Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 l
M' *
Lincoln Citizens Do Honor to th Memory
of John B. Finch.
Fifth Annual Jloctlnjr of the Btnto
AxnoclRtlnn Next Wednesday Tlio
I'rrAbytcrlan Synod Lanoutor
County PoUtlcii Brevities.
frnoM tun IIKK'S T.i.vcor.x mranAtr.1
There was ft very largo audience In nt-
tondnnco nt the opera house yesterday
niter noon nt the memorial mooting m
memory of John 1) . Finch. The house
wflH handsomuly decorated for the occa
sion and the preparations had been nil
that could bo expected in the short tlmu
Riven to the work. The exorcises through
out wcra of a , solemn and Impressive
character and showed to all the great es
teem in which Mr. Finch was held by
Lincoln citizens , and especially by those
who had been in the years past closely
. allied to him in the great temperance
work that has been so actively carried
on in Lincoln in Iho last , dozen years ,
The speakers of the mcetine and tht-li
topic * wore as follows ; "Mr. Finch and
His Introduction to Nebraska as an
Orator , " by Hon. G. M. LatnberUon
"Mr. Finch and ills Halation to the Or
der of Good Templars , " Mrs. Dr. Ring
"Mr. Finch and His Relation to the W
C. T. U. . " Mrs. K. M. J. Cooloyj "Mr ,
Finch and His Relation to the Lincoln
Red Ribbon Club. " llishop G. 11. Skin
ner ; ' 'Mr. Finch as n 1'arty Lender , " A
G. Wolfonburger ; "Mr. Finch in His
V/ork in the Klovntlon of thu Home , tin
State and the Nation , " Judge O. 1'
Mason ; "Mr. 1'inch and His Relation tc
the Mural and Christian World , " Dr ,
The speakers wore all given the clososl
attention , and thciv words were boti
eloquent and expressive in praise of the
dead. The singing was led by the glee
club , the entire audieuco joining in the
familiar piece ? that wcro seiectea for the
day's exereisos. The meeting was a fitting
testimonial of the esteem in which Lin
coln held John 1) . Finch , and a rccogni
tlon of his power niul work in the tem
perance cause in Nebraska.
The fifth annual convention of ttu
Nebraska Homo for the Friendless
society is one of the state meetings foi
the coming week that will bo lanzelj
attended by delegates from different
cities in the state. Tlio convention wll
be hold in the rooms of the Young Muu'i
. Christian association , commencing on
If , Wednesday morning and continuing
through Thursday. Wednesday evening
will be devoted to the reception of dele ;
gates and a social visit and acquaintance
The rccontion will bo held at the homool
Mrs. R. O. Manly at 1100 South Eleventli
street. The programme for the two days
meeting as prepared by the society is u :
follows ;
Wednesday MornlncO a. in. Uevotlona
exercises ; appointment of committees ; re
port ot committee on credentials ; report ol
nuilitlm : committee ; report of visiting committee
mitteo ; report from auxiliaries ; miscel
laneous business ; dinner at the home.
Afternoon Weanesdny President's an
nual address ; report ot corresponding secre
tary ; report ol clerk of the board ; report ol
liunnclnl secretary ; report ot treasurer ; re
port of frtate organizer ; report of physician :
report of superintendent ; nilscellmieouf
Thursday Mornlnc Oponlmr exorcises
election , of officers for ensuing yearuu ;
finished business ; adjourned.
It is urged that as many i\s possible at
tend this lifth annual convention and ii
is believed that the report of the yenr't
work will ho satisfactory to all and show
good progress. At the state homo foi
the friendless thorn nro now over 1C (
inmates and that a good work is being
done seoliis to bo the unlvormil qpinioc
of all who visit and inspect the iustitu
The following decisions have been filet
in supreme court :
Davis vs Scott. Error from Gage county
Reversed. Opinion by Reese , J.
1. Thu question of fraudulent Intent la
generally determined from tlio e.xlsteucn o :
other facts which tend to establish It. Tin
question of the existence of facts showing i
fraudulent intent , nro alone for the jury t <
determine , and not for the court , iiedmac
vi ) Anderson , 0 Nob. , SUi
B. A chattel mortgage of a stock of Rood :
containing a clause by which the mortgage :
U Klvmi posscinlon with power of sale in thi
usual course of trade , the proceeds to to It
satisfaction ot the mortiai ; debt , nltliouKti
by our statute made presumptively fraudu
lent. Is not conclusively so , and may by sat
isfactory evidence bo shown to have bcci
made In good t.ilth. Turner vs Killhin , r
: ) . A debtor has the right to prefer his cud
Itors and pay or secure those preferred. Th
execution ol chattel uiortgacea to picterrci
creditors , it made In KOOU faith to securi
boim'liilo debts , even If innde to a consldera
bio number of such creditors at or about tin
earno time no trust being created will no
constitute an asslirnment for the bum-lit a
creditors If not so intnndod.
yfclcU VH. Calhoun. Error from Otoe count ;
Heard on motion to dismiss. Motion sue
faOnod. Opinion by Keese , J.
1. An order of u district court sustaining :
motjon to btrike an amended petition frou
tto file&tis not a tinal order from which srro
may be taken to the supreme court , in tin
absence of i judgment
lioard Church Extension vs. Johnson. Brro
irora Lancaster county. Allirmed. Onln-
inu by Reese , J.
No error , In the judgment of the dlstrlc
court , being shown , the judgment 1
Ccoovr A Co. vn. Hall. Error from CM
county. Allirmod except as to motion fo
Baparate statement of costs. Opinion I
Kttfftu , J.
1. Where a bill of hardware was ordered o
* traveling salesman without 8iuuples , upoi
' warranty as to quality , for thu purpose o
combining thfl.Koods EO ordurud with othu
material In the manufacture of harness , am
upon using a part ot the hardware In tlu
tiianufaclure of harness It proved upon trla
to b ? defective and worthless , and upon coir
pariHon It was found that the remainder o
the hardware was of tnu snuio general character
actor and apparent quality , ana that the fur
lur use of lie hardware In the. ninnufactur
of liarncsj , would necessarily result In n los
to the < ) ! itfhaser and manufacturer , ho wuuli
bo jus-tilled In retusing to turtner tide th
ttniuwaro mid in holding It for the use of th
vendor , in such case \vhero the pusclmse
acted in good faith there would be no llubll
ItD for thu purchase price.
2. Whore a caitsw Is submitted to a Jur ;
upon contllctliif * teblUuouy. there beiug n
objections to the Instructions of the court
and the verdict Is consistent with the line o
testimony pru-onted by one of the parties ti
the suit , an aniHillate court will prt'sumn tlia
the jury adopted the line of testimony wit !
J which their verdict corresponds.
, f State ex rel Oaialm St. Ity. Co. vs.'Heche
> , Mandamus. Writ dented. Opinion b
Ueese , J.
Where the question of giving consent to
itiect railway company to construct an
aialntuln a street railroad upon the streets n
the city of Omaha was submitted to the olec
Jors of said cltv on thu tiny or the gcnwrs
city election , and the ballot mum that propa
sltion WHS taken at the same- place , bv th
same election ofliccr * , and but one poll II. '
made and the voters were canvassed and re
turned In some of the precincts and word
upon the same tally sheet and return , but Ii
all of the separate ballot box wa
prepared , Into which the votes upon the pro
ixisition was deposited , but without otln
foiumllty to soiwnxte the vote from the vet
ot the general election , it wan hell
' that In order to give the i <
quired consent , the aRlrmatlvo of the pro IK
hlJinn iust receive a majority of all the \ott
ra t nt ouch election.
Uldiards vs .State. Error from Gage count ;
Reversed and disinnsed.
P t 1 Tha law rulatlnit to the time In whlc
If ' billsexceptions are to be prepared. is t
Ui liberally construed , and where a court n
porter U unable to t > re | re tne bill with !
il ility days from the adjournment ot Hi
court sine dip , the fault not beltse that ot the
plamtilf in error , the bill should bo signed
ind made a part ot the record.
S Affidavits uicd in the hearlnc ot n matter
n the trial court must be embodied In a bill
of exceptions to be available as evidence in
, \\o \ \ nutirrnie court.
3 Wiiere a tmrty Is bound over to await the
action of a grand Jury , and thn grand jury
nvesttgate * the charge and makes report to
the court , no cause of nctlon , and the ac
cused Is thereupon discharged , the prose
cuting attorney cannot thereupon treat such
Hiding ns void and lilo an Information
against the accused for the snine ofTcnso
upon the same evidence , the jury being the
mites ot the credibility of tho. witnesses.
Following closely tho'Methodist con
ference hold in this city recently comes
ho meeting of the Nebraska general
synod of the I'rcsbjterinn church , which
convenes In this city Thursday , October
13 , nnd continues over the following Sun
day. Tito synod will bo hold in the First
Presbyterian churctt. The membership
of the body consists of some two hundred
clergymen and delegates from nil parts
of the state , who will bo entertained
while in the city by the membership of
the church. The synod opens on Thurs
day evening , Rov. . W. J. Harsha. of
Omaha , preaching the opening sermon.
Continuing each day thereafter business
sessions will bo hold mornings and after
noons , with ovenine sermons nnd Sunday
services , oonductoiTby prominent minis
ters of the denomination who will bo
present. Among those expected to nd-
dress the synod nnd bo present will bo
such noted men ns Dr. Werdon , of Phil
adelphia ; Dr. Ivinc , of Now York , Dr.
Cooper , of St. Louis , nnd Dr. Noycs , of
Chicago. The questions of missions nnd
education nnd the fund for ministerial
relief will all bo topics before
the synod , and prior to the
opening of the - general synod
there will bo nn adjourned meet
ing of the Nebraska City synod on Wed
nesday evening. On Friday evening the
general meeting of thu Indies of tlio Pres
byterian Missionary convention will beheld
hold and it wilt bo Tory largely uttcnded.
Iho Presbyterian church nnit the Pies-
byterinns of Nebraska arc active in mis
sion work und the subject of both homo
and foreign missions will receive much
attention. The local membership of the
church is busily engaged in preliminary
work for the care and comfort of those
who will bo the guests of thu city.
The republican county convention for
Lancaster county and the republican
candidates have agreed that the cam
paign this fall shall bo short und full of
vim and vigor when once opened. The
central committee will meet in a few days
nnd arrange the work.tho campaign being
set for opening on or about thu 15th pi
the month. A thorough cRuivnss will
then bo made and the old time majority
rolled up for the ticket which has evi
dently been received with favor and will
bo certain of election. Tlio county will
show the usual majority undoubtedly in
It now transpires that the strength of
prohibition in the Into convention was
largely duo to a trade between the railroaders
readers and the temperance extremists ,
the latter trading their votes against the
resolution for nn extra session for votes
in favor of submitting thu amendment.
The nomination of Dr. Roberts ns re
gent of th6 university was by no means
nn accident as some would imagine , but
the result of skillful and energetic
manoouverinc on the part of Mr. Towlc ,
who headed the Knox county delegation.
QPaul Vanderbum's mysterious activity
nt the convention is explained by n drum
mer who cnmo down on the Omaha train
with him nnd observed that the great oil-
room chief hud a pocketful of red card
board Blips punched by a conductor's
elm. These red slips , distributed among
delegates , were received by the conductor
as proxies for passes. Why Vnnderbum
was so generous towards strangers , nnd
why tiie B. & M. allowed him to net us
dend-hend passenger ngcnt , will bo read
ily understood.
The appointment of Undid as treasurer
of the state central committee , of which
ho is not a member , was sneaked
through by Cadet Taylor under false
pretenses. Instead of being a vindication
of liochel , it is in reality a reflection on
the integrity of the members of the com
mittee , who ce.rtainlv do not need to gn
outside of their own body to find n man
who can bo trusted safely with the ftmds
of the committee.
The Lincoln divisions Knights ol
Pythias are all ready to embark fet
Omaha and the great 'gathering ol
knights in that city the present week ,
The thrco divisions will reach Omaha in
time Wednesday morning to take part in
the reception of President Cleveland ,
notwithstanding that many were sur
prised to rend in yesterday's 11 KB that
Grover the great was not a knight him-
self. A number of the knights ; in this
city hoped to be able nt the Omaha gntlr
eringtpmako the president a piinoo ol
the orient before his departure south'
ward. Three divisions will constitute
Lincoln's quota to the grand lodge ul
The examination of the alleged arson
ists accused of iirme the 13. it M. bridge
between Lincoln and Crete the night ol
the lifth was not completed Saturday ,
but was adjourned over until this morn
ing.A .
A man named flurk attempted to sta.t
a barkeeper who ejected him from t
saloon Saturday evening. 'Iho woitm
was Blight , but UurK will answer in polici
court to-day for his act.
Among the cases for a hearing to-daj
in police court will bo the case ngainsl
sonic colored man charged with gamb
ling. Their room was raided by the elli
cers Saturday evening.
Terrible rn tha ItaYage
Upon the system inflicted by diseases o
the kidneys and bladder. They wrecl
the constitution more speedily in SOUK
coses initn consumption and other mnl
miles of a fatal pulmonary typo. As yoi
viilun your life , arrest a tendency to do
bilily , am ! consequent inactivity ot the
renal organs should you experience an ; ;
such. Infusu vigor and activity into tlu
vitally important secretive action of tin
kidneys with that salutary diurocic , llos
tetter's Stomach Hitters. Tlio proper degree
groo of stimulation is imparted by it u
the bladder also , when that organ 1 :
sluggish. With this timely check Uright'i
disease , diabctis , catarrh of the bladder
and other kindred disorders , may bo pro
vented. Liver complaint , constipation
nervous ailments and rheumatism an
likewisu-conqucrnblo with this sovcroigi
household remedy. Against tha oiFocti
of exposure in damp or otherwise in
clement weather , it is n benign safeguard
and revives strcngthjifler undue fatigco
One of the features of the Lackawanni
county fair was u baby show. The man
ngers , however , avoided the perils o
attempting to award the prizes fo
beauty , but stood on the safe ground o
avprdupois , nnd graded the babies liki
prize pigs ; the first nnd second , weight ;
not over a year old receiving f 15 and $10
respectively , and the lightest weight between
tweon nine and twelve months boin <
aw nrded $5.
Why Hhnuhl OKI Men ftnfTnr ?
The pains of old ago mnko the path ti
the grave one of thorns. Rhoumutisn
nnd kidney troubles seem over to bo the !
companions , yet Allcock's Porous Pins
tors give them rolief. Mr. Terrene *
Ruillv , of No. 2.23 Myrtle avenue , Brook
lyn , N. Y. , says ;
' 1 am nearly eighty-four vears old , nm
have .sullbred from rheumatism and kidney
noy troubles. I have tried numborles
remedies , but nonu ever relieved mo a
fercil from pain in the lower part of tin
Imcrk , which is constant torture unless
keep these valuable plasters continual ! ;
on. They nro the only remedy my fnm
ily nnd f.elf over tiso for pr.lns or soreness
ness in thu chest und throat. "
and Gossip of the Hen on tuo
Biographical HkntchvR Omnbn'n Sun-
dnr Vldltorm Wlint the llctrcftpn-
tatlves of Commercial ilouic *
Ar > living.
In this issue the BEU begins the publi
cation ot brinf sketches of the com
mercial travelers of this oity and state ,
which will bo continued until the entire
list Is finished. The position of the
traveling salesman in soclnl nnd com
mercial circles will cause those sketches
to bo read with interest.
F. B. UiLMtnnG may bo rcgnrdoi ! as n
veteran among traveling men. Horn
away back in the twenties , ho has always
followed an nctivo business career anil is
now on the rend for Her As Co. , the well
known distillers und rectifiers of this
city. When Mr. Olllmoro entered the
service of that company twelve joars
ago ho had already an extensive
experience in the whUky busi
ness. His route is now almost con-
lined to the territories nnd there is
probably no other commercial man better
known or moro highly re.spccteit in the
districts through which ho travels. It
has been said ol F. 1J. that he is "it gen
tleman , n scholar and n judge of whisky"
and r o one has ever been known to au-
thoritivelv contradict the statement.
Messrs. Her may consider themselves
foi Innate to have in their employ n
gentleman whoso- urbanity nnd business
energy and integrity have done so much
to extend their connections throughout
the western district. Mr. Uillmoro is at
present in Montana.
GEOKOK M. SWIUAICT , although only
thirty-eight summers imyo como und
gene since ho was ushered into the world ,
has already been engaged as u traveling
salesman for twenty years. He is at
present on the road for Lee , Fried & Co. ,
hardware moi'chunts of this city , and to
use the words of a member of the lirm.
( ieorgo is "a natural born salesman. "
His reputation in this respect , however ,
is not conlined to the opinion of hui em
ployers. ns his many customers along the
line of the Union Pacific nnd branchej
from Grand Island to Chcycuno will nil
testify. Mr. Swigart is popular and
deservedly so. Hardware , however ,
is not "his only crime. " Ho
has been accused of exhibiting n de
cided partiality for horsu lU-sh. if there
is n fair or a race to bo held within n
radius of twenty miles , Swignrt is sure to
bo llthar , " und his opinion on equine
trotters is regarded 'by horsey men as
trustworthy nnd reliable. Mr. Swigart
before coming to Omaha wns well known
as one of thu representatives of Jones &
Longhrans , iron merchants of Chicago
and Pittsburgh.
* # *
WHEN THE lirm of Messrs. Kilpatrick ,
Koch it Co. , drv goods merchants of
Harncy street , took over the business of
Tootle , Maul & Co. in March last.
Charles A. Hnnn had already rendered
valuable assistance in building up the
extensive trade ot tl.o latter lirm. his
services wore consequently gladly re.-
tained by the new company. Entering
the joDblng house of Tootle , Maul & Co. ,
some ten years ago , in a minor capacity ,
Mr. llnim won the confidence of his em
ployers and was gradually advanced
until ho had important duties assigned U >
him on the road. Mr. ilanu is a master
of his business in all its branches. His
territory lies north nnd west of
Grand Island , nnd in these districts lit
bears the 'reputation of being an inde
fatigable rustier , as well as a general
man of business. Mr. ilann gained con
siderable experience in the dry goods
trade in the retail honsn of J. W.
Thomas , at Grand Island. His biography
would be incomplete without stating that
IIP is married and the father of a young
and interesting family.
A. C. FKOST is one of the many repre
sentatives of thu largo establishment oi
W. L. P.trroUo & Co. in the hat and cai
trade. Mr. Frost is a striking represen
tative of the phenomenon who carries an
old head on young shoulders. Only
twenty-four years old lie has gained an extensive -
tonsivo experience of men aim tilings ns
well as a thorough knowledge of his bus
iness. Added to these minlilications Mr.
Frost has the faculty of leaving n favorable -
able imuiession wherever ho narrius his
samples" . His duties lie principally
through the territories ot Utah ,
Montana , Wyoming and Ore/ion / , and
for one so young ho has
made n first class record. Mr. Frost h
u native of Nova bcotia and as yet un
married. Ho wns for a time in the cm-
ploy of S. 1' . Morse & Co. , of this city.
FRANK B. HociSTKTfiit ! : is n hardware
man nnd n hustler. Ho is now on tnc
road for thn extensive hardware house ol
the Rector & Wilhelmy company , and is
himself vice president and a partner in
the corporation , Mr. Hochstetter has
been traveling for the ( inn for
( ivo years , and is well known
as a successful salesman and
popular "drmuuor" throughout Colorado
rado , Wyoming and Utah. Mr. Hoch
stetter has done much to extend the rap
idly increasing popularity of the house
which ho represents and his "nalcs" foi
the last few years arc a monument to his
ability ns a "plncor" of goods. Mr.
Hoohstetler is twenty eight years old
nnd unmarried. Ho is nt present located
among the Mormons in Salt Lake City ,
where his firm do a largo business.
O. R. AUIN : is one of the travelers ,
ns well as u member for tho'lirm of Allen
Bros. , wholesale croeers. Mr. Allen is n
native of Stephens Fort , Ky. , and began
his business career in Cincinnati. Among
the many grooerymen who travel through
Nebraska Mr. Allen is opo of the mosl
prominent and popular. Ills territory ex *
teuds along the Union Panilio road as fai
west as Sydney , and on the route his
friends arc legion. His success is duo in
n largo measure to untiring energy and r
desire to givu satisfaction to his manj
customers. U is by such men as O. R
Allen that the best interests of Onmha't
trade are advanced. This gentleman i :
on the rosy sldo of thirty nnd as yet :
. *
THE WELL-KNOWN grocery estfabllBh
ment of Pnxton , Gallagher & Co. , hnv <
many good men representing them on tin
road , but few of them excel thu genin
W. W. Finch in business , rustle HUI
knowledge of the grocery business. For
merly a salesman for a Chicago house *
ho came to this city some three yean
ago and has since identified himself witl
the firm for which ho now travels. Mr
Finch is the posessor of nn urbane ant
pleasant manner that goes far to increusi
his popularity as well as his sales. Tc
use a familiar If somewhat stale c *
prcssion , ho "gets there" whenever at
opportunity olTora.
TfiKitE ARE few traveling men in thi
btatos who are Better known or moro pop
ular than Victor Lcngfold. ponularlj
known ns "Count" Lengfold. He is i
"I'roosirvn" and a scion of n noble fara
ily. Coining to America f early in life
ho has doyoted himself to cornmercia
pursuits for some twonty-fiva years pas
nnd has invariably met with prodigiou
success. He is at present on the road fo
the Willow Springs Distillery company
am' is engaged in the Mississippi rive
trade , traveling from St. Paul down t <
Kansas Cily nnd St. Joe , The
count is looked upon more or
loss tia a "character , " nd it is
but right to say that ho Is well worthy
ol his reputation. People who nro unno-
quaintod with Mr. Lengllold would
scarcely bo inclined to Think tint this tall
neatly attired and distinguished looking
gentleman follows Iho calling of n whisky
drummer. Yet such is the case nnd Iho
Count is proud of his vocation. Ho has
a very wide experience of the trade hav
ing at various times been engaged on the
road for some of the Inrgo-st liquor
houses in the United States , il'ho count
tins a happy knack Combining business
with the less solid aDairs of lifo. He does
n largo and lucrative business for the
popular company he represents.
W.S. CAI.UWUMI isanothcr commercial
man who enjoys the reputation of being
n rustler , lie is on the road for Z. T.
Lindscy & Co. , the extensive rubber boot
and shoo merchants of this city , und Is
well known nt all points in Nebraska
south of the Union Padlio road , whcro
liia territory lies. Mr. Caldwell wns la
the employ of the same company when
their house was located in Council l luf ! * * .
Ho him also been m the boot nnd shoo
business on his own account at Claren
don , la. Mr. Caldwell has a thorough
knowledge of his business nnd makes the
most of it in tbo internal of his employers.
Ho is ti married man. and a prominent
nnd useful member of the Methodist
JAMI F. FKKGU&ON is a Scotchman
and n juvenile on the road. Coming to
America two years ago hu entered the
service of Itpul , Murdoch : & Fisher , of
Chicago , with whom he remained six
months. Mr. Ferguson then iamo to
Omaha and was employed to travel for
Allen Hros. His territory lies along the
1) . & M. road and already he has made
considerable headway in building up n
gnntlcninn whose pleasant , afHthlc man
ner endears him to nil with whom he
comes in contact. The captain in city
traveler for Her & Co. and is a brother
ot the partners in that lirm. During
the four years ho has been in
Omaha ho has made hosts oi
Iriends and .many customers. Mr. Her
was for u time sinwrintondcnt of Sliulc-
bnkcr's wagon factory at South Bend ,
Ind. , and subsequently carried on an ex
tensive and lucrative wagon building
business on his own account. The cap
tain burved with distinction in the lute
war and i ? now a member of the Loyal
legion in this city.
Omalin's Sundnjr Gucstg.
The hotels wcro crowded with travel
ing men yesterday. Almost every kind
of business wns represented. There was
the man with a grip full of samples ol
now winter goods in suitings , nnd the
stove man also. Dry goods men were
plentiful nnd in their big trunks of
eamplos could bo found many articles of
apparel that were expressly designed and
made to keep the coining cold winter's
chill from the body ot man , woman und
child. Yesterday's weather , if it con
tinues , will give ii start in their trade
that will soon sot life fall goods on the
shelf and mnko way for. the new.
Among those who'Sundnyed at the
Millard were II. M. Dickey , Chicago ,
cigar.i ; W. K. Tumor , Chicago , furniture ;
Henry M. Gould , New Vork , jewelry ; H ,
Marks , .New York , liquors ; Henry
Freund. New York , jewelry ; C. II. Jacc- !
son , St. Louis , groceries ; F. K. Dean ,
Chicago , baps ; F. K. Hassctt , Chicago ,
furniture ; Frank F , Nprthrop and F. G.
McCraekcn. Chicago , dry goods : John
W. Moore.Philadelphia , suitings-.Willinm
A. Irons , Philadelphia dry goods ; A. K ,
Hraymau and Frank H. Lewis , Chicngo ,
groceries ; J. C. Northrop , Johnstown , N.
Y. , gloves ; VV. L. Miller , Cincinnati ,
stoves ; A. H. Snow , New York , jewelry
Charles Hddmann , Baltimore , to
bacco , A. Kaswie.k , New York ,
luces ; A. R. Vermelyea , New
York , gas fixtures ; L. Mayer. St ,
Ixjuis. clothing ; W. B. Haflclfing'cr , Phil
adelphia , clothing ; A. A. Fowler , Koch
ester. N. Y. , boots and gliocs : C. Dobi-
ner. St. Joe , liquors ; S. M. Pray , Chicago
cage , liquors , F. 0. Butler. Newark ,
whips ; A. W. Butts , Chicago , fancy gro
ceries ; R Lindhoim , New York , cloth
ing ; J. McCiillin , Chicago , dry goods ; J ,
V. Berg , Chicago , confectionery ; M. C.
McGrath , Now York , dry goods ; A ,
Slunrt. Philadelphia.
At the Paxton were Thomas Maddock ,
Philadelphia , gold lewclry and cnnes :
John Owens , New lork , cigars ; Fd Sal-
linger , Chicago , clothing ; Louis Moudols-
sohn , St. Louis , clothing ; t. W. Stevens ,
Chicago , stoves ; 11. C. liowman , Cincin
nati , soup ; S. L. Watson , Chicago ,
boots and shoos ; I1 rank L. Allen , Chicago
cage , gent- . ' furnishing goods ; F. G ,
Atkinson , Now York , clothing ; Charles
A. Garlick. Chicago , jewelry : Frank
Lnthrop , Chicago , railroad advertising
Note * .
A. C. Barnttm. of New York , roprc *
sonting the Mcridon Briltanic company ,
was m town yesterday.
H. C. Bowman is another man whc
desires to make the people of Omahc
look noat. Ho has got a line of Proctoi
& Gamble's soaps , lie hails from Cin
William H. Cosgrover , of Now York ,
was in town yesterday. He represents
Keith & Co. , manufacturers of hats and
By n Commercial Trareler Afininsl
the Union Pacific.
CHICAGO. 111. , Oct. 7. To the Editor oi
thu BKK : It is seldom ono dares openly
to condemn a policy of a wealthy rail
road corporation , and again there are
manv moro who do not enter n complain
when their rights are trampled upon foi
the solo and only reason that they do no
travel much nnd consequently they cm
stand it once in awhile. I refer more
particularly to the Union Pacific on tin
mam line , which does not afford nmpli
accommodations for local lirst clas
travel. The train urlon which wo an
riding is composed of three baggage nm
mail cars , two California fruit cars , oni
first class coach , six [ emigrant or thin
class cars nnd ono Ogden sleeper
When I went into the train nt Choyunni
for Laramie I had on.y thrco houra1 ridi
nnd did not need to take a sleeper bu
was forced to do o because the onlj
lirst class coach was occupied by thin
class passengers. The next day going t <
Rawlins I found it tup same , nnd tin
next day to Kvanstouit , was moro so
the car being crowded with tilth ;
human beings who occnpicd the ! )
time in sleeping , stretched out over twi
seats and digging live stock out of thei
hair. That this state of things shouli
exist is a shame-and if there is to ho i
discrimination between ilrst and thin
class lot usjiave it , and if not , let thi
company charge the local passonge
what the emigrant pays. Locally w
pay as much money between Choyenn
and Evans ton as an emigrant uuys fron
Kansas City to Ogden for the same nc
As an old traveler and one who has ti
ride over the road continually , 1 protos
against this custom and ask for what w
nro required to pay for. The idea thn
wo must pny lirst class and ride thin
class among a lot of dirty and disjjustinj
emigrants is too much nnd the nuisanci
could easily bo done away with if th
company cared to. I am free to say
would and will work to divert botl
freight aad passenger traffic from thread
road if it continues , nnd this remark fron
a iiftoon-ycar-on-tho-road-salesman is no
without meaning. FUASK K. NOUTO.H.
'jf drilling Tale tijr Heir to a For
tune In Tennessee.
CINCINNATI , October L About a tmlo
from Oxford , O. , stands n largo brick
building , known as the Oxford Retreat , n
jinvato institution for the treatment of
insanity. For some little time back.there
have brcn rumors running around Ox
ford rcllccting rather sonously upon the
management of the institution. Ono of
the most prominent andstartlingof these
was to the effect that n young man from
the south , of large means , had been kid.
napned into the resort nnd was being
detained there illegally and against his
will through the conspiracy of friends on
the outside , who wanted him out of the
way in order that they might the moro
readily possess themselves of his fortmio.
This rumor was investigated. The
young man referred to was found. Ho
bad been released from the retreat
Thursday evening under peculiar cir
cumstances. His nnmo is Samuel L.
Doan. Ho is a small , slight , boyish look-
Jug young follow of twenty-two , bright ,
apt nnd Intelligent , nnd told his story in
a very strnigntforwnrd nnd impressive
"My father , " said ho. "was Kstis Doan ,
of Memphis. Tenn. , ono of the largest
cotton merchants in that section of the
south. Ho died two years ago. Ho loft
n largo property , nnd his will , while
innkmg nmwlo provision for my mother
ami the other children , showed some
little favoritism to me.
"Although I wns the wildest ono in the
family , I wns always trfy father's favoritfl
child. * The favoritism shown in my
direction by the will aroused the jealousy
of certnin other members of the family ,
and this , in the light of the facts nnd cir
cumstances , is the secret of my recent
involuntary incarceration. I traveled
n'xjut ' the countrv nnd looked upon wine
when it wns , red. Along in July lust I
made up my mind to brace up. Our
family physician , who was cognizant ol
this intention , suggested the Rctrcnt nt
Oxford , O. , ns a good place for me to go
to. 1 determined to enter the Retreat. 1
accordingly arrived in Oxford on July
28 last , and entered it at oncn. The
terms were $10 n week. When I entered
1 was thrust into what is called the 'back
wan ! , ' among tlio insane nnd epileptic
patients , where tiio inmates are con-
stantlv in charge of keepers and nro un
der look nnd key. This wn hardly what
1 had expected , but 1 thought perhaps it
would bo the best tiling after nil , ns it
would bo impossible for mo to got out to
get anything to drink , arid the bracing
up process would bo expedited. L re
mained an uncomplaining inmate of that
ward for three weeks. At the end of that
time , feeling satisfied that I had got the
whisky out of me. I requested Dr. Cook
to transfer me to other nnd better quar
ters and accord mo some privileges.
" 'No , sir , ' said Dr. Cook , the superin
tendent , very grullly and emphatically ;
you'll stay just where you are. ' 1 wns
astounded , f had gone there as I'd go to
any hotel or watering plaee , prepared to
pay my way and expecting such treat
ment and privileges as I desired.
"Then , ' said I , ' 1 leave the institu
tion. '
" 'Not much , ' naid Dr. Cook , 'I am
going to keep you hero. '
I was horror stricken. 1 hnd entered
there of my own frco will , I was of ago
and hud not been committed there. I
wns dumb-founded. Not only did Coolf
give mo the intelligence that I wns to remain -
main in the institution whether or no
un intnntn of n ward occupied by luna
tics , imbeciles , epileptics and other unde
sirable companions but ho imparted the
additional information thai all letters 1
wrote wens to be handed to him un
sealed , to bo rend nnd censored before
being mailed. When I entered the insti
tution 1 had n book of blank checks on
the Stnto National bank of Memphis ,
The second night 1 was there this book
was taken from my pocket. A few days
iBtur Cook presented ono of the blank
checks to mend requested mo to sign ,
I refused to append my signature until
ho had filled it out. Ho finally filled ii
out for $ GO for four weeks' board. Thou
I signed.
"Finally I succeeded in smuggling a
letter out' , through an attendant , to Mr.
Nelson W. Perry , of Oxford , of whom I
had heard. Mr. Perry smuggled nn nn-
swer back , nnd through this clandcstmt
correspondence 1 succeeded in laying
before fllr. Perry a true statement of mj
case. Ho consulted a lawyer , Mr. Palmei
Smith. Cook sent word to Mr. Smith
that he hnd better have nothing to do
with the matter. Mr. Smith sent back
word that the case , as it presented itscll
to him , appealed to humanity and itmttiv
would sift it to tlio bottom. In order tci
satisfy Mr. Smith that I was n responsi
ble party , 1 sent him word to telegraph
the. Salu National bank of Memphis as
to whether there was nn account there to
my credit or not. Mr. Smith had the
Second National hank of that place tole.
graph the State National bank of Mem
to that ciVuct. The answer came
Chis that there was money there to mj
credit , but that a guardian had enjoined
the bank not to pay it over to me. This
was a now surprise. It was the first in
timation I hud that I had a guardian. II
was another conclusive demonstration
of the existence of a cold-blooded con
spiracy. I immediately wrote , and smug
glcd out thu letter , to the probate judge
of bhclby county , Tenn. , inquiring
whether there had been n guardian ap
pointed for me. This reply was received
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , AUK. IB , 1887.-Mr. Snmue
DonnOxford , ! ) . : Dour Sir : Your comiuuni
cutlun of tlio Kith Inst. wus Imndcd me bj
JiulKO .1. 3. Ciilloway. In reply would gtutc
that no one has boon nppolntoil ns your gilur-
dUm in thU court. Respectfully ,
P. J. QuifiLV. Clerk.
IJyTnos. 7. CRENSIH.VT , Deputy.
"Unon the receipt of this letter Mr
Perry and Mr. Smith communicated as tc
its contents with the State National bank
In a day or two the answer came bacl-
that investigation on the part of the bant
hnd developed the fact that it had beer
imposed upon , and that the gunrdinr
story was all n hoax ; that I had no guar
dian nnd the money to my credit then
wns at my disposal. Finally , the for <
part of this wcelc , Mr. Smith determinot
to bring the matter to an immediati
issue by taking out habeas corpus paper
for my release. It happened that Dr
Cook , who had an inkling as to whatwai
in contemplation , approached Mr. Smitl
and brought up the subject of the pro
posed habeas corpus proceedings nm
attempted to dissuade him from such i
course , telling him that mioh a proceed
ing would prove futile , as he had com
mitment papers for my detention.
" 'What is tlio character of the papers *
asked Mr. Smith. 'It's a bill of lunacy ,
was the veply.
"Tho following day , on Tuesday last
Mr. Smith called at the Retreat. Tin
doctor produced the papers. Instead o
being n bill of lunacy , the papers wcro i
guarantee , signed by relatives of mine ii
Tennessee , to secure him ( Cook ) fron
any damages that might result in casi
that I brought an action against him fo
illegal detention. This document left m
further doubt about the whole nffnii
being a conspiracy planned by relative
of mine nnd participated in by Cook
Ho went next dny to Hamilton , however
and filed thu petition in habeas corpus
The judge at Hamilton advised him , be
fore having the papers issued upon , U
return to the Retrofit and make a forma
demand on Cook for my release. If tin
demand was not acceded to a dcput ;
sheriff was to bo sent on to servo the pa
pers nnd take mo out of the instilutioi
by process of law. "
Mr. Smith accordingly returned to Ox
ford and made the formal demand. Cool
finally agreed to release Doan on th
condition that ho would not bo prose
outed for kidnapping. This Perry rofusoi
to do , but Cook released Doan. Th
mayor and other prominent citizens o
Oxiord Imvo the matter now In charg
and will prosecute Cook. 1'ublio sympa
tby is with Doau.
Pope Leo X1IL
When the news ot Jonchim Peccl's
election to the papal throne surprised the
world , millions of tongncs asked what
manner of man ho might bo , The news
papers with one accord , but In many dis
cords , hastened to reply : "His holiness
wns tall nnd not tall * , smooth-tongued
nnd rotigh-tongucd , an ultrn-montano
and yet moderate , a patrician and of
plebeian birth , tlio dearest friend and the
bitterest enemy of Cardinal Manning ,
broad and narrow-minded , a cosmopoli
tan and an Italian. " And then what a
contrast with his prcdocessorl. "To the
most corpulent occupant of the chair of
Peter hnd succeeded the thinnest , who
lacked not only physical bulk , but also
the polish , the facile manner of Pope
1'ius IX. "
Jonchim Vincent Raphael Aloyslus
Pccci was born In the old family pnlnoo
at Cnrpiuoto , near Signn , in March , 1810.
Of his father. Count Lulgi Pecci , there is
little to bo said ; his mother , the countess ,
known In her maidenhood as Anna Proi-
perl of Cori , traced her genealogy back
to Rlonzl. Made familiar with the brown
habit of St. Frnncis from her earliest in
fancy , nt the ago ot eight the child was
intrusted to the keeping of St. Ignatius ,
being pent in company with his brother
to the Jesuit Fathers at Viterbo. On the
death of his mother in 1834 the boy of
fourteen was sent to Rome. At first ho
lived with his undo in the palace of the
Marquis Mull. Thence ho soon proceeded
to the Roman college , passing in duo
course into the Academy of Noble Ecclo-
sinstic.s , that nursery of nuncios and
school of cardinals. Here ho numbered
among his professors Andrew Carafa ,
John Ferrone , Anthony Kohlninn and
Father Frnncis Manera , S. J. The stu
dents at the Academy of Noble Eccle
siastics may bo f aid to live under the
watchful eye of the Pope , and Gregory
XVI. was quick to discover the aptitude
of Pecci. While yet in minor orders he
was attached to the papal household as
domestic prelate , nnd a few months later
ho received the priesthood at the hands
of Cardinal Prince Ode.scnlahi. Ho said
his ( irst mass in the chupol of St. Stan
islas in Saint Andrea on tiio Qmrinal ,
assisted by his brother , Joseph i'ccci ,
then a member of the Society of Jesus ,
und now a cardinal. The first public post
assigned to Mgr. Pecci by Gregory XVI.
was the governorship of the province of
Benovcnto. Brigandage.and oppression
of the peasantry by the nobles were rife
in that district , a state of affairs which
the new delegate suppressed with nn iron
hand , despite impeachment und accusa
tion before the pope. In 18-11 ho was
nominated papal delegate to S pole to ,
but before the appointment took effect he
was transferred to the moro important
post of governor of Perugia , where the
sauio troubles were again faced , and the
snruo paciiicatton achieved. At the age
of thirty-three the delegate , whoso work
was done in Perugin , was precogmsed
archbishop of Damfottain January,1813 ,
nnd was sent as apostolic nuncio to Rrns-
sols. Freli from his consecration in the
church of St. Lawrence at the hands of
Cardinal Lambruschiiii , ho proceeded by
way of Marseilles , Lyons und Niimur to
the court of King Leopold L When he
left Belgium for the see of Perugia , the
future pope spent a mouth in london.
"Good deeds , " once said the celebrated
Richter , "ring clear through heaven like
u bell. " Ono of the best deeds is to alle
viate human sufferings. "Last fall my
daughter wns in decline,11 says Mrs. Alary
Hinsoii , of , Kansas. "And
everybody thought she wns going into
consumption. I got her a bottle of Dr.
11. V. Pierce's 'Favorite Prescription,1
and it cured her. " Such facts as the
above need no comment.
W. J. Arkcll is one of the busy little
men of Now York. He runs the Albany
Evening Journal , thu Judge , thu Mount
McGregor railroad , the Hotel Balmoral
on Mount McGregor , and thu Cana-
jolmrio paper bag \yorks , besides Inking
a big liana in politics , in the big papei
bag.poo ! nnd in type-setting machinery ,
which ho has introduced in the Journal
office. He is only live feet four inches hi
height , but weighs a ton or two iu
Impurities of thn blood of cn cause
great annoyance at this season. Hood's
Sarsapnnlin purifies the blood , and cures
all such affections. _
Mrs. K/.ra S. Allen ascended alone in
a balloon from the state fair grounds al
Narragunsett Park , Providence , Wednes
day afternoon. She reached u height oi
three miles und met with diverse currents
of air and a whirlwind. The situation
wus so threatening that she pulled the
explosion cord and full with the balloon ii
mile and a half. The force of the fall
wat > broken by the balloon alighting in u
tree top. _
Cronpy suffocations , night coughs and
all tlio comp'on affections of the throat
nnd lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. 11 ,
McLeau's Tar Wine Lung Balm ,
One day last week August Boblcsse , ol
Dallas , nnd Miss Mnry Bowman , ol
Wilkosbnrre , Pa , wcro married at the
latter place , having- known each othei
only two days. Boblesso informed the
landlord of the hotel at which he stopped
that he was looking for a wife , and the
landlord introduced him to ono of his
domestics , who speedily became Mrs
III superior excellence proven In mlllfonso-
horausfor more than anunrtor of n coutur
It Is UHod by the United StuloS ( lovernmoni
Kudorsed by the heads of the great unlvorsi
tlos , us the Strongest , Purest and Most Health
fuL. Dr. 1'rlco's the only linking 1'owdur thn
clooinot contain Ammonia , Lima or Alum. Soli
only in cans.
New fork Chicago St. tau
And HOJir.SCaiOOI , for OIKLS
KANSAS C1TT UO. 1'nll curp ot prcomillliiti
'l' cinrs , 1'uulli recelreri nt unr lime. Kor vlrculi
lll K. MoOOMAB , i'rlnclpul
4TniNscoratlne < l. 4
'otljr on * Iu tti we
liconllnBou * Xliftrio it We.
r if , ScMiitiac.rDwtrrul. Dnrntl * .
able ud l.ttfctlTB. .Arold IrAUrtA
OOcnr l. flrnilctmTiforparnitljlct
He. HORNE. u < t > iTC . im WABAM AVt. . r.mcAna
I /\QTWAHHOOD.YouthfnlIropr
LaO | uumiiii.Ncrvoual > ubllltycaiiheil
through urrorn und bad iintclit-t-u CURED.
" ' UISAl4COiaLocuktet.&t.LouU
Tlio Itohltorf of K Street
Driver on Vunttiig Street.
His Cash Box ami Watch Made A\va/
With The Trouble of Another Driver
on the Green Line.
ThoboMnnd auccossful robbery ot aatrert
car driver oa Cumin * otreot Ust ThurmUy
iilKnt Ims CIUHO.I oonsldorsblu oxoltoinout la
tlio city , ami in rumors or itrlka amour the
direct cnrdrlvora in Omaha been dying
thick niul fMt for a week past , * reporter wlnli-
Ing to tuccrlnln to whnt uxtunt Uiu ctrlko hnd
lironri mil , Imllod car No. 18 on thn ricon Un *
( ovcruldujs nun , anil , ranking hit way through
Hie crowded 01 r hi tha trout platform , Inirmtl-
ntisl hlm < * nir Into the good Kracos ot the g nl I
driver , nnil lonrnod from that ( tonllomnu tno
following particulars of tliostrlko lanucMion :
" .Slrlko. did you yr Weil , 1 do not know.
tluiro tuny bo some tali of a utrlkn , but. It
there Is t know notbliiR nbout It , 1 think tli
drivers hoto In Omaht nro imlit about ai well
ns th * drivers anywhere , and hare about
thn enmo hour * : Jmt If yon want to know
oinctliineor nvtrlko , I ctmtolt you of attrlk *
1 omno nonr nolnir on ntuiut a month BKO.
You ( top , " continued tlin driver , ftTnirlnx con-
lldcutlnl , "for the last thrc * yours 1 hurobcva
n MirTeror f nun thnt lonthoomo dlMMo.cntnrrh ,
brought on by cnrniegg uxpottire , nnd nnd It M
bud tliut I not llrcd of uiyM'lf mid everything ,
At iilKht time while In bott 1 would Imre
dropping hi the bnok or my throat which would
almost strntiKlo me. It would kt-op mo awake
the beilpnrtof tlio bronth wa ex-
remely ollcn lvo : why 1 wui nshnmed to KO
ncnr any- person on nocountuf It , t could not
retain whnt llltlo food I mnnncoil to cut , and
would halk nnd Rplt nil dny. 1 luid a buzzlnir and
ronrhur In my cur.-i. I tried imtont raodloluof
to no vnd without relief , and tried Mivoral
local doctors with th Mima result , and hnd
ti bo lit undo up my mind to tro on a strike to
ROIUO other ollinnto for my health when I read
nn ndvortlvinimtof Drs. McToy & Itonrr , nnd
pnsMnff tliolr ollloo every ilny nnd noolnir § o
mimy people oallloit tluiro I concluded tliert
muM botiomctlilnir in It , I ritlled on them nnd
commenced treatment nt once. " "And with
wlmt result uucrlod tlio scribe ! " queried th
Borlbo. "Well , 1 Imvo boon under tholr treat
ment for one month and feel boiler tlmn I
hnvofortwoynnrx : 1 have no morn end bicalh.
no moru nolnu * in my enra , ctm henr n well ni
over , ciin oat throe miunro tuculiand keep them
down , too , nnct hi fiii't fool like a new muii on- .
tlrcly , 1 wnnt to gay all 1 can for Itm dooton
for tlioy hare worked wonders for mo. Not
off. aroyou , well , coed bye , " nnd thftpcrth * ,
plodding on hl woury war , thonirht surely
truth Is Mrmigor than fiction. The drhvr ubora
inciitloi > vd ti
driver of cur No. IH.firoen Line , lie bonnls al
tliooonnorof Klrby und Twontv-Mxlh olrooll ,
M-honi ho will corroborate tlio ubovo to uuy ona
doubting It.
The Sytiif.lonis Attrtitlini/ That Dl -
ease ll'ltich Lcculu to Con
sumption ,
When catnrrh Ims oxHtod In tlio head nnd the
upuer part nr tlio thnint foriuiy lonitlli of time
tro put lunt llvlnp hi a dMrict whorapeopl *
nro subject to CHtnriliul iiireutlon-auil tlio Uls-
ciiso has Jiccn Ion uncuied , the cntunh Invarl-
nbly. sometimes slowly , extends iloirn ttia
windpipe nnd Into the bronchial tubra , which
tiibcNoouvey tlin nir to the dllicrent pirtxof
tliolunirxi'ho tubes bcc-omo Blti-ctod from
the Bwcllluir nnd tbo mucous arising from
catarrh , i < nd , InKQinoiiislnncos.bocotnopliiirired
up. so that the air cuiinol Ktit In as frt-ely as It
should , tjliortnoss of hiciith follows , nud the
patient breathes with labor and dlfllculty.
In either cuce tnoro u Hiiund of rrarklinif
and irlioiuhiK inMUu tliocliost. At thlxstiigcof
the dNcasa thn breiithlm ; Is usually moro lupld
than when In honlth. The oatlont has also hot
dashes over hlctmdy.
Tno pain which accompanies this condition I *
of a dull character. Toll In the cheat , bohtad tha
breastbone , or under the shouMor blade. The
pain may conic and ire lust tow dnys nnd then
b absent for several otluns. The cnuih that
occurs In the first stares of bronchial catnrrh U
dry.cumoaon nt intervals , hacking In charac
ter , and Is usimlly most troublesome In tne
mornlnir on rlninif , or ( rolmr to liml at nlaht und
It may b ln the ftistcvldencuof the disousu ex
tending Into thu lumrs.
Sometimes thorn lira fits of coughing Induced
by the tough tnucuiso vlolant aMocBiiso vom
iting. .Later on the mucus that Is raised. Is
tound to contain Hruiill particW of yellow mat
ter , wliloli liidlcntcH tlint Itm imnll tubes lnth
lungs Kro now affoctort. With this there ar
often streaLs of blood mixed with the inuout.
luiomo cases the pntlcnt becomes very pale.
hna fever , and oxpoctornto ) before any cough
In BOine C.T OJ nmal lnia ser of choosy snb-
stnncu nro spit up , which , whim pressed between -
twoen thoflntrora , omit n nnd odor. In other
cnses , particles of n hard , chnlky nnturo ar >
spit up. The ralKlnp ot choosy or chally lumps
inclknt * serious mlslilef at work In the fuiiutf.
In some ciisos catnrrh will extend into tha
lungs In n few weeks ; In other coses It nmy be
months , nnd oven yrnrsheloro the dlcraso nt-
tnckstho lunjs Riilticicntly to canto seriouH In
terference with the goneial health. When the
dlsoiKohas developed to such n point tlio pa-
tjcnt Is wild to IIHVO OHtttrrhil consumption.
With bionchml calarih tlioro is moroorloti *
lover which dtiTnrt * with tlio itinerant puitnof
tlio dny slight In Iho morning , higher In tha
afternoon nnd ovcntnir.
Wlmt It Menus , Ifriw It Acts , and
What It la.
You fijioczo when f ou get up In the mornlnff ,
you try to snoo/x > your nose off every time you
are expoirct to the lonst draft of nlr. You hav
a fullness over the front of the forohusd , and
the ni < 3o fools aa if tlioro won n plug In eaoh
nostril which you cannot dislodge. You blow
your now ) until your ears crnok , but It don't do
any good , and the only result Is that you suo-
coed in getting , up a very rod noao , and you so
Irritate the lining membrane of that organ
Unit you nre unublo to Orcntuo through It nt alL
TblH In a correct und not ovoidrnwn picture of
nn ucuUi at tuck of catarrh , or "Sncozlnr
Catarrh" 113 It M culled.
Now , whnt duos this condition indicate ? First ,
a cold that cause * mucus to bo pouVcd out by
the glands In the noho ; tlion these dlsousod
glands nro attacked by swurtna ot little germs
-tha catarrh gonn that llont iu the air Iu a
locality whcro the dtsouso U prevalent. Those
unlmalciilao , In tholr oltorts to tlucl n lodgment ,
Irritnto the sensitive inomurnno lining the nos *
nnd mituto umlottakos to rid herself of them
by producing H lit of Hiioo/lng.
when thn nose becomes Illlud with thickened
nnd diseased mucus thu natural channels for
Iho Introduction of air Into the lunus H Inter
fered with , niul the person so circled most
bienthe through the mouth , und by such
moans the throat boi-omo * pnrchoil nnd dry.
fiiorinif is produced , nnd tlmn the caturrhni
diMiuso Kiutu ready noco-u to the throat nnd
Late of Bollov'iio Hospital , N. V
AM > nocroit
Columbus H
310-311 RAK BUlLDiMQ
Cor. 15tli and Harney Streota
OmalKi , Nob.
Where all curable niisi-i mo IrO'Uixl witu mio
cosj. ModlojU ( ILpeimtrUrdJUDcl f Kllfully. ( ; On-
sumption , Hrlght'H Ulscuso. Dyspnpm , Ithoil-
imulsm , mnl nil fJnilVOIJS IHPl'ASus. Alldl-
onico or by mull Jl.
OIUco hour * : H toll it. m. ; 3 to 4 p. iu. ; T to
U p. m. Kunduy * Include * ! .
Correspondence rooulvo * prompt attention.
Many disease * me treutoU successfully by Dr
McCoy thKiugh the nmlM , and It U tlim point.
bio for thoau unable to maliu n lournuv to ob
tain BUccoKSful limp tul trminnonl nt thatr
homos. No IcUoiii unsworoii unless aeoompv
n Hid by 4o InMiunps.
Aildi en idl b'tturH lo lira , McCoy & llinr.i
llooiuu atj unU UU Jaiu u llulldlajrumtilmNu ,