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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1887)
* THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. 'SEVENTEENTHS ' YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MOItNING OCTOBER 8. 1887. NUMBER 112- IFROMHIIWADREETOHADISOS 1 The Presidential Party Bids a Hearty Fare well to the Cream City. CLEVELAND WEATHER PREVAILS. A Cordial Welcome Extended at the Capital of Wisconsin A. Visit Made to the Fair Grounds. Farewell to Milwaukee. MII.WAUKKK , Oct. 7. The day opened bright and beautiful after a regular down pour of rain during the night , and every thing tended to make the few remaining hours of the president's stay In Milwaukee of the most pleasant nature. About 8:30 : B. m. carriages containing the presidential party and reception committee left the I'lanklnton house and proceeded to the sol diers' homo by way ot the Grand avenue and Blue Mound road. The sides of the uvcn no weio lined with people who doffed tholr hats and waved handkerchief ; , while an occasional chcci broke forth as some enthusiastic individual caught sight of his political chief , and im parted his enthusiasm to these around. When the cavalcade arrived at the soldiers' ' home , the maimed veterans were drawn up In line and saluted the president and wlfo a ; tiny drove down the line through the grounds. The cannon In front of the home building meanwhile boomed forth the presi dential salute. The tlmolottboforo the depar ture of the tram was so brief that no stet was maelo , and the carriage drove very rapIdly - Idly through the streets of the south side up Into the residence portion of the Seventh ward to Laki nark , wboro a hand some drive way led down to the Northwestern depot. A largo crowd had crowded around the decorated pavllllon on the platfoim for fully an hour be fore the distinguished party arrived , and when the president's carriage came Intc view it was greeted with a round of cheers , which continued until the train left the depot. The appearance of Mrs. Cleveland on the platform was a signal for a special outburst of enthusiasm from the ladles , whc waved tholr handkerch'cfs ' and parasols In accompaniment to the cheering. Mrs. Cleveland looked bright aim fresh , notwithstanding the continual round pf re ceptions and lovoca which she lias undergone , and smiled sweetly as she accompanied hei husband to the car. Colonel Vllas was also the recipient of an outburstof applause as he stopped out of his carriage and vanished , into the president's car. The train pulled oul ; of the depot at 10:110 : , tully halt an i hour later thnn was Intended. No stops are to bo made between hero and Madison , b.A the train will slow up at target stations to give the people a chance to sue the president and his wifo. No accident 01 any other disagreeable feature has Intoferrei to mar the president's pleasure In this city and the entire party were highly dellghtce With their treatment and admirable arrange incuts which characterized tholr receptlor and entertainment. Cleveland In Wisconsin's Capital. MADISON , Wls. , Oct. 7 , On the arrival o the presidential train hero this afternoon th < party was accorded an enthusiastic receotloi and wore escorted to the cnpltol grounds where tbo welcoming address was made b ; Judge Cole , chief justice of Wisconsin. In reply President Cleveland said : "Afto a week spent in travel and In visiting tin people of the great west wo have como to res while at the capital of Wisconsin , known a the most beautiful In location and scenery o all the cities of this region. Though wo sei the people of Madison at tholr homo for th < first time , they are not unknown to us. W < know you at the seat of the national government mont through your fellow-townsman win has done honor to his homo and to his neigh born by a most successful and consclcntlou performance of Important public duty am who has oariiud , as ho has received , tin respect and esteem of every citizen wli desires the welfare of his country. So ou desire to actually see you and to knov you better is perfectly natural. It seemei to mo whnn 1 planned th trip wo have undertaken tha Madison would be a proper place at which t < inako our first stop for rest When I con cclvcd the Idea of staying at Madison eve 1 Sunday and testing the kindness ofhorcltl ZOUB and the hospitality of the postrnaste general , all 1 had to do WPS to Imagine tha wo would bo very much fatigued when wi reached hero and in need of the rest I wa determined we should havo. Thus wo ari here and tired enough to justify my plans.1 After speaking further lu pralso ot tin beauty of the city , its surroundings and th < university , the president concluded : " 1 expect pect to heartily enjoy my stay hero and t always hereafter cherish pleasing recollec tlons of your city and its Inhabitants. " Upon the conclusion of the spocchmaklni the party entered the capltol milldlng , tin doors of which wore closed for a few minute while the reception committee and ladle were presented to the president and Mrs Cleveland. After this the doors were openet nnd for about two hours the people poured ii and passed by the president. The town , thouirh not very large Itself , was crowded t overflowing with people from all the sur rounding country. When the roceptloi ended Mrs. Cleveland went at one to the residence of Postmaster Genera Vllas , where she spent the res of the afternoon In quiet. The president , ac rompanled by Governor Rusk and Colone Vilau , went to the Dane county fair croundt where again the people had an opportunlt to see him. This evening Mr. and Mrs. Vila gave a dinner to the president , It being < iulet affair of twelve or tltteon cover : Among the guests were Governor and Mr : Jtusk , Chief Justice Cole and Mayor Conkll and wlfo. The town Is gorgeously decorate la all conceivable styles , the adornment ei the grounds and mansion ot Colonel Vila being superb. Crowning Triumph of Telegraphy. NKW Vouic , Ont. 7. Two hundred person interested In electrical matters left yesterda k'ora trip On the Now Jersey division of th i.elitgh Valley railroad The trip was for tli purpose of witnessing a special exhlbltlo of the Consolidated Hallway Telegraph con V pan's system ot telegraphing to and froi ' moving trains by electrical Inductive actlot now in dally use on that Una The appn ratns was an ordlnaiy telegraph Instrumer. attached to a wire which rau trom cs to car from the top of the train , and froi thli ) wlro the message was thrown to a spi clal wiierunnmc along the road , and it \ \ < i caught up at the nearest station and sent b the operator to its proper destination. Th lulKo.ul men were astonished at the facillt with which dispatches could bo sent from train moving at the rate of lilty miles a hour. Dispatches weio received at the var oiis nowspaoer olllccs during the afternon fiom representatives on board the train , n agreeing that the experiment was a complcl BllCCe'Ss. A Waterways' Convention. MKMPIUS , Tonn. , Oct. 7. Extensive prer nrallons arc being made for the conventlo to bo held In this city October J and Ul , fc the improvement of western waterways. * li vltatlons have been extended to many prou Inent public nien throughout the country I bo present and address the convention. Mi Dlclnal. county and state authorities ai earnestly requested to send delegates. Against Hugo and Cholera. OTTAWA , Out. , Oct.7. Owing to the pro1 Blenco of Astatic cholera lit Europe , an ordi In council has boon passed prohibiting th Imporutlou of rags from Mcdltcrrancu ports. A Doutilo llnnclng. Four SMITU , Ark. , Oct. 7. bllasllampto ttid Saaborn Green w re hung to-day ) u tl United SUtce jail yard for murder. COMMENTS ON TUB FIZZLE. Lamentation ! oi Tory Papers on the Acquittal of Sullivan. \CopvriuhtlS87buJamt \ * Oonlnn HemutM LONDON , Oct. 7.-New | York llersld Cable Special to the BEE. I The government organ says of the Irish fizzle : "It Is Impos sible to deny that the breakdown ot the tlrst prosecution under the crimes act must seri ously damage the prestige of the Irish gov ernment From the report wo publish this morning It will bo seen not only that the summons Issued against the lord mayor has been dismissed but that the whole case against him seems to have been prepared by Dublin castlolas If they were stage managers In one of the farclal scenes in an opera DoufTo. What makes matters worse Is that In this Instance wo cannot blame a partisan Jury for such an untoward failure of justice. The acquittal of the lord mayor , was ordered by the paid magistrate of the crown whoso professional inteiests could not possibly tempt him to bo lenient to the prisoner against whom the crown was proceeding. " The Post , government organ , also linds fault , and says : "The counsel for the defense very properly insisted up on every part of the case being strictly proved , and through what wo cannot 'ielp thinking was Inexcusable mismanage ment , the case of the crown broue down. The Telegraph glows humorous over the result. The Times says : "It remains to be seen whether the legal advisors ot the govern ment hnvo lelt themselves equally unpro vided with evidence which would settle the Issue In their favor in the case ot the meet ings Illegally reported In this wook's Parnell- Ite journals. It so , It cannot bK denied that a grave error In judgment has been com mitted. " Lord Salisbury's right-hand organ , the Standard , begins a long , whining editorial thus : "The nationalists and their friends have a perfect right to rejoice at the ridicu lous collapse of the proceedings against Mr. Sullivan. " The News has a witty editorial , and says the dismissal was because the legal talent ot Dublin castle was unable to comply with the. requirements of the law. There Is not a word of comfort for Dai- four In any journal. London' * ) Small Quota of Socialists. [ CojjyrfyMciJ 1SS7 hiJama Gordon Ilemiett ] LONDON , Oct. 7. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the UEE. [ There are only 300 anarchists In London , at least only that number responded last evening to an adver tisement for "All anarchists to meet at Cleveland hall , Fitzroy square , to sympathize and to protest against tno execution ol the 11-fatod Chicago anarchists. " It is duo to Mrs. Cleveland's husband to say that this hall was so named before he became conspic uous and not because the anarchists fancy him. 1 went to the locality In search ot the meeting. It is a Bohemian locality. I found the doors padlocked. A janitor Informed me that the anarchists who had hired the hall were to-day refused its use by the timid cock , noy landlord , who Is far from belief in anarchy. A Samsonlan-looklng man , os peclally in strength of hair , coining to the door , said ho could take mo where the meet ing would bo held. It was not far away , in t sluminy spot toward Soho. Approaching this a state of apparentsloge showed Itself in cordons of policemen. Sir Charles Warren , commissioner of police , is as wary of an arclilsts as ho used to bo ot socialists. W < arrlvedat what turned out to be an anarchlsi lodxo. The thickly-haired wont In. No on < except members could enter. After waltlnf an hour I heard that resolutions of sympathy and protest were passed with hopes that tin United States court would bavo the courage to do its duty. 1 told my thick-haired In forraant that Americans wore quite- sure o that. So ended the charge of the anarchist' ! London light brigade as up towards aChlcagc gallows marched the throe hundred. Disaster to the DacoltH. LONDON , Oct. 7. Advices from Rangoon say : The British troops have surprised thi Bahshwey's chief camp , killed Bahsluvoy himself , and completely dispersed thi Dacolts. O'Flrlen'H Case Postponed. Drill.IN' , Oct. 7. The hearing In the cast of William O'Brien has been adjcurnee pending the decision of the appeal to tin superior court by the crown in the cast against Lord Mayor Sullivan. Summon * Dismissed. LONDON. Oct. 7. The summons obtalnet by Key. P. D. O'Keagan against Cantalt I'lunkett for trespass lias been dismissed b ] the magistrate * on the ground of irregularity FIG HTINO MJTLA W S. Desperate Battle With a Noted In dian Territory Desperado. FOUT SMiTir , Ark. , Oct. 7. A desperate fight occurred yesterday morning on the line of the Choctaw nation , sixty-live miles soutl of hero , between Deputy United States Mar shal George Williams and a posse of three men on one side , and a notorious outlaw named Bill Frazler , on tno other. Frazler li wanted In the United States court on varloui charges , horse-stealing and an assault wltt Intent to kill being among them. The officer : have had several rounds with him during the past summer , and yesterday brougtv him to bay In a farm house. Ills sur render was demanded , when ho threv open the door and tired on the rmrty with i shotgun , wounding Abe Barnlilll severely In the left ankle. The officers returned the tire and sought cover , when Frazler ran out will a six-shooter in each hand and broke for tin brush , lirluc on the officers as ho ran. Barn hill received two pistol balls in the left knee ono ot them shattering the bone , dcspiti which ho kept up the light with his compan ions until Frazier disappeared In a thicket whcro it is reported ho died soon afterward o wounds received In the tight. The wounded marshal was placed In i hack and conveyed twenty-eight miles on tin Frisco road , arriving hero on the train a midnight Ills wounds are quite serious am may ie.sult In the loss of his leg , if not hi : life. Deputy Williams and ono of his possi remained at the place where the tight oc curied , and up to a late hour this ovenlni have not arrived here , Frazlor killed i deputy constable at Enterprise , In thi county , several years ago , and has since wen from bad to worse , being considered ono o ttio most dangerous men in the Indian tcrrl tory. Employing Printers to Meet. CHICAGO , Oct. 7. An International con ventlon of the employing printers of th United States and Canada has been callei to meet In Chicago , Tuesday , October 19 , 1SS7 , for the purpose of devising plans fo united action upon the recent demand ot th International Typographical union that nln hours shall constitute a day's labor. Othe important matters will be presented for th consideration of tlio coaymtiou. The cal recommends that In towns where there arne no existlnz bodies ot employers meetings b hold at once and delegates named , or. If thi action Is not practicable , that Individua firms be represented. Weather Indications , For Nebraska : Italn or snow , followed b ; fair weather , colder , followed by higher tuni perattiro , fresh to brisk northerly winds. For Iowa : Fair weather , followed by rain collier , trosh to brisk northerly winds. * For Dakota : Snow , followed tnfa ! weather , lower , followed by higher tempers turt > , fresh to brisk northerly winds , becotn Ing variable. The Volunteer Overdue. MAiuii.EiiEAi ) . Mass. , Oct. 7. There 1 considerable anxiety among the people tin morning concerning the Volunteer. OL servatlon was made from Abbott Hal tower this morning , but she could not b sighted. Sue Is considerably overdue , f flEY ALL WANTED HIM TO GO Hho Denver Anarchist Was Unanimously Bounced By the Knights. BOGUS K. OF L. TRADE MARKS. Secretary Iittohman Thinks They Should lie Boycotted Mrs. Harry's Report on the Condition of Working Women. Buchanan's Bounce. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 7. J. P. MeGaughoy , iecretary of the co-oporativo board of the Knlehts of Labor , said this morning that the 'csultof ' the vote In the case of James I } , Juclianan , rejected delegate from District issombly 89 , of Denver , as given by the alter , was false and that the vote was mammons against Buchanan. General Secretary Lltchtnan presented his report to-day. It was very voluminous. It ihows that the number of members reported n good standing at the last session of the ; cneral assembly was 703,000. The receipts 'or ' the fiscal year ending July 1 are shown ; o be 838S.7UO , giving , with the balance ou land , a grand total of S" < 08,000. The consid eration of the question of establishing co-ooeratlve savings association was recotn- nendod ; also that assemblies oo made com pulsory Instead of permissive. Mr. Litch- uau figured the decrease In membership since the lust general assembly as 10.i,000. He Intimates that the bulk of this decrease was composed of material that had proved itself weakness rather than strength. Among the recommendations made by the general secretary Is one that the subject of ehtaoiishlng a co-operative savings associa tion be carefully considered by the commit tee on the stain ot the order and If deemed advisable , proper authority be given to secure on act of Incoiporatlon for the organisation and management ot such institution. The secretary further recommends that state as semblies bo made compulsory Instead of permissive ; thatthero be legislation which will ninko more stringent tha prohibition of the use of the name ot the order or any ot Its symbols for business purposes. On this point the secretary says the general assembly would bo justified in passing a law placing a boycott on every article upon which tin Initials ot the order or any ol Its BViuboIs were used without the sanction of the general executive board. Regarding the embezzlement ol tunds by local ollieers who subsequently ab scond , the secretary recommends it b < stated in the constitution that a notice o : tiialbesent to the last known address 01 the absconding officer bo considered lo-ra summons. Mrs. L. M. Barry , general iuvestl gator , made her annual report embracing thi result of her Inquiries into the condition ol the working women of the country. Havlni no legal authority she lias been unable ti make as thorough an Investigation in manj places as she would like , but upon tin strength of her observation and her expert ence Hho asks that more consideration b < given to , and more thorough educatlona measures bo adopted , on behalf of worklni women , the majority of whom are entire ! ; lnr.orant ot ecomonlc and Industrial ques tions. She recommends : that It bo raadi compulsory upon every district state or national assembly , to havi one or more educators ; tha organizers be urged to put forth greater el forts to Inculcate the true principles ot thi order In the minds of newly organl/ed locals that the order turn its whole undevlded at tention to the forming of co-operative eutet prises , particularly in manufacturing men's women's and children's garments , as in till : branch women suffer most from poor wages That we hero and now , " says the report "adopt a practical line of policy for uproot Ing corrupt and unjuit systems , in pursuit o which there will be no time lor making th order the battle field wherein to avenue rea or imaginary or personal grievances. In stances of cruel treatment of working womei are cited. The report of the general executive bean is very long. The committee takes up li regular order l.bK ) eases on which It hai passed during the year. Most of those an insignificant and few have any public iutOl est. Among the most Important document referred to Is the report ot the commute * 01 conspiracy appointed at tlio Richmond con ventlon. Alter preliminary report of Invos tigatlons and results , the committee has till to say ou bo-calted ' uiacKBsts : " "You committee are unammoii.-jly of the opinloi that a speedy example should be made n some way of the tnanv cases ot consplracj that are constantly arising , as It is very ovl dent the laws are being used forintlmldatloi of our brothers everywhere , with scarcely ai exception , and that the sooner such oxampl Is successfully made the hotter It will be , no only tor the Knights ot Labor , but for societ1 generally. Employers should bo made to tin durstand that laws are not akiuo made fo their special use and benefit. " The members of the order are recommendoi to refuse to purchase crockery made b' Knowlos , Taylor it Co. , of East Liverpool O. , on account of tno concern's opposition t < the order. A great number of other firm goods for similar reasons are "not recom mended. " The report from the committee 01 the state of the order rehearsed a dlscussloi with a similar committee from i trades union last December when ai attempt was made to settle grievance between the unions and the Knights. li closing the committee said : Onr opinion i that the so-called grievances , if they do ex 1st , are rather acceptable than otherwise t some persons in their organizations , bein used by them to accomplish selfish purpose.1 and wo believe a circular fsom our order sen to all trade and labor organizations explain ing our position on the question o trade organisation within th order would result In much good At the afternoon session reports were re co I veil from the committees on education t < n compilation ot conspiracy laws. The sec re tary of the co-optjratlvo board presented It repoit which manes many valuable sugge ; tions. Among other things It Is asked thn the board b given power to establish co-operativo agricultural and macliiner manufactory to bo run on a gram scale. The supposition Is that shouli the convention ratify this rccommoi : datlon , the headquarters of the concern corn will bo in this city and Its works ad jacent. Another recommendation Is t adopt a co-operative farm In Minnesota , ii Crow Wing county. The statement of th executive board with reference to the dllll culty with district assembly 120 makes , lirsi the point that John Morrison , the prim mover In thu trouble. Is not a member i good standing. The Richmond conventlo sustained this decision. Ho has ha opportunities to reinstate himself , but ha not taken advantage of them. The distrU steadily refused to obey orders , oven nfti the Hlgglus & Co. strike was settled , an resolved In Its meeting not to comply wit the order of the board. Mr. Powderly sal to-night : "This Is the best convention tli knights ever held. They are live days ohea ot the Klchmoud convention In point ( time. " A. Horrible Death. SiiEHMAN' , Tex. , Oct. 7. A horrible deal is reported to have taken placn at Prostor thirty miles northwest of Sherman , las night. The deceased , G. M. Crouch , a n spected farmer , seventy-six years of agi VS * literally eaten to death by a pecull : style of maggot , fcpovvu as the screw worn w'hicii Is bred by a fly whiea ! * very trotibh some to cattln In tills state , and wliicu ! , " their eggs only in tresh blood. They woi deposited In Crouch's nostrils while ho w ; asleep , hisnoso having bled just previous ! ' His tout-in ) and the palate ot his mouth uei eaten out , and tlio throat literally cut t their incessant workings. Competitive Drill. CmcAfio , Oct. 7. The following troot took part In the competitive drill to-day Company A , Thirteenth Ohio , ( Firbt Illinois , Toledo Cadet , Company I Third Wisconsin , and Company K , Fir Colorado. The Veteran Fife and Dru corps , of. New York gave n portormanc Major Kuott canvluz thn famous drill which was carried by his grandfather at tl surrender of Lord Corn w\llls and utterwan by UU tattler lu the \yar ot SPAIIRB OVERUULKO. Secretary Lamar Hestoro * 020,000 Acres tn the St. I'anl lload. WA HINOTOX , Oct. 7 , The secretary of he Interior to-day rendered two Important decisions affecting tha rigfit of land grant railroads to Indemnity lands , the question being the extent to which the right of sclec- Ion to such lands can bo oxnrclsed. The question arose upon the adjustment made by ho commission of the general land officeof hograntof the Chicago , bt. Paul , Minneap olis * Omaha railway. The Siocietary re verses the proposition ot the commissioner hat the company was not entitled to ndemnlty on account of prior grants for other purposes , Including swamp grants , Indian reservations , and moieties of othei toads under contemporaneous grants. The commissioner also changed the terminal Hin ts of the grant so as to exclude thcrnfrom several thousand ncrrs which wore 'ormerly Included therein. 1'hls , the secre tary holds , cannot bo done. The commis sioner treated tlio grant to the Wisconsin Ccntial road as contemporaneous with that of the Omaha road , and deducted from the atter's gran tone-halt the lands within and overlapping the ten tulle limit of thu formet and the six mlle limit of the latter , amount- nr to about lU'J.OOO acres. The secretary loTds that the grant to the Omaha company within Its six mlle limit was prior In date and awards that company all hinds within .lie . conflicting limits. He also restores to the company 65,000 acres deducted bv the commissioner for the Wisconsin Farm Mort- ! Rgo company. Tlio second decision nppllef o the Haylicld branch and deals witti the company's fatluro to construct Its road upon a line of definite location. The secretary Inds ample reason for deflection on account of engineering difficulties , etc. ThoelTectol ho decisions Is to allow the company aboul 204ouo acres additional indemnity for the naln line and l' > ,000 acres for the Bayllold branch. Utah Commission Minority Report \VA8iiiNflTON , Oct. 7. John A. McClor- nand and A. B. Carlton , of the Utah com ntssion , have submitted a minority report llssontlng from some ot the views of th < majority of the commission , recently sub mitted. The dissent Is partlculaily as regard ; the general animus and propriety of Intro luclng theological discussion Into a seculai document The dlssontera say that early Ir the present year they thought they discov ered a disposition among the Mormons t < clvo up the practice of polygamy and liavi used tholr influence to Induce the Mormons ti take such a step. The commissioner disclaim any interference In the question o statehood for Utah , but consider that a stroni advanced position Is gained when the mas ot the people arc Induced to place themsulve on record hi opposition to polygamy. Tin dissenters say that while the great mass o the Mormon people are making efforts to the abandonment ot polygamy , they dcclln to recommend further legislation of a hostll and aggressive character , almost if not en tlrely destructive to salt-govern mont and In dieting punishment on tno Innocent as wel as the eullty. The commissioners Insteai recommend the adoption of an amcndinen to tfle constitution prohibiting polygamy ii any form. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegrai : to the BKK.J Nebraska pensions : Lucy An : Pratt , former widow of Stacy Shortt , Hari Ington. Original : Stacy Shortt | deceased , llartlngton ; JohnWhlttemyor , West Union Increase : Dennis Dorsheiuier , Nellgh. Iowa pensions Mexican war : G. S. Bllsi Durango. Original : J. M. Porter , Alula Frank Egleston. Falrbank ; William C. Car ter. Atlantic ; William J. Davis , Iowa Falls J. H. Schuneman , Bodhsboro ; L.C. Mecheiii Contorvillo ; NlckalaurvWoDer , Hockdalo , II K. Ackerman , LineiUle. Increase : P. C Hewitt , Leaiido ; John Cherry Holmes Crawfordvillo. I Postal Chnnfiei. WASHINGTON , Oct ] 7. [ Special Telegrar ' to the BEE.I A posto'flico was established a Mystic , Appanoose cdunty , la. , to-day an Dennis M. Vandike' was appointed post master. The postolTico at Last Chance. Luea county , has been established , with David NY Ulan as postmaster. The following changes In star schedules li Iowa were announced to-day : Durango t Luxtimburgli : Leave Durango daily , cxcec Sundays , at'J p. m. , arriving at Luxemburg bv 8 p. in. ; leave Luxemburg ) ! dally , oxcoc Sundays , at 6 a. in. , arrive at Durango by p. in. From October S , 18S7. A New Nebraska Bank , WASHINGTON , Oct. 7. The comptroller o the cuirency to-day authorized the Centr ; Nebraska National bank of David City , Neb to begin business with a capital ot 3511,000. BRINGING AKUAD TO TIME. Division Superintendent Arrestei For Re fas I nd to l-'unilHti Cars. FAUGO , D. T. , Oet. 7. [ Special Telograi to the BKK.J Tne arrest of Division Supe Intendent Graham , of the Northern Pacltii to-day , is the culmination of a blttor light be tween Mr. Hawks , ot Buffalo , Dak. , and c this city and of the Northern Pacific road Mr. Hawks was refused cars for his whca so he claims , and ho then put the grain int sacks and delivered them at the depot n common freight. Hi filled the platform an piled the bags up In the waiting room unt the depot aszent couk hardly find room t breathe. Then the railroad company offerei him cars to load his 'heat , but he wanted t empty the sacks and ship the wheat in bulk The company refuse to allow him this , on afterwards , Mr. Hav k says , refused to giv him cars to ship the i acks. Ho then cause the arrest of Divlslo ; Superintendent Or : ham. Graham was i crested under the intet state commerce law , which prohibits nnjii ; discrimination , Thi grain law of Dakot makes it the duty ot the railroads to furnis cars to farmers on ja side track , and Mi Hawks first made his demand for cars undc this provision of the law. More About McGlynn , NKW YORK , Octj 7. [ Special Telegrai to the BKI : . ] The ? Sun says : It becam known yesterday tlilt Bishop John Moora r St. Augustine , Fla.iad sent another appl cation to the pope to , have the case of Di McGlynn reopened. ) When Cardinal Gil bous was in Home lip received from Dr. Bur sell , Dr. McGlynn'sjcounsel , _ the defense c Dr. McGlynn's counse. It was addressee not to the prefect uf the propaganda , as should have been , If it was intended as formal defense , but It was in the shape of letter to Cardinal Ulbbnns. Cardinal Gil bens therefore did not hand the letter to tli propaganda , but rial communicated Its coi tents to Cardinal Simeonl as a document i the case. Cardinal Gibbons was In no wa authorized to act as Intermediary in the ca between Dr. rMcGlynn and his archbishn and scrupulously avpldod Interfering. Blsho Moore has all alongilnsisted that thu prop ; ganda should reopen the case and vesterda lie lorwarded a secopil request to Homo nsl ing that Dr.McGlynn's counsel bo hoard wll a view to annulllngjtbo sentence ot ex-con numlc.itlon. Calhpllo authorities hero nei of the opinion that' ' Bishop Moore's ell'oi would bo fruitless , Inasmuch us Dr.McClyn had refused to obey the mandate calling hi to Koine , A Hanking Klrm Tnov , N. Y. , Oct 7 Oitfon , Calder & Cc baukers arirt brokers , made an asslgnmot this morning. ThoTnrne'Wt. Involved is n yet known , but it libelieved to ba tjjuvan of 5500,000. The assignment provide- , for tl payment of all juU and reasonable cost salaries of employe- * , payment In full of tl positors in the savings'department and nether other debts as far as possible. A Stoukmun Skip- * . Toi'KKA , Kan. . Oct. 7. Considerable e cltomcnt was created to-night by the ai nouncemont that Frank Jackson , the we known stock man of the famous Mnple III live slocic farm , had made a hasty asslgi ment and sklpjied out for some uukiiou place. His liabilities are pl.tced at 5-75.0C Jackson's father I.-t thu heaviestloser. THE BIG TELEGRAPH TRUST , The Western Union Successfully Swallows the B , & 0. GOBBLED UP BY JAY GOULD. The Stouk to Bo Watered to tins Ex tent of Five Million Dollars Robert Garrctt Duck From Europe , Bought nt Imst. fYoiiic , Oct. 7. [ Special Tclosram to the BEE.J Tlio annual mooting of the West ern Union Telegraph company occurs next Wednesday , and In the proxies that have ) een sent out , the shareholders are informed hat the meeting will bo an unusually Impor tant one. The capital stock'wlll then bo In- reased , but it was hinted yesterday that somethlng"moro than 85,000,000 required for ho Baltimore & Ohio pmclmso might be added. It was belloved In some quarters hat other opposition lines , with the Mackay- jennott cables , had been secured. In reply oan Inquiry on this point , Gould said posi tively that there were no negotiations In pro- cross , and several directors declared that the ncreaso of capital would not exceed 55,000,000. There will be no general change n the rates at present , although there will be j natural adjustment , now that the companies have been united. The 10 cent rate may be advanced In some cases , but this course will lo pursued only where competition has been the severest. A member of the executive committee remarked : "Thero need not bo the slightest fear that the consolidation will result In an advance of telegraph rates. Gould's views on this subject are well known and the directors are fully satisfied with the success of his policy. There could be ) no general advance oven If the com pany was not making money at present rates because It would oxclto opposition. Tlio day of high rates has passed forever. " II. Victor Nowcomb , talking about the matter , said : "I think this transaction changes the whole situation and speculative temper. It will bo of great benefit to the street , although I do not look for such an etfect as would bo produced lu former days. But the now stock of the Western Union goes into the hanels of Important for eign houses , who will not bosatishcd to nego tiate it at any 5 per cent advance. The prob abilities aru that It will lead to the listing of stock on the Louelon stock exchange , tor the Inlluonco of the syndicate will bo likely to allay nrevlous opposition. The result of long telegraph contest demonstrates that private capital cannot successfully compete with the Western Union organization at any rate ? . There is not likely to bo any new en terprise started in that direction tor a lone time. " NEW YOHK , Oct. 7. [ Press | Robert Gar- rntt returned from Europe this morning ; . When spoken to in connection witli the sale ot the Baltimore & Ohio teleirraph Hues he would say nothing. Dr. Norvln Green dlt ! not want to see the reporters to-day and .laj Gould was too busy with meetings to talk S. Mervillo , press acent of the Western Union , says the particulars of the Baltimore & Ohio purchase , were , he understood , sub stantially published. The details have nol yet been arranged , but the properly will now be operated for the account of the Western Union anel as a part ot Its system. There will be no great advance In fates. The board of directors of the Westorr Union have officially ratified the contract toi tha purchase of the Baltimore & Ohio tele graph lines , and the company has taken for mal possession. Garrett has given his ap proval In legal form. MARRIED THIS MESSENGER. A Sensational Scene In a St. Ijouli Police Court. Sr.'Louis , Oct. 7. The Four Courts was tin scene of inoro bustle- than usual yesterda : morning. A mlddlevagcd lady with tear stained eyes , a defiant daughter and a Pacliii express messenger were the principal actor In quite a sensational scene. The middle aged ladv was Mrs. Alice Anderson , o Columbus , ' Ky. , the girl was he young daughter , Jossle , sixteen year old , and the express messenger wa Charles Keys , who has a route on the Iroi Mountain road. On Sunday last Miss Jesse who had been intimate with the messenger eloped witli him , riding to this city in a Pa cllic express car from her Kentucky homo Mrs. Anderson , who Is the widow of a physl clan who lived in this city some years ago , missed her daughter a few hours after he departure1 , and located her In this city. She was found late Wednesday night at 823 lire men avenue , and Keys , who had taken hoi from her home , was arrested earlier in tin evening after ho had chocked oil his run a the Pacific express ollice. When Mrs. An derson reached the Four Courts jester- day morning she was disposed to sene her daughter to the Good Shopliore convent anel Keys to the penitentiary She learned later that her daughter was In i delicate condition and came to the coneluslor that it would bo better to let her marry tin messenger. Several scenes cnsueel befori tlio license was taken out at the recorder1 ! office , but after many tears were shed , Mrs Anderson reconciled herself to the situation Alter the license was taken out , Mrs. Ander son , accompanied by her daughter and pros pective son-in-law , went to the residence o Charles Dnvore.'l&iS Pine street , where tin ceremony was to have been performed. Late In the evening , however , they went to tin residence of one of Keyes' trlends , where In had arranged to have thu knot tied. THE RECORD COl'lEO. The Transcript In the Anarchist Close Ready For the Court. CIIICAOO , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele-gran to the BEK. ] Tlio work of copying the record In the anarchist case tor usft In tin United States supreme coiut is finished , am tlio copy will now bo sent to Ottawa fo comparison and certification by tlio clerk o the Illinois supreme court. Tno work wa completed In a shorter time than was antic ! pated , and the type-writer lorco was bus ; arranging the 8,000 pages into volumes to b < bound betorn belli : ; delivered to Captaii Black. The record will bo classified accord mg to subject , the evidence , rulings speeches , etc. , making separate series There will be about twenty volumes. Cap tain Black said : ' 'Wii can do nothing nntl after the record shall have ) beau leturnei from Ottawa with the proner certificate o the court thereon , and just as soon as I cai get It I will go east in company with Mr Solomon and begin the ; preparation of tin petition for presentation to the supreiin court of the United Steles. ' 1 ho wort o preparing the petition In its final form wll be done by nil the counsel jointly. The ele taiK of the ) action onfore tlio supreme court or to which justice application shall b made , we cannot now stite. That will bi settled later on. " Cuptaln Black will prob ably start Monday evening. Yellow Jack In Winter Quarters. TAMi'A , Flo. , Oct. 7. Pliy sicmns here thi morning pronounced thu cxlstoncn ot yello\ foyer. There are only two cases , both of inUil type. There lias been ono death. Th people aioteiror stricken and the city Is bein eleserted. Thotevor will not likely becom epidemic fe > r several days , if at all. ' 1 hero 1 little real cause for general alarm as th VTfaflier is most favorable to health au eaily treat Is anticipated. Cardinal Gibbons in I'ortl.ind. Poitn.AM ) , Ore. , Oct. 7. Cardinal Git bous armed In this city this evening isn WHS escorted to the archeplscoptl resi deuce by all the Catholic societies In the cltj Contractor * CmeJAOo , Oct. 7. Statfoul & Mnrph ; h\ery men and street contractors , made a assignment this inornlni ; . Liabilities , ? IC 000 ; assets , nominally , THE CORN PALACE. Crowds Than Ever Attend Sioux Clty'i Celebration. StotfxCirv , ia. , Oct. 7.-Spoclal [ Telegram - gram to the BKE.J So far as weather , crowds and success are concerned , to-day has been a repetition of the previous days ot the week. The crowd ttkdwv | $ estimated at from twenty-five to th ty thousand people. The combined parade of the forenoon was a grand success. The militia , civil , military and trade societies , tire department and In dustrial Interests of the city wort ) fully rep resented. This afternoon the imposing ceremonies conducted by the Ma sonic fraternity of the northwest in connection wlfh the laying of thp corner stone ot the chamber of commoico anel opera house , was witnessed by an Immense crowd. The olllcers ot the grand oiganlzntlon were present nnd conducted the exercises. Al though differently announced , the manage ment to-day statu that the palace will only bo opened next week In case President Cleveland decides to visit the oity. As there Is considerable doubt as to this , the proba bilities are that the festivities will end to morrow night. A war dance by the baud ot Indians formed an Interesting feature of this evening's programme. Supreme Court Decisions. DES MOINKS , la. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J The supreme court filed the following decisions hero to-day : State of Iowa vs Elmer Calhoun , Appellant , Mahaska district , afllrmod ; City of Waterloo vs The Union Mill Company , appellant , Blackhawk circuit , affirmed ; George M. Kid- dlo vs Clinton S. Fletcher , appellant , Ida district , appeal dismissed ; .1. W. Morrison vs K. K. Spencer and H. li. Emmort , apjiaifants , Osceola district , reversed , ' , James Ifbtiars , of the Cedar Itaplds Insurance Company , ap pellant , reversed and re-ulal recommended ; William Drake vs B. Kingsoaker , appellant , Wapello district , reversed : Great Western Printing Company , appellant , vs Tucker , Bauson ct al , Kookuk superior , affirmed ; William liiunson v.s Nicholas , Sheppord & Co. , appellants , Osceola circuit , ntlinutul ; W. F. Show , appellant , vs Hoard of Supervisors. Johnson county , action to test the legality of a special tax levied on certain lauds , re versed ; Daniel H. Moody vs J. C. Edwards etal , appellants , Guthrle circuit , affirmed ; \ \ . T. Wilson v.s John Hawthorn , appellant , Harrison circuit , reversed. A Prohibition Reor Seller. DES MOINKS , la. , Oct. 7. Mr. S. Mowelcr , elected justice of the peace by the prohibi tionists of Klngsloy , la. , has got Into trouble. A dispatch from Sioux City says that ho was arrested on a charge of retailing malt and sphltuous liquors without n license. The defendant was discharged , but the evidence went to show that ho kept constantly on hand an amount of llquor.s. A number ol witnesses testified to having gotten from Him beer on several occasions. A number of others admitted to having got hold of beer by using a win dow and crawling Into It where if was stored and taklni ! as much as a dozen bottles at a time. The liquor he kept , ho ex plained , was for the use of an Invalid wife , The prosecution tailed to prove that he re ceived any amount for liquor or beer , and sc ho was discharged. It seemed a little pecul iar , however , that the beer could b stolen trom the cellar so systematically and In sucli quantities without somn notice or piotesta lion on his part. That such an amouiii should have been stored for medical purpose ! also looked a lltclu shy. In company will : others the prohibition Instlco of the peace Is engaged In enforcing the prohibition law. GENOA'S INDIAN BAND. It is Comlne to Omaha to Bee Prcsl dent Cleveland. GENOA , Neb.Oct. 7. [ Special to the BEE. The Indian band of the industrial schoo has made arrangements to go to Omaha t < see President Cleveland and party. The : will leave here Tuesday , and arrive In Onmhi about 5 p. m. They have lately secured nov instruments , and uniforms , and make a ver : fine appearance. Tholr playing Is remark ably good , and certainly a credit to them selves and worthy of special commenda tlon. _ i'ho Fair at Friend. FRIEND , Nob. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tclocran to tno BEE. I To-day was the fourth day o the Filend Fair association. Hon. C. H Van Wyck delivered a rousing speech to i largo and appreciative crowd on the fa I grounds this afternoon. As is usual wltl Mr. Van Wyck he handled the railroads am other monopolies without gloves. The races at the association grounds till : year have given moro satisfaction than anj previous year. The entries havei beem largi with a good showing of stock , vegetables etc The gate receipts so tar liavobcen nearly om thousand dollars. Taking eveiythlng li consideration the fair at Friend has been r success this year , The lndci > nnelnnis or Cherry. VALENTINE , Neb. , Oct. 7. | Special Telegram gram to the BEE. ] An Independent party consisting of both political parties , wa formed hero last night. A full county tickc was placed In the Held , as follows : Clerk George L. Fisher : treasurer , E. McDonald sheriff. George Lane ; Judge , O. H. Foss superintendent , J. E. Bowen ; surveyor Harvey Holsclaw : coroner , Georiro Bryson commissioner , H. E. Dowoy. Itralnard O , Dnvid City 7. BnAiNAitn , Neb. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele groin to the BEE. ! The game of ball at tin Butler county fair at David City between tin David City and Bramard clubs for a prl/o o S r > , resulted In a victory tor the Braltiardsb a score of 0 to 7. Ilundieds ot dollar chanced hands on the leisult of thu paint It was the closest contested match eve played In the city. Cherry County' * ) Fair. VALENTINE , Nqn. , Oct. 7 [ Special Tele cram to the Bin.J : The Cherry county lai closed yesterday after a most succcssfti meeting. Fine weather and largo premium brought a largo crowd nnd many last raceri from abroad. The agricultural display was splendid exhibit ot the resources of th county. Sewnrd'H Electric flight. Sr.WAiiu , Neb. , Oct. 7. [ Special' to th BIK. : I Definite arrangements Imvo beoi made ID furnish electric light for thu biislnes places of Seward. Nearly every mcichan In town has subscribed and thu lights wll bo put In about December 7. A Democratic SEWAKI ) , Neb. , Oct. 7. [ Special to th UKK. | The democrats havn already begui to ti.uln other nutn on ilielr ticket for tholi candidates forcleik and treasurer. An Old SI.-in Missing. ViNCENNF.s Ind. , Oct. 7-On the Ifcth e December , lbS5 , was chronicled the marrlac ot Hiirriboii Posey , of Sweotwatcr , Tex. , an a lady whom ho had known and loved lu gir hood , forty-six years before. The event too place in Brucoville , near here , and tlio n manco of tlio event was the gossip of th neighborhood at thu time , th'i more so as hot parties had long since passed the merldla of lite- , The last chapter of tlio story is le- pleaslng. Mrs. Poiey , owing to lli-healtl \\as compelled to abandon her souther home and como north. On the 7th of Set tnmber her husbind started from Swee water , Tex. , to Vinconnes. A son wrote t hihwlto hueseion after his departure ) to h quire If ho had arrived In safety. Helm not arrived , and numerous letters have beei exchanged between herself and son-ln-luv but no tidings can bo had ot lier mlvsln Ini liiinil , As bet probably had \\ithlili a considerable sum of money , there are soui grounds for tear that he has been robticd i\u murdcied. All attempts to trace ) him atte Ills departure ) from home have thus Ix proved futile. Mrc. I' . oy Is exccedinu'l anxious to know Ids whereabout * , and grliit stricken o ver his d' ) II was eluhty-Uvo years , of a 'c ; KEARNEY WILL RAISE CAIN , The Farnons Sand Lot Orator On His to Stump the Eastern States. CHINESE QUESTION UPPERMOST Dennis In Fnvor of llclcgntlnK Kvory Mother's Sun of n MonK"Han Spalpeen to Ills Native Jlontli , Dennis On" For the IToto ( Knat , CiiicAno , Oct 7. [ Special Telegram W ho BKI : . I Just before Daunts Kearney , ot San Francisco sand lot fame , started from Chicago for New York this afternoon , ha said : "I'm going toarouso the eastern cities on the question , and before 1 have inishod I intend to start the ball a-iolllne in Canada. The antl-Chlneso war Is waging on ho Pacific coast as it never has before. It la ho only formidable question that labor 1ms o contend with to-day. The Chinese have hrown thousands of Americans out otvorlc and they still continue to como by the ship- oad. The Chinese law Is adoad liitter. " ' 'How can that bo ? " "I'll toll you. There Is a provision in tha restriction act permitting n Chinaman al ready here to return to China with a certifi cate that will penult him to land again In America. This piovtslon Is used as a loop tolo to smuggle through Chinamen by tha .housands. Chinamen who have certificates give them to these who have none , and as all Chinamen look alike , no ono Is the wiser. " "How do the others get through ? " "They are brought before the court on a writ of habeas corpus and the courts have do- clded that they have a right to land , and , again , the corruption of the federal courts out theio tn something appalling. They arc as venal as was ancient Home. Ervrythluit is controlled by the bosses and it Is ot no use to fe-ek tediuss In the courts. " "How are you come o conduct your cam paign ? " " 1 am going to advocate two methods of redress in New York this fall. In the first plnco 1 am coin ? to advocate the Mitchell tilll and urge itsuassairoln the next congress. It Is for absolute restriction and will receive the hearty suppoitot the I'aclllo slope. And then 1 shall advlso the New York laboring men to vote thn demociatic ticket. It Is a Ir.ct that the democratic party of Now York Is the antl-Chlueso party and the laboring man's party. Kveiy democratic congressman from that state voted for absolute restriction and every republican voted against it. " "Will this agitation over develop Into an other political party ? " " 1 think not. The democratic party wll I ospotibo our cause and will bring the ontlro Pacific slope into our lines. " Then you will support Cleveland In "If ho continues as he has so far. If to-day were election day ho would carry California and all the rest of the Pacific states. You see , we aie just exactly where wo were twenty years"ago. It has been a gioat back- set.and is all duo to judicial coiruption. " "What is the sentiment In San Francisco In regard to the Paclnc railroad Investiga tion ? " "The western people would think a great deal more e.f congress It It would appoint a commmittoa to investigate- the acts and cor ruption of thu federal courts. Oh , that la such a common thlnir that the people think ; nothing ot It. The legislature wishes to bo bribed. They go to Sacramento with that In tention and everything tn a political line m managed by the bosses and conducted on a bribing plan , " Kenrney arrived from San Francisco this morning. [ I'rossJ. Dennis Kearney , the agitator , arrived In Chicago from the I'aclda coast this morning and left for Now York In the afternoon to take part In thu three- cornered political struggle waging between the democrats , republicans and followers ot Henry George. Konrnoy on reaching Chicago cage made an immediate olTort to see tlio condemned anarchists , particularly Par sons. The Pacific const agita tor was quietly but firmly denied admission to the jail by tlio managers In chargo. Ho went away lamenting and telling how four years ago ho had advised Parsons to leave bombs alone and take to ballots or ho woulel suicly get his neck In the halter , but Par sons only laughed. Kearney says that on reaching Now York lie will make a scries of speeches , taking tlio mound that thnque'stion ot questions lor workmginen at this time Is not far off the Issue ol land taxation , but t'io ' laboring people should concentrate ) every ctlortupon passing a law through tlio very next session of congress making the exclu sion of Chinese from the country absolute. Ho will urge that the Iwnds ot the democrats bo strengthened , their rupiesentatlves at present bumi ; the stioimost null-Chinese advocates. It will ho an immeasurably greater victory ho thinks tor the worklngmcn now to help pass the Mitchell anti-Chinese bill when con gress assembles for a side Issue than to weaken the democracy and indirectly strengthcn tholr prenChlnese republican op ponents. After leavlnir New York Ke > army proposes to renew his Chinese agitation In the principal cities ot Canada. WnntreJ Ilia Wlfo Murdered. ItAi.Einii , N. C. , Oct. 7. Yank Allen and his wlfo , who live near Bingham school , In Almanac county , have had as a resident m their house for some tlmo n girl named Ida Armstrong. Allen paid some attentions to the girl , and the wife upbraided her husband for It , threatening also that she would Inform the neighbor ? . Day before yesterday AI Ion's wlfo was found In a path near the house. She had been shot four times with a revolver ver , the bullets striking her In the breast , temple , ear and hand. Suspicion fell on thu Armstiong Kill , who finally made a lull con- 'lession. ' Sha says that Allen cave her tha pistol and told her how to shoot his wlfo. The L-irl waylaid her , as Allen had planned , and shot her four times. Both Allen and the girl are in jail , and the Indignant nuiglibor.-f tlueatun to lynch them both. Mrs. Allen la reported to bodying. Prollnuiry Injunctions I'orpotunl. KiriiMoND , Va. , Oct. 7. .ludgo Bond , of ; the Unlteel States court , to-day rendered n decision in the several coupon cases before him , In which no makes perpetual In each case ) preliminary Injunctions heretofore granted. Thu judge ) enjoins the commonwealth's at torney in the ) state ) trom putting the law known as the "coupon ciushur" into force and effect. The opinion is very elaboioto and in it Judge Bonel character ! ? ) " ) the lo is- lature of Virginia as acting In elcliatico of the United States government. Thn SovPiily-Eliihth Session Cloied. Si'iNoriEU ) , Mass. , Oct. 7. The liniil meeting of the Seventy-eighth annual ses sion ot the American board was hold this afternoon and was largely attended. Uev. Dr. Plumb , ot Boston , offered a icsoliitlon { ' for the appointment ot a Hpeclal commltteo ot seven to Investigate the methods of tlio prudential committee. This was , debateel and laid on the table. The next meeting will bo held in Cleveland , O. Nchrnqknn'H Ruylni ; Clii'yonnn Dirt. Cm-.YKNNi : , Wjo. , Oct 7. | .Special Tele gram to the BEE. I A Ne-braska excursion party ot real estate buyers , niimbcrlne over two hundred , reached hero to-day. The ex cursionists will attend an auction sale of lota In thet lloldrego addition to Choxeuno to morrow. On Sunday they will leave foe Denver. I'anlci-StrLnlcmi Hy Earthquakes , ' HAVANA , Oct. 7. Owlpg to the almost dally shocks of earthquake at Santiago du Cuba , a panic has sel/.ed the Inhabitants and business is almost completely suspended , 'I ho 1'Uli Guard. Oi iV i A , Out. , Oct. b. Only four cruisers will I'outiiuiK lu the fisheries protection > Tvi'd alter the HHli lust. , the reist being \\itiiilrmn fn ii commission for the remain der of thu