Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    3S35E SE -
, Mrjp > -
Upholstery Department
Heavy Chenille Door Curtains ,
Monday morning we will offer a
limited number of pairs of heavy
Actually worth $20 to 825 a pair ; our
price , $12 A PAW.
Includes Pole and complete Brass
We are now solo agents in Omalin
for Foster Hook Gloves ; all goods
bearing the brand Foster are last
yenrV goods , as the new brand on first
quality is Foslerina.
On account of having the Foster Lacing
flooks ; many Inferior Gloves arc being
sold as the "Foster "to parties who bcllcvo
them to be the Genuine Foster quality ,
which is a superior French Real Kid Glove ,
made with special care hi our own manu
factory at Grenoble , France.
To enable purchasers to distinguish Iho
difference , we have changed our trade
mark , and shall hereafter stamp all ol our
belt quality
JPoatox * , Fcttil db Oo
iron iiv
Hole in Omaha.
Three Colored Men on Trial at Lincoln For
tbo Orimo.
Democrats Call One For the Judicial
District Who the Candidates
Are State House Notes-
Lincoln News.
Yesterday afternoon Justice Brown was
giving a hearing to the three colored men ,
ai rested by B. & M. detcctlres , charged with
burning the railroad bridge between Lincoln
nnd Crete on tbo nluht of the 5th. The burn
ing bridge was discovered In time to avert
any bad disaster , but it was found saturated
with kerosene , and the Intent was obvious
that a train wreck was planned by the lire
bugs. Two or three colored men suspected
of the crime were loduod In jail Friday even
ing , having been arrested nt Dewltt. Yes
terday City Marshal Pettuud , ot Beatrice ,
arrived In the city bringing with him the
third suspect , who had been arrested at that
place while awaiting the arrival of his com
panions. Tlio suspected men claim that
they will prove that they were In Lincoln
when the bridge was tired , but the otlicers
uro confident that they have the right parties ,
and the trial prom eased through the after
noon with a largo audience in attendance.
The democrats ot Lancaster , who are pos
sessed with ono ot the most forlorn hopes
ever exhibited , have Issued a call fora judi
cial district convention to bo held In Lincoln
on Saturday , October 15. The number of
delegates for the convention will be Cass
county 1- , Olive lu and Lancaster U. It Is
understood that Mayor Sawyer , who has not
recovered from his astonishment at being
elected mayor last spring , would llkn to benne
nno of tne candidates for district judge , and
that A. S. Tibultts , ot this city , is also a can
didate. Tlie managers have been busy seek
ing for an available candidate from one of
thy other counties lu the district , and had
nbdut decided that tlio man should bo A. W.
C11IU , when they discovered thai ho had not
been a resident ot tne district for nearly two
fears , lu consequence of the discovery all Is
ut bca again and probably will remain so
until the convention meets.
( ! ernor Thayer has appointed J. B. Dins-
more , Sutton , and Martin KnnU , Doniphau ,
Hall county , delegates to the National But
ter nnd Kgg association to be held at Man
chester , In. . November 1 to 4.
The articles ot Incorporation of the Lin
coln , Ued Oak & Dos Mollies railroad were
Hied with the secretary of state yesterday.
The lucorporators were capitalists of Lincoln
and members of the Lincoln freight bureau.
Commissioner Mlngcr , ot the board ot
transportation , returned home to Fremont
The Cliautatiquans held their first mtetlng
ot the > ear Friday oven Ing at the parlors of
the Fln > t Preab ) teriau church. About forty
members of Um circle wore In attnndanco and
the opening waa auspicious for the entire
The BKK mentioned yesterday that Coons'
bond would probably -declared forfeited
nnd paid the comlni ; term. Later Informa
tion Is that the bond was forfeited and paid
last term nnd the case Is being carried on the
docket ready for Mr. Coons If ho visits the
Township organization will bo voted upon
in Lancaster county again this fail at the
general election , the commissioners issuing
their call for tha samu with their regular
election proclamation.
To-day the memorial services over the
death ot John B. Finch will be held at tbo
opera house and elaborate preparations have
been rusdo for the event that will be very
largely attended.
The ( lei man Catholic church of Lincoln
( s arranging to build a bouse ot worship and
lots will bo secured and wort on the bulld-
luf commenced the present year.
Senator Van W > ck passed through tne city
Seal Plush Saoquesl9 ,
These garments are worth to-day
and sold by other houses for $30 ; are
made of fine English 82111 Plush , have
four real sealskin ornaments , quilted
satin lining , cut and finished as good
as a WO cloak. The price , $19 , is less
than cost of material.
Ladies'Seal Plush Jackets $15.
50 Seal Plush Jackets , stylish
shape , finished in best manner , good
quilted satin lining ; would be cheap
at § 20 ; choice of the lot Monday at
Ladies' ' Astrachan Jackets $6.50
150 heavy Astrachan Jackets , in
Tan , Seal , Brown and Black ; usual
Bice everywhere is $10 ; our price
ouday $0.50.
Beaver Shawls $4.50.
Monday morning we offer 1 lot La
dies' Heavy Beaver Shawls , with
knotted fringe , choice colorings and
desirable patterns , at $4.50 each.
Ladies' Rubber Circulars 38c.
Up stairs Monday morning we will
offer another lot of those $1.25 Silver
Gray Gossamer Ilubber Circulars at
OSceach ; the quantity is small ; come
yesterday on route homeward from Friend ,
where ho spoke at the district fair , the day
Judge W. II. Morris , who has recently
been rcnominatrd In his district by acclama
tion , was in Lincoln yesterday.
Tbo Cholera Ship's Captain Charged
With Grave Nculcct of Duty.
NKW YOHK. Oct. 8. Surveyor Beattle has
preferred charges against Captain Vallet , of
the steamship Allesia , which arrived here
from Naples with cholera on board. It Is al
leged that the captain did not provide proper
hospitals for his passengers , that he failed to
provide tables nnd seats for steerage passan-
iter ? , and that In his manifest of passengers
ho did not give the cause of the death of
passengers who died on the passage. Cap
tain Vallet was held In S.r ,0'JO for the grand
Grover Goes A Fish Inc.
MADISON , Wls. , Oct. 8. A special train
composed of three private cars having nn
board a dozen high railroad dignitaries
reached this place at noon. Vandcrbllt ,
Depew , Uugnitt , president of the North
western railroad , and Walter Webb took a
carriage for the Yilas mansion to pay their
respects to the president , but ho had not
returned from lisblng , and the callers having
left their cards returned to the train , which
left hero half an hour later forDuluth. These
gentlemen expect to be in St. Paul Monday
and will probably meet the president there.
Mrs. Cleveland and Mr. Bissell , who did not
accompany the fishers , arc resting quietly to
day at the Yilas house.
MADISON , Wls. , Oct. 8. The president's
fishing party returned at 6 o'clock. They had
excellent luck and brought back between
thirty and forty good-sized fish , The presi
dent said lie enjoyed the trip Immensely , and
his admiration for the scenery of Lake Men-
dota Is boundless. The party dined this
evening with Colonel Vlias , President Cham
berlain , of the Wisconsin university , and
wife. A public reception wns el von at the
Yilas mansion between i ) and 11 o'clock this
evening. It has now been settled that Colonel
nnd Mrs. Yilas will accompany the presiden
tial party the remainder of the trip.
Last of the Uond Purchases.
WASHINOTOX , Oct. 8. The amount of
bonds offered to the government to-day was
$273,700 , of which S2G-00 : ! werq A per cents
and 811,400 were 4 per cents. This makes
the total to date § 13,370S.- , which Is SO.1- ; !
150 less than the amount the treasury de
partment offered to purchase for the sinking
fund within the period which expired to-day.
Secretary Falrchlld was asked this Afternoon
whether ho would purchase any more bonds ,
but declined most emphatically to define his
policy on this subject.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Warmer , fair weather ,
light to fresh northerly winds , becoming
For Iowa : Colder , followed by warmer
weather In western portion , light to fresh
northerly winds , rain , followed by fair
For Dakota ; Warmer , fair weather , Hunt
to fresh southerly winds.
The AloHla Cholera Vlntlmi.
NEW YOHK , Oct. 8. Of the eight cases re
moved from the steamer Alesla on hur arrlva
five died and three recovered. Of those whicf
developed since their removal to quarantine
nine died , four recovered , live are convales
cent and the remaining two are seriously 111
Dr. Smith thinks the Infection Id now en
tlrely destroyed.
Wheeler in Dart Shape.
NEW HAVKN , Conn. , Oct. 8. The detailed
report of the trustee of the insolvent estate
of E. S. Wnooler shows the failure to be a
very bad one. The trustee places the tola
liabilities at $1,310,775 , and assets S 151,010
even these being doubtful.
A Batlroad Promotion.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 8. J. V. Patker , as
slitant general freight agent ot the Kansas
City , Fort Scott & Gulf railroad , has reslenet
and been appointed assistant general freUh
and passenger agent ot the Union Pacific
with heiilquarters at Salt Lake City.
Children's ' Cloaks $1.48 ,
100 Children's Cape Hnvelocte ,
nade of gflcd Grey Melton , nges 4,0 ,
8 and 10 years , all at olio price , $1.48 ;
worth $2.SO to $3.
6' , P. MOUSE c co.
Children's Cloaks $2 50 ,
100 Children's Warm Havelock
Cloaks , made of Kersey Beaver ,
hushed with plush collar and fancy
mttons , ages 4 to 10 years , nt one
price , $2.50 ; worth § 4.
Children's Gretchen Cloaks $6,95 $
With V hoods , nobby buttons , vel
vet lined.
Cord and tassel ornaments. We
secured these at a great bargain. They
ire worth $10 to $15 each. Early
purchasers will profit by this bargain
at 10.95.
Misses' .Jackets $2.90 ,
Made of nobby check cloth , flat
scams , pleated bnck , ball buttons ; a
bargain well worth $3.75 ; for $2.00.
Misses' Newmarkets $2.65.
Made of good Gray Tweed , Astra-
chan Collar and Cuffs , well made ;
si/es 12 , 14 and 16 years ; worth $4.50 ;
choice Monday morning at $2.65.
Misses' Newmarkets $3.48.
Made of fancy Mixed Melton , Col-
ar , Cuffs and Front trimmed with
Astrachan ; sizes 12 to 16years ; choice
at $3.48.
Misses' ' Newmarkets $7.98 ,
75 Misses' Newmarkets , sizes 12 to
16 years ; an assorted lot , made of best
diagonal and plain beaver cloths ;
trimmed with fur or astrachan ; with
and without capes ; not a garment in
the lot that is not worth nearly double
the price , $7.98.
Discovery of the Reasons For the Depressed
Condition of the Market.
New York and Boston Custom House
Officers and Bis ; Eastern Manu
facturers Knclneerthe
Knocks a "Trust" Silly.
ST. Louis , Oct 8. ISpecial Telegram to
the BKE.I The Globe-Democrat publishes
an article on wool In which it says : "The
depressed condition of the wool market ,
which was first noticed in July and which
has been getting worse as the season ad
vances instead of better , has so tny&titiod the
wool factors that a secret Investigation has
recently been set on foot which promises to
expose a gigantic ring among eastern manu
facturers and Now York and
Boston custom house ofllclals. The
secret Investigators have discovered
that choice unwashed Australian wools
which cost 31 cents In European
markets are taking tbo place of American
wools of ths same grade which are sold
on the home market for 27 cents. But the
tariff on the foreign article Is 10 cents per
pound , which ought to mnko It cost the
American buyer 31 cents , not counting the
expense of shipping. One of the discoveries
made was that the custom house officials in
New Yoik had been undervaluing wool en
tered at that port , thus reducing the tariff to
such an extent as to enable the higher
grades to sell below even the medium nnd
lower grades of the American article. One
Instance In particular showed a saving
ot SO cents on each pound. Scoured
wool , on which the tail ft Is
BO cents , was entered as waste wool at 10
cents per pound , and It came In by the ship
load , the custom house otlicers passim : It In
this manner with a readiness that gave rise
to very loud suspicions of crookedness. Falr
chlld interposed his authority and the
Rronred wool Is now paying the full duty of
'M cents. Other similar transactions of even
greater magnitude are alleged by the wool-
men , who declare that a ring exists among
certain manufacturers and Importers In the
east and exporters beyond the Atlantic.
This ring , It is charged , includes custom house
employes and perhaps officials In both New
York and Boston. An organization effected
among commission houses claims to be on a
hot trail and the result of their Investigation
Is awaited with Interest. Said a leading
commission man : 'I believe that ono of tuo
bigfi-st rums ever organized in this country
Ims been manipulating the wool market
through connivance with the custom bouse
authorities at tVew York and Boston. They
have , by undervaluation , passed millions of
pounds ot wool through these ports and have
loaded tlm market with It , They have been
able to supply the demand with foreign
wools at prices that defy American compe
tition , ana while we have been at their mercy
wn knew nothing of their existence. The
( fleet of the depression cannot be estimated ,
Kastern manufacturers who are ID the ring
will be able to defy tlio competition of the
the western manufacturers , as well as
In the east who are outside. This not only
hurts the western manufacturers and the
less favored manufacturers in the east , but
It Injures the American wool grower wher
ever he Is to lie found. It has certainly
worked a preat Injury to the wool factors In
St. Louis as well as In the east , and nobody
knows when or where it will stop. There Is
no doubt that an amazing amount of crook
edness has been In progress , and that some
body has been benetitted Immensely by it.
Our organization U bound to stop , and when
that U done 1 think the condition of affairs
will suddenly change , "
Collector Magone' * UenlaL.
NEW YORK , Oct. & ISpecial Telegram to
the BKK. | A dispatch from Si. Louis , pub
lished here this afternoon , says that a secret
Investigation ucotogon which to expose a
Underwear Half Price-lBc a
Garment ,
50 do/.en odd sizes in Children's ,
Misses1 and B vs' Undcrnvear , that
Eiavc sold tis high as $1.50 a garment.
We place the lot on our undewear
counter Monday morliilig ami offer
them , to close quickly , at 756 enih ;
( ibme early , as there is silre to be a
Visit our Carpet Department for
extreme novelties. Take elevator to
ih ml floor.
Ladies' Black Silk Hose $2.
We are sole agents for this make of
Ladies' Black French llibbcd Spun
Silk Iloae , and guarantee them equal
i anything heretofore sold at $3 n
pair ; to introduce them to our cus
tomers we have marked them for DUG
week at $2 a pair.
Vjsib our Carpet Department for
extreme novelties. Take elevator to
third floor.
I's Bicycle Hose I5c a
Pair ,
SOOdozeii grey mixed Bicycle Hose ;
n quality that ha < always sold for 25c ;
Monday and during the week we offer
all sixes at loc a pair.
Visit our Carpet Department for
extreme novelties. Take elevator to
third floor.
Ladies' Ribbed , Hose 35caPair.
100 dozen .Ladies' Black and Col
ored Ribbed Hose , worth 50c a pair ;
during this sale our price will be 35c
a pair. v )
. f >
/ f !
Visit our Carpet Department for
extreme novelties. Take elevator to
third floor. '
gigantic combination between eastern man
ufacturers and New York ana JJoston cus
tom houses. The Inspector bays it lias been
discovered that the customs officers hero and
in Boston have been systematically under
valuing imported wool. Collector iMagono
said that to the best ot his belief it was a
Went Home With Pa.
NunnABKA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 8. [ bpeclal
Telegram to the BEK. I A sensation was
caused at the Morton house la to last night
by the arrival of ex-Sheriff Tail , of Nemaha
county , In search of a young couple regis
tered as "J. D. Barnes and \vlfo. Broken
How. " lie found them , but was refused tut-
inltanceto their room , vrnereupon he went In
search of a gun , during which time Barnes
made his escape. The woman Is the young ,
unmarried daughter of Mr. Talt , and met the
man In the cars at Palmyra by appointment.
Barnes Is a peanut bov on tlio Broken Bow
line of the B. & M. The young woman re
turned homo with her father.
Hound Over.
NKUKASKA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 8. iSpecial
Telegram to the BEK. ] Mr. William Meyer
and Torn Cox for robbing the Missouri
Pacific depot at Ounbar had their trial this
evening and were bound over to the district
court. Meyer Is a nieht operator and twenty
years office. Ho claims he was talked Into
committing the robbery by Cox who is sixteen -
teen years old. Most of the jewelry re
covered. _
A Tragedy nt Albion.
AI.HION , Neb. , Oct. 8. John Bayers , an
employe of parrott's barn In this-city was
sent with a rig , yesterday afternoon , to taku
Martin llaley to his homo In the country.
Haley objected to Sayers as a coachman.
Angry words followed , llaley drew a re
volver and shot Havers three times , one of
which tool ; utfect In the lungs. Havers died
In half an hour. Haley was arrested and
jailed. Ho Is mentally deranged , and was
unco con lined In the county jail as a lunatic.
Arrest of sample Thieves.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 8. ISpocial
Telegram to the BEK. | William Bnyor , Mis
souri Pacific nlglit operator at Dunbar , and
Tom Cox of the same place , were arrested
this morning by detectivescharced with steal
ing a valuable sample case of Jewelry from
the depot at that place so mo time last week.
They are here in jail. said to have
made a full confession.
Vcntllntlnc : Ilia Drain * .
HTHHUNO , Neb. , Oct 8. Aug. F. Stunkel ,
living three miles from town , blew a hole
through his headiwith a rifle yesterday. The
ball entered tlio temple and came out at the
top of his head. Ho illeil In a few hours.
Schuylor Prohibitionists Organize.
SCIIUYI.RR. Neb. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEI : . | A prohibition club was
organized here to-night for the purpose of
pushing the work during the campaign. For
eign lecturers will bo hero to make things
Madtaon Oonnty Republicans.
NORFOLK , Neb. ' , Oct. 8. ISpecial Telegram
to the BKI : . ] U'ho Madison county re
publican convention met at Battle Creek to
day , and nominated for sheriff Georee Davis ;
treasurer. A. B. Jtlchardson ; cleric. G. B ,
Itouso ; clerk district court. .1. W. Stlrk ; su
perintendent , Kev. W. K , Kimnall ; coroner ,
Dr. Tanner ; commissioner , John Crooks.
Col fax County Domocrftts.
Scmm.Kii , Neb. , Oct. 8 , ( Special Tele
gram to the BKE.I At the democratic con
vention to-day the following county ticket
was nominated : For treasurer , John Novat-
ny ; clerk. S. B. Allen ; clerk of the district
court , Frank C. Ilolnecko : county judge ,
George H. Thomas ; sheriff , Joseph Kudrna ;
superintendent of schools , L. 0. Spangler :
coroner. Dr. L. A. Schapper ; commissioner ,
Ulrhardt Follcon.
The Contract hut.
NKBUASICA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 8. ISpecial
Telegram to the BKK. ] Tlie contract for
grtdlng Uie approaches to the Chicago , Bur-
Monday and During the Week ,
Chenille Covers $2.50 $ ,
100 04 Chenille Covers in beautiful
new ik'signs ; for this sale we have
marked them $2.50 ; they are worth
$1 each.
A large assortment of new l3ody
Brussels Carpets just received.
8-4 Chenille Covers.
85 S-l Chcnillo Covers , bought
specially for this sale ; others sell the"
same goods for $7 ; our prino while
they last will be $4.75.
A large assortment of new Body
Brussels Carpets just received.
Marseilles Spreads $1.50 ,
Wo have one case of an axtra large
size Marseilles Bed Spreads ; good
value for § 2.25 ; next week we have
marked them § 1.50.
A large assortment of new Body
Brussels Carpets just received.
Lunch Sets $437- $
A lot of S-10 Cloths , with Doylies
to match , bought for spot cash from
the recenb auction sale of O'JaiFc &
Pinkus ; at retail they are worth
$0.50 ; Monday our price will be$4.37
a set.
A large assortment of new Body
Brussels Carpets just received.
72-Inch Bleached Damask $1 a
Yard ,
25 pieces of 72 inch Bleached Satin
Damask , a regular $1.50 quality ; for
one week we oiler them at $1 a yard.
llngton & Q'Jincy bridge 1ms been let to
Andruw Sheridan , of St. Joe. One hundred
and fifty teams will begin work Monday.
Fourth District
Cbr.UMiius , Neb. , Oct. 8. ISpecial Tele-
cram to the BEK.I The democratic conven
tion for the Fourth judicial district was hold
this afternoon In the court house , and after
considerable maneuvering , the judicial per
simmons full to the lot of Hon. J. . ) . Sullivan ,
of Columbus , and Charles ( iilkersoii , of
Walioo. _
Rrnkc H ) Arm.
Coia'Mtius , Neb. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tolo-
eram to the Bisr. . ] The three-year-old son of
, ) . J. Krnst , whllo visiting with his grand
father , fell from a lumber wagon and broke
his arm. Dr. Charles J. Willy set the broken
Attention 1. O. O. P.
All members of the order of I. O. O. F. are
requested to meet at Odd Fellows' hall at 1
o'clock for the purpose of attending the
t uncral of their deceased brother , K. Fritter.
The I'roijresslvo Ticket Completed.
NKW YOUK , Oct. 8. The progressive labor
party state that the executive committee this
afternoon completed the state ticket by the
nomination of Kaymoud F. Barnes , of
Brooklyn , lor state engineer and surveyor.
Tlio oxecutls-e committee of the union labor
party nominated llarnos for the same posi
tion on its btato ticket.
Perfectly Proper.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 8. It Is thought that one
thousand book and card printers will strike
Monday because of the refusal of employers
to make all shops strictly union.
Cumins County Grits tlio I'rlzo.
StotixCiTV , la. , Oct. 8. [ Soecial Tele
gram to the BKE.J The rain to-day made It
Impossible to carry out tlio programme of
parades , races , etc. , planned. It did not ,
however , prevent a largo number from visitIng -
Ing the palace. Cumlng county , Nebraska ,
was given the first premium on county ex
hibits. The prlzo Is S-CO. Tlio palace closes
to-night for the year. About six thousand
tickets were sold durlug the week.
A telegram was to-uay hcnt to Picsldont
Cleveland by the palace manaitets and prom-
Incut citizens renewing tint invitation previ
ously clven to stop over on Wednesday mom-
Ing next and visit the palace. As a whole ,
the palace has been one of the most success
ful expositions ever held. Kvcrybody seemed
to bo well pleased and ( If lighted , ami it is cer
tain by another year a greater nnd grander
show in every respect will be the result. Tlw
northwest , by Its showing hero this week ,
makes apparent to the east that hero Is a re
gion of untold fertility which droughts and
bud seasons do not effect.
Supreme Court Decisions.
DBS MOINKS , la. , Oct. 8. ( Special Tele
gram to the BIK.J : The supreme court filed
the following decisions Iwro to-day : K. M.
Klsslngeo vs the City of Council Blulfs , ap
pellants , Pottawattamio district , ( Incision
withheld until an amended abstract Is filled ;
State of Iowa vs A. Waraboldt , appellant ,
Montgomery district , affirmed ; A. Mlllur vs
W. J. Dale , appellant , Decatur circuit , reversed -
versed ; J. W. Moody vs W. W. Urydcn , ap
pellant , Jasper circuit , atllrmcd ; N. Bennett
vs B.V. . Carey , appellant , Pami circuit , at-
hrniPd ; Fullcrton Lumber Co. , appellant , vs
11.1) . O.-iborn , Woodbury circuit , alllrmed ;
A. H.Nawman vs Joseph Bowers , appellant ,
C res ton superior , alllrmed ; State ox rcl Mc
Donald , appellant , vs Peter. ) . 1) . Kruef , ton
cases , Sioux district , reversed ; J. li. Bnlton
vs Lambert et nl , appellant , Malmska dis
trict. Rllirmcil : Thomas II. Mason , appellant ,
vs Georga W. .Mason , Itinggold district , re
Nome Sound Advice.
Sioux CITY , la. , Oct , 8. ISpecial Tele
gram to the BKn.l The railroad commis
sioners to-day concluded th'elr Investigation
of thu accident on the Chicago , Burlington
&Qulncy road near Afu.n some weeks ago.
The report to tlm govern or con eludes by say
ing : "Without going further lute the fact *
Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs 25c
Wo have about 150 do/en of Ladies *
Hand Embroideroo Initial Handker
chiefs ; also u lot of Htimsl itched with
drawn work and scalloped edges , with
white and colored embroidery ; they
are wdrlh from 50c to 75c each ; Mon
day morning we oiler the lot at 25e.
S. P. MOUSE & CO. ,
Butterick's ' Patterns.
Monday morhin we optm otir fall ,
purchase ef Stamped Goods , consisting -
ing of a largo Variety of
Side Board Scarfs.
Bureau Scarfs , Waslistand Covers
and Splashers , Carving Cloths ,
Tray idottis , Tidies , Doylies ,
And all the latest novelties in
Scrim , Wool Canvas , Aomil Linen
Canvas , as well as the Art Material
Braidenc , Tinsel Cord , Etching Silk ,
File Silk , Arnscnc and Chenille. Our
stock of Yarns , Wools and Zephyrs is
now complete. We make a specialty
of Columbia and Midnight Germantown -
town Yarns , as also of Nonanbum
Starlight Saxony.
S. P. MOUSE & CO. ,
Si k Umbrellas $3. $
Monday morning we oiler 100 2G-
inch Silk Umbrellas , with gold and
silver caps , made with best Paragon
frame and always sold at 84.50 ; our
price for Monday only will be 83. ° .
of the case wo may sum it tin by saylncr that
from beginning to end every mistake made
by every one having any responsibility in
the tnuic : from presuming that
things wcro thus , and so , Instead of getting
at the n > al tncts and iictim ; on certain knowl
edge. In running railroad trains nothing
must bo taken for granted , nothing must ho
presumed. In case of doubt take the safe
course. "
_ _ _ _
AVoodbury County Kcpubllcnno.
Sioux CITY , la. , OoL 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.I Tlio republican county
convention wan held to-day. A large
representation ot delegates was present and
great interest manifested. The following
ticket was nominated : Treasurer , F. K.
Chapln , of Sloan ; sheriff , D. A. Macce ,
Sioux Cjty ; auditor.V. . L. Kpler-s , Ctirrt-c-
tionvllle ; coroner , Dr. K. E. Conuifr. Sioux
City ; county superintendent , N. K. Palmer ,
West Fork ; county surveyor , W. P. Whltten ,
Sioux City ; member of the board ofstipot-
vlpors , Jtidire J.S. Lawrence , Sioux City ;
senator , J. J. Morgan.
Iowa I'olltlCM.
IOWA CITY , la. , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram
to the BEK.J The republicans of Johnson
county to-day nominated for representative
In the legislature ex-Senator J. C. Schrader ,
of Iowa City , a popular physician connected
with the state university. The democrats of
Leo county to-day nominated John K. Craig ,
of Keoku ! ; . Tlio republicans of Scott county
nominated other candidates except repre
sentative' , This county Includes Davenport
un d has 3,000 or 4,000 democrat majorltv , so
there was no rivalry fur tlio republican
After the
Coo.v KAIUDS , la. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the ) : : . | Tim commissioner , J.
H. Plckett , of the state board of pltaimacy , Is
in the city looking after some cases of viola
tion of the pharmacy law. Yesterday ho secured -
cured the conviction of F. M. Ciimpston lor
keeping a urn ; store without being n
leglsterod pharmacist , and the defendant wns
lined and promised to go out of the business
any where In the state so Ion : : as ho had no
proper certificate.
l'rojro8H of the Illinois Central.
SIOUK CITY , la. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tolc-
gram to the BKI : . | KItiht ot Way Agent
Cantilllon , ot the Illinois Central , states that
the tracks on the Cherokee , Omaha line are
laid to a point nine mllc.s south ot Cherokee ,
ami noitli from Onawa to within about one
mile of Smlthland. 'Iho bridge work is de
laying the track layers. The long spell of
wet weather caused ( lie delay of tlio bridge
Heavy Damages Awarded.
DtmiNiUK , la. . Oct. 8. ( Special Tulecram
tothoBnK.j In the district court to-day In
the case of Miller , administrator . thu Mm
nosota & Northwestern railroad thu plalntllT
was awarded 58,000 damages for the death
of Kdward Miller , who was a track layer nnd
was killed In an accident on that road a
year ago.
The Wreck of the California.
OTTAWA , Out. , Oct. 7. The minister of
marine has ordered an olllcml Inquiry into
the recent wreck of the propcllur CuUlornla.
The Investigation will probably bo field In
Leroy Hrown , an uldorly man , was
playing with u put kitten nt his homo
near the railroad truck in Homer , N. Y. ,
on Wednesday. Thu kitten jumped from
his arms and darted across thu track.
.Mr. Brown started in pursuit , and was
struck by an oxprosi train ami hurled
ilfty feet upon tin limbaukrnnnt. His
neck was broken and ho died almost
Mrs. .lennlo Webster , of 1000 Chestnut
street , S , Louis , found a man under her
bed ono evening recently. In thu absence
of her husband slio MTHS perusing Koinii
old love letter , tlio package foil to llio
Hoer , and In recovering it HUU discovered
tlm intruder's fecit. She nmotly loft the
room , .summoned an olllcur , and the
would-be burglar was captured. Mrs.
Webster then swooned la tbo most ap
proved fashion.
On Mondny , Oct. 10 , we shnll inau
gurate a grand Carpet Sale in onr
spacious Carpet Department on onr
third lldor. Our stock is now coiii-
pli'te and is Hie largest ever shown in
the city , comprising all grades of ;
Wiltons , Moqucttcs , Wilton Velvets ,
Body Brussels , Tapestry , Kiddermin
sters , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Mnt .
and Hug' * , both foreign and dotne'stii ? .
We call special nttei tion to Hio
fact that our Carpet Stock is clitircly
new , beilig this season's goodwill till
of the newest designs and colorings ,
man.V patterns being privitte to us for
Omaha. Evtiry description of carpet
work done in the best manlier , hnd
warranted to give satisfaction. It will
pa.v every one wanting Carpets to ex
amine our stock during this sale and
compare price's. Take elevator ,
In our New Dcpnrtmonnt offer
the best of
Boys' Clothing
At roaionablc prices ; suits that you
have heretofore paid from $10 to $14
for can be had from us for § 0.50 to
! ? 8 ; wo have an elegant line of
Boys' Suits at $2.75-
We call particular attention to
line of Suits made of the best West
of England all-wool Ciissimore.
This Style $6,50 $ ,
And Overcoat $2,50.
Mexico's Second Term 1)111.
CITY OK MKXICO ( via Galveston ) , Oct. 8.
The resolution to incorporate in the consti
tution an amendment making the president
eligible lor a second term passed the senate
unanimously to-day. It now goes to the
housu of deputies , which will undoubtedly
pass It. when it will be olllclally proclaimed.
Insurance Combined.
To all thoeo Interested In I.lfo IiiRurimco w *
would cull attention to the solid old NATION
AI , MIT. INSL'HANCECO.of Vermont , ono of
the oldest , 8troiiK6 < it and best compiinlcs In tha
country. Oriruimcd In 1 | 8 , It prnctlcally wr
ote the wholu history of llto Insurance in
AmoilCA. Hon. Kll/.ur Wright , of .Mnsanchu-
Rutts , ono of the most eminent nctuiirlufl and
liiBUtnnco ntfcnlg In the worH , in writing ot
this company , ralil : "I do not know of a
sounder one. U 1ms mnlntnlnoil for ill ) years
the hlnhctt character for economy , conserva
tive prudence nnd Integrity. Tlio Insuuiiico
Uond of the National Is conceded by all nn-
blnsoil porxnim to bo the tiilrost , most prORrea-
Hlvo'anclile lriililc formof Insurance IsiUod. Its
advantages urn so nmrkcd thut no ono who
will ( ixiniiliuIiito ) its merits will f ml to pi of or It
to till other kinds of Insnrnncu. It Is the busl-
neus mini's lilciil , Kivlntr him protection , Invest
ment nnd 11 tlxoil , stipulated , cash value for the
bond nt nny tlmo after tlio second yoarmuk-
liiK It iH'KOtliUilo security , anil useful us collat
eral In buslnosa ( Miiergcneloa.
1'or conscrvutlvo end wise irmuiiK'otnpnt ,
financial stroiifrlh , careful iclcctlon of risks ,
liberality to thu assured and lawo dividends to
policy holder * , the National l.tfu ot Vermont
Ima no superior In thu world.
Tlio National Lift ) Insurance
Is entitled to your first consideration , Mnco It
holds tlm foremost plueo iimniiK the lifeInsiir -
mini ! Institutions nt the world , nnd olfrrs su
perior adviintot'oH with uncqualcd financial
Policies Incontestable.
The fai'ent , the cheapest , tlio ctroiiirott , tliu
best company In which to hifline , us It com-
lilnos nil tint advnnt.iKoa of n o , liirKOimd go-
loci membership , Ilimnclal strength mid abso
lute security. It lias no htocklfoldors to clnlm
luiypiut or the pi of ] tf. The nssota utid tlio
surplus all Ixdoiij , ' to the Insured.
A sutsover $1,000,00000
Total death lobcori nnd endowments
paid S.TO.m 80
Total Interest leceived y'l-8SJl 78
SiirpluKliunost ot uny company lu the world.
Total nmoiint puld nolloy holders. f3,7lBUI8 J
Dividend * paid to policy holders , , . 1,173,41)187
Itslnturciit iccolpienlonueineo urKiinUatlon
have paid nil death claims ami left n Imlunuu of
nearly $80,070 , .Thin baa been thu result of
tklll and prudence in Investment , combined
with careful mollcul fHoetlon of Mitmil ,
honltliy ilalts , tuo most Important points fu a
well iiiiiniuiod Iilro Iiicuinnco Company.
The National Is tlio only company In the
country 1-nulnK"tlm Incnntofttiiblu Installment
lioii',1 1'olicy.
This Uond cm bo purchased by clttcor un-
nnal , Roinl-antiind or quarterly Installment * .
If the purelui'er at nny tlm discontinues uia
liintulliiiuiit. " , the company will redeem tbo
bond for the stipulated sum oxprcmn.l upon
Its face. Bliould tbo purchaser bo uimblu to
pay the Inatalhnriitficoming duo , thu company
will udvanco the amount doulrod mid oontiiiuo
tlio bund In foren. . k
Tor further Information address
National life Insurance Co. . ,
HARKKR nim.niNO , Coii. 15Tii It FAIIHAM.