Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Opens Higher On the Small In
crease in the Visible Etipply.
Heavy fltialncHH Done In Hicham 1'nrt
of ilie Corn Scailnn Trndlnp ;
In Cattle AotlTe Gen
eral Quotation * .
CHICAGO , Oct 10. ( Special Tcleirrnm to
the JJKK.J The opening In wheat was strong
and higher , In expectntlon that the visible
aupply statement would show a less Increase
than wan rstlmnted , which expectation was
fullllled , the Increase being but 370.000
bushel * , against estimates running from
7rx,000 bushels to 1,500,000 tins-hes. ! Added
to this was ( he strengthening influence ot
early cables , public and private , and an ad
vance of 140 In November and December anil
Vc Jn May wab scored from the opnnlnc 115-
ures. Then rame tlie October government
crop report with Its estimate of a 4M > ,000,000
bushel wheat crop , which WM reckoned to
bu about 20,000,000 bushels prratet than the
September estimate by the same authority.
"Very liberal offerings followed upon the
knowledge of these lignres , and some long
wheat coming out upon the decline acceler
ated the movement. The New York market
w as weak and Ion rr , said to be on account ol
the heavy movement In 'the northwest ,
nlthoujch In this market bad weather
In that section was taken , in early
trading , ay a bull argument , ns tending tc
delay fanners' deliveries there. The de
pression caused by the large wheat figures ol
the government continued to the end of the
cession , the close being weak at a fraction
nbovu the lowest point at TO > < uTU > c for No
vember , TJ o tor December and Tc foi
The late session of the market was marked
by greater Interest and a greater volume ol
business In the corn pit than has 'been no
tlced for several days. The opening was
nbout at Saturday's closing prices , with nde
ollne nf 's'c shortly after. The market wit !
ialrly steady , with but little business until
nearly noon , but the heavy receipts were toe
much and there was tten a drop to ? c below
the opening figures for November and Jc foi
May. The close was at 42' ' c for Novembei
anil 4.IXtt4' > Vc for May.
The speculative market for oats was weaV
In sympathy with other articles. The open
ing figures were substantially the same a :
Saturday's closing , but as the forenoon won
way the feellne became heavy , triuli
dragged and prices eased oil from -Oj c foi
November to ! ! ( J < < { 4Jo oji the split , and Mnj
from .Kijftc to 2lc , closing at 1 o'clock nt tbi
inside range.
In provisions the quiet state of affair *
lately witnessed was continued. Tlio weel
vpenod with the market In too featureless :
condition to branch out with even moderaU
Ivcedom. It was a slow and unlnterestlni
day , yet owing to the advance in hogs , whlcl
arrived moio sparingly than was anticipated
quite a strong feollut : held control.
FTiiiNooN : SESSION. Wheat , quiet : Oc-
Oats steady. Pork sold und closed tor Jan
tiary atSrJ,27K ; > ear was emoted at 812.00
Lard was ciulet ; October cloned at 6.45 , i
decline of 2c ; November and Decembc
were quoted at 8U. : > 2 > { and January a
SC.37K. Short ribs for Octoburdecllned 2 > Jc
lolling and closing at 87.55 ; January wa :
uoted at 80.22K.
CHICAGO , Oct 10. [ Special Telegram ti
the BEE.J CATTLI : Trade was active In tin
native line , with an tip-turn of about lOc 01
prime corn-fed natives. Plain and low grad <
aatlves went at about the same prices as a
the close of last week. Shippers wore lib
eral buyers , but seemed to bo satislied witl
the ordinary run of good , useful native *
.Hangers and Texans formed about 1,000 ou
of the 11,000 fresh cattle , selling about tin
name as last week , or say at the lowest uric
remembered by the oldest dealer. Nntlv
butchers' stock remains at the former lov
prices. There was some Inquiry for stacker
nnd feeder. , yet business In this oraucl
was very dull. Shipping steers
1350 to 1500 Ibs. $4.20(35.50 ( ; 1200 t
1350108 , 83.75@4.70 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs. S2.85 ( <
8.80. Stackers and feeders , 91.70(33.15 (
cows , bulls and mixed , 81.35@2.CO. Texu
eattlo were no better ; steers , 82.00ft3.50
cows , 81.25@3.00 ; yearllnes , S1.30$1UC (
Western rancors weak ; natives and bnll
breeds. S3.30@3.40 ; cows , 32.00Q2.3C
Wintered Texans , 82.25(12.70. (
Hoes Tiadlng was bilsk with an upti'ri
of lOc all around. Best heavy sold at SM.fJ.y ,
4.70 ; mixed and best packers , 84.50't4.60 (
common and plain , & 4.iU : ( < H4i ( ; light suit ;
4. ) @ 4.GO ; York sorts , 84.UO.
ChUinttn. Oct 10. The Drovers' Jourua
roiiortaos follows :
Cattle-lteceipts , 10,000 ; lOn higher fo
good natives , others dull ; shipping gteort
2.K5.00 ) ; stoekers and feeders.
cows , bulls and mixed , gl.itttftS.GO ; Toxn
rattle , 81.20 ( 2.50 ; webteru rangers , S2.C
Hogs-Receipts , 1,1,000 : strong anil 1C
higher ; mixed , 4.20 ( . | .G5 ; heavy. wl.BM4.7 ! :
light , S4.BOipj4.70 ; skljH , 53.10@4.15.
Hheeo Kecelpts , 7,000 ; steady ; mutton :
S3.0C(34.10 ( : stockers. S'A40 < a'ibO : westerr
Sur : > < < i3.60 ; 'lexans , 82.00@3.50 ; lambs. S4.C
National Stock Yard * . Ernst Ht
Ijoula. 111. , Oct. Cattle-Uecolpt !
H/WOj shlpmonts , ' 00 ; llrm : fair to cholc
heavy native steers , 3.t)0@4.70 ) ; butcheri
( leers , fair to choice , SU.30iJ8.t)5 ( ) ; feeder *
fair to good. 3'-i rXK a-'u.
Hogs Itnoelpts , 1,400 ; shipments , 40C
iiurket actlvuandlOc higher ; cholcn heav
and butchers' selections , 34.60(34.75 ( ; packln
and Yorker * , medium to choice , a4.So@4.K :
pigs , comrcon to good , S3.90@4.25.
Kanaka City , Oct. lO.-Cattle-Heceipt !
8,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market strong an
b&lOc hlcher for good , others steady ; ROUte
to choice $ M.XKg4.75 ; common to mcdlun
fIV.i5ff4.10 ; storklrs , ) ; toed in
etwrs , 83.65(3)3.53 ) ; cows , si.2X < ? . < v > .
Hogs Kcrslpts , 2,000 ; BbipmonU , M
market fie higher ; common to choice , S4,00 (
< , co ; Bklps and pigs , 5i75C33.yo.
NKW YOHK , Oct. 10. ( Special Telecram I
the KKK. ] bTOCKH The bearish feelin
noted In the stocks at the close of last wee
allowed no abatement , and it has becom ti :
popular side , particularly among wester
. . operators , who heretofore have general !
< ) J ujayed on the bull side. Tno bulls have u
oucert ot action , while in the bear rani
everything runs harmoniously and is i
Hi eat advantage , and with their alreai
larw'o iirestnge they were able to cut a largi
xvath m the market. The boar leaders aj
pear confident of their position and are be
ttng their profits heavily and forcln
holders to liquidate so freely that prices ai
lower than at any previous time this yea
The bulk of buying appeared to be by abort
who had large pro Ills and were taking the
while In alxht. A decidedly feverish fcolln
prevailed. Ciarrctt , after much blustering , hi
uddonly come to the conclusion that he wi
powerless to prevent the sale of his Ball
more & Ohio telegraph lln * . and has su
Ided. The martet opened ragged.Vestei
Union was strong and despite the sell'jg t
London , the buying by Urcxel A Morgan tu
Connor caused a % per cent advance. TI
appreciation was expected to have Its effe
upon the general list , but It tailed , the offe
In. of other properties being too stron
Humors were circulated that the forclosu
of Heading had been ordered in favor of bon
holders of the 5s and that the road was to 1
sold In three sections , llrst.the Heading ma
line , sfconil , the Tabor branch , and thlr
the leased lines. This would leave t
JJcitlicrn Pennsylvania and Uouud firoi
branches without terrain ix-'s. The stock w
hammered vigorously , but exhibited dccid
ttuubornness and auvanced IJi per cent but
aid not hold. The weakest stocks on t
1t t were Lake bhoro and Erie , which we
gold heavily because It has heretofore' licla
Up well , but the pou nil I tic It received
proved too much , and it dropped 2 points
nnd Krto 1 % . St. Paul broke 1 point and
.Northwestern 1 point. Union Pacific only
dropped ? per cent on the selling of ovrr
10,000 shares by Uatoman. Tlie weaknetB
continued until the cloau , when last pales on
a majority of stocks were at Inside figures
and recorded declines extending from ? { to 2
per cent , Headlnd and Missouri Paclllc showIng -
Ing the least and Cotton Oil shHTs , Pacific !
Mall.Krle , Northwestern , Louisville & Nash *
vllle and Chicago. Ilurllngton & ( Julncy ,
Hock Island , and Richmond Terminal leadIng -
Ing the advancn. The bear houses In Chlcauo
traded heavily , largo short lines were covcrad
and many fresh ones put out , making the
short Interest larger than heretofore. The
total sales were 374,377 shares.
GovKiiNitF.NT.1 ! Government bonds were
dull nnd without change. .
U. 8. 4's coupon .124 C. ft N. W 108V
MoNKV-n call easy * tZX < $ r percent , last
eau at 3.Vi per cent , closed olTered at 3 per
ent ,
STicnr.tNn EXCIIANOK Quiet but firm
t * 4.bO for 00-day bills ; S4.S4' { for de-
nand. _
Chlcaco. Oct. 10. Following quotations
arc the 2.TOclo-mir : tigures :
Flour Firm and unchanged , with rye at
8'J.75@3.00 cor bbl , and 52.50@2.75 for sacks.
Wheat Dull , unsettled and Irregular ;
fluctuations were within Jrfcranco , and close
was about , ' < o below Saturday ; cash , 6'Jpb'c ;
November , 701-lGc ; May. 770-lflc.
Corn Quiet most of the session thouch at
Inies moderately active ; cash and November ,
' ! } c ; Mav , 45c.
Oats Easy In sympathy with other mar-
cets , and large arrivals with but light trad-
IIK prnvented any Important change ; cash ,
25Wc ; November. 26 c ; May , 2c. .
Hye Firm at 49c.
Barley Firm at C6c.
Prime Timothy Seen 82.20.
Flnx Seed-1.05 91.00.
Whlskyl.lo. .
Pork Huled higher for January , others
inchangcd ; > ear , 811.05@12.ou ; January.
Lard Steady and firm ; c sh , | 0.45 ; No
vember , SC. : } i ; May , 80.C7W.
Dry halted Meats Shoulders , S5.00@5.70 ;
short clear , 97.70 7.75 ; short ribs , 87.37K.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 18 ( < | 26c ; dairy.
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars ,
@llc ; Hats , ll@ll > c ; Young Americas ,
Kegs-quiet at 17@l7 c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy ereen snlted ,
fully cured , 7M'c ; light do , . 7K@7J c ; damAged -
Aged , Cc : bull hides , 6X0 ; No. 1 green salted
calf , K@9c : dry salted , lOc ; dry Hint , li
@lHc ; dry calf , UkjtlHc ; deacons 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country solid ,
* ,1ic ; No. 2. 8 > ic ; cakes , 4 c.
Kocelutt. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . KI.OOO 20.00C
Wheat , bu . W..OOO 18.001
Corn , bu . 300.000 27.001
Oati , bu . U'.Si.OOO 134.00t
Kyo , bu . 4,000 .
Barley , bu . CO.OOO 87.00C
St. I..ouli , Oct. 10. Wheat Irregular !
cash , 70 @ 71c ; November , 71 H'c ,
Corn Lower ; cash , 404U ; ' c ; Novem
ber , J
Oata Dull ; casli , 24a'c ; November ! J4J
Lard 80.40.
Iluttur Quiet and steady ; creamery , 21(0 (
21 e ; dairy , lC@2lc.
Afternoon boaid Wheat Firm but dull
October , 70fc } Did ; November , 7Ufc ; De
cember , TJJ c ; May , 79 > Vc. Corn Steady :
October , 3lkJgc Did ; November. ! ! 3c ; December
cember , 3Xc ; May , 4l c. Oata Unchanged ,
Mverixioi , Oct. 10. Wheat Firm : de
mand fair ; holders offer sparingly ; Califor
nia No. 1 , Os 4s per cental.
Corn Strong , but nothing offering ; new
mixed western , 4s 8d percental.
Knnias City. Qct. 10. Wheat-Quiet
No. 2 soil , cash , C3J c bid ; November , ( J3i
bid ; May , 73c bid , 74 > < c asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash. fi-vYc asked
November , aiHc asked ; c bid ,
Oata-Xo.2 , 21He bid. 22J c asked.
Cincinnati , Oct. 10. Wheat Iull ; No
2 , red , 773 < c
Corn In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , -ISc.
Oats Strong : No. 2 mixed , SS o.
Hye In fair doimuui ; No. 2 , 50/c. !
LardOuiot at 80.40.
1'ork Dull at 814.00.
Whisky-Steady at 81.05.
Minneapolis. Oct. 10. Wheat Firmer :
No. 1 hard , October and November , 70Kc
December , 71c ; May , 77c ; No. 1 northern
October , OOJfc ; November , 60 > , c ; December
C7c ; May , 74e. ; No. 3 northern , Octoboi
aim November , II.TC : December , 03) ) c ; May ,
71e. On track : > "o. 1 hard , 71-io } ; No. :
northern , 67d6Se ( ; No. 2 northern. M@65c.
Flour Firm ; patents , 3 .15i ( l.U ) ; bakers'
HeceipU-Whoat , 873.000 bu.
Shipments-\\lusn , 09,000 bu ; Hour , 29,00
bis.In Store-Wheat At Minneapolis , 2,293 ,
337 bu ; at St. Paul , 95000 bu.
.Milwaukee. Oct. 10. Wheat-Steadier
cash , oy c ; November , 70s'c ; December
Corn En&ler ; No. 3 ,
DOats Lower ; No. 2 white , 29o.
Hye-Weak ; No. 1. 48c.
Bailey Higher ; No. 2 , Olc.
Provisions quiet ; pork , October , S13.50J (
New Yorfc , Oct. 10.-Wheat-Ilecelpts
231,000 ; exports , 14,200 ! ! ; options ruled stead' '
t the opening , but soon weakened witl
the west and declined H@ c , closing huav ;
and lower ; spot lots } fSXc ( lower , with i
moderate demand ; uncraded red , TOftJHrtj o
No. 1 nominal at 6c ; No. 2 red , 81 > i ( < 82cli
elevator , 88X@W c delivered , Sl &bl 'c i
o.b. , November , cloalne at Sl % &
Corn Hecelnts , 139,000 ; exports , 25,000
cash K5fc ( and options 3i(3 ( ? c lower , cloj
iiiKweak ; ungraded , SS'iC ' SSc ; No. 2 , 53 < i
ai''s'o delivered , November closing at 52o.
Oats Uecelpts. 207,000 ; exports , none
shade easier ; mixed western , & 2 ( < { 3lc ; whit
western , 35@40c.
Collee-Spwt. fair ; Illo , linn at 819.37
options l.Vtp25 points higher and moderate !
active ; sale.s , 43,250 bags : October , S17.45j (
17.50 ; November. S17.GOffll7.70 ; Decembei
S17.70 17.bO ; January , 817.7U@17.80 ; Fet
luniy , 817.70.
.Petroleum-Firm ; United. 69c.
Eggs Steady and fair iuuulryvestern ;
Pork Dull and unchanged ; mess wa
quoted at gu.25 < gl4.50 for old ; 8l5.ou(4l5.2
lor new.
Lard 2@4 points higher ; 11 rm but nulet
western steam , bpot , 8G.85@0.87J $ ; cuoici
Butter Firm on fine stock ; western , 13 (
25Kc ; western creamery , KXi' Xc ,
Cheebe Steady , but quiet ; western , 0 , ' (
New Orleans. Oct 10. Corn Unsel
tied , but generally higher ; mixed 55c ; whit
and yellow , I57(35ve.
Oats-Firmer ; No. 2 , 33Gl l c.
Cornmeal-atcady at 82.25@4SO.
Hog Products Unsettled and lower ; porl
815.00 ; lard , 16.75.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , S5.25 ; long clef
and clear rib , 87.60.
Monday , Oct 10.
There was a moderate run of cattle , thei
being eighty-live loads of fresh receipts. Tt
market was nbout steady on all grade
Quite a string of range cattle and seven
loads ot corn fed natives sold to the loci
packers. There was a very fair demand fi
feeders and considerable Activity on tt
market for the first of the weak. Butche ;
stock Is very dull and old cows are very slo
sale when steers can be bought atthepresei
prices. _
The receipts of no were extremely Ibsl
even for the tin > t day of the week , there beli :
only five loads on the market The
market was very excited and the
buyers took what was offered at 33 and
40c , in some cases not even looking at the
hog. The reports from Chicago Indicated
an ml van cc of lUc In the market and that
fact , taken together with thn extremely light
receipts , was the apparent cause for the
prices paid here. Tim receipt of an order
from Kansas City to buy hois for Armour's
house there , may also have had something to
do wlUi sending up the market.
There were two double deck loads of fresh
receipts which sold on the market.
Official Itccclpti.
Cattle. 1810
Hogs. . . . . 313
Shc p 85 ! )
Horses C4
Cattle , 10 cars Chicago
Cattlf , 1 car Council Bluffs
Cattle. ! 1 cars ( Jolunibus
Hogs , 1 car Kansas City
Prevailing Price * .
Showlngtheprevailing prloja paid for IIva
Block on this market :
Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . .91.1034.50
Choice steer * . 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 4.UOC44.10
Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75M3.85
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 ! ! .S.Y < 4. : )
Good to choice cvrn-fed cows. . . . 2.Wa3.00
Common to medium cows ] .50 ( t2.oo
Good to cholco bulls 1.50M2.00
Good range feeders 2.40@2.bO
GoodnaUvefeodersIXX bsand up
wards 2.753.00
Fair to medium native feeders.900
Ibs and upwards
htockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.00' < f2.40
Prime fat sheep 8.25W3.50
Fair to medium sheep 2.60(43.00 (
Common sheen 1.50(32.25 (
Light and medium HOBS 4.20d)4. ) : < 5
Good to choice heavy hoes 4.2.V34.40
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.20 4.35
Ilepreiientativa tfala * .
17..1162 84.10 18..1480 84.50
34..1459 450 75..1570 4.05
103..1191 82.50
294. . . . 13:0 83.20
128..1164 S2.5U 48..I'M.1) 33.00
20. . . . 1080 82.70 49. . . . 9C2 82.75
22. . . . 938 2.70
27. . . . 798 JJ1.65
23. . . . 008 2.00 3 , ' ) . . . . bOU S2.CO
13. . . . 970 82.10 1..1170 82.35
6..1154 2.25
83. . . . 1116 82.00
19 . . .11CO 82.35
4..1520 81.15
CAtVh .
107..Steers 88.00 per bend.
48..Heifers 7.00 "
00. . . . Ill 83.50 ir.9..112 83.50
No. Av. Shk. IT. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
04..2-14 KM ) 84.35 ti5..2r,7 12081.41) )
55..2K ! ) 8'J ' 4.35 07..272 40 4.40
CO..321 40 4.40
Ijive Stock Sold.
Showing the number of luai of stock sold
on the market to-day :
11. Hammond & Co 608
Williams 52
A. W. Trumble 81
J. Uothschlld 20
hobmann te K 154
Pip r W & W. . : 20
F. Nutziimn 2U
F. Mitchell 2'J
Gibson & Pratt 351
Total 1,334
Win. J. O'Connor 15.1
Anglo-American PacKine Co fil
( > . 11. Hammond & Co. . . * 19.
Armour Packing Co 55
Total "all
no.-ue Packing Co 200
Local 154
All silos of stoet ! in ttiis market are made
perewt live weU'it ' U'.ilan otherwise statoJ ,
Dead soil at ! < c per II ) . for all vvoichu
"Skins , " or ho < s wuUuing IOH than ltJ It ) ) .
no vaiiio. Pregnant sows are docitud 4)
and stagsSJ Ibs. b/thaniiuiia
J.ive Stock Notes.
Hogs excited.
Cattle fairly active.
Cattle market about steady.
The lightest run of hogs tor many a day.
S4.C5 was the top on cattle and 84.40 or
Joe Ilxon , Walnut , la. , was In looking lui
John Schnvc , lloas , a large feeder , was In
looking around.
John Ulckle , an extensivefeederof Grctna ,
Neb. , was here.
Among those who marketed 40c heirs \vas
11. B. Miller , Winside.
Fred Nut/.man , Avoca , was hero and
bought a load of feeders.
J. Hothchilds was In and sold two loads ol
cattle tiom WortliliiL'ton.
A. W. Trumble , Gilinoro , was here anil
bought'.N ! head of feedvts.
William J. O'Connor , Columbus , was hen
and bought 155 head of calves.
K. S. Burns , a stock cattle dealer of Lime
Springs , la. , was In with nlnu loads.
L. H. Shephard A Co. , West 1'oint. mar
keted a good load of : Ul-lb. hogs at the to )
W. C. Swartz , ot Fra/ler .fc Swartz , Silyei
City , marketed seventy-live head of very line
corn fed steers.
BMr. McFarland , an old commission man ol
Chicago and City , is here looking
over tlie ground.
"Don't let this hog market turn yoin
heads , " Is the way on salesman wrote hi ;
shippers yesterday.
W. H.Vansant , a former shipper of Blanch
an ) , la. , has accepted a position with the lira
of Savage A Green.
John Servels , Geneva , Neb. , marketed :
load of 116J-lb corn fed natives , of his owr
feeding , shipped from Fairmont.
P. Johnson , haramle , was in and ruarketei
two double-deck loads of sheep. They wen
bought by the Boguo Packing company ,
Sioux City.
B. Brewster , of the War Bonnet Cattle Co.
was In with fifteen loads of cattle from Sodt
Surlngs. It was one of the finest bunche :
that has been in the yards this season.
Sam Coffman has returned from a twi
months' trip west. He reports that the cattli
lire < little fhln in Utah on account of dr ;
Teed but that the cattle In Montana are look
ing well and the feed good.
The next meeting of the Nebraska Livi
Mock Shippers' association will b held a
Exchange hotel , South Omaha , Neb. , Wednes
day , October 12,1887 , at 2 p. m. The by-law
have been amended no as to admit any ship
per of six months' actual business , no matte
from what state ha hails. Consequently tin
Invitation is to all live stock shippers.
"Shippers ought to bo warned , " said a sales
man , "not to rush In too many hogs 01
Wednesday of this week. It Is expected tha
good mauy shippers will come In to see th
president on that day and also to attend th
meetlDC of the Live Stock Shippers' associa
tlon. The president's visit to Chicago wa
attended with a bad break In the hoe markc
by reason of the heavy receipts , and it wouli
not bo aurprlbing to see the same thin ;
here. "
Monday , Oct. 10.
Produce , Prnita , Ktc.
The 'foUowbvj arc the price * at u-hlch
round lots of produce are sold on Uilt
The markets evinced a little more artlvit
to-day than for some time previous. A ca
load each of bananas , oranges and lemons
and some California grapes and pears wer
received. There was a decided reduction I
the receipts of eggs and the price is In th
Koos The market Is good and the suppl
light , the bulk was going at 18 cents , DU
some sales were made at 19@20c.
BUTTEH Creamery , West Point , 80c
other , 22@4c per pound : choice dairy , IS (
20c ; medium grades , 13@l5c ; ordlnary.0uio ; <
CIIKESK Market fair. Fancy full creai
Cheddars , single 13c ; full cream twins , 13c
young Americas , 13Xc ; brick cheese , 1UO It
in case , 15c ; Llinberuer , 100 Ibs In case , He
Saura' fancy Ohio , I'Jc.
POULTHY Fair market ; spring chicken
I2.0002.M ; old fowl , | 32jWXOO ; ducks
' 2.2,1 12.75 : lurko1 * , In' ' very light rcquast ,
7c per Ib.
K Keceljit * 11 flit : prairie chickens ,
actt snlpi' , 31.00 per doz ; venison , ICc | r Ib.
OvsTKHS-SliBll , 8iOd per hundred ; bulk ,
$1.3,5 per hundred ; selecti , 82.20a gallon ;
Cans , New York counts , 45c ; selects , 35 < a
Oc : standard. 27@30c.
PiTATOF.s-Th8 mnrHetls well supplied.
) tah and Colorado stock sells at WXISttc.
Nebraska and Iowa Ktoctt 55 < 370c per buahel. $2.00 wr doz.
SWEKT POTATOES The market Is well
upplled with home grown at C575c per
bushel : Virginia stock So per Ib.
KooPtANT-Slowsale t006J75o per d < 4
ot choice stock. . ' \
ONto.NCholee large California onions
are offered on the market at 81.00 per bushel.
The demand Is light
BRANB. Hand-plckfid navy. $2.50 per
bushel , and other ( trades down as low as
$1.25. Cllfornla stock.$2.40 per bushel.
CELKHV The recclpU are larger and the
took better. Good * stock brings 30Ctft5c : a
CiDKn Choice Michigan cider , fC.00@fl.50
per bbl of 32 gal.
1'orcoh.v Choice , for stands , 2@2Kcwr Ib.
HONKV ( rood honey In neat one Ib.
frames ( tfUoc per Ib.
CocoANl'TH Gonrt stock , 35.00.
CUANIIERBIKS The market IB fairly well
implied with good stock. Bell and cherry ,
88.00 ; Bell it Uuirle. 89.00 ; Cape Cods. 810.00.
LEMONS Messina. 8G.tXXgO.50 ; Maiora ,
87.00 ; Sorronto. $7.00.
OHA.NOE8 Mesalna out of the market ;
.oiiislana , 89.00 per hbl , 85.00 per box ; Ja-
nalca. per bbl. $5.50 per box.
AITI.KS Tlie Btipnlv Is scarce. Choice
Michigan apples. t3.60 ( 4 CO ; home-grown ,
83.Xxai.50 ( ! ; Johnathons , 83.50@3.75.
CIIAII Ai'1'i.Es-CholceSiberian , SS.OOC'W.M
per bbl.
GUAPES Home-grown stock Is In liberal
supnly and is moving fccly at 5cper pound ;
California , Tokay. 82.50 per crate ; Muscats ,
82.50 ; New York , 10-lb basnet , 35@45o.
PEAIIS There Is a fair supply of Califor
nia pears on the market. Choice stock , 82.75
(33.00. (
PEACHES Some fine California mountain
pe.tchcs are on the market at S2.50 per box.
BANANAS The market Is well supplied
with bananas at 2.00 < < * J.OO per bunch.
NUTS New crop ; Ohio chestnuts , 12 @ 15c
h ; peanuts. 7Kc , raw : Bra/.ll nuts. 13c : AI-
nonds. Tarragona , liUc ; English walnuts ,
Ibc ; Filberts , 12c.
Flour nnrt Feed.
Me foUoiKlna nrc the lobblny prices :
Minnesota patents. $ J.M ) perewt. : Minneso
ta Makers' straight , 82.20 perewt. ; Kansas nnd
Missouri winter fancy patents , 82:45r 2.00 :
Nebraska patents , 83.2ija.i3 : : rye Hour , 81.75
( ft 1.90 perewt ; rye ( iraham , $1.40 per cwt. ;
wheat Graham , 81,75 per cwt. : corn meal ,
yellow , 90c per cwt ; corn meal , white. 81.00
; iercwt ; chopped feed. S14.00@lO.oo per ton :
imn , 812.00G$13.00 nor ton : screenings , 89.00
( gl'J.OO per ton.
HAY-UpIand prairie , S8.00@8.50 ; com-
inon coarse. ST.OOQS.UO.
Grocer' * Lilat.
COFFEE Ordinary grades. 20X@21c : fair.
21k@22c ; prime , ' -Mrifc : fancy green nnd
yellow , ' ! ( iV-V ; old government Java. 3.SoO (
c ; Interior Java , 25 1Sc ; Mocha , 2S ! 30c ;
Arbuckle's , roasted , 2c ! ; McLaughlln'M
XXXX , 26 c ; Dilworth\ 2 < ! c ; Ked Cross.
UKFIKKD LAHO Tierce. 7c ; 40-lb square
cans , 7c ; 50-11 > round , . 7iCc ; 20-lb round ,
We ; 10-Ib calls , 7 c ; 5-lb pails , 7 > Yc ; 3-lb
palls , 7'fc.
SUOAB Granulated , 6x@Wc ; conf. A ,
6 } < ; @ ( > Xc ; white extra C,1 fiUfiW/tc / : extra C ,
fiMfi'ffc : yellow C , 5 } c ; cut loaf , 7j ; pow
dered , 7'iC.
1'noVISIONS llams , H. ' @UHc : breakfast
bacon. llTSKc'.iS bacon side * UJfuSlOctdrv
salt , bJfCj'Jo ; shoulders , 7@7' c : dried beef
lianis , 10Hllc ( ; dried bee/regular , UKOlO c ;
liams picnic , B.WS c.
DiiiEt ) FRUITS Apples , now , J 's Cc ;
evaporated , 50-1 bring , ( $ ! < < : ; raspberries ,
blackberries , evaporaed ; ,
- - - '
, unpared ,
. , prunes , 5(45l4c ! ; citron. 2" c ;
s'ns ' , London layers. S'i.tO@2.i : . ; Calltornia ,
loose muscatels. S1.'JO ( < J2.00 ; new Valcncias ,
7)'c. )
7)'c.HOPE Sevpii-slxtennths Ineh. 12@l2J ri
STArtcii Mirror Gloss , 5J4'c ; ( Jraves Corn ,
/p ; , Osweio ; Gloss , 7c ; Oswego Corn , 7c.
Svitup No. 70 , 4-Kallon kegs. 81.lU@l.r > 0 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 3SS4Rc ( ( ; majle
syruu. half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , Mc ) ;
1-gallon can- > . per doz , SIO.IM ) ; hnlf-callon
cans , per doz. Sn.25 ; auart cans. 83.25.
CANNKD ( ioons Ovsters , standard , per
case , $3.)0t3 ( ) ( ; 10 ; strawberries , 2 It ) , per case.
5:1.00(33.10 : ; raspberrlci , 2 Ib , per case , ? : i.00c (
: > .10 ; California pears , per case. 34.00 ( 4.70 ;
apricots , uer case , Sl.lOii4.2. ( " " > ; peaclies , per
rase , S.I..yM.bTi ; whlto"cherrirs , per cs
SO. 00 plums , per ease , S3.SO@K ; ! ! ) : blue
berries , p r case. 82.30(32. ( 40 : egg plums , 3
Ib. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , M 11) ,
per case. 33.2utf.l ) > .75 : 1 Ib salmon , per doz ,
82.00CJi.O- : Ib pooscberrle.s , oer casn. 83.25
r 3.35 ; 2 Ib. string beans , per case , S1.75 : 2 iq
lima bean ; , cer case , SI. 60 ; 2 Ib marrow
fat peas , per case. S'.50 ( < 42.tiO ; 8 Ib early Juno
CMS. per case , 82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.40
@ 2.50 : 21b corn. SJO ! ! ! ( < t2.40.
PifKi.r.B Medium , In bbls , S0.50 ; do In
half bbN , $ : > .7r ; small , In bbls , 87.50 : do in
half bbls , 84.2.1 ; gherkins , In bbls , $ s.50 ; do in
hall bbls , 84.75.
WOODENWARE Two-hoop palls , per doz ,
ftl.45 : R-noop palls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , S0.50 ;
No. 8 tub , $5.50 : No. a tub , S4.50 ; washboards -
boards , 81.75 ; assorted bowls , S2.25 ; No. 1
churns , S9 ; No. 2 churns , 18 ; No. 3 churns ,
Ton \ ccoLorlllard'sCIIma'C. . 44t ( ; Splen
did , 4lc ; Mechanic's Dt-llirht. 41c ; Leggctt A
Meyer's Slur , 41e ; Cornothtoue , 3lc ; Diuin-
moiid's HorseShoe , lie ; T. J. , 37c ; Sore's
Spearhead , 44c.
BnooMS-Kxtra 4-tlc.S2.CO ; No. 1,52.00 ; No.
2,81.75 ; heavy stable , $4
CANDT Mixed , 8Xllc ; stick , 8KQO > ic.
CKACKEHS ( iixnioau'g soda , buttisr arid
picnic. 5c ; creams , be ; ginger snaps , 8c : city
soda , Vc.
TEAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20
Youn < Hyson. 85S55c ( ; Oolong , 20QCOo.
JEI.l.IES-30-lb palls , $3.00.
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls
couut-LL. 6Jic : CC , 7K ; SS , B.'fci
Nameless , r.j o ; No. > . Oc ; EK , > jc ;
GO , lOKcj XX , 12c ; OO , 14c : NN" , Itk ? ,
HX. lic ; K.20e : No. 10,8 0 ; to , io > ie : no-
ISKe : bO , 15o ; : , stored , lOc ; f > 0 , colored ,
I2c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , I3 > c ; Union
Pacific. 18c.
CAHPET WAitP-Bibb white , 18) c ; col
ored , SOHc.
U vrrs Standard , 8c ; Gem , lie ; Beauty ,
12Hc : Boone , 14c ; B. cased , 80.50.
Pitixis SOLID'.COLOUS Atlanta 5) < c : Sla <
ter.rcBerliiiOllKe ; < iarnerOIlGto7. PINH
AND Itonns Hlchmftnd ( Jc ; AIIen6c ; Hlver
point 5c ; Steel HlverCf. Hiciiinona ! . ; Pacllic
f > Kc. INDIOO BUIK Washington On ; Amerl-
c.\iH ) > jcAri\niUjo ; ] ; ; A mold 11 Ho ; Arnolc
A 12o ; Arnojd ( ioldseal 10 } < c. Char
ter Oak4Xc ; namapo3 fc ; Lodl 4K : Aller
5Hc ; Richmond f > o , Windsor 6c ; Eddystoni
c : Iacinc6c.
GiNOHAM-Plunkett checks 7'/o ' ; Whltten
ton 7J c ; York 7 > e ; . .Noriuaiulle Dri'Si
Calcutta Dress 6 fc : Whlttentoi
Dress 9c ; Itenfrew IDiess 9c to 12Wc
CAJinuirs Slater 4Xc ; Woods 4Vc ; Stan
dard 4 , ' < c ; Peacock 4 > c.
COKSET JKANS Androscoggin 7'fc ; Kear
sage 7c ; Uockport O c ; Conestoga Ci/c.
TICKS l.nwlston 30 in. , 12e ; Lewiston ;
In. . 13Keork ; 82 In. , 14c ; Swift Klver7Kc
Thorndlkn O O , 8/c ! ; Thorndike K F. HKc
Thorndlke 120. u ? c : Thorndlko XXX , lOc
Cordls No. 5,9 > io : Cordls No. 4 , lie.
DE.NIMH Amoskeag Uozltii" Everett '
oz. , ! ! ! < ; York 7oz. , iiallavmakpr8 : ; c ; JatT
rey XX. ll } < c : Jallrey XXX , 12Jfc : Heave :
Creek AA. 12o : Beaver Creek BB , lie
Beaver Creek CO. 10p.
DkENTucKY JEANS Mnmorial I5c ; Cantoi
ISc ; Durham 2 Kc ; Hercules 18c ; Loamlnt :
ton sane : Cottswold 25c.
CIIASII Stevens' B Oe ; bleached 7c ; Ste
vons' A 7Kc ; bleached 8Uc ; Stevens' P 8 > fc
bleached 9J < c : Stevens' X 9 > c ; bleachei
lOWc : Stevens' S K T MWc.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth $2.b5
plain Holland 8t < c to 'Jo. ; Dado Holluudl2''c '
FLANNELs-Piald IJaflsman 20n ; Goshoi
Vt. 37Wc ; Ou
lilXc ; Windsor * JJ < c. He'd-C , VM inch , 15 > < c
' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " *
25' J.nK.'F.C : , 2l7jVc : . ? f , 350.
CO IFOKTKRS-S0.50@35.00.
BhANKETs-Whlte , 51.00Q7.50 ; colored
1.10 (0.00.
Bt.KAr-iini ) SIIKF.TIKO Berkeley cambric
No. 60 , 8 } < ic ; Uest let , 4-4 , 0 fc ; butter clotl
OO. * i < c ; Cabot , 7Ku : Harwell , oc : Fruit n
V.9JS-8 o . " P" O. Co ; Hqpe.7K'c ; Kin
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdule , H/o ! ; Lout
ale , HKc : New York mills , lOWc ; Poppereli
3 Inch. lOXc ; Pepperell , 4fi Inch , llHc ; Pep
erell , 6-4 , 15c ; Pepperoll. 8-4 , 16c : Pepperei
9-4 , 30u ; Pepperell. 10-4. SHMc : Canton , 4- '
; Canton , 4-4 , 9Hc ; Triumph , 6cV ; m
6uttallc ; Valley , ia ,
nnorr.v SifKeTtans Atlantic A , 4-4 , T/C ! !
ABantlcli , 4-4,7o ; Atlantic D. 4-4,6Wc ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , sjfci Aurora LU 4-4 , We ;
Aurora C , 4-4.4 > ( c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , CWc ;
llooslcr LL , 4-4Mfc : Indian Head , 4-4 7Vc ;
Lawrence LL. 4-4 , S'fc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
r > KcPeppcrellH : , 4-46 } e } I'oppereil O , 4-4.
fie ; Peppcrcll , 8-4. lOc ; Peppcrell , 9-4 , 18c :
Peppereil , 10-4 , eec ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4 fc ;
wachtisett , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 , 0 } < e ;
Anrora B , 4-4 , Co.
DUCK-West Point M In. . 8 or. . lOtfc ; West
Point 39 In. . 10 oz. . 12Kc : West Point 29 In. ,
12 oi. , lie ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , ICc.
Check * Caledonia X. 9 > { ot Calodonla XX ,
Economy to > < c ; Otis 9 to 9 > < c.
General Markets.
Mrimm Cologne spirits. Us proof , 91.10 {
do 101 proof , Sl.13 ; spirit * , second quality ,
101 proof , Sl.lo ; do 188 proof , I1.U9. Alcohol.
IKS proof , A10 per wine gallon. KMlstllled
whlikics , 51.00 < ai.W. Uln blended. $1.503
3.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. S3.00ytfl.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 93.009Q..VJ ;
iolden Sheaf bourbon ana rye whlskl ,
IL5003.0U. Brandies , Imported. SJ.lX S. . ' ;
domestic. | 1.30jM.OU. Gins , Imported. S4.MX §
6.00 ; domestic , 11.25(23.00. Champagnes ,1m-
norted , per case , $38.00 < aa.OO ; ; American , per
HKAVT HA fjwARK-lron , rate , W.70 ;
plow steel , special cast. 44'c ! ; crucible hteel ,
o c ; cait tools , dn. latftlbcj waon spoKes ,
per set , J'J.OOcaVM ; hubs , per set , $1..VJ : fel-
IOAII , sawed dry , 11.60 ; Uinnues. eacb , i0c * ;
axles , each , 76c : square nuts , per Ib , ( V i : < c ;
con chain , per Ib , 0lSc } ( ; inallcabte , 8(410c ;
Iron wedges , 6c ; crow oars , Cc : harrow teeth ,
4Vc ; uprine Mccl , 4C45c ; Bardcn's horse
shoes , | 4.7A ; liurden'A mule shoes , 95.75.
Baroed wire' In car lots , 94.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to CO 13.40 ; steel nails ,
HICKS Oreen butchers' , s gOe ; green
cured. 7c ; dry fltnt , liXiCllctdrv salt,9c ; ereen
calf skins , 7Kc ; damaeed hides , two-thirds
price. Tallow c. Grease Prime white , Sc :
yellow , 3c ; brown , IKc. Sheep pflts , 25 ®
40&COAL E jf , 810.CO ; nut , 810.00 ; ratiRe ,
810.00 ; lowa lump. SS.OO ; Iowa nut , 8'J.75 ;
llllnolsf 84.'J5I.75. _
. Dry Liumber.
A 6 In. White Pine VSZ.M C , 829.50
B " " " 33.50 D , 21.00
K ' " " ( Sel. Fencing.19.00 )
1st and 2nd , clear , l.ljInch , i.2s $50.50
3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50
" " Hm,2in 4 .fX )
A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 40.00
" " 1W , l.H. 2ln 44.00
B " i Inch , 8.2s. , 30.00
" " ltflKln 87.00
Clear Poplar , ix. ; lids. % In. , s. 2 s.$35.50
Kin. Panel , s. as 27.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50
O. G. Baits , 2' $ In 800.75
" Kx3 in , s.l R on.45
3 In Well Tubing , 1) * M and Bev 23.00
Pickets , D. & U. Flat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
No. 1 , com. sis SIK.OO No. 2 , com , s 1 s$17.00
No. 3. $15,50 No. 4 , 813.00
No. 1 , 4 A 0 In , 12 A 14 it , roimh 810.M
No. 1 , " " 16 " " 19.50
No.2 , " ' 1214" " 10.00
No. 2 , " " 16 " " 17.50
A. 12. 14 and 16 ft , § 21.50 C , $15.50
B. " " " 20.50 D. 12.50
1st com , # In White Pine Celling 834.0C
2nd ' * " " " 28.0C
Clear , H' in. Norway " " lfi.OC
nd com. In. " " " 14.0C
A 12 inch s. Is $4. > .5C
No. 1 , com. W in. s. 1 s. , 12 ft 20.5C
' 14 tt 19.0C
" " " " 10 ft 1H.5C
No. 2 , " " " 19.0C
" " 1C tt 17.5C
Inch ( Sronved Hoofing 81.00 per M more
than 12 Inch Stock Boaids same length.
siiiNni.ns. LATH.
XXclear . .83.10 Kxtra * A S2.1K
* A * Standard . . 2.75 * A * 11 BAB 2.5. '
Oln. clear No L. 1.50 Latli 2.0 ;
White cedar , C In. , i s. , 12c ; 9 In. n.r.1. , lie ;
H in. ( irs. , lOc ; 4 in. round l. > c ; Tenuesset
Ked Cedar , split. 15c ; Split Oak. 12c.
Rulncv white lime ( best ) . 90c ; Akron ce
ment , Si.75 ; hair. We ; | ) laster , 52.75 ; tai
boaid , S1.75 ; sash , 40o perct. ; doors , 40 pei
ct. ; blinds , 40c per ct. ; mouldings , 40c pei
ct.tar ; _ Iclt , per cwt. , 82.75 ; straw board
SI. 75.
Com. 4 AO in. Flooring $17.5 (
Star ' " 21.51
Clear % in. Celling 81.5t
" 9f In. Partition V > .W
" Kinlsli.l Al'i'in.s. 2s 29.01
" Corrugated Cellini : , 4 In 25.M
Yellow Plue Casing and Base. . . 27.W
JS3aort Line
The only road to take for DCS Molnes ' nr
ilialltown. Cedar Ifui'lilsCliuton ' , Dlxon. Clilca
ire , Mllwnnkce and ml points east. To the | > ca
plo of NuliraskH , Colorado , Wyomlnjr , Utah
Idaho , Acvai'a , Drown , WashltiKton , nnd Cull
lornla , It oilers superior uUvuiitngcs not possl
bio by any other lino.
Among ; njowo' tno numerous points of BU
P.'u-iority enjoyed by the patrons of tills roai
Itetwuen Omahii und CilcHoaro ! Its two train
a day of DAY COACHKH , which nro the flues
that bumaii art nml Infranuliy cuu croitto. It
PALAOKK SLKHl'lKU OAKS , willed tire model
of comtort und eleirnnce. Its PAItl.Olt DllAW
1NO ItOOM CAUS , unsurnasscd by any. and It ,
widely celebrated 1'AIiATlAL DI.NINO UAHS
the equal of which cannot tie found olsuwhori
At Council IlluffB the trains of the Union I'ncin
Hy. connect in Union Depot with tlioso of tin
Ctalcago & NortbwoBtoru Ity. In Chlciuo tin
ti alns of this line make close connection witl
those of ull eastern linos.
For Detroit. Columbus , Indianapolis. Clncln
nail , Niagara ( "alls , HiitliUo , I'lttnliurirToronli
Montreal. Ho ton , Now Vork , 1'lilladolpliln
Iliiltlmore , Washington and nil points In th
ciist , usk for a ticket /la the
If you wish the best ucconunodatlon , All tlckc
agents t-olltlckols via this lino-
Oenl. Manager , Oenl. 1'oss'r Agent
Cblciuro , ill.
Tf. M.BADCOCK , b.H. I10LLE3 ,
\Vest rn A ent , City PiiaVr Agent ,
OniHlia Naliiiidktu
, , , . , , , , , . , , ,
, , ; ,
' ' ' ' ' '
H'lr * book ( rrn . Should ha rmd bj Kallirn
* " Replete with InrnrtnuUonofTilue to all men.
Copper , Brass , Lead , Zinc , Etc
Will pay good prices. Also bottles bougl
and sold.
114 South llth Street.
M mm ME " ! 41n
, rr known reu. < iT. lu'dlMCovertxi a aUopl ,
m , which bo wUl Knd fj ( Ef to kU fellow luffurt. '
i U J. MirtON.V * < 3 Bu Mil. N * Xa > k Clto
Agricultural Imphments.
Wholtiale float r In
Arrlcultural Implements , Wagons ,
Curtate * an * RiiftlM. Jonri Itrott , tttwcao VUl
anJIOUiOmaha , Nab.
Affrlcnltnrnl Implements ,
Warom.CarrlMea , Hugf In , Htc. . Wholtaalo , Omha.
Whet tAlel > falon In
Agriculinral Implerarnffl ,
Ifaion and Bur lc . ' and TO7 , Jnnri it
I1. P. MAS ! ' ft CO. ,
XUnuftctnror * of
JJHC/-CJ/C DrillSealers , Cultivator *
II T M k , Older Mlll ninl t.ul > n Pulrerlier * . Cor.
Nutlh Dili nnil Mcbulai SHu ,
Wholesale Ai/i'ici < nnr < il Implement *
Wntronsaiul ninr los. onicr Hth\ Nicholas its.
Artists' Material.
A. HOtiPE , JR. ,
Artistff Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
_ : t3 Domini Street. Om h .
tttls and Shoes.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
1111 Farntni it. , Omaba , Nab. Manufactory , Bummw
tre t. lloitim. _
8iicccs or to Hofil. Jotirs A Co. ,
Wholesale Mrttinfiiotim-ri of llnott * Shoo * .
AirlK fnr Itonlon Knbhcr SlimCo. .
lire. 1104 A lim ' < . - ' > < " .i-i.n. NVirn kn.
Coffee , Spicet. Etc.
Otnnha Coffee ninl fpleo Mills. Tens , ColTccs
Hplccs , llaklntr Powder , Klavorliiir Kxtrauti
LnuinlrjItluolnk.etc. . HH-H1U Harncy St-
Umabn , Nobraskn ,
Crockery and Glassware
Af ntfor * heMiii > if ctureri and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
% lmp § , Chlmuej , , etc. Office , 81T Boulh llth M.
OtMUa. Nil I ) .
Commission and Storage.
J > . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Batter. K and Produce. ConilntD nn lollcltfd.
Headquarter * for Ptnnewaro , llfrrr Hoxra and
Urtpe lUHnm. nil lodieitr ) t.maha.
Storage and Commission Merchant * ,
fpecl m t B'ittor , Kggt. 1'hoeie , I'oiltrr , Utmo ,
Ojitcri. etc. . ete. JUS. iltb St.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Fonltrjr , llutUr , Qnm * . KrulH , etc. M ) B. Hthtt
Umibn. Neb.
Lbtntili.-hiul It'j.
Successors to MnSlmne A Schroedor.
l'roil\icu ComtnlHsion unil
Oinahn , Nob.
Coal , Coke and Lime.
Qto. * ' . LAHAOH. rrcn. C. 7. rjoonMAN , T. Pitsa.
J. A. HUNinni.AND , See. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
8M South Tblrtaentb Stroct , Omibn , Nob.
,1. it.
Mannfacturors of Illinois White Lime.
And Shipper ! ! of ( > enl nml Coki * , Conitint , IMniter.
Unie , H lr. Flro Brick , Hinln , Tile ninl S w r I'lpe ,
Offliv , I'aiioi * . Hotel n'im > t. , Onmha , .Nob.
Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
iUS. 13lli t.Omnlin , Nob.
Dry Goods and Motions.
M. E. SMITH < C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishiiifir Goods & Notions
1105 and 11M Doutflan , cur. llth yt.Onmhn.Neb.
CO. ,
Importers nnil Jobbers Dry Good ? . Notion' ,
dents' Fiiuii-ililnk : ( iuojs. cor. llth & IlHrnoy
Bt . . Oin lin
Wliolusalo Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam itOmaba. . Neb.
Furniture , Jieililinfr , Ujiholstcry ,
Ulrron.etc. J20i,12M and 1210 Farnnra et. . Omaba ,
Oioceriet ,
' , LAG HER tC CO. ,
Wholpsalo flroccries and ProvisioiiH ,
Noe. 705.707 , TOD anil 711 S. 10th ft , Omahit , Neb.
McCORD , Jt.KAVY , t4 CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
lln nnil IjCaTenwortli t . , Omnha.
19. lail.iai IlittnoySt. , Omalin , Neb.
Wholennlc Gro-ers ,
IIHnnO 1110 ll'irnry Ptrpot , Omnha.
Jolljers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aitenla for Hciwe Seal * *
und Mlanil rowderCi > . , OinahitNpli.
Builders'Hardwarc&SRale Repair Shoi
Uechinlc > ' Tooli * n < l Buffalo SctUn. llOo Iaujl § iu
Omaha. N t > .
RI.OJ.M < iVV ILtlh-I .M y CU. ,
Whnlcudlc Ilnrdu'ai'c ,
10th and Hnrney Htrootn , Onialm. Nob.
WePtcrn AtriMitH lor Austin i'owdiir Co. , Ji'ffor
eon ijtrol Nnlls , ralrbanki Suunluul Hualea.
Heavy Hardwart
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnga , Wacon Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 130
and 1,111 rurner it. , Omilm.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wnnon nncl CarrluKo Wood Htook , Hearr Hardware
Ktc. 1217 und 121'J Leuvrnwortb ( t. , Onialm , Neb.
Hats , Caps , Ete.
lidtX , f'UUS tC
Woo/I- * ,
HOT IlHrney Street , Omnhii , Neb ,
DKtlllen nf I.lqunrt , Alcohol and Splrlti. Importer !
anil Jobbersof WlneiunU Llquori.
CO. and ILER 46 CO. ,
Importers and Jobber * of Fine Wines and Uqnon
BolomanuUeturarsof Knnedr' K t lnrti lilt-
ten it nil Duueitle Llquori. 1112 HurnerBU
Dealt' . . All Kinds of
Bullillnsr Material at Wholesale.
Utb Street and Onion Pacific Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Llmr , Sash
Ooon.Ktc. VardCorner7th and Douglaii Cora *
tlli nd Douilal.
C. Jf. DIE'VZ ,
13th and California Ftreeti. Om ha. Neb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ete. , Etc ,
and liouila * t , OmHUa.Ne j.
To Dealers Only.
dace , U03 r rn m itrcet , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cirpitt and r rqn t Flooring. Sth and Ponfltf
Wholcinlo Lumber , Etc.
Imported and Antrknn Portltnrt Cement. Pint *
AntfarMllwukee Hydraulic Cu ut inij licit
and totiont.
Importers anil Jobber * nf
MIUIttci'H and Notlonn.
Ja ttth St.
Wholt l D lf n In
Notions and Fnrnlsulnir Goods ,
KM mid 40i B. Ttnth Bt. , ninth * .
Wholesale Notion * and Gent * '
it lulling Goodn ,
HOfi llnrncr Htrect. Omaha , Nob.
Wholrsaln Dealers In
Refined and Lnbrlcatina
AxIddrcRsi- . Omatiii , Nob.
A. H , Illshop , Manuirur.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Orrr a nice itrck nf I'rlntluir , Wrapplaf. ami Writ
Ing purer. SpceUl attention flrto to car l * 4or
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Piiblinhers.
Malm In Typo , Preii * * and Prlntin' Suppllti. 101
South Twelfth Street.
Rubber Goods.
llunufncturer find Deaturi In ill kind tot
H libber Goods ,
Oil Cliithlne nd I.e mtirr Ili-lllng. 1003 Karnam * t
5 earn fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Pnmiifi , Pipea and Euglncs ,
8tam. W tr. Rallwir and Milling Suppllci. It *
MD. gaandHaKamaui ai.On k . rl ti.
Wholesale * Pumps , Pipe , Fitting * .
BMamnnd Water Suppllet. Headquarter * for VlMt
WwtOn'lo.vli. niH.rn m it..Oiai h.N t > .
B llid T\Vlnd Mlln : fleam and Wntar Supnlle * .
I'lumbmg Ooi'd" . Ueitlnf. Hone. IHrt anil MO Fur *
nam it. , Omaha. 8. K. Keltnn , Managtr. ) .
Mtnufncturori iind Deklort In
s , iioilcrt ) & tionerul Machlnory
Iron Work.Btcuui luinp < * . SUIT Mills ,
tli bt.,0inulm.
Farm , Field and Garden Seed * ,
Nns. nil-mil Jones Stroct. Omaliii. Nob.
Storage , forwarding & Commission.
Storage , Fonrardinti I5 Commission
Ilranoli luniso of the Monney llugxy Co. Ilnir-
plos ut wlioluHHlu anil retail. Nos. 130B , lIllO
ninl llt ! I/.ard St. , Oniahn , Nob. Toloiiliono
No. 7f,0.
Teas and Cigars
Importers ninl Jobbers of
Zeus find Cli/tira ,
Hplccs and Onlay lluklituPonilur. . KIO anil UtS
llnrney Street. , Omiilui , Nob.
John Epenctor , Prop.
llannfaetiiror of flalvanlicil Iron and Comic * . Xt
Iod o and 103 and IDS N , 10th nt. Umalia. Net ) .
Sn.ole Staks. . Boilers , Etc
ii. / * " . N Air rait ,
MnnnfiiPtiirincrDculor in SniokoStacks ,
Ilrltelh3 | , Tiinks , unil ( iono'Hl Hollar lleimlrhir.
ill. Dinl d Iri'i-t.Oiniilm
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrouiht nnrt Cait Iron BullilInK Work , Iron Pt.ilrf ,
lIullTiiK. lleum * nnil ( ilrilem. Micum Eniiluvn , llru
Work , Gtmirftl ffoniulry , Mnthlnu nnrl IllHCkHnillti
Work , onice an J Works , tl. I * . Ity.
MHIIUlllL'tllU't-ri ' Of
ll'ircnnd Iron Iliiilinuri , Icnt Kails ,
Window ( luurdB , I'loworSliimls , Wlru aitfii8oto.
UM N. ItHli.
G. Andrc'in , Proprietor.
Maniifncturor of Fire arid Iliirtflnr 1'root Safes.
Viuilip , .Inll Woik. lion nml Wlru renuinfr ,
, oto. Cor. llth ninl . .liirkton . ( limilui.
IA v
Maniifactiircrs of Overalls ,
Jo n § I'antt , Sblrti , Ktc. 11IK smlllOl Dou ; lit * Htreot ,
_ U.intln , Nob.
Hash , Doors , Etc.
Wliolenalo Mnnufarturcriot
Sash , DOOI-M , BliiulH nnd
llranch oajeu.liiU him Ir.rl u. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulcl'jiuB.Ktftlr ' Work and Interior Hani Woml Klnli
Juit opunvil. N. K. for. Stli nnd Lou > ouwurtU bit.
Omalm , Nub.
Manufacturers of Monlillnirs , Hush , Doors anil
ItllndB/rurnliiir .Stiilr-woik. Hunk and
nilloo Kitting.
2jth mill 1'opplfton Avcnno ,
Brewers ,
L icr Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North 18ih fltroct , Omaha , Neb.
C. R. I'AI.MIHl. N I' . ItlCIIMAN. .1. II. 111. INCIIAIIO
Live Stock Coininlxulon Mci'chtitlf > ,
Oltlcc ltdoni'JI. Opposlto Kxchaiw ) IliilMlntr ,
Union Block Vnrds , .South Uniiilin , Nub.
McCO V liROS. ,
Live Stock Commission MorchanH.
Uurkot furnliiticd free nuuppllritllon. titci kir , ni
fi'Hdrn ( ilrnUliPil on KO'xl tornit Heraraao *
Omilm .SHIIUIIU ! II ink xnd Hniitli ( linuh.i N ill nit
llnlun Stuck Vnrd , , Houth OinuliH.
Live Static CoininlHilon ,
Koom 15 DxchiuiKii liulUllnir , Cnlon fit otic
Yards , Honlli Oimilm , Noli.
Commission Deulors In I.lvo Sto k , Itootn " 'lKs
ulntiiKii llnlldlnir , I'nion Mock Yds. , S. Onialm
Korcrcnccs I'nion Nal'l lliinkiiiiihaL'nloti (
.SIOCK Vanls Hank. H. Omalin , 1' S. Huwliiy
1'n 8. Am. Hunk \ Trust Co. . Onmhii.
ComiriiKSlon Poulnrs In l.lro Stork , Itootn 3
Opio9ltn | I'.TChanitd Iliillillinf , Union Htoclc
Ynrd , Soutli Oinahn , Null. '
Of Omaha.
Limited , jotm V. llojd , B'irx-rlctcr.denU