Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1887, Page 2, Image 2
. 2 : THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; , ffRIDAY , OCTOBER 14. 1887. . THE PRACTICE OF POLYGAMY , 0. Randolph Tucker's Vlows On the Mormon Question. UTAH'S ADMISSION AS A STATE. A I" w Which Would Abolish Unlaw ful Cohabitation In of the Terrltory'H I'Jntrjr Into the Union. Utnh'H Affairs I > lHcuH ed. WASHI.MITO.V , Oct. VI. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. ] Hon. J. llandolph Tucker , ex- 1 poproscntatlvo from Virginia , was n member Of the Judiciary committee In the last'house , Dud la that capacity was connected In a Kreutcr decree than any other man in the > Iormon legislation. Mr. Tucker was naked to-day : "What do you think of the Utah ivmstltutional convention and Itho report of the commission upon ill" "It is , " said ho In reply , "n phase of this interesting problem which I hud anticipated in'my consideration of It In the lust con- ftrcsn. The power of congress to govern the territories gives control over jwlygumy in them as long as they remain in the condition of territories. But If once admitted into the Union an Btutes that control ceases. It U obvious that whatever constitution is now adopted by Utah condemning i > olygumy , it will be coini > etcut for her to change after her admission into the union. Nor can any con dition bo imposed by unquestionable | xiwer. As u co-equal member of the union she can hold that ntatc. The power reserved to her must be the same as those reserved to Virginia or Alu.siachusetts. That being so , to prevent a polygamy member from Joining thu union Is only jxiKslbly In ono of two w.iys : First , To keep Utah iu the territorial coudltion perma nently. But this Is contrary to the genius of our free Institutions. To govern all repre- pentcd iKNiple iwrmiincntly is worse than folly. It is all offense to the principles of Anglo-American liberty. Temporary eminent until the young territory can take her position in the union as a state Is unavoid- uble. But it ought to cease ns soon us the | ieoplo are organized for real self-govorn- jnent. Second , Tlio only other course to bo pursued is to adopt the constitutional amend inent rcjiurtcd by the Judiciary committee of the house in May , IbWt , and which , for lack of time , could not be Rt'led upon. It would have jKissed the house with great certainty had it conic to ta vote. It proposed to inaku .polygamy a rime everywhere in the union , In both states anil territories , a crime against our system of Vlvlll/atioM. As treason Is u crime against the union , and us nionarchial government is forbidden to every stute , it then proposes to jive Jurisdiction to the courts of the United Ktatos to try this crime mid to congress the howorto declare by law the punishment Thereof. liutlost this should be construed into giving congress power over the question > f marriages nnd divorces In the states , tlio tinicndincnt proposed to exclude nueh a con- ftlrurtion by clear .mil emphatic language. If Jlhis amendment bo adopted Utah may be ad- toilttcd at unco and polygamy can never be revived in that state or anywhere else. 1 IIOJHI to M < e it adopted and then tosceUtuh in the union as a state divested of this insti- .lutlon which is so alien to thu American idea wf a Christian civilisation. /erred by Mr. Tucker reads as follows : Sec. 1. The marriage relation by contract ir In fact between mnro than one person of Jio other sex shall bo deemed polygamy. .Neither . polygamy nor any polygamious as- wie.iatlon or cohabitation between the sexe.s thnll exist or be lawful in any place within ; ho Jurisdiction of the United States or of Vny state. Sec. 3. The United States shall not , nor shall an y st a to. make or enforce any law wh leh Rlnill allow polygamy or polygamous associa tion or cohabitation between the sexes , but Jhc United States and every state shall pro- Jiibit the same by law within their respective Murlsdietloim. Sec. . The judicial power of the United 'States ' shall extend to the prosecution of the crimes of polygamy and of a polj gam.ous a - feodatkm or cohabitntisu foftivw r. uie sexe-j Imwer to .declare by law the punishment thereof. ( Sec. 4. Nothing in the construction of this brticlo shall lie construed to deny to any Btuto the exclusive power , subject to the kirovisions of this article , to make and en force all laws concerning marriage and Hivorce within its jurisdiction or to vest in h United States any power respecting the eumo within any state. , Tlio Crow Agenuy Trouble. ' . WASiuxnTox , Oet. 13. The secretary of Iho Interior late this afternoon received in formation that the Indians on the Crow Crook and Lower Hrulo reservations in Da- ) iota had , by tholr threatened violence , topped the allotment surveys in process tin Iho reservations , and that further trouble is tcared. The secretary a consultation With General Sheridan and it is thought > toi 3 Will bo immediately taken for an emer gency and resumption of work. The secre tary also received a telegraphic report from Bpeciul Agent Howard on the situation at Iho Crow agency in Montana , where the trouble was begun the 30th of last month. The rojiort , which is lengthy , virtually con- JRrmfl the first dispatches about the trouble , ferfitch was inaugurated by n young buck , Medicine Man , mid about fifteen or sixteen pf his followers , who , on the evening of the feOh ( , when preparations were in progress peacefully for the Issuing of rations on the following day , rode through the agency in full war paint nnd feathers , firing into the roofs of all the houses and acting in a very in- pulling manner. 8 | > eeiul Agent Howard thinks Agent Williams acted very wisely in hot attempting to arrest them with the In- [ llan police force , as It would have engendered l lT luodshcd l and inn-Imps a general massacre , { T ivo troops of cavalry arrived on the grounds Hlxnit 10 p. in. with Instructions only to protect rmployes and property. After the arrival of Ihe troops Medicine Man and his followers witlnucd to make hostile demonstrations uid sent word to the troops that they were vadv2 ° r them , at the same Mine removing ill their wpiaws , old men and children from the tepees to the opposite side pf the river. After the tree ] > s hud gone Into t-nnip a delimit gang of Indiana went to the trader's store and demanded ammunition , 5 * jvhlch was of course refused , They then | liHd Into the store , and the trader , wife and [ Jerks had to barricade the windows with inles and blankets to protect themselves. I'ho gang kept , up their shooting all night , > l > eiily defying the troops and making night \ideoug .with tholr yells. In the morning wo moro troops of cavalry arrived mid for f ivo or six hours this gong and ionic sixty or seventy followers stationed ? m the top of the hill overlooking the agency * flared and defied the soldiers to come up and fake them. In the evening they dlsupi > eared V find have been planting seeds of discord Rinong the whole Crow tribe ever since. o e Indians have not only stolen homes § m the Piegans , but from white settlers : / / . dicino'Man is a very bad Indian und if ho 1 his followers are not arrested all the ? ' progress these Indians have made will ba Jest for years to come nnd the whole Crow if fintion completely demoralized. The longer mjrcst is put off the more danger there will l > e. The Privilege to He Extended. WASIIIXOTOX , Oct. 13. The treasury do. mrtmcnt has under favorable consideration & proposition to extend to depository banks Jn Boston , Philadelphia and other largo cities , the privilege recently granted such banks Ir fcfcw York of holding public funds to the nmount of ten i > er cent of their bond deposits ixiul to Increase the maximum amount so held to (1,100,000. A few New York banks havi already signified their purpose of dt' | > ositlmi bonds sufficient to secure , the sum mentioned Secretary Kulrchlld U known to favor this iilau of utilizing thp hurplu * . Nebraska'nnd Iowa I'r nsioits. ' .V.siu.Narox , Oct. 18. [ Special Telegram .to the HKK. ] The following Nebraska pen .lout . were granted to-day : Minors of J , N , Loonlo. Increase : Daniel Iacurt ! Stfatton ; J. W. Carter , Chadron J William H. Norton , St. Paul. Iowa pensions : Mluor of Q. W. Broitfield , Epworth ; Phobc , widow of Anthony Under , Cincinnati ; Benjamin Franklin , Clyde. In crease : Llndley II. Joy , Salem ; Bonjnmln Abegg , Blakesburg ; H. li. Council , ( luorhsoy ; Jacob Alonww Ooodulo , Tincley ; .T. M. Holmes , Spunccr ; J. 1C. Week , Alblu ; William It. Parker , Columbia ; Joseph Pressly , Webster City. Hestomtlon , reissue nnd Increase : ! ' . B. Stcvenwn ( deceased ) , Lake City , C. A. Toot , Mount Ktim. Conscience Contribution. WASIIINOTOX , Oet. 13. The Unltod States treasurer to-day received a conscience con tribution of $3) in an envelope postmarked Grctna , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ Weather Service Huroau. WASIII.SOTO.V , Oct. IS. first Lieutenant L. A Woodruff , Fifteenth Infantry , has gone to St. Paul to establish n weather service in the northwestern states nnd territories. Investigation Ordered. WASHINGTON , Oct. 18. The civil service commission has ordered an Investigation con cerning the enforcement of the civil sen-ice law und rules in the Kansas City ix > stofllco. The llnzen mil Pusseil. CxconoD , N. II. , Oct. 13. The senate this morning passed the Huzcn bill , or Boston & Maine railroad bill , about which such a scandal has been raised. A LOST YACHT. Six Porno IIH Believed to Have Been Drowned ill Lake Superior. WiNNBi'EO , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram to the Biiu. ] A Port Arthur dispatch soys that it was rci > ortcd lost night that the yacht Nettle , which left Jarvls Island on Thursday last with six persons on board for Port Arthur , has been lost. When the first thought of danger to the Nettie was believed Arthur McEwan , manager of the .Turvis Island mine , immediately made all possible off ortslo ascer tain the whereabouts of the parties on board and the fate of the vessel. The whole coast and island was searched. The tug "Salty Jack" found no traces of the Nettio during the day. but toward evening mot the fishing Three Brothers , and learned that the rudder nnd oars of the Nettio had been picked up between Welcome Island and Multon Island. There is no doubt but that the six met their death In the terrible gale on Thursday and Friday. Among those lost uro Mr. Murray , from London , England , McKinnon , who leaves a young wife almost heart-broken , and Fox und his sou , of Fort Williams. The American Hankers' Meeting. PITTSIIUIIO , Oct. 13. The convention of the American Bankers' association was called to order at 11 o'clock this morning. After rou tine business had been disposed of , papers wore read by C. P. Williams , of Albany , Elliot F. Shepard , of New York , Henry M. Knox , of Minnesota , II. B. Wilson , of Ohio and B Wilklus , of Ohio. The report of the committee on silver came up. The couiiuittoo report said that the American Bankers' asso ciation had always taken thu ground that both paper and gold are required 8fi the money of the world , but tnat in an inter national agreement only u part of the ma jority of tlio chief commercial nations of the world can practically settle the question of the relative value of gold and silver when coined. The report refers to the action taken by loreign ixnvers , and concludes with the recommendation that the coinage of silver dollars by the United States be suspended until the points at isnneon the siher question can bo settled by international agreement. The leport was adopted Pullman Htock Increased. Cnii\io ( , Oet III. The i-.tpltal stock of the Pullman P.ilaco Car company , already at the enormous total of Slfi.O.M.OOO , was to-day increased 2Ti per cent , making the aggregate amount nearly $ AOOJXK ) , , ( ) . ThLs action was taken at the annual meeting of the company. Examination of the statement showed the surplus for the year'to bo $ l.7.ti > , S > 74. The increase of block was recommended by President Pullman , who stated it to bo for the purpose of "providing capital required to meet the cist of additional equipment , and for further ex tension in the near future. " Incidentally in the president's address it was stated that the number of ixirsons employed bv th vwinpahy in the oj > erntiiig and j2SUuT.'ictuing : depart ments is _ , > , and UTe wages paid during the year , * , > , ( M4llit. : : ITho earnings from the operation of cars were $5,021,1)17 , and from manufacturing , etc. , $ i20ll4. , . - Under the "Contract Imhor" Ifcad. Nnw YOIIK , Oct. , la. United States Dis- .riet Attorney Walker decided to-day that the case of Kov. E. Wulpolo Warren , recently called from England to the rectorship of the Church' the Holy Trinity , comes umir-r ine "contract labor law , " and thst lib will bo forced to commence suit against the vestry und wivrdcnS of the church. The district attorney says it is plain that the law docs not refer merely to manual labor only , for it expressly exempts "pro fessional actors , ftHlsts , lecturers and sing ers. " Rr.fl as Kcv. W.irrcn is neither of these , ne falls plainly within the law. The district attorney intimates u rather poor opinion pf the law , but declares it his duty to enforce it. Proceeding AKaliiKt Corporations CiiK'Aiio , Oct. 18. Attorney General Hunt has filed information in tlio circuit court against two corporations existing under the laws of Illinois. The People's Insurance ex change , he snys , has exceeded its rights by soliciting people to insure in insurance coin- paules of different states , a thing which is not legal under the statutes. A charge some what similar in character is brought against the Farmers' Live Stock society. Tlio oom- plalnt alleges that the company has illegally insured people against the death of live stock on account of disease or accident , things which it is not authorised to do. The attor ney general appeals to the court to revoke the privileges of twth corporations. In n I In ( I Condition. STAFFOIIII Srmxas , Conn. , Oet. 13. Bank Examiner Formen continued his investi gation into the affairs of the wrecked bank to-day. Ho has informed the comptroller of currency that a receiver should be apiwinted at onco. The impression Is that vorv little of the $200,000 capital will bo left. It has been discovered that the defaulter sent $75- ( KX ) of the stolen funds to ono Now York stock broker within three months. Yellow Fuver at Tampa , Kill. Ki.ruu , Oet , 13. In the special article written for the Medical News this week , on the fever epidemic at Tampa , Fla. , Dr. Hamilton , surgeon general of the United States marine hospital service , says the fatal progress of the disease tells its own story , and prevents adhesion to the theory that the diseoso is dengue , and not yellow fever. Ho advises the strictest precaution. Surrendered Hln Plunder. ST. Louis , Oct. 13. The money taken from the Pacific Express company by Messenger Owens has all been recovered. It was found yesterday concealed In a barrel of ashes in the roar of the messenger's residence. The amount found was $33,000. Owens directed the men to where the money was hid. Order of An-ont Suspended. Dtim.iM , Oct. 13. The inspector general of constables has Issued on order suspending the execution of the coroner's warrant for tlio arrest of Insjicctor Hlgg and others , pending mi appeal. Cliaiiiberlnlu'ti Irlwh Tour. LosixNOet , 13. Chamberlain also visited Coleraln to-day , where ho received u number of liberal-unionists delegates from Derry , Antrim and Tyrone. Ho made an address of the Usual nature. The. Fidelity Hunk Cnxos. CINCINNATI , Oct. 13. The United States grand Juiy has now under consideration tlio Fidelity bank eases. Ed NorrU , one of thu erooks connected with tlio robbery of Jbhn and Tbouiaa Meaiicy at Brandcix1 saloon labt Sunday , was arrested ' yoslorduy by Ofjlcor Turn- bull. . . CITIZEN TRAIN CHOKED OFF , Ohloago'B Mayor Docldoa to Throttle the Crank Lecturer. GEORGE FRANCIS INTERVIEWED. A Wild Harangue A gal nst the Police nnd Kvcrjbody HI wo An Invi tation ( ? ) to Speak In Oinalia. Squelching a " " Ciuc.vno , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram to the Unit. ] A visit was paid to Mayor llocho to-day In order to ascertain what ho was . going to do with George ( 'runlets Train and how near the midnight orator came to InsultIng - Ing the civic dignity of his honor. "Wo arc going to stop him , " morosely answered the mayor. "Ho will hold , no more such meetings ns ho held last night , I thought ho would have understood the notice I sent him a day or BO ago , but it seems ho hasn't and now we are going to eloso him up. " George Francis Train was found locked up In the private oftlco of the Western News man. The door was opened for the rc | ortor , and when he announced the latest Instruc tions of the mayor to Chief Ebersold , Mr. Train exclaimed : "By George , that's good. I'm glad of it. You see how I've got 'cm , do you ? I'll leave the city If they , wish o to. Then everyone of their throats will bo cut. Here , don't you think this will knock 'cm ! " Ho handed over the following characteris tic letter : Citizen , Chief of Police , and Mayor Roche , of Chicago : I am entirely at a loss to know why you give orders to insult uio every night with a squad of officers as if I was a Pinkcrton assassin. iWlmt laws have' I broken ) Why place a statesman , editor , merchant , banker , traveler , Poclfle railway king cu the same footing ( as to license , ) as a circus menagerie , box of snakes , two-headed calf and others , then refusing license ( great officials acting like sneak thieves ) . I am no enemy to the police. Wo must hare order , and I have been my own chief of police nt all my lectures. No anarchists , socialists or worklngmcn come near mo. They are too cowardly. My newsboys have boon notified that my paper ( Train's Daily Psycho- Anarch ist ) , must bo suppressed. Will you please state why before my lawyers sue you for damages } If you are bravo enough to murder free press as yon are assassinating free speech , you will soon have Chicago to ashes. 1 alouo can control these madmen from cutting your throats. What in - can 1KW ( police do against 100XXoutruged ( ) men I You had bettor have mo your friend , not your enemy. I have thirty engagements outside of Chicago , nnd will thank you to say If yon intend to read the baby act nt Turner hall again to-night which makes you the laughing stock of the city. " Gnoiiiii : FUANCIS THAIN. ' I'm ' the only man that can handle these men. I knew wlmt was going to happen and prepared for it. How , Psycho ? See , I loft New York and see wlmt { happened. If I leave Chicago the city will run blood. " A newsboy rushed into the oftico and ex claimed "A I can't sell , copper says no more papers or I'll bo arrested. " Mr. Train flew all to pieces. ' Call all the boys in , " he cried , "and ar rest the police every one of them. Arrest the chief. What do they wnnt to shut me up for ! The anarchists hate me and fear me. They're laborers ; they know nothing. I'm an aristocrat ; I'm a born leader , and don't let any of these ignorant anarchists dictate to me. They're outlaws , everyone of them. "Am I going to lecture to-nlghti" echoed the Psycho lecturer in reply to a question. "Cer tainly 1 am. WhutiKiwer is thereto prevent. I Ionic forward to a repetition of the Ilay- mnrket riot at Turner hall to-night. I will speak. Mayor Uocho must let. 'mo speak. Shall I tell you why I I have tmgtgbieciits at thirty place * outside ojt Gtefesgu , including Siiringtield , S.1. J-Tuib , Keokuk , Kansas City , , Onuilju. Tfipcka , Council Bluffs , Aurora , Peoria , and other largo places. Do you UUak Chicago will be willing to have me po out and cry it down as u place where free speech is suppressed t" When the audience had assembled at Turner hall to hear Train speak it was learned that the lecturer had departed for Springtield. , LATEU. LaUj to-aipht it was learned that Train had hot left the city after all , but was sleeping calmly at thu house of his friend , Kditor Devine. A reporter learuod that Mr. Train was preparing to bring damage suits ty of Chicago , Burned iu Oct. 13. The excitement occasioned by the appearance of the Minneapolis Tribune on the morning after President Cleveland's visit , of an editorial containing severe strictures on the adminis tration and manner of couductingtho present "tour for votes , " culminated to-night , when Mr. A. J. Blethen , proprietor of the Tribune , was burned in cfllgy by a crowd led by Mayor Ames , of this city. Tlio exceptions taken to the editorial were based principally ujwn the language used , with reference to Mrs. Clove- land. Mr. Blethen regards the affair as a joke on Mayor Ames and crowd , us important business kept him away from the Tribune office on Tuesday night , and ho knew nothing whatever of the article until it appeared Wednesday morning. The KiiightN of I ahor. MIXXBAVOUS , Oct. lit. In the Knights of Labor general assembly to-day the eight hour question in the cigar trade was brought up. The sentiment was that as eight hours is the rule of the Intel-national cigar makers' union , it would not bo right for Knights of Labor in that trade to work longer hours. It was decided not to issue labels to those who work longer hours. It is stated that thu con vention yesterday afternoon voted to continue the boycott on the Now York Sun. The Ponape Kevolt. M.UHIIP , Oct. 13. The Spanish govern ment , being convinced that * ( Ro revolt nt Poimpo was the result of religious persecu tions , has ordered that only those convicted of murdering Spaniards bo punished , and that the indemnity demanded by America IMJ paid. lit a Precarious Condition. LOXIIOK , Oct. 13. The Chronicle's Berlin correspondent claims to have learned from unimpeachable authority that the condition of the German crown prince is precarious , and that Dr. McKcnzies' treatment has failed. Overruled. AI.IIAXY , Oct. 13. Judge Learned has over ruled the demurrer of Quarantine Commis sioner Thomas C. Platt , In the action brought by the attorney general to oust him from oUloe. - A Sunken Steamer. Nuw Yomc , Oct. 18. The schooner Nettie B. Dobbin , from St. John , N. B. . which ar rived yesterday , reports that on October 11 , off New Haven , they passed a sunken steamer , with smoke ( .tack and two masts slicking above the water. Steamship Arrivals. QTEEXSTOWX , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Arrived The Britannic , from New York. SOUTHAMPTONOct. . 13. Arrived The Allor , from Now York. Captured a Tough. For several evenings past about ! o'clocic as Charles Ronrow , the engineer at Urownoll hall , hns been returning from work , ho bus boon assaulted by a gang of hoodlums and stoned. Upon complaining to the police yesterday about the allair , OJIlcor Ward was detailed tailed to investigate the matter. At the usual hour , the young rewdles again as bJiultod Ronrow. Ward immediately gave chase , and after a long and oxcil ing pursuit succeeded in. capturing one of the toughs , -negro named Churle Bull. Ho was taken to the central pollco station nnd locked up. JUOUGHT DOWN A Bandy Knight's Hnloon the Hccno Of a Murderpils Affray. Just nt midnight ) ast night Andy M c- Vndrow was tmotHnitho left breast by a mulatto named Charles Knox. The af- air hnppuncd in Sandy Knight's saloon , lorthwost corner o ( > Cnpltol avenue and 'outh street , wh'oi'o ' McAndrow was ending bar. About 0 o'clock the mulatto amo iuto the saloon boabtlng of his Higilislio prowess , jjind informed the oaf era present that ho wanted trouble. Joing entirely to * ibolstrous , ho was rdered by the bai-tcndor to leave the aloon. Ho rofuscil to go , and wad orolbly ejected by McAndrow. Inside f n minute , however , ho was back in lie paloon , pounding Walt Turnham. lo was again put out nnd again ro- urnod. This time the proprietor , Sandy Knight , lent n helping hand by iiirling a bcor glass at Knox. The mulatto beat a hasty retreat , but prom- sod to bo baek soon. IIo next hunted up Policeman Bloom and tried to pcr- uudo him to arrest Sandy and his bar- endor. Failing in this , no returned to ho saloon with the remark , "I'm back iftcr you , " pointing his finger at Mc- Vndrow. The bartender , without any urther ceremony , pushed the mulatto hrough the door. Snatching his revolver from his ) oekot , Knox sprang forward and fired it McAndrow , thu ball taking effect in iis loft breast. The would-be murderer text dashed the revolver to the pave- nont and started on a run up L'onth street. Ollicer Bloom was on lie Houthciust corner of the street when ho shot was fired , and seeing the sub sequent flight of Knox , ho started in > ur.suit. No attention was paid to the jfflcer's order to halt , and ho snapped iis revolver twice at the-fugitive , but ho cartridges failed to explode. Catch- ng up with Knox ho BtrueK him on the jack of the hend with the butt of his re volver , felling him to the ground and clajiping a pair of hand-cuffs on his vnsta before ho had time to rise. The latrol was called and Knox was locked up. up.Tho wounded McAndrow was taken o his residence- 915 Capital avouuo , and an examination of hia wound showed that the ball had taken an up- vard course and lodged under the collar bono. The full extent of the in- ury is not yet known. JOHN L. BLAIR'S TlLLIONS. He Has Owned Moro Miles of Kail- road Than Any Other Ono Man. Now York Sun : John L. Blair , the vitncss before the Pacific railroad cora- nission last week , is ono of the oddest characters in the country. Ho is al. tlrcady beyond the regulation throo- ycore and ten , but lodks after his ton or nero millions as yigorously as ho { u.sed to manage liq ) , dollars when ho vus a poor but thrity youngster in War- en county , N.Y. Ho made his own start n life , and got his first taste of wealth rom fcomc railroad Vhiilding in Warren county. Tlio bulk pf his fortune , how- svor , ho gained in Building ronda in owa. His general , fchemo wns to got ' ip a company to'bxiild a road through low territory. Them ho got the people ilong the line to chip in enough to pay all tlio expenses of building the road' , the work being doijo , by a construction company , which was him in another orm. Bonds were .issued for this and stock equal in ainuuiit to the bonds was sbued to his" company , which wag also Iiimseli. The building up of the country by the road' made the htock valuable and John I' ' . Blair rich. At one time he owned moro miles of rail road tlmn any man in the country. Vanderbilt not cxcepted. IIo built the town of Blairstowu , where ho livoa iu i solidly magnificent place. It is a thriving village , some distance from anywhere in Now Jersey. To get to it lU > d mvay from it ho built the Blairstown ailroad , the chief business of which is : o carry John I. Blair back and forth. Ho is the hero of innumerable quaint anecdotes. A son lives in fine style at LJelvidore ? N. J. Once a friend , seeing the son drive a gorgeous equipage that cast the old man's modest carriage into the shade , remarked on the difference. "Well , you see1 said the millionaire dryly , "I never hnd the advantage of a rich father. " Once out west some of his men wore arrested and when he wanted to go bail for them the judge , not impressed by his rather rough exterior , insisted on. some evidence of his relinbiiity as'a Ijondsmnn. The old man trotted out a few hundred thousand dollars' worth of government bonds that ho had handy and olTered to produce several millions of good railroad bonds if ho was given a few hours more notice. Once ho ran on the republican ticket for governor of Now Jersey. The agree ment was that ho wiia to furnish the money and the politicians the experience Ho wns not elected , and at the end of the campaign ho had the experience and the politicians had a big heap of the money. It was then that ho tola his famous anecdote of the western man who drove a lot of hogs from St. Louis , whore hogs wore low , to Chicago , where they were high , and finding that before ho got there the hog market had twibted around so that swine were higher in St. Louis than in Chieogo , drove the hogs back again , getting to St. Louis jubt in time to strike a depres sion in the St. Louis hog market , wnich was matched by an elevation at Chicago. The man said. BO the story wont , that ho hadn't made much money out of it , but ho had had the society of the hogs. "Well , I'm like that feller , " said Blair. "I haven't been elected gover nor , but I've had the society of the hogs.1 Blair has dabbled in politics some since then , but his experience was not lost. His contributions to campaign funds have never oxcobded generosity. He was a delegate fr6m Now Jersey to the convention that jlqpiinated Blaine , and on the way out jb ? kept a whole car load of young politicians up all night by tolling them funny stories. In the morning ho was'the freshest and heartiest man in the a'r. Ho travels all bvfcr the country alone , as freely ns"though , ho were dearer eighteen than eighty. i . Homesick G'owboyn. Dallas News : Jim1 Kid , of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show , ' writes to Pony Bill , of the Range Journal , to say that several of the boys of the Wild Wobt have met with painfulnceidents. , , Kid headed the list by his horae falling on him and "mashing Ijim up" while ho was riding at full speed picking up two shilling pieces. Buck Taylor got his log broken while the cowboys were dancing the Virginia reel on hot-bobaek. Joe lisquival got his eyes shot out with a blank cartridge. Dick Johnson got his ribs mashed up by a bucking horsa falling on him. Billy Bullock got his ankle thrown out of place by a fall. Broncho Charley got his ankle smashed. One of the bovs got into a row on the streets , licked FOVOII cops and stands now in imminent danger of relentless English law. Buffalo Bill is a good , considerate boss ; the Wild West is fallowing to lo.tHH ) to 20,000 daily , but Kid says both thu Indians and cowboys arc homesick atid declare if they over got nest of the AliHsioi ( | > pl river again they will know enough to stay tlioro. OBJECTING TO AN OVERLAY , Failure of the Olty Council to Pass Grading Ordinances. A LACK OF FUNDS THE CAUSE. Hnscall Wnnts to Have Special Coun sel For the Council , Itnt Doesn't Get It Other Business Transacted. The City Council. The city council hold tin interesting adjourned meeting last evening. In the absence of President Bcohcl thu chair was filled by Councilman Loo. Council man Kitchen wns absent. Ono of the noticeable features of the meeting was the failure to pass grading ordinances. When the first paper ofthis nature came up for final disposal Mr. Burnham made an objection. lie stated that the funds for this purpose had run out long ngo , anil that it was not right to pnsa any more ordinances without the funds to back thorn tip. In consequence of thSa objection several ordinances pre sented failed to puss on the third read ing. Mr. Lowry upon seeing the feel ing of the council upon the subject , stated that ho , as the chairman of the committee on grades and grading , would not recommend the grading of any more streets at present. Another matter that caused consider able debate was a report presented by Mr. Hascall , ns chairman of the judici ary committee. It wns to the elTeet that the necessary counsel and clerical aid bo employed to prepare the case of the council in the police matter to go before the supreme court. Mr. Burnham signed a minority re port providing that the city attorney concur in the selection of the council's attorneys. Mr. Alexander thought that it would bo only justice that the city attorney should look into the matter and have something to say in regard to the man ner in which the case should bo pre sented , and that the minority should at least bo recognized. Aflor _ considerable debate the report was withdrawn. The following communications wore received : From City Treasurer Rush , K'nting ' that ho had made a tender of300 to A. W. Street for dnnmges of lot ( > , block 2-33 , caused by the opening of an alloy , and that said payment was refused. Placed on file. The bill of Mount&Grittln for sprink ling Sixteenth street during the fair nnd reunion was presented in a commu nication from the board of public works. The bill wad $250 and was allowed. The contract for curbing Nineteenth street , from St. Mary's avenue to Letivenworth street , which had boon awarded to Whalon & Brcnnan , was ap proved. The contract awarded to James Mills for the painting of the Sixteenth via duct by the board of public works , was approved. Tlio city physician's report for Sep tember was placed on file. It shows 00 deaths and 14(1 ( births. A communication from the city water works stating that hoveral hydrants that hud been ordered had been set and are ready for service was referred to the chief of the lire department. The contracts for paving the alloy in blocks 107 and 140 with Colorado wind- btono , and for paving Nicholas street , from li'ourteoiitli and Sixteenth streets with Sioux Falls granite , were ap proved. Frank Rinohnrt asked for permission to erect a printing room for the build ing at 1520 Douglas street. The petition waa referred to the committee on fire and water works , chief of the fire de partment , and building inspector with power to act. The bill presented by C. E. Fanning & Co. for street sweeping' was allowed. It amounted to 82,085.10. , A petition from Jane R. Hospe in re lation to the taking in of twelve inches of her lot by the curbing on Seven teenth , between Chicago and Davenport streets was referred to the city engineer. N. Frederiekson , James Goft'arm others ) entered a protest ngalnst the present grade on. Pnoiiic street , between Eleventh and Thirteenth streets and it was referred to the delegation from the First ward. N. K. Fairbanks & Co. , in a communi cation , stated that they arc desirous of enlarging their factory , and in consequence quence they requested a vacation for twenty years of the alloy extending east und \yest through bloclc 19 in Credit Fonder addition. Referred to the First ward delegation. The report of the committee ap pointed to examine the books of the secretary of the board of education was referred to the finance committee. It was in brief as follows : Commencing March , 18S3 , we find that the receipts and disbursements of the board wore as follows : Balance in treasury March 31,1SS3.35SU 27 Deduct warrants outstanding March 31,181 431 30 $35,109 01 Amount collected from fines and licenses $504,937 91 Amount taxes collected 227,717 00 Warrants drawn KWr.S7 li ( * 5,3G7 (17 ( Addition warrants outstanding April 80 , Ibb7 $1,07827 Balance in treasury April 30 , 1S87.$0,415 U5 City Attorney Webster recommended the payment ol the contested bill of the Barber Asphalt company amounting to $ . ' 5,471.20 for repairs of pavement on Tenth btrect , between Centre and Williams htrcots. It was referred to the committee on fire and water works for ono week. The pending matter in regard to the retaining wall between the now build ing being erected by the BKK Publish ing company and the new city hall building , was referred to the judiciary committee , chairman of the board of public works , superintendent of build ings , and the committee on public prop erty and buildings with power to act. II. T. Clark asked permission to grade in front of certain lots in block 4 of Swoozy's addition for the purpose of bringing the street to the proper grade. Referred to the committee on grades and grading. A petition asking that Twenty-ninth avenue , between Ilickory and Leavcu- worth , bo ordered curbed and paved was referred to the committee on paving , curbing and guttering. A communication from Mrs. F. X. Murray tirotssttng againbt the work of the cubic company at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Dodge btreets was re ferred to the board of public works. A communication from the Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge com pany accepting the location of the Doug las street approach was placed on rec ord. It was signed by John F. Stewart , president. Eugene O'Neill , the owner of throe houses on Fifteenth street , between Williams and Pierce streets , stated in a petition that his property had been 'damaged by. the grading of the street iu front of hi * house and ho petitioned that Raid grading bo Immediately stopped or damages bo assessed. Afiliorttlmo ngo Thomas O'Connor raised the roof ol his house on Twelfth street ono story without permission of the building inspector and the matter was brought into the courts. At the time ho wns not awnro that a permit was required. The erection of n now brick block at the south side of him re quired him to sacrifice ono side of bin house , nnd the delay of the roof contro versy left him nt the tuctry at the ele ments. In consequence ho had a pe tition in the council last evening asking permission to nuiku the desired changes. It was referred lo the committee on lire und water works with jxiwer to net. Louis Bradford asked for permission to remove his lumber yard from the northeast corner of Douglas nnd Ninth streets to the southeast corner of Tenth and Douglns streets. The petitioner agreed to build his sheds of fire ma terial. Referred to the committee on lire nnd waterworks. The nppointmont of J. T. Kvnns , vice Bunch , ns clerk in the second district of the Seventh ward was con firmed. The following resolutions wore adopted. Instructing the street com missioners to relay the sidewalks on South Sixteenth street to the curb line ; instructing the street commissioners to remove the obstructions on the side walk in front of Jefferson square ; allow ing judgment in the appeal case of C. D. Woodworth ; that hereafter all regu lar meetings of the council open nt 7:30 : instead of 8 o'clock ; instructing the city attorney to prepare an ordinance for opening Fourteenth street under B. & M. and Union Pacific tracks ; instruct ing the city clerk to cancel the drain and plumbers1 license of John L. Flynn. Mr. Counsman offered the following resolution , which was referred to the committee on public property and build ings : That the plans and specifications , as well as the bids for the building of the new city hall , bo rejected for the present , us it appears by the llffures for the material nnd work re quired to build the hall that the hull will cost about X\M \ per cent , or one-third more , than the estimated cost of the building that wah furnished by the architect , und as it will re quire more bonds the people that pay the taxes should have a chance to say something on the subject. Mr. Hascall introduced a resolution that the directors of the public library submit to the council plans for a library building to bo located in the middle of JetTor&on square with estimates of the same. Referred to the committee on public property and buildings to report next Tuesday evening. The committee on grades nnd grading recommended the adoption of the ordi nance declaring the necessity of extend ing Charles street from Seventeenth street to Sherman avenue. Tlio same committee nlso recom mended the adoption of the ordinance ordering the grading of the alloy ad joining the W. C. T. U. building. They also recommended the gradingof Twenty-ninth street from Cuming street to Indiana avenue. The committee on police reported that it would be illegal , and also a dis crimination , to enforce a license upon lunch pedlars. A resolution was adopted that the jjniding on South Fifteenth street be immediately stopped. The committee on grades and grading recommended the changing of the grade , ns petitioned for by M. I' . Kear ney and others , of South Eleventh street , from Vinton to Banuroft streets. An ordinance milking an appropria tion of $ US,077.ii2 for the payment of lia bilities incurred during the month of September , reached second reading , and wns laid over under the rules. The following ordinances wore adopted : Levying a tax and assessment upon certain lots to pay one-fifth the co > it of constructing the Eleventh street viaduct ; special tax and assessment to cover part cost of construction of cost of sewer in district No. 4U ; declaring the alloy in blocks 4 and 7 , Kountzo's third addition , and block 258 , original plat of Omaha , open for public travel ; vacating the alloy in block 188 , in the original plat of Omaha ; changing the grade of Martha street from Tenth to Eleventh street ; declaring the necessity of ap propriating certain property and lands for the extension of Charles street from Seventeenth to Sherman avenue. VJfJTISt OF TilK FAITH CIIIIK. I > c < iii of a AVoman Who Scorned Human ICcincdics. Jane E. Baldwin , who died recently at 1103 Chicago street , was ono of many unfortunates whose lifo has been almost suicidally shortened by a reliance in the so-called faith cure. Her trouble was a sort of uterine tumor called a "polypus , " which became detached , nnd by a simple operation of a compe tent physician could have boon easily removed. Instead of doing this she squandered her money on tlio chnrla- tans of the faith cure , and died , when her lifo might easily have been saved. In making his report of the case to the city physician , Dr. V. C. Kauffinan gave the following significant cause of her demise : "Death caused by trilling with Christian science for the cure , till a septic condition developed from a decomposed uterine polypus , " which in plain Saxon moans tniit nor system was poisoned by the decomposed tumor. Permits. The following building permits wore issued yesterday by Superintendent Whitlock : August Bonzon , remodel ice house , foot of Jones street , to cost . $2,000 Knudt Thompson , ono and one-half story and basement frame dwelling , and remodelling house , 17th between Mason und Lcuvonworth streets , to cost . ! . . . 2,400 C. li , Evans , ono story frame cottage , Grant near 30th , to cost . 400 Frank Grus > enian , ono story frame cot tage , 20th between Nicholas und I'aul , to cost . COO Calm & Woolley , ono and one-half story frame dwelling , Devan near Park , to cost . 1,800 John Mullen , ono story frame cottage , " ' . 'ml and Grace , to cost . C50 Tcrcssa Miller , one story frame cotr tago , 7th and Bancroft , to cost. , , . . . 500 St. Mary's convent , basement and threo-Btory mid attic brick building , Castellur and 15th , to costu . 59,000 M. Lange and J. Nagl , to remodel building and put additional brick story to same , 000-COd S. 13th street , to cost . . . . 9,500 Mrs. Jane Laty , ono und one-half story frame addition to dwelling , 19th between Grace and Spruce , to cost . 200 Ten pormlts aggregating . 177,050 "Sleepy" Hewitt Again. Leon Hewitt , bettor known us "Sleepy , " was arrested last evening for stealing a basket of grapes from the store of Motoalf & Perfect , 624 North Sixteenth street. Mr. Perfect caught him in the act nnd attempted to arrest him , but ' 'Sleepy" struck out with his fist and managed to escape. The police captured him later and locked him up. Seriously Injim-d. Mw. R. Jenfon , of 2121 Parker street , accidentally fell down the stairway loading to her collar , at her residence yesterday morning and received injuries that inny prove fatal. IIOUN. SOLON Tuesday , October II , In Oiimha , to Mr. and Mca. Kraulc W , SoU o ; a daughter. IMPROVING THE MISSISSIPPI , Aosombllnff of the Convontlon a ) Qulnoy , 111. A REPRESENTATIVE MEETING , Congress to Ho Asked Fur nil Appro * | irlntlon Hii fill ! lent to tlio Channel of tlic Illvor. Tlio I < 'nthi r or Waters. QUINOY , 111. , Oct. 111. A Mississippi rivet improvement convention , culled for the pur pose of eoii.sldcrlng the imiirovcincnt of the river between the DCS Molnes rapids iind the mouth or the Illinois rlvor , was held In thla city to-day. The convention was u very rep- resontutlvo body. It embraced ns delegate- ) members of congress , legislators , official * ol the elites along the river , prominent buslncsi men mid members of Unas engaged In packet mid raft Ing Derations. Ifcithor broad vlow.s prcviiiled , local interests being laid nsido In the deliberations. Congressman Hatch , of Missouri , was elected pernmneut chalrmnn , and James II. Hftndley , of Qnlncy , soci-etnry. The list of delegates adopted by the convention showed that the following cities were represented : St. Louis , Chester , Clarksvlllc , Hamilton , Hannibal , Win-saw , Dubuinio , Alton , Canton , Hurllngton , Taylor , ( Julney , Keokuk , 1'eoriaand Kdlna. General Singleton , of Illinois , .T. F. Dlekison , ol Minnesota , and N. U. Derby , of Inwn , were elected vice presidents of the convention. The following committee on resolution ! was appointed : V. Day , \Vnrsu\r ; KM. Dlckoy , Dubuque ; W. T. Foster , Burlington ; K. Tuokor , Keokuk ; C. F. Howaid , Hnnnl. bal ; Frank Oalonnie , St. Louis ; 7. . H. Job , Alton ; . ! . T. MoUrldu. Chester : II. Lament , Hamilton ; I' . K. Cox , Qulnuy ; F. H. Condit , Canton ; Dr. Tindall , Taylor ; C. P. King , I'eoria. Captain Kuffner , In eharpo of the govern- nient engineering corps for the division of the river under consideration , by request .submit ted uu extended report of the work necessary to bo done , at once in order to Insure a rea sonable boating stage of water , giving In de tail the character and extent of the various improvements. According to his statement S.710,000 must bo appropriated by congress for this division of the river. Hugh J. Hrudy , of St. Louis , submitted the following statement : "Tho states bordering on the Mississippi river and its tributaries produced in ISM ! about 2XX.IXM,000 ( ) bushels of wheat , corn , oats , rj'o and barley. Tlio improvement of the river would reduce the rate of freight from St. Louis to New Orleans nt least 1 cent per bushel ; but snp ) > ese It would only add Ji cent per bushel to the above ; that would foot up f 10,000,000 to the producer. In high water wu can ( lout flvo barges of grain from St Louis down the river containing'j : > ltIKK , ) bushels in sU days. In low water live barges can only take I'-fl. 000 bushels and it takes fourteen d yft , which means a loss to the barge imv .iny'for eight da.vsatUH ) | > QV day. of W.SUO , 'which loss must bo made off high water. With n fair stagp of water corn can bo carried from St. Louis to New Orleans for -1 cents per bushel and wheat for 5 cents. During the year ISSfl the barge line carried from St. Louis to New Orleans 1,501,130 bushels of corn , W,4''W bushels of wheat and MM,7.rM bushels of oats , u grand total of iSiiS'M ! : bushels. The committee on resolutions submitted the following report , thu chairman saying the committee deemed it advisable to deviiitu from thii text of the cull for the convention : Whereas , In the just appropriations for the improvement of the Mississippi river , be tween the DCS MoincH nnd Illinois rivers , have been entirely Inadequate to the im portance of the interests involved ; and Whereas , At the present time the channel of this section of the river is in much worse condition than the channel either above or below the points named , thereby malting successful navigation of the river iniM | ) ! siblo and depriving those sections of country tributary thereto of the full benefit of this great highway ; therefore bo it liesolvod , That onv representatives In con gress bo urged to work mid vote for mi ap propriation of not less than ? r.OOXK , ( ) to 1 - UK- landed upon the permanent improvement ol this section of the river. The report was unanimously udoptcn with out discussion. The chairman was requested to apiniint a committee of one from each congict-sionnl district roproscntated in the convention to convoy the action taken by it to members ol congress. The committee arc ; Captain W. Parker , of Dubuque ; P M.'Cruiio , liurlinsr * ton ; C. II. Clark , Hannibal , Mo. ; K. B. Campbell , Clarksville , Mo. ; B. J. Hrady , K. K. McNulta and M. J. Murphy , St. Louis ; General C. K. Edwards , Warsaw , 111. ; Hon. A. W. Wells , Quincy , 111. ; H. G. Mii'Wkir , Alton , 111. ; William Schuryrt. Chester , III. Judge. IN-cndcrgnHt Talks. CHICAGO , Oct. 13. County Judge 1'ronder- gust , chairman of the permanent executive committee appointed by the Pcoria river con vention , in conversation with n reporter this morning , outlined the ideas of the projtosed improvement , and on being asked how th committee proposes to accomplish its objects , said that no means adequate and proper will bo left unused. "It is in every sense , " ho said , " a national project , greater In respect to extent of national territory to bo bene ficially effected in u direct and Immediate manner and in respeut to the number of people ple whose prosperity is involved in if not di rectly dependant on the completion oftha work than any other work undertaken by tha government. It will bo the duty ol the committee to take such steps as will make congress regard this work of so much importance that con gress will give it special nnd separate con sideration. We propose to bring the action of every congressman and senator on this subject under the scrutiny of every congres sional and senatorial constituency in this na tion. Legislators well know this fact , and in such knowledge this project will Hud iU all- powerful friend. Thu details of the work ol the committee cannot yet bo determined. " I'orMiiml R. F. Stevens loft last evening fora trip to Now York city. G. H. Cummings and G. W. Hall left last evening for Kansas City. Mrs. Fred S. Iladra nnd sou , of Nebraska - braska City , uro enjoying a few days in this city with friends. Attorney Cornish , a leading legal light of Lincoln , is in the city the guest of his brother , Edward Cornish. John Wol/ und wife of Tamil , Iowa , who have boon visiting Frou Drexel , of this city , returned homo yes- torday. William L. Adams , surveyor nnd en gineer of the Metropolitan Cable rail way company , is preparing for a trip to California. Uobort Williams , of the firm of Little & Williams , left last evening for a pleasure trip cast , going via St. I'aul and Chicago. Senator Paddock returned to Beatrice yesterday after performing his olllelul duty in welcoming tlio president in u most gracious manner. I ) . M. Rugor , a prominent Pythian of Fremont , Nebraska , who was attending the grand ledge convention in this city , returned homo yesterday. Miss Rose Fisher , cousin of Mrs. Max Meyer , is on a visit to that lady at her homo , W508 Douglas street , and will remain - main during the winter. Jeremiah Rocho , brother-in-law of Felix McShnno , and a former attache of the Now York Herald , now of Fort Worth , Texas , is in the city on a visit. General George Harrington , of R.CGti * ester , New York , Is at the Mip.srfl. IIo as an old companion on t'.io Hold of Com oral Dandy's , wliGio guest ho was th * day of thu president's visit. L. J. Henderson , Tom Ditloreod. Hfcury Wright and L. H. Layrrenco wortf run In again about ' 5:30. p. in. yc - ' terday for gambling. . .