Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Chnractorizod By a Small
Range of Prices.
N ) dirtily : oTAiiy Coiincqurncn Nntcd
In I'rovlMniiN Cnttlc HIlKlKly
Ktr < iiiK < * f HORN . \nulii Aotho
l QuotntloiiH.
rturAdo iMtonucK MAUKKT.
CitK'Afio , Oct. 111. [ SiKH'liil TfilcRrnm to
the IIii : . ] A runKonf prices vovurliiR only
finni.'ti ' ; to < uthirltiff tlm entire M-sslon of
tlioboiird does not runic much nctlvlty ttnil
liidli-aten ulttivr it iloitith of govuiiiltiK lnflu-
riifffiurliilluriircs wlilcholTHct rucli other.
This wn * tin : condition of the wheat nmrkct
tliiH morning. Local tnnlera Heciiird to hu
-ullliif , ' thu inarliet down , J e only to hid it uti
to thu starting inilnt u little later. Then ;
wi'ro but few outside orders. Kurly cahles
Ktivo spot Rniln linn with prices unchanged ,
but the hitu cablt ) rnioted a decline of j'o in
both Ko. 'J red winter and NoH spring , with
the October , Xovrmbrr and May options
lower , nnd private cables nprcpd with It In
lone. Cloaranecs fiom the seaboard were.
btjttcr thiin for home days past , aj-
KrOfratlnff ll/ti111 ! * ) bushels. The opening
this morning was at 41 : under yesterday's
closing prices , or at W } u for November ,
f.4c for December and May 77 ! ( ? 7Xc.
After see-sawing within these narrow limits
all the morning the elose was the same as
> i sterility at TOX for November , ili c lor
December ami i7' < c for May.
Theie was 11 tnllu le z interest/ the corn
market than in the wheat. Fluctuations
were equally narrow and tradingllKht. There
npM'are | < l to be absolutely no IIOWH of a char
acter to influence prices. Keceipts hero were
: CM cars , about ) ( ) less than c.xpcctcU , and the
( Miniated' receipts for to-morrow are 4115
curs. Thu only charters rejKirtcd for the day
were for WlKMI , ( bushels of coin. The ship
ments reported were Mr > , lHKJ bushels. The
demand for cash jirojierly for shipment , was
fair , but not MJ active as noted some days
K < ' . The opening was fractionally below
laot night's close at ll' ofor November o
bid for December and 44JjM4Jfc ( for May.
The entire range of the session was hut lf , ( < ij
34e In November , } * ( < i\a in December anil
'i.c 1" May. Thu close was at 4ljrf41k'e ( for
November , 41 Lc for December anu445 @
444'e for Ma.v.
The oats inaikct was phcnnmcnnlly dull
nnd narrow in the way of speculation. Them
were no owlers either way and not enough
local interest in the deal to Keep the crowd
together. There were no cash sales in store ,
tdiislgnmcnts all selling by sample.
In the provision trade there was no marlced
change. The mat ket was in a great measure
it duplicate of that of yesterday. The feel
ing was quite strong and the day's variations
in priced were generally unimportant.
AFTEHMmx Si : swv Wheat steady Oc-
toberr.ij ! ! , ( < ni'.lXc ' , November ; oj c , May 77/tf
( ; 7J4c > . Corn steady ; October 41. ' /i < llc ,
I\ovember41.l/f ( IK' < c , December 4H4c , .fiui-
iiiiry4l1he' . Oats tlull but steady. 1'ork was
inactive ; .lanimry was quoted at * 1-.V 1-ard
was quiet ; Oi tober closed at $ t . : tll ; Novem-
bcr and December at itl.'J.'i and January nt
Vli.lWj bid. Short ribs Iqr October Mild and advance of llc ) ; January
was in demand at K > . 'J < i.
f1IIU'A ( > 0 TTvK STOCK.
CincAi.i ) , Oct. ] ! ! . [ bpccial Telegram to
the BI.I. I L'\rru : The falling off in re-
< clpt , not only in Chicago but elsewhere , is
beginning to be felt all along the line. There
wi . perhaps no substantial advance , but the
demand was active fiom iiitt to last. Prime
native steers hold within a range of "i.lio ®
fi.30 ; good U ) choice , $4.tXK 4.ti.i ; useful stock ,
* .MHW < iH.7r , ; Texans , .KH a.'ri ; rangers ,
VJ.W ) ( : i.K : ) . Native butchers' stock was in
lair demand and unchanged. There seems to
ho a slight revival in the stoekcr and feeder
trade. There are more the past day or two
than for n month past. Strong weight feed
ers will sell well within the next monthor so.
Shipping steers , IJISO to IfiOO-lhs , ( , . ( 0 ; l'JH ( ) to iC-lbs : ( ) $3.lll > @
t.Ml ; t li to 1'JOO-lbs , * 'J.8.i.tiO. : Stockers
and feeders , fl.WKJfll.lO ; cows , bulls and
mixed. ( l.Hc : ) 3.iX ) . Texas steers , fS.OOQ'.rK ) ;
cows , $ l.l'jrii.tK ( ) ! ) . Western rangers steady ;
natives and half breeds , $2.a : > ( < fU ; ) . Win
tered Texans , fJ.ii.'iQ.'i.O. ' " , .
Hens Trade was again active under n
steady range of prices. Uest heavy sold at ) ( < (4.7f ; mixed and best packers , $4.fiO@
4.fiO ; common and plain , fl.l(0(7HMO ( ( ; light
toils , M.4IS4.CO ) ( ; York sort ,'S. .
Union Stock Vnr < lw , CIilcitK" . Oct. 13.
The Drovers' Journal reportm
Cattle Keceipts , 10,0X ) ; about steady ;
hhippinpr steers , W.b..r.lH ) ; stoekers and
feeders , tl..RKu 11.10 ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
H.8tK.'f-.l'l ; Texas cattle , Sl.OOS'J.W ) ; west-
in n rangers , & ! .ilTtgi.r ( ) > ( ) .
Hogs Receipts , i..1HK , ( ) ; market steady ,
cloHing faille lower for packers ; mixed ,
hcnvy , .fl.40iT4.bO ( ; light ,
Sheep Receipts , 8,000 ; native muttons ,
raiHK/H.lO / ; stoeke-s , * 3.WH.rfa. ) ; western ,
tI.IUK ! : i.tiO ; Texans , * -.VJ : > ( ( ? ; t.5U ; lambs , fl.25
( ! < S. 'i.
National Stock YnrdH. Knnt St.
loutH , Oct. III. Cattle Receipts , J.fitKI ;
fair to good , ! fJ.7Uyy.20 ; rangers , f3.30@3.T5.
Hogs Heccipts , 4.000 ; shipments , (500 ( ;
market active at unchanged llgtires ; choice
heavy and butchers' selections , W.dO@4.75 ;
packers nnd Yorkers , medium to prime ,
( ii-J.OO ; pigs , common to good , > ® 4.23.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 13. [ Sjicelal Telegram to
the HKK. ] STOCKS There was less news
to-day of depressing character nnd the
Mock market exhibited u disposition to react.
The ojiening was strong , with advances ex
tending toYi \ per cent. This was regarded
ns a natural reacting , us one is duo after the
recent slow decline. The shorts took in
largo lines and the longs seemed more dis
posed to support their specialties. London ,
Instead of scllilng , as was expected , sent in
live buying orders. The best information ot
opinion of thu Baltimore & Ohio in passing
its dividend being that In effect it had been
largely discounted abroad and is appreciated
there for what it is , namely , nn Insulated case
of mismanagement that is now being rem
edied. Lake Shore , Union Paclllo nnd Head
ing were prominent for their recujieratlon
the former receiving material help from r
lull pool , headed by Connor , who bought it
on every break and advanced prices 1V pci
wnt. Heading at one time sold J per ecnl
below yesterday's close but it showed more
resistance to the selling pressure and ralllet
1J percent. Thostrengthln Heading ami Lakt
Shore exerted a good effect on" the genera
list nnd slight advances were recorded up tt
mid-day on all except St. Paul , which turn
bled 2 points anil touched 70 < . On tin
bulge the bears attacked the market and i
running light ensued , with varying sue
cej.s. The Iwars , however , had the best o
It , taking the entire list. Atchinson led tin
downward movement and tumbled to U2 } $
but when the reaction came In the elosini
hour it advanoed to W. The rest of the Us
followed and last sales on a majority of th
active blocks were at the highest ilgurcs o
the day and recorded advances extending t
W per cent , the latter being on Headiiif
Union Pacitlo was up I,1/ , Northwestern
lAuUvllleJ : Nashville and Lake Shore 1'
j or rent. SU Paul was down % and Chli-agc
Uurllngtou & Quiucy " { per cent. The tou
talcs were & 3iy.Hl shares , against 4ST.S7
Miarea yesterday. The New York Worl
* avs .lny Gould scents to have retired froi
Wall street to rest Uhnsclf by knocktn
Cyt us C5. Field's Manhattan from 125 to t
rnd pocketing PaeiDoMuH ; also by helpln
to the Baltimore & Ohio tclcgrapl
It nmy IMJ that ho Is seeking further repose
by securing | x > s e sion of the Commercial
cable , the Postal telegraph and various other
little thiiiRs. The more Mr. Gould retires
from Wall slieet the more | iecnllnr the
course of events oeem to be there. He must
have retired a good deal yesterday.
( lOvntMtr.NTc Government bonds were
dull but strong for Is.
1T. S. < cotllion. . . 12-Vi 0. &N.W ' . ,
IT. H. 4''scuitpon ' ins | iln preferred li"i !
l'arlhV ' of ' 10. l-'l N. V.r IW'l '
Cumuli * Sontliini. . iVJ' , O. It.X Kl
( Yntnil I'aclnc. . . . ; > 'iO.T | I1 *
Chicago Ss Alton.,1411 I'arlllc Mail Ili'4
< lo pri-fri-u-d I-VI ll' . . I ) . * K ai
O. , II. 40 12711 I'nllmiinl'aliiicCiirUT'J
I ) . . I..VW I2.-I ' .Heading lit" .
D.&H.U 21" Hock Nhinrt U'1'4 '
llrlp WlVSt. Ii.y. . F Will
ilojirt-fi-ncd I)1 ) !
IllinoisVntial. ( . . .II : . c. . . 1'inii. . . ; \ >
I. . Jl. k do preferred II ! !
K..VT St. I' . A:0 :
ltki-Shore. : . . IHU , dopn-ferml. . . . 1KI
I. . A N W4 TPMH raclHc SIJJ
Michigan ( Vntrill Kl Tnlim I'arltlc W
.Ml oilll I'liHIIc. . . ill'V. ' . . St. I. . 4 V Ili't
MN-onrl I'arlllc. . . . UP , ) ilo piffi-m-d ' 'I *
dopiufi-rrrd 4.VJIW. I.1. Telegraph. . . * i !
Moxiv : On cull i-asy nt 4rti ! per et-nt ,
Inst lomi lit 4 per cent , offered nt 4
per cent.
PHIMK Mi w' Nrii.K PAVHII 0(58 ( per
cent.STMii.iNfl KM in.vni : Ktrongand aetivo , at
$ I.S1 for IX ) tiny bills , nnil $4.b5f ! for de-
Ulllllll. _
riil < ! iif ; < > ! Get. HI. Fulltm-lnff nro the 2:110 :
clo inK prices :
Klour Uiii-hunRnil.
Wheat Dull nnil timlliiK llht ( ; prices
lower all nronnil , Interheeanu'linnninlclosed
about ns.yesterday iiish. li',1 IJMOo ; Novem
ber , 70X ; May. 77 11 Kit1.
Corn dull hut steady ; n | > eiicd at dbout
ycsturdiiy's close ; fluctuated , within \iv \
ranpc nnd closed'ji-hiKher ( than yostonlay ;
cash and November , 41 'c ; May , 44J c.
OutH UnehiiitKcd ; cash , 26o : November ,
2r.5 < o ; May , S l-lfe
Ifye Steady at 4 o.
Hurley iiy 70c.
Prime Timothy $2.24.
I'ork Trading confined to January , which
ruled higher at $12.'J5.
Lard Unchanged ; cash , SW.27J$0.2. ; . " . for
November ; iO.i7 ( > u for May.
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , W.iXVfffi.70 ;
short clear , f7.40 ( 7.4r. ; short ribs , $7.10.
Uutter Steady ; creamery , 1i''ijc ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , W % ®
lie ; flats , ItliffiiillLo ; young Americas , II,1. , '
Eggs Kasler nt 17 < 5ISe.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green halted ,
fully cured , 7c ; light , do. . 7J4i ( 7JiV ; damaged -
aged , ( ! e ; bull hides , 5jc ! ; No. 1 green salted
calf , & < ? ( ' ' < ' ; dry salted , 10c ; dry Hint , 12@
lle ! ; dry calf , V.'cii'Uto ' : deacons , ! ! ( V each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country solid ,
4(24b'i ( ; ! ; No. 2 , 3tf ; cakes , 4 ' ; c.
Iteceijits. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 1M.OOO 20,000
Wheat , bu . 57XK ( ) 31 , OIK )
Corn , 1m . 251,000 5li ! , < X)0 )
Oats , bu . 101,000 25:1,000 :
Hye. bn . 11,000 2:1,000 :
H.ulcy , bu . ( , ( KM ) liX)0 : ) , ( )
New Y ( > rk , Oct. 13. AVheat Receipts ,
147.000 ; exports , Hfi.OOO ; options very dull
during thu entire day , closing ' „ < < / ' 4e higher
and linn ; spot grades steady ; No. 1 led
nominal at h7J.e ; No. 2 red , Sl fn c f. o. b. ;
delivered , November closing at
Corn Receipts , 145,000 ; exports , 2,000 ;
spot ' ) , ( ? ' 4c lower , but moderately active ;
options dull ; ungr.ided , . "il-liO'.Vi , > jV ; No. 2 ,
ni'iCii.'iliUe in store , .VJtH.VJ u delivered ;
November closed at M ' e.
Oats Receipts , I'5KX ( ) ; exports , 125 ;
less active and JnC't'ii1 ' lower ; mixed western ,
: i2 ( : vic ; white western. : t5 ( Hie.
Coffco Spot , lair ; Rio , quiet at ? IUX ! > ; < ;
options 20ft0 ' : ! points lower , closing heavy
sales , 4 1.750'bags ; October , MT.fii ) ; November ,
? 17.f.5Z17.i5 ( ; ( ; December , S17.70 ( < i7.1HI | ; .liiu-
unry , * 17.70iU7.W ) ; February , 17.lV < 'tl7.S5.
Petroleuin Firm ; United closcdutTl e.
I'ork - Steady nnd in moderate request.
Lard Firm ; western steam , spot , Jti. J
( ll bO.
Uggs Generally steady ; western , iri(7/20c. (
Ilulter ( uict and barely steady ; western ,
lli(2iic ! ( ( ; western cieamery , Kid''Uc. .
Cheese- Dull and unchanged.
ff Ijiverjiool , Oct. 13. AVheat Firm ; de
mand fair ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Firm and demand fair.
St. IjoulN , Oct. 13. Wheat Easier ; cash ,
714'72e ; December , 72 e.
Corn Easier ; cash , 31) ) 1'OJ c ; Novem
ber , 33 &C.
Oats Dull ; cash , ! 24) e ; November , 24 Jfc.
Uutter Firm ; creamery , 2'J ( ' .26c ; dairy ,
lG ( ( 22c.
Afternoon I3oard Wheat Steady ; Oco-
bcr , 714'c } November , 71'ie bid ; December ,
VJ 'c * Mav 7014'e.
Clirn I'Vrm ; October , 31 > febid ; November ,
88)40 ) ; December , 37Ji'i5 ; bid ; May , 40c.
Outs Unclmngcd-
Milwniikrc , Oct. 13. Wlient Steady ;
cash , 70e ; November , 7l ( > Jc ; May , 77 fc.
Corn Kasier ; ; No. SI , 4io. :
OatH Firmer ; No. 2 white , 29c.
Hyo Dull ; No. 1 , 4S > io.
Hurley Higher ; No. 2 , (52 ( 0.
Provisions ( Juiet.
Pork-October , IT 1H.,10 ® 14.Ml. (
Cincinnati , Oct. 13. Wheat E.isicr ;
No. 2 red , 75 } u.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 44'fe.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , Ssj'jo.
Kyo Quiet ; No. 2 , Wic.
Pork Dull at $14. < X ) .
Lard Scarce at ftU ! ) hid.
Whisky-Strong at $1.05.
IliineapollH , Oct. ia. Wheat Steady
) iitllrmur , millers buying freely and fair
orders for shipment ; No. 1 hard , October ,
'Uj c ; November , 71o ; December , 72c ; May ,
7Jfc ; No. 1 northern , October , < J7c ; Novem-
> er , tlSo ; December , ti'Jo ; No. 2 , northern ,
October , MJfo ; November , tW c ; December ,
: . On track : No. 1 hard , 71J e ; No.
1 northern , t5S@ b > fc ; No. 2 , northern , 64(3) ( )
Flour Firmly held ; patents , ? 4.15@4.30 ;
linkers' , $ ; t.2riiti.r)0. ( ;
Hcccipts Wheat , 208,300 1m.
Shiimients Wheat , 63,000 bu ; flour , 25OOC ,
S'PW OrleiuiH , Oet. 13. Corn Unsettlei ]
and lower ; mixed , 55c ; white and yellow
Oats Good demand ; No. 2 , mQSS o.
Cornmeal Firm at i2.25@2.iO. ;
Hog Products Dull ; pork , $15.00 ; lard
Hulk Meats Shoulders , Ki.2o ; long clcui
nnd eletir rib , $7.50.
Thursday , Oct. 13.
Cut tic.
The receipts of cattle were light again to
day although there was u gain ns compiirei
with yesterday. The fresh receipts to-daj
were nineteen loads , ns against ulna ycster
day. The offerings of good eorn-fed cattli
were very light and the market slow at abou
steady prii-es. There was some inquiry foi
feedord , but the number told was small
Hutehers stock was practically at u' stum
still and nothing of any account sold.
The receipts of hogs were heavier than fo
some days back , but at the same time it wa
not n heavy run. There weie. thiity-llvi
loads of fresh receipts and three loads o
stale hogs , making tlio total offerings on tin
market thirty-eight cars. The market ox | > nei
nt prices about lOo lower than ycsterda ;
morning , nnd was fairly active to begin with
After about tuventccn lo.uls hai
changed hands , the bu.\ers on th
market having tilled their ordcit
business ceased nnd it \\.is iinposlhl
to get a buyer oven to look at the hogh. On
buyer went back and bought three mov
loads in the afternoon nt weaKcr , bu
aside from that nothing iiiOiowas done , tli
market closing Hat. There went twcnt ,
loads sold and thcievie the sumo numbc
leftover on wlnr' ' . the salesmen could nn
get a bid of nnv l , nd The nveinjje. ijunlll ,
of the hogs MI ii \\ii \ , rj inn , if .uiythiiifc' ,
little better tLi.n . titiuli .
Nhfi'i * .
The receljits of bhecp were vei-j Llbcru
but ony ) a few sold.
Oflicinl ltcccitts.
Cattle SV
Hogs "ft
Hhecji . - . . aW
Cattle , 4 cars . . . , , , , . Cbica
Cattle , 2 cars. . . . , . Teknmuh
Cattle , 1 car . . . Missouri Valley
Cattle , 1 car . Council Hluffs
Cattle , fi cm s . Nebraska City
Hogs , 5 ears. . ICnitsas City
Showing the iirevaillng iirlce paid for llvo
Mock on this :
Choice steers , VilXlto 1500 Ibs . f4.1iV > M.r > 0
Choice steers , IKMtolilOO It.s . I.OOM4.15
Fat little steers , MX ) to IftVI Ib . . . . : i.7. 3 > : i
Corn-fed ranjry steers. 1200 to l.VHi : i.SiVif4. : )
( IiHtl ) to choice corn-fed cows . 2.f > < Hif3.00
Common to medium cows . l.Mtj/2. ( < M )
Goodtoehoieo hulls . l.iVWJ.IX )
( , oed range feeders . 2.40\ii2.M )
Good luitUi ! feeders , IHK ) His mul up
wards . . 2.7rT3.0l ( ! )
Fair to medium natixo feiilers , WO
His and upwards . 2.NWI ' . ' .W
Stockel , 100 to 7H ( ) Ibs . 2.XKi.2.40 ( (
Prlino fnt sheep . 3.2.V.-i.N | ; )
J-Vlr to medium sheej . a..VK Jl.tXI !
( 'ommon sheet . l.iMHtfl.23
Light and medium hogs . t'JO.n'l. ( : l
flood to choice heavy hojs. . . . 4.40 ( .4.50
UouU to choice mixed hogs . 4.UOif4.40 (
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
54..12VJ 4.5 : !
Ninvi : < ons.
10. . . . 1025 2.0(1 (
XA11\L FKI.DKItit.
22. . . . SOO 2.75
ivT.vrru.v siFFim.
7..1154 2.115 1..HCO 2.J15
. . . . 2.10
VI.STKHX rriiir.ii : .
40..1003 2.45
Mitr.i * .
IDS. . . . 09 2.00 107. . . . " 0 ! I.KI
Xo. Av. Shi : . Pr. No. Av. Shlc. Pr.
72..2.V ) 120 f 1.20 r.s..21IS SO $4.40
74..2)5 ) 80 4.25 77 , . .224 480 4.40
IJ0..251I 240 4.25 IM..25II M ) 4.42 } ; ?
! H..llii : ItOO 4.tO ! 57..245 M ) 4.4T >
72..222 100 4.I5 ! M.52 80 4.45
07. . .2ii : : 2bO 4.40 ( ill..274 2M ) 4.45
OU..274 40 4.40 55..200 120 4.45
07..207 200 4.40 IJ3..2JH 120 4.50
10..240 2 > 0 4.40.
llv - Stork Soli ) .
Sliowiug tlm number ol licad uf stock sold
on the market to day :
O. H. Hammond & Co 54
Feeders 23
Shippers 25
Sjicculators 40
Total U2
r . H. Hammond &Co ! IO'J
( ! eo. Fowler it Son IrCi
Hurris te Fisher O'.l '
Hulcliers 13
Total . 1 , : i7tl
Unsold . 1,00 :
Harris & Fisher 107
Speculatoi s 11(7 (
Total. . . 214
All stiles of slock in tltis market , are made
per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Jie per lit. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 10 His ,
and stags bO Ibs , by tlio public inspector.
Live Slouk N'oU-H.
Cattle slow ,
A steady cattle market.
Heavy receipts of sheep.
Twenty loads uf hogs unsold. .
Huyers sit down on hog market.
John Noli , Chirks , marketed a load of 4.V
hogs ,
,1. C. Abbot , Wilton .luiiction , was in look
ing for feeders.
Among those in with hogs was .lames Cum
mins , Talmage , Neb.
M. U. Payne , Pa.vne , la. , was here and
sold forty head of cmvs.
H. H. Join's , Council [ { lull's , iiinrkotcd a
load of 2-lb ) hogs ut H..MI.
A. H. Kmerine. Council UltilTs. marketed
three loads of 1,25'Mh ' corn led natives.
John Kelle.v , one of the oldest commission
men of Chicago , was among the visitors at
the yards.
J. K. L. Cnry , democratic postmaster of
Bancroft , Ni-b. , came down to see the presi
dent and staid over to visit the yards and
look alter feeders.
John Wiggins , secretary of thu Live Stock
Shippers association , staid over from
Wednesday's meeting to look alter business
connected with the association.
The commission men were very indignant
. 'esterduy ' over the notion of the Anglo-Amcr-
can Packing company in booming the hog
narket uji 3 ( ) ( > i40c and then relusing to buy : i
single load when the hogs came. "The
Anglo , " icmarkcd one salesman , "has been
) laying a skin game and they put the pries
ip one day beyond all reason , and us soon as
he hogs are started in this direction tlic.v
sit down and say they do not want any hogs. "
t was expected , and was so reported , that it'
soon as there was a liberal run then :
would bo decline in the market , but it vt >
mt to bo expected that "the Anglo" would
refuse to take them at all. It is quite evi
lent that "tho Anglo" does not want the
logs , as the winter packing season is not
icro yet , unless they can buy them al
: ialf their value. Tlio Armour housi
s being enlarged and is not in con
lition to handle hogs ; the Swift lioust
snot completed , and though Hammond \
Co. are doing all they can , theii
capacity is limited. Hence it i-
; hat shlpi > eis are entirely at tin
mercy of the Anglo American Packing com
IMiny. If they don't want the hogs no out
would bhnno them for not taking them , bill
they are blamable for putting the price up U
a point which they know will bring heavy re
ceijits and then refuse to buy them except ai
u terrible loss to the shipper.
OMAHA \viioLKs.\rao MAIKITS :
Thursday , Oct. 1U.
Produce , Fruits , Htc.
T7iroffiii ( < f i/ ( / arc the jtrln'n nt ir/nV/ / /
iiuiif luts of iniiiluve me xoltl un Ilil
iwir/.cf / :
There was but little doing in the markets
The receipts of potatoes were as largo ir
usual. Poultry comes in in greater quanti
ties. Prices are about steady.
Eios ( The market is good and the snppl'
light , the bulk was going at 111 cents , bu
homo sales were made at 20o. Creamery , West Point , Me
other , 22i(24e.per ( pound ; choice d.iirv , l1
20- ; medium grades , iti15c : ( ! ; ordinary , SlrflOc
CIIKKSI : Market fair. Fancy full cream
Cheddars , single Klc ; full cream twins , ic : ;
young Americas , lISj-jc ; brick cheese , 100 ib
in case , Ifte ; Llinberger , 100 Ibs in case , 1 Ic
Sanrs' fancy Ohio , nic.
Poiu.Tiu F.iiy market ; spring chicken
f2.OOC-12.Wt ; old fowls , 2.r > o ( < fH ; ! ( ) ; duck
* 2.25$2,75 ; geese , $41 iio per doturkevs ; , ii
very light rctiucst , 7C7J.c . per Ib.
GtMK Hecelpts light ; prairie cliickcin
jack snipe , Sl.OO ) > cr do/ ; venison , Hie per II ;
OvtiTniis Shell ; f2.1)0 ) per hundred ; bull
tl.i5ier ; | hnndred , selects , a gallon
Cans , New York counts , 45cselects ; , : < 5ic40c (
Btandard , 27(7iOu : ; Koyal , 4Uc ; Jeiomo ba.\
* 1UO J -L l ( 'l * ( . .i > C
PoT.tTor.s Tlio .market is well supinieil
Utah and Colorado stock sells at bO N'ie : Ni
hr.iska and Iowa stock 55i70c ( per bubhcl. ) per doz.
SWEKT POTATOES The market Is well snV
plied with homo grown nt U5 ( ; 7.r.c per bushel
Virginia stock c jicr Ib.
Kao PL i NT Slow sale at HOYWT.V' per do
for choice stock.
ONIONH Choice largo C.ilifornl.tonions ur
ottered on the market at HOe per busho
The demand Is light.
Hi : txs Hand-picked navy , $2.50 per bushe
nnd other grades down as low as $1.25. Cal
fornia stock , 12.40 per bushel.
CKLKIIV The receipts are larger and th
stock better. Good stock brings liO < 335u
Uiiicf.-Choico Michigan cider , $ fi OOQC.J
per bbl. of 2 gal.
I > orcoiiN Choice , for stands,2I,2) ( ? eper 11
HONEY Good honey in neat onu Ib. frame :
S2ci23o i > er Ib.
COCOANUTS Good stock , f."i.OO.
CIUNIIEIIUIES The market is falrlv we
buppllcil with good stock. Hell & Chcrr'
MOO ; Hell&UuRlo , * 0.00 ; CaixiCods. J10.W
LEMONS Messina , | (3.00UO.OO ( ( ; Maion
J7.00 ; Sorronto , $7.00.
OitANfE-rMe ] sina out of the rnarkei
Louisiana , $9,00 per bbl. | 5.00 per box ; Ji
mulcu , (10.00 per bbl , f 5.50 per box.
AfPLEs The supply Is scarce. Choi <
Micblrau nnplcs , ts.60@4.00 : home growi
| 3.003.50 ; '
Ciun Arri.F - Choice. Siberian , f3.ftVii3.fti
per bbl ,
Oiurr. ic-growi | , Mock Is In liberal
Mippli mill is OVIIIK f reel } nt f - per pound ;
Californiii , Tokay , W.MI' ' | > Mciatc ; Mutcats ,
$2.50 ; New York. 10-lb baskets , 3.Vrf I6c.
Prui There is n fair sujiply of California
jienrs on the market. Choice stock , $2.iiin (
3.00. ' '
PnuiirSomo line CHllfornla mountuiii
peaehcM are on the marketnt , 2.50 per box.
UAXAXIS- The market iMvcll supiiled with
bananas at * 2.00 < W3IX ) iwribunch.
Nrts New crop ; pliioclirstnut1" , lilj'jf ( ISc
Jerlh ; jH'anuts , 7.'i.inuvj Hrarll nuts , lito ;
iilmoiids , Tarrngomi , 2i'cf ' Engli h ualnuts.
Itc ; lllberts , 12c. .
a nil Fred.
7Vir/fi//iiir/H/ / / / ( / <
MinnrHota patento , * 2.50 jwrewt ; Mimic-
Hakers' straight , * 2.0 per cwt ; Kansas
and Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.45 ( ! (
2.IK ) ; Nebraska pntt < ntH- > .a5ria.Ci : ; rye llonr.
tl.75L'n.kl ! per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per
cwt ; wheat , Oniliiitn , $1.75 per cwt ; corn
meal , iollow , WHjicr cwt ; corn meal , white ,
* l.00perewt ; chopped feed. # ll.dOiMH.OO ( per
Ion : bran , f 12.00 ( < nH.OO per ton ; screenings.
tti. HMa.ix ! ) per ton.
HAI Uplmid prairie , J'.uOys.HO ; cinnmon
coaise , * .50 ( < i7.0U.
Corrrr. . Ordinary grades.20iB ( 2le : fair.
21JV-2c ( ; prime , 22(2to ; ; fancy green and
yellow , 2ilw25e ; old government Java. 'ISiic
30c ; interior Java , 25i(2Sc ( " ( ; Mocha , 2sii0e : ! ;
Arbuckle's , masted , 211'ic ' ; McKaughlin's
NXXX , 2i4c ( ' ; Ullworth's 2l ( > ! ; Ued Crovs ,
uiri\r.n : Ltnn. Tierce , 7e ; 40-lb siiuiiru
cans , 7c ; 50-li ! round , 7'4e ' ; 20-lb round , 7'4e ' ;
10-lb juiils , 7'ae ; 5-lb pails , 7j > 6'c ; 3-lb pails ,
SriHii. flranulaled , ( l5K'iMlVc ( ; conf. A ,
H'.j'Wil ; ' - ; white extra C , ii,1 . ( ( " ' ' ' ' < ; extra C ,
' 'Wt'.VjoiiowC ' : , fOji'5 cut loaf , 7'4 ' ; pow
dered , 7'4 < : .
Pirui KS Medium , In hbls , $11.50 ; do in
half bbls , ' . 1.75 ; small , in bbl v $7.50 ; do in
half bbls , SI.25 ; gerkin , in bbl , s.,0 ! do In
half hbls , W.75.
WOOIIH.NW tiu : Two-hoop jiails. per do ? ,
* l.45. : i-hoop imils , * 1.70 ; No. I tub , ? 1.50 ;
No. 2 tub , ? 5.50 ; No. ! l tub , $ -1.50 ; wu h-
boards , ti.75 : assorted bowU , # 2,25 ; No. 1
churns , fll ; No. 2 churns , * 8 ; No. 't churns. J7.
TOIIALCO I rillard's Climax , 44c ; Splen
did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Leggett &
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornet stone , 34c ; Drum-
mond1 Horse Shoe , 4le ; T. . ) . , 37 ; Sorg's ,
Spearheail , 4lc.
IJitooMH Extra 4-tic , * 2.lXI ; No. 1 , * 2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , fl.OO.
Ctxi\ Mixed , b'a'rfcllc ' ( ; stick , S ( ii iifp.
Cit.tCKf.ns ( Jarneau's ' soda , butter and
liicnie , 5c ; creams , be ; ginger snaps , be ; city
soda , 7c.
Tins Julian. 200f55c ; gunpowder , 20il (
( KJic ) ; Young H.\son , 25g55c ( ; Oolong , 20j ( < "
t)0c. ) ( pails , J2.00.
Puovisioss Hams , ll' WUJfje : breakfast
bacon , IIJ Ma' ' i1 ; bacon sides , IKiiil c ; dry
salt , S..fefSjfc ' ; shoulders,7T714c ( ; dried beef
hams , l 0(7 ( > lle ; dried beef i eg'ular , ' .iJafelO. ' . - ;
hams picnic , 7i'if8c. (
DUIKD FnriTs Apples , new , ' .j's , lie ; i-vu-
iwrated , 5Mb ( ring , HU + ( tl0 c ; rasiberries ) ,
vaKirated | , 2'Jc ; lilackb errics , evaHirated | ,
pitted cherries , peaches , new ,
I4 < " , evaporated peeled peaehe ,21'2'.ii ' > , cvaji-
iratcd. unpaied. IMilltlo ; new currants , 7'4- '
7ljt- ; prunes , 5oj5'4c ' ; citron , 25c ; raisins ,
Condon lasers , .10n2.15 ( ; California loose
unscatels , $ l.'JOc/2.00 ( ; now Valencias , s'r < (
4 > .
Itoi'i : Seven-sivteontlis inch. I2,7i2' | ' .c.
Si HI fNo. . 70 , 4-gallon kegs , * l.45 ( 1.50 ;
cw Orleans , per galldn , ' - lii Hie : maple
i rup , half Ihbs , "old time. " per gallon , M > c ;
-gallon cans , per dux , 10.50 : hilf-falloii
ans , per do(1.25 ( ; iiuiit | can * , * 3.2.V
Si'Aiti -Mirror . . " , " - Uraves' - .
n - gloss. 41Uraves' ; coi-n.
'jc ' : Oswego yoss , 7c ; O.swcgo corn , 7c.
CVNVI.II Uoonx Oysters , standard , per
ca e , * : l.10t.l5 ( : ; HtrawbiirirIb ! , per case.
: t.OOi < CUO : rtisiibfrrtOs , 0-lh , per case. . * : ! iKHn
1.10 ; California pears , per c.i--e , l.70 ( ;
ipricots. per case , 1. lnl,25 ( | ( ; jicaches , per
a e , 5'5.75i5. ( > )5 : white chciries , per case.
jil.OO ; plums , per case , il.80it3..IO ; ( : blueber-
ies , per case , f2.3KV'2.4l ( ( ; egg plum2ili ,
ier case. * ' . ' ,50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
$ ' 1.20(1(5.75 ( ; l-lli milmoii , per do/ , $ .MXIm2.l > 5 ;
J-lh gooseberries , per case. * . ' ! .2.V . ) . : ! . " , ; 2-lb
iti ing beans , per case. 1.75 ; 2-11) ) lima beans ,
) or case , * ! . lid ; 2-lb mat rowfat peas , ? 2.50 ( < c
J.IKI ; 2-lb eai l.v June peas , per case. & 2.7.Vlb !
omiitoes. 2.40f-2.50 ; 2-lb corn , VJ. : l ( < .i2.41l.
H < II.I.\MI HiMitiiM.s SV per keg.
Dry < ; < MiilH.
CDTTON FI.V\NII. : 10 per cent trade dis-
. oniit-LL , iy4c : CC , 7'c ' ; SS , 84c ' ;
Nann-less , 5'.jC ' ; No. 5 , ( Jc ; EK. ! M..c ; Ot ! .
10'NX ' ; , I2c ; OO , lie : NN , Hie ; HX
1Sc ; K , 20c ; No , 10 , s'c ' ; 40 , I0'vo ; (10 ( ,
12V : SO , I lie : 30. colored , 1050 ; , colored ,
I2c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Hristol , l.'l'.jc ' ; Union
Pacific , IV.
Utui'r.TVusi - Uibb white , ist.c ; col-
> red , 20)ic. )
Htrrs Standard. 8e ; Gem , lie ; Beauty ,
12'ic ' ; Hoone , 14c ; H , cased , St.5l. ! (
Pitisrs Soi. in Coi.on-i Atlanta 5Uc ; Sla-
.er 5c ; Berlin Oil I1J > V ; Garner Oil t ) ( 7
PISK AXII HoursHii'linuHiil ( Ic ; Allen lie :
Itiverpolnt .V ; Steel Hiver lie : Uichmond tic ;
[ 'acillodVIMHIIO Hi.rc Washington lie :
American tl' , c ; Arnold ll'c ; Arnold B He ;
Arnold A 12e ; Arnold Gohfseal 10)i' ) . Im > s
Charter Oak IJ o ; Kamapo 'l8 , ' ; Lodi4'ic ;
Allen ri'a'is ' : Kn-limond fijjc ; Wind-or iu- ;
Rildystone 5e ; Pacific He.
GixuiitMI'llinkett clieckh i > , iWliit ; -
tunton " ' 41York ; 7)4c ) ; Nnriiiiindi Dress
SV : Calcutta Dress 8 > . , c ; Wlnttenton Urcss
Jc ; Kenfrew Dress Oftifa1 c.
CtMiutit s-Sl.iter P-.C ; Woods 41 c : Stan
dard 4'jCi Peacock 4'/c. '
( 'OIIM.T \Ns-Aiiilroscoggin 7'C ' : Ivcar-
> age 7'4xc ' ; Kockpoit il e ; Conestopa li c.
TICK.Lewiston 30 In. , l "ic : Lewiston 32
in. , 13' ' , , - ; York 32 in. , lie ; Swtlt Uiver7'c ' ;
Thorniliko O O , h'4aThorndike ' ; E F , M c ;
Thorndiku 120. ( I' ' c ; Thorndiko XXX , Ifte ;
Cordis No. 5 , lljje ; Cordis No. 4 , lie.
lixi\is : Amoskc-ag It oz , , Klc ; Everett 7
o/ . , I Me ; York To13c ; Haymaker St..c.laft " ;
reyXX. lll.c ; .InHrey XXX , 12' " , c"Beaver ;
Cieek AA , 12c ; Heuver CreeU BB" , lie ; Ik-a
\ofCivelc CC , Ilk ! .
KINTUC.KV ; . .Ir.xMemorial I.V : Canton
ISc ; Durham 27Kc ; Hercules ISc ; Leaming
ton 22Ujo ; Cottswold 25u.
Cm MIStevens' H ( Ic ; blcauhcd 7c ; Slo
vens' A , y.f\ \ bleached 8 > , c ; Stevens' 1'8'j.- ' ;
bleached 'JUc ' ; Stevens' N ' .l > 3e ; bleached
10' .V ; Ktcveiih1 S UT I2''c. '
MM r.i.i.NiorsTable : oil cloth ti.V > ;
plain Holland 8V to lie ; D.ido Holland 12' jC.
Fi i.Nsr.i.s Plaid Kaftsmen 20c ; Goshen
13' ' .c ; Windsor 22'.ic. ' Hed-C , 24 inch. 15'- ' ;
E , 24 iii.-li , 2lc ; Gtf , 24 inch. Ibc ; II. A. P. ,
! 4 , 2.V ; J. U. K. . ' 4 , 27Hc ; C ! . , ! „ ! ! 5.- .
M nut i MI- . -ii'i.ii ; ( ( ii
\Vliilc , > l.KiiT.5U ( ) ( , ; colored $ I.lll
IJi.ii'ini : > Siirr.nvs HcrUeh'i i-iunhrli' ,
No. ( XI , iltji- ; Host Vet , 1-4 , li4c ! , ijuttcr cloth
00 , 4'4c ' ; Caliot , T' ' , - . : Funvcll , Sc ; fruit of
1. ooi n , & ? , f ; ( Jrccnod. lie ; Hope , TKjc ; ICInif
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lunsihile , ll c : Lens
ilale , ! 5'.c ' ' ; Now YorK mills , ItlJ c ; IVppcrcll ,
42 incli.'ldV' ; Tcppcrcll , 40 inch , ll' c ; IVp
pcrcll , 11-4 , I.V ; I'cppeViMl. > i -I , Isc ; l > cppcrt > ll ,
! M 2ilc ' lir-4. ' C'iinton. 4-4
, ; I'eppoivll , lir4.2'2lac ; - ,
S'4c ; Clinton , l-l , ll' ' c ; Tiiunipli , lieVain ; -
biittu , lie ; Viillc.N , .V.
HIIOWN Slier 1 1 MItliintu' ( A , 4-1 , ? ' . , ( ; A
HnnticH , 4-1. Tc ; Avlunth- , 4-1 , II1 , c , At
lantic 1' , 1-4 , rj-4r } ; , 1-4 , 5'c ; An-
iDrti C' , 4-4 , 41ii- ; ( Jrnwii XXX , I1 1 , ll c ,
Hoosicr Lh , 4-4 , Wti'l Iniliun Hcail , 4-4 , T4e ! ;
Ijiwiuncu LL , 4-1 , 55i'c ; Ohl Dnniinion , 4-4 ,
r > ' .jc ; Pcppcrcll K , 4 4 , U,1 , e ; Pcpjioicll O , 4-4
lie. ; IVpperell , s-l , Ifie ! Peppcroll , ( t 4 , 1K- ;
' KM 2V ( Utirn ( J 1-4 cVa
1'cppercll , , ; , - , l ( c ; -
chusctt , 1-4 , 7c , Aurora K , 1-1 , 11'jC ' , Aurora
brcK West Point < ' In. s o10' ' .n ; West
Point 29 in , 10 o/ , 12VVst ; Point 211 in , 12
07 , 15 ; West Point 40 In , 11 oz. llic Cltecltf ,
Ualciloniii X , like ; ( . 'ulcilonia XX , 10) < c :
Economy , liQUl o ; OIK U lOac. .
Sl'lHtTS-Colo ; iio spirits 1SS proof , $1 10 ;
do 101 proof , t-1.12 ; spirits second < | iuilitv ,
101 proof , f 1.10 ; do IbS proof , il.lKi. Alcohol ,
188 proof , J2.10 nor wine pillion. KcuMstillei'
whisklt-H , $1.00(0.1.50. ( Cin ! hlcndetl , f 1.50Q
2.00 ; Kentucky hourhons , $2.00u ( < UK ) ; Ken
tucky anil Ponnsylviinhi ryes , * 2.00@ti.50
Golden yhciif hourhon and rye whiskies , H.N
@ : i.OO. Urandles , imported , t5.00 < B3.50 ; do
mestic , $ l. : ) My.OO. ( Jinn , imported , W.fio ®
0.00 ; domestic , | l.25 ; UH ) . Champagnes , 1m
ported , per case , $2S.UUQa3,00 : American , per
case , 10.00@10.00.
HAHUWAIIB Iron , rate , " 12.70 ; plow
Btecl. special cast , 4 0 ; crucible steel
cast tools , do. 12@15o : wagon spokes , per set
12.00(35.50 ( ; hubs , per .set , 11.50 ; fcl
Iocs , sawed ilry , $1.00 ; tongues , each , 60o
axles , each , 7fio ; square nuts , per Ib. 0@lBo
cell chain , per Ib , O aia ; malleable , 8 < § 10a
Iron wedges , C i crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth
4'se' ' spring toel. 4M5c ; Hurdcn's ' horse
shoes , $4.7o ; Htirden > mule shoes. J5.J5 ;
Imrbed wire. In car lots , $4.00 per 1 ( > 0 Ibs ;
Iron nail ! " , rates , 10 to 50 , $2,40 ; steel nails ,
$ . , o.
Hums Green butchers' , 5l.mV ; preen
cured , 7c ; dry Hint , KK'ille ; t'rv salt , ! 'e ' ;
green calf skin * . 7 * e ; daimiged hide1 ! , two-
thirds price. TuUow ! lo. Orea-M1 Prime
white , ! icellow ; . , < ic ; brown , 1'jc. Sheep
pelts , 25ii40c. (
$10.00 ; town \unipi \ $3.00j li'W'ii ' niitJ,75ll' ;
llnol * , $4.25i(4.Si. ( (
Dry litimlicr.
\ ! In. White Pine WM C , l t.Mt
5 " " " : tl.Vl L ) , 'JI.IHI
ht nnd 'Jnd. clenr , 1 , IV inch , s.2 s..JV.0 )
d. elear , I Ineh , K. 'J . , . . . . . . 45."iO
" " I' i IVI" . < i'.W
\ select. 1 inch , s. 2 s. , . 40.00
" " 1U , IJf Sin . 4ttHl
J " 1 ineh , . Us. , . : I.OO
" " I'H , IS , 'Jin . HV.OO
flirt. ui i.i'Miiin : ,
; ienr Poinihir , Hx. Hds. ) ( in. , s.J s. . ' . .UCi.M )
' . " 'a in. 1'unei , b. a . . . ar.iHi
" " Corrupitfd Cellini ; , } f. . . 'JSNI
lUlTI'.NS , \\Kl.l. Tl'IIINII , I'lCKtfS.
o. o. Hatts. . " ; iii . oi.r ,
" ' .jXlHn , s. 1 M . ( HI.45
1 In Well Tubinp. 1) fc M nnd Her . 1.00
iekiits , U AtH , Flut . ' 'O..VI
" " S < imirc . 21.00
no MI nis.
Xo. 1 i-oiii. 1 s ilS.IHI No. 'J , eoni , s 1 s $17.00
\o ! l 15.50 No. 4 , Kt.OO
\ , 12 , 14 mid If , ft. Wl.Wl C. 15 .VI
5. " " " 20..V1 D. r..f > 0
No. 1 , 4 : 0 in , 12 & 14 ft , rough. . .
No. 1 , 1 " 10 " " I'.l.M )
No. ' . ' 1 " 12&14 " " . . . lli.tHI
Nn. a , 1 " 10 " " ir. : > o
rmi.ivo AND vuirmoN.
1st com , ? 4' In White Pine Celling $ 'U.OO
2nd " " " ' 2 > .00
Clear , ? H in. Norway " " 10.00
2nd com. ; V in. " " " 14.00
STOCK no tuns.
A 12 inch s. 1 s $45.50
No. 1 , com. 12 s. 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
" " " " 14 ft V.MKI
" " " " 10 ft
No. 2 , " " " WOO
" " " " 10 ft 17.50
Inch Grooved Hooting. $1.00 per M more
than 12-inch Stock Hoards same length.
XX clear $3.10 Extra " > A * J2.IH )
A * Standard. . . . 2.75A H H& H. . . . 2.5. ' ,
II in. clear , No. ] . . 1.50 I-atli 2.05
ro rs.
White cedar , li in. , > 5s. . 12c : ! in. qri. . He :
S in. trs. | , lOc : 4 in. round. I5c ; Tennessee
Hcil Cedar , Split , Ifte : Split Oak , 12c.
I.IMI : . I.TC.
Qnlncy white lime ( best ) , ( HV : Akron ce
nicnt. $1.75 ; hair ! ! 0c ; plaster , $2.75 : tur
board. $ l.i5 : sash 40e per ct. : doors , 40c per
ct. ; liiinds , 40-per ct. ; mouldings , 40c per
ct. : tur foil , per cwt. , J2.75 ; straw board ,
siifiniiis : 11.low MM : .
Cum. 4 t 0 in. flooring 1 J.50
Star " " 21.50
Clear - „ in Ceiling 21.50
Clear ; 'i ' in Partition 25 ( HI
Clear lliiisBed , 1 & 1' . , in s 2s 211.00
Cleai con ugatcd coiling. 4 in 21.00
Yellow jiiue casing and linse 20.111
mio in ViAr < jtvwtsD WITH inn onooBAniT or Tnii
Uy reatun of Iti central petition c'.OJS relation to linn
Fait itt Chicago , and contliui.\u hnfls At terminal
points Writ , Korthwtift and Southwest , IB thr > true
middle llulc In tlutt tr mcontlnrntu pjUcm mhlrh
ln\lt B AIM ! fftcllltittfa trAYbl And trufllo btt cn th
Allantlo ami I'ACllSc.
The Hoik Iiland iuiln line and tirancti Inrludr Chi-
caROJolletOttawa , 1 atnllo , IVorla , tienpro , Hollnt
and Koik I'laml , In IlllMtl > ; lia > inport , lluncatlno ,
Watblntftou , Falrflild , Ottuinna.OiiValoniiB ,
trly. low a City , DOB Moinos.In < ! InnoIaWlnlrNt-t , Allan-
tic , Knni\llle , Auduhon , llnrlnn , Outhrlo IVntro and
Council llluff * . In Iowa : flallatln , Trenton , Pt. tf'.tepa ,
Ci.meri'11 anil KIUISHB Clt , Iti } lli > oiirl : Leav , UwcrUi
anil itchtson. In Krn. < ; Alliprt I.ea , MlnncapollB and
BUTaal , InMlniu' ola ) Yr'ntcitown nnil Sioux KallB , lo
Dakota , and hundreds of t cltlcn nnil tow ui.
' /Tho Great Rock Island Route"
fluarantfufl ipecd , comfort , certainty And anfity. ItB
rcrmnnf nt v ay 1 for Its ciccllenco. ItB
bililffeB me of ttone and Iron. Its track In of lollil
tccl.lta rolllacrtockperfect. ItBpatpenfrvrwiulpmi.nt
lit nil the Ftfolj.-iiipll.incottlmtfiporknochani.rove 1
uerful. and fnr luxurfotiN accomniuilntlorri la U HJI-
paifcd. Its l zpro s Trains ronpUt of ruptrlor Uaj
Coachf J , eleeant 1'iillman 1'alaco Purlor and BI < > e'lllK |
CarH , feuperb Dining Cms , providing dt-llclons mtalB ,
and ( liftnri-n Clilcafo anil 8r. JorcpU , Alchlton anil
Kan < aa City ) restful llccllalni ; Chair Can. IK man-
atrcment Is conscrratlvc , 1U dUclpllue exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi"e"
Botwtea Chlcatro and Mlnneapolla and Rt. Pa ! the
faTorlto. Over this line Solid Kant llxpret-s Tralna run
dally to attiactho rr ort for tout-Ills In luvra and
Mlnnmota , and , Ti Watcrtown AndSlotix KalBtotbo
rich whratand frrntlnKlamlsof Interior Dakota. Via
ficnrta and Kunkakee , the Hock ] ! nn l otffrf superior
Induitmcnti to tratc'.t-rs Ixtwopn Cincinnati. Indian ,
aped * . Lafayette and Council Illufla. ht. Jo cph , Atchl *
ton , J.efcYenworth , ICansHt ) City , St. I'aul , and Intrrme *
dlate point * . All patron * ( esptiially ladles and cull-
drinif < M'hoprotrctloi.courtn > > and kindly attention.
Tor tlckcta , niapi , foldem , copif a of Western Trail , or
any distrrd Inloritintlon , npply to principal ofllcefi In
the Vnllcd Statti and C'tnaiU , oraudrftnKtCbleago ,
I. K. CABLE , I. ST. JOHN , E. A. HOtllOOI ,
hM'tACulMuHit i.ilGnlHuuii. B..Ill Pui.Ifi
Fay O-oocl :
Also Bottles Bought Si Sold
Second Hand Stoves Bo't '
and Sold.
114 Sovitl-i lltli Street.
01 TIM :
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The ] ! ( > . ( Ittnile from Omaha anil Coiiiii-ll
IlliifTs ( u
- = = = THE EAST =
i , . . -AND Milwaukee ,
SI. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar \
liock Ihlitiiil Kockfonl
, Frecport , ,
Clinton , Ilulniqiie , DnvcnpoH ,
Klgln , Maillson , Jiuiesvllle ,
Itclolt , Wlnoiiu , La Crosse ,
And all other Important pomu Kast , Northeast and
Forthronnh ticket * cull on the ticket mti-nt t HOI
Fnrnam ititct. la 1'atloa Uot l , or ul Unlua l-actuc
Jepot *
1'allmiin Slet > per and thy flneil ninlnprnrs In the
world Me run on the nialn line or the CUIcano , Mil
wuukou & bt. 1'aul lUtlwHr. nnd eiery attention Ii
liald to pa ! cn tro by courteous employe ! of Ibc
0uljM"nf.Trn , Oeneral Mannecr.
J. F.TUCKKH. Amilttant Ucneral Manqirer.
A. V. H. CAlirUNTKll , Uenerul Tancnger and
iJKt ) . t llKAKFOHD , Asilttnot Qcnernl J'tiiCDjei
j. 1.
r Agrlou I turn I Implements. _
Dealer in Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons.
Carriage * and Mnralix .loiio * ttr rl. netwi-cn Ptu mni
IMh , Omaha , .Nubra-Vii.
AgiicnltnrallDiplements.Wagoiis.Carriagcs . .
nugglci , Whole. nlf , Onialm , Xc
. . Wliolfial , ) Drnlrrt In
Agnralturallinpleineiits , Wagons & Buggies
J l. ! < , * i mul W7.ton Stivet , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills. Seeders.
CtilltTalnr * . May litkp ( < i-Mer Mill * ami l.tiliatt I'ul-
trrlivrt. Cur. Hill itnil .Mch"ln < Plrvrtn.
' .Vholcsilp
Agricultural Implements , Wagons SBuggies
Corner Hill ami Mi > iol Stroeti.
A. HOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1.M I DoiiKla * fired , Oiimtia , Nclirafka.
Boots and Shoos.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
J4tl Kaitiam St. , Oinaua , Nrb. Mamifnrtorj , Summer
Mri-cl , Unflnn.
( Suno > sir In Hi-oil , Junes A IV. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Aycnt fnr llunlim lluliticr Slum Co. 11(13 ( , HIM ft lift )
llarncjr St. , Omaha , Nohianba.
Coffees , Sploes , Eto
Oiiialm CnrTpc anil SpUe Mill * .
Teas , Coifees Spices , Baking Powder ,
Klarorlng Kitraitfi , Laundry Mine , Inks KUUK U16
llaiiieyMrct't.oniMlia.ebiii > Vii.
Avent for the Manufacturer' ami Import ( > r nt
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Kit' , omre.nii P. ISllifril. . Onmlm , Nel.imta.
Commission and StorngeT
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter. KKK" and I'rndneo. CoiiKlxnnicTil"
Hi'oclqimrli'rf fur Stone * are , Horn llo e anil
_ Hiape Ha keli. HI ! lloilKiM. . , OniKhB.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Hl'eilallli"Hiitlur ' , Kyx * . Clicoo. IVnltn. ( iuino.
Oj'ti-lf , Ktr. , Klim * > onth llth street.
i co.
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'tnltry , Hnlti'i. ( .nine. Trull' , KirOSiulh 14lh HI. ,
Omaha , NcbrnikH ,
( Suere Mir < to MrMinnp , V * < < brooilnr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Oni.thn , NVbriKkH.
Coal , CoUo and Llmo.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
3 < l Smith nth Mii-el. ( Inialm , Nebra'lvH.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
Ami flilpperxif Cciul , ( "i.kc , Cement , l-hnter , l.lmp ,
Dlllln Till" Hllll M'WIT I'lpr. OflllP. rnntlill llnlul ,
rnrniun M. , Omnha , Neb. Ti-li-plmnuMI.
Shippers of Coal and Coke.
2H boulh 11th St. , Oinnlin , Nrb.
Dry Coeds and Notions.
" " " "
M."k. SMITH &c6" .
Dry Goods. Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and UOUioniilM , Cor llth "I. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Oenl ' Kurnlihlnit < : oiul , Cornei lltli mid llaini-
Onlllliu , Nehiat-kll.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Fnruamr'treot.Oninliu , Nebraska.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors ,
Kte. 1M > ; , laih ami 1510 Kurniitn Mreet , OniHh .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
? > , VII7 , ! lr.i nnil ill S. 10th St. , Oinnhii , N b.
" "
Wholesale Grocers ,
nth nnil l.rurf nvrorth Streets , OruahH , Ncbrn kn.
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1210 , mnnd \ \ VSHnrnejr Street , Omaha , Nch.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 anil lllil llnrncr Street , Omiiba , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlrmnn'.Hii-ft Ircm.Ktc. Acunti fur Hnwn Ndiles.and
Mlural r < milvrOi.Uiuuhi > , Nub.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mrcbanlci' Tools and llufTalo Hinlei. IWi Uouglai et.
Omabu , .Si'tirRjka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th Mid llnrni'y > -tiOmaha'Nrti. Wc'teni Aiicnta
lur Austin I'nwilerCo , JelTcri > "n Slcel Nnl , l lr-
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware. Iron and Steel ,
Spring * , W itun Stock , Hnnlwaro Lumber , etc. jao
_ _ _ _ mid llll llnrncy Mn-et , Onmhu.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon nnd Carrluxu Woort Htotk , llcury Hanlwnrc , IH Hint \H'J \ I 'nvvnwurlli frt , , Umuha , Nvli.
Hats , Caps , Etc ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 llarnej Street , Omaha , Neb.
nnd ILER & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers of FineWines SLiunors
Hun India IllttiTB and Domcitlc Liquor : . 1112 Ilarner
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
I'tb Btreet and Union 1'acinoTrack , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doorietc , Yardi-Corner Tth and nouglai ) Corner9th
and Douglas.
- / C. N. DEITZ ,
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , v
13th and California EH. , Omaha Neb. *
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Corner Cth and DonglatBti. , Omaha. . . ,
i * § To Dealers Only , dfas
CHAS. n. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Linnlier ,
tVood Carpets nut Parquet Mooring. 9th nut Uouiltt
, ttreta , Omaha. J
Wholesale Luinlier , Etc ,
Imported anit American Portland Omenl Hlat * ait nl
fur Militauktt tlrdraulli' reiueul and Oulnei
While Lima.
Millinery and Notions. r
Importers & Jobliers of Millinery & Notions
JH , aiO and an Potilli Illh Street.
zmrzi T Notions. , "j
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
40,1 ami liK South 10th Street. Omaha ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
! Street , Omaha
Wholesale Refined and Lubrication Oils ,
lileron : c , ftc. , Om li . A. K , Illihop , Mn i < < r.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Orrranlrc rtork uf prlntliiK , wnpiilni : ml nrlllnt
I'Kpcr. spfrlal Kttrntuiti ( Irrn to r r lovil onlnri.
Printers' Mntorlnls.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
nlt'rs In tTpr. pie i > i'ii anil prlntciV feuppllci. t
riuulb mh Mrrvl.OmuliK ,
Runner Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil Clothing mid l.cnlhcr llellltiK , li < Knrnam Mritot.
Steam Fittings ' , Pump8 Etp. _ '
Pumns , Pines and Engines ,
frtcaiii. water , railway mul mining MimiHc * . etc. fH ,
Vii and Vlt ranmin Mrevl , Oinalm
Wholesale Pninps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Fleam nnd Water Sumillen , HendniiHrteri ( or Matt.
rooai & Co' good . 1111 Kiirnaui ! < t. , Oninha. *
Steam and Water Supplies ,
IlalllilRjr Wlnil Mllln , .US nnd Ml Knrnam i-l. , Umaha ,
< } . r. ltu s , AclliiR Mnuncer.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
fchett Iron Work , Mi'mn I'ninp , Siiw Mills. H13-U14
lA'IITCIIWUItll yiri'll , UlIlllllH ,
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
KU nnil M Umici M. ,
Storage , Forwarding
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
llriini li lion-i'iif tlio llrnni'v Itiik'Rr' ' " HnKe'i1 ' * a
wlioli'Milu mul n-t'ill. I.4H.I 111) ) ami III' . ' Iriinl Hi rest ,
Ouialui Ti > li > | ilionv Nn ' < . ' .
Teas and Cigars.
WM. A. WILSON & . CO. .
Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars ,
Unlcy llaklnr I'nwilcr. lllilund HIS llni
ney Mret't , OinnliH.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpencter , I'rni > rlHtnr , ICO llnilio nnd 1U1 and 106
North luth Street , UmnUii. '
Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Etc.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
llrltchlnga , Tnnk and ( Jeniral Ilollrr U | inlrlng. lid : )
DoillMi SlrfU , Omiilm , Nt'b. I
Iron Works. I
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worfc
EMulii , llra 4 wnrk. ifonornl foundry , uiaclilno iindl
liIackMDlth work. Office mid work * . U. 1 * . Uy. Una .
lUlibtrect.Uninhit. ij
Maiinfactiirers of Wire and Iron Railings
rulls , wliutnw uniirdK , flower Mamls , '
etc. , IZI North It tb St. , Onmlm.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes ]
Vaiiltn , Jnll work , Iron ami winfonilnK , limit , etc. ( ij
Andrt'Cn , 1'rop'r. Cor. Hlli lind Jnck on Bt . '
General AKvntu for Dlcliold Sulit A Ixick Co.'n i
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time . Locks/
Vanltt mul Jail Work , lllj Karnam Street. Omnlm.
Manufacturers of Overalls , - >
Jenni 1'nnu , SUIrtl. Ktc. 11U ! nnd 1101 l > ou la Htrecl/
_ Umuhit , Ncli. _
_ Sash , Dopra , Etc. " _ *
Whulet ale Mnnufucturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office , 12th anil lianl HlrooH. Omaha , Net ) .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Htntr Work nnd Interior llnnl Wood nil-
Inn. N. K. Corner tth and LcHvcnworth titreotD ,
Uninlm , Neb.
' '
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ,
And IlllmK TurnlnK. Stnlr-work. Hank and OOlc *
autii mid t'opuleton ATenuu.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1121 North KlRhtecntli fctreot , Omiilin , Neb.
o. ii. rAt.MEii. K. r. nirnMAN.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Offlcu Uonm 24 , Opposite Kiclmnge lliilldInK , Uolonf
block Yarda. Boulh Umalia. Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Mnrkct turnlshed Jrro on aptllratlon. flockera anoT
feedera ( urnl'hedon uood lerniB. ItnrerenceBi fjniai
tin Natlnnal Bunk uiiilHoulh Umahit Nallunal , Uulou
block YanlB , boulb Omaha ,
Live Stock Commission ,
Hoom li , EiclianKR Ilulldlnf , Union Stock Yard .
bouth Omalm , Neb ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Room 21 , Kichnnpf liulldlnK , Union Flock Tdi ,
Omaha. ItufiTrnces : Union .Sul'l Hank , OmHlia.
Union Slock ardu Hank , M. Omaha , 1C. H. Howler
I'rm , Am. Hank /t T mil Co. , Oiimhu.
Commission Dealers In Live Stock , .
Iloom 'JS , oppntlt * Eirbinia nalldlnr. Onion BtoaH
VurdB , H uth Omaha , Neb.
Of Omaha , Limited , ,
Jonn'r , Bojd , HupartnUudtnt. ' t
1 . . '