Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Corner isth arid Dodge Streets.
The sale of our All-Wool Ladies' Cloth
Suitlnpi , advertised by us last Sunday ,
has boon nn unparalleled success.V
have decided to offer for this wcok , com
mencing Monday , Oct. 10 ,
IN 08 ,
83 Inches wide , at the same low price ,
! ! Go.
Forty-sovnn pieces of those Hroadclotli
Finished Tricots still remain to bo closed
out at
All-wool , 33 Inches wido.
Plfty-fotir-inch French Tricots find
Ladles' Cloths nl the extreme low price ;
cannot bo duplicated. Our assortment
till complete. '
1'ltICE ' , 70c , 75c , 85c , 05c.
Those handsome Atnazono and Enellsh
BroudclotliH are coine fast. They are
especially adapted for Tailor made Suits
and Jackets. A great variety of shades
shown by us at f 1.85 , $1.50 , $3. $2.50.
Imported Soutache Embroidered.
$30 Robes for $19.
$ 15 Holies for $25.
They will not remain in stock long at
those figures.
fans combination Robes and Suits at
sacrifice prices for Monday only.
f 1S.GO Robes for $10.
$ 'JU Robes for $11.
" M Robes for $111.50.
$30 Robes for $15.
All new and fresh. No old ones car
ried over from last season.
Ucatittful Silk Warp Henriettas , Drap
do Alma and French crepe cloths , espe
cially for mourning costumes.
h 85 shades French Tnpasia and whipcord -
[ [ . , cord Uourrette , with Moire Antique and
Moire Francaiso silks to match for com
bination. Very elegant and Htylish.
47 pieces Scotch Tweed mixtures , 4(5- (
Inches wide , at 050. A special offering
for Monday.
200 pieces of all wool dress goods on
our center-table at a tremendous sncri-
iloe. Goods valued at OOc , G5c , 75c , 85c ,
$1 per yard. Tour choice on Monday.
The assortment is large , but they won't
last long. Come early.
Wo will continue our silk sala at the
same remarkably low prices of last
week. Having duplicated the same
numbers , wo recommend thorn to the
trade for actual wear and service.
N'oto the prices :
Our complete assortment of Black and
colored Faille Francaisa Silks at $1.35 ,
$1.50 , $1.75 , $3.00 and $3.25. Bettor value
cannot bo shown at the above prices.
Black and colored Satin Rhadamcs
wear restating qualities ? They are ele
gant , handsome , and stand the most
severe service of any class of silks.
We commend them to the ladles that
desire a serviceable black or colored silk
Choice of 35 shades 18 inch Silk Plush ,
at $1.00.
Choice of 27 shades 10 inch Silk Plush ,
at $1.25.
Choice of 39 shades 21 inch Silk Plush ,
at $
Choice of 43 shades 21 inch Silk Plush ,
at $1.75.
Choice of 33 shades 16 inch Silk Velvet
at $1.00.
Choice of 43-s.uados 10 inch Silk Velvet
at $1.25.
Choice of 07 shades 21 inch Silk Velvets
at $1.50 and 1.75.
Choice of 35 shades 21 inch Silk Velvet
at $3.25.
Choice of 25 shades Fancy Plaid Silk
Velvets ( two toned ) , very latest color
ings , at f 1.00.
Call at Kelley , Stigor &Co. , where you
can buy all your goods or DAYLIGHT.
Call at Kelley , Stiser & Co. , whenever
never misrepresent and whose jiriccs
arc always the lowest.
Call at Kolley. Stigor & Co. where you
can buy all new and fresh goods for loss
money than other houses ask for mater
ials carried over for several seasons ,
Dodge and 15th streets , Omaha , Neb.
Desire to inform the ladies of Omaha and
surrounding country that wo have u
choice selection of CLOAKS ANI > WKAI-S ,
including English Walking Jackets in
kersey , beaver and stockinetto cloth both
braided and plain , which wo shall offer at
$5.00 and upward. We call attention to
our line of Astrachan Boucle Jackets ,
$3.75. $1.85 and upward , that will not bo
duplicated by any dealer in Omaha. Tlio
latest style Ncwmarkots in a great va
riety of cheeks , stripes , and Scotch mix
tures made from best cloth , in now com
bination sleeves and capos decided
bargains at $5.00 , $0.00 and $11.00. Wo
will show the best fitting and nownst
shaped Raglans in the city. Our seal
plush sacquos take the load over all
others , and wo know our garments can
not bo equalled at our prices which are
$20 , $25 , $3" and upward. Wo have some
decided bargains in short wraps and call
particul ar notice to our wraps i t $19 ,
$22.50 ana $25 as being very cheap.
Their equal in value is not offered m the
west In children's and misses' cloaks
we show the newest fashions and latest
conceits in styles. Our prices range from
YestcrJny the Bears Had the Best of It on
Oats Continue Very Dull The Provis
ion Market Kqually Uneventful
TcxnnH iincl Hangers the Lowest
on Kccord Hogs I3rlslc.
CHICAGO , Oct. 8. ( Special Telegram to
the BKK.J Such news and circumstances
RS were calculated to aflect the price of
wheat were to-day decidedly on the bear side
and ns they came to I'ght ' one after the other ,
the market never had n clmuco to rally.
Among the storngest of the bew Influences ,
consider-In- local cliaracterof the trading ,
was the fact that on yesterday the room
Iraders were buyers and as usual proceeded
to even up on Saturday. Outside markets
were oil weak and later In the session the
weaker stock market resulting from the un
favorable bank statement , had Its effect , On
the other hand reports of probable greatly
Increased receipts in the northwest were
contradicted and there was some comfort for
the bulls In the fact that 500 cars of No. 1
hard wheat was worked for Glascow yes
terday and moro was worked to-day by a
representative of a Minneapolis ana Duluth
commission house whoalso gave the cheering
Intelligence that the Minneapolis mills are
running to their fullest capacity and are be
hind In their orders. The opening this
morning was at about KO under yesterday's
closing , oral Tlltfe tor November , 7iJ ! < c lor
December unil 7 ! { o tor May. The loss on
the day was about % c and tno closing was at
the lowest point of tbe day : November.
70'fcblcl ; December , ? Jtfc : May , 77 c.
There was but a moderate , trailing In corn
and the market was linn , the closing tlguros
beine almost Identical with those of yester
day. The universal lirmness In the specula
tive eorn market Is attributed to the con
tinued good demand tor cash corn. The
leceipta weio large 520 cars 00 cars more
than the estimate but this fact brought no
weakness. The board of trade cable gave
spot corn if A dearer and futures higher , with
the damage to this crop undetermined and
the shortage In the Daiiubeau crop estimated
by some as high as 40 per cent. With n con
tinued demand lor cash com for shipment
the believers In higher prices tind reasons
for their belief. The entire range of prices
to-day was but } fc In November and JifrWc
In May. The close was Urm at 43 } < c for No
vember and 45 } $ ( < j)45o ) for May.
In the speculative market for oats there was
a repetition of the dullness noted on previous
days of the week. There were no outside
orders to speak , of and very little business
passed between room traders. Prices \vcre
alinoit stationary. November held at SOJf
nearly all day , but finally closed on the split
at Mx@'MU.e May opened at SSc and at the
close "JUtS.SOc was the market.
Provisions closed for tno week In a quiet
manner for cash property. Inquiry exhibited
a little Increase , bnt speculation was fully as
curtailed as yesterday mid the open market
was devoid of special feature sav
ing a decline In October bliort
ribs , whlcli closed 15o under last
night's final quotation. Lard was stronger
and sales for cash were made at S0.50@8.55
or 3W35o over October futures , which were
moderately active at 8il.47K@6.50'closlng at For November delivery , l.ud was
quoted at $0.80 , and short ribs at S0.40 bid.
December lard was in demand at S0.30. in
the January product a llttlo speculation was
Indulged In , but it failed to reach over a mod
erate volume. For this month pork sold at
tl2.25(31A27K. ( and closed at 813.25 , or at a
decline ofJi'i' . January lard closed at
0.37k , and January short ribs at Sfl.20 , the
ranee for the former boine $ iXU5@C.37 > f , and
for the latter SO,20 < 2fl.2J } { . January short
ribs were unchanged , and January lard -Kc
CHICAGO , Oct 8. ISpeclal Telegram to the
HKK.J OATTLK As usual on Saturday
there was llttlo or no business transacted.
There were about seventy car ) of cattle on
sale , lifty of which were.Texan * . Prime fat
native cattle sold for more money this week
75ctsto$20 , our object bomz to moot the
wants of all classes of buyers. Wo most
kindly solicit your inspection of our
cloak department.
Respectfully ,
Dodge street , cornerol Fifteenth ,
Wo are showing a very extensive as
sortment of Now Furs , comprising Fur
Sets , Mud's , and Fur Trimmings in all
the most dcsirablo and fashionable furs.
Inspection and comparison will provo
that our prices are the lowest.
Wo have just added an enormous stock
in this department ( which we make n
specialty. ) All the latest novelties added
as they appear.
All Silk Ores Grain Ribbons with Picot
and Crown edges.
All Silk Moire Antique Ribbon , Picot
All Silk Velvet Ribbons , Satin back
and Picot edge.
All Silk Sash Ribbons in Gros Grain ,
Satin and Gros Grain and Moire Antique.
The above makes wo carry in all shades
and widths.
Wo call particular attention to our line
of Satin and Gros Grain Ribbons. Wo
keep the very finest grade of this popular
Ribbon in all widths and every conceiva
ble shade. Ladies doing art and fancy
work will tind all the dclicato and latest
tiats particularly suitable for that pur
pose.Wo confidently assert that our prices
are the lowest. Comparison solicited.
100 dozen Ladies jincli Hemstitched ,
neat printed border handkerchiefs ,
fast colors. 6c , actual value lOc.
151) do/on Ladies' Sheer Linen Lawn
Handkerchiefs , Hemstitched borders ,
Embroidered , tucked , veined , etc. , at
15c , well worth 25c.
than last and roodihm natives made cc ,
as high prices. > Tgxaiis awl rangers Hold for
the lowest prices remembered by the oldest
dealer or nt which there is any record.
2.00 : western rangers extremely dull.
Natives and half breeds. S'J.3'.4U ) ! ; cows ,
52.oo@ > ,40 : wintered Toxanst , sa.-.iOn ( .oo.
lions Trade was brisk with llttlo or no
change In values as compared with yester
day. Phlladelphlas and tancv heavy 84.55 ®
4,00 ; priiuo packing sorts , 34.3TX3l.45 and
common. 5M.25@4.30 ; light sorts scarce.
NEW YORK , Oct. 8. | Special Telegram to
the BnK. ] STOCKS The market to-day was
active for Saturday , the trading aggregating
159,771 shares , including 22,010 shares of St.
Paul , 13,410 Northwestern , 2-1,500 Western
Union , 23,800 Heading , and 11,230 Lack-
awanna. The market opened weak , Influ
enced by lower quotations trom London , dis
appointment at the failure of Western Union
to boom and the Inability of the managers oC
( ranger roads to patch up the troubles , but
the general estimate that there would bo a
favorable bank statement helped to steady
prices. When It was known therefore that
the statement showed a loss of over S9o 10,000
there was a rush to sell and quotations ran
off quickly , 81. Paul and Kock Island snow
ing the greatest weakness , the latter dropping
3 points , St. Paul 1 point , Northwestern % ,
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy broke 1J on
the reported decrease of 8571,000 in August's
earnings. Western Union declined 2 ,
Heading K , out Lackawauna remained
OovEiiXMr.NTS Government bonds wore
dull and rather heavy.
MONKY On calleasyat4 percent.
cent. ExniiAjfnK Dull but steady
at S4.7t > ? { tor.60lay . bills ; S4.SU for de
mand. i
Chloaco , ot. ) ; S. The Drovera' Journal
ropnmas follows : , .
Cattle Ueculpts. 2,000 ; low ; benves ,
S3.OOQ5.00 ; stocker * * and feeders , Sl.75dj3.2o ;
cows , bulls and nilxcd , 81.20@3.70 ; Texas
cattle , 8i.50@-J.70 ; western rangers.SS.OO
ilogs-Hecelpts , 12,000 ; strong ; mixed ,
84.20(34.50 ( ; he.wy.r S4. : @ 4.CO ; light , S4.20
(34.00 ( ; skiiis , S3,00i34.15.
- - R ; na-
National Stoalc Yards. Kant Ht.
LoitU. 111. . Oct. a Cattle Receipts.
400 ; shipments , 1,600 ; firm ; fair to choice
heavy native steers , 83.WXa4.75 ; butchers'
steers , medium to choice , 8o.25@3.9o ; feed
ers. fair to good , aaxaaiix
Hogs Receipts. 290 ; shipments , 1,100 ;
market active and higher ; cholcn heavy and
butchers' selections , S4.r > 5iJ4.70 ( ; packluir and
Yorkers , medium to choice. tii.25@4.S5 ; plgj ,
common to good , S3.90@1.20.
llsnsati City. Oct. 8. CaUlo-Kecclnts ,
700 ; shipments , 2,100 ; good corn-fed , steady :
others slow and weak ; good to choice Si. 20
( (14.05 ; common to medium , S3.235il.10 ;
stockflrs , 82.00 : feeding btsers , S2.05 ®
a.35 ; cows. Sl.axM -
liogs-Hecelpts , 3.400 ; shipments , 1.300 ;
market stronger and r lOc higher ; com
mon _ tp choice , 53.90fH4.50 ; skips mid pigs ,
§ 2,75 3.90 ,
Yesterday's Internal revenue collections
100 dozen Ladies' Sheer Linen Lawn
Embroidered Handkerchiefs with Hem
stitched and Scolloped borders , nil the
latest novelties , 25o , worth 40c to 50c.
Wo have also received some very
choice novelties In Hind Embroidered
Linen Lawn and Real Duchess Lace Bor
der Handkerchiefs , considerably under
Ladies extra fine Merino Vests and
Pants , nil silk catstitchcd finished nt DOe ,
worth C5c.
40 dozen Ladies all Wool Scarlet Medi
cated Vests and Pants for 85o , good value
for | 1.10.
Ladies extra fine scarlet Saxony Wool
Vests and Pants. "Warranted Gcnuiuo
cochineal Dyed and Steam Shrunk , " at
f 1.00 each , none sold anywhere for less
than 11.50.
1 case Ladies Extra fine quality all
Wool White Saxony Vests and Pants , all
Silk finished"warranted Steam Shrunk , "
at * 1.25. worth $1.50.
25 dozen Ladies all Wool Ribbed Jersey
Fitting Vests , high neck an-1 short sleeves
at $1.25 , gooil valno for f 1.75.
Ladles all Wool Ribbed Jersey Vests ,
high neck and long sleeves , all Silk and
Satin finished at fl.65 , regular price
200 dozen Ladies all Wool Hose
with double Merino Heel and Toe , black
and assorted colors , at 23c , regular 37jc
125 doz. Ladies' extra fine all wool
ribbed cashmere Here , full regular made
and extra luncth , at OOc , worth 05n.
1 case _ Children's extra strong all wool ,
machine knit lloso , Black ana Colored ,
at oo and ! 30c , worth 45c and Coc.
75 doz. Ladies' -1-Button "St. Mario"
fine Froncli Kid Gloves , with handsome
embroidered backs and colored welts to
Tan's Slates and Black in all si/.es at
$1.15 , actually worth $1.50.
50 do < 5. Ladies' 4-Bulton Pique Stitched
"Derby" line French Kid Gloves , with
handsome embroidered backs and col
ored welts to match.
Saturday , Oct 8.
The receipts of cattle were very light and
there were hardly enough In to make a mar
ket. The few that sold went at about steady
prices. _
The receipts of hogs were light ns usual
it the last ot the week. The mar
ket was stronger than yesterday and In
some cases 5c higher. One load reached
S4.25. Everything was sold before the
market closed.
The run of sheep was heavy. There was a
fair demand and several loads sold at about
steady prices.
Olllcial Hecclpts.
Cattle. . 832
Hoits . 1,203
Sheep . 2,500
Cattle , 13 cars . Chicago
Cattle , 7 cars . Council Blulls
Hogs , 1 car . Kansas City
Prevailing Prices.
Shawingtho prevailing urlcoi piht ( nr Hva
stock on this market :
Choice stoors. 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . . 84.1001. 40
Choice steers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 3.S5G84.10
Fat llttlo steers UOO to 1050 Ibs . . . . 3.75M8.81 }
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 3.ay$4.50 ;
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.50$3.00
Common to medium cows . 1.50 ( > | 2.00
Good to choice bulls . 1.50M2.00
Good range feeders . 2.40-J.80
Good native fecders.'JOOlbsand up
wards . 2.75@3.00
Fair to medium native feeders,900
Ibs and upwards . 2.fiO@2.G. )
Mockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.00a,2.40
Prime fat sheep . 3.05 ( 3,60
Fair to ineuium sheep . 2.50i$3.00
Common sheep . lf > 0$2.25
Llghtand medium noes . . 3.U5M4.05
( ioodto choice heavy heirs . 4.10 ® I.1) )
Goodtocholco mixed hogs . 4.05(34.15 (
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
110 . . .1090 S2.50 17. . . .1070 S2.50
14 , . . . 1000 § 2.50
2. . . . 9SO 52.15 yj. . . . 697 52.50
4. . . . 1137 S2.CO 3. . . . 955 2.fiO
o..iocj : 2. co i..iow ; 8.00
fi..l04t 2.60 1. . . . Ul0 ! 2.00
1..1170 " .GO 14. . . . 070 2.SO
'hSTiujr : rows N. i. MVK STOCK co.
22. . . . 1)74 ) S2.00 2-J. . . . Osi S2.00
81IKKI' .
401. . . . 100 S3.45 00. . . . 00 S3.45
No. Av. Shk. IT. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
02. . . . 244 210 84.05 ) . . . . 275 iriOSU7 %
70..313 100 4.10 O'i. . .271 80 , 4.17K
OS..257 200 4.10 ( W . . ' . O 40 4.17J *
77..219 200 4.12K 71. , .2-JS 120 4.20
75..235 120 4.15 M. .300 80 4.80
(15. ( . .253 120 4.15 5U. . .273 40 4.20
00. . .205 120 4.15 07. . .278 240 4.20
05 . .314 MM 4.15 03. . .272 120 4.25
fill. . .257 440 4.15 05. . .257 ICO 4.25
70. . .220 300 4.15
I/ivo Stock Sold.
Showing the number of haal ot stock sold
on the market to-day :
Local 41
Speculators . . . 10
Feeders 141
bhippurs 20
Total 2-Jl
uons ,
Anglo-American PacKmgCo Oil
( i. 11. Hammond it Co $ ! 5
Armour l'iuking Co 71
Total 1,331
Anglo-America : ) Packing Co 00
Loral 401
Total 551
All sales ot stock in ttni market are mada
per cwU live wol-lit union otherwise stated.
Dead hr.gisullat Ko per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or ho welching loss ttrui 11U UH.
no valuo. Pnuuitnt BOWS are ducxul 41 Jus ,
and sca4SIbi. by tliuDiialij lus djto&
Ijlvc Stock Notes.
Cattle steady.
Light receipts.
Hos stronger.
John Lemkc , Mlllard , sold a load of
Tans , Slates and Black nt fa , worth
$2.50. . . .
Wo are Solo ARcnts for Sanitary Black
Hose , warranted not to "crock or fade ; "
all sUc.s at fiOo , rocular price ? 5c.
10-4 Very Heavy f 2.00
10-1 " " 2.50
11-4 " " and Fine il.OO
10-1 Sterling 4.00
11-4 All Wool 5.00
11-4 " " Olbs 5.50
11-4 " " OJ Ibs 7.00
10-4 Mission Mills 7.50
11-4 " " 10.00
134 The Clonlaud 18.00
11-4 Standard 10.00
11-4 Lillys Ibs 12.00
11-4 ( Juoen Iowa 8 Ibs 15.00
12-4 Golden Heeco Olbs 17.00
11-4 Grape Vine Border 18.00
13-4 Nonpareil 10 Ibs 14.00
10-4 All Wool 2.75
11-4 All Wool 8.50
10-4 All Wool Olbs 5.00
11-1 Rod Lilly 0.50
11-4 EaRlo 8.50
11-4 Standard 10.00
10-4 1.25
10-1 2.00
10-4 2.50
11-4 Big , A Bargain Jl.OO
11-1 8.23
11-4 All Wool 4.50
10-4 Peru Mills 5.00
ll'4Pcru Mills 0.50
10-4 California 7.50
11-4 California , 8 Ibs 10,00
12-4 California , lOlbs ' 12.00
Infant's French soft solo shoes only
Infant's Curacoa kid button shoos only
John Dern , llofiper , marketed a load of
20c hogs.
K. C. Uliss , Howolls , Neb. , inaiketcd a load
of SOc hogs.
T. U. llord came in with a of 223-lb
hogs at 84.20.
AV. H. Hanks , ot Wood Lake , Neb. , came In
with a load of cattle.
Armour bought one load of nogs yesterday
for his Kansas City house.
C. F. Miller , Cheyenne , stopped here yes
terday on his return from Chicago.
There weieS,325cattle received last week
as against i > ,03 > for the week previous.
J. A. IlaUo has gone to Avoca , la. , to bring
his family to Omaha , where they will make
their home.
There was a falling off In the receipts of
hogs last week oi ,2o5 as compared with the
weeK before.
J. Van Kirk , Silver City , la. , was here yos-
tcrduy , and bought one bundled aud lifty
head of leeders.
Joe Condon , Ogdcn , was 111 with thirteen
double deck loads of sheep. Part of them
sold In this market.
G. C. liarnnm , Columbus , came In with a
load of 257-1 b hoes , which sold on the market
at $4.25 , the top pi Ice.
Al. A. Ainold , manager of the N. L. Live
Stuck Co. , was in with tif tenn loads of cattle.
Two loads of cows were sold hoie.
The meeting of the Llvo Stock Shippers'
association Is to be held on the same day that
President Cleveland will bo In Omaha.
John Tlnnan , of the llrm of Tlnnan & Lu-
man , was here all last week- , and .sold live
hundred head of western cattle for feeders.
Among thoin who marketed hogs were the
following : Wilsey * 11. . filoorlield ; J. K.
Kelley , HloomlniUon ; W. N. Ulchardson ,
Red Cloud ; Shlrtclllf & C. , Vail , la. ; L.
Anderson is Co. , Mead ; J. M. Hedge ,
Ytiiaii : G. C. liurnum , Columbus : n. Ulaco ,
Ulalr : John Lemke , Millard ; Nye W. M.
Co. , Fremont ; John Dern , Hooper : V. C.
Hliis. llowells ; Fuller S. & F. , Lindsay : C.
C. Cliiton , Colon ; C. Lang , llorto ; Dow-
line & P. , North Bend.
The following was drawn up and signed
yesterday by nil the linns doing business at
the stock yaids :
\Ve , the undersigned live stock commission
men , buyers and shippers , and others doing
business at the Union block yards , South
Omaha , hoieby agree to clos > o our ol-
lices and places of business , and
suspend all business between the hours
of 10 a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m. on
Wednesday , October 12 , lbS7 for the purpose
of doing honor to the president and party
ami attending his reception In Omaha upon
that date.
Third Congregational Cliureh Corner of
Nineteenth and Spiuce streets. A. U. Peu-
nlmaii , pastor. Services at 10:30 : a. in. and
7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at noon. Morn
ing topic , "Life and Existence. " Strangers
and others heartily invited.
St. Mary's Avfiimo Congregational Unv.
WlllardfjCutt will preach both morning and
evening at 10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. Rvon-
Ing topic : "Jtellirlon Now Style and Old. "
Sunday school at noon. Chapels at 3 p. m.
All welcome.
Cherry Hill Conzrcsatlonal Church Ser
vices morning at H o'clock and evening at
7:30 : , Sunday school at 3:30 : p. in. and young
people's meeting at 0:30 : every Sunday even
ing. Praxer meeting every Wednesday
evening at 7w. : : Choir practice Saturday at
7:30 : p. in. Subject for morning service :
"Testimony for Christ" ; evening : "Where
( iod Found the First Sinners. " All ate In
Saratoga Congregational Church Corner
ot Saunders street and Ames avenue. Services
every Sunday evening at 7:30. : Prayer meet
ing every Friday evening at 7:30. : Sundav
school at 1SO : p. in. Jtnv. M. L. Holt will
preach this evening. All are Invited.
Taberuacle First Congregational church ,
1710 Capitol avenue. Services at 104 : ! a.
in. and 7:30 : p. m. , led and preaching by the
pastor , Kev. A. F. Shcrrill. Kvmilng ;
"Alaska-Its Pooulo , their Origin , Habits ,
School Missions. " All are welcome. Dab-
bath school at noon.
South-West Presbyterian Church Corner
Leavenuorth and Twentieth btreets. Huv.
David K. Kerr. pastor. Services HI 11 a. in.
and 7:30 : p. in. Sabbath school at 12:15. :
Young peonies' meeting G:4r : > . General
prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:00 : p. m.
Westminster Presbyterian Chureh. Tro-
lull's hall , Leavenworth street , near Twenty-
seventh. Preaching by the pastor. Itev.
John Gordon , at 10XJ : ! a. in , and 7ii : ! ; i > . m.
Sunday school at 13 m.
Presbyterian Church , corner Dodge and
Seventeenth btreet Services nt in-'Ma. in.
nudT:30 : p. m. PrcAdiliig by the paitor ,
Infant's Curacoa kid button shoes only
Infant's line kid button shoos only 75o.
Infant's tine French kid hand-turned
slices only $1.00.
Childi'uas' kid button spring hoolshooa ,
sizes 4 to 7J , 75o.
Childrons1 gent button shoos , spring
Lools and tips , sizes 4 to 7) , SOo.
Childrons' line goat buttoned shoes ,
spring heels , sues 8 } to 10 , $1.83.
Childrons' line Curacoa kul spring heel
shoos , sizes 8 to 10 } , $1.7o.
Misses' grain button shoes , with heels ,
si/os 11 to 3. only # 1.00.
Misses' oil grain button shoes , with
heels , sizes 12 to 3 , only $1.50 ,
Misses' line t'oat button shoes , spring
heels , 11 to 2 , only ij',00.
Heavy grain button lace shoos , only
Bright grain button shoes , only $1.50.
Lamps' kid button shoes , D and K
widths , $3.00 , worth ? 3.60.
Ladies' bright dongola button shoos , U
aud E widths , $ 'J.60 , worth fU.OO.
Ladies' French kid , hand turned shoos ,
B , C , D , E and E K widths , | 4.50 , worlli
opera * toes $5.00.
Men's calf shoes , seamless , congress ]
lauo or button S3.
Men's all calf shoes , seamless , congress
lace or button , every pair wrrrantod ,
$ : ) .oo.
Men's line calf seamless shoos , all
styles , $1.50 , worth $5.
Men's genuine alligator lace shoes ,
only $5.50.
Men's calf boots i 3 ; heavy boots $3.00 ,
$2.50 , $8 , and | ! t.60.
Boys' heavy boots $1.75. f3 and $3.50.
Our price to all.
Kt'LLHV. STIGEll & CO. .
Coc. Dodge and 15th sts.
Special Bargains in all ! Departments , Monday.
I ! l
) . i
If HELLEI EI I eu , SIIUEK P v i.I r . .1I U . f 15th Street
I x
Terribla Struggle Which Eeaultod in the
Killing of W. W. Lynch.
The Paramour of His Faithless AVI To
RliKllcilVltli nullulH History of
the Crliuo'H Inception The
A FrlRlitful Tragedy.
The little story-and-a-hnlf cottage No.
1225K South Thirteenth street was the scene
of a horrlblo murder yesterday morning
about7 o'clock , a full and detailed account
of which appeared In last evening's cdltlin
of the UEK. Peter Lutz Is a plodding. Indus
trious German farmer , who has been residing
oil eighty acres ot land which ho owns near
the town of Dunlap , Motion * county , Iowa.
Tivonty-seven years ago Lutz married pretty
Polvlna Krupp , and together they wont to
housekeeping on Peter's farm. For years
the domestic life of the Lutz family was all
that could bo desired. The husband was a
diligent worker , and very prosperous , while
the wife seemed as happy and as Joy
ous as a bird. The union was blessed with live
chlldicn , three boys and two girls , the young
est of whom Is now past thirteen. They were
all happy and contented until two years ago ,
v hen a cloud arose and forever darkened
this bright and happy home. Mrs. Lutz.\vlio
Is an extremely attractive little body , with a
profusion of ringlets , black as the raven's
wlugp , clustered about her low forehead ,
vosy cheeks , bparkllug gray eyes , and the
format a llt'lie , from some inexplicable cause ,
conceived a sudde.n dislike for her quiet little
home , and a suspicious fondness lor the com
pany of gentlemen other than her persever
ing and loving hiu > band. She made fremiont
nnil protracted visits to the neighboring vil
lages , and finally , as was related In yester
day inenlng's edition , she lltteially aban
doned her homo and went to Cedar Rapids.
Her husband said she had been allured awnv
by onu Sam Taylor , an acquaintance she had
made , and that the relationship between the
was of the most culpable character. Never
theless , Lutz , In company with his daughter
Theresa , pursued the reckless woman to
Cedar Kaplds , and after much persuasion
mid entreaty , .she returned homo with them.
There she remained , Irrespective of brief
visits to the village , uninterruptedly until
two j cars ago , when she again deserted her
home. This tiinu .she came to Omaha , whcro
Blie secured a position in thp Union hotel as
head cook. She remained hero but two
weeks , when she left In company with W.
W. Lynch , a carpenter who had been board
ing at the hotel , nud took up her abode with
him at ! 2iVS' South Thirteenth street , where
the murder occurred yesterday morning.
Three weeks ; u'o Luu Kent his son Geb-
hardt , aged twenty-one , to this city for the
purpose of Inducing his mother
io renounce her wicked course
and return home. Lutz told his
son to tell his mother that all would be
forgiven If she would but como back. In the
event she refusedto return , which ho much
apprehended , ( iebhardt was to endeavor to
get his mother's slgnaturo to a deed for the
farm owned bv his lather , and whlcli ho was
desirous ot sellinK to his older son , Michael ,
in order that he might leave the country that
had grown so hateful to him. Uebhardt's
mission failed utterly and ho wrote his
father accordingly. Last Tuesday morning
Lutz himself came to the city , and In the
evening he repaired to the Thirteenth street
tiouhe , where no found his wife , her paramour
l.yucli and his son ( iebhardt. llo at once
bean : to Importune his wif to relinquish
her disreputable life and go home with
him , but this she vehemently re
fused to do , and when he asked her If she
would not at least sign a deed and enable
him to dispose of his farm and leave forcver
the scenes of Ills unhapplness and remorse ,
she Hew at him like a tiger uud swore hli
woulu Lever put her nainu to any Paiicr to
better his condition. Lutz bore aJV this with
stolcnl fortitude , and for ttiree days he 10-
inalned at the house ami coaxed and begged ,
until his patience auu Ingenuity both \\erc
t exhausted.
Frlbay sight , after retiring , LuU
ll resolutely determined to brlnu
the matter IL , a crisis the next morning and
depart. Accordingly after breakfast yester
day morning ho made a last touching ami
eloquent api al to his wife , but was mpi
jrlUi even .a greater storm of Invective and
wrath than over before , and In despair ho
left her and went Into an adjoining room tel
l > ack his vall.tu prcpartory to leavimr theeltv.
lurlnp this Interval Lynch and young Ueb-
imlt ; Lutz got Into a controversy over
[ > oard bill LvnchclaimedUi'bhardt owed him
for the time he had been In the house. Lynch
grew abusive , and finally ordered ( iebhardt
out of the house. Here the father , who had
overheard the discussion , lost control of
himself and rushed Into the room. As ho
appeared 1 A nch arose from the tloor where he
had been sorting nails , and seizing a chisel ,
rushed upon Lutz and struck him. Without
further ado , Lutz pulled a thlrtv-two Terror
revolver and llred , the bullet striking Lynch
In the right chest and passing clear through
his bodv. Even this , however , did not check
the onslaught of the Infuriated man. Ho
sprung upon Lutz , who , as they clinched ,
iired again. Then , In a death embrace , thov
fell to the Moor , and In their struggle rolled
Into the yard. There , as Airs. Lutz rushed
screamingly from the house and grabbed her
husband about the neck , ho succeed in
wrenching the chisel from Lynch , and be
gan to plunge Its sharp blade Into his chest
aud abdomen. Both men were be
draggled with mud and covered with
bloou. and the light was a most
brutal and revolting one. Finally Mrs. LUU ,
In her frantic efforts to save her paramour ,
succeeded In pulling her husband off , but as
he was belnz dragged away , he- thrust out
the revolver almost Into Lynch's face and
lircd again. This bullet struck the Ill-fated
man square- between the eyes and was buried
in his Drain , producing death almost In
A crowd of laborers and neighbors was
now upon the scene and a few minutes later
Ollicers Matza and McCrackeu arrived and
took Lutz Into custody. Lynch was qultn
dead and his hldious remains were loaded
up Into un express wagon and taken to the
Coroner Drexel hold the inquest at the
mayor's ofllce yesterday afternoon. The ex
amination of witnesses was conducted by
District Attorney Slmcral. Leonard Ambos
was the first witness , llo Is a brewery em
ploye and was passing the Lynch house at
the tune of the light and heard the two shots
tired from the revolver. He rushed In with
a friend and found Lutz and Lyncn on the
lloor , the latter underneath. They wore
both clinching a small chisel. Lynch ex
claimed , "llo has shot me , " and Lutz said
that It was the woman's fault. Ambos and
his friend pulled Lutz off his victim and a
few moments later he was arrested.
Dr. P. S. Keogh stated that he had made
the post-mortem examination over Lynch ,
and found two holes in the right chest , which
were probably made by the bullets Irom the
revolver. In the right oracle of the heart
was a hole punctured completely through It ,
and It was Irom the elfect of this wound that
death ensued.
( icbhardt Lutz was the nextwltness.and he
told the story of the affair as It is published
in the HF.K. >
Joseph Michael , the next witness.heard the
first shot , and rushed In In lime to see the
second one tired. This closed the testimony.
The Jury was composed of L. 11. McCowan ,
GeoricoA. Bennett , John Soaclna , Joseph
liewslck. David F. lluniel and Adolph
liolnhardt After a few moments'delibera
tion they turned In thn following verdict :
"That said Lynch camn to his death from
the effects of a nun shot wound nt the handset
ot Peter Lutz. who shot and Killed said
Lynch with felonious Intent. "
Customs Dunes.
The following are the customs received for
Import duties for the quarter ending Septem
ber SO :
Max Meyer A Co 81,106.73
llllss A Isaacs ls > M.Su
S. P. Morse * Co ftM.'JS
Wedeler&Co GG3.20
Kenuard lil.vs and Palut Co 2 ) . ( xr
U. A. LlmlimM & Co 207.55
M. llellman t Co lt-5.00
HockhoIUt Mack 200.00
lUley A Dillon 63.00
U. W. Cuncau , . 47.00
Total _ . , . . , . S5.S13.-13
I.Iro Motor Jjlnrv ,
All the iron for the motor track has arrived
and I n. Mercer says that all the asnhaltum
V-tvement that has been torn up will be re
placed Vtitlilu tlire.0 weeks.
Kountzu Memorial Evangelical Lutheran
Church , corner of Sixteenth and llarnuy
streets Uev. J. S. Detweller , pastor. Churcl
services and preaching by the pastor at 10:30 :
a. in. and 7:80 : p. m.
I'lrst Christian church , Twentieth ant
Capitol a\emie Dr. t'oy , pastor , has returuo *
to the city and will preach to-day at 10:30 : a.
m. and 7:30 p. m.onng people's prave
meeting at 7 p. ui. Social meeting onVed
uesday evening , lou are Invited.
Kov. W. J. Harsha. Sunday school at close
of nioiiiing worship.
Castollar-streot Pieabvterlaii Church-Got >
ncr of Sixteenth and C.isti'llar streets ,
Preachint : at 11 a. m. and TtoU p. in. by tilt
pastor , Kuv. .1. M. Wilson. Sabbath Hchool
at : i p. m. oung people's unions at 0:15 : p.m.
Welsh Presbvtermn Services Hold at the
residence ot Mr. James ( irltllths , 171'J Dodga
stieet. Sunday school at U:80 : p. in. Preach
ing at 7X : ! ) p. in. by the pastor , Kov. W.
It.iland Williams.
North Presbvterlan Church , Saunders
street Kev. William H. Henderson , pastor ,
will conduct the services atlOno : and 70 : ! !
o'clock. Sunday school at noon. Voting
people's ineiitliig at ( i0 ; : ! p. m. Strangers
made welcome at all the services.
Park Avenue United Presbyterian Church ,
corner Park avenue and ( irant streets
Preaching morning at 10:30 : and evening
at7i > Uby the pastor. Kev. J. A. Hender
son. Sacrament of the Lord's supper In
connection with the morning services. Sab
bath school at noon. Young people's meet
ing Monday evening at 7JO. : : Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 7:30. :
First United Presbyterian , 013 North
Eighteenth street , Kov. Kdwln U. Graham ,
pastor. Public worship at 10SO : a. in. and
7W : ! p. m. Sabbath school at noon.
Central United Presbyterian Church. Sev
enteenth street , between Dodge and Capitol
avenue Kov. John Williamson , pastor.
Services at 10:30 : a , m. and 7:30 : p.m. Com
munion services at the close of the morning
services. Services conducted by Kev. W. A.
McKenzIe. of Salem , N. Y. Sabbath school
at 13 m. Weekly prayer meeting on Wed
nesday evenings at 7:30 : and young peoples'
prayer meeting on Sabbath evenings atu45. ;
All ate invited to attend any or all of these
Seward-strect Methodist Knlscopal Church
Her. K. N. McKalg will preach at the
morning services. The pastor , Kev. Charles
W. Savldge will preach In the ovening. Ills
subject will bo ' 'Marriage , " addressed to
bachelors. Text : Judces , xlv. , " > : "Get her
for me , for she pleasoth me well. "
Castellar - street Methodist Episcopal
Church , corner ot Castollar and Nineteenth
streets Sunday services. Sunday school at
10a.m. Pleaching at 11 a. in. Idling pee
ples'meeting at 7:15 : p. in. Preaching at 8
j ) . in. , subject : "Praise and Dispraise. " Al-
ired II. Henry , pastor.
Beth-Eden Baptist Cliurch-Ktiv.H.L.House
pastor. Sunday school at : i p. in. Preach
ing services at 4:15 : p. in. In St. Mary's ave
nue Congregational chure.h. Prnyur meeting
Thursday evening at 7:30. : S Iran tiers cor
dially welcome.
Calvary Baptist Church , on Saunders , near
CiimliiK Preaching by the pastor , Kov. A.
W. Clark , at lOtfo a. m. and 7:45 : p. m.
Morning subject : "The Lotd's Harvest
Fields. " Evening subject : "Poor Excuses. "
Sunday school Ht 11:45 : u. m.
First Baptist Church , Straw com1 Sabbath
Home , corner Fifteenth and Davenport
Btreots K v. A. W. Lainar. pastor. 1'ioaeh-
Ingat 10KO : a. m. uml 7w : : p. m. Young . .
people's pMjrtr meeting 0:45 : p. in. Morning !
theme : "The Spirit of True Kelldon , " | l
I'veulng theme : "Hindrances to Becoming il
n Christian. " Sabbath School at 13 in.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evnlng nt 7 : : .
All are cordially invited. Scats frjo.
St. Marimbas , Free Church Nineteenth and
California streets. PJaln celebration at 7fW
a.m. ; choral celebration at 11 0.111. ; cho
ral even song at 4:00 : p. m. Sunday school at
1'3SO ; a. m. A most cordial welcome cx-
tondedtoall strangers , without distinction.
John Williams , rector.
St. Phillip's Fre i Church ( colored-813 )
South Nlnetecth street. Sunday school at : i
p. m. Even sonir at 8 p. m. The Kov.
Dr. Doherty will olllclate this evening. John
Williams , pastor.
St. John's Church. Twenty-sixth and
Franklins streets-William Osgood Pearson ,
rector Sunday school at 0:45 : a. in. Morn
ing prayer and sermon at 11 a. in. Even-
luir prayer and sermon at 7:30 : p. m. The
rector will pieach at both service * . Scuts
free ,
Tilnlty Cathedral Capitol avenue , corner
Eighteenth street. The Kev. C. H. Uard- '
ner , dean. Services at 8 and 10:30 : a. in. and 1
7:3Up : , m. Sunday school and Hlblu class at ' '
12:15 p. in. In the inornliiK servlcu the Har
vest Homo festival will bo held. In the
evening them will bo a service of admission
to St. Andruw's brotherhood , All are cor
dially Invited. Young men specially Invited
In the evening.
Unity Church , corner of Seventeenth and
Oa s streets Kov. W. E. Copeland , pastor.
Service nt U a.m. , and 7 p. in. Suudav
school at 13:15. : Subject of evening conver
sation : "Judaism. "
St. Mark's Lutheran Corner of North and liurduttp Btroot * . Kov.
( ieoig 11. Sclmnr. pastor. Church service
at I0xa. ; : ) in. and.7:80 : p , in * Sunday school ,
at 2:30 p. to.