Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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OhrlsUnn OlcBoiij of Grant Street ,
Found Dond in His Room.
Ilio llonril or Trade to Oirn lift Pro-
raln Deals Monday Ilnr-
ni Work Prize Tight
A Hole Tin-oil * ; " " | H Hcnrt.
Ycslcnliiy niorniiiRf Chris Olescn , nn
i)1d ) mini aped sixty-live yeurH.wiiH found
( lend in 11 room in hlH residence 2-jOl
North ( Jrnnt street. UoHide him lay u
32-callbro revolver , wlthn vacant cham
ber. An examination of the remains dis
closed a bullet wound on the breast and
the autopsy nhowcd that a bullet had
passed tin oujfli the old man's heart. Ex
amination of the room reunited in the
Hurting ot the bullet in one of
thu doors from which It was cut out by
the coroner. Death must have been
Instantaneous. It is not known at what
time- the accident or suicide , whichever
it wan , took place , because BO far as known
no person was co ni/ant of the matter
until the remains were found in the
morning. The wife of the deceased was
in the hoti.-o all night , taking care of
hnr grand-children , the father
of whom is .lames Donnelly ,
of the American district telegraph com
pany. Mrs. Olobon siys that hhe heard
no shot , and an a loom was provided
for Air. Ole'-on , she had no occasion to
make inquiries as regards his condition.
For some years back the de
ceased lias been of unsound mind.
This morning , however , his
boy aged thirteen years , who runs the
board of trade elevator , said that his
father had died during the night of con
Coroner Drexel subpa'med a jury ,
which held an inquest and returned a
verdict of suicide in accordance with
the above facts.
TIII : noAitn or TKAHK.
Ith Speculative Department Will lie
Opened on Next Monday.
On next Monday at 11 : tJO o'clock , the
board of trade will inaugurate its open-
board MJ MOIIS , for the transaction of
speculative business such as is carried
on in all the chambers of commerce in
provision and grain centers. This will
be the attainment of the long enter
tained ambition of the boaid. The ses-
fiions at lirst will last but half an hour ,
until the fact becomes known that the
merchants of the city appreci
ate the possibility of meeting
One r.Mitber. at a certain time every
day. for thtJ tr.-'iKnetioii of business , as
also for the discu-simi of personal as
well as local advantage1Lr.tyr the
sessions will bo increased in length lllj-
tll. IIM in Chicago , New York , Phila
delphia and other largo places they
will require the greater part of the day.
The exact manner in which this now
departure shall be commenced has not
yet been formally decided. It depends
upon the recommendation of the
committees on provisions and grain , to
whom was delegated by the board , some
time ago , the duty of draughting a sot
of rules for the conduct of the undertak
ing. The chairman of the former com
mittee is Mr. Meday , and of the latter
Mr. P. E. Her.
A 11OM )
Pcnrohc Jt Hardlo'H SportInjj llciul-
iliiarlors llalileil.
'I'lio sporting-goods house of Penroso
& Hnrdin was burglari/ed Wednesday
night , but as yet the extent of the loss 5b
, not known. All that is known to bo miss
ing is ono very line Lefovor gun. The
t heavy plato gliis-i in the front door had
boon out with n diamond and then
Miiashed in , tlio job being a very
bungling tine. Shreds of tlio thief's
clothing \veio found clinging to the
fragments of jagged glass , but tlio sup
position is that he was frightened away ,
securing but little plunder. The im-
inenso business this linn is.doing in all
probability fronted the belief in the
burglar's mind thatlarge sums of money
miiHt necessarily bo left in the btor'o
over night. This is the second gun
btoro tapped within a week.
I'alsey O'I < eary ami 'I'oniiny Sillier to
Fl ; lil to a Kiiiisli.
Put soy O'Leary , the well known Cin
cinnati feather weight , and Tommy
Millet' , the local champion are to bo
matched at last. A prominent Omaha
Intsincbb man , who docs not want his
I name to appear in connection
with the affair , ' has taken
O'Leary in hand , and agrees to back
him to the extent of $ .3,000 in n light
with Miller , and as an earnest posted
? 1H ( ) yesterday morning nb u for
feit. This was covered by
KdwardKothery in behalf of
Miller. Tlio articles- agreement are
to bo drawn up Saturday evening , and
the balance of the money posted. The
light , which is tocomooll' within twenty
days , is to bo to a llnish , Qiiooiisbury
ruieb to govern , and somewhere in the
territory of Dakota. Tlio tiling is a go
without a doubt , and both men will go
into training immediately. Mike Kear-
don of Cincinnati , will handle O'Leary ,
and Prof. Ilawley of Duluth , will olli-
ciato in a like capacity for Miller. The
light will doubtless bo a good ono , and
attract no little attention in sporting
circles throughout the country.
"Why They Have Slopped Work.
Mr. Sopor , representing the wood
paving contractors , takes exceptions U
the criticism of the Bias regarding thcii
btoppago of work. In explanation he
bays :
"One reason why wo have stopper
work is that wo have received no 11101103
for what work wo have done. Anothqi
reason in that wo have been blockaded
from the start. The curbing contractor !
have done just as they wanted. Thoj
have blockaded u one-half of the time ,
Tlio council has never sewed us right
The treasurer wa.s slow'in soiling bunds
Tlio chairman of the board of mi bit i
works is unaccustomed to his work , am
the engineer wanted to have a goo <
il il to say. There has been little or m
curbing nnd no money. However , w
oxpeut to go to work again in a week o ;
to if wo got the money duo UH , amount
Ing to $75,000. Besides wo have W,00 (
tied up in stock. Wo have been dam
nged $10,000 by mismanagement on tin
part of the city ollleials.1
.Mated and Married.
The North Presbyterian ehureh wa
the scone of one of the happiest gather
ings in its history Wednesday evening
It was the occasion of the marriage o
Frank J. Coats to Miss Alary Mattes. Th
i Rev W. ' R. Henderson , pastor of th
church , performed the uniting ceremony
Mr. George Taylor wnj groomsman and
Miss Lena Mattes bridesmaid. There
was a largo congregation present , all
well wishers and friends of the happy
couplo. They did not take a
wcudlng tour but repaired
at once to the homo of the groom at the
corner of Franklin and Tnlrty-bccond
street. Mr. Coats IB the well known
bookkeeper of J. S. Cnullleld. and his
wife is the daughter of Air. Alattes of
Arlington , one of the pioneers of this
part of Nebraska. The \oung couple re
ceived numerous presents , nmong
which was nollceablo that coming from
Air. Cnulllcld , an elegant reclining
Among the many presents of _ which
the huppy pail1 were made recipients
were the following :
I'ulrplllowH mid hcdillnj ; fiomtho brides'
mother ; carpet mid ullvrr castor from the
mother of the bridegroom : sctoftublo linen
from the brldo innlds ; Mi . Koniim Mattes ,
nnd Airs. Stncklnper. Lyons , lowu. silver
butterdish ; Airs. K1 , A. Krnst , DetroitIowa ,
log cabin fjullt ; Aliss Einum
PfcllTcr , Fomln , Iowa , satin chair tidy ;
, T. S. Cnulllcld , upholstered recllnlnp chair ;
Air. and Mrs. A. P. Tnkey , clilnu dinner set ;
Air. and Aim. Dohr , silver pleklo dish ; Air.
and Airs. J. Hoaner , sot silver knives and
forks ; Airs. O. Atrcnstlno. palrcannr.v's , mgo
and ( lower pot ; Air. nail Airs. R Ollhcit , set
majolica ware ; A. E. Murphy , H. J. Hahn ,
Cicorgc Pcabody , Hurry Homier , and Leo
Hums , hand painted water set and tray ;
George Taylor , Edwin Jones and II. G.
Clark , hand painted china water set ; W.
Co.itcs , mirror mid towel rack ; from the
bridegroom to bride , toilet set and pair vases.
. Htirned Out and Asphyxiated.
Yesterday morning , about. ) o'clock , a
cottage on Walnut Hill was discovered
to be on lire by a little daughter of A.
H. Alayne. She told her fatherand the
latter rushed to the scene as rapidly as
possible. The roof of the kitchen had
just fallen in , and out of a broken pane
in the bay window the head of a little
boy was seen protruding , and ho was
gasping for air. Another neighbor ar
rived at the same time. The house was
burst into , nnd a widow named Airs. C.
S. Goodman , lately of Denver , was
found in an insensible condition on the
lloor of the dining room. She
was carried to a neighboring
house where she still lies in u danger
ous condition. The house was com
pletely destroyed. There is not a lire
hydrant in the addition , although the
reservoir is but a few blocks distant.
The house is owned by O. E. Mayne and
insured for $800. All of Mrs. Good
man's furniture and clothing wore de
stroyed. She had lived in the place but
a month. The cause of the lire is un
I'nlille improvements.
The board of public works yesterday
prepared a contract with Hugh Murphy
for the paving of the alley between Six
teenth and Seventeenth and Dodge and
Douglas .streets , and Sixteenth and Sev
enteenth and Farnam and Ilnriioy. The
material is to be Colorado sandstone and
the cost ; t.0 < )0. ) The contracts will bo
forwarded to the council to-night.
The CuVl Tramway company now
have one hundred rtr'.l llfty men em
ployed in vorl ; along' various
parts of their * lines , on Dofi e-
west of Twentieth , on the
tame street at the corner of Tenth , the
power house on the corner of Harney
and Twentieth and on the latter street
up north they are paving between the
The Motor line has almost finished
two blocks of its tracks between Thir
teenth and Fifteenth streets , and has
taken out the concrete for the continua
tion of its line on Twelfth south from
Douglas street.
The Null Works.
G. T. Walker , of the Omaha Nail
works-who went to California about
eight months ago , has justreturncdand
and is again engaged in the work of
endeavoring to secure a new location
for the present plant. He
claims .that the present works
cannot bo run advantageously
because they require the displacement
of the present furnaces with more
modern ones , which demand more
space than can bo secured in the pre
sent structure. These furnaces are gas
consumers , the gas being generated in
them by coal and used as required. The
management deniro to remove the
works , and claims that it has received
several favorable offers , which it will
consider in a few days. It also desires to
sellabouttwo-tiftbs of thorite of thepre-
scnt works , for which it asks $40,000.
Pauper Notes.
Lus Swansea , a sick man who has just
come hero from Lincoln , and who
sought to gain admission to the poor
house , was returned to the capital
jesterday by County Agent Mnhonoy.
Yesterday a Mr . llagen died in u
house in which she has been living , on
Leavonworth street between Seventh
and Eighth. The county agent wat
notified that she had no means to pro
vide for her interment. Mr. Mahoney
however , found that her husband is liv
ing near the Bellevue road , and that i
daughter of hers , a Mrs. King , is living
in South Omaha , and wont out to liiu
ono or both of them before putting tlu
county to the expense of burying tlu
unfortunate woman.
Ittirglar Captured.
W. II. Morgan fell into the arms o
Olllcor McCarty at an early houryester
'day ' morning , as ho was emerging fron
the window in the room above Smith
Knight's saloon , corner Tenth streo
and Capitol n\onuo , and run in. Inves
tigation revealed that ho had gained :
forcible entrance to the apartment
with burglarious intent , as trunks alii
drawers were broken into and a mini
her of valuables secured.
The Live and Lot Live rcstnuran
which was opened some months ago , opposite
posito the Paxton on Fourteenth street
by a party named AleDougall , has gem
into the hands of Norris , who has sever
al times been identified with such enter
prises. MoDougall and his wife have
disappeared , but bills against them t <
the extent of $1,000 have been presontci
to Norris for settlement.
Anjjiy Contractor * ? .
Messrs. Thompson , Delaney & Mur
phy , the Clark street sewer contractors
are displeased , if not to bay "lightini
angry , " over nn attack made upon then
ill a Sunday edition of u certain dail ;
paper. They allege that the article 5
untrue in every respect , especially as t
the iKiyinout ofcmptayca , who all rcceiv
ctl their inonoy on WoQntfntJuy.
Polleo Court.
In the police court ycbtorduy moniiup ;
rnink Nichols , twcnty-fivo days , snctil
thiuf ; W , O , Chapman , disohiirgiiij
tire tirmn , $10 nnd coats ; Charles Andersen
dorson , llfjlitiii } ; , 810 and tou days ; Wil
liam lie , smiibhinp ; windows in th
Stella lUdyowtiy bagnio , llfteen days.
Gouo Home.
A. D. Marshall division Nq..lO K. c
u I * . , of Lincoln , and part of Apollo div !
" bion.of the sauio city , left for liomo yci
"J to"diiy uioruiny. . , '
Mrs. R. W. Justin , of St. Joseph , is
hero visiting her ulster , Mrs. Howard
F. K. Dale , of Ahnn , Neb. , who wns
visiting 1' . W. llod on , has returned
The proprietor of Morrison's lunch
hoiifco found that but-iness did not pny
arlu to escape answering numerous
nue.stions departed in the dead of
A piusongcr on the evening dummy
going into town Wednesday night ,
while shutting the car door had one fin
ger and his thumb badly mashed.
C. E. Brucn. of the linn of Bruen &
Carpenter , has returned from a trip
through Colorado.
Dr. Landcs , a resident of Iowa , cnmo
to the city to invest in real estate.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Weber , of Atlantic , In. ,
nro in the city visiting Chris.
Prof. Cnldwell , n former principal of
the bchools hero , is in the city visiting.
Mrs. Ma.y A. Baldwjn , of Davenport ,
In. , is visiting the family of L. Carpen
Mrs. Susie IIowo , of DRcon , 111. , is
spending a few weeks .with Mrs. F. J.
Tlio Presbyterian society gnvo a so
ciable Wednobdny night at the resi
dence of 1 { . T. Maxwell. A largo nuni-
of young people- were present nnd the
evening was made a most enjoyable ono
by games , music and , conversation , re
inforced by some excellent refresh
Contractor Slnvin is putting in a btone
culvert near the now depot.
The now depot is 22x8 Jt one story and
will contain about four rooms. Tlio bid
ing and part of the roof is up now and
the work is being pushed. The grounds
near it are being lillcd up to grade.
There is virtually a small tented vil
lage inside of the city , which is used by
men employed by Hanscii to grade N
John B. Barry , from San Francisco ,
Cal. , has purchased the lot on the
southeast corner of N nnd Railroad
streets and will erect a brick store
building , 60x60 , three btories high.
Tlio excavations will begin on Monday
Oscar Martin has returned from Man-
kato , Minn.
Yesterday morning a small boy attemp
ted to board a moving train in the yards
and slipped. His foot rested on the rail
and was run over by the car wheels and
crushed badly. Ho was taken to his
homo and attended to by a physician.
About eighty cars of lumber for the
stock yards arrived and was unloaded
near the Union Pacific yards. The
work of erecting new stock pens will
soon begin.
Dr. S. R. Patten , dentist. Room 318 ,
Raingc building , Omaha. Telephone 50.
Mrs. Alcvumlcr Mitchell.
The widow of Hon. Alexander Mitch
ell , the well-known congressman
and railroad man , millionaire
of Milwaukee , Wis. , spent Wed
nesday in this city. She was accom
panied by her niece Mrs. F. J. Crosby ,
nnil her private secretary W.F. Crosby.
The party are on their way to Denver
to spend the winter and left on the
morning train yesterday over the Union
Pacific. Mrs. Mitchell was very iiuuih
pleased with her Omaha visit which of
course was doubly interesting at this
time as the lady said , because of tlio
presence of President Cleveland , who is
an old friend of her deceased husband.
"Rub the "painful points" thoroughly
when afflicted with neuralgia with Sal
vation Oil , the great pain nnnihilntor.
Price 3 cents a bottle.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures croupy
cough that sounds so like nails driven
into the child's cotlln.
A Flat llooi' .
Pcrmis. ion was yesterday given Thomas
mas O'Connor on Twelfth street , to put a
Hal roof on his house. A short time ago
ho raicd the roof one story without per
mission of the building inspector
and his case was brought to the courts.
Mr. O'Connor , however , was not aware
that a permit was required. The erec
tion of the new brick building south of
him required him to sacrifice ono side
of his house , and the delay in the roof
controversy left him at the mercy of tlio
elements. This danger has been re
moved by the permission above re
ferred to.
An Appreciative Drunk.
Mike O'Connor , dead drunk , was gath
ered up from the gutter yesterday morn
ing at an early hour by the police and
taken to the station. Ho had $170 on
his poi'-oii , and ho was so happy
to tint ! that lie hadn't lost it , that
he couldn't find words sulllcient to ex
press his gratitude to the policeman
for locking him up. When released , he
proceeded to the nearest cigar sloroand
sent a box of fine Hiivunas buck to the
Over a Doj ? .
T. D. Chirk and. John Shelby got intc
an altercation over a dog , in front ol
Mulviliill & Shelby's grocery , on St.
Mary's avenue , yesterday. Tlioy
came to blows , punched each other ,
and clinching rolled into the gutter.
The patrol wagon was summoned ami
the belligerents run in. Clarke de
manded an immediate hearing , and tlu
court accommodated him. He was lined
$ . ) and coats , and Shelby released.
Died From a Kail.
Wednesday afternoon a man unmet
James DolVelmeyer , a tinner , while
working on a roof on a now house or
West Farnam street , fell to the groiint
and received such injuries that ho diet
two hours after being brought to St
Joseph's hospital. The remains art
now at Drexel & Maul's.
To lie ISroii lit to the Hospital.
A telephone- from Beatrice was received
coived at the Child's honpital yesterday
morning asking accommodations for L
W. Tongato , an old railroad man. 1I (
was injured on the head about a yeiii
ago , but recovered temporarily. Ho ii
again showing symptoms of serious ill
ne&s , and his friends have decided thn
ho be placed in the hospital.
They AVcro All Imto.
All trains destined for Omaha yester
day morning were late. The Q. was be
hind four hours , nnd the B. < fc M. fron
Lincoln two hours , and the Union Pacilii
from the west came in on time , bu
owing to the delay with eastern con
ncetions had to go out late.
llcpuMlcim Stnto Central Committee
Chnirmnri" Moiklojohn of the republican
can state central committee , announce
that there will bo a mooting of thn
body in this city at the , Milhird hotel
October 18 , at 7SO : o'clock. H desire
a fulljittondnnco of the members.
Kabul HciiMoii's Lecture.
The biibject of Dr. Benson's lectur *
this evening will bo "Tho Objec
nnd Scope of the Young Men's Hobro\
Association. " A largo attendance i
Facts About Those Who Have De
parted Tills Ijll'c.
CIU.IA uici ; .
The remains of Cell a , the daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Rice , were Interred
yesterday at Forest , Lawn cemetery , be
side her sister who WHS burlcd-on Tucs *
day last. The death occurred Wednesday '
at UiO : ! o'clock , the second death in the
family within a very short time.
Ebon G. Merrill , a young man from
Chelsea. Mass. , and a clerk in the
otllco of the diviblon onirlncor of the
Union Pacific , died of typhoid Wednes
day at the Child's hospital. His remains
were escorted to his former homo last
evening by A. II. Donne , a former room
The funeral exercises of Chris Ole-
son , the supposed suicide , are to bo held
at his residence at No. 1210.J Grant
street , at U p.m. this afternoon. His
remains will bo interred at Forest Lawn
James McCrea , l'J'21 North Nine
teenth street , died yesterday of senility ,
ngcd eighty-six. His funeral will beheld
held to-day at 2 p. m.
Judge McCulloch issued the following per
mits to wed yesterday :
Kilo Howe , Omiilm . . * ) . * >
Molllo Hulls , Omnlm . 'Jl
John W. Hayes , Omuha . ! M
Mury Wnlty , Omuha . 23
George E. Addis , Omnlm . ' . ' 5
Gustu Peterson , Omuha . 25
Harry D. Cllnu , Council HUHTs , Ja . 'J5
Llzio Willinpliurst. Chicago , 111 . 21
Walter Cnrlcton , Chicago , 111 . HO
Ellen Hurley , Chicago. Ill . 2(1
Frank M. Oslcrhout. Duvlil City , Neb. . .24
AnnioM. Johnson , Hloomlluld , Iu . 10
Bank Clearing.
The bank clearings yesterday wore
$ . " > : HMK.rj.7J. ) :
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A mnrvcl of purl
ty , stioiiKth anil wholesomenexs. Mete econ
oinlcal than the ordinary kinds , and cannot beheld
hold In competition with tli nmlitudo of low
cost short welRht alum or phosplmto powdera.
Sold only In rails. KOVAI , UAKI.NO l'outn Co. ,
10 Wall-st. , N. Y.
ToCoNtl.MPTlVES. Many liaro been happy to clvo
tlielr testimony In favor of the u of "Wllbor's 1'uro
Cod'I.lver Oil und l.lme. " Kxperlenie lian proved II
to bo u wonderful remedy for Consumption , Asthma ,
Diphtheria , and all disease * of the tlmmt and IUIIK .
Manufactured only by A. 11. WiLiiuu , Chemist , llos
tun , bold by all
Blood polton ,
vroereal taint ,
gleet ilrlcture ,
fcmlnal emli-
dona , losi of
( eiiml pow ' ,
weakness o f
the ( exiial or-
cans , Haut of
dfilrc In male
or female ,
whether from
h a ii 1 1 6 of
youtiK or ex-
ttnl bablta iu
mjtnre years ,
or any came
the § e i u al
speedily and
cnrcd ,
Consultation free and strictly confidential.
Mcdlcluc tent free from observation to all part *
of the United States. Corrctpondcnco receives
prompt attention. No letters answered unlcsi
accompanied by four cent ! In atarnpe. Send ten
cents in stamps for pamphlet and Hit of questions.
Terms itrlctly cash. Call on or addrcvt
No. 314 South 131h ht. . OaiaUa , Neb.
= JEWELRY , = =
Third Judicial District ,
Composition nnd < ° ! r f 1 Itooflnir.
Agent for Warren's Natural Asphalt Reefing
MeUttl UrauJ 2 Buil J ply lU' Hooting. 13 Union
ttnttt , Oiuuuu , Neli , '
Placed before the public uch a stock of boys' and children's clothing as
we are showing this season. More than one-half of our second floor is
devoted to their display and the prices we have marked them at were
never known in the history of the trade.
We are showing boys' suits , at $1.60 that our competitors say are
cheap at $3.00. They are strong and nice winter suits , plaited and well
gotten up.
For $2.25 we have a splendid fancy cheviot suit , elegantly made up ,
which would be cheap at $4.50.
But the greatest of all bargains is our all wool cassiinere suit at
$2.50. This is beyond a doubt as good a suit as was ever offered at
double this price. We placed 250 of them on our counters last week
and had to telegraph for more. We have again all sizes.
In finer grades we show a large variety of silk mixed cassiinere chev
iots and worsteds elegantly trimmed and made.
Boys' overcoats we offer from $1.35 for as good a coat as you can
buy elsewhere for $3.00 up to the finest grades of chinchillas and cassi-
meres , which , in style and make , are the product of the most skillful and
artistic cutters and tailors.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
llemovcd one block south to corner IHtli nnd
Douglas St.s. , New Brick Ilulldliig. Tony New
Hoorasfor Patients.
TOR THE mr iTMtvr or AT t.
U it frrllitlM npp r lm iM rrmt HM > r ufcMifdt trrittnrut f
YI f foim 01 ( ) * rr-iulriiif Mlic t or Hurjioal Irtitmrnt.
Wstrv ron tintumt on Oefonnliteii ? ! Itnren , I tub Fe t ,
Curvature ftht plti * , IMI i , Tuinori , CincrrCnl rrli. Bionrl lilt ,
InhftlaMm , F > ( tricllv , I'trtlrtU , Kplliyt ( KM.i-r , UUJJt. . , I' ) * ,
Jjr , bklu , tnJ Uloo-J , anJ MbmgU-alOpiiitloiii ,
Book oii LM caSQS or Women FHEE.
fttM urf iifully tr itf t. Py
inf Mttl Tuwrr. lVi uiii nn lil to t lilt u m r ttlitii * < l * t
homr , ty Oineipoii'tfncr Allmmniuiitc lUuii' < > nflJi tin ) ftftdi
clii crln trmn utti etit t y nirtlloi pir , tecurely | r kfd , no
mirVi1olndi' t contnitirr wmftr. One ( > * l intrititw pr -
frrnt Call ami consult u , orneuJ hUlory of > w i ifirttithiliitip ,
ad vit > % ill § cn * Ulain lUi fer , wur
L'pftn PiUatf , Spitl nJ KerTouu Diai. . krmlnal w kifu
Spfiniialnrih'fl , Imftttcnrj , Bjphlll. , < J < jni > llhw , Glfjt , ud * * 1 >
coc U. Roomlfur patltnl * . A < liJr ii ,
.KcUenaay , ' Om < ita , He > .
The | iriirptoriif | | the Omnha Mcrtlciil imd Hurvlcal
Initlliilo fins piibll livil a uihmble wt of books mill
uipi-ri upiin ilirniilc imd rurKlcal licenses unit UB-
. 'nrniltlcsnnit tlio incthnrti ( if cMiro whldi huvi-i-'Hen
him the roimtiillim nt beine tliu mo > * t kllllul iiiul uu-
ceialul ppeclulHt In thu ne t , nnil iinulo the lu tltule
so celebrated thut ineilli'lnea are "ent anil patient *
received Iriini I-N cry Mate In tlio union. .Mnonutlte
liouk I" one upon the ili ea esof Honien ; one upon
lien out npecial , and private uisi > n ci ot ( liu M'MIK !
and tirlnury orminnj vnricoi'elo cured by "titilal
operation" , nnd tluMr lately Inventivl clump eompreii
tu pen oiy lor tliu relief and euro or varloxole ,
nervous uiliHUHtlon and > exu l ilehllity , new reotnnf
tlvo treatment I'lipur * upon mirKUal hratei , plle ,
cuncurt. pnrnl ) sli , tits , hleitrkity and the new m K-
netlo buttery lor lionm n-o ; rutarili and Inhalation ,
etc. Unllku uiu"t books l > ued I' ' } doetors Iree. tluiy
donoton l t of trtlnionlalHith tlctltloti1 * inimeH
with Initial * , or rulibl'li ( if that kind , but aru plain
descriptions of dl i'a es r > niptnuii. new dl toverleH
In medicine , auritcry anil electrtilty , and aru well
woith thoperu ali > nd can bo oht.tlned free liy ad-
sliiK llm Oniiili i Medleal and Surnlnil Institute ,
ll t > liect und Cupltul avenue , Oaiuha , Nebraska.
Tlie hpt known nnd most poptilnr Hotel In the
ptute. Loditlnn centra ) , apitolntmuntH tlr t-c'lasn.
JU'iiilqunrtors lor commertlut men and ull political
unU public KutheringH.
K.IMIOGJKN , Proprietor.
VSl Li H i > 'n.iui ! dtbrfr
WJCi . & .
fit ncl ircMti , TTK ni'iRi\TEE TO
tint Mv ' [
t thiupcrifiepurpuit.CCKCnr
T CT y - ( llNIBATlTI WlAKNXIB , glr-
tyr , i < > othli > c current ! of
' ity dlrtctlj Urough alt w * k pfcrti.rtitor-
wjfintrnvfo ( hfBltb u l Viurouiitrirjrh. ( k.lclrio
Currcut - vVJfeUiniuiitlr or xefvrftitJA.uoo incaih.
OrrBttitlinprQvtmiBtiavfr tit oth r belli. woritciietLtr *
rntntntlyrurtdlnlhrtemantbi ffrtlert ptmnhlcUc. .Xatnp
the Sanden EUctrio Co. 160 Lafialk tt. . Chlcaio
1UO N. llltli Street.
& >
PUUK CAUrOKNIA WINES , shlnped direct
from our vineyard. Klcbllnu , Outedel Clarets ,
I'ort , Sherries , etc. Fan Jose Vaults , Seventh ,
Klghtli , Pan Salvador and William streets , San
Jobu , CaUfomiu.
Aullinrlreil In Ireiit nil Oirnnlr , N'enoui
Mini "Sncrltil IM eiiM" . f
I'ltiVATi : nisr.Asns
( Wliotlicr riuivil liy liiipriiili'mo , KxrcM
' "iitajimi ) Srmlnul Wcnknc" , ( iilntil
Cor. liitli and Doiliro SK. Omaha , Nrl ) liis-i'sTsr-it iin'l" I li-'iiiiitv. , , r w nn ]
etc. Cu irabU1 l or mm , , , rofnl , , l. tow.
aru Iwpin in < ! iJtcliiriuv | > uiliill ) preimrvit lurvnili ImtlU.lmiluisu.
/ vzf&jtfsz ( f \ i fff r r
" " "
ulloiiriiriiitollltunimru.onibiiiclniru "fjnipton l.Mm Hhuh n. tt nfiill lii"tor > ol DiViso "t"
Stale jour ca o and soml for terms. All we ink l < a trial. Secrecy nlj ervcil elth.-r In IIIT.OII or liy mull.
OmCK HOOKS - to 12a. iu.,2 to Saiul T toh p.m. bund i > s Inrltiileil. Con ultliiK Koom.Nu.l.
your retailer for the
or the
$3 SHOE ,
acrouliim to your nei'il't
CAUTION ! 1'ovltivcl } none ( jfnuincunlfsn nuf
i iMincaml price apirnrilnlnl | | ) inlhi soln. huiim
. deitlorii. In ouler Inniakr fl.inrpcr
( rixidn v\lth uhlfh Ihe rn.irkt Is
flooilfil JAM i.S : .11KANS 84
1 SIllli : Is Huht mid stjIlih. It
mi lllii' axlorklnc ; nd UK'
onur.s NO UKIAK- :
< l IN , " bHiiR prrl.illy
tu ) tlirflrHtllnieltis worn.
It vlll sntMj tlio must
fastidious ns It It In every
vital r < fct | equal to
the liaiul-M H |
Khof S
Ittn rc-
J7nr tt .TAMr.S MKANS 8:1 : SIIOi : Is UK i.rltl-
nall ' hot nnd It alivuhitily the only shoe ( if its prlrc
which lm < rvoi hOn plictil cxtmslvdy on the market
In which mirnlillltv l cnn lilrrnt hcforc more outward
aptfarance | ' 1 he * > e shnfii nrc sold by the t > c < t ti InlUrs
thniushnut Hie I'nltnl slid , and we will place tlmm
eaKil } within > our rratii in any Male or tmltory If ) ou
will ti > nd us u piislal c.inl , monllimlne lh ! < paper.
' Bine * MriiiiH .V Co. , il l.liiioln M , llostonHai .
Tnll llnoof tlinnlmvti Shoe- , for salt. inOMMIA
by ( i. W. Cook , UlOil ruiiiiini htrcpt ; ( ! . K. Miller ,
lif'J North Kith htieet ; llayvvard Jlnw. . KIT South
1'ith htrot't. In Coiwciij lii.urrs by Sai'KOiit A ;
Glasgow via Londonderry ,
Liverpool via Queenstown.
Are Slrlrtly Flr.t-C'lii. . , anil amonB
the lartcit , tautest and finest In the world.
Ntloon , becond class and HtecruKn I'ahteiiirer
AcciiniiiKidutliiii * Uncxt.'elleil. Kvery
retiard lor the com fort and eonventcnen of pas *
senders etudluualy considered and pratttccd.
MMiiinpri every i-atiinlay lor Cila Kn < r. City of Homo
mill Inr l.lveriiool OttoberlJ. It Is tliu larcest and
llne t pat > enier Ktcamer afloat Uatcx of passaue lor
all ilasoes an low as by any other llrnt-class line. Mi-
loon excursion tUketn at r ( > diied rules. Itraltsfor
any amount at lonett euriint rates , lor hooks
ot tours , tkketn. or further Information apnlv to
HKNIlKilMhN llltTlliil ( : , Chicago , ui lltASlv U.
MOOHKs , Omaha , > eb.
liy Ilr l-nedlker's Method. No operation ; no pain :
iio detention Irinn liuflnoi" . Adapted to children at
wullasKronn propln Hundreds of aiilonrapli teotl-
niontlnU on tile All biirlneaa M lie liy tonlldentlal.
Consultation fret .
Jtoom 0 , 1514 IoutIi ) ; > St. , Omaha , Noli.
( Succcssois to John 0. Jacobs. )
"land's ' anil mam
At tliu old Miuiil. HOT I"iii mini Ft. Ol dels liy tele-
giaph bollclted itnd iiniiiitly | atti'iiUou to.
'J'ulejihono No. idi.
U5I M'l.NTOHH , u. r. noint i i. .
Real Estate Dealers ,
110 South Spi lug Street ,
Los ArtRolos , - - - California.
Dealers In city and country property of all lie-
scriptlou3. General Information to new-corn-
era fitoly given.
Hen iuS > rt e front ! * < ! VIcor.
.UK llrbllllj. rack f
. ! .rutuitlni from la.
dlKrclioDiexri ciQroTCrwork (
f * . br the
HAMTON TltMlllir.
k ftiir t. hhoulabvrtiMt
STRONG br Fitheti A plirM In Ihe Undt
f IlitIt Sm.i. ff Rri'tl | < wllh
Informtlitn bf Vftlun to ( ill * .
! 0 Ptrk Plict , New York.
1707 Olhc Street , SI. LouN , Mo.
Of the Missouri Stuto Museum of Anatomy , St.
Louis Mo. , University Colli'fip Hospital , 1.011-
( Ion , Gii'scii , ( icrnintiy nnd New Vork. Having ;
devoted iiiSlr attention
UNI linn , i' '
MOIDni'clally these aiNliiK from Imprn-
dt'liD * , luvitu nllso Millc'iini ; to ( uiii'sjMiijilltli -
out delay. Diseases of Inlcctloii and r < mtujlon
Liirt-tl satcly and speedily without tisu of ciun-
KiiioiisiliiiKS. TatU'litshoso cases hnvi-lioeu
neKleeted , biidly treated or pionouiued Incur-
ulili' , should not fall to wrlto useoncevnliiKtliL'lr
bymptoms. All letterx iecel\o Inunedlatuatten
And 1111)0 mailed I'ltr.i ; to any address on ro-
relptof onti'J-cent stump. "Practical Oli-erva-
lions on Nervous Uehlllty and I'livuloal IXhaus-
tlon , " tohlch Is added an "I'ssay on .Mar-
llaue , " vlth Important diapti'in on diseases o
till * KlMlludllCtlXD OlpllH , tll < < \\llolo fillllllllKIl
valuahlu medical tieatlse vhlcli bhould bu read
by all .MIIIIIK men.
DRS , S , & D , DAVIESON ,
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Neb , National Bank
Paid Up Capital , - $25OOOo
Surplus , - 42.0OO
II. W. YATKS. President.
LKWIH s ; IU.KD , Vice-l'iesldi-iit.
A. U. Tony t MX , "d Vlce-l'rusldent.
W. U.S. Iliifiiiii
W. V. Mnii K , JOHNS CDI.I.INH ,
II. W. Y.\1l.ti , l < h IH P. 1(1.1,11 ( ,
A. II. Tonli.l.v. .
IlunlvliiK Olllcn
Cor. I'Jth and rarnam Sts.
A General llankliiK Im lnehsTian acted.
Oinci : l'osTQi'\UTniiM.thTiu : ,
POUT 1) . A. HUcsh 1,1 , , WVOMINfl ,
Septemlier" l , Ihf.
SUAIiIU ) l'ropo al . In trliillcate , biilijecton
thu unual conditions , \ \ lbo \ \ reit-lvet at
thlHolllco until o'rlork , noon , on Thursday ,
( ) ctober"0 , 1W , atlildi tliiiu and place.sthny
\\1111) openeil In tliu presence of attendlni ; lilil.
deis. for thu constitution of thu followIntflirlfk
bulldliiKS nt this post viz : U s.itx of' Held olll *
< eis' ( inatlerH. < Hlimlu sets of olllccrK1 iiuartcra.
1 company bariacks. 1 < iuarteimaNter H nloro-
hoiiHi ) . 1 Hiibslstencn storehousu. Also lor 1
Ir.imo coal shed , and for the convention of t\va
stoieliouses Into company barrackH. I'ropoMiH
will boconsldeied for furnUhlni ; both material
and labor necessary to complete thn work , ami
for each separately. 1'rofeienco given to arti
cles of domestic piodntturti ami inunnfui ture ,
conditions of prli n ami quality bolim eiinal , ami
Hiuh prefelencu beliiKKlven to ai tides of Amer
ican production anil manufitcturu ] > roduLed on
the 1'nclltc coast , to thn extent of the conswnj *
tlon reriulred them. I'lans , speclllcatloiiH nnd
estlmatii of material required can bu HOCII at thu
ollico of thii Chief UuititermaNter , Denartment
of the I'latte , Omana , Nebraska , and at thla
ollico. Tnvelopcs contulnliiK jiroiios.ils to 1m
marked "Proposals for ronMriictlon of llnlld-
liiKH , " nnd aildrosod to the unditrxlBneil ut Tort
1) , A. Hussell , Wyoming. Thu United Htiitta iu
bervea the right to rejec t any or all bldx.
KDWAiiD CHVNowirni.
Ut Meut. & Q. it. il. , 17th Infantry , Post Quar
Hcmarkable forjiowerfnlsjmpa-
thrtloToiie. pTJablo actloiijaiid ab-
' "
Hol'utrd"uririlTlty ! ) j earn record.
the best Kimranteu of the oxi el.
lem oof tin-Mi In jtrumetitH.
InO I uuuiicu.Ncrvousllebllltycituhcd
tinoiiKh rrrorn and bud iirucllcoi CURED. v
UOI.MKM NEAJL , ' , 1'J HthtM . . .Tl. * ' <