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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BIE : SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1887. PICKED UP ABOUT THE CITY , Verdict of tbo Coroner's Jury in the Dolanoy-O'Shoa Killing. THE WAQON BRIDGE PROJECT. Suddun Diipnrturo of Texan Tom For IMrtn Unknown Tlio Hoard of Public Works and the City nail. The Engine No. 'K)5 ) , by which O'Shca mid Uolanoy wore killed , ns recounted in yes terday's BF.I : , wns taken out on Its regular morning run by Engineer Charles Swee/y , ns Knclnecr Cnnipboll hnil to nttcud the inquest lit South Unmlm. Joe Wlthrow , who owned the horse Hint was killed , values the animal at $200. Ho says it was the best livery horse ho had hi his establishment. Engineer Campbell is one of the oldest engineers on the road and Is considered to bo the most careful. Only u short time nga he saved the lives of tliroo chil dren on the bridge near Valparaiso by his presence of mind. The funeral of Dclanoy and O'Shca nill take place from St. 1'liilomcrm'H cathedral this morning nt 10 'o'clock. A delegation of liremonwill intend. No. 2's engine house is draped in re spect to the memory of their deceased. At the coroner's inquest .several wit nesses wore examined. The cvldo- corroborated the above statement of faetfl. The jury , composed of William Kiloy , P. I' . I'omory , John Saulter , Ed Corrigan , J , 1 { . Grico and Ed Mulouuy , returned a verdict that Dennis O'Slica anil James Delano ? came to their death In a collision with a tram on the Union 1'acltlc railroad and N street in the city of South Omaha , on October C , Ibbfi. It was a compromise verdict , live of the jurors being in favor of putting the blame upon the deceased , while ono juror disagreed with them. The Wagon Bridge. The council Thursday passed an ordi nance granting to the Omaha and Coun cil IJlulls liridgo company right of way for its approacli on this side of the river , on Douglas street. It has been a well known fact for some time , notlmith- Handing the desire of the company to keep the public in the dark as regards the street it preferred for its approach , that it favored Douglas .street. This was shown by llio passage of the ordinance last evening. For a time the properly owners and ousiness men on Douglas street , and even the Union Pacific road , through Mr. Potter , objected to the se lection of that street , for the approach. Recently , however , this objection was removed , and to-day ono of the objectors told a lii : : reporter thut it was done because the bridge company had heeded their protests and agreed to construct its approach preach so that it would in no manner interfere - terfero with the property or business of the objectors. Said ono of these men : "I sco the BKB ( juotes somebody as doubting the build ing of the bridgo. That is all nonsense. The contractor , Scully , is hero on the ground has boon here for same lime and collected material and apparatus for the purpose of commencing work. Do vou think this would bo done if the bridge were not to bo built ? My im pression is that the bridge has to bo fin ished by the ending of next Juno or the charter will bo lost , nnd 1 am satisfied that , so far from waiting for the expiration of the two months allowed by the ordinance before com mencing the erection of the bridge , that work will bo begun immediately. In fact , ! know that this morning workmen wore engaged on Douglas street getting mate rial in position for active commence ment of operations. "How wore our objections removed ? Well , the bridge company lirst proposed to build small spans on their approach. That would injure our business. Wo objected. They listened to our objec tions. They have acted honorably in the matter. They now propose to build big spans which will in no way interfere with the business of the street. They will build ono pier on the river front , and the bpan from this , instead of lining a small one , will extend 177 feet west , and pass by Gray's and other lumber yards , thus making It possible for everybody to do all the business required in that vicinity. The approach will extend - tend from the river to Ninth street , and with the bridge will bo so solidly con structed that teams will bo enabled to trot from ono side to the other of the river. With regard to the street cars , nc Btciun motive power will bo allowed. In- stend , electricity in storage cylinders will bo applied. It is not intended to use the electric system now proposed to bo used in this city. The storage system is pre ferred , and when it becomes perfect , which it will before long , it can bo used to excellent oflect. Until it is perfect , horses will bo used. TEXAS TO5P8 DEPARTUIIE. It la Taken In A Hurry , Ijcnvinn Ills Gooda nolitna Him. The papers of a few days ago coiv tallied references to the fact that , a man named Soligman had boon given the worst of n deal with the long haired Texas Tom who , it was claimed , had sole ! him u team of horses for $287 , with the representation that they were sound. Ii was later found that ono of the animals was blind. Scligman , as a consequence , wanted the sale annulled. But Texas Tom refused and Tarko Godwin broughl jnlt to recover the amount. As soon ru ho found tills out Thomas made up his mind to leave and immediately an attach mcnt was issued against somn of hi : jioods in the Windsor hotel. The pro iirietors , however , denied that Toxa : I'om had any property in the place , bu It was found taut it hud been transferred to another room , Later it wasdiscoverci tlmt the stun" was being shipped oil' Iron the reivr of the house , and Soliginui hastily put an olllccr at the depot to watcl for tlio property while the shorill' wai notified of the njovo. The property dulj appeared at the depot with Texas Ton in chargebiitthcshcritViiei/odit.althougl Thomas made his escape on the tram Among the property sei/ed was a mos valuable repeating rillo valued at sfliOO which it is claimed , can lire twont' times in n dozen seconds. Texas Tom1" aged partner is still hero and claims t ( bo fulliof money , anil further that Ton sold h m the property before ho loft P When however , ho wus charged will : arrest for fraud ho lost a great deal of hi fit Biiirit and ; dropped his claim to 'loin's possessions. 110AKI ) OK I'UilMO AVOIUCS. An Important IMoetliiK Held Vcstcr ilny Afternoon. A meeting of the board of public work was hold yesterday afternoon to consldo bids for the erection of the superstructure turo of the city hull. There was a ful board and Mr. Grover represented tli city engineer , Before opening the bid Mr.lloimrod said that ho proposed t vote only for the biUuur who put in th must favorable bid irrespective of an schedule which might accompany then jl'Uia wprcsdiou wua subscribed to by th other members. The bids were an follows : James Fox . 33GOr&7 60 Jlrennan Brothers . 2S9.MO 00 CunnlnithAin jk liynn . 2MG75 00 Jumps Grimtti. , . 35 , OUO 00 Sholcs & Co . SH.-IWOO Jtico * Hassett . 801,478 00 Brennan Brothers offered to build with Bedford stone for f'i.OOO ' extra ; Colorado red stone f 15,000 extra , nnd Missouri stone $3,500 extra. In view of the absence of Architect Movers , whom the chairman had telegraphed for , the award was post poned till'Mondny next at 2 o'clock. Bids were also opened for the curbing of Jackson from Seventh to Ninth ; Seventeenth from Davenport to Cuming ; Ilnrncy from Sixteenth to Twenty-sixth ; Jackson. Thirteenth to St. Mary's avenue nnd Nicholas , Fourteenth to Fifteenth. Whalen & Brennan were the only bidders and thn award was made thorn at the rate of 75 } cents for Bcrca sandstone per lineal foot. C. E. Fanning & Co. wore allowed $2,085.10 , for street sweeping for the last live weeks. The following bids were received for the painting of the Slxteentii street via- Van Pelt Bros . 32.7Si.75 James Mills . 2,7b.f > .75 0. K. llnyward . D.OTO.uO 0. Wacnor . 4l y.O'J Prosier < V ; McCanner . U.OOO.OO The contract was awarded to James Mills , though it is claimed that the coun cil will not confirm the snmc because there is no money for the purpose in the treasury. Mount & Gritlin , street sprinklers , were allowed $ 250 for services during the state fair. An advertising bill of $7.50 of the World and of $ M.uQ of the Herald , was allowed. MOUTUAUV .MAITCUM. Facts About Those Who Have De parted Tliis Mite. DUMAS. The remains of Morris Dumas still lie , t Barrett & Heafy's , and yesterday nc of his daughters was discovered to bo esiding in Princeton , 111. , under the amo of Mrs. Julia Edick. CIHSIIOLM. The remains of Mrs. Chisholm , nee O'Connor , were yesterday forwarded 'o Denver for interment. Her father , nether , three sisters nnd four brothers .7cre at the depot when the train left , two rothers and a sister , ns well as the hus- and , accompanying the remains. The arcnts and other members of the family eturned homo to Dakota and Sioux City. Theatrical Troupes. The depot was the scene of ionslderablo theatrical talent yesterday Horning. The morning train from .ho west brought in the vet- ran Dion Boucicault and troupe from an Francisco , and W. J. Scanlon and iarty from Ogdcn. The former go to Sow York , and the latter took the B. & 1. for southern Nebraska. The "Keep t Dark" party that opened at the Boyd pora house last night arrived in the morn ing from the east. Boucicault was the icntoi" of attraction , his gray hair and mustache and peculiar cut gray suit , calling the attention of all the depots at endants , arrivals and train waiters. Ho reports an exceedingly profitable engage ment on the coast , anil says he never felt bettor nor younger in his life. German School Fair. Nearly a year ago a number of the eading young married Gorman ladies imlcrtook to place the Gorruan-Amcricar chool on a safe financial basis. Since hat time they have worked energetically n that direction , giving sociables , par- : ics , bajls , dramatic entertainments , and even lairs to accomplish their aim. As a consequence , the school is now in a more promising condition than it could have been if the ladies had not taken "lold of it. In furtherance of the scheme , these ladies will give another fair in Germania hall lasting from the 1st to the 4th of next month. They have been working on materials for several months back , and the result is that the array of fancy work will bo the largest ever exhibited in this city. Cleveland Decorations in great variety at MAX MEYKU & Co. Watching Hack anil Captain Dull Green yesterday in structed a number of police ollicors as tc where hacks and oxpoross are pcrmittoi : to stand under the city ordinance. Tin buck stands arc as follows : Fourteenth street south of the alloy to liarnoy ; Har noy from Fourteenth to Fifteenth 'streets east side of Thirteenth between Ftirnan and Douglas ; Thirteenth north of all be twcon the Millard and Dodge , and Nintl between liarnoy and Howard Ono ex pressman i allowed on every corner o : streets running north and south , and it no other place. Expressmen standinf on streets running west are subject t < lines vrying from $5 to $20. KS 1GI1TS OF PYTHIAS ATTENTION An elegant assortment of tlags , banners nors , streamcs , etc. , suitable for the com ing week can bo had at MAX MUYUK & Co. I'nllcti Court. II. Reibor and Albert Campbell , botl vags , wore in the police court yestorda1 morning. The first was discharged and th other fined. Owen Pritchurd andGeorgi Ilufl' , drunk , uoth discharged. Miki Lacey , drunk , $5 and costs. Mike Cur rio , who had the trouble with MoNamara .sentence suspended. Frank Sholcr am Frank Miller , fast driving , Sholor dis charged nnd Miller $5 and costs. H Cartwright , for destroying fences , hai his case set down for October 10 , at 1 a. m. John Field , assault with intent ti kill , $20 and costs. John Thorn , leaviii ] horse unhitched , * ! fine. K. of I * . Grand Lodge. The executive committee of the Knight of Pythias will meet at Clark & French' ollico , No. 1G10 Douglas street , for tin purpose of completing arrangements fo the meeting of the grand lodge to bo holi in this city next weoK. Arrangement have been made with all of the railroad running in and out of this city for spcciti trains uud reduced rates. Cloned by iho Sheriff. The sign , paint and paper lianglm house ot Mcrgoll & Uojon/.wcig wa closed yeslorday by thesherilfou the fort closure of a mortgage for $3,500. Joh Frank is the mortgagee. Hobs Cp Horencly. Captain II. Walker , of I.ondor England , who a few di > ys ago cause some excitement by assorting in ono o our hotels that the Missouri river claims him , is again in town and domesticate < at the Arcade. Cnino ! ' < > Jllu I'rlsnnnr. Deputy Sheriff Carey , of Itock Islam 111. , arrived in the city yesterday to tak charge of Thomas Williams , the colore fugitive from justice who stole a horse i Kock Island about a year ago. Warrants Heady. City warrants for municipal employe tor the month of September arc ready ii the citr clerk's ofileo and those intereste are politely requested to call. . 1 i. Fifty for Grover. Hon. James E. Boyd has telcgrapho from St. Louis a subscription of $50 f ( Urovcr ClovdamTs rcgcpUvu , HOUTU OMAHA NEWS. The foundation of the south end of Swift's packing house is being built. The two buslnc i houses on Q street will soon bo ready for occupancy. S. G. Wright has returned from a bus- ness trip in Iowa. W. H. Cosgrovo , of Chicago , was in thc.clty yesterday on business. At the meeting of Enterprise lodge K. of P. last night two members were in itiated , ono In the .second anil ono in the third degree. After the meeting a wine and oyster supper was given by the lodge. A largo number of people attended the reception given the pastor at the M. E. church Thursday night. Ceorgo Cllngornian attempted to re move the bodies of the men kilted Thurs day night , nnd was arrested by the police. His trial will bo had on Monday. Patrick Skclton , of the Butchers' cloth ing house , is ill , The Prosbytcnan sociable at W. S. Cook's residence , Thursday night , was largely attended. The city council will meet on Monday night , anil will take action on the water works ordinance. J. J. McLain will erect two now store houses on Twenty-fifth street in a short time. II. G. Woodard. of Paris , III. , is in the city visiting his father-in-law , Captain Cockrell. Nearly two hundred men are hero ready to go to work on the grade of N street. The Knights of Pythias have made ar rangements to have the third story of the now building being erectetl on the corner of Twenty-fifth and N streets for use as a hall and lodge room. II. C. and q. A. Clark , of Newton , la. , are in the city looking up a business loca tion. Arrangements are being made for a successful dance to be given on Monday night by the lodge of Odd Fellows at the new Reed hotel. Lot 31 In block , Brown's park , was sold yesterday for sfl.OW. . The Union Pacific shipped twenty-four car loads of stock cast yesterday. The tunnel for the packing house is being built north of U street. Mr. Walsh's now store rooms on I street in the Third waril are being lathed and will bo occupied in a few days. Mrs. I. Carroll entertained a number of her friends at her residence on Twenty- fourth street Thursday evening. ilndgc Conlcy Sett UirnHell'Ilieht. Judge Julius S. Cooley desires to cor rect the statements regarding Ins pres ence at the board of trade banquet. The judge exhibits his credentials , dated October 4 , as follows : "This authorizes Judge Cooley to rep resent Plattsmouth Herald at Omaha board ot trade banquet to-night , KNOTTS Bitos. " As the correspondent of the Plaits- mouth Herald , Judge Cooley , sent a two column report of the banquet to his paper which will bo found in the issue of October 5. The judge feote aggrieved at the unfair rellection cast upon him , as ho says ho was invited to bo present by Mr. P. E. Her and Max Meyer two weeks previous to the banquet. It is untrue , the judge claims , that ho was asked b.v anyone to retire from the room , and nothing of an unpleasant nature occurred to his knowledge. Tlxiso nulls. The papal bulls , mentioned in yester day's Bun , as arriving in the city , won forwarded to the two appointees , Uev directed to Bishop O'Connor , and by hiir Thomas Bonacum , pastor of the ehurcl of the Holy Name , Fourteenth street ami Grand avenue , St. Louis , Mo. , and Rev M. Burke , of St. Mary's church , Jolict The former has been appointed for Den ver and the latter for Cheyenne. Fathci Burke is a brother of Mr. Burku , of the well known cattle commission firm ol Burke & Co. Mchcher & Sproat. Agents for Dicbold Safe and Loci Co.'s line and burglar proof safes , wil open an ollicc at 1115 Farnam street. At tention given to time locks , vaults ant jail work. _ f'cciilltir Accident. Fred Peterson and \ \ illiam Butt wen standing in Herman Schnefer's saloon corner liarnoy and Thirteenth streets yesterday morning. They were betweei two doors which opened on the street : named. A sudden gust of wind blew tin doors together. The result was that : largo pane of glass in the window betwoet the doors was shattered , to pieces _ on tin two men. Puturxm had his right ham frightfully lueerntcd and his coinpanioi sullored a severe eut on the head. The finest free lunch consisting o roast pig and potatoes , salad , etc. , alsi Stoinlwusor's Ernst MeyorV cor 18th and Pacilic , at 5 o'clock Satur day. A Strciu Car Driver Hobbed. At eight o'clock last night a street cat driver on the Cuming street line wa robbed of his cash box and watch. A a lonely point on the line near Walnu Hill a man presented a revolver at tin driver's head nnd demanded his valua bles , a request which was readily com plied with. The highwayman is describe ! as being of middle age , of heavy buili and was dressed in a gray suit. Lively Kunnivay. At noon yesterday Eleventh street , be tween Howard and Jackson , was th scone of n lively runaway. Ono of Liv esay's "brick" teams came thunilerini down the street and fora time thrcatonei destruction to life and property. Noa the alloy , north of Dr. Mercer's now build ing they collided with a team belonginj to Preston , the Hour merchant , Thi stopped the runaway. Dr. S. R. Patten , dentist , room HW Ramgo building , Omaha. Telephone 5 ( A Now Industry. It is expected that the Maxwol Brothers Uox Manufacturing compan ; of Chicago will locate in this city with ! a few weeks. Since the immense factor , in Chicago burned down a couple o months ago , Secretary Nattingor , of th board of trade , has been correspond ! ! ! with them , and as soon as a suitable loc ? tion can bo settled upon they will com to Omaha. I'nylnc the rollce Force. Captain Green and six men of the da force were paid yesterday for th month of August. Twelve of the nigli force will bo paid to-aay. They present receive only 70 per cent of th amount duo , but are given a ccrt'ticat of the remainder to bo paid when polic matters are settled. Cheap Hairs to Chloauo. The Chicago & Northwestern railwa will sell excursion tickets to the Intel State Industrial Exposition at Chicagi at $10.00 irom Council Bluffs to ( ' ; and return , including admission ticket t the exposition. Tickets to bo sold Oc 7th to 10th. good returning six days fror date of salo. Ticket ollico 1111 Faruai street. W. N. BAncoCK , Gen'l Western Agt. A Delinquent Postmatter. W. L. lladloy , formerly postmaster ! i 1 Arlington ) , tins state , was brought hot r yesterday on a charge of ombe ltng$5 ( jot [ PostolUco iumU , Coauuissigacr. Auile son hold htm in | 1,000 bonds to appear at the next term of the United States court. . . _ For KaUe I'retensc. Alex McFarlAn , for obtaining goods under false pretenses from McCord , Brady & Co. , i wholesale grocers , this city , gave a bond of $1,000 yesterday in Justice Anderson's court to appear for hearing on the Blfet inst. Officer Clark , of the Humane society , went to Hamilton avenue nnd Thirty- fifth street yesterday , and killed an old horse that some unknown owner had inhumanly loft to roam around and staivo. _ Tracks on Howard Street. A largo force of men are tearing up the asphaltum pavement on Howard street between Twelfth and Seventeenth streets preparatory to laying the Motor rails. Absolutely Pure , , Thl powder ncrcr varies. A ranrvel of pur ty.Btrcngth ami wliolcfomonoHi. Mnrc con- omicul tlinn tlie ordinary kinds , cannot bo sol * In competition with the multitude of low coit abort weight ulnm or pbosphnte powderi. Bold only in cant. KOYAU HAKIMI POWDER Co. 101Wall-gt. . N. V. CAPITAL PHIZE , $ (50,000. ( "Wo do hereby certify Unit ire supervise tlio nrriinirompntR for nil the .Monthly uiul cmi Annual Drawings of The I.oiiMum btmu Lot crvCoir.piuiy , and In person tuuntwo and con trol the drnvrlitea therasohos , mid flint the mmu nro cnncliictwl with honesty , fnlrncM nnd n good faith townrd all pirthis , nnd wo author 7ii th < > Company to u e tills certltlcntenith fno similes of our signature attached , In Its udvur tlBements. " COMMISSIONCUS. Wo the undoralrncd Hanks and Hnnkcr will pay all Prizes drawn in Tlio Ixuiliinna State lotteries which may to presented ntour coun- tcis. ,1. II. OtU.rcsnv.'l'ros. ' LouHlnnn National rtk. 1'IKKHK I.ANAIIX , I'rcs. Stnto National Bit A. Al.l > WINa > rcs. New Orleans Nnt'lUnnk CAUL liOII.V , l-res. Union National Dunk. NPRECEDEXTElATRTACTION ! OVER HALF AMILLION DISTRIBUTED. _ Louisanla State Lottery Company Incorporated In I'WS.forS ' yesrstir the Leg Isliilur * for eitucntlonal and chirluuio purpn c wllh * rnpltal ot JI.WKUWO-to whlcn n reierre fund of over t. ' < . ' < 0UXJ bai sine * been added. liTftn OTerffhelmlBit populnr Tote Its franchlfo wat mHue n part of th. ortient state conilltullonudopted December anil. A. U. litfj. The only lottery over voted on nnd endorsed by the people ot any state. It never ecnleg or postpones. Its Grand Slnelo Number Drnwlnsrstnkoplnce monthly , nnd the Scml-Annunl Dniwlnu-g rcgu- Inrly oveiy six months ( June nnd December. ) A SPLENDID OI'I'OUTUNITV TO WIN A FOKTUNE. Tenth ( Jr nd Drswinp , cln " < 1C , In the Acndemr of Music. Now Orlcnns. Tuog- day , October 11 , 18S7 20'Jth Monthly Drawing1. 'CAPITAL PKIZE , sir.oooo. Cfir-Notice-Tickets are " cn Dollars only. Halves , 55. Fifths , 52. Tenths , $ ! . LIST or ritizts. 1 CAPITAL PIUKE QV JIM.OOO . . . tlM.OOO 1(1 HAND I'HI/.n OK M.OOO. . . M.OOO 1 GltANI ) I'HIXEOF ' . ' 0,00,1. . . 20,000 2 IAUOE PKI/.KSOF JO.OIHI. . . 20,000 4 LAIUiKl'ltlZUS OK C.OOO. . . . 20,000 SOPltl/.KSOP l.OOJ. . . . 80.000 IX ) " 500. . . . 26,000 100 " aoo. . . . hoooo 200 - 200. . . . 40,000 WO " 100. . . 50,000 AI'l'nOXIMlTlON PRI7EH. 100 Approximation Pri/es of J.tOO. . . . * nO,000 1UO " " 2 < . . -0,000 100 " " 100. . . . 10,000 l.UOU Terminal " to. . . . fiO.OUO 2.179 Prizes nmountlnfr to . ISSiloOO Application for rates to club thoiild t > made onlr to tncorHceof the company In New Orleinn. For further Information write clearly , giving full artrtro" . 1'OSTAI. NO fKS. exprei * moncr orders. or New York E clianite I" ordm.irr letter. Currency by expresi ( at our cxpenie ) artdeii. ill * A * UAUI l OrM.A.DAin.111 * , WASHINGTON. D. C. Address Registered letters fo NKW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK NEW ORLEANS _ V. M 15 M H TC If TBM th. presenoa of R . . . IV .Ej ill .El JJJ. O 111 It oeneraU Beaureiard unit Early , who are In chare , of the dr winc , ts a guar antee .t absolute falrnen aad Integrity , taut th. chaneciaroallequiil , and that no on. can noiilbir dlTlnewaiumirober wllldrawa l'rl . KEUKM1IKII that th. parment of all prltat If GPAitjiMirn "y rouit NATIUVAI. iiAvusof New Orleans , and tbo Tickets are ilrned by tha prtiident otan . . . . Inntltutlon . . . _ . . _ . . , _ whoie . - chartered rlvliti are reeoc * nlied In tha hlchoit courts ; refore , uenarootsuy Imitations or unuojmout ichemai PRIVATE DISEASES Blood poison , iineroal till nt , gleet stricture , trcilmil cinls- lions , loss of euinal powo' , ncaknud o f tbc iczual or- { rani , nnt of dcslreln male or female , whether from Imprudent abl te of : jouuc or tcx- ' ual btblta iu 1 mature years , . or any cauio lhatilcbllltatfs the 8 o i u a 1 functions , speedily and permanently curtd. Consultation free and strictly confidential Medicine sent free from obacmtton to all parts of the United HUtcs. Correspondence rccihes prompt attention. No letttrs answered unless accompanied by four cents In ftarups Send tea contain i tamps for pamphlet and ll.t of quotlone. Terms ttrlctly cssli. Call on or aililro. UK i'o\VKir. : UKKVKS , No. 3H South 13lu bt. Omaha , Ntb. WILBOR'S COMPOUND OF PURE COD LIVEE OIL AND LIME. CL'itKs corc.iH. ASTIIM * . HHONOHI TiS ANI AM. hCKOKtJI.OUt * HUMOUR. I'EHMINS UIIII ll.H K HLkV TAKIM ) ( 'Oil MVEI Oil. will bo plciiio.l In learn that Ilr , Wilbur bu ni ! cocdf d , from directions ot iever l profexlnnnl k' n tleunn. In cn'nblnInK HioDurj oil and l.lnio In snob u manner Unit It Ii plu > unt to tln > tmte. uiul Its 11 "e ts In Uuiir complaints nra truly wonderful Very many i 'rson wuo o r e wera pronnuinod lupele i , aid who had taken 11m rleurOil foraloiiL tlma wlthulit marked elect , hnv been entlrolr Hired by u lnB ltd * preparation. lie snni nnd vut the genuine WBnut rture l urily br A. \VlLl-yu , CUewlst , Uuitgu. I , YOU WILL NOT Be disappointed , it you look to us for thoroughly good , new and fash ionable clothing , hats and furnishings , for men and boys , we have an immensely large and attractive stock to chose from. But it is not alone our superior assortment upon which we claim your patronage. ' It is our methods of doing business * t Strictly one price and the same marked in plain figures on each article.1 Money refunded for anything that can be bought cheaper elsewhere , ' or that is not satisfactory , if promptly returned , These methods demand attention , not only from those who seek to : secure goods at the lowest prices , but also from those biiyers who lack implicit confidence in their own judgment , as they can depend upon honest treatment. It is our aim to so please those who once deal with us , that they will ever after be our patrons. Our Boys' department has , during the rcast few days , received man $ additions. "We open today 250 all wool plaited Nor folk Suits , knee pants , at $2.50. Just the tiling for boys who are hard on clothes , The material is durable and they are made strong. The same suit costs in other houses , least $4.00. All goods marked in wlain figures and at strictly one price at Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. geino cd one block sonth to corner of IGth nnd Dodge Sts. New brick building , 4 new rooms for patients OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cer. 13tll St. and Capitol Am. , OMAHA , NEB. riIt TI1K THEATMI.ST OF A I.I. CHRONIC @ SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES. TRUSSES. A-D ; THE New YARICOCELE SUSPENSORY CLAMP COMPRESS. l t Cnri'iii ' * * , tinitratnt nnd rnnMl i ft r urrrtifal Iff Ntmrnt * t ivcry form ut rkn \ > | ( Hulrinf | Unliiitlor Sur U * ! tmtnient. TV Kir * lun ( iiiiiLiHi OM Ikfjrntlltp * ftiid Itiarr * ( tub f , ( 'urTituieofll Sptur , Pllen.Tnruort , C rnN-rC lirrh. llronrlUli , t ilictltlnn rie.trloUy lHrn1y U FplU-pM Kt liifj , DUJdtr , Lie , tor , fkm , ii'l HlooJ , n < \ all hurgictl O milvni. Book on IHscnses of Women THEE. Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKING A fcpicuLTY or PRIVATE , SPECIAL ail NERVODS DISEASES. All Clnotl Di nto mcrettfuUr tiefitfJ , Bypliilhle rolon ifinoreJ flora ! h * ) tTin without nifrmry New UiMnrHtho Inttmnitfor I/in of Niul I'owfr. l'cr ont untblt in vinltin mar tteirmlfJ t hoinr , Lv lonrtHnulfiiCf. | AIlr initiitittrNU ( iitloufdfntlnl itdl einffor1n.lrui fnl * tit hy ni Iloi ti | > rtM , M-iuiflv pnrkrd , no mirk * to Indicate conf > ntiur cn l r Onu | n-r * mn | fntrrvKW pri ftrn\ Call njroniult u orMnd liUtorj ofjour t e , wiiU ittiup , n < t v will unl U Uln nripjMr , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! I'pon TilvAte , Kc | ! t And y rroun DIH-D S IUHN | | * p h fu. hirnnAtnrrli < rt lm ) > otfiii > jrl Bvplillil ( .wuwrlhut , Olrrl and' * 1 * coc lf Moon fur | < llrui . Audi * . * ! OJUIU MEDICAL t. KUlUIICAf. I > 'STITUr , or /'T.KcKeaany ' , Ccr , 13th st. & Capitol iT.Onidoa. Kcb. Medical Books orPapors Free. The proprietor ui the Oiuiiliu Medical and Surcl * cal Institute lias publlalieil a valuable se. of boo > and papers vpuii clironUand surcictl dUoatvs and clcfonulttt'i , aud methuds ui euro wlilcli liuvn glien blra tne rcputatlonof being tba most iklllfnl aiidiuccexful ipetlallM In tlio vtati , anil lando tnu Initltute BO culabrateil that londlclnei aroeentto and p itionts recel c > l from orerjr ituto In the union. AmuDK the boukt Ii on * upon tbo diseases of women ; ono upon nervous , fpechil and prltnte di. | eaiesot ihoneinal nnd urinary or ani ; v rk c l cured by luritlcul operailom , and tlivlr lately Invent ed clamp coiuprOM iusp < nenry for tlio letief and cureof rarlcotele , IIPTTOUI eihan tlon andtaiual dtbl Itr. aeir reiterative treatment 1'aixra upon Binclciil brace * , piles. ruiiCeri , paralrslj. nit. Klea- trlcity nnd th * n r mafnetlc battery lor home uiei catarrh and Inhalation , etc. Unllia mou book ) lnu J by doctori free , they do not conslit of teitl- nonlali with llcillloui aiuiciaim initial * , or ruboisli ol that kind , but are pliln deicrlptlons of tll'emei , jriapiomi , ntw dlicovcrlei In mcillclne. uriery and electricity , and nro well worth the perutal. and can be nhtnlned free b ; addretilng the Omaha Medi cal and Surnlcal Institute , Ulh street and Capitol avenue , Omuna. Nebraska , U U. S. DEPOSITORY , Or .alia , Paid up Capital . $250,000 Surplus . 43,500 H. W. Yatcs , President. Lewis S. Heed , Vice-Presldont. A. E. Touzalin , 2d Vice-President. W. H. S. Hushes , Cashier , UlIthOTOllS : W. V. Morse , John S. Colliin H. W. Yates , Lewis S. lleed A. E. Tou/.alm. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts. A General liankiner ti usincss Transude STECK PIANOS Remarkable tor powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; 30 years' record , the best guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments. WOODBRIDGB BROS , DHEXEL & MAUL , ( butteesora to John 0. Jacobs. ) DflWakws and EniMnicrs At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Order by telegraph solicited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No , ' 23. TO BUSE SS MEN. A prominent How York iiuuiufacturlnf coin- puny , \slili nn u-tub'lilud anil lilubly icmuner iitivo biidnnsjipritutlciilly n inonopol } ) , Inrgely patroiil/cd by liierclmnto. bnnkure. corpora' tluiu nnd the public , ( If-Jrc'S nn active niul rctpoii'lldo ri'ptesuvatativi ) In e\cry tut < ! or city 10prruunt ) upon limited linrfclmoiit t-imirtiitt'i'l. Suvurnl stiitci" ulieudy uniliTiun trnct. Addri' < TIIK UXKINV.XT1ON.VI. . CO. , 714 UKO.ll > WAY. SKW VOIiK. DEWEY& STONE , FURNITURE A magnificant display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. LOTOS FACE POWDER Ladies valuing their complexion should sacurea _ 1 SAMPLE BOX ( GRATIS ) ol tlio latest Imported and unanimously acknowl edged as tlio Lest FACE POWDER. Guaranteed to lie perfectly lionnloan. Imper ceptible , durable ami Invisible. 1 orHaloiivury- Mliuro. AfikyourilruRRlBtforit. i'Ueo , 0oui.a 60c per litix. Trndo supplied bv ' BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , OMAHA , flEB. J. F. LLOYD & . CO CHICAGO SoleJmportnrs LOTOS FACE POWMR FOR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING DiUG3ljTS C. F. GOODMAN , K.UIlANDIiKK , IIAIIN'S 1'IIAltMACr , r. H.OHNT , KUIIN&fO. . MAX CON HA I ) , MAX neCHT , I ) . W.SAXK. J.T. KINSI.EK. WM.aiiADISlI , C. U. BTACV , K. A. MOIlltrJ.L , JAMES KOKSVTII , LHHI.II-&I.KSI.IB , ( > UKNr.Y& DAY , .1. II. PHKU'8 , W. A. HOSTKTTKH & CO. , CONKftJOHNSON. 1I1IGI1K3.V SCHMIDT , JOHN W. lir.Lt , , i o. s. Toiuiirrr , . 'KEITH'S HAlIt BAXAH. GRATLFUL COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "lly n thoioutrli knoulucUo of the imturiil Inws which Kovorn the opornllons of digestion nnd iiiitrltloii , nnd by a cnroful nppllcntlon of the flno properties of wull-9 < slcctod Cocon , Mr. IIpps lias provided our bioukfiiFt tnbles with u dellcnloly llnvorod bevcrai6 whluli may envo us ninny hcnxy doctor's bills. It Is b ) the jndlulotis use of ucli itrtlclcs of dint that n con stitution inny bo irinduully built IIP until BtroiiK enough to roslst every tendency to di cnsu. Hundreds of nubtlo imiltulles nro tloiitinir nround us ren'lr to uttnok whoiever tliuro is a veuu point. We ir.nv cfcupo ninny n fntnl s'.iaft by keoplnif ouifcclvcs wnll foitlllod with purolilood nnd n properly nourished frnmo " rtvllServlee ( In/ette Mnilo simply with bollln ? wnler or milk. Pold only In hull pound tins by ( Iroeers lulielod thus : JA IIS : ii : i s AS c < > . , Ho mic iit hlo ChemlstB. LONDON , Muntlon tills plpar WILL NEVER BREAK . . FOR SALE EVERYWHERE THE NEW OCPAUTUnS K areintiiBnltU patent doalila acting rods and nuU9riii&9Uv ) foldloz knee rcit. Ll.'ht , < iuuitantlul and handsomn. /Uied / Inthobot Hands and I Orchestras. Unequ le4 [ or j tone , snrpass all oilicri In I nnt n ami appearance. If \ueareit \ Umlo dialer doe > Jnul kerp ttii-m , write to us for Illuitratud Cutaloguo. "LYON * , HtAU < , Chicago , III , mo j tr ApguAi ! Tin WITH TUB onooniniT or TBH OOUNTUT T.II.I. BIB BT XUHIMKH THIS MAP THAT TU CHICA60ROCKISLAND&PACFICRAILWA ( lly reason of Iti central poaltloi ctatt relation to llncf hast of ChlciRo , and contlnJous lljcs Kt terminal points Went. Northwest and Routhwest , Ii tliu tnioi middle link In tlvit tranicontlncntki nyatcm wlilcli InMtes and facllltatM travel and trafllo botncen tba Atlantic and I'actflc. The nock IsUnd main line and branches Include CM- cage , Jolict , Ottawa , L 8allo , I'corla , Otneieu , Molina and Itock Iilind , In Illinois ! Davenport , Muicatlne , \Vatblngton , { 'airfield , ottum , Osltaloo > aVe t I.IU- crtjr. Iowa CltrUcMolnesIndlanoU.WInttr. < tAt ] n. tic , Knoivllle , Audubon , Itirlin , ( luthrle Centre and Council IlluffsInlowai Oallatln Trenton fit. , , , < cstr i Cameron and Kansas City , In Mlfiourl ; Leai.aworlli and Atchljon , In Kaniasi Albert I-oa , Minneapolis and St. I'aul , Inlllnnesota ; Watertown and filouz Falls , la Pa kota , and hundreds of InterznodUta cities and to * na. , VThe Great Rock Island Routo"n Guarantees tpeed , comfort , certainty and safety. Itl permanent way U dlBtlDffuished for Ita oicellcnco. It * Lrldgei Are of utono and Iron , Itn track Ii of BOid ] tteel.ltB rolling nt ockiwrfect. It nptiMcnger equipment , baa all the saf ety appliances that oxporlcnce has pro te& uecful. and for luzuriou * accommodation ! In unaii pftfBfd. Its Kxprcit Train * connUt of fupcrlor Uaj Coftchcff , clepant Pullman Palace Tarlorand SIecplug Cam , duperb Ulnlne Can , prorlJlng delicious incalt , and ( betwern Chicago and St. Joseph , Atchlnon and Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. Itn ruuiv atrcment Is conecrvatlyo , its discipline eiactlnff "The Famous Albert Lea Roirro" Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. J'a. Is th favorite. Over thin line Solid Kat Kxpress Tratnn run dally to attrtvctlro re-orts for touriUs In IOWA and Mlnnet-ota , nnd , 1 * Wfttertown and Slum Falls , to tli rich \vhrftt and Knifing lanJa of Inttrlor DAota. VIa Pt'iicca. And KAiiLakeo , tlio Hoclc htand offers superior Inducements to Iran-lent betwern Cincinnati , Indian- apollf , Lafayette and Council Illuffr , St. Joseph , AtchU ron. I.earnworth. . Kansas City , ht Iaul , and Intrrmo * dtftte points All patrons ( especially ladles and chlU dren ) receive protect Ion. courtevy and kindly Attention * Tor tickets , maps , folders , rople * uC WettUrn frail , or any < lc Ircd Information , apply to principal nfllccn lu tlio Unit id btate.5 &nt CaMadaorHddrttiHatClicnoD [ ( R. R. CABLE , r. ST. JOHN , E. A. HOUROOI , fr..l4O lW M t Ai1GHlUu ir n.a-Til * ftilrW liiiKitod | nnd liottod by Mlhiilovltch , I'luichcl tV Co . I'inulmmtl , O I'orenl u by tbo follow int < lllrniinlMjii Diuir Co. , llliiko. Co ; Aillur .V llolloi : M , Wollktoln ; O Jlros A. To : I'liink llnlloiiu , U It Ciiottu , Hurnplo bottles truo. . UllKAT * IAUVI N TltlJATWKNT. bouU nl ft v. hhonlil 1 > 4 read hy fathers f # HI-I inn wH i IN ! ' l * * MAKbTOMRLMSDYCO