- - ' - _ | ' * - . , . ii - i , | piyj n , j p . - . \ BENNISON BROS. A GRAND SPECIAL SALE , MONDAY , OCTOBER IOTH , OF Dress Goods , Silks , Velvets , Cloaks , BLANKETS , COMFORTERS , ETC. , AT PRICES THAT WILL WAKE THE PEOPLE UP ! DRESS GOODS. 2fSO pieces Dress Goods In Fancy mixtures , DiagonalsHomespuns , Fancy Novelties , Stripe ? , Checks and 1'lald Armttrcs , Silk and Wool Fab rics , etc. In fact , all the latest and newest weaves * All on one special counter and all at one price to close the lot Monday , 500 a yard 'Ihcscgoods have sold at 7ilcS3c , 98cl , , * 1.1O , $1.20 , * 1.2ff. We put this ridiculous price on the lot simply to reduce our very large Dress Goods slock. Remember , the price Monday I * GO rents a yard. We will also close out on Monday all of our Combination Suits at less than half cost. Look at the prices. Monday , Monday , Monday , 20 elegant braided Combination Suits li eleyant embroidered Combination Suits , toilise * y elegant fancy Combination Suits , Beautiful designs. PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENTS , A. Quiet But Pleasant Week in Omaha So ciety Circles , A VERY BRILLIANT AFFAIR. The Y , > L H. A. Hall-Miss Isaacs' JMuslcalo Mrs. MuentcforlnR's Treat News and Gossip of a Bocial Nature. A nrlllinnt Affair. In the heart of the Jewish community there Is formed a society composed of young and , In the maln.umnarrled men. This society Is known as the Voting Men's Hebrew assocla tlon. tlon.About About one year ace a party of young men met in the vestry ot the Jewish temple for the purposa of forming a society , the object of which should bo the social and literary advancement of Its members. At that time there was , among Immediate circles , much speculation as to what the lin.il result ot this association would be , whether it would succeed In its laudable elforts , or moot the name fate so many like societies have en countered In tlm past. After struggling as such organisations must for some time , this association has prospered and to-day stands as an example ot what can be done by In dustrious and vlgorou ? elforts. The ball given by this association at the Exposition hall Thursday evening was a brilliant affair. Throughout Its every feature was one ot ported success , and tlm pleasures of the occasion will bo long remembered by the many participants. There wore many brilliant and beautiful costumes worn , some of which were ordered from New York and Chicago especially for the occasionseveral guests from other cities , coming for the special purpose ot attending the alTalr , were present and enjoyed them selves thoroughly. The executive committee was as follows : Julius Meyer , president : Milton M. Sloman , vice president ; hum Guiu , secretary ; I. Kahn , treasurer. Floor managers : Dr. E. E. Stnmtiti , chairman ; Charles Goldsmith , M. llosenhock , A. / under der , A. J. Abrams and Julius linger. Belosv Is given a meager mention of a tew of the cos tumes worn : Mrs , Meyer Heltman , black silk on train , jet ornaments and diamonds ; Mrs. David Kaulf- man , uslies ot roses silk , Irride.scont beaded ornaments , corsage bouuuet ; Mrs. Morris H. Sloman , cream and blue brocaded velvet combined with cream and blue crepe de sliivn real lace , diamonds : Mrs. Sonnenberi ; , black silk en train ; Mrs. Sam Sloman , delic.ue shrimp silk , with tasteful plush tilm- mlngs ; Mrs. Arnstem , pure white satin Mrs. A. Lewis , white satin , real lace , corsage bouquet , diamonds ; Miss Sarah Kosenberg , Chicago , black silk moro iintliiuu ; Miss Abrams , delicate violet nllk , olive plush trimmings ; Miss Sarali Branders , black silk dccollette , black lace trimmings , coisaiju bouquet ; Miss Schlosslnger. black silk , white and black fiont ; MUs Mary Goldman , white silk com bined with brocaded satin , corsage bouquet ; Miss Cora IJendlt. lavender silk , purple vol- \et and pearl beaded trimmings ; Miss Bortlm Alpmia , canary satin , Brussels net trimmings , corsage bouquet ; Miss Clara Kendskoir , pink satin covered with white tulle ; Miss Morse man , black satin en train with jet ornaments ; Miss Goldsmith , white liL'urcd lace goods. Miss Minnie Uoths child , old gold satin with fancy lace trim- mines ; Miss Etta Newman , blue snUn , pearl trimmings ; Miss Mollie Morris , light green silk , satin tiimmlntis , corsage bouquet ; Miss Miller , pink satin , lace trimmings : Miss Flora Salv , black silk eji tram ; Miss lllrscli- stein , garnet silk , garnet plush trimmings ; Miss Mono , blue silk en train ; Miss Strauss of Titusvllle. garnet with old gold ; Miss Jennie Morris , blue and canary silk ; Miss Bernstein , black silk cardinal sisti , silver chain girdle ; Miss Isaacs , pink surah silk ; Miss OUa Drandois , black silk. Among the spectators wore Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Braudols , Mr , 1. Isaacs and Mr. and Mrs. Miller. The gentlemen besides the bovo mentioned comprising the lloor com- E-J iiiltt'je were : Messrs. Friend and Lon Wesel , of Lincoln ; Messrs. Arthur lirandels.Elgutter A. Lewis , Simon and Martin Oberfelder , Will Heller , Sam Schlesslmser , W. Wolff , Fred lU'llgsobn , 1. Schlll , Geo. Heyu , Morns H. IVM $4.5o worth $10.00 $6.5o tvorth f 15.00. $ lo.75 worth ยง 2G.OO. These are rare bargain * and the prUe the ladies must appreciate. a Slomau. Simon J. Fisher , Mr. Itotholy , lee Uanbaum , Henry Frey , Henry llorschstoin , Hmiry Newman , Ike New , Mr. Abrams , Mr. Frank , Henry Plumb , Meyer Kahn , S. Uothschild. Mr. Urown , Mark Koseustock , 11. llosenbenr , S. A. Slonmn. Samuel Freednun , M. Kyplnslti , Vandeles Keubcn , Max liuu , Joe Mandelbcrg , S. J. Harils , Abraham , Leon Jtlock , Arthur Kendskoif.Mr. Arnstem. Last year , aided by subscriptions from out side parties , tlio society was enabled to clvo an entertainment for Its very commence ment , composed of Its literary , musical and social talent. Tills year It has become sufficiently strong to Rive an entertainment based simply upon Its own resources and to Invite as participators those who had , In the society's commencement , lent their hand in tlio society's aid. Tlio meetings of the asso ciation are held the tirst ot every month at the rooms of their president , Julius Meyer , but the organization Is looking forward confidently to the near future to have a separate suite of rooms for their own use , and already there Is In formation quite an extensive library for the use of its members as soon as they enter their now quarters. Judging the future of the society by Its past , it b'.ds fair to become a solid and stationary headpiece of the Jewish ' young man's for mation. Miss MAY McKnxxA. save a party at her home , 1402 Parkwllde avenue , Monday. Tl.o occasion was the nineteenth birthday of the youni ; hostess , nnd twenty-live couples en joyed the pleasures of the evening. * # # Miss HAKI-.U pave a party to a number of lier friends Tuesday evening at her home , 1430 North Emhteenth street. Twenty-live couples were present and a pleasant evening was spent bv all. * % A I'L.vv has been cast from thn ranks of the society people of Omaha and will be Kiven 6omo evening next month for the beaelit of the Trinity cathedral. THE llYi-KiiioN club will give Us first party of the season Tuesday evening at Metropolitan hall. * # Miss ANN'A MKUKII.I , , well Known In Omaha , will bo married Tuesday at St. 1'aul'H church , Council lilutfs , to Mr. Frank 11. Evans of that city. * * * MRS. J. W. COTTO.V entertained a number of her musical triends at her homo on St. Mary's avenue Wednesday evening. * * * A I.ITTI.K excursion party wont to Seymour Parkin a special car Monday. The party comprised Mr. and Mrs. Itlall , Mr. and Mrs. McDonald , Dean Gardner and wife , Mrs. Thomas Swobo , Mrs. Cooper , Mrs. Cancer , A. M. Kitchen. II. O. Dorries , 11. U. Tailor , ( i. M. Hall. Z , Thomason. Will Crary. Mr. Phillips , J. Hodgson , L. luchardsou and Dr. Miller. * A i-i.KASAXT party was given bv Miss Opal Touzalln at her home , S20S Chicago street , Friday niclit , * * A MTMiiiu : of the friends of Mr. nnd Mrs , T. U. Ferguson were onteitalned at their jtlcasant home , Oil North Seventeenth street , Thursday evening. Those present were : Mbse.s Uelle Standlsh. E. Kodurbeck ot Vlnton , la. , Lena Kelly , Joslo Crouch , Eultli Davis , Sadlo Pittman. l.Ulio Durnall , Clara Lawton , Calllo Standlsh , Messrs. F , Datley , C. K. Xlmmcrman , Isaac Adams , Frank Standlsh , J. 11. Van Clostcr , J. U. Hums. Charles Urnuhart , O. ISiackburn. llert Lawton , ( ! . T. Walker , of Napa City , Cal. * * "A Mi1 MO At. entertainment will bo given Thursday evening at tlio llanscom park M. K. church under the auspices of the Young People's society. An excellent proerammo has been arranged and all who attend may expect a treat. * O.v Wnn.VKsnAY MrGeorge W. Tlllson , city engineer , Kits married to Miss Mary E. Abbott , of Lancaster , N. 11. , at the homo of the brldti's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tlllson will arrive In Omaha about the middle of October and will make their homo at No. COS South Twenty-eUhth street. WKDXKSDAY EVENING at 7:80 : o'clock Mr , John C. Heltemeier and Miss Nellie O'Meara were united In marrlavo at St. Phltomena's cathedral. Father McCarthy olllciatlu ? . The reception was held at the residence of Mrs. Marks , sister ot the bride , 1TO3 Capitol ave nue , commencing at t ) o'clock. A larce num ber of friends -were present. Uefieshments were served In abundance ana cougratula- Fifty pieces Puritan Black Gros Grain Silks , Ou nalc Monday at away do ion prices. We invite special attention to these silks , and we guarantee every yard , and if found different from what we regresent we will cheerfully refund money or give an other dress , JVc. 1 , at ysc yard , worth $1,25 " 2 " % 1.18 " 1.50 " a 1.48 " .00 " 4 ' 1.75 ' " 2.25 " . G 2MO " 2.00 0 " 2.GO " 3.50 Remember , we take no backseat on thete goods. We lead , never follow On Monday we will place on sale Seventy-five pieces Colored Faille Francaise Silks at $1.25 yd. And guarantee them the best value ever offered in Omaha. Forty-five pieces Fancy Stripe and Checked Velvets , 69c yd. worth $1.50 ami f .00 : lens showered upon the contracting parties. The presents were numerous and costly. * # # THE r.NTEHT.viNMENT elven by the young people ot the Castellar church Thursday evening was a success. Thu progiamme , which had been prepared , was can led out with credit to all the participants. A ulauo solo by Miss Wilson , and ono by Miss Lillian Case were special features of the evening. A comedy In several acts , entitled "Ihe I'hronologist , " by Messrs , Koopman and Pickering , tiio former as the phrenologl&t and the latter as the victim , created much merriment. After tlio programme , refresh ments wore served and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all present. * * WEDNESDAY EVENING Mr. Samuel U. Stairctt. or Central City , was married to Miss Emma Lindcrholm , of Omaha , at the resid ence ot the bride's parents. Kov. II. S. Hil ton , of Central City , olllclatcd. Mr. Starrett Is cashier of the Platte Valley bank and a young business man , and the bride a very popular voting lady of this city and daughter of Mr. John Linderholm. * * O.v TIIUIISDAY evening a large number of ladies and gentlemen gathered at the resi dence ot Mr. Thornton Blown , 2434 Parker street , the occasion being a surprise party to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beatty who leave Omaha to miiko their future homo In Chad- ron , Neb. Mr. and Mrs. lioatty are old and respected residents of this city. For many years Mr , Bealty has been prominent In Omaha's commercial and railroad circles , while his estimable wife , who is a sister of Mr. Brown , has lor years been an cltlelnnt worker In the Scwaid street M. E. church. A very happy evening was enjoyed with music and relreshments. At the close Mr. Beatty and wile were presented with a beautiful engraving. The presentation speech was made bv Kov. C. W. Savulge. The departure of Mr. and Mrs. Beatty will bu regretted and the best wishes of a host of friends will follow them. * # A MUSICAL WAS elven Wednesday evenIng - Ing by Miss Ll/.zlo Isaacs , at 11' : South T\venty-lourth street , and was a delightful allnir. Miss Ida Isaacs gave a number of recitations , and Mr. 1) , 1) . McDonald ren dered several vocal selections. The young hostess rendered the following on the piano , which were well received : Toccata Pai adies Polonaise Herolnuo , K major Liszt Kl.'andou Half Humorcske No. I ' . Kroeger Traucieswlrroiid ' . . . .Schumann Ballade , ( J minor Chopin Among thosn present were the following : Dr. and Mrs. Hanchett. Mr , and Mrs. Hunt , Mr. and Mrs. Halnos , Mr. and Mrs. Cody , Mr. and Mrs. Woods , Dr. and Mrs. Stone , Mr. and Mrs. 1'iatt , Mr. and Mrs. Hartman , Mr. and Mrs. Max Meyer , Mr. and Mrs , Adolph Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. A. Field , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swobe. Mr. and Mrs , Fiod McConnell , Mr. and Mrs. Martin , Mr. and .Mrs. Kahn , Mr. and Mrs. Brady , Mr. and Mrs. Coe , Mr. and .Mrs. Carlisle , Mr. and Mrs. Lally , Mr. and Mrs. Cully , Mr. and Mrs. llaly , Mr. and Mrs. Kothchlld , Mr. and Mrs. Yost , Mr. and Mrs Barker , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Council , Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Godtrey , Mr. and Mrs. llowcll , Dr. and Mrs. Mooie , Mrs. Botkln , Mrs. Anna Yates. Mrs. Preston. Misses Walker , Bntterlleld , Parker , Yates , Stone , Rosenberg , Newman , and Mensrs. Fisher , McDonald , Kratz , Moris , Melnbcrg , Drukker. * # # A soci.uii.K was given at the First Chris tian church on Thursday evening. It was largely attended by the members and friends ot the church and was In all respects a very pleasant atfalr. * * TIIK nr.our.Jk.li semi-monthly party of the Parnell Social club will be given at Hibernian hall next Wednesday evening. The club Is now entering uuon Its second year with an enviable record of pleasure as a guarantee of future success. Every detail necessary to make these terpslchorlan meetings enjoy able are carctully looked after , and nothing loft undone that adds to the pleasure of mem bers and friends. * A suurnisK party.loaded for ploasure.took possession of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klnney , on Seventieth street , near Clark , Tuesday evening , and hold the Itoor for nearly four hours , The surprise was a success In plan and execution and was en joyed by all participants. THB HAPPY Houits club has been rerfr- ganized for the season , and will give the lirst of a series ot live parties at an early date. , KID GLOVES. Monday only 1OO dozen Latllcs' Scolloped Top,5-button Kid Gloves , 87c pair ; worth fl. Grand Sale Monday -OF LADIES' ' UNDERWEAR All at One Price , 75c , Each ; worth f 1 , $ * .2t and up , conslstliw of fine White Merino , White Knit , fine Camel's Hair all wool scarlets , cPc. Sale Contined Monday Of 2 O dozen Children's Jersey Ribbed/ull regular made HOSE All Stzrs , 25c Per Pair. Would be cJiettp at 40c. Monday , 100 dozen Ladles' Plain White Also Fancy , Borders , 8 l-3c Each. Monday , WO dozen Ladles' Fancy Embroidered Corners , also Fancy Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs at i 15c Each. Would ba'ctieap at 30c. O.v WIDNE : DAY evening n number of friends of Mr. and ( Mrs. F. B. Baker ten dered that genial couple n aurjiriso party at their residence 14UO North Eighteenth street About forty guests were present and availed themselves of every opportunity for pleasure. Many hours weio spent In dancing and other social pastime , and ( I urine ; the evenIng - Ing the happy throne did full justice to a tempting airay of refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Baker were on the qul vivo at all times ( or the happiness and comfort ot their guests , and tlio aftair will bo ono to bo long ana pleasantly remembered by all in at tendance. Personal. Miss Ida Sharp Is visiting In Council Bluffs. Mrs. Sol Stegel has returned from a visit in the cast. Mrs.S. U. Callaway left forXow York City Thursday evening. Mrs. S. Warren Clmse has gone east with her family to spend the winter. Mrs. Uostwlck and Mrs. X. Meyers , of Hastings , were in the city Friday. Mr , and Mrs. Max Meyer have moved to their now Home , 'JGOS Douglas street. Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Sutphen returned Thurs day from St. Louis and Kansas City. W. A. Kulley and wlto have just returned after a visit of several weeks to Denver. Mrs. L. A. Shawvnn , of ICIchmond , Intl. , is visiting with Mrs. L. L. Thomas , 1011 Davenport street. Miss Li Mo D. Nichols returned from Laramie , Wyo. , on Sunday , accompanied by Mr , and Mrs , George. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Thomas ( neo Miss Susie Ulckuts of Ohio ) have come to Omaha to make their home. Miss Annie Hotschlld arrived last evening from Huron , Dak. , after a very pleasant visit to her sister , Mrs. A. Jacobsen. Miss Ijams has returned from the sea coast , accompanied by Miss Deorine , of Portland , Me. , who will be her guest during the winter. Mrs. W. D. KLumls and Miss Lucy Harris , Henry , 111. , slaters of Mrs. J. 11. and J. U. llairis , have heen visiting In the city guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Harris , 1120 Catherine. Mrs. 11. a. and Miss Jennie Stitt , of 1115 South Sixth street , have returned home alter a pleasant trip through Utah and Colorado. Mr * . Stitt is very niucli Improved in health and Is very enthusiastic In nor uralse ot Col orado , and especially the health resorts she visited. tlOMUSrUN HINTS. Work Is good medicine. A man's best friends are his ten fingers. Society says one tiling , and nature says another. Any kind of an honest job Is better than no job at all. Take a dollar a day for your work If you can get no more . Have a reserve force that will come out when you need It. The nonest man who dies poor is rich If ho only holds his own. Only those who wako clean money and do clean things win succos ? . A good day's work at what you can best do Is the hard-pan to wnlch all uuibt come. Sleep oixht hours out of thu twenty-four , oat three meals a day and walk on the sunny sldo ot the way. When country boys come to the nlty if they can only hold on to the old sweet ways they can dety the world. Keep your grip on the hard-pan of princi ple of Rood conduct , nnd you will be men of good name and good fortune. A recent address by Rev. Dr. Collyer to some college students has met with praise from the Norfolk Ylrclnlan , which said : When a boy ( ills a house with bugs lie Is all rlitht , provided ho don't run after humbugs. Ho has the making In him of a very great naturalist "Dr. Collyer remarked that ho had worked on a tarm , carried n hod , shod horses , broke stone on a turnpike , ireaped and cradled grain , dug a well , cut wood and preached sermons that nobody wanted to hear. His wonderful success Had been achieved by pure grit and honest Industry , lounin'st dig down to Imrd'pau , ho said , to lay a foun dation to tame and fortune. His aphorisms may bo grouped as follows : Hank HtMemnnt. NKW VOIIK , Oct. .7 The weekly bank statement shows the reserve decreased ? 9.H,000. The banks now hold 55,113,000 In excess of the legal requirements.- I SALE 17 yards 36-inch Unlilcached Mus lin , splendid quality for $1. 1't yard > 'iG-lnch Bleached Muslin. finished by Lonsdalc Company , $1. 2O yards Cotton Flannel for $1. IS yard * White Shalfr Flannel for $1. 14 yards Indigo Blue 1'rlnt , war ranted fas t colors , $1. 11 yards Very Ilcury Siilrtiiigs fo $1. 1C yards Apron Check Ginghams for $1. 2O yards Xlce Comforter Calico large figures. $1 , Items of Interest to the Members of the Various Secret Orders. THE PYTHIAN PROGRAMME. Oilil Fellows Chat The A. O. U. W. General I'ythiaii News News anil Gossip of the Secret Orilcrn of the State. THE UATTALiON drill at the base ball park Friday afternoon of tlio U. U. K. of P. was well attended by the Sir Knights. The evolutions were well per formed nnd show that the few practice drills have obtained goou results. The Omaha regiment will bo out in full force during thu coming grand lodge session. Divisions will bo detailed for escort duty for visiting divisions , and to escort arriv ing divisions from the depot to headquar ters at the Exposition building. GE.VEHAI. CAUNAIIAN will arrive Mon day. A detachment of all the commis sioned officers of the Omaha regiment U. it. K. of i' . will coiibtituto the escort and bo under the command of Colonel Ihoft. litirrili. Every Sir Knight of the Omaha regiment should report promptly Monday morning for duty. Let everyone ono be on hand , and take their uniforms to the Exposition building , that they may have them where they will not have to run lather and thither to gut them. # IT WAS unfortunate that tlio mistake should have occurred us regards the president's membership with the Knights of Pythias. The members of that order would be proud of the fellowship of the chief executive , but their reception to the distinguished guest wilt bo none the less hearty , and among tlio pleasant recol lections of his western visit none will bo more prominent in the president's memory than thu imposing display of the gallant knights of Nebraska. TIIK ur.GUKi : stall'of State lodge No. 10,1. O. O. F. , will meet at Odd Follows1 hall to-day at 8 p. in. for practice in the degrees. The first degree will bo con ferred on two or three candidates in the above lodge on Monday evening. * * Tin : I'Hocu.v.MMK of the Knights of Pythias in tliin oily during the present week will be as follows : MONDAY , ncroiiKit 10. Reception of Major General C'arnnhan. TUKSDAY. Orronnii 11. 10 o'clock a. in. Iteceptlon ot ( irntul Lodge and visiting Knights at Exposition build- in t , ' . 11 o'clock a. m.--Convention of the Crand Lodge. WKD.VKSDAV , OCTODRII 12. 10 o'clock a. m. ( inuul street parade ot all Knights and Divisions. 2 o'clock p. MI. Competitive prize drill of class A , free-for-all uniform divisions and oiien to the world. First prize , 31,000 ; second pri/.e , fc.MJO. 0 o'clock ) i. m. Giand complimentary ball at Exposition hall. THUHMIAY , On0111:111H. : 1IM : o'clock p. m. Competitive prUo drill of class U , tree-tor-all uniform divisions and open to the world for uniform divisions which did not enter for class A. First prize , S.'XW : second prUc , S3UO. Immedlittely following this class drill will bo the competitive prl/.o drill ( if divisions located In Nebraska only , which did not enter lor either class A or Ii. 8iO ; ! o'clock p. m. At Grand Opera house Grand pn/u. band contest , trce-lor-atl bands of this city and those hands which accompany and are In tlio hervlce ot visit ing divisions. * * * "I NOTICE , " said Colonel John J. Mo- neil to a HIK : representative , "that tlto papers of this city refer to the Omaha regiment K. of P. as the Second regi ment. It is true that in the numbering of regiments that tri Omaha was man- VISIT OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT ' THE COMING WEEK ! Ladies' Astrachan Short Wraps at $10 ; worth $15. Ladies' Seal Plush Short Wraps , plush ball trimming , at $22.5u\ $ \ worth $35 $ , 200 Ladies' Seal Plush Sacques , 42 inches long , 4 seal ornaments/ / fine quilted satin lining , chamois skin pockets , This beats anything in this country at the price. Monday , $1800 , Would be consideied very cheap at $28 , Ladies , It will doour / hearts good to visit our Cloak D.'purtmcnb We are showing all the latest norclties and guarantee the price on crcrj/4 thing. MONDAY ONLY 100 PAIR 114 ALL WOOL WHITE BLANKETS , $3.5O Per Pair. WORTH ? t.OO. Look at our Greys , Fancy and Scarlet Blankets ; also Comfort ers , all at special prices next week. Special inducements offered in every department next week , It will payjou to Gome out , rain o ( shine. bored 'second ; ' but in view of the fact that this city is the lirst to have within its own borders a full regiment , 1 wrote to General Dayton at Lincoln asking him lo permit this regiment to be known as 'Omaha regiment. ' In ( ienurul Day ton's official communication it will bo seen that he refers to 'Omaha regiment ( No.thus ) giving ollicial recognition to the title. This is but simple justice to Omaha , as it would civo a false impres sion if this regiment continued under the number of Second. " * # COI.ONKL JOHN .J. MONIM : < has re turned Irom Detroit in onle.r to bo pres ent at thi ) session of the Grand Lodge K. of P. The colonel will visit the cistern cities after the adjournment of that body. * * * Tin : roi.i.owixr has been issued by thoS. C. , K. of P. : Oprici : OF SrrmiMi : CIIAXC'III.OI ' : ; , KNIGIITB or PYTHIAS orIHI : WOULD , CIN- ciNNA'ii , O. , Sent. 'M. To the order unher- sal : 1. 1 have this day appointed Past Grand Chancellor U. L. C. White , of Teu- nesseo , to till the vacancy occasioned In tiie olllce ot supreme keeper of seal by the deatli ot tlio Hon. U. E. Cowan , Kecngni/.ing tlio vital importance of this olllce to the interests of the order , 1 have made this appointment only alter mature di'libeiution and thu most caretul consideration , and 1 trust and believe that It will bo entirely satistactory to tlio order. Brother White's long con- tinned service as giand keeper of records and seal has given Mini an experience which will be of immediate value In the discharge ot the duties of tlio position which he now as- Hiimes : while his ability and his services to the order , both In tint supreme lodge and elsewhere , have gained tor him general con- hdence and esteem. U. For the present , and until further notice. Past ( hand Chancellor W. It. Kennedy will remain in charge of tlio ollioe ot supreme seeietary of the Endowment bank , at No. 11JT ! Washington avenue , St. Louis , Mo. llOWAHII DOUULASH , biipreme Chancellor. From this it will be Heen that the ollico of S. K. of It. and S. will be removed from St. Louis to Nashville. * * TIIK ( JuAND LODGE Knights of Pyth ian of Pennsylvania , at its recent &e.ssion adopted the following : Kebolved , That the ieprescntatlves of the supiome lodge Knights ot Pythias , of the world , are hereby leiiucbted to call to die at tention ol thai body at 1U next session thu piopiietv of Introducing a side rank tor the ladies , tolncli the wives and daughters over eighteen years ot ago , ol knights , may bo admitted. Said rank to bo styled the "Hank ot Calanthe. " Jtnxn : JOHN P. UAI : , who has been clectetl cominaniler-in-eliief of the Grand Army of the republic , is a native of Pennsylvania , llu was born in Chester county , October Ii ) , 1810. His military history is as follow.s : When a ) iale-faeu and slender boy in 18(11 ( , pursuing his studios in ono of thu universities of Ohio , he enlisted at the lir.sl call of troops in an Ohio eavalry regiment that , under thu leadttrnhip of Sheridan , Crook , Kil- patriok ami others , participated in the battles of Sluloli , Porryvillu , Stone Kiver , Clnukamaiiga , Mission sion Hidgi ) and from Chattanooga to Atlanta , never being absent from liis command. He was promoted to the eaptainuy of his company for meritori ous conduct on the littld , before tliu elosu of thu war. At the expiration of his term liu resumed his .studies and , after gradu ating with honors , he returned to his state ami removed to Minneapolis , be coming editor of The Daily Tribune. Subsequently hu engaged in the practice of his profession ( the law ) , ami was elected judge of probate , serving one term and declining a re-election , because - cause his regular practice insured a more remunerative Held , llu is thu senior member in thu law linn of ItatuV : Kitchcll , Minneapolis. tr TiiK.Si'Piir.Mi : LnoioNof the A. O , U. W , has eleeif'd the followiiiKollieer.ij George Ii. Heed < > . Topeka , Kan. , S , C.-Charles llaliit of PitUburg , S. V. C. ; Geoi'gu W , Howard of Pans , HI. , S. L. T. C. ; U. E , J. W. ; t. Loniger of St. Louis , S. U.f Edward Gillis of New York city , S. T. Twenty-three new legions nave been , added and 5 : ! ! ) new members initiated since the last general meeting , anil the. membership now numbers 12,317 , of which over II(100 ( have been aJdeil in the last two years. * Tin : INITIAL party of Forest lodge , No 8-1 , K. of P. , Thursday evening , at its hall , corner of Sixth anil Pierce streets , was a pronounced success. Both in the ) number of those present and the enjoy able features of the occasion , this wa8 one of the social successes in lodge ciri clcs of the season. * * THKKK will bu a special meeting at division room on Sunday , Oetobor b , of Division No. : > ( ! , Order of Hallway Con ductors. All members are o\poetetl to bo at this meeting. Tin : ANNi'AL bait of the lirotherliooit of Locomotive Firemen will be held at exposition hall , Novumbor 17. The knights of the footboard expect to seoop thu record on this occasion and give their friends thirty rounds and Hiiiares | of pleasure , Ihe hall will bo lavishly decorated - orated and a model locomotive with ten der attached will be given a prominent place. Invitations have been issued , anil none will be admitted without them. * * Tin : LADIIS' : circle of the Knights ot Labor assembly will give a literary entertainment tortainment at the Grand Army hall , on Douglas street , Wednesday evening ot this week. Thu AVI nil. ( Icitnutc Ahier , The wind Is awake and away ! Her loose hair btiuams behind her ; O'er hill and hollow , Wlioie none may follow , Shn Hies where none may lind her , And only God's hand bind her. Tlio wind Is awake and away I She has sot all natuie swinging ; Leal In tlio bower And stany ( lower Into the dance itre springing. The wind Is auako and away ! The great pines roar with laughter , And dip like closer , AsBlie sweeps o\ur , Her wild hair streaming after. The wind Is awake and away ! Tliu white spray leaps behind her ; Ocean ami llower Admit her power As slm Hies where none may llnd her , And only God'.s hand bind her. A Now I'rrNliytorlnn Cliiiroh.il * The I'reshyterlans are about toistalillsh. other branch in North Omalin. The lap'd growth northward in the past two years has brought uith It a demand trom Presbyterians in tliatsectlon , especially Horn tlinte living on Lake.stieet and beyond , for the opening ol a house \\or.slilp In their Immediate ) neliMihmhood. There will Im sol vires In Train's block , No. 1'JOS L.ike stieet this alternoon at 1 o'clock : sermon h > Key. Wlllhin. ' U llcndei- son. pastor ot the .S.umdein Street elairrli. Sahhalh school at the same place at ' . ' ; . ; u o'clock p. m. It iseainestly desired that all Interested In tills work shall be present at these services. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Knrt'wull Iteoeiitlon. The lector and \estry of fat. Barnabas church have tendered a furuuell reception at tlin rectory , on Tuesday evening next , to Mr. Geoigu F. Labagh on tlio eve of his de parture tor a prolonged ab-cnco In Calllor- nla. All tlui iM'opIn of St. Itainabas iind- other friends of Mr. Lab.igh are most cor dlall Invited. A Texas newspaper claims to have ro ceiyed in paymmit of a subscription ' 'lha oldest lien on record. * ' The editor fay she W.'IH imported tnnn .Mexico bv this loual phvijicmu eight or ninu 3 ears ago ,