Pt * l' lH ; ! sl J 9 < i * ! Ji yrW'11 i | w tTT " * J ' - - ' t t . t * . * THE OMAHA DAILY BER : 4 FRIDAY , OCTOBER 7. 1887. JAKE KILRA1N IN LONDON , Ho Immediately Gooa Into Training For His Eattlo With Jem Smith , A SHAM FPaUT WITH MITCHELL. Dukcr and Earla Smoke Cigarettes , and Wltntna the Exhibition -Xhn CIowNnlnn Fight Pre vented Sports. Jnko nnd "Chawlejr. " ICopi/rfoM J8S7 , fcy Jii M Gordon n m < . ] LONDON , Oct. 0. ( Now York Herald Cable-Special to the BEK. ! At Great St. James hall to-night Jake Kilraln made his lirst public appearance In England , meeting his trainer , Charley Mitchell , In a boxing match , four rounds , under ttio rules of the Marquis of Quoonsbury , who yesterday dined Loth boxers and who vras present. The hall WAS crowded to execs ? . The prices of ad mission wcro 35 , S2 , 75 cents , CO cents and a quarter. The ring wai on a stage where 1'attl , Nilsson and other celebrities had sung. It wu boarded oil by a partition six feet high to the orchestra , below tlio grand organ , where sat dukes , earls and lords among whom Aver o Allsbury and Jersey all In even ing dress and smoking cigarettes. All wore anxious to view Kllrain ana until he ap peared , the slightest hitch or stoppage In performances early on the programme was < met by on uproar and " ( So on , please. " Kll rain sat through theprollmlnarlcsot Indiffer ent boxing , sword Hats , quarter stall fencing etc. He wore a tall hat , cutaway coat and dark pants talking often with Mitchell. He jecined amused at the lirst exciting event of fencing for the championship of England between a French professor and a London master ot arms. Johuulo Crapon claimed the first hit which John Bull denied. The referee declined to decide. John Bull ap pealed to the people In front when they cheered him so loudly the referee was obliged to come to the front again and now decided that John Bull had raado the lirst hit , which brought forth great applause. At the end of the amateur boxing match ! Lawrcnco Donovan van , who had to-day jumped over Waterloo bridge , sprung up and Introduced himself as the champion diver of the world. Though not drowned In the morning ha was now metaphorically drowned In hootlngs. At 10:15 : Jem Smith , who has been boxing at exhibitions ever since the Herald first described him six months ago , smilingly came onto the orchestra and a few moments after Tony Moore rushed on the stage carrying the Police Gazette diamond belt in his hand. Ho was followed by Mitchell and Kilraln whom Moore Introduced , adding , "Gentlemen , please drop all party feeling when thinking of thn coming light and give fair play. Alll Kllrain wants is fair * play and may the best man win. " The speech was received with loud cheers , which Increased when Mitchell and Kilraln at the call of time rose. In tlio first round Kilraln got well appliudcd when hitting Mitchell on the noso.hut otherwise the round was tame. When'lt ended I heard such comments about Kllrain as "He looks like two men rolled Into ono. " "What enormous arms ho has. " "He's very clever for a big 'an. " Smith now soomcd to have exchanged his smile for an anxious look. Everybody seemed to closely watch him. The second round .vas even tamer than the first , as both seemed to sptr a\\ay to kill time , but the third was improved by Kilraln get ting a few hits homo on Mitchell's face , but the latter was like a cork , bouncing all over the stage. The fourth and last round was an improvement in the spirit of boxing , but many cheap priced auditors In the rear of the house roared out , "Hit him , Char ley , you wont kill him. Why don't you gofer for him Mitchell , etc. , " which remarks , how- cveri wore mot by contrary applause for Kilraln and when finally tlmo was called Kilraln had all the best of the bout. Over ono rose to go and the ball was quickly cleared. While leaving the majority ex pressed their opinion that Kilraln will bo no match for Smith when It comes to actual flghtln ? . After this sham fi' Iit a real one occurred In Mitchell's dressing room between two representatives of the American press who bad gone In on due Invitation for Information. A per sonal conversation arose between these re porters and Mitchell , who became abusive and Anally so tar lost his temper as to strike both of them but not strou ly , because held by Kilraln , who was very cool. Mitchell evidently felt nettled at the remarks made by the papers which the two who wore assailed , represented. They declared they would cable their own stories. Sullivan' * European Trip. . BOSTON , Oct. 0. John L. Sullivan will sail for Europe on October 09. Harry Phillips , the well known sporting man from Mon treal , has been in town for three days mak itig arrangements with the champion to be come his manager. Sullivan said to a re porter last evening that he will make a tout of England , Ireland and Scotland during the fall und winter and In the spring go to the continent. " 1 shall be away a year and perhaps more. 1 am going over for money and not for further honers. When I get to England I shall make arrangements to spat with the best men they have pot over there , 1 have already expressed a willingness tu meet the winner of the Kllrain-Smlth con test , and after they have settled their little dispute 1 will bo ready to talk business. " The Nolan-Clow Fight Prevented. CINCINNATI , Oct. n. The Nolan-Clow prize light was was prevented by the slierill after ono round had been fought Clew has deposited S.W with the Commercial-Gazette for a light to a finish. National WASHINGTON , Oct 0. The game between the Washington and Boston teams to-day resulted as follows : tVoshltlEton . 0 003002 4 Bosion . 3 0 o 0 I 0 2- ( Game called on account ot darkness. PltchorH-O'Day and Hadbourno. Base hlls Washington 0. Boston 11. Errors- Washington y , Boston U. Umpire Does Bcher. NnwYoniv , Oct 0. The came botweei : the New York and Philadelphia teams to-da\ \ resulted as follows : New York . 0 00000003 T Philadelphia . 1 0500000 * I Pitchers Welsh and Ferguson. Base hits- New York 10 , Philadelphia 18. Errors-Nev YortO , Philadelphia 1. Umpire Powers. INDIANAPOLIS , Oct 6. The game be tween the Indianapolis and Detroit team : Unity resulted as follows : Indianapolis . 0 00100050 Detroit . I 1040010 ' Pitchers .MotTett and Ge.zer. Basohlts- IndlanapollH 1U , Detroit 13. Errors Indian opoiis 4 , Detroit 'A Umpire Valentine. PiTTHiiuuo , Oct C. Thu came betweai the Pituburg and Chicago teams to-da ; resulted as follows : PltUburg . 'J 31500001 1 Chicago . 0 00031000 Pitcm-rs Morris and Clarkson. Bas hlU l'tUbingl.Chicago | 10. Eirors Pitts burg it. CnleiiL'o 4 , Umpire Daniels. Second game : Pittsburg . 0 00400123- Chloaco . . .0 0 0 0 0 o 0 l 0- Pllchers-Gatvln aud Baldwin. Base hit Pltuburg H. Chicago 10. Krrors-Pltu burn 2 , Chicago 8. Umpire Pamela. /Vuturlunii Atuoolation , ST. Louis , Oct. 0. The game txstwee the UuiUvlllt ) aud St Louis teams to-day rt suited as follows ; St. LOIIIH . 3 013112-1 Louisville . 1 1 7 I a 0 * -l Second game : St. Louis . , .n 0001340 ! Louisville . 0 1 1 0 0 o 0 - Game called on account ot darkness. lltiooKi.VN , Oct. ft The game belwee the Metropolitan and Brooklyn teams lorda resulted as Uillows : Ilrooltlyn . 3 1 0 ' 0' 0 0 4 0- Metropolitan.O'O 0 0 a 1 0 . Gam called on account of darkunaa , Piin.ADrt.riifAOctO. The came between the Baltimore and Athletic teams today re sulted as follows : Athletics 1 00130000 4 Baltimore 0 00000000 0 Northwestern League , MoiNi'.t , la. . Oct. 0 Northwestern At Des "Molnos Des Molnes 9 , Eau Claire 3. At St. Paul Oshkosh O.St. Paul 7. At Milwaukee-Milwaukee 4 , lu- luth 1. At Minneapolis-La Crosse 0 , Min neapolis 15. TheJJeromo 1'itrlc Mooting. jEitoMEl'AnKOct.O.-Tho weather was fine and the track fast Onemlledash : Stockton won , Flagcoletto second , Banner Bearer third. Time 1:4. : % Throe-fourths mile : Cadence won , Ford- ham second , Blithesome third. Time ' ' 'One'and a quarter miles : Lady Primrose won , Eurussecond , Nolanto third , lime 2 : in. Mile and a sixteenths Bradford won. Rosalind second , Itoyat Arch third. Time lMJtf. : Three-quarters mile : Nellie Nan won , Armstrong second , Miss Mouse third , Tlmo 'steeplechase , full course : Will Davis won , value second , Roferea third. Time U:23. : baton la Itaces. CINCINNATI , Oct. 0. At Latonia to-day the weather was fine , the track excellent but dusty , and the attendance large. Seven furlongs : Glcnlbhor won , Tom O'Hhanter second , Uypasia third. Tlme- Fl've furlongs , for maiden two-year-olds : Ellen D. won , Sister Kuphrasla second , Big- eye third. Time-l:03. : Six furlongs : Chance won , Phil Lewis second , Cloneetnlru. Time 1:10& On the back stretch Kovoke fell and threw his jockey , Watson , breaking a leg and arm and Injuring Ids left lung. Kovoke s back was broken and he had to bo killed. four furlongs : LUtlo Sis won , Flitter second end , llattlo D. third. Time-4iK. : Onn mile : Gleaner won. Gold Flea second , Klrklln third. Tlme-l44. ; Loan I Sporting Notes. The Penrose ft Ilardln shoot takes place as usual this afternoon at 3 o'clock. C. F. Brucker's new place. "The Antlers , " in Paxton court , has been settled upon as headquarters for the shooters during the com ing tournament C. C. Hulett and Frank Parmaleo bagged six teal ducks at Florence yesterday. An other party of three sportsmen captured fifty- two ducks at Ilorshoe lake the same day. Big preparations for the annual shooting tournament this fall are being made and birds are being received every day. Letters from shooters from all over the country are cominc In regularly stating their Intentions o attend. The Docllno of Hospitality. The Epoch : The chief causes which threaten Its extinction are three : First , the enormous increase of travel ; second , the pressure of occupation ; und thirdtho growing oxpensivencss of living , es pecially in the great centers. The passion for travel which has de veloped in all countries , but most here in America , makes people unwilling to keep up u complicated establishment which must bo shut up or loft to run Itself when the proprietor taecs his winter trip to Florida or his summer jaunt lo Norway. Each year , therefore , increases the number of people who pre fer to live In a hotel , or an apartment , with the fewest possible servants. This nt once became a handicap on hospitality , since the coming of a guest implies an immediate upheaval of the routine of living. A young married man was recently looking over the plan of n Hat which he was considering for a future homo , when a friend at his elbow remarked : "But it gives you no guest room. " "Exactly so , was the cynical response , "that is why I have decided to take it. " The statement may seem brutal , but it is a fact patent to all , that to keep open 1'ouso in Now York is to keep a railroad hotel. The strain upon the nervous vitality of the host , nnd uspeolally-tiiu hostess , would bo enormous , oven if it were their own occupation pation- but that it seldom is. Never. perhaps , in thu history of tlio world has the pressure on the vitality , the time nnd the nerves of men and women been so great as it is to-day. How can a woman sit down to calm enjoy ment of a visit , when she is haunted by ghosts of unwritten letters , unrclurncd calls and unread books ; not to mention such prosaic spectres as un- darned stockings und uncared children' These duties may bo put asidn for on guest , but when the circles becomes un ending they grow into impossibilities The strain upon the man of the house is almost as grout. Ho returns from a day's work at the ollice , which leaves every ncrva throb with irritation. Ho is fit to nothing but dressing sack , pipe and slippers pors before the lire , or of a restful nat > or. the sofa. Instead , ho is requested to hurry oft" and meet his wife's cousins , or still worse , hid own , who arc to arrive at the Grand Central station from Dakota at 7:30. : Their arrival delays the dinner hour , thereby adding indigestion to his other troubles. So long ns the expenses ot living fall well within the income ; hospitality is comparatively easy , but tlio moment there is anv difficulty in meeting the monthly bills , a visitor is actually dreaded. The small family economies must either bo put aside and the finan cial problem allowed to grow still more complicated , or they must bo made pain fully apparent when contrasted with the aggressive abundance which riots in the streets about. ( low true is the saying that New York belongs to the very rich and the very poor ! For the modest in- oomo there scorns to be no abiding place in New York. Then the opportunities which , as country people fancy , make it i > o easy to entertain visitors in New York , are in renhtv so many unceasing calls for expenditure. The concert , the theater rind opera arc not , as 11 rule , gratuituous entertainments. Bplrltulism. San Francisco Chronicle : It is a goof ! sign when n man of Huxley's reputation sets to work to carefully investigate spir- itnlnm. ! Ho is so fair-minded that the public may oxuoct to got an impartial decision m regard to his researches , whllo ho is not opnn to the charge of sentimentality that might warp his judg ment. Tlio Soybcrt commission did some good work , out their report was too severe. There are thousands of people who half believe in spiritulism yet who long to know whether there is really anything back of the ordinary manifestations. These pcnplo are not to i bo driven out of their belief by sarcasm i or ridicule , such as some of the Seybcrt commission indulged in. In fact the best way to make such people partisans for spiritualism is to make sport of any ludicrous or unusual features in the man ifestations nt meetings , What Is wanted is a calm , unbiased observer , of scientific training , who will study the phenomena of spiritualism nnd tell Iho world what measure of genuineness there Is in the work of Iho professional or unprofes sional mediums. One of the grand jurors in Winsted , Conn. , was nsked to issue u complaint against a young man whoso uumo was presumably unknown , who entered u militia drill room while drunk and made n row , The complaint wa.s made out against John Doe , and ho proved to be the grand juror's son. into Feyth , the Bridgeport safe burglar , says safes should bo set on blocks and placed in a corner in such u position thai to the door will shut toward the wall. This 13 makes it necessary to move the safe n : order to get at the door with the wedge 11S and jimmy , und the job is dlflioult and dangerous. Ml Bob Koscnthalt formerly aVell known gambler in Louisville , Ky. , Is insane. lit 1 $ a member of'a prominent family , and liquor did not make him the black .sheep for no ono ever law him drunk ; A GREAT DAY AT SIOUX CITY ( her Twenty Thousand People View the Wondew of the Oorn Palace. A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR. Governor Ijarrnuco Hovlewa a I'roccs- slouofClvlo Soolotleii nnd Mill * tnry Compiuitca A Ueallstln Slinni Bnttlc Fought. Ono Day' * Glory. Sioux CITV , la. , Oct. < J.-Special | Tele gram to the BKI.J : The fourth day ot the great corn palace has been , bayond all ques tion , the best of the week. Kvorybody was astir early this morning. The specials and regular trains poured a mass of humanity Into the city the like of which was never seen before. It Is hard to estimate correctly the probable number of strangers that wit nessed the festivities of the day. But com petent judges say there were not loss than 20,000 and the probabilities are there were many more than this. The principal thoroughfares ot the city have literally boon packed all day and the palace was crowded to Its utmost capacity all day long. Visitors that were here during the past few days have gone home with such glow. Ing reports and the Idea is spreading so rapidly that U Is hard to perceive what the crowds will bo doing the remainder ot the time. These favorable reports have much to do with the size ot the crowd to-day. The weather continues most propitious and there has not been a fight anywhere and It would be hard to Imagine any batter naturcd crowds than have been hero all week. The parade this afternoon was one ot the best ot the kind ever seen here or , Indeed , In the northwest. The industrial and trades procession of yesterday was only surpassed by the parade of to-day. A hundred floats of ono kind and another were In line and the result was certainly ono of the best parades ot the kind ever seen In the west and ono at the same tlmo thoroughly character istic of Sioux City. The entire city Improve ment force , scrapers , teamsters , curbers. pavers , etc. . were In line. Several thousand men took part in the procession , which was variously estimated at from two to three miles In length. The entire line of march was crowded with spectators and there was a general expression of surprise and admira tion for the enterprise shown by the organ izers ot the parade. Not merely In length , In magnlflconco or numbers was the trades parade a brilliant success ; It was a success as a picture of the business , the labor and the energy of Sioux City. The military and civic societies formed the principal features of the parade. Colonel M. W. Sheaf , of the Second Hcglment of Dakota guards , was In command of tlio military. The companies In line were as follows : Iowa Na tional Guard : Company H , Third regiment. Captain Foster , lorty mon ; company A Third roglmont , Des Molnes , Captain Wasson , thlrty-livomnn ; company AFifth regiment , Council Bluffs , Captain Mesner , thirty-six men : company ESixth regiment , Hull , Cap tain Burncll , twenty-seven men ; coiinany G , Sixth regiment , LeMars , Captain Emery , forty-five men. Dakota National Guard : Company K First regiment , Yankton , Cap tain Hamelstor , twenty-two men ; company A , Second regiment , Flandreau , Captain Churchill , thirty-five men ; company B.First roglmont , Sioux Kalis , Captain Jeffcrs , thir ty-six moncompany ; C.Flrst regiment , Cap tain Voelnr , twenty-live men ; company II , First regiment , Watertown , Captain Vantas- sel , forty mon ; company I , First regiment , Captain Sovery , twenty-seven mon. The bands occupied the next place and were as follows : Strykor's band , Le Mars , eighteen pieces : Cherokee band , Cherokee , twenty pieces ; Hartly band , Hartly , nine teen pieces. Thu llawkeyo club , sovonty-flvo men strong , In handsome green suits trimmed In corn colors , aud the Commercial Traveling Men's association , over two hundred strong , foimod the principal feature of the second division. A do/.on or mere organized bodies , Including the Druids. A. O. U. W. , Knights of Labor , lo Mars lire brUade. Carpenters' union , local G. A. lt.postsand Typographical union , besides several visiting societies , wcio In line. The lire department composed tlio last division. This afternoon several of the military companies gave a battle or drill and dress parade at the fair grounds , which were witnessed by over live thousand spectators. The otlicials of the Illinois Central railway have been here to see the palace , and Gov ernor Larrabee arrived last nliiht. He was met at the depot by Mayor Cleland and driven at once to the corn palace" , aud from there to the ( iarretson. This morning a num ber of citizens and visitors paid their respect : ' , to lowa'sexecutlve. The parade was reviewed from the Garretson balcony by the governor. A largo number of the loading citizens of Minneapolis and St. 1'aul will bo hero by special train to-morrow morning. To-night will be long remembered as ono of the liveli est of corn palace week with the beautiful street Illuminations , lire works , bands flam beau club and the great surging crowds , To-morrow morning thsra will Do a grand consolidated parade of the agrlculturaUabor , mechanical , civic , military and masquerade organizations. In the afternoon the Impos ing Masonic demonstrations In the laying ot the corner stone of thn chamber of commerce and opera house building , and In the evening a grand spectacular parade and war dance by a band of 100 Indians In their native cos tumes. Several prominent commandaries of Masons of the northwest and representatives of a largo number of lodges will be present and take part in the Masonic exercises. The parade ot the morning will bj the chief one. The plans mentioned in tbese dispatches several days ago ot making a permanent thing of the palace have matured and a com pany with 8259,00 capital has been organized. A gentlemen prominently connected with this movement stated that it Is the Intention to make the palace nezt year ten times us great as it is. The palace management has decided to continue the exhibi tion a week longer. The railroads have all consented to extend the excursion tickets so this can bedone. When It Is remembered that the Idea of the corn palace Is only about thirty days old. then it can bo reallmt what a marvel It really is and how happy Sioux City was In adopting it , BRUTAL ENGLISH Ij.lNDLiOUUS. Ttio Horrors of Irish Tenant tilfo Re peated In Iowa. DES MOIN'ES , la. , Oct. 0. [ Special Tele gram to the DICE. I Word was received here to-night from O'Brlon county concerning the evictions bv a British land syndicate which wore reported from Washington. The cases referred to are chlotly In O'Brien county in northwestern Iowa. It is stated that Iho land In question , some thirty-six thousand acies , was part of an old unearned grant made by the general government to the St. i'Aiil A Sioux City railroad but during Secretary Teller's administration ot tliu interior department when Commissioner McFariand had charge of the general land office , official notice ot the Intention ot the government to recall the lands as unearned and turn them over to the state of Iowa foi publloontry was made and It was understood that the land did so revert. The letters be tween the heads of departments were pub lished by the secretary of state of Iowa , and , acting In accordance therewith , scoroa of settlers iilnd claims to the lands and an * nouneed their Intention ot taking such steps as were necessary to secure them as soon aa the government had formally completed the transfer. Since then It appears that the lands passed Into the hands of an Kn llsh syndi cate formerly known as the "Close Brothers company. " Later the company was incor porated as thu "Western Land company , " and some Knglish residents of northwestern Iowa were added to It. The general Impres slon In that part of the state is that the prln clpal holder ot these lands Is the Duito ol Sutherland. At any rate It Is understood that It Is an Kuvllsh syndicate composed ol Knglish capitalists that Is oppressing the poor sottlers. As to the evictions It Is stated that they have been going on more 01 less for the past two years anc some as recently as the fore part of Septem ber last. The cruelty and severity of these evictions as described in the published re ports , It Is said , have not been exaggerated. Several cases of peculiar hardship un mentioned. Among them that ot Mrs. Scott who lived about four and a halt miles frou Prlnighar , the county seat She was an In valid and bed-ridden and the evlctora selzoi her bed and forcibly carried It from tin house , out upon the prairies. In many case ; It is stated that settlers were givea theli option , either to bo driven from their licno ; or sign a contract of lease purchue from tha Ias4 syndicate Uvlctlooi haye beeo Steadily going on by force ana a fresh batch ar expected afto the November term ot court It is stated that but two or three weeks ago settlers were driven from their homes In the storm and compelled to get wnat protection they could on the open pralrlei-under rude sheet tents hastily constructed ! The company Is so pow erful that It is able to xort an Influence that more or less terrorlnw llm community and makes many peoptoiTwIuctant to let the facts bo known , hence tlm'Comparatlvo Ignorance about these cases thrplfgh the state at largo. THE LIME-KILN CLUB. Kentucky Sotidrt Inline Most 1'ooins In tlio Coin-petition. Detroit Free Pre v When the mooting opened Brother Gatrduur announced that the regular progrnui'mo would bo departed from nnd the evening given up to special subjects. At this meeting the prize for the oest fall poems would bo announced , nnd several inventors with lire-extin guishers would comu before tlio meeting. TIIK-l'UKMS. Brother Wnydown llobcc , chairman of the committee on poetry , announced that ho had received Kl'j entries for the prize. Some were couplets , some stanza ! ] nnd some idyls , but for convenience sake nil would bo called poems. Of the number specilied seventy-eight were written by women. Fourteen different states con tributed , but Kentucky sent in the largest number. The committee had given the lirst prize to the following : DE DYIN' YKAH. mor. HowAiiu OUA.V. Upon her bier Dedyln' year Am lyin' ; To make a break , Some cash to rake , Dis chile ar' trym. Kach fallln' leaf Adds to my grief And sorrow ; Each passln' day . Doth pass away My chances to boriovr. Kach autumn tear , Each galu so drear Doth till me With wretched dread That ov'ry "cred , " Will kill me. My later bin- Clean as a pin Doth mock nie ; Do em ty state Of kltchqn xrato Doth shock mo. An' so 1 sneeze An' almost freeze An * tremble ; It ar' no use Gone Is my aoosa I tremble 1 The chairman was called upon to read the above three times over , and the ufl'cct upon tha audience was powerful. While Samuel Shin , tickles Smith nnd other members ot that ilk taughod until they broke their suspundurs , Sir Isaac Walpolo , Elder Toot . the Hon. Farring- ton Johnson and others wept silently and went kown into their pockets tote to count up their small change. The professor gets the first prize , which con sists of $15 in gold , silver plated mouth organ and a certificate of character good in any countryr THE SiCND : { ) t'ltl/.E. Brother Ucboo announced that his committee had decided to give the second end prize to the folldwing : [ A CHANTJ ? I1V MKS. JOVS I.OIIU K.NOK. 1'zo been thlnkiukV Moro or less of latp Aoout do days oUonir ago ; When 1 resided ipn small , tint comfortable residence Un du Thomas Bl bee river , State of Al-a-bauvip-ia- i had nullin' in deBut - But huu du mllky p'n An , maneuver wid de cotton An' circuiulocutttaround tic nlaco Fur piehtcen hoi\rs \ a day ah ah ah t Do lady An' ' geni'laur- Who had sixteen hupdiod dollars Finanshul IntnnHt In dis yere . , russou . . . Wat' very kind , An' condesccndln' ahl An' I war happy An' 1 knnwed no trubie An' yon km bet ' I'd ll'ke to lib dein ui' ole days O'er attain 1 would. The second prize consists of $5 in sil ver quarters and a decorated teauot. It was the first and only chant ever sent to the club , and after it had been rend Elder Toots went out into the anteroom to try it on his voice. Fifteen minutes later ho was found in the .alley with four teeth gone and two cracked rib3. THK Ti'iIIlU rill/.K. This prize , consisting of a life mem- slnp in the Sons of Malta , was won by Thomas Jefferson Shacklcfoid , of Now Orleans in the following ode : ODK TO A FLY. Come nigh , Thou lly. Thou wretched critter I Vuu mnke Me tnke 01 doses bitter. Kach day 1 pray To be forgiven For curse And worse , Full at you driven. At morn I'm worn And very weary. You hum And drum In ways most cheery. At nhcht And keep me swearing. At noon. 'TIs BOOU I'm madly tearing. Oh , pest , With zest You doth annoy ine. Go hence , And wr.ence The doth employ thee I KIKE EXTINOU1SHE113. As announced at the last meeting , the club had agreed to receive three or four colored inventors of tire extinguishers , whoso wita had been sot to work by the ctlbrts of the Lime Kiln club to present this country with something cheap , dur able and to depend on in case of railroad wreck or steamboat collision. "Tl'K . " TOKN\I > O. This was the iauo ; of an invention by Hon. lirigantino Caruthers , of Terre Haute , Ind. It appdared to bo a squirt- gun on u large scale. The appearance was shortly confirmed , when the tire boll sounded and the inventor made a rusli into the northwest "corner to light the rod-tonguod flumes. Ho fit and In. Ho not only put out the ryd-tonguod demon , but he wet down twenty-two members and two-thirds of ttio pacrcd relics in the museum.Vhcn it > was found that a pail of water must bo carried along with the gun , and that it was'not ' provided with either fore or hind , sights , the club de cided to hold oil' . Pickios Smith laid for the inventor in the pnteroorn , to lick him for wetting down .dis now Lord Hyron paper collar , but the Hon. Hngantlno es caped by the alloy stairs. "THE SQpKtdlEU. " This was the nam6 pf un invention by Judge January Uosyvick , of Augustu.Gn. When ho emptied it out of a bag nothing but a piece of garden hose about BIX foot long was visible. Ten minutes later the judge himself was not visible. Ho ex plained that the piece of hose was to bo attached to another piece , and both pieces ton water plug , and as soon us the was turned on tne extinguisher would proceed to extinguish. A sound came up from the alley as tf hu had : on the broad of his back , but ho w s proba- blv ruoro scartd than hurt. There wore twooth > r Inventors waiting to exhibit , but U was decided not to att- ruit them.a'.iil Brother Gardner called tlio meeting to ordtir to say : ' Do offer made by dis club fur a hand- liah extinguisher worthy of do niniitoeth century nr1 withdrawn , an' we'll ' depend on 1'rovidiinco fur awhile. We will now break up do * muutlu' un percolate home wards. " . . , CLOSE OF THE CONVENTION , Weary Republicans Return Homo After Twelve Bonn Hard Work. THE EXTRA SESSION FIGHT. A Ilcsoltitlon Favoring It Finally De feated Van U'yck On tlio Tar iff Unlit-nail Control Dcninnd- od A Strung t'lntfonn , The Wind Up. LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 0. [ Special to the BIB. : | It-was nearly eight o'clocic this mornIng - Ing when the republican st.itoconvention , worn out with the night's work , llnnllv ad journed and the delegates hurried trom the convention hall to the trains. Nearly twelve hours had been occupied in one ot the most animated conventions ever held In the state. After ttio convention had cot through with tlio body of the plattorm as reported back by the cominlttoe.ex-Congressiiiau Valentino In troduced a set of resolutions retarding the tariff , to bo as a substitute for the tariff plant previously tabled. This brought Gen eral Van \Vyck to bis feet , who occupied three-quarter * of an hour In a scathing re view of the inconsistencies of tariff legisla tion , llo finally ottered a resolution declar ing in favor ot free lumber , free coal and coarse material for wearing apparel. This resolution was tabled , and the Valentino plank , slightly modified , was finally adopted. Then came the tug of war between the houses ot Lancaster and Doug las. The lighting was forced over the resolu tion requesting the governor to call n special session of the legislature , In case tha supreme court should hold that the present railroad board 1m ? no cower to lix maximum rates of freight. Judge Mason who had held himself hi rcseive for this occasion , read a powerful appeal In support ot this resolution and created quite a sensation with thu exhibit of extortionate railroad rates In Ne braska as compared with Minnesota , Iowa and other states. A motion was made by Drodorlck , of Douglas , to indefinitely post pone the tesolution , and this drew out a mo.-rt exciting debate. In which half a dozen delegates including Speaker llnrlan , partici pated. The previous question was finally ordered , and the motion to indefinitely post pone was lost bv a majority of nearlv 100. Mr. Uosowator thereupon offered the follow- 111 ? substitute : Whereas , The late legislature has utterly failed to redeem the pledges made to the people dining the campaign of iyi > 0 , to enact laws which would afford relief to the patrons of the railroads by reducing transportation tolls. Therefore Ucsolved , That It is our earnest desire and request that the members ot the legislature shall tender their resignations to the governor , and that an election to fill their places bo called at the general election on the bth oT November , or within sixty days there after , and that the governor Is respectfully leqtiosled to Issue a call for a special session ot the legislature thus to be elected , and said call to have for its chief oliject the enactment of laws regulating the railroad traflic. Ucsolved , That tins convention heartily endorse the efforts of the state board of transportation to compel railroads to give fair treatment to shippers. The introduction ot this substitute brought out a volley of objections but the chair finally iilecl It to bo in order , and Mr. Itosowatcr , mild yells hisses and shouts from the Lan caster delegation and a nolsv Lincoln lobby , irocccdcd to support his resolutions. During ho progress of his speech , in which 10 denounced the last legislature n scathing terms and levlewed heir shameless disregard of their iledges on the senatorial and railway issues , lie excitement grew very intense. In spite it all the cllorts to got him off the floor he < ept on for more than an hour. Finally , on notion of ( irecne , of Douglas , to table the substitute and original proposition , a roll : all was ordered , resulting in the tlnluat ot .ho motion. Then filibustering and cross- irlnc began In winch Frank Jtansom ook a leading part In support of .ho substitute. Confusion ami excitement grew more intense and at times nearly all the were on their feet , shouting , yoll- ng and hissing. By 0:3) : a. in. a vote on tlio substitute was taken and it lost by a arise majority. Then Judge Mason's resolu tion was ordered to a vote. More filibuster- , tu , confusion and disorder followed , and inally on a call by counties the resolutions Tor the special session were defeated by over forty majority , and the convention , after electing John 1) . Melklejohn chairman of the state central committee , adjourned sine die. THK PLA.TFOUM. The entire resolutions as finally adopted as the platform of the party are as follows : The republican party of Nebraska , while ever careful of property rights , and holding no sympathy with those who would with the communist divide , or with the anarchist no- stroy , reasserts Its determination that the great railway corporations of this statu which hold relations of closest Interest to tha people shall bo the. fairly paid servants of the state and not Its masters. The work of leg islative control In the state and nation shall continue until all cause of complaint of ex- horbltant rates and unjust discrimination In favor of individuals or localities shall cease to exist. Assuming the responsibility which fairly belongs to it of having originated all legislation looking to railroad control and the creation of those tribunals or commis sions which have been enabled to grapple with corporate power , the republican party will see to It that by all needed enlargements of power these commissions , national and state , shall be armed for battle anil for victory. While fa voring such change in the constitution of this state as will permit the railroad commission ers to be elected by the people , It hereby voices Its confidence In the existing board of transportation , and commends Its efforts to obtain for Nebraska the same tariff of rates for frelitht and carriage of passengers as Is accorded to neighboring states similarly cir cumstanced. It Is grossly unjust and a griev ous wrong that Nebraska should pay more tor the transportation of her products and the carriage of her supplies than her nolgh- cors , Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota , with its 3,000 miles of easily constructed and cheaply maintained lines of railroad and thu republi cans of this state will not cease their efforts until all wrongs bo righted. We reaffirm our adherence to the American system of tariff , under which , with its broau protection to American labor , our country has prospered beyond any other. As the business ot ttio country now demands revision the republican party , alive to the de mands of every material interest , will see to It that such revision shall bo made at the earliest practical day. We condemn the action of the democratic majority In congress - gross that alter repeated Pledges of tariff re form , It has utterly failed , while having a largo majority In the house of representa tives , where tariff bills must originate , to bring about such reform , which must oomo from the party that has over been the friend of the American laborer and producer. The gtateful thanks of the American people plo aru due to those who defended the union In the late war , and we ore In favor of pro viding suitable pensions for soldiers and and sailors who wete disabled In Its service or who have since , without their fault or vice , become objects of public or private charity and to thu widows and orphans of those who fell In Its defense. We heartily sympnthUo with the ambition and efforts ot the patriots of Ireland In tlielr endeavors to obtain for their country the blessings of free Instl.ntlons and local self- government. We recognize In Charles Stow- nrt Parnell and the lit , Hon. William K. tiladstono worthy champions of the funda mental principles ot the Declaration of Inde pendence. We condemn the action of the president In his attempt to return the trophies won by bravery on the Held of battle. Wo condemn tha narrow , Intolerant and partisan action Of thu democratic party In excluding from the privileges of state citizenship - ship the halt million people of Dakota , solely Cii Iho unmanly and Indefensible ground of a difference in political views. Not content wlthtnelreflortstoexcluda the negro from the elective franchise they now seek to pro scribe au Intelligent , prosperousand patriotic people because of tholr political opinions. NVe view with alarm the abuse of the veto power by the president of thu United States. A power from thu use of whlcii hnglish sov- ernlgns have abstained for two centuries , a power used but six times during the lirst forty years ot our national government , a power by the people Intrusted to he presi dent for the purpose of preventing hasty Iwr- iRlatloii. ha by the present Inournbontof tliat office txMJn used to thwart the well ascertained Will ot the people and to rtwlit their repeated demand * , llo has , In one-halt of a slnalo term of ofllco , used this power more times than all his predecessors rorahlncd. llo has sought , by the unprecedented use of the ex traordinary power , to constitute himself a co ordinate branch ot the national legislature. llo has frequently exercised this "one man power" by the cowardly method of the "pocket veto , " by which important measures have boon defeated without any reason being given for withholding his approval. , . 1IKSOI.UT101S. „ Whorea * . , The republican party of the nation will next jear hold Us customary quadrennial convention for the nomination of the party's standard bearer In 1888 , and Whereas , Wo bollevo the city of Omaha , by reason , ot Its central location , has ample facilities for the accommodation ot guests and the many other advantages of said city to bo pro-euilni'iitly fitted as the place for holding such convention , Kosolved , That the republicans of Ne braska , In convention assembled , request the national republican committee to select Omaha AS the place for holding the national convention of 18V ! . Kesolved , That these resolutions ho en grossed and a copy forwarded to the national central committee. IJesolvcd , That the state central c6mmlttoo be Instructed to embrace In Its call for the next state convention the submission of the prohibition question to the voters at the re publican primaries. . . . TIIK STATE COMMITTRK. Following Is the new state central commit tee : George I ) . Melklejohu , Nance , chair man ; Walt M. Soeley , Lancaster , secretary ; Thomas Darnell. Howard ; J. K. Hill , Gage ; David Hrown , Otoe ; J. U. flames. Dlxon : J. 1' . lirockmor , Piercn ; Theodore Halter , Washington : I. c. Yut/y , Richardson ; K. M. Correll. Thaver ; W. A. Olllworth , Adams : L. U. Irvln , Buffalo ; J. K. Tlshburn , Saline ; J. 11. Stirling. Filmoro ; K. U. Simmons , Howard : O.J. Wright , Johnson ; C. L. Hall. J. 11. Wescott , Lancaster ; A. H. Todrt , Cass ; 1) . 1 . Newcomer. Webster ; W. 11. McCann , Sheridan ; K. I ) . Knsel , Phelps ; 8. W. Christy , Clay ; Church Howe , Nemaha ; C. Hosteller , Merrick ; C.W. Mocker , Chase ; C. C. McNIsh , Cumlng ; H. K. U. Weber. Saunders ; J. II. Acer , Valley : Cadet Taylor , W. G. Whltmoro and M. Morrison , Douglas. All About n Doc. AUHOHA , Neb. , Oct. (5. ( fSpccial Tele gram to the UEK.I Hans JJenbon , Henry Newman , Dr. Schuttz and John Wiley , a young lawyer of McCook , got into a dispute at the residence of the Newman family lait evening , over a dog , which terminated In a fight In which all the participants wore badly used up. The animal , a valuable bird dog , was In the possession of the Newmans and Dr. Schultz who lived with them. Jansen and Wiley claimed , however , that ho belonged - longed to them and went to the Newman residence last night and demanded posses sion. This was refused and when they attempted to take the canine they were assaulted by the entire Newman family reinforced bv Dr. Sliultz. During the melee the head of the Newman house hold landed n sledge hammer blow with a pair of metallic knuckles on Wiley's head which made an ugly gash and caused the blood to flow profusely. The lawyer and his aid decamp Ilnally captured the subject of the controversy. Until Newman and Snult/ have been arrested charged with assault with Intent to do great bodily harm. CntnliiR County Politics. WEST POINT , Neb. , Oct. 6. 1 Special to the BKK.I The republican countv convention was held hero Monday. A full ticket was placed In the field as follows : Judge , Wilbur F. Ilryant ; sheriff , Warren Fales ; treasurer , Andrew M. Peterson ; clerk , James W. Shearer ; coroner , Hnnry Acherpohl ; super intendent , Adam Snider. ThecuUif conltict was in regard to the judge. E. K. Valentino made an intense light against Judge Uryant In re\enge for the latter's support or Van Wvck , lly packing the caucus with demo cratic voters the liryant delegates were de- loated in West 1'olnt. Hut the other pre cincts came In In force , and Bryant was nominated. Hon. C. C. McNish , of Wlsner. made a telling and forcible speech In Support of Uivitnt , In which he said the latter's ene mies had been made by a fearless discharge of his duty. The speech was greeted with loud cheers. A Illicit In the BEATIIICU , NOD. , Oct. 0. 'Special Tele gram to the lir.K.j The union labor party judicial convention was called lo meet at Teciimseh to-day but owing lo typographical errors in newspapers making the date differ ent the convention did not come off. John son and Uichardson counties met yesterday and Gage to-day. To-morinw Nemaha and Pawnee Intend mooting. It Is understood that Chairman Dodd will now request the delegates trom the several counties to meet at Tccumseh , Monday , October 10 , at 2 o'clock p. m. Uago county Is entitled to seven delegates , Johnson seven , Nemaha nine , Pawnee snven and Klrtiardson twelve. It w expected that each county will bo fully represented. _ W. O. T. U. State Convention. BEJLTIHCK , Neb. , Oct , 0. [ Special Tele gram to the DEE. I The W. 0. T. U. state convention opened to-night at the Method ist church with a lance attendance of dele gates. Among the oillcers who have arrived are : Mrs. Holmes M Tecumseh. superln- dent ; Mrs. Wilson , of Lincoln ; Mrs. Wood ward , of Howard , and Mrs. Fitch , of Hast ings. The convention continues through the week. Important Transfers. IlKATRicK. Nob. , Out. 0. ( Special Tele gram to the UKK. ] The proprietors ot the People's bank , of this place , have bought the Exchange bank of J. L. Tate and a syndi cate , composed probably of the stockholders of the People's Dank , bought from Mr. Tate In the name of Warren Cole , trustee , about 370.000 worth of Beatrice property , Mr. Tate , Iiavinr closed out his Interests here , will go to California. Knocked Down nnd Ko fob oil. NEBRASKA CITV , Nob. , Oct. 0. ( .Special Telegram to the BKE. | A young man named C. T. lloss , of Iowa , was slugged on the street last night and robbed of his watch and a considerable sum of money. A num ber of local toughs wore arrested to-day on suspicion and Alexander Mclnt > ro and John White were bound over to the district court. POISONED mTillSIt LOVEK. Strychnine .Put In fleer Drank lly Huttlo Sharp. Hattie Sharp , living at No. 711 North Fifteenth street , was poisoned bv an un known young man last evening , the poison being put in beer which the two wore drinkintr. Strych nine and poison weao discovered in the liquid. The girl is in a precarious con dition , and nt 3 a. m. slio was supposed to bo dying. No arrests have boon made. A negro in Amcrlcus'Gn. , bought a trunk nt a store for $1.50. An hour lifter- wnrd lie returned nnd said ho guessed he'd cot too much for his money ; The trunk wni tilled with the storekeeper's stock of Mackinaw straw lints that had been packed awtw in it for the winter. They were worth from $75 to 1 100. Supreme Court . DBS MotN-K.s , IB. , Oct. 0.-Speclal | Tele gram to the UKII.J The supreme court ren dered the following decisions here to-day : State of Iowa vs Nick Vager appellant , Mont- rcincry district , alllrmed ; Kll/.nbotli pahnis vs Robert Alston , appellant. Cedar KapUls superior court , reversed ; ChleaiiO , llurllngtnn &Qulnuy railroad company mid Chicago , Kock Island is 1'aeillo railroad company vs Pickwoith , appellants. Wa > pello district , alllrmed ; In Hu Will of bam- nel Middlaton and U A. Middlotou/VH / Harriet riot Mlddleton ca al. . appellant , Watxillo cir cuit , atllrmed ; First National Hank of Afton vs Joseph Thomson otal. , appellants. Uos- ton superior court , atllrmed ; Hiram < . ei- rl.s , appellant , vs.lamos H. Andnrnon. Ken kuk superior court , alllrnifd ; hlato of lo\vft \ vsO. W.Tomlluson , appellant , Adams dis trict , affirmed ; W. S. Mooro. appul ant. vi , State Insurance company , Adams district , alllrmed. Family Hurt. DuiiUQUE , la. , Oct , 0. ( Special Telegram to the HEB.J Michael Donnelly , an i-xpress man of this city and an old resident , wlii'i loading his truck to-day was tinown Iron the wagon by tlie sudden start of lint and was lojuroj so tliat ho died within half an hour. A FUNERAL'S ' TRAGIC END. Two Mon Killed Whllo Returning From the Burial of a Relative. STRUCK BY A PASSENGER TRAIN Frightful Kato of Dcnnla O'Hhon i nc | Jatnc * Dolnncy of tlio Flro Department \ Widow Tiirlon llorcft. rDa hccl to Death , The funeral of Patrick O'Sht-a nt South Jmaha yesterday afternoon had n most tragic ending , two relatives of tlio de ceased , James Delaney nnd Dennis O'Shon , being both killed at the "Q" street crossing while roturnlnc from St. Mary's cemetery. Tlio crossing at which tlio accident oc curred is about BOOynrds bulow the South Omaha depot , und about a mile from tlio cemetery. At the tlmo of the accident it a asserted that the men wore racing with the buggy just in front of them , in which were John Noonan and John Sullivan. None of them noticed the 0:15 : train coni ng from the south at full speed , nor the shouts and frantic gestures of the ( Ing- man , William Kit/patrick who' tried to warn them of their danger. Noonnn and Sullivan did not dUcovei ho train until they wcro on tha track and the engine was but a few foot away. Noonan struck the horse a .smart Dlpwnnd ho jumped forward just in time to make the buggy clear the track as the train wont rushing by. Hut Delaney noy and O'Shoa , who wore about half a length bohlnh , were struck by the en gine. Their horse was thrown about ifty feet and instantly killed , their JUggy completely demolished and the ; wo men thrown , one to the right and the other to Iho left of the track. Delaney noy , who suffered a fracture of the skull , did not regain consciousness and died in about five minutes. O'Shoa was also wounded in the head , besides sustaining a broken log and injuries about the chest ; Ho was conscious of his injury and talked intelligently , but in about fifteen minutes ho , too , was dead. Airs. Delaney , who was in the carriage | ust in front of that containing Sullivan and Noonan , drove on to Omaha igno rant of the terrible fate of her husband and brother , and did not learn of it until an hour after it happened. When the news tvas communicated to the young widow ler grief and horror were heartrending , ind it is teared that the calamity has dethroned - throned her reason. Patrick O'Shca , whose funeral had lust taken place at the time of the acci dent , was a cousin of Mrs. Delanoy. Dennis O'Shoa was her brother. Shu was married to Dclnnoy only last Jan uary , and thus in only a few hours she loses cousin , brother and husband. James Delnney was about twenty-six years old and Dennis O'Shca about twen ty-four , Both belonged to the Jmalia fire department , ono to S'o. 13 aud the other to No. 3. They were both highly esteemed by their associates. A coroner's jury was impanelled ] ast evening , and after viewing the remains , they were dismissed until 9 o'clock this morning whun the inquest will be held. Tbo Theatrical I'rofeiilon. Merit will win find rocclro publlo recognition and praise. Facts , which arc tlio outcome of general ci- perlencc , growing through years of critical and practical test , become ai rooted and Immovable a * tha rock ut Gibraltar In publlo opinion , and hence forth need no further guaran'oe ai to their geuu Incno 9. Tlio Indisputable fact that Swlft'i Spcclfla Is tha lictt blood purifier In the world , Is one of thesa Immorablu Gibraltar rock facts of which we hara Bpolccn , and ovury day's eipvrlenio roots thlsoon- vlctlou deeper and U ( i pur lu publlo opinion. Jtvory class of our jwonlo lit America ami In Kuropo , every trade , calling and prufobMon , Including tha mrdlcal profculon , liuvu Ixirneolnntary t stl < monjr to tlio remarkable virtues of H. S. s. and Us Infallible edlcni-y In curing all diseases of the blood. Ihcfa testimonials are on file by the tnou. candi , and open to tha Inspection of all. Mow coma tmnollclted , two dlstlnrulRlicd members of the theat rical profession , who gratefully testify to tlio wonder , ful curative qualities ot the Specific in their Indl vldual cases. Thrlr testimonials ara herewith sub mitted to tlio publlo without further comment let them speak for thcinsclrcj. The lady Is a member of the famous Thalia Theatre Company , of New Yoi k. aud formerly f the Residence Theatre , Berlin. Ger many , nnd ot McViclicr'i Block Company , of Chlrago. The gentleman ! a w ill knowu member of the N w York Thalia Theatre Company. Both are well known lu theatrical circles In this country and In Europe. Charlolto Randuw'si Testimony. New Ton * . May S , 1837. Swift Bpoclflo Company , Atlanta , Qa. : Oelitlemen-llnvlDir been annoyed with pimple * , eruptions and roughness of the sKtu , from bad con dition of my blood , for more than a year , 1 used a leading preparation of sarsaparllla anil other adver tised rmnedlrs lo no effect- Then I consulted a prom inent physician , and from his treatment recelTeol no benefit. I then concluded to try the S. S. S. rem edy for the blood , and flro or six packages , by a thorough eradication of my trouble aud restoring smoothness to ray skin , bare made ma happy , and I cheerfully give you Hits testimonial for smb. us * aud publicity as yuu'wUli to make of It. CrunLom IUNDOW , IS ] Tlowory , near Canal Street. flntb llnaikriTsi Trsilmony. The Rwlft Specific Company , Atlanta , a a. : Gentlemen For two years I had a scvcro case of eczema. I used larsoaps.iiulphiirsoAjiriand various other remedies , and was prescribed fur by numbers of physicians , but fouud no relief. At last I deter mined to try th H. S. 8. remedy , and seven or elftht bottles bavo thoroughly relieved mo , and you can UM this certlticuto lu auy manner > on wish. IIUOXI IliUKERL , Member of Thallii Thoatr * hew York , May S , 1837. Tl eatIso < m Dlood and Skin Diseases mailed ( ten. Tim Uwirr UrKciria Co. , Drnwer.l. AllnnU n . Kmltnitythehighrtt exctllfn- rim In tltni > < It nrticomfort and duraMinynuitartUitretgnint farorltriliiftiMlilonableftrcl , Ournamcis I J.AT.COUSINS , on every sole. ) NEW YORK. Agcnlfl Tor Omaha , HAYWARD BROS. ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' : . ' . ' ' ' - \ ' . , ; : : . - -