Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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He Regards Him Very Much as Scotchman
Do a Chip in Porridge.
The Democratic Administration fjnek
Ing In Orlclrtallty , Korea and ! ) !
nlty-.IiHllulnl lloiinrH-l'onrt'a
rrnoii tiir. IIKK'S M.NCOI.X ntmKAu.l
Hon. Patrick Kgan returned yesterday
from Now York City and eastern points
\vhcro business has taken him for the last
ton days. Air. Kgnn , during his visit ,
mot Michael Uuvitt , who has been in the
cait , and while in Now Yurk City met
Messrs. O'Connor and Esmond , the two
Irish members of parliament who have
coino to America to prcsunt the Irish
question to the people and who will visit
tlio principal cities between Now York
anil San Francisco. About October 27
Messrs. O'Connor und Esmond will bo in
Omaha , where they will Attend the Irish
national ball to bo held at that time.
Either just prior to their Omaha visit or
immediately following it , the two gentle
men will visit Lincoln , where they will
be accorded a grand reception and ban
quet. Upon their return from the Pacific
const tlnty will again visit Omaha and
lecture at that time. In the Chicago
News of recent date a letter was pub
lished from Mr. Egan that WUH furnished
the News in company with hundreds of
others from prominent men in the
nation on tlio presidential question.
The people of Lindoln and the people
of Nebraska entire will bo interested in
Mr. Kuan's views of the president nnd his
policy. The letter sent to the Chicago
News was as follows :
My Dear Sir : 1 have to acknowledge re
ceipt of youi esteemed letter requesting my
vlows on the administration of 1'rusldent
Cleveland , HIII ! In reply 1 rt-grut that what 1
Imvu to miy on Hint suujuct must be unfavor
able to the distinguished visitor whom your
ft i city is preparing to receive. But as you have
asked uiu tor my oulnlon 1 will state U with
candor ,
1 regard the administration of President
Cleveland very much as a Scotchman regards
11 "a chip In 'porridge" capable ot neither
' much uonil nor gretit harm. 1 regard It ns
lacking In oriuliiullly , lacklm : In foice , lack-
In In Utility , but not intentionally vicious.
1 consider It lias failed to Increase the com
merce , tlio prosperity , or tlui wealth of the
people at home , and it certainly has not inadu
the nr.tlon more respected abroad.
1 am ono of those who belluvo that In the
case of nations , as of Individuals there IH
inorit to live lor than mere material existence
or than the accumulation of wealth , una that
nations , as well ns Individuals , should strive
to mm and to com maud tlio respect nnd es
teem of their contemporaries. America Is
recorded in Kurope , nnd especially In Kng-
Ir.nd , as a nation of money grubbers una
sharpers , whoso ideas of glory nnd patriotism
never raise above the mluhty dollar , and principles art ) regulated solely by thu
standard ot expediency ; us a nation which ,
while possessing the freest , the greatest , the
most glorious itnmbllcan lorm ot govern
ment in tlio world , produces sumo of tlio
worst and meanest toadies on the lace of the
earth toadies who moro "dearly lo\e n
lonl" than does tlio veriest Hedge In Kng-
land. President Cleveland's administration
has done nothing to remove the urst of these
Impressions , mid It has given tangible color
to the second by bunding to Knglnnd ,
and maintaining there as minister Mr.
I'lielps , n man who from the lirst ( . 'ay '
lie sctblsfootln Urltain forgetful of the dig
nity which should surround Ills ollico ns
rcpiesuutntive of this great American re-
puulic prostrated himself In liumblovor -
fihip of everything aristocratic and every
thing Kngllsh. I know that Minister Pheips
does not rcpicsent the manhood of tlio great
American people , and 1 regard tlio continu-
nnco of sucli a man m a position of so much
Importance its ono of tliosu blunders which
arti L-onerally considered us repruhinsiulu us
Keeling , as I ( to , Jealously proud of Ameri
can national prestige and of the honor of the
American Hair , 1 desire to sec as president n
man who would give us an administration
such as James U. Hlalno would give on thu
republican side , or Allen U. Thtirman on tin ;
democratic , an administration with n policy
boid , strong , active , vigorous , manly , ana at
and at the same time di iilueUly conserva
tive ; In a word , an administration with a
policy woriny of tlio greatness arid worthy
of the dignity of tlio American nation. I
remain , my dear sir , yours very tailfitiilly ,
Lincoln , Neb. , Uct. 1. PATIIIGK KUAN.
of the Gold Dust Mining & Milling com
pany , limited , wore tiled yesterday with
the secretary of htato. The business of
the company is to buy and dovclou gov
ernment mining lands in Arkansas. The
principal place of business is at Wymore ,
tiugo county , with a brunch ollico at
Hear , Ark. Capital stock. $ ; t,0)0,000. ) The
indebtedness is $15,01)0. ) Fol
lowing arc thu incorporators : Unfits M.
Stark , Charles Guy , E. K. Drew , C. 11.
Carson , tt.V. . Lallm , K. T. Pookhniu , G.
A. Wusliburn , E. L. Manstield , . K.
Conin , W. II. Urown , AF. . liollobaugli ,
William M. Douglass , and II. A. Drew.
Thu mcmbors of the Lancaster count ;
bar association will meat Wednesday
evening next ; at thu ollico of N. C. Ab
bott to make , arrangements for a grand
reception to bo tendered to the lion. S ,
H. Pound and Hon. C. M. Parker , the
two judges who retire from the bench
this fall. The a ( lair , no doubt , will bo
one of the most interesting nnd elabo
rate of thl kind over held in the city ,
Ju'ljro Pound retires from the district
judgship after twelve years continuous
service on the bench and Judge Parker
vacates thu coiiuty judge's ollico after sta
yoniH faithful service to the people of the
When the bar of Lancaster county enters
tors upon a work of this character it out
shines all other efforts and the esteem n
which the judges wcru hold will bo hand
Bomuly exemplified.
There will bf a largo number of Lin
coin democrats in Qimiha the coming t we
days , the democratic state convention
calling a goon many democrats nnd the
visit of Mr. Cleveland lirlng the hearts ol
many others to go and look upon a live
democratic president. Among the purely
democratic visitors to tiie president wil
bo Postmaster Walkius , Police Judge
Wtutmoru , Mayor Sawyer , John Mo
Mnnigal and P. II. Cooper. Thu visit t <
thu president will he u greater attractioi
for the faithful than the state conven
In accordance with the resoiutioi
passed bv the republican convention o
the Second judicial district , Govorno
Thnyor to dn. tppointud Allen W. Fieli
as district judge for the unoxpircd tern
of Judge Pond , whose resignation -wen
into otl'oct thu 1st. Mr. Field is tlio re
publican nominee "with Judge Ctuipmai
in this district , and a court docket o
nearly live hundred cases commences -li
this county on the 17th. making a largi
volume of work for both judges. Mr
FiiKt will ( nullify at once lor his judlcia
work. ,
Governor Thaycr departed yestorda'
for Omahawhere ho welcomes the gram
lodge of Knights of Pythias and assists ii
welcoming Cleveland to the state.
Captain Humphrey , ono of the Firs
district nominees for district judge , wa
a caller at tlio executive ollicc yesterday
The Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Val
ley railroad has tiled with the board o
transportation the annual report of thread
road for the year ending Juno 80.
U. W. Montgomery , of Beaver City
William 1) . Coc , of "Beatrice , and M. 11
1-ih , Omaha , were the notaries coinmis
1 yesterday by the governor.
i Concealed Her Srx Twenty Yours.
Ono of the most remarkable cases o
concealment of sax has just been brougli
to llcht nt Cincinnati. September 28 t\p-
illcntion wns mndc to Colonel L. A , . Unr-
Is , ono of the trustees of the Un.vton
ohllirn' borne , for the ntlmlsslon of a
sick veteran la that institution. The
soltllor uallctt at Colonel Harris' house
nnd wns Rlvon an application blank to bo
Illicit out. Tim veteran's nnmo wns
James Fisher. Ho hnil a latter from the
colonel of Ins regiment which stated that
Hslior had received an honorable
dlHchango after two years' service hi
Company C , Sixth Ohio infnntry. Fisher
wan ill and tinalile to provide for him-
pelf. Colonel Harris gave htm trans
portation September 23 to Dayton , with
u Icttor to Colonel Patrick , superintend
ent of the home , requesting him to take
earn of the bcnrcr until lie could bo pro-
vidrni for. The medical examination at
Dnyton rovimlcd the fact that Fi&lier
WO.H a woman. Of course she 'wa.i not
received into the home , and no one
known where she now is. Very little is
known of her history except that she is
fifty-nine ynars old. ' Since the war she
has continued to tlro s like a man nnd
live with those of that sex. In appear
ance Fisher is short ana heavy set , with
a round smooth face , dark' hair and eyes.
Her voice in somewhat cfl'eminatc , but
no one has ever mi.spcclcd her sex. Col
onel Tafol says the woniLti was one of
tlio bravest soldiers in his regiment , and
ho was astonished to learn Unit Fisher i.s
a woman.
. -
"As is tlio bud hit with an envious
worm. "
so is many a youth cut down by the
mwwlng worm consumption. But it can
bo inatlo to release its hold and stop its
gnawing. Dr. Picrce's "Golden Medical
Discovery" will , if taken in time , cfl'cct
permanent cures , not only in consump
tion , but in all ca os of chronic Jor th\
bronchial tntl lung diseases. t
"Check Your
M. Quad in Detroit Free Press : The
more I go about the country by rail the
moro I want to kill a railroad employe.
It was fully fifteen years ago that I
got the idea that I should gome day shed
the blood of a railroad man , nnd that be
lief has been growing stronger every day
since. There is a chap in the union
depot at Uuflalo who is hourly courting
death. I shan't kill him , but some day
some other sullcring victim will surely
sited his bilious blood. I wns in liiill'nlo
the other day , and naturally wanted to
conic to Detroit. 1 think the same fecl-
intr would have possessed _ any other
stranger in Hullalo. Tlioro is not one
single valid reason why any one should
remain in Uullalo when ho can start for
Detroit. Ho was figuring on the distance
of the sun from the earth when I stepped
to the window. I waited seven minutes
before interrupting him , and then asKed
for a ticket to Detroit. He Hung down his
pencil , yunkod a ticket out of the rack ,
stamped it in a vicious manner ami flung
it at my chin. It was a ticket to Louis
" 1 wanted to go to Detroit. "
"Wiiy didn't you say so , then ! "
"I did. What time does the train go * "
"Kight o'clocK to-morrow morning. "
" 15tit I want to go to-night. "
"Then why didn't you say so ! How
did I know when you wanted to go.
Train goun at 10 o'elock. "
"Hut the time table says 11 o'clock. "
"Then why did you ask me ? "
1 .started to apologue , but lie shut the
whitlow down on mo. Then 1 told him
lirough the glass that I would go to
xmiavillc , wait over 'till ' morning , or do
ilmost anything else to secure his for
giveness , but ho continued obdurate anil
refused to see me again.
It is the baggageman , however , who o
gore 1 sigh for. It sometimes seems ns if
hey wore employed to add to the number
> f lost souls. When I wanted to go down
to Cincinnati the other day I saiil to the
ir.ui at the depot :
"Can you check this trunk for Cincm-
wti ? "
"llumpl" ho replied , looking at mo in
search ot hayseed.
I took the check he offered nip , saw
dm place another on the trunk , and four
days afterward , after much worry and
! onsiderable cost , trot my trunk' from
Cleveland , wJiuro il had been carried as
straight as a string. When 1 think of
.nking a trip trom Detroit to Moscow
there arc no anxieties connected with
change of ears or jumping to steamboats
and back. I know I'd bring up all right
and at the head of the procession , but
my trnnk , I'll bet $100 to f 1 it would
never go ono rod beyond Toledo !
Tiie boss baggage man in thu union
depot in Cleveland lias been living for
Forty odtl years , but his days arc num
bered. It won't bo my hand which will
make his wife a widow , but the slayer is
no doubt on his way tho. I had been
down to Klvria. 1 chocked my trunk
from Detroit to Klvria , but of course it
didn't go there. The Lake Shore road
felt under obligations to mo for patroniz
ing twenty-live miles of its line , and
therefore carried my trunk on to Nor-
wulk. 1 tried hard to appreciate the
kindness of this "long-haul" clause , but
didn't succeed until the baggageman at
Klvria got his coat off. The trunk finally
came back with oao liingo broken and
the lock out of repair , and three davs
later I checked it for Cleveland.
1 bad a check rending from Klvira tr
Cleveland , and I saw another put on the
truck. I was assured by the baggomr.n
and tlio ticket agent und the drayman
that I need not worry. I .stood there
and saw it put on the train , ami saw it
como oll'i.ii Cleveland. . After getting : !
bit to eat I went into the baggage room
and my trunk was not there. After twc
hours' hunting I found it in a Lake Su
perior line of boats. went back tt
tackle tlio baggageman anil after I lint :
jawed him for twenty-live minutes with
out a break , lie coolly turned and said :
"Twenty-livo cents for the transfer
please. "
"Hut 11 didn't order it transferred. "
"Hut it was checked that way. "
"Then , your man at Klyria is U
blame. "
"Perhaps , but I am not the man a1
Klyria. I am the man at Cleveland. "
\Vo jawed' , and called each other liar :
nnd horse thieves , but 1 paid the transfer
Then 1 got the trunk and tied it up will
fifty feet of clothes line and wrote "De
trait1 on it thirteen places , and said U
the check man :
"Can you check this trunk for Detrol
by stearaorr"
"Certainly. "
"And will it go there ? "
"It will. "
"To-night ? "
"Yes. "
"No misfako1
"What do you take mo for ! Are yoi
getting soft in the head ? "
He checked it. When I reached De
troit it was not on the boat. It had no
been put on. A telegram said it was no
in the steamboat baggage room in Clove
land. It had not gone buck to Klyria. I
was not on its way to Xorwalk. It luu
not come around by rail. Three day
later I got news of it. The tclegran
read :
"Trnnb with check 080 carried up t (
Kennurd house , Cleveland , my mistake
How shall wo forward it to Detroit ? "
Ami I telegraphed back :
"Send the whole durned thing to anj
hospital which will accept it as a gift. "
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
VThMi n by w as sick , we gave her Castoria.
When fcho was a Child , she cried for CMtorlft ,
Wheu &ho became. Miss , she clunrj to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she ga o them Castoria.
A Prominent Philadelphia Broker ,
Driven to Suicide.
Long Brunch Letter to Philadelphia
Times : On the south side ot the West
Knd plazxa tlio other night sat John Pon-
dir , still a New York broker , with a com
fortable balance in bank. Ho has tried
all the games , from poker nnd sovon-up
down to keno , and last of till crlbbage ,
and is not much the worse for wear for
his participation In some ot the greatest
games of chance over played on the
American continent. The cinvcr blos
som in Pondlr's buttonhole looked droopIng -
Ing and faint with the heat of the day ,
and the still alert and nllvo Now YorK
broker tossed agido a cigar ho had
smoked to the bitter end and seemed in a
reminiscent mood.
I asked : "Do you remember Ed Hill-
son , n wool broker of Chestnut street ?
Wn both mot thirty years ago at Joe
Hall's game in Walnut street , Philadel
phia ? "
"Indeed 1 do , " replied Pondlr , "and
thereby hangs a talc. No man ever
lived who was fonder of all games of
chance than poor Hillson , thu wool
broker. He lived in Philadelphia for
forty years nnd was , 1 think , from Alsace
or Lorraine , for he was certainly half
Frenchman. Hillson never. had the
Napoleonic courage or nerve needed to
make a great gambler , but with him it
was the fatal passion for cards. Ho
seemed to begrudge the hours spent m
the ordinary vocations of business , albeit
ho was recognized as the best wool buyer
on tlio street.
"In 1870 ho found hnns-cH f5,000bo-
ilnd and disappeared from Philadelphia
'or ono year. Nobody made any search
'or him , as them scorned to bo a general
repression Hint the little Alsatian-
Frenchman 'would come out catbird' ( as
they say out west ) . And lie did. In a
year to a day from his disappearance
llillson appeared , full of cine , bright ,
breezy , well dressed and with a heavy
bank balance to Ids credit. He paid all
his outstanding bills and no questions
were asked. His story to his Intimates
wns that he had but $500 when he
reached Paris and he could not
resist the temptation to take a run
over to Monte Carlo. Ho iirat purchased
a return ticket to America , avowing that
lie was not afraid to face his creditors ,
tnit only waited tor his luck to turn.
Hillson said he had flUO cash left. He
mil some 100 francs on the retl. It won.
He put the winnings , 100 francs , between
the 0 nnd the ( K ) , which pays 17 for 1. lie
won. He picked out the number 13 be
cause It was called an unlucky number ,
and put 50 francs on that number. He
won' He wns now a high-roller in luck
nnd in ono hour was possessor of ; tO,000
ratios. He returned in the next steamer
o America nnd liquidated all outstand <
ng accounts.
"In 1884 , Hlllson's luck turned. HU
commissions as n Wool-buyer did not fur
nish forth the wherewith to gratify his
elegant dcsiror. ' He had sailed with a
more swelling port than his faint uiuaus
did grant continuance.
' 'Iln had friends , " continued John
Pondir , "who would have loaned him
fj.OOO. He wis : too proud to tell why he
was poor. Hillson became tired of the
struggle , anil one .Juno day he left Phila
delphia for Niagara Falls. Nobody know
where ho had gone. As soon as the tram
reached Niagara lie gave a harUnrui $ u
and simply said :
" 'Drive me to the Falls. '
"Onco there ho laid off his coat and
ended It all by one wild leap into the an
gry , death dealing current of the river.
His body was never found. The horrified
hackman fouiui a bill of sale for hit : fur
niture , covering the rent then due his
landlord on Chestnut street , _ and a note
asking the same person to give a colored
boy he hail around his ollice his last 9 ,
inclosed. The last page of Ids letter rend
thus :
I have called the turn. 1 missed the call.
Tell the Duya I'm In hnrd luck , nnd they will
not tilamo mo if 1 leave the Ills 1 liuvo undlly
to others t know not of. It Is bast so.
John Ponder rose up sadly , lit a fresh
cigar nnd said : "Young man , as I told
you before , never gamble.1
There were all the evidences of a com
ing storm ; but when he draw from his
pocket a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup
then came a calm , for the baby had the
croup und would now gel well.
Little Willie screams and storms with
burn upon his arm. To little Willie jo
is sent , by using Salvation Oil , the grca
Galreston News : One of the small
cratts , while anchored on the flats
in the bay yesterday , on pulling up its
anchor , drew up a small octopus winch
had attached itself to the anchor by its
tentacle' , . Hut few ot thesu lish iirc found
in these waters and none have ever neon
caught hero wliiuli have ever attained
their full growth. The octopus is by some
styled the devil fish , doubtless from its
hideous shape and appearance , but au-
thoilties do not so class it , the fish of tlic
ray species , which was caught and G < tlub >
ited at the beach about two years at0 ,
being the only lish classed in the encyclo
pedia as the devil lisli. The octopus K ol
the cuttle-fish family of winch there are
numerous varieties , the octopus being so
culled trom its having eitrlit projectiles or
arms , with the mouth located at the center
of their bases. Thcso arms are located
.symmetrically around the mouth , anil are
used in drawing in food. They are ver.v
long as the lish grows in size , and on the
inner surface are suckers in the form ol
muscular , cup-like disks , which are ar
ranged in several rows. When these
suckers nre applied to any object tin.
adhesion is very forcible , and they an
frequently known to stop vessels. Tin
ono caught yesterday was very young , it-
body not being larger than an egg , whili
its unns stretched out would cover the
crowu of a hut It died soon after beinp
taken from the water , and was turnec
over to Ollicer Stansfield , who had II
placed in alcohol to bo preserved as c
In another column of this Issue will lu
found an entirely new and novel spec !
men of attractive advertising. It is out
of tlio neatest ever placed in our paper
and wo think our readers will be well re
paid for examining the surrosKU dis
play letters in tlic advertisement o
Prickly Ash Bitters.
Murk Twain's I'I ay * .
New York World : It is rather Into u
the day to point out that Mark Twain ii
ns destitute of the dramatic instinct as i
parish clerk. Mr. liowells himself is no
ns unspotted in this respect ns Marl
Twain , and there would bo no earthly
sense in referring to the well known fue
again if Mark Twain had not again chul
longed the reference. His "Colonel Sell
ers"onoof thcfunnierfthodgo-podgpsovci
put on our boards , and , I believe one 01
the most successful , wns as fnr from bcliif
a drama as is a counting-house almanan
It would bo futile to wade through al :
that Mark Twain has written with tin
purpose of finding therein ono remoti
excuse for his talent ever tak'u.g to tin
That he Is droll no one ever disputed
that ho can make a dramatic story no oni
in the possession of his senses eve :
Hut as if this fact had not been sul
ficiently pounded into us by Mark Twain' ;
voluminous pen , ho again takes to tin
boards , and yesterday there was proonte (
at the Ljceuin theater , through thi
medium of a special matinee , n so-callei
"faroial corm-dy" in three acts by thl
innocent who never before m all HI
comical wanderings got so far abroad.
American Taste anil Skill ,
represented by ' . 'olg to & Co. , produci
portr.imis and toilet soaps more delicti
than can be made abroad-
October 13th. One Fare for the Round
Trip over all Roads ;
The United States Investment Company' , will offer some of the
% Iloal estate values have been advancing
steadily and rapidly for several years. No
inflated boom liable to bust , but the safest
city in the west for Investment.
Special train leaves Omaha for Grand
Island , at 10:55 : a. m. , October 12th.
Come and see the future capital of the
Finest Residence Property ,
In Grand Island. Public auction without reserve. A GRAND OPPOR
TUNITY for iuvesrors all oyer Nebraska to come and see the most
prosperous city in the state. Grand Island is now a city of 12,000 pop
ulation , possessing unequalled advantages as a manufacturing , job
bing : and railroad center.
BEN RHODES , > Auctioneers. 0. W. SCARFF ,
Wo call special attention to our
enormous stock of
Sails for $1.XO. S1.7T , $2 , $2.5O
and upwards. *
OH i1 large line of single pants , for
KOt' , ( i , , c , 7Gc , dfic , $ J , f 1.1ft and
upwards *
On r large line of flannel shirt u'alsts.
Our large line of bogs hats and caps
front Xftc upward. .
Hats ,
Our hat department is simply Im
mense this season , and for $1.33
you can purchase a good stiff hat
equal to hats bought elsewhere for
$ . Other stiff hats for fl.GO , $2 ,
$2.r 0 , 9 # .
Oursoftcnishcrs sell for liOc and
Soft Hats from 75c Upwards ,
Underwear ,
Our line of underwear is selling at
lower prices than has vrerbeen
seen before. We call your attention
to the goods shown in our window
we arc selling at
75 Per Gent Cheaper than other
Houses can Sell Them for ,
1308 Farnam Street.
The Theatrical Profession.
Merit will win and recclro public recognition and
praise. Facts , nklch are the outcome of general ex-
l rlencc , srowlnc through years of critical ami
practical tnl , bceomo 03 rooted and ImnuHablaas
the rock of Cllurultur liipublla opinion , and hcnco-
forth need no further iimrnu'-"o as to their genu
InenehS. The Indisputable fact that Swift's Specific
In the belt blood purlQcr In the world , Is olio of thcso
Immotalilo Oibroltar rock facts of which wo have
MK > Len , unit every ilay's vxperleneo roots tills con
viction ilceinr nucl Ofi-uurlu piilillo'i > liilon. Every
clusa of our ( H-niilu In Ainrilca an.l la t'uroro ,
ovcrr trade , calling And profession * Including the
medical profession , liuvo burnoolunt.iry togtl-
mouy to Ilia rrm.trkablu virtues of U. a. 0. and
Ita lufalllUo rmracy In curing alt dlheasn of the
blood. 'Ihe'o tcstlinonl.ila are on fllo bv the thou-
Hands , and ojion to the Impccilon otall. Now come ,
uiisnllultrd , two dlstlnKUlshed niembcrs of thu theat
rical profi'iwlOD.vTlio grutcf ully testify to the wundor-
fill curatlto ( juniuies of the Specific ! In their Indl-
\ldualcancs. Their tesllmonlals arc liurowltb sub.
mlttrd to tlio publlo without further comment let
them speak for themselves. The Indy Is a member of.
thofnmoua Thalia Theatre Company , of New Yoik ,
ami formerly of tl.e Rcnldenco Theatre , ll rlln , Uer-
nmny.and ot McVluker'nStock Compauy , uf OhleoKO.
riio Kentlenmn Is a well known memlter of the Nerr
York Tlnlla Thuntro Company. Doth are well knov , n
lu theatrical circles lu thla country and In Lurouu.
C'lnirlollo Itunilow'a Trselmony.
NklT Voctc , May 3 , 1SS7.
Swift SpecHlc Company , Atlanta , Qa. :
Oenllemon HuTlng been annoyed llh pimples ,
ernptluus and roiinhncsj of the lclufrum bad con
dition of my bliHHl , for moro than a year , I used a
leading pn-iiarutlon of * ar > nparllla and other adver
tised remedies to no effect- Then I consulted a prom
inent physician , and from his treatment received
no beiiutlt. 1 then concluded to try the a. S. 3. rem
edy for the liloo-l , and nv ur six i-ackajjeH. by a
tlioroiiKb eradication ot my trouble and restoring
Hinoollmess to my skin , have made me happy , and
I cheerfully give jou thin testimonial for such use
and publicity us you wUu to make of It.
IS ] Itowery , near Cauitl Street ,
Hugo Hasskcrl' * Testimony.
The S A 1ft Si clflo Company , Atlanta. Qo. :
Oentlumen-Kor two jeanil had a severe cone of
eczcmu. I used IftrtoapK.sulphursoaps.nud various
other remedies , and was prescribed for by nuniU'ri
of physicians , but found no relief At last I deter
mined to try thus. S.S. remud > , and nuven or eight
bottles liavu thoroughly relieved me , und you coil
USD this certlUcate lu any luahner you n Uli.
ItemlMf of Thalia Tbeatr *
l ew York , May S. IM7. '
Treatise < m Blood and Sktu Dliea es raalled frea.
Tn * awirr ScEcino Co. ,
Drawer 3. Atlanta ( > a-
* Kntbody thehfghet rrreJlrti.
% rleflntl n > fHnruroinforlaiMt
rt durability anil nrr thtrtia l f
* favorltrilnfaihianallectrcl :
Our name Is 1J .AT.COUSINS ,
on etery sole. ) NEW YORK.
Tor Ointilia ,
] , au7h by Mill.
BcstwidsbortMtairitaunowinuM. Circular *
i'reo. rrof.A.
Fall Overcoats ,
$ < i.r 0 , $1.30 , $ and 9JO fall
overcoats are the greatest wonder
to our competitors , ivho cannot
understand liotv ive-can do it. Ititt
never mind , "we net there juit the
sitinc , " and nobody need ( jo with-
ont fall ovcrco'it when they can
buy a splendid worsted coat for
Cor. lUth and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
A ICotfiilur Ciiriitliiiilv In Mcdivliio
uii l Spuviul I'riu-lltioiier ,
Auttiorl/oU to trout all Chronic , Norvou ntid
"Siooit\l | Dlsensos. "
( Wliotbor ruUHcd by luipnidatiao , Kxcusg or
ContHirlon ) Hcminiil WcaknoM , ( nlt'lit loasaa )
SeiuiU Debilityloss ( of ecxunl powur ) , Norv-
oils Dublllty , Itlood Disorder.i , olc. Oiirnnlticasug
Ruarantoed or motiuy rufuntied. Churijos low.
TliotiAundM of unsos cured. Age und uxperloiiou
are lnt | > urtutit. All mudlolnus csncclully pre-
parcil lor oucli ludlvldunlcttso ,
\ Injurious or I'olMinou * C'oiu-
pontuls lined.
Not line lost from business. Patients ut a
dlstuni'o trrntodliy Icttor ntido.xpri'fs. Mediciau
iunt ovorywlioro free from unto or breakage.
Ko Hrliiyin l'llliiiK < rilcrs.
Kor-t cents In statnpirillmnll froo. nil our
printed lltoriituri' , omLinuMnfla"" :
on wlilch to irot u lull history of Dtsouso , eta.
St to your cnso nndgond lor terms. All wo
ask IH H trial. Secrecy obsurved clllior lu per
son or by mull.OFFICE
0 to 12a.m.,2 to 6 and7 to Rp. m. BtiDdays In-
Cludud. Consulllutt room No. .
"By a thorough knowle < l o of tlio natural
law * which govern tlio operations of tllirnstlon
utid nutrition , und by a varuful application of
Ilio flnopropcitles ot woll-Holoclod Cocoa , Mr.
jiH : | | luis provided our liroiikfuit tiililcs wltn u
dellciitely lluvorod uevomt , ' " which may uvo
us in liny liuiivy doctor's ulllH. It U by tlio
judicious use ofHituh urtlcli'S ' ( if dlot tliut u con
stitution may I ) ( rradunily built up until strong
unotiRh to resist every tendency to dlsoixso.
Hundreds of tintitlo muladlca are lloatlnir
tiround us ica < lr to attack wliuruver theru U n
weak point. We icav escape ninny a fatal
g'uift by keeping ourselves wc-ll fortltlpil with
pure blood anil n properly nourished frame. "
Civil Service ( la/otte.
Madeelinply with bolllnsr water or inilk. Sold
( inly In unit pound tint ) by Urocors labeled ( but :
-iAMI : * ii : r * & c-o. ,
Ho mtc , ) < { t hlo Chemists. I .NDON , KNIMND.
Mentlun tnU plpor
Th T enlT.flr t year ot tills Ttell knowa rclionlwlll
b qln st 4 o'clock . on rUMSDIT , < > < rr itbm. \ .
KtluINOinN foradfsnixxUUudini MoNPAT.OcT.
10tby .m. Knllr counami > 7 hHcoiui > l > tillntwo or
three ] earn at opt lee of stmUnt. Diploma odmltmto ll r
Tuition $ * ) Pr annum For tjatalogaas , sto. , aildrss i
Dean of If acuity. 1417 Lucas Place. Bl ! IVUIB. MO.
Jolin G. Jucotis. )
Dndcrtalffi and EnWmcrs
At the old stand , 1407 Farnam Si. Order
by telegraph solicited and promptly at
tended to. ' Telephone No , K25.
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplus 43,000
H. W. Yalps , President.
Lewis S. Reed , Vicu-Presitient.
A. E. Tou/.alin. Bd Vico-Preiidont.
W. H. S. Hnglios , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. CollitH
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. KcuJ
A. E. Tou7.alm.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sis.
A General ISunkinir 13 uslncss Trunsacto
Hownreof Indigestion's pnln
And IVmstlimtlon'a cruel rultrn :
l''or often In their wako prncood
The snbln pull anil n.otirnor'a wood ;
TlH-n elit'ok llioso troubles pro nn liour ,
ill TAHKAN I".S SEI.T/KH lies tlio power.
Block Walmita , hull * on , f. o. b . . . OOo per bit
Illaok Walnut , hulls off , " . . . . $ l.r > per bit
llox Elilcr Seed , " . . . . lee per III
Asli Heed , " . . . . lOe per ll >
Honey Locust Seed , " . . . . 25o per II )
ltus"lnn Mulberry faced , " . . . . l.W per II )
C'ltnlpuBccd , . " . . . . l.OU peril )
Alt > o nil kinds of Fruit nnd Forest Treen ( or
1) . B. LAKIi , 1'ioprlctor , SHKNANT OAU , IA.
Pianos & Organs
Iluliittod at Wlioleuilo Prices.
Write for catalogues , prices and terms nnd
save from | ' ) J to IIW In too purchase of an In
hifffSliPiiV luiuoui.iitlld , oolhli ccurrtoti of
KlKirlcYA HjillrrcUr throcih all wrik pim.rntor-
lngth mtV > .ti > hr > ltisnilVloruui8lfU'rlh. ! | iltctrio
Current OVJS.J-f.Illnilinllror mfurfelt SJ. ( 0 la cuh.
Otwltit Impiorf mtnUoier all olhir Ulli.Vor.l taxi per *
pun ntl/riirtllnthrr9rnuatb Hrtlril | ) amphlit'H.n.n
The Sandcn Electric Co. IC LsSslic ! . , (
MNU cnwiiuor FINE
Best Work and Lowest Prices
Guaranteed , lOOpagelllult'd
TlnnttTer printed , sent free. lknUg 7e.
Incomparably th Bast.
Who l < WKAK , wr.HVor * . nr.itn.iTA >
) injTim'I.KI awnyhi < VlUOItof IIOIIT.
MINI ! nna M
liming upon Hut FOUNTAIN * nf I.IFM ,
lliAl : > A 'IIR , IIACKAI'IIK , Dn-odfitl
1'ITI.NF.NNIn NOCliri'V. IMMl'l.r.Slpou
Ilio PACK , nnflnlllho r.Ft'KVTN leiulltiij to
K tlll.Y mH'AYnnJ rxtrhnnj 'O.VHlI.Ms .
THIN or INS VNITY. sliouhl conniU nt once
the CKI.KIIKATF.n lr. Clarke , IVtnblMir , !
ISM. Dr. C'lstko hM m < ! o NKHVOI'M Iir.
nil.irv. 4'IIHONUI nml all Dlitiuci of
thn UKNITO ItKINAltY Orcnnt n Ufa
Btiutr. H mnkcii NO dltVcrcnce WHAT you
linvo wkon or WHO tin failed to cure you.
* * -FKMAI.I'J4MtircrlnB from illsca. rs pecu
liar In their nex rnn cmumlt with tlio auuranco
or ipcciljr relief urn ! cure. Bond 2 ecu Is posing *
fur works on your ttlicasra.
ftrPcml 4 cent * po t Ke tot CVIobrnlwl
Work * on 4'lironlr. Norton * nml Poll-
rule Ul'easos. ConstilUtlon , personally or by"
Irltpr , rrcr. Consult the > l l l > orlor.
TlioiitntuU rnrrcl. orllcr and | inrlnm
lirlvnlc. tt Thnto rontcmplatltiR Miming *
iiMul fur Dr. Clnrltc'H cclclimtcd gtilda
Mnlo nnd IVniitlc. cncli UK * . , both l ! > * .
( stamps ) . Npforo confiding ymir c e. consult
llr. < ! IAKKK. A friendly Icttrror rail mar
MTO ftiluro Miller Inn ami titanic , and mid Rulilea
years to life.look ! l.lfc'n ( Secret ) I'.r.
roiti , " GOo. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing *
ent everywhere , neciiro from > | > oMirc > .
llours , 8 to M : Sunday ! ) , lo 12. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
100 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
Tin or lion. Repaired ,
And Painted nnd Riintiinlcod tight for mnnbof
of j curs. 1'utiit.s novcr Mister.
Manufactured nnd repaired. Flro 1'ioof 1'nlnl
Ulipllod lo shin ( rlos , 19 yours tixiiorioncii.
111 S.l'lt St. Hat Arbor and Vltiton.
Remarkable tor powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; 80 years' record ,
the best guarantee of the excel
lence of there instruments.
87 Chambur of ( Jommcrco.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louiw , Mo.
Of tlic Missouri State Museum of Anatornjr
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Me id
More especially those arising trom i in pur-
deuce , invite all suffering lo correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured salely and speedily with
out use of dangerous dru.'H. Patient *
whose cas b have been neglected , badly
treated or paonounded incut able , should
not fail to write us concerning their symp
toms. All letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Obscivations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is. " added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Discasei of the Reproductive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical 'treatise which sliotild be lead by all
joung men. Address
1707 Olive St. . St. Louis , Mo.
WM. mo unosi" n. r.
r. MrINTO.111 ,
Real Estate Dealers
14(1 ( South Spring Street ,
Doulora in city und country property of ail
descriptions , ( lonoral Intorniiltloii to now-
coiners freely Klvuu.
l r SJ O
50DB |
, , ROGERS ,
1'ractkiil Hoofer. Coniposlllnn nnil Onivol
roollnif. Airont lor Wurron' * Nmnral Aiiiluilt
Mcdiil liriind 2 nnilll ply Id ai | > ilixiC-
loff. 1-jC Mason St. , Uinnlm.