Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ¶ rm OMkHA DAIlY BEE : FRIDAY , OOPOBER .14 , 1887. . , . . . . ' .
; ; Offlcor Submit Thoh Report to the
41 . State Oonvcmtlon.
' 1 -
The Grand IArnlgO of Ncbruka Goo
TemJilnrM Elect Ofllccrs For the
Liiittlig Year-Capital City
rnoc TIfl 11'S LTNCOI.N BUItr.AtJ.1
The state convention of tim iioclety of
tiio llama for tlio 1iIcid1ess was in
Bcs3Ion ycstorday. Tito officers' roport8
were handed In ycsthrday afternoon , at
which time an inthreatitig report was
miulo by Mrs. B. C. Manloy , the president -
dent of tim society. The following report -
port was itiado by the auditing coin-
111110 nullting ( committee , to whom has been
referred the books und vouchorM of the trcas-
urr anti fiuittucial gccrt4ary fortho fiscal year
ibO-7 , beg leu o th submit tim following re-
port. After careful examination we find that
the rccIpts tire as follows :
From thu titt forsalailes of offlcers
nii.l . CHIlOVC.4 . 13,239 01
, FrtIr , % lit1Ufl'Ltl Mecretory . 3,212 t0
1'ron liriii&r treasurer 33 01.
6,48I G9
The dhburscincnL have been :
By trcLIMuI ( J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0O30
] 3y lliiunclut & cretary during
. Auguht , by order of thu hoard . . . 300 OS
Cui on luuiil with treaMuror . . . . . 5 1
Culi on hand with ilnanclal ecrc-
tttly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 73 51.
Total urnount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tO,4S4 69
MuM. S C. E.LtOTT ,
Mits. M D.VELCII ,
MRS. A 0. CAiu ,
Auditing Committee.
The following iutcrcstimg : statistics
fet time year are gatliured from the su-
iorintendcrit's report :
Admitted Into the honmo during the year-
Atimilts , 3S ; children , 14 1.trotmil , 182.
- JisIxIb4sed-AdUlts , 26 ; children , 93. Totmd ,
' IIU.
Children pinced Into homes , 40 ; returucti
to Iiiotherm4 and Iriemnls , IS.
Sent to thu Institution for the feeble
minded , 8.
I'rcsent number In the home-Adults , 27 ;
children , 73. 1J't mu , 100.
Number since the home opciicd-AduIts ,
2i ; clilldrcn , .t9'3. Total , 718.
Imimimatus during the your were .from the
fcl1ovIiig counties : Adiuiis , IlufTalo , Clay ,
Clicyeuime , ] ) odgc Jouglas F'ralclln , , Frori.
tier , Cage , hail , flolt , Ilurliim : , Jolimison , Lami.
e.ister , IOitilfMou , Otoe , 1'aviec , I'olk , Iticli-
mird.ei , , Saumimlers , Saline , Sarpy , 'l'hnycr ,
Waiilalimgtoii , York.
The work of the doy was closed by a
pleasant remptlon to the delegates and
thei r friciuls at tlmtm hattie of AIr. and
MI4. it. C. Nmumloy lust iiiglit.
'rho l'01)OtS ) ) of the president , secre-
jary 1111(1 4mlJCViItCIideI1t ! were full of
interest mind lOWCd tlImLt a vnit amount
of mn.eful votI iH being iloim by the on-
ergetit : mmimtl emithusiustie ladies v1mo
luLve thu lItmflo in charge.
Thu I. 0. 0. r.
Tue gruicl : 1OgO of Nebraska I. 0. G.
T. comitinueti its HCMSIWI all day yestor-
doy , (1ms)4iIlg ( of much im1IlrtLnt busi-
hess , and electing the following officers
for the ensuing year : G. C. T. , L. B.
1'a1mer grand counsellor , Allen .Tulson ;
G. V. T. , Miss E. .1. hedges ; grand see-
rotary , Charles \\7ntts ; gruid treasurer ,
Jolmim E. Jioppom' ; superititendent of ju-
'euilu11einplnrs , 1lrs. E. A. Smith. The
bilge decided upon Sehuyler as the
PlCC of holding the next meeting of time
grand lodge.JtIIOUT
Time meeting fi time purpose of arranging -
ranging a recojmtion for Judges l'armid
muid I'arlior \Vcdmmesday night and
appointed I. V. Bellingsioy , D. G.
Courtnay and G. I. Lamnbertsomm a cciii-
n1ttee of arrangements.
Two tlmousand Ifarvost Home oxcur-
sionits cmumio in yesterday on B. & M.
tralims. .i\ few ci timein are still in the
city , but mmnit of them vemmt out to differ-
cut 1suts of the state. They wore given
.4 half fare rates.
The Demnocemit of this city , which has
boon engaged lii the questionable practice -
tico of givimg to the Irish National league
time gratuitous udvico that it should
suppless l'atrielc Egan , limis got itself in-
voivcd hi a lively controversy with lr.
Egan flfl(1 liis mutiny enthusiastic friemmd.
Time result so fur has boon two editorials
iii the Democrat an open letter froni
Egan , publlshel in the Democrat , a
letter or two In the Journul from friemids
of Egan anti numerous small but
animated curbstommo controversies.
.lohmmi Fitzgerald himis amnmounced his in-
tomition of contributing to tIme substantial
growth ofTest Lincoln a brick building
fiOxlOO feet , the first brick in West
A. W. Jmumson Co. , the well known
' * . furniture firm , have gone out of the
furniture busimiess and opened U ) a farimi ,
$ I liii : and general brokerage busimiess.
: E the di8triet court W. W. Moore
asks for a. divorce froimi his wife , Filmtry
} . Mooio , for cruelty and general un-
S fitness for the sacred dimly of a wife timid
4 mother. Iltuimer L. Mathews brings
suit ugniust A. J. Cropsoy to piin possession -
session of ) rojOrty doscrilmd us
time ii of section 25 , 4 , 3 , in
Thayer county , timid wants $504.90 damn-
ages for losses sustained by reason of
being kept out of possession of the pro-
ieity. ;
A IIOhmMOImOht Necessity.
George L. Griffin , of lUclimommd 11111
tm Long island , N. Y. , recomnnionthi Aii
COCK'S POItOUS 1'I.AsTiiis iii the id-
lowing frank language :
\V o have been using AricoiVs Pon-
ous PrAsi'iits : for mutiny yeiusnmnl in fimet
they bare become a household necessity
. , \ In our family. In ovary case whore they
.1 . bavo boon applied , they have prevent
t 1 theimisolves satisfactory amid givoim liii-
immediate relief.Vo recommend them
very highly , amid trust our experience
will be the macaims of imuluclug otheis to
give them ii trial ,
Guveknmcnt Control of Theaters ,
iliiltulelpliizL Ledger : 1\laimngcrs ol
London theaters are said to luivo oiler-
ed to comitelbuto $50,000 per amiimumn
toward the oxpotisos of theater supervision -
vision by a government department.
Their purpose would be not only to Immive
their own houses safe , but to compel all
timoater-ovners to take ; miior irccau-
tions for the safety of their audiences.
This they could do timeniselves without
government mild. Yet every theater-
owner nmmd muammugor is interested in
Iiavimmg rival houses , as voll as his osvn1
inado safe. A disastrous fire and fatal
anIo In one house , temporarily , at
least , curtails the business and irofit
of nil others , and bromid-muitided theatem
zimmumagers should welcome any systotmi
of govcrnmnemmt SUler'ibjomi that. helps te
mntiko all theaters safer thmni they miow
fliI ) , esixeiully in timmies of ixnie.
In the combination , proportion , timid
1iroItrtIon of its lmigrodiont.s , flood'm
Smirsapurillit ttCCOUilhtshCS Cures wlmer
otlmor mrtiparatIons entirely fall. Pc
culiar in 1t good mmanmo at bomno , vhiicli
Is ii "tower of strength tibroud , " ltCUl
.c hir In time phonomoimal sates It has at
taimmod ,' Ssrsaparllla is the
auccessfull medicine for purifying tin
bl d1 giving strength , timid creating am
The Omaha Stcam'Dyoing & Clean itmj
: Works. 1006 Farnamn 81. . Telephone 947
Llvcly.Poker ( mmcm Which a South-
cm Girl Wae Htakea.
San Francisco IxnmInor : Texas Toni
le paying San Prnnelsco avisit. . Day by
ttty ] ho is soon passing up and down
Market street , accompanied by a very
PrettY womnan whom ho calls Hay , rind
who seenis very much interested Iii Tom.
The latter lii about twenty-one years ohi
hoW limit ii veteran In experience of the
shimtdy sort. Just at prc8ent he is athp
the hiotip rind is wearing diamonds. Ills
baptisumi immune Is Thomas P. Hedmond ,
but that doesn't make any difference-
ho Is Texas Tom to all men. Nobody
hereabouts knows the girl , beyond time
fact that she Is ribrunotthfrom the head
waters , has a pairof saucy oyes.and cuts
as pretty ahlguroas need be. Time ether
day an old western sport turned up and
SPUn this interesting yarn toaroportor :
Texas Tom literally won that girl you
Sust saw him with , but without a swthd
or courtship. In plain words , ho won
bet' mit poker , after ono of the longest
and hottest sessions 1 over saw over a
round table.
About three years ago a hlek short-
card gambler namnedWihhiam Townsend
took ii professional tour through the
south. In a Florida hamlet ho oncotmn-
torcd a beautiful girl of sixteen , ivim
accepted lila flush for gonulno , and
married him against the will of her
parents , well-to-do and respectable pea-
1mb. Townsend showered Jewelry timid
Helm rnlmncnt on his child bride , but aim
could not descend to lila level at first ,
aimd time coolness that arose between
them soon after the hasty marriage ,
was rupidly wldonlimg into a breach
lendimmg to separmition , when Texas encountered -
countered them in St. Paul Mum. , a.
little over two months ago. lie roomed
in the same house , and titter a few
chance nmeethmga Tom and Townsend's
wife found themselves in love with each
Eight ago last Monday afternoon -
noon Texas , Townsend rind four otimers
sat down in Redmond's rooms to play
poker. The game was small at first , 25
ceimts auto , but. the stakes rapidly
swelled to figures that inado It oxcocu-
ingly interesting. Hour after hour
roro itwity timid lengthened lute a
IhlmrlLhIty of days , and Texas won considerable -
siderablo morey. One player after
another dropped out , physically or fin-
ancitilly exhausted ; others dropped In
and drIped out until finally at the end
of tlmmee days oniy Texas and Townsend
rcmntiiimetl. The pair ate reid drunk between -
tween the deals , played standing up and.
did everything but sicep.
After time second ( lay the game hogan
to be ii sort of ii show , timid hundreds
hlocketi in to watch the pTayors and cat-
cimhitto how long nature could stand the
In three tlays Townsend bad lost
$4XO ( } , all Imis available cash , but lie
begged for ii short grace , which Texas
It was midnight. Texas stole an
hour's flal ) emi time table while Towimsend
iiiide : a hurried trip to his rooms. Ills
vife was asleep , and it was an cas' mat-
tem to carry o11 her jewelry , mostly dia-
months , anti aggregating in value about
While shb slept on , unconscious of her
loss , Towiimeimd rctimrmmed , woke up his
oipoimeitt , timid asked for tin allowance of
tim gemmis. Texas sleepily advanced
$1,000 nul time play was resumed.
It was purely a scientific game , each
man lmeimmg too clever for the oilier to
dame attempt any work.
All the next day the play continued
in time presolico of ii crowd , attracted by
its protraction. Fortune seemed to
smile on rrowmisemd for a while , but the
title turned towards noon , and at the
and of time fourth day of the sittimig
Texas Imud hmini cleared otmt.
" 1:3 : tiittt enough ? " lie asked quietly
gathering imp his winnings.
"No , It isimt , " sullenly returned the
( lefetited gambler.
"All right ; what have you got to
bet ? "
"You seem stuck on that woman of
minc-whut'll 'ou bet against her ? "
was the astonishing 1)roposition advanced -
vanced by the hlniimmcially wrecked gum-
blir , the favor for v1ay burning at an
ummontm-o1labIe heat in his veins.
Even Torn was dazed , but only for a
miii etc.
"Make it freeze-out , " said Tom , "and
I'll go you the diamonds amid a. thousand
dollars timid throw in my girl to boot. "
Time offer was accepted. A valuation
of $50 each was placed on chips , aggre-
giting : over $4)00. ( ) They vcre then
carefully divided into two piles , rind It
was agreed that they should ante , and
that all limit should be removed.
"How do I know I'll get time girl It I
win 1mev ? " risked Texas , us the cards
were about to be dealt.
"hotter ask her , " rowlcd Townsend ;
"I only piny my claim on her against
your nmonoy. You'll have to look to her
for possession. "
A imote was hurriedly written to Mrs.
Toivimsomid , outlining the iroposition
timid asking her sanction.
"Toll time gentlemnammi ran the answer -
swor alto gave time messemigor , "that I
should be pleased to be separated from
Mr. Townsend , but that Mr. Redmond
can oiily claim the stakes by going
through the niarringe ceremony.
"Judge" Flanmiagami , an inliucntinl
politician , vns present , anti after a her-
ned consultation , 'rownsoud nmado a
written admission of ground for a divorce -
vorce , on which Planungami said lie
Could procure ii separation in a very
short time.
. Time announcement , with an ongngo-
mont rimig and Texas Toni's compiimnemmta ,
was sent back to Mrs. 'rowmmseimd , who
returned time following mioto :
TIIMAi ) llimoioxnUmmder : : these cozahi-
tions I imope timid may you will win.
JIAT Towxsin. :
"Time game is imule ,
said 'l'om , with as much of a simmilo mis
loss Qf sleep wotmll Permit to circulate
on his haggard face , "deal thi cards. "
Townsend dealt the cards , anti time
novel ganie comnmneiiced.
'rextis captured time mite chips and
three more with it , on three tiuces
against toims up.
' 'Site's maine , " ho cried. ' 'I always
viII whmemi 1 rake time first pot. "
L . ¶ l'owimsend broke out with a torremmt of
oaths , timid time pair nearly caine to
blows , only time intemvcntion of the bystanders -
standers causing time game to go on.
. Time prospective widower played a
imard gmune. Ho wa.s wary and careful ,
timid again Ito won for a ttmo , but aguizi
. luck ttmrimed imaimst , himn , amid. hits costly
chips melted into tim hands of time pros-
peetivo groommi.Vitim time turn of time
title 'I'owtmsommd lost his nerve , amid iii
the double unto utmil freeze-out Texas'
, coolness timid bluff told hiemtvily. The $ .5& )
bits of ivory traveled across the table
otme by ammo , timid seldom caine back.
J fourteen hours 'I'owmisend called for
a sight ftmt his lust $50 , timid showed down
three Icings before the draw.
'rexas hind aces tmj ) .
L Ctmsliiiiere Bouquet Perfimnmo
I mmntmxcelled in exqimisito combination
) of delicate odors. Colgate & Co. are tim
. largest p.rfumimcrs.
A Lost , tit Itt'ljsctytetL.
New York Mmiii timid Exlwcsmt : "There
Is somiio uimfeiiiintcd wino , " saul a.
I \ \ emit street ivimmo inmptmrtor , ' 'tlmut will
hoop us long mis is desired. "
"Is there utmytimlmmg necutiar about the
method of keeping 1t ? '
" 0 , yes. Time pure juice of time grape
is pressed lute time bottles. Themm mimic
o'ya oil Is poured In at the top of each
bottle. : Thla effectually excludes the
air , and mimic can 'tzrk wn into time
wino to fcrimmoimt It. At time euu time
any air that was in the ) uIco finds I
way imp through the oil. '
Ills thiS a. new diseoverym
"Yes ; It has been brought. into use
within a few ycnrs.
"But one would suppose the oil would
how into time glass vIwim time bottle was
put In 5Q )
"That is prevented by sopping imp thmo
oil with cotton when time bottle is un-
corked. Time cotton absorbs it little by
little. All that Is needed is a little pa.-
tienco. "
The reporter of time Mmiii and Express
mnontioned time mutter to a doctor of dl-
vinity noted for his researches In
anciomit history. Amid the manners and
customs of nations.
"That Is a real iscovcry , said Ito.
"That is one of the lost arts that \Von-
dcli Phillip8 did not mention In 1ml
celebrated lecture. This art of keeping
unformemitod winos wuspracticod by the
Egyptians many years before Christ.
But it was lost. It iia now boon rediscovered -
covered and is comning into general
Sudden Sensation
Of chilliness invading time backbone , fol-
iowed by hot flushes amid profuse porspi-
ration.T all know these Bymptoms ,
if not by experience , from report.
What's the best thing on tim pro-
gramnmo ? Quinine ? A dangerous remedy -
edy , truly. Produces caries of the
bones , only affords temporarily relief.
Is there no substitute ? Assuredly , a
potent but safe ono-Hostettor's Stoniach
Bitters , it certain , speedy means of expelling -
polling from the system every trace of
the virus of miasma. Use It promptly ,
iorslstontiY. The result-a cure Is ocr-
tam to follow tim use of this beneficent
restorative of health. Dyspcpsia , liver
complaint , nervous ailments , rhouma-
tismn , and inactivity of time kidneys and
blander , are also among the maladies
permanently remediable through tim
genial aid of this wholesome botanio
medicine , recommended by the mcdi-
cat fraternity.
An Expensive Liver-Pail.
Pittsburg Dispatch : Tim early closing
season at the watering plaeos and moumi-
tam resorts huts set in , and the pleasure-
seeking army is on the homestretch ,
maklmmg good time. As the Now York
woman says when she goes down the
stops in Juno and looks behind her at
the tightly closed house , "Oh , how nice
it will be to come back next Soptein-
ben" I hope every woman didn't make
the mistake that Mrs. Careful did. She
wits on her way to Europe , timid , tutor she
was seated in the carriagejound. for the
boat , she romemuberod a liver-pad that
ohio had bought for time old maim.
"I'll Just run back to the parlor for
it , " said she.
" 1)on't be a fool , but stop at the drug-
gist's mind buy another , " said 1w.
"As if I would , after buying that , "
and out she climbed.
With three keys she let herself in ,
flow to time parlor , turned up time gas
with the electric key and searched.
Then she ran up to tim front room ,
lighted the chandelier , and found the
pad. She triumphantly made her way
. out of the house , locked it carefully up
again , and rode away in victory , having
hind her way and saved an
outlay of 75 cents. This was on Juno 3.
She arrived here on Septomhier 3 , and
was astonished at opening her house to
find time parlors cheerfully lighted to
receive her. She had forgotten to turn
oil the gas , rind for three months , night
and day , two burners have blazed away
and illuminated tYto industry of the
merry moth and the. beautiful buffalo
bug. When her hiusbammd pays his sum-
moor gas bill he will think liver pads the
niost expensive thing ho over struck.
"As is the bud bit with an envious
worm , " so is many a youth cut down by
the gnawing worm consiinmptiou. But it
can bo made to release its hold and stop
its gnawing. Dr. Pierce's "Goldoim
Medical Discovery" will if taken in
time , effect permanent cures , not only
In consumption , but In all cases of
cliroimic throat , bronchial and lung di-
Fair's Loan to Mackay.
fleno Gazette : John Mackay is reported -
ported to imave told some friends in Vir-
giniti City that he did not seek Fair for
asnistanco , but the offer came yoluntar-
ily from Fair. Mackay tells it this
way : "I met him coming along tim
street , and ho says : 'John , I think you
arc distressed , and if you are , I've got
five million you can hiuvo if you like ,
and let bygones go. ' I accepted the
offer , and Jim would havotokicic me allover
ever the bank before I could be made to
think ho wasn't a pretty good fellow. "
Storm Calendar and Weather Forecasts -
casts for 18880 , by Roy. In B. . hicks ,
with oxplnations of time "Great Jovian
l'eriod , " upon which our planet is miow
-entering , mailed to any address , on receipt -
ceipt of a twa-coat postage stamp.
Write PlaliilY your name , postofilce , and
St. Louis , Mo.
T B Forgy to JohiCarison , lot 19 in
blkl7ofBedfordplacew d. . . . . . . . $ 1,200
Ferdinand Straits to Thomas Doboter
the n4 of lots 15 and 10 In but 45 o
Ciiiiiidvicw , lease 5 years , 6 ir
year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
William C Mihilgimmi to Frmimmk T Ran-
born , lot 17 Ia blk 6 in Hanscom
place , v 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 600
Wilhiatmi J Paul to L Marks , lot 11 In
blk 2 of Alamo Piaz0 w d. . . . . . . . . . . . 0,000
L Marks to W U Alhrlght , lot 11 in
bik 2 iii Alamo plaza , w d. . . . . . . . . . 6,000
The South Omaha Land company to
henry A ICosters , lotO blk 14 of
Soutim Omaha , v tl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Soren F Nelson and wife to lUclmtmrd
Nuun tim mm 25 ft. of lot 8 in blk 1 of
Idlowlid add , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700
Samuel E Rogers and wife to Nettle
A Gray , time s 3 of lot 1 In bik 13 In
lmnIioVemRcnt associatIon , iv ml. . . . . . . 300
0 II limihinu et ni to Andrew Netioll
lot 3 in bik 7 , lot 14 blk 2 and lot 15
bUt S of Ambler place , also lots 8 , 9
and 10 bik 5 of Everett place , lot 4 in
bik I of Lakeviow and n3 ( of lots U
and 10 bUt 4 of Central park , w d. . . 16,200
Cutherimmo Geimtlomaii and imusb.mnd to
Ada Tcnick , lot S in l'ruyn's sub div
of lots 1 , 2 and S 1mm Uk 5 oLLake's
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . , $ ,
Time Onumha & Florence Land company
to Oliver F lirigga , lot 2 In bik t)0 ) of
Florence mv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Charles E heiter antI wife to John 0
Salbibury , lot 14 in blk 7 of S hull's
2dvdd wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4530
Mllton.hi Cobb . to Ricimaril S hull , time
undIvided J4. ofthofollowing , to-wit :
hlegmimning at a point 54 ft a and 243
7-100 ft s of ( see cor on v line of
Sec 22-15-18 , thence e 240 ft , 405 ft ,
SW 240 ft to a pelt 4 ft e of w line
of siiil see , tlmcmmce a 474 ft to liaco
of beglimning , iv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
Edwin A Leavenworth amid wife to
Jacob Kaley , lot 16 in bik ii of Hans-
coam Place , v d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Milton II Gable to Willard II Millard ,
the undlv 3 of following to-wit :
Beginning 54 ft a amid 234 7-iOft ( ) s of
; ( Sec roe on v line of sea 2t3-l5-13 ,
09441fts4&Sftsw24Oft to noint 54
ft o of y line of 551(1 see , then mm 474
ft to begimmniimg , iv ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,000 ,
Andrew J Itanscoum amid wife to Will.
lain C Milligan , lot 17 , bIkO , lxi 11am.
cent place. iv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Johmm W Grillith , tnuteo , to Francis D
Coopem- , lot 27 , blk 1 , In Baker place ,
wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
aor.w Loomis and wIfe to Daniel
\v Phelps the w M of lot 19 , in
hIa1s1Ds' add , iv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1,000
James .1 McClaIn nail i'rlfo a tei
Charica 11 lViimomi , , lot 1 , 1,1k 12 ,
Isamics & Soldemi's mlii , u ii. . . . . . . . . . 8 , 400
Jolmii Cimrlsomm et mil to T. 13. l.'orgy , a 25
ft of lot 20 of Pairuimimit > Iaco v d. 2,000
! .aai3 , llackthorn aimdwife to } mlmuia
L. Stii , 2 &i1 t of lot 2 block 5 of
Brookline n(1dWii ) . . . . . . . . . . 400
WIiIInnm 1' . Stevens td 1Ie IL. Clark
lots 8 , 4 , 5 , ii , 7 , 5 antI 9 In bloci2 ha
Stevens pi.ico , w 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jercimmlah C. Wilcox rind wife to
Clmnrlcs Slmivcrick , lot 5 block 11 in
Wiico'c's add ; also . , .lot 51 In SliOr-
maim add , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500 ,
Samuel Forrest ct111 to Aticlia A
Whitney , n ; of tInt' n3 ( of the fol-
iowlng , to.wlt : Commencing at sw
cor of nw 3-4' of no. ( of soc ir. . , is , 13
thence a 7 clmtiiims and. 7 limmks n
chains and 24 1-5 links ; ivest 7a-hmdns
and 7 iiimks ; a 4 chaimis nitti 2 $ 1.5
links to place of bcgiimmmlng , q c d. . . . $
Charles Eaton and wife to Adehla
A Whitney , the imi of mm3 of the fol.
lowing to-wit : Commencing at aw
corofnvofneofsco 15 15 13'
thence o 7 chaIns and 7 links , a 4
chains and 21 15 links , v 7 chains
and 7 lInk , , a 4 chains timid 24 1-5
links to niaco of beginning , q od. . . .
.1 names (1 Megeath mind vifo to Solon
Emery , the so3 ( of imwJ of nc. ( of
soc2OlSl2qc d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
Solon Emery 4.0 Ezra L Emery the
im of so ( of nw3 of nci of sea 20
1512qo1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Ernest lUaU atty in fact for Snuicl C
Bcckwlth , to the publlcplat of fleck
with nlmmee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clifton E Mayno and wife to Clmns
llohmustcd , lot 19 blk 3 , Maynca add ,
w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
John Arnoki and wife to Larmon P.
Primyn , lot 5 In l'ruyn's sub-div of
lot 233 of Millard & CaIthvell'a add ,
is'd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000
August Felder and wife to Frederick
Braasch , lot 16 in bik 11 lii Omaha
View , iv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
Fred B. harris to Mary S. Silkwortii ,
thio w of lot 10 ia Godfrey's add ,
wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,500
Charles F. Eaton Ct al to AdeIla A.
Whitney time a of n of the fol.
lowing , to-wit : commencimig at aw
cornorof miw ( of sec l5 15 , 13
thence o 7 chains rind 7 hulis ; a 4
chahmis and 3t links ; w 7clmnlns and 7
links memO I ; chains and 24 1-5 links
to nlaco of beginning , q a 0. . . . . . . . .
Claudius W. Timomnims to John A.
O'Koofo , bIll in bik 4 mmii a 40 feet
of lot 12 in blk 4 of sutd-div of John
I. Redick's add , iv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
James U. McCeath smith wife ot al to
Margaret 11. Wilcox time iv of .lot
4 In bllc 137 in cIty oi Omaha. q e d. .
Frank holier to Sarah M. Kitchen ,
coinmemmeing at ii e cor of lot 14 , in
blk "B , " Prospect Place ; thence a
13 fact , v 50 feet , S 13 bet , o 50 feet
to place of beginning v d. . . . . . . . . .
Frank holler to Sarah I. Kitchen , lot
14 , blk "B , " in Prospect Place , w ml 0,000
George M. Ludwlck to the public pint
of VancoPhacen4of n34 0 ? n3
of no.of no34oisco30 , 15 , 12. . . . . .
William Kimiscy and wife to Frcdcriclc
Neal , lot 1 In bik 4 in Vcst Cumimmg
add ; also o 4 of lot 2 in bik 6 in
Lowo's2dnddw d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frederick Neal to Louisa Kinsey , lot I
inbik4lnWcst Coining add ; also
the e of lot 2 In blk (1 ( , Lowe's 2d
add , d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Samuel H Johnson to poll II Idwurds
nofseo12,10,9bd. . . . . . . . . . . .
Thoummis Brcmmtman ot at to John O'Don-
oboe , lots S and U in bilt 2 of Urea-
nun Place , sv 0. . . . . r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000
T 11 Davis and wife to William G
Martin , lot 01 in Fairmount Place
mmddwd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thomas Brennan to James P Guinan ,
lots 1 and 4 in Rosahipd Place , iv d . . 850
Julia E Vandercook amid husuiand to
Thomas J PcnncIl,1ot 5 in blk 1 in
Vnndcrcook terrace 'iv d. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200
Julia E Vandercook amid husband to
Tlmomas .1 Pennehl , lot 4 iii blk 1 In
Vandorcook terrace w d. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200
Isaac W Hall to Rodhey S Wimitman
ot al , iota 3 , 4 , 5 and ( I iii blk 2 in
Mayno Place iv d. .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,500
Patrick Marrow and yIfe'to Janics M
Parker , lot 241 in town of Florence
qcd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mitchell F Chapman ct at to Martima B
Chapmmum , thu sw ( of nw ( of see
80,10 13qotl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Byron iccd and wife at al to Charles
Elsasser , the ii &i it of 1t 40 in blk 4
In Campbell's add iv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
John J itoss to Frederick P Fosdike ,
lots 0.and 10 In biksinMeycrs , Rich.
ards & Thlden's add wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
Cary M hunt amid wife to Math Evctz ,
lot 7 of C Id Hunt's sub-div iv d. . . . . 2,500
Gcoro H Boggs end wife to Corimelia
C looper lots 8 , 9 and 10 In bik 9 , in
OmahaVow ivd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 ,
Harry D Reed to Cciostla E Wood , lot
1 blk 11 , Ia South Omaha , q C d. . . . .
W 0 Albright and wife to Patrick C
Murphy , lot 47 , 1mm CunnIngham &
. Brennan's add , iv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
.v a Albrlght and wife to Patrick C
Muhy lot 7 blk 1 , subdiv of bik
27 , Aibrlght's Choice add to South
Omahawtl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Emerson Austin and wife to Daniel
Austin , lots I and 2blk 17 , in Central
Parkudd w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
Albert H Iaysor to George W Logan ,
thoc22feotof lot 12 and the w 30
feet of lot l3 In bik 8 , of Skull's 3d
add , iv 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
Samuel E Rogers and wife to Lucy C
Seltiorm , the n of 1t I in bk ] 13 , in
Improvement Association add , iv U 1300
James Haw jr to Frederick L Suiith ,
lot 8 in bin 2 , of Omaha View , v d 1,250
Clifton B Ma3me and wife to Gara K
Hurst , lOt 20 in blk 3 , Mayne's add
wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300
, -it : . WEli
_ _ _ _ U R
! PRICr $
Its superior excellence proven In millions at
homes ror more than a quarter of a century. it
Is mise4l by the IJmm.ited States Government. Endorsed -
dorsed by the heaCs of the great unIveritIss ,
as the Strongest , I'ureQ anti Most hleatiifut.
Dr. Pric&s the only flaking 1'owder that does
not contain Ammonia , Limo or Alum. Sold only
incausFR1C1 flAKING FOWDEII t0. .
New York. Chicago. St. Louis.
And painted and guaranteed tight for iiumnber
of yt ars. I'aints never bitster. GlLtiIiL
.IIOOFINO nmauutacture4 and repaired. 1'lre
l'root Paint aImpUod to shingles. Fifteen yearm ?
2111 8. 13th St. . hem cen Arbor and Vlatoa.
S. T. VALDUIPcW. M. D. ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
OSlee. Cor. 15th and Firnam Sts. ItesIdenre.2t3
iarnnmn St. liouu. B to ii a. am. , S to 5 p. iii.
( ) .
Occulist and Aurist ,
1518 Dodge St. 10 a. in. to 4 p. in.
Incomp&rbiy th Ush
llOLBBPYOllRllllBS !
The liubbery of a Street Car 1)rlter on
Cumhmg Street.
Gush Box and Watch Made Away
Wlth-'i"aTroubloof Another
Driver on ih9 Qroon
1lms bclil anti smueesstmmi robbery of mm street
emiT tlriyt.r ciii Cunming 5trt.t Iat Thursday
night has caused conelden.iis excltcmemmt 1mm tlmo
city. amid as rumor , of a strike amnong the street
car drivers In Omaha have , been hying thick smut
fast for a week past , a reporter vIsimtng to a.
certain to Whuit extent the strike Imad progrt.ssed ,
hailed car No. 18 on the green hue sevemal tinys
ago. and , lilhikimig lilt way tlii'oligli the crowtlet
car to the front platforin Imigratieted himself
into the good graces of time goimlal driver. and
learned fioma that gentleman the following par-
ticiilars of the strte in questlotim "Strike. did
you say ? Well , I 00 not know. timers may be
sonic tahic of a strike but if there Is I know
nothing aimout It. I think the drivers umoro In
Onmalma are paiti about a veii as the drivers
anywhere else , uliti have about the i.anmo Imomirs ;
but if you want to know soimmetiming of a strike.
I raii tell you of a strike I camno near going on
about a month ago. You see " contttimiett the
driver growing cvnlldetmttai. "h'r tium last three
years I nave ieim a simtTerer front that iotksonme
tilcoase. eatarrim , iiromght , on by careless oxpos-
crc , and hail It so bad that 1 aot tired of myself
anti evi'rytlmtng. At night timiw while In bed I
would have a Oropping in tim back of may throat
which would nimnost strangle tue. it would kee
mao . awake the best iart of the night. may brent
% % , ( s extremely olieum.lvo ; vimy I was asinimned
to go near any person on account of it. I vault
miL , retaIl wlmt Uttle food I ninnagot to eat , anti
would balk and spit nil day. I tool a buzz.Ing and
roaring iii amy ears. I tried nitemtt : nmetllciues to
rio emmti Without relief , mind tried i.everai local
tioctors with time smile rehult , and Imatt shout
immtmdo up miiifld to go oim a strike to somna
oilier climate for nmy health when I read an ad.
VOitt5crneflt of 1)rs. McCoy & henry , and passimig
timsit otilce every ( lay itiul seeing ma , miumy eop1o
calling timers I c.oimludts1 there lutist be sommie
tIming In It , I railed on tiiemn and vonmniencett
treatment at oiice. "Amid itim yiiat result ? "
qmmomied the scrilt' . 9Veit. I have been under
their treatment for oima month anti feel better
than I liars for tnt , years ; I have no more bad
tr , nth , no muore imoIso lii my ears , caim hear as
% vell 104 ever , Can etit three square imicals and
k,0itiltlii .Iowim. . too. 5.11(1 In fain feel llkt , a mmnw
inn , , tutiruly. I waimt (0 i-sy itil I can for the
doctors for timsy lmavo worked wotmtleis for mue.
Net otT , arc you well. good bye , " atl time criba.
pioihlliig oim illS mt iry way , thought surety
truth Is mtrnmmger thsu fiction. Time driver ubovO
mentioned i
sin. ar.oiws : a. IIOSS.
(1lver ( if car No. 18. Green lAtin. rtu , boards at
t.Iiecortier of Kirby anti 'i'wanty.stxtti strcets.
% viici t : ie wilt corroborate time above to atmyomme
doubting It.
The Symptoms Attending That Disease
Which I.eatls to Consimniptiomi.
When catarrit has existed In time 1irtl and the
upper part of the throat for tumy isngtim of time
-time Patient living in a Ohirict wimerim people
are subject it , ( 'starrimal mtticctlon-uiid the dI * . .
ease bs been left umicitreti. time camarrit Invarl.
ah)1) , oiii0t1iiieR slowly. extenis dow , , tim wind.
1)11)5 . auth Into the bronchial tmibe.s , which tame'
ooim.e- Limo air imito the diIlereimt pails cit the
lungs. Time tubes t'ocomr'o ' Otfecteti fromim th
Lwsmiitmg Rilti time mucous arh.Ing from camtirrb.
and. in somie , Initances. becoimic immggetl up. so
tIIItt the tile cannot get in as freemy us It should.
Shortness of breath follows. and time i'aticnt '
breathes with labor amni dililcuity.
in either case there is a sound of crackling
anti wbuezlmmg Inside the At tlti'i m.tage of
the disease the breatlmlumg Is imu.uahly Immure tepid
than when In 1iaiti , . Time patleut hots also hot
dashes over his body.
' .t'Iii , pain which accommilaiiiC thmt couoiitlomt is
of a dull eimei'acter , felt in tue chest btliiud thu
breast bone , orimnuher time aimoumioleridade. The
pain many comae and go-last a jew days and
tiii , be mibseut for several ¶ i'lue cough
that occurs in the Ilrst stages of bmouclmial ca
merit Is dry. coitias on at imitervals. imacking Iii
cliarseter mtmiui ij usually mo'it tmoihleonie In
timt imioiniu" eu rising , or goilig to bed at nigtit
tend it mnay'iie in time llrst evidence of tim disease
extending into time lungs.
Sometimes there are OUt of coughing indmuceot
by tb tough mucums so violemit its to cause vomi-
Itimig. Later on time umucus that is raised is
found to comitalim smuahl nartices ] at yellow moat.
tar , which indicates that time smelt tubes in the
lungs are now utfectal. % 'ith this there are
often streaks of blood mixed with time mnuctms.
In sonlo eases tin' imatfohut heroines very aIa.
hiss favor , and exlmectorates before mumy cough
rum cases small masses of cheesy sub-
stauco tome spit imp , which , when Iresed he-
twoon thou Ilmmgers , emit a imnot tidor. In otimer
cases. particles of a intrO , chmmilky nature are si'S.
imp. The malsing of choosy or chalky iummmps In.
dicath serious totiscimlef at work in the mugs.
in somno cases catarili wUi extemmol into the
lungs In a few weeks ; In other cases it may be
mnouthioo , anti even years befomo tue diseusu attacks -
tacks limo lmms sufluctently to cauu serious In.
terfoorcunco wi1 the general health. When tim
disease has developed to such , a ioint time pm-
limit to , saul to have catarrlumi consumption.
With brommcimial catarrh there Is lumore oi less
foyer wHich ditTers with the different parbo at
thin .iay-sOgiit In time morning. higher Lu time
afternoon mmmi evening.
What It Merits , Howlt .Acts , anti Wind
It Is.
You sneeze when you get up in the morning ,
you try to siieezo your nose alt every time you
are exposed to timeleast drait of air. You hmavu
a fullness over the front of the fomebead , amid
the nose feels as It there was a Ilum in each
nostril which you cannot dislodge. lou blow
your umoso until your ears crack , but It don't tb
any gonti. and the ouiyresuit Is thatyon sutceed
In gettIng imp us very red nose. ammol you so IriS.
tate tiu Suing membrane of timeX n-gmmn ttmst
ymm are unable to breaUme through it at alt.
This is ft correct anti not overdrawui picture of
alt Semite attack of catarrim , or "Sumeeziug Ca-
tutu h' as it is call1.
Now. wimat does this condition Indicate ? First.
a coIl that tauses mtcus , to be poured out by
the glaimuls in the nse ; then these dtseased
glands mote attacked ty swarms of little germs-
tim catarrlm gerni-timat host in the air in a io.
cottU ) ' iieio' tOo dI'oen'm ii prevalent. 'l'hese
nnhmnaiciilae , In their citorts to hitS a lodgnient ,
ii rbtute time sensitive mimemuibrauie itniuug of the
mme , , , amiot Imature unuiemlakes to rid herself of
them by producing a lit nt sneeztumg.
Whelm tutu mto'o becouimes tilled with thickened
di3oased mmmtmcus the natural cimamineis for limo In.
trotiuction of air 11110 tIc lumm"s is Interfered
with. and time ner'on so eifecte1 niust breatime
through the mouth mtnd by such means tue
tianeot teecnmmes parched and dry , snoring is pro-
, iuc.oi. anti thumi time catarrltai diseate gatna
mostly acce.s to the throat and lungs.
Late of Beliciuc hospital , N. Y.
lEave Oiiices
iS'hierc all curable cases are treated with , soc.
Cuss. 1'hediui treaied skiiifumiiy. Con.
SUflhlutitn. Jimight's bI.rase , JvsrnioL' ; . lilmeom.
nmntlsmn , amid miii Ni3VOUII llhhiisIs. : Alt
tlii.easei peculiar to the sexes a specIalty , C.'u-
TAltItli Ct'ItEI ) .
CONSIJI.'b'it'IION' at 091cc orby mail tl ,
(1111cc Iiomurs-m' ' to ii a. Iii. ; 2 to 4 1' . Ui. ; 7 to B
P. lii. Sundays incimmoled.
( : omTespoudenee receives prompt attention.
Many diseases aru treated successfully by Dr.
? tCCO ) thitou"li time malls , amid it is thus luosSitlie
for timoe unsIu to.uako a journey to obtain
uoumceosfui imopilal treatnient at their bosmnes.
No letters althwereol unloto comloui1ed by to
in stanipm.
Ath1res all letters to lii , . McCoy & hlenr
1toonaJiOanttfllttamge UUlidtiujOuumtiutNe .
: I ; ioit S.&lB-l3ghtecn scrois , tmmmction of two
. main streets atiot Itt. P. lieS. Liii. ity. , omity
ten immimmutcs riots by cmiii to South Onmamia smut
the stock yards nimtl twenty miminutos' i-Ide to the
Ceuiter of Omimahia : covelei u itim splendid simado
trees : ilnest nhaco itrommmmtl Onitla , , for summer
gst't ; : ; will 1)1st Into eighty choice lots ; laimt
liii artiumnil i 14 divided tutu iota mimid soiling for
V.4X ( ) to t.45) vnclm IiiS.'M JjIW , buyer to sienna ,
bimemmuimbranc , , o hnM. ohmS Si a& . twp , three
full four years ; % % .lii toiko 7t5'O ' euv'h , tud5nc'
d.S0O in good imumproveti farm property.
JIOR BALE-8orenty.flve feet east front on
Utisitu street. iii liansctmmn i'lsce ; sIlendit
nelghmborimooti , two blocks train two lines of
Street care. Just on gradom. mmst time lulacu for a
block of timrtuo house. ; . Only $1,500.
] OIt $ ALE--A MilOfluliol hoummo , new house just
comimplotod , eiegtmmt iieigimioriuoth , i'itssaut
anti imenithy locmiiio'mm. Poetoe'ston given at once.
Small ea.sim Ima2miont. easy ternis. A bargain if
taken quick.
I'toit SALE-Splendid business lot en Vinton
. t _ Street near 20th , forty fcct frontage , only
$ : MXb. A largain.
Foil SALE-100 feet ntithm front In flartlctte
addition , near corner of i'ark aveimmmo mmmd
Leavenwomtim strt't.ts , only $5.KX ) . This property'
Is worth to-tiomy $7&t.
] 1OIt SALE-Omin of time best comimere on Fur.
115am street. A bIg luargitimm it 1.01(1 at once.
; ioit 8A1ii-Threo nice east fm-omit lots In
i .emtveimwoi'l ii 'l'errnce , only 12,400. T1IIa
uropcmmy is sittiateil on a gemmtio rIco between
Luaveumu ortli amid } 'umriuamn streetS. mmml is , oivt'rmml ,
iittiidm't'tl dollars less then lots across the street
timid iii time vicinity. Ioui't hat tlmi slip.
Foil SA I.E-Cd feat on South Sixteontli street. ,
near vinoluct. Only 56OO.
Eon SAIfl-Lot 14 , block Cl , South Omalma ,
corner I itmmd Tcnty.sixtit streets , GOatSU
feet. Ouiy $ Irtj.
] ioht tmti.m-sn : feet on North 80th atrcet , near
Clark , irltim three smmmnhi hmoues. Cable ilmie
omm street. 03w of Limo biggest burgaimma in Onma.
hun , it sold soon.
FOR SAI.E-Sijoim'fltl lot on 21st street , near
1 ( brace , aexilu , oniy 14,000.
] 1on SALE-Two lots in Tatmor 1'lace. ranier
los'e , tventi. . ' itiiti iIo aid street. jut-ti three
blocks vet at tim elegant miv imou.cs umuw be.
lug erected In West ( Somalia. 'l'iiis wiil imimike a
zlu3eimdiol site for two resitlenceto , oimiy ! . , ( ttm. Car
hfmiott'itiiin three bIock. C&tlt and hit us show
you tills.
T1OR SATE-lilegant east front lot. on ( leorgia
.1. aventi , for ii few domys at 14,5t1. If you
vamit an etegatut restdcmicu alto dent b , t this sup.
FOR SALE-Lot 2 , block 7 , Ilnumseoni l'iace.
1 This lot is rsxIlh ) feet , ( 'ast trout , suurruiiioied
by clegzumt lmoumses on both shies. ( ) wmwr is out
ot towim amid must Itiove immuney. Call mtmmd lot us
imamue iiico en this mt to you.
F Oil SAI.1i-543 fe.'t on floolge street. Cabi.
iiis , already luilt iii front. A bargain at
J1Olt HA I.l--4t feet on Poirummomn street. imear
Sixtventtm Street.
iloit SAI.ii-Cimolce corimer Iii lYeo.t Oummohim , , on
Lnve mivenume , ttttlF. feet. omuly 14.UOO. There
jm1.t. 31,15K ) clear jirotitltititis icr soimiti cite.
io iis. i.i-Spl'iuhitl busiiie.i.s corimor on
liomnmiey stmcoi 80.O.
I ht SAJti-i'ourehooee ! corner and east front
. lIa iii % 'itttiertock 'l'erraco on Louse ttvtumutt' ,
miiiii huetween Eon muammi untO Leutveumworthm streets.
2'buesu lot s atijoulim lott ( rut udolit ion aim t it , , sooth , ,
amid can i , , stilt at lint-es I aimgitg , fitiim 1l,5&ki to
$1,611) . Timei o is 1100 vrtlt emu each of these iota.
hOhh SA1B-Spleimdid pieC ( , of trickitge vrop-
arty , iuixhi1 feot. on Suit Limit , utmoi Leaven-
worth street , ommly $ ,4ItI , onu-timimol cuusim , 1omiance
one anti tWo years.
I 1Mfl feet on ioumgius street
near 'l'eimth. Call umiolget price.
] Oit 8.tLh1-BcnmitIful soutim front lot. corner
i'opplt'ton avenue and Tiiirty.timird street.
l'oVIiettii avemmue is now graihed , 1111(1 ( timis lot itt
lit-a right for grade. l'rlce .7ro ; only $7010 ens ) , ,
Imhanco one , two , Circe amid four years.
Poll SALE-1.otsD Imni ( 21 , imlook 4 , hinnsconm
l'time' . , imxi3u f , ct , corner iIotmmit 1'ltaoait
aimul Cittimerlimu streets , ' iegooumt. 'iuw , , , mie.hmat
hilts-k fmmii car line. 0mm of the biggest bargaimi
in the city at $7,500.
JOIt sAl.i3-I.ot Si. llack 5 , iianscomn l'iaee ,
. elegant \re't front hot oh ib'tavor , , , street ,
mnagmmmticeimt vitae. splefloliot imuighiiurhod. Omma
of tutu finest west trout tots iii iiaimscoiii l'hsce.
0mm ] ) ' 1Th0.
Foil SALIt-Lots 13 , 7 and 8 , block 5 , llamisconi
I'Iace , 15(1 feet frommtago cast on Dmmimuc stroet. ,
ito-i right for gmamle. No Sitar pimtco 1mm tIm city
for Itlock of imuIlsOu4 or iamgn reatdctmce. Can mictl
fifty feet or more Ut ratu of $ fl per trout foot.
$1Olt SAIIl-Lat20 , blck 15 , hianscom 1'lace.
_ i _ Splendid residence lot on tleorgtam avenue. A
big bargalmi at 14.7i4J.
umort SALE-Lots Ii ama ! 12. blockS , hinimmicomn
l'lsce , itthziSo feet , south atumob oust trout. ,
corner of POimllCtOIi ) uveuiuc aumol bnano attach ,
Thin street has heemi grault'd In frommt of these lots
, smut tImt.y ame abotmi two feet above grade. Time
OittXSIte ( ' ( otXiCrS are nil buIlt UI ) maul occupied
hi' eiegnimt. homes. them oiler this property for
itt ) per fiont root.
4 ( lIt SALi-Loti I anti 2 , block4 Tianscom
i'iuc , Iamxlm beet , cast front atud corner on
Park avemmuc 111101 Noummmt Pleasant street. ' .t'imiH
property is all grmuleoi , on two car lines , anti
.l'mtrIC tsvumiuo viIl t)03 imavool at ommctm. Sniondkl
lmiaci for block of foul' liowses. Call and get
poit 8AIECiioIttj1en.aoretract , PrlcolO IXO.
- IYiit take $ itKJ casio , giroo nmoctguge , bat-
anco in tirst-cin.'t farm land ,
41Olt SALE-Tbin' choice business iota on
_ i _ lielievue Street , the heading timomoughfare
connecting time city and houthm Onaima. Also
twenty ciegammi resiolenco lotti In time umoitimern
part of Sommth Otmmaiia , timis side , imorthoau4 of the
stock yards and busint ttt portion of tlis , town ,
This property wait alt bomigimt of time orIginal
South Ommiuha land Syicllcato at an t.ariy date ,
anti I mmow otter those lots , time elmoicest in ( ito
addItion , at prIces Smut wlii make tim pmirchmiuit'r
104) ) per cent oh every dollar invented. 7rhia is alt
inside property. mind Is tue finest OpiOrtUnity
yet oilored to sucuru , on smith easy ti-no , choice
lots on time main Streets and directly In the way
of time growth of both towims. You can put front
two to dye houses 0mm tiny of these loUi , and 1
with guaiuiitce to rent them at vrlces that wIll
net time owner frommi lb to ; imi per ccitt ler amumuma
Oti the investment ,
What cmmim be ttotfr or a bettor hnvattnmentp
Take time map of Omnuiha , look over time addi-
tloims. imurthi , south , east aimd ivettt , and than note
mhmero title property is located , and time posit.ioa
It ( ) CCmm,1te' in tile W5Y Of iinhirovoznent anti do-
velopmt.nt of either the city or stock ynrLs ,
South Oinitiimt and the stock yroln on ( lie scull , ,
tb city of Otnaima ott ( lie nortim , mttitl three great
litmett of railway on tim svest , umake it inside
property , ate anti sure.
215 S. 15th St.
- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
House Furnishing Goods
On Weekly and Monthly Payments.
Not. 108 110 . 14 t , Botwooi
Boto aii Cilhitol Aollllo.
Dealer in Real Estate
305 South 16th Street.
I litit'e bcmrciths ( a Vacant rs , , 11isea and Lets , stud ISmsfnisg , Propert. awa , on Pastel. If you ? mav.
tmnvthin $ Lu .at , r fads. er wIsh to Sew rail on n.e. 8ne.c altstiltoit to trudt ,
l9l } OUZ'M i4E1ZV4LI sz'air. ,