1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 31RIDAY , OCTOBER 7. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES . AdvcrtlBcmcnis under tins tieivd , 10 t nti p Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents lor each tub Mqticnt Insertion , andfl.Wa line per month ho aAverttfcmont taken for i s thants eenti for the flrst Insertion. Boven words wll Joe counted to the line ; they mutt run conseeu- ttvely and must DO nald In advance. All adver tisements must ho nnndcd In before 1 : < X > o'clocic p. m , , and tinder no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued br telephone. Parties advertising in these column andhar- Ing the answers addressed In care of THI Bn w III please ask for a check to enable them to ret tnelr letters , as nonn will h < iprcre ) < i except on orosentatlon of oherk. All answers to adver tisements should ho enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In those columns are pub- llshrd In both morning nnd evening editions of aim IIKR , the circulation of which , aggre- fates morethan 14.000 papers dnlty , and glres the advertisers the benefit , not only of the city clrculntlon of TUB Dr. , but also of Council Blnirs , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this part of the west. n Caati In ntlvnncr. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1501 Farnam street Complete obstructs lur- nlshed , and titles to teal estate oxumined , por- footed and gunrnnteod 210 BUSINESS OHANOK8. Chance Desirous of retiring from BUSINESS , we will sell the balance of our took of dry goods , etc. , with three years lease and futures of store by January or March next Oldest established and best located store In | clly. Merchants meaning to purchase ad- arossJohnH. f. Lohmann i ; Co. , 1310-1312 Far- liam street 601 n 6 FOR SALE-'Rcstnurant , profits of business $3UO per month. Location first class. Will ho sold cheap If sold this week. Address G 64 , care lloo olllco. 578 BJ BU31N1JH8 Chanoo-Ttmro Is a flno opening fora confectioner , restaurant and baker right near the entrance ot llanscom park. Now storeroom , chqap rent F. L. Gregory , ; C08 16th st. 630 hundred dollars will buy a stock of TII1IKK stntlonnte , notions nnd news ; good stnnd ; low teat ; Investigate. 603 So. 10th at. 486 FOR SALE Restaurant doing n Oft-class business , must bo sold , owner leaving town , Address O 68 Boo olllco I 603.BJ FO It BALE A well established money mak ing genurnl store nt Rapid City. Dak. ; stock nil new , nnd invoices about 810,000.00 , consisting principally of dry goods nnd groc eries ; reason for selling , death of senior pro prietor Address J. S. Robertson , administra tor. Mt Paul , Minn. , or J. L. Bpnydc. Rapid flty. Dak. . J6714j for n first class meat market AFINKoponinir Enquire ot Mostollor , Scott St Co. , 15th and Vlnlon gt. 430 6 \\TANTKD Partner m the best paying small -TT hotel In Omnha ; cloannir $300 per month ; tr.u t take full chnrgo : $1,000 required , or will sell for $1BO ) cash , or part cash and good se curity ; Investigate ; have two places , mid must Inll one. Address lleo , U. M. 545 8J MAN with oxphrlenco In the dry goods or hardware business can make it win by t'lacing ' a Block of goods In the Fltcii block , 'ark nvo nnd Woolworth St. F. L. Gregory , J30 B 15th Bt. 630 THo'll BALE-Bonrdlng business , 212 S 10th at. E XX 7J $7,000 Block of boots nnd shoes to exchange tor Omaha property. S. S. Campbell and a."W. Hervey. Chnmbcr of Commerce , 437 FOlt SALE An office business , $200 per montn guaranteed profit , $1,500 cnsh will puy It , QH3 llfeofllce. ai8 T ANTED A partner , active nnd energetic , for a small but profitable buslnea. $50 rcql .rid. 11. VnnncriiB , 519 N. 15th st 444 flj POR SALE orTrndo Clean stock of grocer- les.tenm.and delivery wagon. Good location , established trade. B. U. Botobonuer , 408 N. 16th street 430 6J FOR SALR-Cornnr flnloon on paved Rt ; re ceipts $45 per day , $2,500 , $1,600 cash. G 23. lino. 20D-14J ii TTIOR BALII Or trade , a No. 1 hotel property , A' doing good trade , In ono of the best towns In Nebraska. B. S. Campbell und G. W.llci voy , 310 Chnmbcr of Commerce , 487 FOR 8 ALE-In a geed town , n well establish ed jewelry business. Rest IniBinesn In the city. Present owner has too muoli otuer busi ness and will give n bargain to right person. Comonnd o.Minilno or address box Ml , Crete , Nob. 470 U W ANTED A Btonk of groceries und general tndae. , for city lota pmd for. 0. J. Cnnun. 105 F I OR TRAIIE I wftnt to trnde my bnrbor shop for Bhop In small town from 8iO to 4,000 population. Addrosa llurbor , No. 1111 S. 13thst. 614 OJ FOR HXCHAftOlC-Omahn property for dry- goods , groceries , hardware , drugs , etc. Omaha property for horses nnd cattlo. S. S. Campbell nnd G. W. Horvoy , 310 Chamber of Commerce. 100 TJWR SALE Hotel properly , ono ot the boat J ? In the state. Will soil furniture and Icoso house , or will soil property. Addrosa J. E Neldhur , Albion , Nob. B947J FOR SALE A complete steam laundry hav ing twenty horse power onglno. .1. S. Bennett , Baunders ndd Clark am. 636 A GOOD mo'it market Is badly needed In the - neighborhood of Woolworth st. and Park nvo. , and store-room can bo obtained nt oh cap rent In Fitch block. F. L. Gregory , 820 S. 15th it. 271 "C1OR BALE A wholesale business , with a X paying trodo established. Capital required rbout $4,000. will take part Omaha real estate. Address F. 59. Boo office. 7HO TT1OR SALE The best paying small hotel In JP the city : $2,000 cash will got it. C BLoo. 1J07 Fnrnam st 211 FOR SALE Corner saloon , receipts $50 per day. $4,500 ; $3,000 cash , near depot , o E Lee , 1207 Farnam St. 7M TLIORSALB-Hy WH Green. 215 8 13thst. one -L1 of the finest corner groceries on N 16th st. good fiosh stock and cheap lease ; also two small stocks , small livery stock and good barn , irood location and cheap ground lease. 833 USINI'BSOHANGE-On account or sickness oot being able to tend to the business the restaurant and lunch counter , will rout the Mine to some good and responsible parties. Apply to Jonn A. King , 1303 Douglas st. Ml TTHUt BALE Or exchange , grain elevator , -I > Wcst6rn Iowa , for land In Central Nob.,01 merchandise , address box 280 , Central City , H 'A K3octl9J CLAIRVOYANT. MU3. HATK1EL1) , Trance business medium. The past present and future rcvoulod. sioi healed , lost found , homes made nappy , sitting ! dally at 431 8. llth it. _ 57 o I5J DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Modi cat , business and test medium. Ofllco 111 North 10th Mree ! , rooms 3 & 3 , Telephone 941 213 WANTED MAXE HELP. - ; " \17AN TED Sovonty-tlvi'Shoveleis four mllci TT Host of I ort Omaha , on Omuhu oxtonsloi ChUaAO V Northwestern railway. Wages $1,7 : per day ; board $3.50 nor week. Work will las until December. O. V. Treat , Contractor. _ 6HO 13J WANTL'D-Carpeniers. S7th at. botwocr PewarJ and Franklin. _ 471 8 * \\AANThD We want business men to know VI wo can fill orders from bookkeeper dowi to porter , with flrst-olbso help at the Westori Employment ugenoy , 1112 Fan-am at. 4 1 8 ' ' ' / CANADIAN Employm'ont'OJtlco'lurnTslio ; \J clerks , accountants , stenographers , etc. free of uimrKo. Dcmestlo help supplied ot short notice , and sent to nil parts If fare Is paid 11 M. Bregn 4 Son,316 South 16th. Tel. * H | . 1 > 776 > WANTED-Agotits to eanvasa for Rankers Life Insurance Co. , Lincoln , Nob. Noiu but experienced men need apply , 061 " " -ANTED-Agonts In Nebraska for Otm John A. Logan's last work "Vobmteei Soldier. " just published. Address J. M. Frencb A Co. , Omnhn , Nub. 2Js > iy ANTED Young man to sell custom Bhln T In this city , one axporloncod preferred 008 N 16th st 7"j \\rANTED-The general publlo to know thn J wo can supply jou with male or fomali help that will give satisfaction ; no delay un < no disappointment. Wonturn Umployinen Bureau. 1013 I'arnam. & 41 tt 'ANTRD Coat and Lants maker .for tin country. Addrca * G. 57. Bee oinco. _ 4740j _ WANTKD-50tlrat-uIasA sand stone eujtor ( union mon ) . Apply to Fred Andres i Co. . 779 North Water at , Milwaukee. WU. 403 9J T rANTED-CO men for Weeping Water , $1.7 TT per day , board $3.50 per week , fare paid no ofllcu fees ; I man for farm , $30 per mouth I hod carriers , $3.25 per day. steady work ; stenographer , steady job ; I man , ralddlo axed Vrlvato iamllyi t cooka for olty , U waiters , tlthwaaheri. Omaha Emp , Bureau , 119 N lotli 48 o \XTANTBD-Good Jewelry aod wutch sale- T T man ; muit huvo a good knowledge of th l elry buslaetl. 0. U Erlckson * Co. . S13 .N loth strait. ,5347 ORDERS tnt male and female help for all kinds of work received and Supplied at Scandinavian Kmp. Bureau , 1010 Fnrnam st. BOB 8 - o for railroad work. AU WANTKD-M brlght's labor agency , ) UO Farnatn. B04 \\TANTED gtonft masons on ruble work , TT highest wages paid In the statethree months work. Apply to Duggan & Robinson , jldney. Nob. 681 8 \VANTKD Colored porter for the west , | Si TT per month , fnre paid , Canadian Emp. Dfflco , Mrs. Broga. 676 6J WANTED Barber for Saturday and Hunday 2015 Cuming st. 680 6J W 1ANTKD-A ornckcr baker. Address P. 0. Hapld City. Dakota. 4J1 flj A ANTUD B cash boys. Sound , Emp , TT llurenu , 1010 Fnrnam. 512 0 TTW ANTED Good blacksmith In small coun try town , German preferred. Iniulro | BliSKlflthst. _ _ _ 443 BJ B traveling mentor New YorU WANTED houses , $100 month , coffee and tea sales men to families for St. Louis house , dry goods salesman for Kansas City house , stablemen , waiters , dish washers , plate glass cutter , car riage wood worker * blacksmiths , cash nnd bellboys boys , salaried solicitors , millinery forclndy for Kansas City , dining room girls , cooks nnd girls for general housework. Headquarters iwg Fnrnmn st..roora 9. 4U4 0 * ANTI.TJ-12 good stone cutters , winter's lob. Apply at foot of Jackson rt , Nor- cross llroa. _ 674 7J WANTKD A young man for 1 soliciting In the city ; cash hoys ; harness maker ; coo- pers for out of the city. Western Employment office. IRC ! Farnam st. 5C7 8 WANTED At onoe at the Western Cornice works , 10 good cornlco makers , 10 good tinner * , to good men the highest waves will bo paid. U.i. pcobt , G08 510 S. Kth st. CIi7 13 \ \ / ANTED Two persons to instruct In book > * ' keeping ; situations. J. B. Smith. 1813 Chicago st. 430 6J WANTKp-Agents In every county In U. S. : 175 nor month and expctiit > s. Sold by sample. Outfits and stock free. Allworth Mfg. Co. . Rutherford , N. J. 409 17J WANTED Agents ( both saxes ) for our now patent combined nun coat and skirt pro tector. Protects from storms and keeps skirt bottoms dry and clean , nnd lower limbs warm and comfortable. Also men's and boys' line rubber coats. Address with stamp , E , Ii. Campbell & Co. , 464 W. Randolph St. , Chicago. 49U 6J ANY ono wanting employment should call without dolnyon 11. JonKlnson & Co. , Km- ploymont bureau , 1610 Knrnnm , room 6. 5U1 10J W ANTED A good coat-mnkor. C. A. An derson , Grand Island , Nob. 439 BJ W - baker. 1810 St. Mary's nv- cnuo. 547 7j ' A baker nt Chicago bakery. 118 ' .llth at , 649 7J WANTED Good first-class carpenter fore man. Address O 65 , lleo olllco. 643 8j TtTANTF.D 4 German boys to carry papers , V > 607-509 a 13th. tlpstnirs. B < ) WANTED FEMALE HELP. TVANTED-2 girls for South Omnhn , 2 din- IT Ing room girls for Wyo , , $ " 0,2 for No- brnskn , $ l8,21aundreRsoft lor Rod Oak , Iowa , dining room girl and laundress for Mnnnlng , lown. h nd laundress for Sinus City , for city 50 girls for housework : we Imvo places In sub urbs of city , small families nnd good wntrcs. We can glvo you place In any part of city , wages $3 to $1 pi > r week , dining room girls , dishwashers , kitchen helpers , 2 nice second girls , a girl ot nice appearance nnd fond ot children to mind a baby nnd board In n first- class hotel. Canadian Kmp. olllco , Mrs. Itroga & SonM ! 3 15th. Tel. 8H4. 57H CJ TXTANTED-A young girl to tnko care of T T child 3 years old ; Gorman preferred. 2318 Douglas. 579 8j \ \ ANTED-Flrst-class dressmakers. 513 S 14th , St. 671 7j \trANTEO-Errundglrl.Mrs. M. A. Wallace , 1 T 1B33J } Bt Mary's ave. 531 8J VVANTED-GIrl for light housawork ; "nlT TT vmshlng. Mrs. Wallace , ISSiy St. Mary's nvo. M2 8J WANTKD Girl for general housuwork,20l ! S 2tth street between Farnam und Douglas. fi31 ' WANTED-Oood girl for general house work , washing given out , wugcB $4 per week. 2611 St. Mary's avenue. 613 WANTED A good girl at 510 S. lltll Htrout immediately. 491 JANTED Dlshwnaliera. Emmet Houso. 103 W'ANTBD Women cooka , dining room girls , housekeeper , nurse girls and good girls for general housework. Western Employment ofllco , 1612 Farnam st. 50 ? 0 ANTED Tajlorcss on custom coats nnd vests , good wages nnd steady work to right party , apply at once. 805 S 10th Bt. 303 2t _ TANTED A girl to do errands. Mrs. Rice , Room 14 Bushman's block. 033 WANTED Cook nnd Inundroas. Dr. Coff- mnn cor St Mary's ave and 27th st 558 WATNED-S girls to work in Kitchen at Do ran house , 433 S 18th at. near St Mary's nvo. 42fl W 1ANTFD A girl for general housework at 2019 Webster , 419 6J WANTKD 50 girls gon'l housework , 1 girl private family , $5 pot week ; 1 cook for private family of a , $1.50 per week ; 1st and 2nd girl for same family ; 3 dlnlngroum girls ; 2 dish- wnshoisilotH of places for girls. Call nt Omnha Emp. Bureau , 119 N 16th Bt. 483 0 W PANTED Elderly woman to work for board. 105 North 18tD. 524-6J W ANTED-Saleslady nt onoo ntZIS N 16th. 4bO S WANTED Women cooks , dining room girls , helpers , dishwashers , girls for boarding houses and private families. Scandinavian Employment bureau , 1010 Fnrnam st. 457 0 WANTEO-Glrla und nil othera who are look Ing for a place to know that wo do not charge olllce roe unless place Is secured. Do not be deceived by concerns who take your money without giving vou a placo. Onto City Employment office. HUSi S 15th st. 03d W ANTED Girl for general housework at No. 1918 Capitol avcnuo. 86B FOUND. 'OUND-Rcd leather poc-fcot book with pa per and notea in it. Owner can linvo by applying at HOQ. 550 7J LOST Gold medal on 17th st , between Cupl tel ave and Cuss. Finder leave at Y. M. C. A. rooms and receive reward. 6508 TAKEN uii-Sept. .TO.pony.Borrol.2 whlto hind font , white strlpo on facii , lump on buck branded on loft shoulder. Park stable , 28tli and Lcavonwortn. 665 Sj XiOST. LOST A largo black dog. 4 months old , tin ol tail , breast nnd fcot white , hud on now collar , half New fonndlnnd , answers to name ol "Wntch. " Five dollars reward will bo pnld foi his return to Erlo T. Johnson , 1012 B. 26th st. Mil QJ STRAYKD-A llghtbny mnro pony 2ynnrsolil with small white Mrlpn In foreuoud. Flndoi will rocelvn rown d by returning to Soutti Omnlm hotel , South Omaha , Neb. 658 bj TRAYED A brown geldlngSyrs old.weight HDout 1100 Ibs. Left hind logout with wire , Howard paid for his rotura to U. T. Maxwell , South Omaha. 318 7J LOST Brown Molten cutaway ooat. leave til Frank J. Ramgo's , Itnmgo block , and ro celve reward. 875 HiaOELLANEOTJS WANTS. WANTED By two young gentlemen , room and board with private family , or when n few boarders are kept ; within fifteen mln utos walk from D , P. Headquarters , willing tc pay n reasonable prloo for home comforts , Address 0 64 , olfco of this paper. 633-8J WILL bur second-hand boating steve must bo in good order. Address a 69 lloo office. 61B 6J WANTED-Immodlut9ly I second hand store elevator for freight. Inquire 140t Dodge. 604 13 WANTED Three furnished rooms , sulubli for setting room und two bedrooms with modern conveniences , with board foi mother and son , are willing to pay a good prlci for Urst-clssa accommodations In a rennod private family. Address J. 1C N , 2317 Capita nvo. 433 OJ WANTED'-Scaiidmnvlan Employment bu reau , 1610 Farnninst , Is prepared to fll orders on short notiro for male and fomau help for all kinds of work. 457 B WANTED Lady to room nn1 board ; term ! reasonable ; object , comtnny. O 86. Hoc office. 334iQ \\rANTIin I want to buyu family couch T T team. N , Mcrrlain. 3'/J \\rANTHD To buy furniture of s , Bran I T 1 or ittrye nous centrally located. Co Operative Land and L Co. , JWa N 18th it. it.M WANTRD-Tliroo tublo boarders nt Slls Btirt st. 597 JflONBY TO LOAN. MONEY on hand to loan on improved prop crty , J. A. llolstund , Arlington blk. 635 tit * 1,000,000 to loan , H. R. Cole , 316 S 13th. First tf ) mortgage notes nought 376 MONEY 1o loan. Notes nnd R. K. tickets bought and sold. A. Forman , 213 & 13th st. 135 $3UO.OOO to loan , special rates on farm prop erty , Sobotkcr A Porrlgo , 1521 Farnam st , $500,000 to loan m any amount nt lowest rate of interest. H. B. Irey , Frenzer block. ! ! 13 pONFIDHNTIATi LOANS-A private pnrty Vy > will accommodate desiring people with money on pianos , organs , household furniture , without publicity nnd nomlnnl rates. Address lu confidence , O 64 Boo ofllco. 410 6 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc. , low rates. J. J .Wilkinson A Co. . 1324 Fatnam , over Burlington ticket office. 217 MONEY to loan to parties wishing to build 8. B. Campbell , 810 B 16th St. , Chamber of Commerce. 214 MONEY In sums of $500 and over to loan at low rates , Russell A Barrett , 312 816th st 215 MONEY to Loan On Improved city property at lowest rates of Interest No commis sion charged. Bholcs A Crumb , room 1 , Darker blook , cor 15th and Fnrnam sts. 216 MONEY to lonn on rcnl estate. No delay. First mortgages bought. Bates , Smith A Co. , 202 llamge building , cor. 15th and Harnoy. 902oct7 MONEY to loan on city property. Will buy good notes. Seavor & Whltcomb , IBMJi Farnam. 773 MONEY To loan , lowest rates. No delay. J. L. Rice A Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank 218 TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Ira- proved real estate in city or county for New England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , loth and Chicago sts. 319 T\TONEYto Loan-By the undersigned , wno -LTX has the only properly organized loan ngenoy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , eta , without romovnl. No delays , All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any time , each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Ad vances made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should cnroJully consider who they are dealing with , ns many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money cnll and 6" me. W. it , Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell building , 15th and Harney. 234 flJSOCMXJO To loan on Omaha city property at 6 P per cent O. W. Day , s. e. cor. Ex. Bid. 408 SHORT Time loans mndo on any available security. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly nnd fairly nt the Omnha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor of 15th and Hnr noy RU , over Stuto National bnnlt. Corbott , manager 137 " ONEYto Loan-O. F. DnvU Co. , real 03- tate and lonn agents , 1505 Farnnm st. 228 J760.000 TO LOAN nt 6 per cent Linnhan & y Mnhoney , 1509 Farnam. 237 tlcles of value , without removal. S19 S. 13th. over Blngham's Commission store. All bual- ness strictly confidential. 230 MONEY to loon on improved real estate ; no commission chargod. Leavltt Ilurn- ham , room 1. Crolghton block. 231 6 I'BR CENT Money. It. C. Patterson , 15th nnd Harney. 223 MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no dnlay. J. W. nnd E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnum St. , Faxton hotel building. 235 MISOEI/LANEOTJH. SPECIAL Inducements to parties who wish to build. II. E. ColoilB : Sloth. 5007 WHY advertise for help of any kind , when It cun bo obtained Immediately by calling on or writing to H. Jpnklnson & Co. , 1H10 Fur- nam st. , room 6. 500 10 * WILL exchange good property for horse nnd buggy. Goo. J. citornsdorIT , 15U ? Fnrnnm at. 4D7-7J CASH paid for second hand books at the Aiitlqiiarlan. 303 N 10th 8t. 733 O2IJ ANGLO American Mortgage and Investment Co. , olllco 242J Farnam at. John Uulloy , mnnngor. 6iSoct31j F oKHICNT Organs , f per montb. 1513 Douirlai. TO EXCHANGE-For cattle , I have BOO nnd forty acres of good western land to trade for cattle , nnd n good house and lot near the capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. G. Brynn. Ashland , Neb. 221 rpo exchange for other property contract for -L mo acres R R land In Cheyenne Co. , Neb. , two miles from railroad , also two U see In Lin coln Co. . near rail road. McCulloch & Co. , cor 15th and Farnnm ats. 030 OL C.-nouso furnishing goods , nil kinds ; cash or mstn'tmqpt ' ; lowest prices at J. Bonner , 1315 Douglas st 230 fllOlt RENT Square riano , Si montn IT. A ff Hosoe. IBKJDouirlss. 228 DR. CHASE'S now Receipt Book nnd House hold 1'hyslclnn , the "Memorial Edition" , of over 800 pages. The " Crowning Life Work" of thn greatest author and benefactor that overlived. Just out Agents ranking Immense sales. Big terms. Address , F. B. Dlckorson & Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper. 2(4nov4J TJIO iRR N1 Square Piano $ J montdlv. -E Hospe .1613 Douglas. 238 PEB8ONAL. PERSONAL to the ladles of Omnha. iFyou want good reliable help , call at tbo Omnha Employment bureau , the oldest employment offleo In the city. 119 N. ICthst.H. E. White , proprietor. 11429 ERBONAL-C. S. Whitney solU hnrd nnd sott coal , 1513 Farnam and 18th nnd l/ard , 475 s UJ T > ERONAL-Prlvato home for ladlosduring X confinement , strictly confidential , infants adopted , address E 43. Bee office. 167 oct 8 bALKMISCELLA.NEOU3. . FOR SALE Stock of hardware and fixtures In ono of the host cities In Nob. Invoice about $3,500. ' Good locution In henrt of city. Would take part lu property. Address II 72 , lleo oilco. ) 543 BJ FOR BALE-A largo young gentle family horse. Apply to John Steel 1318 Cather ine street 43 ! Oj OR SALE-Chonp , furniture nnd lease ot 17 room boarding house. 1510 Capital nvo 40 bo ardors. 421H1J TMANOS leas than wholesaleorgans ; loss than -L cost of material , all for Bale nt Immense sacrifice to pay storage charges. Now Is your time , our terms la your terms. 1'nrgursoi Storage Co. , 715 N. 10th at 4616 F I OR SALE Tonm. harness , watron$150. Mrs. E 0 Barr.s. 13th st,3 bl'ka from st car track , 3s8 nov 2 BEAUTIFUL Organs at your own prlco at Immense sacrifice , to pay storage charges , $5 monthly , payments taken , elegant goods al your own price , cell at once , Storage Co. , 715 N. Itilh at. 133 B BANKRUPT stock of organs only $17 , cost $150. $3 monthly payments taken , don't pay dealers profits. Call and tmvo'your money. Hatlsfnction guaranteed. Storage Co. 716 > lethal. _ 4508 FOlt SALE Family carriage horso. Inquire 1018 Farnam. 4356 _ H ERR Is a bargain , $275 , cost $000 , magnifi cent 7H octave upright piano. Groates bargain over offered. Ton vuuru guarantee Truly superb Instrument. Rare chauce t < got a flue piano. Only used one month. Cal Storage Co. , No. 715 N. Iflth st 134 6 _ FOR BALIS on easy terms- Pony . | 3000 Pony . 40 ( XI Pony . 60 Oi Pony harness and cart . . . 125 Oi Jilnnk driving horse , 4K years old . 100 u tiray delivery horse , l.WO Ibs . 100 ou Gray draft horse . , . 6000 Graydraft horse . 75 Ot Gray draft horse . 7500 Graydraft horse , . 1611 IK Light driving team mares . 200 Ot Bay saddle horse islnglofoot ) . 10 < ) U Toum roun ponies. . , 120 tx Bay driving horse . 1500 W. T. Seamnn , East side Iftth st. north of Nichola-i , Agent for Btudcbukor Buggies , Wagons. r. ' - _ "ifO TTtOR SALK-Famlly horse , tattle. trotablo. MBnuvBOOtl trSveJ ° r > Oltn be drivoo byn , , , - chllj $100 cMh will buy him. Address G W , lleo offlce. yrf 8J _ _ it &ALK Ono good sot of barber tools , Ao. * ' Including throe chairs Cheap. Jacob Landrock , 1034 Poppleton nve. , between 2Uth and .M gtreots. _ 639 BJ 1011 BAIjK-Astenograpo slightly used. Ad. "QM"BM offlce. 3MTI PAIiK-Flne , ge lo horse , , liarnoM , FOR wagon , robe nnd whip. Price , $100. Addros * Patsy Fallen , Cottonwood > OR SALE Cheap , cafcvass 22x40 used 4 months , $20. * < Oj TTOR SALE-100 first class steers for feeders , JE good onlor , on CncV't creek. Nebraska. Address Win. 11. ThompsoM. Jr. , Ewlng , Holt Co. , Nob. 651 13J TOOK SALE OH EXCHANGE Two horses , -E sot harness and buggys St Chnrlos , Hartley , bet. 13th and 13th. . " 616 8J TPOR SALE-1 feed mlll,24 in. French burrs. J ? 1 Victor shcllor. 75 bitBtr hour. 1 bolt for buckwheat or HnbaU , , 40 ft 2 In shafting , 6 hangers , elevator belt , etc. Address 200 820th St. , Omaha , Mob. 325 14J ' / > OH SALK At mmcrlfice. ] 1 Nine thou nnd dollars worth of Miscellaneous Books , which I deslro to close out previous to my onrly removal to east sldo of 10th st , north of Nicholas st , whore 1 will carry the largest vnrlety of bugglos , phaetons , carriages nnd wagons to bo found nt nny ono place in the city. W > T. Seaman. Now nt Farnam and llth sts. Agent for Btudobaker. C03Oot20 FOB RENT HOUSES nnd LOT8. RhNT A bonutlfuT now 8-rootn house , FOR plnce , between Woolworth nnd Poppleton avenues. LotiiOxl.V ) . Just right for beautiful terrace. House equipped with all modern Improvements nnd conveniences , such as gas , city water , clsiorn.otc. This property will bo sold beneath Its true value , and on such terms ns will command n buyer. Apply to Chnrlos C. 8potswood,305t ! d. 16th st 650 1ST your housel f.r rent with H. E. Cole , 310 815th , can rent 50 now. 860 OR UKNT-K the office. 305K 8.16th St. , af ter the into of this month. Apply onrly. Charles C. Bpotswood , 30SV4 B. 16th st 650 HOUSES J OH RBNT-2131 Scwnrd st , now house 10 rooms , bath , furnace , water nnd gas $5500 ( Xi3Colfnx st. , 9 rooms nnd bath. . . . 5000 3007 Jackson at. , 7 rooms nnd bath in Ofl 2031 Patrick ave. 7 rooms , now 500 Corner Burdotte and 2lth st. 6 rooms. . . . 25 00 Corner Eraklno st. and 27th St.,7 rooms. . 20 OH 8510 Wobatorst. . now,0 rooms 15 00 1 ! B Pnrk avo. Hat,6 rooms and bath. . . . IW 00 1309 Park nvo. , largo now store-room 40 00 3 barns near Lonvcnworth and Park nve , f > 00 f. L. Gregory , 330 S. 15th st T710R RENT Horse Shoe Lakoploisuroresort JH and fishery with from 1 to 500 acres of blue grass pasture nnd cultivated land. David Noale , Fort Calhoun , Washington county , Neb , 1409 OJ F OR RENT Nt > w , largo modern improved houses. M. Elguttor. 1001 Farnam st 882 7 ilOR HENT-atoro room on 18th st. near St. F Mary's avo. Inquire433 S. 18th st 117 FOR RENT Nlco 4 room oottngo on 32nd street ono and a half blocks south ot Cum- Ing's stroot. Apply 1011 Davenport st. 412 10 I OR RENT If you wish to rent a house call F on llenowa & Co. , 15th st , opposite P. O. 478 'OR ' RENT House and furmturo for sale , F one blook from exposition building. House full of roomers. Address O 32 , lloo. 2877 1UJNT House 6 rooms In llanscom FOR Place to a good party. 8. S. Campbell and G. W. Hcrvey , 310 S 10th st , Chamber Com merce. 107 FOR RENT-Ton room brick house , 1731 Dodge. All modern improvements. 754 T71OR KENT An elcgunt new 10 room house , -L enst front , on 28th between Douglas and Dodgo. Marshall & Lobouk , room 0 , Chamber of Commcico. ' ' 49,1 TpOR RENT 7-room house on Davenport Bt Jbet. . 10th nnd 17th , rent $10 , lonso f yor. . Furniture for sale nt a bargain , Cooperative Land and Lot Co. , 203 N. 10th. 485-7 TTIOR R1INT-5 room house 1030 S 18th street , JP I 4 , > 2 J lOR ItKKT A lint. 1617 Howard Btroct. In- qulro nt Lee i : NloholsM livery stable , -'xth end Lonvtmworth , telephone 840. 431 " "lOR KENT House of 6 rooms , with closets , Dmitry nnd collar and hard und salt water. Inquire of Mrs. Ward , first house osst of Sacred Heart convent , onsouth sldo of Hurt street. 437-9J RKNT-Housoot 0 rooms und furniture FOR for sale , Inqulro < VM N 21bt st. 245 IIJ FOR KENT By Calm & Woolly , 1333 Fnrntm Ht. House of 8 rooms , n e cor 3Jd and I/ard Bt4 , , t'.M per month House of 8 rooms ncnr Hnnscom Park , all modern conveniences , $10. 2 houses of 7 rooms each , hot and cold water bath rooms. $ ' )5 ) House of 7 rooms near Hauscom Park , $30. J9 TI1OH RENT A mco 0-room house ; $17 month ; J N. W. cor 2yth nnd Charles sts. Cull Room 8 , Hedlck lllook. 473 7J OR UKNT A hall , sl/e ! J5x6fl feet , nt 1018 Farnum st , over Continental Clothing Co , 432 RENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good loon- rlt ion. H. E. Cole 316 B 15th. 410 FOR RENT-A largo nnd well finished atoro room , prefer n firm that will handle ready made clothing und gents furuiahliig goods. Address W. F. Conweil. Oaidftlo , Nob. Ih5 12 FOR RENT House 4 rooms cor Hartley and 21st sis. , $35 per mo. S. A. Slomnn , lloll- maii block. 203 FOR RENT Omco apace at 1531 ! Fnrnam st and furniture for sale. A. II. Comstock , 1533 Fnrnam st. 782 FOR RUNT Nicely furnished house , 6 rojms , Shlnn's 2nd udd. Inqulro 1319 a. 10th st , near Hickory. M5 TOOK RENT Now S-room housa , all modern J ? Improvements , on Georgia avo. R. U. Put- torson.cor 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 387 FOR RENT Commercial house at David City , Neb. Address Henry Will. Rising City.Nob. 8rt'j Oct OJ FOR RENT BOOMS. WANTI5D Two or tfiree furnished rooms for light houankcoping. Address H 1. Bee Ofllco. 6(4 8j FOR HUNT Newly furnished front room ; meals second door. 2623 Cuming st. 3328 * FOR RBNT Well ligntad basement , com prising 2,00) xquaro feet of Mooring ; wnter nnd gas ; m an excellent business locality. Ad dress G 37 , Boo olllee. 833 B FOR RENT A nice room for OHO gentleman , gas , bath , hot and cold water , furnace heat , 1709 Dodge st 969 0 F I OR KENT Three unfurnished rooms. 701 Pacific. 481 FrOR rOR RENT Nlcoly furnished room for smirlo gentleman ; gus , bath ; rant reason able. lCO.'i Dodge stroot. 291 7j IOil RENT Nlooly furnished front room , 1 first floor , 1701 Capital ave. 479-8J FOR RENT Lnrgo furnished roo-n. Call during evening , 712 N , 19th at. 477-7J POR RENT Nlcoly furnished front room. Apply attOl South 23rd st , or Scandinavian Emp. Bureau , HUD Farnam. 607 7 FOR RENT Nlcoly furnished front room In met ) cottnire 78 per month. 406 Williams st ; 8 minutes wulk southeast U. P. depot FOR RENT-Two neatly , furnished rooms with first-class tnblo board , References desired. 8. K. cor. 20th und Farnam sts. sts.44910J FOKHKNT 3orO nlco unfurnished rooms sultablo for housekeeping. 70Ji ! Pacific st' * 327 T7IOR RBNT-3 unf urnlshud'rooms ' , 1027 N 20th -C street i ? tB7 TOOK RENT-Furnlshod room , 2SOO Franklin P St. ' UQ7I1J FOR RENT Suite of unfurnished rooms , also cmo furnished room ; no bousokoop- Ing. 172QCuultaU\e. 637-7J OH UKNT-3 unf urnlshia' rooms In brlok dwelling at 1138 N. 17tu St. Buitablo for light househeoplng. t , 63S-9J OR RENT-3 nicely 'furnished rooms , 202ti St. Mary's uve. 66 FOR UENT-Two furnished rooms , heat In cluded $12 and 14 per month , north stdo Lcavenwortti. bet I'lli and nth sta. 663 BJ FOR KHNT-2 nice rooms furnished , 1013 Chicago st. 500 BJ OR 1U5NT-3 unfurnlshiMl rooms aujtablo for housokooplng , imrtlos without olilM . * - ' " > , 2531 Coldwoll , V f'-Intshod front - rooms. Ki "JC'ii 11KNT Fucnlahod parlor ami bedroom X vnsiiite , for 3 or 4 gentlemen , all modern conveniences , board next door , 33J7 Douglas. 653 8 "U10R RiNT : Rooms furnlthod and unfur- * nlshed , 1509 Faraam , opposlto Merchants' hotel , room 28. 134 gj Tj-OR RENT-Nlooly furnlihed room sultablo -i for2 gentlemen , Inqulro2ail Bt Marys avo. 018 1OB RBNT-Mcely fiirnlshBd room , hot and cold water bath room. Git ) South 17th. 471 ' - * - - - ' iiif . .I , ' i rfci i m&m n RENl' Offleo room , first floor , Rt .tit B. 15thst 445 F OiniENT-Niccly furnished roomsTirasT bath and furnace heat , 2337 Dodgo. 41110 F 1011 RKNT-Furnlshed rooms 181fl Dodgo. wn oct 9 IOK RENT A nice room for two , $10. with 1 or without board. 813 8 23d st. 293 7J FOR RENT-Elegant front rooms slnglo or en suite. ga.i , bath , prlvnto family three blocks f rom P , O. Gentleman only. Address O 53 , lloo. 414 9J R iflSNT Nicely furnished parlor nnd bedroom , also other rooms. 311 N , 12th. 415-nj "TOOK KKNT-S unfurnished rooms , suitable -U for man nnd wlfo boarding out. 233 N 13th st. 41l6J _ FORRENT-Unfurnlshod parlor,192l Chlwigo M > S fCOIl RENT Furnished room with or wlth- L out board , 2442 Capitol avonue. 2JQ 6j FOlt RENT Largo front room suttablo for 3 gentlemen , modoru conveniences , 610 N , 17thst , 248 FOR RENT Elegantly furnished room on first floor , with modern Improvements , 1917 Cass. 65 RENT-rurnlshed room , sultablo for FOR one or two gentlemen , cheap. 1931 Douglas - las st. 461 OJ FOlt RENT Elegant furnished suite of rooms , with bath and nit conveniences , in private family , also ono small room. 240381. Mary's ve. 459 flj TpOR RENT Pleasant rooms nicely furnished JP 1613 Dodgo. 154 IOJ "TOOK KENT Four nicely furnished rooms In JL eluding kitchen furniture * cheap 714 South 18tn St 453 6J TJpOR RENT Two unfurnished or ono fur- J nlshed room. 450 Convent. 430 6J FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms , southeast corner 19th and Jackson. [ (10U ( KENT Unfurnished cast front parlor , JP suitable for man and wlfo , with board , S. W. corner of Loavonworth nnd list streets. 384 flj FOR RENT Largo sunny 'southeast front room suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen , board In neighborhood. JJ423 Farnam St. , s. e. oor. 8il5 9 F I OR RENT-Ploastint rooms , furnished , southwest corner 20th nnd Webster. 318 "TOOR RENT One largo pleasant room , south J ? front , brick Hot , suitable for 2 or i gotttlo- mcn , 1416 Chicago at 288 FOR RENT Furnished rooms in Grounlg blk , oor 13th and Dodge st Inqulro of Goo. 1C Davis. Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 2.11 FOR RENT Furnished rooms slnglo or on- aulto , with or without board , 1015 Dodge , 960 SITUATION WANTED. ITANTEO-Sltuation by coachman. Address G 70. Boo ofTloe. 6P5 7J WANTED Situation , first-class whlto bar ber wants job in some good countrj town. Address G 69 , Boo olllco. 675 flj WANTED-Situntlon by young mnn ( Ger man ) as groom nnd coaohtniin , 4 years In German cavalry and 2 years In private family in this country. No olllco fee. Canadian Emp Olllco,318S 15tb , tol884. 577 7J WANTKD Situation ns coachman In private family or would undertake the breaking of young norsostorldo or drive ; clipping.and singeing done. Address G 49 , Boo. U9G bj VyANTKD-SItuatlon ns Housekeeper by an TT American lady of practical experience ; qualified to act ns tutor If desired ; best of ref erences. Address K. , 309 Pierce st. Council 1)1 u Us. 544 6j ANTED Engagements to do drossmnking W in families , address G 61 lloo. 555 13j WANTED -Position by a young man where ho onn learn to be an engineer. Wages not nn object. Aodross G CO , Boo olllce. SO 7j WANTED By n young man , a situation to work around a store or ofllco as porter , or to learn some trade. Apply Scandinavian Emp. Bureau , Kill ) Farnam. 5(1 ( 7 \\7ANTi'.D Sltuntlon as chambermaid. Call T T or address Room 3 , City hotel. 520 Oj WANTED Situation by two younif men , ono ni barton dor or work nround n sa loon or hotel , and one na coachman or any other work iiroiin I a store or olllco : Address Scandinavian Emp. Bureau , 1610 Farnam Bt. 605 7 ) - for men and tholr WANTIJI-Situation wives on fiirms , ranches or prlvnto fam ilies , have some very nice couploo of different national ) ! led ; wo fill your orders free or charge Mrs. llrogn A : Son's Canadian Employment of fice. 310 S. 15th ht. Telephone 884. 503 8J WANT KD Situation by a young lady as cashier or clerk In ofTico. Address V 50 , Boo oflico. 478 BJ \ \ : ANTED A place for man anil wife ns 1st ' and 2nd cook. Uuto City Employment oBlco. 444 flj ' \\7'ANTED Situation as foreman sioro- TT typor , morning or evening paper. Ad drosa "Stcro , " unroof Lord & Thomas , Chlo- ngo. 111. 4M OJ " \\7ANTSD-Bydrossmnkor of 15 years ox- TT porluneo , work In families. Address G 62 , RCO ofllco. 417 CJ WANTP.I-Situation by young man ns clerk In store or olllco : nxporiouco und good reference. Address G 43 , Bee , 3JI OJ WANTED First-clnss stenographer nnd typewriter operator desires employment. Ten years experience ; can furnish much Ino. Address "G 38. ' ' Boo offlco. 353-8 * experienced T T dairyman. Inqulro at 601 Plorco Bt. . cor. 6th nnd Pierce. 374 OJ WANTED Situations for 20 girls at house work , our oltlco is full of nice girls , come and get ono. Mrs. Ilrega & Son's Canadian Emp. ofllCtt 316 8 15th. tel. 834. 899 7J TIfANTED-Po'sltlon by a young man with six T T years experience as bookkeeper and oor- rospondont. Spoaka and writes four languages. Best references. Address G 34 , Bee olllco. 34 7 WANTED -Houseiieopors , situation or any work suitable for a middle ngod , practical woman , with good reference Address Western Employment agency , 1612 Farnam st. 297 STORAGE. "CURST-CLASS storage at 110 N. 13th St. 481 QTOUAGE Furniture , boxol goods , Ac. , C * terms reasonable , 714 1 Pncino. 231 f OB SALE HOUSES LOTS. LIST your property , for sale or exchange , with U. K. Cole.'Jlil S. 16th. room 1. 632 FOR S A LE-FIno corner near fnlr grounds , Omaha , a bargain. Hossack , 1034 O street , Lincoln. 521 nj IJTATiSllALL & LOBECK-IlarguIns. Lot 2 In block , Poppleton Park $ 1,850 Lot9 block 3 , Luke's addition oa Twenti eth near Luke with now eight room bouse , gas und water , cisternbarn and tine lawn Rt 7,000 Lota 15 nnd 10 block 9 , J. I. llodlck's sub , with large house , barn , well and cis tern at 7,00) Lot 10 block U , Lincoln Place on Din on- portal BOO Lots 4 and 5 blook V , Lincoln Place near California , each at BOO Lots 1 nnd 2 bloox 7 , Lincoln Place , oor , . 1,400 I/ot H block 6 , Lincoln place at fcOO 85 foot front on bhormun avcnuo near Lake street nt 8,600 44 feet front on Douglaacorner of Tenth street at 80,000 4 lots In Hitchcock's flrst addition , each nt 600 Aero lots in Spring Valler near Dierk's Man ufacturing company , on Missouri I'noifln nnd Northwestern railroads ut the low prlco of $600 toVX ) per acre. Lots In gamu addition 60x180 $3dO onoh. Call and examine our largo Hat of property in all parts of the city. m lots In Wlso A Purmele'a addition nt $ H to Marshall A Lobock. Itoom 9 , Chamber of Commerce , telephone 73. 492 mo KXCHANOB-Home money and choice -l. land for flrst clans , Improved ImliHprop - erty. H. Ii. Colo.UI6H 1Mb 411 FOR TRADE-Bqulty In 13 lots In Omntiu Heights for Improved Omaha proper1 , will pay cash difference. Address G WJ'uf-e'of ! 510 OJ _ TGiLUlANrBrooui c ' . ' .atfe , 8 minute * from , * uA" " 2."i"icrn conveniences. Paving mid sewer tM , , n pnl 1. Look this up , Loon- Jlon. 7-rlOc , nnd terms arc bound to suit. F Iv. Darling , 411 8. 15th st. _ 40S8 TjlOR SALE -121x100 ft cor Howard and aith Jsts , next block to Eaison , Brady & Martins - tins houpes , $7,500 , Addtojj K3'J Bee olDoe. VO _ K1OR SALUl.tiiDJ ft on It R track on Nlcho- -L las and 13lh with wars housa 3Gxiiit2 slorlos , price $14,000. Address Shaw * Field , box 53 < . Omaha. _ _ _ SJ3 o3 * A OI10ICB east front lot on .13rd struct , lust xA. oa Leavonworth for $35.010. 'Ihls Is the Best lot In Muyne Place. F. K. Darling. 418 8. 15th. 408 B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T , 1ST your property with S. a ( 'cunpboll and -LJ G. W. llorvy. 310 Chamber of Commerce special nttontion given to the exchange of all k.nds property. Improved and unimproved olty property , farms , horses , cattle , clocks of goods , etc. bOi mo RXCHANOR-nnilty In. 4 , anil 10 room J-houses and lots for paid Up lots. U.K. Colp.3l6815th. 410 rillioMPSON , 314 S 15th st. buys and sells real * - estate , loans money , purchases soourltloi , has n good list of property for solo and wnnt more. Notary public 8U riMIACKAGE property for sMe. first-olnss lo- Jcation , near business centre , frontage to suit , cheapest bargain In olty. Omaha Real Estate/ ! rust Co. 572 9 LIST your property , for sale or oxohanue , with 11. E. Cole. 318 3.15th. room 1. 583 T.1ST your houses for rent , with-11. E. Cole , JLJ CUB a 15th ; can rent fO now. 509 TJKMI SALE-Ilollovuo , Nub. , 10 miles from Omaha. B lots 4 xlll. Addren Thos. F. nyrno , nttorney , S4 Park Plnoo , N. V. City. Cash offers will only be entertained. 188 7j "VTRW P-room house with laundry nnd cement- Jl l ed cellar In west part of city , two Squnrwi off car line for sale on monthly payments. F. K. Darling. 4168 15th st- 403 8 FOR SALE -Now four room house , good col lar , well , cistern , karn nnd full lot , within two mlle limit , good locntlon. $ l..0) , Torrnsto suit. George J. StorusdorlT \ Farnniu. | 41)67 ) * LIST your property for snln with Charles C. Spotsnrood.UOMiSlBthst. 643 ONE hundred and two fton n.w. rornerCnss and I.owo ave. A splendid locution for n homo. Can soil for $3,850. Small cash payment nnd longtime. F. K. Darling. 4tM H OTS 18 nnd 19 Clark's addition , $100 per ft. This Is splendid residence property and a better locality nnd bargain cniuiot be found in Omaha. F. K. Darling. 4M 8 SNAP-OOxl50 one-halt block from postofflcn In South Omaha for $4VXwlth ) $ > . ' .000cnsh 01 $ ( oo with $1.000 onsh. F.I. Gregory , 3JO S. 15th st , 273 FIVE room house , nnd lot In South Omaha on monthly payments. F. K. Darllnir , 410 8.15th. 4B88 SNAP Elegant enst front lotn Arcade plnce , on 30th st between Loavonworth nnd poor farm. $3,000. F. L. Gregory , 330 S. 16th st 273 bTXTY-hlX ft on Snundcrs nonr Grape , fronts on 2 aticots ; line business unit resident property , Ask about It. t. K. Darling , 414 So. 15th. 4I > 8 8 FOR SALE Kino tmprovnd farm of IBO acres in GosperCo. , Neb , , all tindorfonoo.good house , and all out bulkllnf , prlco 84.00C. Ad drosa J. R. snaw , oox Ks.Oity. 201 olj FEW More lots left nt $150. easy terrn Money In this. Investigate. H. E. Cole , 3iB B. 15th. 5 3 T ORSALE-Snapl Lot 3 In blook 6 , Hnw- -L thorno , tl,3SO , $ ' > 00 cash , balance long ticio. F. K. Darling , 410 S. 15. 495 0 "TO F. RINGlUt , 119 N. 15th St. $ 8,000 Shlnn's 1st , 9 > 1xl20 , hou > e , 10 rooms , will exchange for lots In Kountvo Place. 9.500-4 lota on Suundors st , opposite KounUo Place ; worth $ ll,5JO. 13,0)0 50x140 , double house , 8 rooms each , bathroom , city wnter , eto. , rents for $100 per month , $3,000 cash , $5,000 In other property , $5,000 on tune. 5,00)--2 lots , house 6 rooms , barn , etc. , Shlnn's 1st add. Lota alone would bo cheap at the price naked. 18,500-2 modern houses , 7 and 12 rooma each , 72x140 , near 23d , runts for $150 per month. 25,005 06x120 , buildings cost $8,000 and cover nearly all tbo ground , will rent for $150 per month. $5,000 cash. $8OOJ other property , balance 1 and 2 years. $2,000,001) worth of property In all parts of the city. It you wnnt to buy or sell BOO E. F. Ringer , llO N. 15th st 818 E 1ST your property with S. t . Campbell nnd G. W. llorvy If you wnnt to soil or ex change. 310 Chamber of Commerce. 807 FOR HALM Corner Pleasant nnd California , t-louthof 8aere4 Heart , beautiful building site. A. I' . Tukey , 1331 Furnam. 438 0 FORSALE-Ona of tbo llnost lots on Orchard St. , Orchard Mill. 'I hH tot may br Hold at $300 los * thnn its Vdluotf bought In n few days. Charles C. Spotswood , 30Vi 3. 10th st. HTiO A. SLOMAN , Real estate , 1301 Piirnimn. . Fnrnam st. botivoon Twontlotli nnd Twenty-third , 119x1113 , pur foot $ 400 Fnrnam Ht. corner Thirty-first. J30xl33 , per foot l.'iO FarnnuiRt. near pavement , 47il3 4,150 1'aninin Bt. ntmr ptivomom , U.'ixIM 8ini : ) Farnum Bt. corner Foity-tlilrd , 44x133. . . 3.60J. Farnnm ft. earner Nineteenth , 1m- proved , 22x133 0OUO Farnnm st. between Nineteenth and Twentieth , Improved , 77xll3 ! 40.0W Farnnm Bt near Eleventh , 30x133 , units for $1.500 85.0JO rnrnnm st ncnr Twenty-Seventh , Mxl3J nor foot 200 Hnrnoyst. near Twentieth , tmprovod 174X1B7 50,000 Hariiovst. near Twenty-third , Improved , 50x33 11,000 Barney st. near Fifteenth , Improved 3Jx 133. . . 15,003 Sixteenth st near Nicholas,0. . x103 13,000 Sixteenth St. south ot viaduct , 40x102. . . . 5,000 Douglas St. nast of Twenty-third. 03x133. . 9,000 Twentieth st , noarSt. Mary's ave , im- proved.40xl30 8,000 Twentieth st , between Douglas and Dodge , Improved , ; i2x 0 fUXV ) Saumiers fit , corner Hurt , IfiOxSl 7,500 Allco st , near Fnrnam , east front , 47x133. 1.80J Fifteenth at , corner , lone.-i , Improved , flo XI33 30,000 Fourteenth st.corner JacksonImproved , 60x133 30.000 Fourteenth stcorner ChicagoImproved , 88xii3 : 18,000 Twelfth st , corner Jones , Improved , GOx 133 25,000 Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trnokugn , 8xl33 C.OOO Thirteenth st , Paddock place , truckage , ( Mxll3 2,590 Thirteenth st , corner California , Im proved. rontslPOO Si.oao Park < ivo , opposite Park. 50x150 ' .OOO Davenport st , opposite High school , Una modern fourtoen-room house Ui ) x33 18,000 Cass st , between Nlneloonth and Twen tieth , twelve-room modern huuso , G9x 133 15,000 Nicholas St. . corner Twenty-second , trackngo , 133x133. Improved 20,000 Charles st. , near St , Mary's , lmproved.04 x28 6,400 Cnlpy stnoar Crelghtoncollege.modorn ten-room housouxl43 ; 0,250 Ploice st.near Twentieth , 80x183 , fronts two streetsimproved 5,350 Dodge st. , near Twenty-sixth , 3)5x133 ) , im proved 3.0M Twenty-second st. , near Gruce.Blxl30. ( . . 3,000 West Omnha , In bon ton locality , 40 or 60 X165. per foot 75 Twenty-llrst. corner Vlnton , 53x100 1,509 Cnstellurit. , next corner Eighth , 61'/x Thirty-third st"corn'er'DelaHrarollan3- ! com Place 100x100 5,400 Leavonworthst. near Hlxtocnth , 28x'G 6,000 Webster St. , nunr Twoiity-olvhtti , 50x150 , ongrailo l.HO ] In addition to the abovci I have lots in all choice additions nt low figures , 739 BEST bargain over olforod. For sal * . 7 of the ilnest lots In South Omnhn , Including onocornor.Vi blocK from the now school homo , forIOO It sold goon. Cull nt onco. J , A , Wichtorman , oust of depot , South Omaha. _ _ _ 4KU OJ _ A FEW More lots loft nt f 150 ; onsy terms. Money In this. Investigate. II. i : . tolo ! , 31(1 ( S. 15th. _ 5 FOR SALE Orfor IOIIBO. Fine businesa prop erty cio nunof S. 1'Jth and Castcllnr sts , 134X12UJ4. Inqulro at the pruiiilsos. 611 13J rp\VO Quo east front residence lots fronttnir JHiuioom park , 5JxJ4l ) feet ouch.froiitlng on twoHtrccta. loan sell thuso lit u tlmiri ) that will Insiiru a good profit on small cash pity- inont ? . F K. larlmv,41o S.Uth. 4iw FOR SAliI' Finest locntlon for a home In West Omnhn , iidjolnlmr thn miuulon homes of Klrkendall.Uoe , ( Irady , Kaston and others Nothing liner In the city. Can acll UMJCIBT or loss tor prlcoa and terms see S. A , pioman. 13fll I'urnnin at. 71H FOR SALE A bargain In 6-room house am lot , east front , on 38th St. , nour Luuvon- worth. No comniltBlous. Address 0 61 , lloo of llco. _ KI4 UJ XTOIITH ! W ft of lot 17 ClatkHndd.Just off St , iMnrvsou20thnvofor $ lii ! per toot. F. 1C. DnUllitf.410815th. 561 7 _ OR f-ALE-liy Bholos & Crumb , rrmm 1 llarkur block , newsroom hiji.soin irooi locality , $4,500 , on onsy terms.it bargain , 573 I FOR TRAnE-KaUio fine lots on Amos nvo In Holoinou B add for equity in house and lot orwlll . .rnortcR o back on house tor the dur.rDnc8 In oqultynpily ; | Charles U.Spotswood S 10th st. 5.-.J LIB'I' your pioperty , fur Halo or oxchaiiKO with U. E. Cole , 'Jit B. IKtli. room I , 583 GOOD things tlil wo9 . i.otH In 119 , South Omnha.cush $350 ; $450. Corner , Uln4 In AH Patrloks , street paring nml street cur bulldmur < > n Saunders now , lot block from Hnundors , cash $ s * ) , 1 2 and 3 yours deo'l ami absttact , prlcu tl.WD. Corner 8 in M ItoelsUt M cnli.noi , Corner 19 and 30 In 1 , Drakes , lOJxttli , ! { oisl : , . Corner 1 and 2 In A II Handera , )31\mon ) 2ltl st. 1-1 cash , $ lii.OQ % These arcull bargains. Ooo. M. Cooper. Ill B Ifllhst. 570 B _ n ANSCOM I'liAOR. Ixit It ) block 17. Ono of the nicest ri'sidonuu lots In tlio city facing park on Park avenue , lutlf nlook frnn two street curs. I will neil this lot for $ J,5 < K ) $ looo cash , Onlanoo to suit. ThU u the iihoaii- o t lot In the city to-day. Othnr lots cannot bo bought In sumo block lo s thnn $ "i , < Xl. lam the < nfnnr ; shiill be In tbdoity only for u Cow days. Addresser cull , K. Fox , Arotvlo notul city. ' 64 * BROWN & CREianTON'S Bargain * . improved. a room house and lot on Oorby itreot , 93JSM , 500 cash , 6 room house , and lot 6(1x133 ( on 3 10th street , VtWi , $3WO cash. M room house , anil lot 5X1150 , Hansoom plao , 5,750 , $ ,1,000 cash. D room house , and lot , IdlowllJ$5ry , W.009 a h. 7 room Imuso , and lot SAth ncnr Cum Inf. 4,000 , $ I.50J cash. 63x133 Improved on Fornnm , $10,000 , H cash Unimproved. 80x9J , Patrick's l.'nJoiii.'Oth street , $ l,009oaif onus. lots sub of tnx lots , city trackage , $ lB39i t 00x140 on Paundors street between Clark ml Grace , $ t > .5'.0 ' , $5,000 cash. Lot 83 foot front on 10th , corner Oracol7,50J , { cash. Lot 50\l3n. Summit Vlnoo. UdW , $ l.l > ) l rash. I < ot 88 x135 , corner on Farnam street , $331 foot , 4 euMi , Lots In lloiirord Pluoo , Royd's add. . OrclinnI Hill , Walnut lltll , Wi'stilde , Klrkwood , and all vor the city. . Acres rnrl'laltlng. 13."i aaros 4 miles from postolllce , 10 Here * 3 miles from poMoltlco. 6 acres 3 miles from postofflcc. ( I acres 3 miles from postolllco. 5 acres In Newport. 2 acres In llolvodoro. Drown * Crolpbton , se corner 10th nnd Dou . as. IKI oot HOtlJti ; nnd lot In South Omnhn , wullant . bulldlnits for $1,000 , small cash payment , al monthly V. K. Darling , 418 S luth. 5047 A FhW Morn lots loft at $1M ) ; easy terms. - - Money lu this. Invonttgato. H. E. Cole , 3li . 16th. tVH3 _ _ _ CTOlt KXCHANGB-I ha\e two lots all paid JL up which 1 will oxrhnngo for n good plco * f property costing from $2riOO to $ .1r > 0u nnd will pay dltfnrc'nce In cash , Cunrles 0. Spot * * wood. UA4 8 10th st. 6.V ) _ OlTsAIK-At a saorltloo. lots 3 and 5 , l.lk H , Albright's annex. Lot 8 in Pelhain Place , share Lowe Avenue Terrace llulldlnirassocla- ton stock. F. Harrott , with llolln X Thornp- on. 317 8 15th Bt. SSI _ LIST your houses for rent , with H. K. Cole , 31fl 815th ; cun rent 50now , 549 FOlt 8ALE-At a bargain , two lots In PUIn- view , ono a south nnd east cornor. Ono lot u Klrkwood. Owner needs money for im- irovlng property close by. Address G 1' ' , Ilo ) tllco. 63i ) 13J FOR SALE Elegant ID room hoiloo , all mod ern convc-iiloncet.only $5JO cash rojulroiL I. K.Cole. 818 b 15th. 818 iPLV.Nnil ) opiortunlty | to secure n homo. O Iloilso built to suit you. Small cash rmy nont , balnnco monthly ; It will pay you to look his up. H. B. Cole , UIO 3 15th , 5 3 15 LOT 10 blk ! , Hoggs & Hills ndd , $3,00 % $6M cash , bal easy. F. K. Darling , 418 B 15th. 503 8 FOR SALE Nlco largo corner .lot on opoa Htreot , ono block ofT horsn car line , price 500. $ IB8iash , balance $50 Roml-annuully , rest- lt'noo401N. 15tnst. 518 BJ FRMK D. MEU. Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET VVOHK ASPEUiALTI Tulopliono GGO. 309 Sotitti Mlxtvunth Stroot. THE BANK OF COMMERCE G1O Xorth Ifith Street , Paid in Capital , - $100,000 GF.O. E. BARKER , President ROUT. L. OARLICIIS , Vlco-rrosldent. F. U JOHNSON , C BUIOBI.R. JOIINSOX , GtO. E. ROUT. L. GAUUCIIP , WM. F. H. JOIINHOX. , A general banking business transact oJ. Interest allowed on line dnno Notice. ATrERof nppllcatlon of August Slmofor M for permit to tell liquor as a druggist. Nollco In hereby given that August Schaefer lid upon thoIIOIhdny of September , A. D. I8S7 , tile his application to the mayor and city coun cil of OmnhH , for permit to sell umlt , spiritu als nnd vinous ll'iuors ' , us n druggist , for mo- dlclnal , mechanical and chemical purposes only , at H. IX corner of Corby and 10th streets , h'ifthwnnl , Omaha , Nub. , fiom Iho lltli day of April IM7. t' ) the lllth day of April , IBtW. If thoi-o bo no objection , romonitranoo or proton Iliad within two weeks t rom September Wlh , A. D. lbH7 , the said penult will bo granted. AUUIIST SciiAK it , Applicant J. U. SoimiAKi ) , City Clerk. s'WoO DUMMY TUAIX8. Running Between Council Bluffs and South Omaim. In addition to the stations mentioned , tralna stop nt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streets , and at the Summit m Omaha. Westward. Stock Bhcel'ys. Omaha. Tran t&r 'lira Ha- Yarde. way. 0:35 : fln : 728 | 7:3" : 7:5(1 : ( mn 8:50 9:38 : 9:58 : 1038 ; io.n : 10:44 : HIM 11:30 11:58 j 2:2.1 : I2:3.i : 12:54 : 1:38 : 1:8.1 : 2:38 : 3:23 : 3:50 : 3:58 : 4:28 : 4'H : 4-a : 4:51 : 6:31 : 6:10 : K47 ! 6 ilS B:25 : 0:40 : 6:47 : 7:13 : 7:31 : 7:85 7:3-1 : B:3i : ; T8 : 10:111 : 10:30 : lifts lllli )