V ' ' ' w > FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY. OCTOBER 0. 1S87. TWELVfl PAGES. HOMES ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE Healthy Location , Easy of Access * Moderate Prices , Liberal Terms The "Choice Is the largest and most valuable addition to SOUTH OMAHA , ' : It lies on tlie line of the Union Pacific and B tfeM Railways. | It adjoins the location of the great industrial enterprises. It has a Perfect Natural Drainage , and. is therefore healthy. It has the most fa vorable train service of any suburban resi dence location any place near Omaha. For these and. other reasons an investment hero will more surely yield satisfactory returns than any other locality. * AChoice. / . ' The accompanying cut shows the elevation and ground floor plans of cottages now being built in Albright's Choice , South Omaha , for Iho benefit of persons of lim ited means who desire to secure COMFOUTA- BMHOMKS : ON EKASONAHLI : TERMS , within easy access of the city. The very favorable hour ly train service between Albright Station and the city , for eighteen hours daily , makes this the most desirable location for suburban residences near Omaha. A number of these cottages are now completed , and ready for sale'on such EASY TERMS that no one can afford to be without a home. Should , the plan shown here not be suitable in size or arrangement , wo have others to show , and will make every reasonable effort to suit purchasers. " 0/r i ; THE OMAHA CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH CO , have located their extensive manufactory on Albright's Choice , and will give employment to 150 men. The proprietors of SL large flouring mill , with capacity from 50 to 200 barrels per day have selected the Choice as their location. The building is now under roof , and the mill will be completed and in operation within the next sixty days , A large two story hotel . has just been completed , and is now running. Fifty neat arid substantial cottages have been built on the Choice and the indications are that 50 more will be completed within the next GO daya liut tins is not all. Ihe vast industrial enterprises being so rapidly located in South Omaha will soon cover all of the city proper. Even now lots for residence purposes are beyond the reach of the wage-worker and Albright's Choice is the only available building site within easy reach of the business centers. Go and look it over before deciding where to invest. For full particulars , prices and terms , call upon WG. . ALBRI T , 1 outh 15th Street Properties in all parts of the city for sale or exchange. Carriages free. f SAD NEWS FOR THE PYTHIANS , t President Cleveland is Hot a Member of the Order. AN UNFORTUNATE MISTAKE. A Letter From 11. B. Davenport , K. of It , and B. of Eagle Lodge No. CO , Buffalo , N. Y. Colonel IJR- mom's Message. Borne tlmo ago It was announced that President Cleveland was a member ot the order of Knlt.lits of Pythias. This an nouncement was hulled with delight by the many enthusiastic young knights In this city , and thai was considered a happy streak of luck which made the visit of the president to Omaha simultaneous with the convention of the grand lodge In this city. The preparations , already extensive , for tno encampment of tbo uniformed rank and attendant exercises of thu grand lodge were nude more thorough and imposing in order that the gallant knights of Nebraska might ppear to good advantage before their dis tinguished and Illustrious brother. In all tilings liberal , the members of the order an nounced that they were not disposed to bo the least bit selllsh In the distribution of the honors of the occasion , and generously yielded to those not members ot the order the ported right to join In the reception to "Urothor" Cleveland and pay to his excel lency all the honors duo from a loyal con- itltuency. The citizens' commllloo fully ap preciated the ties that bind members of secret organizations , nnd graciously con ceded the conspicuous part In the ar rangements to the order of which Air. Cleveland was supposed to bo an honored member. As Is well known the arrange ments for the reception have boon carried out most harmoniously and everything Is complete for a proper greeting to the chief maglstrale. Desirous of according lo "Knight" Cleve land a fitting welcome , for one occupying his position In the lodio as well as the land , the Knights havu bcun sllmulalcd lo renewed cllortsatoxcellonco ; the tnrdy mem bers who had for some time absented them selves from drill and lodge meeting suddenly developed a wonderful and renewed Ink-r est In the welfare ot the order ; the "bright and older members received frequent and lengthly visits from the "rusty" ones for the purpose of burnishing the hitter's knowledge ot tno secret work ; visions of fraternal and Individual recognition with the presidential brother have lighted up the lives of many a young and enthusiastic 1'ytlihin , and the anticipation with which thu eiiilro member ship of this young and progressive. order has awaited the coming ot Oc tober 1'J , has been pleasing to note. For the personal feelings of Mr.Clovcland It is perhaps well that an unfortunate mistake should bo corrected. It would certainly bo embarrassing to the distinguished visitor to be met by domonsiiAlions which would bo as novel to him as the resignation of a demo cratic ofllce-holder. it will bo a surprise lo Iho Pythlans of this city and the rot-rel of the many friends of the order to learn that beyond being the chief magistrate of the nation. Urover Cleveland Is but a thoughtful civilian , and never at any tlmo a member of the orderol Knightsof Pythias. Just how the report , of the president's knighthood became current Is not known ; It , however , seems to have emlnated from a source , the authority ot which no ono thought to question. 7 Kelylng upon the correctness of this report , th knights have mtutu their preparations [ > accordingly , and It will bo a buvere dlsap- Lf nolnttnent to them to learn of the error. The Ii 11 KB has boon to some trouble to LV learn the truth ot Iho matter aud l& Ruiong others has rcccUvd the following IV letter ty F110M HUKFALO. In answer to jour request of September SO , would say that Mr. Cleveland never Joined the K. ot P. In lliiindo. Homo ot his former friends are members ( if Kaglu So. CO. Per- nans who were funmrmnmbersof ; Acme ( not In existence now ) t v that ho hover was a nictaler of that loJju. ; lluemndtfuuqulr - es and examined records of the four other odgo.s , and his name docs not appear. 1 ours respectfully , ir- . . . . . R. U. UAVKJirOHT , K > , of R. and S Eagle Lodge No. C'J , K. of P. , liuflulo , N. V. , . A CMNCIir.U , Upon the receipt of this lotlcr the BEE sent to Colonel D. S. Lament , the president's private secretary , a telegram In substance as follows : "Is President Cleveland a Knight ° f Pythias ? Was ho over a member ot the order/ " The following laconic dispatch , which sets all doubt at rest , is tlio reply rep - , p „ _ , , MADISON , Wls. , Oct. 7. To the Omaha BKK : No. _ t , . DAN'J. S. LAMOJJT. This disappointment will of course not affect the Pythian display on the 12th. Tlio recnptlon to the president by Its members will bo as hearty as if ho were a brother Knlirlit , and the splendid appearance of the gallant order will nevertheless bu to tha dis tinguished visitor ono of the most pleasing features of the occasion. THE PRESIDENT'S DAY. Preparations Being Alado for A Grand and Imposing Celebration. General Wheaton , chief marshal of the Cleveland reception parade , was at the board of trade rooms yesterday afternoon , and re ceived reports from organizations that will participate. As iar as known , the only bodies which will take part In the exercises are the Second regiment of United States Infantry , from the fort , the First and Second end regiments K. ot T > . , a division of the same from Red Oak , la. , the Omaha Turn- vcroln , tne Platts-L > < ) utscher vorein and the Indian band from the national school at Genoa , In this state. Other societies de sirous of taking part in the reception are re quested to notify General Wheaton as soon as possible. The general said that It was not the intention to have a procession In which the president would take part , but rather la. form lines on either sldo of the streets betwenn which the presidential natty could bo driven. After the passage of the latler , however , If It were decided upon favorably by the other societies , they could parade with the Second infantry and the Knights of Pythias who proposed to follow a certain line of march. There not being as yet a sufficient number of reports to warrant an issue of n detailed order , the following plan was draughted for the location ot troops , societies and clues : Regulars will bo formed on Tenth street , right resting on Jackson street : uniformed Knights of Pythias on left , connecting with remnant , extending the line to the left along Tenth street to Harnoy street , cast on liar- noy street to Ninth , noilh on Ninth to Far nam , west on Farnam to Sixteenth , and notth on Sixteenth to Cuming and west on Cuming street. Civic associations , clubs , societies , etc. , will bo assigned to positions In the linn whenever they leport. They will bo formed on Douglas and ilarney streets , between Fifteenth and Eleventh streets ; on Dodge , between Fifteenth and Sixteenth ; on Eleventh , between Harnoy and Douirlas , and on Fifteenth , between Ilarney and Dndgo streets , along thu route to ho taken by the president. All to be In position by 8 o'clock a. in. , on Wednesday on the Win of October. Yesterday a gentleman in conversation with a HUB reporter said U would bo utterly Impossible for the president to bo driven over the route laid out within ono hour. Ho showed that the line before It reached Cuni- Ing street was nrarly lortv blocks long , or moro thiyi three miles , while the line beyond that point was once and a half as long. It would bo Imnractlcable to rush the presiden tial party over such a line in such a time. A HAM' HOLIDAY FOll TUB CII1I.D1IK.V. In view of the coming visit of the presi dent , Mr. James has sent the following no tice to thu several schools In the city. All the schools may bo dlsmUsed next Wednesday Irom recess lo noon. Outside schools may bo dismissed earlier If neces sary. Pupils present at 0 o'clock may bo called present the whole motnlng , and tar diness in the afternoon , duo to the presi dent's visit need not bo recorded. All the schools arc expected to bo in session as us ual in Iho afternoon. It Is bt'llevo.l that this arrangement will C\vo \ all the children tlmo to see the presi dent and his jnriy , and the occasion gives an excellent opportunity ior valuable in struction which hliouUI ho humored. The linu of march 'will bo given In Iho papers. , Res ; > eetiuly ! , . , It. M , , ' 0 DIG THING FOll THE BIUDGE. President Cleveland Will Inaugurate It on the 12th. An extra force is at work on the wa- ; on portion of the Union Pacific bridge , so us to have the entire structure com pleted when President Cleveland arrives lore on the 12th inst. It is stated on good authority that lie has been invited to the opening and has accepted. The pro gramme is to have him and Mrs. Cleveland leave their train at the Transfer and take a carriage and they will bo the first uarty that were over transfer red across the Missouri river on a wagon bridge at tins point. A long procession of carriages will I'ollow.conttiining promi nent Omaha citizens and invited guests , the bridge will be gaily decorated , the passage of trains will bo stopped and there will bo a grand time generally. AMUSEMENTS. A llcvlow of the Liist : and a Prospect of the Conilna Week. The local amusement world of the past week has been comparatively uneventful. John Dillon held the boards at the Ooyd on Monday night. Ho played to a packed house , the largest ho ever appeared before In Omaha. Financially , the entertainment was a success , and though John created much laughter , It was evident that it was aroused only by efforts which ago has compelled to supplant the spontanlety of his achievements of earlier years. At the same place "Keep it Dark" rolled away , after three performances Int hn cloud s of mingled financial success and dramatic failure. At the Grand , Xeresa. whoever he may be , with his troubadours , played to a nne-nlght appreciative audience. Zeroga played the mandolin with much skill. He was the star ot the companv , though the mediocrety of the others was not s > o pionounced as to destroy the entertainment of the audience. BOyi'S Ol'KIJA. IIOUHK. The well-known Haulon blethers will pro duce their farcical absurdity "Lo Voyage cu Sulsso" at this house , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday evenings ot this week. It Is their lirst appearance hero since their return to America , having just closed a very successful thrco years' tour ot the pastern continent. "Lo Voyage en Sulsso" Is a laughable cre ation , lepleto with pretty songs , witty say ings , comical situations and novel stage ellects. The popular comedian Sol Smith Russell will bo seen at the same place next Friday and Saturday In his now play "Uewitched. " Mr. Russell has made , It Is said , a great hit in the piece , and it Is attracting largo audiences everywhere. nilAND OI'F.HA. At the Grand opera house Monday evening , October 10 , .Marshall's Japanese Tourists and American Specialty Company open for a Hvo-nlghtV engagement. This is a refined vaudeville combination. There are said to bo fourteen "Japs , " meii , women and boys , who engage in feats of UnnDling , balancing , posturing , jucglingand top-spinning. There is besides a bill of American specialties , in- trodurlne Hilly Carter. Miss Kstello Welling ton , Frank Lester , Maude Beverly , now soir-s , Smith Ac Carl , and the "California Four" in their burlesque , entitled "Giugor. " OKllMAN THEATlli : . The Haurels te Puls company make their second appearance to-night at lioyd's , in the cleverly constructed and entertaining com- pdy entitled "Ultimo.1' This Is transla tion Into the German of the celebrated piece , the "Big Uonanza , " which several seasons ago made such a great hit at Daly's , in New York. The piece introduces all the old as well as many new favorites , who made their lirst appearance at this iilnco last Sunday night. The finturdny llnlf-IIolldnjr. NKW Yonic , Oct. B. Between three and four thousand brass workers of this city and lirooklyn will to-day he out of employment. The manufacturers have decided to torco tno issue and see If the Saturday half-holiday mutter cannot bo settled. Tho.men want a rt.ll i.i > ' .s nay fora half dayls work , which their employers retuie to Riant. MIDLAND ELiECriUO COMPANY. Hnrncy Btrcot Gains a Popular Firm. This popular firm have removed from 1304 Douglas street" and can now be fuund at 1213 Harnoy street. Their new quarters have been titled up ox- ' prcssly for the accommodation o'f their business and the convenience of their employees. Their ouico is supplied with facilities for exhibiting to their custom ers the actual workings of the diflbront apparatus supplied by them. They nro now better prepared than ever to supply churches , opera houses , banks , hotels and private houses witii fire and burglar alarms , nnmmcaitors , etc. They ajso lit public and private buildings with electric cas lighting apparatus. This company have the exclusive right for the western states for the only perfect system of district telegraph known as the McCulloch System. They Wish to call the especial attention of hotel keepers to their new system of tire alarm and room call , which enables the clerk to call all of the guests of a hotel at a moment's warning in case of tire , or to arouse any individual tor an curly train without disturbing others. Their business extends as far west as Portland , Oregon. Among the many contracts for electric work of different kinds secured by them the following may be mentioned as showing the people who patronize them : The new Pncilic Hotel at Nor folk , Nob. ] The Newton House at Cen tral City. The Tou/.alin House at Wymore , Neb. Hotel Esmond and Barker Hotel of this city. The private palacial residence of J. J. 1m- noil' , of Lincoln , Neb. , which in point of electrical fittings surpasses any homo west of Chicago. In Omaha they have tilted up something over twenty line residences in Kounl/.o piaco , among the many private residences , Dr. Pea- body. T. F. Rogers , C. S. Montgomery , W. G. Albright. D. V. Slioles , Morit/ Meyer , Louis Hrcdford , Kills L. Hicr > bower , J. 11. Millard. They are prepared to do all kinds of shop work and repair ing. Those contemplating electric ap paratus of any kind in their house can not do better than to call on or correspond spend with the Midland Klectric Co. , 1213 Harnoy street. One of their special ties not mentioned above is the lilting up of speaking tubca , having put in what would aggregate some seven or eight thousand feet within the past year in Omaha. _ _ P. V. Atwttter & Co. The enterprising hardware firm at 1603-5 Howard street have , as usual , the very best lo be had in the market. Their Howe vontilaling healers are the most economical , the handsomest and alford moro neat for the fuel consumed than any oilier steve and at the same time keep the air ot the room pure. The ladies go wild ovc.r their Jewell's Persian ranges , and after trying thorn say they are "just splendid. " If you want a heater , a range or any other article from a hardware store go to this store , for in price , quality and style they lake lirst ulaco. Notice of Discontinuance. I desirn lo thank my friends and the public for their patronage of the past eight years and deem it proper to say to them now in advance , that on and after November 1st 1 shall disconlinuo that branch of my business known as the Council Bluffs and Omaha express. After November 1st my business location will bo on east sldo of 10th street north of Nicholas las , where I shall offer for sale or ex change the largest variety of buggies , wagons , phaetons , etc. , lo bo found at fiuy ono place in this city. Our line will include tno Studebakor.W. W. T. SKAMAN , Corner lllh and Farnam Sttf. H. V. Powell , special ugont of the Na- lion Lifo Insurance company , of Ver mont , hastened all ollico at Kooin , ' . ' , Barker Building , corner 15th , , and iar- uum Sis. A Boarding Homo For the Vonnt ; Working Women or thin City. The ladies of Iho Women's Christian association have rcnlcd Iho second house above Ninelccntb on Uodgo street , to bo opened Nov. 1 for ft homo for young working girls. The object of this homo shall bo the temporal , moral and religious welfare of young women who are dependent upon their own exertions for support. It is to be a Christian homo in every sonsc of the word. A pleasant parlor , with a niano or or gan , and a reading room with the daily cily papers and maga/.incs and : t few books will be opened at once. A moder ate price will bo charged for board , not over $5 per week nor loss than $3 for room and board for all the privileges of this homo. A competent superintendent bus been secured and goes into the house on Iho 10th of Oclobor. Furniture , rent , coal , etc. , are needed al once. Any per son wishing lo have a part in this good work will please send their subscriptions to Mrs. J. G. Ilaines , 201 South Twenty- fifth street. "Thoso of us who , by a kind provi dence , have been placed above the reach of need , and wHo have had all our neces sary wants supplied by the cure of others , can form very little idea , it is to bo feared , of what life is to many who must work from day to live , \\otliink those who have been brought much in contact with working women are struck , again and again , with the noble ele ments of character developed in them by Ihe necessity of exercising their powers of body and mind in sonic useful work. Many a girl goes forth to her daily task bearing upon her heart Iho needs of parents , brothers and sisK'rs. How can we do lee much lo throw around their young lives everything m our newer to smooth , and cheer , and strengthen them , and to make their few hours of leisure restful and happy ! " This work would bo very incbmpielo wore it limited to the outward circumstances , or merely ma terial well being of Ihose who coino within its inllucnces. In all ils branches the ruling , pervading spirit is a Christian one. one.Kvcry evening in the Homo llioro will bo family worship. Biblu classes will soon be organized. Low Ilntes to Chlcacn. The CHICAGO , MILWAUKBK & ST. PAUL It. K. will , on the -1th , 7thand 10th of Oct. , sell round trip tickets atgrcally reduced rales , .tor further information apply at ticket ollico 1401 Farnam St. , Paxlon Hotel. F. A. NASH , Gcn'l Ag't. A Chnnco Vet. For those that have not had an oppor tunity to secure a warranty deed for one of those South Omaha lots for ten del lars. 100 moro of these lots will be sold at 310 South 15tn street , commencing Monday , Oct. 10th. Hcnnoy Buggies at Armslrong , Pcttis & Co.'a 1308 Izard st _ liSvl'J- Feet South Omaha I/ot. For oxaclly $10 warranty deed given Oct. lOt ! i at 310 SouUiJSlh fil. Tlin Ilrsi Citizens or Oinnhn. arcamonirt Iho purchasers of $10 lots , 100 moro lo bo sold at $10 each , commenc ing Monday , Oct. 10 , at 310 S. 15th st. Warranty dred with each lot. You will miss a good thing if you faille lo buy a ion dollar lot. Sale commences on the 10th lust , at 310 S 10th si. Gco. L. Fisher , Archllect , Room -17 , Chamber of Commerce building. The great ten dollar lot sale at 310 S. 15th. Do not fail lo gel ono. Sale com mencing on Iho 10th inst and will con tinue until the l6th. A. II. Comstock , who for some time past has been engaged in the real esttao business in this city , lias become a mcnir bcr of the firm of Odell Bros. &Co. , loan , real cstalo and insurance agents , at Council Bluffs and Omaha. Mr. Com stock will have charge of the Omaha of fice , which is localed at 1523 Faruara street. _ Smoke Omaha Board of Trade cigar. Leslie & Leslie , drugs IQlh and Dodge. The Travel From Council over the wagon bridge will make Doug las street Iho best retail uoint in the city. Wo have some properly on this street which wo can sell at a great bargain and on easy terms for len days. STKVKNS Bicos. , 1513 Farnam. Knights ofPytlilns Attention An cleirant assorlmqnt of Hags , ban ners , streamcs , elc. , suitable for the com ing week can be had at MAX MEYER & Co. A Big Show. It will bo a big show to see about 500 men scrambling for lirst of flic remaining few ? 10 lols lo bo sold Monday , Oct. 10th at 310 South 15th. _ _ The New WnRon ISrideo will bring all Ihe Iravol between Omaha and Council Blufl's on Douglas street and will surely make this a great retail point. Wo can sell you S3 or 41 feet on this street at u bargain and on easy terms for ten daya. STKVESS BROS. . 1513 Farnam bt , Cheap Rates to Chicago , The Chicago & Northwestern railway will sell excursion tickets to the Inter- Stale Industrial Exposition at Chicago at 110.00 from Council Bluffs to Chicago and return , including admission lickct to the exposition. Tickets lo bo sold Ocl. 7lh lo 10th. good returning six days from dale of sale. Ticket ollicu Mil Farnam sirccl. W. N. BADCOCK , Gon'l Wcslcrn Agt. Special Snlo. Three days only , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , Oct. 10 , 11 and 13. Armour's best Hams at 12Jc per pound at Coovcnt Walts' . N. K. cor. 10th and St. Mary's avo. Wo also carry a full line of staple and fancy groceries , fruits and vegeta bles , choice creamery bultor 27jc Ib. Mrs. Magranc'fi school for dancing al Metropolitan hall , cor. lllh and Dodge , class for adults moots every Saturday only Ibis month , and ( ivory Tuesday and Sat urday during the rest of the season , ex cepting thu 3rd Tuesday in each mouth , beginning at 8 o'clock. Children's classes meet Tuesday 4 p. m. and Saturday 2:30 : p. m. The Palace Aladdcn Base Burner has the circulating air attachment , Steel Fire Pot , thu largest base ; over a doy.on wore put on triallast winter with all leading brands , and in every case they were ac cepted. Everyone- warranted to give Iho beat of satisfaction , or your money Will be refunded. W. F. STor.iv.KL , 1C1 Howard. Moro students are entering Valentino's Shorthand Institute than over before. Tills is becnuso all its graduates are fill ing good paying situations. Students can enter at any time. Day and evening ses sions. Send for circular. Dr. Bridges' residence removed to 312 N. 2'nd st. Telephone 515. vVantcd A competent solicitor and col lector for Iho Building Fund of the Young Mens Christian Association. Application in wrlllmg only will be considered. Kof- crences required. Address C. h. Rey nolds , sec-rotary building commitlc.c , P. O. box 811. Dr. S. II. Patten , dentist , room 313 , Kamgo buildiiiK , Omaha. Telephone GO. Lost Opportunity. When will you again see the day that you can buy 42x135 feet of South Omaha ground for ten dollars ? Never. Go to 310 South loth. si. Ihen immcdialoly and secure u lol lor $10 before all are gone. A Ion dollar lot is Iho best bargain ever offered to the public. Sale commencing on the lOlh inst. nnd continue until the 15lh , at 310 South 15lh st. Cleveland Decorations in great variety at MAX MEYER & Co. Smoke Omaha Board of Trade cigar. Leslie & Leslie , drugs 10th and Dodge. The len dollar lols arc all level , high and drv. Kvcry lot a building lot. Call ' and bo'convinccd. Only ten dollars. 310 South 15lh st. Sale commencing on the 10th inst. and continue till the 15th. Attention is called to the want column of in agent for the U. S. D. P. Associa tion" Great Auction sale of Turkish and Per sian Hugs at 409 S. 15th St. , Itange block. K. J. Oliver , who established in St. Paul , Minn. , the largest store of Oriental goods . in America , will sell at auction a wonder- j fill collection of Hugs and Draperies on Monday and Tuesday , the whole day from U a. m. to 11 p. m. Do not fail lo ' avail yourself of this rare opportunity. Every ono pronounces these goods the J most gorgeous ever seen in this country. Mr. E. . / . Oliver , a native of Smyrna , will gladly give information to all thpso who wish to have a Turkish smoking room. Christian Science. Rev. H. C. Wnddell will begin classss in Christian Mind Healing al Omaha and Council HlutllYs on Monday , the 17lh. For parliculars addrctsCouncil Hlnlfs , la. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , October 10 , 11 and 12 Till ! WOKU ) FAMOUS HANLON BROTHERS , In the funniest creation of the staeo , llio I'nr- elcnl Absurdity , Le VOYAGE En SUISSE A coinimny of brllllunt mtuts. replete with m-cuy sonir * , witty ni > 'liiK-i. commul situa tions , iriiind mi'clmnlcrtl imrt fit turn tilTocts. Tliu upsctlliik' < > f tlio ntninei > aoli. The lull- nlost i-lcoiiiiitr cur SCUIHJ over wltnossud. Bccuru adits tit box o'lleu GRAND. OPERA HOUSE Tor Ono Week l"xcoil | Thurdixy , Oct 13th. Cominciiclinj Mninlmj , Oct. 10th. Marshall's ' Japanese Tourists Anrt the trrent AMiillC\N Sl'KGl.tr.Tir COAll'\NV. 14 ( icnulno .lnnliillic'lr.Murvol- | ons runti. 10 fioiii'lur Ainarleiin fppclnltr Artists. InelinlliiK Hilly Cnrnir. Trunk lQ ; ter multlio CnllUmiln 4. : i UHK. T SHOWS JX 1. The most lotlnc'il of Vauduvlllo untcrUlii. nipnts. . , . , PrlcoH-Jl. "oc , Mi ? . S'o ninl"lo. . Prats on sila : Mnnihiy mornliiif bt tlio ( irunU Uporu lloiiao box Gllico. Tin or lion , Repaired. Ana I'a'ntoil nn'l irnarinicoil : llxlit for number or > cin-rt. i'lilnts novelbllslcir. . GRAVEL BOOFING * Mttnufmtui < M mul rcpnt'-cil. Klro I'roof Pulat um'liuil 1 lo / > h'o ' ? cli" . Ifi years urpnrioiieo. \vM. u. OrmiAN .V-BON , till S.U bt. Ujt. Arbor unii Vlutoa ,