Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    i\HH * , , , A ; msm
Adertlscmcnts tinder tins bend , 10 rents paIne
Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent Insertion , and (1.50 a line per month
ho advertisement tnken for leestnnnSS cents
for tbo first Insertion. Seven words wll n >
counted to too line ; they must run conscou-
tlvelv and must bo raid In ndvanco. All advcr-
tlfemcntM must tie ban Jed In before 1 : no o'clocic
p. m.nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
1'nrting advertising In these column and bar.
Injr the answer * addressed in care of TUB DEB
will please ask fora check to enable them to get
tnolr letters. ns nonn will bo iH-llvcrert eiceot
on presentation of o heck. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvcrtlscinontii In these column1) ) are pub
lished In both morning ntul evening editions
ofliiK nrr , the circulation of wlilch nggre-
irntcs more than 14.000 papers dally , and given
the advertiser * t ho benefit. nut only of the city
circulation of TUB lire , but al o of Council
niulTfi , Lincoln nnd other cllles and towns
throughout till * part of the west.
d CaMi In nflvnnoi * .
11)1AND Guarantee ntul Trust Co , 150S
M Fiirnam street-Complete abstracts tur-
niched , and titles to icnl cstuto oiamlned , per *
tcctcd nnd guarantee ! 210
-JU8INE8S CHANOE-Halflnterost In ngoud
JJ with a chunco to start a lodging
house lii connection. Co-operative Land It
Lot Co. , iU' . Noith Sixteenth. 703-11
opening in Kovernl btutcs tur ilgnt
manmacturlng business , email capital 10-
quired and largo profits , 1'or further informa
tion tall on A. 1' . May no , N. W. cor. 10th und
l-nrnatn. ( M-ll
"I71OH SALE Ono of the best paying hotels In
JD Lincoln , Nub. Address II. 13. Heed , Lincoln -
coln , Nib. 0 l 15
ESTEHN DHAlKIIS-8ond for our"liuil-
11ntul catalogue ot fiincy goods , toys
nnd notions Prices iniurantcod. lluy ncnr
bo mo and snvo freights. Hcdhcnd. Nortnn ,
Lnthrop .V Co. , jobbers In books , stutlonaiy ,
etc. , lies MoliiCB. In. O'O L"J
WANTED A rolluble , energetic business
man us agent of the United States Mer
cantile Protective Association ( incorporated ) ,
main ofllco No. 61 Tribune llulldlng. Now Vork
City , for Douglas nnd adjoin Ins counties. Thu
right party cnu icnll/o J-J.OJO to ( l.ooj per an-
nuin , nnd position permanent. Cull upon ttic
BUbscrlbor nt the Mlllnrd Hotel , .Mouduy end
U'uoidny. W. II. Kllvort , manager. 70d 10 *
Tf OH BALK A meat market In best location
X ( rood business. For nearer Informntlon
address II 7 , Hue olllco. 020 13J
rpo oxc.iungo boarding house domic n good
JL biislnopB. cheap ront.for n farm In a , Scan-
dlnav Ian settlementaddress Scand Ernp bureau
IGln Kurnnin st. ii2 ! 10
B USINEhS Chance Desirous of retiring fro ir
busineis , wo will sell the bnlanco of 0111
Hock nl dry goods , etc. , with three years lenst
nnd II.tinres of store by January or March
next. Oldest established and bcit located store
In city. Merchants meaning to purchase ad
dress John II. F. Lohmuuu \ Co. , UIO-I.IU Far
nam Ktrcot. Ml n b
FOR SALE or rent ; a good paying rustaurant
or boarding IIOIHO. Call 604 south 18th
Bticct. 6U7 12j
BUSINESS Chanco-Tlioro Is R line opening
foru confectioner , restaurant and linkot
right near the entrance ot 11 an "coin park.
Now storeroom , cheap rent. F. L. Orogory
820815111 st. 6JU
rplIlllE hundred dollars will buy n stock ol
-1 stntUmnto , notions and news ; good stand
low rent ; Investigate. 60S Ho. ICthst. 488
T71O it PALE A well established money mak
JL' InK gonornl Btoro at Itapld City , Dak.
stock nil now , iiiui Invoices about 110,000.00
consisting principally of dry goods and groc
cries ; reiipon for selilnir , death of senior pro
prletor. AildresH ,1. y. Itolicrtson , admlnlstra
tor , st. I'aul , Minn. , or J. L. Spnydo , Itaph !
City. Diik. 467 14J
"frjlOll BAL.K Ilii\ery coniploto , ostabllshet
JL' tnislncsR , onsy terms. No. 713 Droadway
Council nimri. t r uj
TPOH HALK-FirBt-tlass livery stock with !
JL' years least ) , burn now full of bonrdlm
horses , good location In this city. M. L. Hig
gins A. Co , ! ll south mill bt. KKi 1) )
ASIAN with oxpurlenco In the dry ( 'oods 01
hardwaio bunlnoss can muko it win b ]
placing a stock of Roods In tbo Fltcn block
I'ark nvo and Woolworth st. V. L. Gregory
< f.'Q 8 Ifitll St. KID
$7,000 stock of boots nnd dimes to exchange
( or Omiiba propnrty. H. S. Campbell am
O , W. Ilcrvey. Chumber of Commerce. 437
"CjlOIl SAL15 An ofllce busine , f2ft ) poi
JL' montn Runrantcod profit , $1WX ) cash wll
buy It , O 3 llcootllco. ! 118
FOI1 SAlii : - Corner xaloon on paved st ; re
colpts J4r per dny , $2,000 , $ ITOO cash , t
23. line. LMQ-14 ]
TI10U BAMI Or trade , a No. 1 hotel property
JL' doing Kood trade , In one of the best town *
In Nebraska. B. S. Campbell nnd U. W.llcrvoy
810 Chamber of Commerce. , 437
FOIlSALK-Inn KO ( ! town , n wull establish'
ed jewelry business. Host buBincss In tin
city. Present owner 1ms too much otnnr busl
ness and will i\\ \ e a bargain to rltrht person
Come nnd examine or address box HI , Crete
Neb. 470 0
WANTIJD A Btook of groceries and genera
tndso. , for city lots pnid for. 0. J. Cannn. .
. H.6
Oil r.XCHA.NOG-Omaha property for dry-
Ifoods , Krouurlos , hardware , drugs , oto.
Omaha property for horses and cattle. S. 3 ,
rnmpboll and U.V. . Hor\oy , MO Clminbero
Commerce. 1W )
FOH 8AM2 A complete stonm laundry hav
in ? twenty horse power oiiKlno. .1. S
Bennett , Saunders add Clark sts. 6JO
A GOOD moat market Is bndly needed In the
neighborhood or Woolworth st. and I'arl
are. , nnd sloro-room can bo obtained at chen
rent in Fitch block , r. Jj. Gregory , W ) S. 15tl
It 271
FOH SALi-A : nholosalo business , with o
paying trmlo ostabllshod. Capital roqu Irei
about t4mw. Will take parlOmalm real ustiito
Address 1' M > . Bee office. 7K )
FOU BALI ! The best paying small betel It
tbo cltv : ? 2OUO cash will get it. CKLoc
1207 Farnam st. til
"ITIOIt SALK Corner saloon , rooolpta * 5D pei
A'day. f4,600 ; $ J,000 cash , near depot , ci
Lc , IM7 I'arnam st. TM
TTIOH SAIK-Ily II Orocn. 215 8 1 Ith st , om
JL' of the finest corner groceries ou N 16th st
good fiosh stock nnd ohoap lease ; also tw <
smnll stocks , small livery stock and gooa barn
good location and cheap ground loaso. atj
"DUBINr SSCIIANCK-On account of slcknos
J > not being able to tend to the biiblnoss thi
restnurunt and lunch counter , will rout tin
lomo to some good and responsible parties
Apply to Jonn A. King. 1)01 Douglas st.
_ _ _ _ _ SOI
FOIt BALK Or eiclmnifo , grain elevator
Western Iowa , for land In Central Neb , n
merchandise , address box -"JO , Central City
Nob. fi octiaj
MltA IIATHKLD , Trance business medium
a ho past piesent and future revealed , sic ]
honied , met found , homos made nuppy , sitting
dally at 4:1 8. llthst. 4r.7 o l.r > J
Dlt NANNIi : V. Warren , clairvoyant. Modi
cul , business and test medium. Olllco U
North 16th Hlrcot , rooms 2 It U , Telephone 4 (
_ _ _ _ _
\\7ANTKIJ Trn\olliif ( salesmen for oas-ton
T ? nouses , n few moro teas nnd colfoosalcf
men to tnmlilcs 15 nnd 25 percent. Dry good
salesman lor KaiiMis City , cabinet makers , cat
pouters , mauufiicturlng Jeweler , natcnmakot
Klnss cutter , butcher , laborers , nnd all kinds o
lunlo help , COOKB mid girls fur general house
work. J\o fees at all to sen nut girls. Com
and ice. Headquarters 1600 I'nrnam : HOOD
P. 7J u
WANTUD Way up cook , fH ) per month , ou
of city , faro paid. Mini nnd wife for prl
\alo tnmlly , f.5 ! , Turin mind (20 , ynrdmnn fo
hotolJ-0 , boy to do chores morning and o\oi
ing for his board and go to school. Cnmullin
Kmp , otllct' , Mrs Urctfrt & , Son , U1U SlMi. 'id
\ \ AN'l I'.D Onii man to solicit In this cif
' and one In Council Illutls. .Must own gooi
tult of clothes. hnvoflO , nnd bo anxious ti
innke money , Cniuinlsilon with n gnnrunteoi
alary of } 76 per month. Address U G euro o
lice. CQJ 9
\\7ANTIJD Seenlylh eshoclcrs four mile
\\nt-t ot Tort Onialia , on Omaha extonsloi
Chicago A. Xortlniosturu railway. Wajjos J1.7 ;
per day ; board J3.50 per week. WoiU will las
uutll December. O. V. Trent , Contractor.
6M 1IJ
\V A.NTKD-Agcnts to canvass for llanSers
' * Lllo Insurance Co , , Lincoln , Neb , Nom
but experienced men need apply. Ml
T\7ANTiD-AKents : ; specialties sell at light
olriiulnrs tree. II. U. Merrill , box 5
MliinenpolU Minn. . 840 V\ \
\\MNTiD-A : good sober blacksmith fo
' Wjomlng , one who understrnds borco
Ihoolng , Iron nnd ungou work , wages $75 pe
Mionth. Scandlnnvlait t'aip. llurcau.loiO Fnj
nuist , BlUeuuor , KI u
W A NTF.D Agents In Nebronka for Gen.
John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer
Boldicr. " Jiut piibllihcd. Address J. M. French
it Co. , OmahaNfcb. 3M
) wnntmg bookkeepers , clerks , sales-
JL men , etc , who can talk three or four lan
guages npply to Scandinavian Lmp bureau,1010
Fnrnam , sldo door. 04-1 U
T no men , E. K. Nnugle & Co. , 13tu
nnd Nicholas. CtHIj
"tATANTED 100 men of good appearance to
try our r > o meals nt Norrls' Kostnurnnt ,
nil nnd UI3 South 14th street , ( old l.ue and let
Live ) . 6"i
SALESMFN fi.OO n dny can bo mndo selling
n new article , tells best In cities. ; ia
capital but good r.ifercnces require : ! . Address ,
soM2' C. H. naiavrm. Secy. . Tinin , Ohio.
ANTED-Mcn for railroad work ! AN
brlght's labor agency , 1120 rarnatn. 801
1ANTKD 30 paving block cutters for Cole -
o ratio quvrnc * . C. I ) . Woodnorth. ( KJ7I3J
WANTED-50 men for Wyoming , wages 12
per duv. free faro , Scandinavian Emp ,
llureau , IBIO Fnrnnm Bt , side door. C68 11
\VANTED At onoo nt the Western Cornice
T > works , 10 good cornice makers , 10 good
tinners , to good men the highest wnjcs will bo
pnld. C. ypccht , MSfilOS. IJth st. 5'i7 13
In every cyunty In
U.S. : $75 per month nnd cxpctistfi. Sold
by sample. Outfits nnd stock free. Altuarth
> ffg. Co. . llutherford. N. I. _ 401) ) 17J
ANY one wanting employment should cnll
without dolnyon H. Jenklnson & Co. , lira-
ploymont bureau , IBIO Fnrnum , room 0. 601 10J
WANTF.D A man to solicit. One willing
to got down to hnrd work. Must own good
suit of clothes , hnvo $ ! Fi , nnd willing to Icnvo
city. No other need answer. Salary $73 per
month. Address II 5 cnro of lloo. GO'J ' 9
W ANTED A good cont-mnkor. C. A. An
derson , Ornnd Island , Neb. 4 ft 9J
JrANTED Good first-class carpenter fore
W man. Address ( J f,5 , lleo olllco. 543 Cj
" ANTKD-4 Oermnn boys to carry papers ,
607-609 S. 12th , upstairs. 080
60 ladles to try our 15o meals nt
WANTED ' llcstnurant , ( old Live nnd let
Live ) , 311 and 313 South 14th st. 6'J4
" \\7ANTED-A competent girl to do second
woik. llest wngcs. Apply to Mrs. 0. K.
Prltchett,20J South Eighteenth street. i < a
l\7ANTEO Laundress and dining room girl
' for Manning , 2 laundrcuses for same
hotel In Red Oak , lown , 2 first class dining
room girls for Wyo. (20i n competent woman
to take chnrgo ot n hotel laundry , must bo no-
customcd to managing help , cook aud 2 girls for
Wayne , Neb.competent cook nud mandrel }
for PnpllHon. cook and dining room girl for
Bownrd , Neb. , nn experienced housn girl for
Fiillorton , Nob. , all faros paid. In city , girl for
ofllcer'B family , ( > , G women cooks , IS to (7 per
week , 60 girls for housework , (1 to ( " > n week ,
several girls to assist in housework , 2 girls to
mind babies , 2 nice second girls , 2 pantry girls
for hotel. Canadian Emp. ofllco Mrs. Ilroga
4Son,310 S 15th. Tel. HS4.-MJ5SI 1714 SijttSS
WANTF.D-Second girl accustomed to sew
ing. Mrs. 0ray , 2024 Douglas. 604 9
WANTI5I ) ( Jlrl for gencrnl housework ;
small family. Mrs. Thos. F. Hull , IM.'j
Sberman nvo. 630
ANTED-A lady to solicit In this city.
Must own good vv ardrobn. hnvo $10 In
money , bo good looking , not over 3) ) , and fill
of vim. Salary $75 per month. Address H (
care of Ilco. to I V
WANTLD A good girl to do general house-
wet k ; must be good cook , nt2ilO Fnr
nnm. txil 'ij
ANTED-A lady to solicit. Salary $75 per
mouth Must he geol address , have good
clothes rnd willing to leave city. AddrcisllG
dare of Hoc. 1,09 U
T ADIEis In wnnt of fonialo help such us cooki
J-J InundroHsug , chambermaids and girls for
genera ! housework , wo have registered on our
list a Inrgo number with good references. No
olllco fee till order is Illlcd. Wo are not trying
todecolvo anybody. Scandinavian Emp. llu
Fatnnm St. , sldo door. 043 11
W ANTED A good gill at 51 S. llthTtroel
immediately. 4'il
WANTED Tnlloress on custom cents ami
vests , good wages nnd sto idy work to
right prirty , apply nt onoo. K > 5 S 10th st. 30J 2
WANTF.D Cook nnd Inundrcss. Dr. Colf-
innn cor St. ifnry's ave nnd 27th st. 653
WATNED-2 girls to work In Kitchen at
Dornn house , 4-M S Ifcth st. near St
Mary s live. 423
ANTEO-Oirls and nil others who are look
Ing for n place to know that wo do not
charge ofllce fee unless place is soon red. Do
not bo deceived by concerns who take your
money without giving you a placo. Gate City
Employment office. ! IH'4 3 nth st. C3H
" \\ANTED Girl for general housework nl
No. iniB Capitol avonuo. SOB
mAKKN UP Oct. 8 , n roan cow. Call at
JL llrownoll Hall. _ ( ,2 10
LOST- Sept . 2rt , bav ponoy.bnld fa co7brando (
Ken hip and shoulder , seven yrs oh
weight nbout BI Ibs. l.lboiul reward. Address
312 , Chamber ot Commeicc , Omuhn. Ott 10J
LOST See those li nutlful toilet sets n
Moody's china store , ; > OJ North IMh ft
'Ihey uro the handsomest in the city CbO-9
LOST - 8 yenr old coorodboynnined
Wendel , sear over loft eye , last seen bept
12 , pleiisp send Information of his whcrcubouU
to Una llrady , 417 N 12th it , 010 J
LOST llrown Molten cufanny ; coafTlcnvcTni
I'rnnk J. Hnmgo's , Hnmgo block , und ru-
colvorownrd. 275
WANNED buy ono olglit-pissoniror
light hotel buss. Must bo III good repair
Address Lnlon Hotel , Superior , Neb.
( j 1-10 *
ENTLE.MAN doslrcs boaid in n pilvatt
family vvbero there are no other boniderfl
must bo in good nolghboi hood. Address , stut
Ing terms , II. , 15 lice office. 702-11 *
AGENTS Wanted to canvnss buslnos !
nousos for n Now Account Hook. $ J tt
$15 mndo dnlly by onoigutlo parties. Foi
suinplo Bheot nnd nil particulars nddrcBs H. W
Pumphilou , l'ublis'r,30 Uond bt. , New York.
710 14J
A\7 ANTED-First-clnss cook in privalo family
> > $ - ' " > n month , 2. woman cooks for out tin
city , 1 nurse nud housekeeper , nurse girls
second girls , and good girls for house work
Itil2 Fnriiam St. , upstairs , room S. _ 700 a
\\TANTED-Evorybody to call nnd iieo
' those ) Golden Star parlor heaters am
Model Sterling cook stoves at llaibor Ac Dun-
ning's , hlJ N ICth st. 5 > U
WANTED A small investment will given
profitable nnd pleas mt buslnoss , Call
from 12 to2 or6 to 8 Planters hotel , room 27.
_ U17 11J
WANTED To rent , two or three furnlshoi
or uiifurnlsbcd looms for light hoiibo-
koeplnif , In good locality by gentleman and
wlfo. loferoncns exchnngcd. Addicss post
onico box 67 , rlty. _ r > Mi'J '
\\7"ANTKD To oil hnlf Interest In stocX ol
T > geu. mo/dso store building und lot In u
good town about 30 miles of Omaha , cnu hhow
good biiBlnost and location , stock will Invoice
about $ nXIO , part on time , renson for selling
going out of business. Ad. C. N. Dee olhue ,
_ U7I 14J
WANTED Immediately I second hand store
elevator for freight , Inquire Hot
Dodgo. 604 12
\\rANTED I want to buy a family coucli
T T team. N. Merrlam. 2'i'J
\IJANTED At 1724 Cuss , six table bo nTdors
TT _ b66 10J
WANTED To buy f limit in o ot n smiil
or large hous centrally located. Co
operative I.nnd und L Co. , 205 N 16th Bt.V.
V. 1
W ANTED Tlnco table boarders ut 2116
HurtM. KI7
M ONEV on nan 1 to loan on improve ! prop
crty , J. A. Holstand , Arlington blk.
d lXW,000 ( to loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S 15th. Flrsl
tf > inoitgago notes Pought. 378
ONEV LOANED at C. F. Heed * Co ' * Loan
Offlco , on furniture , pianos , horseswagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. Sit B. 13th.
over Illogham Commission store. All buih
nesi strictly confidential. 220
M ONEV To loan. Notes mid H. H. tickets
bought und sold. A , Porinun,213 & 1-lth st.
$3UOCMO to loan , special rates on farm prop
erty , Sobotker * Porrlgo , 15'l Farnnm at ,
$760.000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Llnahan a
ilahoney , 1609 1-qrnam. 227
$500,000 to loan in any amount at lowest rnti
of interest. H. II. Ircy , Fretuer block. 21J
TICOKET loaned on furniture , pianoi , organi ,
JUborics , to , low ratet. J. J.Wllklnson A Co , .
1324 1 arnam , over Burlington ticket omce. 217
MONEYtolonntopartIM wlshlnr to build
8. P. Campbell , 810 818th Bt , , Chamber of
Commerce. n
M ONKY In sums of $600 and over to loan at
low rates , Kussoll It Uarrett , 313 S 16th st.
, 215
ONKY to Loan On Impnned cltr property
at lowest rates of Interest No comsic *
sion charged. Bboloi 4 Crumb , rooa 1 , Darker
block , cor 15th and I'nrnnm U. _ _ 218
MONKY to Igor , on city property. Will buy
goQtl notes , aeavor it Whltcomb , 16Wi |
ynrnnm , 773
MONEY To lonn. Lowest rates. No dolsy.
J. li. Hlco A. Co , , over Cotnmeiolnl N * .
tlonalbnnk 218
rpo LOAN Money Loans , , lncc < l on 1m-
- * . proved real estate m city or county for
Now England Loan * Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , IBth nnd Chicago st . 21i )
MONKY to Loan-ily the undersigned , wno
has the only properly orgnnlml loan
ngonoy In Oinnha. Loans or $10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , etc. , without removal. No delays ,
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that nny pnrt can bo paid nt nuy time ,
each payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Ad
vances made on fine watches nnd diamonds.
1'orsons mould cnroliilly cor.sldorwho they are
dealing with , as many new concerns ate dally
coming into existence. Should you need money
call and sn inc. W. H. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell
building , 15th and Harnoy. 224
41600,000 To lonn on Omaha city property at 6
op per cent. O. W , Cay , s. o. cor. Ex. Old.
SHOHT Time loans made on any available
security. In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
tltinnclnl business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly nnd fairly nt the Omaha Fi
nancial Kxclmniro , N. W. cor of 15th nnd Hnr-
noy sts , over State National bnnk. Corbett ,
manager 127
MoNttYto Lonn-O. F. Davis Co. , real 03-
tate and loan agents , 1503 Farnam st.22tl
MONKY to loan on lmpio\od real estate ;
no commission charged. Lcnvltt llnrn-
liam. room 1. Crolghton block , ZJl
iT : H CKNI'-Moneyl "
Piittcrton , Fawcctt 15th nnd Harney. 222
MONHYtoloan , cash on hand , no dnlny.
J. W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st ,
1'axton hotel building. 2A'i
rpo KMI'LOYBHS-lho City Intelllgonco
J. Ollico Is not n traveling catch-penny schema
carried on by unrolliblo parties for the pur
pose ol robbing any or all who may seek Its nld
by charging extortionate tees for help nnd
places thnt it cnnnot furnish. It Is a Iliiflness
Institution conducted on business principles by
n thoroughly reliable , responsible young busi
ness limn , permanently located In Omnhn , nnd
It Is recommended nnd patronised by smuo of
the best business nnd professional men of the
' 1 ho object of the City Intelligence Olllco is to
provide n reliable , responsible medium through
which employers can secure trustworthy , com
petent help in every Iluslnoss , Profession ,
Occupation or calling of life , nnd whcio em
ployes can go to procuiu work without tear of
being Imposed upon
The City Intelligence Ofllco Is free to nil em
ployers except private families , which are
charged n small fee when ordois nre tilled.
Wo respectfully Invite linonlgatlon by mer
chants , contractors , corporations , piof < > slonal
men , landlords , restaurant and boarding-houso
Keepers , clubs , private families nn I emploveis
in general , and if found worthy 5011 are nskoii
to pntronl/n us when In need of 11115 thing In
our line nnd to UFO vour liitlnento In our bo-
hnlf. Ynuia respectfully , Chas. L. Hart , pro
prietor , Croighton Ulock.
Heferences John L. McCnguo , president
McCnguo Ilros. Ilnnk ; Dexter L. Thomns ,
cashier Nebraska savings bank ; Hon. James H ,
McCulloch , county judge. tiT7
rpo TltADP. Wo hnvo propinty ot nil kinds
J- Including housesnnd lots and farm piop
erty for exchange. If you have utijthing to
trade , send us description , fctcvcns Bros ,
151' ) Fiunam. b93. 10
rpo all who are In want of help of am- kind ,
JL male or female wo hn\e from booukcoii-
ere down to vnrilrnon with the vorv beet ol ref
erente. ScnndlnnUnn Ktnp. bureau , 1BIO Far-
nam , sldo door. 1141 11
Iryotittlshto buy nu elognnt pnrnr hunter ,
olllco hontor , largo benter for store or s'slos
room , or a splendid took stove , ranging from
$11) up to $40 , call at Harbor & Dunnlng's. si :
Js'orth 10th St. 58i > U
WHY advertise for help of any kind , when
itean bo obtained Immediately bv calling
on or wi itlng to H. Jenklnson & Co. , llilO Fur
nam St. , room 8. MO 10 *
CASH paid for second hand books t the
Aiitlc uarlan , U08 N 16th st. 7-M o 2IJ
ANfiLO America n Mortgngo ana Invcstmonl
Co. , olllce 212J Furnam st. John Cnlley
innnagor. ss ott 21J
TTIOH KiNT organs. W per monto.
JL1 1613 Douglas.
FOIt mnlo nnd female help of nil ni > tiounlltlc <
loavcyourordor nt Suund. Kmp bureau ,
1B10 I'lirnum et , sldo door. i4J ! 10
TIO KXCHANGF.-1-or enttle , 1 have W)0 and
forty acres of good western land to trncio
for cattle , nnd a good house and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. O ,
Ilryan. Ashland , Nob. 2. ! >
rpo exchange for other pioperty contract for
JL till ) acres It It 1 md In Chovoniio Co , Nnb. ,
two miles from railroad , also two ' 4 sec In Lin
coln Co . near rail road. McCulloch i Co. , cor
16th nnd Farnnm sts. tUO
Ol. C.-HOUSO furnishing gooJn , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
llonnar , 1,115 Douglas St. _ 11
F I OK UK .VI1 Square flano. tmoatnlr. . A
Hoano. 151. Douirlus. 2j
SCANDINAVIAN Kmp Iliironu. 1C10 Farnam
St. . side door , supplies the very best of
help , orders filled promptly. C41 U
. CHASL'S new Keccirit nook nnd Household
hold 1'hvMolan , the "Memorial r.dltlon" ,
of over bOO pages. ' 1 ho "Crowning LlfoWoiL"
of the greatest author and benefactor that
overlived. Just out. Agents making immense
sale ; . Itlr terms. Address , F. H. Dlckcrson S
Co. , Dctiolt , Mloti. Mention this paper.
_ 244nov4J
FOK ItRin Square Pmno ( j montnlv. A
Hohpo.JBU Jxiuifins. 228
TjBH8ONA"Ij Wlir iiieut mo at Sorris' Ilc
JL taurniil for dinner. Jo sio. fi'.HC
TERSONAL-Seo the beautiful statuary m
J Moody's china store. ! North 16th Bt ,
VlFltorsnronlMiya welcome. OM3-0
5KHSONAL-An elcnant line ot wedding
piesontsjust received at Moody's china
Btoro. ; J2 North IHth Bt. ti O-U
IEHSONAL-Prlvato homo for Indies during
confinement , strictly coiitldontlnl , infant !
adopted. Address E. 4. , lice ollico. l(17n ( b *
"i : > iilSNAl-Cnll and sco those elegant , Col
J don btnr heaters nnd cook stoves before
purchuslng nt Harbor & . Running's , fc2 N ICtl
St. 5SU I )
"I3EHSONAIj A young Indy wishes nyounfl
JL lady roommate. Hotoicncos exchanged.
Address H s , lleo othco. O.'l U
EHSONAL tcTtho ladles of Omaha. If you
want good reliable help , call nttlio Omnhn
Employment bureau , the oldest cinplnynionl
olllco In tlio city. ll'J N. IBth St. , H. E White ,
propiletor. 11429
iTHsoNAL-C. S. Whitney sells hard nnd
salt coal , 1513 Farnam and IBth nnd I/ard.
475 g 3,1
FOH SALE-A llrst-clnss family horse , cnr
rlnge , buggv , double und single harness.
Inquire oTS H. llrown , 2301 Farnam. C81 15 *
FOH SALE-Twenty-live driving , draft nm
saddle horses. W. T , feenmnn. Huggles ,
wngoiis , phautons , &c. , enbt bldo Kith St. , nortr
ot Nlcholns. b'i7 '
FOH SALE A goodlientlng steve with oven
Ilia north 17th St. t/.K ) DJ
FOH SALE Ilnnkruptstoukof orgnns.chcap
miiht be sold without icgnid to cost 01
value ; no rcn'onnhlo olfer rolused ; bonutlfu
goods nt less than cost if material. Call Mon
day. Furguson'sStoingo Co. , 71UN. 16th sU
FOH SAL13 Superb cabinet upright plane
ohoap. only ( .J75 ; makers' price tWJ ; richlj
carved , 7'i octavo , triple 8tilint' , Kronch repeal
Ing action : siipero tont-.toi'ch nnd llnlsh.'great
est birgnln ever ottered : must bo sold nm !
moved at once ; only $275 if taken Monday ;
time If desired ; call. Fingcrson Morago Co. ,
71tt N. ICth. 7U u
* I7UirSALE 100 first class steers lor feeders ,
-L' gooil order , on ( Jncho creek. Nebraska ,
Address Wm. H. Thompson , Jr. , Ewlng , Holt
Co. , Neb. MI 12J
TTOH "SALE Fine. gcnTTo" Tier o , Tiai ness"
JL1 road wagon , robe nnd whip. Price , | 10a
Addresk Patsy Fallen , Cottonwood Villa.
I71OH SALE-Tcam. harness , wagon , 150. Mrs.
JL 0 llarr.s. Uth st..1 bl'ks from st car track.
38 nov 2
FOH BALE-Fiztures of n ment market , all
now and Address H 12 , Ile <
offlc * . o-Ji u
SALE-1 fqtiniul , ? * In. French burrs.
FOR Victor RhclW 75 bit per hour.
1 bolt for bucktBf at or meal ,
40 ft Z In shaftlnw 0 hangers , elevator belt ,
ntc. Address HWlwthBt. , Omaha , Neb.
mlf J2. > ilj
rl"1 EKl j6 > l neioiffo , wcTrclstcrrT.cJty wnter
JL paid for , gni , bath , grates , furnace , nil
modern ; n complete homo , centrally located ,
good nelghbnrhoodcon street cars : f&j per
month. J. II. PiUrftto rental nKcncy , _ MO < 3
Chicago , I
H13NT-A nnt of 7 rooms on 10th st , nnd
furniture for sale cheap. The tint rents
f or ( J5 per month. A. F. Mnyne , N. W. cor.
16th nnd Farnatn.t. t , C91-11C3
l Olt HB.NT-Furnished lint : first class furnt-
Jturc ; (45.00. Co-oporatlro Land & Lot
Co. . 2U5 North Sixteenth street , _ 703-11
TTHJH HENT A furnished house , centrally
E locRted : $ r > 5. Co-operative Land k Lot Co. ,
205 North Sixteenth street. 704-11
17101MIENT 2nd nnd ! ld floor nt 1417 Doilgl i
JD st. , with len o of three jenrs. Kennedy i
llibhlns , 1JOO Douglas st. 707
) HBST-10-room boarding House. c"n-
FHH located , furulturo for snlo ; o-room
house , nice cottage , ( .10 per month : furniture
cheap. Hestaurauts for lent and llxturesfor
s lie , 20 loom Mat , furniture reasonable. Two
8-room houses , furniture for snlo. 7-rootn Hat ,
furniture ( ( ,51 , ono-hslf cash. 10-roora house ,
10111(40 , furniture'(530 rash. 4-room house
( W , furniture (300. 5-room house ( -H ,
furulturo50. . U-room house , two largo
barns , 3 cisterns , well and other conveniences ,
Wo per month , part or all of the furniture for
snlo : 8-room Hat , heated by steam , city water ,
(51.50 , furniture chenp ; " .room house , rent (40 ,
lease ono > nar , furniture tor sale ; 12-room
hoarding house In first class location , 80
boarders. This plnco Is doing n veiy profitable
business nnd will bo sold at n bargain , rent ( R5 ,
f urnlturo cheap , owner Is going nwny. Houses
nnd lots for sale or rent in nil parts of the city.
Co-opcrntivo Lir.d and Lot Co. , 203 N Kith st.
'Oil KIINT-Omce , No. 1817 Tnrnnm st. $00
per month. W. N. Nason , 1015 Fnrnam.
'IT'OH ' HUNT o-room house In Idlowlld. nil
X1 modern Improvements , IBS per month.
Desk room In my olllco No. 1015 1 amain ; one
largo front room with nlcovo finely furnished ,
heat mid gns , suitable for two gentlemen ;
* W per month. \ \ . N. Nnson , 1015 Farnam st.
Mij 14
F I OH ItT.NT Store In good location. Apply
1517J ! Fnrnnm. 631 10
p I OK HENT House of 7 rooms , $25 ; Inqillio
131V H 10th. 070
HENT-Flist clnss 8 room houso. Qeor-
gin nvo. Patterson & Fnwcctt , 3.S 8 15th.
FOH HUNT 4-room cottage in Orehnrd Hill.
Inquire .1. H. Klmbley , 1018 S 20th. UI8 I'j
LIST your houses for rent with H. h. Cole ,
HIP S 15th. can relit 60 now. SCO
FOIt HENT 6-roora house 2411 Popploton
6-room houses , 332. ! Miami st.
8-room house , N Bldo of Cass hot 2 th and
30th sts. ( loo. 1. Gilbert. Wlthnell building.
U.M 12
HENT 10-room house , 24th nnd Doug-
FOK ; 7-rooin house 22d nnd Howard. C. K.
Thompson , 314 S. lath St. 627
KENT-Broom house , s e cor 27th nnd
DodgeJ17. J.It. Hlngwalt,218815th st.
FOR HUNT > { the office , 30HJ S. 16th St. , af
ter the lltn of this month. Apply early.
Charles C Spotsvvood,30J4 ! B. 10th gt. 6r > 0
HOUSLS rOK HB T-2121 Scward ot ,
new house 10 rooms , bath , furnace ,
wntcrnnd gas . . . . . ' $5300
MB Colfnx st. , b robins nnd bath . . 5000
3007 Jack-ion St. , 7 rooms and bnth 'MM
2021 Pntrlck nve. 7 rooms , now 2ri 00
Cornel llurdettn nnd 24th < t , II rooms . . . 2.1 00
Corner Ersklno st. nnd 27th St. , 7 rooms. . 20 ( II
: ! 31o Webster st. . nowifi rooms 1100
inft'i Park nve. llnt.C rooms nnd bath. . . . 30 00
1.109 Park nve. . largo new store-room 40 00
3 barns near Lonvcnvforth nnd I'nrk nve , ' ) UO
F. L Gregory , 320 S. loth St.
IT1OK HENT Store room on 18th st. near St.
JL1 Mary's nve. Inquire , ' S. 18th st. 117
FOIt HEM Nlco 4 room cottage on 3-'nd
street one nnd n hnlf blocks south of Cum-
Ing's Bticut. Apply inilDnvcnporl ft. 41210
FOH HENT If you wish to rent n house cnll
on Ilonawn&Co. , 15th Bt , opposite P. O.
FOH KENT House it rooms In Hnnscom
Placeto n good party. 8 S. Campbell nnd
G. W. Hervey , 310 8 IGth st , Chamber Com
merce. 1W
FOH IIFAT Sinnll house 1010 Howard Bt.
near 10th , $20 per month. S. Lehman. 1108
Farnam. till
FOH HENT 1 " 4 story cottage , finely finished ,
on 1'Jtb between Marthaand Cuitcllnr.
FOH HEN'T-A 3 room cottage , 1120 N. 21st
St. apply to 310 3.15th st 6'0
FOH KENT-Ten room brick house. 17.11
Dodgo. All mo lorn Improvements. 754
FOH HENT An elegant new 10 room house , front , on 2htn between Douglas nnd
Dodge. Marshall & Lobouk , room 0 , Chumber
ofCommeico. 4I > 1
"IjlOH HENT A lint. 1617 Howard street. In-
JL1 qulro nt Leo i , Nichols' livery stable , 2Kb
nnd Lonvcnvvonh , telephone SHI. 421
"I71OH HENT House of 5 rooms , with closets ,
J patitrv nnd cellar nnd hnrd nnd soft wnter.
Inquire of Mrs. Wnrd , tlrst house east of Sacred
Heart convent , oiibouth side of Buit street.
T710H HENT House of 6 rooms and furniture
JL ? tor snlo , Inquire 23N 21st st. 245 UJ
FOH HENt-Hy Cahn & Woolly , 1333 Farmm
st House ot 8 looms , n e cor U-'d und
I/nrd sts. , J > 0 per month
House of H rooms ncnr Hauscom Park , nil
modern conveniences , $10.
2 houses of 7 looms each , hot ana cold water
bnth rooms. $13
House of 7 rooms near Hanscom Park , $30.
OH HENT Ahnll , slo 25xi ( ( > feet , nt 1018
I'nrnnm st , over Continental Clothing Co.
F I OH HENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good loua-
tlon. H.F.Colo310 Bl'ith. 410
FOKHENT-A Inrgo nnd well finished store
room , prefer n firm that will handle ready
mndo clothing and gents furnishlii'goods. .
Address W. F. Convvell , Oakdalo , Nob. Is5 12
FOH HENT House 4 rooms cor Harney nnd
21st sts. , (25 per mo. S. A. Slomnn , Hell-
man block. 2M
FOH HENT Offlco space at 15X1 Farnam st
nnd furniture for sale. A. H. Comstock ,
152:1 : Farnam El. 782
FOH HENT-Nleely furnished rooms (7 fto
(10 , modern conveniences , S. W. cor 20th
nnd Webster. 092-1 Ij
F"OH HENT-Furnlshed room , 70S Ni llitlu
FOH HENT-Ono nicely furnished front
loom with Kinto. in private family , very
chonn , 1119 north 17th bt. 0009J
FOR HENT Nicely luinlsbod front room for
single gentleman ; gas , bath ; rent reason-
nble , 1103 Dodgosticot. 291-lOj
FOH HLNT Nciwly lurnirhed front room ;
moala second door. 2C CumlngBt. 3U8
rOH HENT Nicely furnished front room In
nice cottuiro.38 per month. 40D Williams
et ; 8 minutes walk southeast * U. P. depot.
TTIOH HENTOlllce , thn finest ollico room in
* - Omaha tor nmt , ground floor , Farnam Bt ,
rent (50 per month. Address quick to II 10 , lieu
ojllco 047 14
U'E have from 3 to 0unfurnished rooms
suitable for housekeeping in nil purls of
the city. If in need of a house glvo un a call
at 316 S 15th st , llrat floor : vvo willgivo jou n
free riJe In n carriage to show you the houses.
" 171OH HENT TWo furnished rooms , single or
* en suite , suitable for two or four gentlemen -
men , 1720 Cuss st. O'jO 101
JJlOH HENT-Dcs rooms , 1415 Fnrnnm"
TTIOH HE.NT-Furnished rooms , 220J Dodge.
J 015 14J
I710H HENT Finely furnished rooms with
* bounl , live minuter , wulk from p , o. 1718
Cuss strett. ( i7U-13
\ \ 'ANTEDNently furnished room nnd board
* * ir private family ; permanent. Address
II H , lli'Q. 701-IOJ
"IJ1OH HENT llooms , nicely furnhhed nt (1,60
- * ' nnd ( . ' .60 a week 504 south ICtli. 607 12J
TJ1OH HK.NT-Unfurnlsliedpnrlor7l9ri"niicago ;
± 23H
"plOH HENT-Hoom Very desirable furnished
* - room fur 2 gentlemen , all conveniences on
same lloor. _ APply nt 1712 Capitol avo.
T7 > OH HFNT-Elognnt Irout roomlorVTs per
A month ; gentlemen only i rotercnco required.
Sill Doujfla * M. 6W u
n RENT Office room , flrgt oor , It ! U8 S.
151h gt. _ 445
"troll RCXT Nicclr' furnished rooms , gas ,
jVatli and furnace heat.22-.t7 Dodge. 411 10
TTIOH HENT-Nlcclr furnished largo front
JL : room , with closet , first floor , paved street
and pleasant neighborhood , near streetcars ;
112 per month to one , (14 to two parties , in. So. 20tb St. 700 9J
FOH HENT Hooms with or without furni
ture , 2210 Mason , near St , Mary's are.
FOK HENT-Klogaiit front rooms single or'
en suite , gns , bnth. private family three
blocks from P , O. Gentleman only. Address
U 63 , Bee. 414 tfj
FOH HENT Largo front room suitable for 3
gentlemen , modern conveniences , 010 N.
KtllBt , 240
FOKHRNT Kleuantly furnished room on
first lloor , with modern Improvement ? ,
1917 Cttss. 6 * *
F I OH HENT Pleasant rooms nicely furnished
1CI3 Dodgo. 154 10J
FOH HEST Lnrgo sunny fouthenst front
room suitable for 2 or .1 gcutlomon , board
In neighborhood. 24J3 Farnnm St. , s. o. cor.
F I OH HENT-Furnlshed room , SWS Franklin
St. M711J
HENT .1 unfurnished rooms In brick
dwelling at 1423 N. 17th st. Suitable for
light housekeeping. SJi-Dj
' furnished rooms ,
HEM'-Threa nicely
FOH suite or single : also three iinf urnlshod
rooms , suitable for light housekeeping. 2012
Harnoy Bt , ( > 3 < 101
T/1OH KENT Store room , 22x00 , nnd cellar.
J 1721 Cumlngst , 657 10J
HUNT Nicely furnished front room ,
FOH nlcovo. 5J5 Fnlrvlow , or 8. 26th St.
HENT Furnished rooms , now rooms ,
furniture uud bedding ; everything nice nud
quiet : for respectable people only. Mis. Har
bor , 812 North IBth St. 5S1 > B
OR HENr-Sult of plensant front rooms ,
without board , to gentleman and wife. 2115
California st. & 0
HKNT-Furnlshed rooms 1810 Dodgo.
FOH 1K19 oct
HENT Two neatly furnished rooms
FOH first-class table boaid. Hofcrouccs
desired. S. 13. cor. Both nnd Fnrnnm sts.
HENT-Furnlshed front room , second
FOH , Inrgo nnd plensnnt , three blocks
Avestof ousiness center , 1911 Douglns st.
OH HENT-Nlcely furnished pnrlor and
bedroom , also other rooms to ladles or gen
tlemen , npply Mrs. 1'nnnlo Arglo,311N. _ 12th.
T.O HEST 3 nloely furnished rooms ,
X1 202(1 ( St. Mnry's nve. G-'O
KENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable
FOH housekeeping , parties without children ,
2321 Cnldwcll. 6'i4 '
oTflJENT-Nicely furnished front rooms ,
ld.i.1 Dodgo. Kit
. HEST Nicely furnished room suitable
IfOU. 2 gentlemen , Inqulro2iill St Marys HVO.
TjlOK HENT Nicely furnished room , hot nnd
JJ cold water bnth room. (118 ( South 17th.
HENT-Pleas int rooms , furnished ,
FOH corner 20th and Webster. .118
POKHENT Ono Inige pleasant room , south
front , brick Mat , suitable tor 3 or 4 gentlemen -
men , 1410 Chicago Bt. 288
OK HENT Furnished rooms In Orounlg blk ,
cor III hand Dodge St. Inqiilro of ( loo. H.
Davis. Mlllnrd Hotel Milliard room. 2JI
OH KENT Furnished rooms Blnglo or en-
F suite , with or without boaid , Ilil5 Dodge.
WANTED n respectable girl , a place to
do light housework with the comforts of
n horns ; small vvngus not considered ; willing
nnd obliging. Call nt ? OIJ Cumin. , ' ht. , roar
house , b'.i'i.'jj
T man 111 jewelry store 'Ion years exper
ience , A 1 refeicnccs , II U lleo.
WANTED -Nice homo in country or small
place for n young woman vvhoio tbo work
Is not hard ; in educated nnd intelligent , but not
voiy strong. Hofereuccs uxchnngod. Address
H 18 , lleo olllco. 708-12
\ \ ANTEO-Situution , by n young Indy ns
T saleslady , cnsnlor or nssl tnnt ; can give
good references and Boeuiity nnd turnlsli some
money if required ; Is n good dressmaker and
millinery cloiK. Address MlssU. , lock bo\7i4 ,
city. 712 U
WANTED Ily n young man ns coachman In
private family ; has two years' experience.
Address 11.3 , lice olllco. 6V1 flj
' \\7ANTF.D Sltuatlonsfor20glrls at IIOUEO-
T work , our oflico is full of nice girls , coinu
nnd get one. Mrs. Ilrcgn & Son's Cnimdluu
imp. ofllco J10 S 15th , tel. 834. G's llj
AN Accomill9hod ? jounglady.nstrnngorln the
city , lately from New Vork , who Is a com
petent milliner und trimmer nnd sabslndy dc-
mrcs a tiosltion with n city houso. Address H 4 ,
lice olllce. o.4 9
VSTANTED-lly nn accountant , books to
TT post , collections made at rvisonnhlo
I ntc 3. Addiess (3 71 llc-e. BOS 13J
WAN -Engagements to do dressmaking
in families , address OR ) Ilco. { , ' > ' , rij
" \\7ANTI3D Mtiiiition us foieman stero-
TT tyjnir , inoinlug or evening paper. Address -
dross "oteio"curoot I.ord & Thomas , Chlo-
ngo. III. _ 4lVi iJ
TJ1IHST-CLASS stornge at 110 N. Uth st ,
OTOHAOE Furniture , boxed goods , Ac. ,
C ? terms reasonable , 711 Paclllc. 2.U
Foil SALE A line farm In Sarpy county ,
with n good gtnno < | iiarry. To anyone hav
ing thn lush vvo can give n b.ugnln. A F.
Mn.vncN. W. cor. ICtli and Finn im. 691.11
J , OH SALB At u sacrlllco , until Nov. 1st ,
1 In quantities to suit the bujer
Nine thousand dollars worth of
Miscellaneous Hooks , which I dc lro to close
out previous to invoarly removal to east side
ot imh st , north of Nicholas st , where I will
carry the largest vni loty of buggies , phaetons ,
carriages nnd wagons to no found nt nny ono
place in the city.
W , T. Penman ,
Now nt I'arnam and Uth sts.
Agent for Studebnkcr. txJOct 20
LIST your property , lor sulo or exchange ,
with H. E. Colo. 110 8. 16tb. loom 1. 6SJ
FOH SALE Fine corner near fair grounds ,
Omnha , a bargain , llossacl : , 1UJ1 O street ,
Lincoln. 521 flj
Lot 2ln block P , Poppleton Park . ? 1,830
LotU blocn ; i , Lakc'8 nddltlou 01 Twenti
eth near Lake with now olght roam
house , gas und water , cistern , bain and
tine lawn at . . . . 7.000
Lots 15 mul IB block ll , J. I. lledlck's Bub ,
* ! tb largo house , tiurnwcll and cis
tern nt . . 7000
Lot 10 block U , Lincoln I'lnco on Daven
port at . . . goo
Lots 4 and 5 block U , Lincoln Place near
California , each at . . KW
Lots 1 nnd 2 blocK 7 , Lincoln Plucc , cor . 1,400
Ixit II block 6 , Lincoln place nt . WO
hj feet front on fahonmin nvenuo ncnr
Lnkostroot nt . . . . . . . . . 8,500
44 feet front on Douglas , corner of Tenth
street at . 30,000
4 lots In IldchcocK's first addition , each nt ft)0 )
Aero lots In Spring Valley iicur Dierk's Mnn-
ufaetiirlng company , on Missouri Paeilln and
Northwestern ruiboads nt the low price of frM
to JO per aero. Lots In sumo n hlltlon 60x110
( Oeaeh. Cnll nnd nxnniiiio our large list of
property in all parts of the rlty.
1 lots in Wl o A Pnrmclo's addition nt iK > 3 ko
Marshall S : Lobock , Hoom 9 , Chnmbor of
Coininerco , tclophoiio 73. 493
I710H SALI3 At n nncrlllco , lots 3 and 5 , bin
JL' 14 , Albright's minor. Lot 8 in Pellium I'lnco ,
1 shaio Lowe AvouiioTorrdco llulldlnif associa
tion Btock. F Hairctt , with Hclln i. Thninii.
ton , 317 S 15th Bt , Brl
WN , NASON , No. l lr Farnnm ft. offers
good bargains In cliolco Inside pioporty
among vvhiuh are roina line residences. Lots ,
for dwellings , warehouses nnd stores , i'or-
Bens u'jntemiilntlng Investments In , or hnvlng
Omaha property for sale , should call nnd ex
amine my lUtniidpi-lces , _ Bf514
FOH SALE House nlno lonniB ou leased
ground , good location , very cheap , ono
block of lots In Iloyd's addition nt n bargain If
taken quiet. Onn finely finished nlno room
house 2lst and pruco street with modern Im
provements , good lot nnd barn , easy term ? .
price S7UiJO. A simp , live lots In n body lu
Highland Park for an even (1,000. W. N. Nn-
6on , 1CI5 Fnriiain et , _ Cfl3 H
OH SALE Finest location for H home In
Went Omaha , adjoining the mansion
homes of Klrkendnll.Coe , llrady. Eatson und
others Nothing llunr In the city. Cnu sell
UinilBTor less : for prlcoa uud terms see. B A.
gioman , 1J01 1'aruam tu 7JS
mo KXCHANOE-nqtilty In. 4 , rnd 10 room
A houses and lots for paul up lots , U.K.
Cole. 818 3 15111. 410
mHOMPSONi4 : | 8 15th st , buys nnd sells real
JL estate , loans money , puroliiisas securities ,
has a good list of property for salt ) and want
more. Notary public. 8" 4
FOH SALE Finn improved ( arm of 330 acres
In Qosper Co. , Neb , , all under fencegood
house , and all out building , price (4.COC. Ad
dress J. K. Shavr , box Uj.Ulty. 201 oUJ
SOUTH OMAIIA-WohaToseverniof the best
_ residence lots In South Omnhn ( Syndicate )
which wo can sell below last winter's prices.
Bloman , ) Gr > H br.rimm st 703-11
HOWN PAHK-Wo can Boll B choice lots
within I blocks of Swift's packing house for
( ' OOto(70J onoh , | t taken nt once. Sloman ,
1015U 1-ai nam st. 70.1-11
A FEW Moro lots left nt ( IV ) , easy terms.
Money In this. Investigate. II. E. Cole , 310
S. 15th. 5S !
$ P.OOO Shlnn's 1st , 0)xl20 , house , 10 rooms ,
will exchange for lots In Knuntro I'lace.
9.600-4 lots on Saundersst , opposite Kountze
I'laee ; worth $11 , WO.
13,000-60x140 , double house , B rooms each ,
bat li room , city water , etc. .rents for
$100 per month , $1.000 cash , $3OOJ In
other propei ty , $5,0v ) on tunu
6,000lots , house 8 rooms , barn , etc. , Shlnns
1st ndil. Lots alone would bo cheap at
the price asked.
18'iOO-2 modern houses , 7 an ! 13 rooms each ,
72x140 , near 23d , routs for $150 per
ZS.OOJ-fiilxl.'O , 'buildings cost $8,000 and co\or
nearly nil the ground , will rent tor
$160 per month. $5.000 cnsh , $8,000
other property , bnlanco 1 nnd 2 years.
$2,000,000 worth of property In all parts of the
city. If you wnnt to buy or sell eco K. F.
lllngor , 119 N. ISth st. _ H19
Llb'l yoi < r property with H. s. Campbell and
(1. W. Horvy If you wnnt to sell or ox-
change. 810 Chamber of Commerce. t-07
9 LOTS In South Omaha , choice prop
erty , for IOM thnn they cost In December
last , owner has pnymcnts overdue und will
sell one or nil below market price as payments
are overdue. Will bo In town till Thursday.
October 13. Those lots are In "Sjndionto.
Address H , 10 , lice olllce. 70.1-11
7 < Olt3ALK-Oiio of the finest lots on Orchard
1 St. , Orchard Hill. 'I his lot may be sold at
$ .100 less thnn its value If bought In a few dn > t.
Charles C. Spotswood , 305 ! j S. llth ( si. 650
F SALh A benutlful new 8 room house ,
- Hanscom place , between Woolworth nnd
1'oppleton nvotuios. UitrAvIV ) . Just light for
beautiful lerrncu. House oiiulpped with nil
modern Improvements nnd conveniences , such
IIB gas , city wnter , clsiorn , etc. Tills property
will be sold beneath Us true value , and on such
terms an will command n buvur , Apply to
Charles C. Spotswood , IWo'/J ' S. 18th st. Mi. )
two or the best lots In South Omahn
which 1 will sell chonp or trade for horses ,
& .O. Address 11 17 , lloo olllco. _ 701-11
SA. SLOMAN , Honl estate , 1301 rarnnmst.
. Farnnm st. between Twentieth nnd
Tnontj-thl-d , Il xl3. , per foot . 6 430
FarimmsL corner Thirty-first. 138x132 ,
per foot . . . . 160
Fnrnnm st. ncnr pavement , 47x132 . 4,160
1'arimm st. near pavement , liSxIJJ. . 8.IKKI
Farnam st. comer Forty-third , 44x132. . . ; i,600
Farnam st corner Nineteenth , im
proved , 22xlJ2 . 20,000
Fnrnam st. between Nineteenth nnd
Twentieth , Improved , 17xlJ2 . 40,000
rarnnm ft near Eleventh , 20xU2 , lents
for J1.5HO . 23,000
Fnrnam Jt near Twenty-Seventh , H0xlt2 ;
per foot . .200
Harnoy st. near Twentieth , Improved
174rl 7 . 60,000
Harnev st near Twenty-third , Improved ,
50x12 . . 11,000
Harney st. near Fifteenth , improved ! )3x )
I3J . . 15.001
Sixteenth st. near Nloholns.Olrfxld ! . 12,000
Sixteenth st. south of viaduct , 40x10. ! . . . . 5,000
Douglas st. n ist of Twenty-third. K8xl32 , . U.OOO
Twentieth st.'neiir tit. Mary's ave , im
proved , 40xr. 0 . . B.OOO
Twentieth st , between Douglas and
Dodge , Improved , 3'xOd . H.OOO
Saundcrs st , corner Hurt , IROxIl . . . . 7.MO
Allco st , near Karnam , east front , 47x1 C1,800
Fifteenth st , corner Jones , Imprivod , do
xl.U . 30,000
Fouitcenthst.cornerJnckson.lmproved ,
60x1 U . 30,000
Fourteenth st. corner Chicago , Improved ,
6CxlU . . . . . 18,000
Tvtolfth st. corner Jones , Improved , fix
1.1 ! . 25,000
Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trnckngn.
fixl3J . 0,000
Thirteenth st , Paddock place , truckage ,
KIXI12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.500
Thirteenth Bt , corner California , Im
proved , rents $ ! , IO ) . 23,000
Park HVO , opposite Park. 50x160 . 2,000
Davenport st , opposite lllh school ,
fine modern fourtoon-room house 00
x32 . ' . . . . . 16,000
Cuss St. , bciwoon Nlnetoenth nnd Twen
tieth , twelve-room modern house , tUx
Vii . 15,000
Nicholas St. , corner Twenty-second ,
trackage , IJ.'xlllJ. improved . 20,000
Charles St. , near St. Mnrj's , Improved.tU
M28 . 6,400
Cnlpy st , , near Crelghton college , modern
ton-room houso'IJH2 . (1,250
Pierce st. , no ir Twentieth , OOxlW , fronts
two streets , Improved . 5.T50
Dodge si. , near Ttventy-slxth , 3Sxl32 , Im
proved . 3,010
Tuonty-socond St. , near draco. 6(1x120 ( . 3,000
West Omaha , In bon ton locality , 40 or 60
xlfij , p tr foot . 7r >
Twenty-first. corner Vlnton , 62x100 . . . 1,500
Custelhir St. , next corner Eighth , flliix
ThTrty't'lVlrd 8t"coriior ! DoUware'.iinns'
com I'lacc KWxlOO . 6,400
Lcaveiiworthst. near Sixteenth , 2 xt2. . 8,000
Webstorst. , no ir Twenty-eighth , 60x150 ,
ongiado . I.POi
Innddltlon to the iilnvo I hnvo lots in all
choice additions at low llguros. _ . ' _
CTTDriroMAIlA-OiiT loThalf blouU from
kj old Stnndplpo on 2M St. , csl fi'JO last
wlnter,4175 bu > H If sold thU week. Smnll cash
payment. Slomnn , 1015'i Fnrnnm st.
_ _ ] _ _
OH SALi : Or exchange , In Walnut Hill , two
blocks west of Lowe nvonuo ou Mercer
nvonue , OHO lot f.iclug south , .50x150 feet , on
grado. Will exchnngo for n smaller lot nearer
postolllco nnd south of location. Address ,
room 13 , r.xchango building , South Omahn 5'J5
A FEW Moro lots loft nt $15' ) ; easy terms.
.Money in this. Investigate , H. 13. Cole , U1U
S 15th ; _ 5--2
FOIt HALE Or for lease. Flno businens prop
erly corner of H 1 Ith nnd Cnstellnr fits ,
I34x 126J } . Inquire nt the premises. 511 12J
FOIt SALE A bai train in 6- room house and
lot , east front , on 2bth St. , nonr Lenvcn-
worth. Nu commissions. Address G ol , lloo of
fice. _ 6 14 J
TJlOIl TltADK-Somo Hue lots on Ames nvo in
JL' Solomon's add for equity in house nnd lot
or will give iiorfguijo back on house for the
difference in equity supply Charles C.Spotsuood
305H S IClh Bt. 630
LIST jour pjopoity , fur Bale or nxchnngo ,
with li. E. Cole. : )1U ) S. 15th. room 1. 6b2
Ixit 1 block 17.
Ono of the nicest residence lots In the city ,
facing park on Park avenue , half block from
two street cms. I will soil this lot lor $ JriOO ,
fl.MW cash , balance to suit. This H the cheap
est lot In tbo city to-day. Other lots cannot bo
fought In simo block loss than C > , IH ) ) . lam
the owner ; shall be In the city only for n few
days. Address or cull , F , Fox. Are ido notel ,
city. _ fill u
rpo F.XrilANCE-Somo money and cholco
JL land for first class. Improved Insld ? prop
er ! ) . H 13. Cole. .Mil S nth 411
IJ-UIL i iwiui. nqiuiy In 12 lots In Oninhu
X1 Helghta lor improved Omahn property ,
will pay cash dllieronco. Address ( i iu line of-
flee. 610 9J
FOH SALE 12UIOO it cor Howard und 33th"
stu , noxthloek to Easson , llrndy & .Mar
tins houses , $7,500. Address K3J lleo olllco.
6V )
1OH SALE 1 axl-u It on K H track on Nlcho-
X1 Ins nud Uth with ware house , IixHift3 !
Blorles.pi Ice $14,030. Address bhnw A Field ,
box 5 > , Omaha. 303 olj
AHA HO AIN Half block ! ! 00 foot frontage
on Suiiiideis street , ini-lno licit Ime , J12.-
400 , onlj J-.750 ensh Also two iloslmblo east
fronts in Plainvluw , $ JK)0 ) , only (70J cusli ,
biilunco long time. 13. M. StleUnev.
Hoom 3. Old City Hall I'.Hi lt
FOHSAljE Or oxcliaiiL-e , forty leot cnst
front III lledlek'rt 2d uddltion ; will exchange -
change for t-loik ot groconos , dry goods or
hiirdwuio 1'dvvln Junnlntrs ; euro A. P. I uky ,
l.Ut 1 ariium. r 7 ID'
I 1ST jour bouses for rout , with H , 13. Cole ,
* 31d S r > thcnn rontMnow , r.Tl
I710H SALE Or exclinngo ; will ovuhungu 210
Jneros excellent land In llnrrhon county ,
loiru , lor Omiitiu property. A. P. Tuky. lll
Fnrnaui GH 11
LIST > our property vvIth S. 8. Campbell und
( J. W. Horvy , JIO Chamber of Commuri'o
Bpcclul attention given to tno oxiilinngo ol nil
kinds property. Impiovotl and iinimpruvud
city property , farms , horses , cuttlb , stocks of
goods , ct iv KH
NAP tiOxl.V ) ono half block from pimolllcn
In South Omaha for ? l,5'Wwllh (2iOUcash (
01 I1.20J with SJ.OW o.uh. F. L. ( Irusory , 320 H.
15th st. 27i
SNAP-l'.lcgiuit east front lot in
place , on uoth st between Lonvmiwnrth
and poor farm. I2.00.J , F I * Gregory , 3X ) S.
15th st 272
FOU SALI3-AI n bargain , two Uitslu PlauT
view , ono n south and east corner One lot
III Mr ! . wood. Owner needs inonoy for nn- <
PIOVIUJJ property close by Address (1 'i , llto
oUlco. tt i 12J
BllOWN ACREtOflTON'Slliugalns.
Improved. .
e room house and lot on Corby street , (2Mq
(5dO cnh.
o room homo , nnd lot 01x133 on S loth street ,
( .OOli , ( . ' .wo cash.
8 room houso. nnd lot 5K153 , Hnnscom place ,
(5,750 , ( .1,000 cash.
H room house , and lot , UlowIM , $3,500 , $3,009
cnsb ,
7 room house , nnd lot 8lh near Cumlnr ,
(4,000 , ( I.VM cnsh ,
GOxl.iJ Improved on FRrnnm , (40,0X1 , > < cash.
COxnO , Patrick's 2ndun20th street , (3,000eftiy
l/USsubof tax lot C , city trackage , IIWO ,
( ( Vljcn h.
Lot Odxl40 on Patindcrs street between Clark
nud ( Irneo , ( iiJVO , * 5X ( cash.
Lot 8S foot fronton 10th , corner Gracet7,500t
Lot Mit1M ! , Summit Place , ( V > 00 , ( IMO cash ,
1/ot S xl-i , corner on Farnam street , (231
a font , U ensh.
Lots In lledford Plico , Iloyd's ndd. . Orchard
Hill , Walnut Hill , Westsldo , Klrkwood , and nil
overthoelty. . , , . . ,
Acres for Platting.
125 acres 4 miles from postoillee.
10 ncres3 miles from po toftlco.
5ncres J miles from postoltlcr ,
( t acres 3 miles fiom postoillee.
6 acres in Newport.
2 acres In Hclvedcro.
llrown * Crolrhtou , so corner 10th and Doug.
las. WJ cuttf
FOH SALK-Lot 45 , Rurr Oak , (1,10) , 1530
cash , twi 3 yn .
1-0147 , HurrOak , (1,050 , $400 cash , balnnc *
Lot 10. block 27 , Hnnseom Place. (1.5DO.
Lot 6 , block 5. .1. I Hediek's sub , (7,100. '
Ixit 10 , block 8 , Hillside No. 1 , ( . ' .COO , (1,100
cnsh , biilnticoKyciim.
Lot 6. block 7. Hillside No. 1 , (2,500 , (1,000
cnsh , balance 3 v enrs.
Lots 17. : K nnd 33 , Sunnvside , ( J.600 each.
I.oU , block 212'S ' , cit ) , f-'SOUO rents (175 ftt
Lot3blook212'i ' city , (19,000 , rents I1W per
Lot 2 , b'.ock 212' { , city , (20,000 , rents (10 pel
Lot 0 , block 17.1 , city , (20,000 , rents ( SO pel
Lot 0 , block 78 , city , J.M.OCO , rents (07.50 pot
Lot 1. block iftl , city , (30,000 , rents i'tO.per
Lot n , block 71 , city , (20,00) , rents (100 pot
Lot 3 , block 75. city , $18.000.
Lots 1 nnd 2 , Windsor Place extension , with ( I
houses , (10,000 , H cnsh , rents for (183 pctf
Lot 1 , block0 , Lowe's 2d mid. , (14,70) ) , (3,000
Lot 2 , Windsor Place , with C5UOO Improves
moms , (50,000.
Lots In Potter & Cobb'8 add to South Oninh * ,
from ( .175 up.
Iluslnoss lots In South Omnhn on N , Q , 24th ,
25th , 20th nnd 27th sticotft. tor snlo cheap.
Acre property nour South Omaha , from (209
to ( .100 per acre , or will trudo fur Inside prop *
orty. Potter & Cobb , H'lOl Farnam st , ,
C63 10 Hoard ot Irndo llulldmg.
HOUSES tor Bale by Stringer & Co. , 1618
Dodge st ;
Elcgntit , well built , 1-story , 7-room house ,
nearly now , east ftont on Georgia aveiiuo be
tween Jackson uud l/oavenwortb , close to
street cnr , for sale nt ( O.dOO , H cnsh , balance ;
to suit pin chaser. Thm U the cheapest houst
InOmiilin. Lot ! I7'J\140 ft.
A Inrgo 12-room house w Ith all modern lm
provuments on Dodge st. close to High school ,
'ihollnest location In thoelty , only 0 blocks
from poslollico. Price ? 12.NH > , 'S cash , bnl *
nncn 1 , 2 , II und 4 yours. The lot , 00x149 , Is wortU
the money.
A beautiful now 10-ioom hoiiso with every
modern Impiovomont on California st. Price
(7.000. icash , bnlanco 1,2II , 4 and f > yours.
3 nice houses , (1,7 uud 8 rooms nnd Inrgo lota
on Virginia nvenuo. Prices (1,750 , (5,200 , nnd
5 room house In Omnhn Vlow. Price (2,600 ,
X3 ensh.
12-roo\i house nnd 30 feet fronting on Dotbj
17th nnd 1Mb streets , 1WJ feet deep , only f4'AK ) ,
H cn h , ! l-t mile from po-tollco. !
Largo 10 room house and barn. 2 stories and
basement , Et cars In front , lot il3xl40 , east front
on Viiglnla nvo , ( ttriOn , la cash , bnl 1 nnd it
} carB.
3 loom cottage on 20th st 1 mile from post *
olllce , lot 30x141) , ( -TUU , cash (1,100.
A comfortable 6 room eottngo on 2Ist Bt close
to ( mice , 8.1x140 , ( ! ,70J , only (70J cash , balunco
1 to live j ears.
Now Broom cottage on 23th Bt , only (2,000
and $ U9J cash.
5 room house nnd largo lot 1)0x1000 ft on2Jfl
nud Pierce sts 3-4 mile from postolllco only
52'KKl , ! J cn h.
This lot nlono Is woith more money.
Comfortabler > room cottage with modern Im-
piovementH nnd stable rented lit ( ! 0 , lot : i3x48
on 18th st ono mile train postolllco ( .1,500 , H
A very chonp 0 room IIOUBO nnd full lot 50X
127 east front on 25th nvo , close to Popplcton
ave tor ( .1,11(10 ( , all cash.
A nice cottage on Chicago mid Slth sts for
(4,000 close to high school.
A real nice5 room house , lot 40x101 close to
Mercer live and Walnut hill not 2" miles from
postolllco for (1,500 , only TiOO ca-h , tialnnco to
suit.A very good 6 room house with n second
story not partitioned elf Into rooms , nnd large
Iot5'xli81 ) } , on Cnlilorulii bticct , very well sit-
imtcd , cheap at (4'iO )
1 M feet front on south 10 < t street rt'th n com *
fortablo house nnd ono other smnll cottage ,
bcnutltullv situated , only M.UOO , This property
will bo worth J30 , ) ieihapi f7u , per front foot
within i ! mouths.
A comfortable 7-room house nnd vciy large
lot 75x112 , on California etioet , very uhenp at
A vary nice 10-room IIOUBO , east front , on
north eighteenth ftreot , sevou t locks from
postollice , owner leaving cltv. Price $0,230 , can
get ( * > 0 n month on long lease.
Wo linvo also Bonio vacant lota for sale by
parties who cannot meet payments , and on
which wo can gunrnntco n prollt.
And some good farms und unimproved lands
nnd n good coimtiy hotel for Biilu or trade ,
btrlnger Ac Co. , 1518 Dodge st. OJU 10
TTVXTHAOHDINAHV burgttln"-3 full lotsnna
li house II rooms all modurn Improvements ,
for sale at u fciicnflca. John M Clarke , solo
ugeiit. (118 ( 10J
rpltACK.UlE property for silo , firat-ohiss lo-
JL cation , near business ccntto , frontage to
suit , cheapest bargain In city. ( Jin ah a Koal
l.stuto & ' 1 rust Co. t"i 9
L ST jour property , lor sale or exchange ,
with H. 13. Cole , ma S. 15th , room 1. 582
T,1ST your houses for rent , with H. E. Cole ,
J-J 31(1 ( H 16th ; can lent fU now. 6(11) )
I 1ST your property for HUH with Charles C.
J 8potsHood.IO > ' 't Slfithst. ilU
A1T.W Moro lots left at $160 ; cisy terms ,
Money In this , , E. Cole , 310
ri. 15th. 6S.J
FOH SALE Elegant 10 room house , nil mod
ern convenienceonly $5IOcii3h 10 ( Hired.
H. n.Colo , IHOb I'.tn. Iil2
oppoituiilty to ficcurci a homo.
House built to biilt j ou. biiuili cash pay.
mcnl , balance monthly ; It will pay you to look
this up. II. E. Colu , illU S. 15th , 5 11
Nitlci ) ol Aloiiriiiiiiul | oi'hnlu Under
I'lititol .Moriunm * .
NOTICE is hereby given tint the ( ballot
mortgage HiiluailvurtlM-d to tnkn jiluuunt
11 o'cloi k a. in. , October Mil , 18s" , on the piem-
Isigot II , I' . Madeen , nt the coinoi ot H\ti ! and
1'ierio fit i ci la , Omahn , Douglas couniy , No-
brahlia , by viriue ol u chutlel uuirtT i e , ex
ecuted by I'rcd ( lianl > 0k , ( MKce bir to A.
( irunhcck .V Co i , to II. r. via Isen , Is thU dny
ndjonmedon necount of bud neat her until
11 o'clock a. m , Oetnbei nth , IM" , nt the smiia
pbice. 11 F MAI SEN. .Moitgageo.
Dated this ijth da ; ot Octolnir. US7.
"I'IX.IH 'loni'd" Dc'part uro.
OVIAIIA , Oct. H. To the IMitorof thu ! ! IK : :
Jn to-dny's isstio of Hie HKI : Iliisro Is an artl-
cIoconcciiiiiiK Texan loin which tnnl. us un
allusion nt our lintel nnd 0111 Delves In n no-
ways coinplliiiuiitary in. inner. The niticlo
contains such n striui ; of fnNelioodb fnuii bo-
gliinln , ' to uiul nnd is so unjust to Tliotims
i ! . Hill , better known ns "Tims Tom1 Dr.
J ouls Tiiriii-r and oursi Ivei Hint \vo nt > U you
to correct it .so I.iras to publish our st Uuiuciit
of HID matter. It Is mm tlmt Texts 1'oin
Bold to Scll maii fur t- > > n ji.ilr of bnrsiM
nnd Inn ness lot v , lilcli 'Tom p.ilil < r7"i : ! , but It
Is not irui ! that lie svvliiillcit liiinln thu < > i > ei.i-
lion. Tliu iiioiiilotnrs did not ilonv that
Texas Tom liiul any jirupeity In tlie place ,
for tlie.v Uiunv nothing .ibout II. t IKIII uolnu
to Ills rcioiu It vv.ts tdiiiid i-iiraiit. and odr
cleik llic'ii Infoi moil us tlmt Tom had p.ilil
his bill that illuming and lull lor liln liinnc.
Tlio stnti'incnt that "tlio htullas lit-iiu
ssblppecl oir friini the roar of tlio IIOMM : ' ' Is ab
solutely Inlsc , niul Hie lalsu that th y wno
hul/c'd at thu depot. Tlio iromlH si ledvero
thu uniperty ot Dr. l.oji.s Turnei , nud ilio
doctor lilmself was atrestt'd on a vvaiiant
obt lined lor thu nircst ( it Thoums 11 , IIHI.
.Mr. Hill \\lll return to OinUi.i tiuxt vvrelc In
uiifivvcr thucliaruus liKiii' lil avnlnst him , and
It will Im then hhnun vvhutliur or not liln
olleots vviiiti biirruptltlouslv tukiin fiom our
hotel tlirouuli thu connlv.iiicn nf either of us.
.SClll.A.NK it 1'lllXfT ,
1'ioprlitiir.s Windsor.
Vi'tv (
Mr. . .losopliVllliiow , who o\\ned Ilio
liort-o tliat was killed on ThurMlny when
Dulanuy and O'Slie.i vvero killed , donated
two carriages and tlireoluiKKlesto tlietuneral
jesterdav. Ji , silit , "I'liuni IK n dHIeinnco
lietvs een property and Hie. I have suffered
by tills lerrlbl' iiccldont , ( jut what is tlmt
cuinpaied with tliuAldnvv and ( illier relatives
uf the deceased. They could linvu nil my
uioiiuy it lives could t > u