THE OMAHA ; SUNDAY BEE. SEVENTEENTH ! YEAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 0. 1887TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER 113 BETRAYED HIMSELF , How a Shrewd French Detective. Outwitted General OafTarel , LATEST SENSATION IN PARIS. . i Distinguished Army Officer Caught Selling - * ing Legion of Honor Emblems. CRISPI'S VISIT TO BERLIN. The Italian's Trip Creates a Sensation at the Qcrman Capital , TALKS ABOUT THE ALLIANCE. The Frontier Trouble Happily Settled EngllNh I'upcrH Deprecate the Jtevlval of I'uclllsiu Homo llule Missionaries Capture n Tory Town. A KeriH.itional Arrest. lOpi/rf/M ) / ( If87 liu Jama Gordon /Jcwicll. ] PAHIS ( via Havio ) , Oct. 8. | Now York Herald Cable Special to the ORE. I The war ofllco scandal and the arrest of General Cairarel , sons chef d'etal , major In the French army , for selling decorations of the Legion of llonoi , causes consternation In army circles and arouses public Indignation. General Calloral is fifty-eight years old , has one of the moat hrllllant records In the French nrmy and was an ofllcer d'ordonnanco to Napoleon HI. Ho Is a line , military looking man , with black Hashing eyes , gray hair and waxen gray moustache. Ho Is a protege of .General lioulangor , who made him com mander of the Legion of Honor and sons chef d'etal major. General Callarel's father was also a distinguished general under Napoleon I. , and his name is Inscribed on the Arc d'Trlomuhe , nnd his brother is an nttacheo mllltalro at the French embassy In Constantinople. Until the advent of General Perron , all secret plans and mobilization orders - dors wcro confided to the safe-keeping of General Caffarel , nnd If ho Is capable of sellIng - Ing the Legion of Honor , It Is Infcired ho is fllso capable of selling Jo Germany the most precious secrets of the French war olllce. The way In which the startling discovery was made by n secret police Is like a vaude ville. It happened that this Information was hroiiL'lit to the secret police that a regular traffic In decorations was being carried on by a little black-eyed , hump-backed woman named Madame Ltmouseln living In a cosy llttlo apartment at Thirty-third avenue , Wagram , who had been the mistress of an ex-minister ot war. T'o ' police watfljed her carefully , and ono line day a police agent , disputed ! a ? a silk merchant , called upon Madame LImouseIn and bald , "I am aware , madame , that you have Inlluentlal friends , nnd I como to ask your protection to get a favor upon which I have set my heart. 1 am Moiisignor Ber- thrand , n silk merchant residing at St. Etl- cnnc , and Ijavo many workmen under my direction. I wish to obtain n cross of the Legion of Honor , and the government of the republic In decorating mo will bo lowardlng a life of honesty and hard work. Permit mete to add that i will gladly remunerate your services If you present mo to the personage Who could obtain this for me. " Mine. Limouscln received the false mer chant , with open arms nnd offered t0 intro duce him to General Calfarel. The offer was readily accepted aud a few days after , Mine. Llmousuln took the falsa silk merchant to the minister of war and Introduced him to Caffarel who shook his hands cordially and assured him that ho should soon receive the cross. The false silk merchant then re turned and told the whole story to the chief of secret police with the result that yesterday as General Caltarol was returning to his homo In the Hue Trcmelllo about 7 o'clock ho was accosted by three police agents who approchcd him. Ono policeman In clvllllau dress advanced and raising tils hat with extreme courtesy eald : "General , permit mo to arrest you In ac cordance with my eiders from the prefect of police. " The general , who wore a frock coat with the red rosette of the Legion of Honor In his buttonhole , turned pale as a piece of chalk and trembled like an aspen leaf , and ex claimed : "Allow mo to go up to my apartment to takoaclass of branoy and a few neces- narles. " The police fearing lest the general Intended to commit suicide , refused , and putting him Into a cab diovo at n rapid trot to police headquarters , where he wiis Incarcerated to await trial. This eVenlnp , at fl o'clock , the police arrested Madame Limouscln , the little black 6)6(1 ( ; humpbacked lady who was not only the mistress of at least two ex-ministers of , war , but also of Cairarel. All her papers , / telegrams a > id letters were seized anrttt handed to General Ferron , Amonz the papers seized are letters from General Uoulanger , General Thibamlln , Ji.'do Mackray , several senators and bank ers. It , by the way , may bo curious to know Jiow manv of these literary gentlemen have fr ten reading Montaigne's nssay on Virgil , The llttlo hump-backed lady protested vigor ously and swore by all that Is considered holv that Cairercl was Innocent , and char.eil Wjo venerable General D'Audlan , who Is n fcenator anil general nml ono of thn ablesl nil ( I most uptight , most Incorrupt generals ol the French army , with having really conv mined thocrimo with which General Cat farel Is charged. Wlicn this news reached your correspond' 1 ent , 1 culled at once upon General D'Audlat : a'i& found him at the jockey club In the rue Scribe of which ho Is a member. Genera ! D'Audlan Is a short , rather stout , verj soldierly man with white hair and aw hilt moustache. Ho was ono of the staff ol Marshal Hazalne at Metz , and upon the fact : published In the geneial's book was baseil the Indictment upon wh'ch Hazalno wai tried and found guilty. General D'Auldat : received me most cordially and over n petll vo'rOinont of delicious cognac nnd an ox quilto lla\niifi cUnr , oftercd by n friend ol the general's \ > ho Is also a friend ot no own ageotD'Aiuilan explained thatthollttli huinVfbacked woman's accusations wen pure calumny. The general said : "I am , It Is true , It rather embarrassed pecuniary circumstances butiuofy nnjono to lind ix sluglo lettei from mo or ono lota ot evidence showim that 1 am connected In the remotest waj with this most aii-L'fWV.ful ( soiudal. More over , 1 liavo not for years even asked tin ministry ofvar 6r any other ministry fo favors of any kind for myself , nor forfth : ono else , with the solo exception of once ask IUK General lloulnnger , when ho was mln Istcr , tote \ my son , who was an ofliccr li 1 the infantry of marine , to bo transferred d the Infantry of lino. On that occasion I sav General Oaffarel at the ministry ot war ( UidUftt la the ouly Htne 'lever met him I am astonished nnd Indignant that such an absurd charge has over been made against mo , and I give my catcgonal denial of tlieso Infamous charges and attempt to mix my name In this deplorable scandal , " 1 shook General D'Audlan hands with great cordiality and bade the gallant old general good evening. CrlRpl'fl Berlin Visit. Copi/rfgM 1BS7 by Jama Gordon Tltnnttt , UEIILI.V , Oct. 8. [ New York llerald Cable-Special to the UEK.J-Crlspl's visit and the Italian alliance thus revealed has been for the last eight days the only subject of any Interest to Uerllncrs and throughout thu empire. Bismarck In two days acquired n pronounced Italian accent. The wliolo ot the official press Is therefore now struggling with Italian dictionaries and attempting to forget that the ablest Ulsmarcklan organ only six monthsagoclassed Crlspl among nihilists. Within a few days , It Is said , wo are pretty certain to hear ot thu foundation of a number of macaroni vcrclus and that the atest fashion among the German nobility s to own and practice upon hand oreans. Meanwhile , the moro practical result ot "Jrlspl's trip has been to convince all Ger- nani that Italy hns firmly placed upon a basis the new trlplo alliance which replaces the one shaken to pieces by llussla. Berlin opinion thinks the Crlspl Interview In the Fianktortcr Xcltung to bo the olllclal oxpiesslon not only of Crlspl but also of the German foreign oftlco's views. Bci liners recognize three Important points In the Interview Ulsmarck expressly admits the hope that Italian subjects will be under Italian jurls- illction , therefore entirely oulsldo the possi bility of interference by other nations be tween the pope nnd Italy. Bismarck and Crlspl together agree that lUibslan possession of Constantinople would bo disastrous to Italian Interests. Crlspl agrees to consider the Franco-Uusslan alliance leading an attack on Germany as notice of the Uusslan Intention to take Constantinople , therefore as n declaration of war by Franco as well as Itussla or Italy. In addition , the oulnlons of Berliner's manifest great pride In the secrecy with which the Crlspi nego tiations were couducted , contrasting this admirable diplomacy with French leaklnoss , even In points where secrecy was most es sential to France , I was surprised a day or two ago to see how sincerely people who ad miry Prince Bismarck do not take so favor able a view of German diplomacy. Said a gentleman to me : "Franco It overmatched In diplomacy. 1 nevertheless think our diplomats are losing the fine touch and exquisite tact for which they were justly noted. Consider that Schnaebel , junior , was arrested for a foolish boyish freak. Two Fienchmcn wcro also shot on the frontier. Franco was furiously excited. The boy was released without punishment. Germany at the same time apologized almost abjectly for the shooting accldo and oven ottered money In payment to the Injured. Naturally Franco jumped from anger to insolent self confidence. While the Ger mans manifested a deeper Irritation than at y time for many jears. On ton of all this came Crlspl'S HyiDK trip. Could anything bo worse ? Jealousy coming from conscious weakness has been the main characteristic for many years of French diplomacy. Crlspl's trip insures place by showing Franco that she could , despite Kiihsia , be ground between two armies. Perhaps , though , France is too historical to bo n safe factor in such arguments. For my part , 1 think our diplomats mistaken In per- uiittlitg the Haunting of an Italian alliance to take away In part tbo German dread of war. All Germans want peace , but some times such mistakes cause war. " This gentlemen , while the strongest ad vocate of peace , is ono of a group of pessa- mists which openly predicts war as prob able , even before the roads are sufficiently frosted to boar a cannon. I,1TTTK QKIIMAN BITS. Besides politics , Germany this week abounds In small Items of type which are In teresting , but need a nucdlo and thread to string them together. We had n row because the imperial telegraph refused to deliver to the Duke of Cumberland a telegram ad dressed to him as Duke Braunschweig , the latter being the title absorbed , so to speak , by the empire without Cumberland's consent. To a minor degree there Is also a low because the postofdco has ruled that Kobcrg and kindred names must be spelled Coberg. Wo will bo amused at the Kast African company's demand for a line of subsidized steamers to carry non-existent steamer loads of freight to and from German Africa. Oleomargarine , which at first came under the law forcing sale only from marked tubs In marked wrapping paper , also caused amusement by the unique kinds of chemist's certificates used by dealers to prove the su periority of the false over the true butter. Berllners are made happy by statistics showing 40,973 strangers were In Berlin dur ing September , but is irritated oy the brutal ity ot the Hellgsland lighthouse keeper , who In a single night killed 8,000 dazzled llttlo song birds , who were on their way south for the winter. Among other items Is the medical degree taken hero by Bernard Gordon , of Now York City , formerly a student In Leholch univer sity , and a graduate of the university bf Now i'ork. Humbert Pleased. [ Copt/rfoW lfS7 trj N. I' Assoctattil Pw .1 Bnni.iK , Oct. 8. Since Signer Crlspl repotted to King Humbert the result of the conference with Prlnco Bismarck the king has exchanged personal salutations with Emperor William and Kmperor Francis Joseph , expressing his satisfaction at the conclusion of the peace alliance. The press continues to teem with surmises as to the tcims ot the alliance , but nothing authentic has tianspired. As the alms of the alliance develop It becomes more and moro apparent that it Is a deadly menace to Kus- sla. It Is stated that Signer Cilspl said : "Italy has every reason to dreadlthe advance of Itussia to Constantinople. Wo cannot allow the Mediterranean to become a Uuss'an ' lake. " These words were brought out by Prlnco Bismarck , who Informed Signer Crlspl that the czar meant to take Constanti nople at an early date if the central powers remained neutral. The disclosure of the czar's designs enraged the c/ar and created consternation In Itussla. The Russian ministers , led by M. Deciers , minister of foreign affairs , scut n denial to the sultan , who has responded by breaking up the negotiations with Russia for mutual action In Bulgaria. The social war atrnlnst the Germans resid ent in Uussla still continues. An edict has been Issued ordering the instant application ot prohibition of the use of the German lan guage In the schools , universities and lend ing gymnasiums. A majority of the German teacher ; will be obliged tg cross the frontier , Purls Go98lp. [ Coni/HuM / JSi7l > uJiim Gordon ncmiftt.'l PAm , via Havre , Oct. 8. | Now York llerald Cable-Special to the BKK.J A dense jellow fog captuied Paris Wednesday and still holds It. It Is chilly , rheumatic and cloudless , making the Boulevard almost as dlMiial as the Strand or Fleet street and in the o\e.ulng broughams and cabs completely logo their bearlugs. iu the Placa do la Con corde and Champs Elysoes the Parisians still linger In country bouses and Chatcus , but myralds of tourists heading from every Imaginable corner of the globe swarm like ants everywhere. Every hotel Is full to over flowing , and the shopkeepers are reaping n golden harvest. The emperor of Brazil and President Gusman Blanco have apartments next each other at the Grand hotel. Crown Princess Stephanie , of Austria , is at the Hotel Bristol , whence she makes flying visits to the grandes couturlcres ot the Hue do la Paix. Galkwa , of Baroda , with n suite of seventy persons , among whom are seven ladles of his harem , has pitched his tent at 1SI Boulevard Uausman. The Grand Duke Nicolas Is at the liotcl Mlrabeau entertain ing and bolng entertained by the ofllcers of the French army , and last , but not least , Mr. James ( ) . Blatno , still remnlns in oar midst , sight-seeing and talking politics with Mr. McLano. Kaiivlcr's cabinet has scored a brilliant success by the successful ending of the frontier incident and the visit made ycstcr- terday by the German ambassador , Count Minister , to the minister of foreign affairs and handing her n cheque for 50OUO marks as Indemnity to Mine. Bugnon for her hus band's death , causes throughout Franco a feeling of relict and has done more to diminish bitterness towards Germany than anything that has taken place since 1ST1. Even the Bismarck Crispl Interview has ceased to cause any anxiety on the part of French politicians. The bourse Is steadier and them Is a slight advance in all govern ment bonds , while the Pnrlsans refer to the compact between Germany and Italy without bitterness , merely alluding to it as n dlst of saurkrnut nnd maccarrl which will soon fallen on any healthy appetite. Mrs. James Brown Potter sailed all o'clock this afternoon from Havre on the Cham- palgnc. She received a cablegram yesterday 'rom New York , in which she was Informed hat a special tug would meet the Champalgnn on her arrival in the mrbor to take aboard her father , her self and child , and probably with the same ovation with which Mrs. Laugtry was re ceived. Mrs. Potter objected and notified her manager that she would not go aboard the tug , but would remain on the steamer until t landed. Mrs. Potter looked fresh and pretty yesterday morning seated In the special comoartment reserved for her In the 1 o'clock train for Havre. She seemed bright aud happy over her coming appearance in Now York and chatted Ircely with her friends who wont to see her off. She wore n brown plaid traveling suit , over which wasu large , blown plaid ulster , a brown turban tilmmed with gold and brown braid and brown leather boots. In htr hands she car ried some exquisite largo pink roses , a gltt from ono of her friends. Amone them were Mrs. Gasper ( iris weld , the Count de Turcnnc , Mr. Hecht , Minister McLano and others. Mrs. 1'otter completed a course of fencing "essons while In Paris under the teacher of Mrs. Lnngtry and other stage celebrities , Mr. Caiilchon. Some very gorgeous wraps from Worth's were packed In ono of the forty trunks of baggage that went off yesterday. Ono was for the Mile , de Bressler. The outfit was a bril liant triumph of pink velvet with n loop , graceful sleeves embroidered In white gold. A long train falling In rich folds from the waist was trimmed with handsome sable and some fur was extended around the edge of the garment It can only bo called "peaches and cream. " Another wrap Is of dark blue cloth lined entirely with white Thibet , n broad Thibet collar high about the neck and falling over gracefully on the blue cloth. Still another Is of red cloth trimmed In black worn over the most becoming of all gowns , plain , black broadcloth. Long flowing drapery. No trimming , nothing but beauty of simplicity and grace. With these is n red straw hat with feathers. The great sensation of the week has been the appearance of the European edition of the llerald , which has been selling like hot cake" . The Figaro greets this new star In the constellation of Parlsan papers with a leading article conceived in such flattering terms that modesty prevents me from cabling it to you. The Temps reproduces every day ono or two diagrams from the gems that the European llerald sots before Its readers. Other papers , doubtless on the principal thai Imitation Is the slnccrcst form of flattery , copy the European Herald dispatches with out credit and thu famous Pcttlt Journal welcomes the new paper with a two column editorial headed , "En Avant Ton Jours on Avant. " The Pettit Journal says : "All things change. Newspapers follow the rule with an order which is recognized nnd ap preciated by the public , for newspapers have become absolutely necessaries of life. Wo must confess that the Americans have out-placed us in the pro cess of transformation. The Now YorK Herald Is published simultane ously In America and Europe. The distance which had been diminished by steam Is now annihilated by electricity. " English Sentiment on [ Copvrtunt 1SS71/ ] James Gordon Ifrmictt.1 LONDON , Oct. 8. ( New York Herald Cable Special to the Biin.l The prize ring , as rep resented by Smith and Kilraln , has taken the place , In sporting gossip , vacated by the Volunteer and Thistle. Each gives an exhi bition to-night , and In the morning a prom Incut clergyman announces a sermon , pre sumably about them , on the pernicious Inllu enucs of prize fightinc. Two weekly relig ious journals also deprecate the posslbli restoration of the brutallrlng prize ring Several papers write edltoiials on the P. 1 The most piquant article Is ascribed to Clement Scott , In the current number of the Dramatic Itevlew , extracts from which wil doubtless interest Herald readers. "Kilraln Is tall and upright , about six feet high. HL complexion ono can't denominate light Ho looks full of fight and his money is al right. 1 should think ho could smothc White Chapel with his weight. These prize Ilk-liters though , ore such terrible fellows ono never knows whet business Is really meant. Smith 1 a very coarse person , and 1 sincerely hope IK will get a good thrashing. He wants It badly Before he attained his present notoriety IK was respectfully modest and unassuming very pleased to be given a glass of beer anil spoken to by gentlemen. Now ha drives r dog cart , wears' enormous diamonds , drink dry champagne , and Uc.'oucs ' to the J'lelar club. But with all these adventitious aids Mr. Smith cannot conceal the loVr.Hueasu his origin. Ho reeks of While Chapel. " , V are indeed driven to a sad pass for cham pions when wo am obliged to make a hero ol such an Individual as Jem Smith. It alfoid ! food for reflection tlmt Mr. Kilraln , who is described ns the American champion , and Mr. Smith , the English champion are both Irishmen. History repeat ! Itself ron in pugilism. The two fa mous gladiators of twenty years aso Ilcenan and Saycrs , claimed the same title : respectively , and they were both Irlshmer also. Wo are very proud of the memory 01 Tom Saycrs , and ho Is continually alluded t < as n. famous Englishman. The majority , per haps , are not aware that ganio llttlo flghte : was pure Irish though born in Brighton. Ill : father and mother Lad emigrated from Llm crick a lew mouths before bis DlrtU. Auothc tnuslnc fact Is that Mr. Jatucs Carney , who list departed for the States , to encounter lie doughty McAullff. another Paddy , for ho light weight championship ot the world , s likewise distinguished as n champion ot England. It Is unfortunate that Mr. Carney s a native of Cork. It must bo confessed hat this state of things Is somewhat humlll- tlne. Wo tnko everything from the un- ortunato Irish nation , Including its liberty and Its champions. In return wo give them mcksliot and abuse. " Mr. Arthur Balfour , another writer In a weekly paper , says these champions are mo- nontarlly greater than the czar , Bismarck , Salisbury or the Bulgarian piinco foe they are disturbing the peace of Europe. Every country Is uncertain upon which state they descend with ropes , sponges aud bottles. Homo llule Mlfidtnuarlcg. lOpi/rti/M 1 S7 li/ | James Got Jon llcnnt 11 ] StIEItNE8SATTIin AloUTU OFT1IK MKtlAT Oct. 8.-1Now York Herald Cable-Special to he BIE. ] Doubtless you will bo pleased to receive an Instance ot the method of the new lomo rule campaign bolng conducted over In England bytholilsh party. This tory ills- rlct Is represented by Sir John Gorst , who is a member of the ministry , and adjoins ono unrepresented by Colonel HuBheE-llallctt Last evening n great meeting was held. The ) rlnclpal speakers wcro Edward Harrington , P. , and Dr. Bernard O'Connor. It was lie first time that an Irishman spoke In pub ic In the town , and the experiment was ooked to with considerable Interest by all parties , and lories especially nro Incensed at .lie awful Intrusion. Sherness is a dockard town , very much under the domination of nil tory admirals. The place Is not favoiablo to the growth of liberal opinions. The meeting showed , however In aground of this kind , the tory cause is losing.It was held in a largo hall which Is capable of accommodating thirteen hundred persons. It was filled to overflowing. When the proceedings began it was evident that a couple of hundred lories were among the audience. They Interrupted the chair man very much , nnd when Mr. Harrington came lorward they did their best to prevent him from getting n hearing. Alter speaking for some minutes , and finding the interrup tion not inclined lo desist , Harrington invited them to send their beat man on the platform and ho would argue the Irish question with him for any length of time they might dcslro nnd then leave the discus sion to Urn meeting. The challenge was accepted. A bustling gentleman with spec tacles pushed ns ! way through the people and came on the platform amid encouraging cheers from his friends. Mr. Harrington then lese and pointing to him , said : "There Is more joy In heaven over ono sinner who does penance than over ninety and nine just men. I think wo have reason to rejoice at seeing this light of tory ism on a liberal platform. " Thn audience went Into peal in ? laughter , and the tory champion became so angry that ho forgot all his points and became nn ensy victim to the member for West Kerry. The result was that the unionists lost heart , and when n hostile amendment was proposed not moro than half a dozen hands were held up for It A resolution declaring strongly for homo rule and denouncing the police attacks on the Irish people , was then'j'carried by acclama tion. It was a remarkable sight to see some dozens of blue ) jackets om ono of the ships on the dockyard checking enthusiastically for home rule. It is In the especially tory districts whcro wdrklirgmen are found that the Irish members wllucto as homo rule mis sionaries. * A Sensation , Exploded. LCopi/rluM 18S7lu James Gordon ItenntitA BEIIUN , Oct. 8. ( Now York llerald Cable Special to the BKK. ! The Gorman art critics hadiecently'a good deal of fun over an item which had been widely clrcu- ated in the French and English papers. Ac cording to this story one Theodore Leven , described as an eminent art authority of Carlsruho , discovered a manufactury of old Hollandish paintings wl.ich had already suc ceeded in selling sixty-one of Its imitations to the Frankfort museum. Among the Ber lin crllics 1 found an apaltlng amount of amused ignorance concerning Leven and his discoveries. Finally , nftor n do/en or so In terviews , I succeeded Ip Iracing the story to Its source. There are.Iu the Frankfort pub lic gallery about two dozen pictures which have long | been known to bo merely Imitations , All have been in Iho eallery Ihlrty years. Not a pfenlg was over paid by the museum for these paint ings. All came as gifts when the collectors of soveial rich amateurs wcro given the museum and kept simply because they formed part of these collections. There are no other doubtful pictures In Hits museum , therefore none which could have been pur- "chased from the manufacturer of Imitations. Loven himself is not a noted critic and his statements seem to carry no weight among experts as it is said hoi had lltllo experience and furthermore had shown little judgment in previous art criticisms. As rogaids the alleged discovery of ) the manufactury of llollandlst old masters , It is well known to all German art critics that are In Germany , as also In Italy and France , that the mar.u- facturtoa which delate themselves to the pioductlon ot a certain Hue of old mastcis , do J not manufactuio whole pictures but buy up old paintings of little value , change thu signature , run In a few manorlbins of the painter of whoso work the purchaser desires a specimen and pro duces n picture which la a fnlr imitation In style nnd an excellent' ' Imitation in slgna turo of the painter desired , Such Imitations do not and cannot decQivo experts who are able to locate the factory which producei them , by the way in which the counterfeits are made , While looking up alleged Frank fort forgeries a famous Berlin critic told me an Interesting story regarding Holbein's famous Madonna , which is bcsl known lo Americans through Iho alleged original In the Diebden gallery. In Ib7l the collection of this master's work cdnvlnced mostexperls tlmt the Dresden picture was merely ai excellent copy of the Darmstadt original which alter an uncertain history came into the possession of the kings of Prussia passed thence , on the marriage of the princess , to Darmstadt , hanging In the pal ace of the grand duke , This pain ting attract ed a comparatively little attention and was supposed until IbTl to bo merely a copy After the Ib71 exhibition came a creat ills putu between Dresden and Darmstadt Finally , a few days ago , the grand duke sen thu painting to a Munich expert , who has ru- mo\ed the outer layers of paint which cov crOct Uio largo part of the picture , revealing underneaiu what is undoubtedly Holbein's original. The wuO'ojs ' in an excellent state of preservation and of course of great value and Interest. Why the mabtor.'uoco ot the great painter should Jiavo been o\eri3Iutei | In such a fashion remains unexplained , bu the critics are too 'well ' satlslied by the beauty ot the original thus disclosed to cnro lo Inquire how Us boKuly came to bo hidden. Still Somewhat Sore. tCopi/r.'yM lKS7l > jJ < fiMi Ooiil'iii Ilomett. ' ] LONDON , Oct. 8. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEK.-To-day's | Kield has. a lone editorial on the yacht race , doubt less from Dlxon Kern ? . It contains these poluU and commentsIn the f uu ot the Ifflcultles In the way of Increasing the riiisllo's draught of water it Is open to doubt vhethfjr a smaller yacht would not stand n letter chance of winning the cup , even in n tiff breeze , now Dial Iho Americans have as- Initiated our ideas as to under waler deplh of body and lead ballasting. The deed of gift stipulates that the challenging yacht hall be 01' not less than thirty tons register and not moro than 800. The Mayflower , orty touncr , is of thirty-three tons register , and Is perhaps the faslest light wind pcr- ormer of her size over produced in Ihls conn- ry. She is sixty-four feet on the walor line , vllh n beam of twelve feet , nnd nt the lime she was built nnd first raced In 1SS7 she could have walked oil with Iho Vinerlcau cup with comparative ease unless n compromise sloop half Brfllsh , half Ameri can had been built to meet her. Such n sloon as this would now of course bo'built and night have been In 1S31. Still wo think that a sixty-four foot Mayflower under the new atlng would stand a betlcr chnnco than a argo vessel like the Thistle. Our small cut lers like the Madie , Magglo and Clara have given n good .account of themselves when aclng against ccnterboardors and probably for the principal reason that relatively they draw more water than largo vessels and are thus belter able lo hold n ccnlerboarder of equal length and wind. At any rate , ns : heso challenges for the America's cup have jecomo an annual event II Is worth consider ing whether our chances of success would not bo Increased by adopting n cheaper method of proceeding. The Americans have apparently , with perfect justness of percep tion adopted the principle that they will meet Iho challenger sl/.o for size , or nt any rate length for length , aud If the challenge bo Issued by Ihe owner of a sixly-fotir foot yacht he need not anticipate being met by ono of eighty-six feet. The Americans nio moro alive than wo are to the fact that con tests between yachts of such widely different dimensions are unsallsfaclory and uninter esting. Worse than this , they prove nothing. For instance , wo have seen the Queen Mat ) lead the Mujorlo , of seven times her tonnage , at the South Sea for hours In a light wind , nnd when n heeling breeze came the Majorto walked away trom her ten minutes In a reach of six miles. Wo there fore think that it the Thistle had been fitted with a typo metal fin In her lead keel , say twenty-five feet long , lo drop lour feet , she would have hold the Volunteer In a wind. In the second race she appears to have been at least as fast through the water as the American vessel , but she could not hold the wind the Yunkco did. It has been suggested that the course should bo either four-sided or triangular as affording a fairer test than n dead to wind ward and dead to leawaid trial. Possibly this may bo so providing the yachts have the beat up on ono sldo of the square or Irlanglo but n very small shift of wind would make It all reaching nnd that nt nny rate would bo unsatisfactory. A dead to windward race can bo plaited out and marked at the moment of starting but either n triangular or square course lakes lime to mark. Indeed ono of the dead to windward races between the Livonia and Columbia resolved Itself Into n race both ways owing to a shift of wind after the start and it would scarcely bo wise lo make Iho risk greater of Ihls again happen ing. Wo therefore think that the New I'ork yacht club could not bring the America's cup into disgrace by organizing a sort of pug and greyhound race. It appears likely that there will bo some clamoring that any future British challenger should make use of our In vention , "Iho ceulcr board. " The Americans have had an almost exclusive monopoly of Ihls British conlrlvancefor more than half n century and have come to regard It of purely American origin. With this amiable fable wo will not quarrel nor do we think they can blame us II wo again take up with a long dis carded notion. Our countrymen nro now naturally looking for a means to make the winning of the cup moro easy and they are ( julto .instilled in asking the New Yoik yacht club to abandon their Inside course. At the same time it must bo remombeied thai nt some future date we may desire to ask nn American challenger to sail over the ordin ary regatta course of one of our clubs and what could wo say if our visitor objected. New Shakes penrlan Literature. tCojiyrfuilSS7 / , fci ; James Gonlon llcnnctt. ] LONDON , Oct. 8. | Now York Herald Cable-Special to the Bnv.l : As n relief to the Irish contentions and rumors of war , an Important literary sensation Is announced to-day Uy the Messrs. BlacK , who state lhat they expect to Issue on November 15 , the first of the eight volumes of Shakespeare , which Henry Irving and Frank Marshall , the dramatist have been n long time collab orating. As lirst cabled to the Herald , Mr. Irving contributes nn Introduction , thoobjcct of which Is to show thai Shakespeato was a practical playwright , and his plays designed above all things , for stage exhibition. Each play is printed so as to bo an acting edition. A line on the margin indicates the passages which Mr. Irving thinks are not essential for public or private reprcsentalion. The Introduction Is divided into tluco sections. The Hist takes up the literary history of the play ; the second , its stage history , giving some account of the chief occasions on which It has been performed wllh the names of Iho principal actors ; the third con sists of critical remark's on the subject of the construction and characters of the play , with nn estimate ns to its incuts as compared with others ot Shakespeare's diamas. The notes to the plaj's are numeious and difficult pis- sages tiding discussed and explained , many points are made clear thai have been lett un touched by former commentaries. Hare words and phrarcs nro illustrated by quota tions from Shakspcaro himself or his con temporaries and passages from the old wiiter.s , whoiiavu furnlbhed Iho poet with some of his materials , are often reproduced verbatim. The notes to the plays In which historical personages l rgely llgurc , com prise brief biographical accounts of them. The moro Important notes are placed at the end of each play , but there are also many fool note ? given on Iho pages below Iho text. They compilso the explanation of words which arc obsolete , or used In peculiar sig nifications , also translations of Latin , French , Italian or other foreign words em- ployed.Toeachplav Is appended a listof words that occur only In thnt piny , n feature lhat has a very Interesting bearing on the llter- nluro al various jicrlods of Ills caicer and , indirectly , on the question he Is being the joint author only , of some of the nlnys. Each play Is also furnished with an atlas showing the probable period of time covered by each scene and act and the length of anv intervals supposed lo elapse in Iho course of the representation. The illustrations have been drawn expressly for this edition by Gordon Brown and nro reproduced In facsimile of the original drawing. Thoj wil ! Consist of thirty-seven full page etchings representing one or KOTO Important scenes in each play ami ftbovo Ihe hundred am fitly designs are placed In the te\tnt the passages they Illustrate. In further lllustr.i lion sketch maps will accompany cerlalu plays , showing the countries In which , am the chief places where , the action is ( .op posed to o > ; cur. It will thus be sect that this is n most important addltloi lo bhukespeariau literature , supnosvi 0 have been exhausted as to lovelty. The edition will also refer to the discussion recanting Uio Baconian Shako- ipcaro which has rcccnlly been started as If 1 was something now > whereas , when vhcn Bacon's name was first statled thirty ears aeo , under the editorship of George Yllllam Curtis , the matter was exhaustively dissected pro and con and also by n book published In St. Louis by ono of its lawyers nnd nlso by Iho Herald of that period. An other edition deluxe ot Shakespeare , Is lasti ng by Afossrs. Cossell , called the "Inter national Shakespeare. " The October num ber covers "Henry IV. " "As You Ltko It" vlll tollow next month. Each volume costs 3,10s here. Dr. Furnivall announces that 10 has In press for his Shakespeare quarto series , fac simtlics ot the first editions of 'Tho Contenllon , " 1594 ; "The True I'raccdy , " 1W > , and "Tho Troublesome feign of KlngJohn.'MS'Jl. DIckonH SalU For New York. ( .Copl/ifuM / 1887 l > iiJatncs Gonlon JJcmirtM LONDON , Oct. 8. | Now York llerald Uablo Special to the Uii : : . ] Chnrlrs Dickens sailed on the Auranla Ihls afternoon on ills reading lour In America. Many ot his friends nro accompanying him lo Liverpool. Ho cave n reading l\\o evenings ago before Iho Beik Institute , usine ono ot his father's 'prompt books , " as It may bo termed. Judg- ng only liy the attention nt some Jtucs and the applause nt other lues given by the audience , ho has llttlo reason to apprehend failuio In Ids new leld. Ho modestly asked an A met lean , who ; ias been a resident hero lor some years and who Is widely know n In the states , for letters of Intioductlon. The eentlemau replied that such a request Implies that Americans have short memories. "Your llnr-ago Is your best ntroduction and renders letters superfluous Besides , all the journalists will at once re ceive the editor of All the 1'ear Hound.1 ll Brots as a Wound llenler. PAitis Oct. 8. Count Von Munster , Ger man ambassador , lias requested Flourcns to convoy to Lieutenant Wagen the regrets of the German government for his sufter- Ings. Lieutenant Wagen was ono of the l > arty of Fionch sportsmen lired upon by the Gorman frontier guard and severely wounded. Support OlToroil the lyoril Mayor. DOIILIN , Oct. 8. Lord Mayor Sullivan , in his paper , conllnues lo publish roporls of proceedings of suppressed branches of Iho league. The National mentions aj an Indi cation of the support uuon which It can count In detente ot the libcrly of the press , that several Influential English nnd Scotch newspaper proprletois l.avo otfcred the use of their premises , machinery and stair If the government closes the National ollico In Dublin. Peasants Devoured Hy AVolvos. BUCIIAIIEST , Oct. 8. Twelve peasants who left the town of Pilestlat , slxty-threo miles uorlhwest of Ihls clly , lo destroy the wolves which intest the district , were over powered by the ferocious beasls and seven of them weio devoured. The remaining live escaped , bodly mnnglcd. THE PUOGUKS3IVU 1'ARTV. Their IMcetliiu In Union Square DroaKs Up In n Itow. Nr.w YOHK , Oct. 8. The progressive labor party held a mectlnir to-night In Union square to ratify the state ticket. On reaching the plaza they found the gas jots not llehted A bitter wrangle followed over this and the refusal ot the police to allow their speakers to occupy the usual platform. This was finally conceded , however , and speeches were made by Shevlteh , lllnton , Hall and others , denouncing the action of the police. While the speaking was In progress a row occurred on the outskirts of the crowd and the police atlacked a portion of it , severely clubbing some. Them was a stampcdoof Iho crowd and In n mlnulo Iho platform was almost deserted. Colonel lllnton cried out , "We will tesl Ihls in the courts. " The chairman called on the crowd lo dls- pcrsn peaceably and the meetlnc adjourned , lllnton talked turther about the outrage , and waving an American lias said ho was ready to dlo under It. A female socialist on the platform when Iho policemen said the speak. Ing must stop , cried out that they would speak anyway. The police finally decided that the meeting might continue and the ointois continued lo denounce Ihe police. Police Captain llellly recietted Itio conflict , which was caused by a misapptelienslon. Ho had sent twenty men to the meeting to pn'servo order nnd n slight row occurilng , the reserve squad thought that their comrades woio being at tacked and rushed to their assistance with out orders. New York Republicans Ratify. NKW YOUK , Oct. 8. The republican club of the city of Now York held n meeting lo- night to ratify the nominations made at Iho Saratoga convention. Annng those on the stage were Pacific Hallway Commissioner Littler , Colonel Fred Grant , Jesse D. Granl , tMjssns S. Grant and Scnalor Evarts. Suveral of the spcakeis denounced the prohibitionists as playing Into the hands of the democrats. In answer to repeated calls , Colonel Grant said : "You know my speeches nro always bhort , but 1 want to ay how proud 1 am lo hear Iho name which you nave honored , and should I bo elecled I will faithfully perform Iho duties Imposed upon me. " FINED FOR CONTEMPT. A Virginia , liiduro Urines the Attorney General Up AVIih a Sh-trp Turn. HICJI.MOND , Va. , Oct. 8. In the United States c'icult court to-day Judge Bond lined Atlornoy General Ayres 5100 for bringing suits under the law known ns the "coupon crusher' ' In disobedience of Ins Injunction order , and committed him to the cuslo ly of thu marshal until thu line Is paid. Ho also lined the commonwealth's attorneys ot Farqiiler and London counties lor disobey ing the same order , and committed them until the lines weiu paid. The suits brought are dismissed. Attorney General Ayres nnd Common wealth AUoinoy John M. Scott , of Karquer county , remained In Iho custody of deputy marshals until iu o'clock to-night , when they were taken to Jail. They decided to adopt that coin so rather than have the deputy mar shals constantly dogging their footsteps , as Judge Bond had ordered they Miould no In actual and constructive custody. They pro posii now , as soon as the iceord ran bo made out. to apply to thn United States supreme court for n writ of habeas corpus. Governoi Leo visited them in jail to-night. The International Knctimunenr. CIIKJAOO , Oct. S. The day at the military encampment was devoted to drills and a sham battle. The prl/.e ? will bo awarded on the Wth. From present Itullcalions the LouIsville - Isvillo legion will ctptuio tlm battalion pri/o of : t,5'Ji ( , tlio Toledo cadets thu company i rl/o of 55,000 and thn .Milwaukee bniierv of nrtlllery thn DiUoot f'J.ftOO. ' The contest be tween the Cleveland and Mllwaiikeo lioops was so close thnt It Is not possible to make an estimate. Thu depiitures from camp nro assuming kit gu proportions. ThoTrouhlo With thu Crown. CHOW AOIINCV , Mont , , Oct. A The fol lowers of the young malcontent chief now number from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and are increasing every day. Ar rests aiodelaycd. A report which is causing much excitement and augments the war dancing and medicine making , U lo the filed lhat Iho InmU of Piegnns nro on a re taliating expedition against the Crows. AH a Riinx , Ilmu.F.v , WIs. , Oct. 8. The story nbout fimiipir the bodies of f > e\ou men behind n cablu In { ho woods near here Is a hoax. CHOKED TO DEATH WITH WIRE This Threatens to Bo the Fata of Trade in the United States. THE MONOPOLY OF THE CENTURY How Gould's Purchase oftho B , * O , Telegraph System li Recanted by Two Great Journals An Ap palling Outlook. Thn Financial ( Jnrrnlor. NEW YOUK , Oct. 8. Hie following will np pcnr ns the lending cilltorlnl nrtlclo In to narrow's Sun : The Times Ihls morning in- ' .Imated tlmt the Western Un'lon will not gel Ho Balllmoro & Ohio Telegraph company jccnuso Mr. Onrrctt will oppose the transfer , Air. Garrett Is powerless In the matter , If foi 10 other reason limn thai Gould has no othoi competitor for the property , nml Innsmuuhns ts sale Is compulsory mid ho Is the onlj pur < chaser , it must go to him. Air. Gould , until n few days since , had a competitor for It In .ho shape of western association of business neu who wcro willing to glvo a higher irlco than Mr. Gould has paid , jut the sharp practice \ > hlch has suddenly taken the property out of : ho market lias mndo It impossible to proceed rurther In thu iimtter , even If legal anil prac ticable oppoitumty were still available , which Is ( louttful. ) The establishment of the Western Union In undisputed monopoly of so great and vital a public nenleo ns thn tel egraph , will not bo loviowcd with oltherjcon- tunt or resignation by the public. Thu dis trust of ( iould aud Ins associates , and the suspicion that attaches to their methods and practices are too profound and too well rooted In the public mlud to admit of such men being accepted as trustees of n great public seivlco.Voshould not bo piepnrod to Intrust ( iould and his colleagues with the administration of the postal system ot our country. it would Imply In public estimation n grave calamity. And yet Ills administration of telegraph Is IIKolv to bo much moro tircjudlclal to ] > ubllc and pilvato Interests than his ad ministration of the postal system could pos sibly bo. It Is a lone latin that has no turn ing , Jint It may as well bo understood now as later that the government of ; ho United States shall not acqulio the telegraphs ot country , aud that no machinations of Mr. Gould , and no oppression of Individuals , public or pilvatc , will in or blackmail or coerce the people of this country Into con senting that the Western Union shall lie un loaded upon the government. And there will bo other aud Independent telegraphs too. Another Opinion. CHICAGO , Oct. 8. The Journal this even ing says , cdltoilally : Tl.o apparent lacttlmt the sale of the Baltimore & Ohio telegraph to Jay Could has been consumatcd Is calculated to excite the gras-est apprehensions In regard - gard to the money power that one man may possess. The telegraphs of the country con. voy intelligence roeaiding every transaction In business , uu-ry act ot government , uvory movement In politics , o\ cry Important per sonal and domestic relation. With a telo- craphlc key boaul In Jay ( iould's baelc office , ho will ha\o his linger on every piilsvlion of trade , of finance , of politics ofi olllclal action and ot domestic life. Ho who shall own the telegraphs ot the country eau advance or depress prices by which thousands or millions may be ruined In an hour ; ho may contiol thu government Use I ; his evil or unclean presence may bo felt In every home. Possibly 0110 man might not abuse this stupendous grasp on the vitals of the country , but other mnn would , unit It Is too great a dancer to foresee with com placency. It Is evident that If competition and all Its results are to bo excluded from the private administration of such ngieat public service as the telegraphs , the govern ment must Intervene for the protection of the people , lint the United States should not buy existing linos. Telegraph lines could bo established to every point reached by West ern Union , ovorevery railwayand jiostroad. for a ono-tonth part of the nominal value of Jay Gould's combination , A tclegiaph olllco could bo placed In every Important postollleo ami at o\cry railway station In the country for a sum ot money that would not sensibly rcdueu the burplus In the United States tieasury. The woik should bo undertnknn at once , unless monopoly removes and keeps Its greedy and oppressive bands oil Irom ex isting lines. IjAIiUK TROUIIM39. Printers Anticipate n DiHchargo and Walk Out. I'oiiTi-ANi ) , Ore. , Oct. 6 The printers In all the job ollices struck heie this afternoon , they having learned that the employers would discharge the mun who did not recede from the demand for iilno hours work after November 1. The KnlKlitH and the Standard. MiNNKAi'oi.tR , Oct. 8. When the Knights of Labor convention opened this morning Thomas II. Lo\\rey , of Bradford , Pa. , hail the rules suspnmlcd in order to read an ap peal on behalf of the Knights of Labor Co operative Oil Ue lining comuany as against the Standard Oil monopoly. The appeal de clared that at the late the Standard Oil monopoly have been able to crush out all competitors In the past ten years , they will , unless snmo system of restialnt can bo adopted , own or contiol in twenty yeara three-fourths ot nil the railroads and manu- lacturlng interests In the United States. A Pioneer Accidentally Killed. UAI-ID CITV , Dak. , Oct. 8. [ Special Teler gram to the Hinj. : John Dunn started for his home , about olght miles from town , last night In a wagon , paitially Intoxicated. Ills body was found by the loadsldo this morning with the right sldo of his skull crushed. The team had inn away and thrown him out. The coroner's Juiy returned \ordlctof ac cidental death. Dunn was a uloncer , coming to the Hlack Hills in IhTO. Ho had no family or relath es In this region. During the after noon before his deatn , In conversation ho .said ho had watched old tlmcis dying and s.ild ho thought hlt > turn would conic next. In less than elcht hours ho was dead. Qiiiirniuinlni ; AgainHt Cholera. NJW : YOUK , Oct. 8. A cable Horn Merida , Mc\- . , says that that port has been closed against the United States on account of the epidemic of cholera In Now York. No additional deaths wcro reported to the the quarantine coiiimlssloneiH to-day. 'Jho agents of the Alosla. which brought the cholera over , sav that her misfortune has n discouraging ollect on Italian Immigration to this co untiy. A KnnsnH Itnnol in in Hlclpw. TOIT.KA , Kan. , Oct. 8. Considerable of a sensation was created here by the announce ment that 1'ranlc Jackson , the well-known stockman of the famous Maple. Hill Inn .stock fin in had made a hasty assignment and hklpped out lor Canada or MIIIIO unknown unmoio congenial place than Topitka. Ilia ll/hlldluh are placed at sW.OJO. Ills father Is the heaviest loser. KlinPitinkurM I'ol'itso to Ho Rank. Pnii.ADr.i.i'iiiA , Oct. 8. The striking haud-sewod shoemakers refused to return to work to-day In spite ot thu orders of district assembly No. 70. The Manufacturers' asso ciation has passed lesolutlons that unless district assembly No. 70 suspends the striking local assembly , a general lockout will bo declared , throwing out 6,000 hands. Strnmhoat ( Sailor Explosion. NASIIVII.M : , Tenn , , Oct. 8. By the cr plosion of a holler of the steamer Paducah at Now Hyde's ferry bridge this morning , Thomas Ttenpard , the engineer , wrs killed. .Moigan \ . Carpenter had lei : binkon uuu. others were moro 01 leib brubtd.