Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 . . . THE OMAHA DAILY BIE : FRIDAY. OOTOBER 7 1887. , . . . ' ' .
M- . :
$ olemnlzatlon of the Simple Burial Bite !
of an Old Sect.
; Mow a Gang of Shoplifteri WaM
. Followed to the 8vor-Tho
* , MoNamara Caue-Other
' City Now , .
A I'rImItIvo Hurla ) .
A young man named Cooper , a fruit.
Doddlcr in tills city , died at St. ,1osoph'
ho5pitsl on Saturday last. lie had no
( home or relatives , but was a rnunibcr of
r the orthodox Jewish church and was of
; . Itus.ian descent. Ills remains were
: taken in charge by a number of people
, of his religious belier and brought to
1)roxcl & Maul's where they vero
. watclicd over day and night by three
men. On the day of his burial , soveril
of lii male acIuaIntances assembled in
. - the basement of the same store whore
the renirtins lay and , although they
seemed to know litttie about
- the use of a needle proceeded
to make a shroud out of
the cheapest muslin. Etch : man took
a part of the garment and shaped nnt
! eWCd as best Ito could. which it may
well be understood was In the most
primitive manner. When the shroud
was finished , it was placed around tim
. body anil the latter was placed in a "ro
ceiving box , " the property of the reIi.
bus socimty which was in charge of the
obsequies. A covurwas placed on time
box , and time latter was put in a hearse
¶ and drivan to the cemetery of the asso-
cmatlon soutimwcst of the city. Timero
wore also put iii time hearse several plain
. boards to be used as a coflin at the
. grave. It iIajpOflCI to Ime one of the re
. ligious festivals of the society , a day
jmon svkch no practical member of
the church wmild work and the question
- arose wimother it was a violation of tim
law of their church to work in digging a
I grave. A man however. was found who
did not belong to timeir church and was
induced to dig time grave. V1ien this
grave was finisimed , a plain board was
: - - laid in time bottomii of the grave. The dc
ceased was removed fromn tim receiving
box and laid UpOfl the board in time grave.
A 1)111(1W of $ flhil was plaCOt under his
. head the other boards svero rudely fash-
ioncd iito a box around iiini and then time
grave was filled. Simort funeral prayers
were said anti the obsequies were over.
Time wimolo mtiliir wits characterized
by time greatest simpBcity , the idea being
the strictest conformity to time laws of
, their clmmmreim that , as miman comes iimto the
world with nothing , lie ought to leave it
. as nearly its possible in the same mactier.
A Band of Stiop-Ltflcr Driven Out of
r Town fly Omme strrest.
r The arrest of I'.cllio Jackson for shop.
: lifting him rid the city of a gang of pro-
; fcssional thieves. Tint woman is cvi-
: dently an experienced lmttnd in time
: busimmess. Site claimed to have sonic
: friends who ware to have met her at
Falconer's. After she had been arrested
one of these friends , a woman , called at
the store in question but Was not in.
formed as to the fate of Miss Jackson.
When the latter was released she was
shadowed by Officer Cullan and followed
to Milton Rogers & Sons' store , where
. she priced a number of ranges cooking
and heatitmg stoves. She mac no par-
chases , however , and during her inquiries
, simo was watched by a member of the
pollee force. Site finally approached the
. - telephone mind informed two men not to
attempt to meet before reaciming time
. dopot. At that place she was joined by
. two fellows and with them crossed into
Iowa. The whole business showed that
site was a professional anti further that
, she was but one of a gang who had
come hero to "work" the town. But her
p arrest compelled her and Imer pals to get
. out of reach of further danger.
3lcSamara and Curria floth Fined.
, 'rho case of MoNamnara , the butcher ,
was up in police court yesterday and the
' testimony of Mr Currie was that
. McNamnra agreed to take the books
& . In question and allow that in payment.
That ho came to the house and
. presentcd the bill , refusing to aeknosvl
: edge time agreement , amid words Imaving
I ensued. a light was imminent. when Mrs.
iL Currie interfered. That McNnmara said
it time bill was not paid he would take it
out of Currie's hide , and furthermore
- . that lie would publish time family as ( ball
h beats. not only in time dead beat published
. list but in the churches as well. Mrs.
Ctmrrie's testimony was simillar to that
, of her husband. Another swore to some
A facts sustaining the prosecution. Mc.
Namara testified that tie admnmtted in sub.
stance .whmat was said and done , except
- its to the books. This ho said ho promised -
ised to take when the books tie was using
had been all used but timat they would not
e be used up for a month or sc yet. It was
, - also testified to that the defendant stood
, Ofl the outside of the house and drew the
attention of 1)001)10 to the alleged fact
. that the Curries were dead beats , and
that lie also rode along the street , pull.
- Ing UP his wagon and attracting the at.
- tontion ofeverybotly wittiout hearing by
reiterating tim statcmncut. There was
much amusement created by time testi.
mony , and ( tie parties argued their own
casoi as they proceeded to detail their
' own side of time case , and it WS with
difficulty that the court anti oflicers
. could repress timis tendency. McNamnara
was hued IfS.90 , incluhing the costs ,
r which imo promptly paid. Time tables
wore then turned on Carrie , who was
I charged with disorderly conduct , amid
j consternation took time place of smiles on
the vart of time Curries. McNamarn said
: r he ibid not wish to Prosecute , but the city
attorney would have it otherwise , and
after some squabbling all around Carrie
pleaded guilty tutL was lined 5 : tut.t costs
Facts Abrnmt Timo.oWho Itavo Io
Pnrleil Ths Life.
Mims. A. e. ciusuor.r.
Wctlncsthty evening. Mrs. A. C. Cimis
helm. of Dotivur , ( hell on the train on item
. way to this city. Upon time arrivtI ; of thim
. train here , time ronittins wore con
veyed to tim. mimidertaking roonu
of 1)rcxol & MtttI. Yesterday after
. , noon at 4:3u o'clock they were convoyw
. to time residence of Mrs. F. M. Mao loii
mttiglm , Wim ( ) IS flu old friomiti of time fimuil :
of limo dece.scd , on California 8truet mien
Twuimly-tiurd. Mrs. Utmisholmmi was mar
iloti but two wcek ago in Sami lmego
. timid about a vcek since wemi
to Demiver , where site becam
seriously ill , tutu upon time rttcoiiimneiitla
tiomm of phmysmciaiis she started for tim
cast , intending to spomiu 801110 tinie u
; her iLrcnts' : imotmic in Jacksoim , Dak. Sit
. S'iIS 11W tlauglmtur of Cnmtaimi O'Connor , al
alit 8ottler of time place. She was m
beautiful wolmian mind in tier several visit
to this PliCe , a couploof years agomado
I imumubur of friends in this city. 11cr inn
banti accoiitpatmio'l ' tier mttitt is now Ii
: tOVi greatly prostrated by ( ii
, shock occasioned by tier dcatL
. 11cr sIster , Mrs. ( ireon , of 51cc ,
. City , who was telerap hod of Mrs. Cimlm
, helms illmicss front 1. ) enver , and wit
tied left to zitcot liar , is in town , liaviu
been apmrisctt of the latter's iliuc
when atic arrived In this cit
* , , Qfl her waywes. The pnremts and. fan
Ut Mrs , ' CbIko1u arrived hero lax
. .
-x- . _
- - - - -
evening from Jackson , flak. and Smoux
City , Ia. The funeral will take place to.
day , and tht remains wilt be Interred in
time former place.
Moses 1)iima ! , an oitt and well known
citizen , tiled Wednesday at No. 2417 South
'rwcnty-fourth street , at time ago of sixty.
five. lie was a prominent member of
assembly No. 4rI2 , Kitigiits of Labor. lIe
will bo burled this morning at 10
o'clock from the imnIortaking establish.
mont of iiarret & llcafoy.
John Sawhlli , son of John 13. and
Frances Sawhill , died % Vedncsday at the
residence of his parents No. 1023 south
Twemity-timird street. The funeral took
place at 2 o'clock yestordaytho interment
being at Prospect lull ccmetcry.
1) . 1) ) . hardy has gone to Columbus on
a business trip.
0. it. Ilansen lies enlarged his restaurant -
ant , antI now has a most commodious es-
No quoruni being present at tim gtmn
club Wednesday night time meeting was
postponed to Saturday night.
James P. hayes is confined to his room.
by illness.
E. 0. Mayficld , editor of time Reynolds
Reporter , was calling on friends in the
city yesterday.
Charles Uber was assessed 0.fO by
Judge Ieutiier yesterday morning for
disorderly comiduct.
Time Omaha Watcrworks company is
Preparing to 1)ttt Iii water mains emi N
Mrs. ( eorgc Lcbcrknccht , of Omaha ,
Is visiting Mrs. itcutimer.
Christian Soimthe has made a present
to the German Juthieran school of a ltkrgU
M. 11. Ish is sojourning in Council
Iliuffs for a few days.
A photograph of a group of school
eimildren In frommt of time First ward school
house was taken yesterday.
T , Foley , of Omaha , wits hero looking
at real estate yesterday.
A dance will take place this evcniiig
at time resilience of Mr. 'oodimmg , in
Another new store Is being erected on
Twenty-sixth street.
Monroe Itcynold , with P. W. llodson ,
will resign his position and open up ii
grocery store of his own during the coimi-
irmg week.
I'mmtrick Rowley. time Third ward bout-
face , has 501(1 out his boarding-imouso for
too0. ;
Time new bakery on Twemity-sixtii street
is almost completed and swill soon be in
The brick work of Armour's packing
house is going up rapidly.
The fertilizing department of Swift's
packing house is being put U and time
roof is all on time beef houses.
Time ltecd house has received time last
touches Oil time inside , and is now ready
for occupants.
Rev. Mr. Iliiton , former pastor of time
M. B. church of this city , of Freemout ,
was calling on friemmds yesterday.
Wednesday night the Nonpareil club
gave a social hop iii the Kniglmts of Labor
Email. A large and select number of
young people were present , and all
tlmoroughiy enjoyed tiienmselves. An
orchestra from Omaha furnisimed the
Time New Registration Law.
Time following extract from an address
delivered byMr. Andrew Bevies of this
city to the Fourth Ward Republican climb
at its last meeting , shows the importance
of prompt attention to the new election
law for metropolitan citics anti cities of
the first class.
'Fhe law allows von to register on four
ditrerentdavs and then only ; to wit , on
Ttmesdav of the fourth week , on Wednesday
of time third week , and on Friday and Sat-
unlay of the second week prcccdimig the day
of time November election.
Another section provides timat the board
of registration shall receive time application
for registration of such male residents of
timoir several election dIstricts as then are ,
or on time day of time election following
would be , entitled to vote therein , and wlmo
shah personally present themselves , and
such only.
"Under the old law a voter who had not
registered might swear in hIs vote omm dee-
tion day , but be syili not now be permitted to
(10 50. 'this law disfranchises every voter
wimo ( toes not recister as required by Its provisions -
visions ' mind wimhie It reinalims upon our st.t-
ute coo'km , and not declared voId by time
courts , it must be enforced by the Judms of
election , and consequently they vIii refuse
to trecelvo , on ciection day , tue baiIot of
every ierson wno has not been previousiy
registered. Andso I urge upon you the nec.
( Sity of acquainttng yourselves fuliy with
its provisions , anti of comnpiylng with thosmi ,
and of informing every republican voter
witim wimomn you many come In contact that
uiiless hum register at time time and place , amid
Iii time maimer required , lie will not be allowed -
lowed to vote , 'mere svhii be imo sivearlntc in
at the coining election , but the books of rag-
istration will be the silent Judires wimoso
edict shall inform time othicers of election as
to wimetimor or not your vote shall be received ,
and from timat edict there will be no appeal. ' ,
MootIn or ItmipIoyini I'rinters.
A meeting of time employing printers
of Omaha was held in the busmness ohlico
of the itces l'rintlng company. The
object was to consider the demand
made by the typographical union tinder
a recently passed law of the internatiommal
union that nine hours should
constitute a day's work on and after
November 1. Representatives ware pros-
cut from time establishments of Gibson ,
Miller & Richard son , Chase & Eddy ,
I(1anIs iSt Melinda , F. A. Manger ,
F. C. Festuer , Klopp Bartlett ,
and tim Roes Printing corn-
patty. Samuel Rccs was selected
its temporary prcmdent of time association ,
ittiut Mr. Adams , temporary secretary.
After a ulcussion of time objects for which
time meeting was called Mr. ltees was selected -
lected its a delegate from this city to the
Cimicago convention of employing priti-
L ters which imicuts in that city ott tim iStit
I _ _
flmrbors'.sqooiatIon ,
The barbers of this city have organized
an association and elected time following
officers : President , G. tipia ; vice-presi-
dent , George Stewart ; secretary , N.
Snmithi ; treasurer , Cimarles Vincent ; guide ,
\ Davis. 'rime object of time association -
ciation is benevolence and mutual 1r0-
tection in thu way of hours mind wages.
'J'Iicre are now fifty mnembers and a aiim-
ber .4 applications tor membership are
miomv on tue roll. The association svmhi
macat weekly until ever.ytiming can be
tlorie to insure ii comimmuon untlerstamidin"
itmimong the members anti tim socict
Piaceti on a firm basis. ' .I'ho next meet
meg will be iteki ott 1Jonday ovenimir. ol
iiext week in Iloruberger's hall.
Prospective 'Foacheri.
- An examluation of teachers for a1
(3 ( those desiring to become such in tii
public schoolsofthe city will be held tea -
a day and Saturday. It hias not yel
Li been decided whether the exitmninatior
t tvihl take place at time board of educatior
1.oomns or at the imighschiool building.
Tim , , Excavatora' Hotel.
Time boarding palace for the water
works at Florence , sonictimnes vulgarly
x callwl tint "shmamity , " is now in operation.
i. An ample sttppiy of dcries was sent
0 UI ) there yesterday , Some forty or fitt
mulct tviht begin ivork on the basins cUhei
iS todtty o to-morrow.
. Time bank lcarauces . yestcrday wer
it $ l6j3.0. , ; , . :
. . . I .
IWIU.m.u ,
Doings of the Knighta of I'ythlaa or
Nebraska ,
The interest manifested by prominent
members of the order of Knights of
Pythizt in different states in the Pythian
proceedings of Omaha next wcek tend to
show the importance of time occasion.
Witii the session of time grand lodge of
Nebraska , the competition and general
programme of time various divisions of
the uniform rank and time knightly ro-
ceetion to President Cleveland , next week
will be a gain one for this young amid
prosperous order.
Time foliowing is an extract from a lot.
tar to Colonel John , J. Mcneil , of thus
eityaide de-camp on the statl'of the major
general :
I simall arrange my affairs so as to reach
Ommiaha on Snimdty , time lOtim in order to be-
coimmo acquainted with time detaiis of your ar-
rangemnemits. It you expect inc to mount for
the parade you must secure for mime a horse I
can mntmka go any place. I do not object tea
a spirited animimai , Omit I dislike to take a
horse Into a crowd timat I imavu to liglmt con-
tlnualiy or wimich insists on going around
time next satmare.
Coiont'isllibben andJoe Lyon wihlbo with
me and ( Iemicrai Brand , of Cimicago , imas
wrftten mime that tie expects to join mime at
I imad this nuornior an application for a
divislomm at Sutton , Nob. it with be instituted
in tIme to attend time grand lodge festIvIties.
Fraternaily , JAtEs It. OA1LAIrAN ,
Major General , U. ii.
The well known white horse belongS
lug to Janucs Creigittoim imits been secured
for General Carnaiman and will be the
oumly white imorso appearing lii the
l'ytiiiami pnrmdo. :
In a letter to Colonel Monell , Colonel
it. C. llarkwell aid do camp in time de
partmnent \Vyoniing says that a large
rnmmnber of Vyonmlng Knights expect to
attend time f'stlvitics in Omaha. "I have
just returned frotim time session of time
Vyommng Grand lodge " says Colonel
Barkwcll "amid we imu : ( a sulendid at-
tondanco. Time uniform rank was well
represented. I have organized amid Instituted -
tuted two divisions sinceMarchm and have
a warrant for the fifth division now in nuy
hamids. This I consIder a good showing
for a jurisdiction of live hummutreti mcmii-
beam. °
BrECIAL oliflEut No. 2
lleadqimarters Nebraska Britde : , U. It. ,
K. of 1' . , Ltimcoln , Oct. 5 , tSSL-Iirlgade
Iut'adquarters at Omnaima , dtmrimnr grand iode.
will be at time 3hiiiam tt hotel , Captaitis comm- :
mnandtimg divisions will report at bricade
imeadqtmarte'rs. promptly on their arrival.
Sir , Jamncs Irivin , cavIng tenuerm'd imla mes.
knatlon as colonel and assistant adjmmtamit
general , to take etTect at once , time simmime is
hereby accemtei. Sir John E , Sniltim , major
and A. 1) . C. , Omnaium , will act as assistant
aIjutahlt geimeral until fimrtiier orders.
Sir Knights mnmmst hot enter any miiace
where Intoxicattmmr liquors are sold , for time
ptmrpose of drinking mmor enter houses of lnm-
uiiorai character , wimiio wearing time Ummiforni
ltammk mmntformn , or ammy part thereof. Ace Sir
Knjmriut violating this order tvhil subject hum-
self to court marshal. Officers will see that
this order is rigidly enforced.
All mounted otlicers shouid at once notify
the assistant qtmattermmmaster generni , Colonel
11. J. Veiis , Umaima , In order timat tlmey tnav
be provided with horses for the parade Octo-
bar 12. v. L , . DAYTON ,
Brigadier Gemmeral Commmmandbng.
Joimx E. SimiTur ,
Major anti Actmnr Asst' Adj't General.
Forest Lodge No. 84 , Knights of
Pytimmas , imold its first ball at Forest ball ,
corner of Sixth itmiti Pierce last nigimt. I'ime
hew apartments are time most appropriate -
ate for lodge ) upOSCS mu the city , there
being double ante-rooms , moat convein-
ant arramugements for time reception and
pleasure ofguestsetc. Time bali last night
was a social event iii the circles of the
l'ytiuias of Onmalma.
Fred Miilard hits oiThrcd his orrel
horse for tim tmm of Brigadier General
Dayton on time day of time Cleveland re
Caption. General iayton will assume
charge of time brigade of the Knights of
Pytlmias composing time First and Second
regiments of this state.
Vhat Was Doneflerore the Judgea
Sol Sehigmnan filed an action against
Thomas B. 11111 yesterday for due
on a contract for time sale of horses. An
attachment was issued in time case.
In time case of Meyer lehman against
A. B. Snowden for 6O0. claimed to be
( tIme for rent , Judge McCullocim ranticred
a verdict of :37 : for time pialntift
Time fohiowiimg cases were fiieml in the
United States courtyesterday : Tim State
batik of Keokuk , Ia. , against l. J. 1)rake ,
for the recovery of 3OO0 upon a muote.
Saraii \Vrirrht has be"mum a suit for
foreclosure agaTiist Frank'1Vright timid
six others as co.lefonIammts. Time plaitmtifr
resides in Princeton , Ill. , and the defend.
ant iii Gage county , Neb. The amount
involved ms IO,000.
i'omicn COURT.
Joe Rolar , discharging lire arms anti
tiireatomumng to blow time arrestingoilicer's
head ofF , was fined $12,50. Torn Ilardiy ,
druuik , i.5O ttfli costs. 14. S. MeCrac
was fount ! drunk. lie was discimarged.
Pearl Brown admitted that her bmisiness
was of time "sporting" order , but that sime
paid imer fines and was restimug quietly in
the house when taken charge of by the
oflicer. Sue was ( Iiscimarged. Jizzio
Wisgoil , colored , was arrested for being
a suspicious character. Nothing was
iroven against her and she was also dis-
char ed.
JO510 Reynolds , colored , was charged
by a mmmc namneit Emery with stealing
$11 from him , As time miman wits drimnk
itath the ovklemmee conhhictimmg it is likely
time prisoner will be tliscimarged. John
Smith , for violating o'press ordinance ,
paid $1.50. Owen t'ritcimct , drunk , case
not yet disposed of ,
Army Nevs.
Captaimi C. 11. McUatmiuy , who for four
years Past luts been assistant quartermaster -
master of the ( lopartmont of time Platte ,
amiti wimose chuico has been tit time quarter
master's deot , has boon relieved and
his place will be taken by Captain J chin
Smnmpson , wito huts been assistant to time
quartermaster of time department of
Texas. Captain Siumupsomi is well known
hero among time older army oilicurs , wno
speak of immmu in time warmest ternis of
iruse. : Captain McCauley huts been
Imero about four years , the same length
of tiuime its General Dandy , who goes to
W'asimiimgton. lie tvihl leave for Cimmemto
where his family resitIe , timid missimmimo
thumties of disbmrsing , ollicer anti assmstammt
qumartarmastcr of time division of time Mis
Lieutenant Ifutcimiumson , of die Ninth :
cavalry , is in time city , on hums way to enjoy -
joy a two muontims' leave of absence.
Major I ) . N. Bush , chief paymaster of
thus tlepartmmmemmt , who , it will bercnicni
bared , was robbed itt Atitelope Springs ,
\Vyo. , about a year ago , while on iI
tour among time posts , is iii time city. I hit
nmamm who robbeit imini is now under arrest
but ) endiimg the scttteniont of time ease
time mnmujor has been simspeuided from iii :
I position.
Inspecting Hohleri ( 'sratlmltoimsl ) ' .
Joseph Stantloven , time city boilo
inspector , says Unit hue can take no actiom
with regard to time request of time bonn
of education to charge miotiming for thc
miiSpection of time boilers In time Pimbhi
schools. Timero arc now bum
five schools which are SUP
plied wmttm boilers , and time expense o
umispeethumgttmcse would be at $ apiece
r but l5. It will rest with time council
Air. Standovon says. to do the Insuectiel
gratis , becaimso time fees for time same ar
covered into the city treasury. , biiic
last July those fees have .ammmountcd t
. Mr. $ tauuttyu furthur say8 ' th
the number of boilers is Increasing every
week flfli that duping time present fail not
less tuna forty new ones have been putt in
place , and Steang now ha ! orders for
fourteen more.
Fire Trapu I'Ire IiiflIt. $
OMAhA , Oct. 0-To tIme Editor of the
ilna : Time Missouri Pacific. local office is
erecting roofs over their prcviommsly
rected wooden wali on Webster street
between Foumrtoentii and Flftcenthm , Inside
time fire limits. They erccteti two sheds
south of time olti etablo , moved the buiid.
jugs from lot 8 to. lot 2 in block 8 , this
summer , all agaimmst the city ordinances.
The colored man Travis , mmear by , hind to
pull dowim imis boarding house damaged
by fiic a coimple weeks ago , amid the ricii
commupany imas the privilege to build new
fire traps.
This is time block 8 which time Missouri
Pacific got possession of by exorcising
time prerogative of eminent domntln : for
depot purposes. Instead they smmbltmt It
for a coal yard amid tbenository of tale.
graph polesriullsetc. have thicy time ri1hit
to chimiugo itto such purposes ? A. ( .
Matrimonial Matters ,
Mclviii S. Ubi , one of tIme well known
onmployes of time Wcstcrmm Newspaper
Unlomm amid brother of Milton it. Uiml of
time ilna. was mmmarricd yesterday to Mirs
Lizzie Martium , of Council humus. 'rime
ceremony was pcrfornuc.d by Rev. Mr.
harris , and was witnessed by a mmtmmbcr
of the friends of the commtrneting parties ,
wimo wish them every sumecess in timu mar-
ringe state.
Justice S. G. Aliemm , of ImlcArite pro'
cinct , \Vedimesday mmlgiut last mumtrrmed :
11. G. itvery , of that place , to Miss Miii-
mule Dtmve , formerly of Onmnima.
Two Catholic flIMiiop.
The panal bulls , nnnounc.mng the rip-
poiimtnmtmnt of a Catimollc bisimop for Liii-
cola , iii this state , and anotimor for Cimoy-
once , % Vyoniimig , time appoiimteo of time
latter see being Rev. Iatimer Burke , of
Jolict , ill. . were received yesterday by
BishiOl ) O'Connor.
Schrnhuui zzoreth.
Time laqt festive day of time series of
holy ( lays observed by time Hebrews dumr-
lug time Past mnontim will be celebrated at
stmntiown iicxt Smmritlay , and lasts but
twenty-four lmours. It is called ' 'Schmnmini
Azereth. "
Curb-Stone Muilolrmn , .
Anotimcr exanmplo of time Bavarian band
is percgruimatimmg time streets giving cumrb.
stone comicerts. it furmmishes pretty pal-
ustable music. C
Absolutely Pure.
ThIs powder never varies. A marvel of par
tyitrougtb anti wimlesomuofles. Stare econ.
oicl than the ordinary kindS , arid cannot be
coid a competition wlt the mimltltimie of low
colt Ibort weight alum or phoSphate powders.
S1d only 1cm cans II0YAL DAKINO I'owDEa CO.
IliWali-et. . N.Y.
Importer's Prices
Blood olon ,
- ) encreft , taint ,
' gleet stricture.
' serninam cuis.
. . - uZ' slotus. lee ( if
' 1i sextiel pflvc' ! .
'S . weaknc'e o I
. .
the sextmai or.
L .iieJ u gees , vani of
' . ,4 u . . dcire In mete
or femimale.
. 4
' - . . . - . - whether from
a Imprudent
. labtts of
. . , .
young or Pex.
u ital habits hi
. mature ycare ,
or any cause
. itiat ilehilhtates
5' '
the seximni
- ieeIIly nd
I p C r In a a en t ly
Conenitatlon tree and strictly coufldentlal ,
Medicine sent freefront ohervation tu ) nil msr
of the United Statce. Correspondence received
prompt attentIon. No letters enewereil tinlese
accompanied by four cents in stami , , . Send ten
cents In etamle forpamitpIiet and item of quetton ,
Tern , strictmy ceh. Call on or addrv"e
ala I'owFnt ititVES.
No. 3i4 South 131h hI. , OaiIt , Neb.
Wk. AK fl1E N !
. . , . . . . . '
( &
' - oq6. IC. WE'AS4ITWC 70
I'saoc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I CCC I' mu. , . 51W 1MPMYn
, ,
N 0 ( hi. .p.ciIcp.TpoiCvzEor
. , arraArvIUIAxarse . , . , , gte. . of
tejr a. inuiui.niild. ootbtugeurrni.
ziectrie. mty dtr.cUy itrough sti .sk part. . , , t , ,
hgtui.n. ' ( U buttS i'd Vigoiou. Si..egth. tlNc
r inn"tij rti4lfl tI'r'I innnili. St,1.d p.mrblm
ho Sindan Etect3 , ISO LaSsIj et. ,
S.T. IIAL1)Rll)9E , A.
Phyioi = - = . - S.zC-ozm. ,
t 0111cc , Cor. 15th and Farnamn sts.
S Residence , 2Gtil Farnarn st.
I hours. 9 to ii a. in. , 2 to 5 p. m.
; - RICHARD NUN ? ! , M. D. ,
C ( DummtJNi.
t I5Z800DCEST , 10A.M. TO4P.M.
. ,
- - -
= = =
Be disappointed , it you look to us for thoroughly good , new and fash
ionable clothing , hats and furnishings , for men and boys. We have au
immensely large and attractive stock to chose from. But it is not 1
alone our superior assortment upon which we claim your patronage. '
It is our methods of' doing business-
Strictly one price and the same marked in plain figures on eaoh article. '
Money refunded for anything that can be bought cheaper elsewhere ,
or that is not satisfactory , if promptly returned ,
These methods demand attention , not only from those who seek to
secure goods at the lowest prices , but also from those buyers who lack
implicit confidence in their own judgment , as they can depend upon
honest treat..nent. It is our aim to so please those who once deal with
us , that they will ever after be our patrons.
Our Boys' department has , during the tast few days , received many
additions. We open today- ,
250 all wool plaited Norfolk Suits , knee pants , at $2.50. Just the thing
for boys who are hard on clothes , The material is durable and
they are made strong. The same suit costs in other houses , at
least $4.00.
All goods marked in ulain firures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Cor. l3fh St. and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , F/tB.
Snt t.citlOr. . p.r.tu , and r.IIbil , . tO ? .uct . , flht ImcnS , .1
.v.r , fIrtfluf.iia.MftqIlItillf O.dic.i or
Y.ITg YOI % Cu. , , I tat. on IetriiIIip and Hurt. . ( 'liii , Ifl ,
Cur , . ! , , . ortir. Spin. , Pile. , 1 ri , limrI , lii ;
ii.I.t4o , , , lintricity , ) rlV.I. Fpit.p.y Kity , Iji.dJ.r Si. .
( Ar , Ski , , .eJ fliooJ , .nd nit S.rgkai ( lp.I.uIou. .
Book on 1)iseases ) of Wonicim FREE.
Aim SiI II. . . , , . , .e.r..uiy I rtn'l. CvpMIitI. roi.c , , rnno , nd
a ni the , yttl. . , , iiiit l.I.IcUry. ? .CW unto , , tIva , . , , , ( or
Lou of , t.I i''er. i. , . , , , ut , , ) , ! . o Cmii Ih Oily b , ii .Iej at
hum. by Corir.1onkirt. , All , , , , , , , , Iu ( Jonfi.1ti.t. M,4I
nr nrtn.trniti. iit by , . , , iI or.rn. , uriy picked. no
Dial L. to iInhiatO touieutI Or muter. I ) , , , Irroinat tnl.riy , , r.-
(0 4 tall ot , on'"lt U. . or no.t . hitr oyoor to. . , wlih t m ( ' ,
.04 .o. wuim . . , d I. pill. o.r.ppnr , our
LIT , , Pdat , . Special sni Norvouc Dl. . . . . . , , , , , , ,
ipcr.tnorl"n. Ia'tu'nc7. syuiii. , . Uuu , riuua , t.i.t , ant
000,11. Itooni , ( 'Jr 1ttinlIuS. A3h. , , ,
.J , , cgQaffiy , 001. 13th ii. & Dalitci Av.Oinina , Xeh
Medical Books 01-Papers Free.
Thu irourIetorot the ( ) uuinba Sleiliedi cmi Stirgi-
cci mnelmtue lute pubimutieti a y.liat.o so of boo
tIni p'tpers apOIi cnTouiI.idilLu . surgicm , flueaos. and
tieforinittee , umt tue iiiethods ut cure watch tve
gmyei , Iiiu DIG reputation or being the noot , , kimirum
stud succe.f'L ipeeleilot In ( he west. ttrii matte the
tnstttuto so ceierated that medties , are coat to
utut patients root et irwul every otato In the union.
Anlong tt books Is one uu'on the , tIv'uoo , of
wonaI't one * ipon nervoun. peeI.i iiid privete Im , .
ease. of 0,0 , ouai end urinary organ. ; verleoeoie
cured by , uraic.ii oporatton. . itiid their IttOiylnvent.
out ctamp e4umprena SiiC9flIi7 for the roller and
enroot yaricceie. , nrou , exhauetion anti sixilCi
debi ity. now reutoratico treatnient i'epSr. 01)011
surgical brace , , ptli. titneers paraipein , fit , . zion.
tricuty .ini t e new magnetic battery for home use ;
eatarrh and Inhalation etc. tJuiilie , mo4
Isnold il itoCtr , rroe. they ito 111)1 COiuit Of tatt
11lontaIn wit ) , uletmitouis henesand initlu ! , , or rubbish
of that kind , met are pm&mti , ierrjiflono of di'ease. .
ypIOms new diocovorios In nuetieino , alirgery
.11(1 eleetrtctty and are woim wortb the portisuti. and
can b. obtained free b ) nddroiing the Ornahi. Mcdi-
cci and Surgical in.tttute , 1)tts street Cni Capitoi
aenuo.OmuIfls. N.rjsIa.
100 N. 18th Street.
, .s , % . , ob GRAPtb4 , 4'
' 3 , 44 ,
c ?
. -
l'IIRE CAIIFOItNIA WINES. elilppcd direct
from our vumoynrd , ; Itiosiliug , Oimttoiom Cluirote ,
Port , Simerrio.etc. San . .loae'aitit. . Seventh.
Eighth , Sun Sitivaidor attmdVIlIIatn tus , San
Jose. California.
NCIiOR I. jt- -
Clasgow via Londonderry ,
. Liverpool via Queenstown.
Are Nirietly FIr.t'CIaas. and anon
1110 iargout. tuotent and Cabot in the world.
Saloon. pecunui einn ( tnI pteerntre J'useenigcr
.Acc.niiiistIuiiu IJn.xeiied. Keen
regent ( or tue comfort and convenience of pu.
cengerl smudiouij coucidered alid mracticeL
8eunore every Seturtay for GIos.toW ( 'ity of
R'nu ' , , alis for i.iyeri'ooi ' ( etobt'r i2. it I. the mnrt ,
est ar.t tineat pe.ener : , , .tennaer atlOat , Itetca uf
iiaasaeo for .uii ClitCib's as low a' by an oilier tint'
U Cd mine ozenreinhi ticket , lit rodlired
rates. irafts for any amount at iowt current
rates. Fur buok , of tours. tietetO. or further irufor.
( U' ( ion , .ui' ii y to I I KN I ' 1 itt-tm N ii itYi' I I iiis : , Chiea
go , or F'itiK mm , uuoiums. Omaha , Nob.
Ljncoln Nob.
Tim iuet known cmi most ) ommlitr hotel tim
the stato. Loc&tlfl COiltTRl. appolntmnotitri fleet
class. ileaIqiiutrtors for coumtnerciuti men aimS
all poIlmia1 uU public ntherInmeu.
I : . 1' . ltO(101N. Proprietor.
, Writing thorough-
my taught by Mail.
Dest md shortese .7,100 now in use. CirculaTe
: c. pA.QAZ1iLIU , ozOt btI.0u1.
' , ; , ( , ' : , .u , . . , , , , . . . . . ,
DiEtfl'Ofld Merchant ,
Ask your retailer for the
or the
$3 SHOE ,
accoi'.lIng to your iieed.
CAUTION I ioltiooty nane rnilne unIe' our
luanie and price appear m.iuuly uuu mite nirs. i'nmne
dealer , . iii triter to make a larger
. - - - - - - prulli , ss lit rec.unuiu putt tue inferior
, 4. \ gnot with , , iiteh the nuarkrt is
vu ) . V flOOded. .J/tMES ; tmEtNs * 11
ci\ SIII Ia lishit uuiud et ) 11th. It
c 0 1' ftC like a , , utc'kluug and ill-
a 'i. \ ( ) IJ1IIES ' ) ' nItEAK-
eve 'i.fNO IN , " being itrfctly
tt' eu ; ' : : :
Z' :
Atc for ( tie .Tauue' S ii F. " hulit'r'i
iteauis$2Siioefor1iOyC Itttiu re.
tailed ii
$7 orbiS. JAMS MEANS S3 StlOE is ihueorigt-
iiai 53 Shoe an ! i absoiuuic'iy the oully eboe of it , price
which lion ever tern ptsceti iei.Ily on ( ItO inutilet
in s huicit dill abfluty I , conuitteriul lofor" mere ututu anti
appearance. Titene , lut are autti by the best rctnikre
thtrottthntit urn Unihu'ti htitrs. auiti e ill place titont
eabiiy siliuin 3-olin reach , lii all ) ' , tute or terriiory Iou
will nrnd its a potsl carti , inentiotuiig ? him paper.
4nne , Stiatis . % : Co. , 41 I.lncoltu hi. , imoaton , Maae.
} 'tiiI line ot time nbovo Shoes for sale In OMAII. ' .
by ( I. W. Cook , 1:105 : l'ternamiistroot ; (1. 8. Miller ,
iim2 Neetmi 16th street ; lluuvwnrd lIros. . 407 South
15th street. Iii Couzcm ( Bm.ui'i's by Sargout &
Evutmis , 4U lironulway.
Tin or Irotm , Repaired.
Anti Painted and guaranteed ttzhut for number
of yoar't. I'uimmtu. never blister.
Naimuiuuuctured and repaired. Iiro Proof Paint
applied to ehia vIe. . it years experience.
2111 S.13t St. Bet. Arbor and Vinton.
flack tValnuts , hulls on , f. 0. b . . . Ga per bu
Ihlack Walnut , hulls oil , " . . . . per bii
fox Elder Seed , " . . . . Joe per lb
Aeti Seed , , - . . . lOoporib
itOtmey Locust Seed , " . . . . OC iwr lb
litmielan Mulbort'y Scel , " . . . . 3f ) luer lb
Catalpa both. " . . - . i.oo ver II )
Also au kinds of F'r'mit anul Forept 'PreeM for
Bale. Adtlreod , SmtE'sANmt II N(1ltSFlty ; ,
I ) . S. LAKI. Proprietor. SIIENtSEOAII , IA.
Pianos & Organs
Rctnllcd itt YlioIesiiIe Pricc.i.
Vrite for catiulogulee , prices iifld terms and
slu'O Iroiim $50 tO smie iii thu inirchmo of sit In-
IIvYII"I' HIUS. St. .Jo'mcpli ,
wbI. idC INTOSI' S. r. uiOlWELt
HOfl'LI4Ii & lIIclNflSII ,
Real Estate Dealers
110 Sotmtim Spring Street ,
Dealers iii city and country pruhucrty of nil
decrlptiOim4. Geimeral Imiforinatloui to now
conmors freely given.
H , . 1)r. Snodiker's method. Nt ) oporamlom no
vaii ; no deto mit ohm fmouum Ii ii i ilOuld . Ama it tot to
cluibiren us voli us growim poopie. ittimidiotie of
autogramuti to4lliiuimiiti5 ( on tile. All buslimes.i
strictly conhlittuittial. Con.uitatlon hoe.
itoom 0 , 1614 Dougla' St. , Omaha , Nob.
- - BANk ' couarnouez ,
oovzns'NEiTWoRK anti
t neetwork .nd Lowest Pricee
Guaranteed. ito Itiust'd
, atn1cgeePlnest efr printed , soot fT. . . Rust.g , Ta ,
gruiinelnn.tU.tim& hilt
I- . , imdeuwo , servotisiebiiitvcuitl''ll
thrutmaim ernome miud hind ; iraetl'a CURED.
tOLD kAL VU,15LuuumIi btLoimts
1707 Olive St. , St. Lotus , Mo.
of the Mipsouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , Utmiveraity College hiospu-
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervou cIllic ; 8Ioo
More especially those arising irom impur-
dence , invite all so sufl'ering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection amid
contagion cured saieiy and speedily whOm- .
out use of dangerous drugs. Patients
whose casts imave been neglected , badly
treated or pmmonoimndcd inctmrable , should
not fail to write us concerning their sytnp-
tome. All letters receive immediate at-
And trill be mnailetl FREE to any addrcsq
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. " 1'ractcI ! ) ,
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Pimysicai Eximauntion , " to wimicim is added
an "Essay on Marriage , " wmtim important
chapters on Diseases of time Reproductive
Organs , time whole forming a valuable med.
icai treatise wimich should be read by * 11
young muon. Address
1707 Olive St. , St. Lotus , Mo.
Nebraska Natiollal ilailk ,
U , S. DEI'OSITORY ,'m.a ,
Paid up Capital.$250,00Q
Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42OO
U. W. Yates , President.
Lewis S. Reed , Vicc Prcsittont.
A. B. 'l'tiumzmilin 2tl Vice-President.
\v. 11. is. Ilugimes , Cashier ,
sv. V. Morse , John S. Cohlmns
11. W. Yates , Lewis S. lteed
A. E. Touzalin.
Cor. 12th and Farnam lila.
A General Bamikin # ' business Trimnsacte
i7 Cimaniinmr of Coommerce.
Remarkable for powerful sympa.
thmetic tone , pliable action and at-
solute durability ; 30 yearb' record ,
bite best guarantee of time excel-
hence of timcse instruments
'Tiiul'wnfltTilrIt yttr of tI. .mi k.on sehooi miI
bonn at 4 uemoo p.o. . on SVLINbCVIT , ( cT.l2thh1.
EIAbINATI'ui' forafaucedataouhing MosAyucT.
vsnu am , . Entiuc cooT. . , Iflt7 ie couItiutst in two o
( hiT'.e year. atoition of .t'udent. hiiionot admileto ii ,
. ' . , . . . .
.i uttluil t ° lar uanIUiO 'or ( i.iaiouu.a .to. , addgoa. ,
ean otS'cu'1ty.HblLuCJ'Ph&ct.ST th3qo.
_ , - - ) -
' : P'L ± . . . '
- - * I