Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1887, Image 1

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    - .
THE .1
Minister Forron Ordora That the
Oonornl Bo Doposocl.
fulfil re I Found Guilty Uy the Council
WldcNjircad lOxultement In
l''rnnc:2 Over tin ; Develop
ments In tin : Case.
Decorations anil Dirt.
( via lluvro , ) Oct. 13. [ Now York
Herald Cable-Special to the Hii.J : : The
excitement over the CiilTnrul scandal
continues unabated. The public feel that the
nffuir U only lit the beginning , forty police
ugents huvo been searching Paris and scour
ing the country trying to find Gen. U'Audlnn. '
Not even the faintest trace of him has yet
IHJCII detected. The crowds * , at tlio Hourso
collect and talk , themselves Into the firm be
lief that Wilson and Uoulangcr arc linpll-
filled deeply. The procurer do In republlquo
has linked authorl/atlon to make a formal
search ill Elyseo Palace in the apartments of
Wilson , for compromising papers. M. Orovy ,
who Is still at Mont Sous Vnndrcy , In Jura ,
mid who Is expected to return to Paris Sat
urday , has not yet replied to the demand of
the procurer general. Of course this delay
gives Wilson a splendid chance to burn up
his papers , If he lias any. The police exam
ination of Gen. D'Audlun's apartment was
rather late In the day , as the officers on their
arrival found traces of a largo number of
papers having been burnt. They discovered ,
however some registers containing incrimin
ating entries. Count D'Andlun , who is sixty-
three yenrs of age , is u native of Nancy and
has u distinguished military record. Ho re
ceived his first commission in 1847. and re
ceived the cross of the Legion of Honor as a
reward for valor displayed In the attack of
the Mamolon and the Malakoff tower at So-
bastapol. Ho was attached to the personal
staff of the Emperor NiiK | > loon during the
whole Italian campaign and enjoyed the dis
tinction of bringing to Paris the flags cap
tured at the battle of Solferino. Ho subse
quently occupied the | > est of military attache
at Vienna. His dispatches from the Austrian
capiUd predicting the defeat of Austrian * in
IWilJ , led to his appointment as lieutenant col
onel. In the disastrous campaign of 1STO ,
hi * was attached to the general stuff
of the army of the Hhino and was
captured and u'tcred ' at Hamburg by the
Prussians. As u literary innii ho is known
ns the author of "Met * : the Campaign and
tbo Negotiations ; " "Cavalry in the Past and
Future , " "Tho Organization and Tactics
of the French Infantry Since the Origin. "
Amusing accounts are given in to-day's
Figaro of Mmo. Limou/in's modus opcrandl
towards persons introduced to her by her
agents for the purpose of obtaining decora
tions. On arrival at her apartments the vis
itor was struck by the number of photo
graphs of political celebrities about the room.
Mine. Liinoiiziii usually opened the conversa
tion with u little speech somewhat after the
following fashion : "I know what you want.
I can bo of great service to you and can com
mand success , lu fact , I am on the best of
terms with Wilson , Houlunger , Thibaudin ,
Herbetto and others. GeneralCaffarel never
misses one of my weekly receptions. "
Thereupon she produced letters from all
these notabilities and the candidate became
convinced of her oinnipotency. When it
came to the business part of the affair she
nrofessed disintorestncss , but asked for a
mrgo advance on the ground that her power
ful friends Were so exacting , saying , how
ever , that such wo\ild \ only bo regarded as u
loan in case of the decoration not being ob
tained. The price being agreed upon , the
pull naturally read every issue of the Journal
Official with avidity , expecting to find his
name in the list of honor , and gradually be-
ramo Indignant at not finding it. At last ho
would find some day the door closed in his
face and the trii'k was played. As a rule ,
the victims had the best of reasons for
not taking proceedings , mid these
dealings would possibly never huvo come
. to light but for tbo cutencss of the
detective , who represented himself as
n manufacturer from the provinces , and in-
tdtitud on an interview witli Cafl'arel.
The widow of the Italian statesman writes
to the papers to say that she has no knowl
edge of the woman professing to bear a simi
lar nuino. who has been arrested in con
nect ion with the Ciilfurcl scandals. M. Wil
son has also written a declaration tp the ef
fect that the compromising letter exhibited
by Mine , Limousin was not written by him ,
and energetically refuted the whole tissue
of lies connecting his name with the scan
dal. Wild reports are flying about that Gen-
qrul Uoulanger is 1o bo relieved of the com
mand of the Thirteen corps d'armce , but I
found no confirmation of this at the war of
fice. I had an Interview with Houlanger's
friend , Henri Kockofort , at the Intransigeunt
ofllcc. 1 sale1 , :
"What do you think of the red ribbon scan
dal I"
"Think of it , " said Uochcfort , "I think the
uffuir was originally got up by the min
istry to ruin Houlunger. They did not
Buucead , w they tried to run the president.
When they began they had no idea that such
big people would bo dragged into the scandal
mid now every one is mad and would give the
world to hursh it up. "
"You do not think Uoulanger will be dam
aged , then. "
"Damaged } No. What has he done ?
How can u public man help receiv
ing shady people who ask to see him I Their
position compell them to receive all sorts of
jmoplo. Why , if you were to go on that prid-
ciplo you would convict Mine. Cornet for let
ting Marchandon , the murderer , Into her
house. "
"Do you Intend intend to publish any now
letters about M. Wilson ) "
"No. 1 have none to publish. All I know is
that Krcltmnycr maintains the authenthicity
of the letters ho had published. "
"Do you believe in General D' Andluu's
"I do not. Ho is not the sort of man tn
kill himself. Ho Is too old. "
"Ami what will come of the scandali"
"It will cause the fall of the ministry. If
will not upset M. Grevy. Ho will simply repu
diate the people who huvo compromised them-
selves. As for Mmo. Limouzin , tnUo m\
word for it , she will get off with a fortnight's
Imprisonment , if she goes to prison at all ,
.which I doubt. Hut whoever else escapes ,
the ministry won't. "
PAWS , Oct. 14. UsIU ) a. in. [ New York Her
aid Cable Special to the HuK.l Houlangci
seems to bo becoming more Implicated In tin
Legion of Honor scandals. In reply to a tel
egniphio Iniiulr.v from General Forron , mln
later of war , asking whether- assumed tin
responsibility of interviews in the Puri ?
pajHTs already cabled , Houlangcr replied :
"Only Just returned to Clermont Ferrand
Am unable to obtain copies of the papers yoi
refer to. Mail them to mo. "
To this Ferron replied demanding undci
penalty of measures of military discipline , at
immediuto categorical answer , yes or no , ol
the question put to him. No answer fron
Boulangor was received at the war olllce u |
to midnight , and to-day's Figaro announce !
that General Ferron at half past I thli
morning telegraphed to Houlangei
nn order placing him under arrest for thlrtj
President Grovy was notified of the grav
ity of the situation and decided to leave
Mont Sous Vuudray to-day ( Friday ) foi
Purls. The belief steadily gains ground thai
Wilson Is after nil guilty. Ho Is oven ae
cused of tricks in connection with the wan
dal worthy of Guboriau. It is Mild tha
Vt'licn persons seeking the Legion of Honoi
were presented to him by Mudamo Llmouzin
Krclger , C.t.Tarel and company , ho stooi
before n looking" f'la $ * . protesting that tin
thing was impossible mul beneath tin
dignity of the republic , ut the same thin
breathing on the mirror nnd afterwards true
Ing with iv nimble , finger in tho. clouded sui
face the figures , MIV 20,000 , or-40lXHi , flu ,
.thereby IndicuUng' the p'rlco for which th
cross could .bo obtained without writing o
peaking , the condensed' breath vanishing i
law mnpmitn ( 'iilg'r-pnfl fttnfi'intf
the transaction. A few days afterward the
applicant would send nn envelope full of
bank notes equal to the figures traced on the
magic mirror and duly receive in return u
parchment nnd box containing the coveted
3i30n. m. To-day's Intr.'inslgunt publishes
the following under the heading "History of
n Crime. " "Boulungor Is relieved of his com-
maiid and put under General U.ivcmt
Duvcstecdt , of the military government of
Lyons , bus replaced him. Houlunger as
sumes the full responsibility of the words iui-
] > ortcd to him. "
CAKKAHF.I , I'llONOf Xrr.K ( ll'll.TV.
[ Press. ] The council of generals appointed
for the purpose of trying General Caffarel on
the charges of selling civil decorations , has
pronounced him guilty of habitual dishonor
able conduct. It was decided by the council
to place General Cutfnrel on u retired list of
the army. Decrees for the execution of the
decision will bo submitted by General Fcr-
ron , minister of war , to President Grevy , for
his signature.
The newspapers allege that General Bou-
langcr Informs the rcjwrters that ho never
doubted but that the prosecution of Caffarel
was aimed nt himself. He said that ho do
lled u most minute Inquiry Into his conduct ,
and said that If ho had been minister of war
and General Caffarel had avowed his guilt to
him , ho would have offered him n revolver
with which to blow out his bruins.
What to Do AVItli Them the Greatest
of All Problem * .
[ Oi/il/r'u'it / 1SS7 , tiuJamr * floiilnn Jfemicfl.l
LONIION , Oct. 13. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Hen. ] A problem
scnrrely Inferior In Importance to the Irish
question must shortly cull for the considera
tion of the government , namely , what to do
with the unemployed , continually inert-using
in number. AH who cnnnot find employment
in other parts of the country flock here ,
filled with the spirit of the old legend , "Lon
don streets nro paved with gold. " Too soon
they find the truth of Dequlney's saying ,
"Oxford street a stony hearted step
mother. " Poor agricultural laborers nnd
artisans from towns , spend their last shill
ing to go to London , only to find themselves
further from work than ever. They go to
swell the immense crowd of homeless outcasts -
casts of a city , which grows at n rate that
alarms every one familiar with its
population , which amounts to 4f)00,0000 ,
always rolling up. With no important
manufactures hero and no productions adding
to the national wealth , London is fast becom
ing u source of weakness and danger to the
entire community. The government is pow
erless , yet it is expected to do something. The
early uppeurunco of winter on the scene
ileepcns the anxiety of the authorities. Large
crowds meet dully in Trafalgar square not
'cnuino workingmen , professional loafers or
pickpockets , but away In the background a
large mass of suffering humanity , thousands
of women nnd children on the verge of starv-
.itlon. Private charity is active. Thousands
of pounds are spent that are never he rd of
n the papers , but still the horrible cry of
hunger and want still rings through the vast
ity. What can any government do I Very
few people are rich. Even u general division
of property would go no way now. The rich
are getting poor and the poor arc sinking into
destitution. It is not the fault of the present
ministry , but it will suffer from the preva
lence of trade depression and discontent.
Every consideration should induce it to
specially close up its ranks and act in solid
body and prepare for a winter that will tax
all the statesmanship in the conservative
The verdict as anticipated of willful mur
der Zt Mitchellstown produces little effect on
public opinion , the somewhat violent scenes
in court having discredited the procccdidgs.
I do not anticipate that the matter can go
further. Either a nolle proscqui will bo en
tered or the grand Jury will throw out the
bill. Ilightly or wrongly the opinion is gen
eral that the police fired In self-defense.
Conviction for murder is entirely out of the
question. Attacks on authority everywhere
must inevitably produce a strong reaction in
favor of the police. An imitation of the
National league is being formed in Lgndon
for bringing about a reduction of house rents ,
csi > oeially in the poorer districts of the Edit
End , where in'thousands of houses not fit to
live in the rents are excessive. No grace is
allowed. When the people cannot pay , more
evictions take place in London in ono month
'than in Ireland in a whole year. Monday
morning the rent is demanded and If not
paid out goes the tenant. If in debt the bro
kers' man call and the goods are sold. I
never heard a complaint , such is the English
respect for law. Hut it is time that some
thing was done to save the honest tenant
from the grasping landlords. If the new
league takes cautious action a largo body of
public opinion will bo In its favor.
All this outcry abe Salisbury's health is
mere Idle sensation. The fact is his health
Is not strong nnd exercise work docs not Im
prove matters , but no change for the worse
has occurred , and ho will sound the battle
cry of his party within the next three weeks
at publio gatherings nnd show strength
enough for official work if not so athletic as
'Gladstone , who cut down another tree yes
terday In the bitter cold wind. Salisbury as
a tree feller is of no account. If ho would be
content to do the work of ono office his own
health would bo improved nnd his party be
better satisfied. The prospective changes In
the ministry cannot bo discussed until No
The health of another well known man
who has done moro real good in the world
than all the politicians put together , excites
real uneasiness. Spurgcon , n murtyt
to rheumatic gout , manages to
recover from the attacks , but they increase
in intensity and weaken his constitution ,
causing the approach of ouch winter to be
regarded with apprehension. Ho has taken
more poor children off the streets nnd started
them comfortably in life than any man who
can be nuificd. His orphan asylum is u mar
vellous proof of what ono man can do to
mitigate suffering1 His state of health ,
though not unusually bad , is a source ol
greater anxiety to many thousands than
Gladstone's or Salisbury's.
The approaching visit of French dramatk
companies awakens considerable interest uml
hopes nro often expressed that some Frcncl
troupowill tuko up a permanent abode here ,
London theaters afford little amusement U
Londoners. The same play runs u year 01
more. Our country cousins fill the house
Malingers do not cure while the money Hews
in. The consequence Is no change , no variety
The French visitors change the programmi
every nlght-not fiddle on ono string till every
body is tired , The easy-going style of oni
play a season will do for friend Irving , bu
Cociuelin comes to entertain and therefon
will offer something new whenever you loot ,
in. Long runs of ono picco partly account
for the wonderful success of tnuslo halls ,
whcro variety entertulnments are alwayi
changing. If a French company establishei
itself hero for the winter the general opinioi
Is It would do well. ' Coquolin means to beu
Irving In Bells. that being ono of Irvlng'i
finest parts. Coquelln has u big contract
Johnnie. Toolo is prepared , ns usuul , to be
any odds on Irving.
Bancroft will shortly appear as the authoi
with u-volume of autobiogpiphy which can'
full to bo exceedingly interesting. No ucto
knows ntaro leading nie'n and women' in al
the , fields , of lileraturo. art and fashion. Thi
bonk will bo sparkling-with good stories Jim
The Presidential Party Listens to
the Loud Murmurs of the Kaw.
Grover ImyH tin ; Corner Stone of the
New Y. M. C. A. UiillilhiR A
1'ulilio Kcceptlon Follows
the Ceremonies.
The Demonstration In Kaunas City.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Oct. III. The demon
stration in Kansas City In honor of the pres
ident of Uiu Untied States was u noisy and
tumultous proceeding , but Is.attended with
no more disorder than bccms to bo Inevitable
wherever the president appears. The advent
of the president has hardly left standing
room In town. The rldo was mi enjoyublo
uffuir. The carriages of visitors nnd
the escort committee were pre
ceded nnd followed by small
troops of cavalry. The marshal
of the procession , Colonel Milton Moore , ac
companied by about twenty deputies , headed
the lino. The party set out from the hotel at
0:30 : amid the cheers of the mult itudo and inudo
Its way rapidly through the western portion
of the town without stopping until it reached
the highest eminence- the city. Imme
diately beneath stretched five or six square
miles of railroad yards , nnd as the president's
carriage made its upputirnnuo on the brow of
the hill every locomotive of all of the fifteen
ruilrouds centering hero blew its whistle. A
brief pause .was made at the exposition build
ing , but the president did not alight. From
this point the party proceeded to the site of the
projected Y. M. C. A. building , corner Ninth
and Locust streets of which the president
laid the corner stono. Tills ceremony was
preceded by singing of hymns , a brief ad
dress , prayer by Bishop Hcudric , mid an ad-
"ress by the president.
The president's remarks on the occasion
, vcro as follows : "In the busy activities of
mr daily life we are apt to neglect the In
strumentalities which nro quietly but effeo-
.uully doing the most important service in
Holding our national etiaracter. Among
hese , and challenging but little notice com-
mredwith their valuable results , are the
Young Men's Christian associations scattered
hroughout our country. All will admit the
lUprcmo importance of that honest and fixed
irlndplo which forms Christian motives and
mrposcs , and nil will acknowledge the sad
mil increasing temptations which beset our
, 'oung men and lure them to Destruction. _ To
mvo these young men oftentimes dcurived
if the restraints of home from degradation
uml ruin and to fit them for usefulness nnd
lionor , these associations have entered the
Held of Christian effort and lire pushing their
jioblo work. While it is proper to aid their
efforts to bo active men for peed
ir evil , worldly prudence dictntes that
heso associations should be aided
_ md encouraged. Their increase and en
couraging condition reflect the highest honor
upon the good men who have devoted them
selves to this work and demonstrate that the
American pcflplo are not lucking in apprecia
tion of its value. Twenty years ago but ono
of these associations owned a building and
hat was valued at only $ il,0KT. ( To-day
.noro than a hundred own buildings valued
ut more than $ ; > ,0 < X > ,000 , beautifying different
cities and beckoning our young men to lives
iil usefulness. I am especially pleased to bo
Able to participate in the laying of the cor
ner stone of another of these edifices in this
active and growing city , and trust that the
encouragement given to the Young Men's
Christian association locutcd here may be
commensurate with its assured usefulness
mid in keeping with the generosity and in
telligence which characterizes the people of
Kansas City. "
While the ceremonies were in progress the
corps of pickpockets which has followed the
presidential party throughout its tour indus
triously plied their trade. Ono of these
gentry was discovered by his victim in the
act , just too late , however , to prevent rob
bery. Loud cries of "Catch that man" in
terrupted the impressive proceedings for a
time. The man was seen to dash from the
crowd , Jump oft a stone wall , knock over ono
or two women and rush for freedom , with
three or four policemen after him.
When the brief proceedings were ended
the president and his party went to their
hotel , where an hour was given to lunch.
In the afternoon President and Mrs. Cleve
land were escorted through the business
streets of the city to the government build
ing , wiiero they arrived about 8 o'clook.
They were escorted out upon the front portico
tico , where a stand had been erected , facing
a crowd of fully fifty thousand people. Mayer
Kumpf nuulo a formal speech of welcome , to
which the president replied at some length.
Ho spoke of the wonderful growth , prosper
ity and enterprise of Kansas City , quoted
statistics and made comp.irisons which ho
thought indicated substantial prosperity. Ho
closed as follows : "When I leave you I shall
go on my way of travel to visit our fellow-
citizens in the south. I shall bear to the
older cities the impressions made by my ob
servations of the new , fresh and astounding
growth of these of the west. I shall see the
section of our country whoso prosperity is
necessary to your prosperity. I shall
not find people heedless of our
nation's growth and .welfare , but I shall find
there as well as here a determined , cheerful
American pride of country , stimulating to
activity and enterprise and leading not less
there than here to national greatness and
glory. The west and south , and every sec
tion , are hand in hand in this sublime mission
and no discord of partisan hate and runcor
should bo allowed to interrupt the cadence ol
their steady tread. "
At the conclusion of the president's re
marks the people were given an opportunity
to greet him nnd his wife. The reception
continued until fl o'clock , and there were
then still a number in line who loft disap-
iwinted. The party returned to the Coates
house for dinner.
Tills evening at 0 o'clock President anil
Mrs. Cleveland and party were entertained
at dinner by the reception committee ami
several other prominent citizens with theli
wives. The festivities closed to-night will
a pageant of Priests of the Palace and theii
subsequent ball. The magnilicont pageant
was reviewed by the president from the bill
cony of the hotel. Shortly before 10 o'clocl
the party quietly proceeded to their train am
by 11 were on their way to Memphis. Mrs
Cleveland Is hold in warm remembrance bj
the patients at the city hospital , who wen
beneficiaries of u thoughtful act of kind
ness on her part. The flowers which flllci
the president's cur on its arrival hero and al
tlioso she received in this city were by her di
rection bent to the hospital for the benefit o
Fond tin IJIIG , AVI * . , levelled Over tlu
Work of n Fiend.
FOND PU Lie , Wis. , Oct. 13. The city I
highly excited over the discovery of a shock
Ing tragedy which was committed near th
limits of the town ut nn early hour thl
morning. It seems that an unknown burgla
entered the residence of Mrs. Willian
Kochno and her four daughters. Ho wa
discovered and made a ci iminal assault o
one of the women but was unsuccessful , II
then attacked the live women with a clut
nearly killing all of them. The walls an
floor of the house are spattered with blom
and every thing indicates that a tcrribl
htrupglo was made by the frenzied women
The assailant secured three dollars and cs
cai > ed , after first threatening his munglci
victims with immediate death if they mad
an outcry , A reward of ? 30 ( ) has been offerc
for the detection of the criminal , The ur
fortunate victims are in a critical condition
AVcnthor Indications.
For Nebraska : 'Warmer , fair weathei
light to fresh southerly winds.
For Iowa : Warmer , fair weather , light t
fresh variable winds , shifting to southeast
erly.For Eastern and Central Dakota ; Warmei
Kit MIDIor the A 8ni Klnntloii of the
President Ity a Crar.y llackmnti.
SALT LAKH CITV , Utah , Oct. 111. [ Social
Telegram to the Bun.Till ! ! city was thrown
Into a fever of excitement to-day by n report
being circulated to the effect that a crazy
huckmiin had assassinated President Cleve
land in Kansas City as ho was being driven
to the train. The minor spread like a pralrio
fire , and in a few minutes largo crowds hud
assembled In front of the newspaper and tel
egraph offices. The rumor , so
far as can bo learned nt pres
ent , originated by n declaration of an
operator in n railway office that ho heard a
dispatch to that effect going over the wires.
Telegraph people hero deny this and a dis
patch from Ogdcu , the repeating office , says
no such woixl was ever sent out of that city.
No such excitement hus been seen hero since
the lamentable death of Garilcld ut the hands
of Guitcau.
The Consequence of lndiilKl"K In Too
Much Poker.
COI.UMIIIA , S. C. , Oct. 111. [ Special Tele-
ruin to the BIH. ] Wultcrboro , Collctcr
: ounty , Is agitated over a scries of cowhld-
; igs growing out of the fascinating nnd poi > -
lar game of poker. The eldest son of Major
Mwards , the principal lawyer of the town ,
us been leading u fast life since ho married
he daughter of Colonel James H. Hion , who ,
t will be remembered , was alleged to bo the
on of the dauphin of France. Edwards'
rcquent and protracted absence from hemet
, t night aroused his wife's Ire , and Sutur-
uy night , guided by a young man named
zlur , she unccrcmoHOUsly entered a room in
rhicli her husband and several friends were
'iigagcd ' in a game of draw poker. Among
hose present was Mr. Bellinger , who bears
ho reputation of being u "bad man" in a
'ght. Mrs. Edwards seems to
uvo held him resjronsiblo for
or husband's ' habits , nnd drawing a cow-
Ido from underneath her shawl , she beat him
inmercifully. Her sex saved her from re-
ulliution on the part of Bellinger , who ex-
iressed his intention of holding her husband
esponsiblo nnd drew a pistol to kill him.
L'hcn Mrs. Edwards beppred forgiveness for
ho cowhiding and entreated Bellinger to
iparo her husband's life. Next day , when
he story got out , Bellinger sought Edwards
mul were out n cowhide upon him. At lust
Recounts many of the best citizens of Waterloo
lee had taken opposite sides In the matter
mid were going about armed to the teeth.
\ hostile meeting , moro or less according to
; he code , is rumored as in prospect between
Bellinger and Edward
MI-N. Hut tie Burner Arrested In St.
Paul 011 n Kiuisns "Warrant.
ST..PAVI. , Minn. , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Mrs. Huttio Burner was
arrested last night by detectives on a requi-
li.tion issued by the governor of Kansas and
honored by Governor McQill. She is wanted
it Topcka , Kan. , on an old charge as u pro
curess. Mrs. Burner is the woman recently
released from thc penitentiary at Stillwutcr
and ujton being set at .liberty made some
I'ery grave churges ngulnst the management
Jt the. m-lson. As she would have proved
warden it- ' ' ! ' ' In , iff.BtMK } suspected
nuuy quarters thut this 1 ? merely & . move
6 get her out of the way. Mrs. Bill-net1
claims that she has been pnco tried on the
. barge and acquitted. ' ' * A writ of habeas cor-
HIS bus been issued Kjid islnyde returnable
o-morrow morning' .
CoLUMBtfs , J&b' . , Opt. 18. [ Special to the
BII : : . ] At the churcH of St Francis , in the
monastery her6 , yesterday morning , Bishop
O'Connor officiated and confirmed about fifty
children. The exercises were full of interest
to the visitors , of wh9in there were n largo
concourse , the church being filled to its uU
most capacity. Among the many ceremonies
incident in the Catholic church the rite of
continuation is the most beautiful and impres
sive. The reverend bishop , clad in his sacred
robes , surrounded by groups of children
tastefully arrayed in white , is a scene grand
in its outlines , in its performance and m its
In the case of the state vs Edmund Grant ,
on u charge of "cutting with intent to kill , "
the jury after fifteen hours' deliberation ,
brought in a verdict , "not guilty as charged. "
The Insane Anylum Horror.
Ci.r.via.ixn , DUlo , Oct. III. People have
been flocking in crowds to the Northern Ohio
insane asylum to-day , anxious to obtain news
of friends among the patients. 9" ° vioro
charred body was taken from the cha | > el
early this morning , increasing the list of
dad to seven. Three bodies have been posi-
itively identified , but the rest nro unrecog
nizable , the remains nro those of Miss Uiee ,
an employe , who has been missing
since the tire ; Miss Brinkerhoff.
a patient from Wuyno county , and
Mrs. Kimberly , another patient. The in
jured inmates are doing as well as can bo ex
pected nnd nil may recover. The three
escaped patients we're captured this morning
and only two uro now unaccounted for. The
coroner has not bcgtin the inquest yet.
Davltt nnd the Knlf-lits of Ijnbor.
Niw : YOKK , Oct. ill. [ Special Telegram to
the Bii : . ] After two weeks' stay in the
states , Michael Davitt , M. P. , sailed for
home yesterday on the steamship Celtic. Ho
refused to speak about his rumored con
nection with the Knights of Labor , A well
informed Irishman su.vs there is no doubt
that Powdcrly and Uavitt will work to
gether in organizing nn Irish branch of the
Knights of Labor. Ho asserts that the whole
purpose of Uavitt's visit was to treat with
Powdcrly and familiarize himself with the
At Home to JleKt.
NK\V YOUK , Oct. 13. The steamer Newport
from Aspinwall , hijving the remains of the
late General Kilpatrtuk on board , was docked
curly this morning. Mrs. Kllpatriek told the
gentlemen interested in the funeral arrange
ments that the general's dying wish was tt
have his body laid atrcst at the United State.
military cemetery at West Point. Genera
Sherman has volunteered to speak ut Wesl
Point on the occasion of the funeral.
National Guard Itllle Competition.
CIIIOAOO , Oct. 18. The rifio compctitioi
between collected teams of national guard :
at ranges of 200 , 500 and COO yards was tin
principal feature of the military encumpmcn
to-duy. The totul scores of the teams wus n1
follows : Haymakers' team , of Maryland
1,114 ; First Minnesota. l.OftO ; First Miehl
gnn team , 1,037 ; Fifth Iowa team , ow :
These are total scores ut all ranges ,
x Africa.
WASHINGTON , pet 13. Consul Genera
Cardwelt , of Cairo. Egypt , In a report to tin
department of statfe , calls special attention t <
the successful labqrs of the American mis
slonaries in the velloy of the Nile. Ncarl ;
six thouVand native pupils nro in attendance
at the schools thatjhavo been established.
IMiiillnjc Mill Burned.
CmcAfio , 111. , Oet. ! . A fire this mornini
destroyed the builillng occupied us a planini
mill and furniture factory by Allen & Bnrt
let , John Balkwill.and John F. Arndt. Tin
loss is about $ .15,000 on building and ma
chinery. j
DiiftlncNs Failure.
CLEVELANH , Oct. 13. The Cleveland Dni |
company , doing -a wholesale business , mad
tin assignment to-day. The assets ore sail
lo bu fciUOOO , and liabilities t.Vl.OOO.
Railroad Officials and the Board of
Transportation Confer.
Stiloldo or n Young ; Iindy nt Corthiud
The Hastings News HuspcndH
Publication Nebraska , nnd
Iowa NCWH.
Reporters Kxcliidnd.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 18. [ Special Tclo
gram to the Ucc. ] The state board'of trans
portation and representatives of the Ne
braska railroads have been In conference nil
day nnd will meet again to-morrow morning.
The meeting is supi > oscd to bo for the pur
pose of discussing freight rates and "com
promising" the fight between the state board
and the railroads. What was done In this
direction can only bo conjectured , ns Mr.
Klmball , whoso flncsso in this kind of busi
ness was recognized by making him spokes
man , oiwmed his speech by requesting that re
porters bo excluded. The president of the
board , Auditor Babcock , thereupon rose and
requested the reporters to give the board the
room , which was valued moro than their com
pany , the board refusing to muko n
motion to that effect. There were in attend-
unco the following rullroud men : T. L. Kim-
all , of the. Union Pacific ; G. W. Holdrcdge ,
'liomas T. Miller nnd T. M. Murquettc , of
.ho B. & M. ; H. C. Morchouso nnd S. E.
ritch , of the Northwestern , nnd n represen-
ative of the Missouri Pacific. The freight
- ommissioncr of the Lincoln board of trade ,
E. Utt , was in waiting in nn adjoining
oem during the afternoon to consult with
ho board. It is reported thnt overtures have
icon mudo to Lincoln shippers to give them
i-hut they ask , und If the fight of the board
f transportation can bo stopped in the same
ray It will probably bo dono. Naturally
nough there would bo no desire to bring this
djustment of the difficulty into unnecessary
imminence before shippers lu other parts of
he state. _
A Young Lady's Sad Suicide.
COUTI.ANII , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIE. : ] Miss Lizzie Plater , ngcd
nineteen , committed suicide this afternoon
jy taking poison. She has since last spring ,
ivith her brother , been keeping house for the
Cooper boys , who own a largo farm six miles
outh of Cortland. This afternoon they went
: o work , leaving her in good health and
iplrits , and returned this evening to find her
u corpse. They at once telegraphed the core
ner. who is now on the way to niuko un in-
resligation. The deceased was u bright , in-
elligent young lady , and no ono can account
'or the rash act. The inquest may , however ,
bring something to light.
Cuptureil Alter u Hard Struggle.
FiiiEXi ) , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram
o the BIE. : ] Ferdinand Arndt wus putunder
$1,000 bonds some times since for threatening
'jo ' kill his devoted wife. The county court
: onvencd on Monday lust nnd Arndt fulled to
mt lu an appearance. County Judge Morris
declared his bond forfeited , and Deputy
Sheriff Legg cumo here nt 2:30 : this morning
\vith Constable Dillion and attempted to ar-
osfArndtaVhis houso. Ho refused to admit
hem nnd flrcTl three sliots through the door ,
ono passing through Dilloil's hiyid. Later
Constable Dillon called Bert Alldritt and W.
S. Covey to his assistance , anduftcrcxchnng-
ng a number of shots and severely wounding
Arndt , ho was finally captured and taken to
Wilber , the county scut , on the afternoon
train to-day , where ho will undoubtedly ro-
oeivo bis just desert by being sentenced to a
term in the penitentiary. A traveling black
smith who has been rooming with Arndt for
the past few weeks is missing. Some think
there may possibly bo foul play. Nothing
positive is known as yet.
Suspension or the Hastings News.
HASTINOS , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special to the
BKB. ] The News , the bright morning paper
which was started hero recently , has sus
pended publication. The paper was ably con
ducted , took the Associated press dispatches
and was worthy of support , but it failed to
secure enough patronage to warrant the con
tinuance of the enterprise. In announcing
the suspension the publishers say that the
plant will at once bo removed to some other
point. _
Soldiers' Home Corner Stone Laying.
GiiAXi ) ISLANII , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special to
the BEK. ] The laying of the corner stonoof
the Nebraska Soldiers' nnd Sailors' homo will
occur on Thursday , October " 0 , ut " o'clock ,
p. m. , with appropriate ceremonies. All are
cordially invited to bo present. The commit
tee having the matter in charge uro Jumcs
O. West , chairman ; J. W. Freeman , secre
tary ; George F. Uyan , C. L. Howcll , S. N.
Wolbach , T , O. C. Harrison , Mrs. Lydo M.
Boehne , Mrs. M. M. Hall.
A lirtitnl Professor.
NnmusKA CITV , Ncb.Oct. 13. [ Special Tel
egram to the BIE. : ] Yesterday Professor
Foote , of the High school , choked a fifteen-
year old son of Hev. Dr. Green for whisper
ing in school , nnd was made to desist by the
other pupils. This morning Professor
Foote's effigy was found hanging from the
school door transom with a placard inform
ing him that there was more than ono way of
teaching. Thu u'fftilr bus caused some excite
The North Nebraska Shoot.
NouroLK , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special to the
BIK. : ] The north Nebraska sportsmen closed
a two day's tournament hero last evening.
The gold medal previously held by Judge
Barnes was won by G. Henkcl , of Stnnton ,
on a score of 13 out of a possible 15 , Pcoriu
blackbirds. This being the hunting season ,
the attendance wan small and for this reason
the C. F. Eisoloy prize of a line gun was not
placed in contest.
He Loved Lena.
MIXUK.V , la. , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the BKB. ] George Koeberle , a young man
twenty-one years of ago , living with his
mother two nnd one-half miles north of here ,
fell in love with a neighbor's daughter , Lena
Fahrenkrug , about two years ago , since
which time the course of true love has not
run smoothly , and at various times ho has
threatened her life. Ho has been arrested
and put under bonds to keep the peace. From
time to time ho would write letters threaten
ing her life , leaving them in the doorynrd so
she could get them. This morning a warrant
was sworn out for his arrest , Officers were
sent after him. Refusing to bo arrested he
barricaded himself in a room up stairs , say
ing ho would shoot the first man that came
in nnd would not bo taken allvo. After
trying to persuade him by all means to come
out und give himself up , the otlicers nt
tempted to force in the door , when ho placed
his revolver to his head and fired , the ball
from a iiS-callbro Smith & Wesson taking ef
fect Just above the right eye. The doctors
think there are no chances for his recovery.
Shlloli'tf IlerooH.
Dr.s MOJNKS , la , , Oct. 111. [ Special Tele
gram to the HUB. ] The "Hornet's Nest11
brigade reunion , composed of the Second ,
Seventh , Eighth , Twelfth and Fourtccntli
Iowa regiments , closed this afternoon. In the
morning the different regiments held meet
ings perfecting their permanent organizatior
and at 11 o'clock a grand parade of the vet
crans took place , led by Colonel W. T. Shaw ,
OK ft VfW borso tbirtj > thrc <
years old , but as mettlesome ns ever. The
parade ended at the capttol , which had been
most elaborately decorated for the occasion.
Halting in the rotunda , speeches were made
by Governor Lurrubee , Auditor Lyons , ox-
Congressman Calkins , of I ml hum , and others ,
< ifter which Colonel Shaw made the furo-
wel address and the reunion broke up. This
Is the first time that the llvo regiments com
prising General Tuttlo's brigade hnvu been
together stnco the battle of Shlloh , and some
of the veterans eiimo over a thousand miles
lobe present. About five hundred survivors
of the brigade took part lu the reunion.
Supreme Court Decisions.
DES MOINIIS , la. , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hue. ] The supreme court filed
the following decisions hero to-day : Lovl
Christy vs Theodore Badger , appellant ,
Lucas district , affirmed ; State of Iowa vs
John T. Blair , Keokuk district , affirmed ;
Charles Van Gordon vs II. W. Hunnu , appel
lant , Audubon district , reversed ; Martin
Weber , uppcllunt , vs I ) . W. Hamilton , Keo
kuk circuit , affirmed ; W. W. Dodd , appel
lant , vs James M. Troeht , Montgomery dis
trict , affirmed ; M. S. Tulbort , appellant , VA
John W. Noble , Decutur district , affirmed ;
Mary Day et al. , appellants , vs the Hawkeye
Insurance company , reversed ; W. P. L.
MuirvsW. J. Miller , appellant , Van Huren
circuit , reversed ; State of Iowa vs John
Driscoll , appellant , Dubuque district , af
Second Iowa Cavalry Itoiinlou.
MUM'AMNi : , In. , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.c. ] There were over two hundred
survivors in attendance ut the reunion of the
Second Iowa cavalry nnd the reunion
wus the most successful in the
history of the organization. Colonel Hep
burn mudo a ringing speech at yesterday's
camp lire , in which ho expressed the senti
ment that America has no room for uniirch-
ists or sociullsts. Ho was applauded to the
echo. The million closed this afternoon
with a great banquet tendered by the citi
A Triangular Fl ht.
Dis : MOINI-.S , lu. , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hii.j : : There is a lively tight
going on in the Twenty-fifth senatorial dis
trict , composed of Iowa und Johnson coun
ties. The district ordinarily is overwhelm
ingly democratic , but ono county , Iowa ,
bolted the regular democratic nomination of
Hon. C. S. Hunch , of Johnson county , nnd
nominated Mr. M. J. Kelly , of Williumsburg ,
thus putting two democrats in the field. The
republicuns have nominated Hon. Charles
Lewis , of Iowa City , and huvo u fine chunco
of electing him by reason of this triangular
Arrested Tor MNrcpiTscnlation.
Diim'ijuu , lu. , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the Bui : . ] Mrs. Lawrence , Nilias Reed , of
Cherokee , la. , is having un examination be
fore United States Commissioner Hobbs on a
charge of drawing a pension by represent
ing herself to be a widow. Four years ago she
was married to Luwrencp , but concealed the
fact nnd has been receiving her regular pen
sion as the widow of a soldier over since. If
found guilty she is liable to imprisonment
for ieventy-two years.
DAVixroiiT : , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram to
the Hii : ; . ] The West Davenport Furniture
company made an assignment to-day for the
benefit of its creditors. The assets , includ
ing real estate , uro placed ut $ ! ,000. The
liabilities are given us * about the same. The
company's factory was burned ten mouths
ago , and siumj.tlmt time business has been
conducted ut u disadvantage.
Found Under a Bridge.
DUJIIXJUE , la , , Pet. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Gcorgo Clark , u young
nun living in Eust Dubuque , was found under
.ho first span of tliO h ! h bridge this morning.
It is supposed that ho was utlorkml bv nu
epileptio fit while crossing the bridge lust
night. Ho can't live.
Given Up For Lost.
GLOUCESTER , Mass. , Oct. 13. The schooner
Thomas L. Snrr , which sailed from here Au
gust 10 with a crew of fourteen men on a
fishing voyage , Is given up for lost , with allen
on board. She was lust seen ut anchor Sep
tember 3 , the day of the disastrous hurricane
on the bank.
ArroHtod I-'or Assault.
RAi'in CITV , Dak. , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKI : . ] Josephine Wulluco wus
arrested to-eay , charged with complicity in
the assault on John White at Minnie
Golden's bagnio some time since. This makes
the third arrest in the case. Wallace and
Golden are the principals in the assault.
White will live , but loses ono eye and will bo
affected in his mind.
Flight of Wllhnr I \ .lames From the
Htlllwatcu Penitentiary.
STII.I.WATKU , Minn. , Oct. 13. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. ] Frank Landers , alias
Wilbur F. James , the notorious diamond
swindler and confidence man , who swindled
many diamond dealers and others of St.
Paul and who made his escape from the
penitentiary last night , has u record which
for audacity and cunning has never been
equalled in the annals of criminal history.
Ho is n native of Now York and thirteen
years ago startled the Chicago police by n
scries of daring forgeries and confidence
games , being arrested at Scdalla , Mo. , but
escaping with but .a light sentence. Soon
after ho went to Hartford , Conn. , whcro ho
spent four years and six months in Jail for
forgery. Ho also was jailed at Baltimore
and Port Jnrvis , N. Y. , for petty crimes nnd
it was while in the solitude of his cell that ho
evolved a system of forgery that has been
his method of work for the past eight years.
His first place of attack was Philadelphia ,
whcro ho passed himself off as n member of
the firm of Abour Johnson < & Sons , of Read
ing , Pa. , nnd by forged checks succeeded In
ruislng ubout 3,000. A week Inter ho wus
in San Francisco personating E. W. Scott , of
San Rosa , C'ala. , and ho caught half u dozen
firms for amounts aggregating over ? lliK)0. ( )
Closely followed by officers , ho went to Honolulu
lulu , gave them the slip and was next heard
of al Chicago , where ho appeared us Lieu
tenant Somcrville , U. S. N. , and in full naval
uniform. From that city ho went to Itliucu ,
N. Y. , ostensibly to enter Cornell university ,
and from there to Europe , returning to Now
Orleans the next spring as a New York Her
ald correspondent and also us the head of a
Shreveport Cotton firm , these duul charac
ters bringing him in about $1,000. Ho soon
after located ut Cincinnati and after a short
residence entered the law school at Ann Ar
bor , Mich. Ho remained there until ho came
to St. Paul in 18S ) , representing him to be
Wilbur F. James , ofthofirmof Jamcs&Sons ,
ofLuCrosso. Hero ho secured $3,000 worth
of Jewelry und skipped to Europe , being ue-
companicd on the ocean trip by u beautiful
young lady. Ho was next heard of in this
country in Cincinnati und from
them ho went to Louisville , whcro hi
swindled William Henricks'Sotisoutof Sl.rxx .
worth of diamonds. To the cast ho went
again and then once moreto Europe. Return
ing to Omaha , ho secured $5,000 from the un
suspecting merchants. Finully , us W. L.
Allen , a Worcester merchant , ho appeared Ir
Boston nnd wus at once nrrcsted. Ho wuf
brought to St. Paul , tried , convicted and bcnl
to the penitentiary for twenty-four years ,
Landers , or Jones , is a smooth , elegant look
ing man , nlwut thirty-two years old , and if
considered the cleverest crook in the United
States. Whllo hero ho managed to get ne
quulnted with society people , und in Chicagc
as Lieutenant Somemllo ho was banquetft"
and feted by the lion hunters of that city.
Jenny Mnd lleported Dying.
LoNm > - < - , Oct. 10-Jcnny Llnd U rejx > rtci
' '
The Detroit Club Knocks Out th0
St. Louis Mon In Fine Slmpo.
The ItitHo Hull StntiiH lu Omaha Home *
thing For llusliiesH Men to
ScrliiiiMly Consider Other
Sport ( UK News.
A Dad l > oTent.
PiTT.xnuuo , Oct. I1.1. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] Detroit won the fourth gumo of
the world's championship series played herb
to-duy. Three thousand people were present
The victory wus un easy ono for the leiiguo
champions , who nevertheless played u won
derful gnme , shutting St. Louis out. King
pitched for the Browns and was batted very
freely from the sturt , Detroit scoring four
runs In the first Inning. St. Louis mude only
two hits off Baldwin. Magnificent fielding
cut otT many hits of the Browns. The foU
lowing is the score :
Total 32 0 5 0 27 14 U
Detroit 4 0 0 0-3
St. Louis 0 0 0 000000 0 Of
Earned runs Detroit 4. I
Two-base hits Klchurdsnn , Thompson
Kobinson. \
Three-base hits Dnn'ap , Howe. J1
First base on balls FoulBiishong , GlciU
son , Thompson.
First base on errors i Detroit 3 , St. Louis lj [
Struck out Comiskey , Kichurdson , Thorn Pi ,
son , \
Passed balls Bushong 3.
Umpires Kelly and UulTney.
Tlu ; Hnsu Hall Slatus.
Messrs. Joseph Giirmeau and Arthur Bripgfl
are engaged in soliciting stock for next your'gl
base bull team , und it is pleasing to note , nroi
ncetlng with success. The business men o
Omaha should disabuse their minds of the ]
idea that they are doing any ono indlvidual |
r any clique of individuals , an especial favorj
but they should rcali/o that a winning bus
" .mil team will bo a most potent advertise
nent for the city , and conscquentl. ,
in indirect benefit to business men of ullkimlHi
The Indianapolis league team , althougl1
they played a losing game throughout the scu'
son , has been worth hundreds of thousandso
lollars to the city , and thocitypapers dcclur
: ho loss of the club would bo an irrcpiirabl
injury lo the city. In consequence their car ,
itul stock by u half duy'ssollcltinghusgwcllo
from $20,000 to fT 0,0X ( ) . With u good toum
represent Omuliu next season , it can be mud
ono of the most enthusiast le and best payini
base ball cities in the country , as the clemeu
here stuck on the game is infinitely large :
than that of Columbus , Ohio , Milwaukee , o
even Detroit or Cleveland , and they nil su | :
nort first class teums. It Is the tint
of"cVCry Cliternrishag citizen to Ion
his heartiest"aia HJld uiCSt
tinl aid to this enterprise. It is Just as nine"
of u business and Just as legitimate as th' '
dry goods , hardware or any other kind o ;
iiusiness , and of more decided benefit to th
general commercial interests of the town
As an is unsurpassed ,
live , first class , winning ball team bespeaks ,
of an active , bustling , appreciative , progres'/
sivo people , and not of a slow , plodding , slug' ' ;
gish set , who think of nothing or no ono but
themselves , who live ulono for the nlinightj '
dollar , and never Intersperse their weurj' '
drudgery with recreation for mind unJ-
body. Let the capital stock be raised to q' '
ulllcient figure to Insure the engagement > j
ment of n first class leant j
Let the business men subseriWj ; '
and take an interest in the prospect , and the
thing.will bo u grand success , and the returiiff
moro than ample und satisfactory. If basaj
ball should bo allowed to die , what summc ] '
recreation would the city have I It wouh
surely bo a sad evidence of decline , nnd oiv
it is hoped will not bo allowed to appeal
With proper encouragement the gcntlcm ; _
who have this enterprise in hand \villguaniu *
leo a success for the coming year , . |
AVnrd'H Homo Hun.
Nr.w YOUK , Oct. 13. [ Special Tel
egrum to the BII : : . [ The Times says
Among the many rumors which were circu
luted yesterday us to the cause of the hurriei
inurriugo of Miss Duvruy and Ward , wai
one that affected George McDermott , a luW
yer residing ut 155 East Forty-sixth street
Until u week agoWard lived In McDermott'e
housemaid the men weroparUcularlyfriondiy 1
Then McDermott suddenly ordered War"
out of his house und became so thorough
embittered against him , that ho sought hii '
uttho polo grounds Saturday , and Mniuhi'
went to New Jersey to look for the slior' ' '
stop. MrDermottsaid : "While living in m/
house , Ward did something that lead mo U
drive him from it. I wus justified in whut J
did , but I do not curtOo reveal the causo. ij
was concerning u friend of mine , some oiu
close to me , and when 1 meet Ward I shul
settle with him und my grinvnnco will keep
and there is no danger of bloodshed rcsultim '
from it. "
Northwestern IJOIIKUC. ! '
Dr.s , In. , Oct. 13. The lust chain *
pionship gumo in the Nortwestern league !
was played hero to-day , resulting in thai
score of , DCS Moines 11 , Duluth . Thirt , boJ
Ing the last game played , leaves the per *
contugo of the four highest clubs us follows j
Oshkosb , ( WO ; Milwaukee , 045 ; Des Moinnnj |
35 ; St. Paul , 010. The order of the remain'
ing clubs is : Minncai > olis , Lu , Da-
lulh and Eau Cluiro.
n at Liitoiiia. '
CINCINNATI , Oct. 13. At Latonia. Wcathofr
fine and track excellent. *
Seven furlongs : Lucky Jim won , Evango *
line second , Jim Nave third. Time 1 sill' ll' '
Seven furlongs : Chance won , Dudley
Oaks second , Monocrat third. Time 1 sSuyif
Five furlongs ; Flitter won , Irma ! ! , { '
second , Balance third. Time 1:01. :
Ono mlle and one-half furlong :
won , Burch second , Paragon third. Timo-Jf
1 'M } ( .
Ono mlle nnd five hundred yards : Llttl
Minch won , Sour Mash becond , Montrosi
third. Tiuio-2y. ; .
iTerome Park Meeting-
Nr.w YOUK , Oct. 13 , The weather ut Joi
rome Purk wus cold but bright , and tha *
truck fust.
Three-quarters mlle : Cyclops won , Kosai
llnd second , Orvld third. Time Un1 .
For milc .i
two-year-olds , three-quarters
Belinda won , Speedwell second , King Crab
third. Timo-l:17. : ,
For thrco-ycur-olds , mlle and thrco-qunr * , '
tors ; Firen/i won , Hanover t > econd. OnlJT
two startcro. Time 3:00 : .
Mile and u quarter : Koyul Arch won. Hoi |
All second , Ludy Priinroso third. Timo- *
Mlle nnd one-sixteenth ! Choctaw won >
Ncttlo second , Wonderment thlnl ,