Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered Ivy rnrrler In any part of the city at
twenty centH per wu-k.
II * . W TIMOS. - - . Manager.
Tin.Kl'IIO.NT.S :
ni'piMM Orricr , No. < . ) .
N innr HIIITOII No. "U.
NvY. Plumbing Co.
The WIUTCII hjU J > for rent.
K Hcltor , tailor. Full goods fhcnp.
I Rrtvid Tostcrln was run in yesterday
io- OS II IHliMineO.
Judge CnrBon occupied tbu bench in
tlisirict court yesterday.
Secure n now , cheerful resilience by
renting u IIOIIMJ in the Warren block.
The Union Pacific triiln from the west ,
due at Silo ; was live hours Into yestor-
f'oloncl 1) . I ) . Henderson , n brilliant
campaigner , is to address the voters
hero on the 'J" > th.
LatlicH , see t'om1)ined writing desk
null sowing machine. Domestic ollli.'c ,
105 Main street.
W. A. Skelton andMnry A. Williams ,
both of tills city , were josterday
granted leave to wed.
Icing's SweelVorm Wafers for Nile
Bt Dell CI. Morgan At Co.'s drug store ,
7-12 Lower Uroadway , Council Blulls ,
Mr. I'ntlnml ; went to A \ oca yesterday
to attend tlie funeral of his Viifos
father , which will probably take place
Hov. II. C. Waddell will lecture at
West College hall on Sunday at. ! p. in
Subject : "Transfiguration. " Seats
The Pacific Mutual Telegraph com
pany have quite n force of men at work
putting up poles Ihrougli this city , on
their way from Omaha to Sioux City.
The .refuse water from the Urown
building will hereafter be taken away
by huwor , the connection with the Pearl
street sewer being made jesterday.
The fourth lady on record applied for
naturiili/.ation papers yesterday. She
' '
had neglected to propor'ly dccla'ro her
intention , and her application was te-
Harry Osmond Almy died October 1 ! >
at 8HO ; p. m. , aged 17 years and 11
njuutliH. Funeral services to bo held
ut St. Paul's church at 2 o'clock p. m.
S. S. Huggo died yeslei day morning
of malarial fever n't his homo , 1122 ; !
Pleasant street. The funeral will oc
cur this afternoon at - o'clock at his
late residence.
Charley Nicholson , Ihe driver of the
police wagon , is intently watching the
erection of the new patrol house , and
anxiously counting the days until ho
will take possession.
A Union Labor convention will lie
hi'ld at Neola next Monday for the pur
pose of nominating a full county ticket.
It is expected that every pruci'nct will
send a full delegation.
The Sunday school of the Congre
gational church had a pleasant social
last evening , commencing at 5 : ! ! ( )
o'clock. The proceeds from serving re
freshments vent into the parsonage
Caucuses will bo held in the varioiib
wards to-night to choose delegates to
the union labor convention ut Neola the
17th inst. First ward , George Weisner's
livery ; Second ward , John Short's ware
The livery barn of Lund fc White , on
North Main street , has passed into the
hands of .L L. Giles , of Shenandoah , la.
Mr. Giles is a practical liveryman and
will keep the barn up to its established
Kd Hates administered chloroform to
an aged horse Thursday and accident
ally got too big 11 snitT himself at the
same timo. The horse died and Kd
nearly gave up the ghost. That's one
horse on Kd.
Decaying vegetation causes malaria.
Property owners would do a great pub-
lie service if they would remove the
weeds , grass , etc. , from their unoccu
pied land. The public health would bo
greatly beneliteu.
The controversy between the tele
phone company and the electric liglil
company in regard to the location ol
poles and interference of wires has been
settled , so that the improvements can
go on.
An intcrcntud eiti/on asks whether 01
not Chautaiuiua stock willboassos&ablo.
One of the provisions under which the
company is organized is that the stocl
hhnll bo non-assessable. This fact wo
had supposed to bo thoroughly under
The Dodge Light Guard * are without
n captain , Captain Mess > imor having re-
figncd and his resignation having beei
accepted. The probability is that the
present tlrst lieutenant , O. M. High
smith , will bo promoted tothceaptainoj
and the second lieutenant made tlrst.
That grandfather's clock which is alleged
logod to ornament the tower of the
beautiful now courthouse , should eithct
have its face covered with shame ot
pain. If there is to bo anything df thoM
M > rt it should bo a real clock with ai
illuminated dial and a big hell.
Captain Seavey , chief of the Omahi
police force , was in the city last evening
ing to got possession of Morse , who wa
yesterday acquitted of the charge o
stealing the liurham diamond. Morsi
refused to go without a requisition am
up to a late hour the matter was unset
The county supervisors and the eitj
board of health should hold one meet
ing in the old out-building still let
. standing in the rear of thoeountv's nov
court house. Quick action would thei
bo secured. That stench hole is so
terrible that the coroner has been
given several lively runs by a false
Kugono W. , youngest son of , T.W. and
Louisa Merrill , died at 10:00 : o'clock
yesterday morning. The funeral ser
vices will take place this afternoon at
1:30 : o'clock , and interment at Fail-view
nt 2:30. : Mr. Merrill has charge
of the Omaha Herald's business in
Council BlulTs , and has been so long as
sociated with the newspaper forces of
this city that the fraternity especially
feels deeply sympathetic for him and for
Will Kcolino , Halo Ilutchins , C. J.
Dlanohard and Harry Kcolino left , yes
terday morning , for a four days' hunt
nt Honey Greek lako. They took n
cook , tents and full camping outfit. No
doctor need hope for n n > so of malaria
or snake bite , us the party , with the
forethought usually exercised on such
occasions , made ample provision for such
emergencies , and carried along the
iicce&sary remedies.
All the evidence has been taken in the
case of Crittondon vs. Armour , Barbeo
& Co. , hut the arguments will not bo
made until after the criminal cases now
before the court are disX&od | of. The
syndicate who expected to make a goodly
amount of the speculation are much
interested in the outcome , but scorn con
fident that the decision will bo favor
able. Kven at the best it will cost a
pretty penny to Carry on the fight in
Court.- '
MoPlieraon's'Mleslniy.Man Turns
Up nil Right , With No Foul Piny.
The Junes Mimlcv CUM * on n Fourth
Trial J.Jrfly Hlrrct ( SradliiB
A I'ceullnr Protest Against
lie In Not An Angel ,
Another sensation has exploded in
the good , old way. Tne disappearance
of the man Tyan some days ago from
Joseph McPherson's place in this city
has been a nine days' wonder to both
police and people. If the man was
seeking notoriety ho has secured it. for
the papers and people have been agog
with the mystery. Mr. Tyan turns up
in Omaha , und except for some rather
erratic1 nctions , apparently all right. A
few days ago Mr. McPherson received a
postal from Tyan stating he had cut his
ankle while at work and was in the
Omaha hospital and in danger of losing
his foot by amputation. Ho also asked
that the money due him bo sent him ,
McPhorsou paid the sadly injured man
a visit and found the injuries com
plained of nowhere except on the postal
card. He says ho cut his linger and let
the blood drop on the ax , but why he
did so ho does not explain.
This accounts for the presence of the
slight bloodstain found on the a.\ left
behind and which caused suspicions of
foul play to be entertained. Tbe young
man who was made the victim of these
suspicions and who was so closely ex
amined by the otllccrs , was immediately
released and fully set before the public ,
and now that Tyan ha * turned up to
speak for himself the ridiculousness of
suspecting anybody appears doubly ap
A Vigorous I'rotcMt.
Pacilic Mutual Telegraph company in
the Held , Jerry Mullen at the bat and
Simon Kiscman in the bole , was the
situation at the corner of Broadway and
Hryaiil street , yesterday afternoon.
The telegraph company had a force of
men at work putting up poles , und it so
happened that one of them was to bo
erected in front of Mr. Kisemnn's store ,
much to the dissatisfaction of that gen
tleman. He said nothing while the bole
was being dug , but ordered them to de
sist as soon as they attempted to raise
the polo. The men paid no attention to
the order , whereupon Mr. Riseman
jumped into the bole and declared the
pole should not be planted there. This
was a sensational estoppel , for a while ,
and a debate ensued , after which the
foreman gave orders to go ahead and
raise the ( Kile. Mr. Kis-eman's brother ,
Henry , fearing that the order might be
obeyed , rushed oft for a policeman , and
soon Chief Mullcr appeared on the
scene. The garrison in the bole was
induced to capitulate , and the be
siegers soon raised their flagstaff on the
scene of tboir victory , leaving the ques
tion to be decided in the courts.
The grading being done on Kighth
avenue is showing up so well and the
cost is so nominal that the city council
is being urged to have more of this
work done. There has been consider
able property on the bottoms platted
and numerous improvements are being
mado. The city can easily aflord to
grade temporarily many of the streets
thus opened to the public. Tbo con
tractors have brought a , largo amount
of machinery hero and they propose to
do work at an almost nominal sum. The in the value of property in that
part of the city , the increased assess
ment and the increase in the amount of
taxes thus brought into the treasury
warrant the city council in ordering
some work done in that part of the city.
There should be several streets opened
up so as to accommodate those who desire -
sire to take advantage of the approach
to the now Union Pacific bridge and to
the Omaha , and Council Bluffs wagon
and railway bridge , the work on which
has already commenced in earnest.
The Doings in Court.
In the district court the.Iones murder
case , as it has been called for the last
eight years or more , is occupying the
sole attention and time. The public is
taking little apparent interest in the
matter , as the evidence has been re
hearsed so often that most are familiar
with its general character. The only
public interest centers in the Until re
sult , which will not probably bo known
for some days to come. Mr. Mynster ,
for the prosecution , and Colonel Scott ,
for the defense , are closely contesting
every point.
The jury in the ease of Morse , after
being out from : t o'clock Thursday after
noon until 10 o'clock yesterday fore
noon , brought in a verdict of acquittal.
Morse was charged with complicity
with Rotbory in stealing the diamond
stud from Bui-horn's store. Morse is
wanted in Omaha for like charges o
larceny , and will bo taken bach there
for trial.
During the past two days work has
been in progress upon Eighth avenue
It is expected that this street will meo
the eastern terminus of the now Omaln
and Council Bluffs bridge , and untie !
pating that fact the .street is being pu
up to grade as rapidly as the work car
bo prosecuted. Tea rails have been
distributed and the track partly laid
back to the bluffs at the head of the
street , which line , when completed , will
bo used for taking soil from the bluffs to
the points on the line where it is
needed for filling. Should present anti
cipations bo realized , which now seems
moro than probable , this street will bo
one of the thoroughfares botcon the two
cities. Property values on this street
are already looking \ip , and a boom of
no small dimensions is not impossible.
A Beautiful I'ietlire.
Mrs. S. D. Rehso has on exhibition at
the rooms of the Council Bluffs Carpet
company an elegant specimen of pastel
work from her own band. It is entitled ,
"Tho Fisherman's Love. " It presents
u marine view , and in the foreground n
fibbing boat. In this are thrco per
sons : a young and beautiful girl , her
lover , and the father of the miss , who
is asleep in the bow. Its conception is
decidedly original , and its execution
true to life as well as thoroughly artist'o.
It is worth your while to inspect it.
The New Imiutier Company.
Articles of incorporation were filed
yesterday by the Council Bluffs Lumber
company , which is composed of R.
Stevenson , president ; C. II. Smith , of
Sao City , vice president , and E. Irons ,
bccrctury and treasurer. The uow com-
puny1 starts in with a capital stock of
* 25 , < 100. . It is eompo.-ed.of well known ,
moil , in whoso hands -the business , \vill
surely bo wisely and ftiicfgetlcalTy
' "
List vottr property with Cooper &
Juilsoii. No. 1110 Ma In st.
Common Council.
Tlic council held an adjourned meet
ing last evening with Major Groneweg
in the chair. Danforth , Hammer , Kel
ler. Wells and Lacy were present. The
petition of residents on avenue D that a
plank sidewalk" be placed on that ave
nue between Eighth and Tenth streets
was granted and the nlei'k ordered to
advcrtUe for bids.
The petition of residents on Seventh
lueniiethat Seventh avenue from the
inter-eel ion of Fourteenth street to
Twentieth stieet bo raised to grade was
Petition of J. W. Squire , who owns
nine housc.s ou Sixth avenue and
Twenly-thifd street , for a culvert at
the intt-rM'ctlon of these streets. Re-
fyirod to the water committee.
Petition of George Bebbington : The
grading on lot 1 block 12 , done by con
tractor Callahau , u-ed a quantity of
soil furnished by petitioner. That lax
for grading charged against his lot bo
reduced in proportion. Refened to
judiciary committee and city engineer.
Petition of property owners on First
and Graham avenues and HlutT slreets
for water mains and hydrants. Motion
of Alderman Lacy : That water com
mittee bo instructed to place such pi ] > es
and hydrants , also pipes to reach Fair-
mouni Park. Petition granted and
motion carried : Ayes Aldermen Wells.
Lacv , Danforth. Noes Hammond and
Order , That as C. Wesley has threat
ened any one who attempts'to lay side
walk in front of his property on Sixth
street , the city mar--hal accompany
Wickham Bros , or their employes while
such work is being done.
Mini ! Healing.
Rev. H. C. Waddell will orpaui'/e a
class in Christian Mind Healing on
Monday at 10 a. m. at 128 Pearl street.
Worthy indigent students taught free.
Always Two Hide * .
The Kvenitig Herald last night came
out with an earnest defense of Jones ,
who is now on trial for the killing of
Roberts. There were so manymis'-tatc-
ments. and such base charges against
the characters of other.s. as to arouse no
little indignation among those who
chanced to see the article. The claim
that the property was deeded by Jones
to his wife to avoid his creditors i re
futed by the fact that , the property was
always her own , and that instead of
Jones helping to accumulate it , ho had
failed to provide for his family. The
charge that Roberts had alienated Mrs.
Jones * affections seems a needless attack
pen the character of a woman , who
uring her lifetime was highly esteemed ,
ud who is now resting silc-nt in her
rave , unable to defend her own good
nine. The prediction is made that
' will be introduced on this trial
o show that Jones himself de-
lared that he did not belitve
ny such statements about his wife ,
'he claim of there being any feud be-
ween Jones and Huberts is contro-
erted by the fact that within a week
lefore the killing of Roberta Jones wont
o his house and took dinner with him
n a friendly way. The touching ne-
ount of Roberts and his faction dcspoil-
ng the Jones' house of its contents is
Iso badly colored , for Mrs. Jones was
he one who removed the furniture
rom the hou c.
Xew Store.
I have just opened 11 new grocery ,
irovision and feed store , corner of Fif
teenth st. and Sixth avo. [ Patronage so-
icited. W. W. WAltlUUK.
The Honml-Up.
There were but few cases before the
lolicc court yesterday morning. Joe
5oss heeded the courts advice , and got
ut of town. One White , of Chester ,
ob. , was also released. W. B. White
laid $7.00 for being drunk.
In the afternoon the larceny cases
ame up again , and George Monroe and
William Wilson were found guiltv as
barged , and sentenced to thirty days
n the county jail. Charles Turner was
il&o hold to answer to another charge.
Wadsworth , Etnyro ft Co. , 230 Main
jtrcet , make reliable abstracts of prop
erty in Pottawattamie county.
Dr. J. T. Van Ness , physician and
surgeon , otlico room 3 , Opera house
> lock , will attend professional calls day
or night. Residence corner Kighth
avenue and Fifteenth street.
Notice to Claim Property.
The owners of certain restaurant
iroperty and tents , sent to Lincoln ,
tfob. , during the state fair , by the team
of M. K. Matherbeo , of Council Bluffs ,
[ a. , can have same by calling on him
md paying charges ; if not , same will be
sold November 1,1887 , for said charges.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
Kocbcrle Dead.
George Kocborlo , the young man who
shot himself , as stated in yesterday's
BUB , died early yesterday morning.
Coroner Faul was at once notified and
went to the scene of the shooting , at
Minden , to hold an inquest. C. Wesley
accompanied him as constable , as Dep
uty Sheriff Haynes was one of the wit
nesses , and thus debarred from acting
Every 0110 making a cash purchase of
25 cents at T. D. King & Co's. cigar
fatoro gets a chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
One thousand head of one. two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of
A. J. Greomunayor , 0:23 : Mynster at. ,
telephone 211.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mr. Drew , of the cracker factory , is
confined to his room by illness.
II. F. Thomas , of Macedonia , has ac
cepted a position with Messrs. Ucno &
Mrs. S. B. Ncilson.of Falls City , Neb. ,
is in the city visiting her sister , Mis.
W. H. Troynor.
Mr. A. 1C. Graves , of the motor line ,
arrived in the city yesterday morning
via Chicago.Milwaukeo & St. Paul road.
Bruce Howe , of the Omaha Republi
can , made his first appearance on the
street yesterday morning as a Benedict.
Ho "sot 'em up" in the most approved
manner and received the hearty con
gratulations of his many friends. His
evenings , in the futuro. will bo spent in
the bosom of his family at his ctwy
homo ou Fourteenth street.
If you want the finest cook utovo
made nt iv low price , see the wrought
steel oven Fuller & ; Warren range nt
Cole & Colo's , 41 Main street.
KSel's hotel opened up a largo now'
registry yesterday t6 accommodate in
creasing business.
Coaches and Hacks in the City ,
omci.s :
No. 418 Ilroadway The Manhattan.
Telephone No. 33
No. filli Main Stieet. Toll phone No. n. _
D , H.HCDANELD& co. ,
Hides , Taiiow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
IKS ) and . - . ' Mala Stieet.Coundl
Ogden Boiler Works
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Jtiiuufaeturerf of
All Ms of STEAM
Orders liyinall for lepnlrh iirnnijitly attended
o. Satl-liRtlon guaranteed. 10th Avenne. Ad-
: rtss Ojrdcii Iron Work * . Connill IllufTx , Iowa.
00 llroud\Miy , Couiull lllufls lo\\a. IMaWlslied
1W > 7.
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res
idences and Farms.
Acie I'loju-ity In urstein patt of the city. All
Real Estate and Insurance Agent ,
loom Ii. over Officer A ; I'n-eyS Hank , Counrll
Oli.N Y. vm.NK. '
Attorneys at Law ,
: > raitUe In the State and Tedernl Coiuts- . Office ,
' . , Ulotk , Council
Hooins and B lni'art-Heno (
llltilfr , Iowa.
F.mliaily thr Mghrtt rrrrlltn-
tltiral > llllH < t > i < l are Hit reigning
favorite * tnfathlonablrdrcl :
Our name is I J.tT.COUSINS ,
on every sole. I NEW YORK.
For Sale by
H award Brothers.
Tht ( mint tat * r pulirllj of the Y ATI SI CORSETS
bM ImJocft uDicrupnlous pf MODI to rot it upon tbe publlo
very pool-Imitation of our GENUINE YATISI
CORSETi Notice It hereby circa tbtt all ptriooi
wtotlof tbU A No. 1 Corset , which for comfort Dd Bt
cannot tie eicelled , ibould be ctrful to iee tbit the
Corieu they buj ie itftuipiil 'YATIST o tbe iotlda.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Host Route from.Omalia . anil Council
Bluffs to
THE EAST = = = -
Chicago , AXD > " Mihvaukcc ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar llapids ,
Itock Ibland , Frccport , Itockfonl ,
Clinton , JhibiKjuc , I > UTOiiport ,
KlRlu , Madison , JanesUlle ,
Ilclolt , M'inonn , La C'rosse ,
Ami all older Important points East , Northeast and
Boutbcaat. ,
Knrllironch ticket ! call on the ticket fi < ? ent tit U01
rnruiiu Urtel , lu I'uiton ilotel , or at Union 1'uclUo
I'ullinin ' Sleepers nnd the flne t Dining rara In the
Mdtlil am run un tbe inslu line of Ihu Clilcuto , Mil
wnuki'u & SiI'unJ IullK ] r , und every attention In
l > til to paiiunnori 117 courtcaug eiupluytu of ino
coiiinniir II. MJU.KU , Acncral Munager.
J. V.'l'L'i KKIl , A liUnt General Mnnaccr.
, . V. U. OAltl'KN'ltlt , ( l o ral 1'Bbstuie' and
( WuiKlVlkAFFOllD , Aulitiot Qcneml I'aitcnte
and Ticket Auent.
J.l'.t'UA lit , aeutrnl Superintendent.
JVKHATi HiVvertlii'iiieuts , oaphnt T.oit , round ,
J To I.IIHII , For Sale. To Unit , Wants , lUmuHup ,
tolllhe Innpitotl In till * column t the low
iiloofTKN' CT.NTS 1T.H LINK for thr flrstln-
eitlou iinrt Five Tents 1'rr Utia for cuili nul o-
lu-nt Itiviuitn , Ia ) n < 1vri'tl oiufitti nt our
( lice No. K IVarl Btfeet , near Jlruadwny , Couu-
FOll SA I.K Choice slock of cootli In country
More. PI HP npiMiliiK for IMiMliu'HM orth
* lrAl. Aililros Stunu \ Mme , Council Waffs
aii. .
ANTKO- KOO.I . uhl for kitchen \\oik.
Mis. .1. Mueller. Vii Willow acane. .
NTlfn-A iocook. Mrsrioniw Oltl-
ler , KM Willow avenue.
mo KXCIIANaK-rorCotuirll lllnIT orOMinlm
JL iiioi'fl'y. ' ' H H'tull stock of boots iiliil Nlmw ,
inmnmt , 14,000. ( . 'nil nt More. No. WW Iliontlttiiy ,
in-Hildtcsi It. Mnttln , ( . 'oiuitll lllulls , IO\MI.
FOIt Columbia bicycle'
\ery ilieiip. fiUMnch , at lleo olllce.
FOH HUNT A nciv modem plilil ( > rootn liouie
very cuuvc ! cnt. v.ll lr. ; < blocks r iluiniy :
lopot. liiiinlie of W. II. \ \ H'I'O , over Saving's
tank , Council Dlatfs
r\NKlitinilii-l ( tliousnliit dollaii to loan on
VJ real estate anil cliHtteH by P. J. Day , UU
BUIIjtH.N'ti lots anil ncie propeity fursaluby
K.I. la > , ; i'J1'
AM : OH riiAUKroiroinuit niiiffs
JL' iiioiieity , 4Mmo ( nurt-s of Iowa HIM ! Nt-
liiiskiilnliil. ) .1. It. ltlu > , 110 .Main St. , Council
FOIt S.U < n liAl acres of choice land Improved
as follows : Small house and stable , 4NI
rods of , ' ! - it t > fence , 'M acies of bteaklnx , II
icit-Kof usb tices 111 tltrltty Kiowiiif ! condition.
'llM' Terms easy. Addiess Cliailes II.
WINiin , Oxford , Neb.
"IT'OH SAI < K My reildencc propel tycoin-r Mil
JL st. and tilh uvc. Klue M-ioom IIOIIM' , tun
its tliu coiner one vurant. City water and
scwciHKe , Kood barn , cHiila e boiiie , etc. A
inrKnlti If taken soon. Apply on premises or at
No. M Prm 1 t. , Council liltilfs. s. T.
Spot Cash !
Prices for Groceries
TKIii'IIONK : NO. LI ) .
1'owdried Sugar , TJllw (100
llvitCiit J.oaf Sugar , ! ! lira 1 00
( IramilatedSuijar , 14 lls 1 W
Confectionery A , H'i ' Ibi 100
Huron A , 15 Ibs 1 00
food lllo Coffee ( roast ) , iier Ib Sfic
Good Kloiil' lierfoIbs ) ! Ho )
Itiversldi'Klour , jier lbl ii 00
Hheislde I'lour , per sack 1 00
Diamond Illntf Flour , per Mil ft Ml
Diamond Illuir I'lour , per sack I 4. " >
Wliltu Hear Strop , Si Ibs 1 W )
All oilier K"ods lu sanio latlo of discount.
Ole us n tall and examine our prices.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY , - - Council Blnffs ,
And Fine Pottery.
W , S , HOMER & CO , ,
No.23 Main St. . Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Latest Novelties ,
In Amber , tor
toise Miell , etc.
as ucll an the
in hair K"ods.
llalr goods
Made to Older
Mrs. C. L. Gillette ,
. , Jlnln Stn-ot , Connrll niuirti. Out of town
work solicited , and all mail oidois pioinjilty
attended to.
Hapkness Bros ,
New goods , beautiful goods , good value
and cheap. Call and see them.
We have now in stook our new purcluisos in silky , dress goods ,
underwear , flannels , domestic , etc. Headquarters for
We have the largest selection and finest patterns of carpets in
any city of the west. They comprise
Axminsters Moquettes , Body Brussels ,
Tapestry Brussels ,
3-ply Ingrain , Matting , Ruggs , Etc , Etc , j
We shall be pleased to show our customer these new and
choice fabrics. Do not forget the place ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
. RINK , ;
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffsjowa
Both Domestic and Foreign. .
'fl '
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
llefcts to any bank or uuslnes house In the c Ity.
Collections n specialty.
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es
cape. Electric Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
Justice of the Peace
Ofllce Over American Kxpress. No. 410 llroml-
wuy , Couucll lluffs ! , Iowa.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Ilioadway , Council UluffB , Opp. Dummy Depot ,
Horses and mules conhtnntly on hand , for
sale at retailer In car load lots.
Orders promptly ailed by contract on short
fitork sold on commli'lon.
Telephone 114. HCIII.UTRH & 1IOIXY.
OppoMto Dummy Depot , Council HlaffB.
A. H. Hello , Centrnll Give mo the Council Bluffs
Carpet Co , No. 4OB. W Broadway.
C. O. Can't ; sixteen ahead waiting for their
A. H. What's the matter ? Anybody killed there ?
C , O. No. Three woman fainted in the crush-Aw
ful crowd getting their fall carpets. Big bargains
everybody says.
A , H. Guess I'll go dowu and not wait for the
C. O. Better do that if you wnnfc to reach them
ANXIOUS tlUllA\l > .