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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 8 , 1887. IDE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Contradictory Foraign Advices Oiuso an Uncertain Feeline in Wheat , .A LACK OF OUTSIDE ORDERS. The Corn Pit Almrmt ncflortcrt , Very Llttlo nunlncsfi Ocln Done The Cattle Trnilo Mixed Gen eral Quotntlon * . PIIODUCK MAIIKKT.S. CnirAno , Oct. 7. | Special Tole rnm to the JiK.J-Somo ! Interest and uncertainty were Inluseii Into tlm wheat market early by the contradictory forelifn advices. Tbu tlrst public cable KU\O spot grain iulet | with prices unchanged. The lamentable lack of outside orders continues and bids fair to continue cauie.s wider flucttia- tloni In prices than wu are seeing tliusedays. Tim receipts of wheat here to-day wnre 114 cars , of which 77 cars were spring and of these but 0 graded No. 2. This very small proportion of the contract Krado In wheat now arriving here Is said to be a result of tue fanner's universal rule to sell the poorest part of his crop llrst. Tlio demands of local shorts having been tilled , the last hour saw a decline to the opening llaures , with a slight reaction at the close , which was at 71J < c for .November , 7i'c ; ( for December and 7SKc for May. The extreme range for the session was J/e for November , J c for December and % c for May. After the first half hour there was very Rlltlht Interest In the corn pit , and the pit was altnojt deserted. The entire transac tions of the session , In a speculative way , would probably not aggregate more than a half million bushel * . The tone of the mar ket waa lirm and fluctuations slight not more than % c on the session. Hutctilnson was a seller of May corn at 45 % ( < iH5c , although he did not part with any considera ble quantity of It. The demand for cash corn W B Rood , and nearly all the principal shipping houses were buyers. Cables gave spot corn In Liverpool dearer , but the actual advanUge of the advance Is offset bv firmer freight rates on lake and canal , and higher ocean freight rates. A eood forcien demand , however , Is excreted for our corn. The close was lirm < it Me above thn opening prices , or at 42 } < c f ° r November , 44Uc for December and 45Uc for May. llutclilnson wns about the only buyer of oatn to-day tor future delivery , and he took a fair line of May at 290c : ! , Norton * Worthlngton purchased pretty freely of cash on a basis of UCc for short receipts of No. 2 In store. November opened at S6-\r but closed at 2f/'c ! ( sellers and May closed on the split at tt30c after Helling sparingly at both prices straight. All told , speculative business was light and the market was per vaded by an undertone of dullness from start to finish. In provision circles there was no develop ment to relieve the quiet market. Traders manifested little or no disposition to branch out and a slow as well as an uninteresting condition of affairs existed throughout. AFTKHNOOX SESSION Wheat easier ; No- vombnr 71 ? < c , December 72J @ 73c , May 78) &iti4p. Corn nulet and ; November < nX < d > &Xc. December 4'JJ.fc , May 45 > < c. Oats dull but stealv. 1'ork for year was quoted at 312.00 and January nt 312.27KLard in- net : fo ; October S0.47ji , November SO.'J7K. December 5 < 5.0 ! ! and January Sn'V > . Short ribs for October were quoted at 97..00 and for January at SC.SO bid. CHICAGO MVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram to the Hi K.J OATTLK Tno few good natives on sale were early disposed of at fully as high prices as at any time the past week. Good and useful natives also sold well , but low grades , such as had to compete with Texans and rangers , dragged along at the- former low range of prices. It It were possible , rangers Bold lower than nt any time , at least that was the sentiment of salesmen who had that class of cattle fo sell. Native butchers' stock , especially canning cows , baiely pity out ex penses of freights and commissions. The only now feature wa that cow stock was not as plentiful as heretofore. Bulls and veal calves were also slow and lower. The stocker nnd feeder trade presented no new features. Trices are very low and are likely to remain In that condition until there Is an Improvement In fat cattle. A few lots of tancy natives made $5.00(35.40 ( nnd prime 1500 to 1000 ib steers 84.OOd44.yO ; good and useful 1200 to 1400 Ib steers. S4.5 ! < cH ! > 0 ; plain and common , 82.75@3.70 ; fancvS.r > .20@r..40. Shipping steers , 1)50 ! ) to 1500 IbS , S4.'JO@4.'JO ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , | : ftW to 1200 Ibi , Si75@3.rA StocKers - ers and feeders , Sl.CO@H.35 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , Sl.20@2.M ) . Texassteors , S2.00@3.00 ; cows , Sl.50 2.00. Western rangers weaker : natives nnd half-breeds , S3.S5i..25 ; cows , 3'iOO ( < W.80. Wintered Texans , S'J.M < a3.00. lions At the opening , or rather so Jong OH shippers were In the market , trade was brisk , with an upturn of about te. After the xhlppcrs had tilled their orders the only buyers loft were the packers and only two of the big concerns at that , so they had mat ters thflr own way , nnd they were not slow to take advantage of the samu by demanding a reduction of 5@10c below the current rates of the morning , the market generally closing wltrt that reduction on the ordinary run of packing sorts. As a matter of course , pack ers had to take a good many "pots" and what the shippers did not want Ono lot of fancy Bold us high as 84.75 ; 1'hlladelphlas and fancy heavy , S4.50@4.00 ; prlmo packing torts , $4.S5@4,45 and common , S4.25@l.W > . FINANOIAU NKW YOHK , Oct. 7. ISpcclai Telegram to the USK. ' ] STOCKS After a short firmness early In the day stocks began to decline , and It was for the most part break after break until J'st nt the close a few of them rallied Biilllclentlr to prevent closing : at the lowest point of the day. The decline on the general list was IC'StX per cent , although a few pulled tlyough with n reduction of only % @ % . TUo market opened strong , with advances extending to K per cent , with Western Union leading and the temper of the room bullish , though the short-walsted commenced taking In their profits. The European de mand was good , buying orders coming from both London nnd the continent. The market did not hold up , however , and before noon there had bvon n pretty general slump all tluringlA the list. The bears were assisted In their raid by the largo traders. The terms of the llaltlinoro & Ohio telegraph sale to the Western Union are 50,000 shares of Western Union stock , payment of 100,000 rentals , rlghts-of-way , operating expenses and taxes for all business transactions along the line of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. The Western Union docs not pay a dollar for sentiment ana every cent counts. The Western Union 1ms also made a contract with the lialtlmore & Ohio railroad for fifty years. An advance of rates Is said to bo contemplated where they are very low. An advance of 5 cents per mes sage on business on land lines Is equal to ' 4,000,000 addition to the net Income per an num A 40-cont rate on cahlo rates will re turn a largo profit Instead of a yearly loss of 5700,000 , us has been the case for the past two years. The completion of the telegraph deal j was balled wltb great glco by the bulls last ulghtand numerous bull dispatches wore sent over the country predicting a better market The market opened strong , room traders were bullish and the advances extended to K per cent. Western Union , as the bull card , showed the most advance. It was not long , however , before the boar party , consisting of Cammack , Uateman , Jones , Wheeler , Kirk- ner and others began selling all the active stocks. The timid bulls became badly scared and began selling rapidly , and tbo whole sit uation was tmddenly reversed and Western Union declined W per cent. The rest of the list followed , lieadiui ; went off 1 } and jf Lackawauna IK per cent Grangers were beavy on tbe failure of the Northwestern traffic association to adjust their differences , auo St. Paul declined 2' and Northwestern IK per cent Sensational reports were thai Barrett had refused to ratify tbe bale of tb < UMtlmorc & Ohio telegraph , also that Wash Connor , who lias been ono of tbo stall richest bulls for over a month , had unloaded his stocks and turned bear. These rumors added to tlm feeling of depression and aided the bears In forcing the prices down and kept the market weak and Irregular until the close , when the last sales were at almost Inside fig ures and recorded net declines of IK on St Paul , 1 on Northwestern , f on Western Union , 1 on Lake Shore , Jf on New Eng land , K on Heart Ine , 1 on Lackuwanna , * on Louisville & Nashville and ? ( per cent on Richmond Terminal Cotton OH stuffs were weak and drooped IK percent The total sales were 317,090 shares , against 420.&C shares yesterday. GovKimiENTi Government bonds were dull but lirm. YESTKKDAY'B QUOTATIONS. U. 8.4' * coupon .124 ? < f C. &N. W . 110 } { U. 8. 4W'8 coup. . 103 K do preferred. . . 140 Pacinoffsot'M..12l N. Y. C Canada South'ii. . K\ \ } O. It AN , . 87 Central 1'acltlo. . SJ O. T. Chicago * Alton. 140 Pacific Mall . do preferred.,155 P. , D. A E . C. , B. &Q 183 PullmanPal.Car.l4'.i D. , L. & W " " Heading D.&R.G iiock Island Erlu. St L. AS. F. . . . S4K do preferred. . . . do preferred. . . . 74 Illinois Central. . 0. , M. A StP. . . 75K } . . B. A W do preferred. . 115 K. A T St P. A 0 . 41K Lake Shore do preferred. . 100 L. AN Texas Pacific. . . . 24K Michigan Cclit'l. . 84 Union PaclliR. . . . Mo. Pacific W5 W..St LA ! ' . . . . 17W No. Pacific 21 ? $ no preferred. . 31 % do preferred. . . . 47 W. U.T'eleirraph 78 , > < MONEY On call easy at4J i6 percent , last loan 5 , closed at 5 per cent. FltlUB MCIICANTILK 1'APKIl C Q8 > per cent. STKHLINO ExciiANnr. Dull but steady at 84.70 f for co-day bills ; S4.83 > f for de mand. _ CHICAGO PRODUCE. Chicago. Oct. 7. Following quotations are the 2:30cloiing : figures ; Flour Unchanced , with rye at 82.75@3.00 per bbl , and 32.50@2.75 for sacks. Wheat Moderately active : prices fluctn- nted within ? c ratine and closed Irreptilar and somewhat higher ; cash , 70'i'c ; Novem ber , 71Kc ; May. 78\c. Corn-Quiet but nteady and moderately active ; the market opened easy at Kc under yesterday's close anil closed about the same as yesterday ; cash aud November , 42J c ; M v , 45 } c. Oats bull , with no Important change ; cash , 26c ; November , 20'fc ; May , 2y c. Rye Firm at 4Uc. Barley C5c. Prime Timothy Seea-82.2C@ .27. Flax Seed1.05 fl.0fl. Whisky 81.10. Pork Steady without change ; year , 812.00 ; January. S12.17X. Lard Dull and quiet , with nrlccs lower ; cash , 80.47H' November , SC.27JJ ; May , SO.CO QO.B7X. Dry baited MeaU-Shouldera , 85.20cS5.M ; short clear , jJ7.75M8.00 ; short ribs. 87.47 . Butter Active ; creamery , IHX&ifai dairy , Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , lOJf @llc ; flats , IKgllKc ; Young Americas , . Eggs Firm at 17@18c , Hides Unchanged : heavy green salted , fully cured , 7Ji'c ; light do , . 7K ( 7 c ; dam aged , Cc ; bull hides , 5Kc ; No. 1 green salted calf , 8K@Ste : dry salted , lOc ; dry flint , 12 C$13c ; dry calf , 12@lic ! ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country solid , 4@4Kc ; No. 2 , 8Kc ; cakes , 4Kc. KoooUits. Shipments. K. i.ur , bbls . & % 000 40,00(1 ( Wheat bu . 84.000 190,000 Corn , bu . . . .2IVS.OOO 4-il.OOO Oats , bu . 2411,000 309.000 live , bu . 7.000 5,000 Barley , bu . U7.000 99,000 8t. limits. Oct. 7. Wheat Lower ; cash. 70Ua71Kc ( ; November , 71 c. Coru Viriu ; cash , 40@4oKc ; November , : i9c. i9c.Oats Steady ; cash , 2JJ4'c ; November SUi'c. Pork S14.50. Lard-SO.40. Whisky S1.05. Butter Quiet ; creamery , 20 ( < < CMc ; dairy , Afternoon board Wheat Firm but dull ; October , 70 } c bid ; November , 71KU bid ; May , 79c. Corn Stronger : October , 40c bid : November , U' > Kc ; December , IW'ic bid. Oats Nominal. Milwaukee * . Oct. 7. Wheat Weak : cash , 70Kc ; November , 71'fc ; May , 7s,14'e. Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 43c. Oats Strong : No. 2 white , 30c. Kve-Quiet ; No. 1 , 4bfc. Barley-Steady : No. 2. sOtfc. Provisions Quiet ; pork , October , S14.40 ® 15.00. Minneapolis. Oct. 7. Wheat Closed weak ; No. 1 hard , October , 70'i'c ; Novem ber , 70'fc ; December , 72Kc ; May , 77 c ; No. 1 northern , October , CSc ; November , 684'c ; December , C'JJc ' ; May. 75 } < fo ; No. 3 north ern , October , tile ; November , OIKe : Decem ber. ( We : May , ftsKc. On track : > 'o. 1 hard , 71Jfc : No. 1 northern , C3o ; No. a Northern , 03W61C. Flour Qulctpatents ; , 84.15@4.CO ; bakers' , SH.25ffl3.5C. Receipts Wheat. 230,000 bu. Shiputuuts- Wheat , Cy,500bu ; flour , 2,000 ; ! bis. Cincinnati. Oct. 7. Wlieat Lower ; No. 2 , rod , 70c. CoruQulet ; No. 2 mixed , 45e. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc. Rye Stronger ; No. a , 5 c. Lard-Firm nt S0.40ttC.43. ( Pork Dull at 814.25. Whisky-Firm at 31.05. Liverpool , Oct. 7. Wheat Firm : de mand good ; holders offer sparingly : Califor nia No. 1 , Os 3d@4s per cental ; red western Bprlnz , fls 3d ; red western winter , Os 3d. Corn Good demand for futures ; 18 offerIngs - Ings o ( spot. New XorlE , Oct. 7. Wheat-Receipts. 01,000 ; exports , 79,500 ; options variable und Irregular , opening a sbade lower , Inter ad vanced % @ ) lc , and subsequently settled back to the lowest point , closing steady with small recovery ; ungraded red , 760b4J < c ; No , 2 red , 81Jf@82c In elevator , 8l@st ; & f. o. b. . 82K84 > 4'e delivered , the latter for fancy ; No. 1 red , nominal at 87c ; No. 2 red , No vember , closed at 82 , ' c. Corn Receipts , 48,000 ; exports , 77,000 ; spot , steady with options JfGiHsc lower , clos ing steady ; ungraded , 62@MKc ; No. 2 , 52 < o In store , 5354c delivered , 53 , ' c f. o. b. , to arrive ; November closed at 52Kc. O ts Receipts. 101,000 ; exports , 200 ; market Jn'OJi'c lower and tnlrly active ; mixed western , iJc ) < cHKc : ; white western , 35 < t$40c. Cotree-Spot , fair ; Rio , steady at 819.25 ; options a shade lower and less net I TO ; sales , 54.00l > bags ; Octobur. 817.15 ( < j17.0 ! : ! ; ! Sovom- ber. 817.aOai7. ( : ; December , 817.t5at7.55 : ; January , S17.35@17.40 ; February , 817.30(3 ( 17.JI5. Petroleum Firm ; United. &SKc. KBRS ( Julet and weak ; western , 15@20Kc. 1'orK Steady ; mess was quoted at S14.2.X3 14.50 for old : S15.0US15.25 ( for new. Lard Moiloiatiilv active but lower ; west ern steam , spot , 80.77 (30.80. ( Butter Firm : western , 18 ( < J5c ; western creamery , l < X < i25Xc. Cheese Dull and unchanged ; western , 0 > Knnaas Cl y , Oct. 7. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 sott. cash , 04Kc bid , 05Kc asked ; No vember , 04c bid , GOc askedMay,74c ; bid , 74 asked. Corn-Steady ; No. 2 cash , S55/c bid. ! 55Kc asked ; November , 35o bid , S5 o asked ; May , 83 c bid , SUWo asked. Oats - No. 2 , 22o bid 2'J' c asked. Now Orleans , Oct. 7. Corn Firmer : in sacks , mixed and yellow , 55Q50o ; white , 60 < a57c. Oats Firmer ; No. 2 , ? ® 33 c. Cornmeal steady atS2.25@2. 0. Hog Products In food dciiiaiul but lower ; pork. 815.00 ; reiined tlercu lard , 80.75. Bulk Meats-Shoulders , S5.37 , ! { ; long clear aud clear rib , 87.75. tilVE HTOOK. Oot 7 , The Drovers' Journal reports as follows ; Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; strom ; ; fancy , SS.-XXIUO ; sliipplnt : steer ? , SJ.75O4.00 ; stockers aud findersSI.00(33.25 ( ; cons , bulls and mixed , SUOCifJ.60 ; Texas cattle , 81.5044 3.00 ; western rangers weaker at S2.00j3 ( 25. Uogs-Keceipts , 18,000 ; market opened 5c blgber nnd closed easy ; mixed , S4.l0g4.50 ! ( ; heavy. 4.a51.05 ; light , 54.30 4.65 ; skips , Sheetx hecelpts , 5,000 ; market steady : na tives. Si753l.30 : western , > .23 < $ J.U ; Tex ans , 125Qa.CO ; lambs , J4.80.f5.U5. Nationnl Stock Yarila. K t St. LouU. 111. , Oct. 7. Cattle Receipts. 1,000 ; shipments , 1)00 ) ; firm ; fair to choice heavy uailvo steers , JU.yCKa4.05 ; butchTS' steers , medium to choice , S3.GOi33.Oj ; feed ers , fair to good. 2.0033.20. Hogs Receipts. 2,400 ; shipment * , 400 : market active andstronger : choice heavy and butchers'selections , 84.50@4.G5 : packlnit nud Yorkers , medium to prlmo , < l.2o < 34.50 ; pigs , common to good , S3.t" ) < 34.20. Kansas City. Oct. 7. Cattle Recclnts , 4,000 { shipments , 9,400 { common ftrnssersdull ; good to choice corn-fed , strong at S4.20(34.C5 ( ; common to medium , S.T.25 4.10 : stockers , 82.00 2.GO ; feeding steers , 82.0533.25 ; cows , 81.30(43.50. llogi Kccelpts , 5.000 ; shipments , 7,000 ; market stronger and 10(320c ( higher : com- non to choice , 83,00 ( 4,45 ; skips and pigs , ; 2,75i33.bO. OMAHA HVB HTOOK. Friday , Oct 7. Cattle. The receipts ot cattle wore more than louble what they were yesterday , forty-one oads being received as against fourteen oadt yesterday. Good corn-fed cattle were n fair demand at about steady prices. One lunclt of very prime cattle brought more han anything in several weeks but tney vero better cattle than has been received ere In a long time. Western range cattle hat are not fat enouith for the packers , are low at about steady prices. There was some uqulry for feeders but the number sold WAS omparatlvely small. Hug * . There was n slight falling off In the receipts it hogs , the receipts being twenty-seven oads to-day as against thirty-one yesterday. The market opened with light otfcrlnzs , here bolng only eighteen loads lu at the opening. The light oircrlncs stimulated prices somewhat aud the earlier sales weru made at a little stronger prices than yester day. Three loads reached $4,20. About the ulddle of the forenoon another train arrived with nine loads of hogs. The late arrivals did not bring quite as strong prices as the * arly morning sales and the markut closed a Htle easier. Everything was sold. Hhcup. There were no fresh receipts , and nothing doing on the market. OlUolnl Keoelpti. Jattle 833 logs 1,742 lorses 32 Prevailing I'rloo * . Showlngtho prevailing prlcai pall for llva lock on this market : Jholcosteers. VJOO to 1505 Ibs . . .St. 1031.40 Jhoicesteers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 3.85&4.10 Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.7.V < W.S5 torn-fed range steers 1200 to 1503 3.8V544.30 Oood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . . WWJ.OO Common to medium cows 1.50(33.00 ( Jood to choice bulls l.Mi'tfJ.OO jood range feeders 2.40 2.80 ioodnatlvofoeders.OOOlbsand up wards 2.75@3.00 Fair to medium native feeders.tKK ) Ibs and upwards 2.50@2.C > Stockers , 4K ( ) to 700 Ibs 2. < XKa2.40 Prime fat sheep 3.2.1M3.50 fair to medium sheep 2.50(43.00 ( Jommon sheep 1.5002.25 UlKht and medium nous a.VJW4.oo loodto choice heavy hoes 4.14.15 ( ) jood to choice mixed hogs 4.03,31.10 Representative Hitlot. NEIIHASKA NATIVK8 COItN-rKD. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ! 18..14iS : 84.40 WESTKIIN STKK1IS TINNIN A LUJIAN. 73..1020 82.50 Wr.STlIlIN IT.KDKIIS I'll ATT A. mUllIS. 153 . . .1037 8i,50 CG..1UOJ 32.50 HULLS. 2..HSU S1.75. No. Av. Shk. J'r. No. Av. Silk. Pr. C7..2 * ! 200 $4.10 02..247 1 0 S4.15 73..2.T 100 4.10 .1(1 ( . . .277 210 4.15 50..858 2M ) 4.10 K5 . . . 'J74 IUO 4.15 64..245 400 4.10 08..5J5 ! ) 219 415 08..840 160 4.10 OS..80S ! 1JO 4.15 (17..279 100 4.10 07..21 24(1 ( 415 ( . . .2X5 ! 100 4.10 01..871 120 4.15 75..207 3GJ 4.10 4' > . . . . : ! OI 100 4.15 08..224 2UO 4.15 OS..3JJ ttSI 4.17 } 50..2T2 1'JO 4.15 0.1 . . .310 bO 4.20 .Vi.2r2 ViO 4.15 75.'i.l7 2(10 ( 4.2. ) Cll.'m 120 4.15 57..8 1 830 4.20 Ijivo Stock Sold. Showing thn number of lieai of stock sold on llio in.ukct to-dny : CATTLK. G. II. Hammond .t Co 292 G. 11. Hammond & Co. ( snipped direct ) . 1SI Feeders 219 Total 092 lions. Anglo-American PaeitintrCo M < 1 . 11. Hammond it Co. . . ' GI7 Harris A : Fisher 65 Speculators 00 Total 1 074 All sales ot stock in this markut are inado per cwt. llvu vviilht uiilojj otherwlsrt stated. Dead lu.gssollat KO Pur Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or ho , ; * wuUhlui : lo-is tlian 100 Ibs. no value. Pregnant * owsiro : docnod 4) lot , and stagsSO Ibs. br the oiulio Live Stock Notcn. Cattle steady and slow. Hogs opened stiong , closed easy. Hogs averaged sixty-four to the car. W. II. Freeman , Oakland , was hero lookIng - Ing for feeders. W. L. Bond , llarlan , In. , was In looking over the market. Wiley Black , Plnttsmouth , marketed a load of 303-lb. hogs nt S4.17K. Dowling it Purccll , North Bend , marketed n load of 2Sl-lb , hess nt 34.20. W. J. Colcmai ) , from Council Blulfs , was over nnd bought lour loads of feeders. M. U. COUP , Hebron , Nob. , n prominent stockman , was in looking over the yards. Carrie * Lynch , Platte Center , marketed n load of 310-lb hojjs at 4.20 , the top price. George II. Warren , Grafton , wa < among the visitors at thu yards , lie bought 153 head of feeders. Don J. Butler , Dow City , Crawford countv , la. , stopped on his way homo with two loads of stockers. J. Askwlg & Co. , Oakland , marketed fifty- four head of corn-ted natives. Thu price was not reported. E. Webster , Deoorah , la. , came lu with two loads of rattle. He was delayed about four hours at the Bluffs. Toe Swedebnrg Elevator company nnd Shugran & Freeman , of Swcdeburg , mar keted hogs at 84.15. The next meeting of the Nebraska Live Stock Shippers''association will be held nt Exchange hotel , South Omaha , Neb. , Wednes day , October 12,18 ! > 7 , at 2 p. m. The by-laws have been amended so ns to admit any ship per of six months actual business , no matter fiotn what state ho halls. Consequently the Invitation Is to all 11 vo stock shippers. OMAHA WUUljISJAblS M.Y1UUOTS. Friday , Oct. 7. Produce , Fruits , lite. The follawlnij arc the price * at whlah round lott of produce are sold on t/tls tnnrhct ; From the beginning ot the season there has been more or less game coming In but the shipments consisted mainly of lowl nnd thu smaller game. To-day a number of hue large antolopu were received and put on tlm market at 10 cents a pound. Another car- loud of grapes was received from Now York. Tncoma creamery butter lias put In Its ap pearance ns a rival of the West Point pro duct. The markets on the whole were rather dull to-day only ono car of home grown pota toes were received. Prices remain steady. Eoos Tno market is very steidy and there Is no prospect of a change for a few days. Stocks go at I7@18c. BuTTKB-Creamery , West Point , SOc : other , 22 < g54c per pound : choice dalrv , Itxg SOc ; medium grades , I3@l5c ; ordinaryiKiglOc. CIIKESE Market fair. Fancy full cream Cheddars , single 13c ; full cream twins , I3c : young Americas , ! 3 > { c ; brick choose , 1W ) Ibs in case , 15c ; Llmberger , 100 Ibs In case , He ; Saurs' fancy Ohio. lUc POULTHV Fair market ; spring chickens 82.0002.50 ; old fowls. S2.W@3.00 ; ducks 82.25Q2.75 : turkeys , In very light request , ( X37c per Ib. GAME Receipts light : prairie chickens , 83.00@3.25 ; mallard ducks. 81.50(31.75. ( Quail , 81.25Q1.50 ; teal and mixed ducks , 81.00 1.75 ; snliMj. 75c331,00 ; jack rabbits , 4045c each ; jack snipe , 81.00 per doz ; venison , lOc p r Ib. OVSTKBI Shell , 82.00 per hundred ; bulk , 81.35 per hundred ; select * , 82.20a gallon ; Cans , New York counts , 45c ; selects , 25M 40c ; standard. 27fl30c. POTATOES The market Is well supplied. Salt Lake and Colorado stock sells at 85c. Nebraska and Iowa stock 55@7Uc per bushel. SWKET POTATOES The market U well supplied with home grown at 05 < 375c per bushel ; Virginia stock 3c per Ib. Eou PLANT Slow sale at G0 < 375c per doz. (01 choice stock. ONioNs-Cholce large California onions are offered on the markqt at , S 1.00 per bushel. The demand Is light BEANS. Hand-picked navy , 83.50 per bushel , and other grades down ns low as 81.2. ) . Cllfornln stock , S2.4.0 per bushel. CKLF.HY The receipts are larger nnd the stock better. Good stock brings 3Wf 35c a bunch. CiPKit Choice Michigan elder , SO.OOQ&50 per bbl of 32 gal. POPCOKN Choice , for stnuds , % 3'lXc per Ib. HONKV Good honey In neat one Ib. frames ' . * 23c per Ib. I CocoANi'TS-Goort stock , S5.00. CitANiiKimiES The market In fairly well ftuuplled with good stock. Bell and cherry , 88.00 : Bell * lluiclo , 89.00 ; Capo Cods. S1Q. & . LEMONS Messlnn. ? 5.0u < BG.50 ; Mnlora , $7.00 ; Sorronlo. 87.00. . . . . . . . out the market GUANOES Messina of ; Louisiana. 89.00 per bbl , 85.00 per box ; Ja maica , 810.00 per bbl. 85.50 per box. APPLES The supply Is liberal , especially of homo-grown stock. Cholco Michigan ap ples t3.oo < vM50 " ; home-grown , S2.25@3.00 : Johnatlions"S3.riO@a.75. CUAII Ari'LKS-Cholce Siberian , S3.00W3.50 per bbl. GRAPES Homo-grown stock Is In liberal supply and Is moving feely at 5cpcr pound ; California , Tokay. 82.50 per crate ; Muscat" , 82.50 ; New York. 10-lb basket , 5@45c. PKAUS There Is a fair supply of Califor nia pears on the market Cholco stock , 82.75 ( $3.00. BANANAS The market Is well supplied with banana * at 8J.oo@3.oo per bunch. NUTS Newcropchestnuts ; , IS lfalbpea ; nuts , 7 > fc , raw : Brazil nuts. 13e : Almonds , TarragoiiA , 206 ; English walnuts , l c ; Fil berts , Vie. Flour anil Pnctl. flicfollotvlnuarc thelnM > lnui > rlcfl Minnesota patents. 8.1.50 percwt : Mlnneso- a Bakers' straight , 82.20 percwt. ; Kansas nnd Missouri winter fancy patents , 82:45i : ( < 2.00 : Nebraska patents , 82.353.i5 ( ! : ; rye Hour , $1.75 ai.uo per cwt ; rye Graham , 81.40 per cwt. ; wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn menl. yellow , ( We per cwt : corn meal , white. 81.00 lorcwt ; chopped feed , 814.00@U.Oi ) ) pur ton : > ran , S12.00@13.00per ton : screenings , 89.00 @ 12.00 per ton. HAY Upland prairie , 88.00QS.50 ; com mon coarse , 87.00@i.oo. ) Grocer's LiUt. COFFER Ordinary grades. 2021c : fair , 21U@22c ; prime , 22@ Jc : fancy green and yellow , 23 < 825c ; old government Java , 1H@ .We ; Interior Java , 25fa Jc ; Mocha , SSfiJSOc ; Artmckle'n. roasted , 2 < Hfc ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 2 &c ; Dllworth's , 20c ; Red Cross , REFINED LARDj-Tiorce , 7c : 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7 c ; 20-lb round , 7Kc ; ' 10-ib calls , 7 'c ; 5-lb palls , 7Xc ; 3-lb palls , 7J c. SuoAR-Granulsted , O QSJ c ; conf. A , - < J@ Kc : white extra C , fiU(9 ( < lXc : extra C , OOOKc ; yellow C , 5 c ; cut loaf , IX ; pow dered. 7/c ! , PROVISIONS liauis , HJ fflllHc : breakfast tacon. llJ/Ol-c.-i' : bacon side * UJfiaiOcdry : salt , Hjfcrtw ; shoulders , 7@7 > fc : dried beef Hams , lu ( Uc ; dried beef regular , 9 > @ 10Xc ; hams picnic , SMSJf * . DRIED FHUITS Apples , new , Jf's Cc ; evaporated , 50-lb ring , li0311 Me ; raspberries , evaporated. 29c : blackberries , evaporated , " "f ( < $10e ; pitted cherries , peaches , new , s , 7c : evaporated peeled peacnes , c ; evaporated , unpared , 10X@17c ; nuw currants , 7kwKc ; prunes , 5@5 c : citron , 25c ; ral- gins. London layers , 4 > .UO@2.15 ; California , loose muscatels. 8l. 0@2.00 ; new Valenclas , to PIS Sevpn-slxtcpnths inch , 12@12fe STARCH Mirror Gloss , 5J c ; Graves Corn , Cj/c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7c , SviuJi No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.4Ugl.W ( ) ; New Orleans , PIT gallon , & > { < 44Gc ; maple tt.vrup , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , Kto ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , 810.50 ; half-gallon cans , per doz , 80.25 ; atiart cans , 83.2.1. CANNED GOODS Ot t rs , standard , per case , S3.00ii3 10 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 8:1.00(33.10 : ( ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , S'l.OO ' ® 3.10 ; California pears , per case.4.iVi34.70 ) ; apricot' ' , cr c.iso , S4.10O4.U5 ; peaches , per rase , 85.75(95.b5 ( ; white"cherrioB. . per case , 10.00 plums , per ease , S3.80@3.iO : ! ) : blue - berries , per case , S2.30@'J.40 ; egg plums , 8 Ib. pur case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , case. 83.80(95.75 ( ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz. $2.002.6. > : 2 16 gooscberrlesV poV caso. S3.25 W3.35 : 2 Ib string beans , per case , 81.75 : 2 lq lima beans , per case. Si.00 ; 2 Ib marrow- Int peas , per case , * a.50C < W.CO ; 2 Ib early .Itiuo pens , per case. J2.75 ; : > Ib tomatoes , S2.10 ( < j2.50 ; 2 Ib com. S2.30@2.4U. PICKLES Medium , In bbls , 10.50 ; do In half bbls , 3.75 ; small , In bbls , 87.50 : do In half bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , 88.50 ; do hi halt bbls , 84.75. WOODEN WARE Two-hoop palls , per doz , 1.45 ; 3-lioop palls , S1.70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.5) ) ; io. 2 tub. 35.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasu- boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 8J.25 ; No. 1 churns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns , 87. 87.TOHACCO Lorlllard'sClImax. 44n ; Splen did , 4lc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Legsett & Meyer's Star , 4Ic ; Cornnrstonc , 3lc ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoo , 41c ; T. J. , 87c ; Sorg's Spearhead. 44c. BnooMS-Extra 4-tle,82.60 ; No. 1,52.00 ; No. 2,81.75 ; heavy stable , Si CANDT Mixed , 8X@Uc ; stick , 8 > < ; @ 9Xc. CRACKEIIS Garneatrs soda , butter and picnic , 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , 8c : city soda , Vc. TEAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder,20@6 c Younz Hyson , U5@55c ; Oolong , 20@60c. JELLIES so-lb palls , 82.00. HOLLAND MACKEitni. 80c per kog. Dry GcMXls. COTTON FLANNKI.S to per cent trade dis count LL. 6c : CC , 7) < u ; SS , 8'ic ; Nnmple s , 5Uc ; No , a. Oc ; EE , a > c ; ( ! ( ! , lOKc ; XX , 12c ; OO , I4c ; NN , lic ( , RX , ItV ; 15 , 20c : No. 10 , s > fc ; 40 , lo c : CO- ISKc : 80 , 15c ; 30 , Colored , lOc ; W ) , colored , I2c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , l3Ko ; Union Pacilic. 18c CAUIMT WAiir-BIbb white , ISJ c ; col ored , 20 > C. BATTS Standard. 8c ; Gem , He ; Beauty , 12Kc : Booue , He : B , cased , SC.50. PitiXTS SoLiD.Coi.oits Atlanta 5 > < c : Sla ter 5c ; Berlin Oil ( IKcGarnerOilOto7. ; PINK AND ROIIF.S Richmond Oc : Atlantic ; Rlvor- polut5c ; Steel RlvurCo : Richmond Oc ; Pncltic o c. iNDiooBi.tiE Washington Cc ; Amerl- canC } < cArnoldCKc ; ; ArnoldB lie ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldsenl lUJ c. DUF.SS Char ter Oak4Hc ; jiamaposjfc : Lodl 4Kc ; Allen 5ic ; Richmond 5 > { c , Windsor Oc ; Eddy stone CGiNaGHAM-Plunkett checks 7c ; Whltten- ton 7 c ; York 7 > fc ; Normandle Dress 8' c ; Calcutta Dress 8Kc : Whittenton Dress 9c : Renfrew Dress Oc to 12i < o ; CAMnnics Slater 4J c ; Woods 4 > < c ; Stan dard 4fc ; Peacock 4Xc. COHORT JEANS Aixlroscoggln 7 > fc ; Kear- sage 7Mc ; Rockport G c ; Conestoga 03 < c. TICKS LewlstonSO in. , 12Kc : Luwiston 33 in. . l3Kc ; York 32 In. , He ; Swift River7J < c : Thorndlko O O , 8"/c " ; Thorndlke B F. HUc ; Thorndike 120 , 9c : Thorndlko XXX , 15ct Cordls No. 5. U > * c : Cordls No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskcag Uoz. , itio : Everett 7 oz. , 13n : York 7oz. , 13c ; Havmaker bl c : Jaff- r-jy XX. llKc : Jatlrey XXX , K e ; Beaver Creek AA. 12c : Beaver Creelf BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CC. lOo. OKENTUCKY JKANS Memorial 15c ; Canton 18c ; Durham 27Ko : Hercules Ibc ; Learning ton 22 c ; Coltswold 25c. CitAsii Stevens' B 6c ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Wc : bleached 8Hc ; Stevens' P S c ; bleached OKe : Stevens' . N 0 > fc ; bleached lOKc ; Stevens' S R T 12Kc. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth 82.85 ; plain Holland 8Uc to9c. ; Dado Holland 121 SOc : tjucchee No. i.'jf , 4'2c ; Qtipchco Nb. ' 5f , 37Uc ; Oupcheo No.3. Jf , 32Kc ; Anawan IH cftoliulsor JKc. Red-C. 24 inch , I5'c ; E.24 Inch , 21c ; GJ ( , 24 Inch , Ibc : H. A. F.f , 25c ; J. R. F. , J , 27Xc ; G. , Jf , 35C. COMFOIITEIIS S < 5.50$35.00. BLANKETS White , ? l.00@7.50 ; colored , 81-10 8.00. BLKACHED SHF-ETUJQ Berkeley cambric. viiifjjj \ v t < < 2uwvi > uut * | V | i/y jt * kt'r Plilllip cambric , lie ; Lonsdnle , 11 .uc ; Lons- dale , 8i < c ; New York mills , lOVc ; Pepperell , * J Inch , lOXc I' ) 40 Inch like Pop- /iv. : i * ppereJ . "BU nibiif * * 1 * ; * \n * - perell , 6-4 , 15c ; Pepperell , 8-4. 18c : Pepperell 9COc ; Pepperell. 10-4 , t2J ; < c : Canton. 4-4 8 > | c ; Canton , 4-4 , OXc ; Triumph , 6c ; VVara- suttft , lie ; Valley , . ' .c. Hitow.v SHEKTINQS Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7J c ABanticIl , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic L ) . 4-4 , C > ic ; At lantlc P. 4-4 , 5J/o ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5Jic Aurora C , 4-4. 4 > < c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , CH'o HoosIerLL , 4-4,5 c ; Indian Head , 4-4 7Xc Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 6Xc : Pepperell R , 4-4 6W IVppereil O , 4-4 oc ; Pepperell , 8-4. lf > c : Pepperell , ( N , ISc Popporell , 10-4. 20c ; Utlca C. 4-4. 4 4'0 Wachusatt , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 6 > < c Aurora B , 4-4 , Co. DUCK West Point 29 In.Soz. , lOXcVes ; Point 29 In. . 10 oz. . 12J < c : Wo1" Point 29 In. M oz. . 15pVest ; Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , inc. Checks-Caledonia X. OKo : Caledonia XX Economy tf to US'c ; OtU a to > { c. General Markets. BPIBITS Coloitie spinu , l a proot , 81.10 do 101 proof , Si. 12 ; spirits , second quality 101 proof , 81.10 ; do IB * proof , S1.W. Alcohol IbS proof , I A 10 per wine gallon. Redistlllet whiskies , ILOO l--O. Oln blended. ; t.r > 0 ( $ .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 52.0oon.00 : Ken- ucky nnd Pcnnsylvnnla ryet , 12.00(10.60 ( ; lolden Hheaf bourbon and rye IL50@i.ou. : Hrandles , Imported ! , lomcMlc , Ji.30 ( : ) .cx ) . oins , Imported , . C.OO ; domestic , ( Sl.s.'i a.oo. Clmmpacnes , lt ported , per case , 5W.uOj:53OOj ( ; : American , per case. 110.00 10.00. IIKAVT HARDWAnr. Iron , rate , $2.70 } How steel , special cast. 4'fc ; crucible steel , oc ; cast tools , do. I2t < ( jii > c ; wa.on spokes > er net , S'J.OorW : hubs , per set , I1..V ) : fol- oos , sawed dry , 81.00 ; tongues , csch. Wo ; axles , each , 76cj snttaro nuts per Ib , ( XWc ; coil cl.alu , pur Ib , fii } ( < * itc ; ; malieablo , Ktloc ; ron ncdijes , cc ; crowoars , 6c : hnrrow teeth , 4ke ; sprinit nteel , 4f < t : > c ; Umrdon > horse hoes , J4.75 ; Hurdon's mule shoos. 8.1.75. larbed wlro * In car 1oU , 84.00 pt-r lee Ibs. ron nails , rates , 10 to 60 52.40 ; slcel nails , f VI&U * llmr.s Green butchers' , 6J < fflCc ; grocn cured , 7c ; dry flint , lOfnicsdry saltUc ; green calf skins , 7 > 'c ; damaeed hides two-thirds crlce. Tallow He. Grease Prime white. 3c : yellow , 3e ; brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 2y < $ Oc. Oc.COAI , E tr ( , SO-M ; nut , 89.75 : raiiRe , 80.7.1 ; owalump , S'f.OO ' ; Iowa tint , $2.75 ; walnut block , 83.00 ; Illinois. 84.25 4.73. Dry Lumber. DIME.NHIOXS AND TIMIIKItM. a , it & in ft. Id ft 20ft ! ftl4 ft I , _ _ , ! _ _ 1 .50 80.60 2I.W'si.5 ) ' ZxlU . . , . . .u I8.2A 1 .M 2U.50 sa l 2.1.5 PI.OOI11NO. A 0 In. rThlto Pine SK.W : ) C , 829.50 it " " : a.wi l ) , 21.00 E ' " " ( Sol. Fencing.19.00 ) FINISHING. let and 2nd , clear , llj incli , s-2 * 50" > > 0 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 5.oO IV , 1H , 2 In 4 .f A select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. . 40.00 " " Ur. l ,2 In 44.00 B " 1 Inch , 8.2s. , 80.00 " l.YlK,3ln 87.00 POPLAR i/iTMnnn. Clear Poplar , iJx. Uds. % In. , s. 2 s..saV50 ln. Panel. H. 2s 27.00 " " UorruKatcaCullliiB , . . 28.50 TtATTENS. WKI.L1U111NO , 1'IGKKTA. O. G. Uatts , 2H lu 800.75 " Kxl ! in , 8.1 S 00.45 1 In Well Tubing , 1) ) 4 M and Bev. . . . . 2H.OO Pickets , D. ifelL Flat 20.50 " " Square 21.00 noAitns. No. 1 , com. s 1 B 518.00 No. 2 , com , sis 17.00 No. 3. S15,50fto.4 , S13.00 FENCINO. No. 1. 4&6in , i2 < fcUtt , rough 819.50 No. 1 , " " 16 " " 19.50 Mo.3 , " " UAH" " 10.00 No.2. " " 18 " " 17.50 SIIIINO. A. 12.14 and 10 ft , $21.50 C , 815.50 U. 20.50 D. 12.60 CEILING AND PAKTITION. 1st com , % In White Pine Colline 834.00 2nd " " " " " 2.8.00 Clear , % In. Norway " " 10.00 ndcom.ft In. " " " 14.00 STOCK IIOAIIDS. A 12 Inch s. Is 84" > . 0 No. 1 , com. 12 In. s. 1 s. , 13 tt 20.50 14 ft 19.00 1 " " " 10 ft is.rx ) No.2 , " " " 19.00 " " " ic it Inch Grooved Rooflng 31.00 pur M more than 12 inch Stock Boards samu length. 8III.NflI.KS. LATH. XXclear . .S-'UO ExtraA * 82.00 * A * Standard . . 2.75 * A11B&B 2..15 Glu. clear No i. . Latn 2.C5 POSTS. Wlilto cedar , C In. , J s. , 12c ; 9 In. qra. , lie ; 8 In. nrs. , 10c4 ; in. round 15c ; Tennessee Red Cedar , spilt , 15c ; Split Oak. 12c. LI Ml ! , ETC. Kulncv white lime ( best ) , 90c : Akron ce- mpiit , Si.75 ; hair , IWc ; plaster , $2.75 ; titr toard , 31.75 ; sasli , 40c perct. ; doors , 40 per ct. : blinds , 40c per cL ; mouldings , 40o per : t. tnr felt , per cwt. , 82.75 ; straw board , ROl'Tlir.KX YKLLOW PISE. Com. 4 & 0 In. Floorint ; 817.50 Star ' * ik ° 1 50 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Clear % In. Ceiline ! . . . . . ! . . ! ! ! . ; ! . Sl'.M " % in. Partition Z.i.00 " Finish , lib IK In. R. 2s 29.00 " CorniKated Colllii'- In 83.00 Yellow Pine Casing uudBasu. . . 27.00 CHIC AGO AD orth- orthWesfern Wesfern .A-iXj-1 : Sliort Tlic only road to tnko for Dos Moiiies i nr- 8luillto\rn , Ocdur KM plus , Clinton , lixon , Cblcft- KO , Milwaukee and nil points oust. To the people - plo of Nubrnskn , Colorado , Wymnlnir , Utah. Idiiho , Kovada , Oroffon , Washington , and Call- tornia , ItotToissuporior advantat'es nut tiossi- ble by any other Una. Among ; n rcwoJ tno numerous points of su- rrlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road clween Oinahn nrnl Chicago , are Its two tralm a day of DAY COACHES , which are the HneHt that human art nnd inimiliy can croute. UK PALAOKR SUJEI'IKU OAHS , which are models or oomtort and clearance. Us PAHI.OK DIIAW- 1NO KUUM OAKS , uiHiiniasseU bvany. and Its widely colehralod PALATIAL DIN1NU CAHS , the equalof which cannot be found oHowliore At Council niulTBtho trains of thu Union 1'Hcino Ity. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with those of all eastern lines. Kor Detroit. Columbus. Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara Pulls , BntTalo , I'lttsburifToronto , Montrenl , Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington and all points In the enst , nsk for a ticket /la the "NOIITIUVE3TEIIN. " Ifigrou wlnli the licflt accommodation , All ticket amenta sell tickets via this lino' J.M. WHITMAN , K. P. WILSON , Genl. Manager , flonl. Pans'r AKCUt Chicago , ill. W.M. BABCOCK.K I , . H. BOLLR3 , Westarn Acont , City I'asa'r Agent , Oiiinha NeliriiRkii. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TUE Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul Bj Tlte Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to' . THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council BluJls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Bcloit , Winona , La Crosse , And nil other important points iust : , Nort'aenst and Southnnst. Kor through tickets call on the ticket agent at HOI rarnam street , In 1'untou Hotel , or at Union Pacillc depot. Pullman Sleepers and the Quest Dlnlnp Cira ; In the world are run on the main line of tilt Chicago , Mllwaukco A. .St. Paul Hallway and t\ cry attention Is paid to pnnsongord by court ! ous employes of the oompuny. H. MII.I.KII , ( Jonoriil Manager. J. K. , Asslstttnt ( ieneral Manager. A. V. It. CAIICKNTEII , Clcnoral I'assumrer and Ticket ngcnt. ( Joe U. HR\crouiiAsjlstantacncral I'ueson- gor and Ticket Agent J , T. CI.AIIK , ( jeernl Superlntondent . M. R. RJSDON INSURANCE x AGENT , Merchants' Nutloiml Hunk Building , It-Kim * Up S Tclepkone No. UT i , Omaha , Nebraska. HEPUE8KNT ; Paoenlr. London , Knglar.d. , . (5,7 1 74.11 Flremen'i , Newark , N. J . J,65I,8M.31 Glea'i FalU. Ulen'B Kalli , N. Y . 1,49-"U.61 Glrard , I'lillaiielpnla , Pa Weetcbk tr Mew York N. T JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , lniLL iR \Vholculo IHiUr In Agricultural Implements , Wagona , Orrrlgc > mid Iluiilri. Jono ttirct , bctwctn 8th end lHJiOinnh ( , Nl > . LININGER ,0 METCAL Agricultural Implements , , HuBglct , Hie.Vhol * to , Onuha. PARLINORENDORFtC MARTIN Vf holeinte Uoalars In Agricultural Implements , Buficlt * . Wl..iM , 90J nil POT , Joneii it 1 . T , MAS I' As CO. , Mmiufacturar * of Buckeye Drill , * , Seeder * , Cultivators lay Rakes Clilor MIIN nml l.ulmn I'ulvcrlior * . Cor. > uttli Kill uini Nichohi tiu. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholesale Aai'tr.nltnt'al Implement * Wagonsanil llugxlps. orncr IHU& Nicholastc. Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1113 Donglm 8tre t , Omih . Boot * and Shoes. W. r. MORSE A CO. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. 111 F rn m it. , Omatm , N h. Miuufaelorj , Bummet itrrtt , lloitim. KIRKENDALL , JONES V CO. Successors to Id-oil , Jones & Co. , Wholesale Mitnufncturors of Boots A : Shoes A iris for lloston llubbor Shoo Co. 102. 11(14 ( \ HOI lUninvSt. . Oinnlin. N Coffte , Spices , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omnlm Coffee nml Splco Mills. Tens , Coltooi , Pplces , linking Powder , Flavoring r.xtrnt'ts. Laundry llluo Ink , etc. HlMlltl llnruoy St- Omaha , Nebruskn , Crockery and Glassware w. L. WRIGIIT , JLftnttor 'beM iiuf cturer nnd Importerof Crockery , Glassware , Laapi , Ctlmntji , etc. OKce , 317 South Uth ei. Omaha , Neb. . Commission and Storage , ComnilBsion aud Jobbing. ISntter. RitKiand Produce. Conilxnmentt ( elicited. Ileadqunrten for bluneware , Derrj Holes and Uripo lUtikvtB. lilt Dodge > tre t , < ) niah > . RIDDELL < RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant- * , Cp cumi Batter , Kk'tft. Clu'ene , I'o iltrj , Uaiuc , Cjitcn. etc. , etc. in s. llih st. WIEDEMAN c § CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , ronltrj , llutur , Gam , Fruit * , etc. ZM B. Itlhit Umaha. Neb , l. UUIUMH'll If iih GEO SCHROEDER&CO. . . Successors to McSltnnu X Selirooilor. Produce Commission iiiul Colit .fttornirc. Onmhn , Nell. Loal , Coke and Lime. Gio. K. LAtiAoii. l'rr . C. F. DOORMAN , V. Pie * . J. A. SUNMCUI.AND , Bee. nnd Treas. OMAHA CO A L , COKE d ) LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. SO ! ) South Thirteenth Street. Omaha , Nob. Maiuimeturei's of Illinois White Limo. And shlppori * of ( 'oal Hnd Coke , Coniunt , Plapter. Ume , Hair. Flro Ilrlck , Dntln , Tllo ana Saner Pipe. Office , I'uitou nutol irni-Hin it. , Onmba , .Neb. Telephoi B 81L NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Snippers of Coal and Coke , 214P. lilh : St.Omnhn , N'uti. Dry Goods and Notions. Jlf. E. KMITII c - CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods &Notions 1101 and 1104 Douclnn. cor. Uth St. , Omaha. Nob. KJLl'ATRICK-KOCH , .DRY GOODS CO. , Importer * nn < l Jobbers Dry Goods. Notions , ( Scuts'Kiirnl-thliiK ( ioods. tor. llth & Htvrnuy furniture. DEirEY fTsTONE , Wholesale Denlera in Furniture. Karnam et. . Omaba. Neb. CHARLES SIIirERICK , Furniture , Redding , Upholstery , Mirror * , etc. 1806.1803 and 1310 Farnam t. , Omaha. Orocerits , I-AXTON , GALLAGHER ,0 CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noc. 705,707,709 and 711 S. 10th St , Omtihn , Neb. McCORD , li.RADY < C CO. , Wliolcsale Grocers , Vtti nnd I.earonworth aU.Omuha. U. Al. bl liJil li , iv CO , , iriiulcsdlc Grocers , 1219 , lJl. 12ai Ilnrncj- . , Omnlm , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale ( Jrorers , 1114 mid llltl Harnoy Street , Onmlin. Hardware. LEE , FRIED < C CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Hheot Iron , Rte. Aganti for Howe Hciilei. and Miami roird < rCo.OmaliaN b. H1MEBAUGH iV TAYLOR , Builders'Hardwarc&ScaleHepairShop Mechanics'Tool * and Buffalo F.raln. 1106 Douglaa > t- . Omaha. Neb. UEC10U iv : WILHELMV CO. , Whnletale Jfnnlwttre , inih and Iliirnuy Street ? . Onmhn. Nob. Wc'-torn At-'oiils lor Austin I'owdor Co. , Ji'lfcr- bon Stool Nulls , Knlrbiuiks Stnndiitit Heavy Hardware W. , T. BROATCIT Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stock , llardwaro Lumber , etc. 1209 anil l.'ll Jltruey n. , ( inialm. EDNEY M GlllltON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , W&con nnd CarrUfO Wood Stocfc , Heavy llnrdware , iTtc. UUaimni'J I.e rrnwortht > t.,0niiitm , Neb. Hats , Caps , Ete. W. L. PARROTTE & CO Wholesale Hat * , C ; > ie .Straw Goods , Iin7 Hnrncy Street , Omiilin , Neb. Liquors. Dletllleri of Mquors , Alcohol and Fplrltn. Importer * anil Jobbera of Wines anO Mquor . WILLO WSL'RINGH DISTILLE > CO. and ILER t' CO. , Importers and Jobbereof Fine Wlnen and Manor * . Bole munufitetttrtoTi uf K0nnedr'n Kant India lilt- tari unU Dumcitlc I.liiuiirn. 1113 llnrnuy Ht. Lumber. OMAHA TXTMKER. CO. , Dcalo'-U All Kind * of .Building Material at Wholcsalo. 18th Struct and Union Paotilo Track. Omaha. ' LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Limp , Sasli , IKiori.Ktc. Yardi-Corner7th and UOUKUBJ ! Cornet iith and Douzlan. ' C. N. DIETZ , Lumbar. 13th and California Mrvvti , Omaha , Neb. IF. GRAY , I/nmhfr , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Etc , C'/r.Ctb and liougltl ill , Oan'jii.Naj. 2' . 7 ' . HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1K0 r'arnum itrcot , Omaha. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY CHAS. Jt. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpiti and I'arqntt Flooring. th and DoofU * JOUXA. WAKWIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported nnd American PortUnrt Comrnt. Ptat Ag nt forMllttaukee Iltdrnullc Ceuiut and licit ( Julncj Whllrl.lmc. Millinery and Aotioni. linporlorsnnd Jotitiors of itlinri'i/ and Xotfon * . iw ,2iu mil -'is a nth st. Notions. Wbottial * DtftUn In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 101 and 40i B. Tenth St , Omaha. V1NVAR1) * SCHNEIDER , Wholesale Xbttons and Gent * ' Fur * ninliina Goods , 110.'i llnincy Stri-ul. Omnrm.Nob. Oils. : ONSOLI IM Wholcialo Dculurs In Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle Qrt-nsc , oto. Ouniliii , Neb. A , II , llhhop , PAPER CARVESTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. 'arrjranlconoeaof Prlntlna , Wrapiilnji and Writ ng paper. Sieolnlattcntlou | gltou v > car loalor order * Printers' Materials. yyEWsrArE Auxiliary I'libliahcrs. MalentDTrpo , PrciiM nnd I'rlnien'Sappllei. (01 Houth Twelfth Mrett. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturer nnd llcalcnln all kind lot Kubbur Goods , Oil nothing nnd l.caiher llvltlnir , HW Kurnam < < t. S.eam Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A.L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Steam , Water , Rallwar and Milling Suppllc * . EM , WO. aand t Karnnm t..Oaiaha. > < en. _ . . CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , BtMmand Water Sum > lle § . Headquarter ! for Malt ' Ooo > li. llllVarnaui tt.Oraab * . Web. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMF COMPANY. [ nllndaT Yflnd Mlliii xlram and W ter dnppllea , 1'lunibliiK Goods. Melting , llnir. HIS and VHi lar- E m it. , Omnlm. 8. K. Kolton , M ui er. Telephone No. 210. UROWNELL cC CO. , Manufnctureri and Denleri In Engines , Jioilci's & General Machinery Snout lion Work.Blonm 1'unips. 8nw Mllle. l-lll-l'-'ir ) l.cttvi'iiwurtli St. , Onuilni. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , Farm , Field and Garden Nos. 011-Uia Jones Street , Omnlm , Nob. Storage , Forwarding & Commission. ARMSTRONG , 1'ETTIS & CO. Storaye , Forwarding Q Commission llranch lionso of Ilio llonnov HiitfKJ'Co. llnir- Klcs lit wlioloanlo anil retail. Nos. 1308. lilll ) nml l'Jl Izard Ht , , Umnhii , Nob. Tulepuouo No. 7f,0. Teas and Cigars \VM. A. WILSON & CO. , Iiniortora nnd Jobbers of leas and Ciaars , SpiccH and Daisy linking I'owdor. Kin nnd Mia llnruoy Htioet. , Ouniliii , Nob. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Cornicf. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epeneter , 1'rop. Uarnfaoturer of Oalranltod Iron and Cornlct. Dt.d e and 1M and 106 N , 10th it. , Omaha , Nob. Sir.oke Staks , Boilers , Etc II. If. SA WYE It , Maniifiictiiriiiir Dealer in Smokestacks , llrltchltiRS , Tunk . anil ( icnu'iil llollor Itop'ilrlnz , Mfi llniloo atieet. Onmlin. Iron Works. ON l IE Iron Works , Wrought and Coot Iron Uutlillni ! Work , Iron SUIri. ItnllmK , IJcnius and ( ilnlori * , Htcntn KnKlnee. llruna \Vork , ( Ii.nurul ffouudry , Mnclilno unit lllacliiinjllti V/ort. omceanJWurkB. U. 1' . Uy.nridlTtlmlU'et. OMAHA W1RK IRON WORKS , Mnmifucturm'H of Wire and Iron Ihiilinys , Desk Nail * , Window ( jimrdB , rin\\urStiinds , Wlin Slifns.otc , IU.I N. lf.Ui. OMAHA SAKIC & IRON WORKS G Andrcin , Proprietor. Mnnufncturur ( if Flro nml IluiKlnr 1'roiit Pafes. Vnulls , .lull Woik. lion and Wlrtt I'fiiuinir. , oto. Cor. Kill ini'l .liick-on--t. Oiniihu. Overalls. CANFIELI ) " fANTT FACT If RING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeani PanU , Bhlrtii , Ktc. 1103 and 1104 Domino Street , OmaliH , Neb. Sash , Doors , Ete. C CO. , \Vliol8inlttMniiulaeturcTiiof ] Snsh , Doors , lilinilH and Mouldings , Hritncti offlcn.niu mid Ur.rJ riz. , OKsaba.NeS 7- 1 BOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , J Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , . ork and Interior Hunt Wood Klnl U Ju l opcnuil. N. K.cor. 8lh mid lxuvju\vurtlibt . Omahu , Nub. OMAHA PLAM.Nd MILL CO. , Mnniifnetiirors of Moiildlnv.s , r-usli , Doors mid UllndsTiiriiliiirdtalr-woik. Hank nnd Ollicu FltlliiKS. ZOtli ami l'oiiluton | | Avciuio , B reivers , } STORZ ,0 ILER , 1 L gcr Beer Urowcrs , 1521 Nortli Iflh Street , Omaha , Neb. SOUTH OMAHA , U. U. I'Al.MKIt. N I1. IIICIIMAN. J , II. III.A.SCIIAHI > PALMER , RICIfMAN iU CO. , Live titotit Commlxslon Merchant. * , Olllcc ItooinUI. Uiposlto | Kxalmnito llullding , Union Stock Yardn , South Omaha , Null. McCO 1' JfROS. , Llvo Stock Conimlssioii Mnrcliinits. Miirkut turnlHhed free unuiMlliatl MI. btiiv'kef t Hri ( eoteri fiiriiUMn.l on KO > I to run Uofarxnia ( inmlia .SHtloniil II ink and HDiitu Omuh i N itl m i Union block Vvnli , ijuuth Om.i'ui. LO1UMKK , WKSTEKPL1) & MALKY Lire Stmic Coiinnli-ilnn , Itooin 1& llxuliuiiKu liiillillntr , I'nlon Stock VimU , Houtli Uiiialm , Nob. " " HORN & SIIAUI'IJ" CoinmlcBion DculorH In I.lvo Kiojk , Jtoom ZI.Ki chiuiKC IlilllJIim' , Union htock Vils. , H. OmuliQ Ho.'croiici.'SI'liion Nut 1 llmik.Oiimliii.l.'nlon MOCK VunU Hunk. H. Oimilu , 1 ! . S. Itowluv I'ICH. Am. lmik\ ! Trust Co. . Omnlm. . ALKXANOKR K1TC1I , ) n Dciilcis In I.lvo Slock , Ituoni JJ ' it llxrliiuuiii IlnililliiK. I nlon Mock Vituls , houtti Uiiniliii , Nbh ' UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Onuilia. Umlted. John K. lloid , I