Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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WonknoBB In Stocko Causes Do-
proeslon In tlio Wheat Pit.
llUM'OIIHPlI Attention
ill I'rnt iftlon I'llurs Trml
JliNk In ( 'ultli- mill lloj ; * *
O.IHtllf ) loll * .
Oft. H. [ Special Telegram to
triT ) flii.J : : In the iib-a-ncc of other news
directly affecting the gialn markets , the
weakness In stocks appeared to bu us liillu-
rntlisl H fin-tor In the wheat pit as nny other.
Tl ! rffert WHS of course depressing , but was
tint fell to any consldei able degree tmtil the
Ihsl half hour of the session. During the
most of the diii whcnl held at about the name
old figure , with it slight decline eailyonae-
Uitint of the aliM-iiie of out.sidc ordeisand
loimiqueiit dullness , together with tin-
favorable foielfjn advices , private cabk'H
giving the wheat market ilttll , with an Incli
nation to CUM ! oft , The market opened at
about jestcrdaj's closing price" , TOJ c for
November , i-iVc for December will iTjlBW * ? 4u
for May , and these figures were not bctteied
during the session. Them was a dull market
with surging tendencies nil the morning and
ilttrliifr the last half hour , when certain local
traders. ill iiipohiteil ] in their expectations of
prulit on curlier purchases , and apparently
worried bv the weakness In thestoek market ,
attempted to pet out , a decline In pi Ices of
? , c in the November delivery , 4'c In Do-
ctinbt r and Cf/i'(1' ( ' " M"i' was scored. The
clone was weak at this lowest point of the
session - November 70 ' , c , December 71 * e
and .May 7V < ' .
Corn showed some short-livid activity nnd
strength at the opening on account of lighter
receipts HiO cars being fiO ears less than
wrl'C expected , and the liberal movement out
ward , the inspection sheet showing ; t,72,000
bushels of corn Inspected out of store and
* t)4HX ) ) bushels being repotted from Chicago.
There was also n fair demand for the c.isfc
protwty early. The opening prices were the
highest of the session , however , except for
May delivery , which advanced ) ( v. Then the
demand for cash corn tell off on account of
the scarcity of vessel room here and the re
fusal of the Grand Trunk rnad to accept any
more corn for lake or rail shipment on ae-
viiunt of lack of cars , and the market sagged.
The loss on the day was J ( y < c in November ,
? < iSJ'ju ( in December and jV in May. There
was not it large volume of business , the
greater pint of the selling being done by
Hutchinson's bickers. The close vuis at a
fractional advance from the lowest point at
44J e asked for November , 4l > J ( ri-llc for De-
t ember and 4l > f ( it445 < c. for May.
Speculative business in outs was Just
about as dull as ever to-day , and while cash
and near futtnes held steady and linn , scllei
Mny was ijuotably weaker towaid Die close
in sympathy with corn. During the regulai
cession October sold at "lie , November at
' . 'rtjtfc , and December at 'AXe , the only
prices made. Krom ! i'y4i : lor May at the
opening the.maiket eased off to .H.ijy/ ) ( ! '
on the split , which was bid at 1 o'clock.
Provisions attracted a little mom attention.
The volume of trading was not much largei
than yesterday , yet operators watched the ,
murket more closely and showed increased
interest. The feeling was also quite strong
and the different deliveries for the product
\u-re well supported , the actual change in
pi ices being limited. January , the fa vorite fu
ture , sold at tlLVJ-Mri IS. ' . ' * ' ' , fur pork , Mi.IiOQffl ST
for lard and l.i"t.yJU ( " ' for short ribs , open
Ing at the highest llpure's obtained and clos
ing at the lowest for October delivery. Lan
closed nominally at fO.iJT's bid and short ribs
flrm nt 17.05 , which was fie lower than yes
terday's llnal quotation. At the adjoin n
mont of 'change lard for November and De
c ember stood ut | n.'J5.
Ai'Tiinxoo.v SK-MON Wheat flimer ; Oe
tober li'.ijifc , November 70e , December 7'JJ '
January 72 , ? e and May 77Hc ! bid. Cci'n
steady. Oats steady. Pork sold and elosei
for January at Sl'J.'Jfi and other deliveries
nominal. Lard was quiet and steady. Shor
ribs for October stood at $7.05 ; January soli
and closed nt $ oVjr
CHICAGO , Oct. 14. [ Special Telegram to
the liF.n. ] CATTLE Trade was more aetivo
than yesterday tnd prices n shade stronger
all around. A few lots of good to choice sold
at fl.76 < r7f > .i ; > and the ordinary run of fat eat-
tlo at f4.004.50 ; plain and common , | 2.SO@
8.W7tf. Stoekers and feedera were in better
demand , yet prices remain extremely low.
Grangers pnd Texans sold n good IPc higher.
Shipping steers , 18T > Oto ] 500-lbs , M.0@.15 ! ! ! ;
JJtX ) to 13.V-lbs ) fcl.60i:4.0 ( : < > ; P-W to 1200-lbs ,
f .tXX34.00. Stoekers and feeder , tS.OO
MH.OO : cows , bulls and mixed , * 1.40@
3.70. Texas steers , fJ.15@2.75 : cows , Jl.flOftg
ii.lS , Western rangers Uc ) higher ; natives
and half breeds , t'J.4r > @ 3.75 ; cows , Ji.lO@
U.W ) . Wintered Texans , $ J.5u3.110. : ! (
Hoes Trade was brisk and prices un-
chupged as compared with yesterday. Ship
pers , OR usual , bought the bulk of best hogs.
Hcst heavy sold at (4.70(34.75 ( ; mixed and
best packers , $4.f > 0@4.GO ; common and plain ,
/ > > . : iit4.49 ( ; light sorts , W Ot-rJ-i.OO ; York
/ Sorts , | 4.ttt@4.7fi.
Union Stock Yards , ChlcnRO , Oct. 14.
h The Drovers'Journal reports :
Cuttle Uecolpts , 8,000 ; stronger ; shipping
steers. $ ; ) > ; stockers and feeders ,
mixe , . . , .
H85 < < $4.75 $ ; skips , $ ; ) .004.15.
Sheep Receipts , 8,000 ; steady ; natives ,
| 3.25 4.W : ; stoekers , $2.noc 2.tK ) ; western ,
I3.15Q8.C5 ; Texans , rj.50@tt.50 ; lambs , fl.OO
National Stock Yards. East St.
I > OUM , Oct. 14. Cattle Receipts , 700 ;
Shipments , 700 : market steady ; choice heavy
natives , $4.25 ( 4.7.1 ; fair to good natives ,
* 3.70@4.2U ; buteherb' steers , 3.10 3.S5 ;
ningers , K'.20 3,80.
Hogs Hecoipts , 4,000 ; shipments , l.SOOj
market active and stronger ; choice heavy
and butchers' selections , ? 4.6r > < if4.$0 ; pack
ers and Yorkers , medium to prime , W.30 (
4.CO ; pigs , common to good , f&b.Xg-t.'JS.
KanHiiH City , Oct. 14. Cattle Kecoipts
since Wednesday t,0K ! ( ) ; shipments , 2tOO , : ;
choice beeves stronger and a shudo higher ;
common steady ; stoekers and feeders linn ;
good to choice corn-fed , $4.2T > @ 4.75 ; com
mon to medium , Ki.2@t.l5 ; stoekers , W.OO
SIX ) ; feeding steers , fJ.tkjQfy.23 ; cows , $1.25
@ 2.5J.
Hogs Receipts since Wednesday , 13,000 ;
shipments , 5'JOO ; market weak and a shade
lower ; common to choice , W.ODfil.W ) ; skips
und pigs , fJ.75j4.00. ( !
NEW YOUK , Oct. 14. [ Special Telegram to
the UEE.J STOCKS The bears had control
of the stock market again to-day and prices
sunk lower than at any tlmethlsycar. TradIng -
Ing was heavy and the market very feverish.
IJig o | > craters thought nothing of trading in
larger lots than hud been their custom of
lute. The bears , encouraged by their suc
cess , bet their profits freely , Chicago parties
in particular being heavy sellers of Grangers
und in so doing forced prices to a iiointwhcro
stop-order holdings were forced out and
yaused further depressions , the declines ex
tending to 3) points , Northern PacUlo pre
ferred , Louisville & Nashville , St. Paul , und
Lake Shore showing the most loss. St. Paul
touched 70 , where it appeared to bo begged ,
and about 10,000 shares changed hands at that
figure. The Reading reorganization was re-
lx > rted as being in fair shape to be carrietl
out. This was the only bull card left am1
they played it strong. Prices declined 1 ;
) > cr cent from the opening , but rallied to flrsi
prices. The bear leaders said the stocl
would net the same us Western Union whei
the Ualtlmore & Ohio deal was completed
PC the declines the bears began covering out
their ini.v Ing was' the chief support tothe _
market , enunlng n rally of' j ( : i points. C'on-
sldcrablo eomiiK.'iit wus passed UJKHI the Pullman
- increase of ' . ' . *
man diiectoi-y authorizing an >
per cent In Its capital stock totakmip tlC > ! > , < xxi
In 7 | Hr cent bonds that expire October 1.1 ,
! ! : * , also for betterments. Stockholder * are
given the privilege of subscilbing fortlieneW
stock at pur , rriends of the properly con
tinue to think well of It , some claiming that
It earned Ib per cent last > car , and that its
recent acquisitions will be of gicat bcnellt.
On the other hand , the bears eljiiu.1 , innt
with sight at Kir uvni ; lee high for the
SUflc flhtl pi Ices declined I ' 4 per cent , but re
acted and closed ft per cent lower than yes
terday. The Vandei hilts , particularly New
York Central , were the weakest properly on
the list during the last hour and the rapidity
of the decline depressed the general market.
W. K. Vamkrbllt was credited with buying
over 10 , < HJO shares of Lake Shore , but this
only temporarily the decline , last
sales being nt almost inside figures and ro-
eorded declines of Kri'-'X l'er < ' ( > IltIJ'llc tot" '
sales weic 4UltiO ! ! shares , 147KO ( being HeadIng -
Ing , iigaInstfi'J1i,2ll shares yesterday.
fJiiVF.iisMK.NT' * Government bonds were
dull , but firm for 4s ,
P. P. 4s rniiprin I3ij o. * x. w
IJ. S. 4ti'MCIMIt > OUlll1 doiirefemd l.'W
Parlllcil'sof Iti.til N.Y.C :
CiiimdH Southern. " 1 II. K.N f-'i '
Outnil J'arlllc. . . . ' 'K' , tl.T JVU
Clilrngo.V Altnll. Mil iPncIllr-.Mnll ! H
ilopn-fiTU'd. . 1W ) , ! > . , D.A.-K IK
< ' . . II. A-y r.'il'.ll'ullmaiil'alnccCnrjri '
I ) . , I , . A W ISI'4 ' Iti-ndlliK. tWt
M..VH.O UI'i'lloi'klMantl. ' ' . . . 1I ' 5
llrle JM'ilSt. 1 , . , VS. I1 : c.,4
ilopii'lfirc'd. . . ta doprrfi'iii'd B7'
Illinois ( Vntnil. . IH'i C. . M. Jt Ht. 1'nul. 7 U
I. , II. .V W 12'i ' ilopri-fMtcd Ill's
K.ArT ai Pt. l > . .vii MV
Luke Shore doprcfotri-il. . . . inly
, . * f > lTevas I'ac'ltlo.
Mli'hlgan Ci'litial. . M'i I'lilnn J'lirltli ! . . ,
Ml-sonil 1'aiinc. . . Ml W. . Kt. I. . &P 15
.Missouri I'aclllc. . . . ' , ilo preferred 27'i
do prcftTiul 4l'i W. U. Teli'gruph. . . 7fili
Mo.vr.i On call easy nt 4S."i ( per cent ,
hist loan at 5 per cent , closed offered at 6
JH.T cent.
PiiiMC McncANTiLC PAI-KII CfuO per
STKIII.IVO KxciiAXor. Active aud firm at
S4.SUJ lor ( Xt-day bills , and * 4.Nf > , ' for de
Oct. 14. Following are the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Dull and averaged lower : prices
declined ' . e. and closed nbout ' 4e below yes
terday ; cash , oyj/c ; November , 70fc ; May ,
M'Vl' .
Corn Moderately active and firm early ,
later became quiet and weaker , closing JdJ (
Jift1 below j'cstcrdny ; cash and November ,
41.VK5c ; May , 44.'c.
Oats Dull and weak all around , with the
exception of October , which ruled steady ;
cash , Urte ; November , 2.JXe ; May , ! W * c.
K.\e Steady iit,4V. !
Hurley Nominal nt tVv ( < i70c.
Prime Timothy Vi.24.
Flaxseedl.l . .
Whisky 1 1.10.
Pork Dull and a trifle lower ; January ,
Laid Quiet and steady with no material
change ; cash. fii.'JiS ; November , t4j.2o ;
January , tCi. : Kit .S2 , ' .
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , Ki.CKtry.V70 ;
short clear , * 7.40S7.7. ( ) : short ribs , ti.O.V
Uutter Steady ; cicamer.v. K' ' ( 2Cc ; dairy.
! ( ' . ( 2 le.
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , lOJ to
lie ; flats , 10J | ( llj4coung ; Americas , 11'4
@ll4'c. ! !
Kjrgs Easier at 17 ( 1V.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy ( -recn salted ,
fully euied , 7'4'c ' : light , do , 71ac74e ( ; ! : dum-
aged , ( ! c ; bull hides , Ti' ' c : No. 1 green suited
calf , b' ' .lc ; dry salted , Idc : dry flint , 12a' ( '
13c ; dry calf , l'JutSc ; deacons , Illlo each.
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 country solid ,
I@-IV ; No. 2 , 3 , ' < , e ; cakes , 4ic.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 17IHK , ) : mHK , ( )
Wheat , bu . 7SIK)0 ) IW.IKH )
Coi n , bu . 245,1X10 , ' .I5KK1 , (
Outs , bu . 2MKX ( ( ) l'.i.riIHXI
Rye , bu . iltXXI 1KHJ (
Hiuley , bu . 41KXJ 31 , K )
Now Tork , Oct. 1 1. Wheat Receipts.
iVSiX : , : ( ) ; exports , 13.IKIO ; options opened
fairly steady , but soon weakened and de
clined 'ffe1)1' ' ) ! ? ! closing steady and showing a
slight recovery ; spot , flrm ; ungraded red ,
' ' .iJfTfii. l c ; No. 1 red nominal nt bTSe ; No ,
2 red , 82j e f. o. b. ; W' tSsWc delivered ,
latter fancy ; November closed nt SIVji1.
Corn Receipts , 2i2,0X ( ( ) ; exports ,
spot firm and fairly aetivo ; options
lower , closing steady ; ungraded , JiK
No. 2 , BU e in store , 621i ( ( < J52 > )6C ) deliv
ered ; November closed at jl' c.
Oats Receipts , 140,000 ; exports , none ;
market quiet and generally steady ; mixed
western , ll3u@Mc } : ; white western , 34@40c.
Coffee-Spot , fair ; Rio , steady $ l'J.i7M ' ! ;
options B@10 points lower , closing steady ;
March , $17,4.VZ17.ri5. (
Petroleum Firm ; United , 71c.
Pork Dull ; barely steady ; mess quotctl
at < lS.00@15.a5 new ; fH.'S * ) ! 14.50 old.
Lard A shade easier and only moderately
active ; western steam , spot , tti.frS , closing
Eggs In moderate request ; western , 12
< g20c.
Hutter Dull and weak : western , 13@
2."iJ e , western creamery , UiCiiS.VjC.
Cheese Heavy apd lower ; western , 04@
ll e.
Ijlvcrpool , Oct. 14. Wheat Quiet ; de
mand fair ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Firm ; nothing offering.
St. Louis , Oct. 14. Wheat Weak ; cash ,
70J ( ! ? 7iKc ( ; November , 7 ( ) . ' < e.
Corn Lower ; cash , y9'tii394c , ( ' ; Novem
ber , 37Jf s-
Oats Easy ; cash , 24g24 ( ( , V ; November ,
24 ! < c.
Lard-t ! .S. > .
Whisky * 1. 05.
Hutter Higher and in good demand ;
creamery , 'J327c ( ; dairy , lHQ23c. |
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firmer ; no
sales in October and November ; December ,
72'ffo ; May , 78 c.
Corn Strong ; . October , 3e ! ; November ,
3740 ; December J 37 e.
Oats Unehanged-
Mllwuukce , Oct. 14. Wheat Steady ;
cash.Wji/o ; November , 70' c ; May , 77uC. ; ?
Corn Easier ; ; No. ! 1 , 41V.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , 2Sc.
Rye-Strong ; No. 1)0c. ) .
Harley Higher ; No. 2 , tHc.
1'rovisions Quiet.
Pork-October , * 13.riOGl4.00. ?
Cliiciniiatl , Oct. 14. Wheat Ne
glected ; No. 2 red , 75e.
Corn Lower ; No. mixed , 44e.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 2s ) , c '
Rye Dull : No. 3 , Me.
Pork Dull at $14,00.
Lurd--E.isy ; prime steam , fil.40.
Whisky Steady at $1.05.
IMInneaiiolK Oct. 1-1. Wheat Under
heavy receipts showed less llrmncss and to
effect sales concessions wore necessary ; No.
1 hard , in store , October and November ,
70e ; December , 7le ; May , 77c ; No. 1 north
ern , cash , November , 07o ; December , CSo ;
May , 74c ; No. 2 , northern , October and
November , 03 > 4i ; December , M e ; May ,
70e , On track : No. 1 hard , 71MS71K" ;
No , 1 northern , C'KQGSc ; No. 2 , northern ,
New Orleans , Oct. 14. Corn Quiet , but
steady ; mixed , B5o ; white and yellow , 57c.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , 33@M.Hc. :
Cornmeal Quiet ; flinn at FJ.30.
Hog Products Dull ; lower ; pork , $14.05 ;
lard , * T.12K.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $5.12 , ' ; long clear
and clear rib , $7.25.
Kaunas City , Oct. 14. Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 soft , May , 72Ko bid , 73\'e ; asked.
Corn-Steady ; No. 2 cash , S4 4'c bid , 35c
naked ; November , 35c asked ; year ,
bid , i ; < o asked ; May , yS4e bid , c
Oats-No , 2 , 32X < J asked.
Friday , Got. 13.
The receipts of cattle were liberal , thcro
being ono hundred and thirty eight cars of
fresh receipts as against nineteen yesterday.
While the bulk of thcso cattjo were feeders
and westerns , the pn | x > rtion of good corn-
fed natives was much larger than for some
time back , Tim demand was good for fat
cattle und the market active at nbout steady
prices. One bunch of very good corn-fed na
tives readied HC6. The ollcrirtts of feeders ,
native and western , were 'heavy but
only itlxmt two hundted head welt * sold.
There wus some Inquiry for Mockers and a
few \earllngs clumped ImniH Hnteher stock
continue * Mow but a few loads were sold at
stend.price" .
lli > K" .
There wns n gain In tin' irceipts of IIOKS of
live ems , then1 belli * foity loads of fresh
receipts us against thlit\Hvi' , loads yesler-
diii. In addition to the fresh iecelpts there
wen1 twenty lo.ids of stale bn ; , innkinp thu
total nffpf ims sIxM- ; , , , . The iivontiro qnnl-
II.V z ! ' ' < * hnfTA Cum fitlr but they did not run
as even nsyesterdui , there being sonic very
good loads mid some ver.s common loads. The
market opened at a decline of IWrT'IOo front
> esterday morning. The bujlng was slow
and the market was Inclined to drag. When
the H. * M. train ni rived with fourteen loads
business was nt a standstill Immediately.
The market closed with fourteen loads un
sold and very dull und wenk.
There wore no fresh receipts and nothing
doing on the miiiket.
Official ltcclt | .
Cattle 207ii
Hogs 25W
Cuttle , 10 ears Chicago
Cattle , fi curs Council Bluffs
Cattle , 1 car Ftcmout
Cattle , 1 cur Linwood
Cattle , 3 cars Lyons
Sheep , 20 cars Chicago
Hogs , 10 curs ICamus City
Prevailing Pi'lccH.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1.100 tt.s $ ( ? '
Choice steers. 1100 to IHlXI His 4.00iN.15 (
Fat little steeis , HOO to 1050 His 3.75i.85 ( :
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 8.85
Good to choice corn-fed cows 'J. : > 0 < ii.OO ( :
Common to medium cows l.f 0 ( 3.00
Good to choice bulls 1.50 < r < 2.00
Good range feeders 2.40j ( < 2.75
Good native fcedeislM ) tlis und up
wards 2.7V < < . ' ) .8r >
Fair to medium n.itive feeders , 000
Bih undupwaids 2.i > 0i < < 2.fi5
Stoekers , 4tX ) to 700 Ibs 'J.lHri'J.4U ) (
Prime fat sheep 3.25C'f 8.50
Fair to medium sheep 2.5'tH.OO ' !
Common sheep 1.50ji2.25 (
Light and medium hogs 4.10rr4.20 (
Good to choice heavy hogs 4.20n4.3 ( < )
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.luri4.23 (
Henrcsentatlvo Sales.
NJITIVK STEEIIS coitx i' t > .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
54..1031 8.H3 54. . . . 1200 4.45
17. . . . lift , 4.00 CM. . . . 1278 4.50
JO. . . . 1343 4.40 40..1888 4.03
54..1500 4.45
I".1034 2.40 50..1044 2.50
54..103ti 2.40
wnsmix HULLS SW\N t. . * o. co.
18..150 1.23 10..12.VJ 1.75
21).1057 ) 2.1(0 (
NAPlVi : COM' ' .
14..1055 2.15 4. . . . ! M7 2.1(5 (
K..1188 2.35 20..10.VJ 2.45
1..1100 515 ! ! 8. . . . 1220 2.50
3..1303 3.05
1..1170 2.50 1..1720 2.75
02. . . . 55 ! ) 2.tM ) 23. . . . 759 2.85
7. . . . b85 2.b5
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
IB ! . . . . 1 ! 120 M.05 74..245 120 * 4.20
73..251 ! ! ( M ) 4.10 1(4..201 ( 40 4.20
td5..2IXi KM ) 4.10 73..241 .120 4.20
57..214 100 4.10 (13..277 ( 240 4.20
155..272 200 4.15 75..257 SOO 4.20
75..211 120 4.15 57..2W 120 4.20
1)3. ) . . . 2(50 ( 200 4.15 150..242 120 4.22U
153..22 ; 1150 4.20 .VJ..2S7 120 4.25
150..2158 40 4.0 71..257 200 4.25
.VJ..284 240 4.20 5(5..820 ( bO 4.25
,0.'JitO 12B 4.20 111..25 ! ) 40 4.25
58..271 120 4.20 150..21 1150 4.25
5ti..2l ( ( . ) KM ) 4.20 111..20 ! ) KM ) 4.25
W..2K3 1(50 ( 4.20 (57..273 ( 240 4.25
111..207 200 4.20 ! ( . . . . ( 2bO 4.25
( Mi..245 bO 4.20 t)7..273 ) bO 4.25
152..245 240 4.20 liS..2ti'.l 120 4.25
153..251 ! t2 < ) 4.20 1(7..301 ( 120 4.25
5SI..2M ) 4.20 52..318 240 4.30
70..275 2sO 4.20 55..815 11(0 ( 4.30
(55..237 ( 120 4.20 154..252 100 4.20
54. . . . 400 240 4.30
Live Stock Sold.
Showing the number of bead of stock sold
on the market to-day :
O. H. Hammond & Co 20 :
( J. H. Hammond & Co , ( shippeddirect ) 12
Feeders na
Shippers ] 8
Speculators 23
Lobtnun& Rothchild 14 ! ]
Harris & Fisher 2
Local ' 48
Total 78 ! )
G. H. Hammond &Co
Geo. Fowler & Sou 087
Harris & Fisher 13
Anglo-American Packing Co 1,022
Speculators 28
Local 2 !
Totnl 3,93- ;
Unsold 024
All sales of stock in this market nro mad.
per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated
Dead hogs sell at } o per Ib. for nil weights
"Skins , " or bogs weighing less than 100 Ibs
no value. Piegnnnt sows are docked 40 Ibs
and stags SO Ibs. by the public inspector.
Live Stock Notes.
Hogs lower.
Cattle active.
Fourteen loads of hogs unsold.
J. H. Mickey , Osceola , marketed hogs.
Louis Akin , Clarinda , la. , marketed hogs
E. D. Gould sold a load of hogs at the toj
A good many corn feed steeis elmnga
D. Anderson , Columbus , marketed a loud o
25o hogs.
Daniel Uarbce , Glenwood , la. , was here
and marketed hogs.
T. J. Swan was here with two trains of
cattle from Uuwllns.
Owen Kaldeny , Liuwood , was nt the yards
and bought a load of hogs.
H. J. I3ond , Washington , Kan. , came in
with n load of butcher stock.
The Anglo American Packing company
bought over u thousand hogs.
Peter Augustine , Benedict , came in with a
load of * 4.40 cuttle of his own feeding.
G. W. Hull was in with three hundred
head of feeders from Henderson , Minn.
C. F. Heno , of Keno & Storrs , Oakdule ,
Neb. , was here with live loads of cattle.
A. P. Wood and W. H. Rtissel were hero
and bought ono hundred head of yearlings.
Leo Martin , Benedict , was hero with three
loads of good native cattle which sold ut f 1.50.
T. D. I'erine , Cheyenne , came in with ten
lo.tds of cattle for the Cheyenne L. & L. S.
Among those who got the top price for hogs
was the Standard Cattle company , Ames ,
Lyons Hros. , Lyons , Neb. , marketed 54
head of l&WMb euttlo ol their own feeding ut
U. N. Tupper , Shelby , la. , heavy farmer
and stockman , was among the visitors at the
D. Henderson. Hastings , la. , marketed n
load of 34i-lb. hogs at f 1.30 , the lop of the
S. A. Meyers , Benedict , Neb. , was in with
five loads of corn fed native steers that sold
at ft.45 and f4.50.
Among the visitors at the yards were Wes
ley Cook und A. O. Pound , of Hlair. The
former is county clerk of Washington county ,
Chnrlio Reynold , of the flrm of Reynold ,
Paul & Co. , Raymond , was ut the yards and
marketed ono load of hogs.
Hammond's ' string of hogs averaged 250
Ibs , or 22 Ibs heavier than on Thursday , and
cost $4.20 , or 17o less than on Thursday.
Farrlngton & Son vcll known shippers of
Lyons , sold three loads of cattle. .Forty
head brougct the top price and wcro ns line a
bunch as has been seen here in u long time.
Friday , Oct. 14.
Produce , FrultH , Ktu.
J The /olloiflny are the prices cK
" < > > f violent' rue .Mid ? nit fM
win/id / :
The produce markets Were oulj moderately
active to-diiy Applerf arc coming in unite
rupldl.s from wiMern Iowa und of very line
itmlity | Price * remain Jiltttut steady.
Kin - The market is good mid the suppl >
light , the bulk WHS going ut I'J centc , but
some sales were made at ' , ' 0. < .
Httiuit - Creamery , West Point , 3V :
other , 33fn'Hi ! vet1 | xmm1 : iholce dulrj , Is-Oi
20c ; me'V4iil ! grades , lRu.t5i' ( ; ordinary , I'WlOO.
{ . 'iiFfK Market fin r. Fancy full cream ,
cheddiirs , single llto ; full cvciun twin * . 13c ;
\oung Americas , IM c ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs
In ca-e. 1.V ; Llmberger , 100 Ibs In ca e , I4c ;
Sums' fancy Ohio , Ilk1.
Poi I.TIII Fuly market ; spring chickens
* 2.00ii2.f)0 ; old fowls , f'J.iViT(3.lH ( ) ; ducks
$2.353.i.V ( . gee-e , fll.50 ) ter' do/ : turkeys , In
very light request. 70l7' < , 'o per Ib. .
GAMP Receipts light ; prairie chickens ,
J3.00.i3.25 ; mallard ducks , $1.50/11.75. ( Quail ,
* 1 .35(41.50 ( ; teal and mixed ducks , l.QOal.7r ( > ;
snipe , 75c ( . ( fl.HI ( ; jack rabbits , 400'4'w' ' each ;
jack snipe , * l.txper do/ ; venison , Idc per Ib.
O -THUS Shell ; 13.00 per hundred ; bulk
Jl.i5jier : hundred , selects , $2.20 n gallon ;
Cans , New York counts , 45tiseleits ; , ! ! 5W40i ! |
standard , 3 ? ( < ? 30c ; Ro til , 40c ; Jerome bajs ,
40c ; Tiger , 25c.
POTITOKS The market Is well supplied.
Utah und Colorado stock sells ut 80ub5e : Ne
braska and Iowa stock fi-yr/'Oc per bushel.
CuH.iri.ou KU (3.00 per do/ .
SUKKI PorAtop.s The market is well supplied -
plied with home grown nt CS$75 ! ( ( : per bushel ;
Virginia stock ilt1 per Ib.
EIKI Pi. * NT Slow sale ut COjJ75ti ( per doz
for choice stpck.
ONIONS Choice lurgo California onions are
offered on the market at 5 > 0c per bushel
The demand Is light.
BK.NS Hand-picked navy. $2.50 per bushel ,
aud other grades down as low as * 1.25. Cali
fornia stock , * 2.4 < ) tier bushel.
Cr.i.Kin The receipts are larger und the
stock better. Good stock brings 30 ( 35o a
bunch. Chnli-o Michigan cider , * rt.00g ( .50
per bbl. of 32 gal.
Poi'iiiitx Choice , for stands , 2 ( < t2l < " eperlb.
HOSBV CSood honey in neat one Ib. frames ,
22fti23o per Ib.
Cot ( UM'TS Good stock. 5.00.
Cius'iinnitiKs The market is fairly well
supplied with good stock. Bell & Cherry ,
$ -S.OO ; Bell & Bugle. * ' .UXI ; Cape Cods. $10.00.
LF.MOSS Messina , $0.00ti.50 ( ; Maioru ,
$ i.OO ; Sorronto , $7.00.
OIIAMII'.S Messina out of the market ;
ouisianu , t'.l.lX ) per bbl , $5.00 per box ; Ja
maica , $10.00 per bbl , * 5.50 per box.
Ari' The supply is scarce. Choice
Michigan apples , fll.50ffl4.00 ; home gtown ,
$3.00rt3.50 ( ; Jonathous , $3.50i37.5.
Cavn Ai'1'i.Ks Choice Siberian , $3.00(23.504 (
per bbl.
Giut'KS Home-grown stock is in liberal
supply and is moving freely at HO per pound ;
California , Tokuy , M.50 per crate ; Muscats ,
J2.50 ; New York , 10-lb baskets , 85(2451 ( ! .
PKUIS There is a fair suiipl } ' of California
pears on the market. Choice stock , $2.75 ®
Pn\ciiE Some fine California mountain
peaehew are on the market ut $3.50 per box.
BANANAS The murkct is well suppled with
bananas at t3.00 ( 3.X ( ) per bunch.
NUTS New crop : Ohio chestnuts , 12jul5c (
perlb ; peanuts , 7l < ; c , raw ; Brazil nut * , 13c ;
almonds , Tarragona , 30c ; English walnuts ,
18e ; filberts , J2e. _
Flour and I-'ocd.
lire tlicjiiliMnu
Minnesota patents , 12.50 per cwt ; Minnesota
seta Bakers' straight , S2.20 per cwt ; Kansas
\j t \t ( * | lHt \1 fklttllllj 1 I I tJ'WA ) V VI J It
incnl , yellow , i)0e ) per cwt ; corn meal , white ,
$1.00 per cwt ; chopped fecil , S14.00@1 .00 per
ton ; bran , $ r2.00@i.00 : ) per ton ; screenings ,
$ ( I.OOffi'l'J.OO ( ' per ton.
IU v Upland prairie , it7. " > 0@8.00 ; coinnion
coarse , flUO ® r.OO.
ComiE. Ordinary prades , 'O'j'lgi.'lc ' ; fair
mj. < @SJc ; ) ) rinic , U'JVe ( ! ; fancy sreen and
yellow , " : ig'J.ric ( ; old Koverninent Java , "S@
: ) ! ; interior .Iuvai'@A < e ; Mocha , 28rfiV ( : ( ;
Arbuclde's , roasted , SilJjfL1 ; McLaiifrhlln's
XXXX , 2B'4'f ' ; Uilwoi'th's L'C.o ; Hcd Cross ,
L'tl'ie. '
UKrixr.n I. Mtn. Tierce , Tc ; 40-lb Miuare
cims , Tc ; 50-lb round , T'/e ; 'JO-lb round , Tj 'e ;
10-lb pails , 7 c ; 5-lb pails , 7 e ; U-lb pails ,
. Granulated , K < iH > 7fC' conf. A ,
' , Yc ; white extra C , ti tdi c ; extra O ,
! ( < iko ; yi'llowC , rjc ) ; cut loaf , 7)4 ) ; pow
dered , TJ/c.
PICKLKS Medium , in bbls , $0.50 ; do in
half bbls , M.T5 ; sniull , in bbls , * 7.M ) ; do in
half bbls , $4.25 ; gcrltins , in bbls , * S.50 ; do in
half bbls , W.75.
WOOKEXWAIIK Two-hooi | jiails , per do ? ,
$1.45 , a-hoop pails , f 1.70 ; No. 1 tub , KJ.ftO ;
No. 2 tub , $ . - > . -)0 ; No. tub , $4.50 ; wash
boards , tl.75 ; assorted bowls , $ 'J.25 ; No. 1
ehnrns , $ ! ) ; No. 2 churns , &S ; No. I ) churns , $7.
TotiACt'O Lorillard's Climax , 44c ; Splen
did , 41e ; Mechanie's Delight , 41c : I.cgjrett &
Meyer's Star , 41e ; Cornerstone , ! Mc ; Drnin-
mond' Horse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , 37 ; Sorg't. . ,
Spearhead , 44e.
HnooMS Extra 4-tie , $2.l ) ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
CANDY Mixed , 8.i@lle ; ; stick , S'flgOJJc.
CRACKHIIS Oarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5e ; creams , 8e ; ginger snaps , 8c ; city
soda , 7c.
TEAS Japan , SOvTSoc ; punpowiler , 20 ( ( ?
Young Hyson , 25@53e ; Oolong , 20@
t0e. !
JEI.I.IKS 80-lb puils , $ ' . ' .00.
PIIOVIHIONS Hams , lU4@1IJ.jc ; breakfast
bacon , 115f@12 > c ; bacon sides , OfgO'/c ; dry
salt , 8)i@Sfe ; shoulders , 7@7)4'o ) ; dried beef
hams , 10@llc ; dried beef regular , M < ! t\0 \ }
hams picnic , 7@Sc.
DHIKP FnciTs Apples , new , Jf's , fie ; cya-
paratcd , 50-lb ring , lOJjfjilO o ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 29c ; blackberries , evaporated ,
fljf@10i ! ; pitted cherries , peaches , new ,
7 e ; evaporated peeled peaches,28@20covap-
oratcd , unpared , lS@lic ) ; no\v currants , "ilf-
< ? X ° i prunes , 5@5j e ; citron. 25e ; raisins ,
London lujcrs , $2.10Vf2.I5 ( ; California loose
muscatels , $1.90@2.00 ; new Valencias ,
KOPK Seven-sixteenths inch. I'J IS.'a '
Svitui1 No. 70 , 4-gallon keps , $1.-I5 ( < 1.50 ;
New Orleans , per gallon. U3@4 ( > c ; maple
syrup , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , SOc ;
1-p.illoa cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half-gallon
cans , per do ? , $0.25 ; quart cans , $ .125.
STAIICII Mirror gloss , SJ e ; Graves' corn ,
CJ/u ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
OANXKD uoons Oystcra , standard , jer
case , $ 'I.10@:1.15 : ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.00@i.lO ! ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $ . ' 1.00C < i >
8.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
apricots , j > er case , $4.10@4.25 ; peaches , per
case , $5.75 ( 5.85 ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; plums , per case , $ 'I.80@3.SIO ; blueber
ries , per case , $2.HOS2.40 ( ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
per ease , $ 'J.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case.
$ a.20@5.75 ; Mb salmon , per do/ . $2.002.05 ;
2-lb gooseberries , ] > er case , $ : i.25ai.35 ( : ; 2-lb
string beans , per case , $1.75 ; 2-lb lima beans
COTTON Fi INXIII.I 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , ti ; , ! ) ; CC. 7jij ; SS , 8J4o
Nameless , 5'c " ; No.'B , lie"KB ; , ! ) J < jc ; GG
101.JC" XX , "I2c ; OO , 14e ; NN , 10o ; RX
ISo ; R , 20o ; No. 10 , S'tfc ; 40 , 10)fe ; 00
12 < < o ; 80 , 15c ; 30 , colored , lOe ; 50 , colored
12o ; 70 , colored , llic ; Bristol , 13)Jcj ) Unioi
Pacific , 18o.
CAiti'ET WARIBibb white , 18)at- ) ; col
ored , 20 > < fc.Standard
Standard , So ; Gem , lie ; Beauty
Boone , 14o ; B , cased , f < 5.50.
; TS SOLID Coi.ous Atlanta 5J c ; Slu
tor 5c ; Berlin Oil ll' ' o ; Garner Oil ® 7
PINK ANM > Ronns Richmond Oe ; Allen do
Riveriioint.V1 ; Steel River Oo ; Richmond ( Ic
IXDKio BLUE Washington ( Jo
American C o ; Arnold tijjc ; Arnold Bile
Arnold A 12o ; lOKc. Duui
Charter Oak 4rfc } ; Rjunapo 3JCo ; Lodi4Vfc ;
Allen 5Kc : Richmond 5)io ; Windsor Oe ;
Kddystono5c ; Pucilio Oc.
GISIIIUM Plunkott chocks 7J c ; Whlt-
tenton 7 > c ; Yorjj 71fe ; Norinandi Dresn
8) ) e ; Calcutta Dress 8J < e ; Whittcnton Dress
Oc : Renfrew Dress OC H2Uc.
CASIIIIIICS Slater4' < e ; Woods 4Ko ; Stan
dard 4Ke. ; Peacock 4Jfc.
COHSKT JIA.\S Androscoggin 7J e ; Kear-
sago 7)fc ; Roekjxjrt 0o ; Coucstoga fl > f o.
TicKt Lewiston 30 in. , l i e ; Lewiston 3'J
In. , 13 } c ; York 82 In. , 14o ; Swift River 7Kc ;
Thorndiko O O , 8'ic ' ; Thorndiko E F , 6Kc ;
Thorndiko.120 , 0 > 'c ; Thorudlko XXX , r
Cordis No. 5 , O c ; Cordls No. 4 , lie.
Amoskeag 0 oz. , KSc ; Everett 7
oi. , 13o ; York 7 < iz. , 13e ; Haymaker 8 > u ; Jaff-
reyXX , ll' o ; JalTrey XXX. 12' ' < c ; Heaver
Creek AA , 12o ; Heaver Creek BH , lie ; Hea-
\ or Creek CC.lOo.
KEXTUCKV JnAXs Memorial 15c : Canton
l o ; Durham 27' < o ; Hercules ISo ; Leaming
ton 22 } c ; Cottswold 25c.
CHASU Stevens'U Oo ; bleached 7e ; Sto-
TCB3' A 7 > ioj bleached 8)c ; Stevens' P 6 > ioj
bleached O'uo ' ; Slevens' N ( "JjC " ; bleached
lOUc ; Stevens' K It T 12 c.
MIM ri.iv\Kts Table oil cloth
to DadoHollnutl ; 12\c ,
lo' ( i. , t * > im"ur * * ui111:11 -v > , .1 lilt II , l. jC ,
K , 2J Inch. 2lf : Gl. 2 ltu'h , DMH. ; . A. R ,
J , , 2V ; J. H. ! ' . , ? ! . 27ic ; O. , 4 , We.
Hi..NkKTs White , ll.OTKriT.oO ; colorr-dI 10
SniTTixnHerkoloy camlnli1 ,
No. C4) ) . l > Vi Hi-si Yet , M , H'.jV. ' butter cloth
OO , 4'4c ; Cabot , 7V ; Karweli , Sc ; fruit of
Loom , b 4V ( ( Jreeiic G , CKHiii ; > e , " ' i1 ; King
7'hllllp cambric , Hi1 ; Lonsdale , H'4'1 ; Luns.
dale , M'jiNew ; York mills , itit c ; 1'opperell ,
12 Inoh , 10V ! l'ei'l > erell , 4ll Inch , HVi l' ' ) > -
perell , ( I 4 , I5 < - ; I'eppcrcll , 8-4 , ISc ; Peppercll ,
1M , 20e : Pcppeiell , HI 4 , W'.o ' : Canton. 4-1 ,
8'4c ' ; Canton , 4-4 , U.V'i Triumph , IK" , Watn-
Hiitta , lie ; Valley , r > c.
lno\\N ) SIIKKTINII Atlantic A , 4-4 , T'fi ' * ; A
Hnntlc H , 4-4 , 7c ; Athtntle 1) , 4-4 , ll'je ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , 5V ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5 > 4'e ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4.VClown ; XXX , 4-4 , ( , ' 41' ,
Hoosler LL , 1-4. b \ . " , Indian Head. 4-4 , 7'4i' ;
Lnwronco LL , 4-4 , iV.c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5' , e : PcpiH-rell K. 4-4 , l(3o ( ; Pepperell O. 4-4
tie. ; Peppert'll , 8liks ; Peppctell , JM , UV ;
Pcpperoll , 10-4 , 20o ; Uth-n C , 4-4. 44'e ; Wa-
chusL-tt , 4-4 , 7o , Aurora U , 4-4 , tie , Aurora
'lnK ; West Point 29 In. 8 o10'si ' - ;
Point 2Hn ( , 10 oz. 12V ; West Point 21. ) in , 12
07 , 15o ; West Point 40 in , 11 m , ItV. Checks
Caledonia X , ! H.c : Caledonia XX ,
Econnmy , ! la'.i'io" (
( onrrnl
SPIUITS Cologne spirits , 1W proof , $1.10 ;
do 101 proof. $1.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $1.10 ; do 18S proof , $1.W. Alcohol.
188 proof , $2.10 per wlnu gallon. Itedlstllled
whiskies , $1.00 ( 1.50. Gin blended , $1.W@
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00rifi.OO ( ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes. $2.00ili.50 ( ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon ami rye whiskies. $1,50
( rflt.OO. Hrandies , Impoited , J5.00iS.50 ( ; do-
inestlc , * l. H''l.tHl. Gins , imported , $ .t.f.0@
0.00 ; domestic , $ l,25cii.OO. ( : ChampitgneH , Im
ported , per cast' , f'.iKXittKl.oO ; Ainoriciin , per
case , $10.00alli.tMI. (
* IlRtvt HtitnwAiiE Iron , rate , $ ' ) .70 ; plow
steel , special cast , 4'jO ; crucible steel , li c ;
cast tools , do , 12(5l5c ( ( ; wagon spoke.s , per set ,
$2.Hiri7 ( ( > .50 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; fel
lees , sawed dry , $1.00 ; tongues , each , No ) ;
axles , each , 75c ; siiuaro nuts , peril ) , li ( 1lc ! ;
coil chain , perlb , ( y tiit ; malleable , SCrflOc ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , lie ; harrow teeth ,
c ; spring steel , 4r5c ( ; Hurdcn's hoise
shoes , $4.75 ; Hurdcn's mule shoes , $5.75 ;
barbed wire , in car lots , $1.00 per W > Ibs ;
iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.10 ; steel nails ,
J i.iHf.
Hums Green butchers' , ftJifdiTu1 ; green
cured , 7c : dry Hint , 10 ( < iHe ) ; dry salt , ( V ;
green calf skins , 7Hc ; damaged hides , two-
thirds price. Tallow He. Grease Prime
white , Me ; yellow , ! ic ; brown , Ij.jf. Shecfi
pelts , 25a40e. (
COAL Egg. $10.00 ; nut , $10.00 ; innge ,
$10.00 ; Iowa lump , $ : i.KI ( ; Iowa nut , $2.75Il- ;
linois , $4.25i4.75.
TJ.TTS ] r i r
111 ft. j 18ft.pft.pft.pft. i
1x0 I fj\ > > !
LN)51 )
xK. K 'i' ' Ili.nO
.NN HxS.,111.All ) , fll.iifl2.1.00 iSI.OH
A 0 in. White Pine J35.50 C , * 2f > . & 0
J " " " 33.50 D , 21.00
st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1 ' 4 inch , s. 2 s. . . .t5l ( 50
Id , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , -15.50
" " IJf , l' { , 2 in 40.50
A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 40.00
" " 1 if , IK-In -H-W
i " 1 inch , s. 2s. , 80.00
" " ' ' -I" " "
l'f - " 37.
i-oi-i.Mt i.i'Mini : : .
Clear Popular , Bx. Bds. } { in. , s , 2s. . . .fct.Y
Mill. Panel , s. 2s 27.00
Corrugated Ceiling , J . . . 2b.
: ss , wui.i. iriiiso , ru Kr/i- * .
O. G. Baits , 2'in $00.75
" } ' .x8 in , s. I s 00.45
1 in Well Tubing. D & AI and Bov 23.00
Pickets , D & H , Flat 20.W )
' Square 21.00
No. 1 com. s 1 s * 18.0 ( ) No. 2 , com , s 1 s f 17.00
No. 3 15.50 No. 4 , 18 00
A , 12 , 14 and Ki ft. 21.30 C , $15.50
B. " " " 20.50 D. 12.50
KlINl'IM ) .
No. 1,4 &Cin , 12 & 14 ft , rough flli.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " " ] ' . ) .50
No. 2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00
No. 2 , " " 10 " " 17.50
st com , * i iu White Pine Ceiling Ml.00
'ml " " " " 2S.IX )
lear , % in. Norway " " 10.00
,2ml com. ? in. " " " 14.00
A 12 inch s. 1 s $45.50
No. 1 , com. 12 s. 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
' " 14 ft 10.00
1 " 10 ft 18.50
No.2 , " " " 10.00
" " " " 10 ft 17.50
Inch Grooved Roofing , Jl.OO per M more
.hail 12-iueu Stock Boards same length.
XX clear $3.10 Extra * A * $2.00
A Standard. . . . 2.75AIIU& B. . . . 2.55
6 in. clear , No. 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.05
White cedar , 0 in. , KS. , 12c ; 0 in. qrs. , lie ;
8 in. qrs. , lOe ; 4 in. round , 15o ; Tennessee
Red Cedar , Split , 15c ; Split O.ik , 12o.
Quincy white lime ( best ) , OOc ; Akron ce
mcnt , $1.75 ; hair 80c ; plaster , 2.75 ; tar
iKwril , $1.75 ; sash 40e per ct. ; doors , 40o per
it. ; blinds , 40o per ct. ; mouldings , 40c per
: 't. ; tar felt , per cwt. , * 2.75 ; straw board ,
Com , 4 & li in. flooring $17.M
Star " " 21.50
in Ceiling 21.50
Clear % in Partition 25.00
Clear finished , 1 & I/ins } 2s 20.00
Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 in 27.01
Yellow pine casing und base 20.00
My rtaton of IU central position c'.ota relation to lints
Ztst of Chicago , anil contliujiu liaet at Urmlntl
point * : West , northwest and gojthwest. It th tru
middle link In that trantcontlntnta , urstem which
InTltti and faollltatM trartl and traffio bttwtcn Ihe
Atlantic and Pacific.
The Kock Island main lint and brancbet Include Chicago
cage , Jollet , Ottawa , LaSalle , ftorla , Otnettu , Molluo
ami Hock Island , In Illinois ; Daronport , Muscatlat.
Washlncton , falrfleld , Ottumwa , Otkaloosa , Wtst Lib-
rty.IowaCttyDeiilolno .IndlanolaWlnt rt t. Atlan
tic , Knoirlllo , Audubon , Htrlan , fluthrlo Centr * anil
Council DluffiIn lowai Oallatln , Trenton , St. . 'osepo ,
Camtron and Kansat Cltj , In Missouri ! Leai.Ciworth
and Atchlson , In Kansas ! Albert I.eallnn apollt and
8t. I'aal. In Minnesota ! Walertovrn and Itoux Falls , Iv
Dakota , and hundrtds of Inlerinetllate cities and towns.
VTho Great Rock Island Route" .
Guarantee ! speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Itt
permanent war It dlttlng ilsbtd for Iti excellence. Itt
Bridget ara of ttone and Iron , Itu track It at solid
tteelItt rolling stock perfect. Ittpassengera < ) ulpni l
has all the safety appliances that iperlencobtiprtfre.l
useful , and for luxurious accoumodatlont Is unsor-
pasted. Hi Hiprest Trains consist of tuptrlor U r
Coachd , cltg nt 1'ullman Palace Tarlorand Eleeplug
Cart , superb Vlnlnc Oar , vrorldlnc dellclout ntals.
and ( between Chloajo and St. Joseph , Atcblson and
Kansat Cllj ) restful Reellnlnf Chair Oars. Iw man-
ajement It conMrratlte , Iti discipline eiactlnj
"The Famous Albert Lea Rome"
Between Chlctro and lllnnftrolls and Bt. I' * . ' It the
faTorlle , Orer t&li line Solid Vast Kiprcst Trains rue
daily to attractive risortt for tourists In Iowa anl
tllnnesota , and , Tla watertown and Sioux Falls , to the
rich wheat and rraitng landt of Interior Dakota. Via
( Itntca and Kankakee , the Hock Island offers superior
taducemtntt to trareltrt between Cincinnati , Indian ,
apollt. Lafayette and Council Bluffs. St. Jgxch. Alt ki
ss n , Learenworlh , Hauai City , Ht. Paul , and Interme
diate polntt. All Pitrous ( etpMlally ladlet aud clill-
drtnjrecctrerrottltloncourtety and kindly attention.
i or tickets , mapi , f eldtn , copltt of Western Tnll , or
ny desired inferinatlon , apply to principal IRcet In
th * Vnlted BtaUt an Canada , or a4ar i , at Cmlcnge ,
1.1. , I.JT.JOHK , I. A. HUM. ! ! ,
fM'IktiillUMiw. Asfltaal Mls > m fee. tU AiVt. Aft.
Dealer in AEricnltnral Implements , Wagons ,
( .arrlim anilTliuvlM. .lnnr Irrcl , llftnvcn ttli ami
lOtli.Omatia , Nubrnnkn ,
" *
AgriciiltnralImiilciiiciitsfaEOisCarria , ] , es
Huirsli'j , Ktf. Wluito-alo , Oniah.i , Nvbinsk .
Winio ) .ilr ? tinier * In
Agriciiltiiralliupleiiiciitsfapiis& , Buggies
< , UVi nil Ur7Jont' "Ircol , Omnlm.
P. P. MAST & CO. .
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills. Sectors.
CnltlTitori. llur link , " , flilfi Mllli iiml l.uban 1'ul-
\ftlirrt. for. lltf , anil Nicholas btrrrlt.
" " '
Agricultural Iinplemeiits , Wagons &Bng les
nor Illh mid Mihulat
_ Artl8t8rMotorlaia. '
A. HOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
l.M.l lou ln Sltcct , Uninha ,
Boots and Shoos.
W. V. MORSE Si CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 Knrnani St.OIIIIIMK , Neh. M nufncturr , Summer
Mlcel , lloslon.
< > uriMAum to Item.times A Co. )
Wholesale Mannfacturers of Boots and Shoes
ftgentt for llmtim lluliber ShoH'o. 1103 , lltll A HOC
llnrnc ) M. , Omaha , Ni'liratka.
Coffees , Spices , Etc.
IOuiahaCufTceand Pplco Mill" .
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
ItkTurliiR Kitracw. l.numlrj lllur. Inks , Ktc. HUH1G
IlariH'7 Street , Onmliu , Ncbrnikii.
Crockery and Glassware.
Agent fur Manufacturer ! unit Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. Chimneys ,
Ktc. 0Hi-clTB. ( : ) llth ( it. , Omaha , Nehrntka. '
Commission aird Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
ButterErit iinil I'rrvluie. Cnnslunmrnitii pollollcd.
lqumlpn fur ciuiivwnre , lli'rrjr ll.i i's aud
Urapellaskflt. 1114 Dodge St. . Onmlia.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties' llntlor , Kun' . C'heroe , l-oultrr. Unme ,
, Ujsti'if , tlr. , Klc. 112 south 14th Mrerl.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
-oultrjr , llnttor , ( iainv. h'liiltn. Ktc. 'AU outh Hill St. ,
Oiunlm , Nclira kil.
( PucceMor to Mrshutie A Solnopilcr. )
Profluce Commission and Colfl Storage.
OnniliH , Nt'
Coat , Coke and Lime.
Jolliers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
3U1I South 11th Mroel , Omaha , Xobnuka.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
nd ilpponiof Coal , Coke , Cement , I'lnster. I.lmo ,
Drain 1 Hiami Si'ivur npo. ( JWrp , I'ailnn Hotel ,
I arnani Ht. , Omuha , Neb. Telephone HI.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
314 South 11th fct. , Omaha , Nob.
Dry Cooda and Notions.
M. E.SMITH & . CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
11CU and HU Dougla , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Ncb
Importers and Jotters in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Genii' Kurnli > hlnp lioudi.Cnrnfrlllti and llarney 8tl.
Omuha , Nubiaaka.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Farnam Streat , Omaha , Nebratka.
Fnrnitnre , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors ,
Rio. iavn ! \ anil 1210 Karnara Htrcot , Omaha.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706 , TOT , 709 and 711 S. lOtb St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
lith and Leavenwortb Street ) , Omaha , Nebraika.
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1119 , ml and IK llarnej Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 and 111H llarney Street , Omaha , Neb.
Joliliers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnnarc.Shcet Iron.Ktc. Ayenta for Hnwe Bcalet.and
Miami 1'owder Co. , Omabt , Neb.
Bnilflers' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Toola and HutTalo Scalea. 1406 l > ouglaa-at.
Omaha , Nobraika.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th nnd llarney Stn .OmabH. Neb. Weilrrn Ascnts
tor Austin I'owUcr Co. , Jefferson fiteel Nallf , Fiilr-
bnnkt SUnilartl Scales.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Borings , Wngon Slock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1200
and 1Z11 llarney Street , Omaba ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
and Carrlavo Wood Pluck. HeavTiTardwar
, 1217 and Hit lAiavcnworlh Ht. , OmHba , Neb.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Harner Ftrrot , Omaha , Nb.
Liquors. .
and ILER & CO. ,
Importers & JolHiers of FineWines &Liprs
Kail India Blttori and Domestic Llquori. 1112 llarner
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
18th Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lnmlier , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori.etc. YardJ-Corner Tin and Douglas ; Corner 9th
and Uouilai.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lnmlier ,
13th ana California Bti. . Omaha. Neb.
Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cernci tlh and Douglas kits , Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Office , It03 I'aroam ( j , ( at , Omaha ,
CHAS. n. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwofiit Lnmlier , f
( Vooa Cirpclt unit r rqnct I lootlim. Mb tt n
Street * , Oiuslin.
Wiiolesalc LumliGr Etc
, ll/i / I ,
n.l Atnrrlrnn I'otlliDd l' i i nt. glut * H | < al
rur.Mlnuler | IIWhit " ( lyuiinj . '
Whit * Llioe.
Mllllnory end
Iiimortcrs & Jokers of Millinery & Notion
AS , 3111 Hiid 11 } South lltll liti t.
Notions ,
Notions anil Gent's ' Furnishing Goods.
llui llarnt jr Ktrfct , Oruobt.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , ; !
Aile Ore a i > , etc. , Omabt. A. H. Bltbop , MlBigoi'
lMf ti\ \
' vu
Wholesale Paper Dealers , .
Cnrtr n nli'i' ploik of printing , wr pplnf td wrltlnB
impt'r , Sprclnl attention ( Iven to car loml otdra. i
Printers' Materials. 1
Aniiliary Puolishers ,
Oealcri Intypr. pito and printer * '
Houlb lith htrrtl , Orauhi.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber BootU
Oil ClotblDi Mud U'Bllior Ue'lhiK. lot * Karnatu fttectV
StoamJFIttlnga , ,
PnniDS , Pipes and Engines ,
ni.wfttfr. inllway and inliilnx in
VII mid Vli VariiHtit Mu'tt ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam anil Water Surplli" , Headqunrlrri for Mail
Koott A Co'i gooilt. III ! tarnmn St. , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
lllllidaj Wind Mills , CIS nnd Ml Knrmim St. , Omaha ,
( i , K. Hoh' , Aftlng MiinutEcr.
Engines. Boilers and General Machinery. .
Sbcet trim Wnik , Ptfiiui I'unipn. f" " w Mllli. 1313-l l |
Ix HTunwurtb WITH ! , Oiinria.
" "
PHIL. STIM"M"EL& co. ,
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeflj
Hit nnd > 1.1 June' Ht , . Omaha
Storage , For rdJrjg _ tConj
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Ilrnncli bounoof the Ilcniirr Iluviy Co. IIIIMICK al
wholc'nulo and rrtnll 1103,1310 and 1112 liitid Strci't , f
Oninha. Trlephohi ; No. ' W.
Teas and Cigars.
Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars ,
biuk'Vi nnd 1) I T Miiklnc Powdur meandlimiHit
HO Street--1 . J
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and
Jubn Kpcueter. I'roprlclor. m ) Dodge nnfl 1UI and 1
North lutli Street , Umata
Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Etc
H.'k. SAW/YER.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Itrilililnm , Tnnka and Central Boiler Itcpalrlnu. Mil
Dodge Street , Omahn , Neb. T
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlf ,
Kntlnos , Brnsn work , iteneml foundrr , rrnclilne HIU
blacksmith work. OBlcr nnd workK , U. 1' . Bj. anil
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing !
Desk mill , window guardx , flotrer ntniidi , wire Kl
etc. , 1S1 Ninth ICth M.Onitiba.
Man'frs ' of Fire &Bnrglar Proof Safes
Vaulti , Jail work. Iron nnd wire font-Inn , signs , etc. U
Amlreen , I'rup'r. Cor. lltb and Jatkhou Sla.
General Agent * for IlloboM bnfn A IocV CO.'B '
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locks ; !
Vmilta and Jail Work , 1415 Furiiam Street , Uroiiba. J
Mannfacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans 1'ants , Shirts , Ktc. 1103 and 1101 DoiiyliiB Strf ei
Oiiiuhu , Niib.
Sash.Jloore , Etc.
" ' "
Wholesale Manufacturen of
Sash , Dooi s , Blinds aud Mouldings , /
Branch Offlca , 12th and Uard .Streets , Oiniibn , Nebj
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blindv
UoulitliiKi , Stnlr Work nnd Intirlor Iluril'Wood KlniJ
Ith. N. K. Corner Hlh n l Irf'nvuriwurlli '
ub ,
Mannfacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doorsr
And Blinds , Turning , Stulr-wnrk , Ilnnk anil Ulllctl
'nli und 1-oiipli'tnn Avimiio.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1MI North Rliilitecnth "trcet , Omaha , Keb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Office Itoom24Oppo lU ) Kichangc HnUiUnic. Unlc
fctock VunV.houtli Unmhit , Neb ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants , >
Market furnished free on appllcatlnn. HorserB am
feeders ftirnUhvd on oed terms. Hefrrrnneii : Otna
ba Nallonul Uank am tfrtoutli Omaha National , Unlul
Htock Vards , Houth Omaba ,
Lire Stock Commission , 1
Room IS , Kichiuige Itulldlng , tlnlou tilock TarrUk
Bonth Omaha , Neh.
Commission Dealers in Liye Stock , '
Itoom y , opposite Kxchanve IlulMIng , Union Blodl
Yardi , tkmth Omaha , Neb.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John F. lloyil , Hiiprrlntaadcnt.