Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' T >
jjvt *
D t1r ( Ifornldff Edition ) Including Sunday
Bcr. On * Venr . CIO 01
ForBIz Month * . , . 600
KofThre * Month * . . . . S SO
Tlie Omahn Rxndny Jin , mailed to auf
tuldrMi , Ono Year. . . . 20)
fniAtU Orncr. No. PI I * NI > tit rAiwA.w RTnmcr.
ew TURK ornci. Roou n > , TniniiNi\u.
orriceNo.6UKuuiT iNTn8tn T.
conntsroNDrscr :
All communications rotating to noirn and edi
torial matter nhotUd bo ad < lroeso < l to the Kui-
* oit or rut lit * .
BBSIN 88I.trriRlt
All biirlncsfl letter * and remittanoos should ba
ddre od to THE BBC 1'onuiniNO COM PANT ,
OUAIU. Draft * , ch ok nnd po iondro orders
to be made jmyiible to the ord ref Ui oorapanr ,
E. nOSEWATEft. Knrron. '
Hvrorn Btntcmout of Circulation.
BUte of Nebraska. I.
_ Count ; of DOUTIM. J"'B <
' Ueo. B. Tzichncir , secrcUrv ot The Bee
Fubllshlnj : com nan T , does solemnly BWMVT
that the acttinl circulation ot thn Dally lice
k ' for the week outline Oct. 7 , 1837 , WBI M
follows :
I Saturday. Oct. 1 1O25
Bundftv. Oct 2 14.175
Moncuv. Oct , : i H.wr
Tcicsdav. Oct.4 14.475
Wrdnesdav. OcU5 in.tttf
Timnway. Oct. 0 13.DS.1
Friday , Oct. 7 .14,005
Average 14.50'i
Sworn to nnd subscribed In my presence
this 8th day of October , A. 1) . 1887.
N T * Vftt
f SEAL. I Notary Public ,
Btete of Nebraska , 1. .
K- Douelas County. ( "
lico. fi. 'J'zsctuick , being Drst duly sworn ,
deposes and says that he U secretary of The
lice Publishing company , that the actual
a veratro dally circulation of the Dally lice for
the month of October. 1880 , 12,989 copies ; for
November , Ib80,13,848 copies ; for December ,
1880. 13.1SI7 eonles : for January usj. 18,260
copies ; for February , 1887 , 14ife copies ; for
March. 1887 , 14.400 copies ; for April , 1887 ,
14,310 copies : for May. 18OT , 14,837 copies ; for
Juno 1687,14,147 copies ; for July. 1887,14-
C03 copies ; for August. 1887,14,151 copies ;
for September IStf , , 14,349 copies.
OKO. B T/scrrucK.
Sworn to and subscribed In my presence
i tills nth day ot October A. D. , 1887.
[ \SEAL. \ | N. P. FBU > Notary Public.
MIMSTUK MANNING has resigned his
position as representative of the United
States in Mexico. Mexico has been the
political grave yard of American minis
J [ THE total expense of the late bogus
fs Ute outbreak , it is said , will exceed
f. $75,000. The fun of exciting Colorow
into a revolt will thus cost the state of
Colorado quite a little sum.
TIIKIIK are now eight parties in the
political Held. The last ono has just
swung into line in New York. It is the
ij personal liberty party and has lor its ob-
sj. Joel the repeal of the Sunday law.
p" A COMBINATION has secured control of
the coke mines at Spangler , Montana.
The increase of working capital will no
doubt increase the production of coke ,
but the price will also probably be raised.
C MH. AI.EXANDEH'S speech insupport of
bis resolution to submit the issue be
tween the council and the police com
mission to the supreme court , is pro
nounced by those who heard it as the
most rational and forcible appeal in
favor of good government that has been
made In the council chamber this season ,
Tin : lumber barons' syndicate which is
rapidly obtaining control of the lumboi
industry in the northwest command.
from 100,000.000 to $70,000,000. The
smaller dealers , tumble to compete
against such an enormous combination
fe of capital , are gradually being frozen out
ferL Builders all over the west will soon fee !
j | the result of the pressure in the increase
' of the price of lumber.
THE transportation of western cattle
for eastern markets is now well undei
way. Shipping has been delayed at leasi
n month on account of the lean condition
of the stock. The shipments on tin
g Northern Pacific arc already extcnsivo
ft The drawback about the business now ii
that the railroads will pocket most of tin
profits , leaving the ranchmen little elsi
. , than the husks of the industry.
A PKU.MMKU is traveling through tin
south trying to find a town that will sent
him to jail. He refuses to pay the loca
license tax imposed upon comuiorcin
r travelers in some of the southern states
and wishes to work up n test cose. Si
far he has not been accommodated. Tin
unconsti tutionallty of a drummer's la :
has already been nflirmed by the Unitec
States supreme court in two cases.
JUDGE SAWYKR , of California , has do
dared William Kissane under the protec
lion of the statue of limitations. Mr will bo remembered , was prose
cuted bv personal enemies for nn nllegei
crlmo committed more than a quarter o
a century ugo. Ho has lived under ai
assumed name on the Pacific const am
has won n good reputation. Even if h
Were guilty of an offense a gcnoratiot
ago , a subsequent life-time of good citi
eonship should condone it. Otherwisi
there is little encouragement to reform.
has opened the campaign in the Unitci
States in favor of commercial union wit
Canada. Ho has the co-operation of Mi
Erastus Wiman of Now York , a gentle
man who very warmly espoused th
cause of which the Ohio congressman i
the parent. There Is no denying the fac
that the proposed policy is ably and in
ilueutlally championed , nud if it shoul
fail , as it is to bo apprehended it will , t
make many converts , the fault cannot b
charged to any inadequacy in presenting
its merits. The consummation of such
r policy is perhaps an event ol the future
I , but it is apparent that the present gone :
* ation is not nt nil anxious about it.
J'I I TO-MOK HOW will bo the lirst day c
registration for the November electior
\ and It is to bo hoped that voters will bea
the matter in mind and cot their name
] 'v on the list. No one can vote at the uei
ft election without being registered , tli
law disfranchising those who ncgloi
' . ' this duty , It may also bo expedient t
i eay again that a past registration Is of u
.7 , value. Every voter , in order to oxercii
. lus right of suffrage iu November , mui
, f be newly registered. The object to t
Ii ? accomplished by registration every goo
i. citizen should give his approval to b
< registering himself and interesting him
> _ _ self to have others do so who may bo in
different or derelict.
V -f
Thn Fnrmera of Kaniai.
Ko fltntc suffered greater damage to its
crop.o this year than Kansas , nnd the out
look for the farmers of that state is aomo-
what gloomy. The corn crop wns very
nearly a complete failure. In n few
northeastern counties about bnlf a crop
will be secured , but in most other coun
ties the yield will not bo over a quarter
to a third of the usual crop. There ia n
considerable quantity of old corn on
hand , but still It Is believed that perhaps
one-half the farmers will not have suffic
ient for their needs , and the prospect for
feeding cattle for beef this winter nt a
prolit Is said to bo very poor. It is also
said that the usual supply of fnt hogs
from Kansas will probably bo reduced
one-half this fall. They are worth only
three to four cents n pound , and at this
price it is not profitable to fatten them
on corn worth thirty-live cents a bushel.
An intelligent Knnsns farmer who has
been looking into the situation in a
thoroughly practical way asks how the
farmers of that state arc to pay their ex
penses and the , inevitable taxes this year.
With a greatly diminished crop , low
iriccs prevailing , 'and the extortionate
liar pen for transportation , he cannot sco
he way clear for the farmers of Kansas
.o niako ends meet durin g the next year ,
t would seem inevitable that many of
hem , however carefully they may econo
mize , will find the balance ngaiust them
oforo the dnto of another harvest. If
> y that time the majority of them should
each the conclusion , as this Intelligent
'armor has done , that it is a very serious
liardship m such circumstances to have
.o pay a heavy tariff tax on lumber , salt ,
lothing and pretty nTuch nil their other
necessities , it would not be a matter for
wonderment. The more intelligent and
houghtful of them arc very likely to ar
rive at &nch a conclusion , for adversity is
a most forceful and impressive teacher.
The exactions and abuses which a people
ple arc indifferent to or complacently
derate when they are prosperous , tinder
an opposite condition of things become
burdens which set them to thinking and
arouse their resistance. The farmers of
Knnsas are likely to bo taught a hard
csson , but it is ono which may ultimately
be largely to their advantage.
Fortunately the farmers of Nebraska
inve no such gloomy outlook to face so
ar as their crops are concerned , As a
whole they have every reason to be satis-
lied nnd grateful ) in that they have been
better favored than their fellows in
nearly every western state. But they
have' a similar complaint to that of the
'armers of Kansas respecting the exac-
ions of the railroads and the oppression
of an excessive tariff. Oy reason of the
"ormer they will be robbed of a largo
part of the rewards of their labor , while
the latter will take from them a liberal
share as tribute to the protected monop
olies. They are , however , perhaps
somewhat in advance of their brethren
of Kansas , fully aroused to the necessity
of remedying these wrongs. The lirst is
largely in their own hands , and a remedy
for it will certainly be found , while as to
the latter they have indicated thuir wish
unmistakable terms which will not
fail to have their duo weight. The farm
ers of Kansas should make haste to put
themselves in a similar attitude.
Improvement of Western 'Waterways.
A convention to discuss the question of
improving the western waterways will
bo held in Memphis , Tennessee , on the
20th and 31st of the present month. The
executive committee tenders nn invita
tion to members of congress , state and
municipal ollioiatp , and alsoall , commer
cial , manufacturing and other organiza
tions in the Mississippi , Missouri nnd
Ohio river valleys , interested in the im
provement of the waterways of the west ,
to scud delegates. In addition to the
primary object of aiding and encourag
ing continued and united action on the
part of the people , the failure to become ;
a law of the river and harbor bill passed
by the lust congress is thought to rcndot
the convention especially necessary at
this time.
'Jilio question of improving the western
waterways is one of permanent and in
creasing interest to the people not oulj
of the west but of the entire country.
These waterways are necessary now and
must become more valuable as the
country advances iu population. The
duty of maintaining them is obvious , and
the policy of so improving them thai
they may bo utilized to the fullest pos
sible extent can bo most convincingly
shown. So far as the proposed convcn
tlon has in view the enforcement ot these
considerations it may be heartily com
mended. But it is to bo hoped it will nol
stop at this , and it is opportune now U
say that what it should not omit tc
do is to civo the whole weight of its iti
lluenco to n more practical as well as i
more liberal system of improvement !
than has been the rule. A vas
amount of money has been wastci
in this way , with the effect of creating' a
considerable public sentiment hostile to
such improvements , simply for the rea
son that there was wanting a practical
understanding of what was required and
the liberality on the part of congress tc
carry out Improvements promptly ane
thoroughly. Tho'whole course of oui
government in this matter of internal
improvements has been radically different -
ont from that pursued by the govern
ments of Europe , and it has consequently
boon relatively very much more costly
We need a departure in the direction oi
wiser methods in this business , and i ;
the proposed convention shall do any
thing to promote this it will have ac
complished something worth nioctin <
for. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE mayor of Chicago has boon prett ;
sharply taken to task by some of th
newspapers for the mismanagement o
the president's reception in that city
There was very little order or system t <
the arrangements , and the mad rush o
the people overbore all barriers. In tin
extremity the police behaved with a gooi
deal of brutality , for w hich thn mayor I
held to bo largely respons ible. Ho seek
to exonerate himself by pleading that h
left the management of ailairs in th
hands of the committee , but this is nc
accepted as n satisfactory excuse , whlc
in fact it is not. On the other hand th
Milwaukee authorities are cordially core
mended for the admirable arrangement
which relieved the reception of any an
noying or lamentable incidents. Mr
Cleveland will be in Omaha this weet
and it is very. much to bo hoped that th
committee and the authorities will hav
the programme of the reception so nicel.
perfected that the president and his wif
will have reason to remember this com
rmtnity as ono of the most civil , courti
ous , and at the same tirno enthusiastic ,
on their journey. Lot us show them that
the rowdy west has been most unduly
scandalized ,
CONQUKSS will convene within less than
two months. Omaha la vitally interested
In securing favorable action on behalf of
her importers , who dcsiro the benefits of
an immediate transportation port. Our
postoflico building has become too con
tracted for tbo constantly Increasing
malls , 'and an appropriation for
a new postoflico building or on
enlargement of the present build
ing is an absolute necessity.
Concerted action of our congressional
delegation is nocqssary to secure results
in these as well as other projects and In
terests. The BEG suggests early action
on the part of the board of trade to en
able our representatives to know what
our merchants and citizens generally do-
THE Herald is shedding crocodile tears
over the alleged monopolizing of the
republican state committee by the anti-
Van Wyok faction. Inasmuch na the
committee will have nothing more to do
than to Issue n call for the next state
convention , which is to send delegates at
largo to the national republican conven
tion , it doea not seem material what the
complexion of the committee is ns re
gards the ox-senator. Our democratic
contemporary Is , however , only guessing
ns to the factional make-up of the com
mittee , excepting , perhaps , the members
from Douglas county , who appointed
themselves after the convention had ad
journed. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < i > t
THE Burlington road is about to open
two more Nebraska feeders to its mam
line. These branches traverse territory
north of the Platte , which the Union Pa
cific , with its short-sighted policy , has
neglected to annex. While the region
which ia afforded railway facilities will
bo bcncfitted , the outlet to the cast by thn
way of the B. & M. is circuitous , and the
Nebraska metropolis will derive very
little advantage from it , excepting whcro
shippers prefer to patrom/.o her market.
THE crop of candidates is getting very
ripe , and it is pretty near time to throw
lubs at thn rotten ones. Some of them
will drop on November 8 of their own
Nebraska Jottings.
Hastings struggles along with 200.00C
gallons of water a day.
A section of the waterworks in Ne
braska City will bo put in operation to
The tracklayers on the Elkhorn Valley
xtcnsion are within five miles of Hast
he Seward lie porteris sixteen yean
old and a monopoly organ with uu-
changeable barrel.
The contract for building the sewer in
Plattsmouth will bo lot this week. The ;
"owcst bid is $28,000.
The turning of the tide in railroatl
regulation has compelled the corporation
9rgans to stick in a now barrel. "We
'Jannot Sine the Old Songs. "
Mrs. George J. Fredericks , of McCook
was thrown out of a wagon by a run
ixway team , receiving severe internal m-
'urics and a , broken collar-bone.
The Converse Cattle company , neai
Burnett , Madison county , lost a numbci
of outhouses , 15,000 bushels of oats , corn
'lay and other feed by lire last week.
A party sailing under thu name of C
Wind oilers to build and operate machine
shops nnd foundry in Wayne for a bonus
It will taken considerable wind to induce
the town to put up. '
The Goddard estate of 28,000 ncres in
Wayne , Kno\ , Pierce and Cedar counties
is to bo divided , bv order of court , among
the seven heirs. It ia worth n quarter o
n million dollars.
The country papers are now publishing
a thrilling serial entitled : "The Uelm
quent Tax List for 1880. " The thrills are
coulinca to the editorial cash box , where
they will do the most good.
Frank Shreur , a grade agitator , politel.i
but viciously called J. Shurp"a liar in the
broad avenues of Nebraska City , Stuirf
replied with a knife and mude three in
sertions In Frank's cuticle. The blade
was too brief to draw well and both par
ties agreed to postpone a settlement.
A man named Jncobaon drove n tcan
over a bridge near Neligh nnd tumblei
with the load to the creeik , twenty fee
below. The horses swam to shore ane
Jacobson paddled on a plank to land
An inventory of the wreck showed tin
driver to possess more luck limn sense
The only damage was the breaking o
one strap.
The wise councilmen of Sutton havi
decreed severe pains and penalties foi
any person or persons of any ago or sex
who shall keep on their premises mon
than one quart of liquor nt n time. Tin
liberality of the fathers is entitled te
Croat respect and rigid observance
None are so depraved us to require more
than a quart at u time.
The family of William Roth , who diet
recently in Plattsmouth , have fallen hei
to $10,000 by the timely demise of i
grandparent in Germany. There is :
streak of touching tenderness in items o
this class. The demise of rich relative
strikes a ay m pathetic chord at any lira
and makes the tear founts flow lavishl ;
uutil the will is road. Then come la
mentations or rejoicings.
A practical preacher in Firth come
out llatfooled with the announcemen
that "there is not a cent in the treasury
not a pound of coal in the bin and wo ar
several dollars in debt to the girls fo
janitor work. Salvation and chills are .
poor combination and the campfires c
holiness cannot be started with promise
to pay. This mast bo attended to. "
The Hon. W. F. Cody is booming Nbrl
Platte in London. He lias written to th
board of trade ilint he will send out 10
families and provide homes for them o
condition that they are given employ
ment , The board of trade is considering
the question , William does not displa
u vast amount of taste ns an immigrt
tion agent. It was not necessary to g
acrossQ the pond to find hundreds c
worthy men to accept such a liben
A cheerful citr/en of Wayne writes to th
home paper congratulating the motroi
oils on the announcement made in "Th
Industries of Omaha , " that "the water c
the Missouri river , though natural !
muddy and repulsive , when filtered i
clear as crystal and vr.itr NUTKITIOUS.
The writer suggests that the discovery 1
a most important ono und entitles tli
city to an unparalleled boom and exch
sive right to the nutriment.
Thn hour is ripe for Bob Mclloynold
to come to the rescue of Lincoln. Bob i
a Mulhatton of moderate roputatloi
His exhausting labor in photographing
eoul on the lly nud injecting lifo into tli
dry bones of Brigham Young , statnpe
him as the champion liar of Salt Creel
Just now his services are unanimous !
sought to resurrect the extra t > eisio
scheme and invest it with the churmin
robes of vitality. Come out , Bob , au
brush the moss oil' your whiskers.
The Beatrice Democrat is convince
that the burning of the Burlineto
bridge , nine miles west of Lincoln , \Vec
nesday night , was 'he work of fiend
who deliberately planned a repetition e
the Chntaworth horror. The fire w :
* ' * .
\ ;
discovered by a farmer's daughter at 10
o'clock. The farmer stnrted for the tire
nnd saw the incendiaries disappear in the
darkness. The bridge had been satur
ated with coal oil and fired. Having no
Implements to fight the tire the farmer
confined hs ! efforts to flagging the approaching
preaching passenger trains nnd prevent
ing a catastrophe , i
There was a wild and wicked housewarming -
warming at John Hodden's much , six
miles from Crete , a tow evenings ngo.
The dance , ns usual , was fast and furious , increased to fighting proportions as
the jugs were emptied. A slung-shot
walt/or from Salt Creek struck out in a
grand right and Icftiwith O. llulbortson ,
nnd started nil Ininds round in an in
stant. An adjournment was had to the
prairie. Ike Hudson , of Crete , embraced
ho gentleman from the murmuring
briny , but loosened his grip quite sud-
lenly , nnd narrowly escaped being
carved to death. Ills uoolc and shoulders
were horribly gashed , and ho was hurried
o town for treatment. The matinee
close.d with Ike's departure.
It is quietly whispered In militia circles
n Nebraska City thnl Major Watson's
rip to ClucHgo with his body guard was
luo to nn overwhelming admiration for
ilrs. G. Cleveland , and n desire to busk
'or an instant in the shadow of her
mile. His succors waa not equal to his
gallantry , however , ns the following
rom a Chicago paper will oxplmn : "A
nilitia officer , with a surplus of gold
iraid and much brass in buttons
umped out of line at the Pnlnior house
cccp'lon and attempted to shako Mrs.
Jtovelnnd's hand. A police ofilccr , mis-
.aking him for a disguised bomb
thrower , took him by the collar and belt ,
nnd rushed him to the rear door with
uoro celerity than politeness , His belt
buckle blazed with the letters. N. N. G. "
Iowa Items.
Kcokuk has decided to expend $75,000
n a system of sowers.
The Kcokuk canning factory cannot
secure a sufficiency of tomatoes.
A strong nrmcd guard has been neces
sary urouud tho.jail at Toledo to secure
the safety of Bruhman , the saloonkeeper
who shot Brown recently.
The Burlington rolling company has
been reorganized nud the treasury re
plenished. The works will bo enlarged
and improved at once nnd started at nn
early date.
The Sioux City corn palace is a van-
shed beauty. The upper ten of the
iown , however , will exhibit themselves
to-night In full dres.s in the merry whirl
of a waltz.
Three important conventions wore
acid in the state last week the Knights
of Pythias at Cedar Rapids , Knights of
Honor at Marshalltown , nnd woman
sulfragists at DCS Moines.
"The Western Bli/.zard It Blows for
Humanity'is thn title of a paper pub
lished at Gray. Its ono persuading feat
ure is a pictorial representation of the
editor inserting a bill in the frame of a
There was a rough and tumble fight
between husband and wife at Dubuquc
Monday night. The woman yelled for
the police , but when the officers arrived
found it neec-tsary to intercede in behalf
of the husband.
A lady came inlo the office of Dr.
Chandler at Rowley to get a tooth pulled.
Thu doctortmllccl ttto tooth , but dropped ,
as she thought , in a faint. On a close
examination it wa's found ho was dead
Hn never spoke or moved.
In 1877 Sioux county had twenty-two
miles of railroad assessed at $73,831. In
1837 the number is' 113 , and assessed at
5131,302 , witli seven miles more in course
of construction. In 1877 the total assessed
value of Sioux county waa $1,815,832 ; in
1887 , -1-3,910.413.
The pionccr _ settlers of Scott hold their annual reunion and feast at
Davenport last week. The way they
knuckle down to and demolish the good
things of the earth once a year is a sight
that would kill a dyspeptic in ten min
The state election proclamation besides
the election of state officers calls for the
election ot thirty-one senators , two to fill
vacancies , 100 representatives and one dis
trict judge to fill vacancy in the Seventh
district , composed of the counties of
Muscatino , Scott , Clinton and Jackson.
II. Spaan , ono of Holland township's
sojid tarmers , of Sioux county , raised
this year on 400 acres , 70 acres of wheat ,
which yields him about 2,100 bushels ; 130
acres of corn , which will yield him about
0,000 bushels ; 40 acres of oats , or 2.20C
bushels ; 51 acres of llnx , or 735 bushels.
He also put up GO tons of hay and has 40
head of cattle and 11 head of horses.
The cow postures in the suburbs of
Dubuquc arc dangerous. On Tuesday n
bovine lost her balance and came rolling
clown the almost perpendicular blufl with
n rush , falling onto a residence at the
fool and going through the roof. The
cow was little injured , but the family
was considerably frightened at having
the milk so unceremoniously served.
Considerable Interest is being taken in
n gang of seventeen surveyors that struck
llolfe last week running u line in a south
western direction. They claim to bo
running a line from St. Paul to Omaha.
The chief engineer refuses to talk iu re
gard to the matter , and no ono knows in
the interest of what company the survey
is beinc madn. The line runs from Holfe ,
Pocahontna , Fonda nnd Sao City.
Scventv-flvo ncres of wheat near Cleat
Lake yielded 1,830 bushels.
The Duluth Manitoba road ha :
crossed the Pembina river.
The Northwestern roail has surveyed c
road from Tracy to Dempster.
The grade of the Cherokee it Dakota
railroad will be completed to Sioux Fallf
in two weeks.
It is positively stated that M. V. Miller ,
president of the board of regents of the
Brooking * * agricultural college , has lied
the country , taking with him $3,000 ol
college funds and several thousand dollars
lars in funds seemed from banks bj
various processes. PresidentMcLouthol
the college declares that the .story is false
and that Miller did not take one cent ol
the college funds.
The Mongolian mining colony at Rock
Springs is being gradually thinned. Tnt
number is now less than 5GO.
The Laramie commission sent tc
Omaha to interview the Union Paciiic
officials on freight rates , report tbatthoj
were granted half what they asked.
McCoy , the escaped murderer o ;
Deputy SherlfTGunu , cust the taxpayer
f 2f > ,000 to convict , and several thousant
more will bo required to pay his pur
suers. Murderers couio high but tin
people will have tlieni.
The new territorial insane asylum u
Evanston will be under roof in a fov
weeks. The mam building Is 120 11
feet. In the basqmcnt there will bi
twenty-throe rooms , some of which wil
bo used for kitchen , bakery , laundry
store rooms , etc. The first and scconc
will each contain twenty-three rooms
making in all sixty-nine rooms.
A preacher who bold forth in St. Pau
in the early days In closing up his praye
one Sunday asked the Lord : "To com
fort the alllicted , heal the sick and raisi
the devil. " The congregation was , o
course , greatly discomposed , and evoi
the coed old deacon found it hard worl
to keep a straight face. Horrified by hi
lapsus lingua. , thu minister , in the menu
time , made matters very much worse b ;
correcting himself in the words : "OLorcl
we did not mean raise thu devil , bu
raise the dead. " The organist , who wai
a sagacious man , immediately took ii
the situation aud helped the very roue !
rattled parson out by striking up on i
Pacific Coasters. Poor Twanty Years Ago ,
Now Many Times Millionaires.
Jaincn non All ilaggln , a Stan of Many
llcaimrcci Lloyd Tori * , Very
Peculiar Man laixnnd Miller ,
Millionaire Outolicra.
From the Cojnwpolllaii A.
Among the score of men on the Paoiflo
coast whose millions are now placed in
lands nnd great Industrial enterprises ,
nearly all cm : trnco their rise to lucky
initnng investments. The marvel
ous ndvancc in. ruining shares lifted
them into wealth , and they have
used this wealth in speculative
enterprises and in vast agricultural op-
jrations that dwurf uven the work of the
3onan/a wheat farmers of Nebraska and
Dakota. These men own land by the
league ; their cattle and sheep feed on a
thousand hills ; they have built Irrigating
canals that cost millions ; their great
estates are principalities ; whole villages
urn tilled with their wonting people. No
feudal baron over exercised greater
sway than these men , who have done
much to dovcloo the resources of Cali
fornia , and yet who are the greatest
curse to the state because they are
building up In this new western
laud the hateful system of ton *
ant farming that has beggared
the Irish people and converted their fair
est lands into deer park and barren moor.
These land and cattle b.irons are cruel us
the grave to the small settler. They look
on him as the southern planter of the
old regime regarded the "poor white"
squatter as something to bo hurried and
cleared out of their district.
In many parts of California those men
still monopolize thousands of acres of the
public domain , which they have inclosed
with the barbed wire fence , and woo to
the small cattle raiser who dares to cut
these fences or to insist upon his rights
of pastunigo. His cattle will bo
killed , and ho will bo forumto if ho es
capes death or maiming at the hands of
the hired retainers of his powerful
neighbor. Of course , nil those wealthy
land owners are not to bo included in
this category , but the possession of
power is generally fatal to generosity
and fairness. The millionaire is beset on
all sides by the human sharks that feed
on the vices and the weaknesses of
wealth. In the struggle to hold his own
he becomes hard and bitter , and too often
ttcts on the principle that might is right.
Hence some of the worst tragedies that
blacken the pages of California history
the deadly feuds between railroad and
land monopolists , and the small settlers
who saw the work ot years snatched from
them by legal technicalities. The blood
spilled in those contests is
like the dragon's teeth sowed
in the soil it brings forth
a crop ol hate and vengeance that is a
perpetual menace to the public peace
and sufetv.
Of the millionaire landed proprietors
of California , the first place must bo
given to James lien All llaggin. Haggin
is a Kcntuckian , whose maternal grand-
lather was a christianized Turk , com
pelled to lleo from his native country.
Ho was bred to the law , joined the tiilo
of argonauts , practiced his profession in
San 1-rancisco , was twice burned out in
the great lires , and twice lost a valuable
law library. Ho first Began to accumu
late wealth when ho entered into part
nership with Milton S. Latham , a brill
iant lawyer , who made and lost a great
fortune in railroad and land enterprises.
Mr.Haagm afterward formed an alliance
with Lloyd Tevis , a foUow-Kcntuckiau
and a brother-in-law , and the lirm has
become known throughout the Pacific
coast for its extensive dealings in mines
and land , and other onteryrise.s. Haggin
was among the first to see the- fortune
that was in store for the owner of good
agricultural lands in California. Priwr
to 18GU land was held as of small value.
The prospector despised the slow gains
of the farming. Every ouo was so intent
on on mining that good land could bo
bought for a song. Haggin purchased
thousands of acres of wheat land in the
Sacramento and San Joanuin valleys for
a few dollars an acre. These lands are
as rich and inexhaustible as the val
ley of the Nile , as level us a barn Door ,
ns free from root or a well-kept
kitchen garden. They have been made
enormously productive by scientific cul
ture , and in early summer one may see
the sun shining on thousands of acres of
yellow wheat and bearded barley ; the
dust rising in little pillars hero and there
shows the progress of the wonderful ma
chine that reaps the wheat , threshes ,
winnows , and sacks the grain , and leaves
a row of bags in its well cleared swath
to mark this modern miracle of the in
ventor's art.
But Mr. Haggin did more than develop
what WHS clearly valuable. Ho was the
tirst to see the possibility ol converting
the desert places of the slate into pro
ductive farms. He had made u careful
study of irrigation in Egypt and this Holy
Land , and he applied the principles
gained there to California. Ho secured
vast tracts of land in Kern county under
the Desert Land act , and by irrigating
canals , constructed at great expunge , he
made this land wliicli had been given
over to the cactus and regarded as the
abomination of desolation , as productive
as the river bottoms of the San Joaquin ;
An investment of a million thus yielded
twenty-fold. It did oven more for the
state than for Mr. Haggin , for it led to
the founding of the Fresno , Kern nnd
Tularo county colonieswhich have given
homes and competence to thousands of
settlers. Mr. Haggin has also conducted
costly experiments to test the adaptability
of soil and climate to cotton , sugar-cane ,
Egyptian corn , jute , and many other
products. His energy , his fertility of re
source know no bounds ; neither , appar
ently , does his acquisitiveness. Ho is as
intent on money-making now as ho was
a quarter of a century ago. Ho has a
laigo family , and lives in ouo of the
palaces that overlook San Francisco Bay
a mansion that is as largo as a bier city
hotel , and that is famous for its hosuitali-
The partner of Haggin , Lloyd Tovis , is
a very peculiar man. He has a genius
for accounts , us well as for gathering in
coin. Of all the rich men on the Pacitle
coast ho is probably tiic ablest financier ,
as ho is uudisputeilly the lirst in
carrying on luigo business nego
tiations. Since 1850 he has been
associated witli Mr , Huirgin , and the two
now wield a power which is second only
to that of the railroad triumvirate. Tcvis
has been connected with nearly all the
largo manufacturing and industrial en
terprises of San Francisco , and each of
these has yielded him a rich profit. Ho
lias the instinct for detecting commercial
disaster , and the great panic of 1870 , in
which the Hank of California went
under , found him unhurt. He is fre
quently called upon to manage important
commercial nccotiatlons , and he is never
modest about his fees for such herviros.
Tlius , he was asked to arrange a com
promise between the Control I'acilio
railroad directors and Mrs. Coltonwhose
husband died suddenly while in the
service of the company. Ho succeeded
in inducing her to accept $ -00,000 and re
linquish all claims on the company. Thu
widow's mite is generally regarded as
sacred oven by cold-blooded business
men : but Tevis coolly reserved half of
this amount as his pay for the work. The
facts came out in the famous trial of thu
mill of Mrs. Col ton against thowailroud
company , a trial which also revealed thu
abilities ot Millionaire llunllngton ns t
letter writer.
Lux * and Miller , the millionaire butch-
crs of California , were Known a few years
ago simply as the owners of more land
than any other single linn in the stato.
Within two years they Have become the
greatest monaco to the future develop
ment of California agriculture , ns they
lend the party that insists upon the en
forcement of the old English common law
of riparian ownership oUMio waters of
the state. William Lux came hero from
Alsace. Henry Miller from Wurtomburtr.
U6th were bred to the butcher trade , and
in early days in San Francisco they made
n largo profit from thn buvlng and selling
of cattle. They gradually "became the pos
sessors of large tracts for the pasturage
of their cattle , securing rich agricultural
land at one-tenth the price it now com
mands. They own over three million
acres in California and Nevada , on which
are hundreds of thousands of cattle , nnd
are worth 113,000.000. It in their
boast that in driving their herds
from the far southern counties to the
great stockyards near San Francisco
they cau water nnd feed the droves every
night on their own land.
The advance given to irrigation" by the
successful experiments ol Haggin in
Kern county alarmed these cattle barons.
They saw that the streams which watered
their stock would bo speedily diverted to
onrloh the barren plains of their neigh
bors. Hence they determined to have
the old law of riparian rights enforced.
The struggle was bitter , ns Haggin was
equally bound to secure the rights
of the irrigators. Money was poured
out like water on each side , but the
supremo'court decided the test cam in
favor of the rlparmnists. There is no
question that this decision will bo modi-
lied very soon , so as to allow the separate
counties to dcoldo whether they shall
have irrigation or not. On the right to
appropriate water for orchards and vine
yards depends the development of the
southern California colonies.
Claus Sprcckeis has well been termed
the sugar kintr of the Sandwich Islands ,
as most of his millions bavo been drawn
from the cano lields of the Hawaiian
Islands , and for many voars ho ruled the
pigmy kingdom of' Kalakaua as abso
lutely as though he sat on this
South Sen island throne , gprcekcls
is a South Gorman who began life hero
as a corner grocery keeper. He made
money in selling groceries , and his ex
perience led him to uudortake sugar relining -
lining , to which ho had been trained in
the old country. Ho was au export chem
ist , Invented new processes of refining ,
and soon had built up a large trade in the
refining of thn ccudo sugar , from the
Sandwich Islands. Ho saw the prolit
that there would bo in raising , .rolinmg ,
and sale of this Island sugar , could one
man or one company control all branches
of the business and reap all the profits.
In 1870 ho acquired possession of about
twenty-six thousand acres of land in the
Island of Mnui , near some of the boat
sugar plantations. There ho dug a ditch
which tapped the mountain streams
miles away. costing four hun
dred and thirty thousand dollars , by
which he irrigated his land. The neigh
boring : planters tried to restrain him , as
he injured their water supply , but
Sprcckeis had loaned the king money
and the injunction lell through. That
sugar plantation is now one of the most
valuable in the world. Sprockets raises
the cano and crushes it by means oi
cheap contract labor , procured from Ma
deira , the South Sea Islands , China , and
Japaji ; it is shipped to San Francisco in
his vessels ; rctmcd here in his mills , and
then carried to all parts of the coast and
as far c : > st us Kansas City and St. Louis
by the Southern Pacific company , under
u contract with which no one else cau
When to this is added the fact that ho
pays not one cent of duty on this crude
sugar brought from the islands , some
idea of thc'enormous profits of the busi
ness may bo gained. It was estimated
three years ago , when the business wis :
at its height , that Sprockets m.ide 000
barrels , of sugar every day , each barrel ,
worth i0 ! ! , thus giving him a daily reve
nue of $18,000. or $0,570.000 a year. His
profits wore a clear f 10 on evcrv barrel ,
making his yearly income $2,11)0,000. )
Now , however , the profits have dwindled
sadly , ns the railroad company can no
longer make special contracts with him ,
ana a rival sugar refining company is
competing with him for control of the
sugar interests on the islands. King Knla-
kaua.aftcr borrowing three-quarters of a
million from Sprcckeis , has recently ne
gotiated H loan of $2,000,000 with English
capitalists , a proceeding that led to a
violent quarrel between the monarch
and his money-lender. So long , how
ever , as the reciprocity treaty with
Hawaii continues in force , Sprcckeis
will coin money out of his Migar inter
ests. It is estimated that ho is worth
$25,000,000. a large part of which is in
vested in plantations , machinery , steam
ships and sailing vessels.
Claus Sprockets is nn old man , but he
has the clear skin , the briirht eye and
the energetic movements of a man of
thirty. He has small education , speaks
with a strong German accent , is simple
in his tastes and fond of his homo.
A number of California capitalists
have recently tranferrcd the bulk of their
property to the east. Among them are
Mrs. Mark Hopkins and 1) . O. Mills.
Mr. Mills is a banker above all else. As
early as 1850 his checks wore familiar m
all parts of California. His bank was
rcgaracd by the miners as the bank of
England is by the loyal .Union. He wan
known to be very conservative , rigidly
honest , and an enemy to all speculation
and gambling. This gave him great in
fluence in a community where few had
thn self-control to adhere to purely legiti
mate business. The original bunk was
established in Sacramento , the capital of
the state , but the rapid growth of San
Francisco soon drew him to the metrop
olis , where ho founde.d the bank of Cali
fornia , of which he became president.
He held this important position for nine
years , when he retired to give his M > ! U at
tention to his large and constantly in
creasing property interests. When the
bank failed in 1875 , he consented once
more to take charge of it , and in
three years ho restored it to its former po
sition. Mr. Mills has a beautiful country
seat at Millbrae , in the Santa Clara Val
ley , but Ms home is in New York. His
only daughter was married several years
ngo to Mr. Whitolaw lleid , editor of the
New 1'ork Tribune. Mr Mills has in
vested largely in real estate in Now York ,
and , it is said , has ttilded much to his
tortune by these purchases Hh wealth
is set clown by good judges at twenty-
five million dollars.
There are half a score of other Cali
fornia millionaires who have climbed
above the live million level , but the lives
of few of them present picturesque feat
ures. Nicholas Luring made a fortune )
as money-lender in the early days of Snn
Francisco , when as high as thirty or
forty per cent a month was paid by mer
chants on steamer day in order to meet
their eastern bills , lie loaned many
thousands on San Francisco real cstiuo
which fell into his hands , and in this way
he ( .became the owner of much valuable
property. This alone makes him now
many times u millionaire. He has clone lit
tle to improve thocit.y , as it is only within
two or three yoar.i thut ho has begun to
build houses on his vacant lots which
dot the map of thn city.
Other millionaires who must bo dis
missed in u paragraph am Louis Storr ,
the head of the Alaska Commercial com
pany , that has the monopoly of thu fur-
heal business on this coi.stV. : ; \ . li. Carr ,
who is extensively interested with Hag-
gin in ranches and irrigating belienie.s
Jesse 1 > . Carr , who owns thousands o ;
acres in California anil Oregon , ami has
enormous herds of cuttle ; I.V. . Helman ,
* Slnce tills was \\rltum Mr. Lux lias died.
Unluft-tfi.o < jj \iuluuucUnrUnbla mstitu-
the Los Angeles banker , wher wan promi
nently nnmod ns a competitor of Huorst
for the United States senate.
All those millionaires , whose combined
fortunes ronkeCallfornia rank high among
the states for wealth , were poor mem
twenty years ngo. Most of them would
have gained moderate fortunes in any
community ; but the marvelous oppor
tunities of the sudden development of
California trnvolhom the wealth of kings.
Most of them have had little leisure nnd
less inclination to use their vast wealth
for other than material purposes , but it is
not nn hllo dream that they or their suc
cessors may follow the example of Stan
ford , Sutro and Llcfe , and do their part
in founding institutions that shall ad
vance the arts nnd sciences of this new
western land but yesterday reclaimed
from Spanish-American barbarism.
TUB WHITINGS of Frank H. Stockton ,
are always pleasing nnd Instructive , nnd
his latest , entitled "Thu lieu-man of Orn
and Other Fanciful Tales" carries with it
nn equal interest. The book Is from the
house of Charles Scribncr & Sons , New
York , nnd is well worth a careful rend
ing hy old and young. This work will
be found on sale at John S. Caullield's
book store In this city.
piler nnd Charles H. Kerr & Co..Chicago ,
the publishers of a little book entitled
"Aphorisms of the Three Threes. " The
Three Throes is H social club of nine
Chicago gentlemen , who dine together
at staled intervals at n down-town res
taurant. Meeting every ninth night
after the llrot night of each and every of
the nine months following the ninth
month of the yenr , and seated in threes
at three three-legged tables , these nine
wise men of Chicago spend the evening
in discussion. The drops which distil
from their lips Mr. Towne has caught In
his little book , to the number of one
hundred and sixty-two. This little work
Is worthy n prominent placoon the book
based wholly on the world famous nnd
very rare folio edition of Shakespeare
published in 1023. The edition lias long
been a perplexity to scholars. It is full
of the most peculiar punctuation ,
bracketing , odd spelling and paging.
The cipher depends on these , ana in
variably on the number of lines on a
page. Any other than a flic-simile
edition would not enable ono to trace
the cipher. Funk & Wogaalls , New
York , have now in press a photographic
fac-similo of the 1633 folio edition of
Shnkospcaru. This is an exact repro
duction to the minutest detail or the
original , only the pages are photographed
to a crown 8vo size , and it will enable
any ono to test the correctness of Don-
nelloy's astonishing claim that Bacon
had concealed by n complex cipher in the
lines of Shakespeare nn extended secret
# *
LKTTKUS most HKAVEN is the title of
a book just issued by Funk & Wagnallo ,
New York. This work is translated from
the fourth German edition and is inter
esting throughout.
The letters are supposed to bo written
by a mother in heaven to her son on
earth. She describes herself as the wife
of a Gorman pastor , who is with her in
heaven. Heaven is conceived , after the
example of Luther , as a sanctified
and transfigured earthly existence :
and the special point of the volume-
is to illustrate , in an almost
unending scries of examples , the happy
ways in which the heavenly life comes to
the aid ot the life on earth , solving its
mysteries and contradictions , completing
its' work , rounding out its unfinished ex
perience , rewarding its faithfulness and
tilling in the lost or wanting chord
which is required to raise life into u har
mony. The book is written in absolute
and unquestionable faith. Ouo of
the finest passages in n book which is
rich in such passages is the conception
of heavenly love near the end , in which
it is said that "love must bo learned it
does not spring up of itself ; " and an ad
mirable account is given of the process in
which it is developed in the human heart.
TIIKKB AUK few books which will meet
a more favorable reception by the read
ing public than that just issncd by Lee &
Shcpard , the production of the pleasing
pen of George Lowell Austin. The title
is "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow , his
life , his works , his friendships. " The
book is written in a decided/ ! ; interest
ing vein and us instructive as it is pleas
ing.The work is handsomely illustrated
throughout and is devoted to a complete
history of the very remarkable life of the
much loved poet ,
W 4t
TIIK WOKKS of Oliver Optic need no
mention as to their excellence for perusal
by the boys. His latest is the sixth of the
I'.oat Builder series entitled "Heady
About or Sailing the Boat. " It is issued
from the well Knuwn house ) of Leo &
Shcpard , lio.iton , and is as interesting as
the previous productions of the author.
A UKCIDKDMT interesting and very in
structive bool : has just been issued hy
Lee { f Shepard , of Boston , under the
title of "Grasses and Forage Plants. "
Charles L. Flint , Into secretary of the
Massachusetts State Hoard of Agricul
ture , is the author and has handled the
subject in a thorough manner. The
work is worthy of a prten on the shelf of
all interested In the subject of which
it treats. It is in fact , a practi
cal treatise comprising the nat
ural history of grasses , their eom-
paritivo nututivc value , methods of cul
tivating , cutting and curing and the
care of grass lands in the United States
and British provinces.
WILLIAM HAOUE DD. is the author ,
and Leu & Shephard thn publishers , of
nn interesting work entitled "Life Notes ,
' Outlook. " There is
or Fifty Years' no
work which will bo of more benefit to
till ) young and old than this , if closely
ami carelully road. Throughout its
teanhings are excellent , as its matter is
interesting. Almost immediately after
examining the last page of appendices of
this book the author , Dr. Hague , closed
his earthly' life. On "Saturday , July 30 ,
1887 , Dr. Hague sent by mail to the pub
lishers the last proof pages of the work.
On the Monday following he visited Bos
ton and was there stricken with ape
plexy. His death \"ns peculiarly bad , and
it closed a llfeot usefulness to his fellow-
beings ,
Tin : FoiiiiJt for October will contain
the following interesting papers :
The Continuance of Democratic Rule ,
John G. Carlisle. Education and Law
lessness , Bishop F. D. lluntington. The
Treasury Surplus , Judge William 1) .
Kelloy. Aristocracy and Humanity ,
Prof. Thomas Davidson. Is America
Europeanizing ! Kuv. J. Columan Adams.
Thu Anuthemii of the Hoinaii Church ,
Prof. E. J. V. Huiginn. Queen Victoria's
Heign , General Viscount \Volsoloy.
What i.s the Object of Life ? Prof. J.
Peter Lesley. Hooks That , Have Helped
Me , Jeiinnotto L. ( Slider. Ousting
Shakespeare , lUchard A. Proctor. The
Now Uncle Tom'd Cabin , Alice Welling
ton Kolliua.
A well-known and trustworthy citizen
of Citra , Florida , saw a lurgo alligator
come out of thu Water , dash among a
drove of hoga , take the bust ony in the
lot , nnd na : him. The rest of the hogs
then rallied , attacked the alligator ,
killed him , and ate him. That Urn hopj
should eat the alligator is not at all u
mutter of , but any man who has
over sticn a Florida heir can realize ) to
what a fron/ied pitch of starving despera
tion the alligator uiubt have beta