THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. . OCTOBER 10 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , 0. 12 , PEARL STREET. Dettmtd by carrier m any p rt or the cltr t twenty ccoUpcr neot * E. W. TILTOX. Manager. TELEPHONES : BOTTHTMOlTICl. No. tt. H lam KDITOH No. 23. MINOR MKNT10N. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Roller , ' tailor. Fall goods clifcap. H. Friedman's opening Monday night. Ladies , sec combined writing desk and Revving machine. Domestic olllce , 105 Main street. The Mikado sociable being arranged by the Congregational ladles has been postponed until next week. The Congregational Sunday school is to have a social in the church parlors Friday evening from 5:30 : o'clock. Mo newa tins yet been received of Joseph Tayon , who stopped down and out to mysteriously , last Friday Illorn- HJg. HJg.H. H. Friedman. No. 400 Hroadway. An- nnal fall opening. Monday night. Great est display ot French pattern bonnuts find tine millinery. Judge Van Kirk , of Silver City , has just purchased 141 head of cattle at South Omaha for feeding purposes and shipped them to his largo stock farm , where ho already had several hundred head. Thu Council liluffs library now has the names of over 2,000 patrons on its books. It requires about $100 per month to pay xpenscs , over and above thu necessary outlay for periodicals and new books. J. J. Stcadman is having plans pre pared tor a | 8OCO residence , which ho will immediately erect upon Oakland avenue. It is a prosperous country in which newspaper men can build houses of their own. Lovely. Beautiful. Exquisite. Just too H weet for anything. To bo continued at H. Friadman'g millinery opening Monday evening and Tuesday , day aud evening , October 10 and 11. Ono of the new organizations here is a German conversational club. The mem bers aru mostly business and professional men , who desire to learn to speak the German language. The mother tongue of Nick Van Stann will bo horribly butchered for a while at least. A citizens' committee , constituted without regard to party lines , with Mayor Gronuwcg at thu head has issued a call for a citizens' meeting to bo hold at 8 o'clock to-night in Masonic temple to complete the details for thu reception of President Cleveland. Lot every one at tend. The republican county convention will bo held at the court house to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Thu friends of the various candidates are each pushing the claims of their man , but many aspir ants for political honors will bu merci less.y sat down upon when the time comes. The case of Mrs. Joseph Lyman Against thu city , in which the plaintiff re sisted by injunction the collection of grading taxes , etc. , on the grounds of in sufficient notice , was oecidud in her favor by Judgu Deemer. City Solicitor Holmes immediately filed a notice of an appeal from the decision. There was an attempt at burglary Sat urday night at the residence of W. A. Maurcr. The domcstio was awakened by his attempted entrance , and she imme diately alarmed the household. Mr. Maurcr descended the stairs just in time to sco thu fellow make away down street as fast as his lugs could carry him. There was no loss. Work on the now sewer at the city jail has disclosed a statu of affairs that might have resulted very unpleasantly for some ono. Although the jail has been buill scarcely four years , the floor joists arc completely rotted out , and the wonder h that the floor has held the daily attend ants of the police court. There is nc ventilation whatever under the floor , anc the extra amount of dampness is the cause of this speedy decomposition. Yesterday afternoon Mr. J. N. Cochrat and his sister were out driving , whet near the head of Broadway a gcntlomai drovu up behind them aud , in attempting to pass , used his whip , which so fright cned Cochran's horse that ho iumnci and broke a hold-back strap , lie tiiei took a two-mlnuto gatu down Uroad " way , but was fir ally "stopped on Scot street , just passed the corner. N ( damage other than the incidental fright On Saturday last Mr. J. W. Klcob soli his grocery store in Masonic tumplu t < Troxull liros. Ono of thu new lirm ha t ! long been in the employ of Doau , Mills S t Co. , of this city , and is well known toou y- dealers , whilu the other brother come hero from Sprlngllold , 111. The latte has had an extensive experience in thi business , and brings with him not enl ; this , but a reputation and enterpris which makes him a valuable acquisitloi to any business or social community The Uir : bespeaks for the now tirru goodly share of the trade they seek. Thu quartette choir at the Congrcgc tional church is constituted as follow ! Mrs. Wadsworthboprano ; Mrs. Ware alto ; Mr. Wuscott , tenor ; Prof. McDoi mid , bass. Thu musio rendered durin yesterday's service was ! of a very hig order , and received many encomium : The solo and quartette "Nearer My Go to Thee , " the canon between prayers an the solo and duet "I hoard thu voice c Jesus say , " were artistically rondurei thu phrasing , shading and elocutio bringing out perfectly the sentiment < the words. The solos and duet combine the beautiful voices of Mrs. Wadswort and Mrs. Ward , and their reuderin touched the sympathies of the audienc with the keenest sunso of worship an devotion. Next to an eloquent , practici sermon , its musical accompaniment coi tains the truest inspiration , and th : church does its work the best which con blues botli of a high order. Let us ha\ the best musio as well as the bcstthougl in our churcuus. Masonic. . Exculsmr lodge , No. 259 , A. F. A : A. M will hold its regular communication th ( Monday ) evening , October 10 , Visitii : brethren Invited , By order W. M. Every ono making a cash purch o i 25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigar stoi guts a chance m the auuual prize dra\ \ ing. Twenty elegant prizes , J , W. and E. L. Squire lend money. First on the Mat. On Saturday last , in Judge Deomer court , thu casoof The State vs. F. Keeiu ( James Wilson ) was called for trial. 1 was indicted for keeping a gatnblii house on Uroadway , and on trial pluadt guilty to the charge. Ho was -forthwi sentenced to pay a line of $150 or stiff imprisonment in the county jail for term of forty-livo days. Other simil ; cases will soon follow , and it is cxpecti thuy will all bu contested. Those wl lead in the prosecution of these cas claim to possess testimony in each sul cient to convict , and some startling d volopmenU may bo expected , * List your property with Cooper Judson.No. 120 Maiust. Ono thousand head of ouo , two ai three-year-old steers for sale. Will ci credit to reliable parties. Enquire of J. Grccnaiuayer , 623 Myuster St. , lol ( Money , to lonu. Cooper & JoUsou. j ' ' . ' . : t , . ' . . ' ' . Vk SUNDAY IN. COUNCIL BLUFFS The Churches Command a Goodly Share of. the Day. TO-DAY'S START ON THE BRIDGE. Night's Clinutauqua Meeting The I'urposcs of St. Bernard' * Hospital Attempted Burglary Other Bits of New * . Pnt to the Test. Rev. I ) . 1) . Do Long , late president of Lebanon Valley ( Pa. ) college , occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church yesterday. As ho was visiting friends in this city , the golden opportunity of secur ing for the public a discourse from him was improved. It was indeed a rhetor' leal , intellectual and spiritual feast of good tilings. The speaker has n pleasing address , a round toned strong , yet sweet voice. His sermon was brainy , The topic was the inllucnco of Christianity upon the intel lectual as well as the spiritual world. His text was : "Prove all things ; hold fast to that which is good. " He spoke iirst of the nature of Chris tianity as a system calculated to call forth the full intellectual powers of man and exorcise them into further develop ment. Christianity had directly in fluenced nightly the history of the world lor nineteen cnn- turics. Its principles had intermingled with the history of experiences of the human race from its incipicncy. As a system it claimed to contain principles to govern human lifo in all conditions , and the problems of spiritual life , in time and in eternity. With such an mlinite scope revealed religion was a study to command the attention , excite the exer cise i and prove an inspiration to the greatest intellects. Honest doubt was not a sin. It was dangerous to doubt , but to the honest seeker after truth , a doubt was often the portal through which one entered into the clear sunlight. Christ had among his disciples one honest doubter , so consti tuted that he could not help but dnubt. Christ's treatment of Thomas should serve as an example to the church. It should not turn away from doubters , or rebuke them , but urge them to seek hon estly for the truth , and tb acknowledge it when found. There shall be no indifference on the one hand and no tenacious clinging to error on the other hand. Doubts shall naturally arise , and should bo put aside so soon as ono could discover the real truth. Christianity was not without Ha proofs. It had evidences which would stand ex amination. It should be tested by every one , for BO surely as this was done would the honest seeker after truth iind it. Many of these tests were familiar. The variety of matter contained in the re vealed word tlio history , the philosophy , human experiences , teachings by par ables , miracles , the sacred poetry a wonderful variety , written by different men in dillbrent ages , yet all agreeing in spirit. There was infinite variety and yet a grand unity. It was to bo expected that with tiiis wonderful variety , some of those who searched lor the truth ad mired ono gem of doctrine more than another , got clearer glimpses of some truths than others. Human conceptions varied greatly , and errors crept into human internrctations and explanations of what the inspired teachings were. Hence there arose various sects , and < lit- fcrcnt views at different ages and in different climes. Some had criticised Christianity because of this. There have been outrages committed in the name of Christianity , but they are the result of weak human conceptions , and the sys tem itself was not responsible , as it taught no such acts. One of the chief tests of Christianity was its tendency. A system claiming to so groatljinlluence human life should submit to such a test. It coulu stand the test. Its tendency was apparent. Chris tianity and the highest civilization went hand and hand. History showed that thu time , growth and prosperity of a nation ran parallel with the growth and prosperity of Christian institutions. The adaptability of the system was another test. In this too , Christianity proved itself to be divine. ' The speaker urged also the necessity of retention. In the social life , wealth was often acquired by ono generation , only to be squandered by another. Nations were founded on truth , justice and virtue , only to fall in years alter by an undermining ot voluptuousness and pleasure. In tlio spiritual life there were also waxings and waning * . It wad the duty of every one to exert himself dili gently in discovering truth , and having discovered it to hold fast to the treasure. Retention was as necessary as acquisi tion. The honest doubter should bcarch for the truth , aud , finding it , should cling to it as more precious than gold or silver , Tlio Purpose of tlio Hospital. St. Bernard's hospital , situated at the corner of Ninth avenue and Fourth street , is now open. It combined a hos pital aud sanlturiuni , and is complete in ail its departments. While under the supervision of the sisters of charity , it i ; in no sense , a charity institution. In its nature it is the same as is seen in largei cities , and is intended as an auxiliary tc the benilicent work of that order of noble women whose labors in alleviating dis tress and caring for the sick have mack their names a house-word everywhere. Their work is humanitarian , it is true , for where thu sick are unabiu to dufraj personal expense it is no bar to then proper care , but those who can pay , arc charged a moderate rate for the attend- they receive. The advantages such an mstitutioi present are numberless. A few , how evur , may bu mentioned : It frequently happens that a person needs thu dailj attendance of a physician but from hit living far away from tlio city ho is uuabli to secure it. Thu hospital is for him Should one bu suffering from n chronic disease and wish to avail himself of tin is best medical treatment , which cannot b < had here , thu hospital is for him. It i ; for tlio invalid whosu physical conditioi demands quiet and rest ; for the mentall ; worn who need diversion and treatment in short , for thu sick and suffering of al conditions. Thu institution already has quite ; number of patients , and possesses capac ity for tlio accommodation of many more It is ono of thu few things which does it work so quietly that thu world hanll. knows of its existence. Council li lulls i fortunate in this possession and our pco pie' should sco that all needed encourage input Is given to these who have thi work actively in hand. I'erionnl Paragraphs. ( ieorgo Rice , son of Rev. G. G. Rice a has returned from a visit to his father' ' ir old home in the Green Mountain state. Ml Mp. and Mrs. Geddes , of Grand Islam 10 Nub. , send glad tidings to H. 11. Fiulc us father of the lady. A little one has latel lie - arrived at that household and Mr. Fiel e- suiilo tin wears a glad , grand-fatherly can bo heard a block away. ' W. B. Somers , who recently returnc & from California , will start for his ol homo at Galesburg , 111. , Weduesdiv where ho will visit tor a short tlniu , afto id which lie will return to the Pacilio coas re Ho is very much pleased with the climai of that section , and is quite enthusiast ! In its praise. . Jlotol arrivals yesterday afthqQgde bouse ; YV. M. Trestou , Chloasoj Tli Pickering , Boone ; T. M.TIpton and lady , Hloomington , Neb. At the Ucchtolo : J. W. Parish. DCS Moines ; William Kollatz , St. Joe. At the Pacific : W. D. Howard , Kansas City ; T. C. Huff , Missouri Val ley T. W. Prcscott , Cheyenne ; J. J. Mcrshon , Chicago. Mr. H. A. Cole and bride arrived in this city Saturday morning and are now stopping with his father , but will soon bo located at their nlcgantly furnished rooms at Mrs. J. W. Chapman's. The lady was formerly Miss Kate Ponn. of Mt. Pleasant , and is welcomed as a valu- liable addition to tlio social aud literary circles ot the city. Clinutniuitia ICnthnalam. The opera house was well filled last evening , about a thousand peonlo being gathered in a united movement in the in terest of the Chautauqua assembly. Shortly before 8 o'clock Chairman L. W. Tulloys opened the meeting by an- nounccing a song from gospel hymns. Dr. Coolcy followed with prayur , after which the chairman stated the object of the meeting. Closing , ho said : "As it had been reported that certain parties were endeavoring to unload undesirable property upon the Chautauqua commit tee , I will call upon Mr. A. S. Hazel- ton lo state the facts in the case. " Mr. Hazulton gave a history of tlio movements of thu committee in relation to tlio prospective purchase ot the Gar ner property. He acted as trustee of the syndicate who own that property , They paid for it $100 per acre. They asked of the committee $200 pur aero for 100 acrcr. They themselves had subscribed for $7,000 of the stock. An incidental boom always follows the establish ment of a Chautaiiqua assembly. Upon the balance of the tract they own thev propose to reap a financial bonelit not from this onu hundred acres. They weru already offered .foOO an aero for a certain tract and $300 an aero for another. This does not look liku an unload of undesira ble property. The tract they now hold in reserve comprises thirty-four acres. Colonel Tulleys stated that over $15,000 of stock was taken , but was not binding until $30,000 was subscribed. Thu Rov. D. D. Do Long of Harrisburg , Pa. , was introduced. Ho gavu his views , us an eastern man , of the establishment of an assembly here. Wo have a natural location the gate of the west and wo ought to have it as a safeguard , for no people are safe who allow their material interests to crowd out their spiritual in terests. Dr. T. J. Mackay followed with a telling speech. The business activities are crushing the lifo out of our people. We ought to turn our united attention to this work. Everywhere we have empty pews in the churches , empty homes while the head of thu house is scheming for the dollars , early graves are on every hand. Chautauqua work brings about a more fraternal feeling among religious people. Theology is narrow. Chautaiiqua broadens it and makes it take its place amonir the other sciences as the handmaid of God in sav ing men. Wo want a broadening out of the religious culture of the day. Mr. Joplin , of Omaha , was introduced. They wished an assembly nearer than Crete. Neb. , and Omaha would undoubt edly do a liberal share in locating one Here. Dr. Phulps mailo a ringing speech , showing the advantages to accrue from such : tn enterprise. No other assembly anywhere had started with -assured success as this. All others weru success ful. Ours starts with $ ! ! 0,000 stock and success is assured from the start. "Tho safety of the people rests upon -their in telligence. " Chautauqua educates aud uluvates all. Rov. Rues , Methodist , made the clos ing address , and it was brim full of good things an argument in favor of the movement not to bo disputed. This mooting gave the work a wonder ful impetus , and it is safe to say that within a few days the entire stock will bo taken. A song and benediction by Dr. Mackay closed the exercises. Thu song service was ably conducted Mr. I. M. Treynor. Dr. J. T. Van Nnss , physician and sur geon , olllce room 8 , Opera House block , will attend professional calls day or niirht. Residence corner Eighth avenue and Fifteenth street. Work Starts on the Work on the now Rroadway bridge is to commence to-day. The pile-driver and engine have boon put in position and there seems no hindrance in tlio wa\ of proceeding with the work rapidly The first work will bu on tlio viaduct 5i Omaha. As soon as material arrives on this side work will commence here. The approaches will be thus well under way soon. When the river freezes thu work will commence on thu substructure , and there will be night as well as day gangs. The bridge company scums determined to push the work along as rapidly as possible. The latest and most successful raugo if the steel oven , round lire prot Fuller tt Warren range. Thu most astonishing results from it. It is the tincst lugl : grade range in use. It beats everything else. Sue it at our store , 41 Main street Cole & Colo. Accidental Shooting. A report reached this city yesterday afternoon that onu of the Martin boys living near Martin's lake , about cigh miles from here , had been seriously in jured by thu accidental discharge of i gun in thq hands of his younger brother Henry Martin , aged eighteen , and hi : brother ugud twelve , were out duel hunting , and while passing along : slough , onu being on each Hide , the gin in the hands of the younger boy W.T accidentally discharged , the cliargi taKinir effect in his brother's facu am breast. He was conveyed to his honu and surgical skill mimnioned. It wa > found that about thirty shot had untorei his head and breast , the only dangurou ono , howover. being in his luft eyu. Tin doctor dressed the wounds , making Inn as comfortable as possible , and cxpressei hopes of his speedy recovery. m THE SHETLAND PONY. Kindly Traits niul Great of the Sirtnll ICquinoH. St. Paul Pioneer Press : The little Shetland land ponies , or "Sholtios"as they an called in their bleak , native isles , an making a good dual of headway in tin northwest. A few years ago there wen none of them hero. Now there are prob ably about fifty owned in thu cities of St Paul aud Minneapolis , with others scat tured hero and thure throughout tin statu. The little fellows are becoming nioro and more popular on acquaintance and hardly a weuk passes but a ncv arrival appears in the street , rattlinj along with a load of jolly children in In little cart , and both children and pony it the height of cenuino enjoyment. Tin latest acquisition in this line is a plum ] looking pair which are driven by Ur Lamprey's children. The diminutiv team is always thu subject of a good dea of attention whonnvor it appears on th street , people pausing in their walk t look after it until it disappears froi : view around the corner. Shetland pontas are ot course to b classed with the luxuries of lifo , Thu are not good for any work service , or i thuy are , they are not put to much of i in this country. Tnoy are the pets c children , their diminutivu sue niaklu them not only attractive but also safe ft the young folks. A very > onng chil cab bandle ouo with'vase , lliuy tire si olahlo and dofcllo , and remarkably Intel- igent in the bargain. Their character- * sties in those directions make thorn seem iko large house dogs. In fact , some of no smaller ones become as thoroughly domesticated aa n dog. and go into the louse and follow the children about like ono of the dog-kinll. E. B. Northrup , of Ucrrlnm park , has a little pony standing forty inches high that is about the house a good deal of the 'time. Ho thinks noth- ng of walKing Up stairs , and will go around Into all Forts of nooks and cor ners. Ono-evenlnn when the young folks were having a party the pony came m and Joined the 'company , dancing over the toilets of thu children with a critical eye , and eating candy with them in a perfectly sociable and becoming way. The Shctlands do not require to be shod , ind this is ono reason that they can bo ! > ormitted to como into the house. They mvo very sharp , hard hoofs , and all that s necessary to keen the hoofs in good condition is to trim thorn up occasionnlly. The principal color of Shctlands is a deep brown , approaching blank , but oc casionally there is to bo seen a chestnut , and there are many of the dark onus spotted with whlto. The ponies run in a wild state over the heaths and bogs of the Shetland islands. When llrst im ported they have a rough , shaggy coat , jut by constant grooming this becomes smooth , and they look very slcok and pretty. They have to be taken good care of though , for unless they arc kept clipped and clean they will become " " anothur charaetcristio "mangy" they liavo in common with the dog. They do [ lot cat much , so that it costs very littln to keep them and this is ono of the strong points in their favor. Dut it is their in telligence that beats everything. A well known horseman says they show more intelligence oven than a trotting horse , and tiiat there is no animal to compare them with in that respect unless it is the Newfoundland dog. The experiment of breeding Shetland ponies has never been tried in this sec tion on an extensive scale. A few days ago an importation of forty head of them was received by a horse breeder having stables in Reserve town , and ho is appar ently going into the business of raising Shcltics. Women on Tholr Alutolc. Pall Mall Ga/.ctte : An incident dis playing the value of calisthenics to the fair sex was witnessed at Highbury sta tion about 11 p. in. ono night last week. A young lady , the wife of a well-known athlete , was making her way up stairs to the train , when she was rudely accosted by a half-drunken man , who made sev eral impertinent remarks , and linally at tempted to kiss her. This was too much for the youthful British matron , whoso training had been of a kind to prompt reliance upon the muscles of the arm rather than those of the throat. Sweep ing off her glove , she turn round , and dealt the offender a blow between the eyes which fairly knocked him off his foot , and reeling backward he rolled from the top to the bottom of the stair3 in a series of somersaults pain ful enough to convince him that caution in his amatory advances might bo worth observation in the future. A curious feature in connection with this incident is that the lady in question is tlio third sister who has performed thu feat of knocking down an insultor. Ono of ho family , a mure girl , was pursued on Blnckheath by an unfortunate tramp till she could run no further , when she promptly lloorcd her pursuer ; and the other similarly dealt with a scoundrel who laid hands on her in Richmond. Wo un derstand that all these young ladies were practiced cymnasts ; and thu value to women of such training could not bu bet ter exemplified than by the foregoing facts. SPECIAL NOTICES. liTOI'lOIE. advertisements , such us Lost , Found ; o Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Viants , Boardlnir , etc.TTil ! lie Inserted in tlili column at tbo low rntoof TEN CENTSPEK LINE foriho Hret inset- lonnnd V'lvoContsrerLlnufo.-oacu subsequent insertion. Leave advertisements at our ofBca No. 12 I'curl meat , near Uroadwajr , Council Bluffs. WANTS. rPO EXCH ANOR-For Council niulls or Oitmlm -L property , a retail stock of boats imd shoes , nmonnt $ iUUU. Cnll Ht store No. fiOS llroadw.iy or uddresa H. Martin , Council Illnllg , lowti. HUNT 'I wo unfurnished rooms , t No. FOH 1117 Fourth St. 1ANTKD Two dlnlnirioom bojs tit Cretton house. - Porno wecln HRO , between No. 11 1'u irl LOSTPorno St. and bovcnth nvcnuc. n book , "Vmlu ftlociiiii ol NHturo. " 1'lndur | ) luu o leii\o it iit No. 11 I'eiiil st , and be suitably rewarded. j > OKSALK 160xoresor ( choice land Imnrcvi" ) aa follows : t-iiiull lieu o and gttiblK , it ) rodsol a-wiro fence,2) ) acres ot break ! ir , tl ncres of ash trees in thrifty Krowlnir cnn.i tic > i. 1'rlco 11,000. Terms easy. Address Cluiiios 11 Wilson , Oxford , Nob. ItENT Four furnished rooms ono und FOll half blocks from dummy do | ot. In quire in ; M Main st. I7ANTrn A coinputoiit nlnltif ? room gir at } Mrs. Welrlch's , No. 112 I'ouitliet. FOH SAliU Jly residence property corner 8th st. and Uth ave T'lno S-room house , two lots , the corner ono vncnnt , Citr water and sewerage , peed barn , carriage housu , utc. A biirpiln if taken soon. Apply on promises or nt No. H 1'oorl St. , Council lllulls. B. T. Trench. FOIt SALK Second-hand Columbia bicycle very cheap , KMnch , m Boo oflicu. > OK HUNT A new modornciht room house Ii very convenient , within 2 4 blocks dummy depot. Inquire of W , H. Ware , ovur Bavln e bank , Council IlluITa. . ) to loan on real estate and chattels ny $100.1)00 Day , U3 1'onrl st. lot * and ftorc propeity for saloby BU1UHNO F. J. Dny , 9 i'cnrl st. WANTPD-A Klrl for jrenorul housework. Small family , handy kitchen. 700 6th ave. 1OII SALE OU THADE.-For Conncll Ulufffi > property 40,000 acres of lowu and Ne braska land. J. K. Itlcr , 110 Mam tit. Council IllufTj. KSTA HUSHED 18GS D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pells , WOOL AXO runs. JHyhesl Marlet Prices. Pi-amp Return * . 820 and 8'22 Main Street , Council JJlufls Iowa. A' . SCUU11Z , Justice of the Peace. Office over American Kxprnss. No. 419 BROADWAY LOTOS FACE POWDER Ladies yalulnfl their complexion should leourea „ J SAMPLE BOX ( GRATIS ) of the lateit Imported and unanimously acknowl edged aa the boat FAOE POWDER. Kn&rnnteed to bo perfectly tiirralMR , Impcr- cnptlble , durable and Invisible. For Halo every where. Aekyourdruecistforlt. 1'rlcv , Qoni.a 600 tier Uor. Timie euiM'llfd by BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , OMAHA , NEB. J.F.UOYui.CO CHICAGO Solelmporteri. LOTOS FACE PtiWPEft REAL ESTATE , Vncnnt I.oli , LnnJi , C\if \ Itcildoncrs nd Karros. Acre property In western part o ( city All eeJlln r cheap. R. F. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Moom 0 , over Officer It russj's DnnV , Couno Bluff * . CROCKERY , LAMPS , JLASSWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Totv , Wl S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. A3 JT4/A ST. , COUNCIL BLVFFS I A OGDEN BOILER WORKS CARTER & SON , Proprietors. OK ( ' ALL KINDS OF STEAM BOILERS ) ANU { SHEET IRON WORK OrJer * for rcrmlrs by mull promptly attnnilo to. Satisfaction Kiiariuitccd. Tenth Ave. ad ho OgOcn Iron Works , tuurallUluda. Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yards Broadway , Council BluBs , Opp. Dummy Depot Horses and mules constantly on hand for sale at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission Telephone 114. SHLUTHU & Opposite Dummy Depot , Counci muffs Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs. Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accommodation * Find Clutm , And Kales Kcnsoiiublc Max Mohn , Proprietor Finest Landaus 0 oaohesaud Hacks in City. WILLIAM .WELCH , OITICES : No. 418 Broadway The Mar.lntts : ) Telephone No. Ii3 Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9 OFF1VEU dS f 500 Broadway , Council BluiTs.Iowa. Established 1&7. LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , TovtoIscShcll etc. , Hair On nninciits , as well aa tlio iiowest noy 'eltiesiu hair Hair Roods mailcto order Mrs. C7 L. Gillette 20 Moiu St. , Council Jilull's , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to. FINE MILLINERY. New Fall Styles Open. 1514 Do tiglas Ht. OMAJ1A , AV6. HARKNESS BROTHERS. 4O1 Fall Goods , NEW GOODS , BEAUTIFUL GOODS , . GOOD VALUE and CHEAP. CALL and SEE THEM We Jutvc now In stock our new purchase * In Silks , Dress Ooods , Under * wear. Flannels , Domestic * , etc. , etc. Headquarters for CARPETS And OIL CLOTHS We Jutve Uic laryest selection and flnest patterns of carpets In the city of ] the west. They comprise Axminster , Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Three-ply Ingrain , Matting , Rugs , Etc. , Etc , We shall be pleased to meet ami show our customer * these nctu andcholct . . fabrics. Do not forget the place. HARKNESS BROS. , 40 1 Broad way , Council Bluffs , Iowa. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , A COJIFLUTU ASS011TMCNT Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign , BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL. Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIKST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE BOOMS an < | ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES f Regular : Boaiders : : Reduced : : Rates. NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , Council Bluffs. K. S. BAKffETT , Justice oi the Peace , 41S Bioadwny , Council Bluffs. Rcforo to any bank or businets liouf c in the city. Collections a specialty. JOHN V. fcTOHB JACOB BIUS STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law. Practice in the State and Federal Court 7 and 8 ShUBrt-15eno Block. COUNCIL LATEST BY TELEPHONE ! A. H. Hello , Ccntrnll Give me the Council Bluffs Carpet Co , No. 4O3 W. Broadway. C. O. Cnn.'t ; sixteen nheucl waiting for their' 'phone. A. H. What's the matter-V Anyhody killed there ? C , O. No. Three woman fainted in the crush-Aw ful crowd getting their fall carpets. Big bargains everybody says. A. H. Guess I'll go down and not wait for the phone. C. O. Better do thatif you want to reach them today. OFl'ICU , , ANXIOUS IIUSIIAND