THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : STUDAY , OCTOBER 14. 1837. I SPEOIAIiNOTIOES. ' AdvonUements under thin head , ID rents per line for the llrstlntertlim. 7 cent * for ouch sub. nrVrtipnt Ini'rtlon , nml fl.n > a line per month , No advertisement taken for less tlimi 25 cents for the. first Insertion. Seven words will lw counted in tli Him ; they must run con ecu- Hvely anil mu t ti ) > ] mlil In advance. All ad vertisements must be handed In Ix-fora 1.TO : o'cltx k p. m. . mid under no circumstances will they lw taken or discontinued by telephone. Pnrtlei ndvertislng In these column. " ntul Imv- iiurth nnswers addressed In cure of the lief , will plensn nsk for a check to enable them to get their letteis , BN nutie will bo dellveicd ex cept on prc ) < cntntlon of check. All answers to advertisements should ! enclosed In envelopes. All ndvertlsclnent/i In thc-to columns are puln llshed In iMith morning nnd evening editions of tlm llee , the clrrillnllnii nt which nggicgntes inprn tliHii ll.liu papers dilly , iiml gives the ml- vertlserj Ihe benefit , not ouly of the city clrcu- tattou 6f tin- lice , but ulso of Council HhiUs , Lincoln und other cities nnd towns throughout thw pnrt of this w est. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. JuJfiANl ) ( i imrnnt < - r"ii FnT TTu sfT'o. , 1 fills rnniain utrect Complete abMrncts fur- nUhed , and titles to niil eutnte exatnlnrd. per- fectrd nnd guaranteed. " 10 BUSINESS CHANCES. FI MtSALK ; A well established fire Insurance Mixl/icss. / Address IIS ! , llec. Kit 13 * F SA MV-llnrber shop , good business. In- J HiilreS. Snyder. 4JIH. 7fi.lMi : TTIOU THADK-n.WKI ncres of choice western -I. hind toexchungn for general merchandise , Jno. K. Toft , : tH N. Iftlh st. H13 TJlOlt SA1.H--OIH1 of the liest paying hotels In ; : < Lincoln , Neb. Address 11. K. Heed. I.ln- coin. Neb. ( IM-lfi * \\rr.STnii.V DnAI.RIISSend for our lllus- Ti { rated catalogue of fancy goods , toys and notions. I'rlcts guaiantced. liny near homo uu.l save freights. Kudhend , Noiton. I.nthrop A Co. ( Jrtbbcry , books , stationery , etc. , DeH Mtnl . . - FOKjSALK A meat market in best location , good business. For nearer Information addrrsU 11 7. llee otllco. U3M3 * BUS INKSS Chnnce-Deiliousot retiring from business , wo will sell the balanceof our HUiek of dry goods , etc. , with three yenrs lease nnd llxturcM of store by .lauunrv or .March next. .Men hunts meaning to purchase add ! ess John II. r. Lehmann \ Co. , 1310-1312 Fnmum st. Ml n fi BUHINCSH Chance- There is n tine opening for H ( oufectlouer , lestuurmit nnd baker 4 right near the entiunco of Iliinsconi jiiirk. New storeroom , chenp rent. F. L. (1 rcgoi v. JKO H. Kith ft. B ; I Foil SAL1 ! llestniirunt , doing good business , mm ill good location. Present proprietor Is dcdlnmS ( if going cnst. Address II 2i. ! llee. UCI I5J rilllKKi : hundred dollars will buy n Htock of A stiittoneiy , notions ami news ; good stand ; low rent ; investlgiiti' , fAS 8. Iflth st. 4OI TjlOK HALK-A well-f-sHibllslied , - money-mnk- J ? lug general store ut Iliipld City. Dak. ; stock nil now. Hiid Invoices iibont JlO.imrt , consisting prlneiim'.ty of dry goods nnil groceries ; rcm.on for .riling , death of senior proprietor. Address J. H. Hohertson , mlmlnlstrntor , Ht. Paul. Minn. , or.I. LJSji.iyile , Iliipld Clly , link. 4117 u * "ITIOIl SALK linker } ' complete , established JL1 buslines , easy terms. No. 713 ltro , lwny , Council I Hulls. itrril * A MAN with experlt nee in the dry goods or j ilinrjlwiire business ran miike It win bv placing u slock of goods In thu Pitch block. Pink nve nndVool oith ht. r. L. ( Jiegory , ! BS. ) 15th Ht. Kn $7,11)0 ) stock of 1 > ots nnd shoes to exchange for Omnhn propetty. S. H. Campbell anil (1.V. . llervey. Chamber of Commercn. < : rr TjIDH SALE Corner saloon on pared M. ; re- X" cclpts SIA pur day , KflM , tlHM cash. O SI. llee. a l 14 * FOIt SAI.E-OrtiadiinNo. 1 hotel property , doing hood trade. In one of the best towns in Nebraska. S H. Campbell and C , W. llervey , illll Chamber of Commeico. 4W /"ANTED A stock-of groceries nnd general dso , tor city lots paid for. C. J. 1'ntiuii. Hi. ! "IT10II E.VCIIANfiE-Omnha piopeity fi.rdry " J.1 giiodn. groceries , hiirdwiuil , dnigs , etc. Omaha piopeily for horys ami < , atlle. R. S. Campbell nud 0. W. Hervey , 310 Chamber of Commerce. IdO FOH KALE A complete steam hiundiy hav- Init twenty horse power engine. .1. .s. Men- nott. Siiuudeis and Clark His. tat A GOOD meat market Is badly needed in the ndghlKirhood of Woolworth st and Park ave. and stoie loom can be obtained nt cheap lent lu Flt ( h block. F. L. ( Iiegory , IUl S 15th st. -71 , . - T71OU SALE A wholesale bui-lne < s with nyar. J lug tnidti estalillshisl. Capital required , nliout JMKKt. WUl ; Omaha leal estate. AddiesH Eftl lleo oltke. 7HO BUSINESS CHANCEOn ncconnl of ulcknes * not being ublo io tend to the biiHiness thu restaurant tind lunch counter , will rent the namii to good nnd responsible parties. A | ' . .T Io John A. King , | i D.iilglnKst. Mil "ClOlf VALE or exchange , grain elevator , west- J : eru Io a , lor Innd In central Neb. , or merchandise , address box 2W , Cent nil City Neb. KiSoctlW * MHS. DUlUNT-Clarlvoyant f > m Iliuton Is reliable in all atfiilis of life , unit us i-epar- nted lovers. : i22N. Ifith st. , room 1. 7W24 * US. HA'ITIELD Tiaiue business mwllnm" The putt piesent and futuiv revealed , sick healed , lost Joiuid , homes uiKde happy , sittingti dally nt 421 S. lllc st. 452oUr > It. NANNIE V. Wan en. clairvoyant. Medical - ical biiflness und li t medium. Olllce 119 et ; looms 23 , Telephone Wl. 212 WANTED--MALE HELP. _ _ WANTK' ) il moie men to reiiu ent New York house , $7fi to 111)0 ) snliiry , ten nnd citffeo hulesinen. geiierul store salesmen , Ii plum- bers. gus tltter.s. stennilltter.JJIto tl day : men to represent St. ( 'lair Purch u . o. t to 110 day ; httlMsmeti on hooks , * ; : und -III per cent a dny ; gen eral nsrviiU , 2 experletued Kale.slndles , dry goods nml notions ; Ml frills for housework , nil theno openings guaranteed ; no business people , but tMHir people \\oKotlnwmkiiit ! our references , llcndquurten , l.VH I'ainum st. . rixini U. din IV . . . ' Several good cnipenters and v.ihluct milkers. F. D. Mead , 20 ! ) S. lUth st. . _ _ _ _ 7sti 15 WANTKD-Peventy-nveshovellers tour miles woht o { I'm ! Omuhn , on Onmhu e.tenlou ofChlcugonnd Northwestern mllwiiv. Wages 11.75 per diy ; board ti.M ; ) per week. Work will December. C. P. Trent , contraetor. \\rAXTUI ) Agents to rmivass for Hankers i Life Insurance Co. , Liuiolu : , Neb. Nona but experienced men need apply. Sill T\r.ANTK7)-\geuti < iu Nebraska foi- ( Jen. T > iJiihu A. l.ogan'H last work , "Volunteer PolilliC. " Just published. Addles * J. .M rreneh & Co.m , lm , Null. _ 2:8) : ) A NTI'.D - Men for railroad work"T - brlght's Labor Agency , 112J Fiirnani. Ml WANTit-W : ) nien for tracklaylns , tu i'i.W/linaiil fl.NI ; II eanviisneni , men or women , cuili and messenger IMIVS. Dili , s. IMh Nt. ( O ) II " ANTr.D MaiifOok. 10 bo ) till per month , .women cools , chamber mulds , , yliM for houvv\ork , lots of iilaces ut llu > hi'iiiullimvlaii Kmp. llureuu , Hill ) lui-yum st. , kldu dinir. blti ii : WANTKD-Oood haleninan ; must under stand the Jeweliy bu.slne > .s ; good refer ence * required. 0. ! < . Kilckson & Co. , 212 N , ICtUst. h2714 "IKTANTI'D-Hevernl gcnid cnnienters and cub- T > Inatumker. F. D..Mi-nd.2W ) 8. imhst. 7h 15 lATANTF.D-25meii for Weeping Water , no TT oftlcti fees ; I farm hand in Iowa. Ml per niuuth ; 1 linker for Iowa , * 12 per week ; 2 ma chinists , M.H ) pur duy ; 2 cooks , ( .V ) per month ; 4 dlihwnkhers , 2 wultun * . 10 sliovolerx , 1 man for private fnmlly , I HtunouTHphur , Omahn Kmp. llurcnu. Ill ) N. lilth. VJM 14 W ANTKD A nr = t-clusn truvellng sulosiuan by n hoiuo lu perUlmbla line , old house , well tutiibllMieil. Must have rwfKivncoa. Utitti * f-tlnry uxpected. Alibwor U. Ut ) , lieu Oltlce UT , 15 * WANTUD-KxperJcuced \ > fir , tn n „ . , , „ . inentH. Aimly IJ * . m. to S p. m. . Ueymuii & D.'lcluis , IMf-lM ? ; faniitm St. m15 - mstew. tiJJW per month ; . Man tn drive express in city ; coloreil boy to wnsh dishes , hotel , t-1) ) per month the } enr round ; laborers In city fl.Tfi. Cunudlun Kmp. Ottioo , Mr * , llivt-n A S > n , 318 S 15th. Tele. ( . , Wl 1.1 * _ _ " \ \ rANTF.lientlemen and lady ngents to T > cum.uvs Ouskill'.s Cnmi > eudlum und 1'er- fect Jewels on wivklv vnvnifiitK. Al'ply ' ut Joulau'u rektnurnnt , lill Fanwin tt. . lielweoii t ) uud Hi u , m. U i 14 * _ \JrrANTED-At once , rxpeiicuced men to T T black Mid net up * to\f , Omnhn I'mnlture o 1313 Farmtin. ' . 'U ' 14 * _ "W7A'NTKl Hrst clnsn caip iit4irtf at S.Mh T ? il rc * it. no othrr uetd apply. vis 1JJ AWTinV- K onMTiM r . App'r Tom lUmlln. 15th street 1'art nvb. 730 15 * W ANTKD 100 men of good appearance to try our 15c meats at Norrls restaurant , .111 nud ma South IHh street , ( old Uve. nnd Let J.lre. ) Wl ANTKD TO paving block cutters for Colo- rndo quarries. C. D. Woodworth. BU7 13J " \\rANTKD Flrst-clBss Cook ; nl o man to TT wait on table nnd work around house , Mun and wife inefcrred , without family. No. lin and 11 * North Ninth St. HIM. 15 V\7"AXTKO-lxperlonccd lloor layers to lay : MUlMtint | ( < feel of four Inch flooring ut n price per square. W. T. Seaman , Kust Side , inth St. north of Nicholas St. Wl. U TANI'KD Men for railroad work , Colomdo I * line. WiiRes for teamstem , ? no per month nnd board. Albright's Labor Agency , 1131 1'iir- uam Mtrcd. 015 " \\rANTr.D-riyouiiR men tel eanj jf i flltlnu' . olio S experienced PH fttteanj IHHII ! er In city. 'Si men for railroad work , western Nebras ka , J ) ) > < ! day ; ti'ain tcr , fci : per month and hohnl. Srnnrtlnavlan I'.mp. l\irenti,181d ( ( iruara St. , side door. VXi IS \\rANTKI ) AKcnlB In every county tn t'.S. : ! 75 | > er month and expenses ! wild liy sum- tiln ; oultltH HIM ! stock frev. Allworth Mfg. Co. . lliitherford. N. J. 4M 17 * " \\TANTKD tin ngenls ; good salarj' or com- TT mission ; rule chnnce. Address with stump for terms , Weaver Slfr. , ill N. State Ht. , Chlcngo , III. Ki5nl2 'ANTJID Hrlght strong , active l > oy nc- iltiiilnted In city , with references. Helta 'U ' , 111" S Mill. (122 ( 15 w ANTED 4 Herman boys to corn-papers , Ur-i S. J-'Ib st. , np-stiilrs. iMi WANTED-FEMALE HELP. ANTKD A good girl nt 2427 Dodge st , ANTED 2dinlnc room Rlrls niul one ilUh- washer nt 1UU4 N. Kith st. tl " \VTANTIJD 3 illnlnil-roomBlrls for out of city , T T a laundresses for lown , cook und second girl for Wnyne , cook and dining-room girl for Columbus woman rook for city. 15 : 1 nt W ; Urst cIiLss wnltrrw , W > ; one. to assist lu Unnilry , ffl ; kitchen girl. 14 : nnd nice places In nil parts of city nt good wages In the best private fami lies. Mrs. llregafc Son , Sin 8.15th ; telejihone W4. till 13 * " \\rANTKD Wnlst. makers , skirt milkers , TT drapers , cloak-workers , tailors , tnlloresses. nnd plain sewing girls. Apply 11 n. m. to 8 p. m. licyman le Delchus , 1MU-1&20 Farnnni st. WANTED Two Rood Klrls , one illnliiK room and one cook at I' . S. hotel , coiner 10th Herman preferied. UOS 15 \\7ANTEO Saleslady. One who speaks Her- TT man preferied. Addiess 1125 lleo olHce. ( -90 13J WANTKD-25 ( 'lrls ceneral housework , 2 lunnilrv Klrls , , | | jier day ; H dlnliiK-room Klrls , jfltojiliier week ; 2 thambermalds , JlIM week ; 1 lady book-keeper , 4 dishwashers , tlrst and second Rlrls , 1 second isirl. $20 month ; 1 Kill for the llluttsin prlvnto family. * 4 per week ; lots of placet at this olllce. Omaha Emp. llu- reail , HUN. Ifith. KM 14 irANTUD ( Ilrl/or gcncrnl housework. 4:11 : > Convent st. H'.i I3j " \\rANTEI-lils ! for nil kinds of work. ReedIT IT Kill tQ RO to IOIMI on n fuim. Rood WIIRCS. Scnhdlniivlnn Emp. Ilurenii , lull ) I amain stieet , siiln door. U'K ) ID AV 7"ANTED A Rood kitchen nlrl at C. Fredcr- L ickson , 713 i'ailtle st. 7H1 14 * WANTED ) ladles to try our loc meals at Nonls' lestuuiunt ( old Llvn and Let Live ) , 311 and 313 S. llth st. li IfANTHD-A good gill ut 510 S. llth street T Immedlutely. 4U ! " \\rANTKD Tnlloies.s ou custom coaU and ' vests , good waj.'es and xteiidy wolk to i Ight piuty , apply at once , HI5 S. loth st. irANTP.D-Cook and Inundiess. Dr. Coir- T mini cor. Ht. Mnrj'.s me and 27th st. fi5S ir.\NTF.D-A good girl in family of two. T 24lcJSt. Murys Ave. l l 14J " \\fANTKD-Slx llr-t-class wiilst litters ; good TT wngesto right parties. Apply ! i n. m. to h p.nt. HeymauAr Dulclu-s , 15I.S-1520 Fnrnnm st. HIK 15 \VrANTKD-2dlnlugvooni girls , I dishwasher , T > None but competent girls need apply. UW N. lllth street. fis. "V\rANTKD Two KirTs to woik in kttehen nt T T Dorun house , 422 S. 1Mb st. near St Mury'.suve. 42i ( \\rANTHD Ktiictlenced snlehwomen for la T T lies' nil , and children's clonks nni suits ; good wuges to light parties. Apply'.In m. tot * p.m. llevinunA ' : I knUieti , ISltt-lraO Far iium ht. IUM : ; " \VANTKD Dining rooin " ' , , ' , at the Kmmett i T house. Sli ! " \\rANTKD-Jiil for kitchen work. German TT jireferred. Apply2215 Farniim. KCI LOST. A pocket book containing land contracts - tracts , etc A reas < inuble leward will be given if returned to 317 S. 15th bt. K 14 * STHAA'KlVoH S'foLliN-SoiTell horse , white star In foieheud , neatly blind. Hownnl by returning to Commercial hotel , Ninth -'iii Leuv- enworth. JMO 13 * T OST- English PUR dog ; miswers to name of JJ "Jim. " Please leturu to 2113 Fnnmin and receive rttranl. 8M13 * CJTIlAYED-Or Stolen Illack horse , medium fj sle. one lilnd foot swollen and one hind and one front foot w hlte. Under , 13 South loth st. meat market. HK > 13 * OST-lied row with rope around horns , toulh Omaha hotel , South Omuha. b2l ! 14 * TOM'- Hunch of keys bearing my mime. ' Finder please return and receive reward. J. 11. Hnynes , 37 Chamber of Commerce . Ul'.l 11 * IOST An onyx bnuvlet In going from 24th I und Douglas by Faniam to IMh and liar- nev or from latter plate bv IMh to Douglas and 14th st. Suitable lewaid if left at loom 310 , Itamge block. tut 14 rilAKHN HP-October Kbetween Florence and JL I'onka hill , small , drak brown poiiy anil " M. Cnnnou , north of Florence. oct 13. 20 , 27 , UOV 3 , 10. rilAKKN WVIJlHrk horse. Oct 12 , on S. 12th st. L. Nelson , K41 S. K'th st. HIM 14 * MIAKEN' UP Hhuk pony ; white stripe on 1 lorehead : white left hlud foot ; leg .swollen. Cor. Mh anil Farnam. U32 13 IOSTllroun Melton cutaway coat , leave at Jl'rank.l. Itamge's , Knnige block , and receive leward. 275 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. MlAltl ) und roonm , slngli ; or en suite. All > modern Improvements. 171s Dodge st. U12-14 * \ \ rANTlrurnlslied ! ! i oem or .sitlti > of rooms TT with bo.ird bv gentleman und wife ; alsc onu iMiim uud boiinl for bliigle geutluiuan. Ad A NICK looking , kind rider nnd diiver. Ad- lU'BB W , H. V. , 221U Leavt'iiHorlh stroet. Ittl-lU r.\NTU ! ) To rent ! 1 uufurnl-hed rooms or .small cottage within 15 minutes' walk from postolilce. for housekeeping ; no chlldien. Address 11 J.-7 , lie. ) olllce. Mil 14 * \ \ ' ANTK1 > G < M l dressmaking In return for T T tlrst-cluss Instiuctlou iu music. H. 24 , llee Olllce , vm , 13 * " \\r.\NTI5l-A club of gentlemen to board TT Willgl\egood satisfaction. Situated on Itith St. , near Taiium. Addieas II 3U , Care Dee 14'J , IU \\rANTKD Some one to adopt a blonde bnby T > boy , 1 mont h old. Iwx 76f , city. WO 1J * \\fANTr.l > To adopt n bnby about two or T T three mouths old by a i family married tei years and having no child .reu. Addiess , II.2S lieu Olllce. W-H W * " \\7ANTKD Form lands In exchange for T T blocks of inerclinudUe. St. John * Ely , Hoom lit , Freuzer MQE'IC. opp. P.O. KM " \\r.\NTKD 2 ton powei1 flour for foundry use , TT 1'rtXton Vierllue Iron Works , tr. P. a' 'i ISth st. * KS 14 " \VANTKD Two or three unfurnished Iooms sullatile for light housekeeping. Addrebi P. O. box TIM. P10 13 * \\rANTKD Ijidies who are dextrous of nt- T T tnlntng thoroughly comment , reliable nnd well trained servnnts of all iiatliinnlttles. to till every required iio itlon of household duties , to send their orders to tlm City Intelllgenco of- lice. No fee until place * are lllled. City Intelll- grnci > uttlcr , Crelghton block , telephone No. 7 7 A IIKXTS WuntPd to canvnss business houses Vforn.New Account Hook. W td 115 made daily liy energetic parties. For sample sheet nud uUrartlculuiis address II. W. 1'umphllon , Publisher , M Koud bt. . New Voik. 710 U * J irm lauds In exchange for city , TT innpeity. St. John * Kly , Kooiu 13 , Freu- r.-rbloik. UI7 It , WANTKD-T wnnt to Tray a fnrally roach team. N. MerrUm. an \XfANTKD-To sell half Interest in stock of T T gen. me'd e store building and lot In a good town about .10 inlles of Omnlm : can show good business nnd location ; xtock will Invoice noout hum ) ; tiirt on time ; re on for selling , going out ot business. Address ( I. N. life olllce. 67114 * MONEY TO LOAN. " \foney on Inind to loan on Imp roved propel iHj. A. llelatund , Arlington b lock. f&n $ I.UUO.OUO to loan. II. K. Cole , 31iS. 15th. First mortgnge notes bought. ! fi $7in.li4 tn loan ntflpcr cent. Llnnhnn A Ma- honey , tun rnrnnm , " 7 $ M)0ono ) to limn In liny nmoimt nt lowest rnte of intcrost. H. II. Irey , Frenzcr block. 213 M ON KV loaned on furniture , pianos organ * . horses , etc , low ndes. J. J. Wlikln-on le Co. , 1324 Funmni , over llurllngton ticket olllce. MONKVto loan to pnities wishing to build. 9. S. Campbell , 310 S IClh st. , Chamber of Commerce. 214 M ONl'.Y ( to loan. Notes nnd 11. II. ticket * bought alnl sold. A. 1'ormuii , 211) ) S llltli st. SHOUT time loans made on any available security. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Oenetal financial business of nny kind transuded promptlr. quietly nnd fairly at the Omahn Fi nancial Exchsiigp. N. W. cor. Ifith nnd liar- uey sts. , overStnto National band. Corbott , inaiuiger. 1J7 ! M ONEV to Ionn-O. F. Davis Co. . real estate nnd loan agents , INK Karnnm st. S 6 Gl'Ell CENT Money. 1'atterson & l'a\vrett 15th and Hartley. fONKY to loan on Improved real estnte : no commission chained. LenUtt Itiiiiihnin , room 1 , Crelghton bloc M ON EV In t-ums of ViflO and over to load at low rates. Ilusaell & liurrett , 312 S Kith st. 215 t To loan on Omaha city property nt 0 percent. ( ! . W. Day , S. II. cor. KT. Hid. TO LOAN Money Loans placed < m im proved teal estate lu city or county for New England Loan .V Trust Co. , by Uoii County bank , Kith and Chicago sts. 21 ! ) M ON BY To limn. Lowest rntes. No delay. .1. I > . lllic & Co. , over Commercial NH- tlouul bank 2IS MONEY to lonn on city property. Will buy Rood notes. Scorer A : whltcomb , Farnam. \IONKYto Loan lly the uuderslRiied , who I'l has the only properly orpnulKed loan agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to JUKI made on lurulture. pianos , organs , horses , wrRons , ma chinery , etc. , wlthottt removal. No delays. All business strictly confldcntlul. Ixiau.s so made that any part can bo paid nt nny time , each pay ment leduclufi the cost pro rnto. Advances made on Hue watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully rouslder who they are dealiiiR with , as many new concerns are dallj' comliiR into existence. .Should you need money call and see me. W. H. Croft , room 4 Witlmell building , 15th nnd Ilainey. 221 \roNKV to Loan On Improved city property J.TJnt lowest rates of Inteiest. No commis sion chuiged. SholesiV Crumb , room 1 , llnrkcr block , cor. 15th and Farnum sts. 2lli "A I ONE Y LOANED at C. F. Heed Co.'sl.onn > 'l Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , w aeons , personal propel tv of nil kinds , nnd all other ar ticles of Milne without removal. 3lb S. 13th. over Illnuham's commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 2211 $ ; jflO. < KX ) to loan , special rates on farm property. Sobotker A : PerriRo , 1521 Fnrnam st. SM MONEY to loan , cash on hand , 10 delay. J. W. and F . L. Squire , 141:1 : Putnam ht. Paxton - ton hotel building. 22li MISCELLANEOUS. FOH E.VCIIANOE-IS head of three-year-old mules lor unlucumbered land. H. & H. , box iKVI , Shenaiidoali. lown. 7211 13 * ANY one wanting employment should call without delay on 11. .lenklnson , employment biuenii , into i'.irnnm , room u. 7fii ! 17 * O F great interest to all win ) employ help ami _ want good lefeielices with name , leady for Immediate emragements sales-men , grocery clerks , assistant bookkeepers , roath men , harness makers , waiters , watchmen , tejm hteis , cooks , general servants , tc. .Male help free of clmige. II. .lenklnson , Employment llureau , 1010 Faruam , llooui 0. 758 17 * TAD1F.S wanting good girls can Und them nt J Mrs. J. W. Morrison's , 211 N. IMh Rt. One llr.stchiscook and tecoud girls and help of i' ; kinds. 70.113 rPHAVELINO ssVamMi railing on shoostorcs - ! & .Miin Visit Hoom II , 11110 Farnam. 7S513 * "IjlllEE to all employers ( except private fnmi- J lies ) when lu need of hell ) of any kind , send vour orders to the City Intelligence ollice , 'relghton block , telephone No. ( * s. References. loliu I. . WcCague , pie.sldcut McCague llros. ink. Dexter L. Thomas , cashier Neb. Hm ings nuik , Hon. James H. JlcCulloch , county judge. TJ7 rpo EXCHANGE For cattle. I have 1110 acres Jof good western lund to trade for cuttle , nud n goMl liouse nud lot near tht'capital ; will exchange for cuttle. Address S.'O. lliyan. Ash- hind , Neb. 22U _ O KXCHANfiE For other propeity , contract - tract for B40 acres railroad land in Chey enne count ) ' . Neb. , two miles from railroad ; also tw o U sections In Lincoln county , near I all- rond. McCnlloch and Co. , cor 1Mb and Fiirnum DON'Tbuysaveyonrmoneyelegant ; 73 oc tave rtchly carved cabinet upright pianos at ouchalf the prices demanded by plann dealers , lees than cost of material , and superb poods , and on payments that lire easy. Immense sacri fice if taken nt once. Don't delay. Call , Fur- gvrson Storage Co' , 710 N. 10th. 765.13 AWOKDtothe wise is sulHclent ; deal only w 1th responsible parties. The City Intelli gence ollice is patronized and recommended by some of the best business nnd professional men in the city. City Intelligence olllce , Crelghton block ; telephone No. Mf > . 7H7 paid for necoiid-hand books at the CASH . : ! 08 N. Itith st. 723 o 21 * ANOLO-AMEIUCAN Jlortgage and Invest- Co. , olllce 242:1 : Faruam st. John Cully , manager. fiNf oct 21 * 171011 HF.NT Organs , f per mouth. Hospe , -I1 1513 Douglas. 228 f1 1 C House furnishing goods , nil kinds ; L/ cash or Installment ; lowest prices ut .1. lion- icr , HIM Douglas at. H ) 17OH HEXT Square piano , W monthly. A , r Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 22H DH. CHASE'S new Hecelpt Hook and Household - hold Physician , the " .Memorial Edition" of over HK ) pages. The "Crowning Life Work" of the greatest author and benefactor that ever lived , .lust out. Agents making itnmeii sules. Illit terms. Address F. II. IHckerson & Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper. 24IUQV I * FOH IHINT-Square piano * 1 monthly. A. Hospe , 15I3 Douglas. iiH PERSONAL. "TDKKSONAL Private home for Indies during JL connnenicnt , striitly conttdentlul , infants ndopted. Address K 42 llee olllco. 11)7 ) 118 * i JK 11SONAI To the ladles , of Omnha. If you want gKd reliable help , call nt the Omaha Employment bureau , the oldest employment olllru lu the city.llt ) N. loth bt. , H. K. White , pro- prletor. 114 2-J FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. "WILL sell or trade ( for nulncumberedreal T T estate or a good horse ) a lot of house furni ture , sets , carpets , etc. Address W. K. V. , 2210 Leavenworth street. Mi-Ill rilHIKTV-ONE line diamonds will be traded JL for u nice looking , kind fnmlly horhe. Ad dress W. K. V. , SslO lAsnvenworth street. 051-10 T HAVE u cnr load of choice fresh cows fort - tsulo ut nil-ay's barn , ou Cumlug St. J. W , Penny. WO , 15 SALF. 1 pelf henttfr , Hedlnghoiise No - &H. 1 cook stove. Hlvorsldu No. 8. Also n lot of furniture. Parties going c st. Call at K0 ! S IMh bt. ' . ! 15 * THIGH SALE Milk cows cheap. 8 gallons per Jj day. Apply 2Mil Douglas ht. ItiJ 15. FOK HALE At n speclnl bargain , onu new strictly first clnss upright piano. C , L. Krlckson & Co. , 212 N. 16th st. H27 14. 1710K SALK A four-seated full leather top 13 cniTlagn. large nnd roomy : , ouly u-edone year ; price fJM ) . Apply to C. Oakamp , 2215 Web- tterit. 7S116 * T710K SALK-fVe these before you buy. A cal -1 ? cost a nothing. We can save you 1100 teen on a piano. Klegant upright pfauoii , beautlfu goods at le s than cost of material. Come uni see for yourselve * : nil at a great aacritlce nnd on long time. Ferguson Storage Co. , 7W N. Wth st 'M 18 TilOll SALE Twenty-live driving , draft am JC caddie horses , w. T. penman , lluggleii wacoru , phaetons , etc. , cast aide 10th St. , uortu ot Nicholas. )7 ) 10H SALE Team , haniess , wagon , f l&O. MM Ii. U. Uarr.S Utb ti : blk * train kt car trscV. iVK HOT 2 TpOR 8AT.R A ftr t-rln * ? fnmlly rnr- JU rlnge. buggy , doublu , flnd single harness. Imiiilreot S. K. llrown.20J _ ixrnarn. CSI15 * OK SALE- 1 feed mill. 24 in7 French burrs. 1 Vli tor Miriler. 75 bit m-r hour. 1 b < ilt for buckwheat or 66 nl. 40ft. 2 In. shnfttnff. fl hififjers. elcvntor belt , etc. Address 2nrtS2Wlist.lIniniiii | , Neb.ISSH * FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOK KKNT-Fimilshed dwelling hou'c. gns. city water , cisterns ntld furnace. No. G.1 Willow uvenne. Council IJlWls. lown. Enquire ou the premises or of J. Lynian , Council mulls. 755 * j Jtf UMi K NT" 1 11 m se o f 3 menu < in per mouth , JL' inquire ut 1U10 Center si. nil I4J ) K nrA'Trooni hortfe. 110. on 17th bet . Chicago nnd Cns- . Furniture S iO : $150 cnsh balance } - > per mouth. Uo-oierntlvu Land & Lot Co. . 30 X. Mill. PI2 15 FOK KKNT A bran now 8-room brick resi dence , in Council RltllTA. Halli loom , gas , water , electric bells , speaking tubes , etc. Three mlnlites w ulk from dummy. See Odell llros. U34-1S IT'Oll KENT Store building , DUxiV ) , two story. J on ' . " .I nnd It streets , .letters addition. South Omnhn , nine rooms in second story. Nona but those w ho mean business need apply. Vat- rick lloctor. l i. In * FOlt KENT A new 12-ronm residence on 10th st. , near llrownell hall , per year. fcJ.000. Kvans & Illackbuin , 1510 Dodge. TIM 13 FOH HENT Eighty acres near city , with good Iniprovemeiits , for farm or gardening. SchleMngcr llros. . 1114 South 10th St. I J , lu "ITIOK KKNT 2 7-room houses. $ . ) per month ; Jt ; : ; . 7.1 onm houses , MS per month. 1room ! house , 145 per month. All hnve city wuter nnd all modern conven iences 1 , nnd are on Pnrk bt. car Hue , two blocks west of llnnscom pnrk. 1 , K-room house ut No. 2724 Miami at. , 125 per month. 1,5-room house nt No. 1112 N. 27th st. , * JO per month. Potter * Cobb , 1(101 ( Fnrnnm st. , Till 13 Hoard of Trade Hulldlng. FOH HKNT 11-room hounj.furnlture forsale ; 12-room house , 35 tmnrderw , rent 165. fund- turn thonp. Tliese nro pnylng Investment * . Call nnd see them. Co-Operatlvo Land nnd Lot Co. . an N. luth st. KM u TTKJH Itr.NT 2ml nnd 3d floors nt 1417 Douglas J2 st. , withlenso of three years. Kennedy & lllbblns. lilOU Douglim st. 7U7 OK HKNT-Olllce.No. 1H17 Fnrnnm st. ; * M per month. AV. N. Nnson , 1015 Fnrnnm. BOS 14 LIST your houses for rent with II. K. Cole , 310 8 1.1th. can rent 50 now. KM OH HKNT lly Calm & Woolly , 1323 Farnam st. House of 8 rooms henr Hanscom Paik , all modern conveniences , $40. 2 houses of 7 rooms each , hot and cold water , bath rooms , 11. House of 7 rooms , near Hnnscom Park. f.10. Tfil 1J10H HKNT I House of ( t rooms nnd furniture J' for sale , inquire C2l : N. 21st st. 215 14 * " ITIOH HKNT A hnll. size 2.1x0(1 ( feet , lit 1018 JU Fiirnam st. , over Continental Clothing Co. 452 Foil HKNT House of 7 rooms , 123. Inquire Ml ! " S. lUth. 70 FOH KENT My home furnished ; % ery do- slinble location. ! 4 block west of liiKh school. House consists of 7 rooms , hall , laiRe pantry and closets. Terms $ H ) . Mrs. J. It. Nicholas , 2217 Capitol avenue. N l 14 * ItKNT li-room house in Idlewild ; all FOIl modem Iniprovuinents ; ffl.1 room In my ollice. No. 11115 Fainnm ; one larRe f mm room wlthnlcove , flufly furnished ; heat iindRas ; suitable for two Keiitlemau ; $ ! D iier month. W. N. Nason , Ullli Farnnm st. ( ! II5 14 T [ UH KENT -First class Rroom houseJeor ( - ' Bl ore. Putteison X FuwcettU22S.lMh. _ IilOIMtKNT B to 10 room housSi , fooil ! locn- 1 tlon. U.K. Cole aid 410 IJIOll lir.NT10room hoiilft 24th and DoURlns" ; 7-iiMilu house 22d nud Howard. Q. E , 'ninmp- son , ilH S 15th bt. - ( K7 TflOH UENI H theolllcoilffi'j ' S Ifith St. , after JT1 the I'.ith of this nuijith. Apply eiuly. Charles U. jxrtswood , : KV.(4 ( H IMh st. fliO Foil KENT Stint' room < Sn st near St. Mary's arc. Imiiilro 122 S Ibth ht. 117 171OII KENT -Small cottilKo ; rent } in ; furul- -l1 tnre forsale , MO. N.w.cor , S. lUth nud Marliia sts. . ' .C7 15 * FOK KENT A house of 4 rooms on g. ISth st..closo to LouveiJYreill : St. Auai'eis H 21 , Ilee'Ji ; : . " K.M3 * TIOIl KENT Small hous.1. iniO lloiianl , near -L1 loth , $2i ) ; S. Lehmnnu , I1U Farnam N)5 ) . . KENT If you wish to rent a house call on lieiiawa Ic Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O. 470 FOIl HENT House 8 rooms in Place tougoodpaity. S.S.Campbell and O. W. lervey , 310 S 10th st. , Chamber of Commerce. ii" " GlOll HENT A flat. IfllT Howard street. In- U1 quire at & Nichols' livery btuble , 2 th .nd . Leavenwoith , telephone 040. 421 FOR RENT ROOMS. FOU HENT-Smnll pleasant room , 1701 Chica go st. 7N5 17 FOR HENT Furnished room for gentlemen , with lite of bath. 1611) ) Capitol live. 7U3 13 * 1UHN1SHED rooms with board. l ! l Far- nnm. 7WnlO ) * ) Il HENT Large furuibhed room. 712 N. IWh St. 757 17 * lilOll HKNT N'lcely furui hert front room for JMiiKlu Rentlemiin ; gaa , bath. Kent $10. IHKi street. ll 14 * JIOH HKNT riirulsheil room. 70 N. 10th. : B7II IB * HUNT Ollice ; the finest office room In - Oinuliu for rent ; ground floor : rurnnm st. ; rent J.'XJ per tiiouth. oulck toll. 11) ) , llee office. 617 14 FOH HUNT To one or two ceiilleinen , nicely furnished room ; B M , batli , etc. ; $1per month. f ! Duvenport. M JIIITKof thraa office rooms , with carpet , cur- tuln.s , desk nnd chairs ; second floor , on IMh st. llent low nnil furnltuie for sale cheap. Cull ut onee. l C. Wood , iaa S. 1.1th ( it. 7M ) "WOK KKNT Furnished rooms. 11)13 ) Faniiun. 7I42t ; * T710K HENT Large front room suitable for 2 Jt gentlemen , modern convenient e * , tllO N 17th ht. 210 Foil HKNT Ulegantly furnished room on first floor , with modern improvements. VJ17 Cnss , tan "l\rK have from 3 to 0 unfurnished rooms suit- T T able for housekeeping in ull parts of thn city. If In need of u hoii'-.t give us n ciillatillO S 15th st. . llr.-t floor : we will give you n free lido lu u carriage to * how you the houses. (141) ( ) FOK KKNT Furnished front room with boaid , 1724 Douglas ht. 7118 15 * FOK HKNT Small pleasant room , 1700 Chi cage ht. 7NI 17 "POH HKNT-Desk rooms. 1115 Farnain. 14 FOK HKNT Furnished rooms , 22UU Dodge. | 7 | GI5-14 * TTIOK KKNT Finely futtlshcd rooms with I' boaid , live minutes waft frcni tt. O. 1718 Casi * street. | | t 07W-13 * T710K KKNT-Unfumlshe4iailor , 1161 Clilcngo. ± Mi a FOH HENT Koom Ver > id slrablo furnished room for 2 gcntlemeiijtll conveniences on same lloor. Apply ut 1712Cj > ltulnvo FOK HKNT Nicely funUbhod front room , w 1th alcove. t25 Falriflftxv , or S. 2itli ) st. uvt-iu * FOK Ki\T-8 : nicely furnUhed rooms , 2 M Bt. Mary's are. at KM FOK HRNT 3 uuftmilslifti rooms suitable for housekeeping , parties 'rollout children. 2521 Caldwell. iff 5M FOK KKNT Nicely fuiill'hed front rooms , KB1 Dodge. R * 652 FOK lir.NT-FurnUhed room , 2412Capitol uvo. . t--'l is * TpOK KKNT Nicely furuUliHl front rooms , JIt < l3 rnrnnm st. ell 11 * T71OK KKNT Nicely furnifchejl room suitable J. for2 gentlemen , lnijulie2tUI SI Mary'smo , Ills I01 HKNT 1'leiuniit rooms , furnished , -I-1 oo' uthwest corner 2Uth and Web ler. . ' 118 "IIIOK KKNT One lurgn pleasant loom , south J ? front , in ick lint , suitnolo for 2 or 4 gentle men , )41it ) Chicago ht , 2.M IT OH HKNT Two nnfunili-hed routno nnd u -13 puntiy for light houi-wV-rrplug , 112. Inquire 619 N. 15th st. t J7 11 * _ THOK KKNT Nicely furnished wiutl' i ii00"1 fova ijf"6"10" ' * ' - 7.ionfii. 2ist ui lluruey. No.atM. < ; | ] ( j. FOK KENIWr.r nm hnn'ewlth nil roriven- leuce * . tirtjj aui l'ppleton nve. M , Abranecu. . dr. * JRJ FOK HKNT- Nicely fnrntinprt room * To Indira or gentlemen. Pi Ice * te.isouablo. 311 North 12th. _ KM HJ TilOH HKNT Furnished rooms In Oreunlj * hlk , JL1 tor. ! and Dodge sts. liuiulroof Ueo. K. Hails , Mllliml hotel billiard i-oom. all K HKNT For lltht housekeeping 2 rooms , 1 furnished. 812 N. 17th st. 017 15 * T7KHI HUNT Nicely furnl-hed room , with J. he.U , lu nice cottage , } 7 per mouth , 400 WH- Ilntn st. 8 minutes walk southeast U. 1' . depot. mo I 1011 lir.NT Large room nnd board for two gentlemen In n pilvnte fnmlly on car line. Terms J45 per month. 113 S 21th st. Ixll 14 * " 1IOH KKNT Nicely funil lieii rooms. Oiie -1 with alcove. Until , pus. city water , stenm liPnt , etc. 231 ! " Dullglus ht. KIS ll'J ' KENT Front bedroom , 1113 Douglns-st. t'l.l ' I1J lir.NT Onico room , first lloor , ntlllrtS. SITUATIONS WANTED. " \ VANTKTSltuntlon ns clerk In hotel by mnii TT with good references. Address II 13 , lleo olllce , Council Ilium * . IKYt-lfl " \\TANTKD-A first class dnsninker wishes TT engagements In private fnnillles. Satis faction frimriuited. Call at 131ti Capitol avenue. Hit 14 * " \\rANTKD-Sltuiitlou for n llrst class hlsh T T girl , nice cook nnd liiundress ; also 2 Swedes , but cnn't speuk Kngllsh ; have nice second end girls , chnmbeimnlds uud any uluoiilit of Swedes nnd American girls ; nlso 4 men nnd wives who ran do nny kind of w ork. Mrs. llrcga A Son. Hill S 15th. U50 14 * VVrANTKI ) Situation" for 20 girls nt houie- T T work , our olllce Is full of nice girls , come nud get oue. Mrs. Hregn S : Son's Canadian Kmp. olllce 316 S. 15th , tel. hSI. 028 111 * " \\rANTKD-Situntloivby n young man ns bnr- T T tender , experience ; or work In olllce , tulks uud writes English , Herman nnd French , good lefereiiees , nddiess 11 , Scandinavian Kmp. Hu- leuu , HilO Fnrunin , R3 14 " \\TANTii : ) A i > sltlon as ntpnoipHpiipr by a IT ladv of experlonco , will fiirnlsli type writer , liftl X. 17th st. HO ! ) Ill * WANTKO First clas chlldren'ji dressmak ing by ludy late from New York ; cull at 1818 Karnam st. 814 111 * \\rANTIJD Situation for housekeeper and ii lady clerks ; wo have a good inanv on our list with the liest of refeiences. Scniuiliiiirinn Kmp. lluienii. Kill ) Knriium M , sldu door. sg ) in " \\TANTr.D lly nu accountant employed ilnr- Ing the day.n set of hooks to will e up nights , ropylng , pen mid innclilne work. II. S. Kir , ( WJ N. JTth ct. 17 i l WANTKD Knengenipntsto do dressmaking In fiunllles. Address Mrs. F. A , 11. . IMlli West Fnrnaiu. 11 111 * WANTED 1'lace to wash. Iron , or lion cleaning , by day or week , act. Chicago. 707-l.r "WANTED-Hy an accountant , books to ixist , i T cjllectlon.s Hindu at reasonable rules , . Address ( } 71 llee. W 111' IANTEP EnjiiiRements to do dressmnkliiR In families , addivus ( } ni lice. Kf > lit * STORAGE. FIUST-CI.ASS storage nt 111) ) N. lilth .st. STOKAOK rurnlture , boxed gocid.i , etc..tenns reasonable. 714 PucUle. 2tl : FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. FOH SAI.K At iiMicrltlce , lots 3 nnd ft , tilk 14 , AlhrlRht'.s annex. Lot H In I'elbam l'laie , share Jjowe A venue. Terrace HulldlliR associa- n slock. F. llairett , with llelln \ Thompson , 17 S 15th .st. KM IriOlt SALK Finest location for u home in West Omahii , adjoining the mansion homes f Klikendall. Coc. llrtuly , Kussoil und others , iiithlng liner in thu city , fun sell Ili.1xls7 or [ ss ; for pi Ices und teimo see S. A. Slonuin. 1301 'iirnnm st , 7.W S A LK ( Ir tl ude nt u bargnln. lot ! n Oil- pont place. .Scandinavian r.Trtpllniean , 1110 Fninamst. 71U-1.I molt SALll-OlscoJtlwliest lots'In lllverslde L w.'nt. . Southeast comer , at J175 , f 1'i'i cash. \ddrev * 1.KI5 Davenport st. 70113 TH I OH 8AL1J An elegant new stone 12-rnom -1 residence on HKI feet cn t front lot on 10th t. , opposite Hiownell hall ; pi Ice , fJii.WW. Jviins \ Illackbiirn , sole ngeuts , IfdO Dodge. 7US 17 1)11 SALKAt u suet Illcc until Nov. 1st. In quantities to suit the bujer. Nlimthousund dollars worth of Miscellaneous Hooks which 1 nit previous to in v early remnt nl to east hide of nth st. north of Nicholas st. , where 1 will curry he lurgest variety of buggies , phaetons , cur- luges und wagons lo be found nt any one pluto n the city. W. T. Seuinun. Now nt Farnam and llth sts. Agent for Studuhuker. FOK SALE-Hy M. A. Upton i Co. . real estate brokers. 3UH.S. Kith street , opposite chnm- " : wr of commerce. Extra batRalui : .South and ast front lot in Oak Chatham , opposite depot grounds. U raoin house ; ouly J2.WJU if sold ut .Mice. J.SIIO This propel ty IA woi th M/-00 ; 22xKCJ Farnam and 22nd streets , $ DxiO ( , theapest property on the street , will be worth $ _ ! UOi , ) in three year.- , from now. 711 1ST vour houses for l cut with H. E. Cole , 310 JS 15th ; can rent H ) now. W > ! i SNAP Corner in ThornUuri ; Flaw. 1 block fiom Leavenworth stieet. lOOxWO , for $1,801) ) . F. L. ( IreRory. JI20 South 15th st. 010 I 1ST vour property with B. S. Campbell and JO. W. Hervey , 310 Chamber of Commerce. Special attention Kit en to the exchiuiRe of nil kinds of property. Improved and unimproved city property , luruis , horses , cattle , stocks o * Ketc. b08 SNAP OOxlfiO , one-hulf block from postofflce , in South Omaha , for IB , with f..OOi ) casli or J4.200 with * 1OUO cash. F. L. ( Iregory , 320 ' 15th bt. 2W s NAP : Elegant east front lot in Arcade place "J on : wth si. between I.eavenworth and poo" funn , 13,000. F. L. Gregory , 3208 IMh st. 27 ; Poll SALE A Ijeiiutlful new iMoom house HiinMOin iilaee.lietween Woolwortliund 1'op pleton urenties ; lot MlxlfiO : just rluht for heaiitl tul terrace ; equipped v 1th nil modem 1m Iiroveineuts and convenience ! * , mich us cu.s , city wuter , clHtern , etc. This propeity will be noli ! beneath Its trut ; value , mill ou sutlitcnnH as11 rommund u buver. Apply to Clinrles C. Spotu wood , IWili S. lUth ht. i l ' ) opportunity to secure u home , SI'MINDII house built to hull you. Sniull pay ment , balnnee mouthlr ; It will pay you to look thlii up. 11. K. Cole , Uill S. IMh. Mi 15 TOOK nt this corner In Koimtz I'lace , &lxl2t. Jnrleo 1,110 , cusli ( .VK ; snap. Ilurker & llurr , 12ii rurimni t. SITi 1S TjSoil SAI.K-Orexehanse. In M'nlnut hill , two -I ? blocks w est of I.owo nve ou Men er live , 0110 lot fueliiK south , nnxl.V ) leet on ( jrudu. Will ex change for Kiniiller lot nearer postolHce nnd Houthof location , Address room 1 > I , Kxtliungu bulldlliK. South Omaha. MO AFHW more loin left nt $1V ) ; easy terniH. Money In tills. Iiivestigate. II. K. Cole , 310 S 15th. Mi FOK THADK-Poiiio fine lotn ou Ames live In Soloiiicm's Hilil for equity In house and lot or wIllKlve MortKiiKe back on house for the difference In equity. Apply Charles U.Kpotswood : X > K 8 lllth Bt. 650 T 1ST your property for sale or exchiiiiewltli ( U II. K. Cole , IllUt ! 15th , room 1. M ! TO exchange Some money anil choice land for tlrst class Improved Inside property. 11. K. Cole , illOBntli. 411 F ON SAIiK-12 xlll ) ) ft cor. Howard uml Kith stH. , next blook to Kasnon , llrady ic Mar. tins bonnes , 7NW. AddiuM K..ti : llee olllce. IW ) T71OH BAM ! Klegant 1(1 ( room house , all mod- -L ) eru coiiveulHiiniH , only I5UU cabh reiiulied. U.K. Cole. 31US. 15th. hia _ mo KXOHANdK-Kqutty In 4. B nnd in room J- houses aud lots for imld up lota. 11. K. Cole , 310 a. 15th. 410 _ _ rjlHOMI'SON. H14 B. IMh Bt. , buys und hells real -L estate , lounv money , purchases securities ; has n good Hat of property for balu and uunts more. Notary public. _ KVt I 1ST your property , for sale or exchange , J with II. K. Cole , | i ) B. 15th , loom 1. tft ! "VnCR6-room cottage , full cast front lot , near 1two car lines , for 1.1,4'fl ' , only SOU cash , and biilanie monthly , is u bargain. F. K. Darling. 4lO 8. Ifith. M H _ BAHOAIN Corner In Prospect Tlnre , Mt lilH. Just on Brndo , SIst stieet. Jl.WJO , easy tenns. j'.luqreguo'.aM South ISth at. BIO A KAHK Chance to buy a home. Anewhoe x Just Jlnlahed ot seven rooms. lar rear w ln. down , gas , city water nnd coed Astern , street curs run by the door. Jf ta n , lt once -lll nell for $ ! ,3iiO , JI.WJO raith. Uie rust In winy monthly payments , Y < Tty owning house is going to leuYo toy > . Address H 'Jl. Hen office. m 1SJ TilOlt SAIE Ilonae , nlno rooma on leased J3 ground , good location very cheap , one block of lota in Jloyd'fi addition at a bargain If taken quick. One tlimly finished nine room house , Blst and Sproco street wtlh modern Im provement" , good lot nnd Imrn. * a y terms , price I7.0UO. A map , five lot * In k body in Illch- Innd pork for an tvtu 11,000. W. N.hWm. fttt " 17011 SALTS Nlr past front lot , 2ri\137' { , on Jstreet car line end In vood neighborhood. KS I cash , balanca K tet mouth. Call nt rel- donee 401 N. 1Mb st. 91. ' . 14 * _ T\7ILL trade equity In rimmm street loU for TT n large rotlilrnrp or choice building lot un- encnmliered. Mint not bo mnm tlinu one-half liltlo from the po-sloluce. Address W. It. V. . 1210 lA'in emTorth. iCiMt ) _ AFKW morn loin left nt MWJ oniy terms. Money In thl * . Invusllunto. II. K. Ooh % 310 I 1ST your property with S. S. Cnmpbell nnd JO. W. llervoy If you wnnt to sell or exchange. 310 chamber of Commerce. wrj \\T N. NASON. No. 1(11,1 ( Fnrnam st , offer" good T T . bnrgntus In clinlcr Inside proporty.ntnong Mhlch lire .some tlno rc'ldences. Lots for dwellings - ings , warehouses nud More * . . Persons oontem- plnllmi Investments lu , or having Omiihn pn > | t- etty for ciilo , should cull nnd examine my lists nmi prices. r < ij u T,1ST your property for sale or exchange with JUll. 1 ? . Cole , ill ! ) S ftlh. room 1. Ia T .1ST your houses for rent with ILK. Coin , 810 JS15lli ; cuu runt to now , MJ 1' 1ST your property for sale wilh ChutlesC. -SlHits\VK > tl.tXk > S S lllth St. 042 A TEW morn lots left at JIM ; euty tt-rini. Money lu this. Invu.itlgaU' . II. K. Coif , illtl S lath. 6S ! SNAP Lots 9 and 10 , block 2 , West Side , east flouts , one block from Lcavrnworth street , 1750 each , } cash , come quick If vou want a bargain. F. i , . Uregoiy , 32U South Ifitli stivet. OK BALH-Oiip of th tlucst lots on Orchard .st. ; this lot mny be t-olil ut ' f-tU less than its i alue If liought In a few days. Chnilo.s C. Bpotswootl , 305)t ) S. 10th st. ( M VAN BEUREN & CO , DOUGLAS AND I4TH STREETS. 6 A ( \ per foot ( M\I40) ) on California near 34th st , OT-U Will pay to look ut this. 0/1C / Per foot (100x1110) ( ) Hint St. , enst Sacml JH-J Hem t Academy. CIOC per foot , lots 2s nnd SI ) , Clark's Add. , enst Vl J und fioutuge. llargntn. Fur 100x125 , comer block I , Meyers , Hlcliurds \ Tlldcn's udil , lj rush. $1500 House and lot In Hiiulhorne , cnvt front , on grnde. $1600 For lot C , block 7 , Philnvlew , 11110 block from cable line. A corner. $1700 Kach for 'I lots , California St. ; very sightly ; ouly l cash. House nnd lot Ci2xlAO ) on Cass , nenr 34th street. South front. For 130 feet front ou Lowe avenue , near Humlllon. A Imrpulli. Corner 17th and Center Mieitts ( tWxMO ) . A snnp. For 'J lot , corner Howard nnd Convent , east front , { ( -room house , burn , city wuter , Miner , W.MiO cpsh. Lot 10 , block 4 , Shlnu'M udd. , house H rooms , closets , water , street cur , etc. Only $2riH ( ) cash. Tnkns east front lot on 1"th st , 00x110 , 2 houses , modern improu'tncnts. LSL CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 "We do hernhy certify Hint * re npervMe thenr- nititfenients for nil ( he monthly HIM ! ! > mil-nnnnitl Drnwlntf of The LnnlMitim Slate lnller1'onipnny , und In prrum ninnnueninl iinlnillheilr < ihik-Htliein- sell os , unit Hint thu i.inieaieeciniliuleil nlili hiinesl ) lulrnexi ami In KHHI | Inllli Knvniil nil | > urtlex , unit we Hiitlinrlrethe ( 'iiiiijuiii ) In ii e thin certlllcale llli Ine similes or our MKiuiturc nttin hell , lu Its n t ( XM.MISSIONEHS. We. the underpinned IliinkMind Hunkers n III pay all Pil/es (11 an 11 lu the LuiilMttim stntti LnlturiuH whkh limy bo presented t our counter- * . J. II.OiIl > lIV , IVn. IiiuM.ina National Il.uik. 1'lKltltr. LANAUX , I'res. Statn National Hank. A. HA1.DW1N. I'rei New Oilean * NnlKinul Hunk. CAUI , KOI IN , 1'rev Union Miitlimul Hank. TJOTHECEDENTED ATTIlACTIOiT. OVKH 1IAI.1' A MllI.IUNlLSTIIIIIITTBI ) Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated In VW , for 2."i years , liy the Ix'L'l lutiin < fnr LMlncnlhinnl and elmrltnblu imr | ivwilh a cnpl- tul of il.liiIl.llIU to nrlilcli a re"er > u fund of over $ .Vri.UUU ) has slucft been udiletl. lly iin OTerwhelinliiK popular vntu Its frnnchlno WUB made iiart of the preient constitution uitoplud Dercuilicr Sd , A. 1) . Is7i. | 'Jlie only Idttery ever voteil on and eudoisud by the people of any mute. It never jrnles or postpones. ll Urmul ritrjule Niiuilier Dniwlnes , tnke pl > . . . montlilr. anil tbo Henil-Anniiul Dniwlnn reKUlurly every sir months ( June unit December. ) A SI'JKMIII > OI'l'OUTllMTV TO WIN A I'Oll TUNE. Tenth ( Inind Drnwlnu.l'lnas K , In tlic Acud eniy of Music , 'i-uesdhy , tXtolicr : 11 , IW-'JUHh Jluntli CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 , Notice Tickets are Tan Dollars , Only. Halves $5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1. LIST of pnizKa : 1 CAIMTATi 1'IUKK K Jlftl.UlO'fl.m \ i ( iitAM ) iiil/.K or .VMIII uun i crtANii i'\i\V.n \ \ or * wt > ; : ' . ' . " . . ' " . ' . : awS a LAKOK I'KIX.KS OK JII.UKI , ail < 4 I.AKIJK riU/CKS OK AI > M ) .I U ai 1'Uix.Ks of 1,111) ) au > u > " uu zyui mi " : w HIJIU ; XJ " 'JO 4HiHI tot " mi uisio Al'PltOTIJUTIONI'HI.KS : 100 Approzlmullou rrlien f CVU I mi on nu " am auin KM w ) ; . ; ; ; ; ; mKn 1.UU Terminal " U ) w.oiiu 2,170 Prltei , imoiintlnx tn tt.Ci.UO AnpllcaUon fur rates to chilis nhonld he made only to tliootllceof thocoiiiimny In New Orleann. For further Inforniaildn write clearly , Hiving full nddrei . IWTALNOTKS pxproim niiinvy ( inlrrnnr New Vurk Kxihanife In ordlimry letter. Uurruncy by cxprebs ( ut our expense ) addrc ed M. A. DAUI'IIIN , " OU.KA.NS.IA. , , OrM.A.J.AUIMIIN. WASUI.M1TOV , J ) . C. Address Registered Letters to NEW OULEANS NATIOXAMJ AXK , NUW OUl.KANb , I\ , 1 > TATlAf"RTl ? That the prcnonco of den- llenurvk'nra nnd l.Hrly.n Iin tire In ohiirnooi the ilrnwiiiKs , iHniiuur- unleu of iilnoliito fMlrni'BS und | uleirlty. Hint the ( liitneeH me nil u < iui\luiid tluit no onu tun pusslbly dli Ine what niunlier will dian H I'rUe. Ui.MiMIIKU : : Unit the imymcnt of all | irlze Is ( iitAiiAtrKUi n r rtinii NAIIOXAI. IHM .S OK .SEW ( iiu.KAMi. und thu tickets ure ttlifiiud ! > ) ' tliu prunidunt ofiin Inilltutlon WIO M clnirured right * iiro recoi- nlred by Uiu hlKluot courts ; therefure , buwuru of any Imlthtlcmx or nnori ) moils ichemus. Mention tilts pupur. THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road to take for Dei Molnea , Starlnlltown , Cednr Itapldn , Clinton. DUun , t'bUugu , Mllwuukuu and nil jmlnts eliH. To lb pvuple ol SuLiru kii , Culo- rude , wyiinilnu , Utah , Muhii. Nuraila , Oregon. Wn b- Iniiluii and California , u otTcrt nuiivjlur uUMiutugua in l poxlale liy any other Una. Aiuonu a luw of thu nuineiuui polnti of * u"Vinrity enjuyed by the patroni ol thin mail bei , , ( ij omahn and qilcairo , ru lu l ii Irnliis H di-j ; ofluY OOACII- KS. whlcb are the rlne t that imiiii art and | nK nu | . ty can create. 1U I'A I , * . . ' , Ri.KKI'INd OAIIS , which "r. H' ! * ' . ' " . ° , ' 5' " _ " * n rt and eleuanre. lt I'Alll/JK DUAWINd IT.OSI C'AIW. unnurpnuied by any , und Us wide1. ; ff/Iubratoil 1'Al.ATIAl' 1IININJ ( CARS , the u < df which ( annot be found rlnewhero. At Coun cil Ilium the tralim of the Union I'acltlo Itallway , din- nuct In union depot with those dl the Chicago Northwestern lly. InCbli'iigo thu trains of thl > llnu make tlo oonuoctloii n tth Uioso ol all other eosturn K < ir IX'trnlt. Cotimihn > , In < 1laimpo1li. Cincinnati , Niagara Kails , llnDHlo , I'ltUnuiv , Toronto , Montreal , lluilnu. New York , I'nlladelphlit , HaltlinorH , Waih- Iniiton , and all polutt lu Ibeent , k for R ticket Tit the "NORTHWESTERN. " If you wish the boat accommodation. All ticket agents cfl tlrkeu via tlila line. . , , U.llUtJHITT. K. P. WII.SON. Uenl.M n ser , ienl. J'ans'r Aecnt Cm' U\ W.M.HABCOCK.Cm' . U. ' iT NATIONAL BAE U. S. DKl'OSrrOllY. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL , $ r ooooe SURPLUS , 100,00 * lir.KMAN KOCNT/.K. President. J01IX A. CUKIOirrON , VIce-Pre Mcnl. 1' . II. DAVIS , Cashier. _ W. ILMHOQIIIKK. Assistant Cashier. OMAHA SAVINGS BANK. COSNEB 13TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS , fnpllnl Stock , . . -10,000 Liability of Stockholders , mm,000 The. only regular Savings Hunk In the State. ltv per cent interest paid oil * . . LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE. OFFICKH8 ; ( IUV 0. HAKTON. President. J. J. IIKOWN. Vlce-Preslcdnt. I , . M. HKNNKTT , Mnnaglnc Dliertor. JOHN 1 ? . W1LIHJK. Cashier.1 510 North 16th Street , Omaba , PAH ) IN CAPITAL , # 100,000 OEO. R. IIAUKEIl. President. HOirr. L. OAULIUIIS , Vlco-rrestdont. F. II. JOHNSON. Ostiter. niUKCTOUS : VMUKI.II..TOIINSON , ( Uo. : F . IUIIKKII , .OUT. L. OAKUCMS , WM. SIIVIIIH : : , F. II. JOHNSON. A flcnernl Hanking Transacted. Interest Allowed onTlmo IVpoollH. OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. 'AID UP CAPITAL , - - $100,000 UTIIHU/ii ( : > CAPITAL , 500,000 V. W , MAHSH , President. J. W. ItonUl'KIt , Cashier. Accounta sollcted nnd prompt attention given all business entrusted to In cure. Pay ii per cent on time deposits. Jo. 203 Masonic Building , Corner Capitol Avenue and 16th Stroots. TELKH10NE NO. B42. IN T ; ! 08 S. 15TII ST. , OMAHA , NKIt. CAPITAL , ' - - $3KJ,00F $ ( , ( Leans Made on Real Estate , School , Countyund Municipal H VM. A. I'AXTON. President. WM. (1. MAUL , Vluo I'rcsMenK tOlir. I. . ( iAlll.KJIIH , Secretary. ! ' . II , JOIINf JK , TreusurcA DlltiiyltIltf : ) : WM. A. I'AXION , llKMi' T. CI.IIKK. W. U. M AUI , I. . H. Wll.MAMS , IloiiT. I , . ( , S. K. . ] ' . I ) . JOII.NSON. M. R. RISDON , INSURANCE AGENT MeichautV National Hank Itullillntr , Unoiu 1 , Upstairs. Telephone No. : ijli , oninlui , Nebriisk.i , Pho-nlx , London. Enulnn < l . f.1 , Firemen's , Newaik , N. .1 . l.Vil.sriiiil : lien's Falls , ( lien's Falls , N. V . l.lieVJXUti .ilmnl , Plillttdelihla ] , I'a . l.atlfi ( .70 AVestfhester , Now Yolk , N. V . WUWMO TAKE NOTICE ! Ill-others ofllui Sir Knights of PylhJks of th * rnlform Itimk : 1 have n full Uiic fifllno HlHck Dofbklu I'aiiUs at JI.W anil tlpwards. ( ilve me call. BRO. S. KALISH , Manager. No. 316 3.13th St. , 3 Doors South of Farnam. LOTOS FftEE POWDER Ladies vululutf their complexion should secured . J SAMPLE BOX ( GRATIS ) of tlm latest imported and unanlmoujly aoknowW cduoU us tbo best FACE POWDER. Guaranteed to bo porfeotlr liarml ii. iropcr * eepttblo , durable end Inviillile. 1'orBdleeTery- wlioro. AHUyourdruiuiUtforlt. 1'rloe , fto aut COc i > r Uox. Trndo luppllcd by BLAKE. BRUCE & CO. , OMAHA , NEB. J.F.LLOYD&CO CHIOGQ Solelmpartert. LOTOS FACE POWDER KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS H. K. BURKET , Funeral Director and Embalraer , HlNiirtlilClbHtroot. JYLERDESKCO BT. 1,01718 , Ma t MuurAOTuminomHI 1 OuannUML 100 p ntfr . THEINHARDT & MEYER , SURVEYORS. OKFICF.S : Sot-Til OMAHA Hoom 6 , Hunts Ilulldlng , NlntU Street. OMAHA Koom 0 , Over Commercial National Hunk. r FRANK D. MEAD , CARPENTER and Pine cabinet work specialty. Telephone CO * . 209 South Clrtoontli Street.