Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1887, Page 12, Image 12

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On account of having tha Foster Lacing
Moeki , many Inferior Gloves are being
old at the " Foster" to parties who believe
them lo be the Genuine Foster quality ,
which Is a superior French ( leal Kid Glove ,
made with special care In our own manu.
factory at Grenoble , France.
To enable purchasers lo distinguish the
difference , wo have changed our trade
mark , and shall hereafter stamp all ol our
best quality
ivtoxFAU.I db Oo.
The Oomstock Millionaires An Interesting
Iliollps nnd Downs of William Slinron
Senator Hearst's llnpld Hlso to
Great Wealth Atlolph Sutro
and IllH Family.
In a previous article , written by ( Jcqrgo
JJ. Fitch in the Cosmopolitan Mura/.ino : ,
were glren sketolies of the ropreaentn-
tivo railway nnd bonanza kinirs of the
1'iieific coast men whose wealth , made
within twenty years , rivals the fortunes
of the Asters , thn slow iicctimuliition of
over a century. In the folio wing article
will bo found sketches of other I'acitio
coast millionaires whoso careers oiler
good subjects to the writer of romance ,
NO rapid has boon their advance from
poverty to enormous wealth.
Shakosnoaro'spitli.vssiyinp in regard to
tbo tide that , taken at the liood , leads on
to fortune , is often quoted to illustrate
Ibo rise to fame or wealth of great men ;
but Senator Jones , of Nevada , is an ex
ample of a man who has twice sei/.eil
this tide nt its Hood ; who has lost an im
perial fortune without apparent regret ,
nnd is now again on the way to great
wealth. Jones is an Knglishman of
Welsh descent , who came to this country
when very young. With three brothers
ho loft Cleveland , Ohio , in the spring
of 1850 for the now El Dorado of the
1'ncifio. Ho tried mining in several
counties of California , but made no
great success , and it was not until ho
went to the Comstock lode in 1807 that
his star began to nso. Like Sharon he
was among the luckiest of the original
investors in the Nevada silver mines ,
His mining experience in California
stood him in good stead , and ho was
Boon superintendent of a number of
valuable mines , among others the Crown
I'omt and Kcntttek.
In this position ho showed the finalities
that have made him ono of the most
popular men in Nevada. During a great
lire in the Yellow Jaokot mine it became
necessary , to prevent the spread of the
Humes to the connecting mines , that
Bomo ono should go down lo the eight-
hundred foot level of the Crown Point
nnd cut the air pipes. The superintend
ent , with a boy to hold a candle , was
lowered in the cage nnd performed the
dangerous work. This made him the
hero of the mines ; the establishment of
eight hours as a day's work rounded out
his popularity.
When the first great bonanza was
struck in the Crown Point mine , it
brought millions to Superintendent
Jonos. Ho and Sharon divided most of
this wealth between them , but Jones had
not his partner's facility ot clinging to
his money. With a warm imagination ho
saw , like Mulberry Sellers , millions in
every promising scheme that was un
folded bofoio him. Inventors and pros
pectors besieged him. Ho tried to develop
mines in Mono , Inyo and Kern counties
in California. Ho lavished money like n
prince. Ho spent nearly n million on
the Sumner mine in Kern countv. and
took out nothing but wator.Vater
sometimes brings a fortune to a mining
man when it is cleverly mixed with stock
but the water that Jones struck had to bo
pumped out , and for two years ho kapt
the largest pumping worKS on the coast
going day and night , only to find that
when the mine was drained there was
nothing in it. Another million was sunk
in southern Utah in a mine that never
paid ono cent on the dollar.
The Inyo mines next absorbed his at
tention and with usual prodigality ho
started in to connect them with tide
water. Ho built twenty miles of a nar
row-gauge railroad from Santa Monica ,
the seaport of Los Angeles , toward Independence -
dependence , tire capital of Inyo county.
The railroad never got any farther than
Los Angelas , and the tourist to-day mar
vels at the word "Indopomlonco" on the
Bide of tlioso cars. JOIICR' fortune was
gone and the mines had "petered out"
by the time tire railroad was in opera
tion , nnd soon after tire Southern Pacilio
octopus absorbed It. Ho also spent Sev
ern ! millions in Sail Franeisco in costly
buildings and manufacturing enterprises.
When his wealth slipped from him , ho
accepted his loss philosophically. He
was then in the United States senate ,
where ho has gained a reputation as ouo
of the leaders of the lii-metallists.
About eight years ago ho with some
others invested a few thousands in the
Troadwoll inn.c at Douglas Island in
Alaska. The stock was hawked about the
Streets in San Francisco , but no one had
any coulidoiioo in the far northern terrl-
tory. The mine proved a veritable
bonanza to its owners. A huge stamp-
mill has been erected , nii'l for several
yours Jones' sliure has netted him from
ono hundred thousand to one hundred
nnd fifty thousand dollars a year , and
there is enough ere in sight to yield the
same revenue for years to come. So
Senator Jones may yet regain his lost
wealth. Ho is still in his prime , ol
magnificent physique and nndl <
minishud vigor. Of all the Comstock
millionaires ho is the only ouo who Ira-
shown n genius for national atl'airs , 01
who has developed any ability as uti
orator and a writer.
The Into William Sharon was knowi :
chietly us a Comstock millionaire , n
United States senator from Nevada , ami
the defendant in ono of the greatcsi
divorce cases in American legal annals
Ho came to California with none of this
world 'a goods ; he accumulated a fortune
off 15.000,000yot ; ho loft this world foi
the unknown country from which nom
return with an estate valued atMSO
ThU astonishing result was duo to the
fact thai ho mailii over his estate monthi
before to his heirs , in order to do/cat tn <
15th and Harney Street.
The ladies of Omaha and vicinity are cordially invited to attend our opening on MONDAY , TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY
of a large and elegant stock of FANCY DRY GOODS ,
Our Specialties are Fancy Work and Materials , Fine Wools and Yarns , Corsets , Kid Gloves , Underwear , Laces , Hosiery ,
Embroideries , Infant's ' Outfits , Dress Trimmings and Buttons ,
We have the latest designs and handsomest fancy work and materials for working to be found in New York City. Indeed , some of it had not been
shown in the retail stores , but was being held back by designers until near the holiday season.
We import our own Kid Gloves , fit them and guarantee them. We intend to sell a great many goods this fall , and to do that , we know that we miw
give you good values and low prices.
All we ask is that you look at our goods and prices and we know we will soon have your confidence and tradou
Mrs. Beaman , the lady who had the fine exhibit at the county fair will be with us to teach fancy work.
MRS , J , BENSON , 15th and Harney Streets ,
court decision that ordered him to pay
nlirannv to the woman who claimed to bo
his wife.
The story of Jones' fortune is that of
Sharon's also. Ho made his first great
"stake" in Crown Point and Holchor.From
that time on it was like the record of the
gathering mass of a great snowball.
There wore occasional chucks to its ad
vancement and growth , but these wore
only temporary. Sharon hud the genius
for the manipulation of minus which
brings wciilth into the manager's pcocot.
Ho controlled tor years a half score of
mines out of which ho made largo
profits , while the stockholders received
nothing but the liberty to pay assess
ments. Sharon was intimately associ
ated with William H. Ralston , and when
the crash came in the Bank of California
Sharon was the man who took the dead
financier's estate and entered upon the
legal light with the creditors. Many
predicted that the burden would swamp
1dm , but lie managed finally to reach
firm ground ; and by his shrewd manage
ment ho actually plucked profit out of
the tangle of involved interests. Ho
built many houses in this city , and ho
carried on at a profit ontcroriscs that
had boon a dead loss to the more gener
ous Halston. Sharon was small of stat
ure , and his only striking feature was
his eye , in which gleamed cunning ,
courage and power. His last years
wore clouded with the divorce suit
brought by Sarah Altliea Hill. Her case
was uascd on n marriage certificate
which slid churned , and which the court
hold , was genuine ; but the supreme
court reversed this decision. The bitter
legal fight , which was continued for many
months , cost Sharon not less than a quar
ter of a million , and when it was decided
that he must pay the woman council fees
and alimony , ho stripped himself of his
millions in order that she might not se
cure any of his wealth. Ho left a memo
rial which ought to keep his name grcun ,
in a bequest of $50,000 for a children's
play-ground at the Golden Gate park in
San 1-rancisco.
One of the most successful mining men
on the Pacific const is George Hearst , re
cently elected by the democrats as United
States senator from California. Hearst
is a plain old Mi.-sourian , of small educa
tion and no polish of manners. Ho has
spout most of his life in rough mining
camos. Upon mines and quartz mining
his judgment is almost infallible. For
ten years alter ho crossed the plains from
Missouri ho sull'ered the hardships of
mining life witli few of its
rewards. Finally , in 185 ! ) , ho
journeyed in the winter to the Corn-
stock lode , then just discovered. The
value of the now "black ore" lie discov
ered from assays , and getting all the cap
ital ho could command ho invested it in
the Uphir mine. Five years saw him
a millionaire , and since then ho has
touched nothing that did not turn into
gold. Ho owns the richest mine in Mon
tana , ho has valuable mines in Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada and Mexico.
When ho begun to appear as a power ,
Haggin andTovis invited him to become
an associate with thorn. Thus he has ac
quired large interests in California lands.
Ho is a man slow of speech and of ac
tion. Ho hesitates over a decision ,
but ho can bo rapid when the
occasion calls for prompt action.
Thus ho had been negotiating for a large
Mexican ranch just over the border ,
which had been allowed to go to ruin be
cause it was on the trail that Gcronimo
always used when on one of his period
ical raids. Hearst got early intelligence
of the capture of the Apaciio chief and
secured the laud at about twenty cents
an aero. For $ -00,000 ho obtained a body
of rich land that \a \ worth to-day several
millions. >
Many amusing stories nro related of
Hearsts peculiarities ; but with all his
oddities ho commands respect lor Ins hon
esty and loyalty to friends , two traits not
conspicuous among mining millionaires.
His generosity to the democratic party in
California led to his elevation to the sen-
atn. Ho has strong political ambition ,
but his advisers have usually boon badly
selected. Thus , when ho was placed in
nomination for governor of California ,
ho made a speech so full of learned
words and florid rhetoric that everyone
know it had been written for him. It
fell Hat , and General Stoncman secured
the nomination. Hut after the result was
announced caiuo forward and in
simple , plain language declared that ho
would work for the candidate sincerely
anil faithfully. His speech was the event
of the convention , and one of the audi
ence called out , "Uncle George , if you
had talked that way before HID vote , you
would have got the nomination ! "
Senator Hearst's wealth is estimated
at fifteen million dollars and his
income at eighty thousand dollars
a mouth. He has just made a
present to his only son of a
newspaper in San Francisco. The young
man has a strong taste for journalism ,
and an almost unexampled opportunity
for gratifying it.
The name of Adolph Sutro will always
bo connected with the great tunnel which
ho constructed for draining the lower
levels of the Comstoek mines and which
is ouo of the wonders of modern engi
neering. Little is known of his career ,
as ho is reticent about his life. Ho is a
Hebrew , of French birth , and lie evidently
enjoyed good educational advantage * ,
as no speaks many of the modern Europ
ean languages and is also familiar with
Hebrew , Arabic , and Persian. Ho was
very poor w lion ho came to California
more than a quarter ot a century ago.
There arc talcs that ho peddled \ unkee
notions about the streets of San Fransiseo ,
but in this ho had good company , as one
of the present justices of the United State. '
supreme court pieced out a scanty law
practice in the same way.
It was in 1801 , while on the Comstock
lode , that ho conceived the great projecl
of boring a tunnel which would tap all
the deep mines and thus furnish drainage -
ago and pure air. Sutro formed a tun
nel company , made contracts'with the
mining companies to receive a cortaii
rojalty on every ton of ore cxtractci
iftor the tunnel was finished , and then
crossed the Atlantic to get funds for the
vast enterprise. When the big bonan/as
vcrc struck , Sutro began to encounter 11
storm of opposition , us it was seen at
once what an enormous revenue the tun.
nel would draw from the mines. For
years ho made the tight single-handed ,
vhich would have broken any ordinary
uan. Finally , in 1878 , after nine years
of work , the tunnel was completed at n
cost , with interest , of 10,500,000. Then
ho mining companies , which had
icarly exhausted their payingoro.refusod
0 Day the stipulated royalty. Sutro at
once closed the tunnel , the mines wcro
loaded , and soon it compromise was
made. The bulk of the stock of the tun
nel company is held in Europe , and has
lover pai-l interest. Sutro , however ,
n ado the fortune out of it that his genius
and persistence deserved. He has in
vested most of his money in San Fran
cisco real estate , which has increased
jroatly in value within thn last ten years.
In his frequent trips to Europe Mr.Sutro
bund it a recreation to gather rare and
valuable books and manuscripts , and
when he retired from raining these formed
ho nucleus of a great library. For the
> ast five years he has been adding to this
ibrary , until now it numbers between
00,003 and 70,000 volumes , many of thorn
miquc , and a large number of oriental
Manuscripts , including the original
cathcr sheets of Hebraic text from which
,110 , ingenious Shapplra made up his spu
rious book of Deuteronomy. Mr. Sutro's
) lan is to establish a free library in San
'rancisco that shall bo second to none in
the world in the departments of history
ind science. In connection with
t will bo a museum for
the display of Egyptian and other
curiosities. Besides four well authenti
cated mummies of hoar antiquity , ho has
1 boat discovered in an Egyptian tomb ,
> f the time of Abraham. The California
egislaturc , which lias just ended its ses
sion , passed a bill giving Mr Sutro full
power to establish this library. Its site
will probably bo on the heights overlook-
ng the famous Seal Rosks and the Pacific
ocean a beautiful spot that the million
aire has already converted into a great
ilcasuro ground.
In common with ex-Senator Fair ,
wealth brought contention into the Sutro
'atuily. For several years the divided
lousehohl lived in one largo residence
n San Francisco , Sulro entering at ono
leer and his wife at another , the chil
dren sharing the time between the par-
jilts. Of Into years Sutro has lived in
in his cottage by the ocean with
ills handsome daughters of whom he is
justly proud. In appearance he is a
striking man , with the cyo of an eagle ,
and a nose which bears out the sem
blance to the king of birds. With a skin
\a deeply bron/.ed as Stanley's , and with
liis snovy white hair and beard , ho looks
more like an Oriental sheik than an
American. TliQ.v call him "Tho Assyr
ian" on the Comstock , and it is easy to
see how the title fits him. ;
"Lucky" Baldwin is a California mil
lionaire , who has gained a national rep
utation by Ins victories on the American
turf. He will divide the honors this year
with young Haggin , and some predict
that his stable will rank first among the
winners of the great races. Like most
of his fellow millionaires , ho came to the
Pacific coast very poor. The ox-train of
which ho formed a part was besieged by
Apaches for two weeks in the
Humboldt vallev , but nearly all es
caped without injury. Brick-making was
the first tiling that ho turned his hand o.
From that lie drifted into the mining-
stock market , and his shrewdness and
ncrvo soon brought him to the front. Ho
was dubbed "Lucky" because ho never
failed in a deal. Ho made a careful in
vestigation of all the Corastock mines
that he was allowed to enter , and , as the
result of Ins work , ho invested all his coin
in Crown Point and Belcher. The same
boom that brought wealth to Sharon en
riched him. But ho did not remain in
the Comstock. He saw a richer field in
ttl > San Franciseo stock market , where
ho joined hands with James 11. Keeuc ,
and the two conspirators planned the
campaign in Uphir stock that broke the
Hank of California , and trans
ferred to Baldwin's account $4,500-
000. Keene cleared un nearly
as much , and , llunhed with triumph ,
went to New York to work the Wall
street money kings ; three years saw him
stripped of every dollar.
Baldwin remained on the Pacific coast
and was content to supply timber and
crush ore for the mines that wcro now
on assessments. Ho bought the great
Santa Anita ranch near Los Angeles , and
to it ho added many other purchases , so
that now ho owns a principality in this
fertile southern valley , of seventy thou
sand acres , on which is his celebrated
breeding stable. Ho built the second
largest hotel in San Francisco with a thp >
ater in ono wing ; ho owns a largo strir
of the shore ot Like Tahoe , in flu
Sierras , with a beautiful summer hotel
Ho works valuable mines in Inyo county
ho has acres of real estate in San Fran
cisco : ho makes moro brandy and wim
on his southern ranch than any ono cls (
in the state : ho grows enough wheat tc
charter entire ships for Liverpool , ant
every year ho shears 10,000 shoop. Hi
estimates his wealth at * 20,000,00 ( ) an <
his income at a round million a your.
Baldwin lias had largo experience wi I
women , having been married three tim s
not to mention morganatic alliance tha
cannot bo numbered. The latter lmv <
given him much trouble. He has beei
shot by a fair.young cousin who charsiei
him with her ruin : ho has been sued b i
jotiug southern beauty for breach o
promise , and the case is still ii
thu courts ; ho has had other a >
ventures , out of which ho ha
always managed to escape unscathed ii
person , If not in pocket. His last wife i
young enough to bo his daughter , bit
though the old miUionairc's locks f r <
white anil his face is scarred with th
lines plowed by his hard lifo. ho stil
walks with a jaunty stop , and ho drive
his thoroughbred four-in-hand with th
Bfclll and nerve of youth.
Itclil lid the Scenes.
llct man MeHvalf.
( To "M. P. , " aged 13 ; after taklne her "be
hind the scenes at the Standard theatre. )
Llttio Maudlol little maldio ,
Tell me what you think U means ;
Tell mo what you thought , young lady ,
Of your peep behind the scenes.
Was It worth the fuss and riot.
Just for pleaslne me and you ?
Shouldn't wo be better quiet
For that wasted hour or two ?
Heading books and storing knowledge
Mothering our little brains
Growing wise at school and college
That alone is worth the pains.
Can there over , could there over ,
Anything so silly bo ,
As to fanov you are clover
To Invent a fancy sea ?
Pasteboard rocks ami mackintoshes ,
Spread to keep the people dry.
When the nonsense-water w.ishes
Up Into the nonsense-sky
And a great big sttrolil curtain
Falls between two sots of fools 1
Such a waste of time , tor certain ,
Ought to be against the rules-
Yet your eyes grew bright and briu'htor ,
And your blood came fust and warm ,
And you set your small teeth tighter ,
As you watched the painted storm.
Can vou let such iiiakc-bcllovins :
Malso vou laugh and make you cry ,
Sometimes Joyln. ' , sometimes grieving ?
N'jvor mind , dear , so do I !
Was It very silly ? clearly
All of us were nothing loth ;
All nlco peonle , Maud , are merely
Children of u larger growth.
So then , as you're growing older.
Let the wise tolk have their say ;
Chilly souls alone grow colder
When they're sitting at a play.
"Play" is work , mv girl ; toimerlt
There above no little gain ,
If It ease a single spirit
Of n single hour ol'piln. .
Little Maudlol little mairtie ,
Let the heart's wild flowers crow wild ;
Over all things , bo a lady ,
llut to God remain a child.
General James A. Wilson lives in Boston.
General T. J. Wood lives at Dayton , O.
General Alfred Pleasonton lives in Phila
General 11. J. Hunt is in tire service at
General Don Carlos lluell Is pension agent
at Loulsvilio.
General John G. Paikols superintendent
of West Point.
General N. P. Banks is United States mar
shal , Boston.
General John Pope was retired last year as
major funeral.
General Alexander S. Webb Is president
of the City college.
Geneial D. M. Gregg , ilio cavalryman , Is In
regular service.
General Charles 11. Devoirs is judge of su
perior court at Boston.
Geneial Low Wallace lives at Indianapo-
is , and \\rltlm ; hooks.
General W. W. Averell , the cavalry leader ,
Is at homo in Hath , N. V.
General Daniel llultorlield resides In New
York , and Is a capitalist.
General W. F. Smith lives In Now York
and Is a celebrated engineer.
Geueral Horatio G. Wright Is on the re
tired listnnd lives In Washington.
General John C. Uobinson Is on the re
tired list and lives at Ulngbampton.
General Joseph Ii. Carr engineers a chain
cable manufactory at Troy , N. Y.
General Wesley Merrill , also a gallant cav
alry general , is in regular service.
General John F. llartranft , ex-governor of
Pennsylvania , lives in Philadelphia.
General William 15. Franklin Is president
of a manufacturing company at Hartford.
General A. V. Kautz , the cavalryman , is In
Nebraska , colonel of thu Klghth Infantry.
General John C. Fremont is president of a
mining company , \yithan office In New York.
General George Stoneman , ex-governor of
California , owns largo gra/.lng lands In that
General O. B. Wllcox Is luizadlor-ironcral.
commanding a department in the .Missouri
General H. A. Uarmim practices law In
Ne\v York and butlers constantly from severe
army wounds.
General Q. A.UIllmoro Is In the regular en
gineer service and now at army headquarters
hi New York.
General W. T. Shermcn resides In New
York. Ho was retired ns general , and that
office does not now exist.
General Franz Slgel Is pension agent at
New York. He was a German soldier who
volunteered in the war.
General Nelson A. Allies Is brigadier-gen
eral U. S. A. , commanding department of
Arizona , division of the Pacific.
Geueral J. J. Bartlett , who received Lee's
arms at Appomattoxls commissioner ot pen
sions at Washington.
General George Crook Is brigadier-general
U. S. A. , commanding the depaitmeut ot the
Platte , division of Missouri.
General O. O. Howard Is major-cencral U.
S. A. , commanding the division ot the Pu-
cltic. Ho lust an arm at Fair Oaks.
General John Gibbon is brigadier-general
U , S. A. , commanding the department of the
Columbia , division of the I'acllic.
General John M. Scholield is major-gen
eral commanding the division of the At
lantic , the principal subordinate command.
General Abner Douhleday Is on the re
tired Hf-t and lives at Metulham , N. J. He
opened Sumter's guns on Moultrlo In April ,
General Alfred II. Terry Is major-general
cniiiiramllni ! the division of the Ml.sslourl ,
the central division of the army. Ho was a
volunteer soldier , not trained to arms.
General H. W. Sloctim lives in Urooklyn
nnd Is engaged | n business enterprises. Ho
as a graduate In civil lite In 1W31 , became
major-general of volunteers , nnd icslgned in
General Philip H. Sheridan Is Hcutenant-
ceneral and comiiiaiuler-ln-chlef under the
president. A special act will be necessary
to make him general. He Is one of the four
leadline generals w ho were In service when
the war began , the others being Aleaae ,
Thomas and Bucll.
Why Is it that so many worthy clergymen
disregard u great law ot nature , and expand
their sermons as the-\cather grows colder ?
The family bible has been brought out
from Its long retirement auu 1s now doing
service as a blotter for pressing autumn
Homo day , when Ignatius Donnelly hasn't
anytiiUuj to do. he might sit down and figure
ft out thai Uio forbidden fruit was n banana ,
nnd that Auws tall was caused by the
Last Sunday n clereyumn In Hartford ,
Conn. , was speaking to children regarding
the benellts of a temperate life. "Wtiy/'sald
he , "tho strongnst man that ever lived never
tasted liquor. Who can tell me the name of
the strongest man ? ' ' "John L. Sullivan , "
came Instantly from a little fellow in the In
fant departmen of the Sunday school.
A clergyman ufllclated at the funeral of a
man whoso widow was a spiritualist. Scarcely
were thn exercises concluded when she bo-
can to berate the minister In a masculine
tone of voice. To reassure him , n bystander
informed him that the spirit of her husband
was holding forth. Our friend says that in
nil his experience It was the only time ho was
ever "sassed by a corpse. "
"Parson Jlnglejaw , why Is It that your nul-
plt facilities are of so crudu a nature ? Can't
your congregation afford you anything bet
ter than n barrel to preach from ? " "Dat
nlla'r am jes' a prull ob do meanness of some
perfessers er do gospel. Parson Wldemouf
ax mo t'oder day If I wouldn't Isgchanee pul
pits wld Mm. 1 wanter commodato Mm , an'
so I so nt my janitor down wid my pulpit on
n wheelbarrer ter make do change an' 1
wanter say dat my pulpit war oner deso '
whltewosh irigcrators an' blamolf he didn't
sen' back dat bar'l. Tell yer now some krls- '
chins iz jes' too scan'lous mean tor live. "
" beloved " said the of
"Dearly , pastor an
Oakland , Gal. , church , "lor the past week
my heart has been torn by conflicting emo
tions. I have long labored among you , and
if 1 could have my will here is where 1 would
die. But 1 recently received a call to care
for a flock in Los Angeles , ami 1 have
wrestled with the Lord In praver , to know
whether It was His will that 1 should pro
ceed to that new field of duty. I " At
that moment the clerk tip-toed softly forward
and handed the pastor a brief note from the
treasurer. As the good shepherd ruiul It his
brow cleared. "Brethren1 ho continued ,
the Lord has vouchsafed an answer to my
prayer. 1 see an Inward light which con
vinces me that It Is thn Divine pleasure that
1 should continue to labor among this people
whose spiritual Interests have been dear to
rue for so many years. "
lii'H Kins.
Walter C. I.cai mil.
Mnjorlo laughs and climbs on my knee ,
And 1 kiss her and she kisses me.
I kiss her , but 1 don't much care ,
Because , although she Is charming and fair ,
Majorle'b only three.
But ther will coma a time , I ween ,
When. It 1 tell herot thK little scene.
She will smile and prettily blush , and then
1 shall long to kiss her again ,
When Majorio's seventeen.
The Imst hover.
KHtnMh Mitmtl'heliH.
Come thou , the last , best lover 1
For life hath been a rover
From vision unto vision the highest heart
could see.
1 seek the truest lo\er !
No less than ho can move her ,
Whose tiuiinn t.dth did perish of Its con
Oli , come , thou awful lover !
Draw near , and close the cover
The trembling lips that ope not to any cry
but this :
Death Is the dearest lover !
Death Is the kindest lover !
Nor can the breaking heart trust any troth
but his.
A dog owned near Boston chews gum ,
A crow is living in Ohio aired about thirty-
five years.
The lake of Merjelan , In Switzerland , lias
Annie Mercer , of Missauko county. Mich. .
Is over six feet tall , though only twelve jears
A mud turtle with " 1S20" burned on its
back was recently found in 1 torso creek ,
Madison county , 111.
A man In Maine has a hen which Is sure
death on a mouse. He claims that she often
catches s-jvoral a day.
Near Coal Canyon , Gal. , Is a mammoth fl {
tree measuring 102 Incites In circumference
four feet from the ground. It lias four Im
mense branches , each of which exceeds fifty
Inches In clicumference.
A ten-inch ll/ard was found In the mail
from England at the New York postollice.
It was directed to In Indiana. The
little beast had crossed the ocean in a tightly-
closed cigar bo\ , but became as lively as
could bo when air was given him.
The oldest turtle has been ciptured at
Westerly. K. 1. , on the farm of J. K. Still-
man. On its back were tnoio words : "M.
B. , 17M ; P. S. (1'eleg ( Saunders ) . l JJ. also
1820 ; N. S. ( Nathan Satinders ) . IbST ; 11. S.
B. , Ibl7. " Thu cuttings were distinct , except
thu first one. which Is ot a faint , photo
graphic diameter.
In the town lit Marlboro , Conn. , there Is a
girl eight years ot age. that has a long list ot
living ancestors a lather and mother , two
gramlmotlier.- , two grandfather * , three
great grandmothers , two gre-it-grandfathers ,
and one gieat-gieat-grandmuthei , the latter
being nearly 100 years old.
An orange grower near Lak Kustis , Flor
ida , found on one of his trees a fruit tl'at
seemed to bo about two-thhds orange and
one-third Japan persimmon. 1'lie latter re
sembles a full-giown and rlpn led pepper.
He dug down to the roots of the orange tree
and thuro found the living root of a Jap.tii
persimmon tieo twined among thu orange-
tree roots.
James Williamson , of Toronto , O. , cn | > -
turcdallvo crow In his coinheld. Whlleear-
ryIng It homo lie \\as attacked by hundreds
of other crown. Ho first tried to run away ,
then lie made a vigorous attempt to defend
himself with a club ; next he sought shelter
In a shed , where the besieging crows kept
him a prisoner lor IMOIO than an hour.
This particular specimen ( of tarantula )
came to Atlanta with a bunch of bananas
consigned to a commission merchant. It was
captured after some dllllculty and placed In
alarcaglass jar filled with alcohol. The
commission merchant kept It for two days
on exhibition In his store , and then he con
cluded to take It to a triend at the Whitehall
drug store. On the way the jar or bottle
dropped and was broken Into many pieces ,
and notwithstanding the two days' Incarce
ration in alcohol , the tarantula walked off as
It nothing I rail over happened ,
Mrs. Phrebe Travis , need ono hundred and
four , Is the oldest woman in weMern New
York , She never sat on WaBhlnglon's knee ,
nor Indeed , did she ever tee him , but she dis
tinctly remembers his death and the gloom II
ca t over the country.
Mrs. Lucy Lord Luther , who died at Had-
lyme , Conn. , on Wednesday , at the ago ot
ono hundred and three years and n no
months , vyas the oldest person on the pen
sion loll , having drawn a monthly allowance
as the widow of a soldier ot the war of wia.
E. C. Loomls , of Burlington , Vt. , is ono of
the best preserved men In Now England.
Itecentlyno celebrated the ilfty-litth anni
versary of his wedding. Hn still resides In
the house lie was married In , never having
removed from It. The venerable mansion
once sheltered Prince Edward , duke of Kent ,
Queen Victoria's father , for three days In
11' ' . ) .
Mr. D. H. Chamberlain , who died at the
Old Gentlemen's homo in Boston recently ,
aged eighty years , was Identified witli many
ot the leading mechanical inventions of the
past fifty years-the repeating rifle , the hand
and power planer , the spring roll for win
dow curtains , the hook and eye machine , the
kerosene lamp buiiicr , and the lettered wheel
hand stamp.
Edmond Montgomery recently died on
Nick Jordan's place , near the county line ot
bchlcy , Ga. . aged 1ft ! years. Ho was an
African chief ot the Ankarl tilue , and was
taken to Virginia from Africa In 1M)7 ) , when
he was a stalwart young man. Ho had a
largo family in Virginia , and when lie died
lioloft his third wife and twenty-live chil
dren in Georain. His grandchildren and
great-grandchildren are unknown and un
One of the oldest Cherokees in the
nation died near Paul's Valley ,
Cherokee nation , on last Thursday ,
aged 102. His name was Jim Flyhigh. Ho
came to the Chciokeo country from Georgia
In a very enrly day , and has lived hero con
tinuously ever since then , lie used to tell
many staithng tales In connection with
early Indian warfare , and at his death many
marks were still visible , caused by wounds
received in battle.
William Legg , better known as "Undo
Billv , " living near Benjamin , In this ( Lewis )
county , Mo. , has passed his ninety-fifth
mile-stone. Ho was born in Botetourt
county , Va. , Ausnist ! ! 5 , 17W. He lived with
his father until the war of 181J broke out.
when ho enlisted under Colonel Klchard
Johnson , of Kentucky , May 1 , 1818. Ho
was in the bUlle of Thames , October 5,18ii : ,
saw Tecumseh when ho fell , and thinks Col
onel Johnson killed him. He lost Ins horse
In that battle , and says "Uncle Sam" has
never paid him for It yet.
Mrs. Hebecca Cary. of College Hill , Hamil
ton county , Ohio , Is probably the
oldest woman In the southern
part of that state. She was born In New
York , August lt ! , 1700. and most of her facul
ties are still \ > ell up-served. Mrs. Carv Is the
mother of General Samuel F. Cary , the well
known temperance and greenback advocate.
She has great-gicat-graml children fifteen
years old. The venerable woman has a very
retentive memory , and can recall nil the In
cidents of her girlhood davs. She has never
taken a dose of medicine In her life or con
sulted a physician.
There died on September 25. at her resi
dence in Oakland. Cal. , Mrs. Susannah
Brown , a colored woman , who claimed to be
110 years old. She was born , according to
her story , in Maryland In 1777 , but removed
some years afterwards to Washington , where
she lived lor neaily ninety xeais. She said
she remembered peifoctly the Inauguration
of Washington InlTb'Jin New Yoik. She
was then a child of twelve years , and in the
throng in the street she stood noshow of see
ing anything , when a kindly man lifted her
on his shoulders and she saw over the headset
ot the crowd. She boasted that she had seen
every president in indurated down to Grant
In his second 'term. In lt > 78 she came to
Oakland to live.
The man who is brluht
May not always b-i Uht.
Sing a song of cipher ,
There's a wondrous key
Which makes n simple epitaph
A thing ot mystery.
There may be nothing new in this world ,
but there's a heap Unit's fresh.
The Englishman who said that hugjlng
was'"aimless , " was wrong. It is "armful.
The man who carries a brick In his hat will
never own a block of the same material.
Mrs. Langtry's newplav "As in a Looking
Glass , " was probably selected alter consider
able lellectlon.
Some fellows think it a dry joke to steal
another man's umbrella on a rainy day. It
isn't , though.
If you happen to see a telegraph wire
lying on the pronnd , you will find It a very
safe tiling to let arone.
The peal of the breakfast bell doesn't al
ways brine a man down , but the peel of a
banana will do It every time.
Joshua slopped the sun , but it would have
prl//led him to stop a bob-failed stieet car
after it had pas.sed him a tod.
Jay Gould is quietly buying largo tracts of
western land. All ho wants Is the laud that
jmes hls'n ,
A leading tailor makes all his troupers
without pockets. His customers have no use
lor them alter payhu for the clothes.
If some ot the kovs ot a pmno wen ; utal-
Ued to Hick it up , lids world would bo a lit
tle blighter.
' Where are the biggest stminres in the
world tumid ? " asUs a eoirejpondent. Tint/
am tound occr.p ) ing thrones and Irec-lnnch
"Let us have tax on luxuries , ' cried a pub-
lie speaker , and wlion lie tound three onrpet
ticks In his huckleberry pie that noon ho was
satisfied ,
California was tliirty-teven years old last
Friday. She hns sowed more wild oats and
had a higu'ei tlmti generally than any other
state ot her age. r
The man who borrowI { from yon and
neglects to return It K often thou lit to lia\e
a poor memor } , when , In tact , the man is
poor and not the memory.
In this enlightened au-e , tjno deafness
consists in biwiklni : three do/.en twentj-live-
cent clears a day , and having a signature
that nobody rean.
A human skeleton which was placed In
the hallwavot the medical college at Los
Angeles for the purpose , as explained , ot
scaring burglars has been stolen.
Bunco Steerer ( to stranucr ) "Isn't this
my old friend Peikins , of Perklnsvllle ? "
htr.iiiKcr "No , sir , my name Is Sklnem ,
I'm a reil estate dealer , ami I've some seven-
room lints , with hath , steam heated , hard'
wood finish , bell-hoy and " The buncc
stoerer shouts "Police1 !
Old people sutler much from disorders
of thu urinary oiguns , ami are always
gratified at the wonderful utlcpts of ) ) < ,
. J , H. AlcLcan'.s Liver and Kidney Balm
I in banishing threir troubles. fl.OO per
Hlie Said tlint I Wna llroninlnjj- .
Samuel Mlntnin I'u'f. '
The amber beams were Hitting
Fiom the meadow newly-mown
My love and 1 were sitting
In the waning light alone.
1 told her of my passion ,
And the hope I had at stake ;
Sim said that 1 wns dreaming
Ah , let mo never v/akcl
The mellow glow grew dimmer ;
1 clasped her hand In mine ;
Die stnu began to irllmiiier
Above Uio drowsy pine.
1 said their beams wore shining
The brlglitut for her sake ;
She told mo 1 waa dreaming
Ah , let mo never wake.
1 felt her fingers tremble ;
Shy teardrops 1 could son *
Her heart could not dissemble
Thn love she horn tor me.
1 whispered : "Wero you faithless ,
Sweetheait , my heart \\ould break ;
It loving is biitdrcamlni ;
Ah , let us nc\er wake ! "
Marie Koso ltitends to shortly visit Amer
ica. >
The Edwin Booth-la\vreneo Barrett com
pany drew 57,000 In two performances In
Mlerzwlnskl , the tenor , will visit the
United States the coming winter.
Wilson Barrett has obtained control of
another London theatre the Globe.
Mile. Sigrid Arnoldson , the now SwedUh
singer , was iccently presented with a lilty-
foot whale by her admirers at
Robert Plamiuetto , composer of "Les
Cloches dn Cornovllle , " has just completed a
new three-act comic opera , entitled "Sur-
couf. "
) HMiss Emma Thursby , In oxcjllont health ,
i returned from France last week with her
sister , after an absence from her native
shores of more than a year.
Managers of Condon theatres arc said to
have ollered to contribule 850,000 per an
num toward the expenses ot theatre supervi
sion by a government department.
The Grand opera house , Pltlsburg , U
somewhat In advance of Its contemporaries
In that It has a t air of opera glasses attached
by a gilt chain to every panjuct beat in the
"Dolores , " which is Sard u's noble drawn
of "Patrle" done over as n spectacle unilfir
the keencolortnl eye ot Mr Bolossy Klralfv.
will bo presented in New \ ork city eaily in
Wagner has invaded South America.
"Per Fllegendo Hollander , " under the. moro
harmonious title , of course , ot "ll Vascello
Fantasma , " having just now been given for
the lirst time at Buenos Ay res.
Teresina E. Tua , the violinist , ha 'eft
Berlin lor New York , whcio she will m.iKe
lu-r debut at Chlckcrinrt hall on October 17.
She will make a tuo-vears tour of the Unite I
States , u'lvlng 225 conceits , lor which she \\1II
r.-celve S iu.uoo , exclusive ot tiavel n , ' and
hotel expenses.
The latest addition to the Gerster concert
co npany is Mine. llastrcUer , with whom Mr.
Abbey signed articles ot agrei mont. Mine.
Gerster's reappearance , however , will not
take place at the New Yoik Metropolitan
01 era house November 10 , as has been an
iiounced , hut about a lortnigiit laiei , tint
iiriina donna having cabled Mr. Abbe ) of
her Inability to airive heio before thu 'JUth o
that month.
Mine. Nll son's two pasclonsarc tapestry
and fans. Must of thn former slm has plcki d
up for herself , and she has some ram and
beautiful bits , but the lan.sartt mostly gilts
Ono ot tiiem wai KINUII to her in bt. Pot nt-
burir by a Kuslaii princeami i < a couv of
the famous fan ot the ijueen 01 Oude. It is
white Jill ; , embroidered with pearls and
emeralds , the sticks of gold nnd Ivory set
with small rubier , and the mono iam.s m
A tenor singer lias just made his anne r-
aneo at Berlin In Bellini's "Norma. " His
iiom do theatre is Kleeardo , but he is a Hun-
irniinn by birth , and his real iiiimo is Pal If.
lie Is said to possess the much coveted O
sharp. He was a veiv successful animal
portrait painter , but one day he discover id
lie possessed a voice , and as ho bellovcf , dra
matic talent. Ho made Ills first appt-aiaiiuo
at Hresliur , whence lie received an engage
ment for the npeia house In Berlin ,
HelenaModjeska , the foieiiKht actress on
our sta.-c , her annual tour uttio
Tnbor opera house. Denver , Col. Uei reper
tory this season will Include seum of
Shakespeare's works , hue will act Juliet ,
Julia , Isabella. Imogen , Ifosalind , Viola and
Beatrice. Mine. Modjeska's list of plays also
Includes "Maiy Stuart. " "Adrieiinr , " and
Wfsthind Marston's "Donna Diana ; or ,
Love's Masque , ' adapted Irom the German.
imiGii r 1.111 M : KOMIS.
A little thieo-year-old girl , when her
mother was trIng to get her to shop ono
summer evening , began to usk ipiettlous
about a noise ouislde. When
was caused bv a cricket , she wii ely remarked ,
"Mamma , 1 think it ought to be oiled. "
A little four-year-old lmiiK\.lle ulrl had
her last dream , and was e.latlng ] upon the
ncw-timnd experUnco and telllnu ft out ,
when her iimihei said : "Jennie , n-ll imninu.i
your dream ? " "O ! | sliaw , iimiiinm ; jon
\\oru lying right by me , and you ought to
know. "
Patent "Wlui is the hi/.leit hov ineiir
class. Johnny ? " Jolinnj " 1 dtinnu. " " 1
should think you \voulil know. U'm-n a1' the
otliois nro industriously wr tim : or studying
their lessons , who Is ho who sits id y in hi )
seat and watches the rest , instead ol working
himself1' ' , Tlui teacher. "
" .Ma. " remonstiated lie I y , "When 1 was
at irrairdma's dim let me htno t'ui pin sot
lU"1. " "Well , slut ought not to ha\e done so ,
Bobby , " said his motliir. 'I ih UK iwo
pieces ot pin aiu too nil ch for little toyrf.
The older you grow , linlu y , the m \\lMlom
you will iain. " Hobby was hlkiil. but or ly
tor a moment. "Well , inn , " ho > ald , " . lanu-
rua Is a good deal older than you are.
" .Mamma. " said Flossie , " 1 thlnk'tlnt lit
tie gills ought to wear biisilesalni-ti ad "t 11-
dliii. "
"Why , Flosslti ? "
" 'Cause little girls have to lo sp inKiM. "
Hubert : Gfmmo some i | i . Mnmma " " )
pioMiiKl ) ) : Gimiiio some pie ! What clso
do you iay ? Hobert : And i uny up : ib < , ui
Mabel has a itreat deslro to have i litiln
sister , which she has been told would u t
52.1. and to that end him hoards thitncUlts
and dimes that escape the peanut and capiiv
pian. A short time since she went with ' er
mother to do some shopping. During the
eoiiu'ixulon in regard to go.ot'8 and in Ices
h < rs ( i.iuirht the expression gai.1' "Why ,
i , ' said she. in a voice by ng iueuii
b i > ' \ \ a whisper , " 8 4 ; It would cciftt only si
muni to buy a baby , "