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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8. IS8T. 5 MILLS OF MADAM JUSTICE , They Will Soon Begin to Grind Busily at . Lincoln. SOME SAMPLES OK THE 3 RIST. An Adjotirnmcnt Until October New Hult IJojjtm A. Meeting of the Hoard of Transportation Capital City Chat. frnoM Tim IIF.F/S u.vcor.s nunr.A.u.1 The coming term of the Lancaster district court , will ho a busy ono. The docket shows that for the term there are 405 civil cases , enough to keep Judges Chapman and Field very busy until the dawning of tx now year when a new term will roll around. In the criminal callon- dar there will bo some thirty cases to try and a majority nt the victim's aru in thu county jail awaiting their trialn. Among them is llenrich Doers , thu young liohciuian who , a week ago , shot his sweetheart in cold blood because she would not ninrry him. This man lays in jail fully icalling the enormity of his en mo and waiting like a Stoic for his taking oil. Ho frerjucntly states that ho desired no attorney , that ho does not in tend to nitike anv defense but that he recognizes ills guilt and expects to hang And for that matter wants to hang. * Mrs. Slipllenborger , whoso history anil crime is so familiar and whoso husband met justice at tlio ropo's end In Otoo county recently , will havu her second trial this term , the jurv in her former trial failing to agree. Mrs. Shollenbcrger deports herself in the best possible manner in the jail , and is evidently looking with confi dence for an acquittal. One Of the almost forgotten criminal cases that will undoubtedly bo disposed of in sonic manner thu present term is the case against Dr. S. C. Cooler , who is under indictment for perpetrating an abortion that killed the girl , the particu lar * of which excited much comment at the time the crime was committed. Tlio case lias ceen continued until it has bccu almost passed from sight , but a trial may bring forth facts that will innko it very interesting and unpleasant for the doc tor. tor.One of the criminal cases that looms tip on the docket is that of thu State vs K. li. Coons ; the prominent young man who , in a position of trust with the li. As M. railroad , was bound over for forging time checks and collecting on them. This Is a clear case of gonu Coons , for that gentleman departed for Canada just prior to thu last term of court and thu bond will presumably bo collected at the present term. Court was to open its regular October term on Monday , the 10th , but has been v adjourned on petition until one week later , October 17. NKW CASKS FILED. licrtha Greenwalt has filed a petition in court for a divorce from her husband , John C. Grconwalt. The plea recites that they wore married in 183-1 and that ever since August , 188(1 ( , defendant has abandoned her and failed to contribute to her support , living in open adultery with a woman in Independence , Kan. On these grounds a decree of divorce is asked of the court. Mary Mc.Mahon brings suit against a man named O'Donnoll asking for $5.000 damag"fl for her minor child Katy , who , while in thu employ of O'Donnoll , was sot to cutting feed "for stock in a feed cuttor. While at work with this ma chine she lost two lingers , and hence damages aru asked. DISCUSSING HAILIIOAU IIATKH- The board of transportation were en gaged in a" hearing yesterday afternoon in which thu Union 1'acihc road was replying to the charges brought against it l > y Lincoln anil Grand Island shipper * . Mr. Mungerof ( Fremont , ono of thubourd , came down in the morning to sit in judg ment on thu case , and A. J. 1'opplcton from the Union Pacific was attending for that company. It was ! ) o'clock p. m. before the parties assembled and the result is not yet known. bTATE HOlTSi : NOTES. Governor Thayer was expected homo yesterday from a visit to Geneva. Cap tain Hill , private secretary of the gov ernor , was with his constituency at the city of liuntrico. Attorney General Lecso departed the day following the staio convention for Washington , to which city ho was called > on business' . His daughter accompanied him as far as i'arkersburjj , W. Va. . the general'H old homo before growing up in thu western country. The supreme court has adjourned until Tuesday next at which time thu call of the docket will bo for cases from the Third judicial district. rOLIUK NOTES. In police court yesturday a somewhat comely girl who was gathered up in a beastly state of intoxication the night before , was brought from her berth in the cooler before Judge Whittemoro and lined. She had no cash or collateral to pay with , but shu announced that it would bo paitl by friends. Shu cave her nnmu as Hello Livingston , from Grand Island , but in court stated that she was only a recent arrival from thu ell'uto cast. A man named Osboruo from thu Gos pel Army has been accommodated by the police with a berth in the city hospital pending a rather mild course of the delirium trcmons. Osborno has sufforou'k : the sarao way heretofore and insists at thu present time that ho is going to dlo although his case is not hopeless yet. In the county jail the sheriff has a wo- . iiiu'u of color who at divora times mukco Xj exceedingly lively for the keepers to care for hnr. She IB a hard case from the dim and musty past and was a local in habitant of thu jail when Sheriff Mclick iirsttook posslon. A number of cases nf drunks and dis orderlies were before the police judge yesterday receiving the customary lines und costs. The court has been in this regard very quiet and unpretentious of lute. . \rjT.U T1IK CONVENTION- . The city has relapsed to its normal condition aguln , following in thu waku of the latu convention that kept so many citizens in the spectators' gallery the en. tire night. A good deal of disappoint ment exists because ttic extra session resolution was defeated anil the demands upon thu Lincoln delegation for tins were hot selfish , but behoved by the public generally to bo the way to speedily secure reduced rates in the stato. Thu rcr.nmination of Judge Maxwell gives universal satisfaction , and the friends of the university , whilu disappointed bo- iwuso McAllister was not nominated for logout , believn both nominations to bo c&ccllcnt. M1NOK MENTION. Yesterday the parties selected by the temperance orgiun/.ations in the city to attend the funeral of John li. Finch departed - parted for Kvaiihlon , 111. The delegates * are Mayoi Sawyer , for the city ; 11. W. Hardy , representing the national com- mittt'o ; Mrs. A. M. liiUunbunder , repre senting the \V. O. T. II. ; Dr , S. 11. King , representing Iho city prohibition club , and H. K. George and Miss Anna M. Maunders , representing the Independent Order of Good Temulars. A very pleasant musical entertainment for thu boni'lit of the V. M. O. A. of the city WHS on the boards at Funke's opera house last night. Among those panic- ! patinir weru Miss Parker , the elocutionist , Mrs. A. Weber , Mrs. I' . V. M. Raymond. Mr. liarnaby , and other local musicians of note. The proceeds aru to bo used to purchase a piano for thu V. M. O. A. rooms. Arrangements have been made for holding memorial services to the memory of John 1) . Finch by the different Icmpcrnnco societies in the city. The meeting will be hold Sunday nt 2 p. m. in the Funko opera house. Committees on arrange ments , on decorations , on speakers , etc. , were appointed , and it is proposed to have some of the ablest speakers in the citv in attendance. Members of the German society and citizens of Lincoln who attended the Sangurfcst at Plattsmouth the past two days , speak In tlio hlglinst praise of the hospitality of Plattsmouth people and the entertainment received while on their visit there. IMl'HOVEMKNT ON Till' LINCOLN nVKNIKO NEWS. Mr. W. H. Keillsh , for : i long time chief book-keeper for the Dally Evening Nuws , has been placed in charge of the city cir culation , and assumed his duties yester day. Mr. Hcdish is a young man of un doubted integrity and ability , who has won for himself tbb confidence of his em ployers and the public of Lincoln by untiring ellbrts to moot their esteem. That ho has succeeded is evidenced by his deserved promotion. Mr. J. K. Newman , who o an old newspaper man and who re cently came from Omaha to Lin coln and cast his fortunes with the peoplu of the capital city , will take the position vacated by Mr. Hudish , arid which years of experience with accounts has qualified him to fill. Mr. Newman will also have cutiro charge of all matters relating to the advertising department , and any orders or inquiries relating to this branch o ( Iho Nuws can bo intrusted to him with the assurance of prompt and careful attention. These gentlemen are well and favoru- bly known in business circles in Lincoln and Omaha , both having been residents of Nebraska for ncHrlyaBcoroof years. The News Is fortunate to not only secure , but retain , the services of these two gentle men. AN ODD CITY IN INDIA. Sonic Very Interesting Sconoa In Old Ilyderntinil. Now York Evening Post : All agrqe in calling Hyderabad the most interesting city in India. It is the people themselves , tiie street life , the mcdiiuval pageants and pomp , which fascinate. Everything seems to have stood still for centuries. Ono is plunged suddenly into the ago of the cavaliers , The town is battlcmcnted and ditched and jealously guarded. In fact , a permit from the residents is neces sary for Europeans who wish to enter the walls. Once- over the bridge spanning the half-dried stream , whore elephants are splashing in the deep pools and hundreds of "dhobics" are pounding nna scrub bing the linen of thellydcrabadcu house holds , and what a kaleidoscopic jumble meets the eye in the densely crowded streets. There arc long rows ot low. whitewashed buildings , with facades of Saracenic arches , under which the mer chants squat among piles of cotton goods , silks , carpets , brassware , grain , etc. , sucking meditatively the amber mouth piece of thu inevitable "hubble-bubble , " money-changers chewing betel-leaf and rattling their bags of "hallisiokor" rupees , or lumps of rough-cut silver and copper. On the Hat , terraced roofs veiled womiin arc curiously peering at the yell ing throng below through latticed screens , reminding one of Stamboul or Cairo. Elephants , gorgeously capari soned , saddled with silver "howdah , " in which "Nuwabs " clad in , brilliantly em broidered fcilks and velvets , recline on cushions ; camels , nn which are perched the Arab soldiers of thy Nizam , armed with lance and shield ; prancing little horses from the Persian fiilf mounted by sharp-featured , mitered Parsees , bankers or great merchants , aru seen ; while the multi-colored throng ot pedestrians , fantastically arrayed , or scarce arrayed at all , as thu case may be , rolls unceas ingly to and fro. To the uninitiated stranger it would seem that thu whole population is about to rush forth to do battle with .some in- yisiblu enemy , for all are fiercely , alarm ingly hung about with murderous weapons , from the great noble , with his bojuwuled rapier , dashing by , followed by his escort of Arab cavalry , with swords drawn or lances bent , to the peaceful "ryot , " who has brought in his little har vest of fruit or grain , a spear andshield in his hand , and wearing a girdle full of gleaming knives and ancient pistols , and from the Ni/am , with sword-hilt scintil lating with the gums of yonder Gol- concla treasure house , to the "Sals , " who runs before your elephant , a dagger between - tweon Ida teeth. A poor devil may have no cloak , no turban , but he is sure to havu a couple of long-bladcd knives thrust into his meager loin-cloth , or a long-barreled Arab gun slung over his bare shoulder. Fastened on the persons of the Hyderabadces ono sees every va riety of death-dealing weapon the curved cimeter , jagged "tulwar , " double- edged crusader , undulating blades of bluish steel , perfidious , slmi stilettoes and battle-axes , with evorv conceivable form of modern and ancient gun and pistol , blunderbuss and match-lock. Many carry round shields of transparent rhinoceros hide , gilded and painted , or of steel elaborately incrnsted with graceful designs in gold or silver. A tract of several hundred thousand acres of land , adjoining Baxter Citv , Kan. , is to bo thrown open to whitu set tlers by a recent order ot the president. The land includes the reservations of thu Quapaws. Ottawas. Wyandottes , Senecas , Moclocs , Minmis , Pcorias and Pottawat- ainioa. If Your Iain g8 Arc Destroyed do not uxnect that Dr. Picrco's "Golden Medical Discovery" will make now ones for you. It can do much , but not impos sibilities. If , however , you have not yet reached the lust staged of consumption , there is hope for you. lint do not delay lest you cross the fatal line where help is impossible. The Discovery has ar rested the aggravating cough of thou sands of consumptives , cured their night sweats and hectic fevers , and restored them to health und happiness. J. G. Patterson , president of the Trav elers' Insurance company , of New Yolk , is a Homnrio Greek scholar and a bull on the nmakct. Ho is the bead of the New England Granite works and contractor for the now Equitable building , lie is as fat as an uldurman and bearded like Santa Clans. Wo are willing to boar personal testi mony to the ollicacy und value of Hood's Sars.vparillu , which wo have been adver tising so mo years in our paper , having used it for blood impurities with great success. It is a preparation of standard merit , made ot perfectly mire ingredients and thoroughly cllectivu in cleansing and purifying thu system. For eruption1) , boils , etc. , it can bo relied upon every timo. Our own experience with it has been most gratifying , and wo nro glad to give it this endorsement Atliol ( Mass ) , Transcript. It is s.iul that the Uelgian glass worl.ors are now preparing to make glass into va rious shapes and patterns by running sheets of it just the right temperature to work nicely through steel rollers. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. When n by was Elck , wo gave her Caatorl * . Wheu elio was a ClillJ , she cried for Castor ! * , When Uo became Miss , she clung to CartorU , When she hJ CUldrea , she gave them CwtorU. THE GOLDEN CITY , A 1.0UK Search Tor Prccloui Metal Finally Itcwarded. London News : lictwcon the Orinoco and the Amazon , on the northeast coast of South America , the Ksscmiobo rolls its warm tide to the sea. Two hundred and seventy years have pnsscd slnco Captain Kcymis sailed into its mouth seeking for the fabled Manna the Golden City. All thnt time the dream has been dead , or remembered only by those who lingered once In u whilu over n pace of history to pity the delusion of Sir Walter Raleigh , and the sad fate of his lieutenant. Slnco then settlements have risen there upon the river banks , and have dccavod ; the Dutch have founded n new llolland among the sea swnnips , and have lost it ; wealth has flowed upon the shores , and ebbed with the fortunes of the sugar cane ; and the last chapter has seemed to bo written of the prosperity of British Guiana ; when again upon the air has boon the whisper of "GoldI" and up the river from the ends of the earth have come streaming all sorts and conditions of men adventurers with hearts as eager and bands as strong as were those of the voyagctirs of Elizabeth. Raleigh's premise - iso of riches has conic true after all , and for the two poor wedges ho carried home to King James as testimony , hundred weights of. the yellow metal are being brought down from the interior to-day. \ \ hen the boundary line with Venezuela is Huttied , and life and property made se cure , a now era may dawn upon Guiana. On thu ancient jungle trail of Arawak und Waruu , where tapir and jaguar steal to-day between the trunks of purple heart and locust tree , may bo hoard the snortincs of the iron horse , and from savannah and mangrove tangle may yet rise , as there rose from the Australian bush , the long-drcaincd-of Golden City. Since the days of the buccaneers and conquistadorcs , indeed , there have brcn many essays to explore the interior , and the names occur m recent times of Watertown , Schornburgh , Brown and llumboldt. Hero , too , upon a smaller scale , has been repeated by the llritisli Rodney and the French Do Cusse the thunder Of European war. Even a gold company , twonly years ago , was started to gather the precious mctaK Hut po litical uncertainty killed prospecting en terprise. The sound even of Rodney's guns never penetrated far from the coast ; and thus , though they used tobuluiru&scd sometimes by the slave-drivers of , the Taruma Indians about thu Upper Essoqnobo , and the Arecunns about the springs of its tributaries and among tlio mountains beyond , have for long roarncd their native forests and savannahs undis turbed. Now , however , the white man has made his way once more into the depths of these primeval wilds , and pick 'and spade have brought to light the gold thnt sword and lance , could not discover. Though not in the titles and pavements of the fabled Manoa for the Golden City of imagination has shrunk to the reality of a poor Indian village by u reedy lake the precious metal has been found in abundance in the basins of the Cuyuni and Yufuari rivers , tributaries of the Essequebo , and already a now town , Hartiea , has been foumtod on the Ma/arum , while in the far interior , be side the palm-roof village ol the Indian tribe , appear the white tents of the Eu ropean. Three C's There are thrpn c' that arise the children and carry thum off. The three c's are colds , coughs and croup. Mothers ! Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup saves the little ones' lives ! If men are suffering tortures with toothache they should not try to smile and look cool and handsome. How much wiser to case the pain with a bottlu of Salvation Oil. Price 25 cents. HAZING"AT YALE. Five Sophoinoroa Kxprjllntl fur Kn- t-aciiicln tills Pastime. The faculty of Yale college met this evening , says a dispatch from New Ha ven , and held an exciting discussion be fore taking action on the extraordinary amount of ha'/.mg perpetrated by the prusnnt pophomoro class , us well as the classes of the past fewyears. The meet ing was a private ono. Professor Rich ards , the secretary , stated that tivo mem bers of this class were expelled in order to make an example. President Dwight said ; "Tho best of feeling was exhibited nt the meeting , in spite of the declaration thnt there would bo a division of feeling. The faculty , as well us myself , saw that something should bo done at once to put a stop once and for all to this disgraceful habit. The men were warned , but they took no heed , xnil wo were obliged to take the action we did to night. Thu men we dropped are all of wealthy parents , und can gain admittance elsewhere without any difficulty. For the past live joars hazing has grown to tin alarming extent in the eastern states. Since the opening of college there has been much of it , and wo obtained the names of the ringleaders of the hazing committee. The men were given an opportunity to conic before us , but thu evidence against them was al most conclusive. 'Having' must bo ex pelled from Yule under any circum stances. " Ono of the favorite tricks of these sophomores was to call at thu rooms of the frcshmon , pull them out of bed , and , after blackening the faces of the poor froslups with burnt cork or lampblack , provide them with brooms and make them light a duel with these weapons for an hour or two , until the freshmen agreed to buy a supper for the whole crowd. Another trick that lias been resorted to quite largely is for n number of sopho mores to ho in wait for a brace of fresh men , surround them , and under pain of dire punishment compel the unsophisti cated collegians to provide an elaborate spread for the entire element of their captors. The names of the men expelled are , as near as can be ascertained , as follows : John W. Robertson. Cleveland , O. ; Joseph - soph Cunningham , Norwich , Conn. , and Archibald Shepurd , Oswcgo , N. Y. The other two men are not known as yet. The strictest secrecy was kept by the fellow-classmen over tlio matter. Robertson , whoso father is a millionaire , was seen by tlio Globe-Democrat corre spondent , Ho is in nowise discomfited about the matter , and talked of it in a jocose manner. " 'Proxy' was rather hard on us , 1 must admit , " ho said , "but it's all in a lifetime. The best fun wo had was last Monday night. A party of sophs took ton freshmen from their beds at midnight and bound them ono to the other. They were placed in the chapel ante-room , where President Dwight prepares for prayer. They were kept from making an outcry by the direst penalties. The jani tor did not notice them , us ho never en ters the ante-room. The president found the men lying on the hard lloor when ho came to prayers. I understand thatoyer twenty of the sophs have beun given all the way from ten to forty marks apiece for their part in thu affair. Ono of tlio freshmen was badly injured , and his parents , as well as the parents of some of thu other freshmen who were badly treated , wrote some cutting letters to the faculty. " Another of tlio men expelled was William Ater , of the class of 1890. An other meeting will bo held in a few days to tuUo action on other men , who will probably bo suspended. Distress after eating , heartburn , sick headache , and indigestion are cured by Hood's Sarsuparillu. It creates a good appetite. Onn mile of now electric road has been laid in Oakland. Cul. The electricity is conveyed by wires to conductors in a conduit midway between tlio tracks. FOR THIS WEEK. We cull special attention to our enormous stock of BOYS' CLOTHING ! Suits for $1.KO , $ J.7S , $2 , $ if.HO and upwards. Our large Hue of slnfflt pants , for fiOc , CMC , 7Oc , HSc , flJ.ia and upward * . Our large line of flannel shirt HvrWs. Our laiyc line ofbnj/n hnla rind caps from 25c upward. , Fall Overcoats. UnrG.50T.GO$0 and 910 fall overcoats are the greatest wonder to o r competitors , who cannot understand how tec can do it. But never mind , "iccact there just the same , " and nobody need uo with out a fall ovcrcont when they can buy a uplcndld woratcd coat for $6.50. NEW CLOTHING CO 1308 Farnam Street. The first locomotive engine built in America was made at York , Pa. , in 1829 , by a Yorker , Phincas Davis , and was'ox- hibitcd nt the Centennial exhibition in Philadelphia in 1870. When you are constipated , with loss of nppctitc. headache , take ono of Dr. J. II. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pillets. They aru pleasant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a vial. Suburban residing is reported growing in popularity , and on this account and to escape high rents there are , it is said , COO empty houses in Portland , Me. Its superior excellence proven In mllllonso- honu'b for moie than nmmrtor ot n ccnturt It Is used br tlio UiilteKl Stntt-s Clovoriimeny Knilorsort l > jthn lifiul * of the rre t unlrcrii tiosuslhoMronjTObl , Cutest nml Most Health fill. Dr. Price's the only Unidiitr 1'owOor thnt doe * not cnntnln Ammonln , Mine or Alum. Sold only In cans. 1'ltlCE UAKlNfl POWDEIt CO. . New Vork Chicago St. J.ou rxetllvn. flcinMhai > eilnetroniforlmnil diiriilillitvand nre the rtlgniHg fuvurllcuinfatlilonulilrclrcl ; . Our name Is } J.AT.COUSINS. on exery olc. ( NCWYORK. Agents for Oinnlia , HAYWARD BROS. The Theatrical Profusion. llarlt will win and recelrt pnbllo recognition and prolu. Fct8 , which ar * the outcome of general ex * perlonce , growing through jran ot critical and practical test , liecomc as rooted and ImmoraMeai lb roclof Gibraltar inpubllo opinion , and hence forth need no further guarantee as to tlielr gcnu Incnou. The IndkpuUblo fact that Sniffs Spoclflo It the belt blood purifier In the world , li one of these Immorablo Olhrattar rock farti of which wo hare epoken , and everdaj't experience roou thin con viction deeper and derper In public opinion. Kvory elau of our people In America nml In Kuropu. CTcry trade , calling and prufuulon. Including thn medical profculon , have Ixirnu voluntary toitl- mony to the remarkable virtue * or S. 8. S. ami lu Infallible ofilcacy In curing aU UlteaiM of the blood. Thito tfiilmohlaJi nru on Ille by the thou- iMinds , and open to the Ininecllonof all. Mow coma , unsolicited , two dltUiiEUlnned nirmbera of thu theat rical profeMlon. who gr tcf ully testify to the wonder ful oiu-atlTO qunlltlM of the Specific in their Indi vidual eauru. ThrIr tf stlmqnlal are herewith sub mitted to thn publla without turthcr couimant let them ( peak for thtm-elvci. The lady 1 a m ml > r nt thefamom Timlin Theatre'Company , of New xoik , au < l formerly of the Kcildeacti Theatre , Berlin , Ocr- many.anil of McYlckrr'HStuck Comiuny. of Chicago. The g otlemnnl nwoil known member of the H vr York Thalia Tlieatru Company. Both are well known la theatrical circle * lu this country and In Europe. Churlollo Itnndon' * "TrMlnony. Ntw YOUR , May S , 1HT. Swift Bppclflc Company , Atlanta , Oa. : Gentlemen Having been annoyed with pimple * , eruptions and roufnneitof tbo * kln , from bad con dition or my Mood , for more than a year , I uieda leading preparation of araiiarlllaaud other advor- tlied i vniedliw to no effect. 1 uen I oonsnltud a prom- lucnt phyilctan , and from'lil ' * treatment received no benefit. I then concluded to try tha H. 8. S. rem edy for the blood , and five or tlx package * , by a thorough rraitlcatlon of my trouble and restoring mooihne&tt to my tklu , bare made me happy , and 1 enot-rfulir give you tbli testimonial for such ul * a U publicity ai you'wUh to make of It CnuiLOTrc IUKHOW , 112 Ilowery , near Uauid Struct. Hugo IIim krrr < i TrMlinony. The Swift tipectno Company , Atlanta. Oa. : Ountlcmrn Kor two yrn I had a severe ca > of fcei ma. J used tar soapa , sulphur toap.and varioii * other remeJIe * , and wa * prcxTtunl forliy number * of phyalclan * . bat found norullrf. At lilt 1 deter mined to try the 8.8.8. remedy , nud eCTenorvlkht bottles have thoroughly relieved me , and you cuu us * tLU cortutcato In any manner } nu wUh. Uvofl HiBSKunL. Heoiter cf Thaua Theatra how York , Hay J.IWJ. Treatise nn Blood and Bklu Disease * mailed free. Till Swjrr irici'na Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta. Oa , SCIENTIFIC CLOCK & WILKINSON. yonr retailer for Iho JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE or the JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. nrcoidtnK to your nenl * . CAITTIONI Posltlvel * none genuine unless nur L name ami price appeari > lalnl ) pn the soles. Homo 'erf , In order to m ke n liner It , will rifotnmend the Infcrlnr with vhieh tin tnnrkrt Is d. JAMKSMKANSS4 J Is Until and stilish It Ills llliu aalockliiE mil KE- ymnKS NO " liKKAK. < U IN , " telnir perlwtljr ensy tlit Crst time It Is wiirti. It will 5 tl > lr the most Uttliliousnsltlsln cvrry vital nspect equal to the uand-setvrd shoes , . . . . . whifh - v . - * - . J ? x J X - A AsV fhr theT mfI , _ . . _ _ _ _ Moans It Shoe for Hojs * * t&tt Si ? liernre- tullnt at $7nr S. JAMES MKAN > l : i SlIOK Is the oriel- nat K Hhne nnd Is ahinliKely the only shoe nf It * crlre whlrli liss ever ttecn | > | MCH ! eitenslvrljr on the msrkct In which durability Is contlJfriM before mere oulwnnl appCarATKC. Thf e hoes me sold hT the Tieftt nMallers ttmiuithniit the t'nKeil .States , ind we v III pUoc thorn eaulv within > oitr reach In any stnto or territory ITyoU will semi us u postal rant , inonlloiilni ; thl < pnixr. 4auica Means A Co. , 41 Lincoln .st , llonton , Mas * . Full line at the iilumi bhoua for SAlolnUMAiiA by O. W. Cook.l.UG Farnnntstreet ; O. 8. Millar. alii Nuttli ICtli elruot ; llnvwnr.1 llios .407 Soutli 15th Btroet. In COUNCIL Di.irrs ! by Sargout & Kvans , < 12 llrond ay. Tin or Iron , Repaired. And PnlntpJ und gtmtnntccd tl lit for number ofjcnrs. Paints novcr blister. GRAV3L ROOFING Manufactured and rcpnlrod. Fire Proof Paint HDplloJ to Shin pies , 1 > yrnrs oxporlonce. WM. II. CUUIIAN At SON. 2111 S.11t St. Hot Arbor mul Vlnton. FOR PLANTING TIMBER CLAIMS. lllacl ; Walnuts , hulls on , f. o. b OOo per bu Itlaik Wulmit. hulls ofl , ' $1.2j per bn \ \ oIMdor Seed , 10o pur Ib Anli Peed , ' lOo per Ib Itonoy ixjcnst f-eecl , ' S-'ieperlb lUB3lnii ( Mulberry Seed , ' a J porlb CutJlpuSued. ' . pi-rib Also all kinds of Frilt nml Foiest Trcoi ) for RRln. Ad < < re-i. MIKNANiiO/xil XIIKSKICY , D. S. LAKK , Proprietor. bllENANCOAII. I A. Pianos & Organs Retailed at Wholesale Price * . Write for cntulOKuus , prices nnd terms and save from tM to J15U in the purchase of nu In- fitriimtmt. Ill ) YET" ? BKOS. SI. Joseph , ill wu. no INTOSII n. r. IIOUWKI.U UOOWI2LL , At Real Estate Dealers 140 South Spring Street , LOS ANGKLES , VAL1JFOHXTA. Donlers In city and country piopcrly of ail dosciititionB. General iulormntlon to newcomers - comers freely given. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And oltii-Tfl tniHennir from - thionlu , dre line of joung or old nro sitlTeljr cuitd hy Pr nie'i f mous LI retro. ir In * TPry ifi"3tAto In tin * union luve IKJTH turifl Klrrtrlrf \ * l-alenlt-i alul told 10 - , ty ln > tnnty ) frit - ypan Wholu far ity can wer name bflt Klritrle Ka neHsMirlr free with mule belts Avolit wortlik-tatni- lUttons and tMigui com panic * Elcclrle TrusMvs r r Rupture. 700 c'imlln'85 , Kent ! * t mpfoi iimniOilvt. OL W. J. HORHE , INVEHTOB. 191 WA&ASH AV. , CHICAGO. a7J tu ! lar cost and most complete assortment ot Fire PSace FumisSiings IN AMERICA. One Hundred andSevenSyTive Diflecrent tlesigns of fireplaces can be seen all set up in our showrooms. Also complete Bath and Toilet Rooms all fitted up with Tiles. BRASS GOODS Of all Ilic il oiust srd neil ci tiald signs. Readers of this paper icquiring goods in our line should call upon or cotntnanlcate with us. uuu ci..Serfousloijilltjcnii c < l Kh error * und bad praotltoH CURED. MCAfeCO , 19Loeuitat S Hats. Onrliat department Is * pimply Im mense tlris season , and for $1.23 you can purchase n yood stiff hat equal to hats bouffht elsewhere for $3. Other stiff hats for fl.SO , fff , $2.5O , f3. Our soft crushers cell for OOc and 7Sc. Soft Hats from 75c Upwards , at n.ft cut IttVi iyVlBll DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO TIIE TREATMENT OF Nervous , ( Me id DISEASES , More especially those arising ironi nnpur- dencc , invite all to sullering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured sately and speedily with out use of dangerous dru-'S. Patients whose cas s have been neglected , hadly treated or puonounded incuinhle , should not fail to write us concerning their symp toms. All letters receive immediate at tention. JUST FUIIMSIir.D. And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is * added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive Organs , thu whole forming a valuable med ical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St. . St. Louis , Mq. J. B. HAYNES OKKICUfi STENOGRAPHED TJIIU1 > JUDICIAL DISTRICT , 37 Cliaiuhor of ( Jouimcrno. Underwear , Uiieofnntlcrtvcar Is selling ol itoitvr prices than has ever been seen before. We call your attention to the goods shown in our wtndott which we arc selling at 75 Per Gent Cheaper than other Houses can Sell Them for. EDUCATIONAL. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE Anil HOMi ; SCHOOL , for . KANRAH CITV IO. Tall corps of accomplish leaclitra , ' 1'uplU rccnUeil at any time fcorclroul * n'l ' Mlse K. UoOOMAS , lriiilH | > al. OHILAI > KIPIIIABIMINAHT : J. J'-Ult VOUNU I.ADI KH.1TJ5 North Hronrt rliilailolpula. 17th year boitlng Snnu 21st , I84T. Addrou Mladic. 1C. JUDKINS , 1'rinolpal , who roforti l > r sporlnl pnrmlsslonto Mr. ana Mrs , John K. Joirult , I Mr. and .Mm. 1'liilip 1) . Armour , VChica o. Mr. nnd Mrs H or HOC K Wmtu , ) Howard Collegiate Institute , For Young I.ndlcs looponi Foit | 21 , Collqxu I'icpnriitor } ' , CliiSBlcnl und Scluntiflo ( iruduut- iriir courfen , I 'or clrculnrH udlrtus I'MMA O. CONKO , I'rlnclpal , or It. II. HOWARD , Soero- tur v.V cst llridif owtttor. Mtifes. JyLtuwiOt ST10UIS LAW SCHOOL LAW DEPARTMENT OF WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY 'llioTwnutr OrttTMirnf ( lilt fell known dcliool wilt Ix-clii . at 4 o'clock p , ni. , on M MiNmm v , < KIT 12tli , Ittfl. ukoe vMii'itiK Slotfiur. ( > OT. 10th , V a in , FnUrn outirna msr l > * rnnuiltliifl In ton or thrauycurM at option nt ntudtmt. Dlploum toiliultstoltar tuition l 't'Briinnum ' For OatnlonufM , tto , ar1ilret)4 WILLIAM C. HAWINIOND , LlI.D. . Dean of faculty , 1117 Lucas Flaco. BT. LOUIS. MO. BOYNTON FURNACE CO. , Sole Hanufactvrtn of BOYNTON'S RANGES HEHTERS , Wltli All MODEHN Improvements. 47 and 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. MANNY , MANAGER CHICAGO. KOIIHAI.K [ IV HENRY E COX , Omaha , Neb RESTORED. ATlcUmot rnulftfuflinrrudtil > : > ec U4tn/l rnauiMuni ItocAy , Aorvouj LUIOtl.H4liaVlbimtxliD T&U4 ss v SB t tm knoirii rvhir. . hit rllsrrnr ro'l a rimple ! / < ru , hlch li IU ttfA PR S C to tils r Uow mullvn C- . Addnu. ( X J. M AAON. l-iwl OI R iiia U7 * . M w Vurk ClkA