Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1887, Page 11, Image 11

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Men ,
Boys and
We Aim at Furnishing
We are showing the best
Ever Seen in this
Including all the Latest
Fine Furnishing
Goods ,
I' ) Is Complete.
We have a nice Line of
Which cannot be excelled.
Garmon ,
Frank Ramge's ' Old Stand ,
1311 Farnam-st ,
A Description of the White House HabiU
of the Chief Executive.
The I'rcnldcnl'M Bnlnrjr How the
Mnjnrltjr of Our Chief Magistrates
Have HtriiKRleii With Poverty
1'ubllo Mfc.
[ tl'rltletior Uic Omaha i'midiy Ht ]
In thu midst of a park between the
trunsiir.y and the building containing the
war , stnto and navy departments , with
tlio rivurus its rear vlow , Lafayette park ,
in which General Jackson In bronze sits
upon an impassible horse , facing it
stands the white house. It is 170 feet
long , 80 feet wide , and three stories
high. The Hrat or basement story
U devoted to thu culinary and laundry
departments. The second story contains
a vast vestibule , Hanked on cither side
by waiting rooms , oucuing respectively
into the cast room , tlin green room , the
red room , and the state und private din
ing rooms. In the third story are lifteen
rooms , devoted to olllces and private
chambers for the president and his
family. Overhead is an attic , surmounted
by u copper roof which continually
leaks. Sail up the Hudson on a summer
day , ami you may count twenty houses
on its bunks of liner architectural beauty
than the whitu house , fifty better
furnished. Vet the path to this
house is strewed with many disappointed
hopes anil ambitions , and a broken heart
or two. Kesurreet and verify the skele
tons of Webster and Cl.ty , of Urrcken-
ridge and Douglns , of Grecley and Han-
rock , and ask tlium what it is to have run
and lost the race for the white house
goal , ami they svill tell you it is to suffer
pairi , the smart of which burns for life.
To be n four years' tenant of this house ,
rent free , is to bo the head of 50,003,000
people , and the only qualilications for
the tenancy asked by the constitution are
American birth and an ago of thirty-live
years , fourteen of which must bo actual
resilience of the country. To reacli this
august personauo. to stand in his pres
ence , to grasp Ins hand , but little cere
mony is required. Through the open
iron gates on
and up the semi-circular Hugging , by
blooming bhrub and llowcr pusses the
plain American cltl/.on in quest
of the president. Under the pil
lared porch and into the vestibule
hall with a pointed Jellerson quill in
hand at one end , lie walks unchallenged
by any sentinel gun in hand , unmolested
by any policeman. The loreigner no
tices the absence of these functionaries ,
the American citizen never looks for
their presence. His card is requested by
an attendant in better clothes and with
easier manners than the ordinary door
servant , who disappears requesting the
visitor to wait until the president is made
aware of his presence , and so irracious is
the attendant that the visitor feels at
homo und during the waiting interval
peeps in at the east room , charmed with
the grand glass , chandeliers , the heavy
nlato mirrors and the life si/.ii picture of
Mrs. Washington , "dear P.itsey. " as tier
husband's letters always called her. The
attendant returns to inform thu visitor
that the president at that particular hour
is engaged ; the attendent knew he would
bo engaged and disappeared simply as a
mutter of form , for if the president were
at the disposal of ovnryon'o who called to
see him us a curiosity arithmetical calcu
lation will dumnnstratu his leisure mo
ments during the presidency. To balance
the deprivation the plain American citi
zen is .shown through the various colored
rooms and emboldened by the liberty
granted , he requests to see the bedrooms
of the president's private family , which
request is politely denied.
The plain American citizen may como
with other plain American citizens in a
body , called a delegation , from a dis
tant state , to urge the claims of some
oilier eiti/en for an appointment as post
master of a country town. At a given
hour , definitely appointed by previous
arrangement , the delegation , attired in
new clothes bought for the occasion , for
the event will forever bo a marked page
in their life history , seek the white house ,
and are ushered into the private olllce of
the president. A mutual introduction is
given by the president's private secre
tary , with a word of explunution-for the
interview. There stands the
not half as pompous as the chief of a de
partment , not a bit better drowsed , worse
than thousands of men scnn at any hour
on Pennsylvania avenue , ordinarily with
nothing extraordinary in grace or person
to distinguish him from an bumble citi-
7on. Then thu spokesman of the delega
tion begins his c.irofidly-propured speech ,
the work ot days ; if from Vnginia or
Kentucky , it In long and solemn , with
nothing loft understood , as the noniinu-
tive sometimes in a sentence ; if from the
north or west , it is crisp and business
like. If , during its recital , the speaker ,
abashed , hesitates , the president could
suggest the supplying word , like the
prompter at the footlights , the cue ,
tor the president has heard
the self sumo spo3ch a hundro i
times before. If the delegation imagine
that the lurking smiles of the president's
countenance means conviction of the
reasons deduced by the speaker and con
strue it into a committal favorable to the
result of their errand , it is because the
delegation tire novices in seeking presi
dential patronage. Ho may bo thinking
of a thousand things other than the sub
ject before him and the bmilo is stereo
typed , only indicative of the desire to
make things pleasant all around. At the
conclusion of the speech the president
receives the voluminous pupors.potitions
and endorsements , enough to paper the
grenn room , bows the delegation out
amid their hourly good wishes for his
health and thu success of his administra
tion and then reads the voluminous
papers ? No ; lie quietly sends them to
the postmaster general , and that ollicer
in dun time gives the matter attention.
And so go all communications addressed
to the president soliciting otlico. to the
secretary of the department in which the
ollico is sought.
On stated days , on certain hours , in
order to exhibit himself , to the thousands
of strangers attracted to Washington ,
thereby satisfying "American curiosity
and democracy as well as economizing
time , the president appears in the east
room and submits to the greatest of Amer
ican burdens , hand shaking. One by one
he grasps the hands of the crowd assem
bled , and to the idle looker-on at the
show , the scone is a pantomino illustrat
ing the declaration , "All men are born
free and equal. " To these informal
hand-shakings no initiation is necessary ,
the general public is welcome ; cleanly and good behavior are the only re
quisites for admission. Democracy was
strained to its utmost on one of these
hand-shaking occasions lone ago , by the
appearance of a cartman in overalls ,
with checkered jumper , and muddy
boots , who grr.sped the president's hand
in Ids own honest but dirty palm before
the doorkeeper could overtake him. Dur
ing the congressional season from six tea
a dozen nightly receptions culled levees
are given at the white house , the number
depending on the length of the session.
From llvehundrod to three thousandpcoplo
attend these levees , which , like the hand
shaking reception to-day , are informal ,
the invitation being general. Each ona
is presented to the president , und his
wife assisted'by a low mvlted friends , by
the marshal ! ol the district of Columbia.
Rucsta are frco to wander at will through
tlio spacious drawing rooms , their prom
enade being cnllrencd bv the red coated
Marino band , wafting on their strains ,
mournful memories of Gnetnno Canlsc.
the Musis and the Surdos and a score of
other Italian musicians who were
brought over to America's capital in the
early part of the century to found musi
cal art in the organization of a national
band , and then thrown penniless on the
world with rhnjurninj ? discords of broken
promises in their ears instead of music ,
because no appropriation was made to
cstabllsn musical art at the capital. Thu
Washingtotnun is conspicuously absent
from tbcso lovces unless he have friends
from a distance visiting him , to whom
ho desires to show the sights of the town.
The crowds are usually strangers and in
their far-away homos for months after
wards they delight listening ears , telling
the wonders of n presidential levee , and
how they shook hands wit lithe president.
Formerly at these lovces refreshments
were distributed to the guests , but the
hospitality proved ruinous to carpets
worn out by crumbs pulverl/.ed under
foot and upholster stained with spilled
wine and the custom was abolished ,
stopping quite a leak in the president's
household expenses. New Year's day is
open house day at the president's. In
regular turns , ollicially announced , the
supreme court judges , the army and
ollicers in full uniform , the foreign lega
tions in court costume , senators find
members , and the great American
public call upon the president
und his household and to thu musio
of the marine band always on hand.wisli
him joy and happiness to the accompani
ment of the usual hand shako. These
New Year calls were introduced by Mrs.
Dolly Mncfison , and have never been
omitted from her day to this. The siirht
of the foreign ministers dressed in the
full court costumes appropriate to Mm
respective nations which they represent ,
at these gatherings , is picturwine. On
January 1 , 1830 , the Kus > < tn ntl trench
ministers with their legations declined
attending the presidental reception on
account of the promiscuous crowd as
sembled , and addressed Henry Clay.tlien
secretary of state , requesting him to ask
the president to name another day on
which they might call to renew the
friendship of the governments which they
represented towards the United States.
John Quinoy Adams , then president , de
clined tiie request as unreasonable ,
which expression translated into linn
diplomatic English infant , impertinent.
Thus America has survived without Rus
sian and French assurances of friendship
offered on New Year's day 1820.
For the performance of these multi
plied byA
the principal of which is the veto or ap
proval of the laws wheil passed by both
douses , the American public up to March
! 1 , 187H , allowed the president a salary of
$25,000 a year. In round figures that
sum is $2.0Si.ii : : ; ) a month or
$08.4 ! ) and a tnllo over three mills a day.
A goodly salary , say you , from which the
president must save enough to die noli.
Listen ! How can ho ? At a cost unknown
to the public , he maintains the domestic
part of the white house , paying from his
salary the retinue of servants from the
chief in the kitchen to the chambermaid
on the stairs. The equal of kings and
emperors , ho is expected to maintain the
greatness of the American people as
their representative , by the entertain
ment of the foreign legations stationed
at the capital. State dinners form the
medium of this entertainment , about a
do/an of which are given a season. No
small affairs , these state dinners for the
palate of your foreign ministers is a
household god fed over on nectar and
ambrosia. The wines must bo the choicest ,
all real , no imitation ; the dishes filled
with courses of culinary excellence and
tln > service unexceptionable. From ? rii)0 )
to $1,000 , according to the number of
g'lests invited and the generosity of tlm
host , each of these dinners costs , this bills
ot which are paid from the president's
salary. Any stint in these state enter
tainments or indeed in any item of his
household expenses , while enabling the
the president so economizing to save a
portion of his salary lias likewise sub
jected him to the reproach of the people
for meanness. Call the roll of presidents
and count the names of those dying lieli
on the presidential salary saved. The
to his country , both as commander-in-
ehief and president , entailed only loss ,
but ho died with $530,000. How ? His
marriage to the rich widow , Mrs. ( Justus ,
nugumonted his own wealth in 1759 ,
$100.000 , which carefully invested in Ohio
lands and employed as capital in tobacco
planting enabled him to die in 1709 the
richest of all the presidents. The elder
and younger Adams , thanks to Yankee
economy , did save something from the
white houso. On the very Fourth of July
upon which Jefferson died , Governor
Harbour , at a public celebration , solicited
subscriptions to relieve his poverty , and
Mr. Hush , in the house , called attention
to his needs. Madison sought his estate ,
Montpelier , and the sale of a tr.ict or two
of its land with accompanying .slaves , as
the occasion required , relieved his most
pressing needs tor life , but want over
took his widow. Monroe .just escaped a
debtor's prison in Virginia , and lived
the balance of his life and humble pen-
bioner on his son-in-law , Sam ( louver-
nour , in New York. Jackson exhausted
his salary and drew largely upon hispri-
vato means while president , and his sub
sequent life at the Hermitage was a
struggle against debts contracted for
himself and others According to Clay ,
Van Huron dispensed "in the noble man
sion , one worthy the residence of the
chief magistrate ot u great peoplea gen
erous und liberal hospitality. " Ho was
shrewder tliyn Jackson in Ins estimate of
expenditures , and managed to die in
comfortable circumstances on his own
estate at Kindcrhook. Neither Harrison
nor Taylor lived long enough to earn the
full presidential salary of $100,000 , but of
their successors , Tyler's carlv investment
in western lands which doubled in value ,
was his main financial stay after his re
tirement , and Killmoro was just u little
crumped. Polk and Pierce were com
pelled to
for maintenance after their four voars"
8'juson in the white house , and Huch-
anan , well , tip one has over inquired
about him , while Lincoln's complications
are best told in the pitiful
tale of distress in his widow's
jettor begging a pension. Healiz'.ng ' the
inadequacy of $25,000 a year for the sup
port of the president , congress doubled
the salary on March ! i , 1ST ! ! , dating its
commencement from noon ot the follow
ing day. This nicety in date was a rnso
to avoid the constitutional requirement ,
forbidding the increase or diminution of
the president's salary during the period
of hisclcction. Ho had been re-elected ,
and the increase was really of his own
salary , but his friends claimed that the
period of his second term ot ollieo did
not begin until after his inauguration ,
and the increase was for another term
tlnin the one ho was serving. Analyticul
minds reason clo soly ; veryclo oy ) 'hero ;
just twnnty-four hours in ti'o measure of
time. Whether American presidents for
the next hundred vcars may grow richen
on fifty thousand u year , let the tale of
the historian tell. Certainly in the past ,
life in the white house has not proved
money making.
The wife of tiio president is the most
important personage of his household ,
and by courtesy is called
She is the social queen of thu country ,
and her sway is despotic. She is in
power a feinalu Jove , whose nuJ is ' 'tho
stamp of Into" to many a scheme seeking
presidential sanction through the medium
of her influence , and many n costly
present ncoonip.inied by a letter full of
rounded sentences from some political
aspirant , delicately telling her how beau
tiful and how worthy of her station she
Is , finds its way to nor presence , and in
reciprocation she is expected to toll her
husband how sadly the country needs the
services of the.sender. If she have wis
dom with her understanding , she soon
learns to grow suspicious of presents
and declines thorn , like Kncs fearing the
gift-bearing Greeks. An invitation from
her is a command of obedience , taking
precedenceof nil others , and being i suf-
llccnt causa ( to break any engage
ment of a social nature previously
made. Decline attendance at a card party
at the house of the chief justice , when
invited , if your ! Inclination * suggest , send
your regrets to the wife of the secretary
of state , stating your Inability to bo pres
ent , as requested , at her dinner , and so
ciety will forgive you ; but adopt a like
course in return to an invitation from the
first lady of the land and you commit a
sin unpardonable in the social heaven.
Another evidence of her power i ? her ex
emption from returning any call made
upon her. Day by day during the season ,
from the windows of tiio white house thu
president's wife may see carriages rolling
along , containing the wives of supreme
court justices , cabinet bllieors , congress
men and foreign ministers , engaged in
the duty of distributing cards , in ac
knowledgement of like favors showered
upon them , and , laughing in her jleovo ,
she thanks the social law relieving her
from such dreary drudgery. Hut for
these and a hundred other social Immu
nities the first lady is yiAjeeted
to counterbalancing annoyances.
She has no pnvacj in her
household , for the , white house Is
lint a hotel , with < American public as
its guests , nut } she is but the figure be
hind the tootlight for a stare through the
oi : ra glass. How she talks , walks ,
dresses , and eats , her incomings , anil
outgoings , her slightest look or gesture ,
all become gossip spread in the journals
throughout the land , and what reality
lucks in making the article sensational ,
invention supplies Woo unto her if she
blunders in the slightest form of social
etiquette , for then the press in opposition
to her husband's administration , deride
him through her , while the ladies of the
reigning cabinet ridicule her among
themselves , envious of her position , su
perior to theirs. On the authority of
Justice Miller of the supreme court.most
ot the presidents have been men of me
diocrity. Their biographers say that
most of them
M'liur.r.i.r.n WITH I'ovr.iirv
in their early youth , llappiiv foi the
country , such a condition of things was
so , for the hturdiness of character ac
quired in the struggle , developed an
independence both of thought and char-
actor. Their wives were their help
mates in their early manhood and
learned liftlo ol the forms of court eti
quette to lit them for their future sphere.
Hence the mistakes of the first ladies of
the land have caused foreign ombassa-
dors used to court polish , to howl witli
indignation. The Martha Wnslungtnna ,
Dolly Madisons and Harriet Lanes have
been rare stars in the white house lir-
Single ladjcs listen ! If covetous of tiio
honor of being mistress of the white
house , /iiscouutonance matrimonial
intentions on the part of the average
man to await a president's proposal , let
us say to you in1 all sincerity , don't. A
four years , at host an eight years reign is
brief ; your crown surrendered to your
successor , you pass into the world unno
ticed , and into history unknown but in
name , unions by extraordinary talents
yon have mudo yourself famous , and
hhoilld your ox-president husband die in
later life and leave you nothing , the in-
lluenco of your former position may se
cure you a government clerkship , noth
ing more. _
The missionary work of the rellziotis tract
society of London Is carried on In 1W5 dlf-
feient laimujues.
Of the CyHM const PKations that compose the
American I'tcsbvturlnn chinch , no less than
1'JOl aie reported as vacant.
The I lev. diaries 11. Snurtjeoii of London ,
Is said to tui on tlm point of separating him
self from the liaptist union.
There urn only three Protestant churches
on the Island ot Cuba at Havana , Matinza
anil Clenfuoco all recently orxam/ed.
The Norwegian Lntleian synod has
chunecd tlio location of their theological
.seminary iroin Decurah , fa. , to Minneapolis ,
The conference of Congrcuatlonnllsts and
Baptists , tor the pin pose of promoting co
operation and union , Is to be held in London
this month.
Kev. .Joseph Parker prefers to preach Iroin
a pulpit rather than from a platform. Ona
platform , ho says , a man's Ices are pain-
lull v conspicuous , and his boots have a mean
A mom : the now decorations of the Metro
politan Mstlmdlst church , Washington , of
\\liieli Dr. Newman is still pastor , is a
mural tablet erected in memory of I ! emu ill
Topekn , through the Commonwealth , Is of
fering forty acres of land und ? IOO,003 for
thu Lutheran college. Tlio contestants for
the college are Atchhon , TopoUn , Ueloit and
Archbishop Rvan. of Philadelphia , will
sail this month for Kuropo. lie will preach
tlm sermon on the occ.islon of thu living ot
the comer-stone of the new St. Patrick's ba
silica in Rome.
There are -100 Mormon bishops in Utah ,
2,4'J.l priests , 3.SI47 tonchers and f > , ! T l dtncons.
.S.ilt Laku City is divided Into wards of eight
or nine blocks each , and a bishop is put In
charge of each ward.
Rev. John O. Foster , of Chicago , has been
re-elected secretniyot the association ot tlio
United States Christian commission , armv
chaplains , and ( iocd Samaritans of the Kite
war , north and south.
The Kvnneollcal alliance of the United
States assembles at Washington on Decem
ber 8. Among the speakers will be Chief
Jtistlcn Waite , Associate .Initlco Strong , of
tlio supreme court : Bishop Coxe , of tlio
Protestant Kplscopal chinch : President Mo
Cosh , of Princeton : Senator Joseph R. llaw-
IBV. and Bishop Hurst , ot the Methodist
I'hnnoiiiPiial Precocity.
: 'Oh , Ue.orgo ! " cried young Mrs. Merry ,
running to meet her husband at the door.
1'vo something the host to toll you. "
"No ? " said George : "what is itv"
"Wliv , don't you think the nahy can
ttiik ! Yo3 , sir , "actually talk ! He's said
over so many tilings. Come right into tlio
nursery and hear him. "
George wont in.
"Now , baby , " said mamma , per
suasively , "talk some for papa. Say ,
'How do you do , papa ? ' "
"Goo , goo , goo , goo , " says baby.
"Hoar him ! " says mammaecstatically.
"Wasn't that just us plain as plain can
bo ? " '
George says it is and tries to think so
"Now say 'I'm glad to see yon , papa. ' "
"Da , du , boo , iljee , boo. "
"Didyou Qvory''crios mamma. Ho o-in
just say everything ! Now you precious
little honey bunny boy , suy , 'Are you
well , papa * "
"Boo. bu , do. goo , goo. "
"There it is. " suid mamma , "Did you
ever know a child of his ago who could
really talk us ho does ? Ho can just say
anything ho wants to ; can't you , ywi
own dear little darling precious , your1
"Goo , goo , dee , do , ili , goo. "
"Hoar that ? Hcsuys , 'Of course I can,1
just us plainly as anybody could say it.
Oh , George , it really worries mo to have
him so phenomenally bright. These very
brilliant babies nearly always die
young. "
In another column of this issue will bo
found an entirely now and novel speci
men of attractive advertising , It is one
of the neatest over placed in our paper ,
and wo think our readers wilt bo wall re
paid for examining the surrosKU dis
play letters In the advertisement of
Prickly Ash Ulttera.
Ella Wheolcr on the Dangers That Threaten
Young Women.
Towns AVlckcd , Hut the Country Not
Altogether Moral Whnra 1'arenta
Make Mlstnkot How Young
Women Are Tempted.
H'l Uttn for the Sunday lift by Fllii H'liccltr 1HI-
cor. Copy ) IflMftf .
All my life girls have mndo mo their
confidante. When I was myself a girl ,
they sought mo for sympathy and
consolation. Since my marriage they
have como to me for advice and assistance.
It will bo impossible in this article to
more than touch upon the various phases
of temptations ( o which girls are sub
jected in tide bad hut jolly old world.
In fiction and in journalism , the country
is always represented us a pluco morally
and physically healthful for girls. Tlio
city alone is supposed to teem with
temptation for the innocent and ignorant.
Without doubt the town oll'erj more
opportunities for folly and wrongdoing.
Yet human nature is the same , in its
varying moods , its passions , and its
weaknesses the world over ; and there
are phases of and causes for temptations
in the rural regions unknown to the city-
bred girl.
Youth is youth wherever yon find it.
Young blood llow.s swift and warm
through pulsing veins. Young hearts
long for companionship , young bruins
indulge in vague sweet dreams of pleas
ures yet to como. A healthful young
girl can no more be content with prosaic
duties , without one day of pleasure to
brighten her life , than a meadow lark
can bo content in a cage. To attend
faithfully to the most commonplace tasks
all day , to hear no word of praise for her
labors ; and to retire at 8 o'clock on a
moonlight evening , is ii'.tlo less than a
tnrtnre to a girl full of sentiment und
undefined longings.
Yet this is the existence of hundreds of
country girls.
The parents regard an hour .spent in
pleasure us so much lost timo. They ex
act industry and obedience from their
olispring , invite no confidences , and ob
ject to late hours or merrymakings. The
young heart soothes in silent rebellion ,
and learns to hate its lot , and lives in
hope that something will happen to give
color to lifo. If the city idler , or the am-
orus farm hand , or thu married seducer
happens to Imd her in that rebellions
mood , why then wo road in the news
papers an item about the "Strange Disappearance
" "Unaccountable Mesal
appearance , or
liance , " or "Shocking Depravity" of a
hitherto respectable young girl.
Thu heart-broken parents are crushed
with shame and sorrow. They cannot
understand why their beloved daughter
should go astray. Ah ! if tiiey hail only
shown her demonstrations of their love ,
they had only sought to know her secret
thoughts and longings , if they made an
etlort once a month to give her n few
hours of pleasure , she need not have
gone ust ray.
are never satisfied with the love which
only bestows food and bodily covering ,
and linds no tender expression. They
crave something more than "good cure. "
Thu Haltering praises of an unworthy
admirer elton win a foolish girl's heart ,
which starves in the atmosphere of un
demonstrative parental uli'oetion.
I personally knew u case which illus
trates this point ,
A young lady of relinemcnt , but born
with that passionate love of music , color ,
and perfume which is so dangerous to its
possessor , was compelled to live the most
prosaic of lives. Her mother was a de
vout Christian , whoso only command was
that her daughter should attend church
Sundays. Her father was a domestic
tyrant who desired the lights out at 0
o'clock , and objected to Ins daughters
entertaining company.
One superb summer evening which
the full moon rendered a pallid day she
walked down the quiet street to talk with
a young lady friend over the gate.
"I have been in the kitchen all day , "
she suid , "and I am just crazy for a drive
in this moonlight. I teased father to take
me , but ho went off to bed , and told mo
that was where I'd better go. 1 know I
couldn't sleep , so I stole off to see yon. "
Scarcely had she ceased speaking , when
u handsome stranger passed , driving a
line equipage.
"Oh " her friend "there
, whispered , is
that handsome commercial man ug.iin. I
saw him down at the store to-day. Ho
tried to flirt with mo. "
"I ho would usk mo to take a
drive , " said our desperate young lady.
"J would go in a minute. "
at the young ladies with bold , admiring
eyes. There was something in the ex
cited , passionate face of one which gave
him courage to speak. Ho lifted his hat
and suid politely : "A lovely evening
for a drive. I wish you young ladies-
uould take pity on a lonely follow , and
accompany mo. "
The calmer of the two girls turned
away without replying. The other hes
itated ; the man saw his advantage ,
pressed his invitation , und despite her
friend's urgent entreaties she drove oft"
with the stranger. She returned in half
an hour declaring sl.i , hud done a terri
ble rash thing , but that .sho hud brokojH
the monotony of lifo at least , and ' u
one need over know. "
But it was found out , of course ; the
stranger boasted of his conquest , and the
girl's reputation was tarnished forever.
Parents , in the country especially , are
too much afraid of praising their chil
dren. 1 believe it is butter to lisk spoii-
ing a child than to starve it to death. I
have noticed that children who uro freely
praised for every task well performed
und for ovorv dutiful act seldom bring
sorrow into their parents' lives.
Mothers are too reticent with daughters
on subjects of vital importance to our
sex. Curiosity to investigate the mys
terious , causes many girls to read unhealthful -
healthful books , or converse with un
worthy people who excite their imugina-
tiona and tarnish the purity of their
In the country , children ramble homo
from school together promiscuously , and
over creative Natnro reveals many of her
mysteries to wide open young eyes. If
mothers would satisfy the natural curi
osity of young girls regarding uU those
mysteries , and touch them to regard the
wonders of nature witli reverence , the
temptation to personal investigation
would bo removed.
City streets teem witli cheap opportun >
ities for Ilirlutinns with unknown men
who designate themselves as "nmshors. "
Only the silliest or most depraved of our
sex risk lives and reputations uy .respond
ing to them.
A lady is seldom accosted or troubled
by these men in tlio day-lit streets of New
} ork. A humUomo young girl who
earns her living by newspaper work ,
which culls her into all sorts of business
ollices , recently told mo that she hud
never received an insinuating or cmbar-
rasing word or look in all her career.
is supposed to bo more fraught with
temptations than other avocations , but I
no not know this to bo true. In nno of
our largo cities west of Now York tiiero
wus a young lady clerking in a dry goods
establishment at tlio princely sum of ? 1
per week. Finding this inadequate to
uer personal expenses of board , washing
: ancy Striped Vevels
At 75 Cents Per Yard ,
This lot contains 20 different styles and col
orings. These goods are well worth $1.50. We
will close this lot Wednesday , Oct. 12th at
75c Per Yard
Mail orders filled. Send for samples.
Thompson la B@Id@n & Co.
1319 Farnam St , .
None will be sold until day of sale.
121J and 12IX
Carpets , Stoves ,
House Furnishing Goods.
Weekly and Monthly Pay-
merits ,
Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
310 South Fifteenth Street.
ollft lots In Pntuck' Hdd , from $1'JOO : HOOcusH Some iloslrnhlo trncknselots.
SoviTiilclienn lots In South Omnbu . U ° 0l Imrunlus In nil pnrtu of tlio city.
Nleo ncres In Uonlleld cliunp. A line ncro \Vnshltitflon Hill
3056 South 16th Street.
1 IHUO biiwixlus In Vacant Lots , Houses . und Lot . * , ami lluxlno . a Property , always on hnnd
If 1011 lin\c iinj tlilnjf lo soil or trudi1. or wish to IMIV. cull on tuo. Snociul . attention to tnulu
and slioeleatber , she complained to her
"What shall 1 do ? " she asked.
"Well , you know what some girls do to
improve tboir situations , " ho said , and
left her to consider ins words.
Without doubt the managers of some
theatres do abuse and misuse their power.
Two pitiful cases have been recited tome
mo personally within two years.
who had been deserted by bcr good-for-
notbing dissolute husband , resolved to
make her really line voice a moans of
support. After much bard study and
months of constant appearance in a
small part , she bogged her munugor to
give her a trial in n more ambitious role.
He answered her that .she capable of
better things , but he refused to advance
her unless .she sacrificed her self-respect
to him. She is still appearing in tier un
important role.
Another more recent case was that of a
young girl scarcely out of short dresses.
She was almost born on tlio stage , and
has played youthful parts from her child
hood. She is pure as a lily bud , und has
blossomed into a lovely young woman
who is anxious to make a success of her
profession. When she asked u well-
known manager to give Itor his inllucnco
IK ; promised to do so on condition that
she gave him her honor in return.
Surely no hell fire could be too hot for
such men. The girl is an orphan , and
obliged to earn her living by the profes
sion in winch she was reared.
The most dangerous of all temptations
is that which comes through lovo.
I know personally one ease where u
young man carefully and delicately won
the confidence and gratitndo and love of
a working girl by thn most gorilla of ac
tions and a repetition of thoughtful
kindnesses. Then , when ho had made
himself necessary to her lifo , ho gave her
the alternative ot sharing his unlawful
companionship or never seeing his face
again. The girl hud the strength to send
him away , but she never recovered from
thn shock to mind and body.
Men tempt women through their
vanity and affections.
Women tempt men through their
emotions or their ambitions. A clever
young woman was desirous of living in
luxury and respectability. She worked
night and day to improve herself , and
became a brilliant musician und linguist
Then she threw herself in the way of a
man who possessed money , but whoso
social ambitions were balked by and ex
ceedingly commonplace and uneducated
wife. The man made comparisons , and
finally fell into tlio snare. The wife was
divorced , and the scheming youg woman
shortly filled the vacant position.
I do not bolit'vn that thu Creator made
man any more wicked than woman. Jtoth
sexes Invo thu same impulses and emo
tions. Women are compelled to fight
against their own weaknesses , and to
combat thoio of men.
Where ten women are tempted , two
only full. Where ten men are tempted ,
two only htand :
Ami yet wo uro called the weaker sex
If the penalties for folly were as severe
for men as for women , and if the world
demanded us high morality from them ,
they would bo us good us wo are.
The best and surest Remedy for Care of
ill dfceases eaascd by any derangement of
the Lhcr , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Pyppepila , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
fllllons Complaint ! and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to the bcnedccnt Influence of
It is pleasant to tlio taste , tones up the
system , reatorca and preserves health.
It la purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to
prove boncflcliJ , both to old and young.
An n Blood Pnrlflcr It U superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at tt.OO a bottle.
About where to buy
For I.mllos , Moil and Children.
] ) IIT this nslrto for rutiiio rofnronco when !
dies , gouts' luulclilldrens' ehoes you want
to liuy.
HAVi ; the Kindness to ciilland Inipoct my
selected stocK , jou'll line ] my prluus arc
not lilK'li-
T.Indies' iinil children * ' flno ebocs I cnrrv
-L Slmw.V Allirlulit iiml Tliog. Klik uuoJs anil
ovnry luuillnir iimKu usoll. .
T A1H12S , von can send mo , or Ic.uo your or-
J - * dors hotliur thuy iiro sinull or huKo.
I 01IAH ANTI'.P. j on courteous iitlomltincounil
dcllvoiy , 1C needs bo , frvouf oliiuicu.
IMVINdBtilctlycnshto tlio mamifacturora
when I tniy , gettliiK lur discounts , 1 bin u
liy uolntr so
JKAVINfl to my customers tlioso dheotiii
Is my means of milking IHHIMOM grow.
AI.Ii I solicit Is a sliuro of vour patromiifo , 111
In lluu boots \ slious , 1 lutvo now on Imml
' 'Gft' only nil tha loading crindos , but tlio finest
-Li Etyles In mimmortind full goods tlint fiuu
run conim mid.
G1VK that oxcclant hmid mid machlno make.
Kent's Mmu ot II. U. VuiltiK & Co.ol , lloHloii ,
u trial.
SUI'KltlOil North Stnr Hoot mid Shoo Co. ,
Mlnnonpollj , Minn. , I uuvo ovury guide on
HAVJM ! but strictly ono nrlco , mid tl.nt the
lowest , the bootrt und Hliom you buy of mo
ON all occasions uro Just us represented , per-
focl In lit , Krndu nnd quality
EVIJIIV tlmo you toiinlro Ladles' , flouts'
Jibes' and CnlldH1 BhoiH , or lepiilrliitf ilono
boll ! u oil and nuat ,
O r.N'l ) or rail at 1'hllln Limit' * Old llollablo
VJ .Shoo Store , No. I'KJO 1'aiimtn utrcut.
Kvury pair of boots or fil.oo * nold bylitinirM
an anted to III and to bu an roprOMunlid , or
the monev 11 ! bo lofunded. .Insl boar tliialn
mind , and KO to J.MHK , 13iJ Turnum , for any
thing no en I on In his lino.
Men's Hoot" . " M
Mini's \VorltlnifMioo3 . . 10)
.Mun'g Kino Con r ns or l.uoo Shoes . X ( X )
MDM'R I'mo f'oiiKrtia or I.auo French Cult ,
Miiehinu Muko . . 4 r > )
Men's I'lno Congress or luco Trench Calf ,
Hand Make . . fl 00
LidloV I'ull ( loat Jluttcm Shoos , C , I ) , K
whliliH . 2 Wl
l.a.llei' . Kid IJutton Shoos , C , I ) , i : > s Idtlis ,
uoith clsouliero. tat . . 1 W
Ladles' French Kid Mutton MIOCH , I ) , K
widths , worth elaewlicre , J5 , at . I OU
Mlsscw' and I hlldren'H fchool tihoon ,
worth from $1 lo JU. . . , . 1 IK1
Ladles' OpuriiSllppurs . . . l' < v
HUMS' .Shoes In Kid or fonl . . . . .
Tor low prices ootno to the Old Holltiblo ,
Philip Lang , 1320 Farnam Sf ,