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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs' 'HIDAY , OCTOBER 14 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COTJNTJIL BLUFFS. 9FFICE NO. 12 , PEAIlIj STilKKT. Jjfllvtretl toy fftrrlrr In nny part of the clly nt twenty c nt P T wtik. II. V ! TILTH * , prgiKr.sR Orm-E. No. 41. Kiuiit KniTon No. . MINOR MKXTIO.V. A ctoocrful home. N. Y. Plumbing Co. The Warren hoiibo for rent. Heller , tailor. Full go i ? chofip. The North Second struct cut \n \ being pUiLed through raiilly. ] Secure a new , cheerful residcneo by renting a house in the Warren block. The Salvation army IH morn prosper- OUH now. It is indulging in oyster sup pers. pers.Much Much complaint has been made lately About the condition oj .South .Main ttrcot. George Francis Trnin throalonH to "iliBtnre in Council Bluffs the last of this * rnonth. Cody's wood-working establishment tin "Washington sticet is being enlarged by an addition. LadicH see combined writing desk Anil Hcuin'g machine. Domestic olllce , 105 Main street. A. E. Cooper and Ida Monroe , both of Omaha , were carofull.v spliced yester day by 'Squire BiggH. The miicliinory IH being put in po-1- tion for tlie tower electric lights. The system will bo complete in a few days. Al Clark tfoos to Lewis , la. ne.\t week , \vliuro lie will oen ) ti bank , and transact u general loan and banking business. There is a bad break in the Third street culvert near Fourteenth street which should reecho immediate atten tion. tion.A A perfectly constructed house pro- Tents sickness. ( Jet the new house in tlio Warren block , for rent by Odell Bros. Mr. John J. O'ilerne and Miss Cath erine LalTcrty were married yesterday at8 o'clock a. m. by Itev. B. P. Mc- Menomy. Laborers are at work on Harrison nnd Bancroft streets raising them to grade and putting them in shape for public use. Chaplain Lo/ior , JIWII'H fighting par son , IH to be here on the 19th at a campfire - fire entertainment to bo given by the Union Voloran legion. A marriage licence was granted yes- lorilay to U. M. Williams and Alice McCombs. the former of 1'ottawattamie , and ( he latter of Ibis city. Mayor Groneweg is in favor of lifjht and sunshine , at least he is having Mime of the shade trees around his resi dence on Washington street removed. 11. M. Williams , of Hockford town ship , and Alice Combs , of Harrison county , were united iu the bonds of double blessedness. . esterda.v. bj 'Squire Dai'iiett. Charles .1. Hcckman is lining tin artistic job putting bis patent fence around llie now residence of Henry Spetimin , corner fourth avenue anil Tenth street. The Knights of \ibias l . may well feel proud of the splendid showing they made tit the president's reception' . They were certainly the lluest appear ing company in the line. Mr. Luther Hovell , who was severely injured by the fulling sign on Broad way a few davs ago , iu able to bo out of doors. It will be some time before ho can resume his daily labors. The funeral of the little son of Mr. and Mrs1. C. I ) . Walters took place yes terday afternoon at the home , 1U1 Grace street. The remains were taken to Fairllcld , la. , for interment. Weightman is pushing the work on the Vine street sewer. The pipe is al ready laid more than half the length of the street , and part of the force are now working on the side connections. The Manhattan hotting board yester day offered $ i ) to $10 on Gronoweg and Plumer , % 2 t to $10 on Hart , Wyman and Copper , $ i" to % ) on O'Noil and llon- dricks , $10 even on AVatorman. Miss Ada M. Clark died at the institu tion for the deaf and'dumb Tuesday of malarial fever. She was aged eighteen yours. Her mother arrived yesterday , and the body was taken to Clariiida fin burial. The city council will meet in ad journed session this evening. Efforts are being made to complete the public improvements already begun before cold weather sets in. which necessitated much work by our city fathers. Judge Aylesworth held court yester day evening upstairs in the city jail , owing to the unfinished state of allairs in the lower story. Tlio needed repairs arc now completed , and his honor will uow assess taxes at the usual' place , to day.A . A German band rendered.somo very fine music on the streets yesterday , coii- bidoring the small number of pieces. The amount of money contributed by this city to build up different bands would amount to a very considerable cum. cum.As As an evidence of the unscetarian character of the public library , wo refer to the fact that Rev. B. P.MoMonomy is ono of its trustees , and a work has been lately added to its well filled shelve * which is explanatory of the Catholic religion. D. C. Noonan has a force of twenty mou busily at work getting the streets in readiness for the block paving. The surfacing on north Eighth street will bo completed to-night , and the full force will bo mil at work on Fourth street , which will have tobecut down nineteen inches from its present grado. Voters should make a note of it that the board of registry moots next Tues day. As every voter , whether regis tered before or not , must ap pear in person , traveling men am' others expecting to bo absent more or less should arrange their business so as to bo hero while the board is in session , otherwise they cannot got their vote in. Last evening A. B. ITowo , familiarly known as "Bruco" Howe , was happily married , the bride being Miss Fannie Westcott , the accomplished musician nnd organist of the Presbyterian church. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Westcott , No. GOO Washington avenue , only a few inti- inato friends being present. Uov. Ur. Phelps olllciatcd. Mr. John Ililditeh and Miss Clara A. Ililditeh were married Wednesday evening in St. Paul's church by Kov. T. J. Mackay. The ceremony was wit nessed only by a few intimate friends. Mr. Ililditeh is an employe of the Union Pacific , belonging to the transfer fotvo. The brldo arrived from Eng land but a few hours before the cere mony , having made the voyngo alone. She was married in her traveling cos- sumo , and appeared as a beautiful , sen sible young woman , more than ordinar ily attractive. They will make their homo in this city. List your property w.Ith .Cooper & THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , The Jones Murilor Cnso Conies Up For a Fourth Trlnl. THE MORSE DIAMOND MYSTERY. of Tat 'I'lltrs--Tln % llcl'iiiitU - J'ollco Jlur-ll : .i4 of All Hurls. The .Tour * .Murder Case. In the district court jo-terday the case of Jonathan Jones was called , and the afternoon spent , in empanelling a jury. This case has dragged along until it is decidedly chestnulty. and still ilis one of great importance , and one wnlch has greatly interested the public. David Hobert.s was killed in KS7 , and Jonathan Jones , a neighbor , was arrested - rested charged with nun dor. On the Jlrsl trial ho was found guilty of man slaughter , and sentenced to fourteen years In the penitentiary. After serv ing a short time ho secured a new trial , and was the second time found guilty , but was sentenced to only seven years. In May last ho was tried a third time , and again found guilty , but Judge Carson granted a new trial , and now the ease comes ui > again. The de fense has been that there was no suffi ciency of evidence , and further that Jones was not in such mental condition as to be responsible for his acts. Jones has certaint.v for several years been in a partially insane or demented condi tion , and this has been apparent to many. It is claimed that this shadow upon him 1ms rested since childhood , and that he has always been queer. The state will endeavor to show that even if he is insane now , he was not seat at the time of the tragedy. Jones is in court , but as on the previous , trial ho seems as unconcerned as though he was made of wood. He ib past the prime of life , and seems to bo much of a wreck mentally and physically. W. A. Mynster is conducting the prosecution , and Colonel O. R. Scott , of Omaha , is for the defense. The case will occupy several days. Judge leemcr announces that he will hold court day and night until the criminal business is disposed of. The evening sessions are therefore in order , and all concerned are being compelled to put in full hours. The case of Morse , indicted with Kother.v in the'stealing of the Burhorn diamond , was tfivon to the jury about ! > o'clock yesterday afternoon. The pre diction was quite freely made that there would bo a disagreement , as on the previous trial. Heroic the liar. There were several parties before Judge Aylesworth yesterday morning for being ke ed up too highly. M. E. Foaling deposited * 7.(10 ( to bal ance his account. An-on Hill was fined ifS.10 and William Emmett $ l. < > 0. Andy Rogers paid $3.00 and promised to send the balance of the $7.70 as soon as he could earn it. Samuel Allen pleaded not guilty and was sent out to find the prosecuting witness. Tlie judge said ho had no fears but what he would come mek. as the magnetism of his jug of vhisky , which was hed ) at the police itation , would prevent him from yoing 'ar. AVilliam Lauren was discharged , vith instructions to get out of the city nside of two hours. The cases of the three men. Turner , Monroe and Wilson , charged with the arceny of a rubber coat from M. Marcus ' cus , c'anio before Judge Aylesworth yesterday afternoon. After examining t few witnesses the cascb were contin ued until this morning. The cato of 11. A. Parett was also 'ailed ' , and after pleading guilty to several charges' , ho said that ho would start for Colorado within an hour if re- eascd , as all ho wanted to do was just , o go home and get Rome clothes. His wife was afraid to trust him , as ho had : hrcatened her life , so he was remanded ojail. This morning she will bring lis clothing to the ijolico station , and 10 will bo escorted out ot town by an olllcer. Mrs. Parett had applied fora divorce before his arrest , and will bo satisfied if he will only stay away , and cause no more trouble. IIo has shame fully abused his family and they have livt-d in constant terror lest ho should xeeute his oft-repeated threats to kill them. He is useless as a citizen and a urso to his family , and if again found in the oily , will be promptly locked up , where ho'will have no opportunity to gratify his increasing appolito for liuman gore. Mr. and Mrs. Parott were wedded in Atehison. Kan. , in 18iS. ( They have live children. Parott came here three years ago , and played upon the sym pathy of veterans , claiming to have lieen a valiant himself. IIo gained quito generous contributions to relieve liis distress , but ho was soon discovered to be tv fraud , and has since been mak ing a general nuisance of himself. The woman seems to bo hardworking , and to have suffered much at his hands. Not lee to Claim 1'i-nprrty. The owners of certain restaurant property and tents , sent to Lincoln , Nob. , during the state fair , by the team of M. K. Matherbeo , of Council BlulTs , la. , can have same by calling on him and paying charges ; if not. same will bo sold November 1,1887 , for said charges. Tax Title Questions. Judge Aylesworth rendered a decision in regard to a tax deed which interests many , lib the saino question involves a great many similar deeds. H appears that the treasurer has been in the habit of carrying the delinquent ttiNos on a separate book instead of having them appear on the regular tax list , as re quired by law , under the construction given to it by Judge Aylesworth. The judge deems that this requirement of law is for the purpose of protecting the property owner , for if the delinquent taxes appear in another column , on the same book , the treasurer is reminded that there are delinquent taxes , and the property owner , when he goes to pay his taxes , is very likely to como into possession of the unmo im portant bit of information. By keeping the delinquent tax list on a separate book , the taxes are overlooked and the property may bo sold for taxes without the knowledge of the owner. ' Ilonco the purpose of the law requiring delin quent taxes to bo kept on the same book , in an additional column. The Mime question is pending in the district court in some cases brought there , to quiet title , and omo further decisions tire being looked for. The mnttor is iv very important ono , and the courts may cause quito a change in tax titles by their decisions. Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Kvory ono.making a cash purchase of SSeciltbatT. U. King . & Co's. cigar store goU , ' a cluutco in tlio annual prize dravrinjf. Twenty < olcc u t ' H. A. Price , of Hnrdln , was ut Kiel's yesterday. Postmaster Lavcnbnrg. of Armour , was nt Kiel's hotel yesterday. J. A. Tra/lor , a stock dealer of Sioux Clly , was among those at Kiel's \ester- day.Hon. Hon. I ? . S. Hart , of Avoca. wiii. in tlio city yesterday looking ufier his political interests. ' 55" ? Ilia Sluirp. who has bceu vi-lt- ing Mis * Phillips , ha * returned to her Omaha home. I ) . \V. Townsend. of LoMars , la. , the contractor for the carpenter work of the new court house , Is at the Kiel hotel , A. W. Wyman , of Keg Creek , is making his headquarters at Kiel's hotel. \\bile looking after his political chances. K. Null , formerly of Glenwood and of Pacific Junction , and now located in Kdwards connly. Kansas , was yesterday at the Creston greeting his many Council BlulTs friends. Mr. Hugh Smith writes to his fallier , H v. Thomas Smith , a glowing letter from Los Angeles , Cala. Hois full of enthusiasm over that new and rapidly developing country. Mrs. W. H. Lynehard , who .sustained a very severe dislocation of her hip by being thrown from a street car , , is im proving , although still sullering greatly. She was able to walk a little yesterday with the aid of crutches , and it is hoped she will entirely recover in a short time. At the Ogden house yesterday : ! ' . A. Hayden , Chicago : K. J. Mcinbcrg. Phil adelphia ; W. F. Bliss and wife , San Francisco ; H. M. McCourtnoy , New York ; M. H. FaTrell , Cresrton. and C. K. Mead. Dos Moines. At the Pacillc : George Robinson , New York ; H. M. Wood , Dos Moines : Fred D. Smith , Rochester ; A. J. Pickott and C. D. Domoritt , Chicago. Tin * Heelitcle House. The financial troubles of the Beehtcle hotel have resulted in thesheritV taking possession. There is a first mortgage on tlio building and real estate for about $0.000 in favor of II. L. Knowles , New York , and foreclosure proceedings have commenced. There was a second mort gage , and a chattel mortgage on the furniture to secure a claim of about $0,000 more , owned by Charles Straub and Herman Brown , of this city. It was under this chattel mortgage that the sheriff took possession , and the work of inventorying began. Thus it seems that the liabilities are from $18,000 to 920.000. It is thought that arrangements can be made by which Mr. Bechtole will continue in possession of the property , or will se cure for him the rental income. His long residence hero , his wide circle of "rionds. his known integrity and his 'ormer prosperity causes much sympa- by for him in his present financial roubles. Ho lays the cause of his pres ent misfortunes to prohibition , by which lis bar hnfi boon closed and the income > f the hotel greatly reduced. Others "o not agree with him in this , but what- ver may be the cause the fact re- nains. much as it may bo regr tted. hat bo is in a stress of financial , bad iveather. Kememher the Radiant homo stove lias had the test of years in every vital : > art. It is no new experiment , but the icst stove made. See our goods at 41 Main street. COLI : & COLU. Stenography. Shorthand exclusively Tuesday and Minrsday evenings at Western" Iowa 'ollcgo. Joe Eisinlauer , of Lewis townbhip , vas brought before Justice Schurx , yes- erday , charged with assault and bat- ory and with releasing stock from re straint by force. He furnished bonds n the sum of $100 on the lirst charge ind $150 on the second , for his appear- ineo next Monday. One thousand head of one , two and .hrce-yeiir-old . steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. J. Greenamayer , 623 Mynster st. , telephone ill. When the new county jail was first milt it took only eighteen pounds' weight to turn the great iron cylinder. Now it requires two as strong men as can got at the crank , and then it will "lardly budge. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. John Miller has returned from the , vest and is planning on opening a meat narkct on South Main street , about Dctober 1 , in company with Michael O'Connor. Mr. Miller has had a large experience in this business , and enjoys in extensive acquaintance m the city. 1'ho new linn will undoubtedly do well. Dr. J. T. Van Ness , physician and surgeon , otllco room 8 , Opera house block , will attend professional calls day or night. 'Residence corner Eighth avenue and Fifteenth street. At Cost anil IJCSH Than Cunt. Wo are closing out our toys and fancy goods. Dealers in Christmas and holi day goods will find it to their advantage to give us a call , as wo are bound to close out our entire stock of over $30,000 regardless of cost. Como and got big bargains. MUKLLEK Music Co. , 103 Main street , Council BlutTs. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Address - dross or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110 Main street , Council BlulTs. It will pay . .you to take advantage of the 20 per cent discount on ordered frames at Chapman's. Only four days more. Quito a number partook of Salvation army oysters last evening. The Omaha branch of the army was present with a full band. After the parade everybody was invited to a goapel feast at 10 cents per head. A vag and one drunk were the only captures made by the police yesterday. Judge Carson returned last evening from a judicial trip. FINEST LANDAUS ! Coaches and Hacks in the City , WILLIAM WELCH. orricr.s : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan. Ti'lephono No. 03 No. 615 Main Street , TeU-phono No. . TOKKOt A victim ol . . . . . . . . . JouUirunnn > ruJ D Jr uricr . 111W U U fr in tttr Dwrny. h rTe itltlT , Lot Hnhoo4lclc. , h * lDj trtaain T i rj tno n reroniT. h i dbvov.rad a llmpl D , H , HcOANELO & CO , , Hides , Tajjcw , Peits , " Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Hetiirns. K.II niul i J Miitn StrouU'oimotl UliilTi.Iown. Who I * WF.4K. NERVOVN. HKBIMTA. TKI , who 111 hlnroM.Ynn < lIU. > < > RA.\ < ' : luiTRICI.KUawir his VIUORof BOI > Y , MINI ) and SIANllOon.riuulnKCxhaiiitliig drilna upon thi < FOKXTAIMN of I.IFK. HKAUAOHK. BA ! KA < 'tlt : , DrMilHil Dreams. WKAKNKNM of Memory , BANIf. riJI.NKNNln NOCIKTY , I'lMPl.KH Upon tile FACK. and all the EFFKCTN leading to EARLY DEtAY ! and perhaps < 'O.\NUMP. TlOSf or I INANITY , should comnlt at once the CEIKRRATEI Dr. Clarke , KKtalillolied IKt. Dr. Clarke lift * made JVKRVOI N DE BILITY. ! IIRONI < ! and all Diseases of the UKMTO tRI.\ARY ! Orjtan * * I.He Study. It makri No illflcrence WHAT you bare taken nr WHO Imi failed to cure you. . WFEMAI.ENfufTcrlnRfroradlsfasespeca- liar to their sex can consult with the assurance of ipoedy relief ami rure. Send 2 cents postage for worki on your dUmes. Kf Send 4 cents postnsc for Olrbrnlcil Work * on Ohronlc. Ncrvitn * and ll | . cnfe Diseases. Consultation , personally or by letter , l > o * . Consult the old Doctor. Tliuunrtnilin rur < * < l. OHlrrnand iinrlorw private. 9-1hoao rnntemplatliiR Marrlnee lend fur Dr. Clnrke'M celsbrutfd guide Male and Fonmlr , cacti 15c. , lioth " , ' > c. ( stamr * ) . lleforo couflillnc your case , consult Dr. CLARK K. A friendly letter or call may save future Buffering and shame , and add golden years to life. 48-Book " Lir < - ' ( Secret ) Fr. rorn , " BOc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings lent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , o to 12. Addrns , P. D. CLARKE. M. D. 186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. EFFERVESCENT , ECONOMICAL , EFFICACIOUS , Hre of IndliiPHIon'n pnln Ami ConMlpntlmi's urul re Inn ; Knr ollf n In Ilielr wnkf > iirnrccil The "able pull imcl umurncr'n weed ; Thi'M check these troubled ere an hour , In TAIIHANTS HllT/Ull : lies tlie power. Embody the highest excellencies Comfort uiul Durability nnd ure tlie REIGNING : - : FAVOQJTES u Fashlnnublp Circle's. ' Our name Is on every bale. J. & T. Cot.'MNS , New VOIIK. AOKNTS Toil OMAHA , Hayward , Brothers. RTTPTURE PoiiltltTrTcurrdlnOO daviliTUr. UarB'iKIt tra.UctleIItlt. Truucombined. Uutrinttrdlho ontjr ono latbo world Frcncrfttlne conllnucml BlntriOit tlagntlu eurrmt. Scientific.Powerful , Datable , -omfort.ble and EffectJre , Avoid frauds. Orern.OtXl cured. Hendhtitmp for pamphlet. _ ALBO RLCCfltlO RKI.T * FOR rflBEABKH. Di. HORNE. INVENTOR. 101 WABASH AYE. . CHICAGO. FOR PLANTING TIMBER CLAIMS , Illiick Walnuts , hulls on , f. o , b. . . iMcperlm Ulack Walnut" , hulls oil , " . . fl.S5pur Im llox rider Seed , " . . . We per Hi Ash Seed , " . . . Jfle per Ib Honey Locust Seed. " . . . . ffiio per Ib Russian .Mulberry Seed , " . . . . 8.110 per Ib Cntalpa Seed , " . . . . l.dO per Ib Al o all kinds of Fruit and Forest Tieos for inlc. Address , Shenandoah Nursery , D S. IAKK , Proprietor , SHKNANDOAII , IA. The Theatrical Frofesslon. Merit will win nnd receive public recognition and praise. Facts , which are the outcome of general ex * perlence , growing through years of critical and praetlcal test , become as rooted and Immovable ai the rock of Gibraltar Iu public opinion , and hence forth need no further guarantee as to their genu Incncts. The Indisputable fact that Swift's Specific la the bctt blood purifier In the world , Is oneof theie Immovable Gibraltar rock facts of which wo have spoken , and every day's experience mots thin eon * victlou deeper and deeper Iu public opinion. Every class ot our people Iu America aud In Europe , every trade , calling and profession , Including the medical prufeulon , have borne voluntary testi mony lo the remarkable virtues of S. B. 8. and Its Infallible efflcacy In curing all dUrabes of tha blood. These teitlinonlals are on fllo by the thou sands , end open to the Inspection of all. Now come , unsolicited , tvro distinguished members of the theat rical profession , who gratefully testify to the wonder ful curative qualities of the Speclllo in tlielr Indi vidual eases. Their testimonials are herewith sub mitted to the public without further comment let them speak for themwlTes. The lady Is a memlwr of the famous Thalia Theatre Company , of New York , and formerly of the Residence Theatre , Berlin , Germany - many , and of llcVlclcer's stock Company , of Chicago. The gentleman Is a well known member of the New York ThMln Theatre Company , llutb are well known Iu theatrical circles In this country and In Europe , Chnrlotto Ilandow'i Testimony. > NEW YORK , Hay 3 , 1S87. Swift Spccltto Company , Atlanta , Oa. : Gentlemen Having been annoyed with pimples , eruptions nnd roughness of the skin , from bad con dition of rny blood , for more than a year , I used a leading preparation of sarsaparllla and other odver * tlsed remedies to no effect. Then I consulted a prom inent physician , and from his treatment received no benefit. I then concluded to try tha a. 8. 8. rem edy for the blood , and five or six packages , by a thorough eradication ot my trouble and rentorlng smoothness to my skin , have made me happy , and I cheerfully give you this testimonial for such us * Md publicity at you wish to make of It. CniRLOTTC 1UHDOW , IU Bowery , near Canal Street. lingo Hasskcrl'a Testimony. The Swift Specific Company , Atlanta. Oa. : Oentlemen-For two years I had a severs east of esema. I used tarsoaMsulphursoapsandvarlouit | other remedies , and was prescribed for by numbers of physicians , but found no relief. Allan I deter- m'.D.fd ' J ° try ties. 8.8. remedy , and seven or eight bottles have thoroughly relieved me , and you can use this certificate la Buy manner rim wish. Uuon HIBSKIHI , * * " * * New York , May S , 1887. Trtatlie on Blood aud Skin Diseases mailed free. Tiu SWIFT SFEcmo Co. , Drawer 3. Atlnntn. Oi\ 5 ] MIHALOVltCH'S - - HUNGARIAN - r. Imported and bittled liy Maliavolltch , Kletrh er & Co. , Cincinnati , O. For nale by the follow- IUK deali-rs : Hlchardhon IJni Co. , llluko , llruce .V-Co. , Adl r .t Heller. M.-WolNtvlu , Uladstouo llros. .V Co. , Trank Dcllone , II. H. Grotte , Sample Mottles Free. ST.LOUIS LAW SCHOOL LAW DEPARTMENT OF WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ThoT utl-tir t jtearof thiinell known school will beqlu > t4 o'clock ii.m. , on 1\lDNt > DiT , OCT. J2th. 11. KIAUINATION forailiincedituudinu MONPATOCT. .tn. , Kntlrncour m T l.eromplol.d In two or tlir jearn at opt lunot ktudent. lli > Hur Tuition tHO per uunum. For Catoln < ue , etc. , ddtoe . W UNDEVELOPED PARTS. of th body Dlaifcd and sttcBgOisBed , Fall partlo- SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. StT.l'tATi nilvrrtiifmvntK.Klirhn * I.o t.l'outnl , 'I'n l.o.ui , for Salr.ToltrntVanto , llmivillnir , Hr. . III lie ln ort.Ml In thli rntntnn lit tin- low r t..irTf.v : CUNTS IMH : UNI : for timm-i m- ci linn imcl Klvc ( Vats ' . . I'cr t.lnc fur i-ncli - < uli-f. qucnt Inscitlon. Lruvo navfitlsftiirntH tit our tiillri ; No. 13 IVatl Stioct , iii-ur llriutdwiiy , Conn. I'll llltirtx , Iowa. WANTS. "I'/Olt SAI.U-rholii' stork of goods In r < iunttr A' Ktore. I'lno oiu'iiliiit for luminous voith . 'i..rt ) . Aildri-M Siotte i : fclni ! . , Council llltitrs , I own. -A Koot Rill for kill-lira \ > oik. T > .Mm. J. Mueller. V- . ' > S Illow uNeiiue. " " \\TANTKO-A peed rook M is. flToniiH Olli- ' ci'r , f > > ! Wllhnv ax wine. FOR S.M.USocomMiand Cnlumlilu blcyck- _ \yiy fht-ii p , .VMncli , at lieu otllci1. T7V1H IIKNT A new innilpi-n plcht-i-ooni house A1 very < onVHiileut. Ithln : "i blocks of ilunnnr < lfiot. | Inqultp of W. 11. W.ue. over SaMng's. , Council lllulfM. _ ONKIitliidivd tliiii ( Hiul dollars to liun on it'iilvMHtuHUtl chattels by K. J. Jay , il'.i IVarltt. . _ BUll.UI.VO lot sand acre properly for sale by F.J.Duy.IWl'oailst. ITUHtSAI.E Oil TUAIM-For : Cuaiiell Illnfts -L1 prntivity , 40KHI ( acios of lowu nnd Ni- liruska lanil. J. It. nice , 110 .Mttln bt. , Coum.ll FOR SAIjlJ ll'iO acres of choice land iintirovi > < 1 us lollcmn : Hinall house and utablf , < MI Kids of Jl-wlrc fence , ai acres of lireakltty , II umH of ifli tiw.iii thrifty crowlti ! , ' rondltlou. I'llroll.Hin. To i nis easy. Addiess CharleH 11. WIKoti , Oxford , Nob. T OIt SA M : My residence propel ty roiner 8tl . . ' st. uiiil mil live. I'lne 8-uiom liou-e. t\Mi lots , the corner ono vanint. City water and bain , carrlaKo ho'tise. etc. A in If taken sunn. Anplv on lu-enilKcs or at No. M 1'earl st . , touncll ; llliills. H. T. Kruneh. Spot Cash ! TROXELL BROS. ' Prices for Groceries THE'LOWEST IN THE CITY. NO. 345 BROADWAY TBI.Kl'HONE NO. 2-J. CASH DOES IT. Powdered Sugar , 12 Ibs ! l 00 IlfhtCut Loiif Sugar , 12 Ibs 100 Ornmilated SiiKar , 14 Ibs 1 00 Confectionery A , 14J { Ibs 1 00 Huron A , ir > Ibs 1 00 ( Jood Itlo Coffee ( roust ) , per Ib 2T > o Uooil 1'lour , per fit ) Ibs BOc Itlreixhle Flour , perbbl 5 CO Itlverslde I'lour , per sack 1 IK ) Diamond Illiill I'lour , per bbl n ( HJ Diamond Illjur I'lour , per hack 1 45 White. Hear Soup , : i"i Ibs 1 CO All other ( joods In saino ratio of discount. Give Ub a call and examine our prices. Satisfaction gu.uauteed. LOOK Koit TIII : UK : SIGN. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! STANDAHD , UNDEK JIULE 0. WADE GARY , Coiincil Blnffs. FINE MILLINERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 1514 DOUGLAS STREET , - - - OMAHA. CROCKERY ; LAMPS , GLASSWARE , And Fine Pottery. PRICES VERY LOW. W , S , HOMER & CO , , No. 23 Main St. , Council muffs , Iowa. Latest Novelties , In Amber , tor toise bliell , etc. Ilalr ornaments as well as the neucstnoveltlcs In hair goods. Half goods Made to Older Mrs. C. L. Gillette , CT Main Street , Council Illuirs. Out of town work solicited , and all mall outers promptly attended to , Harkness Brosl 401 FALL GOODS ! New goods , beautiful goods , good value and cheap. Call and see them. Wo have now in sleek our new in yilkH.drct-K . underwear , flannels , domestic , etc. Headquarters for \Ve have the largest selection and lines ! patterns oi'carpotw in any city of the west. They comprise Axminsters Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , 3-ply Ingrain , Matting , Ruggs , Etc , Etc , We shall be pleased to show our customers these new and choice fabrics. Do not forget the place , HARKNESS BROS. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . RINK , ; No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs5Iowa A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Both Domestic and Foreign. . GRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es cape. Electric Call Bolls. Accommodations First Glass , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. Real Estate Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res idences and Farms. Acre Property Jn western part of tliu tity. All belling cheiip. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate and Insurance Agent , Hoom 6 , over Olllccr & Piisey'n Hank , Council 11 HiIT , lo\\u. JOHN Y. bTONK. JACO1I hl-MMH STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law , Practice In the State and IVileral fouvts. Olllre , Itoouib 7 ami 8 SliUKiirt-IIetm lllock , Council Illullfc , Iowa. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Olllco Over American Expiess , No.410 llroad- way , Council mull * , Iowa. Star Stables and Mule Yards y , Council HlulTOpp. . Duinno Ilnii-es imil inuloi constantly on hand , fur sale at retail or In car loiitl lots. Orders promptIlllitl ] by contract oii'lic-U luitkc. Stock Mild on commission. Tflfplicine HI. hCIIM'TIlll .V 11(11 r.V. Opposite Dummy Hopol. Council Hint's. E. S. BARNETT , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , 415 fyoadway , Council Bluffs. I" Hefers to any bank or liuslm-s house in thr < lty. Collections u specially. Ogden Boiler Works CARTER & SON , Prop's. Mniiufuctuiurf of I ) AND SHEET IRON WORK. Order * liy mall for repairs promptly attended to. HaliNfnctlon guaranteed , loth AVPIIHP. Ail- diess Ogden Iron \Voiks. Council lIlnlTs , Iowa. OFFICER & BANKERS UW HroodXMiy. Council Hlndo , Iowa. Us LATEST BY TELEPHONE ! A. H. Hello , Central ! Give me the Council Bluffs Carpet Co , No. 4OB. W Broad way. C. O. Can't ; sixteen ahead waiting for- their 'phone. A. H. What's the matter ? Anybody killed there ? C , O. No. Three woman fainted in the crush-Aw ful crowd getting their fall carpets. Big bargains everybody says. A. H. Guess I'll go down and not wait for the phone. C. O. Belter do that if you want to reach them today. A3X10UK llUKlf A\l > . CXMIIAL , 01H U.r