Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Dolly ( 'Morning IMltlou ) Including Biiudnr
IlKK , One Your . T . . .Ill ) 00
KorHlx Month * . r > ( V )
i'or'Jlirca Months . a Dt
Oho omnhn Sunday lien , mailed to nny ml-
dtess , Ono Vcnr . 300
JS'MT VOIIKOFrtCr , IlDO.Ma' . , TllIIIUNK llllll.l-
ijso. WAIIIIMITOX OrviCK , No. OU 1'ouit *
, ' AH communications relating to npws nml
f editorial matter Hliould bu addressed to tua
UlllTOIt Of Till : llKE.
' All btislncis letters and nimlttance * nhotild ba
nddressod to I'm : JIKK I'um.ismmi COMI-ANI- ,
OMAHA. Jrafti , chwko and jxiHlolllce orders to
bo madu payable to the onlct of thu compuny.
The BBC PnWIsliiDS Coinpany , Proprietors ,
K. UOSKWATElt , Eniion.
Tiii2 > AiijY MIK. :
Bvvorn Statement of Circulation ,
fjtnteof Nrlir.iskA , I- -
County of Douglas. ( " "
liio. 11. Tzachuck , BCCIclary of The Itoo 1'nb-
llnliinp roniiPiniy , docs Kolomnlv tlio
iicttml rlrrumtton of the D.illy lloo for the week
rnUInc Oct. T. IN * ? , was as follow H :
Kntnrdny , Oct. 1 H/H'i
Humliiy , Oct.S 14,1V.
Monday , Oct. .1 14r 7fi
tTllusiliir. Ocl 4 14,47r >
Wtdne-day. OcU'i ) . " . , tM
'rhursdiiy , 13,8SJ
1'rlday , Oct. 7 lt.00u
AvcniKC 14 , ' 0.1
Hworntound nulncrlljpd In luy nri'ccnco till *
6th day of Octolit-r , A. I ) . 1987.
N. i' . picir. .
( SIIAI , ) Notary I'nbllc
Btnto of Ni'liruskn. I . „
County of Douglas. )8 ) > H <
ico. It. T7 chuck. bclnp flrnt dnly sworn , rtc-
mid HIIJ-M that lii > Is wrrutaryof The lloo
ny , that tlin actual uvorufro
flatly rlruulntlrm of tlio Dally llco for the month
of October , IHMi , li''is' ) eoplex ; for November.
J8Mi. MflH topics ; lor l ) ri < mber. Jtwi. K I7
coplesj for . laiinnry , 1HH7 , in.SBil copies : for I'ol-
ruary , 1SH7 , H.liw copies ; for Morrh , 1HH7 , 11,100
copies ; for April , 1887 , I4iir : > coplnn ; for May.
J8 7. H.27 copies ; for.lumW7 , 11,147 roiilps ;
for July. 1W > 7. J4.IMI coplex ; for Aiicunt , 1K87 , J4-
101 1'oploi ; for September , IM7 , 14.lin : roplns.
( ir. ( ) . 1I.17.SU1IUCK.
Kworn to and subscribed In my tiruwnro this
Cth day of October , A. 1) . 1HS7. N. t' . VKlt , .
( SKAIj ) Notary I'libllc.
KANSAS Orrt'a postolllco is-to bo in
vestigated by order of the civil service
commission. Postmaster General Vilas
tnight have looked up the matter while
in the city had not the trip been en
tirely non-political.
IP Chicago locks up George Francis
( Train as a lunnntic , which the author
ities there threaten to do , and prevents
Ihu distinguished oiti/en's proposed
western trip , she will bo entitled to our
'J'HK wooden pavement contractors
promise to resume work within two
weeks , but wo huvo a faint .su piuion
that their promises , like that of other
Omaha contractors , are to be taken with
pevoral grains of allowance.
TUB United Stales district attorney at
( Now York has decided that lov. E.
Wnlpolo Warren's cube comes under the
contract labor law. This decision is
contrary to the view taken by Collector
fvIiiKono , and the ease will bo brought
into court by a suit against the veatry of
the church which called Mr. Warren
from England. The refault of the action
Will bo awaited with interest , as it will
flcllno the scope oj the law and whether
under it professional services can be
ponsidored as labor.
Tnic Omaha Jfrjmb/irrm / is still prod-
fling away at the republican judicial
dolegatoH to nominate a straight party
ticket. That might do in Strcator , Illi
nois , or some of the republican villages
in which Cadet Taylor has graduated.
But here , where Judge Wukcly was appointed -
pointed by a republican governor at the
instance of leading republicans , includ
ing all factions , and elected by repub
licans four years ago , the attempt to
eubstituto sucli men as Lee Estello or
O. II. Ballou is not likely to meet with
fiivor from reputable republicans , who
lirant a clean and competent judiciary.
TIIKIIK is a good deal more truth than
footry in the statement of the wooden
paving contractors which wo publish
elsewhere. There has boon a great
deal of clashing among our city officials
Curing the present season , and an inex
cusable delay on the pnrt of the con
tractors for curbing and guttering. The
failure of the treasurer to dispose of the
paving bonds has also been a drawbrck ,
but that does not relieve the contractors
rom proceeding with their paving
Us rapidly as the curbing is placed and
the money is forthcoming for work which
JWH been accepted. Wo do not object
to their taking paving contracts in
Council lUufl's , providing they keep up
their work in Omaha.
When General Grant passed through
Turlington , Iowa , on his return from
liib tour around the world , Frank Ilat-
ton presented him with a copy of the
Jfmclcyc printed on while satin. That
lit of enterprise made Prank postmas
ter general. This precedent may have
inspired Mr. Hitchcock with
the idea of presenting Grover Cleve
land with a copy of the Wwld
printed on the same material. Mr.
Zlitchcouk , however , has exhibited a
| ittlo more diplomacy by attacking the
emotional part of the administration
Ivith tv poem dedicated , "Tho Un-
trownod Queen , " Frunkio Folsom
Cleveland. It ronmins to be seen
Whether the poet laureate , Fred Nye ,
Will carry oil Vilas' shoos , and leave the
ehiof proprietor of the whole World to
lake Gallagher's brogans.
A IIIUOUT young woman in New York
feigned insanity and succeeded in be
ing confined in Bellevue hospital ami
Bunt thence to the quarters for the in-
eano on Blackwoll's island. It was
necessary to deceive several professor
exports on Insanity in order to uccom-
pllsh this , but she did it most skillfull )
hnd completely. She remained on the
Island ton days , gained all the information
mation she desired , and it has beoi
luado public , greatly to the dismay ani
humiliation of the so-called exports
And now the questions tire natural ! }
nnd pertinently asked , how tnuol
credence can bo placed in the skill o
physicians who can bo so easily do
colvod by a perfectly pane person
without any serious attempt 01
Jior part , and is not such a circumstance
tolerably good evidence that there _ ia i
considerable admixture of humbug ii
assumed export wisdom. At all event
this will bo justly thought of , the . doc
tors who investigated the case of .Nellie
' '
A Few IMaln AVortls.
The pressure- which la being brought
upon the delegates to the third judicial
district republican convention to nom-
nato a etrnight-out partisan ticket
comes chiefly , if not entirely , from can-
lldatcs who are unfit for the bench.
L'hoso men have for mouths been plot-
Ing nnd Echoming to foist themselves
on the ticket in spite of the known disa
bilities which when exposed would ro-
ult in their defeat before the people ,
few wo Borvo timely warning on the
mrty that the BKB will vigorously op-
lese any candidate for Judge whoso in-
egrity is known to bo questionable , or
vhoso UBtociatlons with the lawless
classes render him unfit to Impartially
ulflll his duties on the Iwnch. Wo are
totorrnincd also to prevent it possible
, ho election of any man who is not qual-
ficd by legal training and experience
or discharging the functions of judge
creditably to himself nnd satisfactorily
o the bar. The republican party can-
lot afford to do violence to the fccntl-
nent of the p 'oplo , nor can it justify
.he selection of candidates who do not
enjoy the respect nnd confidence of the
community. We had hoped that the
cssons of the past would not bo lost upon
the party. The republicans of Douglas
county hnvo shown tlmo and again that
ho party lash is powerless in whipping
.hem into line in support of dcsrcput-
iblo or incompetent candidates. The
Ubsou of 188G is fitill fresh nnd should bo
leedcd. The defiance which reckless
> arty-wreckers have shown in the
> ast in contempt of public scnti-
ncnt and common decency , has
always brought disaster upon the
> arty. Unless the judicial convention
s heedful of the danger that threatens
Is success through the nomination of
jnd men and jack-leg lawyers it will
nvoku another political cyclone that is
iable to sweep the local ticket as well
ii the judicial ticket out of sight.
An Instructive
There was a meeting of socialists in
, 'nion xqutire , New York , last Saturday
evening , which was called solely to dis-
MIS.S the merits and claims of the can-
lidatos of that party. There wore
iroHMit persons friendly to other candi-
latos , and as the meeting progressed
some of these manifested a disposition
.o . annoy the speakers and disturb the
U'oceedings. A force of police was
stationed conveniently near , and the
) tllcer in charge was quietly asked by
one of the officers of the meeting to put
i stop to the interruptions of the dis-
urliing element. Summoning n few
men he started to carry out this rcque-.t ,
nU-nding simply to notify the
listurber ? that they must desist.
L'he other policemen seeing this
movement and interpreting its purpose
o be the dispersion of the meeting ,
nadu a rush upon the crowd , which not
expecting tiny such interference pre
sented an involuntary resistance. The
Kilieo used their clubs freely and vigor-
nisly , and many persons were more or
e -i severely hurt. It took a little time
o arrive at a right understanding ,
vlic'ii the meeting was resumed , though
with ti very different temper nnd tone.
Such is the explanation of the affair
given by the police , and although it islet
lot accepted by the e who were attacked
and those who sympathise with them , it
H perhaps in the main correct. The
immediate cause of the unfortunate oc
currence was a mistake on the part
of a majority of the police
force as to the object of the officer in
command of them in going with a few
of the men into the crowd. In their
/eal to do that they fancied to bo an
urgent duty they hurried to the support
of their conn ados and threw themselves
upon the crowd with the one idea of
routing it 113 vapidly as possible. But
was thc 'c not back of the mistake which
inspired this yeal a cnu o that made the
jlundor easy and natural'/ < it not n
reasonable conclusion that the police
men who without orders made this
onset , clubs in hand , had boon pretty
carefully instructed as to what they
should do in certain exigencies , of
which this seemed to them to
be an example'/ And may it not
ilso bo reasonably thought that
Jieso men had been indoctrinated with
the idea that the class of people on-
? aged in the meeting wore at best pub-
lie disturbers entitled to very little con
sideration , who might be justifiably sot
upon and dispersed on the least , provo
cation and without much regard for
sui-h moderate means as is the duty of
the authorities to exhaust before hav
ing recourse to violent measures'/
The lesson of this occurrence is that
the strong drift of public sentiment in
this country in favor of a stern and in-
diBcrhmnaling repression of those who
hold views not acceptable to the major
ity may , if not held within reasonable
and just bounus , become as dangerous
to the integrity and perpetuity of our
republican bystem as those who de
mand such repression claim to regard
the doetrinos of the objectionable
minority. The disposition to put nny
restraint upon free speech is one that
can bo safely encouraged only to a very
limited extent , if at all. The constitu
tion has thrown u strong safeguard
around this great privilege of the citi
zen by providing that congress shall
make no law abridging the freedom of
speech , thus recording the judgment of
the founders of the government that
this most important right of a free people
ple was to bo hold sacred from all inter
ference. During the hundred years of
our existence as a nation this
right has been maintained , with
no ill consequences to our wel
fare , and having entered upon
the second century of our progress we
should not signalize it by recklessly at
tacking this right. And especially it
is most important that the authority to
determine the circumstances under
which restraint may bo exorcised shall
not bo committed to injudicious or
thoughtless men , who will bo more
likely to abuse the trust than to wisely
nnd properly discharge it.
It appears evident that the affair in
Now York has given an impetus to the
indoH | > ndcnt political movements.
llonry George is not less severe than
tinHxnulist leaders in denouncing it ,
and the elements which those several
movOnumUi draw their tupport from nil
' foci that they have a qommon cause 'in
. protesting against wh.ut they regard as
a very great outrage and what many of
them believe to have been intentionally
perpetrated. Their protest will un
doubtedly bo more palpably felt after
they have deposited their ballots.
Old Dominion Contumacy.
Virginia clings tenaciously to its tra
ditional perversity. Always Bolf-as-
assortlvo and obdurate , the men who
nro now in control of its affairs insist on
keeping it in line with that policy ,
though till the rest of the country de
clare it to bo wrong , and the effect is
damaging to its own welfare. Two of
its officials , the attorney general and
the common wealth attorney of Fuuqutor ,
nro now in jail for contempt of the
United States court. The state debt
tangle is the source of the difficulty.
By an act of the legislature the state is
forbidden to receive the matured coupons
pens of its bonds for taxes. The supreme
premo court of the United States has
decided that these bonds are receiv
able for taxes. Suits were brought
ngainst parties who refused to pay
their taxes in money after coupons ton-
dorcd for such payment had boon re
fused. Judge Bond , of the United
States circuit court , issued a restraining
order stopping the prosecution of the
suits until an injunction case pending is
decided. To this order the state of
ficers paid no attention , and for this
contempt they were arraigned and
fined , refusing to pay which they were
committed to jail.
They have boon posing as martyrs in
defense of the rights of the state , among
which is that of repudiating its obliga
tions. Of course they nro sustained by
the party in control of the state gov
ernment , and they may strengthen
their popularity with this clement.
The federal judge is denounced as
guilty of a grave usurpation of
authority , and a great deal of the old-
iiTHQ claptrap about the liberties of the
people being endangered is hoard from
sources whoso utterances should bo
guided by wisdom nnd a prudent discre
tion. The liberty to repudiate obliga
tions honestly duo nnd defraud creditors
who in good faith gave their money for
the bonds of the state may bo of ines
timable value to the average Virginia
democrat , but ho will find very few to
sympathize with him olsowhoro. And
when a state deliberately proposes to
rob its own people there would seem to
bo most urgent necessity for the inter
position of a higher power to prevent , ii
possible , the consummation of the pur-
po e. Undoubtedly if the state
is compelled to receive those
bonds it would bo a serious
matter for the now bankrupt treasury ,
but repudiation cannot bo justified on
the ground that without it the debtor
would have great trouble to got along.
Such a principle , if admitted , would
speedily give repudiation a boom far beyond -
yond the ; boundaries of the Old Dominion.
It is not at all imbrobablo , however ,
that if Virginia should faithfully try an
honest policy regarding its obligations
it might find a ready and easy way to
get over the difficulties which it now
seeks to avoid by refusing to receive for
what is duo it from its people the evi
dences of its own indebtedness to them.
Proceedings have boon instituted with
a view to obtaining from the supreme
court of the United States a decision
regarding the jurisdiction of the circuit
judge , and Virginia opinion in sympathy
with the officials in contempt affects to
regard the determination that may bo
reached by the court of last resort as of
the gravest importance not only to Vir
ginia , but to all the states. But people
who are not contemplating repudiation ,
partial or complete , as a feature of the
policy of their states , will not realize
that there is any cause for serious con
cern regarding the outcome of this
issue. Meanwhile it ma } ' bo hoped that
Virginia will be hold to the payment of
her obligations.
IT has been the understanding that
between the claims of the government
in Alaskan waters and in connection
with the Canadian fisheries con
troversy , Mr. Bayard 1ms succeeded in
getting himself badly tangled up.
Whether the commission will bo able
to straighten him out is a question , b.ut
meanwhile thcro is a ray of promise to
the unfortunate chief of our diplomatic
department by the course Russia is un
derstood to bo taking. Russian cruis
ers tire reported patrolling the Siberian
coast and seizing both English and
American sealers found in those waters.
If the report is correct it foreshadows
the assertion by Russsa of its supremacy
over that portion of Behring Sea not
made over to the United States when
Alaska was bought. Such assertion
would mean that in the cession to the
United States Russia undoubtedly
looked upon itself as sovereign of the
land-locked waters of the North Pacific
rind as having the right to cede juris
diction. It would unite the United
States and Russia against the preten
sions of England and the rest of the
world for that matter.
DAK AXQKL , who was hanging
around the legislature with the "oil-
room bums , " shot off his mouth in the
democratic- county convention against
members of the Douglas delegation who
voted for Van Wyck last winter. Angel
was at one time Jim Boyd's city mar
shal , and imbibes a great deal of his
gall from the fountain1 head
of the packing house. As a
matter of fact , no man who
was known to bo opposed to the re
election of Van Wyck could have been
oleuted in Douglas county last fallcither
on the democratic or the republican
legislative ticket. The men who voted
for Van Wyck represented the wishes
of nine-tenths of the people of this
county. They did just what they were
pledged to do. The renegades who violated
elated these pledges are execrated by all
decent men , and despised by oven these
who were honestly opjxwod to Van
Wyck. The smothered indignation of
the masses in this county may have em
boldened the packing-house striker in
his insolence , but the smoldering em
bers are liable to bo fanned into a llama
whenever the issue is forced.
ST. Louis is very sad over the defeat
of her crack ball club in its last two
games. Chicago , however , ( alia to re-
j.9loo as it .would 'QU oUiSi'
The Garden City is so Irc back in the
base ball procession that she cau't oven
make fun of St. Louis.
WB have boon favored with n copy of
the Omaha World of. Wednesday. It is
printed on whito'sntln , nnd is designed
us a souvenir of the visit of President
Cleveland. It la a very credltable piooo
of work , both from a mechanical and
journalistic standpoint.
It is rumored that Lord Salisbury will
shortly visit Bismarck
Ocorgo Wcstlnghouso , Jr. , the inventor of
Llio alr-brakc , Is rated at $7,000,000.
Prof. Huxley has lately been making in
quiries Into the phenomena of spiritualism.
John Hrlght , In a recent letter , says ho has
not much fulth in the success of absolute pro
The wife of James O. Dlalnc , jr. , is a very
successful and enthusiastic amateur photo-
President Marvin Hughittof the Chicago
& Northwestern rullrond- was once a tolo-
grnph operator.
James H. Kccno has made some * lucky
speculations la oil mid will shortly return to
Wull street.
Ex-Senator Ferry of Michigan is thinking
of going to llvo In Utah , where ho owns ox-
tcnslvo mines ?
Rutherford B. Hayes is a grandfather. His
son , B. A. Hayes , of Toledo , recently became
a happy father.
Dcucon S. N. Will to lost 10,000 bolting on
Bla'mo , and says he has boon a reformed
gambler over since.
Miss Churchill , who wrote "My Girls , " is
the private secretary of the president of aNew
Now England railroad.
Henry Villnrd says ho has gone Into the
Northern Pacific board of directors "not for
glory , but for work. "
Jacob Shaofcr , the bill lard 1st , has returned
from abroad. Patti gave him a ring of diamonds
mends and turquoises.
Prof. Schliomann has received permission
from the Greek government to search for an
tiquities on the Isle of Kycita.
The famous Jewish sculptorM. Antokolskl ,
lias commenced the publication of his auto
biography In a leading Russian journal.
Count Mitklowicz weighs only 120 pounds.
It makes a man thin to carry around Interna
tional Issues. It Is hard on the tissues.
Mr. Boll has convoyed his very largo In
terests in the Boll Telephone to his wife ,
retaining for himself but ono share of the
Cyras W. Field is said to want to soil his
princely villa at Dobbs' Ferry. Ho was of
fered (000,000 for it by John Jacob Astor , but
will not sell it for that sum.
Pope Leo has received among Ms jubilee
presents a colossal choose , a largo barrel of
wino , four yards of flno linen from a poor
servant , two tiger skins aiid an enormous
sausage. *
Edward Burgess is said to bo enjoying
great practical benefits as well as interna
tional fame , In consequence of the achieve
ments of the Puritan , Mayflower and Volun
teer. His hands are full of orders for boat
Maharajah , Sir Waghjco , knight com
mander of the Indian empire , and Tbakoro
Sahib of Morvi , Kattiawar , Hindostan , will
soon sail for England. He has been de
lighted with his sojourn in this country. He
litw boon especially interested in manufac
tures and machinery.
That Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes Is the
model of the courteous traveler is the opin
ion of The London Dally News , and it adds :
"All future English writers on the United
States ought to rcsolvo not to bo outdone by
lilm In tlita quality , however much they may
be obliged to fall short of him in others.
There Would be a Cyclone.
Chicago fanes.
Colonel D. Ii. Anthony , having sold his
Lcavcmvorth Tunes and retired from fightIng -
Ing Journalism , is confidently recommended
as ono of the toughest and host seasoned men
In America for use as a base hall umpire next
They Can't bo Reached That Way.
SUntx Falls Frets.
As the weather begins to turn cold the coal
kings screw up the price of coal , and they
may bo expected to give another twist every
time the mercury falls a little lower than
usual. An open and a short whiter is the
only hope for the people for deliverance from
these hard-hearted , blood-drawing Shylooks ,
and it would not bo amiss for the people to
pray for such deliverance.
An Autumn Reverie.
The dream of the summer is ended ,
The bright page is almost turned o'er ,
Gene is the breath of the flowers ,
Wo know not their sweetness before.
This morn there was frost on the meadow ,
The trees are all shivering with fear ,
The grass that was preou on the hillsiuo
Is dying , and with it the year.
A fool I to think that she loved nuT ;
Her proud lips so proudly said "no , "
Her beautiful eyes had deceived mo ,
Oh , God and I trusted her so I
The heart she bad used for a plaything
Her jeweled white hands cast aside.
The dream of the summer Is ended ,
In ashes of roses it died.
A bird flying font to the southward ,
A ( lurry of leaves in the gale , *
A flickering phantom of sunlight.
And a sigh that is almost a wail.
Thus endeth the dream of the summer ,
'Ncuth autumn Bkies , sombroaud gray ,
I'm seeking a pravo for my lost hope ,
And the joy that has faded away.
Nebraska Jyttliifjs.
Fremont has contracted for an electric
light plant. jt
General Van Wyclc' delivers tin ad
dress at Tecumseh to-day.
The Kansas City & Omaha tracklay
ers have reached Mindcn.
The three banks of Fremont hold de
posits amounting to $ < MXJ&VJ.
Rodney A. Wall has been jugged in
Juniata for embezzling railroad tickets
from the B. & M.
Nebraska City ha 1,400 schoolchil
dren enrolled and twenty-five teachers
to guide their ideas. ,
Gcorgo Williams , the Fremont crook ,
who lifted a gold watch and diamond
from Mrs. Tiehonor for the purpose of
getting a job in the pen , was accommo
dated with an eighteen months' en
The Beatrice cannery has closed a
snccesnful _ season , with the certainty of
a dividend for the stockholders. The
company will plant 1,000 acres of sweet
corn next season , and work on a bigger
scale than over.
Wyinoro has organized a gold mining
company to oporuto in the salted fields
of Arkanwus. Next to graveyard insur
ance in Kansas , the gold fields of Ar
kansas hold out the richest inducements
to squander money in.
The Indian band from Genoa , which
8rootod the president on his arrival in
maba , tooted a mighty regretful toot
w.hon the ueuberg found thora WM not
enough of Grovor'fl topknot loft to tut-
nish a decent handle to his scalp. The
footprints of uarly nud continued piety
were impressively prominent.
The county campaign is now on in all
( sections. Parties possessing details of
the secret blemishes of candidates , the
wild escapades of y.ouths , or oats sown
in barren fields ; crookedness of days
gone by or hereditary consumption ,
traits oil lunacy or mental decay , will
be liberally compensated by applying to
the political sewer diggers of the oppo
The democrats of Koya Paha county
have nominated the following ticket :
County judgo. John Bovins ; clerk. C.
E. L ar ; treasurer , William Powell -
ell ; commissioner , Frank Fisher ;
sheriff , John Coble ; superintendent , P.
L. Kelley ; surveyor , "William Ilinton ;
coroner , Dr. Starr.
Julius , the oightcon-ycar-old son of
Henry KcFslor , n bright , industrious
boy , was accidentally killed wliilo hunt
ing near Nebraska City , Tuesday.
Whllo crossing u creek ho throw his
pun to the dry ground to avoid wetting
it. It wont off and the bullet shattered
his loft leg. Amputation and death
followed in tv few hours.
The Plattsmouth Journal is engaged
in the herculean task of pound'PL' ' rail
road eonso into the residents. The in
terests of the town have boon tied to
the B. & M. for so many years that it
Booms impossible to break down the
barriers that shut out other roads. The
Missouri Pacific has flirted with the
town , but the advances were mot with a
cold and scrawny shoulder. The Rock
Island road is said to bo browsing
around the neighborhood now , and is
likely to bo mot with n chilly air of In
difference. If the town does not rid
iteolf of micawbor methods pretty soon ,
Bomo enterprising rival will put the
coppers on its eyes and turn up its toes.
Iowa Items.
Sixty thousand dollars has been sub
scribed to build a Masonic temple at
Prophet Foster , of Burlington , has
laid in a varied stock of weather for
November. The storm dates are the
4th , 10th , 10th , 21st nnd 27th , with a
probability of an extra storm on the
The Dunkards , a religious denomina
tion of Polk county , have heretofore re
fused to vote. It is their principle not
to exercise the right of suffrage except
on extraordinary occasions. This full
they will voto.
Sioux City was highly complimented
by ono of the Vanderbilts who visited
the palace recently. "These people
must nave wonderful hearing , " lie
whispered to a companion , "thoy have
such biff cars. " Chauncoy promptly
fanned him with a cob and the spectators
cheered huskily.
Two smooth-talking scoundrels nro
going the rounds of the state victimiz
ing farmers. Ono claims to bo gather
ing crop statistics , while the Other has
a remonstrance ngainst high taxation.
The object is to secure the signatures of
the farmers to papers , which afterward
turn up at the banks as promissory
The Episcopalians of Rapid City have
contracted for a church to cost $3,600.
The water mains and fittings have
arrived for the Jamestown water worlcs.
The Territorial Stock Breeders' asso
ciation will hold its annual meeting at
Jamestown in November.
These portions of the territory which
suffered from drought to the damage of
crops last summer , report the ground in
better condition than for four years.
"Two now railroads and a cathedral
next year will give Yankton a high
boost , " says the Press. The cathedral
is referred to as a "booster" heaven
Peter Lutz Held to the District Court
The preliminary trial of Peter Lutz
for killing W. W. Lynch lawt Saturday
morning was hold before Judge Borka
yesterday afternoon , with County At
torney Simoral on behalf of the state
and Messrs. Green and Estollo for the
defense. The "witnesses on the pnrt of
the prosecution were Gorhart Lutz ,
Samuel I. Gordon , Joseph Michael ,
Jacob Crcnglor , Frank Puborsky and
Dr. Koogh. No testimony was intro
duced by the defense. The testimony
of Lutz' son Gorhart was the most dam
aging evidence produced , and was sub
stantially the same as the account of the
affair that appeared in the BKK last
Saturday. The other witnesses wore all
parties who were attracted to the spot
by the shots fired , but who saw nothing
of the encounter between the two men.
Mrs. Lutz did not appear in court.
After hearing the evidence it was de
cided to hold Lutz without bail to
answer to the charge of murder in the
first degree. All the witnesses were re-
lotuiod on their own rc ogni/nneo to ap
pear ngainst Lutz at his trial before the
district court.
During the trial Lutz looked Us un
concerned as though ho were watching
a horse trade instead of being present
at his own trial for murder.
Injured in a Runaway.
August Pollock , an iron merchant
from Chicago , in company with a lad
named Ileiiirich Junsen , while driving
down Ninth street about 6 p. m. yester
day , had an exciting runaway. The
horse took fright about a block north of
the Union Pacific depot and dashed
furiously up the street. In turning the
corner at Ninth and Jackson streets , the
buggy struck the curbstone and was
upset , throwing the occupants violently
to the ground. Mr. Pollock was picked
up insensible and carried into u store
near by. In a few minutes ho recov
ered consciousness , when it was discov
ered that he was not fatally injured ,
although badly bruised and cut over the
head. Young .Ttinson fared worse than
Pollock , receiving an ugly cut on the
back of the head that had to bo sewed up.
The Exiled lownna.
The exiled lowuns met in Mot ? ' hall
last night and organized what will
hereafter bo known as the "Iowa Anti-
Prohibition club of Omaha , " the object
of which will bo to combat prohibition
in Iowa by the members retaining their
citizenship in Iowa and fighting it at
the polls. There were about fifty pres
ent , and the following officers were
elected : President , M. J. Crook ; sec
retary , H. H. Rich ; treasurer , A. L.
Lnrsoh. A list of these who will go
back to vote was made out and the
mooting adjourned until next Sunday at
2 p. m.
ChautuuquniiB to Meet.
The first meeting of the Omaha
Chau'tnuqua circle for regular work will
bo hold at 8 o'clock this evening at the
board of education rooms. All inter
ested in this work are cordially invited
to attend. The programme will consist
of the usual class exorcises and a paper
by the preuidcnt on "Tho Education of
Later Life.- There will also bo a talk
on Ohautauqua work at which Mr. G. A.
Jopliu will preside. There will also bo
boloot roudiugtt by Mrs. M. Murphy ,
The Grand Ledge Hoots Oflloora For
the Ensuing Torm.
The Uuml Contest Ini It. Culcc'fl Of-
Airing On the Tt lnnjlo How.
the Nebraska Hoys Are
The Orr.nd hodgo.
At 9 o'clock yesterday morning the
Grand ledge of the Knights of Pythias
mot nt Central hall. The record of the
proceedings of Tuesday was road and ap
proved. The following lodges were not
represented : Numbers 15 , 7 , 150 , ( VJ , ( > 0
nnd 74. The G. P. , G. M. of E. , and G.
M. at A. being absent , the following
appointments were made for this ses
sion : G. P. , J. E. Smith ; G. M. of E. ,
M. Toft ; G. M. at A. , L. C. Dunn , of
A memorial was presented from Ne
braska lodge No. 1 , asking permission
to reinstate a suspended member.
G. R. , F. F. Godofing of Falls City ,
was reported alck and excused.
The committee on laws made several
interesting reports , ono an endorsement
and approval of the do'cision of the G.
C. . refusing a i oquest from Humboldt
lodge to initiate two members aa trav
eling theatrical troupo.
The Gt and lodge dogrco was conferred
upon C. S. Ailing , of Seward ; W. W.
Davis , of Plattsmouth ; W. D. Mathews ,
of O'Noil , and J. L. Edwards , of Puwnoo
City.A .
A resolution was adopted that the
Grand rank would bo conferred only OB
the first business of the morning and
afternoon session.
The exemplification of the ocrot work
was made the special order for tomorrow
row morning.
Representative Roberta introduced a
resolution making the G. K. of II. and
S. the custodian of the ( J. R. iowols
during the adjournments of the lodge.
A number of the G. K's. protested on
the ground that they desired to retain
their jewels for inspaction and the resolution
elution was defeated.
The committee on laws was instructed
to formuliito an amendment requiring
all D. D. G. C. to give bond in the sum
of $200.
The bond of the G. M. of E. was fixed
at $10,000.
The following were referred to the
committee on revision and law :
Motion for amendment to constitution ,
making the terms of till oillcors of the
subordinate lodge six months , instead of
a year , as now.
Resolution instructing the G. C. to
appoint a D. D. G. C. for each lodge ,
except in cities or towns where more
than ono lodge exist.
The committee on foreign corres
pondence , having reviewed the journals
of forty-three grand lodges , submitted
an exhaustive report.
The committee on laws reported , ap
proving the by-laws of a number of sub
ordinate lodges.
The committee on credentials re
ported , denying to Triumph lodge 32 ,
Fremont , an additional representative ,
claimed by reason of an increase of
membership since its lost report. The
report was approved.
The credentials committee reported
on the standing of past chancellors.
At noon the lodge adjourned for din
ner , nnd at 2 o'clock was again called to
At the opening of the afternoon ses
sion the arrival of Major General James
R. Carntihan wiib announced and ho was
received being accorded the grand
At three o'clock the ledge proceeded
to the election of officers for the ensuing
At the session in the afternoon and
evening the lodge elected officers for
the ensuing year as follows :
Grand Chancellor Kichurd O'Neill , Lin
Grand Vice-Chancellor Joseph E. Frlck ,
Grand Prelate Dr. W. II. Hanchott ,
Grand M. of E. Charles G. Alton , Ains-
Grand K. of U. and S.-K. E. Frcncli ,
Grand Master at Anns Low Weber , Jr. ,
Grand Inner Guard Omar L. Gieeii ,
Grand Outer Guard Gcorgo R. Green ,
J. S. Shropshire was re-elected
supreme representative and Fremont
waa selected as the place for holding the
next session , which will bo on the
second Tuesday in October , 1888.
P. G. C. , J. G. Jones installed the
newly elected oillcors and the affairs of
Pythiariism in Nebraska were delivered
into their keeping. The oillcors elected
are entirely now , with the exception of
G. K. of R. and S. , E. E. French , who
was nominated and re-elected by accla
mation. The new administration as
sumes the reins under most favorable
auspices nnd it is but natural to expect
that under the guidance of Pythians of
ability and discretion such as these , the
order will move on during the coming
year achieving grander successes than
it has oven in the past year of remarka
ble prosperity. The friends of the order ,
and it has many , will watch with inter
est the strides of this organization and
if the results equal the sanguine ex
pectations of those who admire it for the
good it is doing , the members of the
order will not bo alone in their apphiuso
for the men through whose efforts the
success is attained.
The New Grand Chancellor.
Grand Chancellor O'Noil who was
yesterday elected was born in Kingslono ,
Ontario , Canada. In 1872 ho came to
Nebraska aed located in Plattsmouth ,
later moving to Lincoln where he is at
present engaged in the jewelry business.
In 1881 ho bacame a Knight , joining
Platte Valley ledge No. 6 , nt Platts
mouth. lie is now a member of Apollo
lodge No. ! ! (5. ( In the subordinate ledge
ho has hold the office of V. C. and of
course C. C. For thrco terms ho has
served as grand representative. Ho is
a member of the uniform rank belong
ing to Apollo division No. 11. Mr.
O'Noil is a zealous Pythian and well
posted upon matters of the order. His
election is a fitting tribute to an ener
getic and genial gentleman and with
his careful hand the Pythian craft will
not go far astray. _
The Bund Contest.
The auditorium of the Grand Opera
house was well filled with sir knights ,
their ladles and friends last night , as
sembled to witness the band contest and
vocal entertainment. The bands taking
part in the contest were the Second
regiment band , K. of P. ; the Union
Pacific band and Chapin'a Cadet band ,
of Hastings. No prearranged program
was made and each of the bands ren
dered two selections. The judges ,
J. E. Aitohinson , Thomas J. Ponnoll ,
both of Omaha , and Edwin N. Thackor ,
of ITnstingb , awarded the first prize ,
8ir > 0 , to the Second regiment , K. of P.
band ; the second prize , $70 , to the
Union Pacific , nnd the third , of $30 , t
Ghapin's Cadet band of Hustings.
Ono of the most agreeable fcnlurofl of
the entertainment was the rending of u
poem by Miss Ella June Mcndo , en
titled , "Tho Knights of Pythlns , "
written by Lu B. Cnko. A quartette
composed of Miss Colton , Mm.
Ponnoll. Mr. Wtlkitis and Mi1. Pen-
neil rendered several choice BulocliotuJ.
How the Nebraska ItojrH Are
It don't do to flatter the young enthu
siast too much , but it is porhujw htifo to
give to the Nebraska knighU the bene
fit of the opinion entertained of them
by men whoso judgment IH sound on
military matters and who are not car
ried away by enthusiasm. To a number
of these disinterested gentlemen a BKK
representative put the query , what do
you think of the manner in which the
Nebraska knights perform their innn-
ouor ' 1 ho following is the result :
General Carntihan 1 think the boys
of Nebraska display thcniHolvcs admir
ably. Con UW1 ! 1 things their suc
cess is to mo really wonderful. Like
nil young organiKtitioiiB they nAwt con
tinually strive for excellence. It is ab
solutely neuossary that the members
should atlond every drill porfeiulo. I
antifipato a very prosperous future for
the ran ) ; in this stalo.
Colonel E. S. HadcllITo The move
ments of these divisions are excellent.
The nuMnbf rs of the rank here are en-
thusiast'.i1 and it takes considerable of
that quality mixed with n careful
attention to rules and prompt
attendance at drill to make
nn ofilciont * ir knight. I lm\c > been
agreeably Hiirprist > d at the.ollli'ioncy of
the several divisions bore.
Colonel J. L. Foamier 'C have boon
greatly pleased by the display of the
Nebraska knights They mak'e a good
Colonel U. H. Hibbon They have
done well. A hotter appearing bet of
men would be hard to find.
Colonel M. C. Barkwoll I have enjoyed -
joyed my visit hero hugely and the sir
knights' ' display has been excellent.
The Nebraska boys , like all others ,
have many things to learn , but they
make a splendid appearance and do
their work with skill. Tlicro is no rea
son why this Omaha regiment should
not bo the foremost in the country.
It has all its divisions located con
veniently and the social features de
veloped thereby will prompt them to
renewed olTorta at excellence. I have
boon ptirticulnrly struck with the disci
pline of souio of the captains and lieu
tenants in this state. Many have ex
cellent soldier timber in thorn.
The Drill.
Tlio fair ground was crowded yester
day with ftiKiobitors to witnosn the drill
of the Knights of Pythias. The judges
selected were Colonel Daggert and
Adjutant Kinzio , of the tinny , and
Colonel M. C. Burkwell , of Cheyenne.
In chits C there wore throe entries , vix :
A. D. Marshall division , of Lincoln ,
Fremont division and Hustings division.
The prizes in this olass were three in
number as follows : First , $1500 ; second ,
$200 ; third , $100. The decision of the
judges will bo rendered this morning.
In the drill of the city lodgei the pri/.o
offered wasSlOOnnd Omaha division. No.
12 , being the only entry received the
plum. _
Many CUSCH Ilcforo the Thrrp
Divorces Asked.
The case of Ed H. Canon va Walter S.
Tucker and Isaac Adams was heard before -
fore Judge Groll yesterday. It is an
action based on the grounds of ma
licious prosecution in the police court
of this city. The arguments will bo
finished this morning and the jury
will bo sent out.
Judge Neville heard the case of T.
S. Goodrich ot als , against Isaac Oloi-
folder & Co. , yesterday afternoon. The
arguments were not concluded at ad
Judge Hopowoll is still on the ca o of
John Windorholm against Peter Wigg.
Judge Neville appointed Edgar Ha-
briska receiver for A. I'olaclf , whouo
failure has been announced.
Three replevin suits were filed in the
district court yesterday against the
Merchant's National b.'itia , the Bank of
Omaha , and the other closing mortgages
of A. Polack. A. Laufur & Co. cUiims
$1,118.03 for hats and caps , Loopold ,
Simon & Co. , $1,202 for clothing , and
Leopold Bros. & Co. , 84a7.f 0 for cloth
Oei-go Ahtloford filed n suit against
the Omaha llorno Railway company for
injuries received by falling from the
platform of a crowded car September 8 ,
Abbio Amndon is the petitioner in an
action for divorce against Hector A.
Amodon. She nctb forth that she was
married to the defendant July 1'J , 1808 ,
and that she now has a daughter nixtoon
years old. Mrs. Amodon states that
during the last five years she has sup
ported. herself by keeping a boarding
house. She claims that previous to that
time her husband was an engineer on
the Union Pacific road , and that ho lost
his position through intoxication. She
further sots forth that ho not only is a
hard drinker , but he is often brutal. In
consequence she sues for an injunction
restraining him from entering her
house , and also for an absolute divorce.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Betsy Sin-
del filed a petition for divorce from
Narkoss Sindol on of ground adultery.
They were married in 1880 in Boston.
Yesterday's internal revenue collec
tions amounted to $1-11K,85.
The First ward ropuublican club will
moot at HolTnmn hall , corner of Thir
teenth and Williams street , thin evening -
ing at 8 o'clock.
A negro laborer was robbed of $40 in
cash at a saloon near Dodge and Thir
teenth street on Wednesday night. The
parly who got his wealth skipped and
was neon in Council Bluffs yesterday ,
but was not apprehended.
About 5:20 : yesterday afternoon the
fire companies were culled to a fire in
a cottage on the corner of Saunders and
Ohio streets. The family was away at
the time and the cause of the fire is un
known. Tho.damago was very slight.
The building permit for St. Mary's
convent to bo erected on the corner of
Custlllar and Fifteenth streets , was is
sued yesterday. The building is to ba
entirely of brick , 00x00 ft. , and three
stories high , besides having a capacious
basement and attic.
Krcrr I-nlv wl7 dctirc * perfection In ( t vie inl fora
should wear llicra. Manufactured only by UM
Wft Ur , M * i. , uJ jiS M-ukct Uttcl , U4cig * ,