Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Aflrertlwments un < 1i r this head , 10 cents per
linn for the tlm Insertion , 7ccnM for each snl > -
sequent Insertion , and < 1.iV ) u line per month.
No advertisement tnktn for loss than 2.5 cenn
for ttio first InfiTtlon. Seven word * will be
counted to the lines they niuotrtm consecu.
lively and must be paid In advance. All ml-
vertl ! eincnts mint be handed In before Is'M
o'clock p. m. , and under no circumstances will
they ho tnken or discontinued liy telephone.
Parties advertising In the s riilnmtiH find hav
ing the answers addressed In cure of the lion ,
will please jvsk for ii check to ennble them to
KOt thnlr letters , as none will bo delivered ex
cept on presentation of check. All ninwern to
ndvertlsemcnts should lw enrloM-d In en\elopes.
All advertisements In thine columns nrn jnili-
llihfd In lioth morning nnd evening editions of
the Hen , the rlrculntlon of which aggregates
more thnn H.WII paper * dally , and given the ad-
Tertln'rs the benefit , not only of the city clrc il
lation of the Ilee , but also of Council lIlulfH.
I.lncnln and other cities and tcnvna. throughout
this part of the west.
M IDLAND Guarantee nnd Tinst Co , 1715
rarimni street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and tltlt-H to real estate examined , per-
fooled und guaranteed. 210
WANTI'.D A partner In a good palng busi
ness , object , to enlarge the Fame , inpltnl
required from tvm to ! , im Tor particular * ad
dress II SI , Ilee olllce. 1 74 17
FH ( SAM ! Aim : ) nre stock farm. In Harpy
county. Just 25 miles from Omaha , with a
line quarry on It , only i" per acre. A. V ,
Mayne. N. W. cor , icth and 1'ainam. mi
good opening In tlio Htato of California for n
iimimfiii luring business. A small
capital required unrt the in ofltsuro large. Chance
llered. Particulars at A. F. Muyne's ,
NL VY.jCor. IMh and Farnam. IW1
FJH TliADK fi , ( W aerefl of choice western
land to rxi hango for general merchandise. > ' . Toft , : c.4 N. Ifith st. HI )
FOH SALE One of the bftst paying hotek In
Lincoln , Neb. Addiess II. E. Heed. Lin
coln Neb. '
, Wl-15'
p SALE-News , stationery and notion
11'Maud. ' .Apply Mis So. loth. U77
T\7'ESTEHN nilAMIHS-Pend for our llltis-
TT trilled < atuiogne of fancy goods , to ) sand
notion * . Prlro guaiiintetxl. liny near homo
and save freights. , Norton , I.athrop
& Co , Jobbers , books , htutioni-ry , etc. . les
Mollies , la. MUM
"DlfBlNKSa Chance Desirous of letliIng fiom
J'iiHlnoss. . we will nell the balatueof our
Btbck of dry goodi , etc , with tluee yeais Icaso
and llxtnies of Htoro by Januaty or Mauh
next. Merchants me lining topmcliuso addiess
John II. T. Lchmunn .V Co , IJlu-Utt ! Funmni st.
Ml n 5
BUSINESS Chance There Is a Him opening
for u eimtVctloner , lestuuiunt and baker
right luiir thi ) cuti am u of llaiixiom paik.
New stoicioom , cheap rent. 1' . L. 0regory , .120
H. 15th st.M )
FIH HALE A one halt Interest in an estab
lished good pa ) Ing business , mode'rato
amount of capital require d of a good man. For
particular acldicss II IS ! lieu olllce. ! 7i 17
" \\rANTED-A partner with a few hundred
TT dollars to start a good puylng enterprise.
For puitlculurs addiess II Ul Hee. 071 17
| jlOH HA -Hestaiirant , doing good business ,
' JL1 ami In good locution. Present pioprtetor Is
desirous of going east. Address If 2"i , Ilee.
i ! : L
i TT1OH SALE-A well established monemak -
l -L Ing geneial stotout Ituplil City , Duk. ; stock
" ' nil new , and Invoices nboiit $10,000 , consisting
\ principally of diy goods and gioeerles ; reason
for selling , death of senior proprietor. Address
J , S. Itobertson , udnilnlstiatoi , St. Paul , Minn. ,
or J. L. Spii ) de Hiiplcl j _ lt Iak. ) 407 11 *
FOK SALE-Ilakery complete , esfubllshed
business , c'usy terms. No. 711 llioiidwuy.
Council IlliiflX KI7 14 *
T71OHSALE Or tiado. nicely Impioved farm ,
J fixtures und leiiM ) ( running n > ears ) of one
of the best paving hotels In Oniubu Active
Hi'iil Estate \ Pionetty E\c Ininge , 1521 Dodge st.
101 10
A MAN with expeilenco ill the cliv goods or
hurdwaro IniHlness can make It win by
placing a stoek of goods In the I'ltch block , Paifc
uvo and Woolworth st. F. L. ( lie-giny , ! I20S.
15th st. f.H )
1J1OH SALE Coiner saloon on paved st. : re-
-C celpts l5perday , J2i500 , S1.500 cash. ( J 23 ,
Ilee. ; 200 II *
OK SALE -Or trade a No. 1 hotel property ,
doing good trade1. In one of the best towns
in Nebraska. S. S. Campbell nnd a. W. Heney ,
IHO Chamber of Commerce. 4S7
\\rANTF.I ) A slock of ( ,1 ocellus
T T incite , for city lots paid for. C. J. Caiiun.
Fill SALE A complete stoum laundry liuv-
ina twenty hoise power engine. J. S. Iten-
lictt. baundei s and Chirk st.s. 020
AOOD ! meat inuiket is badly needed in Iho
neighborhood of Woolworth st and Park
nve , and store loom can be obtained at cheap
tent In Fitch block. F. L. Gregcny , : > 20 S 15th st.
USINFS-S CIIANtJE-On ncconnt of sickness
not being able to tend to the business the
re'Maurant and lunch counter , will rent the
name to some good and responsible parties.
Apply to John A. King , 1 iO.1 Douglas Bt. 501
"I71OK SALE or exchange , grain elevator , west-
J.J em Iowa , for land in central Neb. or
merchandise address box 21)0 ) , Central City Neb.
nrjcxtl'l *
MHS. DUHANT Clarlvoyant from Hoston is
rellublo in allnlluirsof life , unites separ
ated lovers. K2N.16Ul t. , loom 1. 7UI24 *
HS HATriELlTriincob is7ness ine-dlum.
The past jnexent and future revealed , xlcfc
healed , lost found , homes made happy , sittings
dally t4-'IS. llto ht. 4ii2olU *
H.NANNIE V. Wonen. clahvoant. Medical -
ical buMnesH and test medium. Oflice II ! )
North l th street ; rooms 2 \ J , Telephone WM.
\imi-n moro me'n to n'piesi > nt New
. . York house1 , $7" to 1100 sulftry , tea und
colleo salesmen , geni'ral More salesmen , 0 plum
bers , gas litters , steumtltters , .1 to $4 ilnv ; me'ii
to lepi e-seiit St. Clalr Purch usso , tM to fill clay ;
Halemien cyi books.W and 40 per cent n day ; gen-
ei al agents , 2 oxperlem c d salesladies , dry goods
unil notions ; 'ill ghls for housework , all thece
openings guarautLCd ; no Imslneis people , Imi
poor people w e got in work are our references.
Headquarters , tVHI , Farnuin St. , loom I ) . Oil ! 15'
BUSINESS men pleaco note I have now
lead ) foi Immediate engagements , ( list
class bookkeeper , double or single eutiy ; ussls
taut bookkeeper , or tiny place of trust where up
plieutlim uncl liulustiy w ill be uppreclate-cl ; nruc
llcolengineer cmtillcdmiinas : porter In whole
dale house or store ; coloiodmanascoachmnn.oi
my work In holed ; good man , uge 22 , USCM ! te
.Ivery btuble , $ .11 month ; buitendor , city etpor
ienco. All the ulM ) > o have good lofeunco. H
Jenklnsem , Kmplujintnt bureau , 1B10 Fiiinun
Ji bt. , riKim 5. K HI *
K 'lllT'ANTEI ) Fliht class cook , one compete m
ffi TT to tiikoentlro charge for family or six
I * highest w ngos paid to conipcteut woman. Appl ;
824 South 1Mb st. Ml
I * " % " \rANTEl-Several good carpenters am
cabinet makers. F. D. Mead , 200 S IMh it
Tifll lr
WANTED Agents to canvass for Hunker
Life Insmanre Co , Uncoln , Neb , Noui
but experienced men nee-el apply. 301
Agents in Nebraska for ( Jen
John A. Logan's last work , "Voluntee
Soldier. " Just published. Addiess J. M. Fre-ncl
4 Co. , Omulm , Neb. 231) )
Yi rANTED Men for nitlroud work. Al
brlaht'H Labor Agency , 112) Furnuui. 801
WANTF.I > 50 men for tracklaylng. wages f
to t2 % 0 , board ! ) W d canvuk > ers < men a
vromen , cash und mesj.e'iigi'r boys. 3144 S. l&tJ
M. 820 U
WANTED llooel salesman ; must under
stand the Jewelry business ; good refei
ences required. C. U Kilckbou X Co , 212 >
llllll st. tS ! 14
NTKD Several good caipcuters anil cal
WfiJ et maker. V. O. Mtad , 2UU H. lutli st.
7 * U 11 *
\\rANTED-2S men for VJeeplng Water , n
olllce fees : 1 farm hand in Iowa , M pe
nionthlbakerforlowa ; , * 12 per w ek ; 2 mi
chlnisU , JWpordayacookii , .JI per moutli
4rtlthv obhers.2walters. lOnhoveleis. 1 man fn
tirlvaUs family. 1 steiiogi aphur. Omaha F.mi
Jlureuu , 119 if. 10th. V %
\XrANTEI-Fivo traveling salesmen , sain :
l audexiwnse-si no uxi rieiico : ; rc * ar ;
AddresswUlmtninp , Palmer Co. , LaCros
> Ms. IMS a *
\VANTKD-Exi > irlenceil fnrnltnrp Balesniai
T T People's Installment House , IiU N. Itth s
\ ANTKD-SS men for raili o d w m k In Illli
W . Albright' * Labor Auency , 1120 Fai
W ) 1r. i tone cutten. Apply Tom
Hanilln , 15th utreot Park are. 730 15 *
WANTED-10 l then. Apply to T. F. Foster ,
_ 13nnct imn. , Lincoln. Neb. 110-15 *
WANTED Five Imots and shoe salesmen nt
420 S 13th st. Apply by B o'clock this
evening. i l II *
\\rANTEl-Fifty clavboarders nt tlieDavton
TT House , 1J1J Douglas st. ir,4 17
" \\rA.NTEO Man to driv p express in city , mall
TT to wa-li dishes , * J ) the year lound ; fry
cook f 40 , necotid cook I O , head cook & 0 , ntnen
VMiltcis , f > i , 4 good carpenters , southwest part
of c-lty. Cnnadlan Emp Olllce , Mrs. Iliega < V Son
810818th , tele fKI. V-'J 14 *
\\rANTIiD-100 men of good nppcaianceto
TT try our lf > c meals nt Norrls restaurant , Jill
nnd aid south llth street , ( old Live and Let
Live. ) Wl
"VVANTED-First-class Cook ; also man to
TT wait on table and work around hoiiMi.
Man and wife preferred , without family. No.
110 und 118 North Ninth bt. lit ) , 15
WANTED Experienced lloor layers to lay
i > 0 , < > iO square ftet of four Inch flooring at
B price per squnre. W. T. Seaman , En st Side ,
ICth St. north of jflcholnsSt. Del , II
WANTED Men for nillroad work , Colorado
line. Wages for teamsters , J.TO per month
and board. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Far
nam street. U15
WANTED-50U men for lallroad work. D. C.
O'Kecfe , Emploinent Ageuc ) , : m S. llth
ITANTEt ) Tinners ut Wltmnn & Scovllle's
T aiON. inth. 72 15
WANTED A few sollcltois for tlio conn-
try , Salary $7"i ! must own good
clothes and w llllng to wink earnestly. Address
iir ; > , iieooiiico. ir i *
ANTED | 2 first class men waiters. H. Jen-
klnson , loom ( , into farman st. l .0 llj
WANTED A llrst-class traveling salesman
by a house In perlxhuble line , old house ,
well established. Must huvo references State
t-alury expected. Answer II. SO , IleeOtttce.
947 , IB *
" \\rANTED-Experlenced help in all depart-
iiicntH. Apply H a. in. to n p. in. , II oman
& Deiches , 1'ilH-lUU Barnaul bt. UIH , l.'i
\\rANTED-Oentlenicn nnd lady agents to
T > canvass Uaskell's Compendium and I'cr-
fect Jewels on weekly paunonts. Apply at
Jordan's restaurant , 1511 Farnam St. , between II
and 10 a. m. Wtl 11 *
WANTED At once , experienced men to
black and set up btovcs , Omaha 1'iiinltnro
Co. , 1J12 Farnam. 1)14.14 *
" \\rANTED-riyoung men to leuin gas lifting ,
IT ulsoSoxpellenced gus lltteis , luboiiis In
city , 2. ) men for rallroael wet k , w estt rn Nebi us-
ka , te per day ; teamster , 9M pel month and
board. Scandinavian Kmp. Iluuau,11,10 ( urnaiu
Bt. , side door. D2 15
WANTED Agents In every county in U. S. ;
J71 per month nnd expi uses ; sold by sam
ple : outfits und stock flee Allworth Mtg Co. ,
Hntherfoid , N.J. 4Uir , *
WANTED WK ) agents ; good sulniy or com
mission ; tuie < nance. Addii xs with stump
for teims , Weaver Mfr , Jl N.fctate st , Chicago ,
111. UBiiU *
WANTED Hilght strong , actlxo boy ac
quainted In city , with lefeiences. Helln
A. Thompson , ,117 S llth. 823 15
AY CANTED 4 nenmm boss to call ) papers.
1 . lith st. Uli-htairs. titfl
WANTED-2 Hrst class dining room girls for
Idaho , 2 for Wnj ne , man and w ife for Nor.
folk , light work , small wage's for a vciy nice
companionable woman to e-aie lor an Invalid
ludy und bo ircl In tlrst class hotel , ( llilstous-
slst Incooklng In lestuuruut , houidlng houses
nnd hotel 2 good chambermaids , J hotel l.iun
dresses , 15 dining room gills. Wo have place *
in private families In all pints of city , & ! to * . '
per wock , at genual housework ; 2 Joung girh
to mind clilldieii , 2 e > \ pi second girls ,
must have gnod lefeiences , women cooks for
eltv , foi \ \ alerloo , Ciete and Wune , Neb ( a-
nudluii Emplovment olllco , Mrs. Hie u & . Son ,
I1IOS. r.thsu Telephones'.l. Ml 1,4 *
\\rANTED-A ( 'ood gill for geneial house-
TT work , wiislilng and ironing. ( LM S. 17th.
\\r.\N 1'EO A middle ugcd woman us cook foi
TT and general housework , wages $ .5 pel
week. Apply bet. 0 und 12 ut Itil" ) California st.
\\rANTEI ) -2 good Iilsh glil for private faiui
' lies II .lenlvlnxoii einitlomcnt biiieaii ,
lido I'limam , loom 0 , Oniuha , Neb. ! W llj
" \\7ANTED 5 women cooks , ! ) ilishnashi rs I
how ing gli 1 , f > dining room girls , l nurse
girl , girls for prlvuto families , 2 girl walteis tor
Wyoinlng. l th st Emplo ) mem ofllc e. N'o. 220
N. 10th t. Keys & Co. 0.54 11 *
WANTED Ladies can makoJIO per week ,
work , at home. Cull on Star Novelty Co ,
41H bo. 15th st , 2d tloor. Don't ring.
1)75 ) 20 *
\\f ANTUIV- Two ladies to solicit , must be of
T good uddiess and vvilllnRto worke.iinestly.
S.ilary $ .50 pel month. Cull at Koom UK , P.ixton
house. VU lb *
ITANTED-C.irl ut < U ! South luth st , neai St.
T Mar'save- . Mkl
TV RANTED 2 dining loom gills and one dish
L washer ut 1LXV1 N. llith ht. b'Jl
WANTED Wulst - makers , skirt -niakeis ,
drapers , cloak-workeis , tullors , tiilloresses ,
and plain setting gills Ajipiy 0 a. m. to 8
p. m. Ileyinuu iS , Deiches , 1 ) lvl520 ( I'urnum st .
WS 15
" \\rANTED Two good clils , one dining loom
> > and ono cook at U. S. hole 1 , comer 10th
and Douglas Ms. ; ( Jerman preferred. SUM 15
\\7ANTED 2.5 gills housevvoik , 2
TT Imindrv gills , fl per clay ; 0 dining room
girls , H to toiler week ; 2 clmmbcimulds , ( .Itjl )
wee k ; 1 lady oook-keeper , 4 dishwashers , tlrst
and hecond girls , 1 src olid gill. f-M month ; 1 girl
for thi ) HlulTsln piivuto liimlly , Jl per week ;
lots of places at this otllce. Omaha Emp. Hu-
rcau , 11 < IN. Iflth. U20 It
WANTED ( llrls for all kinds of work , good
girl to go to Iowa on a farm , good wages.
Scandinavian Emp. Iluiemi , 1010 1 uinum stieet ,
bide door. W 10
ANTED-A good kitchen girl at C. Freder-
Icki-on. 71.11'aelHc st. 701 14 *
ANTED O\ \ ladles to try ourlno meuls at
ISoirls'restaiiinut ( old LlvoundLet Llvo ) ,
: ill und31 IS 14th bt. d'J-i
\\rANTED-Anoodglll ut 510 S. llth street
TT immediately. 41)1 )
\\rANTEH Tulloiess on custom coats and
TTestt > , good wages und steady woik to
right party , upply at once , MiB S. 10th st.
" \\TANTED-Cocik ami lanndiess Dr. Colt-
TT isan 'or. St. Mur's uvo und27thst. 5.58
\\rANTED-A good girl in family of two.
. T > 24lliM. Mmjs Ave . l l 14J
" \\7ANTED-Slx llrst-cla s wulst litters ; giK > d
TT wages to light p.uties Apply I ) a. m to 8
p.m. lle'ymtini , Uciclu-s , 151s-lVX ) rarnam st.
IMS 15
" \ TT7"ANTED 2dlnlngioom girls , 1 dishwasher.
TT None but competent gills need apply. 1001
N. Hith street.
\\7"ANTED Two girls to woik in kitchen at
TT Donui house , 4J2 S. 1Mb bt. near St.
Mai'save. 4 ' 0
" \\TANTED Experieneed saleswomen for In-
TT die's" inlh-cs , und chlldien's tloi aks and
sultsjgood wngestorlght parties Apply' ) n.
m. toft p. in. HoiiiunDerlches , 1518-1U ) Far
nam bt. 018 15
\\rANTED Dining loom girl at the Enimett
houso. KM
\VA.NTEI-JIrl for kitchen work. German
TT preferred. Apply2215 I'nrnam. SO
mAKEN Ul'-lllack horse , Oct 12 , on S. 1-Hh
st. L. Nelson. 1741 B. Uth st. 1)18 ) H *
LOST On Park avo.uudraumiu bl. eur. Oct ,
12 , u dark blown , hiiuare wooU'n bhavvl ;
also Oct. 1.1 , bot. Puik uve. barns und St. Paul
. luily'a IUK ; cuiiH'o lucaat pin set in u
large baud of gold. Mrs. J. W. llooth , cor. 2iitli
ana Woolwoitli avo. Oin.iha. 1UQ-17
LOST Iluy brown mare pony , cut on near for-
ward foot. Hetlirn to ISif.No. HI. WO 10' '
LOST Iletweon Woolworth avenue and Doug'
lass i-tri > wt , a plush hand bag , Hotuiil ti :
1521 Douglass ntlcot , ( third lloora. ) and get re
ward. i > 7 . Hi *
LOST A packet book contalnliiff land con
tracts , etc. A reasonable rewaiel will be
gl\ n ir ruturnmi to an S. Uth tt. no 11 *
, OST-On the gold W t-2i with blacl
J i ibbon and gold cross xtachcxl ; liberal ro-
ind f or letur , ; : ,08138. 20th t. 50 14 *
T OST Hed cow with rope around honis
y. JJhouUi Uinului hotel , NnilU Omaha. tci 11
' " OST-An onyx bracelet in { joins from 2U1
and Douglas by Furnum to 15th and Ilur
n , ney or from latter pluce by 15th to Douglas anc
it. llth ht. Suttublu re-ward If loft ut room JIO
Hamgo block. KS 14
1OST Hrown Melton cutaway coat , leave a
-J Flank J. Kumgv'h , HuitiHe block , and rec tl\ i
tttwuiU. ' * 7i
ltJlllifrJli TVl'In. . V r'iln' -
BOARD Tind rooms , single or en sniiK XII
rooclern Improvements. 1718 Dodge t.
"WANTED To rent : l tinturnl'liecl rooms or
TT fimull cottage within 15 minutes' walk
from post.illlco , for housekeeping ! no children.
Address H 27 , Ilee olllce. BJI 14 *
V\7ANT ED- Two ton of onr flour for foundry
TT purpose. Paxton A. Vlerllng lion works ,
17th uud I . P. Hack. 050
" \\rANTED Furnished rcxini or suite of roonn
TT with board by gentleman and wife ; also
one room und board tor single gentleman. Ad-
drew H 20. Ilee olllce. U.53-14 *
A NICE looking , kind rider and driver. Ad
dress W. H. v. , ! 16 LeavenwortliBtieet.
WANTED A club of gentlemen to board.
Will give good satisfaction. Situated on
Kith St. , ncur Furnuni. Addiess H 30 , Care Ilee.
1)49,10 )
WANTED To adopt a biibv about two or
thtec months old , by a family married ten
\vars and having no clilldien. Address , 11,28 ,
\\rANTUtl-Fiinn lands In exchange for
T T storks of ineichandlse. St. John A Ely ,
Koom la , 1'rcnzer blcxk ; , opp. P.O. U.KJ
" \\fANTED 2 ton power flour for foundiy use ,
TT Paxton * Vlerllng Iron Works , u. P.
nud Ifth tt. KB 14
"WANTED Imiles who are desirous of at-
Tf talnlng thoioughly compftent , reliable
and well trained M mints of all niitlcinallttes , to
fill every requlri'd position of hou'-phold duties ,
to send their orders to the City Intelligence of
llco. No fee until places are tilled. City Intelll-
gc-nco office1 , Crelghtou block , telephone No. hKJ.
71'7 '
AdKNTS Wantf d to canvass business houses
for a New Account Hook , M to { 11 made
chilly by energetic paitlc > s. 1'or sample sheet
and nil part Ic ilium address H. W , 1'ainiihlloii ,
-niblishor , SO llond st , New Yolk. 710 14 *
ll\7ANTii : ) Turin lands In cxchatiRC for city
Tf property. St. John A : Ely , Hooni U , Tien-
er block. ! U7
fANTED-Three table boarders at 2118 Hurt
\ \ WI7
TANTED I want to buy a family coach
> team. N. Merriam. 2W )
V\fANTED-To sell half interest in stock of
T > gen. mo'dso store building and lot In a good
own about.K ) miles of Omaha ; can show good
luslnessttiul location ; stock will Invoice about
ii , ni ; pail on time ; iciison for helling , going out
f business. Addre ss 0. N. Hee olllce. C71 14 *
Money on hand to loan on improved property.
J. A. Ilcistand , Arlington b'ock. 6 5n' >
11,000,000 to loan. H. E. Cole , illC S. 1'ith.First
mortgage notes bought. 37fi
| 7"iOfHX ) to loan at per cent. Llnahan * MaP -
P hone ) , IVU I'm num. 227
i500.oix ) tcj loan in uny amount ut lowest into of
[ > Intelest. II. II. Irey , trenzer block. 211
MONEY loaned on fttrnlluie , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low lutes J. \Mlklnsoli& ,
Jo , 1J.4 Farnam , ovei lluillngton ticket olllce.
MONEV to loan to parties wishing to build.
S. S. Ouinpbe.ll , 1110 b Ibth st. , Chamber of
Jommeice. 214
to loan. Notes and H. H. tickets
bought iclid sold. A. I'orinun , 2ia S 1 Ith st.
SIIOHT time loans made on any asallablo
security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. Ocueral
Inancliil business of any kind transacted
liromptlv , ciuletly and fait ly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exclwngc , N. W. cor. 15th and Har-
iiey sis , o\erbtate National band. Coibett ,
inanageT. 1-7
M VONEY to Loan O. F. Da\isCo. real estate
and loan agents , isa'i Fat nam st , 22i >
' I'EH CENTMomiy.
> 1'attei son X 1'aw c ett 15th and Harney.
MONEY to loan on lmpro\od real estate ; no
commission chaiged. Leavltt llurnham ,
iiom 1 , Crelghton block. 221
M ONEV In Mims of $501) nud ovei to load at
low rates. Kussi-H , V llurrett , 1112 S Ibth st.
i 500 , < WTo loan on Omaha city propertv at 0
l > percent. U. W Day , & E. cor Klllil
110 LOAN Money Loans platecl on im-
X piovedleal estate ill cltv or county for
s'ow I'.ngland Loan > V 'Jiust Co , by Douglas
'cmnty bank , inth unel Chicago sts. 210
MONEV To loan Lowest rates. No delay.
.1. L. Hleo A. Co , over Conunerclal Nil-
ioniil bank 21S
ONEV to loan on city propeity. Will buy
fcoud notes. beu\ei i. Whitcomb ,
MONEV to Loan K ) the undersigned , who
lias the onH piopcrlv orgunized loan
ugenc ) in Onialm. Lounsof JlOto f lee made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wTgons , ma
chinery , etc. , w Ithoftt removal. Nodelus. All
business stiictly confidential. Loaua * < o made
that uny part c un bo paid ut any timeeuc h pay
ment i educing the cost mo iiitn. Advances
made on tine watches and diamonds Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
w 1th , as many new c onceins uro dally coming
into existence. Should ) on need money call and
Hceme. W. H. Cioft , room \\lthnell building ,
15th nnd Humey. 22i
MONEi' to Loan On improv ed city piopeity
ut low cst rates of interest. No tommls-
t-Ionchaiged. i-lioles& Crumb , room l , Haiker
block , cor. 15th and Farnam sts. 210
LOANED at C. F. Heed i , Co.'sLoan
Ofllcn. on fnrnltme , pianoshoises , wagons ,
lorsonal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of Milue without removal. ; U8 S. 13th ,
over Illngliam's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 220
$300,000 to loan , special lates on farm property.
Sobotker A. Peri Igo , lttl Farnam hi. 251
MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J.
W. und E L. Squire , 141J 1'uruam Ht Paxton -
ton hotel building. 22.5
BAKKHY Having opened a first-class
bakery at 72 ! ! Phil Sheridan street , near
Leinonwortb , am prepared to bake home made
bread , pies , cake , etc. , wedding parties , socials
supplied with pastiy at bhoit notice. Annla M.
Foley. MW 1(1 ( *
NY one wanting employment should call
without deUy on II. Jenklnson , einplovmeut
buieuu , IblO Farnam , 1001110. 75' ) 17 *
.John L. McCagne , president McCupue Hros.
bank , Dexter L. Thomas , cashier Neb. Savings
bank , Hon. James H. JltCulloch , county judge.
rpo EXCIIANOK For cattle. 1 have 040 acres
J. of good western land to trade for cattle ,
and a good house and lot near the capital ; will
exchange for cattle. Address B. U. IJrun , Ash
land , iNeb. 229
rkxCHANGE-For other property , contract -
tract for 040 acres railroad land in Chey
enne eoiiuty , Neb , two miles from railroad ;
also two > i sections in Lincoln county , near i all-
road. McCulloch and Co. , cor 15th and Fannim
&ts. U20
AWOHDtothe wise is htifliclent ; deal only
w 1th responsible parties. The City Intelli
gence ollice IH pationlzc'd and recommended by
some of the best business und professional men
In the city. City Intelligence oflice , Crelghton
lilock ; telephone No. 8SS. 7 7
paid fur second hand books at the
CASH . .IPS N. leth st. 7SI o 21 *
ANC.LO-AMUH1CAN Mortgage and Invest-
Co. , otliee 24 J Faruuni st. John Cully ,
manager. 08 oet2i
FOH HENT Oiguns , $2 per month. Hospe ,
1511 Douglas. 223
Ol O lUniso furnishing goods , all kinds ;
ciish or installment ; lowcot prices ut J. Don-
nei , U15 Douglas st. 2110
1JMll HENT-Squure piano , monthly. A.
1 Hoapo. 1511 Douglas. 228
DH. CHAPK'Snew Hecelpt Hook and House
hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" of
over bUO pages. Tlio "Crowning Life \S ork" of
the greatest author and beutfactor that ever
lived , Jiibt out. Agents making immense
sales. lllgtc > rms. Address F. H. DlcVerson 4 ,
Co , Dctruit , Mich. Mention this paper.
244nov4 *
F I OH HKNT Squuro Piano M muiithl \
Ilospe , 151J Douijlas , Ibi
IJEHSONAL Private home for ladles during
confinement , strictly coiitidcntlul. Infants
adopted. Address K43 lle olllce. 107 lib *
TJEHSONAL-Puu dogs for sale , fine English
J. pug und Italian givyhound pupnleut forsale ,
For price und description , adclrebh box * ' . To-
poku , Kan. t < e.'J ' 18 *
EHSONAL The best board for the money
can be found at the Dayton House , ma
Douglas st. 21 meal ticket only f I ; 5-nn-ul ticket
Jl. U7t 17
13EHbONAI < To the ladles of Omaha , U you
1. want Koocl reliable b lp , call at the Omahu
Hmployment bureau , the oldest employment
onico in the clty.lU N. ItlUi tit. , H , B. White , pro
yrletor. U i
TP the lady that CKHCillit fh ( > feed store nbrnit
Jthe housn for JiJlfc.cif l.O ) Htiermmi ve.
will plca e call apalti'ftt the fee > d store. 100 U
1710H SALE A ert of b * llxtures , nt 1007 S.
Ji ? Main trttt , for cash fcr w 111 trade for good
horse. M. O. O'Connor. J 1W-20
00 ' will buy furniture and lea e of 8-room
hou e two blocks sonMi Panorama. Apply
aw So. ICth or tSiJ boMMli. 07.
FOH BALK Hurdettedmrch organ , cost KOO,1
parties will neil for f7 * > A bargan to any
church wanting an organ. 'Edholm St Akin.
Fell or trade ( M unlncumbered real
estate or a good horlnia lot of house furni
ture , set * , carpetH , etc. Cypress W. 11. V. . 2H18
Leaveuwoith street. T t > 5M8
nilUUTY-ONU flne diamonds will bo traded
JL for a nice looking , kind family horse. Ad-
dreis W. It. V. . . ' 10 l.ea\enwurta stioet. 051-16
F 1011 SALE or trade ! an Acoru , cheap. Ad
dress , II. Jl , nee. PT.I 10
1HAV1J a car load of choice fiesh cows for
bale at Fura ) ' barn , on Cuming St. J. W.
1'enny. l"00,1 "
plOll 8ALK-1 self heater , Itidlnghouso No.
1 cook stove , Ilh erslde No. 8. Also a lot of
furniture. Parties going cast. Call at KM S.
IMh st. Wl 15
FOIl SALIJ Milk cows cheap. 3 gallonfl per
day. Apply l > Douglas st. ICJ I * > .
FOll PALE At a special bargain , one new
strictly tlrst class upright piano. C. L.
F.rlckson & Co , 212 N. 10th st. tOT 14.
"IjlOUPAMl See these before > onbuy. A call
- ! ; costs nothing. Wo can sa\eyou ? lnoto SiU )
on a piano. Elegant upright pianos , beautiful
goods at less than cost of matetlul. Come and
see for yourselves ; all at n great sacrifice and on
long time. Fciguton fctorueo Co. , 710 N. Kith st.
Foil SALE Tw enty-llvo driving , draft and
saddle horses. W. T. Seaman , lluggles ,
wagons , phitutons , etc. , east sidu 10th St. , north
ot Nicholas. Biff
FOIl SALE Te'iun , harness , wagon , JIM ) . Mrs ,
K. 0. Hurr.S l.lth st,3 blks from st car track.
USb uov 2
SALE A tlist-class family horse , rat-
ilagi1 , buggv , double and slnglo harness.
Inquiio of S. H. Hrowu , 2TOl Farnam. wt ir > *
Foil SALE 1 teed mill , 24 in. French burrs.
1 Vic tor shelter , 75 bu per hour.
1 bolt for buckwheat or meal.
40ft. 2 In. shutting , fi liangen , ele\ator belt ,
etc. Addiess 200 S st. , Omaha , Neb. 1)25 ) n 1 *
F 1IENT runiNhed front room. Apply
1 SK23 California st. 108-15 *
FOH HKNT New 5-ioom cottage , 21th nnd
Dancioft St. , tlrst door west of shot towei ;
well , cistern , * 14 per month. BtH Hi *
FOH HENT 5-room house , new carpets for
sale cheap. 1558 N. Ibth street , or room 2 > ,
Aillngton. S2 10 *
F OH HENT A new four loom cottage , Sli per
month. Enquiie nil Dodge bt , loom 20.
TjlOH HENT In new house , In desiiable loca-
-C tfon , two large finulslied looms , single erin
in suit , one-half block from car line. 417 bouth
IHth bt. liiO , Ih *
1710H HENT Flat of sl jooms , futnltuio for
JL1 sale. Six beds , five-ftfrves. Price * i50. En-
qulie No. 810 North 10th St , thlid lloor. Sea\er.
FOH HENT ! ! Hats and furniture forsale , all
on liith , A. F. Maiicv N. W. cor. Kith and
'urnam. , u ! A)1 )
T710H HENT 11 loom hoiise on Sherman me.
JL1 A. 1' . Mane , N. WHdr. Ibth and I'anium.
F1 OH HENT 10loom house , all improve'
ments. U. E 'J hompson,114 S. lith st. IU8
F OH HENT New house./ ! looms , California
and .CM st , $1a month. IIT u *
171011 HENT nmilshcd dwelling house , gus ,
city watei , clsteins and furnace. No lull
Willow avi-mie. Council Illutfs , Iowa. Enciulio
in Uie or of J. [ aniuu , Council HfiitTs
ii 755
T710H HENT u stoiy houue , all furnished , con-
i' tains all modem soneni uces ut Uth and
Judge ut. V M7
. . . HENT A l.URO bam , 6Velthing com
plete. l'J2 ' Dodge. Ou10
FOIt HENT 0 loom cottage , liiqnlieof Cun
ningham \Iler , lloomsO and 7 , Arlington
block. Dodge ht. fti.5 10
"IjTOK UENT llouse of ! ) rooms , S'JpeFnionTb" ' !
-I ? inqiilro at 101U Center Kt. 611 14J
1J1OK HENT 8-1 oem house , tiO , on 17th bet
JL1 ChlcHgo and Cass Vurnltuio $ .100 ; lira cash
lalanco } 25 per month. Co-oporatlvo Lund A
Lot Co , 205 if. IBth OU 15
171OH HENT A brnn new 8-room brick resl-
J2 dence111 Council lllulTM. Hath room , gas ,
water , olectilc bells , Hpeaklng tubes , etc. Three
minutes w alk from dummy. See Odell Hros.
1J1OH HENT-Stoie building , ; Wx50. tv\o story ,
JU on ti and H streets , Jetter t > addition ,
iouth Omaha , nlno looms in second htoiy. None
but those w ho mean business need upply. , 1'at-
rick Hoctor. ICO , 1C *
IOH HENT Eighty acres neurclty , wltli good
-T Impiovements. for funn or gardening.
Schleslnger Hros , Hi South 10th St. IMS , 10
FOK HENT 11-room house.furnlture forsale ;
1,2-roora house , Xi boarders , rent $115 , furni
ture cheap. These are paying investments.
Call nnd bee them. Co Operativ o Land and Lot
Co , 2K ( N. IBth t. KM 14
FOR HENT 2nd and 3d Doors at 1417 Douglas
st. , with lease of throe jours. Kennedy &
lllbblns. 1 iOO Douglas Bt. 707
P"oH HENT Oilice.No. 1617 Farnam St. : J60
per month. W. N. Nason , 1615 rarnam. fitiS 14
LISTvour houses for rent with H. E.Colo , 'HO
S inth , can lent 60 now. Bhe )
IJ1OH HENT | House of 0 rooms and furniture
13 for .sale , inquire CS ) N. 21stst. 245 14 %
1JIOK HENT-A hall , size 23x00 feet , at 1018
JU Kuimini st. , over Continental Clothing Co.
ilOIl HENT House of 7 rooms , 125. Inquire
1 131 ! ) S. lUth. 070
FOIt HENT My home furnished ; very elo-
slrable locjition. y block w est of high school.
House consists of 7 looms , hall , lingo pautiy
and closets. Terms $ U ) . Mrs. J. H. Nicholas ,
2217 Capitol avenue. BOO 14 *
"TTKHl HENT 0-room house in Idlewlld ; all
-I ? modem Improvements ; fUS pef month ; desk
room in my oflico. No. 1015 Tainani ; ono large
front room with alcove , finely furnished ; heat
and gas ; suitable for two gentlemun ; tM per
inonti W. N. Nason , 1015 Faruam st. 01)5 14
HUNT-First class 8-room houso(5eor -
giaavcs Patterson St Fawcctt , ; t22 S. Uth.
ilOH HENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good loca-
1 tlou. U.K. Colo310 S. 15th. 410
FOH HUNT M the oHIco 3051 S inth St. , after
the IPth of this month. Apply eaily.
Charles C. Spotswood. 305' ; & 15th st. 5HJ
ilOH HENT Store room on 10th st near St.
f Mary's uve. Inquire.4J2 S IMh st. 117
TTIOH HENT-Snmll cottage ; rent 10 ; fuinl-
J1 tureforsale , JIO. N.w.cor. S. 13th and Martha
hts. 027 15 *
1OH HENT-Small houso. 1010 Howard , near
10th , J20 ; S. LehmuiuVllOS I'arnam bOi
F OK HENT If you wtsU to rent a house call
on Henawa & Co , , 15tli jst. , opposite P. O.
4 f _ * * fl
FOH HENT House h rooms in Hanscom Place
toagoodpaity. S. B , Campbell andG , W.
llcrvey , UIO S ICth bt , Cliumbti of Commerce.
FOH HENT A flat. 1017 Howard street. In
quire at Leo A : Nichols' lively stable , 28th
and Leavenvvoith , t lephoi0 } WO. 4'1
FOH HUNT Small pleasyit .woin , 1700 Chlctt'
go st. 760 17
"OIIIiKIsnED rooms with board. l ! IFar
JU num. 7bOnlO *
T71OH HENT Nicely furnished front room foi
.T single gentleman ; gas , bath. Kent $10. 1HV (
Dodge stieet , 2U1 14 *
Al'HIVATE family have fuinished room *
and board for a lew ) cuing men deslious o ]
home comforts. 1702Nlith. 107 Id *
TT1OH HENT Vront room furnished of nnfur
-U nished , 24IJ Jones st. U58 14J
'IT1OH HENT Large fiont room and two bee
Jj rooms , with or without board. SSK. COth
comer Chlcauobtieet , short walk fiom Faruau
btreetcars. 10211 *
FOH HENT Furnished room. 1'JIJ Farnam ,
\\7"E have from II to 6 unfm iiUhecl rooms suit
T T able for housekeeping In all parts of tin
city. If in need of ahouuglvo ua u , callat31l
S Kith bt , tlrst lloor ; we will gtvojou afreerldi
la a carriage to show you tliu Uouocsi , (49 (
. . . . .i HUNT Teen * ortwo Rpntlcmen ,
furnished room ; gas , bath , etc. ! 112 per
month. 3006 Davenport. TM
SUITR of three office roonu , with carpet , cnr-
tolns , desk and chairs : second flcxir. on 15th
Bt. Kent low and furniture for sale cheap. Call
at once. E. C. Wood. S2U 8. 15th st. 750
\4\0ll \ HUNT nirnlshed rooms. 1011 Farnami
J3 744 SI *
TflOH HUNT Largo fnmt room suitable for2
-L gentlemen , modern comenlmices , ClONlith
T71OII HENT-F.legantlv funitshed room on
JL ; first floor , w 1th uioile n Improvements , 1917
171OH HF-NT-Furnlslied front room with
JL1 board , 17''I Douglas st. "W 1,5 *
J71OH HENT Small pleasant room , 17HO Chi-
JL1 cngo st. 7MI 17
OH IlKNT-Deskjooms , 1415 rurnam.
F I Oil HENT-nimlshed room. 708 N. 19th.
07(1 ( 15 *
FOH HKNT Olllcej the finest ofllco room in
Omaha for rent ; ground lloori I'lirnatii st. ;
rent $00 per month. Address quick to H. 10. lice
onice. 017 It
TTlOIl HKNT Good room and board for gent
-L1 and wife or slnglo Kent , atSOlU Callfennla
street. lull 1".J
FOIl UEtN'T Furnished rooms,17W Douglas st ,
T < 1 HKNT-Large furnished room. 712 N ,
J ? 19th at. 757 17 *
Oil llKNT-Furntshed rooms , S.VJ Dodge.
* < VM4 (
T IOll HENT Unfurnishedpailor , llt'lChlcago.
- fmnlshod
T710H ItKNT-ltoom-Verydesh-Hble
Jt ; room foi 2 gentlemen , nil conveniences on
same floor. Appl ) at ITU Capital n\a
F OH HENT-a nicely furnished rooms , a ) St.
Mary's Me. KM
TTIOH HENT Large sonlh front room , bay
JL ? window , giute and modern com enlences.
1V24 Farnam st. ( HHJ
HENT-Furnlshed looms. 007 N. 17th 8t.
1000 17 *
T710H KENT Nicely fuinished room at filO 8.
J : i- > ith. ! 100 10 *
FOH HENT- unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping , parties without chlldicn. 2\J1
Cnldwell. 654
FOH HENT Nicely furnished front looms ,
1023 Dodge. KB
FOH HENT-l-uinlshed loom , 2H2 Capitol a\o.
Wfl lb
FOH HENT Nicely f mulshed front rooms ,
1818 Farnum st. 815 14 *
FOH HENT-Niccly furnished room suitable
for2 gentlemen , Innulm-'oll bt. Mary's me.
> 048
F I OH HENT Pleasant looms , fuinished ,
southwest : corner 20th and Webster. 318
FOH HENT One large pleasant room , south
flout , biick Hut , sultublo for 2 or 4 gentle
men , 1410 Chicago bt. 2t > 8
Foil HENT Two untuinlshecl looms and a
pantiy lor light housekeeping , $ U limulie
519 N. nth st. 1107 U *
TJ10H HENT-Nicely fmnislied wiuth front
I.1 room for a gentleman. J12 a month , 'ilst
and Hainey , No. 2021. un lb *
FOll HENT SK room house with all coin en
tentes , SKth and 1'oppleton a\o. M.
Abrahams. lUll lrj
TjlOH HENT-Nleelv fuinished looms to ladles
Jor gentlemen. Pilees icasonable. 1111 Notth
l.'th. ST ) 1SJ
FOH HENT Furnlhhe-d looms In Oreunlg blk ,
eor. 1 Ith and Dodge sin. linmlie of Oeo K.
DIs , Millard hotel billiard room. 2111
F ° V HENT Per light housekeeping2 looms ,
V . fmnlxlicd. 812 N. 17th st. W17 15 *
FOH HENT Nicely fuinished room , with
heat. In nice cottage , $7 pel month. 100 Wil
liam st. 8 minutes walk southeast U. 1' . depot.
li 10
FOH HENT Lingo room and bouid foi two
gentlemen In a pitvate famll ) cm cai line.
Teuiis $45 pel mouth. II1 S2lth st. b4 ! II *
F OH HENT-Nlci'lvr fiiinlsiied 7Jon7s . One
wlthulcoM' . Hath , gas , city water , steam
heat , etc. 2U19 Douglas bt. Mb 1UJ
FOH HEN-r-FioivTbedioom , lilt Dougliisst.
su r-j
FOK HENT Oflico loom. Hist lloor , at. 110 S.
15th st , 445
" \\rANTED bltuation as housekeeper by a
TT Ctciiadlau widow of che > erful andh.ippy
disposition , is an excellent cook and laundiess ,
und tlioioughly con\ersant with household eco
nomy ; nddiess Mis. W. , box 754 , city. s > 8 15 *
\\rANTED-Sltuatlon as bookkeeper or bill
TT clerk by a ) oung tnan with good educa
tion. Oood recommendations can bo furnished ,
Address II. 32 , Ilee. D7l > , 14 *
WANTED Situation by a rapid and accurate
htenographer and tpe-wrlter with city
refeicuces , salary moderate. II 30 , Ilee olllce.
1117 11 *
WANTED-Sltmitlon as bread baker , call or
address Fied Itupn , Old Ilrownell hall ,
city. Y > 14 *
WAN'I ED Situation as bookkec-per , experi
enced and competent. Addiess It Jl. Ilee
oflice. PM ) 20 *
Ay ANTED Situation ns cle i k in hotel bv man
T with good references. Adchcss H 11 , IJee
oflice. Council lllutla. UV10
WANTED A first class dressmaker wishes
engagements In private families , balls-
faction guaranted. Calf at U18 Capitol avenue.
i > ll 14 *
WANTED-Sltuation for a urst class Irish
girl , nice cook anil laundress ; alao 2
Bw odes but can't speak English ; hae nice second
end girts , chambermaids and any amount of
BwecTos and American girls ; also 4 men and
wives who can do any kind of work. Mrs llrega
& Son , 310 S 15th. ft50 14 *
WANTED Situations for 20 girls at house-
woik , our oflico is full of nice girls , come
and get one. His. llrega He Son's Canadian
limp , ollice 310 S. 1,5th , tel. h84. KM 10 *
"t T'ANTED Situation by a young man as bar-
TT tendel. experience ; or work In olllce , talks
nnd writes English , ( Joiman and French , good
icic > rences , address H , Scandinavian Kmp. Hu-
lean , IblO Fill num. B2.5 14
storage at 110 N. Uth st.
S' 'lOHAOE Kurnitme , boxed goods , etc. , teims
leusonuble. 714 1'aclllc. 2I )
FOlt SALE Atasaciitlco , lots 3 and 5 , blk 14 ,
Albright's annex. Lot 8 In I'elhum Place ,
1 share Low e Avenue Teriaco llnlldintt associa
tion stock , F. llarrett , with Hullu A. Thompson ,
317 b 15th st. KJl
FOH SALE Finest location for a homo in
West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Khkendttll , Con , lliudy , Kasson and otheis.
Nothing liner In the city. Can sell Ib.5xlb7 or
less ; foi prices and terms see S. A. Slomun , 1J01
Farnam st. 7JH
THOU SALE An elegant new stone U-room
Jj re'sldenco on 100 feet east front lot on 10th
St. , opposite Itrownell hall ; j > rlce , $2tUW ) ) .
i\ans : li Hlackburn , solo agents , 1510 Dodge.
7U3 17
1/\OH \ SALE-Atu sacrifice until Nov. l t.
JJ In quantities to suit the bue
Nine thousand dollars worth !
Miscellaneous llooks which I doslro to close
out pru\ ions tu mv eai ly remo > al tu east side of
Ibth ht. north of Nicholas St. , w here 1 will carry
the largest variety of buggies , phaetons , cm-
rluges nnd wagons to be found at uny one place
in the city , W , T , Seaman ,
Now at Farnam and llth sts.
Agent for fctudebaker.
exchange Porno money and choice land
for tlrst class Impiou'd I inbide pioperty.
11. E.Colo. 310 B 15th. 411
TT1OH SALE liy M. A Upton i. Co , real estate
-L biokers , .HKifi , inth stteet , opposite cliam-
ber of commerce. Kxtra bargains : South und
ea t fiont lot in Oak Chatham , opposite depot
giouuds , u rvmi house ; only * ; , WJO if bold at
once , tiilU cash. This property is woith H500 ;
S2xl t ; Farnam und 22na streets , ItLROO , cheapest
property on the stieet , will be woith 120,0(1) ( in
three ) eais tiom now. _ 741
LIST your houses for rent with II. I ! . Cole. 316
a 15th ; can rent 50 now. Wi
T710N SALE 124x100 ft cor , Howard and . ' 15th
J2 sts. , next block to Eusson , Ilrndy A Mar
tins houaes. t7M l. Addrih8'K. . lice ollice. IMP
lydli SALE F.legant 10 room house , all mod-
-13 eru conveniences , only iHW cash required ,
H. E. Cole , 31UB. 15th. bU
ri O EXCHANOE-EqultyJin 4,0 and 10 room
-L houses and lots for puld up lota. H. 12. Cole ,
818 . _ . ! . - J.I B. 13th. - _ - ' _ ' . . . . . 410
e milOM 1'SON , 314 8. 16th Ht. , buys and Bells real
0 J- estate , loans money , purchases bocurltlos ;
a has a good list pf property for sale and w Kills
more. Notary public. K > 4
LIST1 ronr tiroperir. for 0 or
with II , K. Cole , filfl H. 15th , room 1
"VT1 CEO-room cottage , full east front lot. noiir
i > two car llntw , for HH only tS W ciwh , nnd
balance monlhly , look tliU up , It IsabArgnln.
F , K. Darling , 416 S. IMh. lUt U
BAIIOAIN Corner In 1'rospect Place , M
1244 , ju t on grude , Hist street , f I.KM , ens
tc'iins. F. UUrrgory , U20 bouth KithsU UIO
A HA HE Chance to buy n homo. A new hcmio
] U3t finished of savc'ii rooms , lingo buy win *
dews , gas , city water and goodelstetn , stre-et
cats tun by the door , H taken at once will sell
for fVMX * l,2cW cash , the test tn e > usy monthly
] iaineutH. Paity owning Iftmse is going to
leaM town. Address 112:1 : , llee\oillco. IW 15J
SNAP Corner In Thoruburc Placet block
. _ from Lenveinvorth stieet. lUKl.W , for
H.fOU. F. L. Gregory , ; tW Soutii 15th st. IUO
. SALE Nice east front lot , 2 > 5xt.7U , on
street cur line and in good nolghlioiliood ,
1'rlco U50 , KB rash , Imluuco ta per nionth.
Call at residence 401 N. 15th St. IH.5 15 *
VATILL trade equity in Furnnm stree-t lots for
TT a large residence or choice building lot un *
encumlHjred. Must not bo more than one half
mlle from the postofllce. Address W. H. V. , 2210
Leayenp. 011 h. Uiillil
] ' .1ST your property for sale or exchange w Ilh
J H. K. Cole , fim 8 15th. room 1. ( M _
1OH SALE House , nine rooms on leased
4gionml , good lix'atlon ve < iy cheap , one
block of lots in Ho ) d's addition at it huigiilnlt
taken ciulck. One < finely IHiHtod nluo room
house. 2st | and Spruce stieet w till modern Im
provements , good lot and barn , easy terms ,
pi Ice 17,000. A simp , the lots In altodv In llli'h-
land park for an even 11,000. W. N. N'ason , lulu
Faimini bt. 65 U
IIST vour propeity with 8. 8. Campbell and
Al. w. Heivey , .110 Chamber of Commciio.
Special utti-ntlon given to the exchange of all
kinds of property. Improved and nnlmpioviid
city iiropeit ) , fauns , hoises , cattle1 , stocks of
goods , et . MI8
SNAP-OOtlnO , one-halt block fiom posfonicc- ,
tn South Omaha , tor MfXX\ 1th $2,000 c-ash
orM,200wHhJlXWcash. F. L. ( llegory , H20 H
ntlist. _ \ 2TJ
SNAP Elegant east front lot in Aicade place ,
_ on .Uth st. between Leavenworlli ami i Hr
farm , $2,010. F. L. ( liegory , U20S 15th st. 272
SPLENDID opimrtunlty to secure a home ,
house built to suit > > . Small c-ash jmv-
inent , bulaucH monthly ; It will pay > ou to look
this up. II. E. Colelids. 15th. WJ 15
TOOK at this corner In Konntz Place , 81x124 ,
Jplico Wt , cash & 525 ; snap. Duikei \ llui i ,
1222 Karnam st. Kft 15 *
FOH SALE-Or cxch inge. In Walnut hill , two
blocks west of I.owo nvc on Meieei ao , 0110
lot facing south , 50xiy > fe'et on grade. Will ex
change for smaller lot nearer postoflli e and
south of location. Addiess room II , Exchange
bnlldliii' , Spulli Omaha. Mi5
A FEW mote lots left at J150 ; easy teims.
Money in this. liiM'stlgato. H. E. Cole > ,
UIO S 15th. MU
A FEW more lots left at f 1W { easy terms.
Money in this. 1m estigate. H. E. Cole,110
S 15th. IW2
property with S. S. Campbell and
Jl. ( W. Heney if jou want to sell or exchange.
aiOChumbei of Conimeice. KI7
171OH THADF-The equity In 5 South Omaha
v Syndicate lots , near pirk , for house and lot
,11 or neatly p ild up ; 01 lots well located and
mid for. 0. C. Spotswood , .KlVi h. lilthst. ! N |
\\T N. NA80N , No. lidh Faimim st , oilers good
. bargains In choke Inside propeitv.among
thich are some tine lesldenees. Lots for dwell-
igs , warehouses and stores. Persons eontetn-
luting ln\cstnients In , or liming Omaha piop-
itv for sale1 , should call and examine my lists
.ml pi Ices. 'Snr ' > It
L 1ST vour property for sals or exchange with
11. li. Cole. 31(1 ( S 15th. loom 1. IIW
LIST jour houses foi lent with H. E Cole , ,110
& 15th ; can u nt Ml now. Ni'i
HTOH SALE hou-es and lots on
L1 small pa ) ments , nlso some houses and
ots to trade ; t-ev oral fauns for > -iilii or tiade for
> miihn property il for stock. A. F , Mavne , N.
V. cor lllth und Farnam. I'll
1ST your piopertj tor sale with ( h.nlesC.
J bpotswood. iiOJH b Ibth st. MJ
A FEW nioio lots left at J1RO ; easy tciins.
Money in this. Investigate. 11. E Cole , J10
151 h. 5.SJ
SNAI'-Lotsilund 10. block 2 , West bide , east
flouts , one bloc k fiom Lcuveiiwoith stuet ,
S750 eiicli , H cash , come quid. . If vou want n
> aiLrain. F. L Oie'goiy , ! i2u South 15th stn et.
! HO
F SALE One of the llnest lots on Oicliuid
- st. ! ; this lot limy bu sold ut J..U )
less than Its value if bought in a few duss.
; hiules C. Spotbwood , .SB' , S. Ifith st. 5.50
Tlio Ilcinnrknlilc Ascension Made
From IlrldKcport Yours AJJO.
Now York Sun : "I boo , " wild a vet-
1'iin aofonaut ycstorilny , "Unit the par-
noliuto juinpor , Baldwin , has ulruady
j'ot ti nunibor of iiiiit.'itor.s , and that ono
of them had a olobo Hlitivo tlio olhtii1 day
out in the western part of the btato. It
is only a question of \eryshorttiino
before Baldwiu breaks hit * neck if ho
teeps on. Ho has demonstrated only
what was demonstrated years ago , and
that is that in nine eases out of ton a
man can get down in a parachute all
rifjht if the most minute puiiiH are taken
to boo that every detail la perfect. Hut
the tenth is .sure to come. Airbhipsare
treacheious tilings at the best , and ,
oven with all the caio you may take ,
they will play you n scurvy triek some
time or other. And their tricks never
mean but ono thing when you are up u
half mile or t > o.
"I have been up over fifty times , und
I used to bo illlod with enthusiasm on
the subject , and wont half enwy trying
to invent steering gear and trying to
make mybolf believe that a baleen vyas
lOinothiiig more than a gas bubble with
pup or moro fools dangling on it. But
it is no ubo. Ballooning has made no
progtebs whatever. Take the achieve
ments of the entire century in balloon
ing , and what do they amount to ? Just
a few improvements in valve tackle , a
contrivance for ripping up the bide of
the balloon and letting the gas out all
at once when advi able , and some lobs
clumsy grappling hooks. That is every
blessed thing. The balloon remains
just where it was an irresponsible bul > -
And then the baleen voyages of now
adays are nothing like bo long and
adventurous as ttjoy used to bo. Why ,
I remember one that occurred up hero
in Bridgeport 35 year ago that was ono
of the beat on record. The balloon
attained an altitude which , I believe ,
1ms not since been icached. That was
li(5l ; ! ( ! ! feet over four miles ; in fact but
a little under four miles and a half.
Tlio asconbion was made September ( t ,
185 . The aeronauts wore three Froncli-
mon Gubtavo Reynard , MOM. Putin
and Joseph Dufour. Pi of. Such , n ,
teacher in a private bchool , wont along
to make scientific obsorvotions. Putin
and Koynard wore piofossional aero
nauts. They could not speak English ,
and Dufour acted as interpreter between
them and Prof. Such. Dufous is , I
think , now living up Bridgeport way
Tlio dimcntions of the balloon were
ICO foot high and faovonty-t\vo feet in
diameter ut its equator. Instead of u
basket , there was attached to it a twolvo-
foor boat called the Fancy. I have for
gotten the name of the balloon. When
they Hrat went up they drifted off to the
westward about twenty-hix miles , until
they got over Gieonwioh. Then they
shot up higher , and attained their high
est altitude , \vhou. they struck another
current of air , und went off to the east
ward. They landed or , rather , they
btruek water about 0:80 : in the evening.
They came down faix mlloH out to beu off
Hampton Beach.
"Now , that is ua good ballooning us
there hus over been before or bince , eras
as there will bo for many u year to
come. "
Nothing but superlative merit can ac
count for the phenomenal reputation
achieved by Sulvution Oil. It kills
pain. Price 35 cents.
The Darwinian theory pornloxcs the
multitude. They object to deccndnnta
from monkeys. But not oven u buby
objects to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Juuili'unmiiruJtoJtfniuilrj !
MANHIIIIIl rmmiun lixy. . J > rrom
I > tb.lllrLo ( Hnhcx)4i . , hATliiffmtdUi valJi
oierT known re > A < iir. luu dlaooTvri t a Impltf
U-OTrt. "hlohhe will Mild rfcBB to l Uf Uowiulf r.i' .
SUM * , u. J , tuJwiL rv * o S ft ui * h > r wn uw
Iho Itolilirrj of A Strn't Car Dritrr o
( 'inning Street.
HtB Cosh Box and Watch Made Away
Wlth-Tho Trouble of Another
Driver on the Croon
The bold and successful robbery of a
car drhcr on Cumlnp Mr < ot lust Thiitsn
night bus caused ionslilerablo excitement In th
city , and IIM rumors of a utrlko among thostteet
i ar drl\ ers In Oiualin Inn o been II ) Ing ( hit k and
fast for a week past , n reporter wishing to as-
< ertnln to w hat extent the Mrlko had iiroRresW1 ,
hailed car No. IS on the gieen line srnuial ilnjs
ago , and , making his wav thtough thecuiwded
carlo tlm front platform , ingratiated htlurlf
into the good gnuca of the genial drher , ami
learned from that gentleman the following p r-
tiutlarsof theslrlko In question : "Stilke , did
you savy Well , 1 do not know , there nifty b
some talk of u Milke. , but if tburo Is I know
nothing about It. I think tlm drhers beio In
Omaha arc paid about at well as the driven
uiiyw here else , and have nlwiit thn sumo hoiim ;
but if you want to know something of a stilko ,
1 can tell you of a strike I iniiio near goliiis on
about a month ago. You sco , " continued the
" ' r , griming confidential , "for the lint Ihroo
jeais I ImMj been n sutrerer from thntlotlnomo
discnoo , iiitarrh , bronchi on by careless expos.
ttie , anil hud It so bud that 1 got tltod of mjself
and exeiythitig. At night time whllo In l > ed I
would IniMMi dropping In the buck of my throat
which w ould almost stuuutle tne. It would keep
mo awake the best pint of the night , my liicath
was exltemtly oiriiuslM' , ' why 1 was a bameil
to go near anv per-on on account of it , 1 could
not retald w hat little foixl I managed to rat , ami
would hulk and spit nil iluv , 1 had a burring and
louring In my ears. I tried patent medic Inr.s tine >
no end ultliout lellef , and tiled scveial local
doctors with the same lo-mlt , and had about
made tip my mind to go on a strike tosomd
other climate form ) health when I lead an ad
vertisement of Dis. McCoy * Ilcnr ) . and passing
their ollk e eeiy day and seeing so mini ) pcoplu
calling tlieie 1 eondudod tlu to must bo somo-
thlnglu It , I called on them and commenced
treatment at once. " "And with what "
queilisl tliKsiilbe. "Well. 1 ha\e been under
their tteatinent for one month and feel better
than I ha\o lor two > earsl have no mm had
In ealh.uu moro In my ears , inn hear as
well as evei , can eat three sqnaie meals and
keep them down , too , and In fix t fool like u new
maneiitlrelv. 1 want to nay all t can for thd
doctors lor the > lui\o worked wonders for mo.
Not oir , in P > on. well , good bjo , " and the scilhe ,
plodding on his weaiy way , thought Mirel/
( ruth Is sti anger than llctlon. llio driver abovn
liientloned is
MIL ( iniini : K. ness ,
rl\cr of car No IS , ( Ireen Mne , who bo udh nl
heeonier of Klrbv and Twinty-slxth street * .
\heiulie wllluirroborato the nbovo to aiiyoii *
lotibtliig it.
The Sunploins Atlcuilhiir Tluit
\Mllcll'ds tu Coiisiiinplion
\ \ hiu catauli lias existed In the head and the
iipner pail of tlu > throat for any length ot time
tlio patient Ih lug In a dlstilct when ) iieoiiU
resuliJtLt to calnriliiil atiei tlim and the dia *
BO has In en left inn iiud , tin ) catauli ImarU
ulily , Mimetluies slowly , extends down the w lnd
pipe nnd into the broiuhlal tubes , whlih tube $
cinniythe all Into the dllleient pulls of tlm
lungs , 'llio tubes buomo alletted from the
swelling and the mucous arising fiom catarrh ,
mil. In seine Instances , beiiime pluggul up , so
.hut the air i annul get In as fn el ) as It should.
Shoitnoss of bieath follows , and the patleni
'ireuthes with lalH > ratid dllllnilty.
Inelthii case them Is a sound of ciackllng
und H hie/lug Inside the cluist. At this stage ot
lie disease the bieathlng Is iinllilly moro iiiiild
_ han when In health , 'Hie patient has also hoi
dashes o\ei his bodv.
The pain which luiompantes this condition is
of a dull iliai.uter. felt In tliu chest , behind thd
In cast bone , 01 under the shoulder blade. Th4
pain may come and go- lust a few dii > s and
then bo absent for several otheis. Tlio congt |
that cxcutsin the Hist stages of brondilal ca
tarih is diy , comes on at Intenals , hiuklngln
chaiacter and Is ustiall ) most troilblusonie Id )
the morning on rising , or going to bed at nightly
ml It may bo In the tlrst o\ Mime of thodlsiusa
\tendlng into the lungs.
bometlmes theie aie Ills of coughing Induced
by the tough mm us so v iolent as to caiiso vom
itlng. J.iittr on the mucus that Is lulsed 14
found to contain small particles of ) ellow mat"
tor , whldi indliatPM that the small tubes In til *
lungs are now ulTectid.Mlh this them nr
otlin streaks of blood mixed with the mucus.
In some cases the ptiUeut becomus very pal * ,
has finer , und expectorates befoio any cougtt
In some cases smnll masses of cheesy Biib-
.stanco are spit up , which , when pressed ! >
twien the lingers , emit u bad odor , In other
ruses , particles of a hard , ihulky nattuo are spit
up. 'llioialslng of cheesy or chalky lumps m-
dlcato set ions mischief at work in the lungx.
In some eases catitirh will extend into tha
liingM Inn few weeks ; In other cases It may bq
months , and e\en ) ears , boforei the dixeageut *
tucks the lungs hiillldently to canso sorlotwlu-
terferencn with the i-'enorul health. When tli
disease has developed to mull a point the pa
tient is said to huvo caturrhal consumption.
With bronchial catarrh there is moro orlesa
feor which dllferHUth the dltferont parts of
the day slight in the moruinjj , higher in th *
afternoon and ovonlng.
Wlml It Menus " ( IW II Acts > nnd wllilt
It In.
You hiu-c/B when you got up In the morning ,
joutiy to sneeo jour nosootr e\ery tlmo you ,
UIH exposed to the least draft of air. Yon hava
a fullness o\i'i the lionl of the fore > hcad , and
the nose feelo as If tlieio WIIH n plug in each
nostill which jou cannot dislodge , you blow
) our nose until your ears craik , but It don't do
any good , and the only lesult is that you succeed
in gel ting up aory nil uoso , and you so irritate -
tate the lining membrane of that organ that
vni 1110 unabln to breathe through it at all ,
'Jhlsls acoriect and not oveidiawn picture of
un acute attack of entail u , or "Bueozlng Cu-
tun It" as it is called.
Now , what does this lontlltlonlndleato ? Tirst ,
a i old that causes muciiH to bo poured out by
tlio glands In the nose ; then tnoso dl.seu.sed
glands are attacked by gw arms of llttlo germs
the cutanh germ that ( lout in the air In a lo
cality whiiio the disease la prevalent. Those
anlmalculuo , In their cirorts to llnd u lodgment ,
iriitato the sensitive membrane lining of the
nose and nature undertake-.s to lid hurbolt of
them b ) producing a tit of Hiu > 07lng.
When ihu nose becomes tilled with thickened
disc-used mm us the natural channels for the in-
troductlon of air Into the lungs is interfered
with , and the porsou HO eitfocted niust broathu
through the mouth , and by sncli moaus Ihu
throat becomes pan hod and clry , snoring la pro
dncid , and then the catairhal dlseuao gains
leudy access to tin ) throat and lungs.
Late of UcUovuG llosnltal , N. .
Have Offlcos
310-311 RAM6E BUILDING ,
vvncro an curaom cases are . . treated . . . . . . with . suc
cess. Medic ul diseases trcuUd nklllfully. Ton-
sumption , HrlgUt's Dlsenno , Dyspepsia , llheii-
mutism , ciui ull NEUVOUB OlSUAHEti. All
diseases pocullar to t'lio"uuxoa a nucjclalty. CA-
CONSULTATION at office or by mail $1.
Olllce HOIIIS oto 11 a. m.j Z to t p.m. ; 7 to3
p. m. Bunclii ) H Included ,
Corresponcleiioo receives prompt attention.
Muny cllseuscH are t routed uuciegsfulljr by Dr.
McCoy through the malls , and it Is thus poailhlo
for those unable to make a journey to obtain
Huccossfiil hospital tieutinenl ut ( tielr homcu.
No lotlera unawercd uuleoa accompanied by la
lu Btumpi ) ,
Address all loiters to Drs. McCoy & Hon\r \ ,
Ituutan JIO ud IIU UUIUKO UuUdlug , UuuiUtitil'U |