; iiMffil riwpy'rm ! > * Jr'J > 'r "r" T n * * 1TS > < MMU UJ IiK aAi < K * ( IUcl THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. _ . _ _ r _ _ _ _ -M-- - - - . - . - - . " - - - - - . - - - . . - - -J ' ' " ' _ _ . . - . - - - - . _ . - - - * SEVENTEENTH ! YKAB. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 10 , 1887. NUMBER 114 THE CHURCH AND KNIGHTS , Mr , Powdorly Prepares a Statement of the Order's Ecclesiastical Troubles. HIS INTERVIEW WITH GIBBONS. Facts Prciiontcd to thn Cardinal Which Caused film to Inter * cede \Vlth Iho 1'opo I'ur American Liibor. I'owderly and Glhhons. MiXNKArou , Oct. a A letter prepared | l- by General Master Workman I'owderly upon thu attitude of the Catholic church toward the Knlglil ! of Labor , which has been awaited with n great deal of Interest by members of the order throughout the country , was completed to-night and will bo presented to the general assembly to-mor row. Inferring , to thu meeting of thu Catholic archbishops a year ago the present month Powderly said : "It had been represented to the ecclesiastical authorities that the knights were seeking to revolutionize the generally accepted funda mental principles by claiming for labor the right to dictate to capital , and In this manner were seeking to bring Into full force popular sovereignty in opposition to private rliihts ; that they wcro following the example of French socialists and arro gating to themselves the right of ordering strikes whenever It suited their purposes and by these strikes cause loss of life and destruc tion of property , nnd that should the order prosper with its pernicious principles it would lead its members and the vvoiklng classes generally from Insubordination to nnarchy and socialism ; that If the principles of the Knights of Labor wcro ever to prevail among the people , faith and religion would bo for ever destroyed in our country. Thus spoke thu enemies of organized labor. " Mr. Powderly then refers to an Interview had by himself mid Messrs. Hayes and Qrellly with Cardinal Gibbons , at the latter's request , lu which they submitted to hid eminence Hint the "Unifying force of tho. order consisted in the breadth and pur ity of the principles inculcated nnd the cultivation ot Intellectual , moral and social happiness. Wo nro like unto a band of brothers encaged in tlio holy cause , which , far from absorbing , would strengthen our love of coontry nnd would Intensify , cluvnto nnd unnoblu our patriotism. In onr order , composed ns It Is of various European nntionalltes , onu of the most grati lying features is thu rapidity with which the.su become assimilated and welded to gether , forming n united whole , strong and Indissoluble. Believing firmly in thu righte ousness of our \vonskyouremlnencu to oxamliiu thu records ot our orr.er and of our prominent members , who have tor pears upheld our principles. It is our hopu as it is our desire to purge the order ot the violent element thu element ot radi cal men who want to found a society ot nllieistlc anarchy. " During the Interview , which was of long duration. Cardinal Gibbons said In sub- Htanco : "Alter what \vo nave- just learned the present condition of the older Is to us nn unmistakable Indication that the control ot yourorganl/ntion still rests with the con servative element anil Is n guarrnntco that there will be no rash and dangerous depart ures from these features of Its policy winch command the forbearance and respect it not the approval of the entire country. Wo now Infer that the objects of the Knf slits of Labor are praiseworthy and in no way opposed the views of the Catholic church. Catholic prelates will derluro in laver of labor. The Catholic church in America will taUu the side of the weaker against the stronger. Wo readily believe that to rescue the teller troni the grasp of the seltifh is a work worthy of the noblest nnd the best of our race. We recognl/u that this is the grand object to which the Knights of Labor nra bonulnir every energy. The church is Justly watchful against ull secret organizations. There Is no need of secrecy where the ends ana methods of the rgnnuatmn nro justifiable nnd secrecy raises the presumption that them Is something which will not bear the light of day. Wo condemn the work of the anarch ists. Llko Samson of old , they would pull down the edltico of the constitu tion which fihelters them , even though they uhould perish In tlio ruluK The man that would endeavor to undermine the laws and Institutions of this great nnd glorious country deserves the late of those who laid profane hands on the ark of the living Uod. Socialism takes a defiant position beyond the pale 6f the chureii nnd announces such an extreme policy that ouu does not need to hesitate to ranch the conclusion as to Its merits and influence. It boldly abolishes nil icligtous restraint as fatuous , denounces nil extant forms of worship nnd goes back to what It calls "natnro" and what the world calls atheism. Wo express full faith in the maintenance of Iho friend liness between the church nnd the order so long as yon keep tree frout allllla- tlons with dangerous nssoclntlono and devote - vote yourselves to the fulfillment otyour lecltlivalo mission. " Ills eminence intimated to your committee Ills Intended journey to Komi' , promised to explain the purposes of the oncnnization at the Vatican and requested permission to pledge the ordsr to mulntenince of lawful and orderly behavior. Jlow this prince ot thu chinch fulfilled his covenant made with us and how ho championed onr cause in thu Kternal Cttv , wo know full well , anil the expression ot the pnutitlclal good will for tint order of the KnUhis ot La bor , wlich came to us last Mai ch , was due solely to the earnest nnd intelligent advocacy of our cause by Cardinal ( ilbbons. Mr. 1'owdcrfy suggests that sincere thanks nro due the caidinal for the extraordinary favors ho has bestowed upon the order. Mr. 1'owilerly quotes largely fiomCardinal Gibbons' report to the propaganda , in the course of which the cardinal savs : "Tho order Is not hostile to religion. 'We have nottonndlu tlrc-constitution , by-laws and olllclnl declarations { ho elements which the holy ECO t < o clearly Indicates as condemna tory , and the formula of thu ore.iiil/atlun contains neither ontli or obr.uatlnn which pre cludes these \\lio do not belong to it iroiu ueoii'iiiuir acquainted with their niralrs. This lias been specially explained to us by the principal nilicers. No promtso ot d obedioiico Is requeued. Not only thulr objects and their iMJe's aru tint"hostilit'to Yo- llgion or the church , but tliu vary contrary. It seems to mo plain that tlio holy sen can not entertain a proposal to condemn thu Knights of Labor. " Tno evil I mil dion proceeded to give many points \\liy It thould not bo done. Among other things he said : It would bit danger ous to tlux reputation of thu church in our democratic country that It would bu powerless to compel the obedience of Catholic vvorklnirmon , w ho I * would retard It as tal o mid Iniquitous ; that It would thus bo destructive Instead of bene- liclal in Its filed ; that it would turn In doubt and hostility the marked devotion uf our people toward the holy bee. Mr. I'owderly enys further : "Thn Knights of Labor. iiMiipJn untouched and U will bo onr particular duty to prevent the order from comnittlnc anything against HID civil and ecclesiastical laws which might bu condemned br church or state and The pope wisely deteimlniuU to provoke an nntagonlsni , between thu church and the mighty Industrial power thai Is now making Itself felt throughout this tieo land , and Leo XIII. has shown ho is neither rash nor Illiberal. Pondorly then quotes at length letters from Cardinals Man- nlng and tjlbbons , giving their views hue- latlou to tli order. 'ftcath of.Maurluo Strakoech. ICopyi tt > M lSS76y Jamtt Oonimi ItcimeU. } PAWS , ( via Havre ) , Oct. 0.-Now | York Herald fable Special to the BKE. ] Man- ilco Strakosch died to-day at his domicile , M Kuele Bruyere , Paris. Burial at Pe.ro la C'talso to-morrow M 3 o'clock , lie has la-en ' 11 some time , THE ChBAIlANCE ItECOUU. Monetary Transaction * In tlio Conn * try During the Past Week. BOSTO.V , MasOct. . 0. ( Special Tele- cram to the UIIE. : | The following table complied from dlsnatchcst to the Post , from the managers of the leading clearing houses In I the United States , shows the gross ex changes for thn week ending October 8 , 1887 , together with tlio rates per cent of in crease or decrease as compared with these of the corresponding week last year : Approximate. CIHAIIA CICNAUAtil- ; . The Italian .Muriloross Given a Bene fit In Xcw York. NKWOIIK , Oct. D. ISpcclal Telegram to the Bin. : ] Chlara Cignarale , the Italian murderess , received a benefit at Turno hall Saturday night. A four-act drama , showing her In the light In which her friends would llko the community to sco her , was the piin- clpal part of the entertainment. It was In the Italian language and had been written by llocco Metcll , an Italian newspaper writer , and the performers weru all Italians nnd ft lends of the condemned woman. Five hundred Italians gathered to sco the per formance and applauded the heroine , Chlara , vigorously , while thov hissed and scowled at Anlello , the husbiml , who In. the play , as In fact , falls beneath Chlara's pistol. The play begins In Italy at the time when Anlello ob tained Chiara's hand by threatening to ex pose her mother's liaison with Pasanale , a wealthy ttall'in , and continues down to his death a few months ago In this city. When the minder was reached on the stairo cries of "bravo" filled the ball. - The performance netted about ยง 500 , which will bo devoted to such further defence ot the woman ns Is pos- slblo. Thu performance will boon bo re peated. Departure of the Pence Dclcgat'on , \Cop\irtuM \ \ ISS'tiV James lianlnn Bewitt'.l LONDONOct. . 9. ( New York Herald Cable Special to the BKK. I Andrew Carno- glo lelt Southampton this afternoon in the Fulda for America , where ho will Inttoduco to the president the deputation ot members of both houses of parliament who have been appointed by the Peace Association of Great Britain to wait upon the president and ask him to uro _ upon congress a treaty that dis putes arising botwcen the two governments which cannot bo adjusted by diplomatic agency should bo referred to arbitration. The address contains the signatures of one Irish M. P.-T. W. Uussoll-and 230 English , Scotch and Welsh members , is a work of art and has beea Illuminated upon vollum. It Is six feet In length , with decorated borders , and at the bead la an allegorical design cprtsentlng the union of the two countries. In addition to the large number of the de putation who have already gone , Lord Kin nnlrd and Sir Georeo Campbell yesterday left Liverpool lu the Anrania and the remain der will depart next Saturday , viz : Three trade union dolo/atcs. Including Messrs. Cremcr und PIckard , M. 1's. Mr. Cremer yesterday hod nn interview with Mr. Carnegie , who stated that ho received n communication from Mr. Glad stone in refeienco to the deputation and the subject address. Mr. Gladstone wrote that while ho makes it a rule not to sign mem orials upon political matters upon which he has not had sufficient opportunities of testi fying his sentiments In ofiico and in parlia ment , yet upon this question Ills oflicial action in 1ST : ! In connection with the Ala bama arbitration is much more to the purpose - pose than anything which he could now when lu opposition , either say or write. Thn Blllc Culture Industry. WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. ISpeelal to the Ilr.B. ] Ono of thu most interesting exhibits of a public character which are to bo found In the national capital is that of the silk culture shown In the annex to the agri cultural department. For several years now n number of ladies , principally residing in Philadelphia , have been attempting to in crease the production ot stUc among the women of Iho United States. A year or so ago the agricultural department gave this movement a decided impetus by offering to putchaso all hlio cocoons which might be offered. Machinery for wlndlni : the silk from thuso cocoons wa ? purchased and set ur lu the annex building and n number of gills who were experts In this line wcro em plovcd. Now a visitor may find > on enterinc the building , auy time dur ing thu working hours six or seven steam kettles , bubbling , Idled with water on thu top of which float hundreds of yellow and white cocoons. The threads are caught up by a brush made of twigs and are carried tea a spool In the bauds ot ono of the girls and are then transferred to a winding machini In the rear. Thu thread of silk which Mir rounds each chrysalis grows liner as It nears the inner portion ot the shell , and so delicate Is thu winding machine that as soon as the thread becomes liner than thu rcQUirci thickness an electric circuit Is broken whlcl throws the disk hold In.- the cocoon around one notch and another thread is caueht up. The beautiful hanks of silk which are pro duced from this process In the wlndlncr room are carried to a loft above , where they nre packed In boxes for shipment The silk brings about $ r > a pound nnd Is readily salable to the bilk mills. People who desire to try their IUCK In raising silk worms will 11)0 supplied with eggs and n book ot Instructions upon application to the agri cultural department. Wherever the mul berry tree thrives silkworms can be profita bly raised and there are numerous vegetable substances upon which the worm will thrive. It Is said that ( be osage orancu Is particu larly relished toy these wonderful Insects and they are known to enjoy a diet ot lettuce leaves. The Industry ls a crovvmr one and U will not be surprising if , within a few years , the production of American sitlc In creases to such nn extent as to warrant the belief that silks of purely American manu facture will be cxuuslvely sold in dry _ oods ALL WORRIMENT IN ENGLAND , Many Games Which Are Creating Dis turbances Among the Johnny Bulls , THE IRISH CRISIS THE BIGGEST. Tories niame Kaob Otlinr , the Con- tubulary Weakens and the I'olloo Confidence Poking Fun at Dr. 1'nrker. Ihn Irish Problem. [ CopwrioM ISSJlivJtimes Conto Itennett. ' ] LONDON. Oct. O. lNow York Herald Cable- Special to the ORB.I Tlio law oftlccrs of the crown are confident that the decision of the magistrate In the case of the lord mayor of Dublin will be reversed. The ministerial authorities deny that any mistake has been made , throwing all the blame upon the mag istrate. Their opinion Is that Sullivan will bo convicted , but many of thorn complain of Uiilfour leaving everything to underlings. In Ireland the crisis Is evidently draw ing nearer every day , magistrates nnd police alike 'beglnnlni : to side with the league. The coroner's jury at Mltchellstown Trill doubtless biing" in a verdict of vvllltul murder against the police who llrcd. In that case the attorney-general will enter a nolle proscqul. The constabulary is now being subjected to an unprecedented strain. Their belief In the power of thu government to help them out of difficulties Is manifestly declining. If the constabulary generally weakens , while Gladstone and the liberal party Is backing up the league , the final struggle will be close nnd hence the Irish problem was never so serious In this gencr- ration as to-day. Kedvers Duller said to be Impressed with the Imminence of the danger , in common with many other close observers anticipates a popular rising during the winter. The Irish leaders would avoid this if possible , but can they control the agitation they havn success fully excited ? The waters are out , and It may be beyond any man's power to turn them back Into former channels. People begin to believe the government Is already beaten This assurance may any day lead to extreme measures. As usual in revolutionary times the assail ants are united and confident and the de fenders are tied and bound by necessary adherence to constitutional forms which no coercion bill can altogether override. This tension Is much too great to last. . Alesbury's exploits have given rise to renewed agitation for n refoi m In the house of lords , which Is likely to Increase before tlio next session. Kcslstanco will bo very faint. The lords themselves are strongly in favor of great changes. Many wish the exclusion of notoriously Incompetent or unworthy members. Others desire to see a section of the house made elective. Others wish to bo tree to contest seats In the lower house. I believe a vote in the house Itself by ballot would clve a largo majority for sweeping re forms , therefore I do not anticipate picat popular cxcltomnnt over the question. The disestablishment of the church , so adroitly pushed , forward by Gladstone will cause much more sttr and shake the country troni one end to the other. The attacks on the police are giving seri ous anxloty to the authorities and render the police distrustful of themselves. The result Is that the outcasts of London daily assume a bolder aud uioro defiant tone. They have practically taken possession ot certain parts of the parks and public squares , driving out respectable people. All thu loafers of London aru hov ering like a dark cloud over the west end. It Is nbsojutely dangerous to go along certain thoroughfares after dark. A mena'nclng spirit Is in the air. The Cass case and Glad stones rccont raids on the police demoralize the force , 1 hear talk among tradesmen nnd others of a combined movement to protect their property If the symptoms assume a much more threatening character. Lyons , tlio socialist hero of the hour , was one of the oriranUcrs of the meeting last year which resulted in whole thoroughfares being sacked. Tradesmen remember this. They will defend themselves If the authorities cannot do it. Thu Jaw will bo vindicated thou h we may twss through bad limes first. 1 understand that great discontent exists lu the civil seivicuowlnc to the dis charge of a lar.o ; number ot em ployes In the lower grades. This Is a characteristic of our oflicial reforms. A number of poorly paid clerks are singled out and sacrificed on a little econ omy , while the highly-paid slnecurists are left undisturbed. The time has gene by for this game. You will see some very surpris ing events before long. There is great perturbation amen ; theater managers at the extreme dullness of the evening autumn season. The houses aru generally wretched. Actors anxiously ask why. ' The truth is that parents will not takn children for fear of scarlet fever nud do not cate to go themselves for fear of lire. The Exeter will cost London managers a pretty penny this winter. Kegardlng music halls the magistrates mean to look sharply after licenses , but people crowd these places in defiance of danger. The legitimate drama isdvlng out hcie. All hopes of Its icvlval center in Irving. People aio gettlni : afraid that Amer ican attractions will lure him away alto gether. Terry's new theatre has been ob jected to by the board ot works , but the alterations can be carried out by Monday week. In making up the drains the reform club discovered that the soworazu was almost entirely Intercepted for a loilg period. The wonder Is that fever had not broken odt. Several servants had typhoid. .Mcmnors of the troupe com plained of soio throats. These costly build ings are mostly drained anyhow and any where. The Carlton Is obllced to close three mouths , the sewurn.'e being found bottled up near the Arne cellars. At another largu club the steward was recently found out embezzling money , as well ns carrying on pranks In the servants' quarters. Thus oven club-land Is not withptit Us troubles. Public feeling Is greatly sottcning about Hiuhes Hallett , chiefly owing to the exces- slvo viiulenco of Stead's attacks , his unctions boastings of superior morality and ids politi cal bias. Stead is too pnro and good to live long. Hallctt's. conduct is not defended , but who Is Stead that ho bhould make himself a censor ot mor als ? His defense of Lipskl , the murderer , Is not forgotten. His very dev ious tracks In the maiden tribute business has not p.ut him on the same pedestal as Joseph Howard or any other Joseph. Stead overshot the mark. The result Is a reaction In favor of Hallett. As his local committed decline to press for Ills resignation , ho will probably hold on. though his position is by no means enviable. If a determined party attack Is made on Hallett the glass houses on the other side will soon &ho\r a great many broken windows. A MKMDER OF PARLIAMENT. What O'Drien'a Diet Will DP. ICopi/rtff/it / 'SW , by Jiim ; OonJon Hemie/M UuiiLi.v.Oct. 0. INew York Herald Cable- Special to the JJiiE. ) TUo Issue of the last official report on the Irish prisoners and their management gives occasion for a brilliant review of Its statistics bv the Freeman's Journal. Collating these It Is enabled to glvo the following , description ot what William O'lirlon'a menu will bo during his three months of sentence It the appeal court has not the courage and decency to roversc his conviction. The prison diet for convicted prisoners Is arranged Into three classes and varies according to the length of Imprison ment. As evidence of how the thing works , ake the . casu of Mr. O'llrlon. If o gees Into jail his diet for ho first month wo'uld bo ns 'ollows : His breakfast will consist at Hvo utices of bread , ono pint of cocoa , a three- unrtcr pint ot new milk , Ills dinner on tuuday nnd Thursday would be live ounces f bread , six ounces of composition called not pudding and a three-quarter pint of lew milk. On Wednesday and Friday his Inner would consist of Hvo ounces of bread , tght ounc s of potatoes and a three-quarter ilnt of now milk. On the remaining three lays of the week ho will got for dinner hlrtcen ounces of bread and half a pint of onp. For supper during tlio lirst month ivouldbe : Dread , livu ounces ; cocoa , ono Dint ; new milk , half pint. During the last wo months O'Brien would get for breakfast , pint and n half of stirabout made ut of Indian meal and oatmeal nixed In equal proportion and a thrco- qiurtcr pint of new milk. Fur supper eight iiincos of bread and a pint of cocoa. The dinner varies according to tlio day of the week. On Sundays ono pint of meal soup mil n pound of potatoes , on Wednesday and Friday eight ounces of broad and fourteen ounces of potatoes and on the remaining days of the week fourteen ounces of bread and one pint of vegetable soup. What Mr. O'Urlen would look llko and now long it would taku to re-establish his health after tat kind of thing , wo leave our readers to udge. " A few hero believe that his conviction will bo reversed , Inasmuch as after the lord nayor fiasco thu government dare not let its appeal judges add to their misfortunes. DEEOllEil'S I3Uli < > GlST ATTACKED j Tlriulo AgalnRt [ lr. 1'arknr In the Hnturdn ; Uevlo\v. 7 bil Jit i * < Gordon Himictf. ] LONDON , Oct. 0. Now York Herald ! ablu Special to the UK. I Doubtless Itov. Dr. Parker preached lomowhero near New York to-day. Thoura absent and lost to London sight , ho seen A dear to the memory of many of its news apers. Among these the Saturday Kevlew ollico , which abuts that now occupied by the'llerald ' , especially re- niembcrs him. In l s last evening's Issue It pays attention to tile Herald report of Dr. Paikcr's address onSBeecher in along nr- tlclo entitled , "Stlggins on Chadband , " nnd it thus commences : frTho late Henry Ward Beechcr wag not an ( ordinary man and Dr. Joseph Parker , who beats the drum ecclesi astic In the City Temple , is a very extraor dinary man. When Dr. Pusoy published his book on the Prophet Daniel a flippant critic Irreverently observed that ho would much rather have had Daniel's opinion of Dr. Pnsey , but Mr. Beechor on Dr. Parker would have been rather more or loss Interesting than Dr , Parker on MijJ Beechor. They were born to eulogize each qther. It was a mere accident of mortelit which allowed Dr. Parker to do for his f lend what his friend would no doubt much rather have dona for him. There Is IndeecVa bree/y cheerfulness In the good doctor's exuberant determlna- tlon to dispense with the trappings of woe which irresistibly si ggests the meek resig nation of the survivit g wife In Mr. Swin burne's parody on iord Tennyson's 'De- . ' 'I'll allow " that good spalr. , si rs woman , when the poison hasp 'ovedtoo strong lor the stomach pump , 'I'll nlluw as things might have been worse , for 10 might have been the survivor and a follow ng my hoarse. But if Dr. Parker is jocular 10 is also pugnacious. He admits for' the i iko of argument that there may bo men of mperlor genius to him- self.if such Imaginar belngs really existed , and the speculative possibility of their ozls- tencc , Dr. Parker i : odestly refrains from denying they woul . ' necessarily ho bet ter qualified tor the gVnat task of burning In cense on the shrine oj | Mr. Beecher. Warm ing tp Ills subject , the worthy doctor congrat ulates himself on the special advantage possessed In knowing very llttln about Mr. Beecher. 'Criticism that Is attempted bv admiring memoryJ not bound by the vulgarity of the naked eye , ' Is a phrase on which Dr. Parker m y well bo content to rest his oratorical reputation for the remain der of his life. Ho if ill never beat It , and Mr. Mlcawber himself might have been proud of It. But Dr. Parker at last grows dlbtrustful oven of tile InQnito caress ot his own eloquence and calls upon the painter for aid to mint himSin conversation , catch above all things the ! smllo of the painter. Let mo charge theo , seize that spirit smile' Dr. Parker Is not troubled by the difficulty of Allcu in wonderland' ' who could not imagine the grin without thoj cat. Truly there was but ono Beechor and Dr. Parker is his prophet. " | The article thus concludes : "Dr. Parker proves his own qualification for Ids business In many a sentence which Mr. Beochcr him self could not have surpassed and from whlcl the combined wit of all the candidates In tlio civil service examination could not oxtiaot the s'mallust particle ot meaning.Ve can assure the reverend eulogist that we shnl not attempt to dispute the proud position willed he claims of chief trumpeter to the du parted charlatan.Vehad something tonaj about Mr. Beecher hst spring and need no repeat It now , but ) ) r. Parker has uncon sclously portrayed himself in this singular lecture and the result' ' combines amusumen with instruction. " t Now it mt.ht bq nmiislng toknowwha view Dr. Parker has of the Saturday Ituvlevv to learn why It Is so'bltter ' not only upon the living but the dead. , The Mormon Conference. SALT LAKI : , Oct. ' { ( . In the Mormon con fereiice yesterday Wilford Woodruff , presl dunt of the apostles , iread a long oplstlo ro fcrrlng to the state of the church and the Mormon people , anil to the death of Join Taylor , saying tho'chinch was now In the hands of the twelve , which Is supposed to mean will not elect a president at this con ference. Thu epistle Is very long and tame and devoted mninlfito church affairs. Ho bears personal te4jmony to Joseph Smltl transmitting to tlinaimstles the keys of tin priesthood and pifoers and ceremonies o Latter Day authority. The conferencu pro ceedings are thus tar of little interest. The Mormon constitutional convention rcasscm bled yesterday and shaped a memorial to congress praying fir the admission of Utal Into thu union and declaring llielr iroodfultl und put pmn to carfly out thu provisions ot the constitution as adopted. I'rntrctiatr n Pnthwny , Lo.vo ISLAND CITY , Oct. 0. Mrs. Charles SchacfTcr , of Broalau , while walking on t path across the garden of Georgu Uacbleln of the bamo place , jjestorday afternoon , wa * shot ami Instantly killed by Gaeblein , "who was lying In wait for the purpose. He I in mediately burled tuu woman's body , havint , had tlio grave In readiness. The luibbapil o Mrs. Sclmulfer eatim thu sainu way later 01 and was also shot by1 Gaeblein , but received only sUght wounds In the naiuls. Gaehleln was arrested. Tlio trouble has been of lent , standing. It was Ciu cd by SchaelTec's usulk Urn path thrc-uxh Gacbleiu'a piopcity. .JL OWA'S ' LOAN TO UNCLE SAM Arrangements Being Made For the Return of the War Tax Levy , A NICE LITTLE NEST EGG. investigation of the Iowa Evictions Shown Than Not tu Have Ileeu UxttKifcratcd Other Jlnvvk- eye State News. A Windfall For Iowa's Treasury. DKS MOINES , la. , Oct. 9. [ Special to the 5iK.-Gencral : | W. W. Belknop , who still -latins lown ns his home , wns In this city cstorday , looking ns halo nnd hearty as vhen he held thn portfolio ot tlio war depart- ucnt In Grant's cabinet. He Is now , as ho says , entirely out of politics , and devoting ils whole time to business. His robust , icarty way , makes him A prince of good fel- ovvs among the old soldiers , who aru greatly attached to him. Ho Is now the president of ho Crocker brigade association , nnd takes probably as much pilde and satisfaction In iroslillng over this boxly of gallant men as te over took in any political preferment and loner that ever came to him. The Immcdt- ate purpose of his last visit here , was to con- 'er with thn adjutant general and stuto nudl- or In regard to the direct tax which Iowa alsed and paid to the general government luring the war. Iowa's share of ho general tax levy was nbout SI,000,000 and he statu raised every cent of it. Now that t Is proposed to return to the states a pro rata share ot tholr contributions , Iowa will lave n very Comfortable little sum to put In Its > ocketbook. Governor Larrabcn has np- > omted General Belknap as state agent to ook after this particular fund at Washing- ton.and represent Iowa's Interests. The gen eral was also , by appointment of Governor Sherman , made agent for the state to look attui old war claims against thu state which lave never bcenjentlrely cleared up. So that 10 has considerable business in looking after town's financial Interests at Washington. If the legislature should provide for a state agent to look after the routine business of Iowa people before the different departments at Washington , General lielknap would seem general accord to bo the man for the place. THK IOWA r.VICTION < 3. The sensation of the past week was thn re port of cruel evictions ot settlers In noith- westcrn Iowa by un Kiullsh syndicate. The story as sent out by thu Associated press from Washington was somewhat vague , and left thu Impression that It might bo more sensational than real. At once steps were taken to hunt down thu particulars and it was found that the evictions and thu lands rolorred to were chlolly in O'Brien and Osco- ola counties. One of the settlers who had hlm-elt boon served with notice of ejectment was found , and ho declared tlmt there woio cases of gieal brutality , even moru startling than had been reported. Helpless women and children had been driven from their homes out Into the storm with no shelter for their heads. The sheriff and Ills pass- according to report , seemed to bo as heartless as thu agents of the British government who are turning Irish tenants out of doors. Governor Larra- bee happened to be in that part of the state at the time , and as soon as ho heard ot the trouble ho telegraphed the attorney-general at Des Molnes to take stops at once to ascer tain thu rights of the settlers nnd protect them to the full extent of the law. The at torney-general , In pursuance ot these in structions , lia's commenced an Investigation , and it there Is anything that the statu can dote to perfect the titles of these .settlers It will be done. Governor Larrabee is u'leatly com mended tor the promptness with wliich he has acted In this matter and ho has shown himsolt still more the friend of the people and the watchful guardian ot their Interests. It has been an occasion ot .somo suiprisu that it these evictions have been going on for a year or tvvo there has not been more known about them through the state at law. But tvvo things seem to explain tins state of com parative Ignorance nbout thesu cases. The counties where the evictions have been made aio sparsely settled and aru not In all parts readily accessible. O'Hrlon county , tor Instance , has neither railroad or tele graph to its county seat. The nearest point where thesu conveniences can bo found Is some olght or ten miles nwny. So news , under ordinary conditions , doesn't travel so rapidly up there as It does in tlio thickly settled portions of the state. Again , thu Influ ence of these wealthy English syndicates is very gro it through nil that part of the .state. It Is said that they contiol thu local news papers , nnd succeed In keeping out of print all reports ot their brutal tieatment ot set tlers. They nro nbout the only .wealthy people plo In that viclnltv and they have n great deal of power , HO that many poor people are ntiald to antagonize them or get their dis favor. Huskies , many of the persous uvlctcd are foreigner , hardly able to speak enough English to tell ot their wrongs , even if they dared to , while they are often made to believe that the cruel proceedings were in accordance with the laws ot the laud , and no redress wns open to them. So it is not so strange that the state at largo has known little about these cases of outrage. But it is fast hearing of them , and beioro very long the foreign syndicates who would liku to in troduce Into Iowa the serfdom of Irish ten antry will find their plans very sharply op posed. It Is not unlikely that the ne\t legis lature will taku MHIIO action to prevent any morofotulgn syndicates trom getting Iowa land for contract lease purposes , wliich they do not intend to use themselves , or penult others to own at reasonablu rates. SWKI'.T SVriTKlNfl SISTKIiS. The "sweet suffurini ! Msters. " as they nro sometimes called , came up smiling thu past week tor their sixteenth annual state con vention ot the Woman Sullra u society. The convention contained nbout the usual num ber ot old Indies of both sexes who mourned for hours over the wromrs of down-trodden women , and predicted that nothing but thu ballot wouM set the universe rltrht. Their platform , which Is long enough and prosy enough to put the liveliest crowd to sleep In five minutes , demands that the next legisla ture shall give to women municipal stiffrnge , and taku measures to unable them to vote on all questions as soon as possible. The suf fering sisters Insist that prohibition can never bo enfoiccd until women are given the ballot , though the fact stares them in the lace that In nine-tenths of tlmcountlcs of the state the votes of the men , without any as sistance ftoin the women , have unforced the prohibition law just as faithfully as any other criminal laws are enforced. But that plea Is onlv a pretensu which the need women employ to make their case s > uppos.v bly stronger. 8K.VAT011 AM.r > ON TO STl'.MI' NKW YORK. Senator Allison , who hail started out to fill a list of Appointments in the Iowa cam paign , has been so stroii''ly urged to go to New i'ork , that the republican statu central committee hern has relncU.itly consented to give him up. He starts at once and will make six or eight speeches in that state. The 10- quest for him to come to New Yoik was very strong , for his ireat ability as n statesman , competent to discuss thu nnanclal interests of thu Kovcrnment. is nowheru understood better than In New York. He does not deal in glittering rhetoric , but guts right down to solid facts , and on tlio great business Issues of the day ho has no superior In the breadth ol his knowledge , nnd in his ability to dis cuss In a clear and tangible way thesu subjects. Ho will make a great impression upon the business men of Now York , and incidentally It may bu remarked will not Fuller any by thn comparison which is sure to be instituted be tween him and other statesmen who are talked of to head a ticket next year. Colonel D. B. Henderson , of Dubiiijtie , the gallant congressman from the Third district , has also been called out of the campaign , but tor another reason the old wound on his leg the main part of it was taken oil at Shlloh has broken out again , and ho is sick abed. This Is as great a disappointment to the colonel as to the thousands who had expectei : to hear him. He Is the favorite political orator tor of Iowa , and his powerful speech at Do trolt recently at the reunion of the Army of the Tennessee showed that ho was a popular orator abroad , ilo will be greatly u > Us < kl In the campaign If prevented from taking any part. AN KXODt'S TO CALII'ORXIA. 1 ho exodus to California from all parts of Iowa , as well as many olher.statos. Is one of the strange thlnirsot thu times. Hundreds of tickets for California were sold In this city Iono the past wouk. Many of those rolng nro farmers In Central and Northern Iowa , who have become discouraged with repeated droughts and poor crops , and have had their heads turned with thn real estate crn/o In Southern California. At the same time there Is a returning procession of dis gusted lowaiis , who nro working back ( rom Kansas and other western states quite ready to bo contented once moiu In Iowa , It Is stated that in the vicinity of Stunit , Gnthrlc county , | seven farms have recently been bought by disenchanted travelers of this kind. Nevertheless the exodus to tno far west goes on unabated , people wanting to seu for themselves , nnd get burned them selves before they will diead the lire. lunornut or the Kvlotlons. WASHINGTON , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegram ; o the HKI : . ! The general land olllcc knows nothing of thu alleged bailmritles committed n evicting settlers Horn lands included In ho grant of the McGregor & Western road , which passed to the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul. A paragraph about the matter sent out troui heto a lew dnvs ego was the result or a pilvate letter from a land agent or laud attorney In Iowa to a friend In the general and ollico. A dispatch about the matter ap peared In a New York paper this morning which sheds some light on thu position ol the evicted settlers. Unless thu doctrine of community of lands bu adopted aud every nan bo allowed permanent possession ot any and ho settles on , then the settlers have no claim to consideration. Last summer when Secretary Lnmar wns disposing of thu In- iomnlty laud cases , Judge Lawrence Flsk , comptroller ot the treasury , tiled a brlof In ji-lialf of thusu settlers in which he said : "The Western Land company , a great land corporation , as pin chaser Irom a i all way company , commenced about 110 suits In the local court In O'Brien county , lown , tu'nlnst as many settlers who were by the state and United States Invited to go upon the lands , nnd In home. It not most ur all of the suits , the land com pany has succeeded In obtaining judgment of eviction against the settlers. " There Is not ono word In the brief of the attorney of the settlers to Indicate that unnecessary cruelty lias been resorted to In evicting tiespnsscrs. Of course this omission Is not concluslv u and the brief mav have been Hied beforu thu evic tions , but a dispatch from DCS Molnes yes- teiday gave what purports to bo an interview with one of thu most Intelligent residents ot O'Brien county , who continued and added to the original story of cuieltv. but gave this account ot the origin of the dllllcuUy : "Tho correspondence between Govuinor Sherman and Secretary Teller led the public to believe that the lands weru open to settlement nnd 140 families , chiefly Scandinavian's , squatted thereon. " This is probably true , and the moral of it is that settlers ought to get offi cial information or legal advice beforu Im proving laud that they have no title to. Till } WKtiK IN WALL The n & O Telegraph Deal the Chief Knotor In the Market. NnwYoiiK , Oct. U. | Special Telegram to the Bin : . | The telegraph deal , tlio rate war among western roads and varying repotts about the chances of a reorganization of Heading with or without foreclosure , \veie the principal factors at work In thu stock market during the week. The first named was the most powerful for a tlmo and caused Western Union to move up V-A points , the stuck rising at frequent Intervals when a weak tone prevailed in the rest of the list. The highest point was obtained just before the announcement was made that the com pany had at last bought the Baltlrnoio it Ohio plant. Alter that speculation lirst halted and then gave way under piessurc of sales by operators who had bought In antici pation of a great rlso to lollovv thu consumma tion ot the doal. It was an illustration of the well known adage as applied to Wall street that the unexpected always happens. Operators had discounted at luast the Imme diate ctlect of the transaction and stock lost a part of thu improvement , although it did not got back to whuro it started from. With the exception ot the Wosti'rii Union , .lei.sey Cen tral , and Heading , the highest tieuros as n rule were nn Monday nnd the lowest Into In the week. Thugrauger war was a disturb ing element and was used with considerable ellect. especially against St. Paul , which was heavilv sold for short account. Heading was rescued Irom the depression by the action of certain ot opposing holders ol the lirst series of r 's in depositing their bonds under the syndicate plan , but It finally dropped oil. A Inrgo percentage of the business was in Heading , Western Union and St. Paul , the course ot these stocks exercising n marked Influence pro and con on speculation. The bears covered lively when Western Union advanced , but they subsequently returned to the attack and had In their favor the narrow ness ot the market , which has been toraomo time and still is an obstaclu in { the way of sustaining an improvement for any length of tlmo. In short , want of un outside public Is the great difficulty with Wall street. During the greater part of the week railway mort- gaews were firm and prices vvero generally well maintained , but near the elosu the Improvement was lost In homo instances. Fluctuations wore ? far less 1m- poitant than usual and tint market presented no special toatuie. Governments were dull nnd practically unchanged until near the close , when pilces ruled a fraction higher. Foreign exchanges on thu whole were firmer , and homo of tun drawers advanced their postal rates yt per cent. Thu rlsts was not fully maintained at the close , Inquiry being comparatively light. The monetary situa tion worked smoothly and rates for call loans ranged all the way from 0 to 3 per cent. The bulk of business was at about 5 per cunt. Time money is less plentiful than funds on call , and transactions at less tlmn < > per cent aru rate and can be ellccted only on the bust dividend payers. A Church rtcnaatlon. XASIIVIU.K , T'jnn. , Oct. 0. The leading Methodist Kplscopnl church ot this city was thu scene of quite n sensation to-day. Thu pastor , Hev. W. A. Cnndlur , deliveied u very severe and bitter Rcrmon on the subject ol theaters. Miss Kmuu Abbott , who occupied a seat in thu iuar of the church , rose and en tor"d n protest , in a short speech , ngnlnst the general character of thepreachci's denuncia tion. Her nppeaiaucu showed mucti sup pressed Indignation , but her vvoids vvero very clear and distinct. The matter has created n great sensation and form.thu solu topic of conversation this evening. Many ot thu parlsiioneis and others commend the course of Miss Abbott. Trictt in Slcnl the Virgin. ST. Louis , Oct. 9. ( Special Telegram to the BII : : . | A special Irom the Cltv of Mexico says there were very cxcitlni : times In thu suburban villagu of Gu.idalupe 111- dalL'o yesterday over the report that an archi tect had arrived" Cole [ lito church with the object of reraovini : the linaio ot tlio vir gin ot ( iuadalupc , concerning which there is much superstition. Tlio natlvo population becnmu alarmed , groups of Indians armed themselves with knives , clubs , etc. , and wlier the aichltcct entered the church tlio miiltl tuda followed him , threatening his lite , am could only bu pacified by his withdrawing without the coveted linage. Wenthnr InilluatlniiH. For Nebraska : Warmer , followed bv cooler , fair weather , light to fresh northwesterly Forlovvar Slightly warmer , light rains , followed by lair weather , light to frcsl northwwiterly winds. For Dakota : Colder , light rains , follovvei by fair weather , light to trcsli northerly winds. _ . MraiilNhl | > Arrivals. NEW Yoitic , Oct. 0 ( Special Telesrim to the BKK. | Arrived The Illinois , from Liverpool ; the Furnusla , from Glasgow ; thu Gilbert , from Hamburg. < JUKINSTOW.V. : Oct. l' . Arrived The British Kill ? , from Pennsylvania. BAYARD'S ' FISH COMMISSION , The Secretary of State's Soloot Body Al ready at Work , ITS SCOPE TO BE ENLARGED Commissioner Col man's Hunln Badly U'ntitcd Ity Several Democratic Congressmen ( Jlerk II lupins After Another Office , The Klnh CoitinilflHlnn nt Work. WASIIINOION. Oct.Special [ Telegram to the Bi.i.lSecretary : Bayard's llsh com- mlsslonei.s Messrs. Angell nnd Putnam , are already nt work. Their lirst meeting wa < held yesterday. It was not nilvcrtbed , but it can bu stated on high administration RU- thorlty that thu scope ot the commission will goboyond the New Knulaiid fisheries and tnko up the dispute ever the Alasknn seal fisheries nnd Behrlng { sen. Mr. Bayard has been often warned against trying to copu with British diplomacy on moid than onu subject at a tlmo and cuilous denials havu icon made of the reports that the ncgotla- ; ors vvuro to meddlo. with an j thing but thu S > w Kngland muddle. But the understand ing now scums to bu qtilto clear that lrc ! < < l < lent Angell nnd Mr. Putnam will help tho. secretary define the rights of thu United States In the Pacific. Thu position to be : aken In tills conttoversy can nlso bu outlined - lined better than thu New Kngland fisheiles. The administration this year has followed the straight line of its duty In Alaskau waters , whereas last year Its roursu waa shifting and uncertain. Ono reason fur this was the discovery by Mr. Cleveland that the Kngllsh were not repaying the concessions made to them. Another was the certainty that congicss would insist on the enforce- i montot Its laws. If these were , us Knglatul claims , contiary to International usage , that j was a matter for thu legislative nnd not for the executive brunch of the government tu iifat. Now the administration Is enforcing the law and Is prepared to maintain the jurisdiction of the United States ovei the waters frequented by seals , whether three miles or 8W ( miles from thu coast line. This docs not Involve any stictch ot head land theory. It is , ol course , assumed that thu United States , by thu purchase of Alaska , acquired all thu lights which Hussln Und , but It will not be necessary to enter Into tlio question whether Bchrtng sen is n closed sen. Instead the bioad ground will bu taken that as Iho seal fisheries niu nppurtenunt to thu possession of thu United Status , this , country has n right to motect them from ex tinction. It follows fiom thu nature of the seal that It cannot bo classed with tlio mackerel and cod of the Atlantic coast. A .strong precedent will bu furnished in the jmlsdictlon u\erclscd by Kngland over tlio pearl lisheiies of thu Indian ocean and Australia. This is not nn extract from tlio government's brlol , but It would bn safe guessing that thu new commissioners * uiuleistaud that It will bu thu posltliB taken by the United Status and which they may be called on to arcuo with their British colleagues. Thu fish commission have been gathering data , which Is also at thu disposal ot Messrs. Angell and Putnam , to study upon beforu the Britishers arrive. Commis sioner Putnam , at the outlet ol his work , Is met with savage criticism from Gloucester fishermen , lie has been one ot tlio counsel for the United States government In looking after thu Interests of the lishormmi in thu case ot thu seized schooner Adams. It Is charged that ho has been a party to holding back a decision In this case , and nil to further Secretaiy Bnyaid's diplomacy. President Ancell has no s-ich embarrass ment. Though everybody thinks the joint commission is doomed tofalluru , It Is thought Secietary Bayard may profit by his diplo matic cxpeilence , Column' * Head In Dannor. WASHINGTON , Oct. ! . [ Special Telegram to the BIK. : | It is developed that concerted uflort has been determined upon by a largo number of democratic congressmen to secuie. If possible , the displacement of Mr. Column , the piescnt commissioner ot agriculture , upon charges of metlicleiicy in the manage ment of his department , growing out ot mis representations ot the tobacco ciop , and the opposition on thu part of Prof. Wiley , chief ; chemist , to the expetlmeiits now being made nt Kort Scott , Kan. , In the manufacture of. sorghum and cane sugar. Ills alleged that Commissioner Colman maintained the cot- reciness ot the overestimate of tlio tobacco crop by his department , until loicud to re tract by the action of thu Loulsvlllu tobacco dealer ! ) , and that ho sustained Prof. Wiley ' In his damaging report nuiUnst the Fort Scott sugar enterprise , which has since breti made a success. Also that ho persistently retains holdover republican officials In charge of thu vat Ions bureaus who are not protected in their positions by the civil servicu law. HiKliiriH For HIUIHO Doorkeeper. WASHINGTON , Oct 9. [ Special Telegram to the Br.K.I The report that Kimono Hig- clns is a caudldado lor the doorkeepershlp of the house Is again received , It is said to night that Mr. Hlggius Is making a still hunt and that ho hopes his devotion to his party will win for him tlio support ot a great many democratic members of congress. At pres ent his canvass Is active hut quiet Him finds that thu chances for his election nro In any way favorable he will allow his nanio to bu brought beforn the caucus. If , hovvovor , he bees that thu chances nro hopeless hn will not appear In thu tight at all. In the mean time thu other candidates aru actively at work among the members ot thn honso. Major Hint , ol Mississippi , claims to havu pledged to him not less iiian sixty-seven votes. Doiielkon , the prudent Incumbent , has opened headquarters in ' .Vlllnrd's hotel and professes to bu confident ot htio-elce- tlnn. There are four other candidates in Urn field. Iliillrnad .Mngn.-ueM Vlsil Diiliitli. Diii.mn , Minn. , Oct. 0. [ Special Tele gram to the BiiJ. : Cornelius Vandeibilt. Chimney Dopew , Marvin Uughltt , Walter Webb nml other railway magnates arrived this moining by a special train of three pri vate cais. They spent the morning at church nnd the ntteruoon In a tour ot the bay and harbor , going a short distance out on thu lake , visited thu elevatois and looked over the terminal facilities of the dlllerent roads centerlnu' here. , Thn party loaves at It ! o'clock to-nluht for St. Paul and will call on Picbident Cleveland while tlit-ro. Arrival of Mrn. Cleveland's Cow. WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. [ Special to thu Bii.l : : Mis. Cleveland's cow has ar rived. George W. Chllds , of Philadelphia , r-eems to havu taken as much Interest in presenting thu animal to Mrs , Cleveland as that lady did in receiving It at his hands. The Jersey beauty was accompanied to Wash ington by a delegation of Mr. Chllds' men I rom his block farm and was taken to Oalc View by a delegation of the president's ser- vnnts In company with the I'hlliidulphlniw. The president himself t/ikes great Interest In tills addition to his farm. Ho was brought up as a boy among livu stock Mid has a very L'iKid knowledge ot c.iltlu In general , but his * imltciilar tort Is thu Durham breed In which , his uucle , Hon. Lewis I1' . Allen , ot Buf falo , Is ono or the best posted men In the country. Thu young bovine will receive ah much cam und attention in her now homo as few children In the coun try do. Mrs. Cleveland Is delighted - lighted ttith her present and it will nut tin Mirpilsing if , beloru tlio close of another Jf.ir , thu Cleveland strain of .linsujs is rated In thu herd books as among thu te t In thu couiitiy. _ Hilled Ily < ; < ml Oust Kxploilou , l-iNVli.IK ) | ) , Ky. , Oct. ! > . Byan explosion ot an accumulation of bituminous co l duat hist nl''ht In thu Hoanoako mines ono man was killed , time fatally hurt aud twulvu