ilrlng them forth , " he said , and the twain were led To the throne , to hear the la t sentence read. "So yo tame. In time ; jours Is love sublime , And shall live lit story und deathless rhyme. Though to slay a king Is a monstrous thing , Yet 'tis lost In praise , so great love doth bring. Ve shall both go free ; and 1 nsk of thee That the thlid In friendship the king may bo. " In this story old , as In leaver of gold , Are tHe iltes of I'ythlau Knights enrolled. First Is lilendshlp true ; then , like gentle dew , Falleth charity , and benevolence , too. And as Damon's ft lend u'en his life did lend , So thu I'ythlan friendship knows no end. F.'en to death , If need. Is their knightly creed ; And to give ; In doing the noblest deed. Ilrlght is honor's shield , and the arms they wield , Are like the e once used on the bloody Held ; IJut they re symbols now ; uud the vlsor'd " brow- Is to keep "tho Work , " yet f re thought allow ; And the breast plain show.s th.it to cover woes , And protect heatt frleilds.-l-s a debt each owes ; And thu laucu und sword , when appeal 's Ignored , Show how wrong Is mot and the light restoied ; Covet life's best gift ; save the walls adrllt , And misfortune's fallen ones e > r uplift ; And to seek the home when allllctlons come ; Of weak , erring faults , let Hut lips be dumb ; And the lostiegaln ; soothe a brother's pain ; For thu widows , orphans to e.ue , sustain ; Seu them schooled and ted ; and to bury thu dead. i'ldows' , orphans' tears gainered through the years , re thu brightest Jewels a moital wears. 'o obey the laws ; In his country's caus To bo loyal , tine with thu sworn hu draws ; 'me In thought and life , subdnupaity strife ; I'o lovu truth , his country , his chfldren , wlfo ; ilu to Milce again what thu world heaulwhen ho glad heavens opened ; to sound , as then , 'he ' swi et " 1'eaco on earl hand good will to'ard men. " .ong the story told of the knights of old , 'hat has Hied , been loved while thu j ears have lolled ; Vnd the story , too , of the tilendshlp true , ) amen , I'ythlas , grandest the woild e'er knew , 'hall thu world delight. Vet , In Time's lar Illght , , lko the moon at night , 1'hey will shine , bu bright. 'loin thu btinllght glory of Pi thlan Knight. < > ! ' Myrtle. General W. L. DayUm returned to incoln yesterday morning. Colonel E. S. RudclilYe left yesterday lor his homo in St. Paul. Colonel M. C. Burkwoll will remain n the city until Sunday night. Colonel II. F. Downs , of tlio First regi- nont , returned homo yesterday. Colonel J. L. Foiiromer loft over the Missouri Pacific last night for St. Louis. Major Charles T. Sleeper , aide to General Brand , of Illinois , left for Chi- ago last night. The Pythian festivities are over , the visiting knights have departed and the "lome divisions will now settle down to inprovo themselves. Major General James II. Carnuhnn tvont to Lincoln yesterday , where ho will bo accorded a formal reception by the knights of that city. Knight C. E. Konyon , a prominent business man of Chicago , is at the Pax- ton. Twelve years ago Mr. Konyon was ; v resident of this city. Ho will return homo to-morrow. It was the intention to hold a special session of the grand lodge after the ad- journmontof the regular session for the purpose of incorporation , but so weary wore the representatives that the ses sion was not hold. If the walls of room 110 , Millurd hotel , could talk they would disclose some interesting history of the sii knights encampment ut Omaha. Thur.v day night twelve members of the Unv form Kiuik K. of P. , and none of then wore of tlio rank and file , assembled it this room for the purpose of conferring the Orient degree. This is one of tlu mohtinteri'sting degrees at all connected with Pythian work. A condidate win to have been admitted to this rank , bu at the appointed time ho turned up- miss ing. The absence of the applicant did not interfere in the least with the enjoyment joymont of the occasion , and the princi pies of O. M. A. were fully exemplified as will bo attested by all who purtici pitted. MOUTUA U Y M ATTICnS. Kauts About Those Who Jluve Do purtotl This Ml'e. TIOIIK. Mrs. Thomas Tigho died at her lati residence , Thursday morning at ' o'clock. She was a daughter o Thomas Ryan , of South Omaha , and i sister of Mesdumes Patrick and Join Garvoy , of this city. The funeral wil lake plaeo this morning at 10 o'clocl from the corner of Eleventh and Arbo fct reels. Allan Lister , a member of the firm o Lister brothers , died of typhoid fove at his residence , Twenty-fifth and Dav ouport. Ho hud been ill for about threi weeks. The firm of which ho was i member moved to this city from Min m'upolis a few months ago and hai taken un residence hero. The remain will bo forwarded this evening to th < early homo of the deceased in Perth Oat. COOLF.V. Attorney Julius S. Cooley received telegram from Louisville last oveniiij apprising him of the sudden death c his mother. She was a woman of man , noble qualities , and the many friend of Mr. Cooley will sympathize ) will hi in in his bereavement. Ho leave ihls morning for Louisville , Frequently accidents occur in th tousohold which wuises burns , cuts prains and bruises ; for ttso in sue " ttbcs Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oi r.inuinont has for years been the con Mant favorjle family remedy. lr. S. R.'PuUcn , Oculist , Boom""sij buildiuu , Oumbtt , Telephone ft THE SKAT OF POWER Found In the Immense Cable House On Twentieth nnd Hnrney , Yesterday morning the Immense smoke stuck of the now power house of the Cable Tramway company , at the corner of Twentieth and Hurncy was finished , the last brick being laid about noon. The pile is 160 fcot high and at the base Is fifteen feet square. Thous ands of brick have been used In Its con struction. A BKIJ reporter took a hasty look through tlio building yesterday and found It almost in readiness for the purposes for which it was erected. It is a spacious strilcturo , being IS'JxHU feet and nearly sixty feet high. In the basement arc six boilers with a ma&slvo cngino weighing with the lly-wheel of pounds nearly fifty tons The chambers in which the slack ot the cables will bo taken up are llnishod and in these on the wire will run Mack cars weighted with 8XHI ( pounds. The cables will enter and leave the building on Twentieth street. There will bo two of these , one for each route , and both will weigh not less than 100.000 pounds. Some of our public olllcials have been exercised lest the carting of bitch a weight , oven divided into two parts would destroy the pave ments over which it would bo hauled. This difficulty has been anticipated. The cable will bo shipped on cars to Paxton & Gallagher's at Tenth street , where it will be run in the rolls made for beneath the yokes of the road. The second floor of the building will be used for the storage of cars and the olficer's headquarters and the' third floor for painting and repairs. Since the com mencement of this work , the company has expended about six hundred thou sand dollars. _ Street Hallway Consolidation. There IK on foot a movement for the consolidation of all the street railway lines in Omalin. This will include the Omaha horse railway , the cable line and the electric motor lino. This statement is made on what is regarded as pretty good authority. Mr. Guy C. Barton , who is one of the principal owners of the horse railway , is expected homo from Kuropo in a few days. Upon his arrival a meeting of the Omaha Horse Railway company will bo called to discuss the situation and arrange for a conference with the other street railway companies. At , this conference the terms of consolidation , which have already been discussed and virtually agreed up on , will bo definitely settled.Vliilo the franchise of the electric motor line does not give the direct authority for horse power , yet the fact remains that a largo portion of the line will be operated as a hor.Mj railway. There are several objects in making the proposed consolidation.oneo.f whirh is to get the railways under 0110 man agement , as this is regarded for the best interests of all concerned. It is ac knowledged by the superintendent of the horse railway company that the line which Dr. Mercer is laying down on Fourteenth , Douglas. Twelfth , How ard and Seventeenth streets , and running to the northwest quarter of the city will bo a paying road from the start. The cable line from Tenth street , up Dodge , and north on Twentieth covers the north half of the city , while the line up Harnoy will accommodate the south half. half.Another Another object of the consolidation fs to get a monopoly of all the best streets , and then transfer the entire svstom of Omaha street railways to a Philadelphia syndicate composed largely of the same men who own the Philadelphia street raflways , and who are now gobbling up those of Chicago as rapidly as possible. The members of this same syndicate are thu principal owners of the water gas company which has bought up the plants in several of the largest cities of the country , including Omaha. It is intimated that the electric line which is ao rapidly being laid down b.y Dr. Mercer , is really being built for tlio Omaha horse railway , and that Frank Murphy , of the latter company , is the man who is putting up a largo part of the money , and when the time arrives ho and his associates will take it under the consolidation. The Motor Mite. A force of men wasyestcrday morning put to work laying a double track for the motor line on Webster street west of Seventeenth. Some weeks , ago , the company built the first line on the strec1 in question , without permit from the board of public works. Since that time it has become a rule that all railwaj companies must secure a permit before tearing up the streets for track pur poses. But no such permission was granted in this case , and the projector ! suem to think that they are at liberty to build a second line on the same terms they laid the first one. TIIK SHllGKANT'8 HXPIjOITS. He Captures a AVoll Known and llcs < pcrato Ci-aoksnian. Sergeant Moysten made a neat catcl yesterday morningatan early hour , in IK less a personage than .Too Coghlan , i well known "gopher" and cracksman The sergeant was on a rcconnoisanco ot California street and just as ho rcachci a point directly in front of 107 ! ! ho wa confronted by a lady , wlm but partiality robed , emerged fron tlio gate. She breathlessly informci him that there was a burglar in tin house. The borgeant had no time \ > summon aid , and without a moment * hesitancy drew his gun and ran into th > yard. IIo was just in the nick of time for at thatitiatanta man leaped fron the otion window , but only to find th imuzio of the courageous sergeant's revolver volvor staring him in th face. IIo was handcuffed am hurried off to the station , when his identity was discovered. Ho hai on a close fitting jacket , and were i jiair of thick solid rubbers , his shoe being found where ho hai slipped them oil and pot them aside be fore entering the house. Ho had "Knowlton lover , " a jimmy and a buncl of skeleton keys on his person , and wa evidently equipped jor a long campaign HOLDING UP A IIOhUGK-UP. Johnson , "U'lio Kobbcd Parker th lload Agent , UroiiRht In , L. C , Johnson was brought in froi Broken Bow by United States Doput ; Marshal Showaltor yesterday morning Ho is charged with robbery , in imporfaoii ating a United States marshal , an under throats of arrest , oxtractin , $1,600 from Parker , the road agent wh hold up United States Paymaster Bas near Fort Fottorman last Marcli On arrival hero ho was taken befor Commissioner Anderson for an immcdi ate hoarfng , but not being in readlnes for trial , the case was continued untj Monday morning , and in default of $10 bail ho was removed to the jail. Jolui son .is a great strapping fellow , a typi I cal frontiersman. Ho runs a < liv Iand , dance , house in the . vicinlt | _ of Broken BoKi U U aat ou. ui prepossessing intllvfdUnV'by nny mcnns , still bcnrs the rotnitaMon of n "b-a-d man. " It IB snitl th Jit-tlio wtUls of his shnntj * , if they could speak , could toll sotno thrlllinp ; tales of the enturnnlins held there by the cowboys , trappers nnd mountaineers in the halcyon days of the "ovcrlund trafl. " A CopartnorfiblR Trouble. Charles H.Battolle hits commenced suit nfjalnst David iuidBertWhitneyund Mrs. Whitney for $2.500 damages. The pe tition alleges that * on May 1 , 1887 , David Whitney and Cliarlcs K. Bnttcllo formed u partnuit < liip tinder the firm name of Whitney & Dattulle , for the transaction of a produce buslnuss. Afterwards Whitney formed another partnei'r < hip with llert Whitney and Irs. Whitney for the transaction of the fritmo kind of businci-H. 13attello claims that the ilrm of which ho was a member had built up a Nourishing trade and that David Whitney purposely started tlio new Ilrm to prey upon the old one. and has so succeeded to the damage of the old linn. Ho further claims that the linn of Whitney & Co. have got credit and made collections of money from parties supposing the two to bo the same. Battello therefore ti ks for all monev duo him from the nnnof Whitney A : Hattello and Whit ney & Co. , besides the W"ilH ) damages. AVInU-r The Omaha Hille club have accepted the resignation of Colonel ( I. V. Henry as captain , with regrets , and places him upon the roll of honorary membership. Dr. Worlcy lias been elected as his suc- cos-or. When the season at the range at Hollcvtto closes , the club will continue its weekly bhoot in a ball in this city , for the rental of which arrangements are now being perfected. Are you weak and weary , overworked and tired' : ' Hood's Sarsaparillu is just the medicine to purify your blood and give you strength. Will Hi-cover. The many friends of W. K. Magncr of the 1'a.ton barber shop will be pleased to learn that he has recovered from the ulYucta ot the poisonous spider bite ho received some days ago. At one time it was thought his death was imminent. Absolutely Pure. TillIHIV , tier nuvcr viivle . Amuivd of purl- . . - , -In until and whoU'-iinieiius . Mom i-i-im- oiiilcal than tlic nrtllimry kind" , and runnot lie bold In competition with thu mtilltiulu or low ru-t hhoit weight alum or phosphate powders. Bullion ! ) iucimo. Itov.u , HAKIM ; l'o\Mt.ii ) Co. , lUii WiillM. , N. Y. PRIVATE DISEASES lllnod iioiron , \cncrea ! taint , Klcc-t ( irlcturc , M-nilnal emit- eione , loss of lesiial powi" , wcaknenii o f tlic leiual or- f&ns , uunl of ( It sire In uulo or f e m n 11 , whether from Imprudent habile of youu" or sox- unl habits In mature years , or any came that debilitates the sexual functions , tptcillly nun permanently cured. Consnltatlon free and etrlctly conf.dcntUl. WndUluo ent fr from ol > m > r > ntlin t nil parts of the United SUtes. Correspondence rccci\c rronipt attention. No Icttcts answered unlcas occoniiinicil | by four ocnts In taiii. . Stolid lei cents in Mump * fur pamphlet and Hit of qnettlons. 'It'ras strictly CA ) I. Cull on or kddrc. HR I'OWICKI , ItlCKVlIS , No 314 South l.tlli bt. , OnuUn. Neb. The Theatrical T'rofrestan. Merit will win and recc-Ivo public ] recognition and pralso. Fad , which ara the outcome ot general ex perience , crowln ; through yenrs of critical anil practical lest , bccnmn as rooted nnd Immovable at the reck nt Gibraltar In public opinion , and hence , forth need no further cuaran'ic ' m to their grnu Intntis. Ihelnclt.'jJUtablo feet that Swift's SpcclUo ta the best blood purifier lu the worlJ , Is one of thesa Immovabla Gibraltar rocl : facti of whlcli e hava epokrn , and every day's experience roots this e n- fiction deeper and decpei lu public opinion , hverr cU > s uf our people lu America and In Euroix * . every trade , calling and i > rote Mon , Including Oi medical profcsilun. linro borne voluntary Intl. mouy to the rcmarkaulo vlrluei of a. * s. s. and IU Infallible cffioac-y In curing nil d'dcrn of tlio blood. ' 1 ucso teitluiuuUls are on flla by thn Ihou- rands , and open to tun Inipectlon of all. Mow com * Uniollclted , I wo tlliUusulf hod incnihers of the theat rical profoitlon , vi ho graUf ully teillfy to the vtonder- ful cunttlvu fiuiiitlca of the fipcciflc in thilr Indl- Mdusl cai . Their trstlmonlali nre heruvtlthsub. imtud to thapublla wllhout further comment let Iheni speak for IhcinKlvei. The lady l a inemlier of thefamotii Thalia Thiatre Cotnpam , of New Vi > ik , aud fonnsrly of the n ildfnce Tlieatre , Berlin , Oir- inany.aud of UcVlcLir-aStocIc Company.of Chicago. J lie eentlem ra Is u writ known nif mber of the MCIT ViirkThalliThiwtro Company. Both are well known la theatrical circles lu < thl country aud lu Kurope. L'harlotlo Ituuilow' Teinliiiony. ' Ntvf yoKK , May S , If87. Err tft Specific Compacy , Atlanta , Ga. ; Oentlui n-H\vlnir b en annoyprt with plmplfs. eruptions and rouchnvMof IUO skin , from ( mil con dition of my bl.md , for more than a year , I unect a leading preparation of nattajiarllla and other odMT- tlied remedlfs to no effect. Then 1 consulted a prom. larnt physician , and from his treatment received no benont. 1 then concluded to try the H. B. B. rem. dy for the blood , and n e or six package * , by a , thorough eradication of my trouble ami rritortn * siioolhueis to my tkln. have made me happy , and 1 ti.hec'rfli".T gl > e yi'U.H-ln ' testimonial for such us * ud publlvlty ai yuu wlin to make of It. CHARLOTTE lUKnovr , J Buvury , near Coual Street. Hugo Ilaiskrrl'a Tenlnuiny. Tbt Swift SpccLRo Company , Atlanta. Go. : Ocntlcmtn Tor tvto years I had a severe caseot ciema. I u : " < 1 tarsoai * , sulnhursoaps.and varlen oWcr remedies , aud vr : ureicrllitdforby number * of pb/ilclans , but found udrrUcf. At last Idcuv- mlntd to try thos. 8. S. remedy , anu J viiu or elgat bottlrs hav * thoroughly relieved me , and luu CK use this ccrtUicata lu any manner j mi wish. Hl'Cld IliUltKKI , Ur ° ' TluMn hew York. May Treatise on Blood and akin Dlceases mailed frca. Tn Swiri SI-KCIWO Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta. Oa. ROORNO. G.W.ROGERS Compo.'ltlcn and nrare ! Hooflns. Agent for Warren's Natural Asphalt Soefinj. MedAlIlrand2an < t3plr Hearty Uooang. btrcct , Omaha , Ntti , . u < ence.Ne < TousIebllltycaii6 ( X through errors und bud practice * CURED. THERE NEVER WAS Placed before the public such a stock of boys' and children's clothing as we are showing this season. More than one-half of our second floor is devoted to their display and the prices we have marked them at were never known in the history of the trade. We are showing boys' suits , at $1.60 that our competitors say are cheap at $3.00. They are strong and nice winter suits , plaited and well gotten up. For $2.25 we have a splendid fancy cheviot suit , elegantly made up , which would be cheap at $4.50. But the greatest of all bargains is our all wool cassimere suit at $2.50. This is beyond a doubt as good a suit as was ever offered at double this price. We placed 25O of them on our counters last week and had to telegraph for more. We have again all sizes. In finer grades we show a large variety of silk mixed cassimere chev iots and worsteds elegantly trimmed and made. Boys' overcoats we offer from $1.35 for as good a coat as you can buy elsewhere for $3.00 up to the finest grades of chinchillas and cassi- meres , which , in style and make , are the product of the most skillful and artistic cutters and tailors. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Clothing Co. , Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. OMAHA N. W. Corner of 13th and Dodge Streets. FOIt 'I III : THKAT.MK.ST OF Al.li CHRONIC and SURGICAL DISEASES , Braces , Appliances for Deformities anil Trusses , } ! ci > t fHrilltlvs iipptirntup ftnd iimc-dlc * fur sur-crts * ill tmttnicnt ol > rrry lorin ut ilm'fipu it-qulrlng Mcilltul or ! UCM | ! | | Trcnttnont. Forty ncvv runni * for piillentibe ; t | HI-II | , | iirrom- iiiiKlatliinn In the H ( | . Wlin K FOH inrui.Aif < nn li'fcirinlllo ) und llrncpn , riiih Ft'ct , l-nrMitnit * ot Itit * > plno , Pile * . Tumors , Cuitcur , Cntiiriti , HIIUK hlltf , Inlialtillon , KlctlrUlty , I'.irul.ii'lr.pllfpHy , KUIm > > . Illnildi'i , lljc , i : r , skin mul lllooi ] , mid nil ruiitcnl Operations. HispitMN ofV uu'ii n Specialty. HOOK ON DI-JKA--1N < ) ! ' UOMKN HIKI'.1 Only Hellnblo MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAMM ; A SPICIAI.TV or PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illoiiil ll ) ( . 'iies iiici' "fiillv trenlcd , ! > ) phllltlc rol ( in rcniovoillroni tlic cj'tomllhout mcicnry. New lU tumtlvu Treatment tor ] .o < tt of'ltul Power. I'erbons iiimtiU1 to Tl lt n * inn ) tin trealt'il nt home , iv forrc poinlcnio. All ( iiiniuiiiiliulloiiH lontltleullul. rdtctneM or li ) > itriiinc > nt'4 * cnt b } tuiill ur expiofii , opurcl } jiiKbed , no nutrkn to Inilkutu contents ur lender. One pcnnnnl lnti > r\luw preferred. Cull and consult us. or i-end bl lory ol jouriuse , and wo Ttlll eeml In pluln nrupper , uur BOOK FREE TO MEN ! T'jinii I'rlvuto. Hprchilnnit Nervous DUfH-ef , Somlnnl wmknc" " , Spcnuutorrliirn , Impolcncj , fplillla , ( inn < iirliuuircetand ( Vaiicoculc. Addrcso , Omaha and Surgical Institute , or Dr , McMenamy , Cor , 13tli &Doflp Streets , OMAHA , N1I1I. O liiitotlic rapid Krnnlti of Oimilm nnd ourNiic- cej'Hln ctlocllnir rnrei * . our buMnc t habocijmu > o liirni. that the old Medlitil liifllnil , ' on l.lth treet and t'apltol nve.mil1 , < ould not aeiominudate allcomlni : to in lortrciitiiifiit. W Imvc llicicluie moved Into our nuw brick building , North v , e t form rot Hth and Dodiie Mreets , ( inu block ninth of the old Institute Imlldlni. . itnd liuru notr the. laruetl and inustitmi- pleti'-MudliHl Inctlliite or lie pltwl In thpni-t. I'orty newly f urnlbtieil. well nurniou and ventilated looms fur patient * , thrcu tkllled pliyclclniK ninny In the tiullilliiK. All kludt ut discuses tieuted in thu most dpiitliic manner. \Vunmmifnitnro Fnrulenl Uraces for DcformUlP * . rupte * , Mipporters. l.lectilcal llitttorle * * , and ean * upply phytiflan * or patients an ) appliance , remedy , or Instrument knovtu Cull and consult u tOrmilo for circular * upon alt MibleclH , nttli II * * ! * * of < | iiestlonit for patient to ani-ner. 'JhousHiidti treated FtueceftH * fully b ) correhiiondeiieo. W have Hiiperlor advan tages and facilities lor treatlnf'UI oiues , porfmmlnr turiilral oiierallon" , and nnniliie patients nlilcn toiu- blneil nltn our acknowledged Mlilllt ) , < perlenre , r < - pen < Uillll.v and irpiimtlnn should make I he ( JiuuUa Medieal und MiryUul IiiMllute the nrtcholcu. i unit bottlcil hy .Muliavolttch , 1'li'tcli rri Co. , Cllli-lnnatl. O. I'nr t-aln by tint follow- Inuilralers. HlrliAnlroii DniijCo. , Illukn , Hruce A. Co.AdlcT A : llellpr. M.Vollstein , Gladstone llros. V Co. . 1'riink lf Hone , H U ( irotte. llottlus 1'iee. S , S , FELKER , OMAHA , NEB , lOfi N. Wtli Stnet. § YtRBA'BUEHVINmRO" I'UHK CALIKOKNIA WINKS shlnped direct from our vineyard. Hleslinc ; , ( iuteilel llurets. Port , Sherries , etc. Pan Jooe Vutilts , Seventh , IMglith , Huu Salvador und William strt'ftH , Sun Jose , Cullforula. W UNDEVELOPED PARTS e > Ut todCDlaiisi and sttsattbined , Full partlo * DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science Scientifically Made and Practically Applied. Centlfnwn'iBflt . withKlettric z. BcVSilifle DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES. Belts , lluxTOII 1'olni , In thr IlucL , Hip llliio.l ll ) rnnc . l > ril > .J. vti. , thru IhU brlt Is Jn t what jolt nvetf. I H HXS SS'S ' WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. TRCTIUfilllll C Kveryoiiein.nulntiaiiitus > lir pcrmliulcmc "Your Kin trio licit 111 rtoall I CO I InlUnlHLw joiuiJlinrorlt. " A. 1'.Connolly. Chlcnaa Jnrer < > < - < -ii > i " 1 rw.-uiiimfndyimr belt for 'nflaminatory ItheuinntUm" O , II. VnlentlnfKendalmlleInJ. " 1 cheerfully rrcoinnipiiil jour tlwtru HSL-iietlo Ili'lts lar Klilm-y Complaint. Mine lias iirovtj a good lntcttlnent.'r A. K. Flint , llfliron , 1ml. tHTt'esamrconifortalilu ( Ivvpat nlplit , " Itubt. 1111 , Aldermun , 1C.O K. 33th St. , Xcu Yurk snu thousands of , it lit iSpnil tfc. vt.'Xlui ) f or p llnlililpt. H. UrtDUCIC Cl rnTRn UKGUCTIf * RCI T l 'uirrlortnnltolipniirrFntsofplortrlcl. | ) . Ills nUnnC a CUCwInU IHRaNCIIW DELI ty ronionior iTiUa Mhc\ve -rni .r cte- slrpt iiroilucfii a rntitlmum * currenttroiiTcriclc'Ctriclty throiiKh thq body ou the ncrvm. Itcuit-n illtii-aflfif liy Kfii < > r.itlntf ft contlnnntis curn-nt of loctrlclty ( IO or IV hours out of S4) ! ) tbrnuirliout the luiinun ny trin nlluj Inn all nFrTounni 9lniinfillattly , ami producing anew circulation of the Ilin forces Mm hlooU , Ira- | i irtiiitf iKor. Mrt-ntlth , energy ncl Iiculth , whi-n all uthor treatment has fulled. The mcrlU of this eokco- tlllo llflt r hlnir rrcopilnc-d ami lnilor ed liy thousands whom It has cured. ItKKKItKNCESiny barlr , oiiireis company or wholesale hoiiKO In Chtrao | | wholenale drnpiflitl , San Kiniirlm-o niulClilrMIjrSi nit Ktamp/or liapafu IlltlitratFil pnmphlpt. J. JOH-ITja , Inventor anil Manufacturer , IVI ( Vubaah A > rnur , C'hlro. RUPTURE , HORNE'S ELECTRO-HAGNETIC BELT-TRUSS. BDEWEY & , STONE.J FURNITURE A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. . RAYMOJVo" Fine Watches SterliiiESilycr THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Council Bluffs And Chicago , Tlin only rend to take for les Molne . Murlalllovrn , Cedar llapld * . ( 'Union , IliiiMi. Chldi o , .Mllvvuukeu nnd nil polntk ea t To thu people ot .Nebraska , Colorado rado , Wyoming , I'tnli , Iduhn , .NuvadH , Oregon , Wiirli * Iniiton im < l ( 'Hllfornla , It oners nupeJlor iidvuiiUic:3 ) in t po. i le by nny other line. Among it low ot the numeroin point" of superiority enjoyed by the patrons of thli road b tweeii Omnhii anil f'lilcaKii , niii lt 10 trains day of DAV COACH- K1- , which nru the llneM that human nrt and Inf. . . . nil- tyeiinerealH. Itsl'AI.ACK ai.KIII'I.NU UAllS.whl.i Hro iniHipls of comfort und elegance. Its TAIlLUIt IIIIAWI.M } IIOOM CAUS , iinsurua s l hy any , and Its widely ci'lcbmleil I'ALA'IIAI. DIMM ) CAlK the equal uf which umimt lie fiiunil i'I owhcre , At Conn- til HlulM the trulns ut thii Union I'm. I He Hallway , con nect lu union ilup t with theme of thu ( Juliaiiii& NiirthnfKtcrn lly. In Chicago the tnilns uf this llnu uiako clohu cunnettluu wltli tbosu uf all ulbur cuslern For Di'lrnlt , Coliunbus , Inillannpolls , Cincinnati , . ' , ' , .Montrenl , MU'HIU Kails. HulTalo. I'lUsniirv 'loronlo lluslon , New VorK , rtill dclihl | , ILiltlmoie , Wuili- Inutoo , aud all points lu the cunt , atK ( uru ticket tlu " " ' "NORTHWESTERN. If you wlnh the licut accomiuoilatlon. All ticket agents . . milling. .rll.UckDMjLl. K. I' . WIU O.V. ficnl. 1'uss'r AKC-nt . . . . \Veileru Alicnt. City I'as * t. Agent. Omaha , Nchruska , BOYNTON FURNACE CO , . Sole Manufacturers of BOYNTON'S FURNACES , RANGES THEATERS , With All MODERN Improvcmoiitu , 47 and 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. ' MANNY , MAIUGER. CHICAGO. ' fen BAI.C n v Henry E. Cox , Omaha. [ DTPS FflCE POWDER Ladies valuing their rotiiploxlon Bhoultl iecuroa i SAMPLE BOX ( GRATIS ) cf the latest Imported and unanluiouily acknowl edged as tlio Dcfit FACE POWDER. * ntmrrfntocrt to bo VT'eotly harmless. Imper coptlUK1 , clutablo niicl InviMhlo. 1 or halnovery- . Ask your 'IrtiRslsttor It. PrlcCi ! t&C m.U CUc p r llor. Tnulotujiiilleil hy BLAKE. BRUCE & CO. , OMAHA , NEB. , J. F. UOYD ft. CO CHIMSO Sola lirpnrterB. LOTOS FACE POWBlJ. FOR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING C K CUODMAN , F C'HAN'Or.Klt , IIAHN'H 1'HAKMACY , F II OK NT , KUHN&CO. , MAX CON'UAIX MAXUKUHT , I ) . W. SAXK , .1. T. KINKLim , WM. OLADIHU , C. U. STACY , F. A .1AMKS FOKSVTH , JKSUK ft. UKSMK , GUHNKV fc , DAY , J H. IMIKM'S , w , A. iioKTi-rrncn & co. , CONK .t JOHNSON , IIUOHKS& SCHMIDT , JOHN W , HKI.L , C. S. TOHHETT , M I'AHU , ALMA K. KKITH'S HAIH HAZAAU. JYLERDESKCO ST. LOUIS , MO. ] ' M/murwrunuaorFINC DISK8.BANK COUNTERS , BANK , COURTHOUSE , OOVEHKM ENT WORK and I FINE OF MCE FITTINGS. Best Vork and Lowest Prlcss Guaranteed. 100 psgs Illuit'd Tlnssttytrpriiiteilj stntrrm. Eoitag Tg , DREXEl7& MAUL , ( Successors to John 0 , Jitcota. ) iiilcrs and Emk At thn old Mnml. U07 rarnnm Ht. OrdcrH by tele , graph bollcilcd mid | iioinitly | uttendatl to. Teleiihone No. ! & . , MtntufTtrlmrfrom l , * al\Jtf r. WEAK discretion ! . txte > > ? r'athcii A | > ! r4 In I lie h > n < 1s oflb.lrFoni. ti-K'W Hb lufcimiallon of Tu to sll mts , VAKTON UMItT GO , 19 fuK Plu i Niw Yerfc