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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1887)
r1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 15 , 1SS7. NUMBER 119 ; SPARKS BECOMING DISGUSTED Reports Current That Ho Will Soon Vendor His Resignation. PROMPT ACCEPTANCE DESIRED. Commissioner SuhtnltN HlH An nual Iteport to the Secretary or tlio Inter lor National Cap ital News. of HrliiK Overruled. W SHIMITOV , Oct. 14. [ Special Telegram to tlio JJn : . ] A friend of Commissioner Spaiks asserts that hols very pore over the fact that ho was RO completely overruled by Acting Secretary Muldrow in the matter of the indemnity lands of the Omalm rallioad and the Baj field branch nnd that hu is seriously contemplating the advisability of tendering his teslgnutlon. Tills friend as serts positively that the commissioner has told several of his intimate associates that UH noon as the president returns ho will tender his resignation nnd ask that it bo immediately * accepted If the commissioner should take It Into his head to adopt this course there would be no on1 more pleased than the secretary of the interior and his assistants. Since ho was nplHjinted Sparks has been the thorn in the side of all the other ofllciuls of the depart ment. He generally means well , but ho is so beadstiong that ho frequently arrives at his own conclusions without a thought or a euro of the law or the precedents in the case. The result is that his decisions arc more fre quently called Into question than those of any other official In the service of the govern ment. Sparks realizes this nnd it is thought that as the acting secietary took occasion to "rub in" to some extent when overruling him , there really Is some truth In the rumor of his cd resignation. Hpnrkft' Annual Iteport. WAPIIIMITOV , Oct. 14 [ Special Telegram to the Bm ] In his repot to the secretary of the interior Commissioner Spaiks incor porates the following , among other iemits | from inspectors and special agents in Ne braska , showing the disposition of tlio public Ir.nds in icpicsentutivo townships. Special Agent Walter AV. Clc.iry in his reports sajs : The.'ownship selected is arepresentutivoono , being Just sixteen miles from Oaidon City. The claims that have been proved up piop- erly in this township are woith from 2 , to $ : ! ,000. Tlio soil , If propel 1 } tilled , will piodute most any kind of ciops. Water is obtained lit a depth of fioin eighteen to sevcnty-llvo feet. Ono of the great detri ments In settling up the country with bomi lido settlers is the practice of what is culled 'Triendly contests. " If the piuctico could bo successfully stopped a great deal of land would soon bo under cultivation. A joung man or lady enteis a piece of land under the homestead l.iws. Having nix months to go on the land , nothing is done 'until about that time. The lady is u sehoo teacher or the man a clerk , and neither can leave his or her emploj incut to take the land Ho or she theiefore goes to an attorney , states the case and a friendly contest Is entered the dismissal to bo filed If the iclinquishmcn is sold. These me the facts. It will bo no ticed that out of eighty-seven homestead 111 Ings at various times , llftj eight of them have been under contest , and that out of thiity thrco timber culture filings , twenty-two have been or ate under contest. It will also bo noticed that Wi per cent of the claims that have been proved up were mortgaged and abandoned immediately after pioof. In a number of cases the mottgago was Hied before - fore the llmil receipt issued. In ncnily uvcry IMSU whcio Html proof wns made the improvements have gone to ruin , the houses being cither loin down or sold , and the few that remain have no loofsonthem. Itisfulrto piesumo that Iniiveij few j eats the mortgage and loan companies will own the bulk of the government land in southwestern Kansas , us claimants cannot successfully pay the huge Inteicst charged by these blood-sucking coi point Inns. Tor instance , nmanboiiows fTiOOfinm ono of these coi ignitions , giving the agent making the loan 10 per cent com mission and paying the company li ! per cent intoicst. The moitgago is given lor 7 per cent , but a second mortgage is given foi the C per cent , which is counted for the full teim of the loan , or , if not , that amount of inter est is taken out of the loan , so after paying f'WO for proving up , besides tlio Interest nnd commission , the poor claimant has little more than enough to take him to his eastern home , and when there , with the moitgugo staling him in the face- and the Hi st Interest coming duo , ho bids faicwell to his western prulrio homo. I can tiuthfully say that I do ; uot believe that one timber eultuio filing I in a bundled is actually madoin good faith Tor the pin | K > se of cultivation with trees. To sellanc\ speculate in contests is n pi evident Iinu-tieo In this district. A party exhausts till his rights , files n contest and then sells. There hnvo been in this township at vni ions times thirty-eight iclinquishmcnU Hied. A upcciul agent makes u repoit iccommcmling that u claim bo held for cancellation. The claimant , who han heaid of the agent visit ing the land , and knowing his utter non-com- with the law , lullnqulshes his claim rt the government , and some of his relations Immediately lllo on it. If such filing could bo uifuscd until the case Is finally disused of ut Washington , considerable fraud would bo defeated. Special Agent Ocorgo B Coburn in his re port states : The township examined is believed - liovod to boa fair example of those in the McCook dlstiict , which nro hugely used for iigiicultural pin poses The soil is iichnnd " In all iKiitioim of the township which 1110 cu- pablo of beiUg tilled , the giovvthof vegeta tion is rapid when the water supply is abund ant. The conveyances and mortgages shovui uro about an average ) of the townships which huvo becu. no longer settled than this , It will bo sooi. that they mo numerous ; that sotno of the ronvpyuni4s aio of even date wit u the receiver's u'coipt , nnd that in homo instances the mortgages auto ditto the same. The agent added : My repoit shows that sixty-four timber cultuio entries in all have been filed , or an averngoof u fraction less than two for HU h section available ! for such entries. Of tho'-o twenty eight nro now intact upon thoiocords. Though the number Is not so largo as some tow nships w ill show , it is evi dent that there entiies have been laigcly availed of to keep laud eweied for specula tion or until pal ties found It convenient Co pluco entries of another class on the tracts respectively , or , what is a moro common method , until the lolinimishmcnt can bo sold. Inspector Hobbs in his report says : Of the twenty-sev en timber culture entries now in forcoonly seven have any growing timber upon them and ono of thcso w as about to bo relinquished. The onto man infoiincd mo that ho intended to make u homestead eutiy of the sumo tract. To show the length of tlmo land Is often held under this law vari ous entrjmon without any timber of any \alua being raised , attention Is Invited to the fact that in section 2 , H50 acics have been held since Am 1110 , IbM ) , the last entry hav ing been made February 2.1 , lbs . In section ! 1 u quarter was held from March 2 l , ISM ) , to October 10 , Ibbe ) , and the tract was then en tered under another law ; in section 5 from February 14 , ISM ) , to April IV , IbSTj in section 7 from October 14 , l Si , to May 17 , 16S7 , when It was enteied under u different law : in section 8 from December 21,1 ( > 5 3 , to April 10 , ifcistl , when it was entered uudcr a different law ; in section 12 from .lanuury 1,1SSO. to the present tlmo ; in sec tion 23 from Aprils , ibtO. to March 4 , ls > s' > ; In section 24 from July 7,1870 , to February 1 , IbM , when It was entered under another law ; In section 25 from October 1 , lb0 , to Novem- Jpr IP , iSfcO , ut which Umg it wua entered under another law ; in section 82 fiom Julys , ! * < < > , to September 2:1 : , Ik-i5 , when It was again entered by another party under the p.imo law. Attention Is ul o invited to the fuct that of the twenty-three cancelled en tries , all but five were cancelled for iclln- qulshment. The following Is n comparative statement of original pre-emptions tilings to final en- tiles In Ncbiuska for the . \ears named : Yeais. No.niNo. . Final ings. Entries. ISSTi . N4''S 2.IHIS 1837 . t'/iiVS 4,1'JS ' Total . W.U-'J ! .4.1T [ I'm. * * . ] Thoiepoit goes on to show that since March 4 , 1&SV 31.WUM ucies have been rcstoi cd to the public domain. The sales , en tries and selections for the iKeal .veur ended Juno : ) ,1NS7 , embrace 25,111,41X1 acies anil of Indian land 740lU7 acres , making a total of 2."iHV)10.'lS ) , an increase over the jear l vi ; of ! t,7.I,4i ! ! I acres and an Increase of 4.H > J.i24 compared with the fiscal year 18M : receipts from ellsiKHals of public lands. * 10ib.'ltil ( ; from sales of Indian lands , * l,4Miirj : ; total , ? I'.Y-'iW , ' ; incieaso over 1 1 , W'J.17,727 ; compared with fiscal jear I N'I , $ .liHV ti25. to which Is to bo added fS,20l on account of timber depiedations and ? 12,4li 1 for cci tilled copies of icuiids , making ho total icceipts from all sources 12.2MIHJ8 ( n Aibomi frauds In favor of the Atlantic & 'acillc in a block of land M ) by ItXI miles , by which the load is given all the'good land , nro alleged by the surveyor gencial in his 10- l ) it to the commissioner. The development : > f Tiaudnlcnt returns of swamp lands In the suiveys lu-retofoio made in Minnesota len der a thorough examination in this state > i matter of impoitanco. Stones of fraudulent work also tome from New Mexico , Nevada and Wjomlng suiveyois genoial 'Tiled examinations , " continues the report , "have [ loveloped fraudulent and defectlvo smvoj's tieretofoio returned to an extent which len ders apparent the necessity for an inspection of all preceding survcjs , and fully justifies 'he conclusions reached by this office to defer myinont of accounts for past survevs until .ho true ehaiucter of the work shall bo ascer tained. " In discussing swamp land giants the com- nissioner sujs the claims under these giants uivo already reached 77.VK,000 ) acres and that > atents have been Issued for ncuily Mi,7.V ! KK ) acres. Investigations dm ing the past jear have demonstrated the fact that munj iwampland claims me fraudulent. On the foifoituroof lailiond land giants ho commissioner renews his iccommcnda- tlon that foifciluiobo dechued in nil cases n which the roads weie not completed itc- loiding to the giant. Of fraudulent hind cutties , as the icsult of , i j ear's investigation , 2)12 ! ) entries , eovciiiig about il70NX ( ) aucs , wcic held for cancella tion , and 1,15'ientiies , covering about 0iKiO ncies , cancelled for fraud This subject he ursues at some length. Ho sujs that sue.h a ictord of cilmo and bold , leckless and gi gantic schemes to rob the government of its land is i.uely to bo found. Thei huvo been discovered and exposed in every state and teiutory containing public lands , and the commissioner thinks he can truthfully MIV that in eveiy land distiiet and count ) which a special has visited men of intelligence and high standing in the cominunit.v , in many instances milliomiiie's , weie the leadcis in thcso unlawful tiansactions. Over five thousand cases have beendisroveied wheiem perjnrv or snboidination of pc-rjuiy was com mitted. In the majoiitj of eases the officers befoio whom the pi oofs or othof papeis vveio executed w eio largelv state and temtorial oftkeis , not diiectl.v icsponsiblo to the land depaitment and WCIP cogni/ant of fr.iud or could have become so by culinary diligence. While the aiea of fiaudulcnt entnes is giadualU becoming ciicumsciibed , theie still icmains much to do and an entile or geneuil cessation of fraud cannot he expected so long as the facilities offered for its peipetuntion by the existing laws mo so gieat and the means provided for their pi eventiem so small. Upward of ten thousand iinexaminccl eases nro now on file in which finud has beenchaiged or indicated One thousand and eleven cases of timber depredations or trespass vvcio ipportod 01 ; dm ing the joar , involving in timber am ; products ? ilH ( > , lU" > iccovciable to the Uniteii States. The amount actual iccoveicd was ? 12S.H2. ( On the subject of "Itcfoim In the public lane' laws , " the commissionersavsullelfoits to so cuio a lefoim by the lepetil or amendment of jiaiticular ac.ts and luovisions havefailcil thiough the opposition of inteiosts at vari unco with the pioposed legiblation. What i < needed , in his opinion , is an entire lefoima- tlon in the eMstinglawsjrotainlnganabxoluto homestead nnd obsolotmg all other foims o disposal of ngiieultninl lands. Ac tual residence , improvement and cultivation of a homestead for a period of live j em s should bo the exclusive condition of uc.qulr- ing title to such lands. It would also appear that the time has , u lived when the piivikgo of appi opt luting public lands should bo con fined to citizens of tlio United States. The mineral laws should bo so amended as to preseive the light of mineial cxploiations to citi/cns of the United States and to pi event n monopoly of native mineial wealth bj Indi viduals and eoipoiations. Two Timber Culture Dec'lsions. WASIIINOTOV , Oct. 14. [ Special Telegiau to the HER. ] The acting sec ictaij of the in tenor has decided the timber cultuio contcs of Askel Hanscn vs David 11. Spanaglo anil in his letter to the commission about the case ho sajs : "I have considered the case o Askel Hanscn David 13 , Sianagle ) , involv ing the hitter's timber cultuio entry in the nwj.4 of sec 10 , t ! 1 , n r 12 w , Hloomlngton Neb. , appealed b.v the former from the dcei sion of jour onii.o dated November 25 , I aniiming the decision of the local oftlcers dismissing the contest. Sp.uniglo's entrj was niado July 1 , IbM , contest was initiated September 15. IhM , and the registci's and u > ceivcr's decision dismissing the c-ontestwa loveised rebiuaii It , IsSI. The contest i based on the giound that the cntij man failed to plow and c ultivuto tin land In the manner piescubcd in the stntnti duiing the second and thiid jenr after entiy H s.itisf.utoulj appeals fiom the evidenc that at some icccnt pcnod puerto cntr.v fnllj ten acres of the land in eontiovcisj had beer plowed ; that this ten acics was rultlvatci' to crops the Hist year aft enti.v : that dur ing the second year two and a half or thicc acics weio planted to timber ; that duiing the three j ears the giound so planted was a ! least partially cultivated , several additinnu act et plowed nnd plitted to timber and thai at the end of the thiid .vcar theie was a gooc' set of small glowing timber tices on nbou six acics. It also appeals that the pait o said ten acies which was not planted to tim ber lemuined uncultivated dm ing the sen out ! and thiid after entij. exc'cpt that i smull | irtion of it had been plowed once , nni this , it Is iiiklsti'd b\ , the c-oi'tc'stant ' , is sllel non e-onipllanco with the lequuemcnt of the statute as foiftits thei enti man's rights to MIU ! hmd. It eat hardly bo said that the * diicctions < i [ tin statute have been stnctl.v followed in till case , for on u full lonsuleiatlon of the lav and facts shown bv the te'stimony no snfil clout leuson e-au be disovoicd for interfer ing with .vour decision dismissing the contest , and the same is alHimcd " In the appeal of Malcolm McLean from Commissioner Spai Us' dei Islon , holding for caneullalum his dei laiatoij statement for the nw ' 4 sec 21. tp 15 , n r , 22- west , Noith 1'latte distiiet. Noluaska , the acting sccie- tary sa.vs "After a e-aieful re-examination of the icconl , I bee no icason for disturbing the decision of .v our ofllce , and the same is ac- .v alllimcd " Yellow 1'ever. WIIINTOS , Oc-t 14. A telegram was i e- celved tit the Maiino hospital buicau this aftei noon fiom Li Toiler , president of the ICey West boaid of hculth , c.oiiccinlng his ar- riv'nl at Tampa last evening and saj ing that the dlscaso is undoubtedly yellow fever. Health onieer Straussc * . of I'.ilatka , telc- graphs as follows ; " A icfugeo , six dajs from Tamp i , died hero this moining , the UHh , of jellow fever. Tlio piemUcs me under sli let quarantine. " , Not Guilty. ' NEV > YOIIK , Oct. 14 The Jury In the case of 1'ollc'cman Halm , on trial for murder of Life Saver Hussey , returned 'a verdjct of not guilt j this uU u gjj , SYMPATHY FOR ANARCHISTS , A London Mooting OfTors Consola tion to Chicago's Condemned. A POET AND A PRINCE SPEAK. He-solutions Adopted "DeinnmlliiR" tlio llelouNC of Spies and Coin- liunlons Tlic Case rorclRti XCWH. Plenty of Sympathy le"o lui loilW / / liiiJnmrr ( Ionian I.OMIOV , Oct. II ( New York Herald Cable Special to the BIR. : ] Southplace chapel , In London city , near Finsbury circus , is pel haps best known as the pluce where for > eais Hey. Moncic-r D. Conway pi cached. It is now used as u place of public meetings and lectures. Passing it this morning I noticed a bill on the door stating that "All wishing to extend sympathy to the condemed Chicago anarchists aie Invited to meet hero this evenIng - Ing , " and at S o'clock I went. I found several hundred well diesscd auditors , including a scoio of ladies , listening to the opening speee-h of the chairman , Hcv. Stewart D. Headlam , lately notoiiousas a eurato for bidden to pi each by the bishop of London be cause ho hud wiitten a pamphlet praising the ballet and defending the coryphc. His speech gave the keynote to the prominent eiiorof the meeting In the prevalent Idea that Spies and the other anarchists were to be executed for holding meetings nnd mak ing Incendiary speeches. Bcsido him on the platform sat William Morris , the poet , best known by his poem called "Earthly Paradise , " Prince Krapotkin , Stepney , the Russian ni hilist , and Mrs. Annie Bessant , each of whom n turn uddrcssed the uudjenee on the follow ing resolution : "That the English workers of this meeting earnestly desire to ui go on their fellow-woikers in America the gieat [ lunger to public liboitj that ai iscs from suf fering citizens to bo punished foriesisting attempts to suppiess the right of public ; meeting and flee speech ; that the fate of the men now under sentence of death for holding a public meeting in Chicago , at which ceitain lolicemen were killed for attempting to forcibly disperse the people and silence the speakers , is of deep conceit ! to us as English workers because theirs is the case of our comiades in lie-land , and is likely to bo ems to-inonow unless the workers from both ides of the Atlantic declare with one voice that all who interfoie with the lights of public meeting and fiec speech act at their own pciil. Wo piotcst against their sentence , which , if earned out , will piuetically make the holding of meetings by workingmen in their own interests a capital offense tluoughout the United States. Since it is nlvvajs possible for the authoiitics to provoke a ciovvd to icpiisals involving danger to life , wo look to our American comrades to demand an unconditional iclcaso of the seven men in whoso poisons the liberties of all woikers me now in peril. " Poet Mori is spoke in u dignified manner , evidently thinking the Chicago cases similni to those of O'Brien or Mitchellstovvn. Ho was followed by Stepney in vciy chostii English , also misunderstanding the Chicago matter nnd likening the legal decision theie to the icccnt ono in Iiclund in sentencing O'Hiien. A local oiator named Blackwell next spoke. He hud ieeentlv returned fiom Chi cago. He was sm prised that there was no more violence in the United States by the workingmen against capitalists and the capi talist press of the United States. Ho pre dicted that the pi ess of England would soon follow the lead of the United States picss. He bitteily attacked the London Daily Telegrapi for exaggeration in sajing that bombs were flying about Chicago in all diiections , A Mr. George no iclation of Henry made a passionate appeal for the unemployed seeming to thing that this was n meeting for them. The c hail man cut him shoitnnd Intioducci Prince Kiapotkme , who was icceivcd will immense cheering. Ho looked picturesque in n long black bcuid , sallow face , wieic eyes and bald head. He , like Step ney , dislocated his English. Ho culogirec f ice speech as it used to bo in the Unitec States , attacked Piukerton's agency men as Hussian bloodhounds and biauchod oft into sti ikes. Ho criticised the Chicago c-ourt as n despotic tribunal and ended by piedicting n civil war in the United States between the Knights of Labor nnd capitalists. Mis. Bcssant then spoko. She w'ore a heavy elnrk-red dress and looked and talkec like the i evolutionary woman in the tale o "Two Cities" by Dickens. Her thcmo was "Judicial Murder , " the icsolution being tu multuously can led. It was announced that on Monday the so eiul democratic club would hold another inert ing of protest usrainst the monstious ju assassination of the Chicago unaichlsts when a comrade just an Ivcd from Chicago would also bo piesent and reveal staitllnt , disclosuies. _ HOUIj.VXGKU'S AUHKST. The General is Not Permitted to Sei Iteporters. [ rupi/i/yiil / IKS ? ] iy Ji .ic * ( lotdun llennclf ] Cl.l.llMO.NT Fl.UIHXI ) , Oct. 11. [ NOW Vfllk Heiald Cable Special to the Br.n. ] I callcc to day upon General Boulanger ut 4 ho head quuitcis of the Thirteen iiuny coips. The autc-room was in disorder. Parcels , packa ges and valises w ere all packed up as if a sudden departmo was Imminent. I sent mj c.ud to the gcneial , who ut once sent hisuide de-cump. Captain Dilant , to explain that as ho wus in close m icstund that ho was over i slave to discipline , he could not iufi mgo upoi the military rules by icceiving any ono not on milituiy service Captain Drian explained to mo that General Uoulanger hue m ranged to in t as a pall-beurer to day at the funeial of M. Bomgct , K ctor of the colic-go at Cleimont , hut had Just sent woul to Madame Bourget , widow of the deceased that h was unublo to fulfill his piomlso The general had Intended to stint to-moriow to make a tour of inspection of all the troop of his command at Itiom Koanno , in the vichy of Billon r.nd Auiiliac. Captain Diiun explained to me that ho had just telcgraphei countermanding all the inspections , whiel have been postponed till the end of the year as his anest will not expire till Novcmbe ID , only n foitnight before Genera Boulangor will have to go to Paris to tak part in the council for the promotion of Hole onicers , of which General Boulangcr Is a member in his capacity of coips commander General Boulangcr in close urrest is not ai lowed to wear his sword , which ho has been obliged to baud over to hli chief of start. Th general is in good health , but is too inuied t discipline , Captain Driant assured mo , t show the slightest temper nt the blow thu has been Inflicted u | > on him. Siitpiised Over tlio Appointment. Dim.i.v , Oct. 4. Much surprise has been caused by the announcement of the appoint ment of Valentino Hints as land commls sionor. Hines is a bailiff on the Lansdown Luirgacurrun proi > orty and managed the ro cxut eviction gi ci MAKING A MA UK OF MUNDAY. V New York Man Makes n Tool of lllinseirin t < oiidon. [ Copyn'y'it ' J&S71 > U Jamtt Gonlnn llciinttt. ] Loviiov , Oct. 14. [ Xew York Hciuld Cable Special to the BKI : . ] The old mutual rlcnd of the New York liquor dealers , rimlnal couits and excise boaid , William H. Munday , came to the fore two days npo in n cttcr to the Times about O'Brien's c-uso and claiming that ho gnva Hairlngtoii u point vhlch discharged the lord mayor. The letter ilso grew learned about the duplicity In the ndictmcnt. Munday described himself us nn American lawyer. Ho at once dicw the ilood of corrcsi > ondcnts by his reckless shots at facts nnd legal principles , nnd two of hose thinking him n confrere of such jurists us Evurts or Coukllng , Immediately criticised ilm seriously. But it was reserved for Lord Brumwcll in to-duy's Times to full into a similar error and tuko the pains to fairly lulvcrlzo Munday. This distinguished Jurist Irst shows up Munduj's want of grammar , then his misuse of the jihruse "non constal" and net his tautology use of the word "case , " reminding his lordship of the learned counsel who once said , "If ever a case wus a hard case this case is that caso. " Lord Bramwcll finally pokes fun at Munday's assertion as to duplicity in two courts , showing him that such an eiror e-an only exist in ono court. He ihus concludes : "Mr. Munday says ho was sorry to see such things in nn English court. Will it console him to remember that the court was Irish. He says : 'When I return to America I shall be compelled to t cll our people ple dreadful things about the English. " Of one thing ho sajs : 'If It was not horrible It would bo laughable. " I will borrow his words with a change. His Ibttcr , If it was not laughable , would bo horrible if his people agreed with it. It is perhaps a wonder that Lord Bramwcll , In signing his name , for he is u wit , did not quote "sic transit gloria mundi , " as an offset to Munduy's "non constut. " The Unemployed of London. LONDOV , Oct. 14. The uncmploicd per sons who frequent Trafalgar square formed in a body to-day and inarched to the Mansion house , wheio they demanded an interview with the lord major , which was refused them. Thej1 denounced the lord mayor , and afterward stopped al the office of the Stand nrd and hooted and jeered. The police at tempted to move the crowd , but wore met with resistance. They then charged the mob and cuptm ed a black flag and a number of red flags , which wore recaptured by the mob. The ] > olice soon after chaiged the mob a'ld dispel scd it , Appeal From Mrs LONDONOct. . 14. Mrs. Hughcs-Hullctt bus addressed an npjeal to the conservative committee of Hochestcr , asking them not to cull upon h or husband to resign his seat in parliament. She says she , best knowing the facts , sees her way clear to condone her hus band's offense and the electors should do so also. She offers to visit personally all her husband's supiwrtcrs. The committee has sent u sympathetic response , but do not favor her pioposal to visit the electors. Uiuiiitliorl/ed Kxpcnditiirc PAHI , Oct. 14. At meeting of the budget committee to-day Csvnrgnao stated that General Boulungcrm | December last , ordered an outlay of 8115OOOjWncs { ! for clothing for territoi iul reserves. T ls expenditure , Cav- argnac said , had not bo'im authorised by the chamber of deputies -Tud wus thoieforo il legal. ? For tlio Itcncli. Nfcvv YOIIK , Oct. 14.f-Special [ Telegram to the BLE. ] The Times says : "According to most excellent authoritj- speculation over the successorship to aiscat on the bench of the United States supreme court made vacant bj' the death of Justice Woods , may ns well end , for L. Q. C. Laraar , secretarj' of the interior , has been soloctcd for the place. Ever since Louisiana amo into the union it has been represented In this court. Tlio law in that stuto is , in some respects , peculiar. It is an old civil and canon luw. As Louisiana lawyers are the onlj' persons who arc sup- jiosed to undei stand the laws of that state , it lias been the custom to keep ono of them ul- wujBontho highest bench. According to tlio uuthonty upon which the announcement of Scciotury Lamur's selection is based , the president Is not impressed with the neccssitj' of looking to Louisiana for a now Justico. Ho feels that the state will DO quite as well pio- tected by n lesldcnt of an adjoining state , am that Lamai's appointment will bo moro widely acceptable ) than that of any man whom ho might choose from Louisiana. Postal W\sniMiro.v , Oct. 14. [ Special Telegram to the Hn : . ] John O Lcarj' has been com missioned postmaster at La Platte , Neb. Star schedule changes in Iowa : Mnrtimei to Tmglcy Lc.ivo Martimer Tuesdaj's ani Saturdaj's at 0 a. m ; uriivo at Tmglcy bj 11:30 : a.m. Leave JTingloy Tucsdaj's ant' Saturdajs at 1 p. m.i ; arrive at Mortimer bj 4p.m. Fail field to Hcdiick Leave Fairfield - field daily cxi ept Sundays at 12 m. ; ai rive al Abingdon by ! J p. m. j Leave Abingdon dail.v except Sundays ut 7 Um. . ; ariivo at Fuiiiielc ; by 10 a. m. } Nebraska : Everett to Nickcrson Lcavo Everett Tuesdaj's , Tuuisdujs and Satuidays at 8 a. m ; arrive uti Niekeison by It u. m LcuvoNie-keison Tuesdnjs , Thuisdaj-s am Saturduj s at 1'J m.arrive / at Everett bj' 1 > . "I. . The ClilnoA ) Concessions. PliiLUin.iMiM.Oct ! II. [ Special Telcgian to the Bin : . ] Concerning the ic-poit fion London that the Chinese govci nment hie withdrawn its concessions to the Chinese Amciican bank , What ton Baikcr savs "Neither the Chinese special envoy , Mr Makiet Chang , nor myself , have unj * infoima tion of the character mentioned in the dis patch fiom Tientsin Jo the London Times , " Canada's Fish Commissioner. OTTAVV i , Oct. 14. [ Special Telegram to the Bin : ] A meeting of the Dominion cabinei was hold last oveningat which it was decidee that Sir Charles Tnppcr , minister of finance should i epic-scut Canada on the foithcomiii ( ilshciies commission ut Washington. Army Marksmen. 1 W\eiusT.TONOct. 14. Agencialorder was Issued from the arm.y headquaiters jester day showing the results of the competition this j ear of distinguished marksmen , am1 announces the names of twentv-nino ofllcers and men who have been placed in the class of distinguished marksmen and avvaulcc handsome badges. Distinct Koads. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 14 ? The secietary of the Illinois Central railroad company announces that the lease of Iowa lines terminated Octo ber 1 , The management of the Dubuque & Kioux City , Cedar Falls JL Minneapolis. low. Fulls , t Sioux City .roads nro now dlstlnc from the Illinois Central. Funeral of Minister Manning. NEW YORK , Oct. } 4. Tlio funeral services over the remains of the lute Minister Man nine were held this morning in Trinitj chapel. Bishop Whlpplo officiated. Aftci the ceiemonics the body was sent bj' the Adams express to New Orleans , w hero i will bo Interred. Steamship Arrivals. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 14. [ Sicial Telegram to the BEE. ] Arrived The Gel-mania , fioii Liverpool , and the Tra\e , from Bremen. QUEEN-STOW .v , Oct. 14. Arrived The Wyo ming , fioui New York. rvtfiiTn iv pppnt T nr'ppiAV ( NIGHTS IN SECRET SESSION , jlght Lot in On the Doings of tbo Mooting. POWDERLY ROUNDLY SCORED. Chlcago'H Contingent CeiiNtire tlio Oenernl MiiNter Workman and i\rcutho : Hoard 1'or Order ing on't lie Strike. KnlghtH ot'ljiilior. Mi.svDArm.tx , Oct. U. The details of the secret session of the Knights of Labor as sembly on Thursday afternoon have just leaked out and show that ono of the liveliest discussions of the convention was indulged in. The committee- bojTotts Intioduced a it-solution favoring the net ion of Master Woikman Powdcrly and the executive board in declaring the big Chicago stock jards strike off. Some of the delegates from dis tricts 24 and U7 , of Chic'ngo , had como hero with n feeling of bitterness against Povvderly and all of the executive board , except Hariy. They offered to substitute a resolution loundly cen suring the action of the general master woik- man and the executive ! board. Charles V. Sicb and George V. Schilling made vehement speeches sustaining the substitute and loundly scoring 1'owderly. They claimed that the action of Povvderly had de feated the purposes of the strik ers. Mr. Uarry , in his remarks , stated that ho thought the men would have gained their point without any expense to the order and would have been successful hud they been allowed to stand out. Mr. Powderly took the floor and went over the mutter from beginning to end. Ho made the statement that the action of the executive board was advised by him , nnd if there was uuy blame in the mutter it bclpngcd to him. The ayes and nays were called for. and the substitute was lost. The committee's resolutions then passed by 110 to 40. The committee on law retried to the gen eral assembly this morning and It was found there was no disposition to make any im- ixjrtant changes in the machinery or methods of the order. A number of amendments and propositions were rejected as being unnecessary or ahcady coveied. A rule pcimltting dlstiict , or national trade assemblies , to legulato the time of the doliveiy of ch.irteis to newly organized local assemblies was adopted. The motion to sti iko out that part of the consti tution which gives power to the general exj ecutive board to submit an amendment to local assemblies at any time , was met b.v u substitute that only on request of five district assemblies should the board submit an amendment. The law qualifying the mem- heisoftho general assembly was slightly alteicd , so that delegates must hoicafter show a record of attendance at thiee sessions of the district assembly instead of four. The report of the committee is onlj about half finished. Diivitt nnd tlio' , Oct. 11. 111 an Intel view to day Powderly denied that Michael Davitt hud any secret pi ojcct when ho visited Min neapolis and the general assembly last week. There was no other intention than n seeking of endoisement of the convention of the ef forts of the people of Ireland to better their condition. Failed to Correctly Ueport Him CLEVELAND , Oct. 14. Chauncoy M. Do- pew arrived In this city this evening. Ho was shown a dispatch , which had been widely circulated , as to an interview with him in St. Louis in which ho was quoted as predicting n tcrriblo financial panic about to overtake the country. This dispatch wasusod with very good effect on Wall street by the bears to day. Mr. Depevv said to nn Associated press representative that the young man who interviewed him in St. Louis totally failed to catch the dnftof hlsicmurks. Ho had spoken disparagingly of the land speculation fever , and said ho thought the raihoad constiuction in the northwest this somewhat ahead of the ' season country's re quirements. "Hut. " he added , "there is no moi o danger than theio is of an eaithqinikc in this respect. " - Tlic I'urnellito Proposal * LOSDOX , Oe.t. 14. Chauibuilain , speaking at Bush Mills , County Antrim , to day , said it was not the upper classes but the poorer classes of Ulster that opposed the Paincllito proposals. Ho admitted that a part of North Ii eland was strongly in favor of homo rule , but was certain if ho could infuse into the people of Donegal the same resolute law- abiding disposition as that shown by the people ple of Antrim , the outcry for great constitu tional changes would become little heard. If itweio decided ultimately that homo rule was desirable for south Ii eland , that would not justify the imposition of homo rule on Ulster , which under no circumstances would submit to it. The British Commission Completed WASHINGTON , Oct. 14. The depaitmcnt of state has been ofllcially advised of the ap pointment of Sir Charles Tuppcr , of Canada , as ono of the British fishery commissioners. This last appointment , it is believed , com pletes the British commission , which will consist of Joseph Chambcilain , SirLlonc' West , Biitish minister to the United States , and Sir Cliai Ies Tuppor. It is leal ncd nt the department of state that the upptoaching negotiatatlons will bo confined to the subject of the fisheries and that this government has never contemplated or proposed a discussion of the subject of commercial union b.v nego tiations. Inicspcctto tlio published state ments that the Butish commissioners intend to offset our claim of Jurisdiction over the waters of Hehiing sea by a chum to Canadian watei s Ij ing between the headlands , it is stated positively that the depaitment of state has never taken a position that could bo con strued as either claiming or den.ving an.v light of jmisdiction over the wateis of Belli ing sea. Iowa and Nclir.iHku 1'cnsloiih. WASHINGTON , Oct. 11. [ Special Telegram to the BinThe : ] following Nebraska pen sions weio granted to-day : John W , Douglas , TecumsL-h ; Chailes A. Pond , Stella. Incieaso : Fiedeiiek Coble , lied Cloud ; James S. Ljnch , Fnth ; James B Clements , Alcove ; David Grisvvcll , Stiatton : George Men-ill , Taylor ; John H. Tarper Stockville. Iowa pensions ; Daniel Maish , Knoxville : John Longstuff , Sommcrset ; Francis M Shular , Ilussull ; David 1C. Calhoun , Win Chester ; Joseph Kichle , DOS Moines ; John C. Hunter , Fruit hind ; Thomas Bennett , Dow- City ; Philip Bowman , Clearflold ; Joseph C. Price , Columbus Junction ; AVllliam Welsh , Albia ; Christopher Bunfengton , Baxter ; William H. Oppel , Hartley ; Stephen H. Wolwoith , Le.Mars ; Warren W. Wnlbrldgo , Anumoso ; John H. Warrington , Dallas Cen ter ; William M. Willlns , Claikson ; Charles Stratum , Bismarck ; George Larson , Stoiy City ; Thomas P. Clogston , Mai ion ; Biudley W Doano , ICcllopg ; Kllshu C. White , Lconiu ; Henry Hunt , \Vapello ; James Daniels , Sprlngville. _ Tlic Crow Trouble. BILLINOS , Mont. , Oct. 1 1. General Howard , who is making an investigation officially at the Crow agency , sajs : Unless ordered otherwise by to-morrow an attempt to anest the insubordinate Indians will bo made and bloodshed will follow. "Sword-Bcarcr"attho head of 200 braves , is camped within gunshot of the agency , awaiting dovolopmetits , "Sword-Bearer" is gaining strength dally. Much uneasiness Is felt by the settlers. The Indians at the agency aio sullen uud uncom municative , i CHAI JISTOX ; SCAHI : . A Idttlo Flro CJXIIHCH IKIIH of Uiincc- ONII Worrlmeiit. Wvin.NOTo.NOct. . 13 , li-'O a. m. Tclo- graphlc comniunlcatlon with Chnilcston in every direction , us far as can bo learned , has been cut off for the last half hour. The cnuso Is not jet known. NLVV YOIIK , Oct. 15 , 1:40 : n. in. A message Just u-cetved from Savannah sajs it is ro- poited that there Is a lira 'In or near Charles ton which has caused the Interruption. WASHINGTON- . 15. 2 a. m. No cuith- quake symptoms have developed at Augusta or Savanna , which ate the nearest points to ChuilesUm with which coinmunie-ution is open. Trainmen who arrived at Augusta fiom Chinlestoii this afternoon , repoit indi cations of u cj-clone , but tclegiuphic column- ntcation with Charleston was open for some hours after these men must have left that city. They also i client u largo Hio raging ut Magnolia , a suburb of Chailes- ton. ton.WA WA HI.MJTOV , Oct. 15 , 5:15 : n. in. Telegraphic graphic- communication with Sumincivillc , twenty miles fiom Chui lesion , is open , but the telegraph operators thcto huvo no explana tion to offer of tlio sudden Intel luptlon of the Charleston wiles. They icport no atmospheric-or ten ostlal disturbances No eattliquako shocks have been experienced ut Angiistu. WASHINGTONt. . Ifi , 2BO : n. m. It is leiunc-dthat the Wcstein Union wiies at Charleston are so at ranged that a large tlio among the extensive phosphate fuctoiiesut Magnolia might cut Chailcston off for u time. Such n lira is rc-Hited | by iiiilroad men who left there this afternoon. NRW YOIIK , Oct. 15 , ! t a. m. The operator at Florence , N. C. , reports ho hud communi cation with St. Stephens. S. C. , fortj- miles from Churlcstown , mid that the hitter place reported having felt n slight euithquako. The St. Stephens operator was going to stop the 8:60 : train from Charlestown , which wus late. late.NEW NEW YOIIK , Oct. 151l.r : a. in. The fol lowing telegram has Just been iccoived from Florence. N. C. : "Our iiiilroad force patched up ono wire and It bus been learned that the trouble is from a file at Magnolia crossing , outside of Chuileston limits , where ) nil the wires going out center and leave in ono di rection. A grocery was burned mid every wiio dcstrojcd. " A Prominent Citi/eii Suicides. CoiiNiNO , In , Oct. 14. [ Special Telcgiam to the Bre ] The sad suicide of L. W. Lewis , an old nnd prominent rcsideut of this county and vicinity , occuircd hero this moin ing. He has been in ill health for some time and further depressed bj- the loss of his good wife lust spring. It is believed thcso causes produced n degrco of iiisanit j' , for ho had ulvvuj-s been ono of our staunchcst and strongest citizens. Ho aioso tins morning , built the flic , awakened his daughter as usual , brought a pull of water and then dis appeared. His absence did not e-auso serious alarm until towards noon'when useateh was made. This afternoon his boots and hat wei e discoveied near the bank of an aitillclnl lake in the giounds of Gcoigo W. Fiank , just east of his own homo. Further search revealed his lifeless body in about twelve feet of water , near the dam of the hike. Around his neck was tied a heavy iion weight. Mr. Lewis was for many jemsono of the county supervisors and bridge com missioners. Ho was an unusually active and successful official and business mini , ami his elcmiso slnouds our cntlio community in gloom. Ho was about sixty-five yeai s of age , and leaves three grown sons und a daughter. Two ycnrs ago his father , aged about eighty- seven years , suicided by hanging in a bain of the son who now follows him. Both acts were committed in periods of mental ubbciution. Disappointed in Ijovc. DES Moi.NF.9 , la. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] This morning nt an early hour the police were notified that there was a cra/y woman at a Fomth stiect boarding house-whoso violent demonstrations had excited - cited the fears of the other inmates. Oftlcers McCuley and Shufcr Went up in the patiol wagon und found u young girl whoso queer notions seemed to conoborato the theoij-of her insanity. She wns taken to the county jail , where she became so violent that it 10- quircd the strength of both ofllcers to get her safely behind the bars. She uftcrwuid ipcvv quiet , her favorite position being standing with her hands tightlj- clasped , her head i.used und thrown back a little , and her eyes closed , in which position she stands for horns. Shoisujomig lady who foimeilj- resided at Beacon , nnd came to this citjto woik in an ofllco. It is lurnoiod that n few dajs ago she received n letter fiom an old lover In which ho Infoimc-d her that his affec tions were ccnteied in another quarter. Since the receipt of the letter her actions huvo been stiungolj' nt vaiiune-o with her former behavior and it is thought that the shock of her lovei's faithlessness unbalanced her mind. Supreme Court leelsloun. Drs MOI.M.S , la. , Oct. 11. [ Special Telegram - gram to the BI.I : . ] The supreme couit filed the following decisions hero today : A. F. Harsh vu James GrifUii , appellant , Cieston superior , reversed ; State of Iowa vs Henry Winter , appellant , Plymouthdistiictjdefoml- iint was convicted of mmdcriii tlio first dc grco in the killing of Hugh Moist ; the de fense claimed transitory mania , afllrined ; J. P. Goodman , appellant , vs W. W. Allen , ICeokuk district , affirmed ; J. H. Moses , a | > - polhint , vs W. H. Phcnquit , Jasper disti let , affirmed ; John G. Aimstiong , appellant , vs P. M. Crape , DCS Moines elicnlt , nlllimed ; Benjamin Bolin , appellant , vs Win. Francis , Hingold distiiet , alllrmed ; Henson it Lino- han , appellants , vs the Taper Slcevo Pulley Co. , Dubnquo ciicuit , nniimcd ; J. F. Scott vs Win. Hogan , appellant , Lvon distiiet , af firmed ; Ira Van Sickle vs Isiah Davves , appel lant , Louisa dlstiict , dismissed ; A P lloso , appellant , vs Chicago & Noi thw cstern i ail- waj , Kcokuk district , icversed. Sad Case or Hope Deferred. Dis Mows , la. , Oct. H [ Special Tele gram to the Bui : ] A sad case of hope do- foiled and bliss destroyed came up in the county clcik's ofllco to day. A loving pair of tender yeais applied with all the confi dence of jouth for a marriage license. The prospective groom's mother had been dead sixteen years and ho had never seen his father. As ho had no guaidian nnd being under age , the soft hearted clink , with tears in his eyes , was forced to decline to issue the licenio Ho suggested , however , that ho might have some ono appointed his guaidian ami consent given at u piobablo cost of only ( .1 , but the joung couple , with quivering lips nnd repio.ichful glances , locked arms and incandeiod away , their joy gone foiover. Tlio Central's IiY Sioux CITV , la , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele gram to the HrE , } Tills morning Superin tendent M. Gillens and N. II. Schilling , F. B. Harrison and E. V. Were , of Dubuque , al ofllciuls of tbo Illinois Central road , orrlvce in this city from Dubuquo. They loft for Onavvu. They nro on business connected with the Central's extensions. Mr. Glllcas said that a strong effoit was being made to get the Cherokee-Onawa line ready for oper ation and that the only delay was on account of the bridge woi It. Into Thousands of Pieces. Sioux CITV , la. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tclo- gram to the Bi.u. ] The gieat inch thatatooe at the Intersection of Fifth nnd Jacksoi Btiects , tlio main entrance to the corn tialaco fell down this morning , breaking the 40 ( globes into as many thousand pieces , Tendered His l PAIII ? , Oct. 14.-r-Ma7cau Stas has tcndcrcc hb rcibjimUou 09 minister of justice. IN THE WILDS OF ARKANSAS , The ProBldont Mnkos No Stop $ Among Gurltuul'B Constituency. A FLIGHT THROUGH FORESTS * TlieHeccptlon i\peoted Viom Hawkins" and "Hill AVest" Fulls to > laterlnll/e Art-It ill at Memphis. i t Tlio Presidential Train. ' SiMiisoiiri.ii , Mo. , Oct. 1 1.- The prcsj > lent's spe-cial tialn , pie-ceded bya pilot train/ lassccl hero at 5:11) : ) tills inclining. The pas spongers were all asleep. A crowd of two oif Ihieo bundled pel sons was nt the station tej see them. Knglncs and conductois were ! clumped here , but the transfer was made Justl mtsldo the town and the tinln passed Ihcl station without stopping. Tj Through tlio Hear Slate. KvvT.Mir.v , Aik , Oct. 14. The clay was might and the temperature ) had moderated. Slmo the passage of the O/aik mountains nrly this morning the president's tiain baa been running tin ollgh a spin sely settled 10- gion offering little in the way of jiopular demonstration. An opportunity was olTcicil to examine and enjo.v the good things found in the well chosen library of the car. HOMK , Ark , , Oct. 14. Among the floral trophies of the foienoon's rldo is a little Imnc'li of golden rod pinned to a piece of pink paper , which was handed In b.v a little girl at 11 water tank stopping plae-e. Tlic picsldcnb expressed u wish to stop at the mill ked trco in compliance with the quaint invitation ho teeclved signed "Davo Hawkins , " promising a novel and hcnity reception , represent ing the wild west , which , it won said , would bo an agreeable- change fiom the eiand parades ho had seen thus far. "Bill West , " the letter continued , "is hustling to get nil his hunting equipments to make u ills' ! > hiy to meet the pi esldent's observation. " The mill ked tieo pioved to bo a fraud. A wooden station house , half a doren shanties ind a scoin of open-mouthed natives wciei the only signs of inhabitants mill neither "Dave Hawkins" or "Bill West" made their appeal anco. The line from Hoxlo to West Memphis lav in a typical Aikansas icgion. Theioweio half u dozen little faultier villages , hut for the most pait proves of blasted foiests houndc'd the viuvv. Interspei sc-d wei e openings for c 01 u and col ? ton fields , in the latter of which the plckint * was going on. The tiain i cue-hid West Memphis at 'J ill ) p. m. < Arrival at Memphis. MUMIMIIS , Oct. 14 The piesidont is hero and the largest thiongof civilians ever gath ered within the city limits is on hand to wel come him to the south. A delegation boat did the tiain as It i cached West Memphis and in formally convojcdthe gicetingsof thosev- committees and invited the puityon bo.ud the steamer ICato Adams. The vessel went about tlnco miles up the stream to glvo the piesldcnt an oppoitunity to see the vvorktf of the iniiii ovement on the i Ivor , and tlini tmning , came buck to the custom house whcio , after a llltlo dela.v , thu guests were landed. When the pu sident and Mis. Cleveland were seated in the car nage the multitude of people in their enthu siasm broke over all bonds , cuu.ving away the coloicd militia guaid and following on be hind the picsidcntiul cuiriugo. The progiess to the hotel wus by no means the orderly pro ceeding it wus designed to bo. A miscella neous procession of trucks , miuket wagons , and ten thousand nc'gioes mixing upw ith car riages. But aside from the delay thei owns no harm done. The pal ty was assigned comfoit- able quiii tcis in the Guv o/ohouseytthcio they lemalned until 8 o'clock , when n eommltteo of liOO ladies and gcntlemc n assembled to c s- c 01 1 the president and p.u ly in c ai i iagcs to see the fhovvoiks. After the exhibition wus concluded the president and Mis. Cleveland returned to the hotel and he-Id a ic-ception for about an hour. Tlio city is handsomely dccoiated. _ A Premature Salute. MOUNT ux Guovr , Mo. , Oct. 14. By the piemnturo explosion of powder this moining' while a puity was puip.iring to lite a | it evi dential salute two ioung men weio fatally in jured. A Verdict in tlio Koutu Disaster.'-o , Ind , Oct. 14. The veidict of the c-oioner in the Konts disaster , which was made publlo today , sajs the inci dent was the icsult of the negligence of the tiain dispatcher of the load in pciinittlng u > passenger train to attempt to run with a dis abled engine , knowing that a fast freight tiain was a few minutes behind it , and by negligence or caiolcssness of Engineer Dor- soy , of the height , in i mining ills engine at a high into of spec'd thiongh a fog , knowing Unit u passenger train was a shoit distuiic-o in advancuof his tiain with u disabled en gines. It cc-nsmes tlio company for allowing u crippled engine pulling 11 passenger train to bo on the load a few minutes in advance of 4 fast fi eight. eight.'H -'H Arrest. PAIIIS , Oct. 14 Humors aio peisistently eli diluted to the effect that Gencial Bout lunger has icslgned his commission in the army. The order lelieving Gem-nil Hou * langcrfiom his command and placing him under anestdiiects that ho bo pluec-d linden elosenncst for thhtv davs Dining that ! period the ministry will dec-Ida whether 01 not Boulangcr shall bo depilved of his eonij nnind. Kudical mcmbcns of the chamber as deputies huvo decided to make General Hou- langc-r a c andidato for that body if ho usign or is icmoved fiom his command. Fuithep complications me imminent. ' Destructive 1'lie. Pitoviniisci : , H. I , Oct. -Baltic Mill m , Baltic , Conn. , owned bv H L Aldilclt&Co. , of Piovidc-nco , was totally binned lust niuht. Loss estimated at { L'J'HMXX ) , Insuianco t-i" > 7 , 000Tho The mill wns n largo five story Mono build * Ing , 1,0K ( ) feet long by .VK ) feet wldo. Nine hundred hands aio thiown out of employ ment The tlio htuitid in tlio card room al " MO this morning and the entlio building by ft ! M ) was In ashes. Tha huge gasworks in tlio i ear wc-io also dostioyod. How the lliq stinted is us yet unknown. Holler I.xploslon. PUIKHHSIILWO , W. Vu , Oct. 14. The Mon i.ter suwmlll engine boiler exploded ut Cen- tcrvillo lust night , killing thrco men anil wieeklng the engine and mill completely. A man named Kivvino was torn to pieces , hav ing been caught between the end of the boiler and u luigolog. CUINKT , O , Oct II The largo planlnf ; mill hero burned this morning. Two m < u were burned and their charted bodies ro- covcicd from the ruins this morning. Election .Methods Among Indians. TAIII.KJUA , 1. T , Oct. 11 Serious troubla Is anticipated when the Cherokee council meets next Monday. When the late ch-ction was over , Joel Muycs was declared elected nschlofby 14.'l mujoiity. SInce then the re turns have been BO changed as to count in Hobcrt Bunch , opjiositioii candidate. Botli put ties uro gathering in force and drcluro their icspcctlvo cundidiites will bo fic-atcd. They aio armed for a pitched battle. Train on tlio Move. , CHICAGO , III. , Oct. 14. George Franc'9 ' Train loft Chicago this morning for Spring field , 111. , expressing the Intention of speak ing there this evening. Train attracted no notice ut the station , arriving there Just in timeto board the curs before