THE OMAHA DAILY Is SUNDAY , 9 , 1887.-TWELYB PAGE& N. B. FALCONER'S j 4 Seal Sacques , Novelty Silk Suits , Novelty Wool Suits , Ribbons , Silk Handkerchiefs , Mar seilles Bed Spreads and Books. London Dyed Alaska Seal Garments , Monday and All Next Week , We Make a Gtfand Special Dis < play of all kinds of Seal Sacques , Wraps and Men's Fine Fur Overcoats and Robes. ON MONDAY And All Next Week. The largest and most complete line of best London-dyed Alaska Sealskin Garments , In all the lat est and newest styles ; also largo line or Gents' Fine Fur Overcoats , and finest and handsomest line ofjrino Fur Robes ever shown In this city , and all at prices lower than over offered by any other house In this city or the world. These furs are from the well known house of H. Llebes & Co. , San Francisco , so well and so favorably known In this city. This display lasts but six days , October 1O , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 and 18. We ask all of our lady and gen tlemen friends to come and see the display , as It Is the largest of the kind that has ever been at tempted In this city. Silk Department. Ono grand special bargain in our Silk department Monday. AT $25 PER SUIT. Only 2B Silk and Velvet Novelty Suits In this lot. $2B EACH WORTH $47. Monday morning we will place on sale 25 all Silk and Velvet Novelty Suits that are worth from $47 to $ BB , all at one price , which Is $25 each. This lot of Silk Suits Is the first we have ever offered at special sale. They are remarkably cheap , and we ox- poet Co sell them all In one day. These suits come In all the best colors , and are very handsome , new and stylish. They are one of the best bargains over offered by us at any sale. SPEECHES WITHOUT EXPENSE The President's Oratory Said to Be Printed At the Government Office. DENIAL BY PRINTER BENEDICT. A Rumor Xlmt fc'ranlc Ilattou Will n Now York Newspaper In tlio Interest or John Sherman. Can This IJo True ? WASHINGTON , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to the Uicn.l It has been charged with a ureatdeal of particularity that the president i ' had the speeches which ho delivered In Indiana ( diana printed at the Government printing office before ho started ou his trip. When this charge was brought to the attention of the public printer that ofllclal made a quali fied denial , In which he stated that he had never printed anything at the government printing office which had not been previously authorized by congress. To emphasize this denial ho asserted that ho was careful In this respect ; that ho did not even set up his re port last winter until it had been ordered printed hy congress , and asserted that lie never prints any thine which Is not pre viously authorl/ed by the only body which lias power to order work done In his ollice. If anything further were needed to show that the public printer had told an untruth It is found In this latter portion ot his statement. lie printed the president's message last winter before it had been ordered hy congicbs , in fact before con gress met. Then , too. ho printed 200 copies of each of the president's veto messages before they were sent to congress and they have not only never been authorlml jet , but they were not chaiRcd to any appropriation. It l.s a remarkable fact , too , that In spite of , the denials of the public printer that thu president's speeches were printed In his ollice , there are In existence In this city conies of not only those which h > ) has already delivered , but of those which are still to bo rattled olf. These are In the possession cfonu of thu printers at thu government printing office , who bajs that there Is a icmarkablo similarity between these which wcro aimed at the heads of the people of Indlauapollsand Terre Haute , and that which H still to bo delivered In Montgomery , Ala. It Is ot course pnsslblo that this speech will not be delhered now that t > o much has been said about the cjclopfdla. Nevertheless , It Is In existence , and It might bo produced turned Into print at the government prlntlni ; ollice K { ( should bo needed for any good purpose. it may be Interesting to compare this origi nal proof with thu sucech which the president will deliver In Montgomery after the chief magistrate visits that thriving town. A Now York Organ For Sherman. WASHINGTON , Oct 8. [ Social Telegram to the UKI.I : Senator John Sherman , ot uolne to have a New York organ. Its editor Is to be ox-Postmaster ( ineral Frank llatton , lute of thu Chicago Mall. The arrangements looking to this end wore made , It Is said , during Mr. Ration's recent confer ence with Senator Sherman at the latter's homo In Mansllohl , 0. Senator Sherman is to furnish the money to cither purchase the paper outright or to obtain n controlling In terest. It lifts been Mr. llatton' * desire for several years to secure thu management of the Mall and Express , but Senator Sherman's friends say It this property cannot bo ob tained an ellort will be made to purchase one of the morning papers , falling in this a new paper will be started. The object will bo to boom Senator Sherman for the presidency. 1'ostnl CtmiiRCs. WASHINGTON , Oct 6. ( Special Telegram tothbllKE.I Adam Fisher was to-day ap pointed postmaster at Kamsay , Kossuth county , Iowa. \ Ice CliarlcK H. Peet , removed. Star schedule changes lu Iowa West Union to Watuonm : Leave West Union dally , except Sundays , at 7 a. in. ; arrive at Novelty "Wool Com bination Suits. We have a lot of Novelty Com bination Suits that we do not In tend to carry In stock. We are determined to sell them and have made the price to do It. Our cus tomers know when we do not want goods In stock that there will bo some great bargains offered. This lot is no exception to others that we have sold be fore , only in this Instance that they are cheaper and more de sirable than any of the former lots sold. It will pay any lady that has the slightest Idea of getting a dress to examine this lot of Nov elty Suits. To say that they are cheap only half expresses It. "We guarantee to our customers that these Suits will never be sold any cheaper. Novelty Combination Suits. 1O Novelty Combination Suits at $7.BOj reduced from $19.BO. 2O Novelty Wool Combination Suits at $1O ; reduced from $23. 4O Novelty Wool Combination Suits in plush and bead effects at $18 : reduced from $37.5O. 2O fine French Novelty Com bination Suits at $10.BO ; reduced from $4O. 88 fine French Combination Suits In plush effects at $2B ; re duced from $42. VelveteenSuitings 25c We have a few odd pieces and colors of velveteens , that we have been selling at BOc and GBc on Monday , the price will be 2Bc per yard. Waucoma by 12 m. Leave Waucoma dally , except Sundays , at 1 p. m. ; arrive at West Union at Op. m. Falrlicld to Salem : heave Fairilcld Tues days , Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 p. m. ; arrive at Salem Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays by 11 a. m. Leave Salem Mondavs , Wednesdays and Friday sat t2 p. m. ' . arrive at Falrliclu Tueadajs , Thursdays and Satur days bv 11 a. m. In Nebraska Culbortson to Waunota : Leave Kstell Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:15 : p. in. ; arrive at Waunota at 0:15 : p. in. Leave Wauneta Tuesdays , Thurs days and Saturdays at 7 a. m. ; arrive at Ks tell bv 10 a. in. Fullerton to Glen wood : Leave Fullerton Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m. ; arrive at Ulenwood by 11:50 : a. in. Leave Ulenwood Tuesdays , Thursdays and Satur days at 12:30 : p. m. ; arrive at i'ullertou by 5 p. m. Star service changes In Iowa Sioux City toUorrectionvllle : Curtail service , October 24,1867. to begin at Movlllo and omit Sioux City , decrcailnz distance twenty miles. Moorhead to Soldier : Modify order of June 0,1887 , by making the distance decreased six instead ot eight miles. German Garp , WASHINGTON. Oct. 8. [ Special to the HKE. | Ten years ago there was scarcely a single si rclmon of the German carp In the waters ot the United States. In Germany , France , Kngland , Austria and other European countries this fish has been a common article of food for years. About ten or twelve years ago I'rof. llalrd , of the United States fish commission , determined to try to Intro duce the llsh Into this country. Ho Invited Dr. II. IIcsscl , who had been connected with the German fish commission for many years , to come to this country to take charge of the United States propagating ponds and to try to Introduce the different species ol carp into the waters of the United Slates. From that time on the number of carp has constantly Increased , until to-day they are found in nearly every state In the union. The United States earn pnmls are located about a quaitcr ot a mile to the southwest of the grounds surrounding the executive man sion. They cover In all about thirty-live acres of land , and are kept In admirable con dition. Just at this time Dr. Hessel is pre paring to make the annual bhlpments , and lor this purpose the larger ponds hare been drained oil and the llsh collected Into long tienches , from which they can bo readily gathered Into buckets. They aio carried from the pond to the shipping loom of the lisli comuiHilon , and fiom them they are transported to the dilfrrent sections.of the country. There will bo shipped during the present month some where about three hun dred thousand of these fish tn various sec tions of the country. Maryland as the hrst btato supplied , and the results \ > ere so balls- factory that Virginia , Tennessee , North Carolina and other states soon scut lu ap plications fur supplies ot the lisli. Lr. ) He eI is always at the ponds ready to give Information to visitors , and ns he is thoroughly versed In plscaculture , his talks upon bshy subjects are alway.s entertaining. When > our correspondent called upon him to-day the doctor was found nursing a broken wrist which he had seemed while trjlng to jump from a car a day or to ago. Ho \ \ as ready to talk about bis pets , howe\ , and proceeded to give the required Informa tion. "It l < ) wrong to call tlie e lisli nil German carp , " bald the doctor. "They are found in all parts of Km ope , and are are as much French , or Austrian , as German. We havu thieo species here , namely , the leather carp , which Is entirely devoid of scales , the mirror carp , which has a few scales resembling small mirrors upon Its Rides and the scale cam , which Is covered all over with scales. They all belong to the same family ami are all excellent iood lisli. They are not noted for their gauiey qualities and alfurd little sport to the angler who fishes for the pure lo\o of the sport. Hut for the farmer and the workman who bait their lines for the food which \ > ill result , they are excellent Usli and will repay the small outlay necessary to prepare a place for the iish , which will bo sent by the lib ! ) commissioner upon application. " "Uo\v many thousands of the fish do you distribute each year , doctor. " "From to 400,000 at present Wo distribute them at four months old , and by this time they are trom Unto to live Inches long. " "At what ago are they ready for the frying. pan1" ! - "We haw h ad them weigh thipe pounds a Silk Handkerchiefs , Monday we make a big sale of handkerchiefs , all new , desirable goods , at special prices. We call special attention to the Ijno of gent's initial hemstitched China silk handkerchiefs at 68c , worth $1 ; and the SO inch China silk hemstitched mufflers at $1.2B , worth $2. CHINA SILKHANDKERCH'FS BO dozen mens' Initial , hem stitched , China silk handker chiefs , all letters at 68c , worth $1. 2B dozen colored China silk hemstitched handkerchiefs , a beautiful line of shades at 68c worth $1. 28 dozen China crepe hemstitch ed handkerchiefs , largo size , all colors at $1.2B ; worth $1.78 , 2B dozen Japanese silk hem stitched handkerchiefs in hello- trope , absinthe , pink , cardinal , blackcream and light blue.These are the finest quality of hankker- chtftfs made and they are worth $1.7Bon Monday the price is$1.2B each. LADIES' CHINA SILK MUF FLERS. 2O doz.en ladies' large size silk mufflers , in cardinalblueorange and cream at $1 , worth $1.BO. BO dozen ladies' 3O inch white China silk muffllers at $1.28 , worth $2. RIBBONS , RIBBONS Owing to the rain on Saturday which prevented our customers attending the ribbon salewe will continue it on Monday. one i year of age , but It usually requires about two > ) ears to bring them to marketable size. under oidinary conditions. They grow to a very large size. It is not uncommon to lind them weighing twentv , or even twenty-live pounds and we Miuo Rome in these ponds which will weigh thirty pounds. " "Have the carp given general satisfaction In this countryV" "Generally , yes. They are rather coarse llsh , and they will feed on anything. Where they are raised in running streams or in clean water ponds they aie very nice. If they are turned Into mud-holes they will have a rather strong flavor If eaten directly fiom those mud-holes. In nearly every instnnce when complaints have been received that the lisli were not of a good llavor iiivestuation has shown that they lia\o been laised lu poet ponds. If the Iish are removed from these peet ponds a fresh water bath for a day or two before they are cooked nil this unpleas ant taste will disappear. Those who Keep carp In peet ponds should bear this In mind. " "Upon what do j ou feed the Iish in these ponds ? " " 1'rlnclpally upon a paste made of four parts corn meal and one pait Hour. This Is cooked and thrown to them every day. In the fwll we feed a great many pumpkins. Thfy are very fond of these articles and In lact they will thrUe upon any kind of vege table matter. Hero are some other fish closely lelated to the carp family , " tontmued Dr. llcssell , taking his caller to a pond In which wein some beautiful Iish about fourteen long , and of a rich gold color. "They are golden Tench , or 'Schleie , ' as they are called In Germany , and aio excellent food iish. These others which look so much like them are golden Ido , from the Ulver Danube. They look like the common gold Iish seen In aquariums , but they aie ot a dlltereut family entirely. You will notice that the common gold fish seems to delight In stlrlng up the mud from the bottom of the water , but the golden Ido likes to have the water in which ho swims as clear as possible , and ho never makes any commotion. The tench or schelie has not been very exten- snely Introduced Into this country as jet , but If any one wants to try to raise them they will bo supplied. " Military Matters. WASHINGTON , Oct , 8. | Special Telegram ( o UKI UKI : . | Captain John 1 * . Itogers , military Etoie-keoper , has ocen appointed Inspector specter of certain quartermaster stored In this city for which Major F. Tucker , pay master. Is responsible. First Lieutenant It. I' . Hrown , Eleventh Inlantry , has been giantcd twenty days' leave. Getting Heady for the Cairo Walk. WASHINGTON , Oct. 8. { Special to the llin : . I On Tuesday next the colored popula tion of Wasclngton will turn out en masse to a very recherche affair which annually ilriuvs an enormous crowd. This alfair Is the yearly cake walk and this year it Is to come oft In the old skating rink on K street. Mr. George 1'olndexter has captured the cake on Euvrial occasions. Ho will try hard to carry oil the prize this year. Mr. Polndoxter , who Is as black as the ace of spades , is from an old 'i Blnla family and delights to put FF. . V. on his rards when ho calls upon the ladles ot the same shade of color as himself. Two years ago this gentleman was Inveigled Into a mesalliance with a young lady who occu pied a position as nurse girl at 54 a week. Cake walking social circles have recently been startled to their center over the report that Mr. and Mis. 1'olndexter had fallen out and that they no longer traveled together. Mr. 1'olndcxter himself occupies an exalted posi tion. Ho Is daily perched on the high seat of a beer wagon as ho mnKcs his rounds among the saloons. Ho was seen this evening from the direction of 1) street with a big package under his arm. Hois well knoun to the newspaper men , ai ho was formerly a uiesseiuer on "the row. " As he extended an Invitation to ynurcorrespondent to "come down to do walk , " lie explained that lie had lust been down to Mr. Klsenberter's wh : a ho had Bpcured an elosnnt claW'Simmcr coat , only slightly worn arouni the elbows. Ho stated lurther that L - had engaged the nuest colored lady \Vnshlngtnn to a > d him In capturing that ciKc , and that lie did not propose to al w "no swell nigger to walk awiiy from lum. " Mr. J.'oindextcr , however , will not have a waij ; over this jear as among the recent ac quisition * to high toned colored society In Washington , Augustus Do Wolf Urooks , of AunoArundcl , Maryland , has just been en gaged at a big salary by one ot the prominent Ribbon Day. Standard Books , Household Editions. Wo offer Monday our entire stock of satin und gros grain ; eros grain with picot and crown edgo. Those ribbons come in every slmdothat is inado and in widths 7 , 'J ' , 13 and 10. These prices will only bo for Monday , no goods exchanged that uro bought at this sale. No. 7. , best quality of satin and gros gram ribbon in every shade at 12jc per yard , worth 17c. No. 0 best quality of satin and gros grain ribbons , every shailo that is niado ; also picot and crown edge gros grain ribbons , all shades at 17jc , wortn 25. No. 18 , best quality of satin and gros grain , nil colors ; also Crown and 1'icot edge gros grain ribbons at 22cj all colors worth 85c. No. 10 , best quality satin and gros grain ribbons ; Rlso Loop edge , Crown cdeo and Picot edge gros gram ribbons , all shades at27jc , worth 50c. BOOKS. BOOKS. MONDAY SPKCIAL PRICES IN STANDARD HOOKS. SATURDAY. SATURDAY. BKN IIUR , CLOTH' BOUND AT 90c. TilE FAIR GOD , OLOTiirBOUND , at 90o. ' - : GEORGK ELtlOTT. COMPLETE WORKS , 8 VOLS. , < JLOTli at $3.50. List price is $13.00. ' GE011GU ELLIOTS COMPLETE WORKS , 8 VOLS. , CLOTH AT , list price Is $12.00. LONOJ-'ELLOW'S POKMS COMPLETE , , ILLUSTRATED , handsomely bound , household edition at $1.33 ; regular pricei'J.50. Shakespere cloth , 'household ' edition , at 43c , worth 7oc. . ' ' EMERSON'S ESSAYS , CLOTHBOUND - BOUND , at'SSc ; worth 75c. hotels as boll boy. Sir. Brooks 1ms tlio reputation of having cap tured every cake that has been of- ferretl In tlio "walk" in Annapolis and vicinity for the last ten tears. Mr. Urooks \vlllKl\o Mr. Poindextera severe tussoll lor tlio prl/o tills year and besides the t\\o prominent society leaders there are at least twenty others who propose to take that cake if uracciul walking will do it. The Fidelity's Finances. WASHINGTON , Oct. 8. The comptroller of tlio currency has received from David Armstrong , the iccelver of the Fidelity national bank ot Cincinnati , full schedules of ttio assets at the date of the failure June 21 , Ibb7. The schedules place the nominal valu < ) of assets as upwards of 85,800,000 , of which more than half are classed as worth less or doubtful. The apparently valid claims upon the bank tiled but not yet proved , are about 3,800,000 , while there are amounts in deposit aggregating 81,500,000 , Subscriptions to the Increase of tlin capital stock amount to 81,103,000 , but less than half tills amount was paid In money , and oven if what was so paid should llnally be adjudged to constitute the liability of the receivership , It will bo nearly all offset by assessments on the original .stock. The liabilities to depos itors are about 500,000 , of wlilch n little over SCO , 000 ap | ars to be held locally. lianks and bankers appear as creditors lor more than 3,000,000. but some changes may bo made In these figures. On account of the doubtful value ot assets , and large claims In dispute , It Is Impossible at the present time to make an estimate of what dividends may bo paid ultimately. The cash on hand and tlie amount ot assets undoubtedly good , war rant a present dividend of 25 per cent , and the iccelver has been instructed to prcpaie checks and schedules at once. lirltish India's Wheat Production. WASHINGTON , Oct. S. The report of Con sul General Bonham , at Calcutta , British India , treats at length of the wheat interests of that country during the liscal year ending March 31 , IbbO. Tlio area de\oted to wheat was about twenty-seven million live him- died thousand acres , and tlio total yield 2bi,000,000 ) bushels. As compared with the wheat of the PaciUc coast Indian wheat Is inferior , but when exported to Kurope it is mixed and ground with wheat of superior o.ualltv , oy which process a fair rank market able grade ot Hour is obtained. The method ot cultivating the soli Is In the main tlui same as It was centuries ago , and there seems to be great dllliculty In Inducing the farmers to invest in modern agricultural Implements , and yet , wuh all the Minplo and pH'matlvo methods , Indian farmers can , In tuo opinion ot the consul general , successfully compete with those of the United States In the production of wheat by reason of extremely cheap labor , etc. Exports of wheat 'fr,6m ' British India have Inci eased from ffy.WH ) ) cwt in IfcCS to 21,000,000 cwt in IbfeO and the Increase of 1888 over Ibb5 amounts to about 5,000 OOD cwt. Furthermore , wheat-growing In India Is yet in Its liitaucy and lts > luither development depends principally upon the means ot tians- l > ortatlon to the seaboard. McbrnRkn niul , lown I'cnslons. WASHINGTON , Oct , . . ( Special Telegram o the BKE.I 1'ho 8 following Nebraska pensions were granted to-day : David Thompson , DavcnpoiL ; J9hn Hyan , Belvl- dore. Reissue and Increase , Sharp Hogarty , Raymond. Iowa : E. M. Ross. Toledo ; William B. Hawkins , MontezumaRobeit ; Piley , .Marlon ; Joseph i' . Norris. Dolplios ; LeartSer T , Orn , Bloomlield ; William \Y..odford , Nllilala , William II. Conrad , Jlntioy ; Allison itrvan , Montc/uma , Ir.ere'a'e , Stephen Cleveland , ifed Oalr ; , lohn A. Smith , Kort Mndbon ; J''eir , 15. fakiiiner. Ottumwa ; llivii II. Neely , Maplcton : Abranam Wood , Kxlinu : Mlku Walkny. I'ralrltbure ; bainuel 0. lienjamln , Osceola : Thomas Maunell , iJurJliiirton ; Fer dinand Dauber , Honapartp ; licnjatnin O'llanger , DesMotnes : Horatio D. Parxons , Spencer ; Joseph H. I'ntlo , \ inton ; iMine II. Hlgifs , Ottumwa. lleissue : Ueorgu 11. Ferris , Norwich , a Clerkship. WASHINGTON , Oct. 4 [ Special Telegram to the BKE.-Kdward | J. Young , or Ne braska , has resumed a clerkship at Sl.SOOln tlio surgeon gcnoial's ollice. Linen Department. HEMSTITCHED LINENS. We have received n large Im portation of fine Hemstitched Linen Sheets with Pillow Cases and Pillow Shams to match. These are the finest goods that havejever been shown'.inOmaha. | We will take great pleasure in showing them to our customers. MARSEILLES BED SPREADS. 4 GRAND PRICES ON MAR SEILLES BED SPREADS. We have just received 6 cases of fine Marseilles Bed Spreads which we will sell at the follow ing prices : $1.98 , $2.19 , $2.78 and $0.78 which is just half what these Spreads are worth. These Speads were bought by us under peculiar circumstances , and we give our customers full benefit of our bargain. We could sell these spreads in our. regular trade a double what wo will sell them at Monday ; but wo are going to sell them at ridiculous prices , and sell them with a rush. We do not expect to have any in the store Monday night. Remember , Mon day. MARSEILLES BED SPREADS , $1.98. 2 cases 11-4 fine Marseilles Bed Spreads at $1.98 ; worth just double. MARSEILLES BED SPREADS. at $2.19. 2 cases 12-4 fine Marseilles bed spreads , a largo assortment of patterns at $2.19 , worth $4.8O WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , The Demaiid For Money Quito Active From All Sources , THE LOAN MARKET VERY FIRM. Kates of Interest Still Continue to Bo Well Maintained Ilojf 1'ack- Ine in the West Progressing Favorably. In Commercial Circles. CHICAGO , Out. 8. ISpcclal Telegram to thoUi5K. | Thedemand for money continues quite active from all sources and bankers are able to place their available funds readily and at good rates of Interest. The feeling Is very linn In the loan market and the Impression prevails that the money market will gradu ally work closer within the next sixty days or when the packers seek financial assistance to take care of hogs during the winter packIng - Ing season. The close of lake navigation , too , will no doubt enlarge the stocks of grain hero , consequently more funds will bo required In that branch of the produce trade. The demand from speculators for loans was fair and parties who were able to piesent un doubted collaterals were successful in ob taining all the favors requested. Consider able money was forwarded to the interior , but scattered rather widely throughout the west and northwest Lumber dealers were borrowing rather sparingly. Manufactmers were presenting some paper for discount , but generally for small amounts on short dates. The wholesale merchants are somewhat pressing In their demands , but they are generally accommodated on the strength o their active fall trade. Collections are only fair. Country meichants are a little slow In liquidating their bills. The financial outlook on this market is not regarded as dis couraging to active business during the bal ance of the fall and winter , and whllo the money market may show a Httlo stringency at times , bankers will be Inclined to accept less outside paper than usual and concentrate their favors among1 local customers and bor rowers. Katpsof Interests are well main tained at C@7 per cent on call and O C53 per cent on time loans. Very little paper Is ac cepted under 7 per cent. On the street there Is considerable mlsculanoous and outside paper offered , wlilch commands still higher rates of interest. In eastern financial centers considerable stringency prevails and borrow crs are compelled to pay C@8 per cent. For eign markets , too , exhibit considerable stead- cbs , with interest rates favoilng bankers. New York exchange was In moderate supply and better demand. The market ruled stionger and rates were advanocd. Sales wcio made between banks at 2.r70cents discount per Sl.Ouu , and the market closed steady , at esyiio cents discount , Foreign ox-change was rather quiet. Offerings were fair early In the weeU and urlces favored buyers. Latei tiia market was steadier and prices liuprarecl slightly. Shippers' sixty- day documentary bills on London changed U.ncls at SM.7ti ( l.7i ) , > j' , and closed steady at S4.7b > ju ( 1.78 % , The New York btork market has exhibited considerable activity during the past week , and prices for most of the leading properties ruled withconsiderable Iriegular- ity within a siu.iM range , llallroad stocks attiactedcniiilderablu attention , withUead- inir , St. 1'iiul , Delaware , Lnekiiwanna & Western , Now York it New England and Northweitern meeting with the moitJuvor. Wall si reel operators traded with con slirrrable freedom and outside operators' gave a lltllu more attention tn the market , particularly for HpecUl'ies. ' Foreign itreculaturs traded moderately. On the whole , the lange of prices has , with few exceptions , lavored the buying Interest. Thu earnings of thu lead- lug railroads uro lighter than for Home time past , which Is regarded AS an clement of weakness in view of thu rather unfavoiabln outcome ot Home of the leading crops. Sales on the Now York Htock exchange for the wpek aggregated l.bftJi000 shales. Thofollow- MARSEILLES BED SPREADS at $2.78. : 1 case 12-4 fine Marseilles bed spreads at $2.78 , worth just dou ble. MARTEILLES BED SPREADS at $3,78. 1 case Marseilles bed spreads at $0.78 , worth $7.8O. TURKISH BED SPREADS. 1 case 12-4Turkish Bed spreads at $2.BO , worth $8. BEST EDITIONS OF CAXTON , 12 mo. 125 Different Volumes. Handsomely bound In cloth , black and gold. At 26e Per Volume. That Beautiful Wretch , Three Feathers , Tom Brown at Oxford , Tom Cringle's Log , Tour of the world in 8O Days , 2OOOO Leagues Under the Sea , Two on a Tower , To the Bitter End , Un- perTwo Flags , Vanity FairWa- verly , Wanda , Willy ReileyWo- man's Temptation , Young For esters , Nolande , Adam llodo. Adventure * Among the Indians. Admiral's Ward. .A.sop's 1'aliloa. Airy Fairy Lillian. .All in nGixrdon Fair. Anderson's Vnlry Taloi. Arabian NlRht's KutortiUnmont. Arumlol Motto. llollmlii. Hojoml Pardon. Called Hack and Dark Day * . Cardinal Sin. ( AU Cast Up Hy tlio Son. Charles O'Malloy , Christmas Stories. Childionoftho Abbey. Complete Letter Writer. Cruise oC the Illuck Prince. Daughter of Heth ( A. ) l > oop Down. Doorsln > or. Dickens1 Child's History of England , Dickons' Slioitor gtorl UiCknn. ' sjojy Toiler. Doris. Don Uulxoto. Dora Thorno. Klirlit Yours1 Wanderings In Coylon. KrHtifc' , the Bold. Ing were some of the principal stocks dealt In and the numborof snares of each dlsporcd of up to Saturday morning : Canada South ern , 10,820 ; Delaware , Lackawanna * West ern , 111,2'JU ; North western , 70,71)1 ) ; Heading , 4i5,020 : ; St. Paul. 313,297 ; Omaha , T.-iai ; Union I'aeiuc , 17,070 ; Western Union. : x .lS4. With the occurrence of a holiday on the occasion of the visit of the president , there has been a slight check In business In a general way. Speculators are not Inclined to do much bus iness during the holiday season and re ceivers and shippers at the same time are somewhat guarded In their operations , liowcver , there has been fair business trans acted in all branches of the produce trade. Deliveries on October contracts were com paratively llxht , excepting of wheat , and of Unit article only moderate. Foiolen markets have exhibited a little more strength lor most articles and seaboard mtirketa have shown more steadiness. The lirmuess in freights , however , especially to foreign markets , has interfered with business to some extent. A tair number of orders were received from consuming marKets , but in manv cases they were limited to ligures below the views of sellers. The re ceipts of produce have open moderately free and shipments quite liberal , especially of grain , lard and meats. Prices havu ruled with some Irregularity , but fluctuations were con- luied within a narrow ranuo and rather In clined In favor of the buying Interest. At tention is given largely to London deliveries , both m grain and provisions. ( Stocks of grain are not enlarging to any greater extent than usual at this season of the year , and the sur plus of provisions shows only a fair reduc tion , as arrivals of eattle and hogs have been sulliciently laicn to materially incicaso the manufacture. The exuort movement in grain and provisions is well maintained , but It Is supposed to be largely on lates of freights contracted for before the leount advance. lEeeelpts of grain and live stock at interior points have been moderately free , though complaints of lacK ot cars prevail in some sections. Packing of hos In the west Is pro- greasing favoiably , though business at pres ent Is more concentrated at the leading points. The aggregate returns show a further reduction In the number as compared with last season , but the quality is somewhat improved , so that the aggregate production , will vary little from that of last bcason. Sl'OllTlNO NHU'S. Nntlnnnl Ijoimuo Gnmos. PiTTsnunc , Oct 8. The iramo between the Pituburg and Chicago teams to-day resulted as follows : Pittsburg 0 03000310-7 Chicago I 00010104-7 ( lame called on account or daikncas. Pitchers Mori Is and Italdwin. liaso hits l'Ht.sbincir > , Chicago 14. Kirors Pitts- burg 3 , Chicago 'J. Umpire Daniels. Kr.w YOIIK. Oct. a. Tim game between the 1'hlladolnhU and New 1'ork teams to-day resulted as follows : New York 0 0001200 3 Philadelphia 5 1000000 0 Came called on account ot darkness. Pitchers Weldman and Fergiibon. liaso hits-New York 11 , Philadelphia 'A Krrors New York 5 , Philadelphia - . Umpire- Powers. \VASIIINOTON , Oct. 8. The game between thu U'abhingt'jn and Boston teams to-day resulted as follows : \Vashlngtoi 5 002110-0 lloston 0 i 0 a 0 0 1 I Pitchers- Whitney and Kadbourno. Ilase bits Washington 14. Uoston 10. llrrors Washington ti , Uoston SJ. Umpire loea- ) seller. iNinAN'Ai'oun. Oct. 8. The came be tween the Indianapolis and Detroit teams to-day lesulted as follows : Indianapolis 1 000300 7-U Detroit. . 0 2 1 0 1 1 a 1-0 Camu called on account of darkness. Pitchers hhruvu and Conway. Haso hits Indianapolis 11 , Detroit 10. Krrors Indianapolis - apolis 0 , Detroit 7. Umpire Valentine. American Association. l'niiAiKU'iilAOct. 8. The game between thu Athletic and liiuoUlyn teams today resulted us follows : Athletics. 0 1 1000300-5 Uronklyii 1 20002000-5 Came called on account of darkness. llnooKi.V.v , Oct. b. The game between the .Metropolitan and it.iltuuoru teams to-day resulted at ) inflows : Metropolitan 0 000000 0 llaltlmoru 0 00021 1-10 Game called ou account of daikness. ST. Louis , Oct. b. The game between the St. Louis and Cleveland teams to-day re sulted as follows : ht. Louis 0 00010001 2 Ulet'cluud 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 q-4 r.tlinu Ilrnnd. Kolli Holt 1'urn l.uave * . 1'iro llrlgadn. Vivo Years Itoforo the Mast , Tile 113. For I.llliw. Guy Hlvors. lluy Mannorltiff. Oroon I'nsttiro * nml I'lccndlllj. Orlnim's Popular Talus. ( Inlllvor's TrtuuU and llaron MunobauMf Half Hours with Oront Authors. Half Hours with Clioat NoxellaU , Hull Hours with Great Storr Uor * . Hurry Lononuor. Her Mother's Sin. lluntlnc In the Irant ! Wcut. Imitation of Christ , lonoStowart. lulmmollto. Ivanlioo. l.ndlo * ' r.tlquclto. I.ndlps' Vflinlly 1'liysloinn. l.ust DUVH of rompelt Ladles l.lmlorcs. Lmlv Andlov's Secret. Liist of the Mohlcana , Mmlcnn Violet. MarkScauorth , Mncleoil or Diiro. Mnrturot and Ilur Bridesmaids. Maid of Athens. Mlilahlpmnn. Mill on the Klou. Molly Unwn. Mrs. ( ioolltuy. Mysterious Island. Oht Myddleton'B Money. Oliver Twist. Our Mutual Friend. Outre Mrr. Partisan ( The ) . I'oterTho Whaler. Phantom I'ortuo. 1'liyllls. Plltfrim's Progress. Pilot. Uoil Krlc. mild and Hound lu Ceylon. Uohhtsnn Crusoo. Homolii. Hound the World. Hob Hoy. Hory O'Moro. Halt Water. Hartor Ucsnrtus. Scotish Ctilela. Scout ( The ) . Slmdows and Sunbeam * . Sliiuidon Bells. Sketch JJo-jfe. Spv. RtoddnnVs ItondlnirB nncS llocltationg. Strange Advimtuius of ul'huoton. Sunrise. Swiss Family Itobln = on. Thiulilousof Wiirsixw. N , B , FALCONER LOUISVII.U : , Oct. 8. The game betweea the Louisville and Cincinnati teams to-daj rohulteri as follows : Louisville 1 150001 4-11 Cincinnati 1 010004 0 i RaccH at Latonln. CINCINNATI , Oct. 8. The weather at La tonia was line and the track good. One mile : Malaria won , Loman second , John Mori is third. Time 1:4-1 : % . Seven fnrlones : Kstrallawon , Glen Hall second , Catalpa third. Time l:2 : ! > i. Five furlongs : Hlggoyet won , lloloa lirooks second , Orange Uirl third. Time * Six furlongs : Duhmo won. Jim Douglafl second , Evangelino third. Time 1:17 : > . Mile : Alary won , Valuable second , Clarion third. Ttmu-1 ; > . Tlio ilei onto 1'nrk Mooting. JKIIOMK PAKK , Oct. 8. Seven furlongs ; Grenadier won , Mamie llunt second , Collar * third. Tiinc-l:3l& : Five furlongs : Leo 11. won , Belinda second , Speedwell third. Time 1:0. : . Mile and furlong : Kingston won , Laggard second , 'Diadem third. Time 1 ; 57 f. Mile and three-sixteenths : Klchmoud won , LellXbeeonJ. llnrved third. Time 4J:05 : } $ . Milo and sixteenth : Choctaw won , Phil Le bccond , Maggie Mitchell thhd. Time- Steeple chase , full course : Jim McCiowan won. Little Fellow bccond , Sain F.mery third. Time 1:10. : Ijnnt I > ny ofht , Louis Itncow. ST. Louis , Oct. 8. The fair association's trotting races closed to-day. 2:3' : ) class trot , purse ยง 1,000 , divided : nilly G lirst , Little Thora second , Daisy Wllkes third , others distanced. Host time 2-21K. : Gasconade stakes , gooo , for three-year-olds , foals ot lbS4 , SOW added : Susie S won , llimrle. second , liuii llurthird , lirosvn fourth. Uest time 'JUO. : In the third hoai distance was waived and Susie S was sent to beat the Ihree-year-old- record of'JilUX hy Patron. The finish In this heat was vuiy exciting. Courtney nt UN Old TrlokN. EI.MIHA , N. V. , Oct 8. The bccond race between Courtney and liuliear took place on the Susquehanna at Owego to-day for a imrso of $1.000. The KniMislimnn bea Courtney , leading him the entire three mllea and coming home about three boat lengths ahead. The race was regarded by the spec tators as uhippodrome. Thu time was given Won tlio Fljjhr On n Foul. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 8. Charles McCar thy and James Connors fought a vicious six- teen-round battle ta-night nearthlnclty , with skin gloves. Connor was awarded the lighten on a foul , .both men wore severely pun ished. Htcainahip ArrlvnlH. NKW Vonif , Oct. 8. ( Special Telegram to the UKI : . ] Arrived The F.trurla , from Liverpool. Livuni-oor , , Oct. 8. Arrlved The Iowa , from Boston. SOUIIIAMITO.V , Oct 8. Arrived Tlio Edam , from Now York , for Amsterdam , PLYMOUTH , Oct. H. Arrived The Wester- land , fiom Mew York , for Antwerp. HAVIIK , Oct. 8. Anlvod The ( lascoulina , from New York. I'M Mou'i nOct. S. Arrlvod-Tho\Vlelaud , from Now Voile for Hamburg. Dcntlt ol' K. Frlttnr. Yesterday Mr. K , Fritter , a prominent Odd Fellow , died In this city , He came lifiro n short time ago with his family from Colum bus , O. , and Intended to enter upon the prac tice ot law , which was hh profession. The deceased was lifty-It\o jears of ago and is spoken of by those who Kntiw him as n worth ) cltl/en. lie will bu burled to-day with the honors ot the order ( o which ho be longed. _ _ _ _ _ TUB cui.Ti'itii : > audience wlilch assembled Tuesday ulu'ht at Lyon A. Healy'H piano warerooms - rooms could not but prove an Inspiration to the musical thomus rendered by Mrs. Muento- ferlng. As a iilaniittu Mrs. Mui-ntoferlnc possesses wonderlul technlijue and skill In iimnlpiiUtlon , Tim proL'ramiim Was well lendercd and the loveia ot uxiellunt muala are indebted to this lady lor a mem pluasaul and ugrueablu t-veulug.