THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 7. 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Transactions in the Wheat Fit Entirely of ' a Local Character. i\ ' ' CORN RULES AT AN ADVANCE. No Indications of lilfo Sliotvn In OatH anil ProvlHlona Tito Cattle Tradn ! Had Gen eral Quotation * . ' - rilODttCi : MAHKKT9. CHICAOO , Oct 0. iSpoclal Telegram to the UKK.J The early strength In the wheat inarxot appeared to bo based upon foreign news partly and partly upon the strength shown by outside markets yesterday , while this board forgot money-making and wel comed the president Thu market was utmost ijtitlrcly local again with the excep tion , Itti \ said , of a sale of May and the pur chase of December for New York account. This absence of outside orders made the market finite susceptible to the Influence ot quick-moving local traders , who were buying more than they sold early In the session and reversed the situation later. Liberal receipts In the northwest , coupled with a light export movement , were sulliclent to Induce a desire among the scalping element who had been buying early to unload. The strength of early cables , however , was not keeping pace with these offered supplies and a decline began and was measurably helped by late private cables , which were weak In tone. The opening was at 72c for November , 73c for December and TUc for May. The highest figures touched were J < c above these for November anil May , and these were obtained almost Immediately after the opcn- IniraniHost almost as quick. December did not Kalu a traction from thn openlnir. under the influence noted abova the market held fairly steady until about noon nnd then de clined to the close , which was about thu low est point of the sesilon , at 71-tfc bid for No vember , 72Ji@73 o for December and 78 c bid for May. The opening In corn was at ! c advance over thu closing tlgtir&s of Tuesday at 4- ) < c for November , 42&c for December and 45J4'c for May. These figures were not bettered during the session. There appeared to be but little genaral Interest In the market and the volume of business was small. Oats auain failed to shew any signs ot re newed life and the market continues In thu old rut so far as prize changes are concerned by reason of the existing dullness. In provisions there was no particular life In the movement. Traders seemed to be governed by circumspection and in their trad ing there was neither freedom nor vigor at any tlmo during the day. The feeling was some what bearlshly Inclined. At 1 o clock Octo ber short ribs were the only articles that showed an advancu over Tuesday's llnal prices , in January pork and lard the de cline actually suffered was Oc In October , No vember and December lard , 2)c and In Jan uary short ribs a c. October short ribs were taken care of bv corner representatives and a 0 largo share of Tuesday's break was recovered , the resting quotation showing an Improve ment of ! ? 7Kc. For this Rrtlcto thoday'H range was e 7.00 7.-15 and the closing 97.40. in lard fluctuations were confined to narrow limit } and the final prices stood at $0.45 for Octt'iHr and Si,92J ( { for November and Do- eember. January closed at S12.'i7J for pork , G.7 : ! > 4(3C.40 ( for luru and fcC.G2 > $ for short ribs. ribs.AFTKIINOON SKSSION Wheat steady ; Oc tober closed at W'X&WXr , November at 71c bid and .May at 78Jf@78 c. Corn steady. Oats steiUy. Pork unchanged , kard was steady. _ CHICAGO MVi : STOCK. CHICAOO , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegram to the HEII.J OATTLK About three-quarters oC the fresh cattlu weru Texans nnil rangers. Na tives , especially desirable and good classes , were again vcarco and sold as high as at any time this week. A few fancy lots sold within a range of S5.10 ( 5.35 ; good to choice , 34.GO@ 4.00 ; common and plain , 83.50(84.25. ( Toxam remain at the lowest prices known , and rang ers are down to what would seem to bo a range where it would be impossible to go lower. Ac tlvo butchers' stock Is also about as low as evei known in this market. The stacker anil feeder trade remains almost lifeless. A fc\\ hundred or so clmnico hands from day to day , but shipments to the country are lew anil I'ai between. There has been n couplu of load : ot stocK calves In the pens for .sev eral day B , no one seeming to wan that class of stock this week si far. Fancy , S5.10@'i.35. Shipping steers 1850 to 1500 IDS , S4.00c ( ? > 5.00 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs 8.W4.25 ; 050 to K0i Ibs , S2.75@1.70. StocK ( is and ! ! , si.50cU5 ; cows , bulls am rnlxod , S1.0C@J ; bulk , $1.50@2.oo. Texm BteeM , S2.UX.t2.75. Indians , 82.50GiU.20 Wenern ranters weak ; natives and half i > rtHjdsS20@i.8.i ! ! : ; cows , S2.00@2.20. Win tered Texans , 8A35. HOOB Trade was brisk and prices abou the same as at the close yesterday. Packer : wore paying H.t.@l.40 : for best mixed am 8 < i.l5' ( : tor common , liost assorted hcav sold 84.454.00 , largely at 84.GO ; light sorts 84.45. MVE STOCK. Chlunuo , Oot 0. The Drovers' Journo reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; steady , with coo natives stronger ; fancy , 85.lOi3 > . ; i5 ; ship plug steers , $2.755.00 : tockers and feeders f 1.50683.12 ; rows , bulls and mixed , Sl.OWi 2.CO ; Texas steers , JJ.UO ( < j'J.75 : Indians , 82.5 (23.20 ; Western rangers weak at 83.00CM.K Hogs Receipts , 20,000 ; steady ; mixed 84.15 ® .50 ; heavy. $4.25@4.CO ; llgnt , 84.250 4.55 ; skips , S3.00@U5. ! Sheep Hecelpts , 4,000 ; market steady ; na tlvcs.-82.75@4.20 ; western. 53.15Q4.60" ; Tea ans , i3.OOQa.50 ; lambs , S4.20r < j5.25. ' Nation * ! 8toolc Ynrda. . Kn t 8t IjouU. III. , Oct. 0. Cattle Receipt ! 1.000shipments. 1,200 ; dull ; fair to cholc heavy iiutlvo steers. < H70 ; butcher ! steers , medium to choice , 83.35@3.'JO ; feeil ers , fair to good , 2GOC 3.20. Hogs Receipts , l.bOO ; shipments , GOO easy ; choice heavy and butchers' selet tlons , 84.85@4.C5 ; packing and Yorkun medium to prime , * 4.20@4.50 ; pigs , con mon to good , 3.70(34.15. ( Kansas City , Oct. 0. Cattle Receipt : 2,500 ; shipments , 2,000 ; weaic and very dull good to choice corn-fed , S4.20@4.G5commo ; to medium , 83.2.-i < v4.10 ; stockers. 82.00 M.O < . feetiing steers , 52.0.rifli.25 ( ! : ; cows , Sl.25 < $2.K Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; slilpmnnts , l.ixx oponcdlOc lower but closed stronger ; con mon to choice , 84.10(34,40 ( ; skips aud pig 82.75(54.00. ( NKW YOHK , Oct. 0. | Special Telegram I I" the Bnr j STOCKS The stock maiki " opened tlrm with more Inclination to trad Reading and Western Union were the mo active stocks and led thu list The bear part endeavored to force prices down by she selling , and they were credited with boln short 100,000 shares. As prices did not c down the shorts became H cared and bcgu covering. The same set of dealers who ha ) bought Western Union for several days pa were again heavy buyers , and turned tt course of prices upward and it advanced 2 per cent Reading followed closely and at vanced 2V , St. Paul Iaud Northwestern per cent. The most of the list was } to Jf p cent better. Trading up to noon was almo as heavy as during the entlro day Weduc day , beln ! ttl.OOu shares ot Reading and 0 ; SCO snares ot Western Union. Reading is r garded ns the biggest gamble on the list , ai liable to violent fluctuations , hence oi > erato aromoro inclined to trade in It than In oth securities on the list Thn Uojtlmore & Oh deal Is the chief feature In the market , was given out In a seml-offlclal way that 11 contract between the Western Union ai Udtlmoro & Ohio was siened this mornln and that Western Union will Issue sulllcle ( took , said to be 85,000.000 , to take up the I dcbtcdness and capital stock of the Ualtlmc 1 & Ohio telegraph. All that remains is to wi ( or the action of stockholders to ratify t contract , and as Western Union has nlroai ' secured enough proxies , It is aald that the i can be no failure. The completion of the t graph deal la regarded iby the bulls ai good Utlug tor the market. They all arg that the condition ot business throughout the country warrants Improvement In rail * road securities. They agree that there has been a cloud , but that It has been removed and a silver lining Is now apparent. It is ob served , however , that most ot the room traders are long on stocks In anticipation ot abulco to get out on. The report that the north western roads were endeavoring to patch up their little differences at their meeting to-day hail rather n good nltcct on the Grangers and they held firm all day. In the last .hour Western Union finished \ % percent b'etter than yesterday , Reading2 , St. Paul K , North western > { , Union Pacific 1 # , r.nd Cotlon Oils 1 ? . Rock Island Wt s I,1/ per cent lower. The total snJoi Were 4J0.8S7 shares. GoVKn.vME.VTS Government bonds were dull but firm. Yi'.sTiinn A v's "QUOTATIONS. U. S. 4'scoupon.l2 VlO. AN. W Ill U. S. 4W'scoun..lUSf' ' ' donreferred..Ill Pttcltlcu"sollit5..l'Jl N. V. C lOfi.V CanadaSotith'n. . 51 ? , ' O. It. AN , . . . . Central PacllUi. . nt O. T. Chicago A Alton .140 Pacific Mall. . . . do preferred..100 P. , D. & K. C. , B'AO. . . , - - PullmanPal.Car.150 D. , L. A W. . Heading 01 < D.Alt. O. . . . Rock Island . . . .118i . . | Erie , u. . It. I tK rut o. r * * . . . . i - da prcferreil do preferred. . . . 74 Illinois Central. . ! ! < { C. , M. & St. P. . . 511 I. , 13. & W 15 do preferred. . 11.1 K. &T KIX St P. & O " hake.Shore 01 do preferred. . L. < fcX Ol Texas Pacific. . . . 24K Michigan Cent'l. . Vf > llnlonl'acllic. . . . 52 ° & ' Mo. Paclllc D3X1W. . St LAP. . . . IS No. Pocllio 22 do prefoned. . 82 do preferred..MSJ 'W. ' U. Telegraph TO MONKY On call easy at : WM ppr cent , lost loon 3 , closed offered at 3 D < T cent. PllIMK MEIlCANrll.E I'Al'Ell 0 ! QS } Pef cent. ' STKUMNO ExciiANon Dull but steady at 84.7UX lor 00-day bills : 4.b3tf for de mand. _ CHICAGO PltODUCE. Chlcftgo. Oct. 0. Following quotations are the 2iclo-ing ; : ) flgures : Flour-Unohangpd , with rye at S2.75Q3.00 per bbl , and 32.50@2.75 for sacks. Wheat After a slightly higher opening a weaker feeling was developed and prices de clined Kc from top fleurcs ; In the afternoon the markes advanced QJ caml closed about % ( % } fc lower then Tuesday's closing ; cash , C'J ' c ; November , 71c ; December , 72 c ; Mar. 78c. Corn Opened Kc higher , was Tina for a time , then became easier and closed about the same as Tuesday's close ; cash and No vember , 42Xe ; December , 43)n ) ; Mav,45Xc. Oats Quiet and dull ; cash , 2Cc ; Novem ber , 2 < 5 ? c ; May , 20j 'c. Rye 4Sc. Barley C5c. Prime Timothy Seea-S2.25 < < l2.2 < 5. Flax Seed-Closed easy at * 1.05 % Pork Easier ; year , 812.00 ; January. 12.17K. Lard Easier and 2 > < jj5c lower ; cash , SR.45X ; November and December , SG.32tf ; May , 87.00. Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders. 85.20(35.25 ( ; short clear. S7.bO < tf7.85 ; short ribs , S7.45. Butter Firmer ; creamery , 18@25fc ; dairy , Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , 10 a llc ; flats , 10 > fljilc ; Young Americas , 011 , c : sklins , 8@0fc. Kggs-17gl7Hc. ( Hides Unchanged : heavy ereen salted , fully cured , 7Ji'c ; light do , . 7K@7Jfo ; dam aged , Gc : bull hides , 5 > ; c ; No. 1 areen salted calf , BX@9c : dry salted , lOc ; dry Hint , 12 ( < $13c : dry calf , 12@13c ; deacons SOc each. Tallow Firm ; No. 1 country solid , 4@ " : ; No. 2 , Ko ; cakes , 4 > ic. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 83,000 37,000 Wheat , bu..i 50.000 2D.OOO Corn , bu IWi.009 273.000 Oats , bu 334,000 48,000 Rye , bu 0,000 1,000 Barley , bu ll'J.OOO 50.000 Milwaukee. Oct. . Wheat Lower ; cash , G'J c ; November , Tl c ; Dccumber , Corn lllglior ; No. 8 , 43Vfc. Oats Strong ; No. 2 white , SOc. Rvo Dull ; No. 119c. . Bailey-Firm ; No. 2 , 5 . , . . Provisions Steady ; Pork , October , S 14.50 @ 15.00. Cincinnati. Oct. C. Wheat Easier ; No. 2 , red , 7077 c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 4'ic. Oats Steady at27c : rod , 28c. Ryo-FIrm ; No. 2 , 55 } f. 1'ork Quiet and easy ; repacked , 314.25. Lard-Dull at ( i.40. Whisky Firm at S1.05. MlnnnnpollH. Oct. n. Wheat Quiet and weak : No. 1 hard , October , 70'n'c ; Novem ber. 7lc ; December , 72c ; May , 77 c ; No. 1 northern , October , Gf > Xc ; November , 67e ; December , CSc ; No. u northern , October , 03c ; December , t'i4 ; May. 6'Jc ; on track : > "o. l hard. 71K@7Jc ! No. l northern , C7@C3c ; No. 2 Northern , ( HlgG.'ic. Flour Quiet ; patents , 84.15@4.00 ; bakers' , 83.2563.50. Receipts Wheat , 17,000 bu. ShipmentsWheatja.OOJbu ; Hour , 27,000 bis. Iilvorpool , Oct. 0. Wheat Firm ; de mand good ; hold rs olfer sparingly ; Califor nia No. 1 , ( Vi 3d@4s nor cental ; rod westoni sprlne , 6s 3d ; red western winter , Os 3d. Corn Good demand tor futures ; Ib offer ings ot spot. New Ifork , Oct 0. Whcat-Ilecplpts , 217,000 ; exports , 100,001) ) ; options opcneil firm , advanced n triilo , subsequently ruled easier and dropped K@ ? < o , sympathUinii with thn west , closing , however , stoadlei with a recovery ot K@ > c ; cash grades aboul lie lower ; ungraded red , bO' &Xc ; No. i red , 81 @Slic In store. 81-ifo t. o. b. , b3a ( 84) c UL'llvered. aecording to quality ; No. 1 red , nominal at bbc ; No. 2 red , November closed at tf-i c. Corn Receipts , 48,000 ; exports , 8,000 spot , JiQUic hither , closing firm at option : & @ &c lower , closing steady ; ungraded mixed. 52@51c ; No. 2 , 52if < 52Jfc lu store 53Jf54 } c delivered , 63&53c to arrive Novumber closed at 52 ? c. Oats Receipts. 73,000 ; exports , none mixed western , 32@34 c ; white western , 3 ; @ 40c , ( Joileo Snot , fair ; Rio , firm at 819.95 ; op tlons 10@253 points lower , but more active sales , 8,570 bags ; Octobur , S17.H5 ® 17.40 ; No- vumber , 817.35@17.50 ; Deciimber , 817.40i 17.65 ; January , 817.4017.60 ; February ! 17.eo. Petroleum Steady ; United. 6S c. Eggs Quiet ; western , 15@21c. Port Dull and unchanged. Lard Lower ; western steam , spot , quotci at 80.80Q < 5.82K. Butter Firm on fine stock ; western , 13J ( 25c ; western creamery , 16@'i' X'c. Cheese Quiet but lirm : western 9) @llHc Kansas City , Oct. 0. Wheat Stronger No. 3 sott , G5c ; May. 74'j , ' bid , H o nskeil. Corn Steady : No. 't cash , S5 ? < c ; No vombnr , : < 5 > o uld , SSJ o asked ; December 35 > 4'e bid , SOc asked : May. 3'Jc. Oats-No. 2 , 2tc bid. iJJJic asked. Now Orlonm. Oct 6. Corn Quiet bu steady ; mixed , .V > o ; whitu and yellow , SOc Oats-Easier ; No. 2 , 33c. ot Cornmeal steady , tirm , S3, ) t Hog Products Unsettled , generally lower B. pork , S15.2.-i ; lard.80.7.r . B.3y Bulk Meats-Shoulders , S5.fl7)i ) ; Ion , 3y clear and clear rib , S7.87X. rt OMAHA IjlVK STOOIi. : o Thursday , Oet 0. n Cattle. o The receipts of cattle wcro still llghte st aualn to-day , theru being only fourteen load 10 of fresh recmpts us against thirty-one ye.itei day. There were hardly enough cattle her to make a market anil all grades of stop I- wore very quiet. A few loads of corn fe cattle were sold at 84 30 , aside from them er few odds and ends of butchers stock and 3t load or two of steers were nil that change hands. Values had a downward tendonc 3f. - ana the few cattle that wore sold went a f.- prices about lOc lower than the same kind c ecattle bought during the earlier part of th id wecK. There was nothing doing In th feeder market , although there were a fe' rs prospective buyers looking around. Bute ! er ITS' Block , especially old cows , Is extremcl lo dull. _ _ _ _ It Hogs. lie 1 he receipts of hogs were very nearly tti idK. same as yesterday , them being till rty-onocai K.nt ot tresh receipts , or one more than yestcrda ; nt Thn market opened at prices aboul stead ntn with yesterday's close or lOc lower than ye , nro terday mornlne. One load reached 34.17J- although SI. 15 was practically the top wni at 84.25 was tlm top yesterday morning. Tli ho market continmxl about steady at the open iy Ing prices and everything was Ukon betoi ire the close. el- Sbeup. ia There were no fresh receipts , aud notblc ue doing on the market. Official Receipt ! . Cattle. SOO Hois. . 2,100 Prevailing 1'rlcei. SliowlnetlioprdraUlniprL'ji piM ( or IIva stock on Ibis marknt : Choice steers. 1300 to 1503 Ibs . . .84.10-34.40 Choice steers. 1100 to 1SW Ibs. . . 3.8584.10 Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . H.75Mi.T. : Corn-fed raiue steers 1200 to 1500 H.8.v 4.30 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.50ft3.00 ( Common to medium cows 1,50(32.00 ( Good to choice bulls 1.50r.l2.00 Oood rangofeedcm 2.40@2.bO Goo < luatlvefeedcr3WJlbsand up wards 2.75Q3.00 Fair to medium native fceders,000 Ibs and upwards 2.rxX32.G. > btockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.00ai.1.40 Prime fat sheep 3.23 , , " > 0 Fair to incnlum sheep 2..Vi. ) 3.00 Common sheen. l.ftO(43.25 Llcht and medium noes 'I.UDM4.00 Good to choice heavy hozs 4lor 4.l5 Good to choice mixed hogs Itepro4entatira 8 ln . NATIVE SrKKIlS COIIN-FKP. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 10..1113 53.75 50..1340 S4.GO NATIVE STOCKEltS. 18. . . . 870 S2.bO WlHTKltN 8TKKUS T1NNAN * I. . 20. . . .1145 82.85 NATIVE COWS. 24. . . . 981 82.10 1..1400 82.75 31..1013 8.25 I'llIMi : NATIVE CO\V . 2..1340 83.50 WKSrilHN COWS T.MIAMIE ItlVKli , I , . & 0. CO. 23. . . . OD2 8l.b7 < TEXAS BrEKllS TAILINGS. 5..1100 82.25 ° No. Av. Shk. ' . No. Av. Shk. Pr. 72..ao3 ino 84.00 no..8M 12084.10 82..211 2bO 4.00 03..203 80 4.15 G5..204 W ) 4.00 C5 . . .203 W ) 4.15 78..207 40 4.00 09..201 300 4.15 72..243 160 4.0'i CO..200 2JO 4.16 G2..241 2HO 4.05 69..290 120 4.15 73 . . .220 100 4.07W 03..277 120 4.15 77..227 880 4.U7& 70..207 ICO 4.15 CO..240 80 4.10 O1..3 > )0 bO 4.15 70..221 120 4.10 67 . . .209 240 4.15 07..250 2sO 4.10 71..253 120 4.15 AV..234 80 4.10 63..271 120 4.15 C3 . . .253 280 4.10 CO..201 40 4.15 8.5..225 820 4.10 D3. . .291 240 4.15 55..253 120 4.10 73..260 280 4.17X Liive Stock Sold. Showing thn number of heal of stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. G. H. Hammond & Co 75 Local 70 Feeders 40 Total Ib5 IIOOS. Anglo-American Packing Co 1,703 G. 11. Hammond & Co ; 478 Local. : 23 Total 2 293 All sales ofstoclcm ttiu market are made per ewt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hr.gssellat \ per Ib. for all welichts. "Skins , " or ho s weighing less than 10'J Itis. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS. and stags 80 Irn. birtheoublio luspaotor. Iilvo Stock Notes. Cattle lower. Hogs steady at Wednesday's closing prices. James Dan ley , Ashland , marketed a load oflOc hogs. Clark , Heaton & Co. , Weston , sold a load ot hogs nt 15c. Lay A Peters , Stanton , marketed n load of 265-lb hogs at 84.15. ,1. W. Julian , Casey , la. , sold a good load of 2o3-lb hogs on yesterday's market at S115. S. S. Hadley , a well known feeder of Cedar Haplds , Neb. , marketed four loads of cattle. Mr. Eyler , Lincoln , stork agent on the B. it M. was oinoiic the visitors at the yards. G , W. Harshman , Avoca. n \\ell known farmer nnd feeder , was In looking for lead ers. ers.M. M. Htitton , Randolph. la. , marketed n Ioadof280-lb hogs at S4.17J4 , the top of the market. Mr. Smith , ot the firm of Arthur , Cruise & Co. , Atkinson , Nub. , was in with a load ot lions and a load ot butcher's stock. Amoui ; those who marketed hogs at 84.15 was George F. DIxon , Emerson , la. , and also William Doherty , Hathone , la. Among those who marketed hozs were the following : J. M. Hedge , Yutan ; T. H. Park , Bancroft : Hall & Moore , Gibbon ; H. Warner & Son , Madison ; J. Degman , Marysville : C. J. Turner , Fair- Hold : A. cruise & Co. , Atkinson ; Church & Co. , Pierce ; Trowbrlbge & Co. , Nellgh ; W. G. McElvaln , Bralnard ; Nnlson & Y. , Oak land ; Thomsen & Cook , Wakolield ; Thos. Hanlon , Dunbar ; J. H. Burkholder , Wood bine ; Sims & U. , Earllng ; Dorsi-y Bros. , & Co. , We-iton. OMAHA WllOLISSALiU MA.UK.KTS. Thursday , Oct. 0. I'roiluoo , l-'rtiu-t , Kio. Tlic fallowing arc tin i > rlcei nt whln'i roimtl Ittts of produce arc sold on tlili murhct : Sotithurn anil western fruits and products have glvuu way for the supply Iroiu the northern and middle status , which come if anything higher than thn former. The home supply has bean very light and in most cases is almost exhausted. A carload of Nuw I'orkgiapos was received to-day , as was also a lot of chestnuts , some game and poultry , etc. Prices have changed but little. Eoos The market Is very steady and there is no prospect of a change lor n lew days. Stocks go at 17@18e. BUTTKH Creamery , West Point , 30c ; other , 2.24c ! per pound : choice dalrv , lb@ UOc ; medium grades , Ui@15c ; ordinary , U@Hc. CIIKKSK Market fair. Fancy lull cream chuddars , siiulu 13c ; full cream twins , 13c : young Americas , 13) < c ; biick cheese , luo Ibs in case , I5c ; Llmberger , 100 Ibs In case , 14c ; Saurs' fancy Ohio , We. POUI.TKV Fair market ; spring chickens $2.0002.50 ; old fowls. S2.503.00 ; ducks S'J.viTiQ'.i.TS : turkeys , in very Tight retjuest , ( K47c per Ib. GAME Receipts light : prairie chickens , S3.X ( ) 3.2.- > ; mallard ducks. S1.50@1.75. Quail , S1.25 ( ! 1.50 ; teal and mixed ducks , 51.00 1.75 ; snipe , 75ciiS ( 1.00 ; jack rabbits , 4Uu ( > 45c each ; jack snipe , SI.00 per doz. OVSTKKS Shell , 82.00 oer hundred ; bulk , $1.35 per hundred ; selects , 82.20a gallon ; Cans , New York counts , 45u ; bolcctd , 35 ® 40c : standard , 27 < 330c. POTATOKS The market Is well supplied. Salt Lake aud Colorado stock soils at 85c. Nebraska and Iowa stock MQlOc per bushel. SWKKT POTATOKS The market Is well supplied with hornu grown at C5@75c per bushel ; Virginia stock 3c per Ib. Eao PLANT Slow sale at C075c per doz , lot choice stock. ONIONS Choice large California onions are offered on the market at 81.00 per bushel. The demand Is light. BKANS. Hand-picked navy , 82,00 per bushel , and other grades down as low as 81.25. Cllfornla stock , 82.40 per bushel. CELEUV The receipts are larger and the stock better. Good stock brings 30 ( ( 35c a bunch. Ciii-n-Cholce : Michigan cider , 0.00@0.5C per Dbl of 32 cal. 1'orcoitN Choice , for stands , 2@2J < c per Hi. HONEY Good honey in neat one Ib. frames 22 © ' ia per Ib. COCOANIITS Good stocU , 55.00. CuANiiKUitlKS-Tho market Is fairly well supplied with good stock. Boll and cherry , 88.00 ; Bell A Uutrle , SU.OO ; Capo Cods , S10.UO LKMO.NS Messina , J-0.00@ii.50 ; Maiora 87.00 ; Sorronto. 87.00. CHANGES Messina out of the market : Louisiana , 30.00 tier bbl , 85.00 par box ; Ja maica , 810.00 per bbl , 85.50 per box. The supply Is liberal , especially ot home-grown stock. Choice Michuran ape pies. 3.00@350 ; home-grown , 82.3503.00 ; .lohnathons , 83.50(3X75. ( CHAU Ari'LES-Choice Siberian , S3.00ft3.5 ( ( per bbl. GnAFES Home-grown stock Is In Ilbera supply and Is moving feely at 5cpcr pound California , Tokay. 82.50 per crate ; Muscats 82.50 ; New York. 10-lb bosket 3545c. PEAKS There Is a fair supply of Califor nia pears on the market Choice stock , 83.7 ! @n.OU BANANAS The market Is well suppllei with bananas at 8 J.00@j.oo : pnr bunch. NUTS No w crop ; chestnuts , 15 ® tOc Ib ; pea nuts , 7J < c , raw ; Brazil nuts , 13c ; Almonds Tarragona , 20c ; English walnuts , 18c ; Fil bens , I2c. Flour anil Koed. e tfLCfollowlnv are the lobbing price * ; ie iiuiicaiiiApaicilia. S'3.50percwt : Mlnneso ta Bakers' straight , 83.20 percwt. ; Kansas ant Missouri winter fancy patents , 82:45fr02.GO : Nebraska patents , S3.25J.35 ; rye flour , 81.71 l.UOpercwtrye Graham , 11.40 per cwt. wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt ; corn meal yellow'JOc per cwt : corn meal , white. 8LOi p rcwf chopped feed , 814.003io.oo per ton bran , 812.00 13.00 per ton : screenings , 89.00 dN'iOO rr ton. HAY-Upland prairie , 83.00QS.50 ; com mon coarse , 87.oo@8.oo. Grcoet-'a Mst. CorrEE Ordinary grades. 20J31e : fair. 2iUgJ2c { ; prime , ? J < junc : fancy green and yellow , 23@25c ; old covernment Java. 2S ( < ( SOc ; Interior Java , 25 < W cj Mocha , ZSflSOc ; Arbuckle's , roasted , -We ; McLaiiKhlln's XXXX , SC. c ; Dll worth's ' , OCc ; Red Cross , * KKFINKD LAUD Tierce , 7c : 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7fc : 20-1 b round , 7Jic ; 10-lb calls , 7Ko ; Mb palls , 7 * c ; 8-lb palls , 7'fc. SuoAn Qranulited , 6 < @lVe ; conf. A , flWOfiftCc ; TTfjlte tra O , AUtWVci extra C , OfttoUc : yellow C , 5 ; < c ; out loaf , 7 < ; pow dered , 7 > < C , PROVISIONS llauis , ll'fjllKc ( : breakfast bacon. H'rtSl-'cM : bacon sides "JAotlOcidry salt , SHCwc : shoulders , 7@7 c : dried beef hams , lutfllc : drlrd beef regular , . ! @ 10Xc ; hams picnic , 8SXc. DRIKD FRUITS Apples , new , J "s Oc ; eyaporatnd , 50-lb ring , iltftlUfc ; raspoernes , evaporated , 2Uc ; blackberries , evaporated , UJ/Wloos pitted cherries , ocacnes , iiew , if s , 7wc : evaporated peeled peaciios , c ; evaporated , unpared , 10X < 817c ; newctirrants , 7M < a7Wc ; prunes , 5@o'4c ' : citron. 25c ; ral- sins. London la > ers. Si.liK42.15 ; California , loose muscatels. Sl.w@3oo ; new Valenclas , 7Kc. 7Kc.ROPE Seven-sixteenths inch , 12@12Ko STAnca Mirror Gloss , 5c ; Graves Corn , O'/c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7c. STnup No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. Sl.U > @ 1.50 ; New Orleans , per gallon. 3Sg40c ( : maple syrup , half Ibbs , "old tlmq. " pnr gallon , BOc : 1-gallon cann , per doz , 310.50 ; nMf-uallou cans , per do : , (0.28 ; quart cans , $3.2.5. CANNKD GOODS Oj sters , standard , per case , 83.ooc43.10 : strawberries , 3 Ib , per case. 83.00(33.10 ( ; raspberries , 3 Ib , per casi . S.1.WK4 3.10 ; California pears , per ease. S4.00 ( < J4.70 ; apricots , per cnse , $4.10a)4.25 ( ) ! ; peaches , per ' case , $5.i5@5.8. > ; white' cherries , per case , $0.00 plums , per ras < > , $ : iWXaUK : ) : blue berries , per case. $3.8002.40 ; egg plums. 2 Ib. per case , 82.60 ; pineapples , a Ib , per case. $3.20(35.75 ( ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , $2.00(32.0.V. ( 2 Ib gooseberries , per case. 33.25 ( 3.35 : 2 Ib string bcatis , per case , 81.75 : 2 Iq lima beans , Dor case , $1.00 ; 2 Ib marrow fat peas , per case , $2.504)2.60 ; 2 Ib early June peas , per cose , 82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , $2.40 2.50 ; 2Ib corn. S2.302.40. PicKi.EB-Mcdlum , In bbls , $6.50 ; do In half bbls , $3.75 ; small , In bbls , $7.50 : do In half bbls , $4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , $8.50 ; do In half bbls. $4.75. I WOOHENWAIMC Two-hoop palls , per dnz , fl.45 : 3-hoop pails , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub. $ r . .V ) ; No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; wash boards , $1.75 ; assorted bowls , S2.2.'i ; No. 1 churns , $9 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns , TOBACCO Lortllard'sClimax. 44n ; Splen did , 4ic ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Leggett A Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 3lc ; Drum- mond's Hone Shoe , 4lc ; T. J. , 37c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c. BKOOMS-Extra 4-tie.$2.60 ; No. 1,82.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4 CANDT Mixed , 8K He ; stick , 8H@9Kc. CUACKKIIS Garneau's soda , butter and picnic , 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , Be : city soda , ' < u. TKAS Japan , 20Q55c ; gunpowder,20Q Youiu Hyson. 35(955c ( ; Oolong , 20gGOc. ( JKM.IES-30-lb palls , $100. UOI.I.ANI > MACKKIIKI. SOc per keg. Dry Good * . COTTON FLANNKI.S 10 per cent trade ills- count-LL. 6 fc ; CC , 7K ; SS. 8 > 4'c : Nameless , 5J c ; No. a. Cc ; EE , \ > xc\ \ GG , lOKc ; XX , 12c ; OO. 14c ; NN , inc. RX , 18c ; R , 20c ; No. lo(8Kc ( ; 40 , lOJ c : n- 12Kc : 80 , 15c ; 30 , Colored , lOc ; 50 , colored. 12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13 > ic ; Union pacific. 18c. , CAHHKT WABP Bibb white , ISJ c ; col ored , 20J < c. BATTS Standard , 8c ; ' Gem , He ; Beauty , 13Xc : Boone , Kc ; B , cased , SC.50. PIIINTS SoiiuCoi.ons ; Allan taSJ c ; Sla ter 5c ; Berlin Oil CKc ; GarnerOll 6to 7. PINK AND lloiir.s Rlchmond'Cc ' ; AllenCc ; River- point 5c ; Steel Klverfn : Richmond ( > c : Pacilio 0 } c. iNDtooBi.UK Washington Cc ; Ameri can CcArnnldnUc ; ; Arnold B Ho ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10J < c. ter Oak4 > c ; Jtamapo3/c : Loill 4Uc ; Allen 5J c : Richmond 5J-ic ; Windsor 6c ; hddystone p * 1'ncitic Gc GiNOHAM-Plunkett checks l a ; Wlilttcn- lon 7/c ; York 7J c ; Normaudle Dress SJ c ; Calcutta Dress 8 > ic : Whtttcnton Dress Oc ; Renfrew Dress Oc to 12 c ; CAMIIIIICS Slater 4 } < c ; Woods 4tfc ; Stan dard 4Kc ; Peacock 4Ke. ' CoitsKT JKANS Androscoggin 7fc | ; Kear- sape 7'/c ; Rockport OJfc ; Conestoga lij c. DUCK West Pointttu ln.,8oz. , lO c ; West Point 29 In. . 10 oz. , 12Kc : West Point 29 In. , IB oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 in. . 11 oz. , Ifx : . Checks Caledonia X. Hc : Caledonia XX , lOVc ; Economy U to ) c ; Otis 0 to U c. TirKs Lnwistonl'0 In. , 12J c : Lewiston 32 In. , l Wc ; lork 32 in. , 14c ; Swift Rivor7 > < ; c : Thorndikn O O , H c ; Thorndiko K F. 8Hc ; Thorndiko 120 , He : Thorndiko XXX , 15ci. Cordis No. 5 , ' .I.KC ; Cordis No. 4 , lie. DKNIMS Amoskeag 9oz. . Itic : Everett 7 oz. , lite ; York 7o13c ; Hnvmakfr 8Kc ; .laff- r-iy XX. HKc : Jartrey XXX , KKo : Beaver Creek AA. 12c : Beaver CreeK BB , He ; Beaver Creek CC. lOc. okKNTtirKY JEANS Memorial 15c ; Canton 18c ; Durham 27Kc : Hercules IHc ; Leaming ton 22 c ; Cottswold 25c. ( JiiAsii Stevens' 1' Ou ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Ko : bl ched 8Uc : Stevens' p 8Kc : bleached nXe : Stpvensr N 0ic ; bleached lOKc : Stevens' S R T ! 2Kc. Miscni.i.ANKODs Table oil cloth SABS ; plain Holland b' < e to Oc ; Dado Holland 12.fc. ! Fi.ANNEi.s-PIalil Raftsman 20n ; Goshen : J < c ; Clear Lake ! ! 2U'c : Maple City SO.Hfts. Wblte-U. H. No. 2 , / . 2lc ; G. H. No. 1 , X , iiXc : ; "Windsor K c. Hed-C. 24 inch , E , 34 inch , 21c ; GG , 21 Inch , ISc ; H. A. 25c : J. H. F. . % , 27Ko : ( J. , ? , 35C. CoMFOltTKItR S0.50@5.00. ! BLANKETS White , 81.0037,50 ; colored , . . .otlitw SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 4-4 , ABaiitlnll. 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , O'fc ; At lantic P , 4-4 , SXc ; Aurora LL. 4-4. Aurora C. 4-4 , 4Hfc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , Hoosler LL , 4-4 , 5 c ; Indian Head , 4-4 Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 5jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Vc : Pepperoll 11 , 4-4 OJ c ; I'opperoil O , 4-4 , Gc ; Pepperell. 8-4. ICc ; Peppereli , 9-4 , 18c : Popperell , 10-4 , 20c ; Utlca C. 4-4. 4J4'p ; Waclutsett , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora K , 4-4 , G > e ; Auroia B , 4-4 , Ge. BLEACHED SHEETING Berkeley cambric , No. GO. 9Uc ; Best let , 4-4 , Gc ; butter cloth OO , Vc : Cabot , "KeiKarwell , be : Fruit of Loom , 8J c ; ( irecne G , 6c ; Hope , 7H'c ; King Phillip cambric , tic ; Lonsdale. UJ/e ; Lous- dale , 8Uc ; New York mills , lOWc ; Pepperell , 43 inch , lOKc : Pepperell , 40 Inch , like ; Pep perell , 6-4 , 15c ; Pepperell , 8-4. 18c : Pepperell , 9-4 , SOc ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22Kc : Canton. 1-4 , 8J c ; Canton , 4-4 , OKc ; Triumph , Gc ; Wam- sutta , lie ; Valley. 5c. General Marlceta. SpiniTs Cologne spirits , lt > a proof , Sl.lOj do 1U1 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18s proof , S1.09. Alcohol , 188 proof. 83.10 per wine gallon. Hedlstllletl whiskies , 31.OOCail.50. Gin blended. SI. 50(3 ( 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. S2.oo@0.00 : Ken tucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00jl0.5u ( ; GuhlHii Sheaf bourbon ana rye whiskies , SL50@3.uu. Brandies , Imported , 85.00 ( 3.50 : domestic. Sl.30au.00. Gins , Imported. 84.50Q 0.00 ; domestic , 1.25(33.00. ( Champagnes .Im ported , per case , S2si.00@33.00 ; American , pot ca e. 310.OOrdlO.00. , IIKAVY HARDWAHE-lron , rate , S2.70 ( plow steel , special cast , 4'fc ; crucible steel CVc ; cast tools , do. I2i ( l ! > c ; wa on spoke * per set 82.00C % 50 ; hubs , per set , S1.5J : fel lees , sawed dry ; 81.00 ; tonsrues. each , Mc ) nxles , each , 75c ; snuare nuts , per Ib , tiKlKc coil chain , per Ib , G' @lSc ; malleable. fcWte ; Iron wedges , Oc ; crowoars , 6c : harrow teeth 4 c ; spring steel , 4M5c ; Burden's horst shoes , 84.75 ; BurdenVi mule shoes. 85.75 Baroed wire' In car -lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.40 ; steel nails 82.50. i HIDES Green butchers' , 5(2Cc ( ; greet cured. 7c ; dry fltnt , 10.ipicdry ( : sat,9c ( ; greet oalt skins , 7Kc ; damaged hides , two-third : price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white. 3c yellow , 3e ; brown , IXC. ' Sheep pelts , 25c ( 40c. i 40c.COAL Egp , 89.50 ; nut , 39.75 ; range , 39.75 Iowa lump. 8-t.UO ; Iowa nut , S2.75 ; walnu block , 83.00 ; Illinois. 84.25 4.75. KI.OOHINO. A 6 In. White Pine 5S5.MJ C , $29.8 B 33.50 I > , 21.0 K ' " " ( Sel. FenclnK.iy.O ) FIN1S1IINO. 1st and 2nd , clear , l.lVlncti , .2e $50. . ' 3d , clear , 1 Inch , B. 2 s. , iS.i " " 1 , IX , 3 In 48. . ' A select , 1 Inch , s. a 8 _ 40.C * " IX. IX. 3 U 44. < D " 1 Inch. 8. 3 . , . no.OO " " ln . 37.00 lVl > f , ropLAn i.UMnr.n. Clear Poplar , lix. lids. % In. , s. 2 S..SU.AO K In. I'ftnpl , B. a s . 27.00 " " OnrriiRittcd UellliiR , J { . . 28.W n.VTTICXS , WE1L1 111KO , 1'ICKKTR. O. 0. Uatts , 2H In . J00.75 " J < xy in , s.l s. . " 0.4'i 3 In Well TufjW , D 4 M and Her. . . . . 23.00 Pickets , D. * U. Flat . 20.50 " " Square . 21.00 No. 1 , corn , sis $18.00 No. 2 , com , sis $17.00 No. : ) . $16.60 No. 4 , S 13.00 KK.XCINCI. No. 1 , 48 In , 13 A 14 ft , roueb . jlfl.W No. l , " " 1G . ig.60 No. 2 , " ' 12 & 14 " " . 1(1.00 ( No. 3 , " " 16 " . 17.50 SIDIMO. A. 12. 14 and 10 ft. S21.50 0 , $ tr.'lO U. " " " 20.50 1) . 12.60 CKII.INO ANl > I'AUTITION. 1st com , { In White Pine UollliiK . $34.00 2nd " " " " " . 28.00 Clear , % In. Norway " " . 1G.OO ndcnui. ; V'n. ' " " " . 14.00 STOCK IIOAIIPS. A 13 Inch s. Is . $4.VX ) No. 1 , com. W In. 8. 1 s. , 12 ft . 30.M " " " " 14 ft . 1 ! > .00 " " " " 10 ft . 18.N ) No.2 , " " " . 1D.OO " " " " 10 It . 17.50 Inch Grooved KooOnR $1.00 per M more than 12 Inch Stock Hoards same length. BHI.NOI.ES. I.ATH. XXclear . . $3.10 Kxtra A 82.90 A * Standard . . 2.7. ' ) * Allli&U 2.55 6 in. clear No i. . 1.60 Lain 2.G3 . White cedar , C In. , s. , 12c ; 0 In. ( jrs. , lie ; 8 In. qrs. , luc : 4 in. round 15c ; Tenncsseu Kcd Cedar , split , 15c : Split Oak. 12& I.IMK , KTC. Hulncvvlilto lime ( best ) , OOc : Akron ce ment , Sl.75 ; hair , KOc ; plaster , 82.75 ; tar board , 81.75 ; sash , 40c porct ; doors , 40 per ct. : blinds , 40c per tt. ; tnoulillnus , 40c per ct : tar felt , per cwt. , 82.75 ; straw board , 81.75. BOUTHRUN YEI.I.OW PISE. Com. 4 AC In. Flooring . 917.50 Star " " . 21.50 Clear } ( In. Celling . 21.50 " In. Partition . 11.00 " Finish , l&l,1/ . s. 2s . 29.00 " Corrugated Cplllnir , 4 in . 83.0(1 ( Yellow Pine Casing andllaso. . . 27.00 THE CHICAGOAND North Northwestern western : R.A.II Siiort And Cli The only rood to take for DCS Molncs ' nr- Blmlltown , Ocdar Kntilds , Clinton , Ulxon , Chlco- tro , Milwaukee and all points oust. To the people ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , > ovni' , Orcffon , WaalihiKton , nnd Cali fornia , It odors superior adVHiitiiKCS not possi ble by any other lino. Among mow otne numerous points of sit- cerlorlty onjoyoU by the put runs of tills ronJ Uftween Omaha nnd Chicagonru Its two trains adnyof DAY COACHES , which nro tlio flnost that hntniMiurt unil inircnulty can croittu. Its PALAOKKHI.KKP1NU CAUS , which in-u models or I'omtort nnd clepanco. Its I'AltLOlt ] ) HAW- 1NO UOOM OAKS , unsurpiisscd by any. anil Ita widely colobruted PALATIAL U1N1NO CAUS , the eiinitl of which cannot bo found cNowliuro At Council Illulistlio trains of thu Union I'acllio lly. connect In Union Depot with tlio o of the CUIcsfO Si Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the truliiBof this llio : make close connection with those of all eastern linen. For Detroit , Columbup , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Nlairtira Fulls , Ouirnlo , I'lttfthurirToronto , Montrenl , Ilostou , New York , Philadelphia , Hnltlmoro , Washington nnd all points In the east , ask for n ticket , /la the ' NORTH WESTK UN. " If you wish the best accommodation , All ticket agents soil tickets via this line' H. IluOIIITT , K. 1' . WIIVON. Oenl. Mnnnper , cnl. Pnss' Chloaeo , ill. W. M.BABCOCK. L. It IIOLLK3 , Westarn Anent , City I'asVr Agent , Omaha Nebraska , THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul Rj 'Hie Rest Route from Omaha and Council Jtlit/fn to ] THE ! Ejk.ST Two Tiains Daily Between Omaha and Council BIulls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford , Clinton , Duliuquc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And ull other important points Kast , NortticnBl ami Sontliciist. For throiidh tickets enll on the ticket iiKcnt nt MU1 harnain street , In I'uvton llutel , oral Union 1'uuinodor.ot. Pullman Sloopcrs and the Oncst Dlnlnsr Curs In the world are run on the main line o ! tut Chicago , Mllwnukco & St. Paul Kullwuy and i \ ery attention Is paid to passciitfors by courte ous emiiloyos of the company. It , Mii.i.Kit , ( Jcneral Manager. J. F. TUCKEII , Assistant ( ictuu-nl MunnBor. A. V. K. CAiti-ENTEii , lienorul rusacutrcr una Ticket agent. doe. K. HKAvroitD , Assistant General Pus.sen- ( rer nnd Ticket ARcnt. J. T. Ci.ARK , Gocrul Superintendent GRATtFUL-COMFORTING EPPS'S ' COCOA BREAKFAST. "fir a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which trovurn the operations of dlircstlon nnd nutrition , nnd by a careful application of Iho flno properties ot well-solectod COCOH , Mr. Kpps bin provided our breakfast tables with a delicately llnvorod bevuratro which limy MIVO us many heavy doctor's bills. It Is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that n con stitution mnr bo in-ndmuly built up until strong cnouifh to resist every tendency to ilKease. HunilrodB of snbtlo maladlrs are lloatlnir around us ready to attack wheiuvcr there U a weak point. We rr.uv cscupo many n fntal s'nnft by keeping ouiHclvos well fortlllcd with pure blood und n properly nourished Irnmo. " Civil Scrvlet ! Otuetto. Made Rliiiply w Ith bollhiK1 water or milk. Sold only In half pound Una hv Grocer * labeled ( bus : JAMIM t-.l'l'S & CO. , Ho mir.iathlo Chemists , LONDON , KNOT-ANU. Mention this paper. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Suecceaois to John 0. Jucobs. ) OiKlertate and At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Order by telegraph solicited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No , 11. K. BUUItCT. Funeral Director & Embalmer 111 Northieth Street. WlUfflEVELOPED PARTS of the bod/ enlarged and ( trenctLtned. Full paitlo- l4t CMalliU t'H. K&IB MJCO , CO. , BuBala , N.Jf. V JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implementt. CHURCHILL PARKER , Wholotale pe 1f r In Agricultural Implements , Wnpona , CurlaiM utiJ nu lfn. Jonci ttroet , bc wo n Vth nd lOlh.Onjiha , N li. L1NIXGER tO ytETCALF COn Aprriculturc ! Iiiiiiicmcnts , W on .Carriiur ii , nugglM. Hie. , WhoUtnlc , Orcuh . VARL1NORENDORF& MARTIN WholeialeDcMenln Agricultural Implements , rTagomind BugElfi. roi..W.mj nil W7 , Jonei it 1' . 1' . MAST As CO. , MamifHcturor o ( Knclicuc Drfll * , Seeder. * , Cultivator * liar Ha e , Clilcr Mlll nnil l.ulum I'ultorlicr * . Cor. Nurlli lllli mid Nlrhulm Hl . _ _ WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholesale AiirtcttUnral Implement * nd Ilttirvlc * . ornor 14th ft Nloholns gts , Jrtists" Material. A. HOSPE , ,77 ? . , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , : M3 IK > ugl f Street. Omaha. floor * and Shoes. w. r. MOUSE c co. Jobbers of Hoots and Sliocs. 1111 Farnaiu it. , Omaha. N h. Manufactory , Bummet t. lloiton. KIRKKNDALL , JONES tf CO. 8tircc * ors to Heed , Jones * Co. , Wholesale MiinufaeturorH of Hoots if Shoes Airts for llopton Kubbor Shoo Co. llfC. 1104 It 1101 1'm-ni-v St. . Oinnhii. Nebraska. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CL.AKKK COKKKli CO. , Omnlin Coffco nml Splco Mills. Tens , CoffoBS , Spleen , llakliur 1'owrtor , Plnvnrlnir Kxtracts. Laundry liluo Ink , etc. 1414-1110 llnrncy St. Omaha , Nebraska , Crockery and Glassware ' IF' . L. WRIGHT , Agent for 'bo Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Liunpa , Cblmnert , etc. OMce , 21 ? South llth it. Omaha , Neb. . Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Batter , Icusnnci Produce. Cnnilfnmenti ( elicited. Headquarters for Stoneware , Ilcrrjr Hnzt'ii mid Grape Hatktu. 1IU IKili street , Omaha. RIDDELL C RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant * , Ppeclaltio Uutter , EKK * . Cliueio , I'o litrr , Uarae , Ojitcri. etc. , etc. 112 S. illli SU WIEDEMAN cC CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , lluttcr , Unuie , Ktulti , etc. 230 B. litbli Omaha. Nvti. ccl InTu. GEO SCHUOEUER&CO. , Successors to McShane A , Sehroeder. 1'roduco Commlialon mill Cold Oiimtm , Neb. ton/ , Coke and Lime. Glo. V , iMnAOH. T'rpK. C. T. ooonMAX , V. Plot. J. A. MTNlnru.ANn , Bee. and ' 1'rean. OMAHA COAL , COKE < fj LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. SW South Thirteenth Street , Omuha , Nob. MannfHctnrHi'H of Illinois White Lime. \iicl Plilpnorn of Cnnl nml Coke , Cement , IMnMer. Jnio , Hnir. Klru Ilrlck , Drnln , llle anil Sewer 1'lpe. .ItMru , 1'iixtoa Hotel' JTai-'im ft. , Uninha , .NVb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shipper * of Coal and Coke , 214 S. lllth St. , Omaha , Nob. Dry Goods and Notions , J f. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1KB and 1104 DouuhiH , cor. llth St. , Omnha.Neb. CILPATRICK-KOCH , DRY GOODS CO. , mportei-M and Jobbers Dry Goods. Notions , Dents'Fiiinlsliini ; Goods , lor. llth Ac Harnuy Ht . . ilinnlm Furniture. DEWEY ,0 STOXE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Furnam St. . Omaha. Neb. CHARLES S1UVERICK , Furniture , Itoddin ? , Upholstery , Mirrors , etc. IMC , 1208 and HID Fnrnam tt. . Omah Groceries , 1'AXTOX , GALLAGHER 0 CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , NOD. 70i,1(17,700 ( nnil 711 8.10th St. , Omiilm. Neb. McCORD , Jl.UADY U CO. , AVhoIcsale Grocers , 1'tn nnd I-cnvonwortli ntvOmnha. U. .M. bl ! II > . Iggl.iaiHnrrioySt. , Omaha , Nob. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale ( frown , 1114 nml lllil Hin nny Ptreot , Oinnlm. Hardware. LEE , FRIED < K CO. , Jolliers of Hardware and Kiiils , tiwnre. Sheet Iron. Ktc. Avent ) ( or Howe Heal und Miami I > owrterCo.Omiiha.Ni'b. HIXEHAUGH , C TAYLOR , Builders'FIard ware &Scalo Repair Shop Mechanic ! ) ' Tools and ItufTnlo Rciloi. HUu IOUCHB ! t- Onialis. Neb. RliOlUK i\5 WlUlhLM Y CO. , Wholesale Ifnriltrnre , lOtli mid llHnipy Btruct * < t Ouialia , Nub. Western AKIIIIIH l Austin I'owdor Co. , Jelfor- eon Bteul Nails , Kalrbitnks Sliindiinl Kcnlcs. Heavy Hardware W. J. RROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlugn , Wagon Rtock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1209 anil l.'ll Ilirney it. , OninUu. EDNEY < c WliolcHalo Iron and Steel , Watton nnil Carrluiio Wnod BtocK , Heavy Hardware , Ktc. 1217 and r.TJ I.euvcnwortb t. , Unmhu , Neb , Hats , Caps , Etc. W. L. 1'ARROTTE & CO. , Hats , Cap * it1 titraw 1107 lliirnoy Strt-et , Oiniiliii , .NVIi Liquors. Dlftlllen or T.lquorK , Alcohol and 5plrltn. Importers nnd Jobber * ol WlncnanU l.lquorn. ' 0INTILLE' WILLO W SI'RimJS CO. and ILER t ) CO. , laiportom and Jobbers of Fine Wlneii and Mquon. Sole luinuf cturur § of Ktonudr'i Halt India lilt- ttriunil DumettloMquorp. 1112 IlnrnarBt. Lumber. OMAHA TXTMUER CO. , Dcale' . . AJIKIu.lsof Building1 Mutoriiil at Wholesale. 18th Street und Union Pacific Track , Omaha. 11RADFORI ) , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Uoort.Klc VnnUCoraerTth and Uou lan ) Cornel llth anil DoujUi. C. JV. DIETX , Lumber. 13lh and California Slr ell. Omaha , Neb. JfRED It' . GRA.V , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . , Etc. Cor.fib and iiomlai ill. , Omnh . .N ) . T. W. HARVEYLUM11ER CO. , To Dealers Only. O ce , 1(01 Karnini tre tOmib . OHHH < JOBBERS' DIRECTOHt CHAS. JR. LEE , Jlkrdwood Lumber , Wood Carpti and Parquet Floorlof. tlh an J Donittf J. . WARKFJELD , 'Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American 1'orlUnl Cement , fitit AontforMllwaukeo Hydraulic t' u ut and Iltit qulnc ? Whllel.lme. Millintry and botitni. I. OltERVELDER M CO. , ImpoTtorannd Jolibornot tnul Xotlon * . iS. llth f t , Notions. Wholtrale Dealtri In Kotlons and Furnishlnfr Goods , _ 40:1 : and 4Qj g. Tenth St. , Omaha. _ V1NYAR1) SCHNEIDER , Wholesale Notion * nml Gent * ' Fur * nthliiff Goort.i , 11W llnrncy Struct. Omnim.Nob. Oils. Wliolcsaln Dvulors In Refined and Lubrlcathia Otis , Axlodronso , etc. Omiitin , Nub. A. II , lllsliop , Mniuiror. PAPER CAR PESTER JL'Al'ER CO. , Wholosalu Pujier Dealers. * Carryi nlcontrckof I'rlntliiB , Wrapping ntut Writ IIIK luipcr. Dpuo Inl attention Klrou to car load or order * Printers' Materials. Auxiliary Publishers. OMUrslnType. Pr i and Printer * ' Supplier. South Twelfth Street. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUJIIIER CO. , llnuufncturer and Dealers In all klndlof Rubber Goods , OllClnthliieluid l.paihvr Ileltlnu. IBM Farnaiu " "L S.'eam fittings , Pumps , Etc. A.L. STRAXG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Steam , Water , Hallway and Milling Huppllci. It * MO. Mland Karnam St..Omaha. Neb. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamnml Water Suniilles. lleailqnartcrs for'Was * Po-xUVrs UocKli. 1111 * 'arnam . , Omaha. Ktb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMF COMPANY. DnlladayWInd Mlliil r-Kam and W , ter Suppll * * , PluniblnitUoiMld , HeltlnK , lloie. tils anil VM far * uaui it. , Omahn. H. R. Kclton , Manager. 'ivlephono no. 'JIO. JtROII'NELL iP CO. , Mumifiictnror * nnd Donlurn In H , iioilurs & ( ieneriil Miichlnory Bliuct \Virk,8tciiin IHnnps. Hu\r Mills. llMIMU'ir , l.oavoiiwortli St.Uiiinlm. Seeds. ' PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , WIIOl.KflU.E Farm , Field and Garden Seeds , Noi. 011-U13 Jonoa Street , Omahn. Nob. Storage , forwarding & Commission , ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. Storage , Forwarding tQ Coininlislon Iranch lioiiso of thu Hunnor IliiK-iry Co. llmr- Klea ut wlioli'-ulo anil rvtull. Nos. 1303. llllO nml l.'ll ! ! I/.urU Si. , Umithu , Nob. Tulniuiouo Nil. 7r,0. Teas and Cigart WM. A. WILSON & CO. , Importers iitiil Jobbers of 'lean and Ciyars , plcos anil D.ilsy llaklm < I'owdor. Hid anil 1418 llanioy Htiuot. , Oiuiilui , Nub. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Cornier. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epenctnr , Prop. Manufacturer of Galvanlrod Iron and Cornte * . 423 lK Uo and 10 * a 4 105 M , 10th lit. . Omaha , Neb. Stroke Sta-ks , Boilers , Etc H. K. SA WYER , Mannfnctnrincr Dunlur in Smokestacks , llrltclihiKS , Tiink' . nnil lirno-ul llollor Hepalrln/ . Ill' , Uml-e tic'L-t.iiiMliu. ) iron Works. PAXTON < R VIERL1XU Iron Works , Wrought nnd Cant Iron lliillillntt Wurk , Iron Flalr . ItnllliiK , Ilennia unit ( JlnlorK , strum Knulnut , HruM Work , ( J * noral Wounilry , Mi-chlnu nnil ItlHCknmllh . Office an J Works , U. I' . lly.Hnd ITlliMiuel. OMA.1A Wlll < , IKON WORKS , Mr.iuiractunirs of H'ireand Iron Hailing. * , DeskMilli , Window Citiai-ils , I'louinStnndsVlro SlgiiB.oto. l-i : N. llith. OMAHA. SAFE & IRON WORKS G Amlrein , Proprietor. Mann fact nror of Firti and llurKhir Proof Pafes. Vuults , Jail \Voik. lion and Wli'o h'enclut , " , , olo. Cor. lllli an I . .laeK-on . IMuahii. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING- COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , leans I'miU , Shlrti , Ktc.9i nncl 1101 Don ( Ins Street. I hni tin , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etc. Q co. , Wholei&le Mnnufncturersof Sasli , DoorH , Hlliula and iloiildlng-g , Ilronch o81c ,12fu ituil Iianl > .tii.Oii ! : a , > ' * > < . BOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monld'jiKK.HtalrWorkBnd ' Interior llnril Wood Klnlrt Juil opt-auU. M. K. cor. Btli und LeiivcnwurthBtl. Onmhii , Nub. OMAHA I'UAMNCi MILL CO. , Maiinfactiiriiis of Monlillnt'S , Hush , I3onr nnil lilinds.Turnlni. .Stair-work. lliinK and Ollico fittings. ,20th ami Popplelon Avciiuo , Brewers , ' * STORZ .0 ILER , 1ioKr Jtctfr Hrewcrn , 1M1 North Hill Street , Orauhu , Nob. SOUTH OMAHA , c. n. I'.U.MKH. N P. HKIIMAN ; > . / . n. UI.A.M IIAIIU PALMKli , RIC1IMAN & CO. , Lire .Stock Coiniiilxxion Mo'chtint * , Oincc lloom Ul. Opposite Huehuilxu Mlilldliiif , Union Slock Vanlb , South Uniahii , Nub. MCCOY mtos. , Live Stock Ctiiiiiulssioii MurcliantH. Market liirnlnhoil fro onmiill ! > , itlui > . fticile-rs fnrnls'iHil on * ro t'l ' turaii Itur reno Omalm II ink anil Hoatli O.nah i N Uljili Union Stock Vanli , Month Oiaiili t , LOR1M1JR , WESriJRF'LI ) fi MALKV Lift : Stit , lc CoininlH-ilon , llooin 15 Kxrhmih'u biilldlni ; , I'nliin Stock Yiude. tioulh Omaha. Nub. : SMARl'K , Commission Dealers In l.lvo Stool.Itootn ! , l'i ehaiiKU llulldlnv , Union Stock ViU. , S. Omaha Hulfreneos Union Nal'l Hank , Omaha , Union Htoec Vnrda Dank H. Omaha , i : . H. ICowlor Pri-s. Atu. llank.V Trust Co. . Omulni. & FITCH , ConimlfBlon Donlora In l.lru Stock , Kooin " 3 Opposltn Hxt'hntiK" llnlldlnu , I'lilon Hiock Vards , South Oinulm , Nub. _ UNION STOCK YARDS CO , .Si . Of Oinnlia. Limited. John K. 11071 ! , B-ip rlnten4nt ,