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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1887)
THE DAILT BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TKIIM8 Of RBBSCtUmOtf ! Dnllr ( MprnUir Edition ) Including BunilAjr IlKi. Uno Year . $10 00 For fllx Month * . . . GOT rorThreo Month * . S M Tim Omahn Sunday HUE , mailed to nnr Address , One Year. . , . 800 OMAHA nrnrr. . Ann Bl KABXAM ruw YomK orrirr. rioou ff , , TRIRUNK Htm.mxa. WAsniXOTON OrrlCE , MO.ftlirilURTIKKTIlSTHEKT. COmtUPONDCNCI ! All communication ! ! relation to w > iTg nnJrdl- torlal mntUn-Hliould bo ad'lrcsBOd to the KM- Ton or TUB BI.V- AH Im'IncM lettun and remittance * ihotild bs addroB. cil to THB HEB 1'unl.isniKO COMPANT , OMAHA. Drafts , checks and poslofflco order * to be made payable to the ordtr of the company. E. nOSrWATKR. EPITOR. THE HAII.Y BER Sworn StAtcmcnt of Circulation. Btatc ot Nebraska. I. , County of Dotuf&s.St ( * Oeo. U. TzflchucK , secrctanr of The Bee PnbllshlDK company , does solemnly swear that the actual circulation ot tlio Dally Boo for the week ending Sept. SO , 1837 , wu as follows : Batnrdav.Sppt.24 14.200 Sunday , Sept IS M.a Monrtav. Sept.M 14,035 Tuesday. Sept. 27 14.010 Wednesday. Sujit , 23 13'JOl Thursday , Sopt. 29 14.015 Friday , Sept. so 14,015 Arerairo 14.155 Gr.o. 11. T ACKUOK. Sworn to find subscribed In my presence this 1st day of October , A. D. 1887. N. P. FRIT- fSKAL.1 Notary Public. State of Nebraska. 1 Douclas County.BS ( Geo. B. Tzscliuck , being first duly sworn , deposes and says that be Is secretary of The Bee Publishing company , that tlio actual average dally circulation of the Dally Bee for themonth ofOctober , 18SO , 13,889 copies ; for November , 1880,13..T48 copies ; for December. 1880. 13.257 copies : for January 1837. 16.2GS copies ; for February , 18S7 , 14,193 copies : for March. 1867 , U.400 copies : for April. 18S7 , 14ilOcopies : ; forMay , 1887 , 14,237 copies ; for June 18S7,14,147 copies ; for July. 1S37,14- W > 3 copies : for Aturnst , 1887,14,151 copies ; for September l&SfT , 14,349 copies. OEO. B TzacrrocK. Sworn to nnd subscribed In my presence this Cth day ot October A. D. . 18S7. fSEAL. | N. P. Fgn > Notary Public TUB last legislature did not secure n vote of confidence out of the republican state convention. TIIK commissioners who arc invest ! ' eating tlio Pacilic rail ways arc beginning to "catch it" from the press for the manner - nor iti which they are conducting their inquiries. They are alleged to bo hob nobbing with the men on trial in a sus picious way. It is suggested that a com mission to investigate the commissoners may become future necessity. Tim Westinghouse and Thomson- Hotistou electric light companies , it is said , liavo formed a combination to pro tect themselves against Edison. Tlio latter has recently been granted a patent for the multiple arc system of distribu tion , which , if sustained by the courts , will give Edison absolute control of itu candescent electric lighting. The other companies will thus lay themselves liable to prosecution for infringement. Tin : wages of the miners of ono of the largest coal combinations in Pennsylva nia have been increased 8 per cent , lint the protlts of the robber barons will not bo decreased by that amount , nor the prolits of the railroads which carry the coal. The price of the fuel has boon ad vanced more than enough to cover the increase in the cost of production , and the consumers must pay the difference. The whole country is at the mercy ol the coal combinations. The price of coal is already monstrous and likely to bo still r higher. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kf ONE of the results of the recent scarc f- ity of money was the bringing to market of much loan cattle from .tho western fr ranges during September. Ranchmen r found themselves harder pressed for cash than they have boon for many a year , and wore compelled to market immature cattle to meet obligations. Recently , however , there has been an increase in the influx of eastern capital , and the money market is becoming easier. Ranchmen will thus have an opportu nity to got their stock in good condition before selling , aud bettor times for them lire assured. IT is announced that the republican na tional committee may meet in Washing ton in December , instead of January , to determine tlio time and place of holding the next national convention. In orrtei that Omaha's claims may bo properly pro I sontud , there is not much time to bo losl V in formulating thorn. Some members ol the national committee are understood tc favor an early convention , but there has boon no intimation as to what the senti ment is regarding the place of holding it , The probabilities , however , are stronglj in favor of the selection of a western city , and there is no reason why the chance : of Omaha will not bo as good as these ol nny other. At all events a very onrucsl effort should bo made in behalf of thh city , and it cannot be started nny toe BOOH. KANSAS papers nro very enthusiastic ever the future of sugar manufaoturo in f that state. One of them has figured oul that a net profit of over f 1,000 can cosih bo obtained from every fifty acres. Ii there are no mistakes in the computatioi ( here seems to bo agolden future in store for Kansas farmers. Hut the trouble liUoly to arise is that everybody will rusli Into the raising of sugar-cane to tin neglect of nit other products. Sugar pro Unction was also very profitable in Oor many when the industry was tirst introduced ducod there , but now overproduction ha : reduced the prolit to n minimum. A liki result may follow in this country , but no immediately. Importation of the foroigi urticlo must tirst bo stopped , Mus. FKANK LESLIE was recently compelled polled to pay duty ou some insignificant private property brought from Europe by a New Yorx iuspoctress. She made r vigorous "kick" and threatened t < ohaugo the politics of her periodicals This seems to have caused the demo * * cratio departments iu New York am t Washington to pause and consider. Tli iiautil long roll of rod tape was dispense ! with and the money Mrs. Leslie paid wa promptly refunded. The offending in spectres was also recommended for re moval. The politics ot Mrs. Loslio'd pa pers will not , probably , bo changed uo\\ It is pretty safe to assort that had a pee woman , without intltiencu , made a sim ! [ ac romoustr.uioo , no r.otico would hav baen taken of thu.complaint. Neat-Ing the End. The indications now are that the coun cil will take stops to have the poltco muddle adjudicated by direct appeal to the supreme court. This should have been done months ago. Omaha has suf fered severely by the stubborn refusal of the council to heed the opinion of its le gal adviser , Iho city attorney. The pol icy of tnrving Iho police , even if Iho council wore right in Its claims as to po lice regulations , is utterly indefensible. When it was first talked of Councilman Hnsc.ill himself denied any intention lo resort to stioh a method , but , as the con troversy grow more intense , the impro priety of starving the police was losl sight of. It it an unmitigated outrace that men who are employed by the city to watch over life and property and maintain order , should be refused their pay. No body can cbargo that they did not enlist in the police scrvlco in good faith , nor is there even n pretense that they have not faithfully performed their duties. The bias of rouncllmon against the chief of police should have no bearing upon the police force. Least of all should members of the force bo made the victims of ft quar rel between Iwo co-ordinate branches of the city government. It is a sad com mentary upon our municipal legislature when private citizens have to organize n relief association to prevent the disband ing of the police by reason of the starvu- lion policy. In such nn iwuo the council cannot possibly sustain itself in the eyes of the people. The sooner the council abandons its mulishness and plants itself upon n moro defensible position , the better it will bo for the majority faction that insists upon construing the charter as giving the council indirect control over the police commission. Nebraska Ileitabllcaaa anil tboTariff. While keeping in line with the party generally in approval of a tariff system that shall conserve the interests of Amer ican industries aud labor , the sentiment of the republicans of Nebraska , as voiced by their state convention , is unmistaka bly la favor of a revision of the existing tariff. The platform especially says that the business of the country demands a revision , and arraigns the democratic party for its failure to keep its tariff re form pledges. It puts the republicans of this state on record as desiring such re vision at the earliest practicable day , though intimating no faith in the ability of Iho domocralic party to bring about that consummation. Republicans elsewhere - where will not fail to give hoed to thcso expressions , nor should they bo disre garded by.tboropresenlativesln congress from this Btato. This atltludo of the republicans of Ne braska marks an advance in the senti ment ou this subject , and demonstrates the force of Iho arguments in the exist ing situation so clearly that the extreme protectionists may learn from it that their sway cannot bo much longer maintained. They may blindly elect to still insist upon their demands , rather than to wisely yield such fair and just concessions as they can make without harm to themselves and with great good to the general welfare , but the lime is not remote when what they now refuse to concerto Ihe people will have in despilo of Ihom , wilh Iho chaucc of taking much more than is at present asked. There is no disposition anywhere to pull down the tariff struct ure. Rational men of both parlies un derstand that such a policy would bo madness , nnd with such there is no toleration eration of those , a more handful numeri cally , who advocate absolute free trade. Hut it is reasonably insisted that neither fie necessities of the government , the wel fare of the industries of the country , nor the interests of labor require a continu ance of the tax imposed upon the people by the existing tariff , and that on the contrary all interests would bo bonofitled and national progress stimulated by a generous reduction of this tax. The pre vailing spirit is ono of compromise. The great majority of the people are willing that for ihc present the question shall be settled on that fair middle ground which will us nearly as pos sible divide Iho reduction of rovcuuc equally between excise taxes and the tariff. The mistake of the protectionists , aud one which must ultinritolv react to their discomlituro if persisted in , is in maintaining a rate of taxation for which thorn is no longer a necessity or a justi- lication. It results in piling up a vast surplus in the treasury which is danger ous in itself as n temptation to govern mental extravagance nnd a serious draw back to the national prosperity. Two- thirds of this is derived from the tnnff , which puts a tax on almost everything that the people wear or use in their domcstio and business affairs. A re duction of the revunue of the govern ment , that did not involve the cutting off of a part of this tax , while it might prevent the accumu lation of a surplus in the treasury , would give no relief to the people , and would therefore bo alike unwise and unjust. The republican party of Nebraska , largely conposod of farmers , favors a revision of the tariff with a view to re ducing oppressive duties because it be lieves that course to be fair , just and necessary , certain to work no injury to the industries and labor of the country , but instead to promote the welfare of all interests and advance the general pros perity. This sentiment is obtaining rapid development in the west , if It Is not iu other sections of the couutry. THE council has very properly sent for Architect Myers with a view of nscer tnining what , if anything , should be done by the city to protect that portion of the east wall of thn city hall which has its foundations" only about live foot below the street grade. Mr. Myers is the proper person to give advice on thin matter and alter the plans if any alteration is neces narv , which wo doubt very much. Mr Myers ought to bo hero anyhow at leas once every two months while the build' ing is in progress. Up to this time lu bus exhibited lee much indifference about Iho supervision of Iho structure , and al lowed the contractors to have their owi wny. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIU moro wo look into the manage ment of our county affairs the more wi become convinced that n radical change of methods aud management is impora lively necessary. Everything is at loose ends in the records of the ctuntnlsslonon und there is neither head nor tail to the entire system of county business. Whik vouchers are , now taken from parties Who draw upon the county treasury , many of these vouchers are no bcltci than pieces of blank paper. They fail to show the character of scrvlco ren dered , the quality nnd quantity of sup- pile ? and materials purchased , or work dono. The whole court homo , from spinent to garret , needs a thorough overhauling nud an Introduction of strict business methods , such as nny largo cor poration that transacts two or three hundred thousand dollars' worth of busi ness a year would pursue. nro now in progress for paving Seventeenth street adjacent to the cast front of the court house. The contract calls for a forty foot roadway , which la twenty foot narrower than that of the north front on Farnam. Common sense would dictate that the Seventeenth street approach to the court house should be fully as wldo as that on Farnam , but like everything pertaining to the court house , the bunglers will have their way. Within less than five years wo expect lo eco this pavement torn up and thb road way widened nt the county's expense. A thirty foot stone sidewalk is entirely un necessary. Twenty foot walks are ample , nnd widening tbo sidewalk increases the paving expense. THE Herald is making a great hulla baloo over the so-called prohibilion plank in Iho republican stale platform. No such plank was adopted. The only hing the convention did was to pass a oso'.utioa recommending that the state entral committee should , in its cnll next year , ask for nn expression on the pro posed submission of a prohibitory amend ment , at the county primaries. Wr. are much pleaccd to note that the gas company has enjoined the cable road rom tearing up the streets. If the cable company will now enjoin the gas com pany from making itself a public mils * anco in promiscuously tearing up the pavements nnd digging deep trenches lirough thoroughfares without regard to ho public convenience , the citizens of Omaha will fool grateful. THE now bridtro is located at the foot of Douglas street. So far so good. Now et the projectors of the bridge go to work utm redeem Ihoir promises. If all the material has been bought there is no good reason why the bridge can't be completed within twelve months. Other bands Than Oars. The complete failure of the govern ment to sustain the case brought against Lord Mayor Sullivan , of Dublin , under the crimes act , the charge being that he lad incited in his newspaper seditious meetings , is said to have had a some what depressing effect upon the Halfour- itos. No meetings having been held , the prosecution had nothing to support it , and the lord mayor wont Ins way triumphantly. The matter is significant merely as showing the disposition of the overnment authorities to avail them selves of nny pretext in carrying out their policy of proscription nnd op pression. It happened fortunately for the lord mayor and for jus tice that the magistrate had re spect for law. Among the several things which endanger lory su premacy in England Iho declining health of the Marquis of Salisbury is noted as not the least important. Ho is again re ported to be physically unable to stand the work his ofllco imposes on him. It is not a wild conjecture that Salisbury may have n premonition of what the verdict of the English people is protfy sure to bo in the policy he represents , and desires to get out of the way before the blow falls. It is not only the Salisbury ministry that is going to pieces , but everything that ministry in an especial manner repre sents. It is the government of the people by a class'for the exclusive bonolit of the class. Lord Salisbury in an especial manner represents the landed aristocracy which have ground the English farmer to powder in n vain effort to preserve their own enormous revenues. Land in Eng land , Ireland , Scotland nnd Wales has been held at n rental far beyond what its productive capacity would warrant. The bulk of the farmers have boon ruined in trying to meet these exactions , but the time has about como when the land owner must bo content with the rent the products will enable the tenant to pay , A ministry that has championed tin ; monstrous injustice will pass out of odici without regret , save by the limited class for whoso advantage it has existed. * Europe has been very much interested in the negotiations promoted by Bismarck looking to a triple alliance between Germany many , Austria und Italy , which the latcsl advices say has been practically con summated. The prcciso nature und terms of the new alliance have not transpired , but it is pretty well understood to unite these powers both for political nnd commercial morcial purposes against Franco and Russia. Whether it is intended to be offensive and defensive under all circum stances remains to bo seen , but it L doubtless so as to all present matters it controversy among the powers. Hut i the political feature of the arrangomon does not include a defensive nud offensive ivo alliance the commercial nnd financial certainly docs , for it will be defensive so far as the partners thereto nro concerned , aud offensive so far as the outside world is concerned. It will , however , bo par ticularly offensive to Russia , in that it h n sharp answer to the late attempts o that power to exclude the manufacture : of other countries from her market. Oni of the most iraportanl provisions will b < a higher tariff on Russian agricullurn products , which will thus bo thrown it still larger quantities in competition will those of the United States into the mar kcts of Great Britain. The matter is tliui seen lo have great importance not onlj with respect to Europe , but also to till country , and has the appearance of boin < ono of the most comprehensive und far reaching feals of Blsruark'a , latcsmau ship. * * Gold mining is to bo developed ii China by a company of Americans , will American machinery. Gold is ploutifu in China. It is to bo fnind iu over ; ono of her uiuotceu provinces The mines , however , have no been worked , ono reason boin ; thai the people have no apparatus will which lo rid Iho excavations of water ole lo drive oul the dangerous gases. An other reason is that the nro hampered pored by n superstition thai at the bet lorn of Iho mine la a demon or n race o demons who become indignant at anj interference with their tindorgrouni abode , und scatter tammes nnd pusti leuces in revenge. China has learned ai Important lesson from tlio experiences of the past nndfo to take n great stride. She hns at last como to the conclusion that if she Is tcX'hild Unr own In the family of nations she must have gold currency. This conclusion baring forced itself upon stalosmcn and gov ernment , the project has been vigorously jnit on foot. The ivholo empire ofChina , is something vcr five million square miles in extent , T very nearly ono-tenth of Iho surface of ho habitable globe. It hns a population vhloh may safely bo reckoned at four liundrcd millions , or ono quarter of the uhabitr.nts of the earth. Too recent dif- iculllcs with Franco , tbo unceasing en croachments of England and the possibll- tyof war with Russia have opened the ivcs of the Chinese to the absolute necca- ity of making three radical changes. First , Uioy must hnvo a gold currency } econd , they must have railroads , and bird , they must Indefinitely enlarge their plcgraph system. They have now about Ivo thousand miles of wire , but that Is only enough to prove that they must have much moro. In other words , they are to oin the other nations in the march of : > rogre8S. * Spain was remarkably prompt in hur rying her troops into Morocco on the re port of the death of Sultan Muloy- Hassan. Six thousand men have already been sent forward. The object is said to bo that of protecting Spanish ntorcsls should anarchy result from the emperor's death. The commercial in terests of Great Hritam and iranco in Morocco are moro extensive than these of Spain , but the latter country naturally looks upon the region across the straits as ono lu which , by virtue of her proximity-she is spec- ally entitled to interfere. She has not wholly relinquished the hope perhaps of simo day getting a stronger foothold in Morocco , and remembers how easily , in 1851) ) , Marshal O'Donuoll Invaded the country , nnd how , after bombarding A few seaports and righting a couple of bailies , she obtained not only apologies for insults but a cession of territory , a war indemnity , nnd sundry trade privi leges. In her present movement she seems as yet to have encountered no ob jection from other powers. * There was unveiled at Biula-Pcsth a few days ago n stntue of Francis Doak , the occasion being honored by the pres ence of Francis Joseph , the emperor- king of Austria-Unngnry. The statue commemorates tbo man who made Aus tria-Hungary , the dual constitutional monarchy that now is , the ally of Ger many aud Italy , out of an Austria and a Hungary hold together by the sword , after a terrible coullict. The sword bad boon half broken by Sadowa when the Hungarian statesman was called forth from his modest retreat to act as pucili- cater between bis ] nation nnd the Hapsburg - burg dynasty. Anting under ihe aus pices of Count Heust , the newly ap pointed leading Minister of the monarch , lie laid \'sfoundation \ of n new order of . { things which waste to restore to tlio Magyr his nn- cicnl freedom , givoeach component part of the empire national autonomy , and crcalc collective strcnglh through volun tary union. Twenty years have passed since tbo work was consummated , and have tested its worth nnd strength. The vast majority of the nation and its ruler gratefully acknowledge its excellence. As to the excellence of the man himself , us a patriot , legislator and orator , there has never been a dissenting voico. When he died in the beginning of 1870 "tho Aristidcs of Hungary" was honored by a national mourning equaling the mourn ing over Washington or Lincoln. - * . The message of President Diaz to the { Mexican congress shows there is a good deal of tension in the relations of Mexico and Guate mala. It seems that early in the year the assistant seorotary of the Mexican legation in Central America was as saulted by n citizen of Guatemala , nnd Ihc latter when brought to trial received n punishment far less than the laws as signed in such cases. The Mexican min ister was at once ordered to demand thai Iho magistrates responsible for the evasion of the legal penalty should bo dismissed from office. While the affair was pending , the assumption of the dictatorship by Barillas took place , who immediately sought recognition from President Diaz. This was refused by the latter , however , and has not yet been granted , Iho Mexican government pro fessing lo bo ready to recognize any gov ernment established by the people of Guatemala , but doubting if the dictator ship was in accordance with the popular will. Meanwhile , a socund assault upon the same secretary has occurred , and iho demand for satisfaction has boon mot very chillingly. General Diaz's refer ences to the affair amount to a distinct threat that Guatemala must move promptly or expect decided action on the part of Mexico. * Tlio London worklngrucn are clamor ing ag.\inst the sugar bounties , nnd a meeting of 10,000 persons was held there recently to denounce them. As these bounties are imposed by the nations ol continental Europe , tlio British workingman - man is powerless tp help himself , except by calling for retaliation. Franco , Ger many , Russia and , other countries by paying those bounties on the export of beet sugar have stirau'latod the growth of that product from 20 per cent to 5o per cent of the world's production. Of course this enormous and nrti ticinl stimulation' has closed the British roliuorios and greatly damaged the countries which produce sugar from the cano , except , in the case of the Hawaiian islands , Xhich have a great advantage in the free admission of their products to our ports. But , in the meantime * time , tlio Europeanppwors are not with out difficulties. None of Ihom can afford to pay millions annually to pay for other people's sugar , but nouo of them dare to rcduco the tnv , for fear of rousing the op position of these engaged in raising Ihu beets and reliuiug. * > A London journal remarks that it is n curious fact that there is hardly n reign ing monarch in Eurouo whoso family is of the suno : nationality as the peoplu governed. The house of Austria is really the house of Lorraine , and evou iu their origin Iho Hapsburgd wore Swiss , Anil if the emperor Francis Joseph be not , strictly speaking , an .Austrian , .still less is ho a Hungarian , although ho is king of Hungary. The king of the Belgians Is a Saxo-Coburgj the klnft of Denmark Is a Ilolstclnor'lho ; In- fanl monarch of Spam is ft Bourbon ; Iho king of llaly n Savoyards Iho king of Roumnuln and Prlnco Ferdinand of Bul garia nro both foreigners , the founder of the Bornadotlo dynasty lu Sweden was born at Pau less than a century and a quarter ago ; tbo czar is n HoUtcin-Gol- torp ; nnd the king of tlio Hellenes is like wise n Holstciner. Even iu Iho English royal family there is very litllo English blood left. The Hohenzollcrns were orig inally Suablans , and Ihorofora partly Bavarian and partly Swiss. Neither was the historic House of Orange , In which patriotism hns nearly always been thn first instinct , Dutch to begin with. D > The finding or a Greek coin of the second century , B. G. , in India , does not of itself so much call for comment as does the fact that this find is thought something remarkable , inasmuch as it indicates the prcsouco of Greek art and of Greek outorprlso in the region of the Oxus nt that day. The coin is described as a docadrachm of the Baclrlan series the iirst over met with. Apparently it was struck to commemorate some victory of the Greeks over the barbarians. It iuds suitable lodgment in the British Vluscura. ELEVATOR BOYS. Not Given to Spanking Much , But Al ways to tliB * Purpose. San Francisco Examiner : "What would you do if you felt tlio cage fall ing ? " asked a morbidly inclined passen ger who had just entered the machine at .ho fourth lloor nnd was gal tig to the basement. His fellow trnvolor on the down trip looked uncomfortable , but the clevalor boy answered sulkily , " 1 wouldn't do nuffin' . " "Why not ? " "Because Ihero wouldn't bo nuffin' to lo , " replied the lad mpre morosely than before. "You might say a prayer or take up n collodion or do somclhin' pious , if you had time , but I'd go down with my jaw shut and my lips stiff. " "Wouldn't you oven roar 'Look out below ? ' " persisted the passenger. "No , I wouldn't , " came a dogged reply. "Nobody could bo iu the shaft below unless the elevator was there , und if any one had sneaked in underneath and didn't look out-and got out , too , without bom' hollered at when he heard the thing fallin' ou him , why , he'd do- soryo lo stop it , that's all I want to say , so don't ask mo any more questions. Basement ! " "Don't you know , " said another pas senger , addressing the one who , con trary lo the rules , had questioned the lad while engaged in the conscientious discharge of his duty , ' 'that elevator boys as a rule , are the very antitheses of barbers , und rarely care to speak , ex cept in announcing the lloor they are approaching preaching ? They have , usually three occupations , engaging their attention at the same time , and it is not nt nil safe to thriibt a fourth upon them. They must gnaw nn apple , a book nnd keep a hnud upon the rope. Now , if they allow themselves to become interested in n pas senger's remarks they will bo likely lo bo choked wilh a blto of the apple , to. drop the book or to guide Iho clevalor to disaster. They know this , nnd hcuco their dislike to speak or be spoken to. "Twice it has been my lot to bo in a falling elevator. The Iirst time wo dropped from the second floor to the basement , but , beyond a few bruises , no body was hurt. I had frequently trav eled in the same machine , aud I had al ways supposed the boy in charge lo be us dumb as an oyster ; but , as ho felt the cagi ! rushing downward , ho called out , with a shrill voice , 'Tell my mother - , ' but the rapidity of the descent took away his breath , and ho could not complete the sentence. The shock on the base ment lloor knocked him down , and a clergyman , who had kept his feet in the cage , raised him , and , supposing him to bo badly injured , said tenderly : 'What do you wish mo to say to your mother , my poor boy ? ' "Hut the lad had ascertained thai ho was worth half a do/.en defunct youths yet , and ho answered , impaliently. ' 1 wasn't spcakin' to you. 1 was just liolkvin' tea a bloke I saw standin' on the lloor above to tell mv mother to put my supper in the oven if I wasn't homo by G o'clock. ' "My second misadventure was in the enormous Mills building in New Vork. The clovutor boy was currently reported to have never allowed his discourse to wander beyond the limits of the scriptu ral 'yea , yea , ' and 'nay , nay , ' as ho an swered questions relating to localilios. On this occasion Urn elevator suddenly droppedwhen it was above the ninth lloor. Knowing the dizy.y depth beneath us , nobody there had a hope of living an other minute , but the machine Mopped with n violent shock after it had fallen about three feet. Its course had been nrrostcd by a patent automatic grip at tached to it. "The elovalor boy was the first to re cover himself. Looking nt the valid faces around him his lugubrious coun tenance. expanded into a grim , its ho said : " ' 1 thought wo was all gone that " ' timc' ' . Grief too Great for Utterance. Wardnor ( Idaho ) News : Professor Clayton tolls a thrilling experience. At Ruby City , while looking over u claim lo determine the most favorable place to prospect for a blind ledge , an extcntion of a valuable mine , ho accidentally in- marking the ground , dug up some good ore and exposed the ledge. The locators , who had recently sold it for an incon siderable ) sum , were with him. One of them indulged in a great deal of profan ity , cursing his luck for having trifled away a fortune. Turning to his partner , who was less demonstrative ho inquired : "Whv ' knickt" "Don't don't you talk tome mo , f nm hurt so bad I can't kick. I'm bleeding inside. " Tlio rrcsldont't ) Car. Now York Sun ; The car in which President Cleveland aud his handsome wifu travel around the country is George M. Pullman's priyato car. It has every possible convenience , from n piano and library to a cook stovo. It nlso hns a history , for it has carried nearly every great man , native or foreign , who has made an extended tour of iho country in u do/Aii ! years. General Grant came east from San Francisco In it , and he used it with his family ou several other journeys ; it carried the late President Arthur when he made his memorable trip to Florida , and the duke of Suther land journeyed in it across the * continent. Mr. Pullman is rather proud of iho car on account of those associations , nnd ho tins ' no present thought of parting with Mrs. Cleveland's Out Time Sweetheart Toledo Blade : "Thoro is n young man in Toledo. " said a young lady wlumo name shall remain a secret , "who prides himself on the fact that he was once Frankie Folsom's sweetheart. Like all young men who part with young ladies who afterwards marry presidents , gen erals and govornori * , ho imagines that she U not happy in her | > psition as MinU lady of the land , ' aud believes that Mrs. Cleveland rametimes sighs for the 'old days and the ol.l friends , the long walks through the college groves , and the hours at the old trystlng place which ho spent so happily hours iu company with the unall'iicted college girl , who had not yet learned to .snub n governor or coax n president for a now peal-skin sacque. " Unv. Dr. llobln , of lio.Uon , c'hlins to have niuttiuinutical proof that tlui mlllonliim will be along uuxt vuar , ARRANGING THE BIG EVENT , The Cleveland EecepUon Oommitteo Hard at Work Perfecting Details. PARADE AND DECORATIONS. State Vctcrinnrlan Gcrtli Visits To- kaninh nnit Talks About the Toxns Foyer Outbreak Night and Its KrlK Tlio PrcBldont's Itcocptlon. The arrangements for the reception of President Cleveland are progressing in n very gratifying manner. General Wheatort will bo at the rooms of the board of trade this morniiie ut 11 o'clock nml it Is requested ttmt all organizations dcsirme to participate will have their representatives report to him for the purpose - pose of making the necessary arrange ments for the event. The committee will make a lour of the roiito of the pro cession this morning , nntl make arrange ments for the principal points for decora- .ions. The governmental headquarters will bo elegantly decorated , and the arch at Farnam and Sixteenth streets will bo adorned with tlags and bunting In an elaborate style. At the high school jullding there will bo another arch under which the procession will pass. The decoration committee requests that the occupants of private residences and lusiuoas houses not situated on the cor ners of the streets make decorations as elaborate as possible. It is contem plated that the decorations nt the ICloventh street viaduct will also bo very lino. The Musical Union band have ar ranged a special programme for the oc casion. It has been agreed that Congressman McShanc aud a limited reception'coniniit- touto be appointed by the chair , meet the president on the Iowa side und welcome ilni to this state. It was also decided that when on this side ho should be wel comed by the mayor. GEUT1I ON TEXAS FKVKK. The Btato Veterinarian Visits Toka- mall and Invoattentoa the .Disease. Dr. J. Gcrth , jr. , state veterinary sur- ceon , went to Tckamah yesterday in company with Commissioner Abbey and Dr. Uamaccoiolti , assistant state veteri nary surgeon. Dr. Gerth's object waster tor the purpose of investigating Dr. Hill ings' cases of Texas fever which has broken out among the native cattle of I'okamali , and which the latter claims was transferred from the suffering cattle in the native herd to other cattle in the same herd. This theory is exactly oppof alto to that of Dr. Gerth's , who has al ways claimed that it is impossible for the disease to spread among the cattle of na tive herds to other cattle iu the same herds. Dr. Gorth , after examining the much- talked of case very thoroughly , returned to Omaha last evening , and in conversa tion with a HUE reporter said : "Dr. Jiiliings has done iftoro to injure the cattle business of Tckatnah titan any other one thing. Ho has spread his opinion in regard to the contagion of the Texas fever broadcast , and in consequence quence buyers or purchasers cannot bo found in that part of the country. I liavo always been of the opinion , and am of the same opinion yet , that Texas fever will not spread in a herd of native cattle. The way the malady strikes our native cattle is from the southern cattle. When the latter como north they do not die from the effects of it , hut the native cattle are almost sure to die from it. As far as my observation and experience roaches , the malady cannot bo trans ferred from native cattle to other native cattle , and owing to the theory advanced by Dr. Billings , the people of Tokunmli are alarmed , and cattle business there is almost stagnated , lie has just one case where ho claims that the disease was transmitted , and I have come to the con clusion upon investigation that lie has not the least of grounds upon which to base his statements. His case is in Smith & Gammols' herd of cattle , and he claims that it was in their pasture that the malady was transmitted. I liml in the iirst place that just across a road ( sixty feet wide ) from this pasture there is n herd of cattle owned byhaugford. Then I was told on good authority that it is not known where Smith & Uammols' cattle liavo been at times , for It is a well known fact that their cattle have stam peded many times , and that they may liavo been across the road among the Texas catlo. Sheriff Skinner also tolls me that hcvoral of the Texas cattle have been loose and roaming outside of their pasture , and that parties have reported the matter to him several times , and have asked him to corral them. This I lind is quite possible , because the pasture in which they are coalincd is only fenced with two lines of wire , and it would be very oa y for some of these cattle to get under the wires and roam wherever they pleased. "There are several other things that also might betaken into consideration. The native cattle are known to have como ever the satno trail that the Texas cattle were on , and they may easily have caught the malady there. Then again the high winds may have blown thn dry manure from the pasture of the Texas cattle to that of the native cattle , and the disease could liavo been generated in that mannor. 1 think that Dr. Killings has acted Tory unwisely in this matter. Ho has done more harm to the cattle trade of that part of the country than the entire out break of Texas fever , nnd the indirect loss is more serious than the disease it self. This is his Iirst experience with Texas fever and ho is now trying to over ride authority. I do not blame him for Irvine to make a mark , but if lie wants to hand the famous name of Hillings down to posterity with honors , ho had better tackle soniflthing that ho knows more about and can demonstrate in a proper manner. "This malady has not made any more inroads on our cuttle than we expected. You will remember that I Hinted to you nearly two months ago that wo should probably lese between 200 and 300 cattle from the disease , and the number of deaths has not overreached our expectations pectationsIf Dr. Hillings' the ory was correct wo would have to take even more stringent notion than wo are practicing ut present , but 1 believe that under tlui circumstances the quaran tine rules that wo have mudo are all that " lire necessary In speaking of glanders being pre valent among the hurst's of the Htato Dr. Gorth said that it was fust abating. Just before visiting Tckamah Dr. Knruaeoiotti and Commissioner Abbey visited Hlair and killed two horses which were suffer ing with the dibcabo. NKJIIT AXO ITS 13V IhS. Itev. Or. liunson'H Discourse nt thn Synncojcun I/ant ICvcninc. The subject of llabbi Henson's ULs- course at the Synagogue last evening was "Night and Its Kvils. " The reverend gentleman said in brief : hiving in our bright , Minuy homes , we are not prouo to make inquiry concerning night ami its evils , but rather to think of llowtiry Holds and sun-lit landscapes. It is only in tlino of slukness and alllietion that wo think of night. In .Yonder lonely cham ber at midnight fciu u forsaken wito. Her husband is Hint Inebrlalo who sits en veloped In n cloud of tobacco smoke at Iho gaming table. How should wo spend our evenings and rob night of its evils for us. The minister will say : "In reading - ing your bible ; the mlsor , in condemn' Ing the extortion of cas and coal monop * olios ! the journalist , in reading good papers and discussing the cur rent events of the time. Hut unfortunately the rea-llng of the blblo la irksome to most of mankind , thn gas nnd coal companies must bo patronized , nml the small typo of the newspaper makes roadmggrow tiresome ; besides , many of onr modern scribes imagine mud-slinging and sensational journalism to bo the key to public favor. The way to sneiid your evenings is at homo among your children , cultivating their habits of thought and their disposition. The " .Jewish homo , " the sou ! ; of the poet and object of admi ration of oven our enemies Is the ono which 1 to-night recommend for your adoption. I'nrflnnnl Pnrnijrnvirm. H. V. Douns , of Lincoln , is at the Mil- lard. C. T. Drown , of Lincoln , is at the Mil- lard. lard.T. T. J. Potter left last evening for St , Paul. HishopVorthington went to Fremont to-day. F. G. Haincs , of Kearney , is nt the Miltard. W. W. Smith , of Kansas City , Is at the Paxlon. C. II. Miller , of Kearney , was in town yesterday. William II. Alwood , of Fremont is at the Paxlon HughPettil , of Memphis , Tonn. , is nt the Millnrd. C. F. Titus , of Cruston , In. , is at the Merchants. I. W. Akin , of DCS Moines , is a guest at the 1'axton. Leo Hobinson , of Kansas City , is a guest at the Millnrd. W. W. Abbey , of Fnlls City , is staying at the Pnxton. J. H. Cowan , of Lowell , is staying at the Merchants. A. G. Fisher , of Chadion , was at tha Paxton yesterday. J. II. Laur and wife , of Davenport , la. , arc at the Mi Hard. Senator Paddock went lo his homo in Bcalrice yesterday. W. II. McCann , of Hay Springs , is ; guest at the Paxton. Charles lleldman , n Baltimore travel ing man , is in town. ! ' . E. Heard , of Fort Dodge , la. , is reg istered at the Paxton. George W. Rhode , of Kansas City , is in town for n few days. W. O. Everett , of Milwaukee , was at the Millard yesterday. Dr. J. Gorth , jr. , stnto veterinary sur geon , is at the Paxton. E. T. Butler and wife of Neligh , are registered at the Paxtou. George M. Meyers , of Kansas City , is registered at the Millard. Geo. II. Watcrbury , of Denver , is reg istered at the Merchants. A. H. George , of Cedar Hnpids , la. , is registered at the Paxton. W. 11. Stanley , of Hot Springs , Dakota , is registered at the Millard. John M. Dyer , a well known business man of Ogailala , is at the Paxton. Charles 11. Iiigham , of Manchester , Eng. , is registered at the Paxton. Geo.V. . Parkc , a well known railroad man , is staying at the Merchants , J. S. Shoemaker , a prominent business man of Champion , is at the Millard. W. II. Farnswprth , a prominent busi ness man of Hlair , is nt the Millnrd , W. F. Hlack , a well known business man of Kearney , is at the Merchants. Hev. William Houchier aud It. E. Houchicr , of Hcd Oak , la. , are nt the Paxton. S. Solomon , of Paris , Franco , who is enjoying n tour of this country , is a guest at the Paxton. Clarence Hrown , of the passenger de partment of the Union Pacific , arrived from Chicaco yesterday. Hon. J.D.Moiklejohn , of Nance , chairman of the republican slate central committee , is iu the city. N. H. llubcrmau. the well known jow- ollor , returned yesterday from Germany after several months' absence. Robert Campbell , of Perry , assistant superintendent of the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul , was in the city a lew hours yesterday. Steve Mills , a well known railroad man of this city , left on n pleasure trip to Arkansas last evening. Ho contem plates also a visit to Now Orleans. Mr. Jesse Nason and wifct of Mount Carroll , 111. , are in the city viHiting their two sons and daughter Dr. A. W. Nason , W. N. Nason anil Mrs. N. S , Minor. John Prince , the byciclisl , returned from Plum Crook to-day where he had two races against horses. In the half a mile spin best two out of three , 1'rinco won. The live miles straight away ho lost. lost.James James A. Smith who is called the "story telliiitr" drummer of the west and represents Urown & Earle , cigar manu facturers of Now York city with headquarters - quarters in Kansas City , is here on a brief visit. SCRATCHED 28 YEARS. , V Scaly , Itching ; Skin DIMCHHO with liullci ) SufTurini ; , C'ureil Ity Cull cum lteiuc < llcn. If l-lind known of the CiniciiuA Ur.MiniKg : twonty-i'lKht joursuio It would Imvo siivod mo f2l .UOt ( o hnndroii dollars ) nnd mi Inimons'j nniount of Buffering. My illmmio d'sorianls ) commenced on my head In H spot not lartfor thnnacunt. U spread rapidly nil imir my body nndKot iindormy nulls. TlioBcnlos ) woulddron on of mo nil iho time , n ml my HtirTorlnir wua onJloriH , und without ruliol. Ono thousand dollars lars uould nut tninpt inu to Imvo this dlHoaso ovcrnunin. 1 nm npoor nmn , lint fuel rich tone no relieved of whut flomool tlio doctors snlil wni luproay , some ring-worm , psoriiiils , oto. I took . . nnd . . . Bnrsupnrilln ever one year nnd u Imlf , liut no IMIIU. 1 wont to two or three doctor * und no euro. 1 cannot iirnlso the CUIICUIIA llKMKiHEStoo much. They Imvo Hindu my akin ng clcnr nnd free trniu hcnlcj IIH u lialjy's.All I IIKUI ) ol tliem win three I > O\OH of Ccrricuut nnd three uottlnaof C'irrii'iiitA Kisiii.VENT , nnd two cakci of CUTI- ciniA Ko.vr. If yon hud boon here and huld you would Imvo cured inu IorfUtu.00 > ou would Imvo hud the monoy. I looked liku the plcturu In jour DOOK of I'somluN ( picture number two , "How to Cure Hkm Il8onsus"liiit ) now f nm us ol'inr us nny person over was. 'through force of linblt I ml ) my huiiiU over my uriii * nnd lo'rx to scrntch once m n while , lint to no purport. 1 nm nil well. I scratchud 'M yonrs , nnd It wet to ha a kind of second niituro to'mii. I tlmnkott n tlioiisund timed. An ) think' moro thntyiiu want to know write me , or any mm who reads this may wrllo to mo und I will uni iTlt. DKNN'IS DOWNING. WATKiiiitluv , VT , Jnn. .Vlh , 1S.S7. PsorlasU , r.ozoma.Ti'ttor , Klii worm , Mclien , I'rurltiM , Scull Hi-nil , Milk ( 'rUHt , Dniidriilf , Hnrliorn' , lliikcr.i' , ( Incorn' nnd iViiRhurwo. inanV Itch , nnd every npoc-ios of Ilchlnir , Iturn- I UK' . Scaly. I'Jmply Humors of DID Hkln nnd tfrnlp nnd Illood , with Ixm of Ilnlr , urn i > i > * l- thrly onrud with OuiicuiiA , the irrcnt Hkln Oiiro , nnd CUTIUUKA HOAI * . un exriulHlin Bklu llmunriKii oilcrnnlly. nnd I/'I'TICUU Ur > oi.- VPNT , the now Illo d rurlller Internally , when phyAlolims nnd nil other rnmndlnii full. Sold every whcrn I'rlcn , rimoini \ . Sir ; BHP ( 2" o : HcMii.vr.NT , II. I'rr'iiHriil liy tliu I'orrBH Ilauo X CurtiiCAi , Co. , Itoitnn.MatH layHi'inl for lion to Cnro hkln Dlacngus , " Cl pnKCS.W Jllu trutloniand IMMnstlrnoniah. I'l.KH , ulnck-hcndi , chttnpod nnd oily Hkln ! PIM" , ru\untud by Uutlauiu Modlcdted Soap X A- . . It , OXK tllMlTK TIIK ( JUTIC.'UIU \ FI v\\.NTI I'AI > rUHTIJIllullOVfH IlllOU \ I Ff * * mut\cSolntlo. \ Hiiiliicn , rJlmrii * Nurvinis I'nlns , Htrnlii * und Weak uu 4. Tliu ituj only pain Kllllnif planer. ZOctJ.