Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advcrllsimciitii under this head. 10 cent * pe
Ino for the nut Insertion , 7 rents lor each sub
loqticnt insertion , mdll.Wa line per month
ho advertisement tnkcn for iststrunK ccnU
tor the first Insertion. Hovon words wll R *
counted to the lines they mint run oonspoti-
lively and must DO paid In advance. All adver
tisements nni ft bo handed In before In0o'cloc ; *
p. ni.KDd under no circumstances Till they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In thpfe column anasfiv-
In * the answer * addrefSfd In care of TB IIKR
wlilpicntonsk for ( i check to enable thorn to irot
tnclr letters , as none will bn delivered except
on iiroroutatlon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelope * .
All advertisements In thow columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening edition s
ofTnr. HKE , the clrrulatlon of which aggro-
rates more than 14.000 papers dally , and give *
the advertisers the benefit. nut only of the city
circulation of TIIR lire , but also of Council
HlutTs , Lincoln and other cities anu towns
throughout this part of the wost.
TVi-trm C Mi In miration.
11)1AN ) 1) Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 150 *
M Farnam Ftroet Complete abstracts fur-
Dished , nnd titles to jonl estate examined , por-
tec led nnd guaranteed -10
SALE Three chair harbor * hop , reclining -
ing chair * now and Urst-clasi. It. W. T.
box 2WJ , Nobranka City , Nob. 013 BJ
. "IOH OA1.TJ A meat inurktt In best location ,
A' peed business. For nearer information
ndlrcsg | II 7 , Hoe office. _ CM IJJ
T > lSlNKS8Chanco-Icslrouscf retiring from
J- ' business , wo will sell the bnlanco of our
stock of dry goods , etc. , with thrco Voiir * lease
and fliturcs of store by January or Mnrolt
noxt. Oldest Citnbllnhed and best located ( store
In city. Merchants muanlng to purclmso ad-
drcts.lohn 11. F , Lchmann & Co. , l'jlO-iU2 : Far-
nnm ftroet. Ml nf >
TJ'OIt ' BALK llnkery complete , establlihcd
J1 buglncfs , easy terms , No. 713 Uroadway ,
Council UliilTs. EM 7
"IT10II BALK or rent ; a good paying rustaurnnt
Jor boiirdlng house. Call out south 14th
troot. C07 12j
TOH SALIJ Koitaiirant , pronts of buslnesa
X ! $3i)0 per month. Locution tlrst class. Will
bo sold cheap If sold this week. Addrosfl O DM ,
euro Dee otllco. 57H BJ
BUSINESS Chanoo There Is a fine opening
fora oonfcctlonor , rosUurnnt and baker
right near the entrance of Kanscom park.
Now storeroom , cheap rent. K L. Gregory ,
ai8 If.thst. KM )
TIIIIKK hiindrod ilollurswlll buy n stock ot
st.itlnnnie , notions und uowg ; good stnnd ;
low nut ; Investigate. SOtf Bo. Itithst. 488
IPO U PALK-A well estnbllihed money mek <
- - ' Inggenonil store at Ituptd City , Dak. ;
lock nil DOW , ana Invoice * about 1IU.UOO.uo ,
coiiMjtltiK lirlnelpElly of dry goods and groc-
oriBs ; reason for selling , death of senior pro
prietor. Address .1. H. llnliortgon , admlnlstra-
tor. st. Paul , Minn. , or J. L. Bpaydc , Hapld
City. Dak. _ 487 HJ
FOU BALF.-Kirit-clas * livery xtock with 3
yours lenso , barn now full of boarding
uorsee , goud location In this city. M. Ij. HiK'
Kins A Co , , lllft couth 16th gt. _ CUP 9
"lANTKD I'urtnor in the best paying Bmal 1
' hotel In Oinnha ; cloarlnir $300 per month ;
must take full charge : $1,000 required , or will
Bell for Sl/Ucashor part casn- and good so-
ctirtty ; InvoBtlgato ; have two pluooa , nud rauat
soil one. Addrocs nee , ( I. 60. 545 SJ
MAN with oxpfiricnco In the dry goods or
hardware business can uiako it win by
placing * stock of goods In the Fiton block ,
1'iirk HVO npd Woolworth Bt , F. L. Grpgnry ,
< gQ 8 ISth at. KM
OH SALE-Uourdlnir businow , ' 12 SJUth H
Ih H | J
$7,000 stock of boots und Mmon to cxclmniro
for Oinnbn propnrty. S. S. Campbell und
U. W. Horvey , Chamber of Commerce. 437
" 171011 SALE An ofllcc business , f200 pnr
. ' month guurnntcod profit , tlMX ) cash will
buy U , O33 lleo olllce. 318
fTUHf SALE Corner biilnon onpuvedst ; re
J-1 colpts J43 per day , $2,500 , $1,500 cnsh. G
SMIoe. 200-1 IJ
Flt BALE Or trndo , a No. 1 hotel property ,
doing good trade , In ono of the best towns
In Nebraska. 8. S. Cnmpholl nnd G. W.Ilorvoy ,
BIO Chnmbpr of Commoreo , 437
FOR SALE In n good town , a well establish-
od Jewelry business. Host business In the
city. Present owner hns too much utiior busl
nets and will give n biirguln to right person.
Come nud oxnmlno or address box 141 , Crete ,
Neb. 470 j )
HTED A stopk of groceries nnd general
mdso. , for city lots paid for. C. J. Cnnun.
FOH KXCHAnOK Oinnha property for dry-
goods , groceries , hurdwnro , druiM. oto.
Omnhn property tor horses nnd cnttlo. S. S.
Campbell und G. W. Her\oy , 310 Chamber ol
Commerce. liid
" | TKll SALE Hotel property , ono of the bcsl
1 ? In the state. Will soil furniture am'
lease house , or will sell property. Address .1 , E
Noldour , Albion , Nob. Hil ) 7J
FOR SALE A complete steam laundry hav
Inf | twenty horse power online. ' .T. S
Rcunott , Suiindnrs add Clark ats. fl-'n
A GOOD mont marknt Is bndly needed In the
- " neighborhood of Woolworth st and Pnrk
avo. , r.nd store-room cnn bo obtained nt ch < > aj
rent li Fitch block. F. L. Gregory , 320 S. Ifitl
TjTOR BATVB-A wholcxulo business , with n
JL paying trndo ostnbllshod. Capital ro < | Ulrei !
about 14,000. will take part Omaha real estate ,
Address E 50. Bee ofBoe. 780
B10H SALE Tbo best pnylnff small hotel Ir
the city ; 2,000 cash will get it. C BLoo
1307 Farnam st 21
POR SALE Corner saloon , raoolpta $50 ppi
day. J4.500 ; $3.000 cash , near depot G I
Loo. 1207 Farnam st 7M
TilOHSALE-Hy W H Green , 215 B Whit , < > n <
Jof the finest corner groceries on N Ittth st
rood fiosh stock and cheap lease ; e ! o two
mall stock * , small livery stock and ( rood barn
rood I6cotlon and cheap ground lonsu. it-- !
TJBINKSSCHANCE On uccount of sicklies-
not being able to tend t < i the business tlu
restaurant and. lunch counter , will rent tin
same to some good nnd responsible parties
Apply to Joan A. King , 1303 Oouglns st.
"I71OU SALE Or eichangn , grain elevator
JU WcMcrn lown. for land In Central Neb , o
trjrchandlss , address box 206 , Central City
Neb. Sffioctl'JJ
tRS. IIATFIBM ) , Trance business medium
The past present and future revonlod , sic
honied , lost found , homos made nnpny , sitting
dally ut 421 8. 11 tint. i57 o 15J
R. NANWKY. Warren , clairvoyant Modi
cnl , butlness and test medium. Ofllco H
North Icth street , roomo 243 , Telephone nit
\V ANTBli--Ono man to solicit In this clt-
i > and one in Council Illutrs. Must own gooi
suit of clothce. havii tlO , and be nnxloiiH t <
maktt monpy , Commission with n guarnnteoi
alury r J75 per month. Address 5 euro o
1 160. 609 8
WANTED-iBovonly-flveshovolors four mile
west of Fort Omaha , on Omaha uxtensio
Chicago \orthwosturn railway. Wages 1.7
iwr day ; board 13.60 per week. Work will Ins
until December. C. P. Treat , Contractor.
( M I3J
Wowant business men to Irnov
wo can till onlem from bookkeeper dowi
to poner , with llrst-olai > s help Ht the West n
Kmpioymcnt UBX'iioy , 1112 Farcamst. < W1 6
\ T ANTBD-Agonta to canvass for n'unkri >
TV Ute. Insurance Oo , , Lincoln , Noli. Nou
but caporlencotl men need apply. 301
* ANTED Agent * In Nebraska for Oeii
John A. Loc an's last work "Voluntee
Soldier. " just published. Address J. M. Frencl
A. Oft , One u tia. Neb. _ 2jM
V\MN'/BD Th onoral public to know tha
, we cuu supply jou with male or fomuli
hrlp thni will give satisfaction ; no delay nn <
DO illshrnouitmont.Vosteru Employ men
Uuteiui. Idl2 Knnium. Oil
\\7ANlKD-Good Jewelry and watoh sale :
T T mnn ; mil ? : have a good knowledge of th
lowclry buitness. U. L. Erlckson & Co. , 212 ri
lath Itroot. S'JU 7
\\7ANTED-Admurt IMV ) from 15 to IB yuar
i old who can ipoaY bwedUh , to usslat In
iry goods storu 1023 Suundora st tW 7J
V\7AM'ED-1 housekeeper , 2 drv good
T > clurKS , 1 porter , 1 wniuhman , 5dlnliu
room trlrla.'J cooks , glrU for gunorul housu
work , hotel boy , foroludy for dining room ,
llrls for lown , uursu girl. Onto City Emplo )
Blent Agency. t'J7 8 -
V\/"ANTl'.U-20 flric class carpenters at 27t"
"V andSownrdund 28tu und lllondo. U. \ \
Iain. a.'l HJ
_ _
\\T ANTED etilie mnsona on > ruble wotl
TT highest wages puld In thu btnlu.thre
iionths work. Apply to Dugran Jc Koblnitoi
IMnoy.Nub. Ml tt
for main and female help for all
kinds of work received and supplied at
Scandinavian Krap. lluronu , 1110 Knrnnm st.
608 8
r ANTED Men for railroad work. Al *
brlght's labor agency. 1128 Farnam. 804
r ANTBD-A Rood farmhand ! | W ; steady
i Job for winter ; 10 good canvassers fo city.
Canndlan Erop. Office. Mrs. Hrcfrtt i Son , 810
S. 15th. ( U9 7J
WANTED Oood blnckgmlth In snmll coun
try town , German preferred. Inquire
CIS N ICtli st. 443 8J
V\7ANTED Drug clork. registered , ono
11 ( peaking Gorman. Address with salary
wanted , M. fc. Bhult/ , Heat rice , Neb , CIS BJ
WANTED-12 good stone outters , winter' *
Job. Apply at foot of Jackson at , Nor-
cross Ilros. 57 * 7J
WANTKD At onca at the Western Cornice
worke , 10 good cornice makers , 10 ( rood
tinners , to Rood men the highest wage * will be
paid. C. Spccht , W3 510 8. 12th St. Di7 13
- In every county In
U. S , : $75 per month and expenses. Sold
by sample. Outfits nnd stock fret. Allworth
Mfg. Co. , Hutherford , N. ) . 4C'.i KJ
ANY ono wanting1 employment should call
without dolny on 11 , Jenklnson Sc Co. , Em
ployment buronu , 1CIO Farnam , room 6. G01 10J
WANTED-A mnn to solicit. Ono willing
to get down to hnrd work. Must own good
ault of clotlios , hare f 2.1. and willing to leave
city. No other np d nnsner. Salary f " 5 Per
month. Address 11 5 core of Deo. BU'J 9
W ANTED Laborers , now round hnuai Mo.
t'aclQc 11. 1C t2 per day. CO3 8j
\VANTKD-8alcsmon ; 5 travollnir sale mon
' ' salary and expense * : no experience neces-
SHry. Address with stamp , Viilmer & Co. ,
Wlnona. Minn , COS 8J
W ANTHD A good coat-maker. C. A. An
derson , Grand Inland , Nob. 4.19 SJ
WANTED-A baker. 1818 St. Mary'n HV-
onuo. 517 7J
W RD-A bnkor at Chlcngo bakery. 118
N.I 1th st. 54 7J
W ANTED Good first-class carpenter fore
man. AddrossG fti , lice olllco. 548 HJ
V\7ANTBI > 4 fierman boys to carry paper * ,
&n-509 a 12th. upstairs. 6 6
ANTED-Good girl 1707 Cos ? .
Olfi 7J
WANTED-GIrl for gencrnl housework !
sninll family. Mrs. Thos. F. Hull , 1513
Sherman nvo. MO
ANTED-A lady to solicit In this city ,
Must own good wardrobe , hnve flO In
money , bo good looking , not over 30 , nnd full
of vim. Snlnry } 7J per month. Address lid
cure of Ijco. UJ ) V
\ \ * ANTED-Good girl. American or Germnn ,
for general housework , call at once , OK
N. 7th. 5S77J
ANTKD-A llttlo girl to help take care of
bnby and muko herself geuerully uso-
ful. Apply2518 Duvonport C04
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Apply 171 Dodge st. 8)2 7J
WANTED A good girl to do general house
work ; must bo good cook , nt 2310 Far
mini. , 6011'J '
\VANTED-A lady to solicit. Knlnry J75 poi
TT month. Must be good address , hnve good
clothes rnd willing to louvo city. Address IK
duro of Hoe. Ot/J 8
W ANTKD-A young jflrl to take care ol
child ! ) years old ; Germnn preferred. 2.118
Douglas. 6fli HJ
U * ANTED First-class drofsmukurs. 513
14th St. 571 7J
* TED-Errnnd girl , Mrs. M. A. Wallace
Mury's avo. 531 SJ
Girl for llirht housework : no
wushlnjr. Mrs. Wiilluee.lBMVJ St. Mary's
nvo. Kli 8J
W 'ANTUD-OIrl forgonornl housowork,2) ) ' ) f
-Mth street between l'immui und Douglas
MS 7
\A7ANTED-A good girl nt 518 S. llth streel
T T Immediately. 4'il '
" \\7ANrED Tnlloress on custom couts nnC
T T vests , good wages und steady work tu
right pnrty , apply at once. n S 10th Bt. 110 ! 21
W ANTKO Cook nnd laundress. Dr. Coll'
mun cor St. Mnry's uvo und 27th st. K > 1
WATNED-2 girls to work In Kitchen al
Dorun house , 4-J S IHth st. neur St
Mnry's nvo. 423.
\ \ 7ANTEDLuundross und dining room girl
for Mnnnlng , 2 laundresses for sntiK
hotel In Ited Oak , Iowa , 2 tlrat-clnes dlnlni
room girls for Wyo. f20 , a competent woman t (
tnko charge of n hotel laundry , must bo accustomed
tomod tomannging help , cook Rnd2glrls foi
Wayne , Neb , , competent cook nnd laundress
fur Pupllllon. cook nnd dining room girl foi
Sewurd , Nob. , nn nxparlenccd house girl ioi
Fuller-ton , Neb , all fares paid. In city , girl ioi
officer's family J5 , 0 women cooks f. > to 87 poi
wouk. 60 girls for housework fi to Ji a week
bovnrnl girls to usslst in housework , 2 girls tc
mind babies , 2'nice second girls. Cnnudlnr
Einp. ofttLO. Mrs. llrcgn A Son S10 S l.'th. To
881. C28 7J
WANTEU-GlrH andull others who ore lee )
Inc for u place to know that wo do no
phnrgo office lee unless place Is secured. H <
not tie deuolved by concerns who tnko yom
money without givingvouu place. GntoCltj
Employment Ollico. : ill > i S 15th St. 630
\ \ 'ANTED Girl for general housework n
No. 1918 Capitol nvenue. 6C6
IrOUND lied leather pociet book with pn
per and notes In it. Owner can bavo b'
applying nt lleo 550 7J
T OST Oold medal on 17th st , botwconCnpi
JUtol nve find Cuss. Kinder Icnvo atY. M. a A
rooms and receive reward. 5568
TAKEN uii-Sopt. no.pony.ftorrolj white him
feet , white otrlpo on fuco , lump on bnch
branded on loft shoulder. Park stable , 2-tl ;
and Loavcnwortn. 5(15 ( 8j
T OST Or stolen , ono brown horse , ihort nn
-U hoivy pot , had on halter , please return t
L. Altmun & Co. l'J17 Cumlng- . Omalin , Neb.
D 2 Uj
STHAVED-A light bny mnro pony 2yVarsol
with small whlto xtrlpu In foranoa 1. Flnde
will recolvn rown d by rt-turning to Soutl
Omaha hotel , South Omaha , Nob. 553 t-j
STHAYED A brown gelding3 yrs old.weigh
uiiout HOOlhs. Lett hind leir out with wire
Hewurdpnld for his return to it. T. Maxwell
South Omahn. 318 7J
I OST Hrown Melton cutaway ooat , lenvo n
-Frank J. Itamgo's , Itamgo block , and to
cotvo reward. 275
\\TANTr.D-Evoryliody to cull nnd RO"
T T those Golden Star pnrlor henters uu <
Model Storllnir L-ook stoves ut Harbor & Dun
nlng's , 812 N 16th St. , GSO 9
\\7ANTED-A8mnll investment will give i
TT prolltabli ) and pleasant business , Cnl
from 12 to 2 or 0 to 8 Planters hotel , room 27
_ _ (117 ( UJ
" \\7AN'IBI > Hoard in private family , term
TT reasonable , by younjf lady. Address 1
S , Heo. _ 693 oj
WANTED To rout , two or thre furnlsho
or unfurnished rooms for llirht house
keeping. In good locality by gentleman an
wife , rofi-rcncos uxchunged. Address pom
onico box C7 , city.
WANTED Dr two young gentlemen , roon
and board with private family , or whor
a few boarders uro kept ; within fifteen mir
utos walk from U P. Houdqnnrton , willing t
pty n reasonable price for homo comforts
Address U 04 , office of this papur.
WANTED-ImmodluWy 1 second hand stor
elevator for freight. Inquire 140
Dodgo. 504 13
" \\fANTED-Lady to room and board ; term
T reasonable ; object , comotuiy. G M , lie
office. 334 HJ
\\r.\NTED-I want to buy a family coac
T T team. N. Merrlaui. Z'J
" \V"ANTftO-K. Cross to call N. B , corlCt
TT and Capitol nvo. B35 7J
WANTED To buy furniture of u ima
or targe lions centrally located. Ct
operative Lund und L Co. , 205 N 15th st.
\\TANTF.D-Throo table boarders ut 211
Hurt si. B7
MONEY on hnnd to loan on unproved prop
orty , J. A. Holstund , Arlington hlk.
Ifel.tOOW to loan , H. B. Cole , 318 S 15th. Fin
* * mortitago notes uought U7B
TtTONEV LOANED at C , f. Reed 4 Co,1 * Loa
JJ . Olllce , on furniture , pianos , borsos.wagon
personal property of all kinds , and all other a
tlclee of Talue , without removal. U9 8. 13tl
over lilnphmn s ConimUaloo ( tor * . All bud
oecs Etrictlr conCdoatlal ,
MONEY To lonn. Notes nnd It R , tickets
bought nnd sold. A. Formnn , 213 S. 13th st.
. _ 135
$ S , OOn to loan , special rates on farm prop
erty , Sobotker & Porrlgo , 1521 Farnnraprop
IJ500/00 to losn in any nmount nt lowest rnto
P of interest. H. II. Irey. Frenror block. 313
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wllklinon & Co. .
324 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket oftlon. 2IT
MONEY to loan to portion winhlnr to b iilM
8. 8. Campbell , 310 8 llth St. , Chamfcsr of
Commerce. - > n
MONKY In itimsof 1500 and over tnloannt
low rates , Huesoll A Ilarrott,313810th st.
MONKV to Lonu On Improved olty property
at lowest rntos of Interest. No commis
sion charged. Sholes & Crumb , room 1 , Marker
ilpct.jcpr 15th and Farnam U. 210
MONKV to loan on real estate. No delayl
Flr t mortgiiofl bought llatos , Smith ft
: o. , 202 Ham no building , cor. 16th nnd Ilarnoy.
903 oct7
MONKY to loan on rlty property. Will buy
good notes. Beaver & YVblicomb , 16V9Vi
'urnain. 773
MONEY To loan. Lowest rate * . No delay.
J. L. Kite 4 Co. , over Commetclal Ni -
lonal bank sis
o LOAN Money t.nnns placed on Improved -
proved cstnto m city or county for
Vow Knglan-l Ioan S Trust Co. , by Douglas
3oumy bank.ltith and Chicago Bts. 213
MONKY to Iioan Uy the unilorslirnod , woo
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Oinnha. Loans of f 10 to 1100 mndo
on furniture , pianos , organ * , horses , wagons ,
machinery , ota , without removal. No delnrs ,
All business strictly confidential. Loann so
made that any port can bo paid at nny time ,
each payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Ad
vances mndo on floe watches and diamond * .
Porfons should carefully oor.sldernho they are
dealing with , as many new concern * are dully
coining Into czlstonoo. Should you need money
call and * * me. W. It. Croft , rootn 4 , Wlthncll
building , 15th and Harnoy. gat
(8500,000 To loan on Oinahs city property at 8
V p r cent. U , W. Bay , a. e. cor. Ex. Bid.
SHOUT Time loam made on any available
security. In reasonable nmounta. Bootired
notes bought , sold or OTohnngpd , ( lunernt
lluanolal buslneea of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly'nnd fairly t the Omaha Fl-
tmnclal Kxchanito , N. W. oor of 16th and Hnr-
ney Bta , over StBte National bank. Corbctt ,
manager 127
MONKY to Loan-O. P. Oavl * Co. , real 03-
tnto nnd loan agents , 1511 Farnatn st
750.000 TO LOANntO per cent &
> Mnbonoy , 150 Farnam. 227
MONEY to loan on Improved real onttito ;
no commission clmreed. Louvitt llurii-
hnm , rom , Crolghton block. 331
It. C. 1'attcrsoa , 15th and llarney. 223
Tl/f / ONEY to loan , cixsh on hand , no dnlny.
-LU. J. W. and E. L. Squlro , 1413 Farnam it. ,
Piuton hotel bulldinc. 25
IF you wish to buynnolegunt parlor heater ,
olBco heater , Inrife heater for store or sales
room , or a iplondld cook stove , ranging from
$10 up to $ < 0 , call at llurbor & Dunning' * . M !
North Ifith st. 533 U
fTUin finest free lunch consisting , roust pig
-L and potatoes , salad , etc. , also Utolntmiieer'a
orchestra nt Ernst Mcyor , cor 18th nnd Pa
cific , at flo'clock Saturday. 010 B
JPECIAL Inducements to parties who wish to
> build. II. E. CotoilO S15th. 5087
WHY advertise for help of nny kind , when
It can bo obtained Immediately by culling
on or writing to H. Jenklnson & Co. , Hilo Fur-
nnm st. , room 8. 500 10 *
WILL exchange eood property for horse
nnd bugfy. Ooo. J. StornsdorfT , ISO ?
Fnrnam st. 497-7J
ASH paid for second hand books at the
Antiquarian , .1QJ N ICth st. 7JJ o 21J
ANIiLO Amerlcun Mortgauo and Invoitmont
Co. , olllco 212J FarnnmBt. John Outlay ,
mnnnger. flasoctSIJ
flOKUEjiT Organs. $ p r month. Horpn.
JH3Douirlas. 2
rPO EXCHANGE-For cnttln , 1 hnvo ! X ) and
X forty iicrc * of peed western land to trudo
forcattln , nnd a good house and lot near the
cnpltnl will exchane-n for cattle. Address S. G.
Urynn. Aslilnnd , Nub. 2JJI
TO exchange for other property contract for
Oil ) acres U H land In Chpyonno Co. , Nob. ,
two miles from railroad , ulso two < 4 sou in Lin
coln Co . near rail road. McCulloch A Co. , cor
15th nnd Fnrnnm sts. 9JO
OJ. C.-Houso furmihlnir goodi , nil kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prlcos at J.
Ilonnor , K1IK Dougln * st 10
T7IOK KKNr Square rJmo , tmoctnlr. . A
JC Honnfl. 151S Douirlt * . 22
RTCH"A8E'B iiow Pecplpr Hook and Housn-
hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" ,
of over 800 pages. The "Crowning Life Work"
of the greatest author nnd benefactor that
overllvod. Just out Agents mnklnv Immense
oales. 1)1 ? terms. Address , F. n. DIckorson &
Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper.
T71OKKBN1 Hq-jHro Huno ( J montblr.
Ja Hobpo.1513 riouglni. 22A
" | 5EHSNAL-Call nnd sen these elegant , Ool-
JL den Star heaters nnd cook moves before
purchasing nt IlurbcriRunning's , M2 N ICth
St. 5SB 9
1 > EH80NAL A young lady wishes uyoiins
lady roommate. Hotcrcncoi exchanged.
Address U 8 , lice office. B-'l II
I > EUSONALto the Indies of Omnhn. If you
want good reliable help , cnll at the Omalin
Employment bureau , the oldest pmployinenl
otnce In the city. 11'J ' N. Iflthst.H. JJ. White ,
proprietor. 11429
TDEHSONAL-O. S. Whitney Bells hard and
JL solt coal , 1513 Farnam and 18th and Izard.
475 a a )
PUUSONAL Private homo for ladles during
conflnomant , strictly confidential , infanta
adopted , addreu K 42. lice ofHce. 167 oot 8
TpOH SALE Stock of hardware and flxturoi
-L1 in one of the best cities In Nob. Invoice
about 13,00. Good locution In heart of city ,
Would tnko port In property. Address ( i 72
Hoe office. 5 3 PJ
FOH SALE Team , harness , wnironT150. Mra
E C llarr.e. l th st.i : bl'ks from st car track.
: W nov 2
FOH SAI.Kon easy terms
Pony $ 30 0 (
Pony 40 Ul
Pony 50 Of
Pony harness und curt . 12501
lllrtpk driving horse , < W years old 100 W
G rny dell very horse , l.uou Ibs 100 nc
( Irny draft horse 50 ( K
( irny draft boise 75 ( K
G ray draft norBo 7501
Gray draft horse 15D n (
Llirht driving team mnros 20) Ot
liny Middle horse fsiuplofoot ) 10) ) ( K
Team roan ponies 120 ( X
IJuydrlvlnir horse 15001
W. T. Seaman ,
East sldo Ifith st. north of Nicholas ,
Agent for Siudcbukor llugglod , Wagon ; . Ute
' 780
"ITUMt SALE Fumlly horse , gentle , tractable
Jnnd good trnvoler , can bo drivrn by i
child MIX ) cash will buy him. Address n in ,
lieu ollico. KIT HJ
FOH SALE Onogood sot of barber tools , Ac
Including three chairs cheap. Jncol
Landrook , 20111 Popplotou nve. , between 2Utt
and Sid streets. 53U 81
TTUHt SAI.K A stenograph slightly used. Ad
JL1 dre s "HSU , " Ben otHco. _ 35071
"I710K SALE Fine , gentle horse , harness
JL road wagon , robe nnd whip. Price , flOO
Address Patsy Fallen , Cottonwool Villa.
17MIl SALE 100 first class steers for feeders
-L good order , on ( Jacho creek , Nebraska
Address Wm. IL Thompson , jr. , Hwlng , Holi
Co. , Nob. 551 12J
IiwirSA LE Oil BXCIlANGE-Two' horses
JL' * et harness nnd buggy , SU Charles , Harnpy
bet. 12th and Uth. _ 616 8J
OH SALB 1 food mlll,24 In. French burrs.
1 Victor shcller. 75 bu per hour.
1 bolt for buckwheat or meal.
40 ft 2 In shafting , B hangers , elevator belt
etc. Address 00 S2iltb gt. , Omaha. Neb.
325 UJ
A SIX hundred dollar first mortgage on ron
eitnto for sale. Inquire ut llrown J
Crelghton's , oor. ICtn anu Douglas. A 1 socur
ity. BIS ti
I . 'Oil SALE At a sacrifice.
J1 Nine thousand dollars worth of
Miscellaneous Hooks , which I deilro to closi
out previous to my unrlr removal to east tlili
of I6tb it , north of Nicholas st , where I wll
carrr the largest variety of buggies , phaetons
carriages nnd wagons to bo found at auy oni
place In the city.
W.T. Staman ,
Now at Farnam and llth sts.
Agent for Stude baker. ( XXlOctSO
316 8 1Mb , can rbhl SO now. SJj
HUNT 6-room iftuso S113 Popploton
nv ,
6-roora houses , -13M Mlsml st.
R-room hoino.N side ol-Crt8s bet 23th and
TOthsts. Goo. 1. Gilbert , f.'itbnoll building.
| , ' * I *
Oil HKNT in * room hou e,2lth and Douir-
las7-room ; house 22d and Howard. 0. R.
Thompson. : m a. 15th st Ti _ . L.
OlTilENT-5 room house , * u cor 27th and
Dodge$17. J.H. 15th ft
" " "olTllLNT A boauttfi'infow 8-room houso.
Hnnscom place , botwcun Woolworth nnd
Poppleton nvonues. IxitBOJilSO , Just rlitht for
Licnutlful torrnco. Houvf equipped with nil
mudern Improvement * aup fconvcnloncos , sueh
Bsgus.clty water , clstorn , etc. This property
will bo sold beneath Its true value , and on such
terms n will command n buyer. Apply to
ChnrlosC. SpOt.swooJ.aOVi S. IBth st. 550
HEST ' { the olTlcc , W.V , " . Uth St. , after -
FOH the ntn of this month. Apply onrly.
Charles C. Spotswood , 30'iVi 3. 16th St. 5TjQ
OU3E8 * Oll HKNT-2121 Sewnrd st ,
H iieir house 10 rooms , bath , furnace , _ _
water nnd gns . , . . . . ' 'i ! ?
OUCXjlfux st. , 0 rooms and bath . . . . lit 00
0017 Jnckoon st. , 7 rooms nnd bath . , n W
WJl Patrick nve. 7 rooms , now . 2500
rornnrllurdelteniid2tthnt , Orooras. . . . 2j UO
Corner Ersklno st. and 27th St. , 7 rooms. . 20 OJ
HMO Webster St. . nqw.O rooms . 15 00
IW. Pnrk nvo. tlnt,6 roomsnnd bath. . . . no 00
1I109 Park avo. . largo now Morn-room . 40 00
3 barns no r Loavcnworth and Pnrk nvo , fi 00
F. L. Gregory , 20 & 15th St.
FOll HENT Housu of ten rooms with all
modern convpnloncas , references re
quired. Inquire at 1723 Capitol nvo. 6'J4 t }
OH HENT Nnw , targa modern improved
F houses. M. EUjuttor. 1001 Fnrnnm st.
282 7
ilOH HKST Store room on IPth st. near St.
F Mary'aavo. Inquire4S3 S. 18th st. 117
FOH HENT Nice 4 room cottnge on ! 12nd
strpot ono and n half blocks south of Cum-
Ing's street. Apply 1011 Davenport 8t. 41210
OH HKNT If you wish to rent a house call
F on lleiinwa& Co. , ICth st , opposite I > . O.
TJIOK HENT-Ilouse 8 rooms In Manscom
-C 1'lace to n good putty. 3. S. Campbell and
O. W. Ilorvoy,310 S ICth st , Chamber Com
merce , 167
Oil KENT 3-room house southeast cor 12tn
and Dnvonport Bts. flolonsn for one your.
Co-opoi atlvo l > & L. Co. , 205 N Itith it. nlo S
house 1010 Howard st.
-L1 near 10th , 120 per month , a. Lehman , 1104
Farnam. Cll
FOH IIINT 1H Btory cottage , finely finished ,
on lath between Martbaund Cnstclliir.
FOU HENT-A ! 1 room cottage , 1120 N. 21st
ft. npply to 31G S , 15th St. 070
ji HENT-Ten room brick house , I7J1
F Dodge. All modern Improvements. "M
TJ1OII HKNT An elegant new 10 room IIOUFO.
JLeist ' between Douglas und
eist : front , onStn
Dodgu. Marshall & Lobouk , room 9 , Chamber
of Commorco. 4i J
"filOH llfiNT 7-room housoon Davenport st
J-1 bet. 16th nnd 17th , rent 140 , lenpo 1 year.
Furniture for sale nt A bargain , Co-Opcratlvo
Land nnd Lot Uo. , 20 > N. 16th. 435-7
1/IOH HKNT A flat. 1617 Howard street. In-
X1 quire nt Leo & Nichols' livery stable , "tth
and Lonvcnworth , telephone 849. 421
THOU HUNT House of 5 rooms , with closet * .
J ? puntry and cellar and hard and Foft water.
Inciuiroof Mrs. Ward. llrfUiouBO enst of Sncred
Heart convent , oiiBOUth stao of Curt street.
' ' '
POH ItENT-noUBOOf 6 rooms and furniture
for flulo , Inquire R23 N 21st St. 245 I IJ
FOH KKNT-Ily CahnVVoolly , 1S22 Farnara
st. House ot'B loomfl , ; n e corcl and
Innl stH. . t.W per month.r
House of S rooms ncnr' nauseam Pnrk , nil
modern convenience * . 819. * ' '
ahousesof 7 rooms u.iuh.'liot and cold water
bath rooms. $ X >
House of 7 rooms near Hnnscora Pnrk , J30.
' ' "Jj'.l
HENT A nice n-rooni house ; ? 17 month ;
. N. W. ror 2'Jth and Charles sts. full lloora
8 , Hcdlck lllock. _ 472 7j
Oil HENT-Ahnll. Blre , KiM foot , nt 1018
Karuiini si , over Continental Clothing Co ,
HENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good locu
FOll . U.K. Cole iilOBUth. 4JO
_ _
KENT -A lirgp und well finished storeroom
room , prefer n tlrin'thatwlll hiuidlo ready
mndo clothing nnd ponfR riirntshln goods ,
Addnm W. F..ConwolI , Outdalo , Neb , 1W , 12
FOH HENT House 4 rooms cor Hnrney nnd
21st ets , 53.1 per mo. S. A. aioninn , Holl-
m mi block. . 2iiS
Foil KENT Oflioo space Nat 152-J Farnam st
unil furniture for tittle. A. H. Comstock ,
1521 Fiirnnm si. 782
FOll KRNT NlfiMy fiirnlshod house , B rooms ,
Bhlnn's2nd ndd. Inquire 1U1 . 10th St. ,
ncnr Hickory. M5
HKNT New 8-room house , all modern
Improvements , on Georgia avo. 11. O. I'ut-
tcrson.cor 15th nnd Harnoy. 3'J7
Two or throe furnlslipd rooms
WANTED bousrkeeplnir. Address II 1 , lleo
ollleo. 51 CJ
F OH HKNT Newly furnished front room ;
moult second door , -te : Ctimlni ; st. : tU : 8 *
HUNT Well lighted basument , com
prising 2,001 square foot of flooring : wntor"
and gnu : in nn excullont bus most locallir. Ad
dress G 37 , Ueo olllce. M3 8
KKNT-Tlircu unfurnished looms. 7H7
Pnoinc. 484
V. "It HUNT Nicely furnished room lor
JU Binirlo gentleman ; gus , hath ; rent leason-
ntile. ICO'i Dodge street. 2'J1 7J
HENT Nlcoly furnished front room ,
rtrst floor , KOI Capitul nvo. 475-HJ
F 1011 HKNT Largo furnished rootn. Call
during evening , 712 N , 19th st. 477-7J
KENT Nicely furnished front room.
Apply at831 South 23rd st.orScandlnavlan
Etnp. llureaii , 1610 Farnam. 517 7
" 171OR RENT Nlcoly furnished front room In
-L nice cottairo 1 8 per month. 408 William *
t ; 8 minutes wnlk eouthcast U. P. depot.
FOH HENT Furnished rooms , now rooms ,
furniture und bedding ; everything nice and
quiet : for rpspcctnblu people only. Mrs. Har
bor , 812 North 18th 6t. _ 583 9
FOH lll'.NT Largo room nnd board for
gentlemen In n private family on car lino.
Terms $45 per month. 113 B 24th St. 031 HJ
"IjWIl HEN T- Suit of plonsnnt front room-i ,
JU without board , to gentleman nnd wife.1 1C
California et. 6,11 9
F IOH HENT-IMrnlshod rooms 18I Oodiro.
( W9 oct II
FOll RENT Two nently furnished rooms
with first-class table board. References
desired. S. E. cor. 80th and Farnam 8tn.
OH HENT-3 nlco unfurnished rooms
suitable for housekeeping. 70)Si Pacific st1
FOR HKNT Furnished Iron ! room , second
floor , Inrgo und plwifcant , thruo blocks
west of ousmoss center , Wll Douglas st.
_ _
OR HENT-Nleely furnished parlor and
bedroom , also other rooms to ladles or gen
tlemen , apply Mrs. Fannld-"Argylo , 311 N. 12th ,
"I710K HENT Room * , nicely furnished at JI.50
JU and $ iW n week 501 outh 18th. 507 12J
OK RENT Rooms wltlOor without furnl-
ture,2210 Mason , near St. Mary's ave.
* L C259J
FOH RENT A nlco room fortwo , $10 , with
or without board. 812 J } Kd st. 2lrj 7J
OH RENT-KlogantTrrmt rooms single 01
en suite , iras , bath , lutlrutu family threi
blocks from P. a GuutleWnn only. Addrcsl
O 53 , Bee. 414 9J
ifoTt HENT-Unf urnlshed pnrlor.1921 Chicugo
U 'f 538
FOH RENT Iwiriro front room sul'.abln for S
geiitloman , inodora convonlonces , 010 N ,
17th st , 24U
FOK RENT Kioa-nntly furnlshel room on
first floor , with modern Improvements ,
1917 Cat * . ( MS
T71OR HKNT Pleasant rooms nicely furnished
Jj 1813 Dodgo. 154 10J
FOR RENT Largo sunny pouthiiast front
room suitable for 2 or a gontlernun , board
In neighborhood , 24 J rarnuut St. , s o. cor.
TJIOH RENT-3 unfurnished rooms , 1027 N 20th
H HGNT-Furnlbhod room , 2HOFranUm
t. . 3971IJ
FOll RENT Suite of unfurnished rooms ,
nlsoona furnlthod room ; no bousokocp-
Ing. ITao Capital ave. 5J7-7J
FOH HRNT 3 unfurnished rooms In brick
dwolllnir at 1421 N , nth tBuiUblo for
FOR IIRST OlBco room , first floor , nt nu 9.
5lht. 4 45
_ _
rsT N"icoljr furlilshed
bnlh and furnace heat. 2iK7 Dodge , ill lu
FOll HENT3 nicely furnished rooms ,
SOSu St. Mary's avo. _ 528
FOR RENT -Two furnished room * , heat In-
rludod I Hand 14 per month , north side
l.envenwortli. hot 17th _ nilmh _ _ Ms. _ Mi 8J _
ll lir.NT-3 nlc8 rooms furnlshptt. 1013
Chlcagost. tifidgj
f OR ir.NT ,1 unfurnished rooms suitable
Jl1 for housekeeping , parties without children ,
C52I Culdwell. 5J4
TTIOH HRNT Nicely fiirnlshod front roomt ,
JD ItUlDodgo. _ IM
FOR RKNT Kurnlshod pnrlornnd botlninm
pnsuite , for 2 or 4 goutlemon , nil modeni
conveniences , board next door , 2207 Douglas.
FOR RKNT Rooms furnished nnd unfur
nished , 1609 Fnrnam , opposite Merchants'
hotel , room 23. 434 J
IfOH HENT Nlcoly furnished room inltabla
. ror2gontlotnen , Inqulro2'lll St Marys ave ,
_ fiiS
FOR HENT Nlcoly furnished room , hot nud
cold water bath room , 018 South 17th ,
FOR RINT-Pleas nt rooms , furnished ,
southeast corner 20lh nnd Wrbstcr. 318
POIl RENT Ono largo pleasant room , south
front , brick Hat , suitable for 3 or 4 prirtlo-
men , 14IB Chicago st _ 288
FOR RENT Furnished rooms In Orounlgblk.
cor 13th nnd Dodge at Inqulru of Goo. R.
Davis. Mlllnrd Hotel Ililllard room. 831
F I OR RENT Furnished rooms single or on-
suite , with or without board , 1615 Dodir .
a * Hrst-clnss cutter ;
TI will not engage through third party. Ad
dress II , 0 , Hoc olllco. 623 7j
\\/"AKTKD By a young man an coachman In
T private family ; IIHS two years' experience.
Address 11. H , llcooillco. 571 PJ
T\TANTED Situations for 29 girls at houso-
T work , our office Is full of nice girin , come
and get one. Mrs. llrcga & Son's Cnnatllan
Kmp. oHIcn 310 3 15th. tol. 834. _ ( US 1IJ
WANTr.D-Sltuatlon as housekeeper by a
pleasant , middle aged lady , Host of refer
ences. Nont , saving nnd fond of children.
Mrs. H. box 751 , city. _ Kil * . _
\\7ANTKn Sltuntlonbysobor , steady nr.d
' Industrious young man , ( Swede ) to work
In private family an coachman , groom , etc.
Thoroughly experienced. No ollico Too. Cana
dian Ump ofDce , Mrs. Hroga & Son , BW 8 Ifith ,
101.8P4. 6J9 8J
AN Accomplished young Indy.a strnngerln the
cltylntuly fiom Now York , who Is 11 com
petent milliner and trimmer nnd salosludydc-
Fires a position with a city house. Addrc'n H 4 ,
Hoe office. KM U
JANTED-Sltur.slon ns n cook , cnll TO3 S.
ICth st. 622 7J
irANTED Situation by conchninn. Address
G70 , HcoolUoo. K5 7j
\\7ANTED-Hy an nccountont , books to
i ' post , collections made ut roasoiinblo
rntes. Address O 71 lleo. t > 03 13J
\\rANTED-Sltuntlon by young mnn ( Our-
TT man ) us groom und conchman. 4 year * In
German cavalry and 2 yoard In private family
la this country. No office Ice. Canadian Kiun
Olllco. yiOS 15th , tel 884. 577 7j
\\7ANTRn Slluullon ns coachman In private
> > family or would undortuko the lironklng
of young horses to ride or drive ; clipping and
singeing done. Address O 49 , Bee. 1W ! HJ
WANTED Engagements to do dressmaking
in fa.-nlllos , address G 01 lice. 555 1'ij
WANTHD-Pntltlnnby u young mun whore
bo onn learn to be an onginctir. Wugos
not an object. Aadross G GO , lau ottlco.
"IV'ANTED Ily u young man , situation to
' work around a store or olllco as porter ,
ortolpurn some trudo. Apply Scandinavian
Etnp. Huruau , Itiin l-'urnam. 511 7
\\7 ANTED Situation by two young men ,
i one ns bartender or work around u sa
loon or hotel , und one us conchman or uny
( ithpr work uroiin I u store or olllco ; Address
fccuniliimvhui Einp. lluro'ui , llilO Furnnin ft.
60T.7 _
" \X7ANI'I3D Situation for men and tholr
T f wives on farms , rune-bos or private lam-
Hies , linvo some very nlco couploo of different
nationalities : we till your orders free or uhurgo
Mrs. ltroga& Son's Canndlnn Employmout of
fice , 310 S. 15th bt. Telephone 881. 503 8J
\\7ANTEO Situation us foreman storo-
T typer , morning or ovcnmg pnpur. Ail-
drosi "ritero , " enroot Ixrd is Thomas , Chic-
ugo.jjl. _ 46.-I 9J
" \\7AIXTED I'lrst-elass Btenographor and
t typewrltor operator desires omplovmpnt.
Ton jonrs experience ; can furnish machine.
Address " ( ! 38. ' ' lleo ofllco. aV-8
Tl ANTEU Position by n young man with six
' i years oxporlonoe as bo6kkcopor und cor
respondent. .Spunks and writes four lunguuges.
llcst references. Address G 34 , Hoe otnce.
324 7 *
WANTED-Housuneopcrs , situation or any
work miltuhlo for n middle lived , practical
womun , with good reference Address Western
Employment agency , 1AI2 FarnnmBt. 2U7
TIIHST-CLASS storage at 110 N. 13th St.
QTOKAHK- Furniture , boxed goods , & .C. ,
C1 terms reasonable , 714 Pacific. 233
LIST your property , for snlo or exchange ,
with tl. E. Colo.'nil 3. 15th. loom L 682
FOH SALE Fine corner near fair grounds ,
Ornnhu , a bargain. Hortsuck , 1031 O street.
Lincoln. 521 Jlj
Lot 2 In block 0 , Poppleton Park S 1,830
Lot ! ) block 3 , Lake's addition on Twenti
eth neur Luke with now eight rootn
house , gas and water , cisternburn and
line lawn at 7,000
Lots 15 and 16 block 9 , J. I. Itcdlck's sub ,
with largo house , burn , well nnd cis
tern at 7.000
Lot 10 block 8 , Lincoln Place on Daven
port at POO
Lots 4 nnd 5 block V , Lincoln Place near
California , each nt BOO
Lots 1 and 2 block 7. Lincoln Place , cor . 1,400
Lot G block fi , Lincoln place at fcOO
85 foct front on Sherman avenue neur
Lakostrcot Ht 8WO
44 feet front on Douglascorner of Tcuth
street nt 30,000
41otsln Hitchcock's iirst additioneach nt flOO
Aero lots In Spring Valley near Dierk's Man
ufacturing company , on Missouri Pneiflo nnd
Northwestern railroads nt the low nrlco of ? 50 ! )
toVKj per Hero. Lots In onmo nddltlon 60xl.fl )
f . ' ' 0 each. Call und examine our large list of
property in nil purls of the pity.
) lots In Wlsu < ! Put-in clo's addition at 1803 , o
Marshall & Lobcck , Room 9 , Chamber of
Commerce , telephone 73. 4U2
" "
TTXTHAOmINAu"Y"burgaln- ( : lots nnd
-IH house 11 rooms nil modern Improvements ,
for sale at u sacrifice. John M Clarke , sole
ngent. 01B 10J
riMIACICAGi : property for mlo , nrst-olnss lo-
J. cution.nour business centre , frontugo to
stilt , cheapest bargain In city. Omahn Haul
l.stato i TjNist Co. 572 0
LIST your property , for snlo or oxohnnpc.
with H. E Cole , 318 a 15th. room 1. 5S2
T,1ST your houses for rent , with H. E. Cole ,
JU 318 Sl6th ; can rent Hi now. 5ru
OH SALE nollovuo. Nob. . 10 miles from
Omnhn , 8 lots 46x111. Address Thos. F.
Ilyrno , attorney , 24 Pnrk Plaou , N. V City.
Cash offers will only bo entertained. 4Q4 7J
NEW 8-room house with laundry and'eomunt-
ed cellur in west part or rlty , two wiuuros
off car line for sale on monthlir payments. F.
K. Darling , 418 H 15th t- 45S 8
FOH SALE -Now four room house , good cel
lar , well , clatprn , earn und full lot , within
two mlle limit , good location. fl.TOfl. Tor me to
suit. Georgb J. Sternsdorlf , 15UU Furnam.4M
4M 7
LIST your property for sale with Charles C.
Spotswood , 30Mi S inth st. CU
ONE hundred nnd two ft on n.w , corner Cnss
and Ixjwo ave. A splendid locution for a
homo. Can suit for S.I.UO Hnrnll umh payment
nnd lonntiino. T. K. llarling. 4to 8
LOTS 18 und 19 Clark's addition , 1100 per ft.
This Is splendid residence property nnd n
hotter locality nnd bargain cannot bu fouml In
Omuha. Y. K. Darling. 4HS a
SNAP CTxlW one-hulf block from postoincn
In South Omaha for * 4.VXwlth ) t..100cash
01 $1,200 with 81.000 cash , F. U Gregory , 320 S.
15th K , 273
1VJ : room house , nnd lot In Bouth Omnhn
on monthly payments. F. K. Darling , 416
5th. 408 8
CNAP ' - - Ht < ( i I * Wt _ east.front . lot _ tit Arcade
place , on Mth st between Lonvonwnrth
nnd poor furm f2OOJ , F. L. Gregory , 3'J ) S.
15th st 27
SIXTY-hlX ft on founders neur Grace , fronts
on 2 Htruets ; line liuilneg * and resident
property , Ask about It. f. K. lUrllng. 414 So.
10th. 4U3 H
mo RXCHANOK-Tijully In. 4 , 8 and 10 roorrt
Jkhouton ami lot * for paid up lot * . H. E.
Cole. 31ft a 15th. 410
niHOMFsON.314 S 15th * irburf nnd seUslrMii
Jettato , loans money , purclms necnrltlps ,
hn a ( rood list of property for ale and want
more. Notary public aM
"I710R 9ALK Flno imnrovod farm of 330 acres
JU In Gospflr Co. , Neb. , all under fencerood
house , and all out buildingprloo $ lax. Ad
dress J. R. Shaw , box VMUlty. 1U1 oil ]
A FEW Moro lots Isft nt f ISO , easy term * .
Money In this. Investigate. H. n. Cole , 3i (
S. Uth. t , < 3
lp F. ItiNGRH , 119 N. l5tlT t.
t S,000-Shlnn's 1st. 3xl20 , house , 10 rooms ,
will exchange forlnts In KnuntzoPlnce.
V.500-4 lots on 8uun < torsstoi < poalto KounUc
Place ; worth IlSJO.
13,000-60x140 , double houna , 8 rooms onrh ,
bathroom , rlty water , etc. , rents foi
1100 per month , fl.OOO c h , 15,000 In
other propi-ity , f .oon on limn.
6/XW--2 lots.liouten rooms , barn.cto.Shlnn's
1st add. I/its alone would bo cheap at
the price asked.
19piOO-2 modern houses , 7 and 11 rooms ruoh ,
72x140 , near 23d , rents for 1150 per
month ,
25.003-GGI120 , buildings coat 13,000 and cover
nearly all thu ground , will rent toi
1160 per month. * 5.UOO cash , J8.00J
other property , balance 1 and 2 yearfl.
S2ODOooo worth of property In all parts of the
city. If you want to buy or sell see E. F ,
Illnger , HUN. 15th st. BU
* f 181'yoi'r property with S. 8. Campbell nnd
JL-J a , w. Hervy If you want to soil or ex-
change. 810 Chamber of Commeree. P07
ORSALK-Ono of the tlnosl lots on Orchard
81. , Orchard Hill. 1 his tot miiy be sold at
f.100 loss than its value If bought In n few days.
Charles C. Spolswood , 303K 8. 10th st. 650
SA. SLOMAN , Heal estate , 1311 Purnamjt.
. Farnam * t between Twentieth and
Twenty-third , llgxI.'U , per foot 9 4JJ
Faruara st corner Thirty-first. 136x133 ,
porfoot 150
Farnam st. near pavement , 47xiu ; 1,150
Farnam st. near pavement , MX 182 R.3UO
Faruam st. corner Fortr-tbird , 44x132. . . 8,600
Farnnm st. corner Nineteenth , Im
proved , 22x132 "O.OUO
Fnrnnm St. between Nineteenth nnd
Twentieth , Improved , 77xl.M 40,000
Farnam st , near Eleventh , 20xlJ2 , rents
for f 1,500 25,000
Farnnm st near Twenty-Seventh , Kxl3i )
porfoot 200
llarney st near Twentieth , Improved
174X187 50,003
ilarnoy st. near Twenty-third , Improved ,
50xit ! , 11,000
llarney st. near Fifteenth , improved33z
132. . . I. . . . 15.00D
Sixteenth st. near Nlnliolas.'OUjixIM 12ftVI
Sixteenth st. south of viaduct. 40x102. . . . fi.OUO
Douglas at of Twenty-third. 08x132. . U.OOU
Twentieth st , nourSt. Mary's ave , im
proved.40x120 fl.OOO
Twentieth st , between Douglas nnd
Dodge , improved , IKxOB R.010
Saundersst , corner Hurt , 100x51 7'JO '
Alice st , near I'nrnam , east front , 47x102. 1,830
Fifteenth st , corner Jonca. Improved , Bo
XI38 30,000
Fourteenth * tcorocr Jacksontmproved ,
68x13 , ' 30,000
Fourteenth stcorncrChlcngoirairovcd | ,
Mxl.'K 18,001
Twelfth st. corner Jones , improved , 6iix
IIU 25,000
Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trackage.
Thirteenth Bt , Paddook plnoo , trackage ,
0(1x112 ( 2,500
Thirteenth at , corner Cnllfornlu , im
proved , rents Jl.WW 25,080
Park ivo , opposite Park. 60x150 2.000
Davenport it , opposite High school ,
fine modarn fourtoen-room house 00
xl32 16.0M
Cas * St. , between Nineteenth and Twen
tieth , twelve-room modern house , 6Sx
132 1. . . 15,000
Nicholas St. . corner Twenty-second ,
trackage , 132x132 , improved 20,000
Charles St. , near St. Mury'i , itnprovod.Ot
1128 r 6,400
Cnlpy stnear Crolghton colleROmodern
ton-room houso'l3xl42 0,350
Pierce st. .near Twentieth , 00x183 , fronts
two ItrootsImproved C.HoO
Dodga St. , near Twenty-sixth , 38x132 , im
proved 3OfKl
Twenty-second st , near Grace. Mxl20. . . 3OOC
West Omuha , In bou ton locality , 40 or 0 ]
xlB5 , per foot '
Twenty-first , corner Vlnton. 52x100 . . 1,590
Cnstollar St. , next corner Eighth , Gl'x
lil 1,00 ,
Thlrty-thinl St. , corner Datawareliana-
corn PI ice ItWilOO R-t *
Louvonworlhst near Sixteenth , 2Ss'l2. . .00i :
Wobsterst. , near Twonty-olghth , 50x150 ,
ongradu I.1-
In addition to the nbnvo I have lots In. nil
choice additions at low figures. " H
OH 8ALE-Or exclmngo , InTvulnut Htll.twc
blocks west of l.owo nronuo on Mcrcoi
nvonuo , ono lot ruclnir Fouth , 50x150 feet , 01
grade. Will exchange for ft smaller lot noaroi
postofllco niul south of locution. Address
room 13 , Exchange building , South Omahn. 6'J.
Moro lots loft nt f 150 ; cosy terms
AFBVV in this. Invobtlguto. H. E. Cole , 311
S. 15th. 5S2
FOR SALE Or for lease. FIne business prop
orly corner of S. 13th nnd Cnstellnr sts
I3xl2fi } { . Innulro nt the promises. SU 12J
TIWO One east front residence lots frontlnti
Hancom park , 5Ux2ld foot euch.frontlng 01
two streets. 1 cnn null those nt n fiuro ! tlin
will Insure n good profit on small cash pay
ments. F. K. Darling , 410 3.15th. 4US 8
FOR SALE Finest , locution for a homo It
V'o t Omnhn , adjoining the mnnslor
homos of Klrkend&ll , Coo , Brady , Easson um
othnrn. Nothlni ; flnnr In the rlty. Can sol
105x187 or los < : tor prlcos nnd ttrms see S. A
pioman. 1301 Fariinm st 73H _
IJ1OH SALE A bargain In 0-rooin house nm
JL ? lot , cast front , on 28th t. , near Leiivon
worth. No commissions. Addrc.-3 G 51 , lleo oC
flee. 5.14 PJ
. . . . . _ . 17 Clnrks ndd , Just off St
Mnrvson2 < ! th uvo for $125 per loot. F
K. Darling. 410 SISlh. SSI 7
OH SALE-Ry Sholes & Crumb , room 1
Darker block , newsroom house in goo <
locality , f 1,500 , on onsy terms , a bargain. 573 i
FOH TRADE Some flno lots on Ames nvo H
Solomon's ndd for equity In house nnd leer
or will give mortirago buck on house for the
difference in cqultyappty ; Chnrles C.Spotsnooi
305H S Ifith St. 5.Y )
LIST your pioperty. for sale or oxchnngo
Mlth H. E. Cole.ilti ; & 15th. room L 682
GOOD things this wo k. iot8 in 39 , Soutli $ J5u ; ti.W.
Corner , 9 In 4 In AS Patricks' , street pnvlng
nnd stroct car building on Saunders now , lot
block from Suundurs , cash ta , 1 2 and ii years
deed and abstract , prloo $ I.V > 0.
Corner B in It HeoJs lft K eush , $ > ,000.
Coiner It ) and 20 in 1 , Drakes , 100x14' ) , > j cusl
? 10.KW. (
Corner 1 and 2 In A H Sanders , 134xl32.on 2111
8t. 1-4 rush , $ IOOJ. (
These nrenll barpnlns. Gco. M. Cooper , 31
B 16th st 57U 8
I/ot 18 block 17.
Ono of the nicest residence lots In the pity
facing park on Park nvonuo , half block f ron
two street curs. I will sell this lot for J 1,500
(1,111)0 ) cash , tmlnnco to suit This is the cheap
est lot In the olty to-dny. Other lots cannnt in
bought In n.imo block "Ions than $ WHI. 1 nn
thu owner ; ihnll be In the city only for a few
days. Address or call , F. Fox , Arcudu note !
city. _ 514 '
rilO EXCHANdE-Somo mnnuy rtnd choice
J land tor first class , Improved Inside prop
orty. II. E. Colo.310a nih _ 411
IOH THAIK-Eiiity ) | ln 12 lots In Omnhi
-L1 Heights lor Improved Omaha innnnrty
will puy cash dllfercncn. Address G OJ Hoc cit
lleo. 540 UJ
ELEGANTS room cottage , 8 mlniitos fron
P.O. All modprii conveniences , Pi
und sowar taxes all paid. Look this 1111 , Locu
lion , priao , nnd terms nro bound to suit , K K
Darling , 418 a 15th Ht. 4bH H
fJIOll SALE 12lilO < frtcor Howunl und iL ll
-L stK , next block to I5n Hon. llrady i .Mar
tins houses , $7 ,500. Addioss E3J llooolllco.
_ _
1710 H SALIi it2x3U ; ! ft on K H track on Nluho
JL1 las and 13th with wuro house iMfOft :
suirles , price flJ.OOO. Address Shnw It Field
box 5IW , Omaha. _ 2Jj o3'
A CHOICE oust front lot on 33rd street. Jus
-f-V. on lcuvenwortli for f .O'lO. This Is th
beat lot In MaynoPlucu. r. K. Darling. 410 H
l.'ith 4iw H
T IS r > onr property with S. 8. Cumphell nm
JJ G. W. Hervy , 310 Chumliiir of Common1
8pcclal attention given to the exohani.'o of a
kinds property. Improved and uminprovt !
city property , farms , her ee , euttlt , stoekK o
goods , etc. HH
HOUbEund lot In South Omubn , well nn
bulldlnifs forfl.ono , Hinull pnh pnymonl
bill monthly V. K. Darling , 418 S lull. 54 7
AFfcW Moro lots loft at $1W : ensy terms
Money In this. Investigate , H. U. Cole , 31
S. ISth. 5S2
_ _
E"XCHANGK I imvo two jotiTuiPpnT
up whinn I will oxchnnk'u for u good piec
of properly costing from fi.'tu to f 1,10 1 an
will pny ( inference In cash , Cnnrlos C Spot )
wood , 3n > i 8 Kith flt , 51 J
IT10H SAI.KAt n sacrllioo , lots 3 nnd 5 , bli
-L 14 , Allirlif Ill's iiniiox. Lot 8 in I'ulhuin Place
1 share Lowe Avenue Terrnco llulldln us'ochi
tlonitock. F. HamtU , with llullu i : Thnnii |
eon. 317 H ISth st. 851
LIST your houses for rent , with H. E. Colu
310 S 15th ; can rout ft1 1 now , 5f'J
ITlOlfsALK-Atn bargain , two lots In Plain
L view , ono u couth und oust corner One In
In KlrWwood. Owner needs money for nn
proving property cloto by. Addrem (1 ( u , lie.
olllco. * 'u ' ' "
} ' Improved.
( room house and lot on Corby ttroot , tlflH ,
IVfl cash.
8 room house , nnd lot 8(1x1 ( 33 on S 10th it root ,
f 5.1AM , IS.WM cash.
H room house , and lotMxl..O , llnnscom placs.
| 5,7.'iO , M.OOO oiwh , _
8 room house , and lot , IdlewtUt , > , t > 90 , $3,001
7 room house , nnd lot 2ilth near Cumlnr
I4KX1 ( , II.ROJcash.
ISdxl3J Improved on Fnrnnm , f IO.OOJ , x , cash.
BOtM , Patrick' * 2ndtm20th street , t l,000oi\Sf
lot 5 , city trnekatro , 9tWt
Lot 06x140 on Pnnmtors street betwean Cliul
nnd Grace , fV.MO , fA.OOJ cash.
Lot as foot fronton Ifith , corner Oruco.K.WJ ,
Lot WiTlSfl , Summit Plnon , jn.noti , Sl.'iM cnsh ,
Uit 33'sxl2.corner on Farnam street , f.MJ
afoot , H ensh ,
Lots In IlodforJ Plixce , lloyd'a add. . Orrliarl
Hill , Walnut Hill , WestsldA , Kirk wood , nml at
Acres for Plntttng.
125 acres 4 miles troni poMolllee.
10 ncrps 3 miles from postolllco.
5 acres II inlles from postolllcp.
0 ncros 3 miles from postofllco.
6 acres In NowKirt |
2 acroc In llelvmlcro.
llrown A Crelfhton , so corner ICth nnd Dour
las. W-l oct U
FOR SALE Klcpnnt 10 room hoiiFO , all moJ <
ei-u coiivenlonc jonly $ oOO oath required.
II. E.Cole , 31(1 ( W 15th , 813
SPLENDID opportunity to secure n horn * i
House built to milt you. Small cash pay
ment , balnncn monthly : It will pay you to lool
lhl > < | II K I'.iln. nia IMh KKIIfl
Proposals for ttic Construction of the Super
structure of the City Hall Building.
SEALED Proposals wUI be ix'cclvnd by the
undersigned until 1:30 : o'clock p. in. IVtohoi
7th , 1KS7 , ror the construction of Biiporstrtio.
ttiro of the city hall building. In accordnnc *
with the plant and spoelllratloni on Illo In tin
olllce of the Hoard of Publla Works.
Rids will bo mndo on printed blanks fun
nlshed by thn hoard , nnd to bo nceomnunlpd
with n cut tilled check In the sum of f 1,100 , at
nn evidence of good faith.
The Hoard reiorvel the. right to reject nay
cr nil bids nnd to waive dufix-ts.
ST. A. 1 . IIALCOMm : ,
Chairman Hoard ot Publlo Works.
Omnhn , Nob. .Sept. 5th 1HS7. e5-r.tnwo9
NOTlCK-Tlie nrm hoioto-
DISSOLUTION under the tlrin name ot D. 11.
Culdwell i Co. Is to-dny dissolved by mutual
consent , W. (1 , Lo Fovro continuing the busi
ness , nssuniing nil llnbllltlps , nnd colloiMlng all
bilU. D. U. CALUVt ELL ,
Omnhii. October fl. 1SJ7. Cot 7d 3J
Running Hotwcon Council Bluffs nnd South
Omnna. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
itroots , and at the Summit in Omaha.
of the body enlarged and strtnjtlicncd. Full purtlc-
( tailed ) fro. KUIK MEU. CO. . Iluflalo , N. V.
100 N. liith Slruct.
CALII'OltNIA WINES , shipped direct
from our vinnyiird ; Rloillng , Gutodel Clarets ,
Port , Sherriesotc. Bin .lose Vaults Seventh.
Eighth , San Salvador und William sts. , Sua
Jo-u , California.
Lincoln. Neb.
Tim best known and most popular hole ] hi
( he slate. Locution rontrnl , appointinonlK It st
duns. HondUurt | iK for commorcUl mon uii > J
Ul political und pulilic gatlinrliiKl.