TOT OMAHA DAILY BEE ? SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1887. TWELVE PAGES , THE DAILY BEE. " * PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TCRMfl Of Dnllr ( MornlAtr Edition ) Including Uundajr Bur , Ono Year , (10 CO For Blx Month 000 Korlliroollontl' * , 2(0 The Omaha 8mi < lny UHE , mailed to any addieu , One Year. , . 200 ARA omcie. No. mi * xn BM FAimw Srntrr. roBK orrtrE. Itimu S. TIIIIIUNP luiii.niNa. UrnCtN0.613KoiUTKIMTIIliTHIET. oonncsroNDFNCJtt Att communications rotating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed to the KDl- Voit or HIE BRK. BUSINCIS MTTKMt AH bufIHMI letter * andromlttancAlRhould be Mdreued to Tim UEK Pum.tsmNii COMPANT , OMAHA. Draft * , check * anil postoflluo orders to be made payable to the ordtr of tbo company , THE BEE POBLISBIKflipAIT , PROPRIETORS , E. HOSBWATKn. KniTon. POWDERI.Y'S address looked ns if the pronoun " 1" had boon sprinkled over it from a poppcr-hox. MR. GAUUKTT says the Haltirnoro & Ohio telegraph has not been sold. Mr. Gould says the Western Union has gob bled up said lino. Wo pays our rnonoy and takes our choice , The trimsor has evidently not been made , THE chief of thn Uhoctaw nation has Just issued his annual message. Among many other tiling ho snys that the re lations of the nation with the United States government continue of a friendly und satisfactory character. This sounds n triilu odd , coming as it docs not far from the geographical center of the United States. THE Now York health authorities find it more difficult to chuck the progress of cholera among the Infected Italians than was expected. Quite a number have died since landieg and many are yet sick. There is little danger of a spreading of the disease among the citizens , however , as ouergoiio precautionary measures have been adopted. THE Railway Gazelle record of train accidents for August includes sixty-five collisions , sixty-four derailments , and eight other accidents , a total of 137 , in which 127 persons were killed and 323 in jured. Most of these "accidents" could have boon avoided. The next crusade needed in this country is ono against negligence in the operations of our rail roads. Tins country has not hitherto cut much of a figure in the production of diamonds. This rcmissness is soon to be remedied , If the reports from Kentucky are true. The Rtato in which the star-eyed goddess of reform , whisky , and fair women are indigenous , is said also to contain dia- wmond mines which are to bo developed. The precious gem thus threatens to be come so common that the hotel clerk may be compelled to resort to some other paeans of distinction. A KANSAS judge is reported to have eaid to an impecunious criminal recently : "A poor man should bo exceedingly care ful to obey the law , tor he has every in ducement to do so. The rich man may violate the law and by making a big fight escape punishment , but the poor Seldom escape incurring the penalties. " What a comment on our judicial ma chinery , coming as this does from the Tory sanctuary of justice. A more shame ful confession could not be made. THE New York Post recently stated that there worn on the pension rolls three or four widows of revolutionary soldiers , but R late statement from the pension ollico Bhows that thuro are no less than thirty- five such widows. Whereupon that paper remarks that as several of those women are less than eighty , and are still in good health , it seems reasonable to expect that the year 1000 will find the pension roll till bearing the names of widows of oldiors who dlod in a war which ended In 1783. It seems probable that the year 6000 may find the nation still paying pensions on account of the civil war Which ended in 1805. The tirno will doubtless come in the next century when every widow of u Union soldier will bo granted a pension , and the fashion of young women marrying old soldiers is ' | j" likely never to die out. A younc man Who enlisted m , the last year of the war jj at eighteen will bo seventy-eight in VJK the same ago at which a Revolutionary soldier in Ohio married and if ho shouh ! . pick out n girl of sixteen , as thn Chic Boldiur did , she would bo nine years short . of n centenarian in 2000. In short , not jo- merely future generations , but n future .century , may need to pass before the nation gets through paying pensions , even supposing that wo are never In Tolvcd 'n another war. IT costs something to be a candidate foi Office in Now York city. A paper of thai oily ssivs if the ollico to bo tilled is a su preme court judgcshlj ) the price of n nomination ranges from $10,000 to $30- 000 ; if it bo a comptrollership the price is f 10,000 ; for a united nomination for dis trict attorney it is $5,000 to each of two "halls , " an i for nominations for the yulnor jtidgcships , state senators and as omblemon , it ranges from $500 to $10- 000. Those are certainly largo figures , but they are accounted for when the largo emoluments belonging to most of those ofllcora are considered. For exam pie the fifteen judges to bo elected will 'draw $131,000 a year in salaries. The supreme promo court judges receive $17,500 a year and are elected for fourteen Wears ; the general sessions judge Is elected for fourteen years at an auuua alary of $13.000 ; city court judges gn 910,000 a year and are elected for six years ; city justices are chosen for su years at a salary of $0,000 a year ; tin district attorney and the surrogate gel each 113,000 a year and are elected fo three years. Such oflicos are wortl Btruggling for , and as long as they paj X as now men will bo willing to give thi ; ' large assessments required to secure ( them. Inveighing against the assessment mont system will amount to little whilt the prUos continue as attractive as now fct Is said that there is no parallel li recent political history to the contos that is making to secure nomination fo those oQlcos. The ontlro bar of No\ - Vork is in a ferment and permeated b ; r all manner of intrigue and combines t gather the luscious plums from whicl men of other professions and pursuit are excluded , The trouble is that Nov York pays too gonerqyslj for its leg * Went < & , . A * Parker's Trlbnta to Bccchcr. Eulogy is very penerixlly HUlo also than indiscriminatlng panegyric , It is not expected to go much beyond or out side of this. Even those who have passed away in the humbler wnlk.i of IIfo , to whom survh Ing friends render tribute , receive consideration only with respect to those qualities which are remembered to their honor , leaving out of regard all those frailties and defects which marred" their conduct. In the case of those who have occupied n conspicuous place in the higher walks of mini an activity nnd achievement the demand seems even stronger for putting out of view these weaknesses and deficiencies that worn the blemishes and drawbacks in such lives und bringing forward to attention nnd observation only those characteristics which shed glory upon the memory of their possessors ami uro the explana tions of a successful career. Doubtless this is the true ofllco of eulogy. Wo are admonished to speak only good of the dead , nnd every right-tvlnded man will admit the justice of tlio admonition. But it may not unwisely be said that the life which is presented to the world as a model for men's admiration and an ex ample for their following should not bo shown so entirely devoid of its essentially lumuui defects as to lose or greatly diminish its worth as an example , howso ever great its claims to admiration. To the average man that life Is most valuable for instruction and guidance which has had to contend with its share of the frailties common to all and has largely or wholly conquered them. In order to know what the struggle of such a lifo has been , to measure the extent and nature of the victory , and to give the lesson Us just and useful application , it is necessary that the frailties bo not wholly lost sight of. Uathtir is it essential to sec the full char- nntcr , with all of its angularities , defects and deformities. Eulogy is hedged by limitations tliut do not admit of so broad a view. The eminent London preacher , Dr. Parker , who on last Tuesday evening pronounced his eulogy on Henry NVard Decoder , kept well within tlio lines by which ho was circumscribed. His cflbrt was highly creditable to his head nnd heart , and if there is any friciut of the dead divine who is not fully satisiiea with the testimony it is hardly conceivable what such an ono would require to satisfy him. The great Brooklyn preacher left numerous evidences of his ability in this line , and in a similar case ho mieht have said some things less trite nnd embellished his theme with illustra tions loss commonplace than the London pronchor employed , but for the ono pur pose of eulogy he could hardly have sur passed the work of Dr. Parker. It is rich to repletion in adulation , expressed in a language so hearty and earnest that there can be no question ns to its pro found sincerity. The admiration and love of the eulogist for his subject is made strongly apparent in every sent ence. Ho was tlio ideal preacher , hold ing h53ooation by divine right ; ho was the genius in intellect who gave ft now impulse and direction to the world ho represented ; ho was the commanding leader whose eloquence and zeal drew men to him irresistibly ; ho was a philan thropist whoso concern for humanity was boundless ; ho was , quoting the language of Dr. Parker , "groat in every aspect. " Eulogy , surely , could go no farther. With some modification , perhaps , all will acquiesce in this estimate of Ueechcr. Ho did a great work , and ho did it well. The grand opportunities that came in his way were not lost. But it must still be remembered that he had frailties , some of which were very pronounced , nnd which , in n man of less brilliant gifts , would have been very likely to wholly de stroy his usefulness. They unquestiona bly militated against the later useful ness of Henry \ \ ard Beecher , as the recollection of them must will : many militate against a complete and unmixed admiration of his cLnrnc tor. Lot it charitably bo said that gifted as ho was in all these qualities which arc the "divine part of man , " ho had also strongly developed human weaknesses which he controlled better than the grer.1 majority of men. Certainly in most re spects which justly command admiration and honor , Bcechcr was a man whose "like , wo shall not look upon again. " Barbarism. The opening of the college year hai been signalized by a case of huzlng which has again brought this subject , so familiar to collcgiatos , prominently to public attention and discussion , anc aroused the ficultic3 of various colleges to the necessity of stern measures to pre vent the spread of this barbarism. Thif case is a peculiarly sad ono , and vcrj well illustrates the heartless barbarity of the average college student. It oc curred at Williams college , and the vic tim was Ueorgo Clioato , of the freshman class , son of a prominent cilUcn ol Massachusetts. It appears that UK young man was singularly susceptible t ( religious fervor , and learning this fact the irreverent sophomoroi played upon Uhoates1 wcaknos : most zealously and successfully. Tho.i preached to him nnd oxhortcc with him until ho was thrown into the most distressful state of mind nnd wonl about a picture of misery nnd despair Tlio hallucination , sedulously cultivated by his cold-blooded persecutors , grow upon him , and was exhibited in conduct which indicated that reason had pretty nearly lost sway. This added to tlu oll'ects of Homo personal abuse speedily produced an illness , nnd young Choatc is at his home a pltiublo wreck. It n doubtful If ho can survive , and if he should his mind will probably bo permanently nontly impaired. This Is said to bo the most serious re sult of haiing t"hat has over occurred it Williams college , but there have beoi many quite as bad in other colleges. Lif has been sacrillccd in the 'practic of this brutal nnd indefensible cus torn , injuries have boon sullured fron which the victims never recovered , aw outrages have been perpetrated a ; shameless as they were criminal. Fo some years the practice lias been in abeyance ance , the faculties of the colleges havinj firmly set tholr faces against it nnd mad rigid rules for Its prevention an d punish ment , but the proportion of diabolism ii human nature is so largo , and particular ly in youths away from the restraints o home , that it has not boon found to wholly repress it. Even the vigilanc and stern discipline of West Point hav been found unequal to tbo task of entire ly putting down tha practice. Yale re contly Axocllod a student convict ed of participation in a hazing , and five others ore undergoing" r.a investiga tion. An oflbrl to revive "rushing" hs just been made ut Harvard , and this practice prevails nt Columbia college. President Barnard , of the latter Institu tion , is authority for the statement that hazing is practised nt nearly all the col leges. It takes as many forms ns the ingenuity of those who encage in it can devise , and quite generally the most heartless and barbarous that can bo sug gested , within reasonably safe limits , is the ono that is adopted. It is strnngo that any ono should llnd any palliation for this barbarism , but wo have read In ut least ono eastern paper , since the Clioato affair , an cflbrt to extenuate the conduct of students who engage in Imlng. It fell very lar short of the purpose , but It could not fall to have a bad influence in encourag ing those predisposed to the practice. There should bo no mercy shown these who engage in this brutal pastime when they nre detected. But there's the rub. Are not the faculties generally much less solicitous than they should bo to detect tbo guilty parties ? 'Whore the case against n student is so plain that they cannot shut their eyes to it there will bo a manifestation of firmness by expelling the culprit , but it is not prolitablo to extend - tend this discipline to a dozen or twenty who may be implicated. Allowing for nil the dlllioultles in the way , it is still doubtless not unfair to Euy that if the college faculties were more vigilant in guarding against these occur rences and more diligent in hunting out these who participate in them they would be less numerous. The sad misfortune of young Clioato will very likely subdue the hazing spirit for a time , but for its permanent suppression it is evident there must bo more stringent regulations than now prevail , and that they must bo rigidly enforced. Scir.NCK has again berne testimony in favor of cremation. At the late hygienic congress m Vienna there was an exhaus tive discussion of this subject , in which nil the arguments , sanitary and other wise , were considered. It is most signifi cant that among nil those learned physi cians , many of them of world-wide repu tation , not one had a word to say in op position to cremation , while every speaker on the subject advocated this method of disposing of the dead. It wus especially supported as n necessity to tlio safety of tlio living in cases of death from smallpox and other infectious diseases. It was stated that in spite of all ordinary sanitary precautions there had boon many instances where the living had been poisoned by the dead. There could be no more valuable testimony than this to the im portance of cremation , at least in the case of death from a certain class of dis eases , but its oftcct will be coulincd to the comparatively few who can lay aside the sentiment which is the formidable ob stacle to the acceptance of this method of disposing of the dead. That senti ment has the support of centuries of practice , of religious belief , oven of superstition , and it will stubbornly nnd probably always successfully resist the dibits of science , with all the evidence on its side , to substitute the incinerating furnace with its resultant ashes safely inurned for the grave and the tomb. POLITICAL , POINTS. ' Arizona newspapers propose General Miles 'for president. Mahono is putting his strongest lieutenants In the field as candidates for the legislature. General Spinola is going to Washington to try nnd get thu civil service law repealed this winter. There Is an organization of the labor vole In Virginia sulllrlently strong to count as ono of the uncertainties of the campaign. Olio of the republican Issues In the local campaign In Ohio this year is the abolition of the fee system of paying county officers. fc.1'ho campaign In Maryland and In Balti more this year seems to have been reduced to a question of choice of men. not measures. Governor Luce , of Michigan , says it is fif teen years since ho has seen the republican party of his state so haimonlous as it Is to-day. Colonel II. C. Thompson , of Alabama , will try to get Senator Morgan's seat. He Is In favor of protection and retention ot the liquor tax. General John McNuIta Is being pushed for the next republican nomination for governor in Illinois , lloisan able lawyer and a shrewd business man. Perhaps President Cleveland will be re- nominated. If so , It will not bo because he Is rich In merit , but because his party is pooi in available men. There Is not much talk about politics In the Giand Army rauksutit amoni ; the republican members the presidential choice Is Bob Lin coln , by a large majority. The republican and democratic candidates for lieutenant governor in Indiana last full may confront each other again next year as candidates for the governorship. There li still In the offices of the national capital a largo leaven of republican Integrity and Intelligence ; naturally , therefore , Is there excellent conduct of public affairs. Eugene lllgglns consoles his democratic brethren with tlio Idea that Mr. Cleveland is not a civil service reform humbug at heart , and that some time this will become appar ent to all. About the only thins democrats have to go on In Ohio Is the cultivation ot their Imagin ations with respect to the relations of Sher man and Foraker. Now Sherman and For- aker are getting along very comfortably In deed. They aie not In conlllct. Dave Littler of Illinois , returning from lilt labors on the Pacilio railroad commission , says that ho finds that the republicans in California are Inclined to come to the con vention next year without expressing anj choice and to wait for an expression froit other states before they decide. William Walter Phelps sizes up the sltua tlon admirably from n republican slaud-poln1 when ho says : Mr. Cleveland will bo noml n a ted by the Inexorable logic of clrcum stances. To refuse him a ronomlnatlon Is t < confess that the only democratic administra tion , the only test that this present genera tion has tor proving tbo quality of democ racy , has been a failure. If they go befort the people without Cleveland , they go asking the people to endorse a failure. Old mat Cleveland lias the party by the neck and the } cannot shako him off. " Slinkn for Shake. C/iicnuD TrViuiu. Cleveland this year gives Iowa the go-by Iowa will return the compliment next year A New Iilterary Field. Albany Aruto , A literary magazine has lately suggested Canadian life as material which has not ye been much used by American novel writers We suggest a description of the beautifu The Immortality of Clothes. Ke 10 Oi leo n I' . % Kosstith Is remembered by his hat , Gari baldi for his rod flannel shirt , and yet It Is said clothes do not make the man. And Sonic Are Hard lo Wear. liitrUnotun Vrct Prcus. There are a few things In this world which are particularly hard to do , and ono of them is to pay for a suit of clothes after it Is worn mt StufrXbcm Into the Pun. Alta California. StiifHntr ballot boxes cannot bo prevented by patent boxes. The evil Is not In tliu box but the stutters. Stulllni : them into the penitentiary Is the best preventive invention. Iho Natural Sequence. New 1'orff Sun. The dismissal of the Pun-Electric govern ment suit from court should bo followed by lie prompt dismissal of the Pan-Electric at- .orney general from the cabinet. Mew Kind of I'alaoe. Chicago Tlmci. The people of Sioux City have a "corn palace" which they have just opened with a nrgo celebration. Corn-juico palaces are lommon enough , but a corn palace Is a new tiling. _ _ - All Kroth , In Other Words. The beautiful and vnluable cow presented to Mrs. Cleveland by Mr. Chllds has arrived at Washington. Wo trust Mrs. Cleveland fully understands that Philadelphia cows civo nothing but whipped cream. The Explanation NreilH Explanation. St. LoultPott-Dbpatth. One of the witnesses before the Pacific railroad commission has given Mr. Uuntiiu- ton another line chance to "explain things , " by giving the names of a number of promi nent gentlemen who were converted from vigorous assailants Into prominent dofendeis of the Pacific ralhoad management. If the chance in their position was wrought by ex planation tlio public would like to hear Mr. lluntington explain the explanation. Omaha's Claim Recognized. Chicago Herald. The city of Omaha is discussing the possi bility of securing the national convention of the republican party. The friends of this movement declare Unit the organization of Nebraska as a territory gave birth to the re publican party ; that Lincoln himself , visited Omaha and Council Bluffs In that early day , and became the first presidential owner of real estate in the city e tti great boom ; that tlio parent should not deny its offspring the party should not turn its back on a state of Its own creation ; that Chicago , with a popu lation ol only 60,000 , nominated Lincoln in a wigwam not nearly so large as the exposi tion buildlui : In Omaha ; and , finally that the public-spirited men of Nebflaska ought not to hold back and let some less dlflldont city walk away with the prize. 'All ' these consid erations affect us so sensibly ttiat if Chleaeo could by any chance spare ono of the two or three gieat national political conventions which aio to DO held In IbSS , then Omaha , of all other cities , should have it. STATE PRESS JOTTINGS. Politicians with "vaulting ambition" are partial to rings. The republicans of Nebraska will not take wntur" on any of the issues of the 'day. 'day.A A democratic paper sends greeting to the hold-ons and sucgests that "no self-respcct- Ing republican will hold olllce under a demo cratic administration. " The North Bend Flail thinks "it would bo a joke highly appreciated were It decided that the people have rights that the railroads are compelled to respect. The Fremont Herald congratulates Colby on having "missed the pleasure of being laid out by Judito Broady. " The orlifadler is rlsht at homo when leading a funeral retreat. Colonel flusscll , of Schuyler , Is already skirmishing for the political boots of Con gressman Dorsey. The mention of It is sufficient lo rattle the bones of Valentine In their grave. The Beatrice Democrat gives , as a certifi cate of character to Dave Mercer , candidate for judge of Douglas county , that he "Is a good lellow and emanated in politics under Church Howe. " Tlio Schuyler Herald does not admire tlio Immaculate qualities of the legislature , and entertains commodious doubts of their abil ity to throw oft the corporate shackles and regulate railroad rates. The Beatrice Democrat proposes to con duct the county campaign on merit and es chew personalities. This will rob the Intel ligent voters of a vast fund of gossip and human discrepancies. The Lincoln Democrat confesses that the advocacy for an extra session of the legisla ture In the republican convention laid them open to the charge of selfishness and greed. As usual the tall tailed to was the dog. The Democrat of Beatrice has In stool : "a great deal of compassion for a man that Is poor , but honest , but a notorious dead bcal who refuses to pay his little bills when he Is abundantly aulo to do so , Is too mean to be tolerated in a decent community. The Nebraska City News has Just discov ered , on the eve of tlio campaign , that "court house rings are a luxury Otoo countv has en joyed for years , and while the rings and their friends have grown richer the county has grown poorer and gone further In debt. " The Kuslivillo Standard thus sketches an opposition candidate In running costume : "The nominee for clerk ( a some six feet tall and a democrat from tluuground up. He wipes his nose on his sleeve and you can smell the democracy on his breath at a con siderable distance. " I The Nebraska City News says : "Churcl Howe will no longer have to depend on his salary from the Missouri Pacific railroad or the small amount ho sometimes makes out o politics , as ho now receives a pension of S12 per month. Church , it will be remembered suffered from rheumatism.1' Ths Framont TrlbUnfi Is pleased with the nomination of Messrs. 1ost > and Marshall ns their own successors on the bench. "These men have been tried at 'the ' bar of public opinion and tlio verdict rendered that they are honorable and upright Judges , and hon ored for their faithfulness by a renomlna- tlon. " The Nebraska City Tress says : "David Jl. Mercer , late of Brownvllle , has been nnm inated by the Douglas county republicans for county judge. Tills shows what native ability , hard work and a thorough knowl edge of how to fix the primaries will do. I Is a great country , nnd even an Ann Arbor graduate has a chance If lie only runs will the machine. " The Beatrice Democrat grabs with un neemly merriment the horizontal bars or dered for the public schools of Omaha , am exorcises imagination thus : "It Is said tha the boys and girls can uowsUln-tlio-cat with out breaking down all the neighboring fences. Omaha Is a great place for gyuinas- tea. They teach it In school , practice tt In lolltics , and young ladles nctuMlr turn somersaults as an attraction at church festi vals. " Tha lltoomlngton Jusllco drops the scales 'or a moment to proclaim that "the ballot Is lie weapon of a freeman. It blazes the lathnnyto a higher plane of civil liberty when men wield It In the Interest of real progress. The wageman must use It with creator wtsV.yiu In the future than in the mst , or his name will tw > engraved on the ablets of history ns the foe of liberty and the unwitting Instrument of her downfall.17 The Norfolk News says of the head of the republican ticket In Douglas county : "Tho republican convention of Douglas county did a peed thing when It nominated F rank E. Moores for county clerk. When the writer was devil In the Greenville ( O. ) Journal ofllce , Frank was a rustling business man of that city. If he doesn't show the mossbacks of Douclass county how to run a lively cam iMgii , wo lose our guess. The only thing .ho democrats need to figure on Is how far ho s going to pound the hole In after the fellow .list runs against him. ' "Tho citizens of Plattsmouth , " says the Journal , "have finally awakened to the fact ihat the location of the Nebraska Srcnger- ) und in this city Is a great thing for our town ; but they are not the only one who are ratified by the affair. The visiting mem bers of the Siungcrbund are themselves most enthusiastic In praise of their treatment hero , and over the success of the affair In all ap pointments. For the first time In the town's lilstory It Is demonstrated that she has room and accommodations for a largo crowd of people , and Is entertaining them hand somely. " CONPLIUr Prominent Union 1'aclflc Ofllolals Have n Quarrel. There was a lively time among the promi nent officials of the Union 1'acltic at the depot the past week. It Is claimed that Mr. McCllntock , who has lately been appointed local freight agent , has rendered himself very obnoxious to all those with whom he bas come In contact. The principal cause ot dissatlssaction , as allowed , Is that Immedi ately on assuming his olllce he discharged nil the employes without reason , some of them having been In thu company's' emplov over twenty years. Last week Mr. McClintock cnmo to tlio office after a day's sickness and dictated two letters to his secretary , ono discharging M. C. Strulclit , yard master at the depot , and the other appointing . II. Whitcomb to the position. Assistant Superintendent Deael , who is oUicially charged with such transfers , thought that tha change was made by Super intendent Dlckcnson or Mr. Ullckonsdcrtor , and let the matter pass. The latter two thought the chan > e was made by Mr. Uciiel. So It rested until Mr. Straight came around to make complaint for the treatment he received. The consequence was that McCllntock's usurpation of authority was discoveicd , ami Superintendent Dickinson and Mr. Deuel wont to the local freight ollico and read him the riot act. The matter was left In abey ance until Mr. I'ottor returned. When ho did arrive he appsinted Mr. S. W. Davis as a compiomlsc. MA SSArilUSKTTS KXCUUSIONISTS. George V. Lancaster , ticket agent ot the New York & New England i all road , arrived with thirty free excursionists bound for the Pacific coast. They spent the day in visit ing different points In Omaha. Before de parting in the evening they passed resolu tions ot thanks to Mr. ( Jrovy , of the Union Paeilic , who has charge of excursionists at the transfer , for his kind attention. A I'AVXY OK I.AD1KS. The private car of G. W. Holdrcge , gen eral manatrcr ot the B. & M. . arrived on thn morning train over the Union Pauilic with the following ladies aboard , who hud been visiting Utah and the west : Mis. Besler , wife of the general superintendent of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy ; Mrs. Van Onto , Mis. J. Lindsay , Mrs. William Boys- ton and Miss Lena Maul. They will re main in this city to-day and go eastward over the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy to morrow. morrow.KVEIIYBORY OOIJfO WEST. The excursionists from the east during these autumnal days ate phenomenal In the history of the Union Pacific road. Yester day seven car loads of these tourists passed through the city. Mr. Field In His Own Defense. To the Editor of the BHK : Your paper of a few days ago ga\e an Incorrect ropoit of an affair In Mercer , near Lowe avenueIn which I uas the victim of an accident which might have resulted disastrously , while I was later subjected to the disgrace of Imprisonment without a shadow of justification. On the night In question I was driving to town with William Moral ) . I was on the right side of the avenue when a tanner's wagon , driven rapidly , came westward on the same side of the road , and , although 1 had shouted to the driver and got as far Into the ditch as 1 could without upsetting , to avoid him , my buggy was struck by his wheels and myself and my friend nariowly escaped being overturned in the ditch. The farmer , notwithstanding my calls and his malicious act , refused to stop. 1 chased him for two blocks and overtook him. lie refused to cive me his name , refused to bo responsible for the Injury ho had done and steadily strove to get his horses out of my hold to escape responsibility tor his act. I then told him to-come down and take a threshlnc. Now such men ns he are numer ous on that rend and especially after dark. When some of the farmers ate going home drunk , citl/.uns have to'givo them nearly tlio whole road , and even then there nre friends of mine who have been run into lour times this season. So when 1 found that I could not get patlsfaction in any other way , 1 struck him with a .small piece of brick , which huwe\er did him no injury. My companion was still In my buggy and holding the heads of the farmer's hoist's , when the Utter struck him over thn head with the buckled end of his reins. Mills angered Moran , who jumped from my bugiy into the tanner's wagon and dealt him but three blows. 1 called to Moran to desist , which he diu immediately , where upon tha farmer rode oil again in the same reckless manner. The next , I'was arrested on a warrant sworn out by a friend of the man who had run into me , and after dark , at my own home , when the police olllcer had the warrant In his possession for two days , I was brought to town , searched and Imprisoned llko a common thlet. Now when I was arrested the oltlcur claimed it was on 11 very serious charcc , and vet ho admitted that ho had tlio\variant In his pos session lor two lull days , and no time else could ho select to disgrace mo by dragging me from my homo until after nightfall and from the bosom ot my family , and then upon the n.uh of a man who find no more to do with the alfalr than you had. 1 am a well known taxpayer and business man In this city , anu though ot couiso I secured ball , yet thu principle of dragging a reputably man down at the word of a man who could have been actuated only by inalaco , and had never buforo been seen by the judgt ) nor will bo ever nnin perhaps , it Is , In my opinion , but sacrificing respectability and cltUenship to the lowest scum who may take a desire to ue the courts to avenge themselves. JOHN Porsoiml I'nrnurnulis. llyron Heed left last evening for Chicago. Will 11. Smith , of Denver , Colo. , Is at the I'axton. J. U. Pratt , of Summer Hill , Is a guest at the Paxtoii. I. P. Hill , of Logan , la , , Is registered at the I'axtoii. F. J. Mackav , of Minneapolis , Is In town on business. Mrs. Dr. S. J. Chambers loft for Exeter , Neb. , yesterday. II. S. Smith has returned from a business trip to Chicago. Augustus Frank , of Kearney , was nt the P.ixton yesterday. Ur. O. M. Oloson , of Fort Dodse ; , la. , Is registered at the Millard. S. F. Martin , a well known business man of Kansas City , Is at the I'axton. Dr , Julius M. Caboll , of thn United Status aimy , was at the .Millard jesterday. Will L. Lykons , advance man for the Maaiilo Mitchell company , Is at the Millard. C. C. Felt , of Keellne & Felt , heavy hard ware men , of Council lilutTs , was In thu city yesterday , attending to big contracts ho has hern. Hev. II. B. Burgess , Miss Lulu Burgess. Mlbs Janet LIvliiL'ston , of I'lattsmoutli , tint ! Miss Casale Carter , of Ashland , dined with Henry Palmer , ot PlatUmouth at the I'nxton yesterday. LOCAL POLITICAL DOINGS , Plan of the Oampalgn Arrange' ! by tbo Republican Oonnty Central OoniaiUtee. THEY WORK TO KEEP IT DARK. The Democrat * Moot nnd Do the Knmo The Council Transacts Election Business Xlilnl Ward lioiirbons Moot , County Central Committees. The republican count ? central committee mot In the council chamber at the city hall yesterday afternoon for organization , and for the purpose of making preliminary ar rangement ; ) for the coming campaign. John Kush , chairman of the committee , called the meeting to order shortly after 'J o'clock. Herbert T. Loavltt was appointed tempo rary secretary. After the roll was called It was found that there was a very small at tendance of members of the committee , and Mr. Morrow asked If the committee could do any business without a quorum. Baforo the question was answered Mr. Hothacker made a motion that each Ward and piecinct repre sentation bo empowered to cast the full vote of the ward or precinct they represented. This motion was carried. Upon motion John Simpson and Mitchell Chapman were appointed delegates Irom Florence precinct The question regarding the boundaries of the various wards and precincts brought out considerable- discussion , and Mr. Leavltt made a motion that a committee of two bo appointed to procure proper maps for the purpose of ascertaining the correct boundar ies of the various wards and precincts , and thus settle the many questions raised regard ing this matter. Messrs. Leavltt and Kelley wore appointed on the committee. Dr. M. O. Klcketts was elected DB perma nent E'icietaiy , and John 11. Webster as per manent treasurer. An executive committee was then appointed as follows : John Kush , ox-olllclo , chairman ; C. Jt. Grove , D. II. Wheeler , Cntlct Talor , W. P. Morrow , I. S. lluscall , W. G. Whltmore , and J. B. Geist- . After the appointment of this commitleo Mr. Moirow arose and said : "I was walking down th street to-day , and as 1 passed Boyd's opera house I saw the words on the bill boards , 'Keen It Dark. ' Now this is what thodemoctati are dolni ; u-day , ami I believe that wo should al. o do the same. Therefore I wish to make a motion that we go Into ex ecutive session. " This was carried end the committee wont Into executive session , Till : Dh.MOCllATS. The democratic county central committee met at Julius Meyer's rooms , coiner of Thirteenth and Farnam streets , voaterday afternoon. John O'Connor presided nnd Louis llolmrod outdated as secretary. Many of the arrangements forthccomlugcampalgn were perfected , ana other matters wore dis posed of. * PUKPAIUXO 1011 Iho City Council Transacts Necessary IliiBlnrHB Lnst Kvcnlnc. In response to a call a special meeting of the city council was held last evening. President liechcl presided and Councilmtm Alexander , Bailey , Bedford , Boyd , Burn- ham , Counsman , llascall , Kaspar , Leo , Lowry , , Manvlllo and Van Camp answered to the roll call. A resolution was offered by Mr. llascall designating the Republican and Herald as the two papers In which to pub lish the boundaries of all election districts and the location of all places of registration or polling places , etc. Mr. Kaspar moved to amend by substi tuting the BKK instead ot the Herald , stat ing as a reason the undoubted circula tion ot the BKK , doubling the two papers mentioned and thereby being the best me dium of conveying Intelligence to the pee ple. Hascall's resolution , was , however , adopted. The following ordinance was read three times and passed , to take effect Immediately : That the First ward bo divided into three polling districts , as follows , to wit : That part of said ward lying north nf Paclhc stieet shall comprise and be known as the hrst polling district ; that part south of Fnoilie street , except so much as lies south of that part of Hickory street Included between Thirteenth and Kiertth streets , shall com- pilse and bo known as the .second polling district ; that part of said ward south of that part ot Hickory street Included between Thirteenth and Eighth , shall be known as the thlid polling district Thu tallowingero announced as the poll- ling places : First Ward First district , southwest cor- nnr Tenth and Jones street ; second district , No. 1117 South blxth street , Vlney'w barber shop ; third district , engine house , southeast corner Doicas and Eleventh. becond Ward First district , southwest corner Sixteenth nnd Leavenworth Htreets ; beeond district , lf/55 Vintou street. Third Ward-First district , 1010 Daven port street ; sccoud district , 423 and 424 South Tenth. Foiuth Ward-First district , IfilO Dodeo street , Planters'hotel ; second district , 1800 St. Marv's avenue. Fifth Waul-First district , CM North Six teenth street ; second district , No. C engine house. Irard and Tenth. Sixth Ward-First district , 1714 Twenty- fourth street , between Blonde and Patrick avenue ; second district , corner T\\entj- tnurth and Belt railway , L. A. Fuller's coal office. Seventh Ward First district , school house , Twenty-ninth street and Woolworth avenue ; second district , II. G. Clark's building , cor ner Dupont and KIct\ Eighth Waid Fifet district , Ginning and Twenty-first streets , ] { . L. Cimney's harbor shop ; second district , Cumlng between Twi'ntv-fotnth street and Twenty-lltth av enue. Fine's barn. Ninth Ward-First district , Twenty-ninth and Farnam streets , Charles J. Johnson's store ; second district , corner Merlior and Lowe avenues , Charles Jf Uyan's office. The clerk hero read u list of the Judges of elections and clerks yet unqimlilied , nnd In consequence of the uncertainty existing In the matter the council adjourned until Mon day evening , when the various members promised to inport advisedly regarding the appointees from their various wards. Third Ward Democrats. The Third ward democrats mot fast nlsht In Cunningham hall There was a wrangle and a tangle and a Jangle. Finally Joseph Standoveer was made chairman ot the moot ing. Thu p.utlos present tried to take Joseph's political coat elf him , but he stood It well. Thun another portion of the party would try to throw Joseph ui a pit ; still another section cnmo up and s xld you nro of too manv colors. Just hero the stalwart form of Colonel Forbes appealed in a rear seat and ono or two words tiom him bottled the matter at once. Thu delegates to the convention are Patrick Ford , A. H. Forbes , llichard Buidisli , George N. Crawford , Joseph Stande\eiT. Aucust Uhtot and Andiew Moynnhnn. The nomination * for Justices of thu ponce were : A. C. Itend nntl It. Wndo ; for constables , W. P. Snow- don and George Karl , and for assessor , Au gust Uhtof. f SOUTH O.HAIl.X NKWS. No one but those enured to the hardships of lite in its worst features ( Irued vmituro on the streats la-it night. Nearly all the trains on the Union Pacific weio Into last night on account of washouts. The open in L' of tlio Itucd house takes place with a grand ball to-inoirow night Guor o Cllngcrman. who was ar rested for resisting nn olllcer , a trial jr-s- tcrday afternoon ueforo Juilgo Uouthcr and was dismissed. A meeting ot democratic residents of the Third wurd was held in thu K. ot L. hall last night Jondron it Spuilln Imvu completed the erection oj a largti sloio building on Twenty- sixth street. The work nn the bone and fertilizing de partment of Swift's packliu house IMS been retaided oil account of the non-arrival of lumber. A wild , uncouth-looking character , dressed In n blouse and overalls , cowhide boots and nn Imitation of a Texas sombrero , surmounting - ing a long-neglected head of hair , got hnlf full and liuiran telling a story about the yeston Hood to the loungers In a saloon , In which his heroism pla > ed a prominent part , and to prove that ho could endure any hard- ship , attempted to walk on several streets ot boulh Omaha on which them wore no side walks. In half nn hour ho returned covered with mini from head to foot and said U beat the Galvcaton flood. IlUAh KST/VTI3 / ' 1HANSFKH9. Kdwln S Rood and wife to Maurice S Bnrtlott , lots 1 , , 3 , 4 5,10 nnd 10 , In Valentino Tennco add 54,471 Kdwln S Hood and \vlfo to Soiincn- hclieln and Valentino , lots 11,12 and 13 , blk 5 , In Albright's annex to South Omaha , w d 435 Louli Schroeder , trustee , to W A Union , lots U' ' , 20 nnd Ul , blk 5 , In Brown's park , w d 1,050 W A Gulou and wlfo to Cornelia C Cooper , lots 10 , ? 0 and 21 , blk 5 , In Brown's park , * wd 3,500 r. A Benson and wlfo to Max Conrad , lot" ) , blk 4 , In Mayno Place odd , w d 2,050 E A Bnnson nntl wlfo to Victor Ji Coffman , lot 0 , blk 4 , ! n Mayno place , add , w d . : . . . . . . . . . 2,250 Louis bchioeder , trustee , to Charles Jl Union , lots W , SKI and 24 , blk S , in Brown's pnrk , w d 1,700 Charles U Union to Cornelius C Coop er , lots 233 andiM blk 5 , Brown Park wd. ,403 Augustus F Boscho and wile to Cor nelius C Cooper , lots 10,17 nnd IS blk 6 , Blown Park w d 3,300 Andrew S Viinktiran and wife to Al- van S Vincent , Iot5 blk 2 , CioMon add w d l,2tO David U Archer and wlfo to Jl N Jiedgcock , 4Uxl07.b3 feet of lot 105. Ulse'Aaddw d 1,700 Edwaid N Iluntlolph niul wife to C C Stonier , lot 'M blk 11 , Omnha View w d 2,700 George II Payne to Mnttlo A Long- well , lot 15 blk 4 , Omnha View w d. . 1,000 P U Beldon and wito to Thos 11 Tny- . lor , lot t ) blk n , llatiocom Place w d. . 0.400 W It Vaughn and wf to H C Nnwtnn , lot as , In blk 10 , of West Albright add. wd 350 SamuelS Curtis and wf to George H Jlnyne , lot 15 , In blk 4 , Omaha View wd 1000 Byron Heed and wf to Lewis S Heed , SMx77 ft ot lot 4 , blk ICO , city of Omaha w d 2750 Fiank Wolner and wf to David 11 Scavor , sK of lot 'J , In block 20 , in E V Smith's add. w d 3 David 11 Seaver to Mary Weinor. sM of lots S , in block 20 , In E V Smith's add. w tl 3 William J Mnxwell to Ebenezer Archer , lot 3 In Arcade plnca w d. . . 2000 Albert M Baumann to Essie Wallace , lot 10 , in Burdettocourt , wd 500 Clifton E .Mayno nnd wlfo to Alvls Svacl. lot JO In blk 1 In Mavno's ad dition , w d 400 James M Nelson and wlfo to Charles Jl Webster , lot 10 In block U In llnnscom Place , w tl 2,500 Gwrlnn Wrignud husband to Charles F Strong , lot 20 In blk 8 in Walnut Hill , wd 0,000 Mm tin Quick nnd wife to J L Jjovett ctnl , the undivided k'of lots Hand 4 blk 4W ! , lots 11. 8,1) ) . 15 and 10 blk jw. : lous 0. S , 12 , li ) . 14 and 15 In blk 4UMols' ) , 4 nnd 0 in block 450 , lots ! ! , 18 , 19 mid ' . ' 0 In blk 451 , lots 17 , 18 nnd 20 In blk 400 , lots 8 , ! ) . 10 , i ; ) , 14 and 15 In blk 401 , lots 1 , 0. 7Ji and U In blk 4 i. lots 3 , I nnd 5 in blk 178 , lots 1 , a , : ) , 5. 0. 7,10 and 11 In blk 4 % , lot 17 In blk 433 , lot 7 In blit 5ui : , lot 15 in blk 4 l , lot 13 In Silk 407 , lots 0 , 7 niul 8 In blk 45'- , lots 1 nnd 3 in blk 474. lots 4 , 5 and C In blk 4SS , lots U and 12 In blk 4SO , a'l ' In City Grand Vlew , w d 243 Louis Schrocilcr trustee to Augustus F Brosche. lots 10 , 17 and 18 In blk 5 In 1 ? row n Park , wd 1,050 iiathas Jetter nnd wlfo to John F J5oyd , beginning at sw corner of , Moodoy's 2 ncro tract on n side of section 0.14,13. thnnco w 5D05-10 ft n 25 84-100 It n 70 * 30 o O'JO 4-10 It , 8 S42 8-10 ft to beginning , w d 1,000 Muildln : ; Porrntte , The following building perm Its were is sued yesterday by Superintendent Whltlnck : John Hazard , 1-story frame cottage , Ohio und Fifteenth , to cost S'.K)0. ) Win. Gember. 1-story Irmne cottage , Four teenth mid bpruco , to cost 5400. Catherine Schwalenberg. 1-story frame addition to dwelllii'/ , North Eighteenth street , between Chicago and Davenport , to cost S400. E. E. E. McJImlnpy , l-.stoiy frame cottage. Twentv-thirii between Laird and Mnndeison , to cost 8500. Peter Clarion , 1-story frame addition to altered barn lor dwelling.Tw'entleth between Nicholas nnd I'.uil , to cost 3300. Win. Bouiihton , 2-story double frame dwidling , Twentieth near Grace , to cost 83,300. Mnrrlnee Licenses. The following marringo licenses iiavo been issued by Judge McCulloch : Name and Jiesldence. Ago , Tllbuin 11. Ewlng , Omaha 29 Mary Buckne.r , Omaha 28 Henry Hutchison , Omaha 23 Julia Forrell , Omaha 19 Julius A Sclilrmer , Oinalm 20 Huldn Fiohlish , Omahn 18 Duncan W. Carruthers , Denver , Col. . . . 31 Grace M. Wllderman , Omnhn 23 Brevities. Tom Presser , Sam Keyos , Will J nwls , S. J ) . Flnley and Robert Bates , the colored gam- bleis , were dismissed without trial yester day. day.William William J. McGavock tiled a suit In the county court yester.lnv atr.ilnst Jolin- 8on & Co. lor SpiiGO.GO claimed to bo due for lent Elmer Hnfferty , n clerk at JA'linian's store on J1 amain.trect , wns ani'sted ycstenUy for kccpiii ! ! a pockutbook that ho picked up while swccmnz out the store.rJhe pocketbook - book contained only a few cents. City Physician Knlph's monthly report for September shows n marked decrease In the death list , there being only ninety deaths In that month , to 121 in August nnd ISO in July. The number of births during the month of September were 14 > , in August 140 , nnd July 03. The regular Sunday afternoon mooting under tlio auspices of the Metropolitan Pro hibition club will be hold at 3:30 : o'clock In the Tabernacle , Capitol avenue , and will be addressed by the Httv. H. N. McKafg of Minneapolis , All nre Invited. Admission tree. Arrested For niirulnry. Officer Wlinlon arrested Diet : Gorman last evening on the charge of burglary. Gorman was locked up , mid will nppenr In the muni cipal court to-monow morning. The Florida l iidnnlo. WASIIINOTON , Oct. 8. Surgeon General Hamilton this morning received the follow ing telegrams , dated Tampa , Fla , Oct. 7 : "Four deaths from yellow fo\cr nnd about twenty case : * . A few of thow ha\o passed the luver stage of seventy-two hours. Many peopla have tied , It may bo necessary to establish n campot rmugu In the country. Mails can lu lumlgnted. ( Signed. ) J. M. WAI.I. , M. D. " "bANi'Oiin. Fin. . Oct. 7. Can you loan mo tents foi refugees from epidemic nt Tannia't' ( SlgnmU KINO WVI.I.Y , M. D. . President Florida lluulth Protective Asso ciation. " In reply to this Dr. Hamilton ordered tents soul to SiUiford. Thu surveyor general has sent a dlspntch to Colonel Valnos , superin tendent of thn Plant line of Ntuamor.s und the .Savannah A : Flnrtiln ralliond , stating that in his Judgment sleeping cars should not be al lowed logo beyond I'nlntkn , until the Tampa opldcmlo Is over and the panic shall Imvo ceased. Mutiny of Clilncne Holdli-rw. JjONDO.v , Oct. H. Intelligence has been re- reived that an emutn occurred nmoni ; the Chinese soldiers station ! d In Dublnsch , on the Htisso-Uhlnesn frontier. Several ollleeii \\eromurdered. A quantity of ammunition mid a sum ol money belonging to thu t'ov- t'riiinent wi-rosul/ed by the mutineers. The cominmidei-iiiH'hlef of tlm troop- > was panic- Hti ickun and fled. A story fonios from Duwson , ( Ja , of a strange apparition. As a well-known clti/un was driving alone ! V lonely road at nltfht near a church ho saw n white , Hluulou'Y object in the road having thu shape of a woman , floating hither and thither as if on invisible spirit wings. It Kavo forth no sound , but moved Its long , white arms in the ulr ns if in great dis tress. The gentleman dismounted from his bugtry and attempted to lay hands on the spook , but it vanished. Several others report having seen the ghost.