Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Folaok , the Clothier , Fails for One Hundred -
drod and Twenty-Four Thousand.
Unprofitable Ilranch Stores and the
Credit System ttio Cnuno of
tlio IJrcak-Down Mr.
1'ulack Explain * .
A Financial Craiti.
Yesterday the ntartlititf rumor was
Afloat about the city that Alexander
Polack , the well known clothing iloalcr ,
had failed. It caused quite n commotion
among the business men of this city , and
us the rumor HP road It caused the ut
most aurpriso wherever it was heard.
1'olack Is one of the pioneer business men
of Omaha , having been hero twenty-two
years. As his business grow in proportions
tions hero ho started branch stores. The
first ouo was at Cboyonnc ,
and | n March , 1830 , ho opened
one at Huron , Dak. Everybody sup
posed that Polack was doing a moneymaking -
making business , and Ins downfall was
tiuiroloro a great surprise.
Tliu first public information of the fall-
tire was made when his Farnam street
Ftorc was closed under papers secured by
Thurston & Hall , attorneys of tliu
Mr. I'oluck was interviewed by a HIK
reporter last evening und made the fol
lowing statement of facts :
"I have had no trouble in Omaha , but
they jumped on mo at Huron , Dak ,
Of course I know that this thing
was coming on , and I have done all that
I could to hold it oil' . In the first placu
I secured all. of my confidential money
by putting it in luy stock hero and in
Huron. 1 lie store that I had an interest
in at Cheyenne I sold a few days ago tc
my partner , 1. ( Jreontreo , and the store
is Htill open and will pay all liabilities. "
The closing fcreditors , who had mort
gages , are as follows :
.Merchants'National biuikOmnlm..S41ftOO 00
Huron National bank : i,7M 00
SollKiimn , .May k Co. , Now York. . U,07J : 40
Howard bank , Uaitlnmro 2.VX ) Ofl
P. . ) . Uorlmrdt & Co. , Now York. . 4.019 51
J ) . H. Stein Chicago 1,000 Ofl
Jacobs & Sachs , Cincinnati 4U7 75
"Tho above , " said Mr. Polack-
"makes the total amount duo to confi ,
dcntial creditors about $01,000. Outside
of that i owed nearly $00,000. As I
stated , the confidential money is all secured -
cured , although I am tumbleto state
how much money my entire stock will
estimate at. I tried to pull through , but
it was impossible , and 1 thought it best
to quit while 1 could settle my conlidon-
tial money.
'There arc several causes for this fail
ure. When I started the Huron store 1
wont cast and purchased my goods on
credit. The crops failed in Huron niu !
vicinity , there became a dearth
of money , nnd the store dul
not pay. 1 have to pay out big interest
money in Huron , in Now York and in
this city. The branch stores have been
nn litter failure , and it lias been througti
them to a largo extent that my failure
ensued. Among the other main cause ?
for the failure has been my inability tc
collect outstanding accounts , whiel
naturally were incurred through tlu
credit system which 1 unfortunately cs
kablished. "
The Failure at Huron.
lluiiox , Dak. , Oct. 0. ( Special Teleeran
to the UKI : . ] Thn failure of A. Polack & Cent
nt Omaha carried down their branch liousi
hero. Late last night a local bank Tiled i
niortsa-0 for 54,000 , the Merchants' Nationa
bank of Omaha tiled nno for $41,000 , the How
aril National bank of Baltimore one for S4,00i
and several other smaller ones In favor o
private parties. The failure at Omaha 1
( aid here to be for S1 0UOO. The Huron man
BKC ; expects to open by the 1st of November
A Floater Found in the Misnourl Bu
Not Ynt Identified.
Yesterday evening about ' 1:30 : o'clock
as a B. iV M. freight train was approach
iug the city a short distance above Git
son , ono of the brakcmen , William Mar
tin , noticed a dead body lying in tin
river a short distance from the bank. Tlu
train was'stbppcd and Martin and tin
other train hands , by moans of the ashei
scraper , drew the remains to the haul
Coroner Urexel was notified and re
paired to the spot. The body was dc
composing rapidly , the head being badl
ewollcn. An inquest was hold and a vet
diet returned that the deceased had prol
ably como to his death from drowning
The body was ouoasod in blacd pants ,
gray vest and a checkered coat. Ho woi
n black felt hat drawn tightly over h
head. His mustache was red. Tli
body was that of a youn
man but the ago cotil
not accurately bo dctcrminci
In ono of the pockets was found half
do/.cn advertising cards of Hasmusson
restaurant , on South Seventh street :
silver-plated baogo , engraved "Frcigt
Urakoinan , C. * N. W. It. H. , " with
long braid used to attach the same to
brakcman't ) cap ; a bunch of brass koyi
ono used for a caboose door and anothe
evidently a switch key , and stamped wit
the letters of "U. , H. & ( . } . - , " an ovi
badge of German silver , with a cross ei
closed. The oval was inscribed with tl
words , "All Saints' Uhoir , " and on tl
cross was engraved the ntuno "James 1
Nelson. " licsidos , there was a pocki
knife , a number of .small buttons ur
other articles of no value. In the clip
of All Saints' church there is or was
boy named Kschol Nelson , and the bad ;
above referred to evidently belongs
him , though it is not thought th
ho is the party who was found dot
yet , it is thought to bo a relative of li
or a member of the same family , bccau
iissociatcs of young Nelson say ho livi
in the vicinity of Seventh street , tl
neighborhood of which the decoasi
must have frequented from the keys ai
railroad badges found in his pos.sessio
Tint remains will bo interred by t !
county this morning.
PrcHlilcnt Clovolnnd'H Tlmn-Cnrd ,
The Chicago , St. ' I'aul , Minneapolis
Omaha railway has issued a special tun
card for the train which will boar t
presidential party from Minneapolis
this city. The train will leave the form
eity at 8 o'clock to-morrow evening , ai
will arrive at Sioux City at 7 o'cloi
Wednesday morning. This train w
have the absolute right of the tra
over all other trains , and the latter w
not bo allowed the track thirty minut
prior to the special train , it will mane
no stops between Minneapolis and Slo
City except for water , fuel , and at cro.
ings , and the rate through stations w
not exceed six miles an hour. The fi
lowing timo-nard for stops lus ue
issued :
St. Janu-s , 1:05 : a. in. ; llutterlleld , 1 : !
Mountain hike , 1:40 : : Ulngham Ijako , 1 : . '
Wliulom , 'Jl)5 : ) ; Hlmi Switch , 'J:10 : ; Wild
U'JO : ; Heron Lake , 2a' : > : Pralrln Junctif
J:43 : ; lltpwstflr. 'JVJ : ; Worthlncton. 3 :
Sioux Falls Junction , 3-fi : ; Summit , ! ! : '
UlKi-low. : S9 : Slbloy , 3 : . ' 7 ; Ashton , 4 :
Kilter , 4:24 ; Sheldon , 4St ) ; llospers. 4 :
Alton , 5:14 : ; Carncs , 5 : ' . ; iSenoy , V.10 ;
1 Mars , 0:51 : ; Sioux City , 7 ,
From Sioux City ho will comb direct
Council Ulufl's and Ouiahit. .
The Odd Fellows' ball takes place to
There will bo an attempt made lo-
night to pass the city waterworks ordi
nance at the council meeting.
It is understood that to-day the con
tractors will begin grading N street from
the railroad to Twenty-fourth street.
The shooting match was poorly at'
tended yesterday and but small scores
worn made.
Charles Allen , the boy who was hurt
last week by a 13. & M. engine , is almost
The travel on the dummy trains yr.s-
tcrday would hardlv pay for the service.
William Weaver , of Muscatlne , la. ,
was in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Weber , of Davenport ,
la. , were calling on friends Sunday.
Charles Hcnsen entertained n number
of friends from Omaha yesterday.
The brick block on the corner of
Twentieth and N street will bo ready for
occupancy about the last of tills week.
Jen Thorwald. a Swedish resident of
this city , employed in ono of the pacing
houses , recently received from Stockholm
$7,000 as his share of a fortune left by the
death of a relative.
Some of the boilers for Swift's packing
house were put in position last week.
A two round fiasco took place on the
streets last night between a couple of
business men. No damage was done.
II. Zimmor , Fred Landes , Adolph C.
Lutnnd Kuirono Uchring were the
guests of Judge Heuthcr Sunday after
noon and all had a very pleasant time.
Nearly All Arrangements For tlio
Week's Invents Completed.
The various committees of the Knights
of Pythias , which arc making arrange
ments , for the events of the coming week ,
mot at the ollice of French & Clark ,
IJouglas street , yesterday morning. Tliero
was a larco attendance , and Chairman
French presided. The various reports of
committees showed Hint allot the various
arrangements were coming to a culmi
nation in a gratifying manner , and that
everything pointed toward the all'air as a
big success. It was decided to oiler prizes
for the best drilled Omaha divisions , anil
the sums wore sot at $100 for the first
prize , $50 for the second and § 25 for the
third. All members of the various com
mittees were requo.ito.d to meet in full
uniform at the regimental headquarters
KcHtltntlon nnd Kclcnse.
At the Union Pacific depot last night ,
just before the arrival of the west-bound
overland train , Ofllccr Uempsoy arrested
Fannie Carroll and her husband on com
plaint of Kmtna lietcher , and Mrs.
Stein , who charged the prisoners with at
tempting to depart with dress material
which Mrs. Carroll had undertaken to
make up for the complainants. The de
fendants wore on their way to Portland ,
Ore. As they had their trunks shipped
ahead they claimed that they could not
make restitution until they reached their
destination , and as a pledge that the
dresses woulu bo returned Mrs. Uctchor
was given an old watch and some money.
Mrs. Stein received about $11-50 in
money. The couple was released and
they boarded the train and left the city.
Tailed AH n Crook.
William Bruncr , wiio claims to bo a
farmer , but who is alleged to be a crook ,
appeared before Judge Berka charged
with forgery. Ho was held over to the
district court tinder $1,200 bonds.
Bruner visited Woodbridge , the music
dealer , Friday and decided to buy a $500
Knabo piano. Wooduridgc thought that
ho had made a good sale , and in conse-
qucncn ho took the supposed purchaser
up to his house , entertained him during
the remainder of the day , and gave him
n soft couch to rest his weary head upon
curing the night. Saturday Brunei
came into Woodbridgo's store and asked
for paper for the purpose of writing n
letter. He got one of tlio firm's Icttot
heads and wrote a letter asking for en
tertainment elsewhere , and purporting
to bo written by Mr. Woodbridgo. lit
was caught in his crookedness and con
sequent ! } ' arrested.
The Metropolitan Cable.
The Metropolitan Cable company has
at last commenced to move. Presidcni
Underwood has boon in New York during
the past month making arrangements
and contracts for the manufacture of the
necessary material , and the. building ol
the lines. A large portion of the mate
rial is now on its way fo this city , ant
will probably arrive hero to-morrow
President Underwood is also on hia waj
to this citv. The ofllccrs of the company
will not stafo what street they intend t <
open on , but they recognize tlio fact tha
the limit of their franchise will close ii
less than forty days from date , and tha
if they do not commence work befon
that time their franchise will bo void
It is stated on good authority that th
company will put in considerable con
struetion work before frost sets in.
Newsboys and Hoottilncks.
The plan of the Omaha City Mission ii
changing the time of entertaining th
boys socms to have been an admirabl
ono. At 4:30 : yesterday afternoon abon
twenty-five were on hand. Charlie Key
nolJs addressed the boys. They listunc
attentively and scorned to bo imprcssc
by the advice given. Tlio subject c
securing a newsboys' and bootblacks
homo was proposed to them. A desir
was expressed by all that ono bo pro
vidnd. As soon as the mission can ascoi
tain whether there are enough to warraii
the ellbrt it will prosecute the worK t
For fear of losing's work , man
persons put oil' takn.g physic until Sa
unlay. Tlio better plan is not to dela
but take it as soon as needed , it may sav
you n hard spell of sickness. If you war
the most benclit from the least amount c
physio without causing you any incoi
venionco , loss of appetite or rest. lal <
Sf. Patrick's Pills. Their action on tli
liver and bowels.arc thorough , they giv
a freshness , tone and vigor to the who ]
ystom and act in harmaxy with nature
Tom Murray , the builder of the pa
tially completed hotel on Fourteen !
street , has been arrested for violation <
r the city ordinance by obstructing tl
rI sidewalk with building material. II
I will prububly apjiuur in court this menThe
5 Inf |
The KvniiKolical Lutheran Kmanm
association has tiled articles of ineorp
ration with tliu count.v.ulurk. Tliu obju
of tlio corpoiatlon is for works of more
mid charitable purposes , for tlio relief <
tliu sick ami the suH'cring , and for tl
euro mill education of orphans and n
fleeted childrenanil itlso for the suppo
of widows and aied people , without re
reiico to creed , color or natiotmlit
The association is oryanl/ed for a peril
of thirty years. The ineorporators a
K. A. Foglcstrom , J. O. Dutweiler , Jol
K llolin , S. V. Gustrtvsou and A.
Dr , S. U. Patten , . dentist , room HI
H atu < ; o buildius , Ouialia. Telephone
DCS Motncs boasts at 100 dwellings : n
i , twonty-livxj budiuvss 'liotues built tli
scusou. . . . " . '
The Dangerous Task of a Fireman A Life
of Exoitementi .
The Chief's of ttio 1'Ast Personnel
of the Dopnrtinnnt A Well
Equipped Brlicade The
Engine Home * .
ticrnl ,
The marvels of electricity and steam
are no where more visible than in the
changes wrought in tlio lire department
systems throughout the world. To the
shadowy past , n tradition , is rclog.itcd
the old volunteer llreman for ho has sur
vived the necessity of his use and pro
gress would have to recede lustead of
advancing could the day of his prowess
and valor bo recalled. Ho will long live
in the grateful memory of posterity for
his bravery was heroism , and his life and
limb wcro ever risked in tlio safety of
his follow citizen's property and person
without ono thought of anticipated re
ward. ' He is growing old now , Is the old
lire laddie , and time has stolen trom him
his supple vigor of limb and muscle of
old , but for allthat his lire is not con
sumed , but rekindled into llame us bright
as the polished brass on the old machine
when memories of his red-shirted days of
glory are recalled. Ho forgets his rheu
matic pangs , reminders of long forgotten
colds contracted from over-heated lire
races , and spins with vim his yarn of the
days when the No. 1 and the Dig U met
on the level , neck to neck and the rival
companies , with every energy bent and
every muscle strained to its utmost , sped
on like the wind with but ono ambition
in the world , to bo the first to reach the
beckoning llames. Ho will point you to
the old trumpet hung upon the wall like
the warrior's sword , and regard it with
pride , for through it ho otton yelled the
cheering cry that led to victory , "jump
her ; jump her , jump her down. "
is discovered along joist and lumber. A
quick pull at the cornet box and the vis
ible but potent agent of electricity sounds
a gong at tlio engine house a mile away
awakening men ever sleepinir like sol
diers on the cvo of battle. The same un
seen agent unfastens bolts and bars and
releases horses from their couplings in-
staneously and m another minute , or ore
the indicator has told the location of the
llamc so far away , the spirited horses
with aparatus and men equipped are
dashing direct to tlin spot like an atrow
from the bow. Another minute , and
hose is ail justed to the neighboring j > lu
and the hissing sound as if of a mam
moth serpent's dying pain , proclaims
that the llanio is spent and dead. And
so quietly lias the whole work been ac
complished that the neighbors a few
blocks off will only know of the occurrence -
renco when they read it in the morning's
paper. Contrast this perfection with the
time when smoke by day and llamc by
night guided tlio toiling liromnn pulling
the heavy engine and trusting to iielj ;
picked up"on tlu > way to lighten his bur
den and the pictures are us the loco
motive and dromedary.
The organisation of
"Tho Pioneer Hook and Ladder , " was
founded upon necessity and effected by
its charter January 17,1801. The forma
tion of other companies followed am !
their efforts in the protection of mop
erty are matters of history , redounding
in their credit , for bravery and solf-sac-
rilico. Still as viewed in tlio light of to
day's events , tlio old volunteer depart
nient was a crude affair.and that Omaha ,
which was then a wooden city , was
not consumed entirely by the visita'
tion of a great lire was more duo t <
Providence in preventing it , than tin
ability of tlio firemen to cope with it
Thoe'lVortsof other cities in the porfectioi
of their lire systems and the institutioi
of paid departments of professional lire
men , whoso and attention distractei
.from other pursuits led to new discover
ies ami mechanical contrivances for tin
mastery of llamos , led the. Omaha pe <
pie to adopt a similar organization. A
iirst , this organisation , cffeeti'din 1870 b ;
the consolidation of all the existing com
panics , was a partially paid , partial ! ;
volunteer department. This , too , wa
the case in most of the oilier cities of tli' '
country. It was hard for the old firemai
to relinquish his hold upon th
engine , difficult to persuade him tha
machinery and horse-power wore sup
plotnontine Ins use. Hero , as elsewhere
lie succumbed at last to the iron discipline
plino put upon him , and rcali/.cd in tun
that the new order was by far the better
So ho gradually dropped out , his grutui
tous services being performed by pai <
men , who made of nis old pastime
trade , and the nucleus of the presen
department was formed , increasing wit.
the city's grow tli until it has attained it
present existence.
The following are the names of
with their dates of service : A. J. Simr. .
son , 180(1 ( ; J. V. Sliecly , 1808 ; J. Marko
1870 ; Charles Simpson , 1871 ; .1. J. Call
gan. 1873 ; Frank KlofVner , 1877 ; J. , .
( ialligan , 1878 ; John H. Hutlcr , 1882 , an
J. J. Ualligan , 183i ( , the present encuii
As existing to-day the lire dopartmor
of Omaha comprises six companies , nun
bored from ono to six , exclusive of tw
hook and ladder companies. With tli
exception of the two latter coiupanu
and the chemical engine , the apparati
in use is exclusively hosu carts. Thei
are thri'o steamers standing in as man
engine houses , but barred from activil
from the absence of any connection wit
them of hteam retorts , which would ii
sure tluiir immediate need if called inl
use. Jt is claimed that steam * can be gei
crated from cold water in them by meat
of lire alone in tlireu and a half minute
sufficient to throw a stream , but ailini
ting this fact as possible , it can scarce !
bo supposed that the stream thus pn
duccU would be capable in force to r
work on the high buildings throng ;
out the city. The water power supplii
by the reservoir is alone used , and i
course this pressure ) must diminish wlu
distributed to additional pings , which tl
city's incro'iso will demand. These ei
gines , capable of such prompt and pov
erful action , are a sad sight standii
neglected and alone , particularly aft
costing the eity so much for their pu
chaso. The steamer , known as tl
"Hlack Maria , " was sold to a junk deal
for $ ! ! ! > , and unless the threp ongin
standing idle are converted into u > o
may bo presumed they will follow tl
junk dealer's route , too.
save the ono of No. 3 , on Harnoy strcc
are city property , and each , except th
ono , is a model of neatness and clean !
ness. Ono might cat a meal from tli
spotless lloors and a lady might ma !
her toilet before their burnished brassc
Poor No. 3 wears anything but a Goi
bless-our-homo look. The dopartme
in its actual employ has titty-two nn
and seventeen horses , and its payroll
presented for the month of August she )
an expenditure of $4,635.50. This sum
exclusive of horseshoeing , feed and r
pairs to apparatus , and embraces on
wages , rent and payment for electric
supplies. Two new four-wheel hosocai
have been.ordered , which will necesi
tate the purchase of four addition
horses. Several improvements n
contemplated , looking toward the great
perfection of tUo entire dopartmei
The following is I
of the department , with the liuo of sc
vice and the company of each roan , to
gether with the location of the tarloua
engine houses.
J. J. Galilean , chief ; C. A. Salter , first
assistant ; J. J. Utrnes , second assistant ;
J. C. I'urrish , . secretary ; John Morse ,
superintendent of fire alarms ; Harrison
Miller , lineman ; ! H. L. Hamaclotti , vcter-
nary surgeon and George Ulabo , chief's
No. 1. Twenty-fourth and Saunders
streets. Captain Georgn Windhclm ;
driver , George Crcnger ; pipemen. I/owls
Cassidy , James Gonncley , J. C. Wilson.
No. a. Tenth--street between Douglas
and Farnam streets. Captain , Theodore
Grebe ; driver , James Travnor ' ; pipomen ,
John Murphy , John Mo'Brido , William
Crallc and John Lank.
No. 3. Harney street between Thir
teenth nnd Fourteenth streets. Captain ,
William Webb ; driver , William J. Raney
pipomen , Patrick Noouau and Joseph
No. 4. Eleventh and Castellar streets.
Captain. Samuel Crowley ; driver ,
August Williams ; pipe man , George Mil
No. 5. Phil Sheridan street. Captain ,
George A. Coulter ; driver. Morris Tur-
tlcson ; pipemen , Nvilliam Ellis and John
No. 0. Sixteenth nnd l/.ard streets.
Captain , Frank Graves : driver , \V. H.
Lamond ; pipemon , L. H. Winslow , M. J.
Mulvanoy , John Taggart.
Hook and Ladder No , 1 , stationed at
3's house. Captain , John Burdick
lieutenant , Henry Logcs ; driver , Kdward
Dvvyor , laddcrnicn , James Uulaney , Jos
eph Wavnn , James Cornnck , P. Mc
Guiro. G. H. Patton , N. Nelson ; tiller-
man , C. II. I'rinirle.
Hook and Ladder No. 3 , at No. 1 en-
glno house. Captain , John Simpson ,
driver , M. J. Carter ; laddormen. 1) . P.
Heard , H. Clements , William Kedllold ,
A. Van Allstine , George Barnes.
In its entirety
is not a happy one and ho earns dearly
every dollar of his salary. His long an'd
enforced hours of case are spent in con
stant dread of the anticipated alarm , and
ho sleeps in apprehension of a
sudden awakening. In season and out
ho must face all kinds of weather and
to hesitate in entering the burning bulM-
ing , albeit tlio walls are cracking , is sub
jection for him to tlio brand of cowardice ,
ills bravery is forgotten witli the occasion
calling it forth , and his glory is
posthumous , hardly that , for the bones
of the liremcn who went to their death
amid the fallen walls of the Grand Cen
tral hotel on that September night in 187b
are yet unhonored by the erection of any
public monument over them. Tliero is
inoio truth than poetry in the doggerel
on No. 5's engine house walls :
When lire Is called and dancer Is nl.u'h
"Cinil and the luoniun , " is the people's cry.
When tint tire is quenched and nil Is rUliteil ,
God and the lirenien are both
Absolutely Pure , ,
This powder never varlHS. A mnrvclof put
tj.stroturUi and wholcsomoness. Mara ccou
omlcnl than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bi
noMln competition with the multitude of lot
cost short wclirht nlum or pho'plmto powdern
Bold only In c n < J. ItoYAt , BAKINII POWDEH C
101 Wall-st. . N. T.
Importer's Prices
lllood polun
vnercul tain
gleet smttiir
mnliul mil
sluns , IOKI i
eexunl | > wo
weakness c
the sexual u
pang , want i
dexlro In mi
or f e in n I
whether fro
1 in p r ti d e 11
i h a U i t B i
; yotimj or to
; unl habits
5'initnte jcai
. or any can
I the b e i u ;
f n n < tion
speedily n t
Consultation frte and strictly conllilcntl ;
Mctllcluu ttut free from ol pt > atlon tn all ) > ai
of the United Ststej. Corrqjpomlence ri'Ci-U
tirpnipt attention. No letter ) answered nnlc
accompanied by four ecnti In tAtnp Send I
cents In ttamp for pamphlit and Hit of ( jucetloi
Ttriflietrlctlr caili. Call on or addrenn
No. 311 South 13IU bt. . Onmlia , Neb ,
CUllKS COIKJII * . O ) M > S ASTII M \ , llltONOI
Oil. will Doploued to lenrn Hint Dr. Wllborhu t
cct'ilrd , from Ulrectlnnn uf etivvriil K <
tUmeii , In coiibtnlng Hiopurj Oil ami I.lint ) 111 u
nmanni-r tUut u U pleit'aiit to ( lie tittn. nlV-1
uTe-'U In l.u m cjmplilnti nrj truly wonder 1
Verr many iM-rnoni wnoto cn e wuru iironoum
hopelex. nidoliii ImJ taken Hi Oil jciralo
tluia without ni'irkoil oloct. liavu bojn entln
rurocl by unlng till * ' itreparttlftn. lla tnrn > tn < l u
the iti'nuln * . Munufnc-tute 1 only by A. U , W1MH
Clieailii , Uuitau.
Be disappointed , it you look to us for thoroughly good , new and fash
ionable clothing , hats and furnishings , for men'and boys , we have an
immensely large and attractive stock to chose from. But it is not
alone our superior assortment upon which we claim your patronage.
It is our methods of doing business ,
Strictly one price and the same marked in plain figures on each article. '
Money refunded for anything that can be bought cheaper elsewhere , ,
or that is not satisfactory , if promptly returned.
These methods demand attention , not only from those who seek to
secure poods at the lowest prices , but also from those buyers who lack
implicit confidence in their own judgment , as they can depend upon
honest treatment. It is our aim to so please those who once deal with
us , that they will ever after be our patrons.
Our Boys' department has , during the past few days , received many
additions. We open today
250 all wool plaited Norfolk Suits , knee pants , at $2.50. Just the thing
for boys who are hard on clothes , The material is durable and
they are made strong. The same suit costs in other houses , at >
least $4.00.
All goods marked in nlain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company
IB ? w
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
wno ! ' rvAC < jrii Tr.Dtiin THE ocoauiriir or im
Ky rcaion of Ita ctntral position c.oio relation to llnea
Knit of Chicago , and conttrujuj lines at terminal
points Writ , Northwest and Sodthwoit , Ii the trua
mldJlo link In that tiAn contlnentai intern which
Invllf.i and ficllltntea trarol ana ttafllo between tha
AtUutla and 1'aclflc.
The Reck Isliai ci Ia llaa an4 branches Includ * Chi-
cngro. JoJlct , OttaTra , lle , Tcorla. Genereo , Vollna
and Hock Island , In Illinois ; Davenport , tluicatlne ,
Washlucton , Falrflcld , Ottumu a , O kalooia , West Lib.
tic , KnoxYllto , Amlulion , Harlan , Oathrlo Centra anct
Council llluff , lnlnn * : Oallatln , Trenton , St. * < epn ,
Cameron and Kans.n City , In Mlrsourlt I.CRI .worth
anil AtcMson , InKanaani Albert Lou , Mlniiea poll * and
Bt. I'ftulln511nnf < otni Wntcrtown nnil Bloux Kalli.lp
Dakota , and hundred. . * of Intermediate cities and ton ns.
' . 'The Great Rock Island Route"
Guarantors rpeed , comtort , certainty and safety. Its
pf rmancnt way In distinguished for Its excelle nro. Ita
trlilgf * are of Mono and lion. Ita track Is of solid
teol , Its rollIflB stock perfect. Its pa seneor cqulpm nt
has all the patety appliances that experience has pro 'o4
oeful , and for luiurlous aecommoilntlors Is uiu.ti--
p 9td. Its Kipre s Trains consist of superior l > ay
Coachcn , olecrint rullnnn Talaco Parlor and Slecpiiff
Can , superb Dining ( Jars , prurKlIng delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and St. Joi > eph , Atchlsrn ami
Kansas City ) restful Kecllnlne Chair Cars. It' man.
a cement Is conservative , Its discipline exacting ;
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi'e"
Hctween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. I'a. Is thA
favorite. Oor this line Solid Fast Kxprcia Trains rim
dally to attractive resorts fur tourists In Iowa end
Minnesota , and , > la Wntertown anil Sioux Kails , to the
rlohuheatand Frrazlnfrlanilaof Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca ami Kankakoe , the Hock Ivlund elf > r superior
Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian *
upoltt. J.afa j etts and Council Itluirs , Bt. JOM ph , AtehU
son , Lea > rn orth , Humus City , St. r uJliUernn. ! . .
dlate points. All r.'tronx ( especially ladles and chll.
ilrcnicccUcrrotcctloncourt ) nill.iiily ! ! attention ,
For tickets , maps , folders , copies of Wet > tcrn Trail , or
any tcfrcd Information , apply to principal olllces In
the United State * and Canada , or uddrei * : * , at Chicago ,
K. R , CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , E. A. H018RSCS ,
' aiitCralKuuil , S
100 N. 13th Street.
a < 4 ! &
tsf'fr A.- . x = > s9 > & 5
1'UHK ( JAMFOIIN1A WlNiS. clilppoil direct
froninur viiinyiiril ; Ulosllnir , Uuteilul Oiaren ,
I'ort , Sliorriosetc. Sun Jogo Vniilts Sovonth.
KlKhtli , an Kalvndor anil William t > te , Situ
, Callfoinla.
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louie , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
OF *
Nervous , tonic and
More especially those arising irom iinpur-
deuce , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured sulcly and ccdily with
out use of dangerous drujs. 1'atients
whose cas s have been neglected , badly
treated or paonounded incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning their symp-
toini. All letters receive immediate at-
tent on.
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one % cent btamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseases of the Reproduc4ive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical treatise which should be read by all
young men , Address
1707 Olivc'Sti , St , . Louitf Mo.
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
LYONS , .g- * " * 1 V < V >
s r-\s m ni ,
B m * B * *
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
Removed one blook south to corner 13th
and UouL'lns Sts New brick building ;
Cor. 73/ASf. anil Capitol Aoe. , OMAHA , NfB.
IV * ( titrllUlr. , npparitu nl rrmr < ll i f ir fttffrt.fiit trmtinrnt f
> prv lormf > rtl c.twi iiutriuz HwlirHlorhliitlrmMri-nhiii-iit.
W'liirM loft Ci" i LAU4 04 llifirntllli4MiiiJ llrcrr. I lull IWt ,
Curvlluto til UM Spine 1 H ,1 union , I'liu.rr.Cilirrli , Iliour I lilt ,
liihtlMf'ji riwiiMtr l'i.rlv U hpilrii" Kl liif ) , HliiJJ r , kjf ,
gar , hklii , h < I Dim * ! , aitU HllturluulOlriiliuuk
Hook on Diseases of Women FKEK.
\Kl\a A MT.CIAI.TV or
. i wt iux < * fuUv l
rrumtti . trtu ivltliiiilnu utrv
Is f ofttiU * * r ) Vrjtit imilil t * vUlt t > * tinr IM > tirctrd ftl
home by < iirrrtuiiil | < > nr * AllconiinuiiloittliiniC onll.Jrutht llt.ll-
rlutior liuiiuiiiftiMM it hy nimtorcipri' * * . mur * l > | > itkf < I , itu
in rkl .iMlir t < imt < nu r * * ntl < T < 'n | tr Mia | fnlcivirw [ > ' * -
frc l C ll * , .Ui-on 4illii , rn I liUmrjr > l > yur i e , mthiuinp ,
u4 wit UI : ' ! " ll-ll > wr | > ir , our
1'iwn ri-Uil1 V * < ll nl N > rvtufc P' . * * ! * * , Srmliul w kr'M.
r > l > crinal"irlt e * , lui | otnt y , bjr | > MI ! , Ooujrih a , c.ul , nujI *
cortK Ko iit ftr ( > ttenl Alli . . ,
C/AHl .MI'.UII'VI. A KiriUlll'Ui nSTITU' , or
i'.ilcHeuny ' ! , Crr. I3ih st. h. Uapltcl A7.ondna. se u.
Medical Books or Papers Free.
Tlio iirut > rtutor o. tbo U.unua .vledical uu > -urKl- l -
cul ln iltuie U is pabil.ueil a valuubiu 10 of bijoci
auil pjperi upon nrunl mil auiKlvnl Uln n i utii ]
Ucloruilllt'i , uuU tie moiLuiH ut oura Hlilcii h ivo
k'lven blm t IB r piitKtluno ( beliii ; tbe luott nkllltul
undiuccedfi'l ' ipeyull t m liu nait. na muilu tnu
luttltutQ 10 cflujmlflil tliul ruMiitclnoi uru8cntl ( >
niul p Uionu re ! ol Iruiu cvi'ly ituto In tliu union.
AIUDIIK lHu bouki in < ma upun tUo < llic > n > e < nt
women ! 010 upon norVMU4 , unu nrlvatH l'l- '
c ic of llimuiuui and urnury nr.'unii vtrlcni'ulu
curfd iiperailuni. unit tnolr Inlolr Invuat-
edclninn ( umprnn lusp uiurr tor ilia roller inl
rurenf v > irlcucel . nurtuui etliniiHllon iimlneoiil
ilcbl Itr nmr reitorJllto traatinunt I'a | , r < nuua
furfilcal br ce . l"lli . I'niCern. pumlr'lii. llti , llu >
trlcitr and I ne v ma nDtlubjtierr lor boinoun.'j
cnlKtrh iind InhuUtlmi , vtu. Unlike iiiint banki
t u d bjilocioM iru , luedo not con l tof Knit-
nonliilt with nclltlouinimi'iuuil liiltlil * . nr ruboliu
of lhal kind , but are pi iln ilcic'rlptlon * of ( ll'eaini ,
impiomi , nevr il wifL'rlui In iu llclno , nurierr
un < l electrli'llr. nil lire w.-ll worth the uurutil. un 1
can I' a I'Utiilnoil ' Ir hi ndilre lnu Ilin Oimlui tlnill.
cnl an < l hurulcal In-llliHi ! , Utli ttrciut n-l
incomparably the Bant.
' . i
, i t j
I'rRctlcnl Hoofer. Composition nnd firnvol
roolliiK. Apcnt lor Warren's Nntiinil Asplmlt
Hoofing. MeiliU brand . ' nnd U ply Iliiuly Roof
ing. IL'O.'i Mason St. , Oniulin.
Glasgow via Londonderry ,
Liverpool via Queenstown.
Ara Hlrlclly rinl-CIiiii. ami ainorn
the InrKt'Ht , fubtopt iui'1 tlnvst In tlio world ,
Saloon , roconil rhihauii'l ' FlfcniKn Patirnuvr
A ci'oiniuiiflulldiiii Uni'xi'rlliMl * l.vHry
n-irunl for the comfort and ciiiivpiiluiiconf paw
bunucra ttuilluusly contlilurvil anil pritctlcud.
RlpimierB uvcry H.i urlajr for ( jlanjow cilir cjf
Jl'iniu vulls for l.lvi-rixinl cclnbnr 1J. It U the writ-
crlutil linen p.iiccnucr pteaoiur allont. llatt'H'uf
puoHiin for a I climes n lo.v m by any oilii'r Ilr t-
u ass liiiu Saloon uxriirnlnn tltkula at iniliicfil
riui . DmfU for any amount lit lowci-t current
ru'ei * . rorbooki4Of louri. tlrtci-ts , or furilmr Itifor-
luatloii npiilv to IH'NDDHMiN IIIUI'I'IIIJIIS , C'nltat
BO , or Fit INK II. MOOItCS , Omuliu , .Neb.
Nebraska National Bank , \
CrM-alia , ISTo'to. i
Paid up Capital $2.r)0,00o' '
Surplus 42,500) )
11.V. . Y : il < > s. President , i
Lewis S. Itoeil , Vico-Frnsldi'iit.
A. K. Tuii/.ulin. 2 < l Vieu-Proslilont ,
\V. 11. S. lIu liosCashlur.
\V. V. Mor-o , John S. Collins
II.V. . Yiitiss , Lewis S. llou'l '
A. K. Toiixalm.
Cor. 12th and Kiirnuni Sts.
A ( Jciitral Uunkliiu' " ii&in ! f > s Transactu
Lincoln. Neb.
" ' ' lic i kiinwii nil mo't popular liotd la
lu. Loomlon ( ( intrulluiiqinli | | eiilM Ilrnt
IliiUHliiiirter lor coiiinicrclrtl men HtiJ